Incredible facts

How to determine at the beginning of dating whether a guy will fall in love with you or not?

Love at first sight undoubtedly exists. In films everything is much simpler and clearer.

IN real life sometimes it’s difficult to predict whether that same spark will develop into true and strong love or whether it will end only in mild an affair.

Is it possible to predict love?

There are a number of unconditionalsigns , indicating that he will fall in love with you like crazy.

The following 8 signs will predict you a great feeling of love that will arise on his part in the very near future:

Signs of falling in love

1. You are the most beautiful for him

If you seem to him the most beautiful, charming and attractive, this is more than a good sign, indicating that he will soon lose his head over you.

Whether you admit it or not, looks always matter. The physical aspect is very important at the beginning of a relationship.

Remember the words of the famous playwright William Shakespeare that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

This means that if you are beautiful in his eyes, most likely he is really crazy about you.

And the first sign of this is when a man cannot take his eyes off a woman. At this moment, all the other ladies simply fade away for him.

This doesn't mean crazy love on his part, but it's definitely a start in the right direction.

Signs of a man falling in love

2. He always listens to you carefully

A woman always has something interesting that she wants to talk about.

This is not necessarily a conversation about a new polish, a purchased handbag or a pair of shoes. A man, as a rule, is not particularly interested in such conversations.

But there are things that are certainly interesting to both of you. And you can talk about them for hours.

You can enjoy conversations together.

If dialogue flows easily between you and your friend, and you both feel comfortable enough to be sincere, and openly express your opinions and thoughts, this is definitely the start of something big and bright.

3. He tells you everything that happens to him.

Every time something interesting happens in his life, he feels the need to tell you about it.

Even if this “something” is not essential, he simply needs to notify you about what happened.

For example, he saw something funny on the way to work, or his friend stumbled while singing a pension at karaoke.

It could be anything, but if he is in a hurry to tell you what happened, then this is a good sign indicating that he needs to communicate with you.

Perhaps he is dialing your number not so much to report something as to hear your voice and laughter.

If so, and he wants to hear from you again and again, rejoice. Your victory in winning his heart is just around the corner.

Psychology, signs of a guy falling in love

4. When even small moments matter

Sometimes things that at first glance seem ordinary and insignificant bring joy.

Such simple thing, like watching the night sky and guessing the constellations, can bring you closer together than a difficult and serious test.

Sometimes insignificant little things can transform our lives, changing it radically.

It is worth remembering that happiness lies in little things and events.

Maybe instead of going to a football game with a friend, he would prefer to come to your place on Saturday night and spend time watching your favorite comedy with you.

Or you can go for a walk together, or sit on the shore of a local lake. There are many options for how you can spend your time. The main thing is that he wants to spend this time in the company of you.

By choosing you rather than his friends, girlfriends or other pastimes, he proves that you already mean a lot to him. And for you, this is a good sign that your couple is moving in the right direction.

5. He's happy when you reply to his messages.

Remember those numerous jokes about how happy a girl is when she receives a message from a guy.

It’s safe to say that a guy who receives a message from a girl he likes reacts in much the same way.

At this moment he feels like a winner. And what’s funny about this situation is that his reaction is just as joyful.

Just like a girl, he waits 20-30 minutes before answering so that you don’t think that he was waiting for your message.

If the moment when you respond to his message is very important to him, then this is a great sign.

Psychology, signs of falling in love in men

6. He suddenly becomes an artist

Love inspires.

Some things suddenly begin to play with new colors.

Suddenly poetry and music make sense. You inspire him, if not to great deeds and exploits, then certainly to new beginnings. Obviously, you become for him the very muse to whom he wants to dedicate poems and songs.

What could be better than a quiet evening when he plucks the guitar strings, playing the melody of a romantic song for you, and your legs are comfortably placed on his lap?

He even hums some words under his breath; it is quite possible that he comes up with them on the go. But does it really matter? It's so cute...

And now it doesn’t matter that he didn’t play guitar since primary school or haven’t picked up brushes and paints for several long years.

If he wants to sing, draw and dedicate all this to you, then this means something...

When a man is in love

7. His friends know about you

If most of his friends have heard of you, this is a good sign that he is serious about you and plans to build a relationship with you.

Perhaps he buzzed their ears about how beautiful, smart and extraordinary you are. And it is quite possible that he has already introduced you to them personally.

And even though some of them make fun of him, pointing out that he is in love, he does not pay attention to it and is still fascinated by you, not at all ashamed of his feelings.

