Correct female image made up of certain details. In order to be successful and have weight in society, you do not need to invest huge sums in clothes and accessories. We will tell you how to look expensive and well-groomed at no extra cost. The photos attached to this article clearly demonstrate the possibility of emphasizing the natural female beauty with simple means.

Basic women's wardrobe

Universal skirts

The main set of clothes includes a tapered pencil skirt. This item must necessarily sit strictly on the figure, and its lower edge must reach the middle of the knee. This skirt is relevant throughout the year, it is worth buying at least three different variations: for summer, winter and demi-season. The lining must certainly take place, and the fabric of the top is selected depending on the weather conditions. Practical and noble-looking natural materials are welcome, in which elastane inclusions are allowed. A properly tailored item can be used for a long time, creating new ensembles by replacing accessories, outerwear and shoes. Fans of pencil skirts are always in trend.

beautiful pencil skirt models

lace skirts

Versatile trousers and shirts

In the formation of a respectable image will help shirts in men's style- Batniks. The best choice is not only a win-win white color, but also all its pleasant shades. The colors of basic shirts are selected depending on the color type of appearance. For example, many girls go for pale pink, champagne, light gray, cream, beige, milky. The basic wardrobe for all occasions is unthinkable without classic dark trousers. Ideally they should be black. When choosing a model, it is necessary to build on the physique and the shoes used. Almost all women fit straight trousers or cigarette trousers. If this item is combined with elegant shoes, then the bottom edge of the leg should reach strictly to the middle of the heel or stud. For ballet shoes, classic trousers are selected as follows: their length normally coincides with the top of a flat heel.

shirt and cropped trousers

plaid shirt trousers

Other must-have basic wardrobe items

Feminine images for publication can be created with the help of a black dress that does not lose its relevance. By adding to it solid accessories, neat shoes, a chic hairstyle and appropriate makeup, you will be able to look perfect on celebratory event. It is also necessary to have jackets in dark colors, today there are many pretty models. IN basic wardrobe will serve perfectly: a trench coat, plain T-shirts without inscriptions and prints, perfectly fitting jeans without decor, neat pumps with a comfortable heel, a beautiful leather jacket, snow-white sneakers, a black turtleneck and a vest.

shoes and accessories for a black dress

women's jacket

women's trench coat

basic jersey

skinny jeans

leather jacket



Aesthetic women's accessories

Not every girl knows how to look expensive and well-groomed at no extra cost, photos of stylish accessories and other things in this article will help you get closer to the desired image. Here are some tips from fashion experts:

  • cash investments will go for the future if they are aimed at high-quality shoes, the best bags and sunglasses;
  • to complete the image, it is not necessary to have a lot of jewelry, the main thing is that elegant rings, stud earrings, gold chains, cuff bracelets should be worn systematically and changed depending on the life situation;
  • the selection of bags needs to be given a lot of attention, the most successful models are geometric shapes, leather, without decorative design;
  • clutch - good model bags for solid images;
  • sometimes, to give things an interesting color, it is enough to replace the button with more attractive and original ones;
  • all kinds of shawls and scarves, in harmony with the color of the eyes and skin, are also appropriate in a stylish women's wardrobe.

stylish accessories

Body care

hair beauty

In order for the appearance to be really well-groomed, it is necessary to regularly update the haircut by visiting a good hairdresser. Timely coloring and daily hair styling are mandatory activities. If there are problems, then the curls need constant care. Fortunately, modern salons offer a huge range of treatments for curing and shining hair, many of which can be done at home.

beautiful hair styling

skin beauty

Every effort must be made to ensure that the skin of the whole body, and especially the face, looks healthy and clean. Instead of thick makeup, only minor touches of cosmetics are required. A slightly emphasized face looks well-groomed and attractive. If you invest in professional tools for skin care, the effects of stress and lack of sleep will be minimized. In order for the body to be tender, you need to remove hairs in time, eat right, pay enough attention to cleansing, tightening and anti-cellulite measures.

