So simple and effective procedure how lymphatic drainage facial massage can significantly improve the condition of the skin: reduce the number of wrinkles, get rid of swelling, jowls (sagging tissue in the cheek area), bags on the cheekbones, double chin and drooping eyelids, refresh the complexion. Of course, this will take time. But after just a few regular sessions, the positive results will be very noticeable. In this publication we will talk about what types of lymphatic drainage facial massage there are, how to carry out the procedure correctly, and consider indications and contraindications.

The essence of lymphatic drainage massage

The lymphatic system is involved in metabolism and serves to cleanse cells and tissues of waste and toxins. With age, its work slows down, so fluid stagnation occurs in the tissues. Lymphatic drainage massage helps activate the lymphatic system, helps eliminate excess fluid from tissues and thereby has a rejuvenating effect. Facial lymphatic drainage can be performed both in professional beauty salons and independently at home.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for lymphatic drainage facial massage include the following:

Contraindications for carrying out

Lymphatic drainage facial massage also has a number of contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed in the following cases:

If you ignore these contraindications, this massage can cause significant harm to your health. Therefore, before performing lymphomassage, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor!

Types and methods of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage of the face can be hardware or manual. The first type is carried out in a beauty salon, the second can be done independently at home.

Hardware execution method

Hardware technology is carried out in the following ways:

Manual method of lymphatic drainage massage

Manual massage gives excellent results, of course, if the skin is not affected by severe changes. Specialists perform manual lymphatic drainage at three levels, which depends on the condition of the skin and the method of exposure:

  1. Surface. Improves skin tone, removes excess puffiness.
  2. Deep. It is carried out for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes to stimulate the lymph nodes.
  3. Projection. Aimed at improving the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood supply, and, consequently, skin nutrition.

Features of lymphatic drainage massage, difference from cosmetic massage

A lymphatic drainage massage session in the salon lasts 30-60 minutes. According to people who have undergone this procedure, it causes very pleasant sensations.

The specialist influences certain points of the lymphatic system. It should be noted that the massage lines for this type of massage do not coincide with those that are oriented towards classic massage. The movements of a professional are pulsating pressures alternating with stroking.

Before the session, the skin is usually cleansed and cream or oil is applied. After the procedure, you may be offered a mask in the salon. It’s better not to refuse this combination, the effect will be amazing!

Rules for facial lymphomassage

Therapeutic and cosmetic lymphatic drainage facial massage requires special training and knowledge of anatomical features. In particular, the location of the lymph nodes and the direction of lymph flow in the facial area. If you are not sure that you will perform the massage correctly, we recommend that you contact a professional massage therapist. Otherwise, manipulating your face at home will do more harm than good.

So, Basic Rules:

Lymphatic drainage massage technique

Watch the video and get acquainted with the detailed technique of performing a manual, self-administered lymphatic drainage facial massage:

And now briefly about each of the main stages of lymphatic drainage massage at home:

Lymphatic drainage facial massage can be done at home with honey. Watch a video about this massage technique with recommendations and secrets from actress Olga Sumskaya:


In salons, you can be offered a hardware or manual method of lymphatic drainage facial massage. A specialist will tell you which technique is best for you. Try it various ways to find the perfect facial rejuvenation option. You can perform the massage yourself, the effect will also be excellent: your face will acquire a fresh and toned appearance after just a few regular sessions.

To get the best effect from beauty care, experts advise paying attention to facial lymphatic drainage.

It allows you to have young and tightened skin without radical surgical rejuvenation methods.

In addition, positive changes can be achieved not only by turning to professionals, but also by home performance massage.

Facial lymphatic drainage – what is it?

Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity and freshness, which becomes noticeable in appearance, and especially on the face. This is expressed by the appearance of swelling, etc.

Deficiencies arise due to disturbed water-salt balance in the body, which leads to the accumulation of toxins and excess liquid substance. They are eliminated using the lymphatic system.

In this case, lymphatic drainage massage can help speed up this process.

For lymphatic drainage disorders, those types that lead to normal functioning of the lymphatic system are useful. Let's talk about everything in order.

