
On the last Sunday of November in Russia it is celebrated Mothers Day . This is a day when a woman-mother is glorified, when tribute is paid to maternal work and selfless love and dedication for the benefit of her children. IN library branch No. 2 took place family holiday “Mom is a dear word” with members of the Positive+ club, their children and grandchildren.

Presenter Nasibulina L.S. introduced those present to the history and customs of celebrating Mother's Day in our country and abroad. The event continued with a conversation about our mothers - about the first word that the baby says, how kindly, warmly and tenderly it sounds in different languages ​​of the world, about how our mothers take care of us and love us.

Special attention was paid to the generation of women who endured the hardships of the war, because they had it more difficult than the soldiers, since they had children in their arms. An active member of the club, Ostapova A.V., read a poem by N.A. about such women. Nekrasov “Hearing the horrors of war...”. Particularly touching was the letter from machine gun platoon commander Ivan Stepanov to mother Epistimia Fedorovna, which was read out to all those present.

An ancient Ukrainian legend about the boundless love of a mother’s heart for her children, who will selflessly love no matter what, was presented to the attention of those present.

At the event, beautiful songs and poems about mothers were sung; the presenter’s story was accompanied by a slide presentation.

Tokareva M.M., Leonova O.A. dedicated poems to their mothers, whom they remember and love, although they are no longer with them. The guests were very touched by the performance of Anastasia Strunkina, who sincerely sang a song and read a poem dedicated to sweet, warm-hearted, loving mothers.

Mothers heard many warm words addressed to them from the little guests of the holiday. Maxim Vorobyov read the poem “Where did I come from?” to his grandmother and everyone present, and also sang the song “Zorenki are more beautiful.” Young readers Margarita Karyukova, Ilya Semenyuk and Anna Zhigulina sang beautiful poems about their mother and grandmother.

Sincere and touching songs about mothers performed by Russian pop stars V. Tolkunova, Vitas, T. Povaliy, O. Gazmanova, Zara aroused warm emotions among those present, because, unfortunately, not all mothers are alive.

We had a funny time various competitions and games: “Compliment for Mom”, “Guess the Recipe”. During the game “Compliment for Mom,” children tore off petals from a chamomile with in beautiful words about their mothers and grandmothers.

And mothers and grandmothers in the “Guess the Recipe” competition received a set of ingredients and tried to guess the dish.

Multi-colored balloons in the shape of a heart gave a festive look and mood to everyone present. At the end of the holiday, children gave these balls to their beloved mothers and grandmothers.

TO festive event was issued book exhibition “Image, Carefully Preserved”, which was quoted from the wonderful words of L. Kondrashov:

Whose image is great and bottomless
Have geniuses been glorified throughout the centuries?
It's you, beautiful Madonna.
This is a mother with a baby in her arms!

It all ended with a tea party. The holiday was a success! Despite the cold weather, everyone took away a piece of warmth in their souls, because the children lovingly gave their mothers a piece of their kind heart.

In one of the cold autumn months - November - a wonderful, warm, bright holiday is celebrated - Mother's Day.

Mother. Mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which we use to call the person closest, dearest and only. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us. Mother's love inspires, gives strength to the weak, the doubting, and inspires us to heroism.

A series of events held in area libraries was dedicated to this holiday. The literary and poetic evening “The Eternal Flame of Mother’s Love” was held by employees of the central inter-settlement library for participants of the Chaplyginsky district organization of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People in the city House of Culture. The hosts of the evening spoke the kindest, tender words about our mothers, sincere, tender poems were sung, glorifying the most beloved women on earth - our mothers.

The people always highly revered the Mother. Since ancient times, her appearance has been endowed with the brightest features: she is the keeper of the family hearth, a faithful wife, a protector of children, and any conversation about mothers sooner or later returns to the children. And this is not surprising, because children are the main thing in a mother’s life; a mother always prays for her children. A mother's prayer is a great benefit in saving the soul of her child. The librarians soulfully read poems about the power of maternal prayer, and the poem by the Orthodox poet and writer V. Krupin “Mother’s Prayer” brought genuine tears to the eyes of many women. There was applause in the hall after each poem read, because nothing warms the soul like kind, sweet words.

