Congratulations, dear matchmaker!
I wish you a hundred carats of happiness,
Warmth, hope, kindness,
Let your dreams come true.

Good luck, joy, health,
I wish you with love.
Prosperity in the house and comfort,
May your family always wait!


Our dear and beloved matchmaker! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you good health, optimism in life, fortitude and longevity. Remain, our dear matchmaker, always as sensitive, friendly, sincere, cheerful and hardworking. Be cheerful, cheerful and happy.


Happy Birthday
You, my dear matchmaker,
And I wish that in life
You were pleased with your fate.

To make children happy,
Your house was full,
To happiness and luck
They lived in it next door.

Kindness and love
So that your house is warmed.
In life, matchmaker, I wish you
Long and happy years.


Happy birthday matchmaker
I want to congratulate you!
Wish you luck
And the mountains are on your shoulder.

Let the troubles go away
Sorrows will pass by,
Worries will disappear
And don't know colds.


Happy birthday, dear matchmaker!
Be successful and rich
Be both cheerful and strong,
And endowed with health.

You are broad-hearted
The world is ready to embrace the big one.
May fate protect you
From losses and from grievances.

Lada - home, in the hearth - warm,
So that love blooms in the soul.
Open your heart to happiness
Never be sad.

Funny birthday greetings to the matchmaker


Matchmaker, you are still our relatives!
Happy Birthday to You!
We wish not to grow old,
Be happy, don't get sick,

Have fun as much as you can,
So that you are satisfied.
Keep harmony in the family,
Be a soul, matchmaker, rich!


The roads of life brought us together
With you, matchmaker! And we're so glad
That our children will be together in the future
Ready to destroy all barriers.

On your birthday we want
We wish for simple things:
Desires come true,
A stash of gold.

And let them not know fatigue
Weary hands.
Let them respect you even more
And your grandchildren love you.


My dear matchmaker,
Everyone is happy to congratulate you.
Well I want it now
I sincerely congratulate you.

I wish to be brave
Don't get sick and love life.
May you always be lucky in everything,
May good luck await you in your business.

And also - love like the sea,
Side to grief.
So that the money doesn't run out,
And all the hopes came true!


Happy birthday, matchmaker, congratulations!
I wish you to be healthy and happy,
To joint children and grandchildren
They had fun, driving away sadness and boredom.

In the wallet so that there are “greens” was found
So that your family will have fun forever,
So that luck is in full swing,
So that your house is full of laughter.


Happy birthday, my dear matchmaker!
Be happy and healthy
God will give you strength for everything
For fun - be prepared.

Whatever you want, let it be
Fill your life with colors,
Success will come by itself -
May you live forever in love!

Touching birthday greetings for the matchmaker


We wish you much happiness,
Let there be a lot of wine
For your health
Drunk to the bottom.

Let everything that you wish,
It will be fulfilled.
Let friends not forget
There will be someone to pick up with.

If anything, call
Don't be shy while being tactful.
We are a family,
Happy birthday matchmaker!


Happy birthday, dear matchmaker.
Be always healthy, rich,
And let your whole life be
Sweet like chocolate.

You have long become my family.
You are always irreplaceable!
I just wish you
Be young at heart.

Still need to wish
Don't stop dreaming
Be happy, be reliable,
Never lose heart.


We respect the matchmaker very much,
For a long time he became dear to us,
And happy birthday,
And we value them very much.

We wish you many years of health,
So that your home is full,
So that it is filled with love,
And you were the king in the house!

So that children respect you,
To be valued at work,
Let your eyes know no tears,
To have comfort in your family!


Dear, beloved matchmaker,
Your son is married to his daughter,
You and I have been related for a long time -
Big, friendly family.

Here, we want to congratulate you,
Raise a toast to health.
And leave a gift -
Well, give me such a big hug!


The main thing for a man is
Strong clear mind
And a nice wife,
And so that the faithful godfather.

You, my matchmaker,
It's all already there.
So I wish you happiness.
(Don't take it as flattery.)

And they make more money
To rest.
And good grandchildren -
To glorify grandfather.

Poems for matchmaker happy birthday


Dear matchmaker, I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you to always be happy in everything. It is a great joy for me that, thanks to our children, we are relatives. May everything in your life always be the most amazing and bright. Happy holiday.