10 indications for the procedure

It is necessary to resort to massage both when there are manifestations of lymph congestion, and when carrying out prevention.

Signs that a massage is already required are certain problems that appear on the face.


  • swelling;
  • hypertrophied dryness of the epidermis,
  • acne;
  • uneven tone, redness;
  • formation of deep nasolabial furrows;
  • drooping upper eyelids;
  • the appearance of a double chin;
  • formation of facial wrinkles;
  • withering of the skin with signs of fatigue;
  • blurred border of the face.

First of all, facial massage improves blood circulation, so it can have a positive effect on your appearance.

Dermatological surgeon Jessica Kim

Prohibitions to the procedure (11 contraindications)

There are several reasons for refusing facial lymphatic drainage.


  1. under 16 years of age;
  2. there are wounds, acne in the treatment area;
  3. there are malfunctions in the functioning of the lymphatic system, inflammatory manifestations in the lymph nodes in the facial area;
  4. abnormalities in blood clotting;
  5. existing or previously suffered colds, especially ENT varieties;
  6. symptoms of hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  7. excessive emaciation of the face;
  8. cancer;
  9. menstrual cycle;
  10. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  11. chronic fatigue, long-term depression.

To avoid unforeseen complications, before lymphatic drainage massage sessions, you should consult a specialist for advice.

If you have undergone contouring and previously had regular massages, you should wait at least two weeks after the session before massaging your face. After all, you can worsen the final result.

Dermatologic surgeon Corey Frucht

What complications are possible?

After lymphatic drainage, you may encounter troubles. But they are easy to avoid. Namely:

  1. Rashes. It is necessary to change the massage oil and clean the skin better after the massage is completed.
  2. Swelling. You will need to eliminate excessively oily massage compositions and move the time of the procedure from evening to morning.
  3. Sagging that has not disappeared. Consequently, a gentle pressure was applied and used an insufficient amount massage product.

With severe facial weight loss, you need to reduce the number of massages performed and ease the pressure.

The following hardware lymphatic drainage technologies exist:

  • electrogalvanized performed by a weak galvanic current. It stimulates cell function and collagen production;
  • vacuum accelerates lymphatic drainage due to the effect of negative pressure on the epidermis. As a result, swelling decreases after the first manipulation;
  • microcurrent is done by penetrating a weak current into the muscle fibers. The tissues contract, affecting the smoothing of deep wrinkles, moisturizing the skin by normalizing the functioning of the fat glands;
  • – the massage comes from compressed air supplied by a special mask using a pulse wave. In this procedure, the computer monitors the degree of pressure and pulse wave and adjusts them according to the specified strength and time of application. The manipulation activates circulation and speeds up the removal of liquid substances from the body.

Microcurrent therapy is gaining popularity. It is performed with special conductive gloves. They are also called “magic pens”. But to achieve results, it is worth conducting about 10 sessions.

Dermatologist Deborah Longwill

Manual lymphatic drainage

A manual procedure is performed using force on the facial muscles, as a result of which it relaxes.

The manipulation is carried out in salon conditions a specialist, and at home with your own hands, but only after studying the implementation of the chosen technique.

As a rule, the effect of a massage after a professional is always more noticeable. However home procedure, if you try, it will give the desired result.

Of the 2 manual facial lymphatic drainage methods, Japanese and hemolymphatic drainage are distinguished. The first is based on point acupuncture, the second acts in all layers of the epidermis.

Manual lymphatic drainage massages are divided into 3 types:

  • surface– it only treats skin cells;
  • median– all epidermal layers are located in the affected area;
  • deep– with it the emphasis is on the facial muscles and lymphatic vessels.

You need to start performing the manipulation yourself after studying the massage directions on the face.

It must be done in a cleansed and relaxed state. Otherwise, it is not difficult to get a negative effect from the pseudo-procedure.

Whatever technique is chosen, the doctor first examines the patient and cleanses the face before and after the sessions. A session costs more than 800 rubles.

5 rules for preparing for the procedure

To get the expected benefit from the procedure, you must follow certain rules.

