Good afternoon. Today I can finally sum up the large collection of craft ideas from natural material. We already have a wide-format article with crafts from autumn leaves for children and adults. There is a detailed article on autumn topics. In this article I will publish the most interesting and non-standard techniques and techniques. I decided to do wide overview page, which will prove and show that natural material for creativity is not only acorns and chestnuts. You will see with your own eyes and fall in love with all your soul in new fresh ideas working with natural materials. Crafts made with your own hands, from branches, from leaves, from dried flowers, from everything under your feet. Nature is rich in material, and man is rich in beautiful ideas. So, let's see what crafts you can make from natural materials this season.

Package of ideas No. 1

SCALES from cones.

Cones are made up of scales. If you collect the revealed pine cones, then it is convenient to pull them out with pincers, pliers, or bite the SCALES with nippers. And then use this cone-like natural material as a mosaic covering for a variety of autumn crafts.

Note. So that the cones open well, their scales spread out, they can be heated in the oven.

Here we see mushrooms. Their legs are carved from thick wooden blocks. The hats are made of plasticine and the top of the hats is covered with scales. You get some cute DIY mushrooms. Suitable work for school activities.

But FIR cones have scales flatter and smoother. They look like smoothed feathers of birds. That’s why the idea for a craft comes to mind on a bird theme. We sculpt the body of the bird from plasticine, coat it with PVA glue, put a layer of torn paper napkins on the glue, again with glue, again with napkins - it turns out papier mache shell. We dry this shell until it is completely lignified. And on this hard, dry surface, with hot glue (layer by layer, row by row), we lay a spruce “tile” of feather-scales.

And also The scales of a fir cone are similar to the scaly armor of ancient lizards. So here's another idea for you. After all, this is a great challenge for your artistic potential. It’s not just a bird here—it’s a whole animal that looks as if it were alive. An excellent craft for boys made from natural materials.

Here we act exactly the same as with the bird.– we sculpt the base from plasticine, pack it in several layers of papier-mâché (alternating PVA glue and paper napkins). And then, after this mass has dried into a hard crust, you can paste over the dinosaur figure with spruce scales.

After plucking the cone, the cone BOTTOM remains. It looks like a flower with petals. From such cone flowers you can make a new autumn craft with your own hands - for example, a WREATH. We glue the base for the foam wreath with a chopped pine cone - just use hot glue from a gun.

You can cover such flower cones with bright gouache. To make the color of the gouache richer and shine, I recommend sprinkling gouache on top of this product after drying simple varnish for hair. The color will stick and won't stain your hands.

You can make beautiful flowers yourself by choosing the most accurate and even scales different sizes, and laying them radially from the center. The center of the flower can be decorated with beads or rhinestones. From such natural material, you can even make brooches in autumn style with your own hands - and wear them with a coat, or pin them on a shawl.

Flowers from cones can not only be collected into craft-wreaths, but also simply laid out on a panel. Place it on a piece of plywood with glue. It will make an excellent craft from natural material for a competition for school or kindergarten.

From whole cones You can also make some great crafts. We add not only natural material to the cones, but also other materials (colored felt, cardboard, rope, plastic, etc.).

Package of ideas No. 2

Crafts made from natural materials


In childhood, we all made boats or caps on plasticine mushrooms from nut shells. But you can go further with your walnut creations. Children will be happy to create mice or birds, and adults with skillful hands and a warm spiritual heart can create a whole world from a nut shell... Now you will see it.

In this article I want to introduce you to a very good person. Her name is Marina. A master with an attentive soul.

This is what the account page of this master looks like on the Fair of Masters website.

I really like the works of master Marina from the Fair of Masters website. With her own hands she created amazing, in its sincerity and warmth, the world of kind old women. The walnuts in the place where the flaps join are surprisingly similar to a wrinkled, smiling old woman. All that remains is to add eyes, a nose-bone and wrap everything up with a cotton scarf. And now the cunning old woman looks at you cheerfully.

We make a body from a pine cone, weave the arms from coarse paper packaging twine. We make warm felt boots from felt. Each old woman can be made with her own character. I'll run wild with a wide smile. Or silent, thoughtful, on her own mind.

Old ladies can be both summer and winter.

You can create entire worlds from natural materials in which good old ladies live and work. They themselves will keep their world clean.

