Do's and Don'ts on Old New Year. Signs and fortune telling for the Old New Year.

On the night of January 13-14, 2017, we celebrate the Old New Year or, as it is also called, Generous Evening. This holiday is loved by both children and adults for its special traditions.

January 13 is also called Vasilyev's evening, so the main dishes on old New Year Pork dishes are considered, because Saint Basil the Great is considered the patron saint of pig farmers. On this evening, it is customary to warmly welcome and treat guests. The more generously the table is set and the more guests come, the better the year will be.

What you can’t do for the Old New Year and what you definitely need

. In order for 2017 to be successful and profitable, on January 13 you need to prepare generous kutya, and the more varied and interesting the filling, the more financial well-being worth waiting for.
. On January 14, it is usually customary to sow and give generously (you can also give to girls), and go to visit neighbors and relatives.
. It was a good sign if a young man from a respected place was the first to enter the house. large family.
. On the morning of December 14, young people went to the crossroads to burn "Didukha" - sheaves of straw. Young people jumped over the fire, which symbolized cleansing from evil spirits.
. In the Old New Year you cannot lend.
. Also, don't take out the trash.
. Bad omen It is considered to count small money or resolve important financial issues.
. On this day you should not say the word “thirteen”.

Signs for the Old New Year

. Gardeners shake off snow from apple trees at midnight - for the harvest.
. If at night the wind blows from the south, the year will be hot and prosperous, from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - expect a fruit harvest.
. Vasily's night is starry - for the harvest of berries.
. A lot of fluffy frost on the trees foreshadowed a good honey harvest.
. If the night after the New Year is quiet and clear, there will be a happy year not only for people, but also for livestock.
. If the sun rises high, the whole year will be happy, and the garden harvest will be especially good.
. If frost covers the trees abundantly, there will be a grain harvest and good honey production.
. If soft snow falls, it means a harvest, and when it’s warm, the summer will be rainy.
. Whatever the first day of the New Year, such will be the year: if there is a thaw in Melania, expect a warm summer.
. From which side the sky is covered with clouds on the Old New Year, happiness will come from there.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

The night from January 13 to 14 is considered the best for predicting the future, and everything predicted will definitely come true.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year on a ring, bread and hook: the listed three things are placed in a vessel along with pieces of bread, coals, pebbles and other small objects. The dishes are covered with a towel, after which each girl, without looking, drags the first thing she comes across (the pulled out item is then returned to the dish). If he pulls out bread, the husband will be rich, if the ring is handsome, if the hook is disabled or poor.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using bulbs: all the girls take an onion and place them with their roots in the water, after which they observe - whose onion will sprout green sprouts first, which girl will be married sooner.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year by dogs: the girl is left alone in the room, after which a dog is let in. If the dog immediately runs up to the girl, then family life will be happy, if she starts sniffing the floor first, then the husband will be angry, and family life will be unhappy; if the dog starts to caress, then the husband will be affectionate.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using the names of passersby: you need to leave the house and call out to the first male person you meet, asking what his name is. Whatever name he gives, that’s what his future husband will be called.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using a comb: before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the person in the dream.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using conversations: They went to eavesdrop under the windows of their neighbors and, based on what they heard, they judged their future marriage. If they scolded in the hut, then the husband will be angry, if they laughed, he will be a merry fellow, if they drank, he will be a drunkard, etc.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year from a book: for this, take a book and each girl in turn asks a question, and then names the page number and line (bottom or top) where the answer is contained. The answer is read in the book. Classic works are great for fortune telling. It is better to formulate the question in such a way that it implies a detailed answer.

New Year in Russia, by decree of Peter I, began to be celebrated on January 1 in 1700, and they began to celebrate the Old New Year in 1918, when Soviet Russia switched from the former Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar adopted in Europe. The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year appeared thanks to believers. Due to the difference between the calendars in Russia, until 1919, Christmas and New Year were celebrated 13 days later than in Europe. But Russian Orthodox Church did not obey the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of 1918 and did not accept the Gregorian calendar. With the official introduction of the new calendar, Christmas, as previously celebrated on December 25 according to the old style, “moved” to January 7. And the Orthodox continued to celebrate the New Year as before - six days after Christmas, that is, on the night of January 13-14.

in 1918, when, during the transition to a new chronology, an amendment of 13 days was introduced, immediately after January 31, 1918, February 14 came in Russia.
The discrepancy between the dates of the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases every century. In the 20th-21st centuries this difference is 13, and from March 2100 it will be 14 days.

