Topaz is unusual and very beautiful stone, which has been known to people for quite a long time. It has a wide palette of colors: from pink to blue and purple shades. This is why jewelers value this stone so much, because jewelry made from it looks very elegant, but at the same time is affordable. Diversity color range topaz is not comparable to many other semi-precious stones.

Very often, people choose jewelry based on certain properties attributed to minerals. Since ancient times, people have considered topaz to be a stone with magical qualities, such as the ability to prevent intrigue and expose secrets. However, experts in the field of lithotherapy now believe that it has other properties, in addition, the color characteristics of topaz greatly influence what this stone can contribute to.

Description of topaz

Topaz comes in a variety of colors: from blue through blue and green to wine yellow, orange, pink. Colorless topazes are also found. According to its chemical composition, topaz is a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate.

As already noted, in the ancient world, topaz was considered a stone that could reveal secrets. With its help it was possible to influence others, subjugate people and expose intrigues. Therefore, it received the name “stone of psychologists”, “stone of courtiers”.

Ayurveda considers topaz to be a precious stone that gives an energy boost to the intellect, is able to ignite passion, and reduce fear. Owners are recommended to wear it index finger right hand, best of all - in a gold ring or in the form of a pendant around the neck.

  1. Topaz is able to sharpen the reaction to the environment, develops intuition, and enhances premonitions. He is highly valued for his beauty. This stone also has healing powers.
  2. In ancient times, it was believed that golden topaz promotes conception in infertile people and helps to find the joy of motherhood, it heals mad people from insanity, can treat liver disease, and restores normal vision in case of myopia. Topaz gives strength to the weak and beauty to women, is able to bring wealth and recognition, and maintains an optimistic outlook on life.
  3. It is also believed that if you wear topaz framed in silver around your neck, it will relieve asthma attacks, relieve insomnia, sharpen the sense of taste, cure gout, and help with epilepsy.
  4. For chronic diseases, the use of topaz will increase the effectiveness of other healing methods. This stone was also used in the treatment of throat, inflammation of the tonsils, and diseases of the spine.

During the era of geographical discoveries, it was believed that topaz could calm storms, so sailors, going on sea voyages, purchased a ring with topaz.

The word "topaz" comes from the Latin topazus, presumably derived from the Sanskrit word tapas - heat or fire. Other names for topaz: imperial, Brazilian ruby, heavyweight (in the Urals).

Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate. Topazes are often completely colorless or with shades of varying density: pale yellow, cherry brown, blue, pale green, red, pink, golden. There are stones with a “cat’s eye” effect

Physical properties

  • The crystals are prismatic, well formed, rich in facets (rhombic prisms, dipyramids, pinacoids). It occurs in the form of beautiful druses and fine-grained masses (topaz greisen). Characterized by rough shading along the vertical axis of the crystals,
  • Color yellow, smoky, blue, pink, often colorless,
  • glass shine,
  • Characterized by perfect cleavage along (001),
  • Hardness 8,
  • Density 3.5.

Characteristics of the stone

The mineral is sensitive to heat. She is able to change its color. The stone is hard but brittle and breaks easily. This is due to perfect cleavage in all 3 directions. Although the gem is known as a precious mineral, it is found in nature more often than others.

Topaz has a variety of colors due to small inclusions of metals in the atomic lattice of the mineral. The shape of crystals is most often in the form of a tetrahedral prism with a flat or pyramidal base. The peculiarities of the gem include its vertical grooves running along the prismatic edges.

Topaz stone, whose properties allow it to be classified as a particularly hard mineral, is the standard of hardness (8 on the Mohs scale). The high density and high specific gravity gave rise to calling the gem a “heavyweight”. This is the name given to the mineral by the Ural miners, for a long time continue to use this name.

Crystals are afraid of direct rays, under which they tend to fade. Everything fades except the colorless ones: both irradiated and non-irradiated crystals. Wine, tea, pink, purple and rare red gems are susceptible to rapid and uneven fading.

Green and blue topaz stones burn out more slowly – over the course of years. But discoloration occurs before complete burnout. However natural stones tends to restore its natural color when in the dark.

This variety of shades is caused by a certain deviation in the structure of the crystal. Due to this, it became possible to refine (burn) a natural blue crystal to a rich, deep color.

The mineral is unstable to sulfuric acid.

Origin of topaz

It is found in pegmatite veins, especially in the same cavities in paragenesis with quartz, orthoclase, albite, and micas. In gresen (pneumatolyte origin) it is associated with aquamarine, fluorite, cassiterite and wolframite.

The richest deposits are Ouro Preto and Diamontino (Brazil). The most beautiful crystals of almost all existing colors are mined there. Especially in price are the blue and transparent minerals found and the so-called “Brazilian rubies” (red stones).

  1. The Saxon Vosges (Schneckestein) is considered the most important deposit in Europe. The history of this deposit dates back to 1700. It is known for its green, colorless and yellow-wine minerals. The green stones were named “Saxon diamond” in honor of the deposit.
  2. Sri Lanka is famous for its colorless crystals or so-called water sapphires. No less valuable are yellow-orange stones - Indian topazes.

This mineral is also mined in Russia. Known 2 large deposits. One is located along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, and the other is located in Transbaikalia near Nerchinsk. There is also a deposit in eastern Siberia, but it is less known. In these areas, crystals of various shades are mined: blue, yellow, green, reddish, pale brown.


The origin of the name of this mineral still remains unclear. According to one version, the stone is named after the Greek island near which it was discovered by shipwrecked sailors. Another theory is that the name comes from a Sanskrit word meaning fire and heat, from this information it can be understood that topazes in the area where they were discovered had a golden-orange color.

Topaz has been valued by people since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered ritual objects made from topaz, as well as various decorations. It is known that this stone was highly valued during the Renaissance and was very popular in Rus', where people knew it under the name “heavy weight”, which the mineral received due to its high density.

