I think that every woman should ask the question, “what are the signs of a husband’s infidelity,” because according to statistics, more than half of divorces occur precisely because of male infidelity.

I will say right away that these signs were not invented by me, they are based on a study of European scientists who communicated with deceived women, and constituted general signs of cheating on their husbands. In this article I will summarize the results of this research. And if you think that you have a good family, in which peace and love reign, and therefore you are not in danger of your husband’s betrayal, you are mistaken. 70% of cheating occurred in good families, therefore, the problem of cheating is in no way connected with whether your family is “good” or “bad”.

When reading everything that will be described below, it is important to remember 2 important notes:

Note #1 - YOUR HUSBAND MAY SHOW ALL THE SIGNS OF CHEATING, but this does not mean that he is definitely cheating on you. There is no secret formula to know for sure that a person is cheating. Your husband's behavior may be due to completely different reasons unrelated to infidelity. Therefore, if signs of betrayal are present in your relationship, it’s time to pay attention to your marriage and start improving it.
Note #2 – IF YOU DIDN’T NOTICE SIGNS OF CHEATING IN YOUR HUSBAND, THIS DOESN’T MEAN THAT HE’S NOT CHEATING ON YOU. It has long been a known fact in psychology that a cheating partner almost always leaves signs of his infidelity, but most of them will never be noticed. Some people have a phenomenal talent for lying, so it is very difficult to recognize their deception.

Signs of a cheating husband

1. The most noticeable sign of a husband's infidelity is that the spouse becomes emotionally distant, withdrawn, or depressed. Most of those women who have been deceived have reported such behavior. “He retreated into himself,” said one woman, “even though we lived together, he had absolutely no time for me. He stopped being interested in our family, friends, everyday needs,” confirmed the second. "His attitude towards me gradually changed, he began to completely ignore me." and so on.

2. The second most noticeable sign of infidelity is that the husband becomes hot-tempered and starts yelling at his wife over trifles. 70% of the women surveyed reported this symptom in combination with humiliation and insults. One of the women wrote: “He was always angry with me, as if I was guilty of something in front of him,” “He began to speak badly about what I cook and how I do household chores.”

Does your spouse often get indignant over little things? Do you feel like you can't do anything right? A positive answer to these questions indicates one of the main signs of a husband’s betrayal.

3. The third sign of a cheating husband is a problem of control expressed by those who cheat. My husband often complains:

Are you going to take me to the toilet too!?

A traitor always wants more freedom.

Does your spouse complain that you control him too much? Or maybe you feel his pressure on you due to constant control? In any case, I advise you to have a serious conversation with your husband... Perhaps the reason for everything is not betrayal, but your excessive control.

4. An increase in the spouse’s “working” time, frequent meetings after work, business trips - these are the most banal signs that most of the women interviewed spoke about.

5. This is not even a sign, but rather the reason (which was mentioned by 50% of those who participated in the study) was the illness of the spouse.

My husband moved his mistress into our home during my brief hospitalization as a result of a chronic illness.

One of the women writes.

My husband cheated on me for the first time while I was in the hospital having knee surgery.

Another woman speaks. Reality is not always a pretty picture. Instead of gritting their teeth and staying at the bedside of a wife who needs support, some husbands find solace outside.

6. Number six on the list of signs of infidelity - the husband begins to pay more attention to his appearance, buys new clothes, loses weight, starts going to the gym or swimming.

7. Cheating Husband The husband begins to show more energy and zeal for life, doing things that they have never done before. Interestingly, this sign is often accompanied by general fatigue and depression.

The husband was exhausted and seemed to have no strength at all.

A frequent statement made by women who took part in the study.

8. Sign of betrayal number eight - the spouse begins to often flirt with the opposite sex. One woman reported that she found it strange when her husband suddenly greeted others women's lungs a kiss on the lips when the spouse was not around. Moreover, he had never behaved like this before. Others reported that their husbands became very concerned about their right to private friendships with the opposite sex.

9. The ninth sign of infidelity was an obsessive need to sit at the computer until late at night. When one of the wives wanted to see what her husband was doing at such a late hour, the traitor replied:

It's none of your business. I am entitled to my privacy.

This is a typical response from a cheating spouse. Unfortunately, the internet has opened up a whole new path to infidelity. Hiding credit card statements and phone bills are also signs that your husband is cheating.

