Ointment in tubes of 40 ml.

pharmachologic effect

What it is?

Lanolin - This is a natural fat that gives the skin elasticity and softness, protecting it from dehydration. Beeswax contains in its composition. Has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Mineral oil creates a protective, protective film on the surface of the skin.

Today Lanolin is one of the most popular products not only in cosmetology, but also in industry and pharmacology. It contains natural ingredients of animal origin. There are several types:

  • acytylated;
  • polyoxyethylated;
  • anhydrous.

The most popular is acylated Linolin, obtained as a result of anhydride treatment, which gives the drug a special lightness. Creams, masks, and various serums are made from it. An undeniable advantage is the absolute absence of odor in the medication.

The polycosiethylated form is obtained by mixing with ethylene. The finished substance easily dissolves in aqueous and alcohol solutions, which allows it to be used in the manufacture of emulsions and light tonics.

The anhydrous form is formed by hydrogenation. This Lanolin has a mild effect on the skin, loses its astringent properties and natural odor. The natural product saturates the cells with additional moisture. Intensive hydration of the dermis promotes skin renewal, which gives the skin healthy and beautiful view. Adverse Impact environment negatively affects the condition of the skin. The viscous structure of Lanolin allows you to create a special protective film that will protect against hypothermia, overheating and retain moisture. When penetrating into the deep layers, cellular nutrition is enhanced. Lanolin is one of the oldest ointment bases, approved by pharmacopoeias of absolutely all countries of the world.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The Russian manufacturer did not provide data on this section.

Indications for use

Cream with Lanolin has nourishing, healing, moisturizing and caring effects, which makes it possible to use it for dry skin, after chapping. Treating the skin of the abdomen on time helps prevent the formation of stretch marks and skin stretches. Treating the nipples afterwards prevents the formation of cracks.

Lanolin penetrates deeply into the depths of the epidermis, retaining moisture inside and moisturizing the skin. After recovery water-salt balance the skin gains healthy looking, which allows you to use the cream on the face, especially in winter period time.

Lanolin for hair

Constant drying, exposure chemical dyes, regular curling, and the negative impact of weather factors negatively affect the health of hair, which loses moisture and becomes brittle and brittle. For complete recovery you need a strong, powerful moisturizer. Lanolin is able to envelop each hair, protecting it from the adverse effects of certain environmental factors. Thanks to Lanolin, it is possible to preserve the natural moisture of the hair. Hair is strengthened, thickened and moisturized with regular use of Lanolin. The drug must be distributed over the entire length, avoiding the root zone to prevent clogging of the scalp pores, making the hair heavier and increasing its greasiness.

Lanolin soap is used for excessive dryness of the skin of the hands and helps rapid recovery damaged negative impact cold skin.


Lanolin ointment is not prescribed for patients with a history of.

Side effects

Predisposed patients note:

Instructions for Lanolin cream (Method and dosage)

The medication is used externally only. Instructions for use of Lanolin ointment recommend applying the drug to clean skin. Multiplicity - as necessary.

To properly use Lanolin cream, it is necessary to take into account its chemical and physical properties. Following simple rules, you can avoid errors in application:

  • Thoroughly clean the skin before applying the cream. Not a large number of squeeze the cream from the tube onto a sponge or onto your hand, and then distribute evenly over the main areas of the face, moving strictly along massage lines: from the central part of the forehead to the sides; further from the cheekbones towards the temples; from the chin to the ears. To better nourish the skin, movements should be intense, but at the same time gentle.
  • Apply the ointment carefully to the area of ​​the lips and eyes, tapping it in lightly with your fingertips. It is not recommended to apply in a thick layer, because... Delicate skin does not absorb cream well. Protect mucous membranes.
  • Take a comfortable position after applying the cream and relax. After 20-25 minutes, product residue can be removed by blotting paper napkin. The face will take on a well-groomed and radiant appearance.


Lanolin cream is applied externally and is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, which eliminates the possibility of overdose.

Lanolin is an animal wool wax that is obtained by washing the wool of sheep. Lanolin is a purified substance that has a fat-like texture and is secreted by the skin glands of sheep.

Properties of lanolin

The most significant advantage of lanolin is its moisturizing properties: lanolin acts as a natural lubricant, resembling the secretion of the sebaceous glands, moisturizing and softening the skin.