Dear matchmaker, congratulating you on your birthday, I want to wish you excellent health, so that no illnesses or illnesses can prevent you from visiting us more often. May all your endeavors find support and approval from your wife. Let everything in life go well to the envy of your enemies.


Dear matchmaker! I congratulate you on your birthday and express my joy that you and I have become related, and I can celebrate this wonderful day with you. Thank you for your kindness, gentleness, easy character, which all members of our large family admire. Be healthy, cheerful and happy, preserve your unique good-natured nature for life!


Birthday today
Dear matchmaker.
Here are our congratulations
Be healthy, be rich.

Work with pleasure
And relax in a big way,
To foreign dishes
You were able to treat the matchmaker.

But don’t forget the matchmakers,
Invite us to visit more often!


Dear matchmaker, on your birthday I sincerely wish you to be a rich man in every sense of the word, not to grow old in soul at all and not to have a single drop of regret for the years that are left behind. Be happy and loved by your family, may the mountains still be filled with the fire of aspiration and enthusiasm, and may you be able to conquer many more peaks of success.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to the matchmaker


Happy birthday, beloved matchmaker!
Let all worries go
You won't need blat,
To receive bounties from life,

Bless everyone with good health,
No problems with money at all!
Let your laughter ring for a hundred years,
One hundred winters, one hundred autumns, one hundred springs!


Matchmaker, I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
I will enrich your day with words and wishes.
Let your family live without knowing troubles.
I'll give you some health advice:

Relax more in the air
Don't forget about fishing and gardening.
You are always a welcome guest in our house.
And don’t be sad that the years go by.


Today dear matchmaker
We are very happy to congratulate you!
And on your birthday we wish you
We are happiness without end and edge,
A ton of health, a sea of ​​laughter,
A car of great success
So that you on the path of life
Good luck always shines!


Dear matchmaker, we congratulate you on your birthday,
And we think better than you, without a doubt,
T generous and attentive and kind,
A man in the full sense - noble!

We wish you to live up to a hundred years and longer,
And there are a million, or even more,
So that every day is pleasant, not boring,
And every year your life got better and better!


Happy birthday, my friend matchmaker,
I'm very glad that I came.
This is the current schedule:
Well, listen to my report.

Today is your holiday,
You invited us home.
And we have everything with us,
Let's celebrate your holiday.

I'm glad to wish you
Live in the world without interference.
There was no discord in the family,
Things were going well.

SMS birthday greetings to matchmaker


Our matchmaker, you have become our family,
The most beloved and dearest,
You are a Husband, You are a Father, You are a worthy husband,
There is a reason to congratulate you today.

On your wonderful holiday, on your birthday
Let there be a sea of ​​emotions, fun,
Let your soul rest and relax,
May what you do please you and please you.


Matchmaker is a little TV brand,
And a little shortcut,
In general, this is a dividend
You're used to it.

Profit in this business -
Our grandchildren are with you.
No need for section -
They will be given to us.

And, as an argument of friendship,
We contribute to total experience
This strange reason -
Your birthday.


I congratulate the most wonderful man and beloved matchmaker on his birth into this world! I wish you to always be healthy, to carry a charge of energy and cheerful mood, to be a purposeful, cheerful person. A valuable professional in his field, a sensitive friend and a loving family man.


We became related, became like a brother
Happy Birthday, dear matchmaker!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you happiness, joy, goodness!

You are a man, matchmaker, simply world-class,
It’s not scary to go on reconnaissance with you,
Today we will celebrate a holiday,
Let's all raise a glass to you!


My dear matchmaker, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish that over the years, self-confidence and strong strength only increase, that many good deeds and noble deeds remain behind you, that there is always a clean and bright horizon of family happiness and comfort ahead. Be healthy, matchmaker, respected and loved by your loved ones.

Funny greetings for the matchmaker's birthday


Like a dear one, like a brother
We love you
Who knew, matchmaker
Will fate lead?

And thanks to our children -
Among days and dates
Helped us meet each other
Our dear matchmaker.

And we really hope
Just from the heart
That their marriage will be lasting
And non-destructive.


