The length of service does not include periods of service in law enforcement agencies for which the citizen has already been assigned a pension through MonoDefense. In 2018, this length of service is 9 years, and in the future it will increase annually by 1 year to 15 years in 2024, according to the table: Table 1 Increase in the required length of service for an old-age insurance pension Year of assignment of an old-age insurance pension Minimum length of service, years 2018 9 2019 10 2020 11 2021 12 2022 13 2023 14 2024 15 Minimum amount of pension points for assigning a second pension to military personnel in 2018 To earn a second pension, a military pensioner must receive a minimum amount of individual pension coefficients (points) “in civilian life.”

Increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2018

The government intends to increase this indicator to 25 years (currently the required length of service is 20 years). The reform will be launched immediately after the elections, experts predict.

The main goal of officials is to reduce government spending on payment early pensions. Such a measure will reduce budget costs by 300-400 billion rubles, the authorities predict, which will have a positive impact on the budget deficit.

Experts believe that in 2018 the authorities should adjust the key indicator for calculating pensions for military pensioners - military allowances. At the same time, representatives of the Ministry of Finance propose to proceed from the real possibilities of the budget.

Pension reform: what military pensioners can hope for in 2018

To obtain an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS), you must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in person at your place of actual residence or registration. Second pension for military personnel: conditions for provision A second pension through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can be assigned to a military pensioner if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  1. Required age
  2. Minimum experience
  3. Minimum amount of pension points
  4. Pension through the Ministry of Defense

In other words, a military pensioner can apply for a second pension only from a certain age, having the necessary length of service, having earned a minimum amount of pension points and at the same time receiving a pension from the law enforcement agencies.

Second pension for military personnel after 60 years of age To receive a second pension through the Pension Fund of Russia, a man must reach 60 years of age.

Military pensions from February 1, 2018


In 2018, the government plans to change the principles for calculating military pensions, which will significantly save funds from the state budget. At the same time, the authorities are considering options to increase pension payments former military man.

The final decision will be made based on the state of the domestic budget. Content
  • 1 Expected changes in 2018
  • 2 Indexation of pensions for military pensioners
  • 3 Military savings
  • 4 Cancellation of military pensions

Expected changes in 2018 The size of the military pension depends on several key indicators:

  1. official salary;
  2. military rank;
  3. bonus (calculated depending on length of service).

According to experts, average pension military pensioners last year amounted to 23 thousand.
rub., which significantly exceeds the Russian average.

Latest news from the State Duma on pensions for military pensioners in 2018


According to preliminary calculations, the average military pension in the country in 2018 will be 24.5 thousand rubles. Experts believe there will be no significant increase in pension payments in 2018.

A noticeable increase in military pensions can be expected no earlier than in a year or two. In the meantime, the authorities note that they are doing everything possible to increase pension payments to all pensioners. But due to economic problems, they cannot approve a more significant increase in pensions. Experts note that next year retired military personnel should not expect a significant increase in pension payments. In particular, from January 1, 2018, the amount of their pension provision will be indexed by 3.7 percent, in other words, exactly according to the inflation rate for 2017.

This was stated by the Russian government. At the same time, many analysts predict that inflation could reach 10 percent this year.

Military pensions in 2018

The accruals should not be less than the social pension benefit. At the same time, the maximum calculated amount of state material support should not exceed 85% of the ADD.

It is possible that this year the elderly who gave their best years service to the Fatherland, pleasant surprises will await you. What's the end result? The increase in military pensions from January 1, 2018 was 4%.

The percentage of increase in military pensions in 2018 Military pensions in 2018. Promotion. Last news. This year, pensioners who have given a significant part of their lives to military service will expect an increase in payments by 4% compared to last year.

This should be enough for the pensioner to solve any everyday problems that may arise. Despite inflation, 4% is a pretty good increase, especially considering that the pensions of former military personnel are already quite large.

Second pension for military pensioners in 2018

The amount of accrued funds depends on the level wages, since the main determining value is the number of points. Its value is equal to the ratio of contributions paid from earnings to contributions from the maximum salary from which they are withheld.

