Sunscreen sprays will help create beautiful styling, enhance hair shine, and provide protection that is needed not only on the beach, but also under the sky of the metropolis every day.

IN protective equipment ah for hair it is impossible to calculate the spf or somehow determine the effectiveness. And there are only two lines in the list of the most effective methods. The first is a panama or hat, which provides absolute protection. The second is any leave-in which creates an invisible film on the hair. This conditioner is quite suitable: micro-ions combined with mandarin extract and macadamia oil repair damaged areas and protect hair from sun exposure.

The promise of water resistance is best ignored, but other than that it's a great product for hobbyists. natural care. Sun filters in it are obtained from the cinnamon tree, there are also caring components - green tea extract, sunflower oil, coconut, shea. And the aroma, of course - sweet ylang-ylang and neroli create a very right summer mood.

A non-greasy lotion that helps care for thin hair. Protects from the sun and slightly increases the volume, restores the normal level of moisture and perfectly replaces the conditioner.

Well softens already damaged hair and saves split ends from a haircut immediately after returning from vacation. Special polymers create an invisible thin film, protecting hair from both sun and salt exposure. sea ​​water and chlorinated pool water.

Argan oil gives a pleasant aroma and additionally moisturizes dry hair, enhancing its shine, silicones create a strong thin protective film. The spray is light enough to be used every day, both on vacation and in the city.

An all-purpose spray that protects against the effects of hot styling and sun exposure. Unlike oil sprays from sun protection lines, it is light - it is a hybrid of styling and care, completely invisible on the hair.

Grape polyphenols are the best antioxidants that provide preventive regenerative care. When exposed to the sun, cells will be damaged anyway, so timely antioxidant help will be most welcome. And after the active sun season is over, this spray can be used as a regular moisturizing hair conditioner.

Summer is already behind us, but vacations in hot countries have not yet been canceled. Salty sea, 24/7 sun, warm breeze, blue water pool… Have you ever wondered how these joys of life affect your hair? If you are going on a trip to the southern countries, it's time to think about how to protect your hair from the sun.

Unfortunately, our hair does not have natural protection against ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of sunlight, the amino acids that are part of keratin, which is so necessary for maintaining the elasticity and strength of the hair, begin to break down. As a result, the hair loses its original color, becomes dull, dry and brittle.
Therefore, for those who do not want to deprive themselves of the opportunity to demonstrate their hairstyle without harming it, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with some methods of protection, both from the sun's rays themselves and from the unpleasant consequences of their exposure.

Hair protection products from the sun
1. Wash your hair regularly, especially after swimming in the sea or visiting the beach. This will allow you to get rid of the remnants of sweat, fat, sea ​​salt, as well as from grains of sand stuck in the hair. If you use a shampoo for this purpose, then choose the one that contains the maximum amount of balm.

2. If you plan to take a dip in the pool, pre-moisten your hair with water that does not contain chlorine. Bottled water is best suited for this procedure, although using water from the shower is also not forbidden. As a result, the amount of chlorine that your hair can absorb while you are in the pool will decrease dramatically.

4. No electric curlers and curling irons - postpone their use until the end of the holiday. Otherwise, the negative effects of sunlight on your hair will increase many times over. Make it so vacation hair also rested with you. Do not torture them with styling and bouffants.

5. You should not go to the hairdresser immediately upon returning from a vacation that you spent in warmer climes. Let your hair recover. Only after your hair has adapted to the change in climate and has acquired its usual elasticity, you can be puzzled by giving it a new shape.
Generally speaking, a visit to the hairdresser a week after the end of the holiday will be quite good for your hair. However, try not to overdo it in this matter, that is, do not shorten your hair too much. The most damaged are the ends of the hair three to four centimeters long, so they must be disposed of first. The rest of the hair, as a rule, is quite healthy, and it is not at all necessary to put them under the knife.