In addition, some topazes can be found in museums. These are huge crystals that were found in the bowels of the earth. The smallest - 10 kg, is kept in the St. Petersburg Museum, and the largest - 117 kg - was discovered in Ukraine. Stones of unusual size have also been found in Brazil; museums in the country hold samples weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kg.

Types and colors of topaz

Initially, natural topaz is transparent and colorless, but in the mines stones are found that amaze with their variety of shades. All kinds of colors are obtained due to various impurities in the composition of the mineral.

  1. Yellow, green, blue, blue, pink, red topazes can be found, but this is not the limit - there are polychrome minerals that have several colors at once. This rare coloring is explained not only by the chemical composition, but also by the characteristics of the crystal lattice of the stone, which causes a certain refraction of light, resulting in an unusual effect.
  2. When exposed to sunlight, topazes lose their color, which explains the fact that most of the stones discovered during excavations were colorless.
  3. But the directed thermal effect, special processing, allows you to give the mineral a rich blue tint, which is how stones of this color are obtained.

Many subspecies of topaz differ not only in their color, but also in the properties that these stones have.

The stone looks regal and is considered one of the most exquisite minerals. It is believed that it makes a person’s aspirations more lofty and does not tolerate deceitful people. This stone can also serve as a talisman for those who are looking for some information, strive to get to the bottom of the truth and unravel a complex case.

Sailors believed that blue topaz on a ship would help ensure a successful voyage and calm the storm. As for its medicinal properties, this stone can cure depression, returning its owners to a positive attitude and good spirits. It is also recommended for high blood pressure and asthma.


The color of this stone can range from golden to brown. A similar variety of topaz was widespread in Ancient India, and it was there that they discovered medicinal properties this stone. It is believed that it makes a person’s character more calm and balanced, allowing him to discard disturbing emotions.

It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and stomach, and speeds up metabolism. Stone jewelry can protect against mental disorders. As for magical properties, yellow topaz amulets helped people see lies and uncover conspiracies.

This is the commercial name for blue topaz. The stone has a special cut and is highly valued in jewelry. In Russia, such topazes can be found quite rarely, but in the West they are popular.

Smoky topaz or rauchtopaz

This stone is not related to topaz, despite its name. In fact, this is one of the varieties of quartz, which, due to its unusual color, was mistakenly classified as topaz, but the name stuck and became entrenched in the trade classification.

  • It is believed that rauchtopaz has a beneficial effect on sleep and also allows you to see prophetic dreams.
  • It calms and neutralizes stress, helps cope with negative emotions.
  • This stone puts a person into a meditative state, so it is not recommended for people who are too dreamy - it will lead them even more away from reality.


This type of mineral is considered one of the most expensive, along with red topaz. In India it is believed that pink stone can magically return lost hope to a person, ease sorrowful experiences and help cope with stress.

Green topaz is a fairly rare, collectible stone. Its color is natural, formed due to natural exposure to radiation.


Minerals of this color are obtained artificially using heat treatment. On jewelry market Blue topazes are highly valued and have their own special trade names. As for properties, blue topaz has the same qualities as blue.


It is believed that this mineral is able to strengthen the human immune system and nervous system, and have a beneficial effect on the emotional state. White topaz amulets are very good protective agent. In addition, this stone is used to maintain clarity of thought.

This stone belongs to the yellow topaz and has the same characteristics and properties as the yellow variety described above.

How to detect a fake?

Topaz is popular and has a high value, so it is not surprising that scammers counterfeit this stone in an effort to make more money. In order not to fall for tricks, you need to be able to distinguish natural stone from fakes.

  1. A very simple way to help recognize imitation is to rub the stone on wool fabric. If it becomes electrified and paper begins to stick to it, it means that you have real topaz in front of you.
  2. A natural mineral has high hardness and can scratch quartz or crystal, but a fake one does not have such properties.
  3. Natural stones remain cold for a long time, so if the mineral immediately warms up in your hands, then most likely it is a fake.
  4. It is worth noting that light-colored topazes are counterfeited much less often - they are not that rare.
  5. If you have a solution of methylene iodide, you can lower the topaz into it - the real one will end up at the bottom of the vessel, and the artificial one will remain floating on the surface.
  6. Natural samples, as a rule, have minor defects and cracks, while artificial imitation has perfect smoothness.
  7. You should also be wary of the too bright and saturated color of the topaz. In nature, there are no stones of poisonous shades; real minerals have calm, gentle tones, so excessive brightness is a sign of a fake.

In order for jewelry to remain bright and attractive, it is important to properly care for them, as well as be careful when using the products directly:

  • Remove jewelry when performing household chores: particle exposure household chemicals may damage the stone. In addition, the structure of the stone is easily chipped: one unsuccessful but precise blow can break the stone along the cleavage line.
  • Try to put on jewelry after you have chosen an outfit, done your hair and applied makeup: regular contact with cosmetics can cause the item to tarnish.
  • Try to put on and wear jewelry in the evening, and in the daytime, hide it from the sun, otherwise the stones may quickly fade or become completely discolored.

It is important to lightly clean your jewelry regularly. To do this, dilute a little soap in warm water or detergent, the stones are soaked in a soapy solution for about 20 minutes. After this, the jewelry can be easily cleaned with a regular soft toothbrush, dried and put back in place.

Storing jewelry also has its own peculiarities: it is better to place jewelry separately from each other and wrap it in soft cloths to avoid damage.

How much does topaz cost?

Prices for the mineral depend on the type of stone. The most expensive and most valuable are red shades, pink, blue and dark blue topazes. The cost of such stones starts from 300-600 dollars per carat. Yellow and brown varieties have a slightly lower price, but are not cheap.

If we talk about jewelry, then the cost is also affected by the metal in which the topaz is framed. For example, gold jewelry with this stone will cost more than silver jewelry.

May be like many others precious stones, depending on the color. In fact, the ancient Greeks seem to have mistaken peridot for topaz. Orange-brown and imperial topaz is similar to citrine, zircon, chrysoberyl, golden beryl and sapphire.

