With age, every person's skin undergoes aging, no matter how well it is cared for. For this reason, many women begin to use the most different methods to prolong rejuvenation. One of these remedies is mumiyo. Let's take a closer look at this product and its effect on smoothing out wrinkles.

What is this

Shilajit is a mineral product that itself forms in rock cracks under the influence of temperatures and wind.

Simply put, mumiyo is a mass that arose from mummified remains of plant and animal origin (sand, wood, leather, etc.).

Due to the fact that Shilajit contains special chemical compounds, there is evidence that it is able to cleanse the skin and promote its rejuvenation.

Features of the composition

Mumiyo contains more than thirty useful natural components.

It contains important:

  • fatty acid,
  • amino acids,
  • vitamins C, E and K,
  • as well as microelements (calcium, selenium, magnesium, etc.).

Together, these substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, saturating it with all the necessary beneficial elements. Moreover, the substance is considered not only a rejuvenating agent, but also medicinal and healing. For this reason, it is often used in professional products for the care of problem skin.

Operating principle

Mumiyo, or as it is also called, mountain resin, has a strong soothing and regenerating effect on the skin.

This product has the following effects:

  1. Getting rid of acne.
  2. Reducing inflammation and rashes.
  3. Nourishes the skin at the cellular level.
  4. Shilajit has a pronounced antibacterial effect. It also heals microcracks.
  5. Helps eliminate scars.
  6. Removing toxic substances and waste from the skin.
  7. Deep cleansing of pores and normalization of the sebaceous glands, due to which you can get rid of the problem of dry or oily skin.
  8. Restoration and tightening of the skin due to the renewal of epidermal cells.
  9. Shilajit helps tighten the skin, which is why small facial wrinkles are smoothed out.
  10. Promoting the natural production of collagen and elastin - substances responsible for skin elasticity.

Is it used in cosmetology?

Mumiyo began to be used in cosmetology back in those days, as soon as people discovered beneficial features of this product. Today, mountain resin is actively used to restore the skin of the face and body, as well as for hair.

If we consider mumiyo as one of cosmetics, then we can say that women who use it will be able to not only rejuvenate their skin, but also relieve it from irritation and rashes.

It is worth knowing that only a natural substance can have the desired effect on the skin, because you should not expect great results from a fake. For this reason, it is best to buy mumiyo in pharmacies from trusted manufacturers.

Preparation of remedies for wrinkles on the face with the addition of mumiyo

You can make aqueous solutions, creams and masks from mumiyo. Let's consider best recipes for rejuvenation from this substance.

Homemade creams

Anti-wrinkle products with mumiyo can be prepared at home.

The best recipes for creams with this substance are:

  1. Mix a spoonful of regular fortified face cream and two crushed mummy tablets. Add a couple of drops of aloe juice. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for ten hours until the powder is completely dissolved. Apply the prepared cream in a thin layer using massage movements. Remaining cream should be removed with a dry paper napkin.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of warm honey, two mummy tablets and almond oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face. Repeat the procedure twice a week.
  3. Dissolve three mummy tablets in a spoon of hot water. Add a little baby cream and a couple drops of jojoba oil. Mix everything and apply an even layer on your face twice a week.
  4. Mix the mummy with rose oil to make a thick mixture. The finished product can be applied directly to the wrinkle area up to three times a week.
  5. Pour two mummy tablets into half a glass of red wine. Leave for 24 hours, then use the prepared lotion to wash your face.


Masks with mumiyo are quite simple to prepare, but this does not make them less effective than expensive ones professional products for skin. With their help, you can significantly improve the condition of the epidermis and get rid of skin irritation.

The best recipes for mummy masks are:

  1. Anti-wrinkle mask for tired skin. To prepare it, you need to mix one yolk, a spoonful of sour cream and honey. Add two dissolved resin tablets. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face in an even layer. After twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

This mask will very well moisturize and nourish the skin. With regular use, you can eliminate fine wrinkles.

  1. Mask for problem skin with wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a resin tablet in a spoon of sour cream. Add some grated cucumber and olive oil. Mix everything together and apply it to your face in two layers. Wait fifteen minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

This product will help whiten the skin, relieve it from flaking and saturate it. useful substances. It is recommended to apply this mask an hour before bedtime.

  1. Mix two tablets of mountain resin, a spoonful of peach oil and a couple of drops of orange essential oil. Apply to face and leave for half an hour. After this, rinse off. Repeat the procedure no more than once a week.
  2. Mask against wrinkles and pigmentation. It will also help eliminate oily shine. To prepare it, you need to beat one egg white and add a spoon to it. lemon juice. Add shilajit powder made from two tablets. Mix everything and apply to face. Rinse off after fifteen minutes.
  3. A mask for dry skin that will nourish it and promote recovery. To prepare it, you need to mix a spoon of olive oil and half a banana. Add mummy in liquid form. Apply the finished mixture to your face in an even layer. After half an hour, rinse with water and apply a rich cream.

Can it be applied to the eye area?

The skin in the eye area is more sensitive and prone to irritation, so cosmetic products for it need to be selected especially carefully.