January 13 - Vasiliev evening

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated (among Belarusians and Ukrainians it is known as a generous evening, in the central and some southern regions of Russia as autumn). This tradition arose after 1918, when a new chronology was introduced in Russia. Once upon a time, this day fell on January 1 and was called Vasilyev's Day (the day of remembrance of St. Basil the Great, and its eve was December 31st (which became January 13th) Vasilyev's evening.

The evening on the eve of the Old New Year was popularly called generous. On the morning of January 13 (the day of Melania (Melanka)) it was necessary to prepare porridge cooked from whole grains of wheat. It could be seasoned with meat or lard, or topped with honey, sugar or jam. In addition, housewives baked pancakes, prepared pies and dumplings with cottage cheese, to thank the guests. The most important dish for the Old New Year was considered to be pork dishes, by the way, Saint Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig farmers. “A pig and a boletus for Vasily’s evening”, “A pig is not a clean animal, but with God there is nothing unclean - Basil the Winter will sanctify!" - the proverbs say about this day. This animal symbolized fertility and prosperity. On this day it was customary to generously set the table: a generous table on this day means prosperity throughout the year.

In the evening, people visited their neighbors to celebrate the New Year in peace and harmony. According to popular beliefs, it was considered important who would be the first guest in the house in the New Year. It was a good sign if the first was a young man from a respected large family with a good household. And on the morning of January 14, young people went to the crossroads to burn “Ded” or “Didukh” - sheaves of straw. Young people jumped over the fire, which symbolized cleansing from evil spirits.

We prepared for Vasilyev's evening in advance. They sewed or bought beautiful clothes for him. The housewives put all the best things in the house on the table: pies, kutya, meat, wine, beer, vodka. Traditionally, a pig was prepared for this evening. It was a symbol of the fertility of the earth and the fertility of livestock in the coming year. Our ancestors, just like modern Russians, believed “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it”: it was believed that an abundance of food on the first day of the year would bring prosperity for the whole year.

Another custom associated with cooking is boiling porridge. The ceremony was performed before dawn; When the porridge was ripe, the housewife took the pot out of the oven, and the whole family began to look at it. If the pot was cracked or the porridge turned out unsuccessful, this foreshadowed bad things. If the porridge turned out fluffy and tasty, happiness was expected for the whole house.

In some parts of Russia they caroled on this day. For example, in the Tver, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and Orenburg regions, the roundabout ritual of bunting was popular. The tradition got its name from the song that was sung while going home - “Osen”. People walked from house to house and sang songs. Participants in the walk-through approached from house to house and asked the owners for permission: “Can I call the oats?”, and they answered: “Click!” Then the ritual participants sang autumn songs to each family member individually. The most important “ovsen”, designed to ensure the well-being of the home and family, were addressed to the owner and his eldest sons. At the end, the generous owners of the house presented gifts to the performers.

Noticed :

  • Gardeners shake snow off apple trees at midnight for harvest.
  • If at night the wind blows from the south, the year will be hot and prosperous, from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - expect a fruit harvest.
  • Vasily's night is starry - for the harvest of berries.
  • A lot of fluffy frost on the trees foreshadowed a good honey harvest.

What to cook for Old New Year

It is customary to spend the evening and night from January 13 to 14 with family festive table. Our ancestors on New Year's table Be sure to cook pig in its own juice and make dishes from hare and rooster. All this was very symbolic:

  • the pig promised wealth and prosperity in the house next year;
  • hare - speed and success in business;
  • rooster - flying lightness and freedom.

