
To develop healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers.

Develop the motor system, fast running, agility, strength, ingenuity.

Promote the development of a good mood during sports competitions.

To cultivate attention to each other, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance, politeness, mutual respect.

Equipment: wooden plates, 2 scooters, 4 cubes, rope, massage balls - 20 pcs., 2 scarves, 6 hoops, 4 dumbbells.

Progress of sports entertainment on health day in kindergarten

Children march out onto the playground in a solemn march. They go around the circle of honor and line up in a circle.

Presenter: - Today we have sports festival, dedicated World Day health, we all gathered to compete and gain health. As they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Presenter. - Let's all say hello and wish each other good health, lots of sun, warmth, blue sky, fresh air. And in order to be healthy, you need to do physical exercise, not be lazy, and wake up early.

1 child.

We are friendly guys

We came to kindergarten

And everyone does physical education

I'm very happy to do it!

2nd child.

To always be in good mood be,

We need to forget about laziness.

We love to jump and run

Do exercises with friends.

Greetings to teams and fans.

The surprise moment is the arrival of the doctor.

Presenter: - We didn’t call the doctor.

Doctor: - I came to check the children’s temperature, take their pulse, maybe someone needs an injection against the virus?

Presenter: - Are any children unwell, do they need medical help?

Children's answer.

Doctor: - Why are you all gathered here?

Presenter: - We have sports competitions in kindergarten and we don’t want to know about the disease.

It’s better, doctor, come with us, stand up and start warming up.

Warm up.

A set of general developmental exercises with small massage balls.

Presenter: - Doctor, now look how nimble our children are.

The game is the Cheerful Handkerchief relay race.

(Conditions: Children in teams become pairs facing each other, take the scarf by the corners in the middle of the scarf, put a ball and carry it together, go around the cube and run back to pass the baton to another pair.)

Presenter: - Well, doctor, do our children look like patients?

Doctor: - No, they are not similar, but what else can they do?

Presenter: - Children also know how to keep their balance well.

The game is a competition “From bump to bump”.

(Conditions: Children take turns walking over the “bumps” on the ground, knocking on the cube and returning back, also passing the baton along the “bumps”. You cannot put your feet on the ground).

Presenter: - Now look how strong our children are.

Competition "Tug of Rope".

Doctor: - Your athletes probably took a lot of vitamins, they are so strong.

Presenter: - And now you all have a task, whose team will line up faster?

Doctor, do you like to travel by train? We invite you to our fun train.

Game - relay race "Train and carriages".

(Conditions: The first team member runs to the landmark, runs around it, runs back, takes a friend and again runs to the cube together, runs around it, then the three of them run and so on until all team members are taken).

Presenter: - Did you like riding, but can our doctor run? And our children are the fastest in the world.

The game is a relay race “Whose team is faster.”

(Conditions: Children, two at a time, with a scarf in their hands, jump on both legs from hoop to hoop, run around the cube, then run quickly back and pass the scarf to another participant).

Presenter: - You see, doctor, how athletic and healthy our children are and they don’t have a fever.

Doctor: - Now I’ll check if I have sports thermometers.

Game - relay race “Running with dumbbells”.

(Conditions: Children take one dumbbell in their hands, quickly run to the cube, run around it, then return back to pass the baton).

Presenter: - Doctor, do you have a sports, environmentally friendly vehicle?

Doctor: - Yes, I ask you to compete like racers

Game - relay race "Racers".

(Conditions: Scooter racing, children take turns going to the landmark and passing the baton back)

Presenter: - Doctor, now you are convinced that no one needs to be treated at our holiday. We play sports and take vitamins.

Doctor: - Yes in yours kindergarten simply class: everyone is athletic, courageous, strong, agile and healthy. Goodbye! Good health to everyone!!!

Presenter: - All the best!!! - Children, all well done.

Children. - In a healthy body healthy mind.

