Inflammation of the cuticle and redness around the nail can occur for various reasons. This problem may be the result of an infected hangnail or damage to the cuticle during a manicure. Often the periungual fold becomes inflamed due to bacteria entering the nail growth area. Sometimes the cuticle breaks due to a fungal infection.

Redness of the skin near the nail can be associated with the abuse of varnishes and nail removers, and it can also occur as a result of allergic reaction for washing or cleaning powder, dishwashing detergent and other household chemicals.

In order to prevent or cure skin disease around the nail, the following rules must be followed:

  1. do not cut cuticles with scissors and do not damage the skin near the nail plate at all when doing a manicure;
  2. do not neglect rubber gloves while doing housework;
  3. keep your hands clean;
  4. if the skin around the nail is damaged (prick, splinter, scratch, etc.), immediately treat the affected area with peroxide, iodine or brilliant green;
  5. rub oil into inflamed skin tea tree, which is a natural antiseptic;
  6. If the cuticle and periungual fold are red, take baths with a weak iodine solution.

If, following these rules, the skin around the nail does not heal, you should immediately consult a doctor. A dermatologist will examine the problem and make a diagnosis. At best it will be an allergy or infection, at worst it will be a fungal disease, paronychia or panaritium.

Paronychia is an infectious disease of the skin around the nail, symptomatically manifested in inflammation and redness of the periungual fold. It is caused by the entry of harmful microorganisms into the damaged cuticle, hangnails or under the nail plate.

Paronychia is dangerous not only in itself: it causes pathological changes in the nails. In particular, this infectious and inflammatory disease can cause thickening and darkening of the nail plates and the appearance of transverse grooves on the nails (candidiasis).

Paronychia can only be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist. He will prescribe a diet, antibiotics, multivitamins and external medications. In the most severe form of paronychia, surgery is sometimes necessary.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the periungual fold and cuticle. It is also caused by bacteria and dirt trapped in cuts, scrapes, and cracks in the skin around the nails. Panaritium is characterized by the formation of a purulent bubble on the periungual fold or under the nail. Touching the inflamed area of ​​skin causes pain, and a burning sensation may also be felt.

Panaritium is very dangerous: in a neglected state, it can cause sepsis, dehydration of the nail phalanx, and paralysis of the finger. If panaritium appears, you should immediately consult a dermatologist so that you do not have to resort to surgical intervention later. Under no circumstances should you open a purulent blister yourself.

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The inflammatory process and abscess on the finger are provoked by various pathogens that penetrate into soft fabrics. Most often these unpleasant conditions cause staphylococci.
Abscess on finger causing swelling, redness and purulent inflammation of the periungual fold is called paronychia. When the inflammatory process develops further and moves to other areas of the finger, they talk about panaritiums.

Types of abscesses on fingers or toes


A mild form of finger ulcer, or paronychia, occurs when pathogens enter the skin. During the course of the disease they secrete infiltrative and purulent stages.

Paronychia begins with redness and swelling of the skin around the nail. Then pain occurs, the appearance of intercellular fluid containing microbes. As the infiltrate accumulates, a blister forms, the contents of which become purulent.
The following types of paronychia are distinguished:
1 . Acute and chronic paronychia- depending on the duration.

Subepidermal paronychia

Acute paronychia occurs suddenly, it is characterized by severe pain in the area of ​​suppuration. Usually this type of paronychia causes bacterial infection– Staphylococcus aureus after injury to the upper phalanx (damage to the cuticle).

The chronic form appears gradually: first the skin around the nail turns red, the finger swells, and this area becomes sore.
2. Paronychia superficial (subepidermal) and deep, affecting the thickness of the nail fold near the base of the nail.

These varieties differ in localization and clinical course. In subepidermal paronychia, pus accumulates under the epidermis. near the edge of the nail fold.
Panaritium occurs when paronychia is treated incorrectly.