If you want to set your holiday table this evening according to ancient traditions, prepare a generous kutya or sochivo. It is believed that the more varied, tastier and more satisfying the kutia is, the greater the family's wealth will be next year. So try and make it really generous and rich: don’t skimp on nuts, raisins, halva, honey, etc. In previous years, kutya was cooked from buckwheat, wheat, and barley, but ordinary rice will also be quite suitable. When choosing wheat, try the grain on the tooth; it should fall apart easily; hard grain is not suitable for kutya.

All Sochiv products have a symbolic meaning:

  • the grain symbolizes new life;
  • honey - well-being and health;
  • poppy - wealth in the house.

Traditional kutia recipe

Ingredients for traditional kutia:
Wheat - 2 tbsp., poppy seeds - 200 g, walnuts - 200 g, raisins - 150 g, honey - 3 tbsp.
How to prepare traditional kutya:
Soak the peeled and washed wheat grains overnight in cold water. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the wheat, add hot water and cook over low heat until tender. Add a little water as needed. The porridge should turn out soft and crumbly. Cool the finished porridge and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Pour boiling water over poppy seeds and raisins for 30 minutes, each separately. Then strain the poppy seeds, add 1 tablespoon of honey and grind in a blender to obtain poppy milk. It’s better, of course, to do it in makitra for authenticity. Roast the nuts until crispy. Strain the raisins. Mix all ingredients, add honey. If the kutia is thick, then it should be diluted not with water, but with uzvar, the recipe for which is given at the end of the article.

Generous rice kutia recipe

Ingredients for generous rice kutya:
1 glass of rice, 100 g of honey, 100 g of nuts, 100 g of raisins, 150 g of poppy seeds, butter to taste, salt to taste.

Prepare fluffy rice in the usual way. Roast nuts, if necessary, peel and chop. You can use any according to your taste. Wash the raisins and steam with boiling water. Also steam the poppy seed with boiling water and let it stand until it swells. Drain the water and grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. You will get milk of poppy seeds. Butter melt and season the porridge with it. Send nuts, raisins, milk of poppy seeds and liquid honey there. If the honey is thick, you can dilute it slightly with water or cream. Mix everything and let the kutya stand. The taste of this sweet porridge can be varied with homemade jam, vanilla, candied fruits and so on.

Recipe for generous wheat kutia

200 grams of wheat, half a glass of poppy seeds, 100 grams of walnuts, sugar to taste, sweets (raisins, candied fruits, marmalade) to taste
How to cook:
Wheat must be washed well, pour warm water over the grains, allow them to swell a little and cook in large quantities water into crumbly porridge. Add water (or uzvar), sugar (honey), crushed nuts, raisins to the steamed and ground poppy seeds and combine all this with wheat. The finished kutya can be put on low heat again and warmed up (5-7 minutes).

Dumplings with a surprise for the Old New Year

The Old New Year is a quiet, family holiday with its own traditions. One of them is to make dumplings with surprises. This is a long-standing tradition that originated from the custom of telling fortunes during Christmastide week. The filling in dumplings symbolizes good wishes next year. Or rather, the filling is made as usual - cottage cheese or potato, and when molded, “surprises” are added.

Important! Be sure to warn your guests if you put hard objects in the dumplings!

Recipe for dumplings with a surprise

Ingredients for dumpling dough:
1 egg, 4 cups flour, 1 cup water, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tsp. sugar, salt
How to cook:
Mix flour with sugar and salt and make a mound.
Make a depression on the top and break the egg into it, pour in the water and oil.
Knead the stiff dough, knead until it becomes smooth and homogeneous.
Place in the refrigerator for two hours, covering with film to prevent drying. Meanwhile, prepare the filling.
Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the dough into a thin layer, and cut it into circles with a glass.
Place the filling in the middle of the circle, fold the dough in half, and pinch the edges.
Cook by throwing into boiling water.