6. If you have short haircut, then it is recommended to apply a little sunscreen to your hair, which you usually use for skin care. In addition, for these purposes, you can also use olive oil- the protective effect will be no worse, but there will be much less problems with how to wash it all off later. You can also use almond oil - it's great hair protection from the sun.

7. If possible, do not be in the open sun during the hottest time of the day - from 12 to 16 hours. This advice, of course, is not new, but still remains very effective.

8. If you have long hair, then try not to tie them too tight (even more so, you should not wear a braid in the hot summer months). Also, don't use hair ties. If for one reason or another you still cannot refuse them, then at least try to tie them in a new place each time.

9. Special attention use a hairbrush. The teeth should not be too short, and there must be small balls on their tips. The very process of combing should be very delicate - no haste, sudden movements and combing through force.

10. Avoid using metal hairpins and invisibles, as metal can heat up to 50-60 degrees in the sun. You yourself may not feel it, but for your hair, this kind of thermal shock can be fatal.

11. Finally, the most important rule: wear a hat, especially in the middle of the day. In addition to creating a truly reliable protect hair from the sun, this method of solving the problem has another unexpected and very pleasant plus. It lies in the fact that an elegant and well-chosen hat produces no less effect on others than a trendy hairstyle.

A couple of years ago, she went to the sea with blond curls. Just ten days later she returned with a "straw" on her head. I'm not exaggerating at all! When combed, hair fell like autumn leaves. There were two reasons for this: firstly, I bleached before the sea, and secondly, during the holidays I did not protect my hair from exposure to the sun and sea salt. It was just the next two years that it took me to restore my hair. Experience, the son of difficult mistakes, suggests that it is better to spend money on good cosmetics before the holidays, than to cry over scorched tows - after. This is especially true for those who dye their hair.

Some simple tips hair care products on vacation from hairdressers and five of the best, according to Cosmopolitan magazine (and, in my opinion, also not bad - I tried something myself) cosmetic lines for summer hair care - in this post.

For starters, a few near-scientific horror stories. Yesterday I was at the hairdresser, she told me how hair, the sun and salty sea water interact, so that it was clear what you need to protect yourself from.

UV rays dehydrate the hair and gradually destroy both natural and artificial pigments. As a result, uncolored hair burns out, and dyed hair loses its brightness, becomes dry and dull. Hair is approximately 70% composed of keratin, which is based on a protein enriched with sulfur, iron, chromium, copper, zinc, manganese. In addition, hair contains vitamins A, B, PP, C, H, lipids, pigment and water. The sun's rays "pull" all this, as a result of which the hair loses both flexibility and volume. Salt water washes proteins out of the hair, but this is not the worst thing. Sea salt settles under the scales, dries up in the sun, and salt crystals begin to scratch and destroy the hair shaft. That is why sea-dried hair splits and falls off. In addition, in the summer you have to wash your hair more often, and this is an additional factor that deprives the hair of elasticity. This is the kind of attack our curls have to endure!

To help your hair at sea:

1. Don't dye your hair before going south. Any coloring, even the most gentle means, is stressful for the hair. Coloring plus the sun is a double whammy. It is better to do a salon oil wrap. Last year, before going to the sea, I did lamination. This is a controversial procedure, it is not suitable for many, but lamination personally saved my hair then.

2. Be sure to use special moisturizing shampoos (or better - care series, about them - below) with nutrients that bind moisture and prevent overdrying of the hair. It is good if the composition contains keratin and oils.

3. Try not to dry your hair with a hair dryer and do not use styling products, do not comb wet hair, use conditioner and oil for the ends of your hair.

4. Before entering the sea or swimming pool, gather your hair into a tight bun and wet it with fresh running water. It will fill the cuticles and make the hair more resistant to salt. After each bath, be sure to rinse your hair in running water, do not let the salt on your hair dry out in the sun.