The following varieties are distinguished:

Type of panaritium description
Cutaneous panaritium Occurs on the back of the finger. With this disease, pus accumulates under the epidermis, resulting in the formation of a vesicle with a cloudy liquid, often mixed with blood. The skin turns red, the pain syndrome is mild, and sometimes a burning sensation is felt. An enlarged vesicle indicates that the inflammatory process is developing in deeper tissues and the disease is progressing.
Periungual felon (paronychia). described above
Subungual panaritium Inflammatory process in the tissues under the nail plate. It develops when pus penetrates under the nail. The cause of the development of such a disease may be a splinter getting under the nail plate or an injection.
Localization of subcutaneous panaritium Palmar surface of the finger. Inflammation occurs under the skin. The pus formed there cannot break through the thick enough skin in this part of the finger and come out, so the inflammatory process goes deeper - tendons, joints and bone tissue are affected.
Bone panaritium occurs when the bone of the finger is affected. This occurs when the infection directly penetrates into the bone tissue (open fractures with infection) or when the purulent process spreads to the bone from the tissues surrounding it.
Articular felon is called purulent arthritis of the interphalangeal joint This disease occurs due to the direct penetration of infectious agents into the joint cavity, as well as due to the prolonged course of subcutaneous panaritium. This type of panaritium is manifested by a sharp limitation of the motor functions of the joint, pain during palpation and movement of the finger.
Tendon panaritium is also called tenosynovitis. This is a rather serious disease that leads to long-term limitation of the functioning of the hand. With such panaritium, swelling occurs, the finger takes a bent position, and movements are limited. Tendon panaritium differs from its other varieties in its severe pain syndrome.

Causes of a sore finger near a toenail or hand nail

Improper manicure as a cause of paronychia

One of the most common reasons Inflammation of the finger in the nail area is caused by incorrect pedicure and manicure.

Careless actions can damage the cuticle and provoke an inflammatory process with further accumulation of pus around the nail.
Usually such inflammation is caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal microorganisms that live on the skin of every person.

The development of the inflammatory process is influenced by certain conditions, such as:

  • decrease in the body's immune forces
  • presence of severe concomitant blood diseases
  • metabolic disorders.
  • on the feet or nails.

Most cases of felon development occur after injury to the skin on the fingers. Moreover, the inflammatory process can occur even due to minor injuries - abrasions, scratches or splinters, cracks due to skin that is too dry and flaky. An infection penetrates the skin, which gives rise to purulent inflammation. For this reason, even minor wounds should be immediately treated with alcohol-containing solutions or iodine.
Hangnails can also cause inflammation and the formation of pus in the tissues of the finger near the nail.

They arise due to a deficiency in the body or injuries to the skin and are open wounds. They can also become infected and then form an abscess.

Inflammation of a toe from an ingrown toenail

On the foot, it is also often the cause of inflammation and suppuration of the area near the nail plate.

Inflammation from an ingrown toenail

There are people prone to this problem. The most susceptible to ingrown toenails is the big toe. This is influenced by the special location and size of the periungual fold, as well as the growth of the nail itself.
Also, an incorrectly done pedicure on the feet can contribute to ingrowth: if the corners of the nail plate on both sides are prevented from growing by the periungual ridge, they grow into the soft tissue.
Therefore, it is necessary to properly treat the nail plates during a pedicure:

  • control the length of your nails and do not grow them;
  • do not apply to nails square shape, cut corners;
  • regularly carry out foot baths to soften the skin and nails;
  • remove dead skin particles in areas of possible ingrown nails.

The first sign of an ingrown nail is pain in the periungual fold near the edge of the nail plate. Then the pain spreads to the entire phalanx. Due to the fact that such sensations are tolerable, most people do not pay attention to this problem. special attention. But then they notice that the skin around the nail is inflamed. If measures are not taken, the situation will become more serious and suppuration will begin around the nail plate.
If an abscess forms, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

Splinter as a cause of nail abscess

A splinter is the cause of inflammation of the fingernail

A splinter can cause an abscess under the nail, if it falls into this area.

In this area, small splinters are difficult to notice. They are not exposed to mechanical stress, so in such situations a strong inflammatory process develops.
If it is possible to remove the splinter on your own, after removing it, you should use means to relieve inflammation. This way the situation will quickly return to normal. In some cases, removing a splinter may require the help of a doctor.

Signs of a nail abscess

In most cases, paronychia and felon are affected thumb on the leg, on the hands, any finger can become inflamed.

By the damage to several nails at the same time, one can judge the work of the body’s immune forces - its decrease. Also, inflammation on more than two toes may indicate the presence of foot or nails.
But no matter what caused the panaritium, characteristic symptoms will be:

If you find these signs in yourself, it is better to contact a surgeon to prescribe the correct treatment and avoid complications.