Meanings of surprise fillings

Orange - for pleasure
Peanuts - for a love affair
Cherry - good luck
Peas - home peace
Walnut - health
Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
Mushrooms - to a long and happy life
Big money - big win
Grain - to wealth
Raisins - to great temptation
Cabbage - for money
Caramel - for love
Potatoes - for a promotion at work
Cranberry - to unexpected changes in life
Ring - for the wedding
Dried apricots - to joy
Bay leaf - to fame (career growth)
Honey - health
Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
Carrots - for new acquaintances
Meat - for well-being
White thread - long journey (long and long journey)
Green thread - the road abroad
Thread with knots - for a difficult year
Black thread - a short and not very long trip
Cucumber - for a strong man
Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
Pepper - thrill
Ground allspice - to “spicy”, i.e. an eventful life, major changes
Button - for a new thing
Millet - troubles
Rice - prosperity in the home
Sugar - sweet life (easy, favorable year)
Seeds - to new fruitful plans
Cheese - to win
Cottage cheese - to new friends
Dough, beans - to add to the family
Dill - to good health
Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions
Bread - the year will be full and good
Chain - strengthening family ties
Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
An apple is a well-deserved reward.

Enjoy your troubles, generous feast and happy holidays!

New Year is the favorite holiday of many people, but in Russia it is possible to repeat it exactly 14 days later. The traditions of celebrating the Old New Year began to take shape at the beginning of the last century when the calendar changed. Not all of them, alas, have survived to this day, although they can significantly diversify the usual holidays.
From this article you will learn:

  • where did the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year come from;
  • in which countries there is a custom to celebrate the Old New Year;
  • main customs and rituals performed in Rus';
  • how to make the modern Old New Year memorable;
  • what signs should you pay attention to in this New Year's Eve.

The history of the holiday or how it all began

If Russia had not decided to switch to the Gregorian calendar in 1918, the Old New Year would not have appeared. So far it falls on the night of January 14th. But over time the date will be postponed.

Church celebrations took place on the same days as before. As a result, a lot of things got mixed up, and we had to constantly remind ourselves which customs should be performed on a specific date.

They began to celebrate the New Year holiday from January 13 to 14, motivated by the postponement of dates. But at the same time, two important church dates overlapped: the day of memory of Melania and the veneration of St. Basil the Great. IN Orthodox families They began to call this night the meeting of Melanka with Vasily.

Is the Old New Year celebrated in other countries?

In addition to countries that were previously part of the USSR, the Old New Year is celebrated by residents of:

  • Algeria;
  • Tunisia;
  • Greece;
  • Romania;
  • Serbia;
  • Montenegro;
  • Switzerland;
  • Morocco.

There are some peculiarities about how the celebration should take place.

In Greece, during the Old New Year, it is forbidden to raise your voice and quarrel. It’s bad if the dishes break, so everyone tries to handle them carefully. If you are invited to a celebration, you need to take a stone with you. It symbolizes the wealth that the owners wish to gain in the coming year.

In Romania, pies are a must on the table. But with an interesting filling in the form of coins, hot peppers, garlic or rings.

In Switzerland, this holiday is dedicated to the veneration of St. Sylvester. Residents dress in funny masquerade costumes reminiscent of botanical gardens or houses, calling themselves Sylvester Clauses.

In Montenegro, they definitely cook parenica, a national dish made from corn dough.

Russian customs have many similarities with Ukrainian or Belarusian ones, and therefore are considered common.

Traditions and customs of celebration in Rus'

Despite the fact that on January 1 the table was full, the Old New Year became an even greater test for the stomach. The indispensable attributes of this holiday in Rus' were:

  1. roasting a 2-3 week old pig;
  2. generous kutya, emphasizing the end of Lent;
  3. dumplings with surprises;
  4. pancakes and pies, which were used to thank those who came to carol.

Making dumplings was a tradition for the whole family. As in Romania, various surprises were hidden in them. This symbolized fortune-telling about what awaits in the coming year.

Carols were a very bright decoration of the holiday. And they went caroling only until midnight, until the evil spirits cleared up. On January 13, young girls and boys hid under masks, and one of the guys was dressed up women's clothing as a symbol of Melanka.

What other traditions were characteristic of this time? Kutya for the New Year's feast began to be cooked in the morning. If unpleasant omens happened, she had to be thrown into the hole directly with the pot.

An interesting tradition of this night was the burning of “Didukha” (grandfather). For this:

  1. a sheaf of straw was prepared in advance;
  2. on Old New Year, after the end of the carols, they went out to the crossroads;
  3. they set fire to the sheaf;
  4. when the main flame diminished, they began to jump over the fire, saying goodbye to evil spirits.