Health day in the preparatory group. Scenario

Health Day for preparatory group"Funny Fox"

Author: Baizan Elena Leonidovna, instructor physical culture, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic direction of development of pupils, kindergarten No. 6 “Vasilyok”, Krasnoyarsk region, town. Shushenskoye

Health Day is designed to improve children's health preschool age, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle (HLS). As well as the development of motor skills and physical qualities.
1. Develop the physical qualities of children.
2. Foster collectivism.
Equipment: 2 large balls, 2 hoops, piglets - keychains according to the number of children, baskets, candy or juice.

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello guys! Today is our health day. And a cheerful, cunning guest came to our holiday. Guess who it is? That's right, it's a fox, let's call him.
The children call for the fox, and the cheat comes in.
Fox: Hello guys! Oh, how big you have become. We need to test you what you have learned. Let's divide you into 2 teams.
“Pass Over Your Head” Relay Race
Children stand in columns one at a time, the first one has a ball. The child passes the ball over his head to someone standing behind him. The team whose ball ends up above the last child's head wins. Repeat 2-3 times.
Fox: Oh, how great you are! Now I’ll see how dexterous you are!
Relay race "Who can pass it on faster"
Children stand in a column one at a time, the first one has a ball. Children pass the ball between their legs from hand to hand to the person standing behind. The team that delivers the ball the fastest wins.
Fox: You guys are clever! I can't do it that fast. Tell me, do you know where is left and where is right? I get confused all the time.
Relay race “Pass the ball, then left, then right”
Children stand in columns one at a time, the first one has a ball. At the signal, the children pass the ball first to the left, then to the right. The team that passes the ball the fastest wins.
Leading: Well, fox, tell me everything, tell me everything. We should run!
Fox: Oh, you want to run, but do you really like to run? Then let's go!
Relay race "Bring a nut"
Children stand in columns one at a time, the first one runs to the hoop and takes the ball there. Runs to the team and passes the ball to the second player. He runs to the hoop, puts the ball in it and returns back to the team.
Fox: Hee hee! You probably love nuts very much, since you run so fast! I really love little piglets!
Relay race “Gather the piglets”
There are piglets in the basket - keychains, the basket is in front of each team. You need to run to the basket, take one pig and run back to the column.
Fox: Well done! How many piglets they brought me.
Leading: Fox, don’t you mind eating piglets? Maybe we can offer you something else?
Fox: What exactly?
Leading: He will get vegetables for you.
Fox: Well, once you get it, then okay, I’ll give you the pig.
Relay race “Get vegetables”
Children stand in a column one at a time, the first one climbs under the arc, jumps from hoop to hoop, picks up a vegetable there and runs back.
Fox: Thank you!
Leading: And we can still climb!
Firefighters relay race
Children stand in a column one at a time. The first one runs to the gymnastics wall, climbs on it, touches the bell hanging on the wall, goes down and runs back to his column.
Fox: Thank you guys for playing with me! It’s time for me to go to the forest, but I brought you a treat from the forest (treats), goodbye!
Leading: And it’s time for you and me to join the group.
Organizational care.

Health day in the preparatory group of the kindergarten.

Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; satisfy children’s need for physical activity; consolidate children's knowledge of how to maintain and improve health; develop the ability to take care of their health.



Health Day.

Tasks: form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; satisfy children's need for physical activity; consolidate children's knowledge of how to maintain and improve health; to form motivation for health in children; develop the need to take care of your health.

Guys, today we have an unusual day, it’s dedicated to health. Probably, each of you guys wants to be healthy and strong: to be able to run fast, jump, swim. We also often hear: “Be healthy!”, “Don’t get sick,” “I wish you health.” Let's talk about what we know about our health.

How does a healthy person feel? What does he look like? What's his mood? How does a sick person feel? Which is better: healthy or sick? Why? What should you do to be healthy? (harden up, play sports, eat fruits and vegetables, drink juices, walk in the fresh air)

Reviewing books about sports in order to clarify children’s ideas about different types sports, the very concept of “sport”, why people engage in physical education and sports.

