Positive words can encourage a person, give them confidence, lift their spirits, or help. This is a powerful tool, because we always need someone’s kind word, ask for advice or ask to help us. In general, all words are endowed with a certain energy. It is not for nothing that doctors say that obscene expressions can contribute to the deterioration of the well-being of those who utter them. Even thoughts, essentially, that we do not pronounce, we must try to formulate correctly. Do not allow negative thoughts and words either towards yourself or towards another person.

The most positive words from the mouth of a successful person

How to tune in to positivity in life: psychology

Positive words are used as a way to support a person. IN difficult situation or, conversely, in joy, we seek support from our relatives, friends or colleagues. Such words mean a lot both to the one who says them and to the one who receives them. This helps improve human relationships and it’s wonderful when we know that there are people who can understand us, support us and think on the same wavelength.

Looking for support is, of course, easier than giving it. After all, in order to properly set up or support a person, you need to be able to choose the right words. This can and should be learned.

The Power of a Positive Word

In addition, the most positive words, which are easy to tune in to, are used as self-hypnosis. We often lose our way, get tired, or, as they say, get confused in ourselves. To help yourself, you can use simple exercises. This is a really useful activity: setting yourself up in the right way. It happens that you no longer know where your actions are leading or what you need to do next. You’ll be completely confused, and basically you don’t know what’s next. In such situations, some kind of meditation and self-hypnosis is useful. Just be alone with yourself for a while and try to understand what you are missing. Support yourself with positive words. Affirmatively repeat to yourself all the qualities that you possess or want to possess. Gradually, you will strive to be who and what you want to be.

Learn to speak positively! This will make you more respected and desirable in any society.

A good mood in the morning can charge you for the whole day, and positive thinking- for life. In 2006, Will Bowen, a former marketer and radio station employee and now a pastor in Missouri, offered people simple idea, how to set yourself up for positivity and good luck: try to live 21 days without complaints or criticism. During this time, thinking will be reorganized in a positive way, and life will certainly open up new horizons. 10 years have passed, and Will Bowen’s idea is not only popular, it has grown into a worldwide movement called “A World Without Complaints.” The idea has been tested by over 5 million people from more than 100 countries. Everyone took something different from the program, some improved their family relationships, some improved their health and found harmony in themselves, and some achieved career growth. But the result is the same for everyone: life has changed for the better!

A person’s thoughts and words have enormous power and influence many things: relationships with people, peace of mind, health and spiritual well-being. Surely you have heard the concept of “psychosomatic diseases” - diseases due to mental disorders. In our society, many people consider such diseases to be fiction and do not take them seriously. However, most doctors are convinced that 80% of diseases are psychosomatic.

Many scientific experiments have confirmed that a person’s emotions affect his health. For example, studies have shown that the effect of drugs will be much more effective if you convince the patient that they will certainly help. Everyone knows what the placebo effect means and what results it produces. Surprisingly, Alzheimer's patients who suffer from high blood pressure often don't benefit from medications simply because they forget why they're taking the pill.

Health problems are perhaps the most common topic of complaint. Complaints do not shorten the duration of the disease or make it easier, but people still continue to complain about their health. For what? To get attention, sympathy, justify why they refuse to lead healthy image life, etc. But what is the price of these complaints? When you complain about your health, you attract new problems. Have you ever noticed that people who like to talk about “sores” have more and more reasons to complain over time? Many will object: “I rarely complain about my health. And I'm really sick." According to doctors, more than 70% of diseases do not go away only because they continue to believe in it. It turns out that health directly depends on our mood and thoughts. Our negative thoughts and negative emotions can trigger health problems, and complaints can create a belief in hopelessness.

The most successful people in life are those who are confident that everything always works out for them. You probably know many examples of people achieving significant heights. And you probably have friends who have an idyll in their family, a successful business and at the same time good health. We can say about such people that they are simply lucky and luck itself comes into their hands. This is true. These people are confident that they are happy and good luck accompanies them in everything. They have programmed themselves for success. Why don't you try the same? When you succeed in something, even if it’s just a small thing, say: “Well, of course! Who would doubt that!" Words are powerful. As soon as we change our attitude to what is happening, life will immediately begin to change. You deserve everything you want. Stop complaining and constantly making excuses for your failures. Throw out of your head the phrases “everyone in our family has always suffered from excess weight,” “I’m just afraid of commitment,” “I just don’t have the entrepreneurial spirit.” Don't make yourself a victim. You can become whoever you want!