smooth well-groomed facial skin

Nail beauty

An impeccable female image cannot be imagined without good manicure. Going to a nail salon ordinary varnish should be weekly. If it is not possible to refresh your fingers once a week, then it is permissible to apply a special gel for 2 weeks. In extreme cases, you can learn how to take care of your nails and skin on your own, for this purpose you will need special manicure tools, appropriate products and varnishes. Best Options: neutral or red varnish, lying evenly over the entire surface of the nail plates.

aesthetic manicure

Regardless of the chosen image, a woman must be dressed in clean clothes, matched to her figure and combined with each other - in any case, this will create the impression of a presentable person. In this article, we talked about some of the features of the selection of universal clothing and accessories, and also mentioned the importance of body care. It must be clarified that all these measures will be ineffective without unshakable self-confidence.

A well-groomed woman... What is she like? Are there criteria for this definition? What needs to be done to look well-groomed? What are the ways to do this? at 100%?

The desire to be beautiful, well-groomed, attractive, to attract the envious glances of rivals, to cause admiration in men is one of cherished desires any woman. But wanting something does not mean being able to. Many lovely ladies do not know and do not understand what they need to do to look like a well-groomed woman. Let's analyze this question. In our article, we will consider everything in order.

Commandments of a well-groomed woman

All of the above - this is the 10 commandments of a well-groomed woman. Observing them daily, the lady will always look beautiful, elegant, modern and attractive. These truths are simple. Each of us can do them if we want.

How to become a super lady?

If the above signs of a well-groomed woman cause anyone to doubt, then they can be supplemented with several more important points. Try to visit a beautician at least once a month for face and body treatments. The spa will also help you look chic. It is recommended to visit the solarium several times a month. A snow-white Hollywood smile should be in every well-groomed lady. Psychologists say that people who do not have dental problems are open in communication, feel more comfortable and confident.

A visit to a beauty salon and special care is the key to perfect shiny and healthy hair. And, of course, we must not forget about a healthy diet. The diet should contain all the necessary components to ensure the functioning of the body.

Do I look bad?

Many shows, websites, books, magazines and other sources of information tell you how to become a well-groomed woman, how to properly perform cosmetic procedures, apply makeup, dress stylishly, etc. All created the necessary conditions to make lovely ladies look chic. But, despite this, groomed women are constantly found on the streets. The reasons may be different. Reluctance to waste free time on "nonsense". Also, some women do not want to notice their bad appearance. For some, family, children and work take all their time and energy. Lack of money and other reasons are not the last on this list.

Despite these reasons, this does not excuse women who look bad and do not want to take care of themselves. Life is given to us once, each of us is the one and only, so you need to pamper yourself. Then the people around you will treat you properly. First of all, you need to learn to love yourself.

My years are my wealth

Mature well-groomed women can look several years younger. People around see a charming representative of the fair sex in front of them and cannot determine her age. Such results are achieved if you provide yourself with proper care behind the face and body at a young age. In adulthood, looking good is much more difficult. This requires additional cosmetic procedures and, as a result, financial investments. Despite this, mature women, wanting to feel a second youth, spare no expense and time to take care of themselves.

Proper discreet makeup, application cosmetics for the face, body, hands will provide a beautiful view to a lady of any age.

Makeup for an older woman

Inflicting decorative cosmetics, women should take into account the peculiarities of their skin. The main thing is not to overdo it. A large number of cosmetics are never used by mature, well-groomed women, as this will emphasize age-related changes and give the face an unnatural look of a mask. Before applying light makeup need to be prepared. Moisturize your face and neck. After all, mature skin loses its ability to retain enough moisture and becomes dry. Over the years, many ladies have already decided on the brand and, in fact, care products. If this does not happen, you could not find what is right for you, then you need to seek advice from a beautician.

With age, facial moisturizer should become more oily. Also, over the years, excess vegetation may appear, which must be removed in a timely manner.