Dear, dear matchmaker, Happy Birthday,
For me, you, my dear brother, are without a doubt!
I’m with you even on reconnaissance, I’m with you even on a hike,
I know that there is no one more reliable than you, and no trick awaits me!
I want to wish you health, happiness, joy, love,
May all your hopes and dreams come true!


It's a beautiful day outside,
I'll buy the matchmaker lilacs -
It's his birthday
I wish you inspiration.

I'll drink a glass to your health,
I'll shower you with compliments.
As a man, he is an example,
The standard of secular manners.


My dear matchmaker,
Now you are like a brother to me.
Come with you, dear,
Let's drink rum one at a time.
I'll raise a glass
I'll take it for good health.
So that you have
What I wanted for so long.
That maybe I didn’t have time.
To get things going,
Loved my wife.
I drink the last one
After all, I love the matchmaker.


Come on, my dear matchmaker,
Let's celebrate with the whole room
Together is your birthday,
Let's raise our glasses!
Never know the image
Drive away your sorrows
Keep your appearance cheerful
To make your enemies bored.
Don't give in to laziness
Get rid of the crap
Let your dreams come true
Wrinkles will be smoothed out!


Our dear matchmaker,
On your holiday, with love
Everyone is happy to have a glass

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
So that all your dreams come true,
Because we know for sure
What fun is where you are.


My matchmaker and I are very friendly -
We stand by each other:
Sometimes we don't even need words,
Instead of a look, always alive.

I want to congratulate you
And bring a gift,
May there be joy with you
Always on the road.

To be always with you
The one who will bring happiness.
All-encompassing love
Let a new day come.

You, my friend, are very close to me,
You are like a brother to me.
May your soul always be cheerful;
Long life to you - viva!


Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, dear, beloved Matchmaker
We hasten to wish the family peace and harmony.
So that the heart blooms, a song plays in the soul
To make life fun and, of course, interesting.
And live, dear matchmaker, for at least two thousand centuries.
May luck not leave you. Congratulations! Be healthy!


Let me congratulate you, dear matchmaker,
Happy holiday to your soul!
May the holiday live there forever,
Put all worries aside.

Birthday is very important -
Another year of wisdom
He will add. And we will connect
Congratulations round dance.


Are you a matchmaker for me or not?
Are you happy with me? I know I'm glad.
Now you are like a brother to me,
It's his own fault that they got stuck.
All the snacks are in great demand,
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Let the wives rustle in the kitchen,
We'll drink to our grandchildren,
Let them make grandfather laugh more often.
Happy birthday, dear matchmaker!


Happy Birthday, matchmaker to you,
We congratulate you lovingly!
We wish you long happiness,
And health for centuries!
Let your dreams come true
Adversity will go away
Let it be in your house
Beautiful weather!


We all love our matchmaker,
There is simply no price for him.
Today, on his birthday:
We wish long life years.

He's a good person, for sure.
Everyone will confirm - there is no dispute here.
And accepting his word,
We can hear the sound of carriages.

The following statement is also undeniable:
What a beautiful thing loving father.
This congratulation brings happiness,
The reader wants to carry it.


You are not my friend, you are not my brother,
You are something more - you are a matchmaker,
Forever bound by fate
Now we have become one family,
I don’t know whether you’re happy or not,
But I want to give you advice,
Let's help the children
But respect each other.
Now we are together at the table,
Let's pour it, then we'll sing!


Every day comes a new one,
And nothing can change...
Sometimes life is harsh.
But still, it’s worth continuing to live!
And I sincerely congratulate you,
I sincerely wish you love...
What will happen next - I don't know.
And I just say - Live!


Happy birthday, dear matchmaker,
I'm glad to congratulate you
Happiness, joy always,
Fruitful work.

Let relatives surround you,
Let them give you all the love.
Live joyful, happy,
Loved so much by everyone.

Meeting the parents of the bride and groom is a very important step. It means that the newlyweds not only enjoy spending time together - they plan to celebrate the wedding and live in love and harmony for the rest of their lives. It's not hard to imagine the excitement you feel before meeting your matchmakers.

By getting to know the parents of the other half of your child, you will get a complete picture of what kind of people raised your son-in-law or daughter-in-law, and in what atmosphere they lived. If you have a son, pay attention to your matchmaker - most likely, in a few years, your daughter-in-law will resemble her in her habits and demeanor. So, the matchmakers met and were satisfied with the families of their children's chosen ones.

