Everyone somehow got used to thinking that since firm power appeared in Russia in the 2000s, then all decisions made from the Federal Center are strictly implemented on the ground. Fortunately for our country, this is most often the case. This is the “vertical of power” that guarantees the sovereignty and integrity of the state.

Therefore, when in August 2009 the Presidential order appeared Russian Federation The government “to ensure the solution of organizational and financial issues relating to the introduction... since 2012 in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in educational institutions of new subjects: fundamentals Orthodox culture, foundations of Islamic culture, foundations of Buddhist culture, foundations of Jewish culture, foundations of world religious cultures and the foundations of secular ethics,” many Orthodox parents in our country breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, we have the opportunity in a comprehensive school to exercise the right that clause 1 gives. Article 5 Federal Law“On freedom of conscience and religious associations”: “Everyone has the right to receive religious education.” Of course, this same law guarantees the secular nature of religious education in school, but “secular” no longer means “Soviet”, i.e. atheistic. This instilled (and instills) hope that our children, by our choice, will learn about Orthodoxy at school, for which the state (in the already mentioned Law) recognizes a special role in the history of Russia.

An experiment to introduce the complex subject of Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics, conducted in 18 regions, was considered successful. And naturally, on February 1, 2012, the Ministry of Education and Science issued an order to approve changes made to the federal basic curriculum related to this new training course. Moscow, therefore, has created all the necessary bases for the implementation of the President’s instructions. Now it’s up to the regions, because the implementation of general and secondary education is carried out by the subjects of the Federation. How are things going here?

Everything seems to be in order here too. In the regions they know their stuff. The example of Novosibirsk, the third largest city in Russia, is typical: the Ministry of Education and Science of the Novosibirsk Region sends out a letter to education departments, which indicates the need to conduct parent meetings, in which parents choose one of the modules for their children, including the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.

The author of these lines himself took part in this process, as one of the representatives of the Department of Education and Enlightenment of the Novosibirsk Metropolis. What is happening now at the lowest level, at the school level? At this level, the impulse of the Federal center often slows down.

Some local schools continue to view Secular Ethics as a core module subject and CPC as an undesirable deviation. Some of the ill-wishers even posted misinformation on the Internet that by choosing the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture for 4th grade students, the school loses its status as secular and becomes religious. And this information confuses visitors to an independent forum for city schools. In some schools there is mute resistance: parents are intimidated by the high cost of textbooks and the unpreparedness of teachers to introduce the CPC. In other schools, the resistance is obvious: the school leadership, for example, declares that the entire class will study only one subject (and this will, of course, be “secular ethics” or “the foundations of world religious cultures,” which, they say, are suitable for all students). Such is the power of inertia! Of course, many schools find it more convenient this way! There is no need to free up classes, work with schedules, or send teachers for retraining and advanced training. And somewhere they are downright afraid that the students will learn about the beauty and power of Orthodoxy and become conscious believers when they come to church.

That’s why you can hear the phrase in local reports: “Our school has chosen secular ethics.” That’s right, not the parents, but the school itself (i.e. its leadership) chose one of the modules! But “secular ethics” teaches children that good and evil are relative: this is the choice of the individual himself. “Relative good” is powerless against the evil that plagues our society. Only the absolute goodness of God's commandments gives a person a firm guideline in life. This is exactly what the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture teach schoolchildren, to help teach which the Novosibirsk Metropolis offered teachers a manual of its own design (having the appropriate “neck”) - in addition to the main textbook. The Metropolis also helps in every possible way in the training of teachers. In fact, everything is already ready for teaching defense education, you just need to not be afraid and start teaching and give parents the right to really choose this module.

And how the eyes of some parents lit up when I told them about those moral values that Orthodoxy brings to children: gratitude, friendship, responsibility, honesty, hard work! How long has it been since children at school heard simple words about virtues from their teachers? Without them, the school has long turned into a “supermarket of knowledge”, which is more likely to prepare an intelligent and calculating egoist than a caring family man and patriot of his homeland.

