My mother worked almost all her life, first as a teacher, and then as the head of a kindergarten. She often had to take me with her to work. The kindergarten was small, the staff was very friendly, and every summer I worked part-time as a janitor, a corridor nanny, or an assistant cook.

At the final exams, one of the tasks was to write a miniature essay about teaching workers. My essay about a kindergarten teacher received an excellent mark and, as the Russian language teacher later said, served as a recommendation for me to a local teacher training college. But due to the big competition, I was only able to enroll part-time, so I went to work. My first student . Over the course of two years, I realized that I was interested in working with children, and when one of my colleagues went on maternity leave, I began to master the profession of a kindergarten teacher.

What does a kindergarten teacher do? during the day

The teacher's morning begins quite early. I have to arrive 10 minutes before the start of the children’s reception, to properly ventilate the group and the bedroom. This is especially true during the heating season, since room temperatures can rise to 30 degrees overnight.

Then we meet the children (if there is no frost or rain, this happens outside), do exercises and take them to the group for breakfast. Then classes begin.

The profession of a kindergarten teacher requires full concentration on work, only then will children love, respect and listen to you.

After class it’s time for a walk. Basically, I make sure that all my clothes are in order (often younger group children get confused, try to pull a T-shirt over a sweater, put on their suits inside out or backwards) and correct them if their shoes are mixed up.

In cold weather you need to: tie a hat and scarf, button your jacket under the neck, put on mittens. All children dress at different speeds. It is very important that they do not overheat in the locker room. Therefore, I take the bulk of the children out for a walk, and the nanny helps those who are lagging behind (usually 2-3 people) and brings them to the playground.

After the walk it is time for lunch and sleep.

The first shift is over. The teacher leaves when the kids are sleeping.

The second shift starts at 14.00. I receive the group, ask the kids how their day went, who performed well, etc. The rise is strictly on schedule. Usually most children wake up on their own, but some may need to be awakened. After this, you need to make sure that everyone is dressed correctly and combed their hair, and also help the girls braid long hair in neat ponytails.

Then the kids have an afternoon snack, and I take them outside again (weather permitting), where their parents pick them up.

At the end of the shift, it is necessary to put the group in order, write the menu and class schedule for the next day, post them in the locker room so that parents can read in the morning what kind of “nutrition and education” awaits their children today.

My responsibilities

Profession teacher in kindergarten imposes many responsibilities. The main ones:

  • maintain order in the group;
  • teach children speech development, mathematics, etc.
  • instill useful skills (for example, self-care), as well as reinforce the norms of behavior and politeness instilled by parents;
  • select (make) didactic material for conducting classes;
  • draw up methodological plans and lesson notes;
  • undergo certification (attend courses and seminars, keep up with new products, engage in self-education and improve your skills).
  • organize and conduct musical events together with children.

Summing up, I can say with confidence that the profession of a kindergarten teacher is not just a job, it is a calling.

Job description The kindergarten teacher determines labor relations. It establishes the functional responsibilities, types of responsibility of the employee, rights, procedure for employment, dismissal, rules of subordination, requirements for experience, education.

The document is developed by the head of the department. Approved by the general director of the institution.

The standard form presented below can be used when drawing up a job description for a junior, senior teacher, or after-school teacher. A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specifics of the institution.

Sample of a typical job description for a kindergarten teacher

I. General provisions

1. A kindergarten teacher belongs to the “specialists” category.

2. A person with at least a secondary specialized education and a medical certificate of admission to work is appointed to the position of a kindergarten teacher.

3. The kindergarten teacher is directly subordinate to the head of the kindergarten.

4. During the absence of a kindergarten teacher, his functional duties, rights, and responsibilities are transferred to another official, which is recorded in the order of the institution.

5. The appointment or dismissal of a kindergarten teacher is carried out by order of the head of the kindergarten.

6. A kindergarten teacher should know:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts on issues educational activities;
  • labor legislation;
  • child, social psychology, pedagogy;
  • regulations on children's rights;
  • methods and techniques for monitoring students;
  • age characteristics of children, hygiene, physiology;
  • pedagogical ethics;
  • ways of communication, establishing contacts with colleagues, students, and their parents;
  • methods, theory of educational work, filling pupils’ free time;
  • methods for identifying causes conflict situations, their prevention and elimination;
  • advanced pedagogical methods of developmental education;
  • basics of working with means of communication;
  • basics of ecology;
  • labor protection and fire safety regulations;
  • internal labor regulations.