Employees of the central inter-settlement library congratulated the participants of the Golden Age club association on Mother's Day. Behind festive table Over a cup of fragrant tea, those gathered talked about the most beloved, the only person on earth, mother. The librarians prepared an interesting, humorous entertainment, which included competitions, for example, “The most - the most” in which women learned the features of their appearance and character by tearing off the petals of a sunny flower - daisy. Everyone enjoyed the “Guess the name of the dish” competition, where the ingredients of recipes were listed and they had to guess what dish it was. This competition was not only fun, but many participants of the event shared secrets in preparing their favorite dishes.

A pleasant gift for the guests was the performance of the folk song ensemble “Ranenburg Springs”, which delighted everyone with their soulful songs.

Wonderful touching songs about mothers performed by children were heard at the evening “The most beloved, the dearest!”, which took place in the village. Bukhovoe. Mothers heard many kind words addressed to them. In turn, the mothers did their best and pampered the children with various homemade delicacies.

The holiday was a success! Despite the cold weather, everyone took away a piece of warmth in their souls.

At each evening dedicated to Mother's Day, interesting colorful book exhibitions were decorated, which did not go unnoticed.

11/27/2017 A series of events dedicated to Mother’s Day held in the district’s libraries.

November 24 manager Slavic Rural Library Nina Gurnakova and the director of the House of Culture Ilimdar Petislyamov held a poetry evening “Let's Praise the Woman - Mother” dedicated to Mother's Day.

Our local poets were invited to the event - Niyara Khalilova, Dmitry Dekhtyar, Elena Petrushkova and the young poet Arseny Konivets.

Presenter Nina Gurnakova told those present the history of this holiday, read an excerpt about maternal love from M. Gorky's work "Tales of Italy". Niyara Musaevna and Dmitry Dmitrievich shared their poems about their mother. Arseny in his poem expressed the desire that children would always, always love their mothers and give them flowers more often. Vladimir Omelchuk sang the song “Mother’s Prayer,” which sounded very sincere. In conclusion, the head of the village council, the chairman of the Slavyansky rural settlement, Vladimir Sakovsky, congratulated the women on the holiday and wished everyone to meet at such events more often.

A book exhibition "Let's Praise the Woman - Mother" was organized.

30 people were present.

IN Kovylnovskaya rural library An evening-meeting “The Beauty of Mother's Love” dedicated to Mother's Day was held for parents and children.

The head of the library, Valentina Kushnarenko, introduced those present to the history of this holiday, spoke about the role of the mother in the life of every person, and read I. Bunin’s poem “Mothers”. Everyone together listened to the song “Mama” performed by Y. Nikitina and watched the social video “Mama”. Those who wished read poems dedicated to the Mother, played a comic game of fortune telling, and children collected proverbs from cut out words. The poem “I Love You, Mom” by M. Sirenko concluded the event. The librarian congratulated everyone on the upcoming holiday, the children gave flowers to their mothers and congratulated them on the upcoming holiday.

An addition to this event was the book and illustrated exhibition “The Art of Being a Mother,” which presented books about mothers, tips and tricks on raising and caring for a child.

The purpose of this event: to expand knowledge about the holiday - Mother's Day, to introduce works of fiction about mothers; develop moral feelings and respect for women; create a friendly atmosphere.

17 people attended the event.

IN Ognevskaya rural library for readers different ages An evening dedicated to Mother’s Day was held under the title “How wonderful the word is Mom.” At the beginning of the event, librarian Svetlana Chuprina spoke about the history of the holiday, where this holiday originates, in what year it began to be celebrated in Russia, on what days Mother’s Day is celebrated in other countries and in the world as a whole. An information stand was also set up with congratulations and wishes to our wonderful mothers.

Then our readers of the younger and older age categories were invited to find out in a playful way how well mothers know their children, and children know their parents. Then, using pantomime, the children showed situations from life, and mothers had to figure out what the child was showing them. Another competition was how well our girls, future housewives and mothers, could blindly identify this or that product. Everyone completed the task. Our evening passed in a warm, friendly atmosphere!

The goal of our event: to harmonize parent-child relationship through joint events, to form primary ideas about the family, to unite children and parents, to create a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.

16 people attended the event.