Of course, many schools approached the choice of the ORKSE module seriously and thoroughly. Clergy are invited to parent meetings so that they can explain to parents the essence of defense education as a subject, teachers are given the opportunity to improve their qualifications, and classes are prepared for new lessons. . And this is understandable, because the subject is designed for more than one year, because when the choice is made freely by parents, it is much higher than the “acceptable” 20% for the secular lobby. This means that, despite the force of inertia, schools have to shift the emphasis in ORKiSE from “secular ethics” to the cultural foundations of Russia’s traditional religions. And in this movement the main component should be on awakening the activity of Orthodox parents. After all, it is their choice: whether to teach their children truly spiritual values ​​or the godless morality left to us as a legacy from the “builders of communism.”

Orthodox parents should know that the school is obliged to ensure that our children are taught the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, even if only one child in the class has chosen this module. The moment has come when we need to finally take an active civic position. Without the timely assistance of Orthodox parents, the efforts of the diocesan structures of the Russian Orthodox Church may prove ineffective.

Branch of MB OU Nikitinskaya Secondary School – Shagaevskaya Secondary School

Open lesson on military-industrial complex

Lesson topic

Lesson type: learning new material.

Class: 4

Teacher: Shipilova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Educational: introduction to the concept of family, to give an idea of ​​the Christian understanding of family; talk about the last Emperor NicholasII; about the holiday “Family, love and fidelity.” Reveal the importance and necessity for each family member of love, respect, mutual assistance, harmony, peace in family life.

Educational: nurturing love for your parents, respectful attitude towards each other

Educational: development of skills of responsible behavior in the family, creative activity, speech development.

Key concepts of the lesson : family, love

Equipment: computer, TV, lesson presentation, family photos of students, daisies, tree, video and audio materials.

Expected results:

children must learn:

distinguish the concepts " Real love“,” “Fake Love,” talk about the values ​​on which a real Christian family is based, remember and reproduce the story of Peter and Fevronia, give a clear definition of the concept “Family”

Lesson Plan



Organizing time

Greeting each other and class guests

1 min


Introduction to the topic of the lesson

Presentation of the parable

8 min


Lesson topic message

Teacher's guiding questions

2 minutes


Conversation on the topic

The concept of family from dictionaries and folk wisdom

5 minutes


Physical education minute


1 min


Immersion in the topic of the lesson

Love (real, fake - difference).

6 min


Word and Family of NicholasII

Connection of the lesson topic with the example of a real Orthodox family

3 min


Connection with the commandments

"Honor your father and your mother." "Give love"

3 min



2 minutes


Peter and Fevronia


2 minutes


Video clip

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"


7 min


Recording d/z

Create an album. Mini essay about your family.

1 min



I saw... I recognized... I felt...

2 minutes


Bottom line

The key of love.

2 minutes


In today's lesson, we will take a journey, reveal the secret and find out what the most important thing should be in the life of any person!

And now we will see and listen to the parable. Watch and listen very carefully.

Presentation of the parable

Old birds: Maxim Pantyushin (4th grade), Denis Akulov (3rd grade)

Narrators: Dasha Vlasova, Nastya Tereshina (3rd grade)

Birds-children: Danil Zakharkin, Zhenya Kozlov, Sasha Nikonov (4th grade).

Intelligent bird: Dasha Yakushkina (3rd grade)

Thank you for your speech, please sit down!

Lesson topic message

Namehome thoughts of this parable! (Only all together: parents and children can cope with any adversity, overcome any difficulties, defeat diseases). What do you think the topic of our lesson will be? (It seems to me that the topic of our lesson is family).(slide No. 3)

Conversation on the topic

How do you understand the word family? (Children's statements)

Now let’s listen to how the concept of Family is revealed in various sources.

1 student (a group of people consisting of parents, children, grandchildren and close relatives living together - Ushakov)

2 student (small group of people based on marriage or consanguinity - BES)

3 student (the key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness...)

4 student (My family is my fortress).

1 student (In family life, the most important screw is ) .2 student (Family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good).(slides 4-9)

Physical education minute

"Sun"(slide No. 10)

Immersion in the topic of the lesson

A word about NikolaiII

Connection with the commandments


Peter and Fevronia

Video clip

Explanation d/z

No family is possible if there is no love.