All this was accompanied by songs, dances, ditties and other games.

There is another beautiful tradition associated with the life of peasants. In the morning, with wishes of happiness, health and wealth, we went to the houses of relatives and friends to “sow” grain. It is unknown where the custom came from, but it has its own rules:

  • only males sow, because it was believed that girls could not bring happiness;
  • the houses of the godparents were visited first;
  • the grains were carefully collected and stored until spring to be mixed with spring grains.

A special porridge was also cooked. The oldest woman in the family poured the cereal for her. The oldest man in the house had to fetch water from the well. The grain was taken out of the barn at two o'clock in the morning. It was impossible to touch her, so as not to change your future. Until the oven burned out, the ingredients were ignored. Then, when the porridge was being prepared, all family members sat around. The woman stirred it, saying special words. Then they placed the porridge in the oven and waited for the result:

  • if the porridge came out of the pot, it promised trouble for the whole house, so no one ate it;
  • when the pot burst, they did the same, because this was a disease;
  • a lot of foam on top foreshadowed empty troubles;
  • rich, tasty porridge meant a harvest and happiness for all household members.

The whole family sat down to the table late in the evening, and this dinner was not to be missed.

At this time, Christmastide continued, so old New Year's fortune telling was also used. It was customary to tell fortunes about the betrothed, about a quick wedding, the fulfillment of a wish, the appearance of a child, etc. Traditions could differ depending on the place of residence, as well as on the veneration of saints. Some villages had their own saints, who received additional attention during the New Year.

Modern Old New Year

Nowadays it is customary to celebrate the same way as on New Year's Eve. It is believed that on the Old New Year you need to accomplish what you couldn’t do on January 1st. For example:

  • make a wish by first writing it on a napkin, which is burned and thrown into champagne;
  • watch concerts and letters that you haven’t had time to watch yet;
  • send Old New Year greetings to family and friends with repeated wishes for good and health;
  • put gifts that were previously forgotten under the New Year tree, after which it can be removed.

In the southern regions, the custom of cooking pig or pork dishes has been preserved to make the New Year rich in good news. In some villages, carols are celebrated, but their true meaning is often lost.

Signs for January 13 and 14

We were attentive to the signs, among which the following stood out:

  • The first girl to enter the house on January 14 means trouble;
  • Melanka was warm, then the summer will be good;
  • frost on the trees meant a fruitful year;
  • It was forbidden to count small money on Vasily, so as not to shed tears. They also did not give or borrow;
    if there was a blizzard or blizzard at night, it was believed that the year would be restless;
  • Hearing an unusual ringing in the morning was news of a possible replenishment.

They made sure to appease livestock so that the New Year would be calm and fruitful for them.
If at least some elements and traditions of the celebration are returned to modern reality, it can be improved even further Christmas mood and make the celebration unforgettable.

How to celebrate the Old New Year? Traditions, customs and folk signs. How to set a holiday table. Prophetic fortune telling.

The content of the article:

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated. This is the most unusual and strange holiday. It is also called “rich” or “generous Vasiliev’s evening.” That evening they set a generous table and treated those who came to visit. For unmarried girls, this date is interesting because in the evening you can tell fortunes, predicting the future and your betrothed.

History of the Old New Year

Tradition of celebrating Old New the year goes by due to discrepancies in the calendar dates of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The Julian calendar is the “old style”, and the whole world now lives according to the Gregorian calendar. In 1918, Soviet Russia was forced to switch to life according to the Gregorian calendar, so that there would be no time difference with Europe. After which the Julian calendar was abolished, but the Orthodox Church continued to celebrate the holiday according to the old regime - January 14. The tradition turned out to be tenacious and perfectly preserved to this day.

Traditions and customs of the Old New Year

From the evening of January 13 to the morning of the 14th, the arrival of the Old New Year is celebrated. The eve of this celebration is called the Generous Evening, which was called Vasilyev's evening. On this day, the church commemorates the patron saint of pig farmers, St. Basil.