Psychologists have theorized that people complain not only to justify themselves or evoke pity, but also to show that they are picky. A confident person will not brag, criticize anyone or complain about failures. People with normal self-esteem accept all their weaknesses and know all their strengths; they do not need to assert themselves in the eyes of others.

Of course, you may have a lot of life experience and have experienced many failures in your life. And you can talk about your difficulties as much as you like and say: “If only life had turned out a little differently.” But if you study the lives of successful people, you will understand that they achieved success not in spite of, but because of life's difficulties. Instead of dwelling on how unfairly life had treated them, they came to terms with what had happened to them and learned a valuable lesson.

The more positive and kind words and emotions we emit, the more vital energy we have, which means health and success in all areas of life. Complaints, criticism and condemnation only make us vulnerable and weak, and take away our health. If you notice that there are few positive thoughts in your head, during conversations you want to feel sorry for yourself, or you don’t know how to cope with criticism from others, it’s time to learn to notice the good things around you, it’s time to believe in yourself and your strengths!

If you want to change the world, start with yourself

Sometimes people don't notice how much they complain about life and criticize other people. A person can talk endlessly about how dissatisfied he is with something, how something doesn’t suit him. By doing this, he attracts failures to himself again and again.

How to set yourself up for positivity and good luck - Will Bowen suggests giving up all kinds of complaints, criticism and gossip for exactly 21 days. Promise yourself that you will definitely cleanse yourself of all this negativity and put a bracelet on your hand as a sign of this. Participants in the “Peace Without Complaints” movement wear purple bracelets, as it is considered the color of love for one’s neighbor, kindness, peace and spiritual transformation. In fact, there is absolutely no difference what color and what shape the bracelet is. It could even be a ring or a thread. It is important to keep your promise!

As soon as you catch yourself thinking that you are complaining or gossiping, immediately change the bracelet to your other hand and start counting again. If you agreed to try the technique with someone and heard that the person wearing the bracelet began to criticize someone or express dissatisfaction with someone, you can tell him about it. But before you do that, first move your bracelet to your other hand. After all, it turns out that you will criticize him!

The technique is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Only a few manage to complete the task the first or at least the second time. Be prepared for the fact that at first you will change the bracelet from hand to hand almost every day. Usually it takes about 4-6 months for a person to endure the entire term without complaints or criticism. It took Will Bowen 3 months to wear the purple bracelet on the same hand for 21 days in a row. And this is the result of the priest!

How does the method work? The huge burden of discontent that we carry on our shoulders every day is gradually decreasing. Light breaks through the veil of dark thoughts. People change beyond recognition! After the end of the term, they realize how beautiful the world is and are in no hurry to take off the bracelet. After all, big changes have begun to happen in life!

Why exactly 21 days?

Do we need at least some motivation to brush our teeth and comb our hair in the morning? No, we do it “automatically”, out of habit. Most of our actions are the result of habit, and habit is the result of repetition. Research has shown that any habit takes approximately 21 days to form. Where did this figure come from?

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducted an interesting experiment. A group of 20 people was created. For a month, 24 hours a day, everyone had to wear glasses, the lenses of which turned the image upside down. After a while, the brain began to mistake the imaginary reality for the real one. The peak of the awareness revolution occurred on day 21. It took the subjects the same amount of time to get used to the present reality. Hence there is an opinion that a habit is formed in 21 days.

It is unlikely that you can get rid of an old habit, but you can replace it with a new one. Will Bowen invites us to replace negative thinking, criticism and whining with positive emotions.

We have found that a positive attitude helps to cope with difficulties and failures and gain joy from life. Let's look at a few simple techniques on how to set yourself up for positivity and good luck:

  1. Surround yourself with optimists. It's hard to be positive when you're surrounded by pessimistic people.
    Connect more with people who fulfill you positive emotions. Spend time with those who radiate a positive charge and strive for self-development.
  2. Visualize. Imagine that your dream has already come true, your goals have been achieved. For example, if you want to live in a big house, start to imagine in detail what kind of furniture, wallpaper, etc. there is.
  3. Read only good news. As soon as we turn on a news channel on TV or open a fresh newspaper, our optimistic mood tends to deteriorate. Try to stop watching and reading crime reviews. Watch educational programs and read positive light articles.
  4. Use positive affirmations. Affirmations are short phrases that convey an important message for a person. If repeated often, they remain in the subconscious and promote positive change. The statement must be short and specific, formulated just for you. There is no need to ask for anything for your children, husband or relatives. When formulating a statement, avoid negative words and the negative particle “not.” For example, if you are about to undergo an interview, repeat with confidence: “I am an excellent specialist. I will definitely pass the interview." It is important to believe in what you say and not for a second doubt the positive result. Without faith, affirmations don't work.
  5. Love people. There are so many people around us! And they are all different, with their own advantages and disadvantages. We feel sympathy for some, and irritation for others, sometimes causeless. To develop a positive mindset, try not to think about people who annoy you. Avoid communicating with them as much as possible. Better yet, try to love them! Abraham Lincoln once said: " The best way get rid of the enemy - make him your friend.”

The idea of ​​positive thinking is not new at all. Many great thinkers and philosophers have tried to bring it to us for thousands of years. Today the truth is beginning to be realized. It becomes obvious to many people that our life and health are a reflection of our thoughts, words and actions.

Get into the habit of filtering your thoughts and words and you will notice that there will be many more joyful moments than there were before. Gradually, positive thoughts will crowd out all the negativity, and your life will change for the better!

How often do times come in our lives when we are unable to do anything at all. Everything falls out of hand, we constantly experience fatigue and dissatisfaction; The most trivial problems begin to irritate us. We cannot find satisfaction and feelings of joy anywhere.

So what is happening to us? The point is that you have lost your positive attitude. But a positive attitude is not easy good mood, this is, first of all, our enthusiasm and belief that we will succeed in any of your endeavors. Without it, we cannot get ready to work, because... We think that we will not get any worthwhile results from it.

Our future life and how we will relate to it depend on a positive attitude. Will this be a life filled with bright days and joy, or will we turn into a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something, constantly complains about his failures and blames everyone except himself for everything. While optimists and simply cheerful people easily go into battle and are not afraid to suffer defeat, because they are one hundred percent confident in their victory.

Positive attitude: where to start?

And how can we achieve such a desired positive attitude? First of all, you must stop feeling sorry for yourself and crying about your unbearably hard life. Self-examination and self-flagellation are definitely not going to help you here. The more we try to understand our experiences and the reasons why we got to this point, the more we harm ourselves. After all, in our past there are so many unpleasant memories of our failures and defeats, and we should not disturb them again.

Ways to have a positive attitude

The attitude towards positive thinking is completely unthinkable without loving yourself and your qualities and shortcomings. You must love yourself, rejoice at what a good and unique person you are. Stop constantly focusing on your shortcomings and failures that befell you. No person is immune from this. Try to forget about the failures of the past, because they are still there, they are not here now. Remember that every new day is a blank slate and only you can decide what to do with it. Will you denigrate it with memories of past failures or will you find the willpower within yourself and try to live this day exactly as you would like most?

Tell yourself every day that you deserve only the best in this world. If you take on any business, then always think about its positive ending. There is no need to set yourself up for failure in advance. If you tune in to a positive outcome, then that’s exactly what it will be.

Also, if possible, try to smile more often. After all, a smile will not only improve your mood, but will also help you establish contact with people around you. It has long been known that people are more willing to make contact if their interlocutor is polite and friendly. A smile will help open doors for you where you would normally have to make an effort to do so.

Be cheerful. Cheerful people, when faced with problems, always strive to find positivity even where it should not be. This makes it easier for them to recover and return to a positive state. Try to always be strong when you encounter difficulties along the way, approach them without fear, guilt or uncertainty. Life can be very difficult and it is important to develop the habit of reminding yourself as often as possible of the good things that happened before. If sad, sorrowful thoughts begin to overcome you, then drive them away from your mind. Replace them with pleasant memories. At first it will not be very easy, because... it's easiest to succumb bad thoughts. But life is a struggle. You should constantly strive to have as few negative thoughts as possible, and when that day comes, you will feel the world begin to smile back at you.

Laugh. Laughter not only prolongs life, but can also become your assistant in the fight for positive thinking. Make laughter a part of your day. If you are sad, read a joke, a funny book, or watch a comedy. Start noticing something interesting and fun in every situation. And soon you will begin to notice that life is quite a fun thing. Treat everything with humor.