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail or pin it up so that it does not fall on the facial area.
  2. Wash your face using your usual cleanser and remove any residual makeup.
  3. Exfoliate with a scrub, preceded by steaming the skin to open it up. It is enough to bend over the container with hot water(herbal decoction) or use a damp hot towel - place it on your face for a couple of minutes. Intensive rubbing of the heated epidermis will also not be superfluous.
  4. Apply a moisturizing composition to the skin. It is easy to prepare it yourself from grape (strawberry) juice and high-fat cream.
  5. Okay, until you feel warm, rub your hands.

Preparation is necessary, then the fingers and palms of the hands will slide smoothly over the face.

Technique for performing facial lymphatic drainage (8 stages)

It requires the use of a cream that will facilitate the manipulation and nourish the epidermis with useful substances.

  1. Using the pads of the fingers (index, middle, ring) of both hands, press in the middle of the forehead and gradually move towards the temples with stroking movements. This will smooth out forehead wrinkles.
  2. Move your fingers along the upper eyelid from the outer to the inner edge and back. The movements go first above the eyelash line, then under the eyebrows.
  3. Apply pressure along the lower eyelid, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending at the temples. The return path is above the upper eyelid.
  4. Smooth out the nasolabial furrows by running your fingers along the contour of the furrows and applying gentle pressure in centimeter increments.
  5. Tone the cheek muscles by using your palms to massage the central area from the jaw area to the eyes in a circular motion.
  6. Eliminate sagging cheeks by applying pressure from the bottom reverse side palms on the sides of the chin, gradually moving upward.
  7. Trace the contour of your lips with 2 tightly pressed fingers, which will help in the fight against.
  8. Move the bottom of the back of your hand (pressing it firmly) from the center of the chin to the temples. This will reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Each episode is repeated 8–10 times with gentle strokes and gentle pressure movements.

Question answer

Lymphatic drainage will help prevent skin sagging when trying to lose weight.

It is impossible to answer this question precisely, because each type has its own advantages. The doctor chooses which method to prefer when working with a particular patient. It is based on the condition of the epidermis and the desired outcome. In this case, a specialist requires proper qualifications and experience working with lymphatic drainage devices to perform a massage.

Oriental rejuvenation procedures

Anti-aging lymphatic drainage massage by Maeda Tooru (Japan) is particularly effective. All pinching movements are repeated until the skin acquires a pinkish color.

  • You need to pinch your chin lightly and often. Advances to the ear are made along the lower part of the face. Pinching will result in a pleasant tingling sensation.
  • You should pinch under the chin with your head raised up. Pinching under the chin is carried out from the middle to the ears. The result is a tightened oval face and elastic epidermis.
  • Smooth the chin with 3 fingers slowly, pressing lightly from the middle to the ears.
  • Smooth the skin of the neck on the right side, turning your head to the left and lifting your chin, using movements with gentle pressure. Turning your head to the right, repeat the same on the left side of your neck.

The duration of such a session is up to 20 minutes. Finish the massage with an ice cube and apply cream to the skin in accordance with its type. This completion of the procedure will add tone to the epidermis.

Universal massage according to Akhabadze

You can learn how to do it in a few days. With massage it is easy to achieve:

  • activation of internal processes (lymph flow, blood movement);
  • relaxing muscle tension;
  • removal of excess liquid;
  • improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • strengthening the epidermis and blood vessels.

To prevent age-related changes, 2 sessions per week are sufficient. If the problems are more significant, the course is increased to 5 massages.

The execution scheme fits into several approaches.

  1. The neck is treated by stroking the fingers along the lateral lines of the face along the marked dotted line from the sternum to the center of the chin.
  2. Stroking the face from the midline with palms spread to the sides. In this case, the middle and index fingers are on the lips.
  3. Movements in the mouth area are made clockwise. The free hand is placed to the ear, the working hand makes a circle along the nasolabial folds.
  4. Next, the 3 middle fingers move from the wings of the nose to the temples along the cheekbones.
  5. A series of circular movements in the eye area from the outer corner along the eyebrow line with the index and middle fingers.
  6. A figure eight is drawn in the eye area with your fingers. The working hand comes from the outer corner, the free hand lies on the temple.
  7. Using movements with vibration, the fingers move along the eye socket from the outside upward, while the circle does not end, but the eyebrows are skipped.
  8. On the forehead, the palms of the hands move with stroking from the bridge of the nose to the hair.
  9. Vibration is performed alternately across the face with the fingers. Movements go from the center of the forehead, the wings of the nose, the corners of the lips, the middle of the chin to the sides.

