Facial massage for rejuvenation, which can be done at home, is carried out with hands or special devices using oils and involves different techniques execution.

Massage is performed after injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin, and if the patient feels discomfort. It helps restore muscle function.

Indicated at different ages in the following cases:

At any age, facial massage is important for people with a double chin and people with dehydrated or dry skin.


  • oncology of nearby organs:
  • facial neuritis;
  • hypertension level 3;
  • acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • poor blood clotting.

Japanese massage

Facial massage for rejuvenation at home using Japanese technology is distinguished by the strength of its effect on the dermis. To strengthen the facial muscles, the hands should move along the lymphatic vessels. The procedure is performed in a sitting or standing position using simple massaging movements and applying a small amount of cream.

Systematic movements have a beneficial effect on the outflow of lymph, eliminate puffiness and improve the contour of the face.

The massage is performed with the following movements:

  1. The three middle fingers of the hand are folded tightly together, which should be placed close to the ears and pressed to the skin.
  2. Hold in this position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Applying the same pressure to the skin, move your palms from the neck to the collarbone.
  4. Hold your fingers in the collarbone area for a few moments.

When implementing it, it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  1. Before starting the manipulations, it is necessary to study the location of the lymph nodes, and massage the skin in these places carefully, without stress.
  2. Pre-clean your face with cosmetics.
  3. Understand how to perform the technique correctly.

Vacuum massage

The technique involves the use of a special device (cans). The jar creates pressure on the dermis, then small hematomas appear. In this case, the body throws regenerative forces into this area, and a process of overcompensation occurs. As a result of microtraumas, the tone of the facial muscles is improved and the internal skin layers are regenerated.

Stages of implementation:

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage technique helps fight swelling, excess chin and can normalize subcutaneous circulation. It is preferable to do massage at home manually. The procedure is painless and involves a combination of stroking, circular and tapping effects along certain lines.

To do this you need:

Buccal massage

Facial massage for rejuvenation at home, which is called buccal, involves kneading the facial muscles in the cheek area from the inside and outside. Helps lose weight and relax facial muscles.


The duration of the first session should not be more than 10-15 minutes. The massage must be carried out quickly to avoid negative sensations or traces of impact. The course ranges from 10 to 15 sessions. Taking breaks is not recommended. After the first manipulation, the skin will tighten a little, and after five, the effect will be significant.

Lifting massage

Helps make skin firm and toned. The procedure is indicated for the prevention of getting rid of wrinkles and for relieving tension in facial muscles. Perform along massage lines that coincide with the direction of the lymph vessels. This promotes minimal stretching of the dermis and rids cells of excess fluid.

The correct direction for massaging parts of the face:

And also follow the massage lines:

  • from the sides of the nostrils to the center;
  • in the nose area from bottom to top;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ears;
  • from the center of the chin to the earlobes.

Do it with alternating movements using stroking, kneading, patting and rubbing. When performing this, massage oil is used: a few drops of aromatic oil are added to the main oil. As a result of the procedures, the skin becomes healthy looking, bags under the eyes disappear, the oval of the face is leveled, nasolabial wrinkles are smoothed out.

Acupressure with almond oil

Almond oil is an excellent remedy for combating skin aging. Thanks to the composition, which contains many vitamins, antioxidants, microelements and fatty acids, the substance easily penetrates the epidermis, activates cell restoration, and renews the deep layers of the dermis. Helps get rid of fine wrinkles.

Acupressure technique:

Repeat each movement 5-6 times.

Plastic massage

At home, having certain skills, you can do plastic massage for rejuvenation. In this case, blood circulation is activated, skin tightness improves, and facial muscles are strengthened.

Rejuvenates the dermis and gets rid of fatty tissue.

The course involves 10-15 sessions, which are carried out every other day. After its completion, carry out maintenance procedures 2 times. per month. Do it with vibration, fixing and pressing movements. They should be alternated with each other and carried out only along massage paths. The technique is distinguished by special kneading, which is performed in a reciprocating circular motion.

Myofascial massage

It differs in its effect on the intermediate zones between muscles. To do this, you need to have a deep knowledge of anatomy and have high accuracy.