Morning exercises "Journey to Sportlandia".

1.Walking with arms raised up and down, clapping:

We all just entered the forest,

Mosquitoes appeared.

Hands up above your head

Hands down - clap or two.

2. Walking on the outside of the foot with swaying left and right:

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands behind our heads

And we waddle.

3. Jumping from foot to foot “on pebbles”:

We are walking along the path -

There is a pond in front of us.

We will jump more boldly

And bolder over the stones.

One-two, one-two

The water is already behind us.

4. Running in a “stream” between objects “pebbles” located on the floor:

A stream runs in the forest

And he is in a hurry somewhere.

Faster and faster.

Glug-glug-glug - the water is gurgling.

5. Walking with arms raised:

And now we're walking again,

We raise our hands higher,

We breathe evenly, deeply,

Walk straight and easy.

6. Bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up, raise your hands up:

Suddenly we see by the bush -

The chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take the chick

And we put it back in the nest.

7. Torso turns to the left, to the right with a certain hand:

Strawberries are ripening on the right,

On the left are sweet blueberries,

On the right - red lingonberries,

Blackberries are ripening on the left.

We'll pick all the berries

And then we'll go home.

8. Squats:

But first we will sit down,

Let's pet the bunny gently.

We'll find a hedgehog in the grass,

But we won’t take it with us.

We'll find a mushroom under the aspen tree

And we'll take it with us.

9. Jumping on two legs:

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny quickly galloped away.

Let's gallop quickly after him

And we hurry home quickly.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

A very happy day.

10. Calm walking:

The country is visible ahead:

She's very strange.

We go to it as athletes.

There is no substitute for us in sports.

We love to play sports

We will try very hard.


Porridge doesn't get boring

Porridge adds strength!

(We pay attention to the correct posture of children at the table).

GCD - educational areas "Health", "Safety" - "Save your health!"

The goals are to give children a general idea of ​​health as a value and that it must be constantly taken care of; cultivate a desire to constantly take care of your health; expand children's knowledge about preventive measures to prevent diseases and injuries.

(Children answer what health is. They guess riddles about health. A wellness minute is held " Ladybug", simulation game "Clean", didactic game"Helpful - harmful.")

GCD - educational field“Artistic creativity” (modeling) - “Vitamins are like pills that grow on a branch!”

The goal is to expand children’s knowledge about healthy products, to introduce them to vitamins and products containing vitamins; teach children to sculpt different fruits and vegetables.

Conversation about vitamins, healthy foods, which foods contain vitamins; reading poems about vitamins, looking at illustrations; physical education session “Glutton”; guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits; modeling

Walk . Observations “What’s in our garden” (we remember what grew, what benefits vegetables bring, what vitamins live in them).

Didactic game "Who needs these things?"

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, and sports attributes.

Labor - cleaning the site.

Physical exercises "We are athletes!"

1.I.P. – legs hip-width apart, arms along the body.
Pull your arms to your shoulders, bending your elbows, lower your arms, and... p. 5 r.

2.I.P. – standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt.
Lean forward, place your palms on your knees, return to the i.p. 5 rub.

3.I.P. – legs hip-width apart, arms along the body.
Sit down, clap your hands in front of you, stand up, i.p. 5 rub.

4.I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
Turn the body to the right (left), in the i.p. 4 rub.

5.I.P. – legs together, hands on the belt.
Putting your foot forward on your heel. 4 rub.

Outdoor game "Find your color."

One group of children stands around a red pin, another around a yellow one, and a third around a blue one. At the signal “Go for a walk!” children scatter around the site in different directions. At the signal “Find your color!”, children run to their places, trying to find a pin of their color. Repeat the game. Complication - swap the pins.

Hygiene after a walk. Dinner. Dream.

Gymnastics after sleep "Friendly guys"

Eyes open,
Eyelashes rise
Children wake up
They smile at each other.