7. A kindergarten teacher is guided in his activities by:

  • Charter of the institution;
  • this job description;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations, other governing acts of the institution;
  • orders, instructions from management.

II. Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

The kindergarten teacher performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Controls the entrusted pupils in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for protecting the life and health of children in the premises of the institution, on walking areas.

2. Performs job duties only after passing medical examination Twice a year.

3. Monitors the child’s health.

4. Regularly conducts health promotion activities, together with the medical staff of the institution.

5. Provides hygienic care for children. Pays attention to pupils who attend kindergarten after illness.

6. Carry out correctional and developmental activities with students on the recommendations of psychologists and other specialists.

7. Plans and carries out educational activities in accordance with the program, together with specialists of the institution.

8. Prepares to conduct classes according to the established plan.

7. Contributes to the implementation of the established order of classes and daily routine.

8. Study the individual interests and abilities of children. Uses these results in teaching activities.

9. Regularly reports to the head of the institution and the head nurse about changes in the health status of children. Determines the reason for the absence of children and maintains attendance records.

10. Observes the behavior of children during adaptation. Keeps records of observations.

11. Works with parents in matters of raising children in the family. Provides creation necessary conditions on the premises of the institution for the implementation of educational programs.

12. Prepares leisure time, holiday events with the participation of children, together with the music director and physical education instructor.

13. Treats students with respect, care, shows restraint and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.

14. Replaces the shift teacher during his absence.

15. Maintains documentation in a timely and high-quality manner.

16. Carry out instructions from the manager, senior teacher, head nurse that are related to the protection of life, children’s health, and teaching activities.

17. Personally hand over the shift to the second teacher. Children are handed over according to the list.

18. Participates in educational councils of the institution, methodological associations in the region, district. Conducts parent meetings. Participates in shows, competitions, exhibitions of children's work.

19. Conducts activities with students to improve the territory of the institution.

20. Strictly follows labor discipline and labor regulations.

21. Regularly improves professional qualifications at seminars and courses.

22. Handles the property of the institution with care.

23. Establishes a sanitary and hygienic regime in a group of pupils.

III. Rights

A kindergarten teacher has the right:

1. Demand that management create normal conditions for the performance of their official duties and the safety of material assets.

2. Represent the interests of the institution in the prescribed manner.

3. Make proposals to management that relate to the activities of the institution.

4. Make independent decisions within your competence.

5. Report to the immediate supervisor about identified shortcomings in the activities of the institution. Make proposals to eliminate them.

6. Enter into communication with the staff of the institution’s structural divisions on work issues.

7. Conduct and sign documents within your competence.

8. Receive the necessary information to perform your official duties.

9. Receive information about the decisions of the institution’s management regarding its own activities.

10. Do not exercise your powers if there is a danger to health or life.

IV. Responsibility

The kindergarten teacher is responsible for:

1. Violation of labor discipline requirements, internal labor regulations, safety regulations, fire protection.

2. Consequences of your decisions, independent actions.

3. Violation of etiquette requirements and communication norms.

4. Illegal handling of personal data of students and employees, disclosure of confidential information.

5. Violation of the requirements of the governing documents of the institution.

6. Quality of reporting documentation.

7. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

8. Causing damage to the institution, its employees, students, or the state.

9. Providing management, employees, parents (guardians) with knowingly false information.

10. Unauthorized representation of the interests of the institution.

Assistant teacher in kindergarten

An assistant teacher in a kindergarten assists in the educational process. He participates in classes taught by the teacher.

The main job responsibilities of an assistant teacher in a kindergarten:

1. Regular cleaning, ventilation, disinfection of the premises of the institution.

2. Assisting the teacher in carrying out work with students.

3. Placing requests for replacement and repair of institution equipment.

4. Assist the cook in preparing and serving food to students.

When the time comes to send their baby to kindergarten, every mother is concerned about how the child will feel in the new team. And this depends mainly on the teachers who work there. But a subjective attitude towards your child is one thing, and the responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher are completely different. No one can force kindergarten workers to love your child, but the main responsibilities of a teacher are legally established norms of behavior in specific situations. You can safely demand their compliance.

Everything that is included in the job responsibilities of a teacher is specified in his job description, employment contract and sanitary and epidemiological requirements of SanPin, which apply to a preschool institution. Hence the conclusion: the obligation is not fixed in the document - the teacher is not obliged to fulfill it.