After using a moisturizer, apply a thin layer of a light foundation. You don't need powder, as it will accentuate every wrinkle. On the cheeks, you can apply a thin layer of blush, preferably a cream shade. A gray or dark brown liner will make your eyes stand out, and a little mascara on your lashes will complete your look. Eyebrows can be highlighted with shadows or a pencil. On the lips we apply a bold contour pencil of a natural shade. Then use discreet lipstick. With this makeup you will look elegant. It is suitable for any event.

Passers-by look at them

Well-groomed women (there is a photo in the article) always stand out from the general mass of people. They give the impression of wealth and success. Such women are an object to follow, and for close people - an object of pride. A well-groomed representative of the weaker sex wants to be examined and admired by her image. Isn't that what we all want to achieve?

A well-groomed woman can be recognized by several signs: hands with beautiful manicure, the presence of a pedicure, the absence of excess vegetation on the body, perfect smooth skin, light tan. Shiny hair, the right haircut and styling, low-key makeup, well-chosen clothes, a straight back and a leisurely gait - all this is an integral part of elegance.

Let's reveal some secrets

Well-groomed women carefully keep their little secrets that help them give their face and body such an impressive look. It is these nuances that help the lady feel beautiful, attractive and desirable.

  • The first secret lies in an active lifestyle.
  • The second secret is the absence bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol adversely affect the state of the body both internally and externally (hair, nails, skin).
  • The third secret is an individual style in clothes. In order not to chase the fashion that changes every day, you can create your own unique image that will skillfully emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can turn to specialists for help. The stylist will tell you what things suit you best, how to combine them with each other, etc.
  • The fourth secret is optimism as a life position. You need to learn to enjoy the world around you and give your good mood to all people. Smile and laughter are the key Have a good mood and success.

Mistakes of "well-groomed" women

Observing all the commandments, studying the secrets and rules of a well-groomed woman, you may not achieve the desired result. Self-confident ladies, believing that they themselves know how to create an image, are often mistaken and look ridiculous. It is better to trust professionals who will pick up right style, makeup, face and body care products. If possible, you can use the services of a stylist. Each master must be a professional in his field. For example, if a woman is immersed in work and has achieved success in it, then those people who are not experts in this field will come to her for help. Therefore, before dyeing your hair in any color, you need to consult a hairdresser, and not engage in amateur activities. Indeed, sometimes it is so difficult to achieve the intended result without knowing certain nuances. This is how it should be in everything that concerns self-care. Professionals are better aware of current trends and innovations.

Why be beautiful?

Well-groomed women, whose photos are posted on glossy pages, or just met us on the street, cause delight. They make a positive impression on both men and women. Well-groomed is ninety percent of success in any business. For example, during a job interview, the employer will definitely pay attention to the appearance. And if there is a choice which of the applicants to give preference to (and one will have a sloppy look), then it is not difficult to guess what decision the boss will make.

Men are very proud when such a woman walks by. Strong representatives of humanity like the envious glances of competitors.

And children are always happy when their mother looks like an older sister. This is what they like to show off to their peers. Girls always imitate their mother, so from childhood you need to show the right example of self-care.

For the sake of yourself, your husband and children, you need to look perfect. And it will keep the man in stimulus. He will have no reason to relax in family relationships thinking that no one needs such an unattractive wife, because no one pays attention to her.

Knowing all the signs of a well-groomed woman, keep yourself in perfect shape won't be too difficult. Especially when there is a significant incentive for this.

Lady Manners

Even the most well-groomed woman should be able to behave properly in society, so as not to spoil the first impression of herself. Slow movements, a calm and quiet voice, a straight posture and a restrained gait - these are taught to those girls who strive to look like real ladies. The absence of ridiculous and unnecessary movements, correct speech - all this will complement the image of a well-groomed and successful woman.

If the fair sex will look appropriate, but slouch or talk loudly, then this will spoil the first positive impression of her. All efforts can be crossed out.

Regardless of social status, every woman wants a polished and dignified look to catch her eye at the first glance. Image, indeed, if not everything decides, then a lot: from enrolling in a representative position (if you have the appropriate knowledge, of course) to arranging your personal life with a solid contender for this role. Therefore, the question of how to look expensive and well-groomed cannot be called idle. There are several rules, under which you will achieve the desired result.