For prevention, 3 - 5 repetitions are necessary, to get rid of the resulting changes - 5 - 7. The short-term effect is visible immediately. To prolong the result, a course of treatment is necessary.

The appearance of edema, the first wrinkles, and sagging is associated with disruption of the lymphatic system. It plays an important role in the process of renewal, cleansing of the skin, and saturation of tissues with nutrients. With age or under the influence unfavorable factors cosmetic problems are observed. Lymphatic drainage facial massage restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin and provides a noticeable rejuvenation effect. Great way take care of the beauty and health of your skin with an affordable procedure.

Efficiency of the technique

Performing a professional facial drainage massage will allow you to notice immediate results. Not only the condition of the face, but also the whole body will improve. Headaches and insomnia go away, immune functions increase.

After completion, lymphatic drainage is restored, toxins and oxidants are removed. Recommended for use when water-salt balance is disturbed in adults. Swelling and puffiness are easily corrected using lymphatic drainage techniques, which help disperse accumulated fluid in the subcutaneous tissue.

Indications for performance:

  • swelling of the eyelids and face;
  • displacement of the oval contour;
  • deep wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial triangle area;
  • dry skin, flaking;
  • problematic, oily skin with enlarged pores;
  • dark circles, bruises under the eyes;
  • flabbiness, unhealthy color;
  • the appearance of jowls, a double chin;
  • expression wrinkles.

Lymph is a specific fluid flowing through thin channels. The speed of its movement is slower than blood flow, a significant decrease is observed over the years. In order to speed up its outflow, allowing you to remove toxins and achieve rejuvenation, a special cosmetological massage technique is performed.

It is based on gradual heating of tissues through alternating gentle techniques. Due to this, excess fluid is removed from the subcutaneous tissue, puffiness and swelling are relieved.

Execution Rules

A special feature of performing lymphatic facial massage techniques is the slow, smooth effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to influence intracellular processes and achieve lasting anti-aging results.

You can master this type of tactile manipulation yourself at home. Important to consider general recommendations to achieve the desired effect.


  • All movements are directed along the flow of lymph - from bottom to top. The basis is classic massage lines.
  • Unlike plastic and plucked types, techniques are performed slowly and smoothly. This allows you to avoid trauma to blood vessels and the appearance of rosacea.
  • Despite the lack of noticeable development of the facial muscles, the result can be compared with a non-surgical lift.

Important point! To perform facial lymphomassage procedures, special gels and creams are used to remove toxins. You can replace it with honey, if you don’t have it allergic reaction will be an excellent alternative to professional cosmetics.

Types of massage

There are 2 impact techniques to improve lymph outflow - manual (manual) and hardware. Depending on the intensity of the impact, they are distinguished - superficial, middle and deep. Depending on the condition of the client’s skin and the desired result, the doctor selects the optimal type of technique.


The influence is carried out with special devices that influence the condition of the integument using microcurrents, vacuum, and high-frequency vibrations. Blood circulation improves, skin firmness and elasticity increases. Thanks to modern technologies, we select for each client individual program, taking into account the characteristics of the dermis. Ensures deep penetration of cosmetics and correction of the jawline.

Prescribed after 30 years, suitable for all skin types. At a young age, it is used in the treatment of acne, as well as to get rid of facial wrinkles.


Using devices that supply low voltage current, It is possible to get rid of swelling and remove fluid from the subcutaneous tissue. The upper layers of the skin are worked on. The duration of the procedure can take from 10 to 60 minutes, the course consists of 10–15 sessions. It is carried out 1–2 times a week.