On the evening of January 13, housewives prepare a generous kutya, seasoned with meat and lard, which is traditionally placed in the corner with icons. Roasted pig was considered one of the main dishes on the table - this is a symbol of the fertility of the earth and the fertility of livestock. This evening, from sunset until midnight, teenage girls go to their neighbors to give generously, wishing their owners health, happiness and good luck in the new year.

On the morning of January 14, men sow grain from godparents, relatives, acquaintances, and loved ones. According to popular beliefs, a man should be the first to enter the house on this day. This will bring happiness next year. The sowers congratulate you on the New Year and wish you wealth and abundance. The owners in return give pies, sweets and fruits, and sometimes money. The grain is left after the sowing until the evening. It is customary not to sweep it away with a broom, but to carefully collect it and use it for sowing in the spring.

Folk signs of the Old New Year

There are many beliefs about the Old New Year. So, in some villages, to this day, on the night of January 13-14, they burn old clothes and put on a new one, which symbolizes the beginning of a new and good life. The ritual of January 14 has been preserved, when housewives with three lit candles walk around the entire house clockwise and cross themselves. This will protect the house from all troubles. And on this day the male owners lightly knock on the threshold of the house with an ax, saying “life, health, bread.”

Young people have a tradition associated with matters of the heart. For example, a previously rejected guy could try his luck in love again and offer his hand and heart to the lady. Matchmaking is also common on this day. If you get engaged on January 13, it means the marriage will be successful.

In popular beliefs, the Old New Year is associated with other signs that read:

  • On the eve of the holiday, you cannot pronounce the number 13.
  • January 14 is not considered a small thing, otherwise the year will be whiny.
  • You cannot take out the trash on January 14, otherwise you will take happiness out of the house with it.
  • If on the morning of January 14 the branches are covered with fluffy frost, it means that a lot of honey will be produced next year.
  • You cannot borrow anything during the Old New Year, otherwise you will be in debt for the year.
  • On this holiday, it is customary to ask for forgiveness, make peace and resolve conflicts. Reconciliation and forgiveness cannot be denied.
  • If you get sick on this day, it means you will be sick all year.
  • Morning snow - winter will be snowy and spring will be late.
  • Ice outside means a good harvest.
  • If you want to harvest a large harvest of apples, then shake the snow from the apple tree at midnight.
  • Being born on this day promised a rich life.

Festive table for Old New Year

This evening the whole family sits down at the table in clean, ironed and tidy clothes. On this holiday things are given Special attention. The festive table must comply with the canons of Old Slavonic traditions. According to tradition, on Old New Year they bake pies and pancakes, and make dumplings with cheese and cottage cheese. This food is treated to those who come to the house with songs, dances and congratulations. Also, on the eve of Vasilyev's evening, every family usually slaughters a pig, from which they prepare hearty dishes. Among our ancestors, the pig was a symbol of livestock fertility and family well-being. Jellied meat was cooked especially a lot on the Generous Evening; it was the main treat (after kutya) for those who came to visit.

The most important dish on Generous Evening is considered to be kutia, which is cooked in a special way: at night at a certain hour, with spells. If the dish turned out good, it was eaten; if it was bad, it was thrown into the river so that it would take the misfortune with it. They prepare ritual porridge from buckwheat and barley, but in these days They also use peeled rice. Dried fruits, honey, nuts, and grapes are added to it. Each product has its own meaning: grain symbolizes the beginning of a new life, raisins - longevity, honey - good news, nuts - health, poppy - prosperity. The richer the filling, the better.

Our ancestors were attentive to rituals predicting fate. The main tradition At the festive table there was eating dumplings with a surprise, where any objects were hidden along with the filling, from bay leaves to coins. What filling you get the dumplings with will be worth waiting for next year. Each filling symbolizes the following prediction:

  • Cherry is a temptation.
  • Cabbage is money.
  • Ring - wedding.
  • Thread - a long journey.
  • Button - new clothes.
  • Salt is a disappointment.
  • Money is wealth.
  • Sugar - sweet life.
  • Pepper - spicy sensations.
  • Beans - children.
  • Flour - torment.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

It is believed that fortune telling at Christmas time is the most truthful. Therefore, according to tradition, the girls gathered together on the evening of January 13th. To create a mysterious and magical atmosphere, the lights were turned off, the windows were covered with curtains, and the room was illuminated with candles. In this room, fortune telling was carried out on the betrothed, the future, desires, etc.