Live here and now. Always appreciate today. Don’t live in the past, as one Chinese proverb says: The past is forgotten, the future is closed, and the present is given! You live only now; you are neither in the past nor in the future. So what is the point of thinking about what has already happened or has not yet happened? People who constantly think about their past or future do not live now. They remained somewhere there, they are not with us now. So throw away all your thoughts and live today! What has already happened is carved in stone and no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to change your past. And what will happen in the future is not yet known. So try to enjoy what you have now.

Being optimistic is very important to maintain a positive attitude. Always believe that you will definitely succeed. Never doubt your abilities. Tell yourself more often: I can do this! And listen less to any “well-wishers.” Only in rare cases can a person truly sincerely wish you success and give worthwhile advice. When approaching a solution to any problem, always sensibly assess your strengths. And if you doubt that you can do this, then by all means discard these thoughts. You will definitely succeed. The main thing is to believe in your positive attitude.

Changing yourself is not an easy or difficult task, but it is worth it. Cast aside all doubts and fears and start acting!

This question interests many modern people who want, in our difficult and sometimes cruel times, not to burden themselves with the burden of pessimism, negative emotions and bad mood. In fact, doing this is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules and master a couple of simple techniques that are promoted by the whole science of.

Let's try together to adjust our lives to positive and we will begin to do this by adjusting our thoughts.

So let's get started. To set yourself up for positive thinking, first of all, you should completely change your attitude towards life, as well as your views on what happens around you every day, every hour, every minute. Moreover, in this case, you won’t be able to get away with desire alone; you need to actively act, because as they say: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.”

First, you will have to free yourself from your own dissatisfaction with your appearance, personality and life. Finally, pay attention to yourself (your beloved) and realize that everything is not so bad. At the same time, do not stop there, and constantly improve what you do not like, and every time you achieve something new, reward yourself for it.

Secondly, never compare your life with someone else’s and don’t try to imitate it, live as you want and get true pleasure from such moments.

Thirdly, immediately begin to improve your usual life, for example, reduce your work hours and allow yourself to rest a little, this will allow you to improve your mood and look at any problem from a completely different angle.

Fourthly, spend more time on your health and appearance; an attractive reflection in the mirror, which you will like first of all, will give you strength and confidence in conquering any peaks.

Fifthly, do not constantly think about your shortcomings, but rather try to turn them into advantages.

Sixth, sincerely appreciate everything that you have, because you must admit that many people have it much worse than you. Live enjoying every minute and treat life as your most valuable and precious gift.

Seventh, never look back, living past events again and again, it is better to make new plans and strive for them. Feel free to move forward and even if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t despair, but try to look at this situation from a different perspective.

Eighth, it can help to “feed” on positive energy good music, an interesting book, pleasant , movies, etc., in a word, everything that is filled world of positive.

One of the common auto-training techniques - affirmation - can help change your internal attitude towards everything that happens and towards your life. The essence of such training lies in the undeniable understanding that any thought and word is a force that is transformed into a certain energy, which we ourselves send into the earthly ether and which then returns to us in the form of an answer to our question or request. That is why it is important to carry positive information within yourself and say it out loud, and you should completely protect yourself from pessimistic moods, otherwise you risk attracting failures.

To start working, you should compose and write on a piece of paper a small affirmative text in the form of a sentence, the essence of which will be what you want to achieve. Next, this phrase must be memorized and repeated daily, or even several times a day.

Try it, and you will definitely succeed, we wish you good luck and positive emotions.

Positive thinking is a human characteristic, thanks to which a person turns into a kind of magnet for others.

This is easy to explain. After all, such people are always easy to communicate with, they give a good mood to those around them. In addition, people who think positively usually achieve great heights in life, they have excellent relationships in the family and at work.

A positive person is, first of all, one who is able to cope with his negative thoughts and turn them into a positive mood, despite the presence of difficulties and failures in life. Such individuals are always attractive to society. They charge those around them with their strength and give a positive attitude.

From the outside it seems that such ease of life is a gift. However, every person is capable of creating himself. You just have to ask yourself the question: how to set yourself up for positivity, and you can say that the first step towards change will be taken.

Optimistic people never complain about their lives; problems for them are a way of self-improvement.