Kids, kids, doing exercises.
They raised their hands up, stretched,
They smiled and stretched again.
One, two, one, two – we raise our legs:
Raise, lower,
Raise, lower,
Slowly we get up -
We're going to toughen up.
Kids, kids, friendly guys,
Kids, kids, let's do some exercises.

Breathing exercises “Clock” (Swing your arms back and forth and say “Tick-tock”), "Pump" ( Hands along the body, inhale - tilt to the side, exhale to the other “Ssss”).

Play activity

Plot-didactic game “Healthy Products Store”.

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about healthy foods; develop role interaction, dialogic speech.

Role-playing game"Hospital".

Goal: to continue to teach children to develop multi-character plots, to encourage improvisation, changing and combining roles, to encourage children to use substitute objects, and to cultivate friendly relationships.

Didactic game “If you want to be healthy.”

Goal: to clarify and expand children’s knowledge of what needs to be done to be healthy, to develop attention and intelligence, and to cultivate a desire to be healthy.

Reading fiction - K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”. Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

Artistic and creative activities- coloring pictures of vegetables and fruits.

Working with parents- conversation: “The physical preparation of a child necessary for studying at school.”

Agisheva Liniza


Formation in children of a conscious attitude towards healthy image life.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the influence on health physical activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, mood;

Develop cognitive interest and mental activity;

Foster a desire to take care of your own health.

In a week, hang it in the corner for parents announcement:

Dear parents!

On this day you can attend morning exercises, classes, walks, and hardening.

Morning reception

Children come into group through the maze(on the child's path created let: crawl under an arc, walk along "bumps", jump over "abyss" and so on.).

Exercise for the mind - guessing riddles about body parts.

Free activities for children.

1. Ritual greeting in a circle - emotional communication.

2. Outdoor games, at the request of the children.

3. Solving the problem situations: “If you cut yourself or get scratched while walking, how to provide first aid?”

How do we start the morning in kindergarten? (from charging). This will be our first assistant in the search" health".

Do exercises in the morning

You will be strong

You will be brave.

Get ready to exercise!

Morning exercises

1. Doctor Aibolit comes to the children (teacher in disguise).

Dr. Aibolit:

Be healthy Both adults and children want it.

What do we need for this?

I can answer.

To live a happy life,

Don't lie in bed for a long time,

Start your morning with exercise.

2. Performing the complex.


In parting, guys, I want you all say:

So that you are beautiful, so that you are not whiny,

So that in your hands, any business will argue and burn together.

To make songs sung louder, to make life interesting

Do physical exercise, you all are interested in sports.

3. Problem situation on provocation cultural and hygienic skills: “I won’t wash my hands after walking, what will happen?”

The attendants present the menu and talk about the benefits of these dishes for health.

After breakfast a game is being played"Magic Drink" (rinse mouth and throat).

1. Educational activity "Man's Clothes".

Target: introduce the child to the influence of clothing on his health.

2. Sports competition "Fun Starts". (By physical plan. employee)



Target. Give children a basic understanding of the sources of air pollution and the importance of clean air for human health.

Mystery: “It passes through the nose into the chest and goes back. It is invisible, and yet we cannot live without it.” (Air).

Who needs air? Is it possible to live without air? They say that a person can live for several days without food, but without air he cannot live even for a few minutes. Let's try? Children take a breath, hold their breath and try to hold out as long as possible. What kind of air is pleasant, easy and healthy to breathe? What pollutes the air? (smoke from boiler pipes, car exhaust gases). Why is air pollution dangerous? What can we do to ensure there is more fresh air in the city? (plant seedlings, do not break trees, do not litter). Trees are a source of oxygen. They clean and refresh the air. To be healthy people need to walk more, To breathe fresh air. People who spend a lot of time in the fresh air have a cheerful appearance, they have a blush on their cheeks, they are pleasant to look at, they have a good appetite, sleep, and rarely get sick.

Breathing exercises "Balloon".