Mumiyo for the face, especially for wrinkles around the eyes, is recommended to be used in the form of frozen ice cubes, since this is how this substance will least injure delicate skin.

To prepare these ice cubes:

  • dissolve two mummy tablets in half a liter of warm water,
  • the prepared solution must be frozen in ice cube trays,
  • You should wipe the skin in the eye area with ready-made cubes every day,
  • This way you can get rid of small wrinkles in this area and nourish the skin with vitamins.

Is it used for prevention?

The product can be used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but not often. To do this, it will be enough to apply the mask once a day of the week.

You can also use aqueous solutions of mumiyo for washing. They will keep the skin toned and nourish it with vitamins.

Video: Useful information

Rules of application

There are the following rules for using mummy products for skin rejuvenation:

  1. Apply the finished product to previously cleansed skin. If there are open wounds, abrasions or skin diseases, then using such a substance is contraindicated.
  2. If after applying a mask or cream your skin begins to burn or redness occurs, you should immediately wash off the product and consult a doctor. Most likely, you came across a low-quality mummy.
  3. If mumiyo is in tablets, then they need to be crushed to a powder state. Also now in pharmacies there is mumiyo resin extract in liquid form. It is concentrated, so it is considered more effective. You can also use this solution.
  4. If the mask turns out to be liquid, so that it does not “slip” off the face, one layer should be applied on top of it paper napkin. You also need to take a lying position.
  5. If you have long hair, then before applying the mask it is advisable to pin them up or make a ponytail so that they do not interfere.
  6. You can’t often use masks with mumiyo. It is recommended to prepare and apply them once every seven days.

  7. After applying the mask to the skin, it is not recommended to apply any decorative cosmetics.
  8. To achieve rejuvenation results, you need to apply a mask prepared according to the same recipe at least ten times.
  9. It is very important to check its quality before using mumiyo for the first time. To do this, fill the mummy with warm water. If it completely dissolves in a couple of minutes, this means that the product is of high quality.
  10. You need to keep masks with this substance on for fifteen minutes.
  11. Masks should be washed off with water, carefully removing all remnants of the cream or mask.
  12. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a light nourishing cream to the skin.

Storage rules

Despite the fact that the shelf life of mumiyo has no restrictions, you should be aware of the following rules for its storage:

  1. The product should be stored in an airtight container, where air and light will not enter.
  2. It is advisable to store the substance in a cool place.
  3. If you have prepared an aqueous solution from mumiyo, then you need to store it in the refrigerator for no longer than fourteen days.
  4. It is advisable to prepare a fresh mask or cream each time. The product will also retain maximum nutrients.

How to spot a fake

The modern market offers a huge selection of mumiyos, however, unfortunately, among them there are many fakes that not only will not help rejuvenate the skin, but can also cause side effects in the form of redness and irritation.

To distinguish a real product from a fake, you should use the following tips:

  1. Check how the mummy melts. A real product will immediately begin to melt in your hands, but an artificially created one will not.
  2. Identify smell and taste. Real mumiyo has a rich bitter taste and aroma. If a substance emits an unpleasant, repulsive odor, this may indicate its poor quality.
  3. Sediment. Natural mumiyo dissolves very quickly in water, leaving no sediment behind.

Moreover, when buying a mummy, you need to pay attention to its packaging. It must be sealed and have instructions.

They are increasingly used in cosmetology medicines of natural origin. As an example, mumiyo for the face, and it is recommended to use it not only for regular skin care and elimination cosmetic defects, but also for the treatment of various dermatological diseases.

This is a unique substance that is formed in mountain crevices under the influence of soil, plants, animals, microorganisms, and climate. Scientists have yet to figure out exactly how it is born, but for now we can only enjoy its extraordinary composition. Numerous vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other biologically active substances come to the aid of dull facial skin. Our task is only to correctly use this gift of nature.


Due to its unique composition (it is impossible to reproduce it exactly, since it largely depends on the deposit), mumiyo has the following effect on the skin of the face:

  • has regenerating properties, restoring damaged cells;
  • heals cuts, scratches and other injuries on the face;
  • makes stretch marks, scars and cicatrices almost invisible - not only fresh, but also old;
  • improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, ensures the flow of the required amount of oxygen to the tissues;
  • reduces the production of sebum, controls the activity of the subcutaneous glands - recommended for caring for oily skin, to eliminate unhealthy shine;
  • soothes irritated skin, which allows it to be used for rashes on the face (of any origin - allergic or hormonal);
  • treats;
  • promotes additional synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers - is actively used in anti-wrinkle cosmetics;
  • has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect - effectively eliminates pimples on the face and acne;
  • Thanks to its antitoxic properties, it effectively removes heavy metal salts, toxins and other harmful substances from cells, thereby eliminating blackheads.

It turns out that mumiyo can help solve almost any dermatological problems. However, you should be extremely careful when using it to care for dry skin, as there is a risk of peeling and microcracks. And if you have serious diseases (rosacea, large foci of inflammation, etc.), you must first consult a doctor in order to avoid undesirable consequences. Remember that this rock is highly biologically active and is medicine, and not simple cosmetics.

