Salt deodorants, crystal deodorants, mineral deodorants - all these names hide the currently popular deodorants based on aluminum alum, which are powerful natural antiseptics and have the ability to destroy bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor of sweat. Such deodorants can be effective, but to do this you need to know how to use salt deodorants Right.

Alum has been used in medicine for a very long time as an astringent, hemostatic and cauterizing agent, but it is used in hygiene products armpits became relatively recently. And although at first alum-based deodorants consumers were wary, today many people around the world have already seen their benefits, and the popularity of salt deodorants is constantly growing.

Basics difference between salt deodorants from antiperspirant deodorants, which are still more familiar to many, is that crystal deodorants have virtually no effect on the level of sweating. Instead, they combat the main drawback of sweat - its unpleasant odor.

The fact is that the appearance of this odor is caused by waste products of bacteria multiplying in sweat fluid. Deodorants based on alum, destroying bacteria, prevent the emergence unpleasant odor . In this case, the amount of sweat produced decreases slightly due to a slight narrowing of the ducts of the sweat glands, but the natural function of thermoregulation of the body is not disrupted.

Crystal deodorants are superior to regular deodorants several advantages, among which are the absence of white spots on clothes, the absence of fragrances that distort the smell of the selected perfume, the absence allergic reactions. But such benefits will fully manifest themselves only if salt deodorants are used correctly, following the instructions specified by the manufacturers.

Thus, salt deodorants in the form of crystals must be Be sure to moisten with water before use, and then treat clean, dry skin of the armpits with them. After this, it is recommended to let the thin layer of deodorant that has covered the skin dry, and only then get dressed if necessary.

After using salt deodorant it is important every time rinse with clean water and wipe with a clean cloth or dry naturally - this will help maintain the effectiveness of the product for a long time. By the way, salt deodorants are very, very durable; one small crystal is enough for at least six months of intensive use.

When it comes to using salt deodorants in the form of rollers or sprays, and today there are such, then using them, of course, is easier than crystalline ones: a roller deodorant just needs to be passed over the clean, dry skin of the armpits several times, and the spray deodorant needs to be sprayed onto the skin at some distance from it. That is, in in this case the use of salt deodorants is no different from similar antiperspirant deodorants.

Using salt deodorants is not too difficult, and over time, the “ritual” of applying such deodorants to the skin, which at first seemed unusual, will become quite familiar. But there is a few more nuances, which are useful to know when choosing salt deodorants for daily hygiene. Firstly, such deodorants cannot be exposed to prolonged contact with water, otherwise the crystals risk “melting” or deforming too quickly. Secondly, salt deodorants should not be dropped on the floor or hit against any hard surfaces, since the crystals are quite fragile and can easily break.

Salt deodorants provide good protection against the unpleasant odor of sweat and are completely safe for health. And now, knowing the features of their use, you can choose a crystal deodorant that is suitable for you and use it as efficiently as possible. In the online store " Organic kramnitsa» we offer you several varieties of salt deodorants from the USA, Germany and Thailand at affordable prices so that your choice is convenient and pleasant.

Salt deodorants in our store



Lafe's Natural BodyCare

Aasha Herbals

An advertisement for the latest new-fangled antiperspirant promises: “This product will protect you from sweat. No more yellow spots, smell and discomfort! Sound familiar? But in reality, such products do not protect against sweat, but cover up its smell with their own - sharp, rich and not very pleasant. Some do even worse: they block the sweat glands and clog pores. Is there any? Crystal deodorant works completely differently and completely safely; we’ll tell you more about it.

Natural mineral deodorant Crystal


It is easy to recognize fused crystals: they are opaque, matte, the structure is homogeneous, and it is not clear from the outside that this is a stone and not something else. Such products are softer than solid ones, they dissolve faster and, accordingly, run out faster. And if solid crystals are sold without a case (most often), then fused ones come in convenient cases with a lid.

Mechanism of action

Salt deodorant suppresses the reproduction and spread of microorganisms that begin their vigorous activity in places where sweat is secreted, where a favorable environment is formed for them: they increase their colony and provoke the appearance of an unpleasant and pungent aroma. The crystal prevents this and destroys harmful microorganisms.