Slowly raising your arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. As you exhale through your mouth, lowering your hands, say shhh sound. Repeat 4 times. Draw children's attention to how the chest expands when inhaling. (putting palm to chest).

Guys, why did we take the shovels outside? (children's answers). Do you think physical labor is useful? How? (children's answers). Physical labor strengthens the body, makes our bones stronger, and develops muscles. Healthy, to a strong man easily cope with any job. Memorize with children proverb: “He who is strong in the shoulder does not care about the burden.” Do you feel how your strength has increased? We've worked hard, and now we can play.

Free activities of children during which the teacher conducts individual work:

1. “Sharp shooter” - practice throwing into the distance, practice throwing power, develop your eye.

3. “Jump and blow” - improving breathing function, increasing tone, adapting breathing and the body as a whole to physical activity.

4. Verbal game for all children “Name the sport” - consolidate the names of sports; instill in children a desire to play sports.

Guys, do you like playing sports? Then we go to the stadium (sports ground, we will train.

Physical activity.


1. Train children in the ability to perform a circular swing with one hand when throwing cones into the distance. Strengthen the correct grip of small objects when throwing.

2. Develop in children the ability to quickly start running from and. p. standing with your back to the direction of movement and accelerate.

3. In the “Mousetrap” p/i, train children in the ability to choose the desired method of climbing, taking into account the height of the gate and their height.

Returning from a walk. Draw children's attention to their appearance, their eyes are shining, there is a blush on their cheeks, they are cheerful, contented, happy. Why? (children's answers).

Remind that wet clothes should be placed on the radiator. Why are wet clothes dangerous? (you can catch a cold or get sick).

The teacher talks about the vitamins contained in the dishes.

The teacher's story about why a person needs sleep.

Preparation for sleep lying in beds muscle relaxation is performed.

1. Exercise to relax the arm muscles.

We can dance

Run, jump, draw,

But we don’t know everything yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple.

Movement slows down

The tension disappears:

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

We straighten our arms with force. (Raise your arms, straighten them behind your head, stretch.)

It's like we're growing up. (Deep breath, pause.)

Now let's relax them.

Smoothly, gently lower. (As you exhale, lower your arms along your body, relax your muscles.)

2. Exercises to relax the leg muscles.

What are these strange springs?

Have our backs straightened? (Pull your toes towards you.)

Pull up your socks

And be careful, don’t let go! (Pause.)

Legs relax (Relax your leg muscles.)

They are trying to rest.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Target. Improve children's mood, increase muscle tone, help prevent poor posture and flat feet.

Games of low mobility.

1. Reading fiction that makes you want to lead healthy lifestyle(S. Mikhalkov "Mimosa", K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr").

2. Conversation with children about who plays sports in the family.

3. Looking at illustrations about sports.

An evening walk

1. Outdoor games.

2. Free activity of children.

3. Role-playing game "Rescuers".

Scenario for the holiday “Health Day”

(preparatory groups)

Target : Improve physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance. Accumulate and enrich children's motor experience. Form the need for physical activity. Foster a desire to participate in games with elements of competition, relay races. Evoke a positive emotional response in children.

Preliminary work :

Conversations abouthealth, sports,healthy lifestylehow to save yourshealth;

Watching sports at home with your parents;

Examination of albums, books, photographs, presentations about sports and athletes.

Equipment :

Audio recordings for games and relay races;

Tube of toothpaste - 2 pcs.;

Watering can - 2 pcs.;

Garbage basket - 2 pcs.;

Tunnel - 2 pcs.;

Shawl - 2 pcs;

Ball - 2 pcs.

Easel - 2 pcs.;

Set of cards“Helpful - harmful!” - 2 pcs.;


The progress of the holiday

Instructor: Guys, today we have gathered to celebrate Health Day.

A bright smile,

In a friendly parade

We need to start Health Day.

Let's all shout together

Hurray for Health Day! Hooray! Hooray!