Complications of finger inflammation

An abscess in advanced form is very dangerous : a purulent inflammatory process can spread deeper: to the tendons, bone tissue, finger joint. The finger may partially or completely lose its function.
Moreover, inflammation can affect the hand and forearm.
Severe form panaritium with concomitant diseases such as diabetes mellitus, can lead to the following complications:

more complicated than nail inflammation
  1. sepsis (blood poisoning)– a rather dangerous condition, which without qualified assistance can lead to death;
  2. phlegmon of the hand– acute purulent inflammation of the cellular tissue of the hand;
  3. tenosynovitis– purulent inflammatory process in the tendon sheaths, the most severe condition in which there is a long-term loss of mobility of the affected finger;
  4. osteomyelitis– severe purulent process of bone tissue, requiring immediate surgical intervention, sometimes complete amputation of the finger.

First aid for a nail abscess

In order to normalize the situation when the first symptoms of an abscess appear on a toe or hand, you should know the rules of first aid, as well as warnings.
What it is forbidden under no circumstances do this pierce a pus bubble, in order to get rid of it, because in a greater degree of probability, it will not be possible to completely remove all the purulent fluid, and such an effect will not have any effect.

This is quite dangerous - if you insert the needle too deeply, you can provoke blood poisoning and the infection will spread throughout the body, and this is fraught with serious consequences.

What you can do: with anti-inflammatory properties: salt, soap or chamomile decoction. The foot should be immersed in this liquid several times a day, which will significantly reduce the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. After the procedure, you should pat the limb with a towel, then you are allowed to make an onion compress or use aloe leaves instead.

After three days without improvement or worsening of the situation, self-medication is canceled. This suggests that purulent inflammation has spread to deeper tissues. In such cases, the problem cannot be solved without medical help.

Treatment of paronychia and panaritium

For abscesses on the toe and hand, medications are more effective than traditional methods treatment.

  • One of these drugs is "Dimexide". It is prescribed when the patient cannot use warm baths. This drug has powerful antiseptic properties and good penetration through the skin. Dimexide is often used by doctors for purulent dressings.

The solution is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the inflamed area of ​​the finger. If adverse reactions occur, the drug is discontinued.

  • For moderately severe inflammation, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics taken by mouth.
  • If pus accumulates near the nail plate, the surgeon will numb the area and remove the fluid.
  • For chronic paronychia caused by a fungal infection, the doctor will prescribe. These drugs include Clotrimazole, Ketonazole and others.

Treatment can be quite long - from several weeks to several months. In complicated cases, oral antifungal drugs or steroids will be required.

Antibiotics for the treatment of abscess on the finger

When treating suppuration caused by streptococci or staphylococci, antibacterial drugs are always prescribed.

  • With subcutaneous panaritium, antibiotics are used when the inflammatory process moves deeper, but in the absence of purulent tissue decomposition.

The greatest effect is observed from drugs cephalosporin or penicillin series.

  • At the beginning of the development of articular panaritium, intra-articular injections with broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are used. But in severe cases of this disease and in the absence of effect from injections, the only treatment method will be surgery, which also uses antibiotics.

This group of drugs is prescribed and with phlegmon hand or finger, if after surgery there are foci of inflammation and pus. In such cases, antibiotics are used to prevent infection of adjacent tissues.
Broad-spectrum drugs for this condition are prescribed in fairly high doses.

inflammation surgery

These are antibiotics such as Ampicillin, Oxacillin, Cloxacillin, Erythromycin, Methicillin, Chloramphenicol. For local exposure, the affected area is pierced with a penicillin solution containing novocaine. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually.