Increasing the size of military pensions for disabled people in 2018 The minimum threshold for accruals for disabled military personnel is tied to the size of the social pension benefit (SP). For persons who have received disability due to injury, the amount calculated using the formula should not be less than:

  • 300% SP for group 1;
  • 250% SP for group 2;
  • 175% SP for group 3.

For retired pensioners whose disability occurred as a result of illness, the amount of the benefit should not be less than:

  • 250% SP for group 1;
  • 200% SP for group 2;
  • 150% SP for group 3.

To whom and by how much will pensions be raised from May 1, 2018?

After the reform, the pension provision of a disabled child will increase to 13,410 rubles, and the pension of people with disabilities from childhood in the first group will increase to 13,556 rubles. Families of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner were also not ignored; their income will increase to 10,746 rubles. Who else will have their pensions increased? Since we have already decided that social pensions increase by 2.9%, then it remains to understand who can count on this increase:

  • people who have reached the age of pensioners and have an average work experience of less than 5 years;
  • disabled children;
  • other categories of disabled people;
  • military personnel who were injured during their service;
  • WWII participants.

Experts commented on this increase as not very significant, but it is still better than nothing.
At a meeting with members of the Government, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that accruals to persons who have resigned should be synchronously indexed. Always from January 1, pensions for military personnel were increased, and then from February 1, material support was indexed for all other equal categories. Features of the calculation and payment of military pensions Since the President of the Russian Federation instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to carry out simultaneous indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2018 for all from January 1, he gave instructions to provide funds for these purposes in the state budget of 2018. This is due to the fact that the accrued amounts to pensioners are According to the law, retirees are paid a month before indexation, so they should be carried out in December. Indexation of military pensions The size of the expected indexation of accruals for pensioners who have retired from service is expected to be at the level of 4%.

Why weren’t pensions for military pensioners raised in 2018?

If anyone didn’t know about the pension increase expected in 2018, now everything has fallen into place. The legal 4% increase will be received by everyone who has already completed their military career and went on a well-deserved rest. It is expected that in the next couple of years, increases for former military personnel will remain at the current level, that is, every year the increase will be the same 4%. This amount should fully cover inflation, so retirees should not worry. It is important to note that the size of a military pension varies not only depending on the length of service, but also on the rank in which the person retired. For example, a lieutenant colonel can receive almost 25 thousand rubles a month. This is a fairly large amount of pension payments, because in other areas people receive much less.

Military pensions in 2018. Promotion. How much will an ordinary military pensioner receive this year?

Today in our country there are approximately 2.7 million military pensioners. This is a fairly large mass of people who are looking forward to improving their financial condition. This year they have something to be happy about. Between 2013 and 2017, pensions for former military personnel increased by a record 24%. This means that the average pension of a former military personnel is significantly higher than that of a pensioner who in the recent past worked in some civilian profession.

The pension increase for former military personnel will take place in 2018. The income of this category of citizens will be revised upward. Now it will be 4% more. This is not much, but this money should be enough to provide for all the basic needs of an elderly person.

Increase in military pensions in 2018. The forum on this topic did not lead to any tangible increase in payments, however, the monetary allowance of this social group and so it is at a fairly high level. There is no information yet about what is called the “Second increase in military pensions in 2018”.

Increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2018

The real increase in military pensions in 2018 will be slightly less than 4%. The fact is that the country is experiencing inflation, so almost all goods are gradually becoming more expensive. As a result, the real increase in income for pensioners is almost imperceptible.

Increase in military pensions from January 2018

Military pensions. Promotion in 2018. The State Duma has not yet made any decisions regarding additional payments to former military personnel. According to experts, the situation with military pensions may change depending on the economic situation of the country. It is possible that this year, pleasant surprises will await older people who gave their best years to the service of the Fatherland.

What's the end result? The increase in military pensions from January 1, 2018 was 4%.

Percentage of increase in military pension in 2018

Military pensions in 2018. Promotion. Last news.

This year, pensioners who have given a significant part of their lives to military service will expect an increase in payments by 4% compared to last year. This should be enough for the pensioner to solve any everyday problems that may arise. Despite inflation, 4% is a pretty good increase, especially considering that the pensions of former military personnel are already quite large.

If anyone didn’t know about the pension increase expected in 2018, now everything has fallen into place. The legal 4% increase will be received by everyone who has already completed their military career and went on a well-deserved rest.