Other names. Mumiyo has many other names that can be indicated on packages of drugs and cosmetics: mountain resin, bragshun, asil, barag-shun, mountain balm, chao-tong, mountain wax, mountain oil, mumiyo.

Indications and contraindications

In order for mumiyo to be as beneficial as possible for the face, consider the indications and contraindications for its use. Violating these lists can lead to the opposite effect - you will acquire new problems instead of getting rid of old ones.


  • wounds, cuts, scratches and other injuries on the face;
  • stretch marks, scars, cicatrices;
  • oily skin type, unhealthy greasy shine on the face;
  • enlarged, contaminated pores;
  • irritation, rashes of various kinds;
  • seborrhea;
  • , aging skin;
  • wrinkles, including crow's feet at the corners of the eyes, grief lines near the lips and nasolabial hollow;
  • pimples, acne;
  • black dots;
  • any skin diseases.


  • too dry and dehydrated skin;
  • fever;
  • muscle pain, facial neuralgia;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance.

If contraindications are not observed, mumiyo can be quite dangerous. For example, on dry skin, islands may first form, and then in their place, bleeding cracks and eczema. At elevated body temperatures, rock can dilate blood vessels under the skin so much that small capillaries burst and form microhematomas, which look very unsightly. So take these lists seriously.

This is interesting. It is still unknown how exactly mumiyo is formed. Among the guesses, the most interesting were: the saliva of snow petrels, thickened semen of mountain goats, bat excrement, evaporation of the earth's crust.

Brand cosmetics

Mumiyo is actively used in cosmetology modern brands. Anti-aging and regenerating products are most often produced on its basis. Most of the products are produced in Russia, since the Altai rock is considered to be the most useful. The famous Belarusian company Belita has a whole line based on mumiyo.

Branded cosmetics containing mumiyo

Top 10 most best creams and masks will tell you what you can choose on the modern market.

  1. Revival mask. Spaquatoria (Russia). $25.6.
  2. Anti-aging night cream against wrinkles. NaturMed (Russia). $7.9.
  3. Nutritious cream. Mirra (Russia). $7.8.
  4. Kindness - cream mask. Propolis (Russia). $6.7.
  5. Alginate mask. Sunlight(Russia). $5.2.
  6. Active mumiyo is a day moisturizing cream. Natural formula (Russia). $3.2.
  7. Mumiyo is a regenerating face cream. Belita (Belarus). $1.8. In the same series you can find a bio-hommage mask, a relaxing mask and micellar water in approximately the same price range.
  8. Cream-balm. Traditional healer (Russia). $1.7.
  9. Mumiyo Altai - intensive cream for sensitive skin, removes redness and peeling. House doctor (Russia). $1.
  10. Nourishing cream for normal and oily skin. Kalina (Russia). $0.8.

Prices for branded cosmetics are acceptable for almost any category of the population, so everyone can enjoy their effects. The main thing is to achieve maximum efficiency.

About the species. Mumiyo comes in different varieties, so look at which one you bought, as each of them has a special composition. Gold - from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan; silver (white) - the rarest, from Tibet and the Himalayas; dark - the most common, from the Urals, Altai, Pamirs.

Rules of application

It is possible to use mumiyo as a cosmetic product and at home. If you purchase the appropriate pharmaceutical drug, you can use it to make an anti-aging cream or a regenerating mask with your own hands. But at the same time, you will need to adhere to a number of recommendations, not forgetting the high biological activity of this substance and its medicinal (primarily) essence.

  1. Use only pharmaceutical drugs. Do not buy them secondhand, without the appropriate certificate and instructions.
  2. The optimal form of release, which is convenient to use in face masks, is compressed tablets, a layer of rock (both are pre-crushed to a powder state) or balm. In the latter, the concentration of nutrients is significantly lower.
  3. Ideally combined in masks with any liquids (water, herbal infusions, milk, etc.) and a wide variety of products.
  4. If the mask turns out to be too liquid, add a little wheat flour to it. If, on the contrary, it is too thick, use milk.
  5. This is a very active substance, so try not to exceed the dosages indicated in the recipes.
  6. Before applying to your face, be sure to test for allergies. The product is first rubbed onto the wrist. In the absence of itching and rash, it can be used for its intended purpose.
  7. The face should be clean and slightly moisturized.
  8. Apply strictly along massage lines.
  9. Action time - from 10 to 30 minutes.
  10. Frequency - once a week if normal skin care is required, and twice a week if there are serious problems (acne, wrinkles, dermatological diseases, etc.).
  11. Preventive and caring course - 8-10 masks, therapeutic - 12-15. The break between courses should be at least 2 months.


For homemade You will need recipes for cosmetics made from mumiyo. When choosing them, focus on the problem you need to get rid of and your skin type. Additional ingredients in the mask or cream will play an important role. Therefore, carefully select auxiliary products for them so that they are not aggressive, accessible and do not cause allergies.

  • For wrinkles around the eyes

1. Mix a glass of warm water, 10 grams of heated liquid honey, 2 tablets of mountain wax, ground into powder, 20 ml of juice. Action time - 10 minutes.