The meaning of positive thinking

Positive thinking is a stage in the development of the thought process, based on the perception of the surrounding world in the most favorable light.

A positive attitude allows you to experiment, learn new aspects of life, and open up opportunities for your own growth.

Due to the fact that they focus only on the positive side of the subject, even in moments of failure, they remain winners.

A positive attitude allows people to win where there seems to be no way out.

Positive thinking helps people make discoveries. The movement of humanity forward depends entirely on individuals with a positive attitude.

How to learn to think positively

Before you begin to change your way of thinking, you should first understand what psychological type you belong to:

  • – individuals are closed in their own self. Their emotional background is smooth and has no changes. These people will never look for noisy companies. Loneliness is a familiar and favorite environment for them. A positive attitude is an elusive goal for such people.
  • Extroverts are open, communication-loving people. In most cases, this personality type is characteristic of people who tend to view life’s difficulties as a way to improve themselves. Extroverts rarely face the question of how to set themselves up for positivity. Usually these are the people who charge those around them with their love of life.

Features of extroverts

The power of positive thinking is fully revealed in a number of traits inherent in extroverts:

  • Interest in exploring new unexplored boundaries, thirst for knowledge;
  • The desire to make your life better;
  • Planning your actions;
  • Ability to work in order to achieve set goals;
  • Positive or neutral attitude towards others;
  • A careful analysis of the lives of successful people. Taking into account their knowledge and experience in their activities;
  • An even attitude towards your victories;
  • Reasonable attitude towards material values;
  • Emotional generosity within reason.

Conventionally, we can combine the concepts of extrovert and positive thinking, and introvert with negative thinking. However, this classification is very simplified. It is not necessary to say that a certain type of character has exclusively positive or negative traits.

How to create a positive mindset

How to set yourself up for positivity when there are too many problems and difficulties around, people seem callous, work is boring, and there are constant quarrels in the family?

Positive thinking develops if you repeat positive attitudes to yourself every day and communicate only with optimistic people. It is extremely difficult for a modern person to acquire such an approach to life, since his upbringing, unfortunately, does not allow him to do this.

What is a positive outlook on problems is an open question for most. From the early childhood Negative attitudes are imposed on children, which not everyone is able to get rid of in the future.

That is why, in order for the younger generation to have positive thinking, you should talk to children as often as possible, explain to them that they should not be afraid, they need to believe in themselves and strive for success.

Methods for developing positive thinking

Positive thinking can be acquired through a number of practices. Exercises should be performed regularly, at any moment in life. Only under this condition can one know what the power of positive thinking is.

  • Liquidation

Hansard's book gives detailed advice on how to set yourself up for positivity. It is recommended to start the exercise early on Thursday morning. According to military rules, this day is the time to remove all obstacles. The exercise should be performed for at least 24 minutes.

The practice algorithm is as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position;
  2. Mentally immerse yourself in the problem;
  3. Imagine that the obstacle crumbled to dust or burned due to the impact;
  4. Should be given free rein negative thoughts, which are hidden under troubles. Be sure to continue to think that all the negativity that comes out is immediately destroyed by external forces.

After completing the exercise, you just need to sit quietly.
You should practice for as long as possible. The longer it lasts, the greater the power of positive thinking.

  • Positive thinking instead of negative thinking

How to stay positive when faced with a difficult, unpleasant question? Undoubtedly, every person, optimist or pessimist, sooner or later faces an obstacle in life that must be overcome. The only difference between people is that some know how to set themselves up for positivity, while others do not.

In order to learn to overcome obstacles with the help of thought, you first need to understand why the problem arose and how long it lasts. In addition, you should note for yourself the reaction of others to it: do they believe in its successful resolution, how long will the effect last after its solution, what the results may be.

Once true results are obtained, you can begin the exercise:

  1. Take a comfortable position. Imagine that a fire is burning in front of you, and a magnificent fragrance is spreading from it;
  2. Imagine that the causes of the problem melt when thrown into the fire;
  3. Imagine that everything negative that is happening at the present time turns into useful, positive;
  4. As the situation changes, the mental fire changes in appearance: the once orange pillar of fire turns into an unusually blue, blinding one. A new flame passes through the spine, spreads throughout the body, entering the head and heart.

After completing this exercise, a positive mood appears almost immediately. All problems are solved easier.