  1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities, the skin is treated with degreasing compounds.
  2. Afterwards, a gauze mask is applied, soaked in a special composition, the ingredients of which are selected depending on the cosmetic purposes of the procedure.
  3. Electrode treatment is carried out. A cosmetologist has 2 types in his arsenal - passive and active. The first one is in the hands of the client, the second one performs a massage.
  4. Then apply nourishing mask or cream selected according to skin type.

During the session, any discomfort is excluded. If necessary, you can repeat the course after 3–4 months.


Using current it is possible to improve the penetration of cosmetic compositions into the deep layers of the epidermis. The effect is carried out along the massage lines using a special device. The duration of the session takes from 5 to 15 minutes, the number of procedures is from 6 to 8 with a frequency of once a week.


  1. Facial cleansing and disinfection.
  2. Applying a special gel or cosmetic product to the surface of the skin.
  3. The massage is performed using ultrasound with a frequency of 800 to 3000 kHz. The doctor makes light movements, gradually changing the power of the impact. The lower the frequency of the device, the higher the degree of penetration.

Note! During the procedure, the client feels light vibrations; painful or uncomfortable sensations are excluded.


The lymphatic system is affected using compressed air. The procedure allows you to get rid of cellulite and sagging body. It is possible to increase the protective properties of the dermis, firmness, and elasticity. During the session, the client wears a special suit and air is supplied with periodic pressure fluctuations. A session takes about 30 minutes and is prescribed in a course of 10–15 sessions. Do not apply to the face and neck area.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage

It is performed using a device with a small diameter vacuum nozzle. At home, they replace jars with a diameter of 33 mm. The duration takes from 5 to 7 minutes, the course includes 10–15 sessions with a frequency of every 3 days.


  1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and surface impurities.
  2. Apply massage oil to improve gliding.
  3. Having established the mode, the master makes a test movement. If a pink mark remains on the skin area, disappearing within a few seconds, the massage is carried out in the specified mode. With prolonged redness, the pressure is reduced.
  4. The supraclavicular nodes are stimulated with soft smooth movements.
  5. Then the cosmetologist moves to the lower part of the neck, moving along the middle and upper areas.
  6. The lower part of the face is worked along the lines from the chin to the lower jaw.
  7. Gradually the device moves to the area around the eyes. The movements are directed from the back of the nose to the temporal cavity. Afterwards - from the bridge of the nose along the line above the eyebrow arches to the temples.
  8. At the last stage, the face is cleansed of residual oil. A cream or restorative mask selected according to your skin type is applied.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

The procedure allows you to restore muscle fibers, eliminates the double chin and nasolabial folds. The duration of the session is 15 minutes, the course consists of 5–10 sessions with a frequency of 1 time per week. You can perform care at home using a device with a frequency of 1–300 Hz and a pulse flow strength of 20–80 μA.

The massage is carried out using a special gel according to the general galvanization protocol. The direction of movement is common for all types of lymphatic drainage massage - from bottom to top, from the center to the peripheral zones.


At home, you can perform self-massage, taking into account the features of the technique. The salon offers not only classic manual treatments. Spoons and brushes can be used to improve lymphatic drainage. The Japanese technique Yukuko Tanaka is effective, providing rejuvenation and restoration of renewal processes.

To enhance the effect, it should be used together with facial gymnastics. Manual technique consists of stroking and tapping techniques strictly along certain lines. It is carried out in salons in courses of 10–15 sessions, the frequency is determined individually. The procedure takes from 10 to 20 minutes. It is often prescribed in combination with hardware to achieve maximum effect.

Hemolymphatic drainage Russian massage from Margarita Levchenko:

  1. Cleanse your face, you can steam it with a compress or do it after taking a shower.
  2. Light tangential movements work the front area of ​​the neck. Direction - from bottom to top, stroking is performed alternately with the palms of the right and left hands.
  3. Stroking the lateral areas of the neck from the earlobes along the shoulder line, hand movements are symmetrical. Performed with the side surface of the brush.
  4. From the center point in the chest area, stroke alternately with your palms, moving along the line of the shoulders.
  5. Use your fingertips from the center of the chin to the ear tragus.
  6. Work a line from the corners of the mouth to the ear tragus.
  7. Stroking should be done from the back of the nose to the temples.
  8. From the bridge of the nose, parallel to the eyebrow arches, stroke towards the temples.
  9. From the center of the forehead to the temples, ending at the hairline towards the temples.
  10. After receiving stroking along the massage lines, rubbing with light pressure is carried out.
  11. Each technique is performed 3–5 times.
  12. Complete the complex by stroking the face and neck area.