November 24 at Chernyshevskaya rural library An extended meeting of the "Skillful Hands" club was held, to which the guys invited their dear and beloved mothers and grandmothers to congratulate them on the wonderful holiday of Mother's Day.

The head of the library, Evgeniya Festriga, warmly congratulated those present and spoke about the history of this holiday. Club members prepared songs and dances, read poems with excitement, and uttered cherished words of recognition and love. Those present listened with interest to the song “Mama” by composer Igor Krutoy, then actively guessed riddles, read proverbs about mother, and mothers demonstrated knowledge of children’s fairy tales, wrote down their children’s lesson schedules without errors, etc. Comic competitions were held with fun and excitement: “Shopping”, “School Diary”, “Oh, I’m late” and others. The children gave their mothers their drawings and flowers.

In addition to the event, a book and illustrated exhibition “Mom is a word as vast as the world” was prepared.

Director of the House of Culture Liliya Gorbatenko helped with the musical arrangement of the event. C spruce: strive to instill in children a sense of love and respect, a caring attitude towards mothers and grandmothers. Cultivate love for fiction and native land.

21 people were present.

IN Nivovsky rural library As part of the meeting of the Kaleidoscope club, a literary and musical evening “Dedicated to the dear and only one!” was held. for Mother's Day.

The head of the village library, Irina Chernaya, introduced those present to the history of the holiday and congratulated everyone on this wonderful day. Members of the "Kaleidoscope" club sang songs about mothers, read poems, and presented the sketch "Fedotka", performed by (Mamchur O.V., Sakhapova L.S. Cherny V.A.) The guest of the evening, Dupeshko Anna Nikolaevna, read a poem own composition “About Mom”.

At the end of the evening, all guests were awarded “Best Mother” medals, and “Golden Mother” medals and modest gifts were given to mothers with many children.

A bright and colorful addition to the event was the book exhibition “Mom - a word as vast as the world.”

Goal: to acquaint those present with the history of Mother’s Day, to express gratitude and gratitude to their mothers through songs and poems.

30 people were present.

November 24 at Oryol rural library A literary and musical meeting “Mother's Soul Light” was held dedicated to Mother's Day.

The head of the Oryol rural library, Lyudmila Rodionova, told readers about the history of Mother's Day celebrations. The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.

For this wonderful holiday, the library has organized a book exhibition “You are a woman, you are a deity.” Here readers will find wonderful poems and works of art about mothers, both classics and modern authors, as well as books - recommendations for young mothers on raising children.

The purpose of the event: maintaining the traditions of caring towards women, strengthening family foundations.

17 people were present.

Every year our country celebrates a holiday to which each of us has a connection - this is All-Russian Mother's Day.

On the eve of this holiday on November 24, 2017. V Kukushkino rural library, as part of the meeting of the Pochitayka club, a literary evening “Our Mothers” was held.

Librarian Angela Dubrova told those present the history of the holiday, and that the word “mother” is one of the oldest on earth and sounds almost the same in the languages ​​of all nations. During the holiday, many poems and legends about the mother were sung.

Each child tried to talk about their extraordinary mother, and enjoyed answering quiz questions and solving riddles. We took part in the “Golden Mom” competition, where you had to say as many kind words as possible to your mother. In addition to the children, their mothers came to the holiday; they were also offered a competition where, with their eyes closed, they had to recognize their child by his hands.

All participants of the holiday received a huge charge of positive energy and vivid impressions. The holiday turned out to be very touching and kind.

Goal: to promote in children love and deep respect for their mother, great gratitude to her.

The event was attended by: 18 people.

All last week city ​​library employees held events dedicated to one of the most wonderful holidays- Mother's Day. A lot of kind words was said these days by myself dear person in the life of each of us - mother.