Now the main thing is not to lose the first positive impression and establish friendly relations. A good way is to write emotional and original congratulations Happy birthday to the matchmaker or matchmaker when you are invited to a joint holiday. They will definitely appreciate such a sign of attention.

It can be difficult to compose beautiful wishes Happy birthday to your matchmaker or matchmaker - after all, you know practically nothing about these people. In this case, it is better to look for a good congratulation text on the Internet on numerous sites; it is much better if you start your search from our interesting site! Poorly chosen words can ruin not only fun party, but also ruin the emerging mutual understanding.

Happy birthday greetings to the matchmaker should not be familiar, or contain ambiguous hints and inappropriate jokes. It is better to choose the most correct, sincere and bright words. It’s good if you are a creative person and have a poetic gift - congratulations in the form of an original poem can brighten up a festive evening.

And don't forget about the gift. You shouldn’t buy something that’s too expensive, as this could put the matchmakers in an awkward position. Small, memorable gift they will like it much more.

Our children got married
You and I became related!
Happy Birthday, dear matchmaker!
You are in business in many ways,

And a good family man!
Achieve all peaks
We wish you, matchmaker
And the roads are without obstacles!

Let things argue
May life be bright
Let there be health
And sadness will not touch you.

On your birthday, it's your day
All friends will congratulate you,
And we congratulate you too,
We are related after all!

So that all your dreams come true,
So that you are always happy,
We wish you, dear matchmaker!

So that there are no obstacles in business,
Let your friends respect you
And the relatives adored
Good luck and success in everything!

Beloved matchmaker, happy birthday!

Matchmaker, let life be wonderful,
The sun is shining in the clear sky,
And on the path of life
You were able to find happiness!

Accept congratulations,
And pour us some wine!
Happy birthday matchmaker to you
We congratulate you lovingly!

On this day, so beautiful,
Let's congratulate the matchmaker.
We love him terribly
And we wish not to get sick,
To be loved, to be happy

Matchmaker, we wish you!
Happy birthday,
Let there be joy in fate!

You are my dear matchmaker,
You know no peace!
You're so groovy
You are so businesslike!

Happy birthday we want
Congratulate and say:
Be healthy and loved,
We protect you as an angel of God!

We all love our matchmaker,
There is simply no price for him.
Today, on his birthday:
We wish you long life.

He's a good man, for sure.
Everyone will confirm - there is no doubt about it.
And accepting his word,
We can hear the sound of carriages.
The following statement is also undeniable:
What a wonderful, loving father.

My dear matchmaker, my old friend,
You are always ready to help me,
And even knock back a glass
Sometimes I can’t bear to be without you.

Let the path through life be easier,
Let fear not touch your heart,
So that we can call each other for help
Only in joyful things!

Happy Birthday to our matchmaker!
May the angel protect your life,
Let trouble not know you,
Let grief flee from you,

Let them not forget their friends.
May joy, happiness, laughter,
Luck, tenderness and success,
Like a radiant star
Always accompanies you!

Today is the matchmaker's birthday,
May your life always be rich.
Let troubles bypass the house,
Health to everyone who lives in it.

And so that true friends always
We were close, even though the years were passing by.
And we, your matchmakers, wish you
And we’ll chat a lot of wishes.

So that our children make you happy,
And they would give them grandchildren now.

Every day comes a new one,
And nothing can change...
Sometimes life is harsh.
But still, it’s worth continuing to live!

And I sincerely congratulate you,
I sincerely wish you love...
What will happen next - I don't know.
And I just say - Live!

Congratulating your matchmaker on his birthday is a responsible matter. The right choice of words sometimes determines how the relationship will develop between matchmakers, and sometimes in a young family. Considering that you will definitely be given the floor for festive table, and may be invited to the anniversary unfamiliar people from the birthday person’s entourage, you should thoroughly prepare in advance for the congratulatory speech (in Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar and other languages) so as not to get into trouble, and the wishes sounded beautiful, were sincere and corresponded to the solemn atmosphere.