Who can say what it means to be healthy? (children's answers) Yes, you are right, this means not getting sick, playing sports and strengthening yourself, eating more vitamins and healthy foods. And don’t sit still, move more often.

After all, how often you exercise depends on how your health will be. And today we will show each other how much we love sports and love to do them. To begin with, I suggest you say hello to each other.

Game "Let's say hello"

Children walk around the hall to the music. As soon as the music ends, the children come up to each other and begin to greet each other: knee, shoulder, back, nose.

Instructor: We never get bored here

It's time to start warming up

Stand in a circle together,

Hold hands together

Rhythmic dance. "Locomotive Antoshka"

Instructor: Now, guys, guess the riddles

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer together:

1. A fun game of football, the first one has already been scored...(goal)

2. Someone ran away quickly

And without the ball he flew into... (gates)

3. He will fly into the sky like a swallow,

Dives into the lake like a fish (jumping into the water)

4. I drew a figure eight on the ice -

The coach gave me an A.

What kind of sport is this? (figure skating)

5. “Long, not a stick, fast, not a jackdaw,

She's so much fun to jump around with. What is this?" (jump rope)

Instructor: Amazing! We invited a doctor to our holiday who will examine the participants before the competition. And here he is. Greet him with thunderous applause.

The children sit down. The doctor enters the room to the music.

Doctor: Hello! My name is Doctor Pilyulkin.

Instructor: How was your trip?

Doctor: I barely had time to come to you for the holiday.

I ran through fields, through forests, through meadows,

And she only whispered two words:

“Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten!”

Instructor: Dear doctor, you are not late at all, our holiday is just beginning. But we need your help: before all competitions, a doctor must examine the athletes to see if they are sick and can participate in competitions.

Doctor: I will be happy to examine your children.

Conducts examinations of children.

Doctor: Do you have a sore throat? Scarlet fever? Cholerina? Appendicitis? Malaria and bronchitis? What healthy children you are! I am very pleased with the inspection! The competition can begin! And for you to be as healthy and strong: play sports and take vitamins, but I’m in a hurry to see other children. Goodbye!

The doctor leaves.

Instructor: The guys and I love

Play relay races

Jump, run, light up.

Teeth are like flowers in a garden bed,

Remember! and without further ado.

Keep them all in order

Gardener of your teeth!

1. “Pass the toothpaste” relay race

Participants line up in a column, with the first participant holding toothpaste, on a signal, the first participant begins to pass the toothpaste through the left side, as soon as the toothpaste reaches the last participant, he returns it from the right side. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

Instructor: Early in the morning every day

We are not too lazy to wash ourselves

2. Moidodyr relay race

Participants line up in 2 columns. The first participant runs to the teacher, the teacher stands with a watering can. Imitation of washing. Returns to his team, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

Instructor: Never throw away peels, skins, sticks -

Our cities will quickly turn into landfills.

If you litter now, then pretty soon

Garbage mountains may grow here.

3. Relay race “Pick up the trash”

Rubbish is scattered around the hall. Participants are divided into 2 teams. The first participant runs, picks up trash, throws it in a trash can and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

4. Relay race: “Helpful - harmful!”

On the opposite side are healthy and harmful foods. Players of the first team, overcoming an obstacle (climbing under the arches, must bring healthy products, and the second team - harmful ones (dummies).

5.Game - “Jolly Handkerchief” relay race.

Children in teams become pairs facing each other, take the scarf by the corners in the middle of the scarf, put the ball and carry it together, go around the cube and run, passing the baton back to another pair.

Instructor: With this our holiday has come to an end. Be friends with sports and be healthy!

Children in chorus: We are strong friends with sports,

Sport is very necessary for all of us,

Sport is health, sport is a game.

Let's say to the sport - HURRAY!

Instructor: I'm very happy for you today,

And I will give you this advice -

Do physical exercise

In the mornings and evenings!

And for our joyful holiday

I thank you all.

And your gifts

I give it to everyone for their health. (Treat with vitamins).