Signs of a man in love

8. He is ready to overcome obstacles

Do you live in Moscow, and he lives in St. Petersburg?

It's not a problem for him. These days there are a huge number mobile applications, allowing lovers to communicate even at a distance.

In addition, you can meet every weekend either in your hometown or on its territory.

What to do if you are separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers and you live in different countries? Even the most difficult obstacles can be overcome if you really want it.

Sometimes life presents us with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

But if we are in love, this means that we have wings, thanks to which we will undoubtedly be able to cope not only with enormous distances, but also with much more serious problems.

Remember the famous phrase: Separation is to love what the wind is to fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the strong.

Sooner or later, the feeling of falling in love enters the life of any girl. How to figure out that you are really in love with a person, and this is actually not a fleeting, meaningless infatuation?

I think I'm in love, how can I check?

People in love, first of all, want to spend as much time as possible with the object of their affection. They are characterized by fantasies about a possible future together and thoughts about whether their lover or beloved experiences reciprocal feelings. If you find yourself almost constantly thinking about a person. then most likely. you care about him. Although, of course, there are many other signs.

What is love

Women's opinion

Most women believe that if a man loves her, she will certainly feel and see it. A person in love, in the view of the fair half of humanity, constantly shows signs of attention to the object of sympathy. If a guy rarely calls, rarely invites you on dates, is not particularly generous, and is not interested in the girl’s affairs, then she will think that the boyfriend does not have serious feelings for her.

Most often, women believe that a man’s love is manifested in the actions that they are ready to do for the sake of their chosen ones. Material confirmation of feelings is also important - even if a guy makes small surprises for his beloved, she understands that, most likely, she is not indifferent to him. Also, a woman is usually convinced that a man in love will not be interested in someone else, and if she catches him flirting with a certain lady, then it is quite possible that she will lose faith in his love.

Men's opinion

The overwhelming number of men agree with women in the opinion that love inevitably implies care and various signs of attention. In part, they expect from the chosen one the attitude that their mother showed towards them. In their opinion, loving woman should be interested in the affairs of a loved one, not deny him intimacy, admire him, listen to his opinion, and the like.

From a psychological point of view

Love comes in different forms, and everyone can express this feeling in their own way. For example, a man may feel an all-consuming and passionate love for one woman. Being infatuated with this woman, he will always strive for physical possession of her.

Over time, feelings may fade away, and the same man will fall in love with another woman, but this time the nature of his love will manifest itself differently - sexual interest will not be expressed as clearly as before, and now the man will strive to take care of his chosen one, patronage.

That is, to different women Throughout his life, a man can experience completely different feelings, but every time it will be love.

Signs of a person in love

So, you feel like you're in love with someone, but how can you tell for sure? There are several obvious signs.

1. Suspiciousness

You think for a long time about every random phrase thrown by the object of your sympathy, trying to find some secret and very important meaning in it. You can interpret ordinary words in a completely unexpected way - both for the better and for the worse for yourself. Even if the guy just said “Hello!” to you, you try again and again to remember the intonation with which the greeting was said to determine how your lover treats you.

2. Curiosity

You are trying to find out as much information as possible about the past and present of the man you like. You are interested in literally everything that has to do with him - who he has met before, where he works, what he is interested in, who he is friends with, what his character is. Subsequently, you can go further - find the guy’s ex-lover on the Internet, study her page in detail, trying to understand what attracted the chosen one to this girl.

3. Jealousy

You find it unbearable to think that the person you love could be attracted to someone other than you. It is unpleasant for you if he shows signs of attention to someone, and you react painfully to information that he is interested in someone. If your chosen one is registered on social networks, you carefully study his profile in order to find out with whom he communicates most.

4. Ingenuity

If in the near future you do not have reasons for meetings and correspondence, you yourself try to find them, or even invent them. Knowing where the object of your affection works or studies, you can “completely accidentally” end up in that area. Also, you will not miss the opportunity to write a message or call the guy you like, even if the reason for this seems very unconvincing.

5. Unusual behavior

In the presence of your lover, you behave completely differently than usual, and at the same time two extremes can be noted. In the first case, you begin to feel shy and withdrawn into yourself; sometimes it is physically difficult for you to start a conversation with the person you have fallen in love with. As a rule, such changes in behavior are immediately noticed by mutual friends. In the second case, you begin to show unprecedented activity. You want to impress your loved one - you start talking loudly and a lot, joke out of place, laugh often and fuss.