And after work, they will gather over a cup of herbal tea to tell stories, make fun of each other and sing songs of their youth.

Master Marina sells her crafts. You can order her works on the master’s personal page - Marina can make you a custom craft for your family and friends.

After all, how nice it is to receive as a gift the World of kind old women, which will always smell like a village CHILDHOOD for you - grandma’s pancakes, a woodpile of firewood by the barn, chickens running around the yard, the heated wood of an old bench near the fence.

Master Marina, I want to give you an idea. In one I talked about another Czech Master who created the world of ACORN PEOPLE - Dubanchikov and wrote a book with stories about them, which he illustrated with emotional scenes made from natural material. The book is published in the Czech Republic, and only in Czech. I think that many children will like our Russian book with good stories about Russian village grandmothers, illustrated by Marina’s works.

After all, it’s a real miracle to create a new world with your own hands from natural material - kind, fairy-tale, REAL. More and more houses, cozy benches, swings, carts, and carts will appear in it.

Package of ideas No. 3

Crafts made from natural materials


If you love fairy tales with fairies and magicians, then you will love the world of fairies made from natural materials. You can create cozy houses for fairies with your own hands, set up entire housing complexes for them, with ponds, parks, gardens, swings.

You can bring a man-made miracle to a school competition for crafts made from natural materials. The house where the gnome lives. Parts can be attached to plasticine, staples (from a staple gun), or glue from a hot gun.

Pieces of moss, acorn caps, scales pulled out of a cone with pliers, lichens and dry hard hanging mushrooms taken from trees in the forest. And even pieces of plants torn from indoor plants flower pots- any natural material will be used to build such a complex but interesting craft. The house will grow and be ennobled with natural design before your eyes.

You can take as a basis thick wooden driftwood, found in the forest. Cut off a convenient piece from it. Buy at a hardware store tinting stain for wood- and cover the tree with noble dark color. Cut from thick cardboard windows, cover them with the same stain. From popsicle sticks put together a real door, decorate a porch. Sculpt a conical roof from plasticine. Break a large pine cone with pincers or pliers on scales and lay tiles from them on the roof of a natural house.

Some elements can be sculpted made from salt dough(a glass of fine salt, a glass of flour + water (add water one spoon at a time and rub it with the salted flour with your hands until a single lump similar to plasticine is formed). Roll out the dough - cut into bricks with a knife. Dry - and you get a lot building material for porches, paths, fences, etc. The dough can also be painted with gouache or stain.

But the house is VERY SIMPLE. Now I’ll tell you how to make it with your own hands from the things that surround us.

  1. Take a durable cardboard milk or juice bag. Cutting windows in it will be the future façade of the house.
  2. Buy a small bag of gypsum plaster (or putty), dilute it with water and coat the façade of the house with this mixture.
  3. Dry and cover with whitewash or white gouache (toothpaste at best).
    Make the roof out of cardboard, also apply glue to it and lay tiles from pieces of bark or pine cones. or wood chips.

Package of ideas No. 4


And of course, the most common crafts made from natural materials are applications using dry herbarium - herbs, leaves, flowers. We all made chicks or fish in an aquarium from leaves. In a special article, I give many options.

And in this article I want to show a beautiful mosaic technique of laying out dry natural material in the form of a SILHOUETTE PICTURE.

You can find a lot of ready-made silhouette templates on the Internet. If you type the phrase “silhouette of a hare picture” or another animal in the search bar.

The most important thing in such a craft is to achieve recognition - clarity of the silhouette. Therefore, you need to choose a silhouette without small parts– protrusions And if you choose one with detailed protrusions, try to ensure that the small relief detail is made with ONE WHOLE petal (like the bunny’s ears or the protrusions of its paws in the photo above).

If, when laying out the mosaic, the edge of the plant protrudes beyond the border of the silhouette, it needs to be trimmed carefully with scissors (as was done in the photo above with the cat - triangles of its ears are cut out).

Natural ideas package No. 5

Crafts from branches.

From the branches different forms and bends you can lay out with your own hands beautiful crafts. Branches are possible just spread out on a white paper background repeating the outlines of a bird or animal. You can do it on paper in advance. draw a silhouette of a bird faint pencil lines. And then select branches that would lie on this drawn silhouette of a bird, repeating the curves of the drawing.