Pink is similar to morganite, tourmaline, kunzite, rose quartz and spinel. Yellow can be compared to chrysoberyl, heliodor, zircon and yellow sapphire. Blue topaz is similar to aquamarine, zircon, spinel and euclase.

White shares some characteristics with diamond, zircon, rock crystal and goshenite. Topaz is chemically related to sillimanite, andalusite, canonite, kyanite and mullite.

The most common are yellow minerals, but the variety of shades of gems does not end there. Topazes can be transparent, blue, pink or bright red, purple, brown, golden and pink-yellow.

The bulk of mineral production occurs in Pakistan. The color of the crystal is not affected by its chemical properties or impurities.

  • Gems owe their color to various defects in the structure of the atomic lattice.
  • Most of the minerals used in the jewelry industry have an enhanced color.
  • Colorless stones are exposed to harmless radiation until a brown tint is formed, and then heated until the crystal acquires a blue or blue color.

Only experienced jewelers can distinguish between natural and artificial topazes. The only one external factor, indicating that work has been done on the coloring of the stone, is the oversaturated shade of the gem. Natural mineral has warmer and softer tones. A disadvantage of artificially colored stones is rapid discoloration when exposed to the sun.

Cheap types of citrines can often be passed off as topaz. Bohemian, Indian, Spanish gems have nothing to do with natural crystal. In most cases this is smoky quartz, subject to heat treatment. Also, instead of faceted topaz, unscrupulous sellers may offer other analogues, both natural and synthetic. Thus, blue minerals are similar to aquamarines or zircons, while colorless ones resemble rock crystal.

In most cases, it is impossible to determine the authenticity of topaz and the buyer can only check the crystal for hardness. Such minerals are much harder than their quartz counterparts and should leave scratches when passed over glass.

If you touch the skin with a gem, a pleasant chill runs through it. This feeling appears due to the low thermal conductivity of the material. Also in natural crystals often there are defects in the form of cracks and foreign inclusions, which is not found in artificial analogues.

Professional jewelers insert topaz into a ring, bracelet or pendant. The stone is also used to decorate sets. The cost of topaz depends on its weight, color and transparency of the crystal, as well as the quality of the cut. The gem must be protected from temperature changes and mechanical stress in the cleavage areas.

Stone and its magical properties

Like other minerals, topaz has unique magical properties, known to people since ancient times.

  • In the east, it was called the stone of enlightenment, helping to achieve clarity of thoughts, gain wisdom and emotional balance.
  • In many countries, people noted the strong protective properties of topaz, making all kinds of amulets from it that could protect against the evil eye, damage and other troubles.
  • It is believed that topaz helps to identify intrigues, recognize lies, and unravel complex cases. But at the same time, the stone itself does not tolerate deceivers and will not help such a person. The owner of topaz must have noble goals for the stone to agree to help a person.

In ancient times, it was believed that the mineral was able to calm the raging elements, so topazes were often taken with them on sea voyages, thus hoping to avoid storms.

Depending on the color, varieties of topaz are suitable for different zodiac signs.

  1. Blue stone is recommended to be worn by those born under the constellation Scorpio.
  2. Yellow and colorless minerals are suitable for Gemini.
  3. For other zodiac signs, topazes are rather neutral, allowing people to benefit from their positive properties.

Topaz can have a negative impact on a dishonest person, destroying relationships built on lies and negatively influencing those people whose thoughts are not distinguished by purity of intentions.

Yellow and golden rocks will harmoniously fit into the rhythm of Gemini. These yellow minerals are great for Leos and Virgos. For cancer, blue topaz (jewelry) and greenish shades of gems will be more harmonious. Blue topaz and white products will increase the luck of Cancers. These minerals are rich dark of blue color Gemini will come in handy with green.

Red, purple or golden topaz suits Aries well. Capricorns and Virgos - brown, lilac or greenish shades of transparent topaz.

But no matter what the color of the decoration, by its nature topaz is still a very hard stone. It forces its owner to look at things realistically and carefully evaluate people, which can have a bad effect on people with large families. Therefore, family Pisces, Taurus and Libra can use these minerals in rare cases and only as decoration, and not a talisman.

Topaz is a wonderful and very beautiful mineral. It has a special shine, high specific gravity, hardness, and an incredible variety of shades. It is so good that it is sometimes confused with a diamond. It is believed that topaz jewelry should not be combined with other gemstones as the topaz may tarnish.

  • Jewelry with topaz is different interesting feature- the stone is able to change its color scheme.
  • When the product is heated, the mineral can become completely discolored, and with some types of irradiation, it can become more saturated in color.

The effect of topaz on the human body is only positive. The owner of the jewelry can get rid of depression and fatigue, prolong his life and strengthen his mind, he is charged with positivity.
Since ancient times, topaz has been considered a protector from life's storms and adversities. This mineral is useful for businessmen, researchers and tourists.

Topaz as an amulet heals men from impotence and women from infertility. Each stone in different shades has its own task. Stone blue color accelerates tissue regeneration. It balances emotions, strengthens the thyroid gland, and calms. It protects against insomnia and mental illness.

The energy of topaz with its slightly blue color helps to realize fantasies and dreams; it is no secret that the presence of a talisman helps many people feel confident. Topaz golden color liberates from dangerous and violent passions, it gives a person a feeling of enjoying life, drives away hatred and anger.

It heals organs well: liver, spleen, gall bladder. Relieves stress and helps with energy and nervous exhaustion. The owner of the stone replaces anger with peace and tranquility, infidelity with devotion.

Features of color and zodiac sign

Astrologers recommend wearing topaz in the form of a talisman for the zodiac sign Scorpio. First of all, purple and bluish shades will be most useful to them. For Scorpio women, jewelry with blue topaz will help them become more insightful and control evil thoughts.

For young Scorpio girls, topaz with a slightly bluer tint can give them confidence in their own abilities and liberate them in communicating with others.