2. Dilute 5 grams of mountain wax (powder) in 20 ml of water, add 5 drops of rose essential oil. Apply a compress to your eyelids for 5-7 minutes.

3. Dilute 2 tablets of mountain wax, ground into powder, with 100 ml of a decoction of either chamomile or calendula. Apply a compress to your eyelids for 20 minutes. Herbal extracts can be replaced with steeply brewed green tea.

  • For wrinkles on the face

Dissolve 20 grams of mountain wax powder in 100 ml of warm milk. Add 50 grams of cottage cheese and 30 grams of applesauce. Beat the mixture until fluffy. Lastly, add honey to the mask (no more than a teaspoon).

  • Film mask

A film mask made from mumiyo and gelatin has an excellent lifting effect: it tightens the jowls, reduces the size of the double chin over time, smoothes out shallow wrinkles, and makes the skin elastic and refreshed.

Pour 10 grams of gelatin powder into a cup, throw in 1 (uncrushed) tablet of mountain wax, pour 20 ml of water. Leave for half an hour. Place the container with these ingredients in a water bath and keep it there until both components are completely dissolved. In this case, you need to constantly stir the composition. Remove from heat, add 10 ml of hot honey, squeeze out the capsule. Apply a thick layer to the face and wait until completely dry. Remove carefully from bottom to top.

  • For edema

To heal various skin damage, you can simply mix mumiyo with baby cream without additional ingredients. The effect will be the same.

  • Lotion

Dissolve 20 grams of mountain wax powder in 100 ml of dry red wine. Leave covered for a day. It turns out to be an excellent anti-aging lotion that will cope with shallow wrinkles.

Mumiyo in cosmetic products for facial skin care is one of those few ingredients that receives numerous positive reviews, rarely disappoints and does its job 100%. Its medicinal properties and natural origin guarantee an amazing effect and always excellent results.

Shilajit is a unique creation of nature; its healing properties have a wide range of applications. The product has a beneficial effect on facial skin. Masks get rid of acne, blackheads, heal scars and scars, smooth out wrinkles. The product is now sold in any pharmacy in powder form or in tablet form. Shilajit for the face against wrinkles can be used in homemade mask recipes; already the first procedure gives an amazing effect.

The healing properties of natural medicine have been known to mankind for more than 4 thousand years. In nature, it is a small crust located on a rock mass. Mountain resin consists of the remains of animal bones, plants, and rocks.

Scientists debate whether the product is organic or geological.

The people involved in its extraction gave it the name “tears of the mountains.” Only after thorough cleaning will it be ready for further use. The dark brown shiny mass is characterized by a huge number of beneficial properties. A huge advantage is that the product has no expiration date and can be stored in almost any conditions.


Mumiyo contains:

  • amino acid complex
  • vitamin E, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin K;
  • from macroelements - calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium.

Vitally important active components have a complex effect on the skin, saturate every cell with vitamins and other elements that guarantee healing effects.

The benefits of mumiyo for the dermis

Shilajit for wrinkles has been used in home cosmetology for a long time. Such masks not only smooth out wrinkles, but also have a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin.

Efficiency of mountain resin:

  1. Mountain resin is characterized by astringent properties, thanks to which masks based on it smooth out expression lines and age-related wrinkles that have formed on the face. In addition, it stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, returning its elasticity to the skin.
  2. It tightens scars on the face, makes them as invisible as possible, lightens pigmented areas of the skin and removes signs of fatigue from the dermis.
  3. Helps fight acne and pimples; the disinfectant and antibacterial effect of mountain resin cleanses the skin and prevents further breakouts.
  4. Deeply cleanses the pores of the face, removes sebaceous plugs and toxins, as a result the skin is toned and rejuvenated.

How to choose rock resin

You can achieve excellent results from using mountain resin for medicinal purposes only by choosing a real product. A high-quality mineral has certain characteristics.

  1. If you place a piece of the mineral in your palm, it will instantly begin to melt due to its low melting point.
  2. The mineral tastes incredibly bitter.
  3. The healing agent has a specific aroma, slightly reminiscent of the smell of sheep manure.
  4. The mineral is known to dissolve in water in a matter of seconds. At the same time, in vegetable oil it will retain its consistency.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the smell of the product. If it causes disgust and is persistent, then there is a high probability that this is a fake. It is better to choose another drug. You can buy the product after making sure that the signs presented above are present. Mumiyo, collected in mountain caves, contains an incredible amount of useful substances. This mineral is indispensable in medicine. In addition, having this “treasure” in the house, you can use it in home cosmetology.

Of course, it is almost impossible to purchase the mineral in its original form. For homemade masks, a pharmacy product is quite suitable.

How to store it correctly

To prevent the mineral from losing its beneficial properties, it is necessary to place it in a waterproof container and store it in a cool, dark place. At room temperature the product quickly hardens or flows. Of course, it does not lose its beneficial properties, but the shelf life is significantly reduced.

The aqueous solution of the product is stored only in the refrigerator. You can use it for 10-14 days, no longer, then nothing useful remains there. Pharmaceutical powder lasts longer. If a girl decides to distribute one bag to prepare 2-3 masks, it is necessary to close it tightly so that air does not penetrate inside.