It is expected that in the next couple of years, increases for former military personnel will remain at the current level, that is, every year the increase will be the same 4%. This amount should fully cover inflation, so retirees should not worry.

It is important to note that the size of a military pension varies not only depending on the length of service, but also on the rank in which the person retired. For example, a lieutenant colonel can receive almost 25 thousand rubles a month. This is a fairly large amount of pension payments, because in other areas people receive much less. It is not surprising that today many Russians strive to build a military career, because despite the everyday inconveniences associated with military service, a citizen who has successfully coped with all the hardships of military life can expect a comfortable old age. Also, the Deputy Minister of Defense recently noted that there is no accurate information yet about additional payments to military pensioners. It is possible that a positive economic situation will allow the state to increase the income of its citizens.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 8 Federal Law No. 166 dated December 15. 2001 “On State...” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 166), types of pensions (hereinafter also referred to as benefits), the procedure for their calculation and registration are regulated by Russian Law No. 4468-1 dated February 12. 1993 “On pensions...” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

Which one is required?

The types of benefits for military pensioners are discussed in Art. 5 of the Law.

There are 3 types in total:

  • for service;
  • on disability;
  • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

The latter type of benefit is received not by military pensioners themselves, but by members of their families - in the event of the death of a serviceman, both during service and after retirement.

In accordance with ab. 1 tbsp. 7 of the Law, you can only receive one pension if you have the right to several at once (for example, the right to receive both for length of service and for disability).

However, according to ab. 4 tbsp. 7 of the Law, if a serviceman has the right to be assigned fear. old-age pensions (see Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 “On insurance..." (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 400)), he will receive both a long-service pension (or disability pension) and old-age insurance ./info_bg]

Conditions of appointment

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In order to receive benefits for length of service, a military personnel or other person specified in Art. 1 of the Law (rank and file, commanding staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fire service, departments for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, etc.), it is necessary to fulfill any one group of conditions in accordance with Art. 13 Law:

  • or have worked in the relevant law enforcement agency for at least 20 years;
  • or reach 45 years of age, have 25 years of cumulative length of service or more, and of these 25 years, at least 12.5 years must be experience in the relevant law enforcement agency.

More details about the periods of work counted in total experience, can be read in Chapter 3 of Federal Law No. 400.

According to Art. 19 of the Law, a serviceman will be able to claim a disability pension if it occurs:

  • or during service;
  • or within 90 days after dismissal;
  • or after 90 days, but provided that the disability was received as a result of an injury received during service.

Military family members specified in Art. 29 of the Law, acquire the right to survivor benefits under the conditions provided for in Art. 28 of the Law, namely:

  • upon the death of a serviceman during the period of service, or within 90 days after dismissal, or after 90 days, subject to death from wounds, concussion or injury;
  • upon the death of a military man, if he died while receiving benefits for length of service or disability, or within 5 years after the termination of payment of such benefits.

The insurance pension, in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 400, is accrued to the military in the general manner - that is, upon payment of insurance premiums by the employer, upon reaching the appropriate age (60 years for men, 55 years for women), and the presence of a certain amount of pensions. points and insurance experience (in 2019, you need at least 13.8 pence points and at least 9 years of insurance experience).

How is it calculated?

In accordance with Art. 50 of the Law, the calculation is carried out by the relevant law enforcement agency. So, for example, a citizen who resigned from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive a pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an employee of the FSSP - from the FSSP, etc.

According to Art. 57 of the Law, if a military man who retired due to length of service or disability continues to carry out labor activity(or receive other income), the pension is paid in full.

The only allowances that are not subject to payment are:

  • which are laid down in accordance with paragraph “b” of Art. 17 of the Law, that is, non-working military pensioners with dependents;
  • which are laid down by virtue of paragraph “a” of Art. 17 of the Law, that is, for disabled people of the 1st group or those who have reached 80 years of age - in the amount of 100% of the pension due in accordance with clause 1, part 1, art. 18 Federal Law No. 166, that is, 5034.25 rubles per month.

It should be noted that, in accordance with ab. 2 tbsp. 6 of the Law, the benefit for the period of receiving earnings is paid in full only if the military pensioner does not work in a law enforcement agency (for example, not in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, not in the State Fire Service or not in institutions of the executive system).