Funny happy birthday greetings to the matchmaker in verse and prose

Favorite matchmaker! On your birthday, we regret only one thing: what a pity that we did not know each other earlier. You are a sympathetic, kind, decent, bright person, and I want to wish you the best. So that your health is not reminded of itself by illness day or night, so that your family is an outlet for you, work brings joy, children respect and listen to advice, and life consists of a chain of joyful events, pleasant surprises and great news. Let your wallet always have exactly as much money as you need at the moment, even if it’s a million. We wish you long, happy, bright years of life, because the best is yet to come!

Happy birthday, dear matchmaker,
I know, I know, glad to see you!
And I'll take you at your word
Let's drink to your health.
Don't get old, don't lose heart,
Be as cheerful as if under a fly.
I wish you not to grow old,
Don't get soggy, don't get sick!

Happy 60th birthday greetings to the matchmaker in verse and in your own words

Happy birthday, dear matchmaker,
Celebrating sixty!
For you, for the anniversary
Pour 100 grams quickly!
Be healthy, live a hundred years,
Be as beautiful as an athlete
So that even at sixty
The women glanced.
Let the second youth
How champagne plays!
Fly to a resort in Egypt,
Drive around in a jeep.
Matchmaker, don't get old, don't get sick,
Let life be like paradise
Children respect and appreciate.
Happy anniversary, happy birthday!

Happy sixtieth anniversary, matchmaker! For some, 60 years is the line beyond which retirement begins, but for you, it’s the start of a new life. Do you remember how the postman Pechkin said: “I may just be starting to live, I’m about to retire!” We wish you Siberian health, optimism, and enthusiasm! Let new life will be interesting and rich. Cottage, fishing, grandchildren, new hobbies - there is still so much to do that there was never enough time for! I believe, matchmaker, that you, as always, will be the best in any field, your eyes will sparkle like those of a mischievous boy, and your enthusiasm will energize those around you and your loved ones! Be happy!

Happy anniversary to you, matchmaker,
And only sixty!
Only a little gray,
But he’s young at heart!
Not limp and not drooping,
What can I say - man!
Happy birthday, happy new milestone,
Happiness, joy, success!

Happy birthday greetings to the matchmaker for 50, 55, 60 years in verse and prose

The years are rushing by - don’t regret it,
It's your anniversary!
Happy Birthday! Fifty five
We will celebrate noisily.
Good health, matchmaker,
Be rich with grandchildren
Open your heart and soul to them,
Be a supergrandfather and a husband.
Be an accommodating husband
Devoted and good friend,
A homely little man,
Not a notorious net,
Let everything be okay
Life is seething and in full swing!

Matchmaker, fifty-five is a great anniversary: ​​“5” for success, “5” for appearance. You have achieved a lot, but there is still a lot to do. You look great, and gray hair and small wrinkles only add solidity. You have a wonderful family and children. I believe that you are happy, but if some other little things are missing for complete happiness: money, a car, a promotion at work, then I certainly wish them to appear as soon as possible. A good person, like a magnet, attracts only good things. Always be a cheerful optimist, healthy and strong man, a kind family man and the best matchmaker in the world! We love and respect you!

Funny birthday greetings to the fisherman matchmaker

I'm so lucky!
Because the matchmaker is a fisherman.
There is no more important passion in life,
What fishing, nets, gear.
Be lucky and healthy
Let the catch please you,
The ear will be good
The rest is nonsense!

Happy birthday, matchmaker! I wish you health, prosperity, prosperity! Let it be friendly family, organized life, and if you want to relax, unwind your soul and go fishing. I wish you an excellent bite, an incredible catch, and a rich fish soup!

Happy birthday, matchmaker! I wish you happiness
Good health, clear days,
To bring your gear
Goldfish fatter!
To describe the size of the catch
There were not enough words, emotions, hands,
You are a fisherman, and this is another reason,
So that your grandson admires you.
Let the matchmaker have sandwiches with him,
A thermos, a raincoat-tent will assemble,
With a fishing rod you rush into nature
Away from turmoil and worries.
Enjoy life to the fullest
May fate favor you
May there be troubles, losses
She will run out of limit.
There is a lot of good things ahead,
Golden years and days await
Remain the same ideal
For children, grandchildren and relatives!

Short birthday greetings to the matchmaker for SMS

Happy birthday, matchmaker! Wish
Always be on top
So that the years are a flock of birds
They took you to your dream
So that joy reigns in the heart,
There is peace, order, harmony in the house,
May family, your joy,
Only happiness gives, matchmaker!