You can make crafts from natural materials secure with glue from a hot glue gun. Or make a photo craft. That is, lay out the twigs and photograph the craft, thereby immortalizing your product made from natural material in the form of a photograph.

You can fix the craft at key nodes of the branch plexus and then attach it to the base (vertical wall or horizontal shelf-stand) at these nodes, as was done in the photo below.

In addition to branches, you can use natural wood chips, pieces of bark, chips and saw cuts from logs, logs, and thick branches in your crafts. This is how the owl crafts from the photo below were implemented. Simple and interesting, made with your own hands - you can safely take it to an exhibition of autumn crafts at school or kindergarten.

The same idea can be realized from different angles and with different materials. For example, in the photo of a horse craft made from natural materials, branches, bark, and driftwood are used.

You can lay out entire mosaics, completely filling the silhouette image with natural material. The direction of the branches should repeat the direction of the details of the drawing. Arrange the branches in the same directions as the fur pile of the animal, or use the branches to repeat the muscle relief of the animal.

Perhaps this type of crafts made from natural materials will captivate you so much that will turn into a solid hobby with prospects for monetization into a profitable business. Why not make beautiful wooden sculptures for sale for your dacha or estate.

And if you want to use branches to create crafts from natural materials in class at school, then here you go simple ideas how this can be implemented in labor lessons for boys. Everyone is taught cut out with jigsaws plywood figures. In addition to animal figurines, you can put together frames from slats and create beautiful landscape pictures of an autumn forest with mossy branches covered with lichen.

Similar ideas can be implemented in girls' labor lessons - without plywood and a jigsaw - by making a frame from cardboard rolled into a square tube (fold 4 pieces into a frame-frame, insert branches into the holes), and cut out animal silhouettes from thick corrugated packaging cardboard from old boxes and paint in gouache, if desired.

Natural crafts package No. 6

Maple and ash seeds.

Dry lobed tree seeds can be very interestingly used in a variety of DIY crafts.

You can make a mosaic craft from this natural material in the shape of a bird (because maple seeds look like feathers). You can lay out a pattern in the form of a butterfly on the glass, and thanks to the transparency of the background, it will seem that it is hovering in the air, as is done in the photo below. Maple seeds take well with watercolors, so your butterfly craft can come in all the colors of the rainbow.

At school or kindergarten From the same natural material you can make very simple children's crafts with a base on thick cardboard. Maple seeds can be the hairstyle on a drawn human head, they can become the bushy tail of a squirrel, the feathers on the wings of an owl, or the needles on a cardboard hedgehog (as in the photo below).

And maple seeds look like dragonfly wings. Therefore, you can make simple children's crafts in the form of coleopteran insects. For example, string beads onto a wire (this will be the body) and glue the seeds to the body using glue or plasticine. The wings can be painted with nail polish and sprinkled with glitter. The bulging eyes of a dragonfly can be cast from frozen drops of the same nail polish. It will turn out beautiful, fast and simple craft made from natural material for children.

And this same maple natural material can become the basis for funny GRAPHIC CRAFTS-DRAWINGS with a regular black marker. We paint on the missing details to the snub noses and turn the seeds laid out on a sheet of paper into interesting graphics. These are already crafts for training your imagination - a great idea for a circle on the topic “Learning to think creatively.”

I talked more about this GRAPHIC technique of using natural material in the article

Package of ideas No. 7

Crafts made from natural materials


A simple rubble stone left over from dacha construction, or smooth river and sea stones can become the material for your natural crafts with your own hands. The stone itself can tell by its shape who it resembles. And all you have to do is take markers or gouache to bring this image to life.

If you feel like an artist in yourself, you can make complex multi-line drawings – as was done in the case of the owl craft made from stone. Or smooth, thick pebbles can look like clumsy, plump panda bears - and such a craft made from natural material will be feasible for children. First, we cover all the stones with white, dry them, and then with a black marker we draw the black details of the teddy bear on it.

Ordinary felt-tip pens draw very well on stones. After completing the general painting work, details of the drawing need to be given contours(clear boundaries) black felt-tip pen.

You can draw the silhouette of a snail or sheep on the stone yourself. And give the children the task of simply coloring the finished silhouettes, adding them with a pattern of stripes and dots or curls.