Surgery to treat nail inflammation

If conservative treatment was started late and did not bring results, complications arise that can only be eliminated through surgery.
To do this, drainage of purulent fluid is performed under local anesthesia.. If the skin in the area of ​​the abscess has acquired a white or yellow color, local anesthesia is not performed, since this sign indicates damage to the nerve fibers.
Surgical options:

1. Surgery with superficial paronychia is carried out by cutting without the use of local anesthesia of the exfoliated skin, followed by its excision and removal of the purulent mass. Then an antiseptic bandage is applied for 5 days. This time is necessary for epithelization of the wound area.
2. With deep paronychia At the edge of the base of the nail, a 10 mm incision is made towards the palm. The skin covering the base of the nail plate is not cut, but is pushed back, cleaned and turned away from the damaged side. If the nail plate at the base peels off due to a purulent mass, it is carefully excised. If this area is accidentally damaged, the growing nail will become deformed.
3. If the entire nail bed or its middle part is damaged Two 10-15 mm incisions are made. A trapezoid-shaped area of ​​skin is turned away from the base. The part of the nail that is peeled off due to pus is removed and the pus is eliminated. A special rubber strip is placed under the skin flap, onto which Vaseline is applied, and the skin returns to its place. An antiseptic bandage is applied to the finger.

After a day after the operation, the finger is dipped in a warm solution with the addition of potassium permanganate, the rubber gasket is changed and left for another day.

If the purulent inflammatory process ceases, the rubber strip is no longer used, and a bandage with ointment is applied to the wound surface.

For faster healing of incisions and to prevent secondary infection, a course of antibiotics and antiseptics is prescribed.

Home treatment for nail abscess

Treatment of nail and subcutaneous panaritium at home possible only at the beginning of the disease and under the close supervision of a doctor. If there is no effect from ointments, baths and the signs of the disease intensify, the only way to get rid of purulent inflammation will be surgery.
Treatment in the clinic can be carried out for such types of panaritium as subcutaneous, cutaneous and nail. When purulent inflammation spreads to joints, tendons and bone tissue, the patient is referred

Herpes infection on toe

to the surgical department of the hospital.

Herpes infection of sore finger

If there is a sore finger or toe bubbles filled with clear liquid or with an admixture of pus and blood, the most likely cause of felon is pathogens of herpes.
The most common herpes infection on the fingers occurs in children., in the presence of such bubbles on other parts of the body - in the oral cavity, on the lips.

If you suspect herpes inflammation of the finger, treatment should be carried out as follows:
1. Apply Acyclovir ointment to the inflamed area for a week. After this treatment, the skin will return to normal in 1 or 2 weeks.
2. A bandage can be applied to the site of inflammation in order to reduce the risk of the herpes infection spreading to healthy parts of the body, especially the mucous membranes.
If the use of the ointment does not bring results and the inflammatory process only intensifies, you need to make an appointment with a doctor to choose further treatment tactics.

Folk remedies for the treatment of felon on the arm or leg

Traditional methods are effective only at the initial stage of inflammation and abscess on the toes and hands.

  • For this purpose, lotions with infusion of herbs with antiseptic properties: chamomile, calendula.

To obtain the product you will need 200 ml of boiling water and 1 spoon of dry raw materials. The grass is poured into a container with liquid and left for a while. A cotton swab is soaked in the cooled infusion and applied to the affected area and fixed.

The amount of potassium permanganate should be such that the liquid acquires a pale pink color. The finger with the abscess is dipped into this solution, after a while it is removed, blotted with a towel and ointment is applied to the affected area, followed by a bandage.

  • To obtain a salt-soda bath, you need to dissolve a spoonful of soda and salt in 200 ml of water. Such baths are allowed to be performed alternately.
  • Onion compress

Onion compress - A fairly effective remedy in the treatment of panaritium. In order to prepare it, you need to take ¼ of the onion, grate it on a coarse grater and place it on cheesecloth to form a layer 1 cm thick.
The compress is applied to the finger, covered with a film, and then secured with a bandage. You should keep such a compress on the affected area for 2 hours, then take a bath with soda and salt and replace the onion mass with fresh one.
This alternation should be carried out 2 times a day. If there is no effect within 3 days, consult a doctor.

Panaritium in a child

Abscess on a child's finger

You need to take special care of your child's fingers. since it is children who are more likely than adults to have this, which can lead to an inflammatory process in the hands.
If a red spot appears near a child’s fingernail, you should immediately apply it iodine solution. You can also apply a cotton pad soaked in calendula tincture. Lotions will also help. This is necessary to stop the inflammatory process at the very beginning of its development.
If an abscess appears, you should never try to treat it yourself or pierce it with a needle. The best solution would be to consult a doctor, he will carry out the necessary manipulations. Because in children, the inflammatory process and formation of pus occurs very quickly, surgical treatment is usually used.