Main levels of the procedure:

Next, perform the twisting process in the area near the ears. Here, their back area needs to be pushed back and the ears should be massaged with your thumbs. Then stretch the cheekbones and forehead. All these manipulations are aimed at improving the functioning of the muscle membrane, which leads to rejuvenation.

Spanish massage

Spanish massage is aimed at strengthening and removing various deficiencies in muscle tissue. Focused on the ultimate restoration of elasticity of all facial tissues, which occurs during deep relaxation, as well as getting rid of wrinkles and swelling of the face.

Basic principles of technology:

  • during a certain period, use only one type of massage;
  • when exposed, it is necessary to take into account the special characteristics of the body of a particular person;
  • manipulations contain about 100 different techniques, which does not allow the body to get used to certain influences;
  • Each maneuver is flexible in its own way, which eliminates pain.

Spanish massage has the following varieties:

  1. Myotensive. Gives elasticity to the joints of muscles and joints.
  2. Somatoemotional. Strengthens the nervous system through opposite sensations: from gentle to harsh.
  3. Lymphatic drainage. Removes excess fluid in tissues.
  4. Hemolymphatic. Improves blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure.
  5. Neurosedative. Relieves stress and irritability, normalizes sleep.

Honey massage

Facial massage for rejuvenation at home using honey is carried out to improve color and rejuvenation. You should first test to see if you have an allergic reaction to this product.

To carry out the procedure, take the following steps:

For greater effectiveness, add a little essential oil to the product. Perform the procedure no more than 2 times. in Week.

Chinese massage

Chinese massage has a healing effect on the entire body. Painless and safe, it helps to relax the nervous system. There are points on the face that are responsible for one or another organ. A properly done procedure can rejuvenate the skin and stop the aging of the entire body.

There are several types:

Tibetan massage

The main idea of ​​the technique is to recharge the body with energy, cleanse the aura and rejuvenate the dermis of the face. The main secret is to use essential oils.

Basic Rules:

It is advisable to carry out manipulations 2-3 times. in Week

Pinch massage

The technique stimulates the movement of blood flow on the face, tense muscle areas relax and gradually smooth out. This is done by regular pinching.

  • seborrhea;
  • presence of scars;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • excessive work of the sweat glands;
  • poor blood circulation.

Performed using talc. Grasp a small part of the facial skin with the middle phalanx index finger and a large pad and release. It is not recommended to delay. It is necessary to capture the dermis with subcutaneous tissue.

The procedure time is 10 minutes. For high effectiveness, do cosmetic sessions daily for a month. Then you can carry them out up to 2-3 times. in Week.

Modeling massage according to Dubinina's method

The massage is aimed at awakening the deepest facial muscles. Daily modeling exercises help get rid of facial wrinkles and sagging facial skin. Exercises are carried out with great resistance to activate muscle work in front of a mirror.


  • relax and sit on a chair;
  • rinse your face with cool water;
  • Use both hands to stroke the entire facial surface from top to bottom;
  • With 3 fingers, touch the central part of the forehead, press and pull the skin upward. Do 5 times for 10 seconds;
  • pronounce the sounds “U”, “Y”, “S”, “O” with maximum resistance and at the same time use facial expressions;
  • raise your head up and say the letter “P”, at the same time smoothing the chin area. Helps get rid of excess chin.

It is advisable to spend 10 minutes charging. daily.

Recommendations from experts: How to choose the right massage technique

There are classic simple types massages that you can learn to do yourself. They include light stroking, patting and rubbing. These can be anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage and relaxation techniques.

But to select the procedure, there are professionals who will select the necessary treatment method. This is a medical procedure, and the specialist must have the appropriate education.

Massage in experienced hands acquires healing powers and relieves diseases.

Facial massage is very useful for rejuvenation. It helps smooth out wrinkles, relieves facial muscles from sagging and produces a lifting effect. By learning how to do it at home, and with regular practice, you can give your appearance a fresh, blooming look and delay old age.

Video about facial massage for wrinkles

How to do facial massage at home:

Japanese facial massage, technique features:

Is it possible to achieve a real facial rejuvenation effect at home? Yes. Moreover, there are a lot of ways to visually become 10 years younger and get rid of wrinkles. One of them is the super popular Japanese massage, which is easy to do yourself at home.