Colorless and yellow stones are suitable for Gemini. Gemini women are especially recommended to wear a talisman with blue topaz; it will help make its owner softer and more pliable, and prevent outbursts of anger and negative emotions.

Cancers are well suited for blue - London blue, blue and green topazes. Topaz will teach women who represent this zodiac sign to plan and think about their actions and their consequences.

  • Aquarians can recommend pink topazes. A woman seeking to re-attract love into her family hearth and understand what kind of relationship she really needs should wear pink topaz in a pendant or pendant.
  • Red and pink topaz suit Leo well. For the female half, jewelry with this color palette will help reveal the sensual side of their character. A gold ring with blue topaz will help a Leo woman find language with loved ones and subordinates.
  • According to the horoscope, Aries will be favored by topazes of lilac and golden hue. Jewelry with such topazes endows women with wisdom and prudence.
  • For Virgos, purple and yellow topazes should be perfect. For Virgo women, this gem gives them the opportunity to make their own decisions and not depend on their emotional state.
  • Transparent and green minerals are suitable for Capricorn. Topaz serves as an amulet for people born on the eighth and sixteenth lunar days.
  • In Pisces, topaz is able to relieve psycho-emotional stress and set one in a positive mood. Blue topaz can give Pisces women some serenity and calm. And also help restore health and longevity, protect against dangers and machinations of enemies.

For Sagittarius, a necklace with inclusions would be perfect as a talisman. blue topaz. He will not allow representatives of this zodiac to get distracted by trifles and will direct them towards a single goal. For Sagittarius women, such topaz will give the necessary strength of spirit to make independent decisions.

For Taurus women, blue topaz works great as a talisman, protecting its owner from the evil eye of bad people. For men, it will help them make up their minds in this life, understand the World and themselves.

For Libras born in October, blue topaz is an excellent talisman for true love and friendship. Girls of this zodiac constellation will be given additional energy and will make them more socially successful and independent.

People born under the zodiac sign Scorpio are especially recommended to wear topaz. Scorpio women often tend to go to extremes, and the stone restores balance and helps make the right decisions in difficult situations.

In many cases, young Scorpios need prudence and wisdom received from outside. When the stubbornness, independence, self-confidence, and inconsistency of people under this sign are off the charts, it becomes difficult for them to communicate with people, they should restore connections and relationships, and establish contacts.

During such a period magical properties Topaz helps to reconcile the owner himself with people, helps to avoid stressful situations and control himself.

The prospects and opportunities for Scorpio to improve themselves are very great, therefore sooner or later these desires arise in any person, especially those born under this sign. Topaz helps you concentrate, know yourself, reflect, establish relationships with loved ones, and understand them better. In the second half of life, this becomes especially important for Scorpios.

Basically, topaz is favorable for all zodiac signs; it is considered one of the most universal talisman stones. Gold jewelry with topaz is a great gift as it will satisfy even the most picky seekers of meaning. Giving this stone means wishing a person good luck, happiness in business and showing your affection.

Medicinal properties

Topaz is mentioned in ancient medical treatises; it was popular among healers of that time.

  • Topaz was believed to help cope with poisoning.
  • The stone can heal nervous system disorders, help cope with psychological problems, relieve insomnia, fears, worries and depression.

  • The effect of the stone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and spleen.
  • Topaz helps strengthen the immune system during periods of exacerbation of colds.
  • Wearing topaz restores lost appetite, so the stone is recommended for those who want to gain weight, but for those losing weight, on the contrary, it is better to use topaz with caution.
  • Blue topazes help avoid the possibility of Graves' disease.
  • Yellow stones can help cope with respiratory diseases, asthma and bronchitis. Also, the yellow mineral has a good effect on women's health, helping to restore erratic cycles, get rid of problems with the uterus and conceive a child. A transparent stone can help for the same purposes.
  • In India, topaz is one of the 12 main stones with the strongest medicinal properties and is used in Ayurvedic practices.

Jewelry with topaz is also used as an amulet.

It is believed that wearing a stone can attract good luck and help achieve a favorable outcome in any matter. The stone also helps to achieve success in professional activities, build a good career and get a money job.

As for individual professions, topaz patronizes scientists, entrepreneurs and travelers.

In addition, topaz amulets are used as a means to help restore the reproductive functions of the body, get rid of infertility and impotence.

A topaz talisman helps to calm down and soften anger, and it can influence both the person himself, restoring emotional stability, and those around him. Therefore, if someone has to communicate with an angry boss, an amulet with topaz will help smooth the situation a little.

It is believed that red and pink topaz can help in love affairs, awaken a romantic mood and make partners more attractive in each other's eyes.

The magic stone topaz - not only specialists, but also ordinary people should know its properties. It is best to wear jewelry with a stone on right hand. Topaz is a stone whose magical properties have no limits. A ring with a gem on your index finger will always show you the right path through life. More than one mystic who believes in parallel worlds, and perhaps communicates with its inhabitants, uses these minerals as their guides. It is better that the metal under the stone is yellow, then the rainbow mineral works better.

Topaz and American gold go well together. You can also wear pendants on your chest or bracelets on your right wrist. Such an amulet, especially the rauch, even protects against the evil eye, if chosen correctly.

Topaz is able to live peacefully with other stones, with its relatives. While many gems lose their properties next to their own kind. Topaz, on the contrary, increases strength and maximally saturates its owner with positive energy.

  • Using amulets with an insert made of semi-precious stone means achieving success in your work and overcoming troubles in your team.
  • If you use a pendant or brooch as daily jewelry, you will gain vitality, emphasizing it with your own hands, and overcome difficulties.
  • Topaz amulets help women open the female chakra of love and get rid of infertility. And it has no analogues.
  • A man should look at smoky topaz, which, after purchasing, will give him full masculine strength.
  • Golden topaz is usually worn in the form of a small ring or earrings. One trinket with a stone will be enough to increase vital energy, even if you keep it within your home walls.