5. Use a UV protection spray or cover your head with a hat/scarf.

And now five cosmetic "solar" series, which are recommended by overseas experts. Some of this, again, I tried. If you have any observations, please share! Sometimes friendly advice in such matters helps out a lot!

What to put in a suitcase so that the hair does not cry on the sea?


The brand releases, in my opinion, just the Queen of masks. Expensive, but the hair instantly comes to life.

Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine spray contains argan oil, vitamins A, F, E, sunscreen is also present. This cosmetic instantly nourishes and smoothes hair without weighing it down.

I use oil for the tips of my hair all the time, regardless of the time of year. Tried the shampoo. I personally liked it, but it seemed a bit pricey. Recently, I found him a more democratic and, in my opinion, no less effective alternative - moisturizing shampoo and conditioner with macadamia nut oil from the company aussie.

By the way, Moroccanoil release travel kits for the price of two products.

Convenient for vacation.

Biolage Sunsorials by MATRIX

There are some hairdressing salons on the "Matrix". Personally, I have not tested this cosmetics anywhere, except in a hairdressing salon, but they write that the "solar" series smoothes and nourishes hair well. The technology is based on sunflower seed extract, vitamin E and ceramides. In the series - shampoo, mask and protective spray.

Wella Professionals Sun

The Sun line is a collection of five products for hair care before, during and after sun exposure. The advantage of the line is that there is a protective spray for fine and normal hair and a cream for coarse hair. I used the spray, the hair after it becomes very soft, the aroma is pleasant. There is also a universal moisturizing cream for hair and skin in the series, I did not dare to buy, but they write that you should not be afraid of this versatility.

SOLAR SUBLIME by L'Oreal Professionnel

They write that distinguishing feature of this series - a professional (that is, optimal) concentration of a protective filter that protects the hair structure from the aggressive effects of the sun, salt water and wind. Shampoos after the sun are of two types: for normal and dyed hair. Once an excellent hairdresser told me that if in doubt, buy a shampoo for colored hair or a regular one - choose for colored hair, because it moisturizes as much as possible. So we take it for colored ones, the main thing is not to make it heavier. In the series there is a sun protection milk especially for owners of naughty hair.

Kerastase soleil

This line is especially famous for the spray oil (pictured right), which protects the hair from fading. The "chip" of this spray is that it moisturizes, protects and at the same time adds gloss to the hair. If you spray it on your hand, you will see small golden particles, which probably reflect the sun's rays. Hair after it looks very well-groomed.

How do you take care of your hair in summer? Maybe you know good folk remedies to restore elasticity and shine?

Photo sources:,,,,

Going to the beach, you should definitely take care of protecting your hair, as exposure scorching sun, sea water and hot winds that dry out hair like a hair dryer can turn even naturally strong hair into weak, dull and brittle .

If we use a variety of products with sun protection factor to protect the skin from sunburn - various creams, sprays or tanning oils, then how should hair be protected so that they do not lose their beautiful healthy appearance?

Top tips for protecting your hair from the sun at the beach

To protect hair from direct sunlight sunbathing on the beach , be sure to wear a hat. The best option there will be a light-colored straw hat. Such a hat breathes well and does not let the sun's rays through. You can also protect your hair from direct sunlight by sunbathing under a canopy.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of applying protective products with UV filters to the hair, which protect against exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

In addition to the filter components, the composition of hair protection products from the sun usually includes numerous nourishing and moisturizing substances, vitamin complexes and hydrolyzed keratin, which help strengthen hair, maintain its strength and volume.

To protect your scalp from the growth of bacteria that can kill your hair, be sure to rinse it thoroughly with clean fresh water after each bath. Try to keep your hair as clean as possible, as heat and humidity are an excellent stimulus for the growth of various microorganisms that lead to diseases of the scalp and hair.

After sun hair care

After leaving the beach, be sure to thoroughly wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Try to choose special shampoos designed for hair care in summer period. Such shampoos are produced by almost all well-known cosmetic and pharmacological companies.