There are many other signs of cheating, such as: a change in your standard sex life with your husband (better, worse, or just any change), the husband does not always wear wedding ring(and always finds plausible reasons to justify it). Also, some of the women stated that they noticed any strangeness in the behavior of their husbands, in their gaze, in conversation with their spouses.

Didn't want to touch on this sensitive topic. But……. If such events

happen in our lives, then why not look at this fact more closely.

Moreover, this is not an isolated case, but a fairly common practice

in career advancement for some men.

Let me make a reservation right away that we will not judge these people. Everyone chooses for themselves what they want

live and work. They like to live like this. Please. If only it would be beneficial. So what

we have. For starters, we have a smart wife. Naturally cute, and even better

beautiful. A husband not burdened with moral values. But considering himself

a very smart and gifted person. Everything around is mediocrity, and he is so white and

fluffy. He believes that it is very difficult for such talented people to rise to the top without cronyism.

on the career ladder. But deep down, he still hopes that his time will come.

His finest hour will come.

And the wife? The wife begins to make a career for her husband. How? The most expensive thing she has. By yourself. Such people know who to be friends with and maintain relationships with. With whom,

For the sake of your husband's career, you can sleep with him. Of course, this is not done in one day. And not like that

openly and cynically, as I described. But this does not change the essence of the issue. Lover, helps

her husband in career growth. Not everything goes smoothly, there are breakdowns, but the three of them are together

are trying.

Doesn't my husband have any idea? Sometimes it happens. But even if they arise, at least some

no matter if there is any suspicion, he remains silent. Try to talk about your suspicions. So much is possible

listen to your address. And how could you even think such a thing. And with this you insulted

the wife's brightest feelings. And many many others. Intelligent people have everything

trust. How could it be different? So, if strong evidence appears later, then

late. The train left. Not everyone wants to destroy what was created with such hard work

loved ones. And family, children, everyday life, work. This is how they live. Side by side.

Another case is when the husband knows everything, and this suits him quite well. Don't be surprised, there is

there are a lot of such comrades. Condemn? For what. The owner is a gentleman. Maybe he likes it.

The main thing is that my career took off sharply. Yes, and you yourself, as a growing leader, can go to the left. The blessing of the lack of women who hover around

manual, not tested. Will your wife find out? Yes, she has a cannon on her face. And even

if she finds out, then, as a smart and intelligent woman, she won’t show it. Why destroy

family building.

Is it good or bad. Looking for someone. For a wife, this is normal in this situation. If you change, then with benefit. Everything for the home, for the family. For my husband, too, it seems

everything is going well. Career growth, after all, is very important for the well-being of the family

affects. For a lover? Him that. He's happy. Everyone is doing well.

No. In such a relationship, the main thing is lost. Love and Soul. But who about these concepts

remembers at the initial stage. And then, when they remember, it’s too late. It's just

in case they remember. It happens that in this race, everyone forgets about everything.

Surely there are such examples in your life. What can I say? Everyone lives like

he wants to. But…….. To be honest, I don’t understand such men. This is the same as you should

do not respect. This is not meant as a condemnation, just a little disgusting. There's only one life, really?

it must be lived in a lie. I agree that fate decrees that we live and work

not where we want, and not how we want.

But family is the place where everything, or almost everything, depends on us. Really, family

Happiness can be exchanged for career growth. Is this growth really worth it?

What do you think?

That's all I wanted to say.

Not saying goodbye. See you later. Take care of yourself.

If you Google the two words “husband is Japanese,” you will find a whole collection of fairy tales about marriages of this kind, funny and absurd. About the fact that women in Japan are treated as people of the lowest class (it seems that the Far and Middle East are mixed up here), that a wife cannot have a bank account (interestingly, a woman is single - maybe, but when she gets married - she is immediately taken away ?), that Japanese husbands fly into the house sternly and strive to slash them with a katana if you don’t serve them sushi on your naked female body... From the same stupid sources, I also read today that it is impossible to learn the Japanese language, they will let you go to work in years ten, etc. Why did I read this, since I still don’t have a Japanese husband? And then that I was preparing for an interview with Olya.

We decided not to open Olya’s username so as not to attract unhealthy attention to her. But, to my great pleasure, there are photographs :) And below is an interview about what it’s like to be the wife of a Japanese man. I’ll say right away that seekers of black stuff will be disappointed by Olya’s positive story, but in her answers, even if she hid something from prying eyes, I see the message - have a head on your shoulders, know how to be happy :)

First, a little biography. How many years have you lived in Japan, and how did you meet your future husband? How long have you been together?