A distinctive feature of lanolin is its ability to effectively retain moisture: lanolin is able to retain a volume of moisture twice its own weight. Penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin, lanolin becomes not only a source of moisture necessary for skin health, but also a means of preventing skin moisture loss.

It is due to these properties of lanolin that cosmetics containing this ingredient effectively soften the skin and increase its elasticity and firmness.

In the mass production of cosmetics, lanolin is used primarily to create emulsions - being a universal ingredient, lanolin mixes well with almost any other cosmetic ingredients

Masks with lanolin

Toning mask

Mask for aging facial skin made of honey and grapefruit with lanolin: mix a teaspoon of lanolin with a tablespoon of boiled water. While the lanolin absorbs the water, squeeze out the grapefruit juice. Then mix a teaspoon of honey, lanolin and three tablespoons of juice. Mix thoroughly or beat with a mixer. Apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour. Remove with a piece of cotton wool soaked in warm water or milk. Afterwards, rinse your face with water at room temperature.

Lanolin mask recipe for dry skin

This mask will help lighten the skin a little and make freckles and other age spots less noticeable:

Take 1 teaspoon of anhydrous lanolin, add 2 tablespoons of clean water to it, and leave until the lanolin completely absorbs the water. At this time, grate a fresh cucumber, then thoroughly grind 1 tablespoon of grated cucumber mixture with the lanolin that has already absorbed the water. Apply the resulting mask to your face for 15 minutes. Then it is advisable to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in cucumber juice or milk.

There is no need to wash your face afterwards.

Recipe for a nourishing, toning and refreshing lanolin mask for dry and aging facial skin

Add 1 tablespoon of water to 1 teaspoon of lanolin. After the lanolin absorbs water, add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and 3-4 tablespoons of juice squeezed from fruits and berries, such as cherries, black currants, gooseberries, lingonberries, apricots, melons, apples and grapefruits. . Rub everything thoroughly and apply to your face for 15-20 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water.

If suddenly the prepared lanolin masks turn out to be very viscous, then first melt the lanolin in a water bath, and then add water and other components to it. Once everything is added, remove from the bath and start beating the composition with a mixer, or grind thoroughly

Lanolin ointment with quince for wrinkles

  • a teaspoon of lanolin and honey
  • raw chicken egg yolk
  • 2 spoons of water
  • tablespoon quince pulp
  • tablespoon sea buckthorn oil

To prepare the ointment, melt lanolin and honey and mix, now pour in water and oil and make the product homogeneous. When the cream is almost ready, add the quince pulp and immediately remove from the heat. If you have a small mixer, you can try whipping the cream with it; if not, stir the product a few more times with a fork. The cream is suitable for daily use to prevent the treatment of wrinkles and nourish the skin.

Hair mask with lanolin at home

Often, store-bought hair care products are quite expensive. In particular, you can pay a very tidy sum for a small bottle of hair mask. Therefore, it will be most convenient to make healing mask for hair at home.

To prepare the mask, mix burdock and Castor oil in equal proportions, add a teaspoon of glycerin to this mixture, which can be found in absolutely any pharmacy, and put two teaspoons of lanolin in your mask.

Apply the resulting mask to your hair along the entire length and leave it alone for an hour. After this, simply rinse off the mask and dry your hair with a towel. The effect of this mask comes after the first procedures and lasts for quite a long time.

However, when using lanolin, remember that it is similar in composition to sebum and, in addition to positive results, can also give negative ones. Lanolin can clog the pores of the scalp and disrupt the normal supply of oxygen to the skin. Don't rub it into your scalp and you'll be fine.

Application of anhydrous lanolin in children's cosmetics

Anhydrous lanolin is one of the main components of children's cosmetics from Ecobiofarm LLC, which offers a new series of cosmetics for children “Magic Herbs”, for example, it is part of a children's cream with D-panthenol, moisturizing with extract complexes.

Products based on anhydrous lanolin are intended for caring for the skin of babies under a diaper in order to prevent dry skin; prevent cracks in the nipples of nursing mothers who are actively breastfeeding.

It is used in medicine for the production of ointments, in cosmetology for the production of creams, shampoos, lipsticks, including widely used in children's cosmetics.