Prevention of paronychia and panaritium

The main preventative measure for such conditions is to avoid damage and injury. skin on fingers: bruises, cuts.
It is also important to observe daily foot hygiene. More information about paronychia can be found in the video.

Using the services of a professional pedicurist will protect you from improper treatment of the nail plates and its consequences: damage to the skin, ingrown nails and inflammation.

Wearing comfortable shoes will also eliminate these unpleasant situations.
Treatment of chronic diseases that can cause inflammation of the toes is also important. Diabetes requires constant monitoring of blood sugar levels. Increasing immunity will strengthen the body and activate forces to fight infections.

There are several effective methods cuticle treatments that can be used at home. All of them are simple, but require regular use.

Cuticle treatment can be carried out both in beauty salons and at home. The main cuticle care is the use of various nourishing essential oils, which help moisturize the skin and also disinfect the cuticle and nail plate. The easiest way is to buy special oil at a pharmacy or in a specialty store. It will be as effective as the oil you can make at home.

The most popular and effective oils for treating cuticles are castor, apricot and grapefruit.

Let's look at the most common methods of treating nail cuticles:

1. To treat cuticle inflammation, it is best to use lavender oil. Being a strong antiseptic, it will help get rid of various cracks, cuts and inflammations.

Inflammation of the cuticle is the most unpleasant sensation of all. To get rid of it, you can use a calendula or sage ointment that you can prepare yourself. To do this, take half a glass of fresh calendula or sage flowers and 10 grams of Vaseline. Place all this in a saucepan and heat in a water bath. As soon as the Vaseline has melted, remove the pan from the stove and cover the mixture with a lid. Leave the mixture in this state for one night. In the morning, remove any excess moisture from the surface of the Vaseline and let it melt again. Then the ointment can be strained and placed in a glass jar. The ointment is ready - you can start treating the cuticle. Apply the ointment to the inflamed areas and within a few hours you can see the result.

2. To treat dying cuticle, you need to use corn flour. To do this, wet your nails with water. Then sprinkle them with flour and rub in slowly. This procedure has a scrubbing effect. After some time, wash off the corn flour with warm water and dry your hands. This cuticle cleaning procedure can be performed no more than once a week.

3. Hangnails should be treated with tea tree oil. This method is more effective and painless than the intervention of a manicurist. The oil does not need to be diluted, but used in concentrated form. Apply it to problem areas.

4. When treating dry cuticles with simple and effective means there will be grapefruit peel. To treat nail cuticles, take a fruit peel and rub the white side onto the cuticle and nail itself. The oil found in grapefruit peel contains a lot of vitamin C and also has antioxidant properties. In addition to the fact that after such a procedure your cuticle will receive the necessary amount of vitamins and soften, the wounds that were around the nail will heal quickly.

A balm made from wheat or rice germ oil will also be an excellent remedy for treating cuticles. To do this, take 15 ml of wheat germ or rice germ oil and heat it in a water bath. Combine it with lecithin powder (2 tablespoons), mix well. Add beeswax (6 grams) to the mixture and keep in a water bath. As soon as the wax begins to melt, remove the mixture from the heat and continue stirring. When the wax is completely melted, add lanolin (1 teaspoon) to the mixture and stir thoroughly again. Cool the mixture to room temperature and add an oil solution of vitamins A and E (5 drops each), rosemary oil (2 drops) into it and stir well again. The resulting balm should be poured into a container with a tight-fitting lid. To make this balm as effective as possible, apply it to the skin of your hands and cuticles, which are previously cleansed, or after using a bath with sea ​​salt. Regular use of the balm and combining it with a five-minute massage will do the trick. The cuticle will become soft and elastic, the nails will become stronger, and the structure of the nail plate will improve.

The base of the nail is the most delicate place, easily vulnerable to infections. The only thing that protects it is the thinnest layer of skin - the cuticle. And often the cuticle itself is in danger - both because of household and cosmetic products, and because of internal problems of the body, fungus, bacteria.

Peeling, dryness, cracked cuticles make hands unkempt, decorative coating the nail plate will not make them more attractive.

Dry, rough cuticle occurs due to external reasons: working with chemical solutions no gloves, cheap polishes and polish removers, low-quality manicure tools (scissors, nippers), improper cuticle trimming.