The product retains its beneficial properties for a very long time. If you follow the minimum storage rules, you can use the product for an extremely long time for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Application in cosmetology

Shilajit is an indispensable remedy in alternative medicine. In addition, it has found application in cosmetology, combats:

  • split ends of hair
  • dandruff
  • cellulite, stretch marks on the skin;
  • pimples, acne
  • "crow's feet", folds on the dermis.
  • 2 grams of mountain resin powder
  • 200 ml of burdock root decoction.

The ingredients are evenly distributed along the length of the curls, left for 15-20 minutes, and washed off with warm water.

Against cellulite

Often women are faced with the problem of cellulite on their legs, which does not look the most pleasant.


  • orange essential oil (1 tablespoon);
  • 1 gram mummy.

The ingredients are combined and mixed until smooth. Once a week you need to rub this mixture with your fingertips into the problem area. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for 1.5-2 months to achieve better results. Cellulite disappears. To prevent it from appearing again, you need to accustom yourself to do morning exercises every day and include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

For stretch marks

When a woman becomes a mother, it’s wonderful! However, ladies often face the problem of postpartum stretch marks. A harmless remedy is massage with mumiyo.


  • healing powder mumiyo
  • boiled water (per 1 gram of product 100 ml of liquid);
  • baby cream (in such an amount that the total mass is not too thick).

The resulting product is rubbed into problem areas of the dermis 2-3 times a week for 1.5 months. Stretch marks may not completely disappear, but they will become almost invisible.

Homemade recipes for wrinkles

#1: Nutritious

In order to prepare a mask with mumiyo against wrinkles, it is best to take mountain resin tablets. The recipe is incredibly simple. You need to take a teaspoon of regular baby cream and dissolve 1 tablet of mountain resin in it. After 5 minutes, when the resin has completely dissolved, the consistency is applied to the face. The mask should be washed off after 20 minutes, always with cool water. It is recommended to repeat the cosmetic procedure several times during the week. The face will become elastic, acne and fine wrinkles will disappear.

If the skin is too oily and inflammation and rashes constantly appear on it, a recipe with the following components will be effective:

  • mumiyo (if powder – 1.5 tablespoons, if tablets – 2 pieces);
  • 1 egg white
  • liquid honey (a little less than 1 teaspoon);
  • medium fat milk (1 tablespoon).

All ingredients are mixed well, you should get a mixture similar in consistency to rich sour cream. 15 minutes after applying the product, wash off with ice water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week for a month - you will be surprised at the effect. A face mask with mumiyo not only gently fights against wrinkles, but also has a pronounced nutritional effect, saturates the dermis with all useful substances to maintain its healthy appearance.

Thanks to its gentle effects, you can safely use mumiyo against wrinkles around the eyes.

No. 2: against early wrinkles, unwanted pigmentation

If you want to prepare a mass that will lighten pigmented areas of the skin on the face, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken egg white;
  • fresh lemon juice (full teaspoon);
  • mumiyo (if powder - 1 large spoon, if there are tablets, take 2 pieces).

The ingredients are combined in a deep container and mixed well. The face is washed, dried with a towel, then a mask is applied to it in a thin layer. It is recommended to carry out a cosmetic procedure at least once a week. This recipe tones the skin of the face, evens out its tone, removes signs of fatigue and smoothes out both expression lines and age wrinkles.

Shilajit is a healing natural remedy that effectively combats many dermatological problems. Mountain resin does not cause allergies; mask recipes can be used by women of all ages.

Masks with Mumiyo

The cosmetology industry is constantly evolving, and finding a mask with mumiyo is not difficult. However, it is better to use ready-made products for those ladies who have very little free time.

If a woman has the opportunity to devote 2-3 hours to beauty once a week, it is still recommended to make skincare products yourself at home according to the recipes presented above.

Homemade cream “Essential”

It’s very easy to make an excellent nourishing cream with your own hands at home. Before starting cooking, it is important to note that the mineral powder will not dissolve in oil.

  1. At the pharmacy you need to buy 10 mummy tablets (usually they come in 2 grams). The tablets are crushed and dissolved in a small amount of water to form a homogeneous porridge.
  2. Add 10 drops of essential oil (rosemary, orange, mint, lavender) and 2 tablespoons of baby cream.
  3. The resulting product is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. The cream is used 2-3 times a week. It perfectly tones and refreshes the dermis.


  • children under 12 years of age;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • cancer patients
  • if there is an individual intolerance to the product.

Mumiyo is the most valuable gift of nature. Pharmaceutical powder and tablets made on its basis can be used in home cosmetology. The product costs a little, but the result lives up to expectations. Regular use of it for beauty will help get rid of unwanted wrinkles, improve the condition of the dermis, saturate it with vitamins, and strengthen the hair.

One of the unique “creations” of nature is the mumiyo. This name is given to an organomineral complex that has an extremely complex composition. In nature, mumiyo is found in the form of plaque on rocks located high above sea level. This product is used in medicine and cosmetology. Let's figure out how to use mumiyo for wrinkles on the face.