So, on November 20, employees city ​​children's library No. 5(Proletarskaya St., 26) was held for the children from MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 70" matinee "I love my mother, my dear." In the kind, cozy atmosphere of the reading room, library staff read to the children poems and stories by V. Sukhomlinsky “My Mother Smells of Bread”, A. Yarushnikov “Mother’s Heart”, A. Barto “The Helper”, V. Lunin “Mother”. And then the children happily recited poems by heart: V. Berestov’s “Feast of Mothers”, E. Uspensky’s “If I were a Girl...”, E. Blaginina’s “Let’s Sit in Silence”, G. Vieru’s “Mother” and I. Maznin’s “Simple word". With great interest, little readers looked at the books presented at the exhibition “Mom, dear mother...”. The “Helping Mom” competition forced girls and boys to work hard: they had to guess the names of cereals for porridge with their eyes closed. Little readers enjoyed taking part in the “Mom’s Riddles” slide quiz. And then we happily made a “Bouquet for Mom” from colored paper, which will be a pleasant surprise for our beloved mom.

IN City Children's Library No. 4(Kalinina St., 102a) congratulated on this day mothers of many children Pervomaisky district and held a holiday for them “You are the only one - beloved and dear.” The librarians told those present that “Mother’s Day” was established by Decree of the President of Russia in 1998, on the last Sunday of November. This is a day to pay tribute to the work of mothers and the selfless sacrifice of women for the benefit of their children. The children especially warmly congratulated their mothers. They sang songs, read poems by E. Blaginina, V. Berestov, Y. Akim and others. Those present took part in a literary quiz. The “Do it yourself house” competition was very fun and interesting, in which both adults and children took part. The event was accompanied by a video presentation “Let there always be a mother!” Also, the guests were presented with a book exhibition “To the Dearest and Beloved”, where the books were presented: “Hurry to do good deeds”, “Poems and stories about mother”, “Favorite holidays”.

And on November 22, employees city ​​children's library No. 4 held a game hour for preschoolers in kindergarten No. 7 “I remember my mother everywhere and always.” The librarians told the children the history of the holiday. Children senior group they recited poems by E. Blaginina and N. Sakonskaya about their mother by heart, and also listened with pleasure to the instructive story of V. Dragunsky “ Tricky way" The children guessed riddles and answered humorous questions. The game “Who's First?” was interesting, where the children showed themselves to be real helpers in household chores. Most of all, each of the children wanted to tell them that their mother was the best. Therefore, passing the heart from hand to hand, the guys named the most nice words, addressed to mothers. And the guys junior group talked about mom while listening to the story of the lion cub from M. Marshall’s book “The Lion Cub Got Lost.” Very worried about him, the guys tried to remember all the tracks and animals in order to help him find his way home. The children really enjoyed portraying all the heroes of this fairy tale. At the end of the event, all the children got acquainted with books that were new to them.

On Tuesday, November 21st, employees city ​​library No. 3(Ushakova St., 2) as part of the “Good Reading” project, they held a literary hour “My mother is the best!” for children from kindergarten No. 124. Librarians told preschoolers about one of the greatest holidays Russia - Mother's Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. The children themselves happily talked about their mothers, about how beautiful, kind, affectionate, caring they are, and came to the conclusion that everyone has the best mother. The guys read poems about their mother, listened to V. Sukhomlinsky’s fairy tale “Seven Daughters” and realized that they need to take care of their mother, help her and say kind words more often. The librarians introduced the young readers to proverbs and sayings about mother, and then asked them to guess several riddles about the things that mother uses. During the event, preschoolers got acquainted with books about mother: “Beloved Mothers” by V. Stepanov, collections of poems about mother “Your Mother”, “Mom’s Holiday”, “Poems for Favorite Holidays”, “Our Dear Mother” by O. Vysotskaya, “Mom’s birthday" G. Lebedeva and others.

Same day for students primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 28, their mothers and grandmothers employees city ​​library No. 4(Krasnova St., 45) held a matinee “The sun is shining on mother’s day!” The library staff congratulated all the guests present on the holiday, talked about its history, noting that from time immemorial in Rus' everyone understood how carefully one should treat the mother - the guardian of the clan, the family, hearth and home. The kids happily read poems by E. Moshkovskaya, V. Borisov, S. Danchenko and others about mothers and grandmothers. The librarians told the kids instructive stories about mothers from the books of V. Oseeva, A. Lotnik, Z. Anisimova. The schoolchildren talked about how difficult it was for their mothers, paid tribute to their work, promised to help with household chores and always say kind words to their mothers. Then the children took part in a competition of riddles and proverbs about mother and her affairs, best compliments for her. The event was accompanied by a video presentation “The globe in the palms of the mother” and the video material “Singing about Mom”, and the meeting ended with a review of books dedicated to the main person in our lives - Mom.