Another negative result of dry cuticle and its improper, rough treatment is nail damage. The plate becomes deformed, a dent or waves appear at the base, growths and thickening of the nail appear. In this case, only a professional will help; no varnish will hide the defects. Extended or false nails will only give an external effect - the problem with the nail itself will remain, and the cuticle requires treatment.

Dry cuticle care basics

Should I trim my cuticles or not? Removing dry cuticles is a good method, but short-lived. The new skin will be denser and grow faster. If you have problematic, very thin and weak cuticles, or vice versa, dense and overgrown cuticles, it is better to entrust a manicure to a professional.

A modern alternative - an unedged manicure - will save your hands from cracked cuticles and hangnails.

However, the effect of a liquid that softens the cuticle on cracked skin around the nail, wounds from hangnails, sometimes gives an unpleasant sensation. In addition, any cosmetic product may become a source of infection.

Treating dry cuticle at home

An unhealthy cuticle is a sign of problems within the body or the action of irritants. For a while it is necessary to abandon decorative varnish, trim manicure, work with detergents perform it with gloves - it is advisable to do the latter always, and not just at times of cuticle inflammation.

For home care used behind the cuticle essential oils, their mixtures and ointments based on glycerin and oil - castor, apricot, orange, tea tree. Instead of citrus oils, the peel from the fruit itself - orange, grapefruit - is suitable. A natural antiseptic – lavender oil – will help treat cracks, hangnails, and cuticle detachment.

Homemade cuticle cream recipe

  • flowers of calendula, chamomile, sage - 150 grams each;
  • Vaseline – 10 grams.

Instead of three different inflorescences, you can choose two or just one. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and heat in a water bath until the Vaseline softens. Then remove the mixture from heat, cover with a lid, and leave to infuse overnight. By morning the Vaseline will harden again, then excess water Remove the Vaseline from the surface and heat it again to a liquid state. All that remains is to strain, put in a jar - and you can use the ointment.

Dry cuticle causes serious inflammation, which should be treated not at home, but by a dermatologist:

  • infectious inflammation;
  • fungus;
  • paronychia;
  • felon.

Signs of infection, serious inflammation: swelling, redness around the nail, pain, pus. When these symptoms appear, hands should be washed, but without cleansers. After drying your hands, apply antibiotic cream to the cuticle; taking antibiotics orally will also not hurt.

What not to do with an inflamed cuticle:

  1. Cracks, hangnails - with these problems you should not touch the cuticle again. You cannot cut with nail scissors; the wounds can become infected.
  2. If there is severe inflammation or redness of the area around the nail, you should not touch the cuticle even with a remover, steam your hands or apply hot masks for your hands and nails.

To reduce the risk of infection through an already injured cuticle, if possible, the wound should be protected with a special plaster. For a therapeutic effect, apply a few drops of orange or tea tree to the fabric part of the patch.

Almost all girls tend to give their nails a well-groomed and neat look. Experiment with manicure designs or decorate with all sorts of elements. But sometimes this desire leads to some problems. After another nail art procedure, redness may occur, the skin may become sore, swollen, and the finger may begin to itch. According to experts, the source of this unaesthetic disease is inflammation of the cuticle of the nail plate. And before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand the main causes of inflammation.

Causes of the disease process

Cuticle inflammation can be caused by a variety of things. Most often, an abscess on a finger appears after an unsuccessful manicure, but this is far from the only reason. Having determined what caused the irritation, it is much easier to decide what further treatment will be.

  • Incorrect treatment of the cuticle during manicure. After this procedure, hangnails may appear near the nail. They cannot be torn off; there is a risk of getting a purulent abscess. Poorly trimmed, unsoftened cuticles or the use of unsterile equipment may also be the cause.
  • Ungroomed hands. If you do not systematically treat the skin around your fingers, there is a chance of getting into trouble. For example, a cuticle that is too large is susceptible to minor injury and is much more likely to become inflamed around the nail. In addition, if the cuticle is very dry, there is a possibility that your fingers have a fungal infection.
  • Harmful microorganisms. Very often, after minor injuries, the periungual tissues of the hands can become infected. Quite often it is a fungus. It is accompanied by peeling and severe irritation.
  • Allergic reaction. Swelling and redness are the main symptoms of allergies. After your fingers come into contact with an irritant, they may swell. If this is the reason, swelling will appear in other parts of the hands.
  • Injuries and other external influences. Impacts, cuts, pressure or wearing ill-fitting shoes can cause swelling, inflammation and irritation.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process