Crystal can be made into an almost limitless variety of jewelry because of its versatility. It is ideal for rings, necklaces, bracelets and pendants, and can be made into almost any shape. Like a diamond, it should be protected from strong impacts by protective parameters in rings for everyday wear.

This is because one blow can cause the stone to fracture due to its great fragility. Topaz is very hard (8 on the Mohs Hardness Scale), which makes it durable and scratch-resistant.

Famous stones

The Eldorado Topaz is the largest faceted gemstone in the world, weighing 31,000 carats (6.2 kg). This is a faceted emerald yellow topaz gemstone that was found in Minas Gerais, Brazil and weighed 37 kg before cutting. The American Golden Topaz, which is the largest cut of yellow topaz, weighs an astounding 22,892.5 carats (4.6 kg).

  • It is on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.
  • This one of the largest cut crystals in the world came from Minas Gerais in Brazil and took two years to cut its 172 facets.

There are incredibly huge uncut yellow crystals, reaching masses of 31 kg and 50 kg. These uncut precious minerals are on display as part of the Smithsonian Museum's collection.

The Chalmers Topaz is another huge cut topaz, and weighs 5,899.5 carats (1.17990 kg). It is white-blue when cut and has an oval shape. Exhibited at the Field Museum of Natural History, USA.

Another famous example is the 1,640-carat Braganza "Diamond", which is part of the Portuguese Crown Jewels collection. It was initially believed to be a diamond because it was found in the Minas Gerais diamond field, but it was later discovered to be a white topaz crystal.

Who is blue topaz suitable for?

All zodiac signs perceive the mystical stone in their own way. Who is suitable for a valuable natural mineral - let's figure it out.

When choosing natural topaz according to your zodiac sign, you must also take into account the color of the stone. The shade should suit you externally and please your soul. As for Scorpios, lilac and blue rare gems are more suitable for them. They will teach you not only to calm your emotions, but also to understand the world and people around you.

This is important for young and middle-aged Scorpios. The November zodiac sign and the magical properties of topaz are very interconnected. Scorpio women get irresistibility from the mineral. Men receive strength and prudence from the stone.

The strangest thing is that topaz stone gets along with absolutely all zodiac signs whose names you know and helps everyone who uses topaz. Libra and Pisces also receive maximum knowledge and energy from topaz. The mineral will help you believe in yourself. This is especially true for scales, the forces of which need to be balanced and directed in the right direction.

But it is worth noting Taurus as a sign completely opposite to Scorpio. Taurus is not recommended to wear jewelry made from these gems (except white topaz), it will not protect them. Them more suitable opal or corundum, so similar in color to the blue mineral. The blue natural mineral looks spectacular in silver or white gold.

People have always loved jewelry, but they learned to process the hardest ones only in the recent past. In this article we will look at all the main cutting methods used from the distant past to the present day.

You will laugh, but even the most enormous and kings of antiquity cannot be compared with any modern example jewelry store. The fact is that in ancient times precious stones were either worn most often in their raw form, or their natural facets were lightly ground and polished. Of course, there was no need to talk about the brilliance and radiance of such jewelry.

Cabochon stone cut

Cabochon and bead cut

Precious stones (especially hard ones such as rubies, emeralds and diamonds) retained shapes close to those found in natural crystals. From the times of Ancient Rome until the heyday of the Middle Ages, the only form of full-fledged cutting of precious stones was and remained cabochon(“caboche” is the head of a nail), that is, a flattened hemisphere without edges. However, only soft stones - semi-precious or even semi-precious - were suitable for cabochon cutting. Nowadays, cabochons are a typical choice for inexpensive brooches.

The choice of ancient jewelers was not great - beads or cabochons.

Distributed (with the same restrictions) was also “ full version» cabochon – bead(yes, this is also a type of cut). Beads and bracelets made from small processed stones are more convenient and practical in everyday life, besides, you can add paint to the hole of the bead and enhance the natural color and saturation. The favorite technique of lapidaries is both in ancient times and in our time.

Facet cut - diamond and step

A real revolution in the cutting of precious stones occurred in the 17th century. with the advent of tools and technologies that allow the use of the so-called. faceted grinding and cutting, in which many small flat edges are applied to the stone. On the one hand, this allows you to emphasize the color, enhance the shine of the stone, and on the other hand, hide minor defects. Of course, after polishing, a stone loses a fair amount of weight (sometimes up to 50%), but in return it acquires an unusual play of light on its edges and increases in price considerably.

Parts of a cut stone using the example of a diamond

Facet cutting is used mainly for transparent stones. Most varieties of facet cuts come in two forms - diamond And stepped. Along with the cutting itself, smooth grinding is also used, which can be flat, round or vaulted (convex). When using mixed grinding (cutting), both techniques are combined at once: the upper part is smooth, the lower part is faceted, or vice versa.

Full brilliant cut has at least 32 facets and a platform in the upper part and at least 24 facets in the lower part. It is designed specifically for diamond, which is why it is also called diamond cut. The name itself " diamond"is valid only for a diamond cut in this way; the names of all other stones and gems processed using the brilliant cut method must indicate their mineralogical designation (for example, diamond).

Eight cut In addition to the platform, it has 8 facets in the upper and lower parts. It is used for the smallest diamonds, for which full cutting is either impossible or unprofitable. For one carat (200 mg) there are 300, and sometimes 500 pieces of these “eights”.

Rose cut-faceted cut without platform and lower part. There are up to 7 variants depending on the number and location of the facets (Dutch, half-Dutch, cross, briolette, etc.). “Rose” is rarely used, as it gives little refraction of light and, accordingly, a weak glow.

Rose cut

Step cut(ladder cut) is a simple type of facet cut used for colored gemstones. Most facets have parallel edges; the steepness of the facets increases towards the girdle (the rim separating the upper and lower parts of the stone). The number of facets in the lower part is usually greater than in the upper part. This type of cut emphasizes the internal color of the stone.