Contraindications: conditional and relative

Lanolin is comedogenic - when used in its pure form, it can clog pores. Due to its “dirty” animal origin, it has an allergenic potential. According to statistics, allergies to lanolin occur in 0.5% of cases, most often in women with various allergic skin diseases. It is believed that acetylated lanolin is not as dangerous in this regard and can even be used by those who have had a hypersensitivity reaction to anhydrous lanolin. But in any case, since lanolin is still a product of animal origin, if there have been cases of allergies in the past or if the skin is too hypersensitive, prone to atony, a patch test will obviously not be superfluous.

Lanolin is wonderful remedy. It is stored for a long time and can also act as a preservative. But what is most important is its close relationship with our sebum and its ability to be perfectly absorbed, pulling other components of cosmetics with it.

Cosmetical tools and food products containing natural ingredients are especially valued today. Recently, in the list of ingredients on the labels of shampoos and other products you can find a substance called lanolin. It is especially in demand among women. It is used in medicine and for caring for wool products.

What is lanolin ─ description and properties

Lanolin is nothing more than animal wax, which is obtained through certain processing. sheep wool. In composition, it is close to sebum and belongs to fat-containing substances. It has been used in its unrefined form since ancient times. True, the benefits of such a product were very doubtful. Today, special technologies are used to clean natural wax, which make it possible to remove dirt and harmful impurities from it. Modern women delighted with the beneficial properties of pure lanolin.

It is produced by boiling wool. Thanks to different approaches, several types of this unique substance are obtained. Each of them is suitable for specific purposes.

In my own way appearance animal wax is a thick, viscous mass of yellow or brownish color. Its smell is not particularly pleasant. Lanolin contains many sterols, including cholesterol, which largely determines its beneficial features. The substance is perfectly absorbed and has a softening effect on the skin. It is characterized by a low melting point - about 35-40 °C. Anhydrous lanolin has a more complex composition: its structure contains esters, free alcohols and fatty acids.

It will be useful to know that medicinal properties wool owes a lot to natural lanolin. In addition to the most popular sheep, there is a camel analogue. The antiseptic properties of camel wool products have been known for at least a couple of centuries. It is not for nothing that blankets made of camel wool are wildly popular among people.

Where is lanolin used:

  • in the cosmetology field;
  • in the medical industry;
  • when caring for woolen items;
  • in the food industry and trade.

The use of lanolin in cosmetology

Due to its ability to retain moisture and penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, the product is very popular in the cosmetics industry. It is used to create softening, moisturizing and protective equipment. Lanolin-based cream smoothes, eliminates imperfections and tightens cracks. The presence of fats in the structure of the substance allows it to be used to protect the skin from exposure to wind, sun and frost.

Sheep lanolin is included in most lipsticks and anti-aging cosmetics. Many women prepare care products from it at home. Foot cream with lanolin is good against fatigue: it relieves pain and soothes irritated skin. At the same time, it has the ability to be absorbed well and not leave marks on clothes.

Caring cosmetics with lanolin for children receive excellent reviews. Natural origin allows the ingredient to be introduced into products for babies, starting from early age. Wax forms an effective barrier against external influences (protective function) and eliminates peeling and redness (therapeutic function). Soap with lanolin solves two problems at once: cleanses and cares. It does not dry out the skin and can be used not only for hands, but for the face and body.

Lanolin for hair

Shampoo with lanolin is especially popular. Such products give hair a healthy shine and saturate it with strength. In addition to detergent compositions, lanolin is added to masks and conditioners to add volume and moisture to curls. It gently lubricates the hairs, making them soft, smooth and vibrant.

Lanolin in medicine

Therapeutic cosmetics for young mothers is the main pharmaceutical area for which the component is produced in large quantities. Nipple cream with lanolin is successfully used to get rid of cracks in breastfeeding. The product quickly eliminates minor damage and prevents the appearance of new ones. There is no need to wash it off before feeding the baby: the ingredient is completely safe for the baby.

Therapeutic gels with lanolin promote wound healing and have an anti-inflammatory and cooling effect. Includes natural ingredients and medications for eyes. Lanolin ointment accelerates healing and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids. Natural wax is used as a base for the production of plasters and impregnation of aseptic dressings.