As a rule, the finger begins to break out with the following accompanying symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin around the nail plate
  2. The finger swells
  3. An unpleasant tugging pain appears
  4. After some time it may appear heat at the site of inflammation
  5. It is problematic not only to touch the inflamed part, but also to bend the finger normally
  6. And as a result, the painful place breaks out

Panaritium (abscess on the finger): causes, symptoms and signs, effective treatment

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues of the fingers or toes. The main reasons for the development of felon are: abrasions, cuts on the fingers, poor-quality manicure and pedicure, ingrown nails, which contribute to the penetration of microbes deep into the skin. The main symptoms of panaritium are: severe twitching pain in the finger, redness and swelling of the skin of the finger (often around the nail), increased body temperature. In some cases, felon may cause serious complications requiring immediate surgery. If you experience symptoms such as fever, accumulation of pus under the skin in the form of a bubble or stripe, or unbearable pain in your finger, you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment of panaritium is usually conservative (medicine baths, antibacterial ointments) or, in severe cases, surgical.

Reasons for the development of felon

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation that develops as a result of infection (bacteria) entering deep into the tissues of the finger. Penetration of microbes through the skin is possible if it is damaged: abrasions, splinters, small cuts, poor-quality manicure and pedicure, etc. In some cases, panaritium develops without any previous injuries to the skin of the fingers. Below are the conditions conducive to the development of felon:

  1. Panaritium is common in children, due to their tendency to suck fingers or bite their nails.
  2. An ingrown nail (ingrowing of the nail into the skin ridge surrounding it on the sides) contributes to damage to the skin of the finger and infection with the development of panaritium.
  3. Foot and nail fungus (onychomycosis)
  4. Diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders in the legs (thrombophlebitis of the leg veins, etc.)
  5. People in certain professions involving manual labor: cooks, carpenters, agricultural workers, etc.

What to do at home if your finger breaks out?

In most cases, if a finger breaks out on the hand, the inflammation goes away on its own within 1-2 weeks, and patients make do with folk remedies.

If the abscess has not yet formed, there is simply redness, there is a chance to stop the development of the infection. To do this, it is recommended to treat the affected area with antiseptic agents (iodine, brilliant green). From folk remedies An aloe leaf cut in half and applied as a compress helps a lot, as well as baked onions.

If it was not possible to stop the development of inflammation, and a purulent abscess has formed, it is either opened (the procedure is carried out by a doctor), or measures are taken to open the abscess independently:

  1. Salt baths. Add a tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodine to a glass of hot (but not scalding) water. The inflamed finger is kept in water for 10 minutes. This procedure can help open a mature abscess, but in the initial stages it is ineffective, since heating can increase the formation of pus.
  2. Baked onion. The onion is baked whole, in the husk. Used as a compress. Taped to the sore finger for a long period (4-6 hours).
  3. Sap. Pine resin, or resin is applied to a bandage and applied as a compress.

Treatment of panaritium without surgery (conservative treatment) is permissible only in the initial stages of the disease and only under the supervision of a surgeon. The main methods of conservative treatment of felon are:

  1. Daily baths with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), which is added to warm (not hot) water until a faint pink color appears. Place the sore finger in the prepared bath for 5-7 minutes.
  2. After the bath, you should carefully blot your finger with a sterile napkin and then apply a bandage folded several times (about 5 by 5 cm) to the skin in the area of ​​inflammation, on which a thin layer of dioxidine ointment or levmekol is applied.
  3. Then the finger should be loosely bandaged.

If, as a result of conservative treatment, the symptoms of panaritium intensified, the body temperature rose, or an abscess appeared on the finger (accumulation of pus), immediately consult a surgeon. Surgical treatment of panaritium is carried out under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the skin of the finger, removes dead tissue of the finger, and introduces local antibacterial agents. With subungual felon, the nail is usually removed. After the operation, the patient is given daily dressings, which allow the administration of local antibacterial and wound-healing agents. The total duration of such treatment is 5-7 days. Since felon is a purulent disease, antibiotics are often used in its treatment.