Wedge cut(wedge) - a type of step cut. Each facet is divided into four wedges.

Ceylon cut makes it possible to better preserve the mass of the stone. For this purpose, many small facets are applied to it. This cut is not always symmetrical and therefore a stone cut this way is often recut.

Emerald cut-step cut with an octagonal shape of the stone. Used mainly for emerald.

Table cut- a simple type of step cut. To increase the platform (tablet), the upper part of the stone is made flat. Used for men's rings, especially signet rings.

Cabochon- the main type of smooth grinding. The upper part of the stone is given a convex shape, the lower part is flat or slightly convex. Dark stones have a cavity cut out at the bottom to lighten the color tone. This is how all star stones, opals, stones with iridescence (the “cat’s eye” effect), moonstone, turquoise and most inserts made of jade, jadeite, and chrysoprase are polished.

Also used in the East Mughal cut- two parallel planes (usually along the cleavage of the crystal), and between them one or two rows of facets.

Shapes of stone cuts

With the same type of polishing, stones can be given very different shapes: ball, oval, cone, antique (square or rectangle with rounded corners), triangle, square (square), hexagon, baguette (elongated rectangle), trapezoid, French cut (general contour and platform are square, triangular facets), pear or pear-shaped drop, shuttle or marquise (pointed ellipse), pendant (elongated teardrop-shaped), briolette (pear-shaped with intersecting facet ribbons), olive (narrow barrel-shaped).

Examples of fancy cut gemstones

Many fantasy forms are also known (heart, coat of arms, etc.).

Cutting methods are being improved to this day, and although classic forms always remain in price, new ones appear from time to time, emphasizing certain advantages of stones. For example, relatively recent types of cutting for quartz and topaz are “Snowflake”, “Dawn”, “Bright Star”, as well as “Pulsar”, giving a velvety or even pulsating glow to the stones.

Topaz ranges from colorless (white) to yellow, orange, red-brown, light blue to dark blue, pink to red, purple and light green. This is the reason why it can be mistaken for many other gemstones. Naturally colored topaz gets its color from iron and chromium; color is caused by impurities, whereas a pure mineral is colorless. Most true topaz is colorless or pale blue. The rarest and most valuable are yellow or pink to reddish-orange, and are known as “imperial topaz.” The red-violet crystal is incredibly rare. Many jewelry retailers process minerals to enhance color.

Clean and shiny

Topaz is obviously transparent. It exhibits high clarity with few inclusions so the gemstone can be examined with the naked eye, meaning no imperfections can be seen, highly prized for its brilliance and smoothness.

Cut shapes

Topaz is a very versatile material. Therefore, when cutting, it can be given a variety of shapes, such as square, circle, octagon, pear, oval, heart and even fish or bird shape. Brightly colored specimens undergo a regular cut, while weakly colored specimens undergo a diamond cut. Aspects show the clarity and brilliance of the gemstone. Samples with irregular inclusions are processed cabochon. The inherent hardness of this stone makes it scratch resistant. However, a gemstone expert must handle it with care due to its fragility because it can break easily.

Coating and irradiation treatment.

The mineral is often irradiated to produce the most desirable colors. The most popular is blue, but in nature it is usually a pale blue shade rather than a bright or dark blue. Sparkling blue hues are usually achieved through artificial means. Topaz is irradiated and then typically heated to produce a vibrant blue color. Dark blue topaz is known as ""; the lighter one is called "Swiss blue", and the light blue is called "azure". Color enhancement treatments are usually performed on grayish-blue or silver-gray gemstones. Darker blue shades are the most valuable because more energy is needed to produce darker shades. These processes are common because they result in permanent discoloration, but jewelry sellers should warn about this. There are strict rules regarding processing to ensure the safety of cutters and buyers.

A thin coating of titanium dioxide vapor may be applied to minerals. Can also be coated to change its color. The coating is not permanent and may gradually fade over time. Stones that have been treated in this manner should not be re-cut as the coating will be removed and will reveal a different, undesirable color on the inside. Coating produces iridescent stones known as “mystic topaz.”

Azotic Topaz is a white crystal whose color was obtained by sputtering a thin film, which gives it a rainbow effect. It is named after the company that patented this nitrogen process. Also coated to produce a vibrant pink hue known as artificial "imperial" may also be treated with chemicals and high temperature to change the surface tone. This processing is done to produce "green", but the processing only changes the surface color. after treatment they look original and, as with irradiation, any surface treatments or coatings must be specified when the jewelry is sold.

Jewelry cutting of stones is a real art. This skill has been honed over many centuries to ensure that the gems perform as effectively as possible. It is the cut that determines how the stone will play in finished decoration. From this article you will learn about existing stone cutting techniques, their specifics and the features of creating the most beautiful crystals in the world.

Technological process

The first stage involves turning the mineral. The quality and size of the future product depend on this work. In the past it was done manually, but today turning is a technologically controlled process for which special machines are used. This saves time because several stones can be sharpened at once using this method. All stages are controlled by the operator and monitors the process through the monitor.

The second stage is cutting. The process of cutting gemstones and synthetic materials involves grinding and polishing. When grinding, unevenness and other defects are eliminated, and the shape of the future product is created. After polishing, the stone acquires mirror shine and rainbow shine.

Quality scale

The types of cuts are determined not only by the shape, but by the level of quality of execution. The Russian scale distinguishes four levels, which are conventionally designated by the letters A, B, C and D. A stone cut A and B may have defects of natural origin inside, as well as their traces. The surface of such a mineral should be glossy, uniform, clean, and also have a mirror shine. If there are roughnesses on the surface, the structure of the stone is heterogeneous and cloudy, it is assigned one of the last two categories.

Facet cutting and its varieties

This technique involves the presence of edges on the surface of the stone. Popular types of bevel cutting:

  • princess,
  • octagon,
  • oval,
  • Marquis,
  • baguette and others

Gemstone cuts are classified into round brilliant and fancy.