Healthy lifestyle

Let's start with the good news: Availability perfect figure not necessary. You are beautiful in every way. Remember this. Now the bad news: healthy lifestyle life should become the norm for you. No matter how trite it may sound, but lack of sleep and malnutrition, combined with a thick layer foundation, even the most expensive, any of your efforts will be nullified. Take a critical look at your habits and get rid of bad ones. Otherwise, you will have to forget about how to look expensive and well-groomed.

Take a close look at the condition of your teeth, skin, hair, and nails. Make an appointment with the dentist, if there is such a need, make it a rule to start the day and end with a contrast shower, wash your hair daily.

and well maintained at no significant cost?

A visit to the dental office in our time is a rather costly event, but one cannot do without it. You cannot replace the work of a specialist with your recipes. But in everything that concerns you can limit yourself to home procedures. Masks, balms, rinsing with infusion of herbs - choose the right ways to care for your curls and use them regularly.

In no case do not dye your hair if you do not have gray hair. natural color not just in fashion, it is an indicator of taste and understanding of how to look expensive and stylish. If coloring is necessary, choose natural shades of good dyes. Do not strive to stand out with brightness, however, as well as a complex hairstyle. Simple styling, regular haircut - the best solution to the question of how to look expensive and well-groomed.

Makeup, manicure

The less makeup on your face, the better. Mascara, eye shadow and lipstick to match - all you need. necessary in order to only emphasize your dignity, and not change them beyond recognition. Let's remember the rule: naturalness is the main thing.

Important! Manicure and pedicure should always be. Stop the choice of varnish on neutral, non-provocative shades. They will look most harmoniously in your new look.

The smell of your perfume should not knock you off your feet, there will be an unobtrusive aroma to the place.


For those who want to look expensive, it is important right choice clothes. Pay attention to that, and you will not see clothes of flashy neon colors on them. The colors are discreet, matching shoes.

If you manage to accept these rules and put them into practice, you will be the first to be seen in a motley mass of people, on whom you will want to keep your eyes on longer and with whom you will want to communicate.

The desire of a woman to look well-groomed, expensive and stylish is attached to her at birth and by default. This natural and irresistible desire is successfully exploited by fashion stylists and designers, and manufacturers of goods and services in the fashion industry earn their millions on it. Unfortunately, not all women can exploit the fashion industry itself with the same success. Advertised brands bite with their prices, and fashion designers, stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists want to provide services only to clients with a fat wallet and exorbitant ambitions. How to look expensive and well-groomed for women who do not have a lot of money, but want to be no different from the recognized "style icons" who have already managed to become brands themselves?

Fashion is not about labels. And not about brands. It's about something else that's going on inside of us. Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren is one of the richest Americans who became a "fashion legend" and made his fortune in fashion design. He knows a lot about the style that makes a woman an individual among, albeit fashionable, but the crowd. Style is something that gets free or is very inexpensive, and sometimes has nothing to do with fashion. Rather, it has, but here we are talking about personal fashion in taste, the ability to feel your value and present yourself elegantly, even if you are wearing only a smile. Style is more important than brands and is manifested through the look, smile, gestures, posture, speech:

Buy less, choose better, and do it yourself. Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood is a talented designer and trendsetter in the punk style. She broke stereotypes and parodied fashionable classic luxury, calling for always being an individual, being demanding on fashion and giving preference not to quantity, but to quality. Indeed, to look expensive, it is not necessary to have a wardrobe that will "have" you. It is enough to be satisfied with the best, although this does not make the word “better” synonymous with the word “expensive”. Everything should have style, quality and measure:

I actually wear expensive suits, they just look cheap on me. Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett - an entrepreneur, investor and one of the richest people in the world - is sure that in order to look expensive, it is not enough to have expensive clothes, you must also be able not to devalue them with yourself. Buffett likes to make fun of his shortcomings, and he may not be the first fashionista, but he never looked cheap and poor. The same cannot be said about imaginary "millionaires" who confuse elegance with snobbery, demonstrating the cost of clothes on "accidentally" not torn off price tags. There are 5 main mistakes that betray poverty in a person:

Not to be, but to seem. Comic and cheap look women who buy expensive mink coats and ride trains, or wear diamonds under a blouse from a clothing market. Cheap show-offs. Being a collective image of all the Chinese fakes of branded items, perhaps, is fun. But this is unlikely to earn respect from people who really understand expensive brands.