6. Change of mood

You are increasingly observing yourself changing moods. You can spend the whole morning, smiling happily, pondering what the prospects for your potential relationship might be. After just a couple of hours, you may be in a gloomy and depressed mood, without receiving the desired sign of attention from your lover, or even for no apparent reason. If you don’t yet know whether your love is mutual, then you may constantly be thrown from a feeling of euphoria to absolute confusion and emptiness.

7. Desire to become better

You want to delight the man you love and please him. Pursuing such a goal, a woman often decides to change her style, and often they can be quite unusual. Now you spend more time in front of the mirror, carefully selecting your wardrobe and thinking through your makeup.

8. Willingness to “adapt” to his taste

Did you find out that your lover used to prefer to date dark-haired girls, but you yourself are a platinum blonde? The information revealed can push you to make decisive changes and force you to go to the hairdresser to change your hair color. Did you find out that the guy you like is interested in football? Even if you were previously far from the world of sports, now you are starting to become interested in which players play on your favorite team and on what days the matches take place. Such examples can relate to almost everything - appearance, character, manner of dressing, hobbies, and the like.

Of course, love and being in love are not the same thing! What are the key differences between these feelings that some people often confuse?

How to recognize love

  • Love does not appear suddenly, out of nowhere - it is simply impossible. It appears gradually, taking up more and more space in your life. By communicating with a person again and again, and getting to know him from new sides, you understand that your feeling for him is becoming deeper and more conscious.
  • It may take months or years to get rid of this feeling - it slowly establishes itself in your life, and also gradually leaves it.
  • If you are in love, then you are not capable of being carried away by another person for a while. Your chosen one is the only man in whom you are sincerely interested.
  • You do not idealize your lover, but clearly see all his shortcomings. Nevertheless, you accept that your loved one is not ideal, and appreciate him exactly as he is, without trying to “fit” him into some perfect image of you.
  • Love makes you better. You find inspiration for new achievements. Even if your loved one chose not you, but you know that he is happy, then you are not angry or jealous - you completely accept this outcome.

Differences between infatuation and love

  • Falling in love can swell instantly. Just yesterday you did not know about the existence of this person, but today you are already imagining how you will marry him and give birth to children.
  • This feeling can disappear from life as quickly as it flared up. Having been disappointed in your chosen one, you can be sad or cry for a couple of days, but having met an equally interesting guy, turn your attention to him and plunge headlong into a new romance.
  • If a girl declares that she loves two young men at the same time, and does not know how to decide on her feelings, then in fact there is no love in her life. There is love, infatuation, lust, passion, but not love.
  • You tend to idealize the guy you like. Subsequently, you begin to understand that this person is not what you imagined him to be before, and you may even say: “You are not the one I fell in love with.” It's true, you were fascinated by a fictitious image that didn't have much in common with real person. Now you got to know this guy better and the former charm with him began to melt away.
  • Sometimes you realize that this feeling is destroying you. You become irritable or jealous, making more and more claims to your lover. You may also fall into a state of depression if the guy does not live up to the expectations placed on him.

How to determine that these are real feelings and not a habit

1. Think about it: would you want to build a relationship with this person if you initially knew all his shortcomings and could roughly guess how your relationship would develop in the future? If love lives in your heart, then you will answer this question in the affirmative.

2. Also, in order to dispel doubts, you can imagine next to you a man who, according to your ideas, can be called ideal. Determine for yourself, would you exchange your chosen one for this “perfect” person? If your relationship is more about habit than love, then you will choose an unattainable ideal.

4. If you increasingly catch yourself thinking that you like another man or the objects of your affection are constantly changing, then, apparently, only habit is keeping you with your current boyfriend or husband.

What should I do if I'm in love and he doesn't notice?

Get his attention. Of course, if the young man who is attracted to you does not notice you, then the most logical thing would be to try to attract his attention. If you are unfamiliar, then find him on a social network and write a message. To get started, just try to make acquaintances. If you already know each other and see each other periodically, then you have a chance to attract him with a change in your image.

Find out about his tastes. We can talk about both his hobbies and the girls he liked before. try to determine which type is most preferable for him, whether you have anything in common with this type and whether you can somehow get closer to him. also find out what the guy is passionate about. Perhaps these hobbies will seem interesting to you, and subsequently you will become close precisely on this basis.

Find new interests. Try to become more interesting for your chosen one, since he is not yet showing interest. You can find many exciting hobbies that will increase your self-esteem and present you in a new light in the eyes of your lover.