“Love holds up the whole world” (slide number 11). A world without love is impossible, unthinkable. But how do we understand “held by love”? (children's answers) Love is like an invisible glue that connects hearts and holds them together tightly. How to distinguish true love, how not to be deceived? After all, sometimes a monster is hidden behind a person’s beautiful appearance, and vice versa, behind the outward inconspicuousness - a devoted and loving heart. True love, as the Apostle Paul said:“Excuses everything, believes everything, hopes for everything, endures everything.” (slide 12). Let's figure out what it means to excuse everything? (forgives the mistakes of his loved one, does not condemn him for them, believes everything. This means he completely trusts the one he loves). Hopes for everything... (means believes in the best). He endures everything... (any hardships and adversities seem easy to him with his loved one).

True Christian love in the family should be like this.

You know, you were lucky enough to know that in the history of Russia there were such families, and I would like to tell you about one of them.

In Russia there was a family that strived for the ideal of a real Christian family. This is the Family of the last Emperor Nicholas II.(slide No. 13) This family strived for an ideal relationship with each other. They raised 4 daughters and a son. We taught them to love family and their homeland. They lived based on the commandments of God.

What is the most important commandment?(Honor your father and your mother.) A man who loves his parents can never be bad person. We will learn more about this family in other defense industry lessons, but now(Smolin Artyom) will read a poem to you from the diary of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

(reading the verse “Give love”)(slide number 14)

Give love. Take a look around.
To those with whom you happen to be
to go in life,
Decorate their days as best you can,
So that it would be easier for them to bear their life’s cross.

Give love. Take a look -
your brother is away
Desperate, one is ready to commit a sin.
You extend your hand to him, and he’s glad
He will live a clean, new life.

Guys, what do you think, is there a holiday dedicated to family in Russia?(answers)

Yes, in Russia there is a holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, which is celebrated in the summer - July 8th. On this day, Russian cities host holiday events, concerts, especially honoring couples who got married on July 8th. And also on this dayespecially Saints Peter and Fevronia are revered.(slide number 15)

(Once upon a time in the city of Murom, in ancient years, Prince Peter ruled with his wife Fevronia, who once healed him of a terrible illness. And since then they have been inseparable.

Now we will watch a video clip.(during the video, a board with family photos opens)

I think you have already guessed which flower is a symbol of love and fidelity? (chamomile)

Look at the daisies on your tables. Imagine that chamomile is your family. What should be the most important thing in a family? Write this on chamomile petals. ( individual work)

Now attach your daisies to a photo of your family.

At home, decorate our album page: paste a photo of your family, a daisy and write a mini essay about your family


I saw…

I found out…

I felt…(slide 16)

Bottom line

What is the key to a happy family life? (Love)

Today I want to give you these keys that will open the door of love in your hearts! Thank you for your attention!(slides 17-18)

Sections: Primary School

Lesson objectives:

a) educational: to form in students an idea of ​​a Christian family.
b) developing: develop communication skills, positive emotions and feelings related to the topic of the lesson.
c) educational: to cultivate the moral duty of children to their parents, representatives of the older generation, and mutual respect for each other.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

“The radiant sun is not divided into parts
And the eternal land cannot be divided,
But a spark of happiness from a golden ray
You can, you can give it to your friends.”

- They say that good mood always helps to cope with any task and achieve good results. Smile at each other, and let a good, good mood reign in our lesson.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

– Who in the world is for a child?
Wiser and kinder than everyone else?
Whose hands are always at work?
Whose hair is gray?
Who, forgetting business, worries,
Did you come to see us the other day? (Grandmother)

- Who wears glasses and sits with a newspaper?
Reads everything: this and that?
Who on Saturday early in the morning
Going fishing?
Who loves Domino?
Does he scold politicians?
Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us to hammer? (Grandfather)

Who will teach you to be brave?
If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
And scratched my knee,
Don't cry? Of course... (Dad)

– Who is always early in the morning
Ironing, knitting, washing, sewing?
Who will wave his hand out the window?
Who sings for joy?
Rushes to the hairdresser
This someone sometimes.