Cost of the procedure

The price is determined depending on the type of lymphatic drainage massage, as well as the cosmetics used. The cost of a session starts from 1000 rubles, hardware procedures - from 1300 to 3000 rubles. Quantity necessary procedures determined individually, depending on the condition of the skin.

At home, it is not recommended to use techniques to speed up the movement of lymph. Execution requires experience and knowledge in cosmetology, anatomy, and medicine. It is difficult to assess the condition of the skin on your own; it is better to go to a salon or aesthetic medicine clinic. To achieve a professional result, it is recommended to take lessons and cosmetic massage courses.

Safety precautions

Like other types of hardware and manual massage, lymphatic drainage requires the implementation of a number of recommendations. This will allow you to avoid unwanted consequences while enjoying the results of proper spa care.

Precautionary measures:

  • Before performing the procedure, a cosmetologist is consulted;
  • the condition and type of the epidermis is assessed, the optimal type of impact is selected - manual or hardware;
  • the face needs to be cleansed using gels and foams from a professional, therapeutic line;
  • before performing the procedure, the master thoroughly washes his hands, be sure to remove the rings, and nails must be neatly trimmed;
  • before using creams, cosmetic preparations or honey during a massage should be tested on a small area of ​​skin to prevent a possible allergic reaction.

Attention! When performing lymphatic drainage massage on your own, you should master classical techniques and learn the basics of cosmetic manipulations. It is better to entrust the implementation to a professional, this technique has a profound effect.


  • infectious, viral diseases;
  • oncology;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and head;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hemophilia;
  • rosacea;
  • postoperative period.

For freshness and radiance of the skin, it is useful to use various massage techniques. Lymphatic drainage is considered one of the most effective for rejuvenation and oval correction. Effective way maintain and restore elastic structure, healthy, even complexion.

Useful videos

Lymphatic drainage massage by Yukuko Tanaka for facial rejuvenation.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage. Margarita Levchenko.

Facial massage with Margarita Levchenko.

At all times, women carefully looked after their bodies and facial skin, trying to maintain youth and beautiful skin color for as long as possible. The ladies were ready to bear any expense just to become at least a year or two younger. But creams and masks are not always enough to keep facial skin in good condition.

Modern cosmetologists have developed various procedures for rejuvenation that guarantee a tightening and smoothing effect. Different kinds facial exercises tone the muscles; massage will help restore the former shape and smooth out wrinkles, get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

By using correct technique massage can get rid of wrinkles and improve the overall condition of the skin.

Age massage for women aged 40 years and older

After 40 years, pronounced signs of aging begin to appear. Circles, crow's feet and bags under the eyes are the first sign that the function of the lymphatic system is impaired.

The slow movement of lymph flow provokes the accumulation of liquid compounds, causing swelling. The skin under the eyes is quite transparent and thin, so the fluid accumulated under it is more noticeable in the form of swelling. Comparing photos of ourselves in our youth, we can see an example of this.

More angular features, the shape of the nose and prominent cheekbones on the face indicate that the lymphatic system is working at 100%. The older we get, the more the nose becomes rounded, the cheeks sag and the eyes become less expressive due to constant swelling. Lymph serves as an excellent filter for cleansing the entire body of microbes, waste and toxins, removing them with the lymph flow during metabolism.

A less active lifestyle in older age significantly aggravates the situation. The result is impaired metabolism and pronounced signs of aging on the skin of the face.

Benefits of massage:

  • helps speed up the excretion of intercellular fluid;
  • improves the condition of capillaries;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • improves the general condition of the body;
  • helps get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • evens out the complexion and helps get rid of a double chin;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • reduces subcutaneous fat deposits;
  • restores collagen fibers.