You can make a nest from dry grass and wire or other natural material. And put chicks made from stones with your own hands into this craft. Older children can color a complex picture with a chick and an open beak. For younger children, a simpler task in the form of chickens in shells will suit them.

On a piece of plywood or a round cut from a log, you can lay out a whole picture of painted stones and other natural materials. This craft is suitable for an autumn competition for school or kindergarten.

Older girls will enjoy exquisite pictures from life fashionable girl– felt-tip pen, paints, stones and rhinestones.

You can use the mosaic technique to lay out a variety of characters from stones. Attach the stones with glue from a hot glue gun. The stones in the mosaic can be painted with gouache, or have their own natural color.

These can be landscape paintings made from natural material ( sea ​​pebbles, water-polished glass, shells, etc.).

Package of ideas No. 8

Crafts made from natural materials


Very interesting topic for crafts made from natural materials these are portraits. The face in the picture always attracts the eye. You want to look at such a craft for a long time, it has a soul, human eyes that you want to look into and read their thoughts. A portrait is a craft that looks back at you.

You can plant all the details of the portrait from natural material on glue. Or simply fold the portrait like a mosaic on a sheet of cardboard, take a photograph and brush all the details of the masterpiece off the table with your hand. And on the wall in your room there will be a photograph of a disappeared but ever-living portrait.

As an ornamental natural material, you can use stones, dry leaves, cones, seeds, and bark. For drawing fine lines branches different trees, straws, blades of grass.

If you work with children, then you can give them an easier task. Print the finished face on a printer. And from natural material into this craft make additions

Good luck with your work.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Wooden buildings were the first human habitation. Primitive man processed wood using a stone axe. The first wooden houses were built without the use of nails or any other fastening materials. Still wooden house considered an ideal housing option. An environmentally friendly, comfortable and beautiful wooden house is the dream of many.

“A wooden tower made of pine with lace trim and shutters, and with a porch on carved posts and a ridge on the peaked roof.”

Construction of houses from logs: main advantages
Wooden houses have a number of undeniable advantages. If you care not only about external beauty, but also about your health, such a home is an ideal option. In addition, a house made of wood looks very impressive, rich and unusual.
The construction of wooden houses is carried out from environmentally friendly and safe material that does not emit toxic substances and does not accumulate electrostatic potential. A wooden house will allow you to enjoy a healthy and environmentally friendly environment around you.
Wood is a material that “breathes,” that is, it allows air and moisture to pass through, so that such a home will not be damp or musty, and it will always be cozy and warm.
The structure of a wooden house is very durable, despite its low weight. This makes it possible to withstand earthquakes or hurricanes.
Another advantage is low heating costs, since a wooden house retains heat well.
Wooden houses look aesthetically beautiful and unusual both outside and inside. There is no need to buy expensive finishing materials for interior decoration, which significantly saves the customer’s budget.

The beauty of wooden flowers by Vladimir Nalimov

I present to your attention the amazing works made of wood by Vladimir Nalimov. When I first saw them, I was struck by the accuracy with which the flower was rendered. I always admire the talent of people who work with materials such as wood, birch bark, and stone. Since when making such work, one unforeseen movement can ruin the entire product and all the work and time will be in vain. First, I want to introduce you to the artist’s work. Vladimir Nalimov first painted, but in recent years he has been engaged directly in wood carving. Wikipedia says about wood carving that it is a type of decorative and applied art (carving is also one of the types artistic treatment wood along with sawing, turning)

Vladimir Nalimov was born in 1952. He graduated from the Moscow People's University of Arts named after Krupskaya. Currently lives in St. Petersburg. Participated in many exhibitions. Such as the Siberian Fair "Sibgems" - Novosibirsk, here received a large gold medal;

"ArtFresh" - Novosibirsk - small gold medal;

Diploma winner of the exhibition “Russian Miracle”, Moscow;

Diploma winner of the exhibition - fair "Gift to St. Petersburg" - the best product in the material "wood", for artistic compositions;

Diploma winner of the anniversary exhibition "St. Petersburg 300".