Unlike the action of synthetic antiperspirants, which interrupt the smell of sweat with an even stronger aroma or generally clog pores and affect the functioning of the sweat glands, the action of the crystal is completely safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

Crystal natural deodorant has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the advantages for which it is so valued:

  • he is completely ;
  • does not contain harmful fragrances, preservatives, dyes and other substances that penetrate our body through the skin and accumulate, causing irreversible changes in cells;
  • hypoallergenic - it can be used even by asthmatics and people with sensitive skin;
  • does not contain alcohol - alcohol dries and irritates the skin, alcohol-containing products cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • has no odor - thanks to this you can use perfumes without worrying that the smell of deodorant will overwhelm the smell of perfume
  • does not affect the functioning of the sweat glands and does not clog pores - due to this, the body’s natural thermoregulation is not disrupted;
  • it works for a long time - not 3-6 hours, as is usually the case with standard antiperspirants, but 24-48 hours;
  • has an antibacterial effect - if there are small wounds in the armpit area (for example, after shaving), just use a salt crystal, it will prevent inflammation;
  • does not leave white marks on clothes - this is convenient when you need to wear an expensive blouse, dress or dark T-shirt;
  • no harm environment– this is a natural part of nature, the only thing that can let you down is the packaging. If it is plastic, the crystal cannot be called completely environmentally friendly.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • the crystal is fragile - just one fall on a hard floor, for example, in a bathroom, will cause it to split into pieces or a small piece will break off from it, which will make using it later very uncomfortable;
  • complete absence of smell - for some this is not an advantage, but a disadvantage, especially for those who do not use perfume at all;
  • it cannot be applied dry - you must wet the skin, otherwise the crystal simply will not leave any trace on it;
  • before use, you need to take a shower - this is necessary to ensure that the skin is completely clean, otherwise the effect of the deodorant will be shorter and the smell of sweat that was before use will remain;
  • not suitable for people who sweat profusely - the crystal eliminates the smell of sweat, but does not affect the amount of fluid released.

Duration of action

Crystal deodorant lasts a long time. If you apply it correctly: on damp and clean skin, it will act from 24 to 48 hours in a row. There is one important “but”: since the mineral does not block the work of the sweat glands, sweat continues to be released and gradually washes away the protective layer of salt, which is why microorganisms begin to develop. Little by little the smell is returning.

On average, in hot weather or intense physical work The action time of the salt crystal is reduced to 10-12 hours. Then the protective layer needs to be renewed: take a shower and rub the armpits with the crystal again.

Rules for using the Crystal

You need to shower before using the crystal. or wash your armpits or feet well (depending on which area needs to be treated). If this is not done, the effect of the deodorant will not be as effective and long-lasting.

Before use, keep the armpit area slightly damp. Then the crystal will slide easily and leave the desired film on the skin.

Additional properties of the mineral

In addition to the fact that crystal deodorant can disinfect skin areas in the armpits, it can also be used for other purposes:

  • disinfect scratches, abrasions and small wounds;
  • treat candidiasis (thrush) and herpes with its help;
  • use for gargling and mouthwash for stomatitis, periodontal disease, sore throat and similar diseases;
  • reduce itching caused by a mosquito or other insect bite;
  • quickly and effectively disinfect the skin after depilation so that irritation does not occur and the skin calms down faster;
  • remove the persistent aroma of onion, garlic, fish from your hands;
  • fight external defects that appear on oily skin: acne, irritation, rashes.

When does the Crystal not work?

There are situations when salt deodorant does not work. Or it works, but not very much a short time: About 30-60 minutes pass after application and the smell appears again. This happens not because the crystal does not suit the individual characteristics of the body, but because there is some kind of disease or hormonal imbalance that causes the body itself to smell unpleasant.

In this situation, you need to solve the problem not with the help of antiperspirants, but with the help of medications that the doctor will prescribe after the examination.


Everyone is sweating!

Sweating is a natural process of the human body and is associated with maintaining normal body temperature. Being a woman is easy and pleasant, if not for the grief that the peculiarities of their body bring to ladies.