By performing lymphatic drainage facial massage at home, you can achieve a rejuvenating effect, saving money on visiting salons. You can get rid of small facial wrinkles and sagging skin without harming your health and without surgical intervention. Combining cosmetical tools With lymphatic drainage procedures, you can get 10 years of rejuvenation.

Performing massage at home, preparation for the procedure and technique

Knowing all the subtleties and contraindications of lymphatic drainage massage, everyone can master the technique of performing it.

The main rules you need to know when starting a massage:

  • the procedure should not cause discomfort;
  • movements should be smooth and wavy, with light pressure.

To restore lymph outflow, make movements along certain lines on your face, moving from top to bottom. Perform movements, slowly moving from one area of ​​the face to another. It is advisable to massage after taking a bath or sauna, but you can also use the steaming technique with a warm towel. Carry out cleansing procedures to renew the skin and regenerate cells. Use a scrub or peeling.

Prepare the site where the procedure will take place. You should feel comfortable and relaxed. Try to relax your facial muscles as if you were sleeping. Ask your loved ones not to disturb you for a while. Make sure that your hair does not interfere with the massage; gather it in a bun or braid it.

General facial massage:

  • Apply cream to cleansed face and hands. It is better if it is an anti-aging agent or olive oil. The temperature of oils or creams should be above room temperature, but comfortable for the skin to perceive. Rub your palms together for a few seconds to warm them up. Now make several smooth, stroking movements with warm palms over your face, helping to relax the muscles;
  • Start from the top of your face. Make several round movements with your fingertips from the middle of your forehead to your ears. Do not stretch the skin, but gently stroke it. Repeat 3-4 times;
  • Now move on to the eye area. Place your fingertips on the bridge of your nose and make a smooth movement towards your temples. In the eye area, add light, gliding pressure. Several such movements will relieve you of swelling. Do this 4-5 times;
  • Continue the manual massage, moving your fingers from the temple to the bridge of the nose, moving along the eyebrow line. Make slow, spiral movements 2-3 times;
  • Place your middle fingers on the outer slits of your eyes, with your nail facing your ear. Make several pressing movements, rolling your finger from one side to the other. As you perform these rolls, work toward the bridge of your nose, moving along the edge of the skull bone under your eye sockets. Repeat 2 times;
  • Next, direct the movements to the cheek area. Use the pads of two fingers to circular movements from the center of the chin to the lower jaw. Then put index fingers to the corners of the lips, and with light pressure, pull them towards the temples. Make a few moves from upper lip to the ears. These manipulations will help you get rid of sagging cheeks;
  • Place your fingers in the nasolabial fold. Apply a few gentle pressures to improve blood flow;
  • The last stage of the massage is the chin. With slight pressure, guide thumbs from the middle of the chin, moving along the cheekbones, to the ears. Do these movements 4-5 times, this will help you return your face to its former definition;
  • Make several light patting movements over the entire surface of the face;
  • Rub your face with an ice cube for 10-15 seconds. Wash with cold water or herbal decoction. Complete the procedure by washing with warm water for 5-10 seconds.

By performing a massage after a hard day, you can take your mind off the hustle and bustle of the world and relax. With a little practice, you will understand how to massage, and soon the procedure will not take more than 15 minutes.

The technique of lymphatic drainage is quite simple; you will quickly remember the lines and points on your face that you need to work with, and you will be able to do it regularly. Cosmetologists advise resorting to lymphatic drainage massage every 4 months.

Manual technique is more effective. The course consists of 15 procedures, the break between which must be at least 2 days. This time is needed for the system to recover and get used to faster lymph exchange. A break between courses is recommended for at least 1 month.

Massage the skin around the eyes:

You can perform facial massage separately for swelling. Spend time on problem areas. If you are concerned about the problem of puffiness under the eyes, massage as follows:

  1. Movements from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes with light pressure at the bridge of the nose. Repeat 5-6 times;
  2. Move your fingers along the upper eyelid from the temple to the bridge of the nose. Do this movement 5-6 times;
  3. Press your fingertips firmly against the outer corners of your eyes and make 5-6 light pressing movements.