Lifting effect

Persons Japanese women cause admiration. Regardless of age, they are strikingly fresh. There are no wrinkles, jowls, or swelling under the lower eyelids. Japanese women look not 10, but 20 years younger than their biological age! It seems that the female half of the nation, after twenty years, uses expensive procedures.

The simple secret is a healthy low-carbohydrate diet and proper skin care. Japanese rejuvenating massage allows you to achieve a lifting effect without surgery, by stimulating subcutaneous muscle tissue and toning the skin. Just fifteen to twenty minutes a day, and literally in a week a noticeable result is guaranteed. A month later daily use You can visually reduce your age by 10 years.

Features of massage

It is not easy to get a good lift without special cosmetic procedures at home, but a special Japanese massage guarantees smooth skin after the second procedure. The fact is that it acts in several directions:

  • dermis;
  • connective tissue;
  • skull bones;
  • facial muscles.

A special technique allows you to work very deeply on the face, tone the muscles, dermis, and restore bones correct position, normalize lymph flow. The beneficial effect affects the energy of the body. As a result, the face becomes young and the skin is perfect.

But in order to be able to correct age-related changes with a massage, remodel the face, and get a real lift at home, stroking is indispensable. To become beautiful again, you will have to work quite hard, every day, using manual techniques.

Massage results

Massage by Japanese system gives a complex result:

  • muscle relaxation;
  • normalization of lymphatic and blood flow;
  • improving skin respiration and cell nutrition;
  • removal of toxins;
  • evacuation of excess liquid;
  • stimulation of blood vessels and dermis;
  • face lifting;
  • contour tightening;
  • disappearance of fat depots in the chin and cheeks;
  • increase in the body's energy.

I came up with one of the massage options, and there is a general scheme for working out the face, suitable for women of any age, as well as individual movements to work out obvious deficiencies. Thus, rejuvenating self-massage allows you to solve specific problems associated with age-related changes after 40, 50, 60 years: deep skin creases, jowls, pronounced nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes, on the bridge of the nose.

By paying attention to yourself every day, you can stop the passage of time, regain your youthful oval, correct deficiencies and look 10 years younger.

Operating technique

The impact on the face should be quite strong, but without pain. In the area of ​​the lymph nodes, the touch should be light and delicate, in other areas energetic and sensitive.

To prepare your face, you need to clean it of makeup. If the massage is carried out independently, you should sit comfortably in front of the mirror; if the work is carried out by a masseuse, you can lie down.

You will need a massage oil suitable for your skin type: olive, jojoba, peach, wheat germ, etc. The product must be cosmetic, not essential. An oil solution of tocopherol (vitamin E) is suitable.

A simple scheme that is ideal for beginners at home is as follows.

  1. Press the center three fingers of each hand firmly into the center of your forehead. With effort, move them towards the temporal region. Repeat the movement ten times.
  2. Work on the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. This point, Japanese massage therapists are convinced, is good for removing toxins. It is necessary to perform vertical movements with the fingers of both hands moving in opposite directions. Something like intense rubbing of the bridge of the nose occurs. Repeat five times to reduce the depth of wrinkles.
  3. This is how you can tighten your double chin. Press your fingers tightly to the submandibular area, draw a line to the sides and upward, to the temporal region. You should try to perform the movement so that the corners of the lower lip rise. This technique perfectly rejuvenates due to stimulation active points. Repeat ten times.
  4. Exercises for correcting fatty tissue of the cheeks. Press your fingers to the corners of your mouth. Pressing firmly on the tissue, draw a line to the temporal area. At the temples themselves and next to the ears, the force of impact should be minimal. Repeat ten times.
  5. Massage the “apples” - the highest parts of the cheeks that form at the moment of smiling. Again we move from the edges of the lips to the temples, passing through the indicated area in a circular motion. Repeat ten times.
  6. Place your fingers tightly on the base of the eyebrow line. Press the skin quite firmly, as if outlining the contour of the eyes. The exercise will allow you to get rid of the blackness under the lower eyelids and emerging wrinkles.
  7. Move your fingers under the eye socket in the area of ​​swelling, bags, and gently work these places with your fingers. Repeat the movement ten times.

The given scheme is an excellent prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, so you can start a rejuvenating massage after 20 years. Thirty-year-old Japanese women look 10 years younger than their European friends because they regularly undergo anti-aging procedures.