Happy birthday, matchmaker! I admit
You are a man no matter what!
Let the angel protect
And the star protects you,
Happiness will fall to your lot,
Money, double joy,
Let there be plenty of everything!
Long life, bright days!

Funny birthday greetings to the matchmaker in verse

Matchmaker, beloved, birthday
I was waiting impatiently!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Live life to the fullest.
Be healthy, laugh more often,
Wake up with a joke, with a song,
I wish the years
They didn't tell us the weather.
So that children can live together
Better than all the families in the world,
So that our grandchildren become
Jacks of all trades
So that our granddaughters, matchmaker,
They were simply in great demand.
Stop shuffling around the house in slippers,
We're going fishing tomorrow
Let's go to a football match
Definitely together.
I wish, dear,
Your wallet is tight
Let in the family and home, matchmaker,
There will be peace, prosperity, harmony.

Happy birthday greetings to the matchmaker on his anniversary

Happy anniversary, matchmaker! I wish you cool
And have a great birthday party!
Be happy, don't be sad for a minute,
Keep yourself young and become.
Be a beloved father, grandfather, husband,
Be persistent in goals and deeds,
Remember that your loved ones really need you,
Drive away sadness and sadness from your forehead.
I wish you good health,
Don’t lose your business acumen,
Long life, endless joy,
Money in the darkness, friends and relatives - an army!

Happy anniversary, dear matchmaker! The anniversary is a reason to take stock, and I can say that you have something to be proud of. You are a respected person, you have loving wife, great family. You have accomplished a lot, but you are not going to stop there and continue to dream, set new goals. You are a cheerful, tireless, persistent fighter. I wish you strength and health. May good luck accompany you, and may the result exceed all expectations! Let your loved ones always support you, appreciate and love you! I am sincerely glad that, thanks to our children, I met such a worthy person! Congratulations!

Beautiful congratulations in words and pictures are a decoration for a holiday, a feast, a balm for the soul of the birthday person (Alexander, Vladimir, etc.). And a great opportunity for the matchmaker, matchmaker and other close people to tell the person sincere good words, which are not always appropriate in other settings. It is joint holidays and nice words They liberate people, allow them to get closer, get to know each other better, and establish relationships, which is important for creating new family ties and strengthening existing ones. Therefore, choose the most appropriate wishes and congratulations for the matchmaker.

Are you a matchmaker for me or not?
Are you happy with me? I know I'm glad.
Now you are like a brother to me,
It's his own fault that they got stuck.
All the snacks are in great demand,
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Let the wives rustle in the kitchen,
We'll drink to our grandchildren,
Let them make grandfather laugh more often.
Happy birthday, dear matchmaker!

We became related, became like a brother
Happy Birthday, dear matchmaker!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you happiness, joy, goodness!

You are a man, matchmaker, simply world-class,
It’s not scary to go on reconnaissance with you,
Today we will celebrate a holiday,
Let's raise our glasses to you!

My dear matchmaker, happy birthday. I wish you well and happy life, love from family and respect from friends, prosperity in the home and good luck along the way, understanding in the family and successful achievement of your goals.

Let me congratulate you, dear matchmaker,
Happy holiday to your soul!
May the holiday live there forever,
Put all worries aside.

Birthday is very important -
Another year of wisdom
He will add more. And we will connect
Congratulations round dance.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, dear beloved Matchmaker
We hasten to wish the family peace and harmony.
So that the heart blooms, a song plays in the soul
So that life is fun and, of course, interesting.
And live, dear matchmaker, for at least two thousand centuries.
May luck not leave you. Congratulations! Be healthy!

Dear, kind matchmaker, happy birthday,
For me, you, my dear brother, are without a doubt!
I’m with you even on reconnaissance, I’m with you even on a hike,
I know that there is no one more reliable than you, and no trick awaits me!
I want to wish you health, happiness, joy, love,
May all your hopes and dreams come true!

It's a beautiful day outside,
I'll buy the matchmaker lilacs -
It's his birthday, after all.
I wish you inspiration.

I'll drink a glass to your health,
I'll shower you with compliments.
As a man, he is an example,
The standard of secular manners.