Fortune telling for the future husband:

  1. Before going to bed, they put 4 kings under the pillow and say: “The betrothed-mummer, come to me in a dream.” In the morning, the interpretation of the dream is judged: the king of the cross dreamed, the husband will be an entrepreneur or a military man, the one of spades is much older or jealous, the one of hearts is handsome and rich, the one of diamonds is a marriage for great mutual love.
  2. The bread, brush, ring and cigarette are covered with a plate so that the fortuneteller does not know where and what is located. Then the girl chooses one plate at random. If there is bread under it, then the husband will be rich, the brush will be of a simple profession, the ring will be a dandy, the tobacco will be unsuccessful.
  3. To find out the name of their betrothed, girls go out into the street after midnight and ask the first man they meet for his name. There was a belief that whatever name he gave, that would be the name of his future husband.
  4. Girls threw shoes on the road. Where the toe of the shoe that fell on the ground pointed, the husband will be on that side. If the shoe's toe is turned towards the fortuneteller's house, she will not see the crown.
  5. Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair and says: “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” This comb is placed under the pillow. The guy in the dream will be betrothed.
Fortune telling for wishes:
  1. Several wishes are written on identical pieces of paper. They are folded in half and placed under the pillow. Waking up in the morning, they take out one piece of paper. What is written on it will come true.
  2. Cereals (rice, millet, barley, etc.) are poured into the container. They ask a question and with their left hand take out a handful of grain, which they count. An even number - the wish will come true, an odd number - no.
  3. A question is asked in the mind. Take your favorite book, name the page number and line. What is read is interpreted as an answer.
Fortune telling about a guy who is in love with you:
  1. During the day, they break off a small spruce branch, which they place under the pillow before going to bed with the words: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, dream about someone who thinks about me.”
  2. They take 3 bay leaves, which they place under the pillow before going to bed with the words: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”
Fortune telling for marriage:
  1. Water is poured into a basin and two nut shells are lowered. The water is stirred with your finger so that the shells float. If they come close, the girl will soon get married.
  2. Take a handful of peas or beans, which are poured into a bowl. Then they transfer one pea at a time into another container and say: “If I get married (one pea) - I won’t get married (second pea).” At whatever pea the first bowl is empty, so it will be.
Fortune telling for the future:
  1. Four glasses were filled halfway with water. Salt was poured into one, sugar into another, a ring into the third, and the fourth was left empty. These glasses were placed behind the back of the fortune-telling girl so that she could not see. The friend runs her finger along the glasses one by one, and they ask “this glass?” On the glass to which the fortuneteller says “this” and the prediction is judged. Water with salt (you need to try it) promises sadness, with sugar - success and happiness, with a ring - a wedding, fresh - an ordinary year.
  2. Pebbles, cereals, a scarf, bread, a ring and a hook were placed in different bags. The fortuneteller is given the choice of one of them. If you get bread, it means a rich life awaits, a hook means a hard fate, a ring means happy marriage, cereal is a well-fed life, and a scarf is a poor life.
Video about the old New Year - history, customs and traditions:

A strange, paradoxical combination, what philologists call an “oxymoron”.

The Old New Year or New Year according to the Julian calendar (old style) is celebrated on the night from 13 to 14 January. They say that often on this strange holiday special events occur, when people suddenly discover hitherto unknown sides of character within themselves and those around them, and discover some new facets of personality.

We celebrate old New Year.

Celebration Old New Year: Well, what an ancient holiday without national signs.

For this most desired supplement. And so it turned out that old New Year- this is the same New Year, but according to the old style. If we start from very far away, the date of the creation of the world, as the ancient translation of the Old Testament says, was previously considered March 1, 5508 BC.