Facial massage techniques after 40 years

At an older age, what is needed is not prevention, but real correction, lifting, effective disposal from emerging wrinkles. After 40 years, you need to fight age-related changes more intensively, otherwise you won’t be able to look 10 years younger.

Therefore, the facial massage technique becomes more complicated. The task is to work more deeply in the area of ​​the “nose lips” and jowls, to correct the oval of the face, and to remove sagging skin in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin.

  1. Make a ring from your index finger and thumb. Press it to the lower border of the nasolabial triangle and slowly, firmly draw a line to the edge of the lips, then to the center of the chin.
  2. Unravel the ring of fingers, place your fingers on the submandibular area and slowly, gently draw a line to the temporal lobe, and then lower it down to the collarbones. Repeat the entire complex starting with the ring technique three times.
  3. Press your fingers tightly to your chin, then to the edges of your lips, holding each press for two to three seconds, then move to the wings of your nose. Smoothly move your entire outstretched palm across your face to your ears, drawing the lymph down to your collarbones. Repeat three times. This exercise is great for quickly getting rid of wrinkles.
  4. Find the cheek muscle and press the fingers of one hand against it. Place the second hand on top of the first and, with such stronger pressure, work the muscle, drawing a line to the ear.
  5. The first hand moves to the collarbone, the second - from the edge of the lower jaw to the center of the chin. Repeat smoothing three times.
  6. To get rid of jowls, you need to put your fingers in a ring and, with strong pressure, hang it over the sagging skin from the edges of the mouth to the ears with both hands at once. Do this three times, then gently, with open palms, drain the lymph to the collarbones.
  7. Massage your cheeks with a strong movement from the bottom of the nostrils to the ear area. After the third repetition, go down to the collarbone area.
  8. After the procedure, you need to blot your face with a dry cloth or paper napkin, rinse with warm water.

For whom massage is contraindicated?

Massage using the described technology has its contraindications.

  • acute disease of the ENT organs, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, symptoms of a runny nose and colds;
  • any inflammatory processes associated with the ears;
  • the period before critical days;
  • inflammation of the facial skin;
  • skin diseases of any etiology;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Proper, regular massage according to the Japanese method at home is not only excellent prevention and effective lifting, but also a real alternative to Botox. Become more beautiful and 10 years younger using the secret of Japanese women!

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

Every girl wants to look great in at different ages. And representatives of the fair sex are ready to spend a lot of effort and time to remain young, well-groomed and beautiful. But in fact, there are a lot that can be used at home. And many of them do not require any special financial costs, and this primarily applies to massages. Thus, the Japanese massage “become 10 years younger” gives an excellent rejuvenating effect.

This massage is also known as Asahi massage, which means “morning sun”. This method of influence came to us from ancient times and became famous thanks to one stylist. Literally after two procedures you will be able to notice the positive effect of this massage.

Japanese massage is essentially a self-massage; it will take you literally ten minutes to perform. This procedure will help improve your face line, get rid of a double chin and provide beautiful cheekbones. However, it should not be performed on girls who suffer from diseases of the lymphatic system and ailments of the ENT organs. General malaise is also considered a contraindication to this procedure.

How to perform a Japanese facial massage “10 years younger”?

To carry out such an effect, you need to use oil, for example, or some other kind. It should be distributed over the palms, and then applied to a cleansed face and smeared evenly. Next, start the massage.

Gymnastics for a “10 years younger” face begins with speeding up the flow of lymph. To do this, place your hands at your temples, then move them down, pressing well, ending with a movement from the neck to the collarbones. Such exercises must be repeated three times a day. If any area is problematic for you, repeat the exercise four to five times.

Having dispersed the lymph, move to the forehead area. Place your hands in the middle, press on the skin, turn your hands towards your temples and lower yourself down, as in the first exercise.

Now start taking care of your eyes. Please note that there are areas with particularly delicate skin near them. So, if you could apply good pressure on your forehead, then near your eyes the force of influence should be about three times less. First, run your hands under your eyes, moving from the outer corner to the inner corner. Then smoothly swipe in a circular motion directly above the eyebrows (you can press the skin a little harder here). Then go down and go under the eyes again - starting from the outer corner and moving towards the inner. Place your fingers on the bridge of your nose, then point your hands in the opposite direction. Apply pressure on the outer corners and slightly stretch them to the sides. Lock in this position for a couple of seconds. Then move your hands to your temples, and then again along your neck to your collarbones.