Who should not undergo lymphatic drainage procedures?

Despite its usefulness and accessibility, not everyone is allowed to do lymphatic drainage facial massage. There are some contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before starting the procedure. Also, if you feel unwell during a massage, consult a doctor.

List of contraindications:

  • inflammation or damage to the skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • facial neuralgia;
  • diseases of the blood and lymphatic system;
  • any stage of cancer;
  • high and low blood pressure;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy.

With these contraindications, massage can become a health hazard.

Massage for persons under 16 years of age is not a contraindication, but cannot be recommended by a doctor as a cosmetic procedure.

At this age, the body copes well with blood flow itself and does not need additional stimulation. The absence of a contraindication does not mean that the massage will give a positive result. But the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage procedures has been proven in relation to persons after adolescence. Using home massage after 16 years, you will get rid of pimples, blackheads and acne, reduce the number of sebaceous glands and improve your complexion.

What effect does the procedure have on the general condition of the body?

By doing a manual facial massage every 2-3 days, in addition to the rejuvenating effect, you will notice other changes in your body:

  • sleep is normalized;
  • your mood will improve;
  • forget about your headache;
  • the level of performance will increase;
  • get rid of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • resistance to stress will increase;
  • the menstrual cycle is normalized.

There is no way to pay for expensive procedures in salons, but at the same time you want to look young and irresistible? With certain skills, massage can be done at home. By spending just 15 minutes a day on a facial massage, you will significantly improve lymphatic drainage metabolism, restore youth to your skin and get rid of many unpleasant symptoms.

Do foundation and other cosmetic tricks no longer hide the eyebrow and nasolabial folds? Has the oval of the face “floated”? Do you have a double chin? Do not despair! Lymphatic drainage facial massage will become your “sculptor”. Having mastered the technique of massage along the lymphatic lines, you will restore the youth and freshness of your skin, and you will independently learn to work on “creating your face.” We will introduce you to the technique Japanese massage, which was presented to the Russians by Yukuko Tanaka, calling it “the morning sun.” We will tell you how to properly prepare the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for Zogan massage. You will find out what miracles of transformation are possible with the Charm device.

Why do you need lymphatic drainage massage - indications

The purpose of lymph is to transport protein, water, red blood cells, purified in the corresponding nodes, into the bloodstream. There are conditions when fluid circulating from bottom to top is retained in the tissues. Stagnation of lymph causes swelling and sagging skin. If it “stops” in the face and neck area, problems are noted:

  • swelling;
  • swelling of the eyes;
  • deep “drawing” of wrinkles;
  • pustular rashes;
  • unhealthy skin color.

In this case, your task is to activate circulation, conduct drainage, increasing the flow of fluid along the paths of the lymphatic system. This procedure is done mechanically: manual or hardware lymphatic drainage facial massage. With the answer to the question: why is massage needed, we have figured it out, now we move on to the main manipulations.

Stagnation of lymph causes swelling and sagging skin.

How to do lymphatic drainage facial massage at home: diagram

You should not be intimidated by complex terms - the facial care technique is simple, and the benefits are tangible. The massage is performed by gently stroking the oval with fingertips (or special attachments of the Charm apparatus), pressing and stretching movements. This technique is not difficult to learn; it is more difficult to remember the lines along which the massage therapist works. They are directed along the flow of fluid in the lymphatic system.

Get acquainted with the diagram of massage direction lines for different areas of the face.

  1. Chin: from the center to the middle of the auricle.
  2. Cheeks: from chin to earlobe. From the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear. From the upper lip to the temples.
  3. Forehead: towards the temples from the center.
  4. Eye area: from the bridge of the nose to the temples. From the outer tip of the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose (reverse movement).

Carry out your first lymphomassage procedure with professionals, remembering the sequence and direction of movement. If this is not possible, watch the video, sit in front of the mirror and repeat the movements of the trainer. When you can perform all the manipulations on “autopilot”, go to a lying position, relax and perform facial lymphomassage yourself - from memory.