“Therefore, after 84 years, that is, in 2101, old New Year will be celebrated on the night of January 14-15, but not from 13 to 14, as today,” the university’s PR service quotes Roman Sergeevich as saying. And from March 1, 2100 will be approximately 14 days, so from 2101 old New Year will be celebrated a day later. The thing is that each product has a sacred meaning: nuts represent health, raisins - longevity, grains - the beginning new life, honey - excellent news, poppy - prosperity. According to the rules of the Christian Church, Easter holiday occurs on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, i.e., the first full moon after the vernal equinox. This was done in order to enter the New Year without any offense. This date is still interpreted today by some teachings as the real birthday of Christ. It is connected with the fact that this holiday was previously emphasized in the spring. And only at the end of the 15th century - in 1492 - they officially determined a single date for the beginning of the New Year in Rus': September 1. According to tradition, on the night from 13 to 14 January they told fortunes about the suitors, and this happened in the most different ways. Thus, in the Russian state, the year 1699 lasted only 4 months - from September to December inclusive, and January 1 marked the year 1700.

In the middle of winter 1918, the Gregorian calendar was introduced in the Soviet Russian Federation. Thus, in the long-past year of 1918, immediately after January 31, February 14 came. This is how the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar took place in a huge country - in other words, the transition to the so-called “ a new style" Mutual visits and treats continue for a number of days in a row. Despite secular life, the Russian Orthodox Church continues to celebrate everything church holidays according to the old (Julian) calendar, refusing to switch to the Gregorian and preserving the previous way of church life. More traditional dishes old New Year there was pork, lard, poultry, dumplings, pies, pancakes. But the solar calendar is more comfortable, where the duration of the year on average for a certain number of years does not differ significantly from the tropical year, the duration of which is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds or 365.2422 days, explains the teacher of the Department of Financial Geography and Cartography of the Faculty of Geography Altai State University Roman Enemy.

However, in addition to history, so to speak, political, official, there is another - related to the church calendar. With all this, the modern New Year falls on the Nativity Fast.

The magic of the first day also determined the desire for a rich and satisfying meal on Vasiliev's evening. By the way, we can please the fairer sex with the fact that this year, the Fire Rooster, is itself very energetically strong, so it increases the chances of finding a loved one. “In order to establish in the Russian Federation the same calculation of time with almost all cultural peoples,” it was established to be considered the first day after January 31 January 14. That's why this evening is called Generous. Pork dishes were especially valued, since St. Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig farmers.

For many believers old New Year has a special meaning, since they can celebrate it with all their hearts only after the end of the Nativity Fast.

However, we are still children, we are at the Christmas tree.

So, the difference between the Julian calendar (or the “old style” calendar) and the Gregorian calendar - the one according to which almost the whole world currently lives - in the 20th-21st centuries is thirteen days.

old New Year got its name because it is New Year, but according to the old calendar. It is on this day that you can find out how in some way what you did in the past year affected the future and how it may still affect it. In areas that have experienced frost of -35 degrees, there will be no frost and a temperature of +1...+6 degrees, and in Old New Year It will be around zero, but without the nasty precipitation that was rain on New Year's Day. The website of the Tomsk channel "Vesti" offers to indicate the end New Year's holidays in the old fashioned way, with fun, with treats and congratulations. It is also celebrated in Serbia (Serbian New Year), and also in Montenegro and Macedonia.

TO 13th of January It is usually recommended to set the festive table and remember those wishes that you might have forgotten to make in the chaos of the holiday on the evening of December 31st. True, they celebrate it there according to the Berber calendar, which, however, is the same Julian calendar, with minor differences. In addition, the “holiday” falls on Saturday, and the same thing will happen to it as with Christmas.

Despite the fact that old New Year is not national holiday and an official day off, the bulk of the population in many countries continues the ancient and good tradition of celebrating the Old New Year. And, of course, it is celebrated with pleasure in our native Uzbekistan.

Next ritual for luck and good luck, and besides this, cleansing the energy at home: write your cherished desire with a needle on a candle and let it burn to the end throughout the night from 13 to 14 January. Besides the fact that an additional holiday, in any case, pleases in itself, there is Old New Year There is still some special charm, an atmosphere of peace and homely comfort. A decorated Christmas tree remains an obvious attribute of this holiday.