In any case, try to avoid using cheap shampoos that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which ruthlessly destroys the lipid structures of the hair, depriving them of their protection. Such an effect on the hair certainly will not help you. look more attractive O .

Shampoos with extracts of nettle, chamomile, sage are best suited for oily hair. For dry and damaged hair you should choose shampoos with extracts of avocado, mallow.

If the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp is significantly increased in the summer, then you should use medicated shampoos. The American pharmaceutical corporation Sharing-Plough has developed a special line of Friderm shampoos: Friderm tar, Friderm pH-balance and Friderm zinc.

Be sure to eat food that includes a complete set of vitamins necessary for hair and vegetable oils- Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, wheat germ, carrots, egg yolk, yeast, green leafy vegetables.

Folk remedies for summer hair care

If there are no professional cosmetics for hair care, it is quite possible to use well-tested folk recipes.

Decoctions of chamomile, succession, nettle, coltsfoot are washed and nourished very well. To prepare such a decoction, it is enough to pour 500 g of medicinal herbs with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist.

A very good firming and moisturizing remedy can be prepared by mixing 2-3 teaspoons lemon juice, a couple of egg yolks and a few drops of burdock or olive oil.

For brittle hair, a good support in the summer will be rubbing into the hair roots a mixture of juices of cabbage, lemon and spinach, taken in equal proportions.

And if possible, refrain from staining or perm hair in the summer, when the hair is most exposed to the sun.

A brief overview of hair protection products from the sun

Today, the market offers a very wide range of sun protection products, produced in a variety of consistencies - oils, sprays, shampoos, jellies, masks, serums.

Don't rely too heavily on shampoos with UV protection. Before going to the beach, be sure to apply a product that does not need to be washed off.

AVON has in its range products from the popular "solar" series with UV filters "Summer in Tahiti" (Tahitian Holiday Sun), which also includes a protective hair spray worth about 350 rubles.

Estel offers a mask and spray from the Sunflower series worth 350 rubles.

Swarzkopf offers good hair protection products from the sun in the Bonacure Sun Guard series. The series includes a mask (360 rubles), shampoo (370 rubles) and spray (470 rubles).

Treatment spray lactocerate from Ducray in addition to protective filters incomposition hasproteins and peptides to repair dry, brittle and damaged hair. The spray should be reapplied after each bath as it does not have a leave-in base. The cost of the spray is about 700 rubles.

Those who are interested in maximum protection of dyed hair are advised to take a closer look at the fluid offered by System Professional (795 rubles).

The French Phitosolba has in its assortment the popular Phyto Beach series, which includes a moisturizing mask, moisturizing spray, hair oil and shampoo containing wax, castor bean oil, fatty acids, provitamin B5, calendula extract and hydrolyzed keratin. The cost of funds from 540 rubles. For oil, up to 900+ rubles. for spray.

The Dutch flagship of cosmetic products for hair KEUNE in the Care Line Sun Sublime series offers a variety of hair protection products from the sun: gel (440 rubles), shampoo with UV filter components (630 rubles), conditioner (756 rubles), serum (1764 p.). Keune cosmetics are well-deserved authority among cosmetologists and consumers around the world.

L`Oreal in the Solar Sublime sunscreen series for hair also offers a large selection of cosmetics - shampoo (610 rub.), mousse (770 rub.), spray (770 rub.), fluid gel (920 rub.), jelly (940 r.) and nourishing mask(1080r.).

The world leader in luxury hair cosmetics Kerastase offers a Soleil series with provitamin B5, ceramides and UV filters for effective sun protection for all hair types. The series includes shampoo, spray, night care, masks, protective gel, jelly mask. The cost of funds from Kerastase starts from 1100 rubles. for shampoo and reaches 2100 r. for the jelly mask.