Daily routine in kindergarten

The daily duties of the teacher begin from the first minute after the working day begins. They must accept all the children who come to the group, talk with parents about the well-being of the students. If there are health complaints or the baby’s behavior is in doubt, the teacher should contact the institution’s health care worker. A child with suspected illness will not be allowed into the group. If the parents are unable to take him home, the baby is isolated from other children.

The issue of nutrition is no less acute. It's no secret that little kids who don't want to eat often refuse to eat. The teacher must help the child “master” the portion, and in the nursery, babies need to be fed additionally, since not everyone knows how to eat on their own.

During the working day, educators must ensure compliance with activities. Nurseries usually keep observation diaries. For the holidays, the teacher, with the help of a physical education instructor and a music worker, must prepare matinees and organize the children’s leisure time.

Daytime sleep is a separate issue. The teacher must find an approach to each child. Babies who are light sleepers and take a long time to fall asleep are put to bed first and woken last. Lunch naps should always be supervised by a teacher or nanny (assistant). Leaving children unattended is prohibited!

What should a teacher do during a walk? Definitely don’t sit on a bench and chat with colleagues! Children need to organize outdoor games, as well as involve them in landscaping, which is provided for in the program for a specific age group.

Since teachers work in shifts, before the end of the working day they must restore order in the group and transfer the pupils to the second teacher according to the list.

"Invisible" responsibilities

Diligence, responsibility, sensitivity, the ability to find an approach to any child - these are not all the qualities that a modern educator must have in order to be a truly valuable professional. Pedagogical work requires constant professional development, interaction with parents and other kindergarten employees. And how many different documents you have to maintain every day! Teachers' councils, methodological associations, various competitions, exhibitions of children's works, parent meetings - truly titanic work that deserves respect.

Before you complain about the teacher who didn’t see to it that your child put his right shoe on his left foot, think about the fact that there are 20 of them in the group, or even more. Responsibilities are responsibilities, and human relations come first, because it is with this person that your Treasure spends most of the time.

The profession of a teacher has been known since ancient times. Today this is one of the most necessary and significant professions, because busy parents cannot always devote a sufficient amount of time to their child, and even more so to develop important skills in him and prepare him for school. It is the teacher who will teach your little one independence, rules of behavior, and the knowledge necessary for a preschooler. What is his ideal portrait? Read our article about what qualities of a teacher will contribute to his effective and successful professional activity in a preschool institution.

Pedagogy is my calling

Preschool teacher is a calling

A teacher in a children's educational institution is not even a profession, but a real calling, and also daily hard work. To become a teacher for a long time and seriously, you need to feel that pedagogy is the work of your whole life, and work conscientiously, passing on to children the best that is in you, giving your whole soul.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an internationally recognized ideologist of humanistic pedagogy, emphasized that he is a real teacher whose activities are aimed at educating a humane personality.

According to V. Sukhomlinsky, a real educator should:

  • loving children is the most important thing
  • to care about them
  • respect the personality of each child and believe in him
  • know the soul of every baby and understand it
  • be sensitive to the spiritual world of the child, his nature
  • protect and develop the baby’s self-esteem
  • become a true friend to every child.

If the qualities of the teacher correspond to these humanistic principles of pedagogy, he will be able to raise the child to be an attentive, noble, kind, intellectually developed, patriotic, not indifferent to the problems of others, cultural, responsible, honest, tactful, sensitive, hardworking person.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

Responsibilities preschool teacher are indicated in a number of regulatory documents, such as an employment (collective) agreement, a teacher’s job description, rules and regulations of the sanitary and epidemiological station, etc. These documents regulate the activities of a preschool teacher.

Now preschool education is developing taking into account the intensive introduction of innovations into the pedagogical process. Therefore, new, modern requirements are currently being put forward for the activities of the educator. The work of a preschool teacher should be based on four components:

  • communicative and personal development of the child
  • cognitive-speech
  • artistic and aesthetic
  • physical.

The pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the child. Therefore, the teacher must be professionally competent.

“The level of professionalism of a teacher is determined by professional competence - the ability to conduct teaching activities efficiently and effectively on the basis of job responsibilities, scientific education and a value-based attitude towards pedagogy as a type of activity.”

The competence of a preschool teacher is determined by the fact that he has the necessary attitudes, values, corresponding personal characteristics, theoretical knowledge, and professional qualities to carry out pedagogical activities, which must be constantly improved through self-education.