Now place your hands on your chin and move harder upward, as if circling your palms near your lips. Finish the movement so that your hands reach the base of your nose. Repeat this exercise twice, and the third time, from the base of the nose, make another movement along the cheeks to the temple, and then down, along the neck and to the collarbones.

Place your hands at the base of your nose and make several circular pressures - first on the tip of the nose, and then smoothly move up and massage your nose with movements from top to bottom. When finishing the exercise, move your hands from your nose to your temples, then move down the lymph to your collarbones.

To perform this exercise, place your fingers horizontally at the base of your nose. Move your hands towards your ears. Then turn your hands ninety degrees and move them down to your neck. The pressure can be quite strong.

Now place one hand at the chin, and move the other diagonally, moving from the cheekbone up along the cheek. Reach your nose and move in the opposite direction - to the temple and down to the collarbone. Repeat on the other side.

Cup your palms together so that their bases touch. Bring them to the base of your nose, run the back of them along your cheekbones to your temple and down to your collarbones. Then fold your hands in the same way, placing them on both sides of the corners of your lips. Run your hands firmly along the cheekbones to the temples, and then direct the movement towards the neck.

Now place the pads of your palm under your chin and move your hand along your chin up to the base of your ear. Thumb it should go behind the earlobe. Next, lower your hand down to your collarbone. Also repeat the exercise on the second side.

Place your hands in a house so that thumbs looked down, and the rest looked up. Position them so that your thumbs are under your chin and your fingers are above your nose. Next, open your face, moving your hands to the sides towards the temples, then lower your hands along your neck to your collarbones.

The final exercise is aimed at eliminating wrinkles on the forehead. In this case, you need to make vertical movements with your fingers on your forehead with pressure. To do this, place your hands in the middle of your forehead and move towards your temples. Then lower your hands to your collarbones along your neck.

A Japanese facial massage for wrinkles will actually require a small amount of time on your part. You can do it every day.

Additional Information

To rejuvenate the body and eliminate the symptoms of aging, not only massage at home can be used, but also medicinal compositions prepared from improvised means.

Traditional medicines for rejuvenation can be used both for local application and for internal use.

So for internal consumption it is worth preparing equal shares (one hundred grams each) of dry, St. John's wort and. Grind all prepared ingredients and mix together. Brew a tablespoon of the prepared mixture with half a liter of just boiled water and leave for a quarter of an hour to infuse. Strain the resulting medicine and divide it into halves. Drink one of them in the evening, just before bed, and the second in the morning, shortly after waking up. Repeat until the prepared collection is finished.

To eliminate wrinkles and other signs of skin aging, you can prepare your own masks from available products. So an excellent effect is obtained by using half a medium one, grated. It needs to be mixed with a tablespoon of almond oil and one fresh yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to your skin for forty minutes. Next, wash your face with warm water, and then rinse with cold water. Apply moisturizer to your skin.

The use gives a remarkable effect. Prepare a couple of tablespoons of this raw material, mix with a tablespoon of fat and a teaspoon. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply them to your face for half an hour. Afterwards, blot your skin with a paper towel. You can also leave the mask on overnight, so it will give the maximum positive effect.

You can also cope with wrinkles using a mask based on. A tablespoon of such raw materials should be combined with a tablespoon of fat sour cream, a teaspoon lemon juice and the same amount of quality honey. Leave this mixture on the skin until it dries, then wash with cool water.

Specialists traditional medicine claim that to eliminate wrinkles on the face you need to combine a tablespoon with the same amount of dry and. Then grind all the prepared ingredients in a coffee grinder. Brew the resulting mixture with a small amount of boiling water until a thick paste is obtained. Cool it to a pleasant warm temperature, apply to your face and leave for twenty minutes. Next, wash your face with warm water.

To rejuvenate facial skin, traditional medicine experts also advise combining a couple of tablespoons of fresh with the same amount. Brew this raw material with one glass of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for an hour, then strain. Strain the resulting broth and squeeze out the plant material. Spill it out. The resulting ice should be used to wipe the skin of the face in the mornings and evenings. This recipe will help smooth your skin and eliminate wrinkles.