It is especially useful to use mumiyo for the care of aging skin.

Mountain resin contains:

  • about three dozen useful macro- and microelements;
  • pole of valuables amino acids;
  • almost complete set of vitamins;
  • essential substances and other ingredients beneficial to the skin.

How does it work?

With regular use of mountain resin in skin care, the following effects are noted:

  • the synthesis of elastic and collagen is stimulated, thereby improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • accelerates regeneration processes, which makes the skin smoother and silkier;
  • superficial wrinkles are smoothed out, small scars are resolved;
  • has a wound healing effect, treats inflammation, irritation;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the glands that produce sebum;
  • protects cells from negative external influences;
  • replenishes the deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

Important nuances of use

Raw mumiyo contains many impurities, can be used only purified product. It is sold in pharmacies. Most often, you can purchase this product in tablets or powder. It is much less common to find mumiyo in the form of purified resin. Choose a product from well-known manufacturers, as there are also fakes on sale. If you choose a low-quality product, you can seriously harm your skin.

Important! Check the quality of the product by trying to dissolve it in water. Natural mountain resin dissolves well. If the product cannot be dissolved, it cannot be used.

If tablets are used, they must first be thoroughly crushed to a powder state and then dissolved in water. It is best to prepare the compositions for one time; in extreme cases, you can prepare the composition for three days and store it in an opaque, tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

Ready-made compounds must be applied after preliminary preparation. You need to thoroughly cleanse your skin, removing makeup and removing impurities. The duration of action of masks depends on the composition; as a rule, they need to be washed off after 15-30 minutes.

It is not recommended to use cosmetic compositions with mumiyo too often. Procedures with mountain resin are carried out three times a month, this is enough to prevent the appearance of signs of aging. If you need to solve a specific cosmetic problem, then you can increase the frequency of procedures by performing them every five days. The course consists of 10 procedures, then you will need to take a break for two months.

Precautionary measures

Almost everyone can use mumiyo for a course of rejuvenation at home. The only contraindication is individual negative skin reactions. Therefore, conducting preliminary allergy tests is mandatory.

Please note that You need to buy mumiyo only in pharmacies. Do not purchase this substance secondhand, as there is a high probability that you will be sold a counterfeit. And the skin’s reaction to contact with a product of unknown quality is unpredictable.

Methods of application

Shilajit can be used to prepare various homemade cosmetic compositions.

Preparing tonic

The simplest tonic is prepared from mineral or purified water. For 100 ml of water you need to take 5 mummy tablets (each tablet weighs 0.2 grams), crush and dissolve in water. Add five drops of ether to the solution. Pour the finished tonic into a dark glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Wipe the skin with tonic twice a day, shake the composition before use.

The same composition can be used to make cosmetic ice; for this you need to freeze the prepared tonic in molds

If your skin is prone to oily skin, you can prepare a tonic based on red wine. You just need to use a high-quality natural product. For 100 ml of wine you will need 5 tablets crushed into powder.

Preparing the cream

You can add mumiyo to your regular cream that you use daily. The enriched product is prepared as follows:

  • put 10 grams of your regular cream in a small clean jar;
  • Separately crush 4 tablets to a powder;
  • mix mumiyo powder with cream;
  • let the composition brew for at least 10 hours at room temperature;
  • then leave the jar in the refrigerator;
  • Similarly, you can prepare an enriched eye cream if you plan to use mumiyo for wrinkles around the eyes.

The enriched cream should be used as follows:

  • The composition should be applied to a well-cleansed face, preferably after a hot bath or shower, when the pores are open;
  • apply the composition in a thin layer;
  • perform patting movements, driving the composition into the skin;
  • After half an hour, you need to remove the remaining composition with a napkin.

You can prepare another version of homemade cream:

  • the base will be baby cream, we will need 50 grams;
  • dilute 3 grams of mumiyo powder (if tablets are used, then 15 pieces) with a small amount of chamomile decoction, you should get a creamy mass;
  • mix the mummy with the cream base, mix thoroughly;
  • add to the mixture the contents of three capsules of the vitamin preparation “Aevit” and three drops of essential , mix well. This composition is also suitable for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Apply the cream to a cleansed face in a thick layer, after an hour remove the residue with dry cotton pads. After this procedure, you should not wash your face for at least one hour. It’s even better to use this cream in the evening and wash your face only in the morning.

Mask options

An excellent anti-aging product is an anti-wrinkle mask with mumiyo. There are different recipes for cosmetic compositions; you will need to choose the most suitable one.

With yolk

This composition perfectly moisturizes, but it an insufficient amount moisture leads to the formation of a network of fine wrinkles on the surface of the skin. In addition, this mask effectively tones the skin and replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.


  • take the yolk of a fresh egg (ideally from a domestic chicken). If the skin does not react well to chicken contact, you can replace it with three quail egg yolks;
  • Dilute 2 grams of powder (10 tablets) in a small amount of cold boiled water;
  • add 10 grams of thick sour cream and liquid;
  • mix everything, beat the mass, achieving homogeneity of the mass;
  • Apply the prepared mixture to prepared skin, rinse half an hour after application.