You can read about how to take care of hair protection when tanning in a solarium in the article " How to sunbathe in a solarium?"
The sun and water cause a chemical reaction in the hair that is comparable to lightening the hair, and we all know how this negatively affects the quality of the hair.
I think each of you noticed that after the summer, the hair begins to break, split, appearance leaves much to be desired, so it is important to protect our hair as much as possible.
In this article, I would like to talk about solar hair protection, this topic is especially relevant in summer time, i.e. now, because it is so important to have healthy and beautiful hair all year round.
The topic is so full of secrets and mysteries that it has not yet been fully explored. I, on the Internet, reading various articles by scientists who study hair at the molecular level, tried to squeeze out the material received as much as possible in order to explain the topic of hair sun protection in an accessible language for you.
In this article, I will explain with you what protection filters are. I'll go over their pros and cons. I will make my choice in favor of the one that in my opinion is the best.
Then I will give the concept of hair aging. I'll tell you what factors contribute to this.
Then I will analyze the importance of using the solar series, in a complex. And in conclusion, I will show what choice I made for my hair.

So let's get started.
I decided to arrange three types of protection in the form of a table, which is the most visual and convenient way to compare information.

As can be seen from the table that natural filters they will definitely not be an effective protection for hair, since their ability to attract the sun's rays is not the most positive thing, say, for brunettes, since hair becomes reddish when burnt out. Blondes and blonds may well neglect this filter if the goal is to lighten their hair. But here we should not forget that this adversely affects the quality of the hair and contributes to rapid photoaging. Below I will tell you why it is bad.
physical filters., are considered the safest and most effective, although they have an average degree of protection. Their only disadvantage is that they tend to be damaged by mechanical movements, for example, from rubbing a towel, they also do not have the property of water repellency and they will need to be renewed every time after bathing.
In addition to these disadvantages, this also includes the fact that your hair will be matte and take on a not quite desirable look, gloss and shine. But you must admit, these are trifles, it is not so important that your hair is beautiful on the beach, it is more important that they remain beautiful later. This dullness and whitishness can be easily washed off with a special shampoo.
to chemical filters should not be resorted to, in particular in cosmetics for sun protection of hair. Yes, they will protect better and have the highest possible protection, but they have a huge minus, the ability to oxidize.
After 2 hours, they will not protect, but have a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair, entering into a reaction of destruction of amino acid chains.
Chemical filters must be urgently washed off the hair after 2 hours, otherwise the aging reaction of the hair shaft will occur.
Even if the product contains a physical filter, there is no need to rinse. The physical filter tends to dry out the hair (zinc oxide and titanium oxide dry out the skin and hair), thereby provoking dryness and brittleness. Therefore, do not forget about the constant washing of hair, during outdoor activities at sea.
I am sure that no one will run home from the beach to wash off the applied product, so I would not use the maximum hair protection factor.
Above, I wrote that I would talk about hair aging. What about aging, you say? Now you will know.
Hair aging consists of aging of the hair shaft and aging of the hair follicle.
If the aging of the shaft occurs due to atmospheric conditions (poor ecology, smoking, etc.), photoaging (from UVA | UVB rays), then the aging of the hair follicle occurs due to a decrease in the function of melanocytes (due to gray hair) and a reduction in hair production (baldness-alopecia) . If the second type of aging depends on genetics and hormonal background(someone turns gray at 20, and someone doesn’t have gray hair at 40), also with alopecia, then the aging of the hair shaft will directly depend on how well you take care of your hair (everyone remembers what is meant by proper care? Hydration. Nutrition. Recovery. Protection). Hair protection is one of the most important stages of hair care, you can spend thousands and tens of thousands of rubles on jars for moisturizing, nourishing and restoring hair, but forget about protection (from thermal devices, sun protection, protection in the cold) and still not see any effect from them . Without protection, you can stay at home, without using a hair dryer and other styling devices. You did not notice such a feature, you made a hair mask and your hair is like silk, but as soon as you go outside, dryness and brittleness instantly appear. Personally, I always noticed this, but could not understand the reason. Now I realized that this is the influence of sunlight, which negatively affects the body as a whole, even when it is cloudy outside.