If the guy is much younger or older

Such relationships have their pros and cons. Let's look at them in more detail.

Pros and cons if the guy is older

The disadvantages of such relationships often stem from their advantages. As she grows older, the girl no longer needs the advice and support of a man, and she begins to be annoyed by his guardianship and authoritarianism.

Pros and cons if the guy is younger

Recently, more and more often there are couples in which the girl is much older than her partner. Disillusioned with their peers, tired of their busy careers and pragmatism, girls begin to look for romance, and often lovers who turn out to be younger than them can provide them with such feelings. Guys see their advantages in such a relationship - they like that their partner is more experienced and in many ways seems more interesting to them than their peers - while the chosen one, most often, looks no worse than them, and in some ways is superior.

The disadvantage for a woman can be a feeling of self-doubt. It begins to seem to her that the guy will soon get tired of such a romance, and he will turn his attention to younger girls.

Unrequited love

Many women face unrequited feelings, but if you put in some effort, you can overcome it. Spend time with your friends more often, meet new people, occupy your days interesting activities, and you will have less and less opportunity and desire to indulge in thoughts about failed relationships.

A change of environment can also help you. Go on an exciting journey - you will probably come back with completely different thoughts.

The most important thing is not to get hung up on a person who is not interested in you. Stop following his life and don't try to get in touch with him if he doesn't want to. Also, stop stalking or calling him intrusively. The best thing you can do for yourself now is to completely erase him from your life. Otherwise, you risk being depressed for a long time.

Statistics and interesting facts

  • As it turns out, when meeting guys, they often pay attention to their face rather than their figure. If they like a girl’s face, then this is enough to fall in love, even if her figure is far from perfect.
  • Most often, a guy's sympathy can be aroused by a girl whose facial features he finds something in common with his own facial features. In general, any coincidence in hobbies and outlook on life can provoke the appearance of falling in love.
  • Having fallen in love, a person becomes more absent-minded.
  • Communication with a loved one can cause a special reaction in a guy or girl, similar to intoxication.

How to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl? The answer to this question is rather vague, since the manifestation of such feelings will be different for each person. But, as a rule, a man’s love is almost always defined in the same way. And we will tell you exactly how in this article.

How do you understand that you have fallen in love with a girl when she is not around?

  1. You start thinking about her constantly. At work, at home, in the company of friends - thoughts about the object of your adoration will accompany you everywhere. Even if you're having a lot of fun or are busy, it won't stop you from imagining her and wanting to be around her.
  2. You want to please your passion: give a gift, write a nice SMS message, a poem.
  3. You make plans for the future in which she will definitely be present.
  4. If your friends invite you to a party, then you will think twice: go there or spend time with a girl. Over time, life priorities will change, what was important before will fade into the background.

How to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl when she is nearby?

Of course, a guy in love will not always behave exactly as described above. If he is a romantic or simply a sentimental person, then most likely, signs of growing feelings will appear as standard. But if he is used to keeping his feelings and emotions to himself, then the girl will have to try hard to determine how he feels about her. As a rule, this requires a lot of time. It will not be difficult for representatives of the fair half of humanity, when communicating with a man, to understand what motivates him - passion, lust, or whether he is much more serious. First of all, his look will give him away: a guy in love most often looks into the eyes, of course, paying attention to the other charms of the girl. But those who do not have special feelings try to avoid direct gaze. How to understand that a person has fallen in love? Try to feel it, because the mind can deceive, but the heart never betrays it.

So, we hope that now you have realized how to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl. Don't be shy about your feelings and act as your heart tells you.

Falling in love is one of the most mysterious states of the body, which can change the functioning of the body and mind. IN ancient Greece love was even considered a disease. How do you understand that you have fallen in love? What hidden signs will indicate this?

Feelings and mood

Oddly enough, many girls cannot always understand that they have fallen in love, confusing this feeling with sympathy, interest and others. However, by listening to your mood and feelings, you can draw certain conclusions.