My dear matchmaker,
Now you are like a brother to me.
Come with you, dear,
Let's drink rum one at a time.
I'll raise a glass
I'll take it for good health.
So that you have
What I wanted for so long.
That maybe I didn’t have time.
So that things can be argued,
My wife loved me.
I drink the last one
After all, I love the matchmaker.

Come on, my dear matchmaker,
Let's celebrate with the whole room
Together is your birthday,
Let's raise our glasses!
Never know a grudge
Drive away your sorrows
Keep your appearance cheerful
So that your enemies get bored.
Don't give in to laziness
Get rid of the sadness
Let your dreams come true
Wrinkles will be smoothed out!

I'll come to the matchmaker today
With a greeting card.
I'll bring you chocolate
Lots and lots of marmalade.

I'll grab a bottle of wine
And to go with it, barbecue.
I will tell him: “Wait!
Open the door for me quickly!

I want to congratulate you
And add a little more
Everything that is to come.
Wait a little.

Matchmaker - you are good to me
And not at all soft-skinned.
Therefore, for all the work
Accept my gift,
And in addition, congratulations,
So that there are no amendments!”

My matchmaker and I are very friendly -
We stand by each other:
Sometimes we don't even need words,
Instead - a look that is always alive.

I want to congratulate you
And bring a gift,
May there be joy with you
Always on the way.

To be always with you
The one who brings happiness.
All-encompassing love
Let a new day come.

You, my friend, are very close to me,
You are like a brother to me.
May your soul always be cheerful;
Long life to you - viva!

Happy birthday matchmaker
I want to congratulate you!
Wish you luck
And the mountains are on your shoulder.

Let the troubles go away
Sorrows will pass by,
Worries will disappear
And don't know colds.

Birthday today
Dear matchmaker.
Here are our congratulations
Be healthy, be rich.

Work with pleasure
And relax in a big way,
So that overseas dishes
You were able to treat the matchmaker.

But don’t forget the matchmakers,
Invite us to visit more often!

Our dear and beloved matchmaker! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you good health, optimism in life, fortitude and longevity. Remain our dear matchmaker, always as responsive, friendly, sincere, cheerful and hardworking. Be cheerful, cheerful and happy.

Like a dear one, like a brother
We love you
Who knew what matchmaker
Will fate lead?

And thanks to our children -
Among days and dates
Helped us meet each other
Our dear matchmaker.

And we really hope
Just from the heart
That their marriage will last
And indestructible.

Happy birthday, beloved matchmaker!
Let all worries go away
You won't need blat,
To receive bounties from life,

Bless everyone with good health,
Don't have any problems with money at all!
Let your laughter ring for a hundred years,
One hundred winters, one hundred autumns, one hundred springs!

Matchmaker, I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
I will enrich your day with words and wishes.
Let your family live without knowing troubles.
I'll give you some health advice:

Relax more in the air
Don't forget about fishing and gardening.
You are always a welcome guest in our house.
And don’t be sad that the years go by.

We wish you much happiness,
Let there be a lot of wine
For your health
Drunk to the bottom.

Let everything that you wish,
It will be fulfilled.
Let friends not forget
There will be someone to pick up with.

If anything, call
Don't be shy while being tactful.
We are a family,
Happy birthday matchmaker!

Dear matchmaker, we congratulate you on your birthday,
And we consider you the best, without a doubt,
T generous, and attentive, and kind,
A man in the full sense - noble!

We wish you to live up to a hundred years and longer,
And there are a million, or even more,
So that every day is pleasant, not boring,
And every year your life got better and better!

Our matchmaker, you have become our family,
The most beloved and dearest,
You are a husband, you are a father, you are a worthy man,
There is a reason to congratulate you today.

On your wonderful holiday, on your birthday
Let there be a sea of ​​emotions, fun,
Let your soul rest and relax,
May what you do please you and please you.

Our dear matchmaker,
On your holiday, with love
Everyone is happy to drink a glass

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
So that all your dreams come true,
Because we know for sure
What fun is where you are.

Swat is a bit of a TV brand,
And a little bit of a label,
In general, this is a dividend
You're used to it.

Profit in this business -
Our grandchildren are with you.
No need for section -
They will be given to us.

And, as an argument of friendship,
We add it to the total experience
This wonderful occasion -
Your birthday.