It is quite possible to maintain it at home appearance at a decent level, using a minimum of time and effort. Also watch a film that discusses Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan (Russian voice acting)

Ekaterina, www.site


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recognized as one of the most effective, it’s enough just to remember the smooth and radiant with health and light faces of Japanese women, who remain attractive and youthful until old age. The secret of such skin preservation is simple - special techniques and massage methods make it possible to get rid of visible signs of aging on the face. Japanese massage Suitable for almost any skin type and its features, as well as for a thin face.

Japanese facial massage- this is a combination of various movements and techniques, the main goal of which is to create a “new face”, namely:

  • removal of excess subcutaneous fat cells;
  • giving the skin a beautiful and toned appearance;
  • Providing a positive effect on the facial muscles, increasing their tone.

Japanese masters call the procedures “shaping,” and indeed, thanks to this massage, the face practically changesrejuvenates and takes on a healthy, radiant appearance.


Japanese facial massage, video which you can watch on the pages of the World Wide Web, is based on the work of two fingers: the middle and index fingers. With their help, movements are carried out aimed at stimulating the penetration of nutrients into the skin tissue. Thanks to this effect, the skin will relax and the tissues will be able to for a long time stay fit and youthful.

Everyone who has taken at least one course loves itJapanese facial massage, their numerous reviews on forums, as well as the practice of cosmetologists only confirm this. Unusually soft and pleasant movements, there is almost no use of force, everything is so smooth and gentle - real bliss will envelop you during the session!


The procedure is aimed at helping the skin retain moisture in its cells. As a result of the massage, a certain soft barrier begins to form, through which moisture necessary for the skin, stops evaporating excessively. Thus, the elasticity of the skin lost with age is restored, tension in the facial muscles goes away, and “sagging” and wrinkles are removed. With helpJapanese facial massageyou can reallylook 10 years younger!


  • infectious diseases;
  • various fractures or deformities in the facial area;
  • cardiovascular diseases, lung and kidney problems;
  • allergic reactions;
  • general poor health.

Japanese facial massage from wrinkles recommended at any age, but before starting the procedure, the master must make sure that it cannot harm the client. Complete facial rejuvenation is the final result that is aimed at Japanese acupressure , and the techniques used are selected strictly individually; the video will tell you more about it. You can find descriptions on the Internet of how to do Japanese facial massage in pictures yourself at home, but training should be carried out by professionals. Therefore, do not put your face in danger, contact experienced massage therapists.VIDEO OF JAPANESE FACIAL MASSAGE

31.01.2017 2 175 0

A massage performed using Japanese technology will help improve the condition of mature skin. It is also called Asahi or Zogan massage. Just a few procedures will give your face a tightened contour, refresh its color and smooth out fine wrinkles. The uniqueness of the massage technique is that the mechanical effect is exerted not only on the skin, but also on the muscles of the face and bones of the skull. These techniques revitalize tissue by improving circulation, nutrition, and elimination of toxins. A large number of Those who begin to do Japanese massage note its positive effects not only on the physical, but also on the emotional level. After even one single session, your mood improves significantly and a feeling of vigor appears, so it is worth doing it in the morning, immediately after sleep, to achieve the greatest possible effect.

How not to get confused by the names - Asahi, Zogan, Zogan 2.

Asahi translated from Japanese means “rising sun”, this is a purely Russian designation, in Japan no one calls this massage that. If you try to go into a massage parlor and ask for Asahi, they will look at you like a weirdo, since Asahi there is a popular beer of the same name and the newspaper The Asahi Shimbun. The original name is Zogan, this is the name given to the famous facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka. What about Zogan 2? After a new video from Yukuko Tanaka reached us, everyone instantly gave it the name Zogan 2, in fact, if you translate a little from Japanese, you can understand that there is no Zogan 2, these are just additional movements for different face shapes. With the note "How to become 10 years younger." The original disc comes with booklets containing before and after photographs of girls of various ages after 50, after 60, after 40, after 30 with the results of the massage. They really look 10 years younger.

In addition to the face, you can also use the neck.

The effect of Zogan massage on the skin

Unlike traditional types, Japanese massage is accompanied by hypersensitivity. This is due to the fact that the main attention is paid to working out the lymphatic system. It is no secret that accumulated intercellular fluid and stagnation of lymph greatly contribute to the appearance of cosmetic defects.