It’s difficult to describe my biography briefly :) In Japan for a total of about 8 years. We met my husband on the Internet, on this site http://www.loves.ne.jp/ In December it will be 3 years since our wedding. By the time I met him, I knew Japanese within level 2 of Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken, had experience studying and working in Japan, but lived and worked in Russia, and he in Japan. Our acquaintance began with his letter to me in July 2005. Before getting married, we corresponded, exchanged photographs and got to know each other for a total of 2.5 years, during which time we met 4 times, successfully using long new year holidays and Japanese obon. The very first meeting was in March 2006 in Yokohama, the second in the summer of 2006 in Russia, the third in the winter in Russia, the fourth in Japan in the summer of 2007, during which my husband proposed to me and my first acquaintance with his parents took place. This is my second marriage (the first husband was Russian), and thanks to the fact that this time we were able to get to know each other well before the wedding, there are much fewer “surprises” in this marriage :)

- Do you have romantic dates Does Japan have its own characteristics? :)

Modern Japanese are okay with romance. At least for my husband, he is 2 years younger than me :) I don’t think there are any big differences. The only peculiarity is that even on dates, a girl is supposed to take out her wallet according to etiquette :)

- How do Japanese men look after? Is it true that they hardly talk about their feelings?

I think that all Japanese are different, and one cannot speak for everyone. I am probably lucky with my husband; he expresses his thoughts and feelings quite clearly and clearly. I always understood that he was not indifferent to me. Replies to my letters came the very next day (I could take several days to respond). Both during the courtship period and now he often gives me flowers. The words “I love you” are also in his vocabulary; they always end our conversations by phone or email.

- If I can tell you about this, how was your wedding?

We had two weddings. One (the first) is in Russia in winter according to Russian traditions, the second is in Japan in summer according to Japanese traditions. We lived in different countries, so I submitted the application to the registry office alone with a family friend, and I also made preparations myself with my relatives. The future husband then sent only a package of documents for the registry office, and came directly to the wedding itself with his parents for 3 days in December 2007. It was then that our parents first met in person. The Russian wedding was celebrated widely, on a grand scale, with the best toastmaster in the city, ransom and a Russian folk ensemble, which friends invited as a surprise gift for our wedding. I was in a white dress and veil.
Having returned to Japan, my husband managed to submit documents for my visa and came to see me in Russia for the New Year 2008. After 2 months (this is relatively fast), I received an annual visa as a wife to come/for permanent residence in Japan.
The Japanese wedding took place in August 2008, more formally, but no less interesting and beautiful. My husband and I thought through everything ourselves down to the smallest detail: music, flowers, decoration. As is customary at Japanese weddings, we changed dresses twice. I was wearing a pink dress that I personally made for the occasion and a Japanese traditional kimono. While changing clothes, the guests were shown a video of our Russian wedding. Dressed in komono, we emerged from the garden unexpectedly for the guests, we stood under an umbrella, and an artificial snow machine was working in the garden. It was unusual in August)

Is there anything unusual about how you should behave with your Japanese in-laws? There may be some traditions that are unusual for us.

There are no special traditions, but before the first meeting with my husband’s parents, I was still very worried. We went to visit them and lived for several days in their house in another prefecture. Before this trip, my friends (a friend whose husband is Japanese, and who have already gone through this a long time ago) gave me advice. They explained that there was nothing to be afraid of, you need to behave naturally, after dinner you can help clear the table, but in general you need to relax and just feel like... being a guest. Everything went as well as possible for me! I still have an excellent relationship with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. We see each other 1-2 times a year, and occasionally talk on the phone.

Did you specifically learn to cook Japanese cuisine? Is there any dish that you have mastered perfectly and are proud of?

While studying in Japanese special. Japanese language school (even before I met my husband) I worked part-time in the evenings in Japanese. izakaya restaurant, where I learned many of the names and traditional tastes of dishes. I learned to cook myself later, when I got married, from cookbooks, doing exactly as it was written, and now I do a lot of things “by eye.” Now I often cook my husband’s favorite dish - fried pork with ginger.

- A trivial question that is always interesting to everyone - does the Japanese husband like anything from Russian cuisine?

Well, of course - borscht! And in general, he loves all homemade vegetable soups and eats them with pleasure. I also respect dumplings, but I spoil my family with them only for the New Year.

Surely our Russian way of leading household different from Japanese. Does it happen that your husband or, God forbid, his relatives comment on your habits?