If a military pensioner applies for benefits later than the right to it arises, he will be paid money for previous periods, but no more than 3 years before the application. For the remaining years, the pension will simply “burn out” (Article 58 of the Law).

How to apply

In accordance with Art. 51 of the Law, persons entitled to a pension for long service or disability should apply to the pension fund of the relevant law enforcement agency (Article 11 of the Law).

Conscript soldiers who received a military injury during their service (or within 3 months after discharge), as well as family members of deceased conscript soldiers, receive a survivor's pension not through the law enforcement agencies, but through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part. 3 tbsp. 8 Federal Law No. 166, that is, you need to contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Along with the application, also submitted Required documents. Documents may not be provided if they are at the disposal of municipal or state bodies (in this case, the law enforcement agency will independently make an interdepartmental request).

According to Art. 52 of the Law, the application and documents will be considered by the department’s pension fund within 10 days.

What documents are needed

Depending on the type of law enforcement agency, various documents will be required. Their list can always be clarified directly with the authority providing pensions for military personnel.

For example, for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to assign benefits for length of service, you will need:

  • application, the form of which can be obtained from the personnel department pension fund departments;
  • payslip by years of service (can be obtained from the accounting department);
  • monetary certificate (also issued by the accounting department, you only need its counterfoil);
  • documents confirming rights to benefits;
  • consent to the processing of personal information.

How is the payment made?

Payment of a long-service pension, in accordance with paragraph “a” of Art. 53 of the Law, is made from the date of dismissal from military service, but not earlier than the day before which the monetary allowance was paid (except in the case of the assignment of disability benefits after 3 months from the date of dismissal due to injury, contusion or mutilation - in this case, the pension is paid from day of disability determination).

The payment is made at the place of residence or stay of the military pensioner within the Russian Federation (paragraph 1 of Article 56 of the Law) through:

  • Sberbank of Russia by crediting the corresponding amount to a card or current account;
  • or Russian Post.

Also, payment can be made through another bank, if it meets the requirements presented in paragraphs “a” - paragraph “c” of Art. 56 of the Law.

If a pensioner moves to a new place of residence or stay, the benefit will be delivered to the new place of residence/stay on the basis of registration documents.

A military pensioner is also given the right to entrust the receipt of his pension by power of attorney, executed in the manner prescribed by Chapter 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners: latest news

Increasing amounts pension provision military pensioners is carried out in accordance with Art. 49 of the Law.

In relation to other categories of pensioners not specified in Art. 1 of the Law (for example, for conscript soldiers), the indexation procedure established in Art. 25 Federal Law No. 166, that is, from April 1. every year, taking into account the growth rate will live. minimum.

For the persons specified in Art. 1 of the Law, indexation is carried out on 2 grounds:

  • January 1 of each year – as planned;
  • unscheduled - when the salary of the relevant employees of law enforcement agencies increases.

Will there be an increase in 2019?

On December 29, 2019, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova announced that in 2019-2020 the financial compensation of military personnel and pensions for citizens who have retired from law enforcement agencies will be indexed.

Indexation will be made by 4%, once each specified year:

  • 1 Jan 2019;
  • 1 Oct. 2019;
  • 1 Oct. 2020.

For these purposes, the federal budget has already provided 18, 22.6 and 41.2 billion rubles, respectively.

Taking into account these increases, a retired officer with a special military rank of lieutenant colonel will receive a pension in 2020 on average 2956 rubles higher than in 2019 - before indexation.


In Art. 45 of the Law specifies the categories of military pensioners who are entitled to bonuses to benefits for length of service or disability:

The amount of the supplement to the amount of the pension already received

Hero of the USSR, Hero of Russia or a person awarded the Order of Glory 3 degrees 100 %
Olympic or Paralympic champion 50 %
Citizens awarded the Order of Labor Glory 3 degrees 15 %
WWII participants 32 %
Persons who have undergone urgent military service during the Second World War 16 %
Former minor prisoners of fascist concentration camps 32 %
Unreasonably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated 16 %

So, for working military pensioners all the same types of pensions are provided as for non-working ones.