Massage procedures eliminate these phenomena. The result is saturation of cells with oxygen, restoration of collagen tissue. Thanks to the Zogan technique they disappear dark circles and swelling in the eye area, the skin becomes stronger and the pores narrow.

Japanese massage is contraindicated for certain skin diseases, numerous warts and moles, herpes, open wounds and inflammatory processes.

You can entrust your face to professionals from beauty salons or learn a few simple techniques yourself. I recommend you the second option, it’s not difficult to learn massage, and the exercises don’t take much time. You don't have to lose it by making an appointment with a massage therapist. Doing everything with your own hands, you will feel every cell of your body, after the first results, which will be no worse than from “beauty injections,” you will be especially proud that you were able to do everything yourself, without spending a penny on it.

Preparatory procedures

First of all, the skin is cleansed of impurities using lotion, milk, and cream. You can use a coffee or oatmeal scrub to unclog clogged pores. After this, apply a moisturizer to make your fingers glide easily. Suitable instead of ready-made cosmetics natural oils, baby cream, squeezed juice.

A Zogan massage session takes 15-20 minutes and is a complex of stroking and pressing movements, which are performed alternately. Moreover, the lymph node areas are affected by a gentle stroking method, and the facial muscles are worked with sufficient pressure. All massage manipulations are carried out with 2-3 fingers three times. After you see positive changes on your face, you can reduce the execution time to 5 minutes, three times a week.

Basic techniques of Japanese massage.

The Asahi technique includes many exercises. It's difficult to remember them all. But by regularly practicing a few basic techniques at home, you can achieve amazing results.

  • Forehead. The fingertips should be pressed firmly into the middle of the forehead and smoothing movements should be made towards the temples and down under the earlobes.
  • Eye area. Using your middle fingers, you need to carefully move the skin of the upper eyelids from the outer corners to the bridge of the nose, then from there along the lower eyelid to the temples.
  • Nose area. Press two fingers against the wings of your nose, then slowly move them to the bridge of your nose and back. Returning to the starting position, stretch the skin towards the ears.
  • Mouth. Using the fingers of both hands, press the skin under the nose and slowly move along upper lip, then up to the lower eyelids.
  • Cheeks. Press the fingers of one hand to your chin. With your other hand, make several strong strokes from the junction of the jaws to the lower eyelids and back.
  • Chin. Place your elbows on the table and rest your chin on your open palms. Using strong finger movements, lift the skin towards the temples.

After finishing the massage session, you need to wipe the skin with a suitable cosmetic product. After just 3-4 sessions, your skin will become stronger, your cheeks will be firmer and expression lines will be reduced.

Japanese facial massage, how to become 10 years younger.

Becoming 10 years younger after several dozen massage sessions sounds tempting, doesn’t it? But is this information true? I think everyone probably understands that if your face is very neglected and you decided to look younger only after 50 years, this Japanese facial massage will not help you much, it’s too late. But if you have been taking care of yourself throughout your life, and the first wrinkles that appear are not so scary, then the result will please and surprise you. With your own hands, in 10 minutes a day, you can correct the line of your face, tighten your chin (remove the second one, if you have one), “bring out” your cheekbones, and remove chubby cheeks. Taken together, all this gives the effect of making you look 10 years younger.

Video lessons on Japanese massage Zogan (Asahi)

Just a few months ago, most of the video lessons that can be found on the Internet were unfortunately in Japanese or English language. But now the situation has changed, the most popular techniques have been translated into Russian. Some Russian-speaking users even create their own massage technique, which is popular.

Video lesson Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan Russian voice acting:

Video lesson of Japanese massage with Russian translation:

In this video you can see a seminar by Tanaka Yukuko, it was she who popularized the concept of “Japanese facial massage”. As she claims, all the movements were taught to her by her grandmother, who kept ancient traditions. Tanaka was able to systematize everything, create a program and train several million people using it. She also published a book on Japanese massage, which became an instant bestseller in Japan.

Japanese facial massage from Alena Sobol - become 10 years younger

Alena Sobol is one of the most famous specialists in Japanese massage in our country. Tries not to miss all the new trends, translates from Japanese, teaches correct technique your subscribers.