And in my own eyes it shines
Tenderness and love always. (Mother)

They love mom, they love dad,
They love grandparents.
They talk about everything in the world.
Who is this? These are kids)

– What one word can unite everyone mentioned in the riddle? (Family)

– The Christian family remembers the words from the New Testament: “bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ” ( burdens- from the word burden: heaviness, burden).

– Is it difficult to stay married to a person who has lost his beauty, youth, and health? Of course it's difficult. Therefore, before making a decision about marriage, you need to weigh the measure of your love. – If you think that you are loved, come to the family of the person you have chosen and see how he (she) treats his parents, his grandparents, and his younger children. If in this house they kick a grandmother, throw away kids, and don’t care about the requests of weak family members, don’t take either a bride or a groom from such a house. – Anyone who has not learned to love in his parents’ home will not be able to love when he starts his own family.

– Honor and respect for parents is at all times the basis of decency and the main asset of our people. One of the commandments says: “Honor your father and your mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long on earth.”

- What do you mean it will be good for you? (will be good) (Slide 16)

– What is the main condition for longevity? (respect for parents)

– This is one of the main rules for every person. Show concern for your parents.

– Family is the world of the closest people. Love, care, harmony and respect for parents are the basis of the family. I want you to learn a very important thing in your life - learn to thank those who do a lot of good for you - close and dear people

(filling out the line: “Respect for parents and older family members”).

– Loving children is also not easy. You yourself know how obnoxious you can be. And yet, the birth of a child and the miracle of his growth is what fills family life with light and meaning. (Slide 17)

– People used to say: “A family without children is like a flower without a scent.” . What thought did the Russian proverb lead us to?

(We are loved in the family not for something, but for the fact that we were born, for the fact that we are).

– You are daughters and sons, you are grandchildren, nephews and nieces. They love you for this already. The birth of a child fills family life with light, joy, and meaning.

(filling the line: « Children , joy").

Options assignment.

– Read your stories yourself and prepare an answer to the question (orally).

1 option

There lived a potter in one village. He was a famous master; important gentlemen also came to him with orders. And among the neighbors it was considered a matter of honor to keep dishes made by this potter in the house. In a word, the master’s products were highly valued by everyone.
The potter sculpted it himself, painted it himself, and fired it himself. And his assistants were sons and daughters, and a wife - a golden soul. They will rise in the sun, pray, and get to work. Some heat the stoves, some knead the clay, and some draw flowers and cockerels. They work and sing, they sing and work.

If the cart's wheels are spinning, that's business
Harness your horse to the cart and go about your business boldly,
Hey, hey, don't be lazy,
Hey hey, smile!
If the wheels are spinning, then there is no need to grieve,
If the work is difficult, you need to sing together,
Hey, hey, don't be lazy,
Hey hey, smile!

Question: Prayer and song united all members of the potter's family. Think about what else is the connecting link for everyone in this family?

– In a potter’s family, in addition to prayer and song, the connecting link is work. Everyone in the family worked, even small children.

(filling out the line: “Everyone’s work”; “Common cause.”)

Option 2

Livedtwo brothers. The eldest was married and had children. And the youngest was single. The brothers did not want to live together and divided everything they had. When they divided the grain, the pits in which it was stored ended up with the elder on one side of the mill, and with the younger on the other.
The elder brother secretly took grain from his hole and poured it into his brother’s hole, saying:
“God gave me a wife and children, I have someone to earn my bread.” And my brother has no one. Let him eat this bread.
But the younger brother also took grain from his hole and secretly poured it into the hole of his elder brother, saying:
“I’m alone on earth, no matter where I wander, I can easily find food.” My brother has a family, he needs more than me. Let this bread go to him.
They lived like this all their lives. God increased the good of both brothers, and the share of each did not become scarce. The Lord always helps in good and good deeds.

Question: Why did God increase the goodness of both the elder and younger brother?