Women are much more susceptible to sweating than men, this is due to both emotional behavioral reactions and the fact that women have much more apocrine glands in their armpits.

How do they sweat?!

The activity of the sweat glands plays an important role in the excretory function of the body and in the processes of thermoregulation. About 1 liter of sweat is produced per day, and during times of stress, the volume of sweat produced increases many times over. Sweat glands are unevenly distributed throughout the body, condensing in the area of ​​​​the palms, soles of the feet and inguinal folds.

The main function of a spray deodorant is to kill bacteria. Deodorants are not suitable for those who suffer from excessive sweating. Perfumed deodorants muffle unpleasant odors, absorb moisture and sebum, but do not directly affect the sweating process itself, as an antiperspirant does. Deodorants are contraindicated for people with sensitive skin due to their alcohol content.

Crystal deodorant what is it?

Natural deodorant from mountain minerals. The crystal used in the deodorant is taken from the natural environment, in kind, then hand sanded and packaged. The structure of the deodorant is strong and solid, looking like a transparent stone. In Southeast Asia, the crystal is used after washing the face, which helps normalize sweating and skin problems. Men can use Crystal deodorant after shaving to relieve irritation and itching caused by the razor. Mineral salts of the Crystal have an astringent effect, stop minor bleeding, heal wounds

How the deodorant works

The deodorant begins to act upon contact with wet skin - the surface of the crystal dissolves, forming a microscopic layer that neutralizes bacteria and microorganisms that cause unpleasant odors. Deodorant can be applied not only for the armpit area, but also for the legs. Absolutely harmless to the body, does not contain chemical additives, aluminum, alcohol, emulsifiers and other harmful substances.

Deodorants made from mountain crystals, unlike modern analogues, are approved for use by pregnant and lactating women. The crystal has a natural antibacterial effect. Effectively and safely eliminates bacteria that cause odor. Provides freshness for 24 hours or more, acting much more effectively than chemical deodorants. The crystal does not completely stop sweating, does not close the pores, disrupting their function, and thereby does not harm the body. In extreme heat, artificially blocking the sweat glands can lead to overheating, poor health and sometimes fainting.

- Does not clog pores and sweat ducts, does not disrupt the function of the sweat glands;
- Does not contain fragrances or strong odors that overpower the scent of perfume;
- Does not cause irritation or allergic reactions;
- Does not leave stains on clothes.
- Suitable for both men and women, as well as teenagers;
- Perfectly neutralizes the smell of sweat, including feet;
- Long-lasting action - up to 24 hours
- Lasts for 3-4 years of constant use

Mode of application deodorant crystal:

It is best to use deodorant after a shower or bath, applying to damp, clean skin. This way the action will last until the next shower. Wet the Crystal with water and wipe it over your armpits and feet, if necessary. With long-term use, the Crystal decreases, but does not lose its qualities, until it completely disappears. In addition to its direct purpose - eliminating odor and ensuring freshness in the armpits and legs.

On the market cosmetics a huge arsenal of deodorants is presented. But not all of them are effective against sweating and unpleasant odor, and are also harmless to health.

Types of antiperspirant deodorants, their pros and cons

Deodorant -spray

This type of protection against sweat gained popularity in the early 2000s, when spray cans from Fa, Rexona and others first began to appear in stores. The advantages of sprays are that they are easy to use. After shaking the can, you need to spray a few times in the armpit area and voila, you're done. No need to wait for it to dry. In addition, it does not leave stains on the surface of clothes.

But the downside is its short action, only for one to two hours. From this we can conclude that it will have to be applied several times throughout the day. It turns out to be very expensive, and it is not always possible to do this. There is also a danger if it comes into contact with fire; the cylinder can explode and cause serious harm to others.


Its very convenient and compact appearance attracts the fair half of humanity, but after application it stains clothes. Another drawback is the high alcohol content in the composition, which dries out the delicate skin of the armpits and leads to irritation.

Roll-on antiperspirants

The very first types of means of protection against the unpleasant odor of sweat, which are widely used today. When applied to the surface of the skin, a kind of film is created that clogs the sweat glands, preventing sweating. The product contains alcohol to disinfect the skin and fragrances to combat unpleasant odors. People with skin prone to irritation may experience dryness and itching after the first use. This indicates that you need to change your deodorant.