Lanolin for hair care

Particularly worth mentioning is the use of the substance for working with natural fabrics and yarn. Housewives and needlewomen speak well of detergents with lanolin. Thin knitted products made from wool yarn are very capricious and demanding to care for. They are recommended to be washed with the addition of shampoos, conditioners and softening compounds. This approach to cleaning allows you to preserve the natural velvety and give the products the intended shape, but it requires a lot of effort and time.

Using lanolin to wash wool makes the task easier. You can include it in your DIY detergent base or purchase a ready-made product. Many manufacturers include lanolin in soaps and liquid powders. Such products combine all the necessary functions: cleans, softens and protects the yarn. The result is neat, fluffy products that wear well and last a long time.

For gentle cleaning and care of items made from open wool, the most effective way is to use a special shampoo. Together with cleaning from contaminants, the lanolin in its composition restores wool fabric to its original form. It is worth noting that regular washing of exposed wool significantly extends the service life of products and the comfort of use. This applies to both small things, such as scarves, hats, slippers, and quite voluminous ones: blankets, jackets and vests made of wool.

The substance is also included in shampoos for pets. Representatives of the cat and dog families will be grateful to their owners for the presence of lanolin in hair care compositions. They provide easy combing, carefully remove dirt and give softness to even the most shaggy animals. The effect of lanolin on the “fur coat” of animals is similar to the effect of shampoo on human hair.

Purified lanolin in food and other products

The use of animal wax is not limited to cosmetic and household needs. It has also found application in the food industry. It is used for glazing confectionery products and as an anti-flaming agent. In the first case, lanolin gives the product gloss and smoothness, in the second it helps to achieve uniformity during the cooking process.

Shiny fruits and vegetables in the store are also thanks to this valuable ingredient. Due to the fact that lanolin contains steroid derivatives, it is able to form a glossy shell. This is why apples and peaches on retail shelves look so impressive and force the buyer to purchase them as soon as possible.

In addition to the options listed, you can find a well-known component in other industries. Manufacturers of clothing and footwear have happily adopted the ability to create a water-repellent film: lanolin is always present in tubes of care and protective products. Builders regularly encounter it in their work: sheep's wax is part of concrete. Lubricants for all purposes also include this product.

Disadvantages of natural wax

Due to its wide distribution, it seems that it has no “cons”. But it is not so. Due to its natural composition, this product has almost no negative characteristics, but in some cases it can cause allergic reactions. To eliminate them, it is better to use diluted liquid lanolin rather than thick one. Before applying to the skin, it is necessary to check the body for allergies, namely, rub a couple of drops of the drug in the wrist area and look for the presence or absence of a reaction.

Video about lanolin:

Reading the ingredients of cosmetics and products from the pharmacy, many people wonder: lanolin - what is it? This is a naturally occurring substance that is obtained from sheep's wool. Sometimes it is also called animal wax. The substance is used in the industrial sector and cosmetology. Creams, face and hair masks, and soap are made from it.

How is lanolin obtained?

Crude lanolin is obtained by boiling down sheep's wool. The process produces a brown clot with high density and a pungent odor. There are three ways to isolate the substance: acid, extraction, lime. Using separators, a fat-like mass is obtained, which is treated with phosphoric acid. Afterwards, the clot is cleaned, clarified, and bleached. Lanolin is delivered to Russia from South Africa and New Zealand. The price depends on the degree of disinfection and cleaning. The most expensive is pharmaceutical lanolin.


Acetylated lanolin is obtained by anhydride treatment. This form lacks stickiness and a specific odor, which is why it is often used as a component of emulsion preparations. Polyoxyethylated lanolin is obtained from the addition of the oxide to ethylene. Then the substance is dissolved in alcohol and water and used as a cream base. Sometimes the substance is obtained by hydrogenation; this type is more dense,

The benefits and harms of lanolin

Liquid crystals of lanolin are similar in structure to human skin, so the emulsion is added to cosmetics. The mixture obtained from sheep's wool fat has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Lanolin ointment helps moisturize the skin and restore dead skin cells. Thanks to the substance in creams and lotions, viscosity and shelf life increase. The mixture also has the following advantages:

  • restores damaged structure hair;
  • softens skin, wrinkles;
  • removes acne, acne marks;
  • maintains the natural moisture of the dermis.