– God increased the goodness of each of the brothers, as both helped each other. Everyone cared not about themselves, but about their brother.

(filling the line: “Brotherly love”, “Moral duty”.)

– Look, our concept of “family” has been enriched with very meaningful words. Let's read them out loud. These components are necessary for a Christian family to be friendly and strong.

– To preserve a friendly family, it is very important that there are common events and holidays in it, that family traditions. What are family traditions? (Slide 18,19)

- In life Orthodox Church has its own calendar. And when the whole family celebrates Easter and Christmas together, of course, on such days people become closer and dearer to each other.

– What traditions and holidays do you have in your family? (Slide 20)

(filling in the line “Traditions and holidays”)

– Guys, look carefully at how many components are needed for a family to be happy, friendly, and strong.

– Family life is an extraordinary work, and in order for this work not to be burdensome, you need to follow some rules. Let's get acquainted with the “Rules of Life”, the implementation of which leads to mutual understanding. (Slide 21)

(Students have strips on their desks on which the rules are written. Read the rules one by one.)

  1. Put other people's interests above your own.
  2. Be devoted to your family, avoid the possibility of betraying it.
  3. When respecting other people, respect yourself.
  4. Be tolerant of other people's points of view.
  5. Know how to forgive and don’t be offended.
  6. Live in harmony with yourself and other people.
  7. Be sensitive.
  8. Be free from lies and deception.
  9. Strive to do everything as best as possible.
  10. Treat people as your equals.

V. Lesson summary.

- Tell me, guys, what were we talking about today?

– What do you think are the characteristics of a Christian family?

- I ask you to form a circle. Hold hands. Look how many components we have brought into such a concept as “Family”. And yet, say now just one value for family happiness (in a circle).

– Is it possible to get by with one of these concepts in order for the family to be happy, strong, and friendly? Of course not!

– I would like to wish you, your parents and representatives of the older generation health and success. Let your families smile more often. Give your warmth and care to your parents, grandparents, and all your loved ones. Know how to forgive and remember no evil. (Slide 22, 23)

Homework (optionally):

1. – Guess the crossword puzzle:

Vertically: 1. The name that Fevronia received as a monk. 2. The city where Saints Peter and Fevronia lived and were glorified.

Horizontally: 3. The name of a Murom peasant woman who became the wife of a prince and glorified by the Church. 4. The name of the prince, Fevronia’s wife. 5. The name received by Prince Peter as a monk.

2. – Write a mini-essay on the topic: “Traditions of my family.”

3.– Draw up your family tree with your parents.

Family is the most meaningful word. The “seed” is heard in it - the basis of life. The seven selves are seven firmly connected, And future lives are a reliable source. Family is a joyful children's laughter. Family is what gives us success in life! Let relatives be each other’s support, And let all misfortunes pass by! Family is a reliable stronghold in our life, which protects us in childhood and as an elder. Family is a house built on love, Let joy and happiness reign in it!

The biblical account of the creation of the world ends with the establishment of a marriage union. And the Lord God said: It is not good for man to be alone; Let us make him a helper like him (Gen. 2:18). The "law of marriage" is the following words: For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife; and the two will become one flesh (Gen. 2:24). Man and woman are united by God Himself, giving their joint choice of God sanctification and blessing.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF SPOUSES Spouses are required to keep “the marriage honest and blameless” and to live chastely. “Virginity and marriage are not for everyone, but chastity is for everyone,” the elders said. On the one hand, as the Apostle Peter says: “...husbands, treat your wives wisely, as with the weaker vessel, showing them honor, as heirs together of the grace of life...” (1 Pet. 3:7). On the other hand, as the Apostle Paul says: “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church...” (Eph. 5:22-23). Therefore, in a Christian family, much more responsibilities are assigned to the husband. It is duties, not rights.

A good, strong, full-fledged family is one where spouses respect each other, do not pit themselves against each other, but strive for mutual understanding, where parents teach children by example of their own lives and NEVER make comments to each other or quarrel in front of their children.