The most effective brand today is considered to be the antiperspirant Dry Dry. It should be applied to clean, and most importantly, dry armpits, which is one of the necessary conditions. One time is enough to get rid of sweat for almost three to four days. Your armpits will forget what humidity and bad smell are. But, unfortunately, this miracle care product has a small capacity and high cost - about 800-900 rubles. The same series includes wipes and anti-sweating products for feet.

But many doctors are already sounding the alarm that blocking the sweat glands for such a long time can seriously affect your health. If it is impossible to drain sweat, which contains various harmful toxic substances and waste, it enters the lymphatic channel, which in severe cases can lead to oncological pathology of the lymph nodes, and in women - to breast cancer. To avoid such a problem, you should not use such funds often, but only in the most necessary cases, for example: visiting a gym or an important event.

Deodorant – salt mineral

Currently, natural antiperspirant mineral has become popular. Seeing such an interesting product on store shelves, everyone is rushing to find out how effective and safe it is. Many women hesitate to buy the product precisely because of lack of information. And in vain, because it really has many advantages.

Benefits of salt deodorants

  • The first thing worth noting is its harmlessness. Unlike other antiperspirants, the mineral does not create any film on the surface of the skin and does not close the pores; it simply, due to the content of special chemical compounds, reduces the production of sweat for a long time. This type of cosmetic product has passed many tests and has proven its safety in both adults, adolescents and children;
  • Efficiency. When applied in the morning, its effect will last throughout the day. Salt deodorant will not let you down even in the most difficult situations;
  • Has no smell. Nowadays it is customary to divide all cosmetics into men's and women's, although the only difference is in the scents. For women, these are usually sweet, exciting notes; for representatives of the stronger sex, it smells of freshness and brightness. This deodorant is universal, as it is suitable for use by both men and women;
  • Another unique property is the absence of marks on clothing, since the mineral is colorless, and when applied to the skin it dries quickly. Your wardrobe items will not need to be constantly washed and soaked;
  • Duration of use. This product usually lasts for more than one year, unlike other deodorants;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.

What is the composition and effect of the mineral?

Many people believe that if the composition contains mineral compounds, it is harmful to health. However, this is not true, it just takes a little understanding.

Aluminum compounds, which are contained in all antiperspirants, accumulate in the sweat glands, leading to further serious consequences. But these substances are not present in salt deodorant. It is called a mineral in the literal sense of the word, if anyone has not yet understood. It is created from mountain alum, which contains ammonium salts. These compounds have an antibacterial effect. After all, the smell comes from wet armpits due to the fact that sweat is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, and their waste products already have such an unpleasant aroma.

When making deodorants, nothing happens other than cutting and polishing these rocks. Therefore, it is a purely natural hygienic body care product. Science does not stand still, and in many countries scientists in laboratory conditions grow similar crystals that have similar properties, but are more transparent.

How to use salt deodorant

Before use, you must thoroughly wash the application area with soap to remove bacteria and sweat odor, as if upper layer deodorant will absorb this unpleasant odor, and then with each application it will give it back to the skin. This type of product has its own small peculiarity - before applying to clean, dry skin of the armpits, you should moisten them with a small amount of water.

Then rub it several times over the surface of the skin and let it dry, then you can put on clothes. After use, rinse the mineral with water and dry with a dry cloth. This way you will extend the “life” of your “protector” from sweat. Otherwise, the surface of the mineral will quickly begin to turn yellow, which will lead to its ineffectiveness.

In addition to just a mineral, such antiperspirants are already produced in the form of a spray and a roller. There is nothing unusual about the application here unlike other deodorants.

Salt deodorant is an excellent alternative for those who care about their health and do not want to use cosmetics with harmful substances. Despite the fact that many manufacturers talk about the safety of their products, the anti-perspirant market mainly consists of products with chemical components that are dangerous to skin health and overall well-being. And few consumers know that there are products created by nature itself that quite successfully cope with the task of removing odor and sweating. They are not so popular, but just as effective, and most importantly, they do not harm your health. An example of this is salt deodorant or crystal mineral deodorant, another name for it is alunite.