The teacher must have certain professional competencies

The professional competencies and responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher include:

  • knowledge of the specifics of the system preschool education, as well as features of the organization of educational work for preschoolers of different ages
  • knowledge and understanding of the patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood
  • knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age
  • ability to organize the necessary preschool age types of activities (game and object-manipulative), thereby ensuring the development of children
  • ability to organize joint and independent activities of preschool children
  • knowledge of theory and mastery of pedagogical methods of cognitive, personal and physical development children
  • ability to plan, implement and analyze pedagogical and educational work with preschoolers in accordance with the standard of preschool education
  • the ability to plan and adjust pedagogical tasks (independently, as well as in collaboration with a psychologist and other specialists) in accordance with the results of monitoring the development of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each preschooler
  • ability to follow the recommendations of a psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist and other specialists in working with preschoolers who have difficulty mastering the curriculum, as well as children with special needs
  • the ability to create a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment that ensures the safety of life of preschool children, maintaining and strengthening their health and emotional well-being during their stay in preschool educational institutions
  • mastery of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical monitoring, thanks to which it becomes possible to track the results of preschoolers mastering the curriculum, the level of formation of their necessary qualities necessary for subsequent education in primary school
  • knowledge of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical consultation of parents of preschool children
  • the ability to build proper interaction with parents to solve pedagogical problems
  • the ability to plan, implement and evaluate their teaching activities with children of early and preschool age.

Personal characteristics

A good teacher should be kind and patient

What personal qualities should be inherent in a good teacher of a children's educational institution? Let's look at them:

  1. Kindness and patience. And also justice, mercy, understanding and most importantly - love for children. These qualities, which determine a person’s humanistic orientation, are fundamental for a teacher.
  2. High moral qualities. If the teacher himself does not possess the qualities that he teaches to children, then how will he teach them? A preschool teacher must monitor his actions, be honest with himself and the children, be responsible for his words, be open to children, and treat them with respect.
  3. Organizational skills. The ability to plan, carry out everything consistently and clearly, and approach teaching activities in a comprehensive manner are qualities that will ensure the successful work of a preschool teacher.
  4. Hard work. Working with children takes a lot of energy, but it is important to work with joy. If you love your profession with all your heart, it will be a pleasure to work.
  5. Positive attitude. Children who are brought up in an atmosphere of goodwill and calm develop faster, grow self-confident, sociable, and emotionally open.
  6. Ability to be creative. In kindergarten, you have to come up with a lot to make the upbringing and education of children as interesting as possible for them. It’s good when the teacher can do this easily.

Without a creative component, the work of a teacher will not be effective

"Advice. It is very important to respect the child's personality. This means being able to communicate with him, listening and understanding his needs, not getting irritated by disobedience, finding ways of tactful and persistent pedagogical influence, seeing the best in the child.”

The list of necessary personal qualities of a preschool teacher can be continued. In addition, the teacher must have a number of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that are important for the successful conduct of educational activities in a children's educational institution.

Professional excellence

It is a fact that teaching activities in kindergarten requires a lot of patience. Some believe that only someone who has innate special abilities can become a teacher, but this is a very controversial issue. Needed by the teacher Special knowledge, professional skills and abilities can be acquired and developed.

Education does not consist of annoying teachings and endless lectures: with their monotony, they will only cause boredom and melancholy in preschoolers. The professional skill of a preschool teacher is manifested in the understanding that the most effective are not only verbal methods of education, but to a much greater extent good and moral actions: helping others, showing empathy and mercy, etc. Therefore, the teacher needs to develop his pedagogical experience in being able to It is easy to organize such activities for children.

To teach children, the teacher must have deep knowledge in various areas

The teacher must have in-depth knowledge of:

  • pedagogy
  • developmental psychology
  • basic life safety and first aid
  • ethics and aesthetics
  • principles and content of the organization of preschool education.

The preschool teacher must:

  • know and be able to apply methods of teaching and developing children
  • be able to organize and activate the cognitive activity of students.

Among professionally important qualities teacher experts highlight:

  • mastery of modern methods and technologies in the field of teaching and raising children
  • broad erudition
  • pedagogical intuition
  • high level of intelligence
  • highly developed moral culture.

Criteria for assessing the work of a teacher

How to evaluate the work of a teacher? Look how he builds his communication with children.