“Bound by the bonds of marriage, we replace each other’s hands, ears, and feet. The common concerns of spouses make their sorrows easier, and common joys are more delightful for both of them. For spouses who are unanimous, wealth is more pleasant, and in times of poverty, unanimity itself is more pleasant than wealth. They have only one drink from a domestic source, which does not flow anywhere and does not flow anywhere” (St. Gregory the Theologian)

FAMILY PRAYER KEEPS LOVE IN THE HOME Prayer, strengthened and constant, is the binding basis of every Orthodox family. When there is unity in prayer in the family, then there will be unity in everything else. Prayer is spiritual food for the soul. The entire life and everyday life of members of an Orthodox family is built on prayer. Everyone prays together, works together, goes to church, observes fasts and other church traditions. Family prayer is powerful.

PARENTS ARE ALWAYS AN EXAMPLE FOR THEIR CHILDREN. The process of education is not limited by time, it lasts a lifetime. Family lifestyle is of great importance. It is made up of people's beliefs. If everyone in the family knows that they must tolerate each other, humble themselves, build relationships on respect and love, and not be greedy, then this determines the way of life. Reading the Holy Scriptures, participating in worship, and church sacraments help to acquire humility, patience, compliance, and gentleness. A child in an Orthodox family is taught all this from childhood.

WHAT DOES AN ORTHODOX FAMILY PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION? From childhood in an Orthodox family they are taught the following order: older children must yield to the younger ones, serve them if necessary, let the younger ones get used to obeying and humble themselves before the elders. Children are taught to help each other. When children are small, they very easily agree with this order.

Parents are natural mediators between God and their children, since it was to them that the Lord entrusted the birth of children, their upbringing and care for them. That is why parental blessing is important and strong, especially if parents bless with all their hearts. Parents should bless their children with a loving heart and try to enhance the power of parental blessing. Children should treasure their parental blessing: Honor your father and mother in deed and word, may you find blessings from them. (Sir. 3, 8. 9).

The fifth commandment prescribes duties in relation to parents: honor your father and your mother, that you may do well, and may you live long on earth. So, the fifth commandment prescribes the following special duties in relation to parents: 1) treat them with respect; 2) obey them; 3) feed and provide comfort for parents and elders during illness; 4) after the death of parents, just as during life, pray for the salvation of their souls and faithfully fulfill their wills, not contrary to God’s and civil law.

And we would like to end our presentation with a poem about mother... I love my mother’s kind Hands. She is my good and devoted friend! In trouble, he consoles with wonderful warmth. And prays to God with me before going to bed. When I'm sick, she doesn't sleep at night, she wants to help me with words and affection. I need it more than anyone in the world of medicine. She is more important to me than all the taken wealth!

1. Politova Svetlana Valerievna , history and social studies teacher

MBOU Vozrozhdensky secondary school of the Knyagininsky district

2. Module: Fundamentals of Orthodox culture

3. Lesson No. 27 “Christian Family”

4. Goals and objectives of the lesson: Formation in children of the concepts of family, family traditions; cultivate love and respect for your family; develop the ability to reason and argue your point of view. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards elders. Form skills and abilities in educational activities, develop skills of self-learning, self-education, self-realization.

5. Preliminary preparation of students for the lesson : 1. Draw on the theme “Happy Family” 2. Bring photographs of their family for the teacher to prepare a slide show “When my family is with me” 3. Prepared students learn by heart a parable about the origin of the word “Family”, the poem “ Friendly family" 4. Learn the song “When my family is with me.”

6. Equipment : recording of the phonogram for the song “When my friends are with me”, textbook by A.V. Kuraev OPK, computer, multimedia projector, presentation, electronic supplement to A. V. Kuraev’s textbook, handouts, children’s drawings on the topic “Happy Family”.

7. Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment (1 minute)

2.Emotional mood for the lesson (2 minutes)

3. Updating knowledge (2 minutes)

4. Explanation of new material (20 minutes)

5. Physical exercise (1 minute)

6. Initial comprehension and consolidation (10 minutes)

7. Reflection (2 minutes)

8. Lesson summary (5 minutes)

9. Homework (2 minutes)

8. Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys!Children greet teacher. I am glad to see you at the lesson “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” healthy and cheerful. Is everyone ready for the lesson? And now we will play the game “We wish everyone a good mood.”