Posted by Anna Russka (@annarusska) Sep 20, 2017 at 03:18 PDT

Shades precious stones are always perceived positively and look more expensive than practical dark colors. Emerald, sapphire, amber, ruby, amethyst, shades of burgundy catch the eye, but do not irritate or look dull. These are all win-win colors that suit both young girls and mature ladies.

Black and white are also relevant, because they are associated with a luxurious life. Cloth white color hints that their mistress can afford to wear a thing once - and send it to the wash. Things are more complicated with black: cheap knitwear or synthetics in this color can be seen from a kilometer away. Therefore, things must be of high quality.

play with textures

The uniformity of textures reduces the cost of the image. An ensemble made entirely of leather, velvet or other material looks boring. Instead, it's better to combine different fabrics: a silk top and jeans, a leather skirt and a cashmere sweater, a guipure dress and a thick denim jacket. Any set will benefit if worn suede shoes Or a tweed jacket.

Customize things

Posted by Yana Fisti / Stylist (@yanafisti) February 5, 2019 at 1:55 AM PST

It is enough to fit a dress or suit to your figure, narrow your trousers or shorten your jeans - and you will look several times neater, and therefore more expensive. In addition, in the studio you can replace the buttons with more expensive ones. Metal, horn or mother-of-pearl - it all depends on the specific thing and your preferences. With the same success, you can change the polyester lining of a budget jacket or coat to cotton or silk.

Wear designer jewelry

To look expensive, you don’t have to go to extremes: you don’t need to wear gold and silver in sets. Designer jewelry works ideally in any bow: they are still cheaper than jewelry luxury class, but there are only a few copies of these in the whole world. An alternative is stacked bracelets: with them you can create your own unique story. In order not to turn into a magpie, we recommend that you follow a simple rule: you can decorate only one area, that is, either the wrists and fingers, or the neck and ears.

Dangle earrings in exquisite Mediterranean style from jewelry house.

Buy a rigid bag

Everything is simple here: it has a more status look, as it retains its shape and lasts longer. Models made of patent leather claim to be a designer item (however, if defects appear on such a bag, they are immediately noticeable). Soft bags made of eco-leather wear out quite quickly, so they are not suitable for the case when you need to look spectacular. If the model is not branded, then the fewer details and lines on it, the better.

Pay attention to concise perforated models from the store. Bags can fit A4 size.

Add watch, glasses and belt

Sep 19, 2017 at 2:54 PDT

This trio will ennoble even the most boring outfit. An unmistakable investment is a quality watch with a metal bracelet that resembles men's models. You can also choose watches with colored straps.

When buying sunglasses or medical glasses, an important role is played by the frame, the color of which depends. Classic aviators or panto glasses are timeless models.

As for the belt, a three-centimeter-wide black and brown belt with a simple buckle will suffice. They go with literally everything.

Aviator glasses will complement any of your looks. Try on Valentin Yudashkin glasses with colored lenses and metal frames from the brand's stock store.

Make an accent with a headdress or scarf

Publication from KARINA NIGAY🧣 STYLIST 📍NL (@karina_nigay) Feb 12, 2018 at 1:21 AM PST

A hat is an incredibly stylish and elegant accessory both in spring and in summer looks. By default, this headdress is associated with French chic and English politeness. Does not lag behind him and takes ().

The next trick is worth remembering once and for all: you won’t spoil the outfit. Neat silk, thin woolen scarf or big stole literally work wonders. They refresh the face and generally bring the image together.