  • You always want to see the object of your affection, but at the same time you are not left with a feeling of fear and anxiety. Being nearby, you are attracted as if by a magnet. If you are familiar with this condition, perhaps love has come to you.
  • When his name is mentioned in a conversation or you are asked something about him, your heart begins to beat faster, you may become embarrassed and blush, but at the same time, any mention of your beloved makes you very happy.
  • Your mood rises for no apparent reason, especially on those days when you are sure that your views will intersect.
  • You feel jealous. Sometimes it makes it very difficult to concentrate on important things, especially if you work together. If you see your lover in the company of another girl, a burning feeling of jealousy rages in you, do not doubt - this is definitely falling in love.
  • He doesn't get out of his thoughts. You think about him constantly, forgetting about work and other important events.
  • Decreased appetite. Many representatives of the fair sex lose interest in food when they fall in love. You can get tangible benefits from this and improve your figure, which will attract the attention of your lover even faster.
  • Restless sleep. There are nights when you can’t fall asleep because thoughts about him are swirling in your head, you imagine your meetings, hugs, kisses and long conversations about everything in the world.
  • Softening mood and character. Even women with a very tough character, falling in love, become more supportive of many things.

All these signs will help you understand that you have fallen in love and you need to act.


Also, when falling in love, changes in a girl’s behavior are noticed:

  • There was a strong desire to look better, to dress up in beautiful dresses, do beautiful hair and makeup to attract the attention of your lover. Of course, many people do this every day, but when they fall in love, it becomes a manic desire.
  • Trying to find out any information about him. You are interested in everything about the object of your desire, from his date of birth to his favorite movie. Moreover, any sources of information are used, from social networks to mutual friends. This approach, to some extent, has a positive effect on the development of the relationship, because if you know that every weekend he visits the pool or other establishment, it will be much easier for you to organize a “casual” meeting, while looking irresistible.
  • Trying to get his attention. All means are good here and each girl finds her own unique way depending on the circumstances.
  • You become lost in his presence. If you have to communicate in the same company and you get lost, although this has not happened before, this also means that you are not indifferent to him.
  • You constantly smile when you see him, and in any phrase and gestures you look for hidden subtext or some hint of reciprocity. Under the influence of hormones, girls can often fantasize about a lot of things that don’t actually exist, so don’t rush to conclusions so as not to get into an awkward situation.
  • You consider him ideal. Each person has his own shortcomings, but girls in love consider the object of their affection to be ideal in every sense. If you think the same, this is a clear sign falling in love.

Take a closer look at your behavior and then you will know exactly what is happening to you and how much you are in love.

Crush or true love

How can you understand that fleeting love has been replaced by a new feeling - true love? It is quite difficult to understand this, although it is possible. Very important in in this case listen to yourself, your feelings and desires.

  • If you want your lover to also feel good and comfortable, this is already the first sign of love. Love does not tolerate selfishness. If you truly love a man, you will not cause him inconvenience by rushing into life like a snowstorm. You will be afraid of harming him, so you will act smoothly and with caution.
  • If someone speaks badly about your lover, you will not change your mind, because love does not tolerate gossip, other people's accusations and criticism.
  • If your beloved has any difficulties, and you try in every possible way to help him, this is true love. Falling in love is not so merciful.

What is important to remember is that love does not appear at first sight, it comes over time, replacing stormy and dizzying love. Therefore, if you saw a man for the first time, and something flashed in your heart, this is love, which only later can turn into true love.

Do not be afraid smart women, they become not so smart when they fall in love.

Penelope Cruz

Oh really? Does a girl in love really look like such a fool? And take a closer look at your girlfriend, who has a new boyfriend: her eyes are sparkling, her thoughts are somewhere far away, and it seems like she doesn’t hear you at all. Yes, this is love!

How can you understand on your own that you have truly fallen in love? In the mirror, it seems, there is the same reflection, only something has changed in the soul. Some kind of incomprehensible feeling: either joyful, or anxious. And so we will deal with this “misunderstanding”.

How to distinguish falling in love from love itself? We won’t delve into scientific terms, we’ll just imagine it figuratively.

Let's take, for example, our favorite holiday - New Year. How many experiences on the eve of it, how much fantasy:

  • decoration of the Christmas tree and room;
  • selection of recipes for the table;
  • ideas for costumes and outfits;
  • purchasing tickets for events;

Nothing like this has happened yet, but you don’t sleep at night, dreaming, fantasizing, thinking, smiling. Well, how are the rehearsals for this holiday - corporate parties, matinees for children. And all this is solemn and exciting.

And now the New Year itself comes with all its pomp. Everyone is happy, everyone is rejoicing, and no one wants these fun days passed. All the experiences are already behind us, but looking back, it’s nice to remember how sweet this holiday eve was.

So here it is. It is exactly what we experience on the eve of the New Year - all this excitement and anxiety - that can be compared to falling in love. And the holiday itself, which you don’t want to let go of, is done with love.

And yet, even if this feeling has arisen, it still can be safely called love. Like the New Year - it’s not going anywhere, you just have to wait a little and not spoil it with anything.