up to 80% of rays penetrate clouds and clouds. Secondly, unlike UVB rays, which are most active from March to October, the most dangerous UVA rays are active all year round. UVA rays easily penetrate glass, and are also reflected from surrounding objects.
Photoaging of hair is the destruction of the integrity of the hair cover, and as a result of which the appearance of brittleness, dryness and section of the hair.
It is simply necessary to protect your hair if the length is dear to you and you are not going to cut everything “to zero” after the summer.
I think everything is clear with photoaging.
Now let's talk specifically about sunscreen hair lines.
Science does not stand still, so every manufacturer of professional hair lines knows about hair sun protection, for example, you can choose your own care based on your wallet.
I will show the most popular lines:

Do I need to buy a whole line or can I get by with one spray?
This is the most frequently asked question of every girl who is interested in buying a solar series for the first time.
Let's figure it out. First of all, you need to understand for what purpose you are going to purchase this or that line. If you do not plan to go to the sea, the beach, then it is quite possible to get by with your previous care, but at the same time having bought a spray from the solar series. It is also worth starting from the region in which you live, the closer to the equator, the more you will need the entire line of funds.
Well, if the purpose of your purchase is to protect your hair for a trip to the sea, then again it is worth buying lines that have:
  • shampoo
  • mask/balm spray
  • cream or oil leave-in
Why? And how to use these tools correctly.
Answering the question why? I would say that these four tools will complement each other, creating layered protection.
So, for example, a shampoo will be excellent, but at the same time carefully, clean your hair from the very filters that act as a barrier in cosmetics, as well as clean your hair from sea salt, sand and chlorine (if you swim in the pool).
A mask or balm will restore hair, softening and nourishing the hair cuticle, giving hair softness and elasticity. I would recommend making a choice in favor of a mask, as they are more powerful in their action and it is at sea, under the scorching rays of the sun, that the mask will be your salvation for your hair.
It is better not to buy a balm at all or use it on less sunny days.
The next step in hair care will be the application of a creamy leave-in or oil.
In my opinion, it is better to give preference to cream ones, as they will attract the sun's rays less. Gently apply the creamy leave-in immediately after a shower to damp hair.
The final step will be a hair spray that will cover the hair with a protective barrier, a film. It is necessary to choose a spray that can be updated every time after bathing or every 2-3 hours, while not making it dirty hair.
How to check if the spray works on the hair? After application, does your hair “burn” and heat up? Your spray is not working, change it.
Personally, it happened to me, the spray from the Estel brand did not work, because the hair heated up with it and I felt how they were burning.
Therefore, I changed it to a spray from the Angel brand.
Let me show you what care for my hair I purchased?

I decided to opt for the Angel and Londa brand. Why? I love Mark Angel very much and I know that everything she promises is fulfilled. And I took Londa on the recommendation of my sister.

If you talk about whether there is any sense in these funds, then my post will drag on for many letters.
Therefore, let this review be, so to speak theory, and the experiment itself with all the conclusions I will write in another review. I also wanted to write and show my complete hair care in the summer, I think I will combine them into one post.

I will show the state of my hair after two hot months: May / June, I am 100% satisfied with the quality of my hair.

I hope now you have no doubts that hair needs to be protected? And you realized that it is physical filters that are best suited for hair. And of course, do not forget about protecting the hair roots, for this, be sure to wear a hat (cap, hat, scarf). And if you do not protect your hair in the summer, then it will backfire on you during the cold season, then your hair will begin to break, split, dry and become electrified.
I tried to explain as much as possible in detail and in an accessible language all the nuances, I hope I succeeded.
Thank you all for your attention and for your time. Masha was with you, see you soon!