As you can see, many participations in various exhibitions bring him success. About his work, he says that at first he painted still lifes, landscapes, portraits, then he was drawn to wood. From large things - carved furniture - he moved to wooden jewelry. But all the time I felt that it was not mine, and continued searching. They were painful and long; Is this what I'm doing, is it necessary at all? But something told me that we had to continue. In the end, about three years ago I came to the general idea, to these compositions, which I am now working on purposefully. We noticed that in order to find yourself and start doing what you love, it takes time and years of searching and finally you find what you need your soul and heart. All photos of works from Vladimir Nalimov’s website:

I invite you to watch:

We all know that a T-shirt is a very comfortable thing; both children and adults wear them. If you want to update your wardrobe, then go here: Here you can buy fashionable T-shirts with prints. Visit and look at the catalog and other things. Happy shopping.

A few ideas on how to add some natural motifs to your home interior using wood products, its roots, branches and snags. Design solutions on the theme of trees and their individual parts, which can be used for inspiration and the formation of new, interesting ideas for decorating the interior with your own hands. Some works look a little wild, but at the same time they add a certain natural freshness and mystery to the interior of the house. They allow us to move a little away from the bustle of a noisy city and dream about the endless expanses of wild nature.

IN modern world wood furniture It has become such a part, or rather even an attribute of the apartment’s furnishings, that people come up with various applications this “live” material. Wood strengthens the overall energy of a home, connects a person with nature, and therefore everyone strives to connect their interior with it. Currently, there is a great variety of furniture made from different parts of wood, be it bark or even root.

If you like natural motifs, the connection between man and the living world, then best way making your dreams come true means surrounding yourself with elements of the “living” wood interior that would bring a touch of wildlife into your home! Beautiful and slender birch trees seem to guard and protect from any encroachments from the outside, thereby protecting and protecting your sleep! This bed will fit perfectly into a bright interior with lots of natural light!

Feel the forest under your feet with every step! The wool will wrap your foot, giving you a feeling of warmth and life, while the bold and vibrant graphics will immerse you in a living and breathing world.

The bathroom is a place in itself that attracts and excites! What if you add beautiful tree branches to your bathroom, a bit of a curiosity? Then you can enjoy nature, plunge into some kind of fairy tale, and feel in harmony with nature! After all, how wonderful it is that there is a place where you can relax and rest your soul and body!

Do you love golden autumn, does it excite you with its fabulousness and bright palette of colors? Then beautiful wallpapers can brighten up your life and add zest to your interior! This wallpaper features lots of golden branches on a dark background!

The lamps are grouped in a small forest on high ceilings, giving a special visual effect: soft light on the lower part of the room and darker, more complex light below the ceiling.

Another way to reconnect with nature is this decorative wooden door. It opens the door to the world of forest wonders, to a world of unprecedented beauty! This door can serve as a beginning in new life! It will fit perfectly into a modern interior.

One of the simple and quite significant objects in the interior - a lamp! Here you can arrange a flight for your fantasies, because... nothing is impossible! These lamps resemble tree branches, but stand out with a stylish silver finish and elegant black shades. All together, in combination, they create a truly incomparable, but at the same time simple image!

Another irreplaceable item in any interior is a table! This table has a hard wooden surface, but the most amazing part of it is its legs: the branches and twigs of the tree intertwine, creating a wonderful little forest! But this is a table, rather, as part of the interior; you can put a pot of flowers on it, and it will delight you with its unusual and lively appearance!

This chandelier, with its appearance, makes you think about the winter forest, with its mystery... Crispy snow, snowflakes - like crystals, trees whose branches are covered with frost and snow! This is a ceiling twig made of aluminum and the light bulbs on the ends give the feeling of crystals! This composition is more like a winter fairy tale. An elegant chandelier will refresh any room!

The staircase itself is associated with infinity. Road to paradise. And the forest is also infinity, vast expanses in which you can’t see the edges! And when these two concepts are intertwined, a truly masterpiece is created! The branches of the tree stretch and intertwine. The illusion of eternity is created!

A plastic tree branch made of plastic will make a wonderful stand for your jewelry.

Coffee table from tree branches- very easy to make, will become the center of attention for all your guests and a wonderful accessory to the relaxation area of ​​your room.

Lamp woven from tree roots. Can be used as a table lamp or night light. Paint the entire room with magical patterns.

A chair made from sticks and tree branches.

Amazing, cast chair-stool with imitation of the root system.

Spiral staircase with an unusual tree image. The staircase rises according to the growth of a beautiful, flowering tree.