Fancy cut shapes are divided into wedge-shaped (oval, marquise, pear, princess, flanders) and stepped (octagon, asscher and baguette).

The abundance of varieties and techniques allows you to make the stone more attractive, using its natural properties and structural features.

There are a great many types of stone cuts. Cutters fantasize and strive to create unusual variations of familiar shapes. New techniques and designs regularly appear on the jewelry market. Let's look at the most popular of them.


The round cut is a classic of jewelry art. It was first used at the beginning of the last century. Then the tools to create it appeared. This cut is often used when processing diamonds. To reveal the beauty of a diamond, it is cut into 57, 33 or 17 facets. Their number is directly proportional to the size of the source material. For the smallest diamonds, a “figure eight” is used (8 edges on the surface and in the sides of the stone).


The oval or radiant cut has been widely used by jewelers since the second half of the last century. The stone made using this technique has an elongated shape, 56 and 70 facets. Most often, the oval is used for inlaying rings.

A product with an oval cut looks aesthetically pleasing female hand and makes the fingers visually longer and more graceful. The male version of the radiant cut is also popular in the market. In this case, stones of dark shades are used. Topaz looks great in this form for men and women.


The technique has been used since medieval France and is named after the Marquise de Pompadour. The shape is an oval elongated and pointed at the ends.

After the marquise cut, the gem resembles a flower petal, which is why it often appears as a design element in jewelry.

"Marquis" has 55 sides. Stones processed in this way shine brightly and shimmer with rainbow colors. They are used to create earrings, rings, pendants and entire sets designed in the same style.


The pear cut is similar to the marquise cut. It has from 55 to 56 faces. The upper part of the stone is pointed. In this form, it resembles a flowing drop. The shape is ideal as a base for pendants and earrings. A product with a pear-shaped gem visually lengthens the neck, making it more graceful and feminine.


A cut for true ladies and modern princesses. Crystals processed in this style are rectangular in shape. It uses 49, 65, and less often 68 faces. The right angles of the mineral are securely reinforced with a special frame to avoid deformation. The form appeared relatively recently. The Princess cut has been used since the late 70s of the last century. It is often found in the design of wedding and engagement rings.

Emerald (octagon)

The surface of the gem is shaped into an octagon. This style is reminiscent of the Princess cut because the stone also takes on a rectangular shape. Massive stones are suitable for this cut. It's not just about emerald. Garnet, opaque stones, and precious topaz look great in this form. With this technique it is impossible to achieve maximum iridescent shine and iridescent highlights. But the octagon-cut stone is distinguished by its depth and fascinates with its mystery.


The “Heart” cut is similar in appearance and processing technology to the above-mentioned pear. However, the process of making a heart is complex and labor-intensive. In this regard, jewelry containing a “heart” gem is more expensive. In addition, the form requires adherence to ideal proportions, in which all sides are in equal proportions.


It has the shape of a rectangle with stepwise processing. Baguette is an indicator of the quality of the stone, where the disadvantages and advantages of the gem are most manifested. If the mineral is poorly processed or its quality is low, you will notice defects in the baguette cut without the help of a jeweler. When choosing jewelry with stones of this cut, carefully and scrupulously examine the product.


A square pebble has the same width and length. Step processing is used here. Gems square shape They look great in earrings, rings and pendants, as well as in bracelets. They form an even, harmonious row and a clear pattern. Topaz, ruby, emerald and garnet readily take the square shape.


This technique was invented in Amsterdam. Today she is the best option for processing precious and semi-precious stones. This unusual, spectacular shape is a triangle with wedges. The advantage of this processing is that, regardless of the quality, type of mineral and design, the number of faces and appearance remain the same. The trillion shape is ideal for gems such as topaz, agate, amethyst, citrine and others.


This style is a variation of the “princess” with a number of sides of 61. It received its name thanks to the region of the same name in Belgium, where it first appeared. The technique is widely used for cutting precious stones, as well as semi-precious gems.


The Asscher cut of jewelry stones resembles emerald. It was very popular in the 30s of the last century. This style is now a classic. jewelry craftsmanship, therefore has not lost its relevance. Depending on the dimensions of the raw material, the assher is made into 72, 49 or 25 facets.


A classic, ancient processing technique that first appeared in medieval France. Translated from French, the term means “nail head.” Used for transparent or translucent gems, as well as cat-eye stones. Cabochon cutting looks aesthetically pleasing only if the stone is perfectly polished.


The shape is used for precious gems, particularly diamonds. One such specimen set a record for weight and cost several years ago. This is a giant diamond weighing over 75 carats that was sold at Christie's auction. The stone is shaped like a tear. Its structure is absolutely transparent and clean. The cost of the lot was estimated at between 8 and 12 million US dollars.

Chess board

A stone cut in this way has uniformly square surfaces. All of them are arranged symmetrically and resemble a chessboard. The cut is popular for many types of stones, including precious, semi-precious and synthetic.

Nirav Modi

Fantasy treatments Nirav Modi (Nirav Modi) is a brand patented by the Indian company of the same name. Thanks to her, four new techniques appeared on the jewelry market: Endless, Jasmine, Mughal and Ainra. Celebrities such as Kate Winslet, Naomi Watts, Coco Rocha have been seen wearing products with Nirav Modi stones. Production and processing technologies are kept secret.

The fancy jasmine shape is a creative variation on the rose cut diamond. The style features twice as many facets. It is used to reveal the capabilities of the stone through the play of light. The finished crystal burns in the sun and shimmers, creating the effect of living fire inside.

The unique feature of the Endless style is the use of the invisible Enigma setting, which creates a visually endless tunnel of diamonds in the design. That is why the technique was given the name “endless cut”. The diamonds are positioned as if they were not set. This creates the appearance that the jewelry consists entirely of a monolithic diamond.

Before the invention of the Mughal technique, to create a crescent-shaped composition, jewelers assembled it from several stones of different carats. This technology forms a semicircle shape from one pebble. When creating jewelry, semicircular elements of the composition are placed around the main one, forming a diamond flower.