  • Luck

How to tune in to the positive in order to help your loved ones find work, friends? Before performing the practice, you need to honestly answer the question: do I use positive thinking only for the benefit of my loved ones, and not for myself?

If you believe with all your heart that your actions are selfless, then you can begin to perform the technique:

  1. In the beginning, you need to mentally direct all your positive attitude and energy to the person who needs your help;
  2. At the next stage, you need to clearly imagine how all difficulties are eliminated under the influence of thoughts;
  3. Then direct to the heart area dear person a white energy ray that has a positive attitude, thanks to which good luck is attracted. Thus, human vital resources are stimulated.

After finishing the practice, you need to do 7 claps.
You should start doing the exercise for a positive attitude on Sunday.

Everything that a person thinks about for a long period of time will come true sooner or later. It doesn't matter whether he wants it to happen or, on the contrary, seeks to avoid it. If the same thoughts are constantly repeated, then they will definitely come true.

Positive thinking can be developed. Feng Shui supporters recommend special exercises for this:

  1. Use only affirmative words in thoughts and words: I have, I win. It is not possible to completely eliminate the use of the particle;
  2. Believe that everything will work out. A positive attitude will help you accomplish even the most unrealistic plans;
  3. Don't give up on change. Most people are terrified of changing their established lives, their well-established way of life, and their understandable work. Sometimes this desire for a quiet, cozy haven can develop into uncontrollable phobias. Thinking positively in such cases becomes very difficult. It is absolutely forbidden to concentrate on your fear of the unknown. It is necessary to paint in bright colors the possibilities that will be opened during the transition from the personal comfort zone to new realities;
  4. Start the day with a smile. A positive mood arises from the very morning if you smile at the first rays of the sun and enjoy the events that happen around you. A positive attitude will make a person play the world bright colors.

The power of positive thinking has been known to Tibetan monks for a long period of time. Christopher Hansard has written a book based on Tibetan teachings about thought processes. The book says that positive thinking makes it possible to change not only the person himself, but also those around him. An individual sometimes does not understand what limitless possibilities are hidden within him.

The formation of the future occurs through random thoughts. The ancient inhabitants of Tibet tried to develop the power of thought on the basis of spiritual knowledge; they knew what an energetic mental message was. Nowadays, exercises to develop positive thinking are effectively used in practice.

Sometimes one negative thought is enough for a huge number of negative ideas to grow on it, like a snowball. If a person wants to acquire positive thinking, then he must start changing with himself.

Hansard believed that the world is thought. One of the first steps towards using its energy resources is to understand the impact of negative attitudes on life. The second step is to eliminate harmful ideas. If you do not eliminate them as quickly as possible, you can forever lose positive thinking.

Negative spheres of existence are always disguised as something complex, overly rational. Only positive thinking will help you cope with them. However, in order to master it, effort must be made.

Negative thinking

Psychologists divide the thinking process into positive and negative. The ability to think is a tool of every individual. Depending on the level at which a person owns it, her life is built.

Negative thinking is based on individual qualities, experiences, and the world around us. It is an indicator of a low level of brain capabilities.

People with this type of thinking tend to accumulate negative emotions with age. At the same time, the person often completely denies all the facts that are unpleasant for him.

When thinking about traumatic situations, a person tries to find everything possible options that will help him avoid its repetition. Unfortunately, such thoughts only lead to the fact that the person completely switches to the negative, without seeing the positive sides.

Sooner or later, an individual stops seeing his life in bright colors. Only gray, difficult everyday life appears before him, which he is no longer able to cope with.

Features of a negative thinking person

Concentrating all his attention on negative aspects, a person is constantly looking for the cause and those to blame. At the same time, the individual does not notice opportunities to change the situation. This happens because he still finds flaws in every decision. This often results in lost opportunities.

The basic characteristics of a person who finds it difficult to think positively include:

  1. Reluctance to change lifestyle;
  2. Search for new negative aspects;
  3. Reluctance to learn, gain new knowledge;
  4. Frequent nostalgia;
  5. Anticipation of difficult times, careful preparation for them;
  6. The desire to do nothing, but get what you want;
  7. Negative attitude towards people around;
  8. Inability to think positively. Constant explanation of difficult life circumstances;
  9. Stinginess in all spheres of life.

Negative thinking person cannot clearly formulate his desires. He strives to make his life easier, but does not know how to do it.