Medicines are not given side effects, and they contain no more than 15-20% of the substance. If you use the mixture in its pure form, then the appearance of allergic reactions. Lanolin in cosmetics can cause potential harm if the dosage is incorrect. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions for use and contraindications.


The composition of animal wax substances includes many high-molecular alcohols, their esters and fatty acids. The properties of the components and their dosage depend on the breed of the animal, the method of wax extraction, cleaning, clarification, and disinfection. Manufacturers believe that high-quality raw materials contain more than 50% pure lanolin and no more than 25% cholesterol. To find out what lanolin is, you need to familiarize yourself with its components.


Their properties, scope

  1. Cholesterol, isocholesterol.

Used for the manufacture of pharmacological ointments. They have emulsifying properties.

  1. Ergosterol (0.2%).

The component eliminates the manifestation of fungal infection, therefore it is often used for medicinal purposes.

  1. Behenic, palmitic, stearic acids.

They have binding properties and high density. They are used in the manufacture of cosmetic creams, lotions, masks, soaps, and lubricating oils.

  1. Montanic and cerotic acids.

It is used as a base for creams, ointments, and wax. Helps maintain sticky consistency in a viscous state.

  1. Cetyl, ceryl, carnauba alcohol.

The substance has a beneficial effect on the skin, penetrates deeply, and has antiseptic properties.

  1. Caprylic, myristic, lauric acids.

Used in cosmetic preparations, household chemicals. Increases the shelf life of ointments and creams.


Lanolin-based cosmetics have virtually no side effects, but have certain contraindications. Before use, you should consult a dermatologist if you are prone to allergies, sensitive skin, you suffer from fungus or lichen, eczema. In the presence of skin diseases, medications can cause complications. In other cases, cosmetics are completely safe and have a positive effect.

Lanolin in cosmetology

The substance helps reduce the density of cosmetic creams, making them easier to apply to the body and face. The component smoothes the skin texture and softens it. Animal wax is found in lifting creams that remove wrinkles and signs of aging. Cosmetics with this component are indicated for people with dry, chapped skin. Lipsticks and lip glosses contain up to 5% lanolin for stable fixation.

Lanolin cream

Such cosmetics are an effective nourishing product for the skin. Lanolin face cream contains a high percentage of fats and oils, eliminates dryness, gives the skin firmness, elasticity, and also prevents the formation of wrinkles. It can be used for cracked nipples in nursing mothers due to its complete harmlessness to infants and does not cause allergies.

Lanolin alcohol

It is a mixture of lanosterol, cholesterol, and agnosterol. The substance is extracted by alkaline hydrolysis of lanolin and then subjected to further separator processing. Alcohol is used as an emulsifier in cosmetics and pharmacological products; it does not give color or odor. The substance promotes the healing of wounds, cuts, scars, and the restoration of skin cells.

Lanolin soap

The product is used in household chemicals. Lanolin soap is cheap, you can buy it in every pharmacy or store in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Used for body care, especially for the delicate skin of children and infants. In addition to natural sheep's wool wax, such soaps also contain olive, sunflower and shea butter, and silk proteins. Try to choose a product whose chemical composition does not contain flavors or dyes.

Masks with lanolin

Homemade masks with the extract are in great demand. Many people have a question about where to buy lanolin. You can purchase the substance in its pure form at a pharmacy or household chemicals store. It is cheap and consists of natural ingredients. It is recommended to take the anhydrous version, it does not cause allergic reactions. Below are recipes for popular masks.

For face

Homemade masks based on lanolin are relevant during the cold season. In autumn and winter, the skin is especially prone to flaking and dryness. Folk recipes with “wool wax” are good because they consist entirely of natural ingredients. They are harmless and effective. Here are some recipes for popular face and neck masks

  1. Mix water and lanolin in equal proportions. Add 2-3 tablespoons of olive or peach oil to make the mixture thicker. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.
  2. Thoroughly mix 5 g of lanolin and 2 g of beeswax, castor oil and water. Keep on your face for no more than 15 minutes. Before use, you need to apply a little product to your hand and leave it to check for an allergic reaction.

For hair

You can make your own at home natural remedy, which will strengthen the hair follicles and accelerate hair growth. The extract is combined with other ingredients of natural origin that are used in cosmetology. Lanolin for hair will strengthen its structure, add volume, and remove fragility. Mask recipes.