Let's pay attention to the personal side of communication. If the teacher behaves intelligently, calmly, respectfully towards the children, pays attention to each of them, knows how to listen and help - then before you is someone who selflessly loves his job. They say about such people - “he is in the right place.” And even if he does not yet have much teaching experience, then, thanks to his love for the profession and children, he will undoubtedly acquire it.

If the “teacher” does not behave with restraint, shouts, commands in an orderly tone, and does not particularly monitor the children, then such a person, alas, will not good example role model for a child.

From the point of view of the content side of a teacher’s professional activity, attention should be paid to whether the teacher applies new forms and approaches to organizing teaching and independent work children, group and individual lessons.

The teacher must apply new forms and approaches to organizing children’s learning and independent work, group and individual lessons

The role of the teacher in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is great. The teacher influences the development of the children’s personality, imparts to them the necessary knowledge and forms personal qualities. Therefore, in order to positively influence the self-development of preschoolers, the teacher himself must be a highly developed moral personality and constantly improve your professional skills.

Almost all parents, when their child reaches a certain age, send him to kindergarten. Not everyone can afford to have a nanny. Adults take the choice of a preschool educational institution with great responsibility. First of all, attention is paid to the teacher who will be with the child in the absence of parents. This must be a person who really loves kids and finds a common language with them. And all the rights and responsibilities of a preschool employee are described by the kindergarten.

Who can become a teacher?

In order to start working in preschool institution, you need to obtain a higher education diploma in the relevant specialty. A person who does not know the basics of pedagogy cannot be allowed to see children. The job description of a preschool teacher indicates that an employee with a medical certificate may be allowed to work with children. This means that before starting work you must undergo a full examination.

The teacher reports to the head and director. You can enter or leave a position only by appropriate order. Any controversial issues or unusual situations that arise during the work process are discussed with senior management. In his work, the teacher must be guided by the job description, as well as the internal regulations of the preschool educational institution.

Teacher's working day

Most kindergartens begin their work as early as 7 am. At this time, the teacher must already be in the institution to receive the first children. Each group usually has two teachers. The work takes place in shifts. This allows employees to be less tired and focus more on their children. The teacher’s work schedule is drawn up by the head of the preschool institution and approved by the director.

The job description of a junior teacher describes the number of hours that need to be worked during the week. A full schedule includes 36 working hours. An employee of a preschool institution is also entitled to leave, which can be 42 calendar days. In addition, you can arrange days off at your own expense.


The job description of a kindergarten teacher describes the main responsibilities of the employee. First of all, the specialist must closely monitor the children entrusted to him. Kids must have wellness And psychological condition. If a child complains of pain or behaves unnaturally, the teacher must immediately take him to the infirmary and report the incident to senior management.

Together with medical staff, the teacher is obliged to carry out activities aimed at improving the health of children. This includes morning exercises, as well as daily walks outside.

The teacher is obliged to provide hygienic care for young children. An adult should ensure that the child washes his hands thoroughly before eating, as well as after visiting the street and the toilet. Children under three years of age must be pottyed regularly. If the child gets dirty, he needs to be changed and washed.

Children who came to kindergarten after illness are given Special attention. Such children need to be freed from physical and emotional stress. If the child continues to feel unwell, parents should be informed. In some cases, it makes sense to extend sick leave.

Educational work

The job description of an assistant teacher describes the main responsibilities of such an employee in the field of education. A kindergarten specialist must plan activities with children in accordance with approved government programs. Children 2-3 years old primarily learn self-care. By the end of the year they should be able to feed themselves, go to the toilet and dress themselves. The teacher carefully prepares for the classes. It is imperative to use different teaching aids and posters.

Most carefully developed training program for children preparatory group. The teacher's task is to teach children letters and the basics of writing. If a specialist works with children conscientiously, they will go to school with all the necessary basic skills. To study letters, Zaitsev's method or the "Primer" method can be used. And so that the child learns to hold a pen correctly, he is offered to work with copybooks.

Daytime naps in kindergarten

Experienced pediatricians believe that a child under 6 years old simply needs a nap during the day. Within a few hours the body regains its strength. The job description of a kindergarten teacher describes the responsibilities of a specialist in organizing children's routine. The teacher, together with his assistant, must organize the children’s day in such a way that the pupils have time not only to learn something new, but also to relax.