I never heard a word of reproach. My husband always just praises me.

-Can you remember a couple of valuable pieces of advice that your Japanese mother-in-law gave you? :))

Surprisingly, I can’t :) she doesn’t advise me on anything and doesn’t interfere at all. Can you call this advice, but she once told me that it was better for me to gain a little weight, sleep and rest more, and once she said that it would be better for my husband not to buy beer himself, and not to drink it at home at all. And this was not said instructively, but simply in conversation, by the way.

It is clear that people are different, but can we generalize and say that the Japanese are generally softer and more delicate in dealing with the opposite sex?

The Japanese are generally delicate, at least those with whom I communicate. Japanese men, I think, are more gallant, because they have to learn how to care for Russian girls from films and books. My husband studied this way, as a result, he learned the best from Russian/Western culture, something that Russian men have not done for a long time, or do, but very rarely.

- Have you ever felt awkward when communicating with the Japanese because you were a foreigner?

No never.

There is a fear that marriage with a foreigner, even in the absence of a language barrier, means inevitable alienation and misunderstanding, a cultural gap. Is it easy for you with your husband? Do we have to make special efforts to smooth out national differences?

Personally, it’s very easy for me and my husband; as they say, we have never felt the difference in mentality. And without exaggerating, I will say that you don’t have to make any special efforts. We just live, try to communicate more and spend free time together, talk about any topics that concern us, not accumulate resentment, immediately clarify all ambiguities and misunderstandings (if there were such, they were few). And in general, I think that alienation and misunderstanding do not depend on nationality; it can arise in an ordinary marriage.

The Japanese family structure is a hard-working husband and wife - a skilled housewife and housekeeper, in whose hands the entire family budget is in charge. Is it like this for you? :)

The Japanese also have different things... It’s partly similar for us: my husband really works a lot, but I don’t have the entire family budget in my hands, I don’t want to take on this burden, the part that is spent on the household is enough for me, but We always discuss and make major purchases together. We have different bank accounts. Personally, it’s much more pleasant for me when my man “has money” than the option of a husband to whom his wife gives pocket money.

- Maybe you have an observation...what do Japanese men expect from their women?

I won’t be mistaken if I say that it’s the same as all the others: love and affection, femininity.

Alienation is one of the painful problems in relationships, and Japanese isolation and self-control contribute to alienation. Do you think it is possible to achieve true spiritual intimacy with a Japanese man?

The Japanese are just as open and pleasant people as the Russians! Judging by my experience, the reason for Japanese isolation must be sought... in oneself. If you yourself do something wrong, a Japanese, as a rule, will never say so directly, so as not to offend, but will internally experience it and endure it. If you learn the sensitivity and attention that is characteristic of the Japanese, then it is quite possible to achieve true spiritual intimacy.

Observing your husband, his family and acquaintances, can you formulate some Japanese character traits?

Delicacy and respect for all family members, especially elders. I myself grew up in an intelligent family, but my husband’s Japanese family amazes me with its aristocracy, so to speak. It’s amazing how they can communicate without saying everything out loud, yet they understand each other perfectly. I’ll say right away that this doesn’t bother me at all, it’s understandable and close to me.

Some Russians living in Japan note an unfriendly attitude on the part of some officials, in particular immigration officials, towards Russian spouses of Japanese. Have you noticed something like this?

I didn't notice such an attitude. I'm generally lucky with people!

Women in Japan at all times they had their place clearly defined by traditions and unwritten laws. Western tolerance, respectful “Western” attitude towards woman in Japan not at all accepted; In Japanese there is a common expression: “danson, johi” (which means: “respect a man and despise a woman”). It is common for men to address their wife with the pronoun omae (you), which in meaning refers to the lower one. At the same time, the wife, when addressing her husband, uses the polite anata (you), accepted in relation to a superior. However, in modern families, especially in large cities, many husbands and wives use the polite pronoun (you) when addressing each other, which is an indicator of the influence of Western culture. This trend began to spread after the Second World War, and in modern conditions intensified even more.