2.Emotional mood for the lesson.

Teacher: Stand up, those who received A's today.- Stand up, those who know the name of the great-grandmother.Those who stood up said: “We wish everyone a good mood.”- Stand up, those who value their family.Those who stood up said: “We wish everyone a good mood.”

Teacher: Guys! Let's solve the riddle:

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friendly...Children add in chorus (Family)

Teacher: - Who guessed what the topic of today's lesson is?

Yes, guys, the topic of the lesson is Christian family.

3. Updating knowledge.

Teacher: Do you know how the word “family” came about? And what does wedding mean? Why are Saints Peter and Fevronia symbols of a happy family and love?Children offer possible answers.We will learn about this and much more in class.

Work with the exhibition of drawings “Happy Family” on the questions: Who is shown in the drawing, why is it a happy family, what colors of paint were most often used, etc.Children look at the drawings and answer the teacher’s questions.

4.Explanation of new material (the teacher explains new material according to the presentation “Christian Family” according to plan)

Origin of the word "family".A trained student recites the parable by heart (see appendix)

Teacher: What definition of family is given in the textbook?Children work from page 86, search for a definition, write it down in the dictionary in their notebook.

The meaning of wedding.Children listen to the story and work with illustrations in the textbook and presentation slides.

A story about Peter and Fevronia.

Teacher: Why are these saints considered the patrons of the family?Children express their guesses.

A story about the Romanov Family. (slide)

Teacher: Look carefully at this portrait. Is this a happy family? Why did you decide so?Children give their arguments.

Teacher: Indeed, this is an amazing family, deeply religious. A family where love lived. Guys, are you interested in knowing what they wrote about? loving friend friend people 100 years ago?
So, before us are lines from the letters of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, first to her fiancé, and then to her husband, Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich (reads the letters)

What feelings do these letters share?(Love, care, attention, etc.)

What words speak about love?Children look for the necessary words in the text of letters and name them.

5. Physical exercise

We are a family - we are always together

We can't stand still

And to each other if we can

We will always help with everything.

Let's help mom together
We wipe the dust off the shelves,
Cleaning smooth windows
Let's sweep all the crumbs off the table,
Let's shake the rugs and wash the floors clean.

We worked hard and rested.

We sat down at the tables together.

They took books, took pens,

And they waited for silence.

Having children is the meaning of family life

Teacher: Remember the 5th commandment about the relationship between parents and children.Children read aloud from the slide: “Honor your father and your mother, may goodness come to you, and may you live long on earth.”- How do you understand these words?Childrenexpress their thoughts.

But sometimes children violate this commandment and behave unchristianly, boorishly, and tactlessly. Read on p. 87 under the “This is interesting” section and find out how and why the word “rudeness” appeared in our language, and then the meaning of the word “tact” in the text of paragraph p. 87 and write it down in the dictionary.Children read the text in the textbook silently, answer the question posed, checking the correctness of the entry in the dictionary with the slide using self-test.

Teacher: A family is not only children and parents, but also other close relatives. I will ask you riddles about them. (See appendix)Children solve riddles.

Family traditions

Teacher: Guys, peace and tranquility in the family depend on each of us. But there is also a very important value that connecting thread stretches from generation to generation and makes the family strong and friendly. These are “family traditions”.What family traditions are depicted on the slides?(wedding, baptism, family dinner, holidays)We’ll find out what traditions your family has by watching the slideshow “When my family is with me.”Children comment on photos of their family (Who is in the photo? Where and when were the pictures taken? How and why do you remember the captured moment? etc.)

Teacher: Happy is the family where love and friendship reign, as in the poem “Family” by M. Takhisova.A trained student recites by heart the poem “Family” by M. Takhisova. (See appendix)

6.Primary consolidation

Work on handouts (see appendix).Children work on handouts in pairs, helping each other if necessary.Assignments are checked frontally.

Completing the task simulator (Electronic supplement to the textbook by A. V. Kuraev).Children work frontally with the teacher.