With cucumber

This version of the composition softens, moisturizes and whitens well. After a course of such masks, the skin will become fresher, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.


  • take a small fresh one, peel it;
  • grate the peeled vegetable on a fine grater;
  • crush 5 tablets (1 gram of powder), dilute it with cucumber juice, stir;
  • mix the grated cucumber mass with diluted resin and a teaspoon of sour cream;
  • Apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water, then rinse your face cold water or wipe with ice.

With protein

This version of the composition not only smoothes out wrinkles, but also tightens skin that has begun to lose elasticity.

The composition is prepared as follows:

  • Crush 2 grams of mumiyo to a powder;
  • dilute the powder with cold brewed green tea to a liquid paste;
  • beat separately into a fluffy foam with the addition of ten drops of lemon juice;
  • mix the whipped egg white with the mountain resin slurry, grind until smooth;
  • apply with a swab or brush in a few words. Apply each subsequent layer when the previous one has dried;
  • rinse off a quarter of an hour after applying the top layer.

With oatmeal

The basis of this anti-aging composition is oatmeal or flour. You can prepare it yourself by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. You need to try to grind it exactly to the state of flour, so the product will better “give up” its nutrients.


  • crush 5 tablets or measure one gram of mummy powder;
  • mix mountain resin powder with a tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • dilute the mixture with cold infusion of green tea to a semi-liquid pulp;
  • let the mixture brew and thicken;
  • Apply a thick layer for a quarter of an hour.

With red wine

This composition is well suited for aging skin with enlarged pores. For preparation you will need red grape wine.

Dilute 2 grams of mumiyo powder in 20 ml of wine, stir, add five milliliters to the composition, mix vigorously until an emulsion is obtained. Soak cotton pads in the resulting liquid and apply them to your face for a quarter of an hour. The area around the eyes and lips should remain free.

After a course of such masks, the skin will become fresher and younger, and the pores will become less noticeable. In addition, your complexion will noticeably improve.


This nourishing composition is ideal for dehydrated, aging skin. The oil effectively moisturizes and softens, and mumiyos saturate the skin cells with biologically active substances.

Can be used to prepare cosmetic composition different types oils Especially recommended.

Preparation procedure:

  • slightly warm the honey (10 grams) by placing a cup of honey in a bowl of hot water;
  • Mix the honey that has become soft with an equal volume of butter, stir until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  • dilute 2 grams of mumiyo powder (10 tablets) with water or milk;
  • mix the mountain resin pulp with the oil-honey mixture;
  • Apply with a swab and wash off after twenty minutes.

With kelp

This is a powerful anti-aging composition. It actively saturates cells with minerals, stimulates the production of natural collagen, and smoothes the skin. To prepare it, in addition to mumiyo, you will need powdered kelp. You can buy kelp in tablets or dry seaweed and grind the product yourself.


  • mix a tablespoon of kelp powder with 1 gram of mumiyo powder, dilute the mixture with water to the consistency of a thick paste;
  • separately mix 10 grams of honey with 5 ml of oil;
  • combine both mixtures, grind until smooth;
  • apply for twenty minutes.

With clay

This composition perfectly stretches the skin and also effectively cleanses, promoting the removal of toxins. This option is ideal for combination skin.


  • crush five mummy tablets or measure out one gram of powder;
  • mix mountain resin powder with a dessert spoon of yellow clay and the same amount of blue clay;
  • dilute the mixture with cold water to a semi-liquid paste;
  • add five drops of essential oil and grind;
  • apply for twenty minutes;
  • the composition hardens into a crust, to make it easier to wash off, first you need to soak the composition by applying a sponge soaked in water to your face.

With gelatin

This version of the mask effectively tightens and saturates the skin with collagen, vitamins and minerals.

Preparation procedure:

  • Dilute 10 grams of powder with 60 ml of water, let the crystals swell;
  • dissolve the gelatin when heated, avoiding the solution boiling;
  • Separately crush 20 gelatin tablets, dilute the powder with a small amount of water to obtain a semi-liquid paste;
  • mix a warm solution of gelatin with a slurry of mountain resin and a teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • apply the composition with a brush or swab, make sure that the composition does not fall on the eyebrows and does not reach the hairline on the forehead;
  • After forty minutes, remove the mask, which hardens into a film.

With rice flour and tocopherol

To prepare this composition, you will need to grind the rice in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. A tablespoon of powder must be mixed with 1 gram of mumiyo powder. Dilute the mixture with cold water to a creamy consistency. Add the contents of one ampoule of a solution of tocopherol in oil.

This composition is suitable for aging skin. It evens out the relief, stimulates metabolic processes, prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes out existing wrinkles.


The oil is placed in a porcelain bowl and heated in a water bath. Mix mumiyo powder (1 gram) into the oil. Cool the mixture and add five drops of wood. Apply with a brush to the entire face, not excluding the skin of the eyelids. You need to wash off the composition after half an hour.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Official cosmetology recognizes the effectiveness of mumiyo, because this product is often used for the manufacture of factory-made cosmetics. Mumiyo can also be used to prepare homemade cosmetic compositions. But only if you are sure that the product is of high quality.