Daytime naps in kindergarten usually last from 13:00 to 15:00. Two hours is enough for children to restore energy. Some kids don't want to sleep in kindergarten. The job description of a preschool teacher describes what to do in such cases. You should explain to the child that he needs to be quiet so as not to wake up the other kids. The child should lie in his bed until the end of quiet time. Even a simple rest without sleep allows you to restore strength.

Diet in kindergarten

Four meals a day are mandatory for every preschool institution. Kids have breakfast as soon as they come to kindergarten, have lunch before bed, have an afternoon snack after bedtime, and have dinner before going home. The job description of a junior preschool teacher describes how a teacher should behave with children during meals. Babies who do not yet know how to hold a spoon on their own should be given assistance. It is also necessary to ensure that children eat only their portion. If possible, the baby can be offered a supplement. It is important to remember that each child has different nutritional needs.

The job description of an assistant teacher describes what equipment should be used while eating food. Children under 4 years old are not allowed to use forks. This cutlery is traumatic. The teacher's assistant arranges plates and cutlery in such a way that the kids do not interfere with each other while eating food.

Organizing outdoor walks

Fresh air is very important for the normal development of a child. must be included in the job description of the junior teacher describes how an employee should behave before taking the kids out into the fresh air. Pupils who cannot yet take care of themselves independently need assistance. We need to help each child get dressed and put on shoes. It is necessary to ensure that the ward is comfortable and cozy.

The job description of a kindergarten teacher indicates that the specialist does not have the right to take children outside the preschool institution. For walks there are special areas with sandboxes and swings. Each group is assigned its own place. In exceptional cases, the teacher may take the children on an excursion to the city or museum. In this case, it is necessary to obtain written permission from senior management. A preschool age group can go out into the city accompanied by two adults. The teacher is obliged to strictly observe traffic rules and transfer children across the road only at the crossing.

Adaptation of children to preschool

The first months in kindergarten are the most difficult for a child. The teacher’s task is to create psychological comfort for the child, who just yesterday was not separated from his mother even for an hour. The job description of a GPD teacher describes how a specialist should behave with children in the nursery group. It is necessary to make it clear to the child that he will not be offended in kindergarten, and that the teacher is a person who can replace his parents for some time.

Parents also play an important role in a child’s adaptation to preschool. The mother must explain to her son or daughter that she will soon have to go to work. The child will spend some time in kindergarten. It is important to introduce the child to the teachers and group in advance. At first, the baby can be left for several hours.

The job description of a teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard does not describe the emotional component of the work of a preschool specialist. However, everyone should understand that small children need warmth and affection. This is especially important for those kids who are just starting to attend kindergarten. The teacher can hug and calm the baby who is crying for his mother. The little man should feel attention and support.

What should a teacher know?

You must come to the position of kindergarten specialist only by vocation. A person who does not find a common language with children will not make a good teacher. But love for children alone is not enough to become a qualified specialist. The job description of a senior preschool teacher describes what a person must know to start working with preschool children. First of all, these are also the basic methods of educational work. The specialist must also know the basic state laws and regulations related to the education of preschool children.

Despite the fact that there is usually a nurse in the kindergarten, the kindergarten teacher must know how to properly provide first aid before the doctor arrives. The specialist annually undergoes advanced training courses in life and labor protection. Also, the teacher must know fire safety standards and

The job description of a boarding school teacher describes the basic regulations that a specialist working with disabled children should know. Such kids are given special attention. Typically, groups in preschool institutions of this type consist of several people. This allows the teacher to pay more attention to each child with disabilities.

Rights of a kindergarten teacher

A preschool specialist has the rights provided for labor code. First of all, this is an opportunity to get vacation, including 42 calendar days. The teacher also has the right to a day off during the week. Within 7 days, the specialist must work 36 hours. It is possible to take a vacation at your own expense (no more than 14 days per year).

A preschool specialist has the right to introduce his own educational methods if they give good results. However, before starting practice, it is necessary to discuss the nuances with senior management.


The job description of a senior teacher describes what the specialist is responsible for while children are in a preschool institution. First of all, the adult monitors the condition of those in the group. The specialist is also responsible for compliance with all instructions and acts of a particular institution. Failure to comply with labor regulations is grounds for dismissal of the teacher.

Let's sum it up

The position of a teacher in a preschool institution is interesting and responsible at the same time. A specialist has many responsibilities. But if a person really comes to work by calling, no problems will arise.