The feeling of subordination, more or less conscious, contributes to the suppression of emotions Japanese woman. Already with childhood she realizes her “second-class status”, sees and feels that the family, especially the father, prefers his son. She is treated completely differently from her brothers. Moreover, as she grows up, she discovers that she is not a full member of the family, since sooner or later she will be married into someone else’s family, where she will be expected to give birth and raise sons. The hierarchy of ancestors in the family into which a woman was born, as well as in the family into which she will be married, is essentially a hierarchy of male ancestors. The Japanese religion, Buddhism, teaches that woman is inferior to man, that she is evil, and that she is the cause of strife. To achieve the state of nirvana, eternal peace and bliss, a woman, according to Buddhist doctrine, must be reborn as a man. To do this, she must suffer, since only this can atone for her innate sins.

Upon reaching adulthood, woman in Japan anxiously awaits the time when she will move into someone else's family, where she will be obliged to obey her mother-in-law. In old Japan, divorces occurred mostly because the mother-in-law was dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law. In such cases, the young daughter-in-law was sent in disgrace to her parental family.

Japan's new constitution, adopted in 1946, gave women equal status with men. Formally, the patriarchal family system was condemned, and the humiliated position of women was eliminated by law. However, is it easy to put an end to what has been rooted in the life and everyday life of a nation for centuries? Patriarchy still has its enormous power in many Japanese families. This is manifested in the despotic power of the father, and in the blind submission of the wife to her husband, and especially in the sense of superiority of a man who internally considers himself superior to a woman. The self-consciousness of the people is still dominated by the Buddhist doctrine that being born male or female is the result, respectively, of virtue or evil committed by a person in his past.

Women in Japan, inspired by the new constitution, are trying to put this freedom into practice. Recent sociological studies have shown that 62% of married Japanese women are thinking about divorce. However, only a small part of them decide to take this step. Traditions very tightly hold women back from “rash” actions. They get together, talk animatedly about women's freedom, but still prefer, when returning home, not to anger their husbands. And men, giving their wives the opportunity to talk a lot about freedom, nevertheless demand that their wives know their place well. There are many reasons for this.

Woman in Japan bound by her responsibility to her children, her opportunities to earn a living are often very limited. In addition, the new laws largely retain old patriarchal ideas. In particular, the issue of division of property during a divorce, financial support for a woman after a divorce, and even a roof over her head is addressed. Therefore, if there are no close relatives nearby or if a woman does not have some necessary well-paid profession, then divorce for her will be an even greater misfortune than living with an unloved or dissolute spouse.

The reason that Japanese women now most often cite when demanding a divorce is marital incompatibility. A young wife, quite soon after marriage, becomes convinced that she does not mean that much to her husband, even if he adores her. The husband spends the whole day at work, and then he goes about his business, sits for hours at the bar, relaxes... The wife has no choice but to humbly serve him. Tradition binds a woman to home, however, today she needs to work, since her husband’s earnings are not enough.

Public opinion to this day has a negative attitude towards divorced women, and enterprise administrations view them with prejudice. Women's equality in Japan is devoid of real content; in Japan, a woman continues to be viewed as a mother and as a guardian of family virtues.

Recently woman in Japan She did literally everything in the house, giving her husband the opportunity to spend his free time at his own discretion. The kitchen was considered a place where
It was shameful for a man to look in. Today, these stereotypes are gradually becoming a thing of the past. It is believed that eight out of ten husbands unconditionally hand over their salaries to their wives, so that they then give them certain amounts for pocket expenses. Today, it is not uncommon to see a man in Japan cooking or babysitting. More and more men are appearing on the streets with shopping bags, running errands for their wives. Such facts cause many Japanese to smile sadly and make sarcastic remarks that “the Japanese are losing their dignity” and “the Japanese are losing their feminine virtue.” However, there is no going back to the past. The weak half of humanity persistently strives to dominate family relationships.

This, of course, does not mean that the patriarchy of the Japanese family has completely disappeared. This cannot happen due to the stability of Japanese traditions. For many foreigners who idealize Japan, the Japanese woman remains amazing creation, she is attractive externally and internally, her spiritual world is admirable. A Japanese woman does not lose her dignity even in her sleep - well-mannered, modest, she sleeps in a beautiful pose, lying on her back with her legs folded together and her arms extended along her body. This manner was especially strict in samurai families, where girls were specially taught to do this by tying their legs before going to bed.

One Japanese described women in Japan as follows: “They look as quiet as mice. But you can’t believe it - they are very, very strong.” Japanese women began their emancipation by choosing husbands. In accordance with local custom, the eldest son in the family was obliged to live with his parents. If the "ancestors" are committed traditional views, the son’s wife can actually become a servant in their house, and not everyone likes this. Now, if a Japanese man wants a woman to leave him alone or wants to know if she really loves him, all he needs to do is say that he is the eldest son. Then the potential bride will be faced with a choice: freedom or love. More and more often, Japanese women prefer the first.