Shilajit will be especially useful for women aged 40+. Regular use of masks with this product will help rejuvenate the skin by stimulating renewal processes.

Women's opinion

Many women leave positive reviews about their experience of using mumijo for home rejuvenation.

Inna, 35 years old:

Homemade masks with the addition of mumiyo tablets became a life-giving elixir for my sensitive skin. I cook them with olive oil. Thanks to their use, irritation appears less frequently on the skin, wrinkles under the eyes are smoothed out, and the face looks fresher and younger.

Elena, 40 years old:

I have known about the benefits of mumiyo for a long time, but I did not know that it is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. On the advice of a friend, I began adding crushed tablets to masks. I especially liked the honey one. Afterwards her skin looks velvety and smooth.

Anastasia, 35 years old:

I bought mumiyo in tablet form because I read that this remedy is good for cellulite. But then I decided to add crushed tablets to the cream not only for the body, but also for the face. Just a couple of days later I noticed that my face was transformed, the wrinkles were smoothed out, and the color improved. Now I recommend this product to everyone!

If you want to get more than just a cosmetic effect from your homemade masks, which will improve appearance your skin, but the present therapeutic effect, seek help from the mummy.

This is a unique product that contains more than 30 useful organic substances and elements. So homemade mask with mumiyo for the face will not only nourish your skin, but will also help eliminate many skin problems.

With pronounced medicinal properties, all masks with mumijo for the face will significantly improve the condition of your skin:

  • rejuvenating effect: mumiyo is one of the most effective means in cosmetology and medicine against wrinkles, as it causes the skin to tighten and produce collagen and elastin in increased doses;
  • tissue regeneration: only mumiyo can lighten and tighten scars and scars, because of which many people have complexes; of course, they will not resolve, but will become less noticeable;
  • relieving inflammation: the antibacterial and disinfectant properties of masks with mumiyo for the face allow you to for a long time get rid of unpleasant rashes in the form of pimples and acne;
  • elimination of toxins: Shilajit thoroughly cleanses the pores, leaving no room for any impurities or toxins.

These are the properties of masks with mumiyo for skin: and beauty care, and treatment - in one complex effect. Do you want not only beauty, but also real health for your skin cells? In this case, actively and regularly use products based on this truly unique product.

Mask with mumiyo for the face: rules of use

Of course, mumiyo for the face will be more effective if you follow certain rules when preparing and using such masks.

  1. Mumiyo for masks is most often used in the form of tablets, which can very quickly be turned into powder. Liquid balm is used less often, but it is much more effective.
  2. Make masks with mumiyo once every 10 days, remembering their healing effect.
  3. The course of treatment is 10 masks.

Be sure to use mumiyo for facial skin as part of miraculous masks, following all the necessary recommendations: this will enhance their effectiveness.

The best recipes for face masks with mumiyo

When choosing a specific mask based on mumiyo, be sure to be guided by your skin type, because the auxiliary ingredients will enhance one or another effect of this product.

  • 1. Herbal mask with mumiyo for acne

Grind the mumiyo (2 tablets), dilute with cold and strained calendula decoction until thick. You can apply it both to the pimples themselves and to the face as a whole.

  • 2. Protein mask with mummy for oily skin

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dissolve the resulting powder in milk (a tablespoon), add the beaten egg white. In the absence of rosacea, you can add liquid honey (a teaspoon) to this mask.

  • 3. Yolk mask with mumiyo for dry skin

Grind the mumiyo (2 tablets), dissolve the resulting powder in cream (a tablespoon), add the beaten yolk. In the absence of rosacea, you can add liquid honey (a teaspoon) to this mask.

  • 4. Lemon mask with mumiyo for problem skin

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dissolve the resulting powder in freshly squeezed lemon juice (a tablespoon), add the beaten egg white.

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dilute the powder in water (a teaspoon) and mix with your daily nourishing cream (a teaspoon).

  • 6. Mask with mummy for face against scars

Dissolve mumiyo balm (2 g) in boiled cold water (a teaspoon), mix with baby cream until a thick paste forms, add jojoba oil (2-3 drops). The effectiveness of mumiyo from facial scars e and is used on the body even in modern cosmetology.

  • 7. Regenerating face mask with mumiyo

Shilajit balm (2 g) dissolve in essential oil roses (2 g).

  • 8. Rejuvenating toner with mumiyo for face

Pour mumiyo (2 tablets) with dry red wine (100 ml), leave for half an hour. It is recommended to wipe your face with this tonic daily, preferably before bed. This mask is especially effective for facial wrinkles: they are noticeably smoothed out and become less noticeable.

  • 9. Classic mask with mumiyo for the face against acne

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dissolve in boiled cold water until thick.

Heat honey in a water bath until liquid and warm, mix (a teaspoon) with powdered mummy (2 tablets). As part of this mask, mumiyo very effectively relieves acne and other skin inflammations.

Whatever recipe you choose, any of the face masks you prepare with mumiyo will become the main care for any skin type. There is no problem that mumiyo, this unique gift of nature to man, cannot cope with.