There will be no right to receive a pension if the military pensioner continues to work in the law enforcement agency. Also, some allowances are not provided for working people.

Video: Indexation of pensions for military pensioners from January 1, 2019

For 2019, a 4% increase in military pensions is planned for October. However, the issue of carrying out indexations, canceling the reduction factor, changing length of service and replacing pensions with a social package remains open.

Despite the statement by officials that the pension reform at this stage will not affect the military sphere, there is conflicting information on the network about the cancellation preferential charges and increasing length of service. We’ll try to figure out how payments for retirees will change and what future retirees can expect.

Legislatively, the calculation of long-service benefits and bonuses is regulated by regulations and acts that differ from the laws on civil pension. In this area, they primarily rely on:

  1. Government Decree No. 941.

Both documents were adopted back in 1991. In addition to them, the fundamental law in the field of regulation of accruals is Federal Law No. 306, according to which a reduction factor was introduced and the indexation of payments to retirees was frozen. Every year, amendments are made to this document, and current Resolutions are also adopted, which regulate the growth of pension payments for former employees of the Moscow Region and those equivalent to them.

In connection with the pension reform and, among security officials, an important question began to arise about what would happen to their benefits, benefits and other indicators related to pensions.

Since the procedure for accepting a new pension law is under consideration, it is too early to draw conclusions. In addition, the authorities have officially stated that the reform at this stage will not affect former military personnel. As for the specific figures and prospects for increasing military pensions in 2019, they will be reflected in a separate Resolution, which is signed simultaneously with the federal budget, that is, in October-November 2018.

How military pensioners are getting pension payments increased

Due to the specifics of calculating benefits for retirees, an increase in payments is possible in several directions:

  1. Proportional to the increase in the allowance of active military personnel, since benefits for pensioners are tied precisely to this indicator.
  2. Due to the annual change in the reduction factor - according to the law, the indicator must increase by 2% every year.
  3. Indexation above the inflation rate is frozen by Federal Law No. 306 for 6 years.

In addition, former security officials who have mixed experience, can count on an increase in old-age pensions. Those who decide to continue their career in the civil service will receive increased payments due to the recalculation of pension points. Separate increases await pensioners who receive social disability benefits.

Since each indicator is regulated by separate acts, and the increase is carried out in different deadlines, it is worth considering each of them in more detail.

Increase in military pension

In 2018, the moratorium on indexation of allowances and, accordingly, pension payments to military personnel was lifted. But the recalculation of benefits was carried out not traditionally in October, but at the beginning of the calendar year. This adjustment to the timing was made by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. This was the reason for the cancellation.

The postponement of the indexation period provoked rumors about an increase in benefits for retirees in January 2019. However, such information was not officially confirmed.

The immediate prospects for growth in allowances were outlined at a joint meeting of security officials in March 2018, where Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Defense, stated that payments to military pensioners, except for January 2018, would be indexed in October 2019 and 2020. Moreover, the indexation amount will remain unchanged – 4%.

It turns out that the next increase in military benefits will have to wait until October 2019.

To receive the bonus, a pensioner does not need to submit documents or an application for recalculation. Payments are recalculated automatically.

Prospects for a reduction factor

The concept of a “reduction factor” was introduced by Federal Law No. 309 of November 8, 2011, according to which the allowance of retirees was reduced by almost half, compared to the VDD of active military personnel. It was planned to gradually increase the coefficient by 2%, bringing it to full size.

The issue of abolishing the “pension tax,” as the military themselves call the reduction factor, is raised regularly. But the decision was never made due to a budget deficit.

However, the figure over 5 years increased much faster than planned by the legislative act. Thus, in 2017, retirees received payments with a coefficient of 72.23%, instead of the 66% stipulated by law.

Due to the GDI indexation at the beginning of the year, the reduction coefficient was left unchanged in 2018 - its growth was frozen until January 1, 2019.

The question of increasing the reduction factor for military pensions in 2019 before the adoption of the federal budget remains open. But based on statements by officials about the growth of payments due to indexation of the GDI, which is projected to be higher than inflation rates, the coefficient will remain at the same level - 72.23%.

How will the second pension of military pensioners change?