Does love happen at first sight? Yes, of course it happens. But, as a rule, it is deceptive. When you see a person for the first time, you can fall in love with his beauty, with his shell. But, getting to know this person better, you can easily become disappointed in him, and even feel disgusted with him.

Well, for example: you love sweets and saw a chocolate bar in a bright wrapper in a store. I bought it without even looking at the price, but inside there was a sweet tile, and of poor quality at that. Ugh, you immediately throw it in the trash. This is how it can happen to a person who instantly falls in love. Neither quality nor price.

But the first symptom true love- this is curiosity and open interest in a person. He may be plain in appearance, but every day you begin to notice how much you have in common:

  • he talks about what you are thinking about;
  • you have common hobbies and understandable humor for both;
  • you feel the intonation of his text messages;
  • you like his smell and laughter;
  • nothing about him infuriates you;
  • you don’t notice any negative “things” in him.

Such love acts like anesthesia: there is still no feeling of irritation and hostility, you see only positive aspects in this person, and do not notice anything bad. This is where the darting glance into nowhere and the stupid expression on his face come from. That's why you saw the same thing in your friend.

At this time, a “little karateka” lives inside you. God forbid someone says something bad about this man, he will immediately get hit in the eye. Only later, when you have to fully get to know your lover, can you agree with your opponent. In the meantime, don't touch it!

This is the stage when your thoughts are completely occupied with this person. Moreover, subconsciously you begin to do those things that you previously put off “for later”:

    You carefully monitor your appearance. You have a constant fear - what if we meet by chance, and I look like a witch?

    You start to lose weight. And not because you immediately rushed to the gym, but because from excitement and anxiety you completely lose your appetite.

    You discover new talents in yourself. You want to sing in the shower and write poetry. And you do it really great - because from the bottom of your heart.

Surprisingly, when the object of your desire appears, all your talents and eloquence disappear somewhere. You turn pale, then blush, stammer and talk nonsense. It's a shame - but this is such a stage of love, nothing can be done. You just need to press on to the next stage in the development of love and events.

But do you really understand this person? What does he think about those women who surround him? And what could happen if he suddenly shows interest in you? You will find out the answers to these questions in the article.

It is at this stage that you can understand whether you love a person or not. If you managed to charm this guy, and you began to love carrots or something like that, then, of course, fleeting meetings will begin, romantic dates, correspondence, calls, and so on.

    You will become more confident in yourself, but your heart will still skip a beat when he appears, looks and sounds his voice.

    You will try to show off your erudition in order to amaze him even more by flashing your intelligence. But sometimes it is better to listen and remain silent.

    Next to him you will feel strong sexual arousal. Even if he just touches your hand.

    You won't break down if he asks you out on his next date. Well, if only for decency. Just try not to jump for joy in front of him.

Yes baby, this is already love “Happy New Year” to you. And not just falling in love, but real, all-consuming love. The main thing is not to scare her away if you are not sure whether this man himself loves you. Any claims, whims and insults can be considered an attack on his freedom, and the relationship will come to an end.

Falling in love is useful! “What nonsense? - you will think, - How can love benefit health? On the contrary, the nerves are exhausted.” But don’t tell me! At this time, there is a continuous play of hormones inside you, and they have a very beneficial effect on your body.

Here look:

    Serotonin is the hormone of pleasure and good mood. But this is a very tricky hormone. In an excellent relationship, he works at full capacity. But if something goes wrong, its production declines, and therefore depression appears.

    Dopamine - enhances concentration and determination. With the abundance of this hormone, some women “work like tanks” to achieve love from the desired man. But when this hormone declines, you don’t really want to reach your goal.

    Adrenaline is a well-known stress hormone. But it does not depress the body, but rather inspires it. That’s why your heart skips a beat during dates and you want to “move mountains” for your love. “The blood in your veins is boiling” - they say it for a reason: it is adrenaline that has such a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

    Endorphins - these hormones are responsible for satisfaction and calm. They will begin to “work” only when you and your loved one are in bed for the first time and you have sexual contact. This is the “amazing high” from endorphins.

    Oxytocin and vasopressin - and this is love itself. That is, hormones of tenderness and affection. True, when they appear, the previous hormones of love slowly fade away. But they are no longer needed - the goal has been achieved, the stress has passed, the feelings have become stronger.

So if you feel love for a person, then know that your body will be able to cope with any depression and failures! Fall in love to your heart's content and don't give up on your goal!