Decades of economic prosperity in Japan have created an entirely new generation of Japanese women who are well educated, earn a lot of money, love to travel and love to go shopping with their friends. In modern reality, they are not only economically independent from their parents and husband, but also know exactly what they want in life. Among young working women there are many “rebels” against traditional principles family life: they prefer to postpone marriage until later, are not afraid of divorce and are in no hurry to have children. Among 29-year-old Japanese women, almost 40% are unmarried. A average age Marriage for a Japanese woman is 26.1 years.

Before writing anything, let's remember the image of a Japanese wife. I think everyone has their own image. But probably the general idea of ​​a Japanese wife is as follows: a small woman in a kimono minces at a distance of three meters behind her samurai husband. Preferably with children and preferably with bags. Do you agree with this way?

Once upon a time, Russian customers who came to Japan directly demanded answers from me about what kind of Japanese wives they were. Yes, of course, Japanese wives are very devoted to their husbands and families, quiet, well-mannered, and probably even helpful. That is why, until recently, it was possible to watch even on TV stories when an apologetic official goes from house to house and himself distributes compensation for his tricks, and his wife always follows him in a kimono and bows to every house and every family accepting compensation. Wives in Japan really look like the ultimate dream in the eyes of Russian men.

But when I talked to the Japanese about how cool it was to live with a Japanese woman, the men just sighed and threw up their hands: “They own us,” even the highest bosses sighed. The fact is that the husband’s salary is traditionally transferred to the wife’s bank card. And then the wife gives her husband money for cigarettes and pocket money. As soon as the conversation turns to family, even the boss in Japan lowers his shoulders and becomes just an uncle. They say that this has traditionally come from the times of samurai. Men often went to war and rarely returned. Therefore, all the money that the samurai received from the commander-in-chief was immediately transferred to his wife. And then, if the samurai returned, then the wife would feed her husband and give him money for his pocket. How many different catchphrases coined in this regard: “Respect for one day” or “the husband is the head of the family only once a month.”
“Everything was better before,” the Japanese sigh, “we brought money in an envelope and at least one day a month the children behaved decently with us, but now all the money is transferred to a card, so I don’t even want to go back home, no one cares anyway.” doesn’t appreciate it. The wife rules everything, and we are just an extra element in their kingdom.”
So, are Japanese wives goddesses or slaves? I asked this question directly to the wives of Japanese men. And the answer was clear:
- Of course slaves!
- How? - I was surprised, - the entire amount of your husband’s salary is transferred to your card? You literally own the entire family wallet!
- In fact of the matter. Our wonderful husbands work in their own company and receive a salary. But they have absolutely no idea how comparable the size of their salary is to a sufficient life. For example, they are completely unaware of how much it costs to educate children, or how much it costs to insure a car or house. As a result, we have in our hands a sum from which we need to build the life of an entire family. Husbands who give away their entire salary bat their eyes and demand more pocket money. And in the summer the whole family looks with big eyes with a silent question: “Where are we going to go on vacation?” You also need to take care of your elderly parents. So spin as you want.

Of course, it’s good when a husband earns so much that he has enough for everything, but such people usually do not give their salary to their wife, but run their own affairs. But when the salary is the size of a kitten, and you need a lot, a lot, every month the wives perform a silent feat to support and provide for their family. As a result, it turns out that until the children grow up, wives simply do not have the opportunity to spend money on themselves. And it’s also not possible to make a claim to my husband, since he already gives away everything he earned...

So it turns out that both sides consider themselves victims. No, of course, in modern society, more and more often, both spouses work and manage their own and family budgets together, but the classic scheme that samurai developed for their wives is exactly this: I work, you maintain the house. The proverb immediately comes to mind: the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck. But this scheme seems to work, because the divorce rate in Japan is several times lower than in Russia. And how can you divorce your wife when she has all your money? By the way, if a spouse was caught in treason, the guilty party must pay the victim a huge penalty of several tens of thousands of dollars. Well, how do you get a mistress? Not only does your wife give you money once a month and exactly the agreed amount, but also a large fine if the fact of adultery is proven.

We have always believed that Japanese wives are flexible and modest, that they cannot even say a word against their husbands. And indeed, it is so. Why argue with him when the husband himself agrees to everything in order to get pocket money from his dear wife.