7. Reflection.

Teacher: Guys, I tell youI propose to add the phrase:

I learned something new today...

I'll tell you at home about...

I especially liked (remembered)…Children express their thoughts freely.

8. Lesson summary.

Teacher: As a reminder of the lesson, I will give you, guys, reminders and commandments about the family. I hope that they will help your families be happy (see appendix). The teacher distributes reminders to the children.

In conclusion, let's sing the song “When my family is with me” (see appendix).Children sing a song in chorus.

9 . Homework (1 student's choice).

1.Write a mini-essay about your family.

2.Make a family tree of your family.

3.Make a presentation about your family.



When the Earth did not hear about him,

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

“Now I’ll ask you seven questions:

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: “I am.”

Who will raise them, my queen?

And Eve meekly answered: “I am.”

Who will prepare the food, O my joy?

And Eve still answered: “I”

Who will sew the dresses and wash the clothes?

Will he caress me and decorate my home?

“I, I,” Eva said quietly. - “I, I.”

She said to the famousfamily".

This is how it appeared on earthfamily!


1. Either he sits, knitting socks, or he bakes a cake for us. At night he will tell you a story or sing a song. (grandmother)

2.He has been living with his grandmother for many years.

We all know without a doubt this is the best... (grandfather)

3. Whoever disappears in the garage doesn’t know the time, he says I’ll come now, we’ve been waiting for him for four hours. (Dad)

4. A kind word, gentle hands will caress you, take you on bail, teaches us the truth, beautiful deeds, how to become a kind and strong person. (mother)

5. It's for grandfather best friend, because it’s... (grandson)

6.Mom’s assistant is nearby day and night. Who is this smart girl? This is our...(daughter)

“Family” by M. Takhisov

Grandma will tell me a fairy tale

And make a sweet pie

And give me a little yarn,

So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,

He will bring nails, a hammer,

And it will be ready early

We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing,

He will tell you about forest herbs...

We're close, waddle a little

Let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,

Let's find an intricate root,

In a forgotten forest hut

We'll drink tea with raspberries...

And mom, bending over the crib,

He will sing a calm song,

On tiptoe he will go out furtively

AND good dreams will call!

And the wind rushes through the windows,

I think I haven't slept for a long time:

Well, how can I answer this?

I just love them so muchblue!


Task 1. Choose from the proposed proverbs those that fit the topic of the lesson and underline them.

Fiery love is stronger than a stone fence;

There is no friend like your own mother;

Measure seven times and cut once;

The whole family is together - and the soul is in place;

Love and advice, that's what the light is all about.


The crowns that are put on the newlyweds during the wedding sacrament mean both reward and martyrdom. In the poorest churches, where there are no special crowns, wreaths of wild flowers are sometimes placed on the heads of the bride and groom.

Try to “weave” such a wreath of virtues. What “flowers” ​​should we weave in there to make the marriage happy?




1. Keep the honor of your family sacred.

2. Love your family and make it better

3. Be attentive and sensitive, always ready to help your family members.

4. Give your parents joy.

5. Know how to benefit your family.

Song "When my family is with me"

1. I want to tell you, I want to tell you. I won’t hide it from my friends:

My dear home, my family, my dear home, my dearest family.


What do I need snow, what do I need heat, what do I need torrential rain,

When my family is with me (2 times)

2. They will teach me how to cook soup and hammer in a nail. They will teach me how to cook soup and hammer in a nail.

Spending time together, spending time together is never boring.


3. I’m proud of my mom, I’m proud of my mom, she’s dearer than everyone else.

If I make a mistake somewhere, if I make a mistake somewhere, mommy will help.


4. I have guys, I have guys, my dad is the best.

He will teach me how to make a birdhouse, and how to make a birdhouse.



1. Textbook by A.V. Kuraev “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, M.: Education, 2012;

2. Wonderful light. Diary entries, M.: Russian Pilgrim, 2005.

3. M. Takhis poem “Family”.

4. Concept of the educational project “Sormovskaya Sloboda”. Issue 1 N. N. 2011.