The Ainra technique is considered the most unusual of all four. The company developed it to create products where the use of metal as a fastening base is practically not required. The stones are processed in such a way as to create links directly from them. The fasteners are then connected and converted into a finished chain. The products turn out airy, light, and every millimeter of the decoration glows in the sun.


Another patented product with a worldwide reputation. Its owner is the British jewelry company Boodes. Ashoka is used for diamonds. Diamonds cut in this way are considered exclusive and status jewelry. The stone looks like a rectangle with rounded corners. This cut is not suitable for all diamonds. Only transparent minerals with a homogeneous structure are used.

Other cuts

The choice of cut depends on the type of stone, its variety, structure, color and design of the jewelry. The “octagon” shape is more often used if the structure of the gem is fragile. Octagon is the safest option for such jewelry.

Pentagon-shaped stones are inlaid into massive accessories, the style of which meets the latest fashion trends.

The “hexagon” is universal because it is close to the classics. Often a stone with six sides is used as the basis for the composition of a product. Topaz looks impressive in this form.

A cabochon has no facets and this cut is suitable for all opaque minerals.

Cut types and zodiac signs

Astrologers believe that the choice of a talisman depends not only on the type of stone, but also on its shape.

Apart from Virgo, oval minerals processed using the cabochon technique are suitable for representatives of the earth element.

The element of air assumes a classic diamond cut and a cabochon of any shape.

One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a gemstone or finished jewelry piece is the cut. The process by which a rough, unattractive mineral is transformed into a gemstone. The cutter causes the stone to take on a specific shape, reveal its brilliance and color, allowing it to shine in jewelry. This effect is achieved only through high-quality and precise work of a jeweler.

Why is cut so important?

Only with proper cutting, the beauty of the stone is revealed to the maximum, and vice versa, careless work of the cutter can spoil the stone, make it “dead,” and it will not reflect light.

Generally, there are two types of cutting - commercial and fine. The main objective in the first case is to maintain as much weight of the stone as possible, while the second type follows the exact proportions, ideal angles, etc. When a gemstone is cut to the correct proportions, it is able to process light better, creating more intense color and brightness, and appears more attractive. Essentially, the gemstone acts as a mirror for light.

The purpose of cutting gemstones is to reflect as much light as possible. If the crystal has not been cut correctly, the result will be a “lifeless” stone as light will leak out of the pavilion (bottom of the stone) instead of reflecting it back through the crown (top of the stone).

Cutting values ​​can be traced using the example of diamonds - diamonds acquired their beauty and popularity only in the 17th century, when they learned how to cut the mineral.

Today there are cutting standards for diamonds; in fact, the price of a stone depends on the accuracy of the master’s work, i.e. cut class.

There is a gradation of cut class:

  • Excellent cut
  • Very Good
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

Each class indicates quality, proportions and symmetry. At the same time, the difference in price between a stone with an excellent cut and a stone, for example, with a satisfactory cut, can differ by 1.5 times or more. Or a stone that weighs more, but due to an unsuccessful cut, can cost less and look like ordinary glass, while a crystal that is lighter in weight, but cut with good proportions will always be highly valued. In addition, unsuccessful cutting can lead to the loss of the stone - its splitting, or create a defect on it; the stone can become fragile.

For diamonds, there is a world cut standard in which the diamond maximizes its unique property - reflecting light. The method created by a mathematician with Russian roots, Marcel Tolkowsky, is round diamonds with 57 facets, later this type of cut began to be called “Russian cut” or “Tolkowsky diamonds”. Unlike diamonds, colored gemstones have variable optical properties and do not have a single ideal cut.

Types of cutting of jewelry stones


Cabochon - the name comes from the old French word “caboche”, which means head. A cabochon cut is a polished gemstone with a flat or slightly rounded bottom and a convex or rounded domed top.

The traditional cabochon is oval, but this cut can also be used in other shapes, including triangles and rectangles. Cabochon is one of the most ancient forms of stone processing; back then the mineral was polished, since it was not technically possible to make an accurate cut.

A large number of jewelry, owned by the British royal family, have inserts with cabochon stones.


The round cut is often called the brilliant cut because it was specifically designed for diamonds, but today many gemstones are cut in this shape.

The circle maximizes the natural beauty of the stone; it is optically the most effective.

The round mineral boasts maximum light output, which for the end consumer means greater attractiveness of the finished product. jewelry.


Oval - from the Latin word "vum", meaning "egg". The standard number of facets of a gemstone in this cut is 69. For correct oval The length to width ratio should be approximately 2:1, although this proportion varies slightly depending on the optical properties of different types of gemstones.

A high-quality oval cut allows the stone to be almost as bright as with an ideal cut. round shape.

Drop or briolette

Briolette is a popular form of gemstone that looks especially good in earrings or pendants. The drop is cut over the entire area, which means that the stone is covered with numerous small areas. Thanks to this, briolettes have their own special charm and are able to reflect light in any direction.

This shape does not have a flat top. In this regard, briolette is one of the most difficult types of gemstone cutting to execute. The form is believed to have originated in India some 800 years ago and was brought to France, where it immediately became a favorite among the nobles until the end of the 17th century.


Marquise cut stones are characterized by an elongated oval shape with pointed ends. There is a beautiful legend that this form of cutting originated in the 18th century, when King Louis of France commissioned the court jewelers to create a diamond that would reflect the smile of his lady love.

The name of the stone comes from its association with royalty. The marquise shape is also called the navette cut, the fact is that from the French navette - means a small ship. Indeed, there is some resemblance to the shape of the ship. Marquise cut gemstone - perfect shape for women's fingers, since the pointed ends visually make them more graceful and slender.

Pear shape

The pear-shaped gemstone is available in a variety of variations, although the ideal shape is achieved by maintaining proportions where the length is one and a half times the width.

The pear cut is particularly well suited for colored gemstones as it brings out the natural color of the crystal as much as possible.