Thanks to the development of information technology, any product that has recently appeared on the market quickly gains popularity and becomes famous. This is what happened with this type of cosmetics. Many are already actively using them and leaving them good feedback. Medical specialists, after a series of studies, have not identified any negative components or health effects in such products.

Salt deodorants can be used by teenagers and even children.

What are their properties?

The presence of all the positive properties described above contributes to the popularity of crystal deodorant. There is only one negative aspect: salt deodorant has a very fragile structure. Even a minor impact from a fall will cause small parts to break off. After this, the deodorant begins to scratch the skin and cause discomfort.

What are the benefits and harms of mineral deodorants?

Mineral deodorant is a hygienic product containing crystals of mineral salts, which is why it is also called crystal. The absence of artificial ingredients makes mineral deodorant an excellent substitute for cosmetic antiperspirants. The substance from which the product is made is created by nature itself. This is a mineral of mountain-volcanic origin called “”, the main elements of which are aluminum-potassium and ammonium salts. He has been known for a long time its antiseptic properties, is sold in any pharmacy and is good drug for the treatment of various skin diseases (wounds, inflammation, etc.). Many people mistake the name of the mineral for a derivative of aluminum. This is a false belief.

A crystal is a salt-containing mineral, the bulk of which is found in mountain volcanic strata throughout the world. Most of these deodorant raw materials are mined in the south of East Asia. The crystal processing process is carried out without any intervention of any chemical components. The mineral is cut, polished or crushed - it depends on what it is needed for. Deodorants and other products created on the basis of these crystals do not provoke allergies. Thus, minerals crushed to powder are used as... Today, scientists can easily grow artificial crystals, which are almost identical to natural ones, but have a more transparent structure.

Medical specialists have long been writing and talking about the dangers of antiperspirants: they almost always contain aluminum sulfate and aluminum chlorohydrate, which disrupt normal metabolism and. However, doctors have nothing against mineral deodorant; rather, on the contrary, they recommend using it regularly. Its main effect is not aimed at blocking sweat, but at suppressing the development of bacterial microflora. In addition, the mineral structure is excellent for treating small wounds and scratches that often remain after shaving.

Some consumers claim that crystal mineral deodorant is not effective in combating sweating and odor, however, such people, as it turns out, were simply using them incorrectly. Mineral is applied differently than regular cosmetic antiperspirant in any form.

The effect of using mineral deodorant will be if applied to damp skin of the armpits. It lies on the surface of the skin with a thin film and gradually dries. Sweat continues to be released, but there will be no unpleasant odor. However, if someone is not satisfied, then you need to use an antiperspirant.

It is also worth knowing that mineral deodorants are recommended for people with moderate sweating. For those who suffer from excessive sweating, they will not help and need to look for other hygiene products.

The market for hygiene products today is replete with a variety of prices, products and scents. Crystal deodorants, which are presented in stores, are produced in Thailand - this includes Deoice. They are made from fused or solid crystal with the addition of aloe vera extract. The big advantage of these natural products is the absence of any perfumes. This feature allows you to use deodorant and your favorite scent at the same time.

Crystal mineral deodorants are also called Thai. There are several main forms of packaging:

It is worth adding that you can purchase such natural hygiene products in large retail chains or online stores. Their cost ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on the shape of the crystal and the weight of the product itself.

Philippine crystal deodorant

Recently, a product from the Philippines – crystal deodorant “Freshness” – has also been gaining popularity. Its advantage is absolute naturalness. Thereby, The product is suitable for use even by those who suffer from asthma. The absence of chemical impurities and perfumes makes the product universal.

This deodorant with an antibacterial effect protects against sweaty odor by absorbing sweat and destroying the bacterial environment that develops in the armpit area. At the same time, the surface of the skin is not exposed to any negative impact, maintaining physiological balance. Showing its antiseptic properties, the “Freshness” deodorant refreshes the skin of the armpits throughout the day, drying it out a little.

The manufacturer produces deodorant both in the form of a solid mineral and in the form of a spray or powder. Any of these products have a long shelf life (if properly stored dry), are economical to use, and provide good protection for people with moderate levels of sweating.