A retired military personnel with mixed experience has the right to receive insurance premiums provided:

  • achievements retirement age;
  • having more than 9 years of civil service experience;
  • accrual of pension points in the amount of more than 13.8.

Such benefits can be received by both retirees who worked in civilian fields before serving, and pensioners who have earned civilian experience after entering a well-deserved retirement based on their years of service.

In 2019, pensioners in this category can count on an increase in payments of 7%. But such indexation applies exclusively to the second insurance benefit and will not affect the military pension.

Important! It should be taken into account that from 2019 the age for obtaining a social pension will increase.

If the retiree continues to work after reaching retirement age, his second pension will not be indexed in 2019. In this case, payments will increase due to the recalculation of pension payments. Typically, this procedure is carried out automatically in August.

Having learned that there are no expected increases in pay in 2018, defenders of the Motherland and law enforcement officers on well-deserved retirement decided to find out how military pensions will change from January 1, 2019. But officials, members of the government and others involved in the process showed unanimity and unanimously said that this is not the time for such questions.

Last news

Reached society last news from the pro-government offices turned out to be not very pleasant. It was decided to freeze the increase in pensions for retired defenders of the Motherland until the end of this year. Even the Defense Committee could not influence the situation State Duma. The government voiced its intentions in firm terms, explaining this move by the complicated economic situation due to additional sanctions. Whether military pensions will rise from January 1, 2019 is also still in question. Officials ask not to ask about this at least until mid-summer, when the economic results of the six months will be summed up.

What should the pension of military personnel be - the president’s opinion

In his election statements, President Vladimir Putin said that people who defend the Motherland should be especially encouraged: “We have no right to forget about the military, rescuers and other representatives of law enforcement agencies who repeatedly risked their lives so that the whole country could live in peace. And even when they retire, we are obliged to provide them with the opportunity not to need anything.”

But, despite such loud statements and promises from the head of state, the government took an unpopular measure and developed a bill to temporarily suspend the planned annual two percent indexation of benefits for the military.

The basic coefficient for calculating pensions also remained unchanged. By the decree that came into force on the first day of 2018, it was fixed at the level of 72.23%, which is also valid in 2017.

How much will a military pensioner receive - what deputies say

The relevant committee responsible for defense in the Duma categorically resisted the freeze on payments. Its representatives reported that for the payment to be correct, it was necessary to recalculate benefits according to real indicators and index them not by 2%, but by 5.2%, but the Cabinet of Ministers remained unconvinced.

Some members of the Duma Defense Committee made a number of loud statements, claiming that the government is brutally ignoring the presidential decree on increasing payments to the military and postponing indexation for the fifth time. But the government ignored this performance and introduced a bill to the State Duma.

Deputies actively discussed the proposed documents and repeatedly sent them for revision. But after the third reading, the required number of votes was gained and the document came into force, completely destroying the military’s hopes of improving living conditions in the near future.

What to expect for working military retirees

Nothing is known yet about changes in tariffs for payment of benefits to working military pensioners. Now there are two options for cash support for them, namely:

  • salary at the place of work;
  • state pension benefit.

A military retiree must choose for himself which of these two positions he will receive. It is not possible to use both amounts at the same time. According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the state is simply unable to support people who are still able to provide for themselves.

Will the military pension be increased from January 1, 2019 and by how much?

There is no clear answer to the question whether the level of pensions for the military will change from January 1 next year. The government is persistently trying to reassure citizens with good prospects for the future and the imminent stabilization of the situation in the main sectors of budget-generating industries. Additionally, officials invite retired security officials to familiarize themselves with the table below.

It details the planned growth in long-service payments for military personnel for the period from 2012 to 2023. True, the figures indicated there do not look optimistic enough. The calculation was made at a time of strong GDP growth, with the high cost of energy resources and the presence of a whole host of foreign investors who wanted to start a business in Russia.

Now a set of sanctions has been imposed on the Russian Federation, oil and gas prices are not rising, and foreigners who want to promote their own production in promising federal districts do not have the physical opportunity to do so.

These components seriously complicate the lives of government officials at the highest level, almost completely depriving them of the opportunity not only to make new promises, but also to fulfill old ones. As a result, the military has to be content with what they are already paid, motivating themselves with the thought that other old people do not even have this.