On Thursday, November 23, at city ​​library No. 17(22 5th Vinogradny proezd street) a concert “Thank you, mothers” took place for residents of the Oktyabrsky microdistrict with the participation of the ensemble “Sweet Grove”. The librarians told those present that since ancient times in Russia there has been a special veneration of the Mother of God, reverence for her and a heartfelt attitude towards her as to her beloved mother, who is also an all-powerful intercessor. The librarians' story was accompanied by reading poetry by N.A. Nekrasova, A.S. Pushkina, S.A. Yesenin, Y. Smelyakov and N. Rubtsov. With particular warmth, the audience listened to Russian folk songs, which are passed down from generation to generation and are revered in every Russian family.

Also on this day, employees city ​​children's library No. 8(Kalinina St., 154a) as part of the “Good Reading” project, they held a literary game “All the best in me from my mother” for preschoolers of kindergarten No. 59. The children got acquainted with the traditions of the holiday, learned where it came from in Russia and how it is celebrated in other countries. Together with the librarian, the kids read U. Rajab’s poem “Mommy,” which inspired them to take part in the “Mommy’s Things” competition. And after listening to S. Mikhalkov’s poem “What do you have?”, the children listed all of their mother’s professions. In the “You're the Only One” competition, each child tried to talk about their extraordinary mother, saying as many kind words addressed to her as possible. From the story “Au” by L. Panteleev, the kids understood how important it is for every person mother's love, care and constant readiness to help. And after listening to E. Blaginina’s poem “Let’s Sit in Silence,” the children talked for a long time about how they help their parents with household chores. At the end of the event, the children memorized G. Viera’s quatrain “Mom”, with which they wanted to congratulate their mothers on the holiday. The event ended with a viewing of the book exhibition “If Mom is Near,” which presented the books by S. Georgievskaya “Galina’s Mom,” L. Voronkova’s “What Would Mom Say?”, B. Emelyanov’s “Stories About Mom,” I. Pankin’s “Legends of mothers”, E. Blaginina “This is such a mother” and others.

November 23 at City Library No. 7 named after A.I. Kuprina(Tokarnaya St., 18) an evening of poetic mood “Childhood begins with a mother’s smile” was held. From the librarian's story, 4th grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 60 learned the story have a wonderful holiday- Mother's Day. With the help of a slide show, children got acquainted with the best works created by composers and artists about their mother. Then the guys listened to and discussed D. Kedrin’s poem “Heart”. G. Vieru “Mom, why?”, E. Moshkovskaya “The Difficult Path”. In conclusion, the children were able to demonstrate their ability to expressively read unfamiliar poems by participating in “Literary Blind Man's Bluff”. The winners of the poetry competition were awarded prizes.

November 24 librarians TsGPB im. V.G. Belinsky(Kirova St., 69) held for older and older children preparatory groups MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 103" biblio program "Our mothers are the best!" Preschoolers read poems about their mother, participated in the game “Big Laundry”, answered questions from the quizzes “Mom’s Fairy Tales”, “I Cook with My Mother”, “Mom’s Professions”, and also assembled a family portrait with their beloved mother from puzzles. At the end of the meeting, the librarians introduced the children to books about their mother.

On the same day in City Library No. 13 named after N.A. Nekrasova (Chaadaeva St., 89) a family holiday “Mom is the main word in every destiny” was held. The holiday was prepared jointly with the Center social assistance families and children of the Zheleznodorozhny district and volunteers of school No. 10. Families of residents of the Zheleznodorozhny district gathered in a cozy reading room. Warm and heartfelt congratulations were addressed to them by the head of the administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district O. Denisov, the director of the CSPS and D of the Zheleznodorozhny district E.V. Simagina, the assistant to the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region V.N. Supikova S.V. Timofeev. Guests of the holiday got acquainted with the book exhibition “The Dearest Person”, which presented publications of the best Russian writers, such as: M. Alekseev “The Uncrying Willow”, V. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”, V. Panova “Evdokia”, Ch. Aitmatov “Mother’s Field” ", dedicated to selfless maternal feats. At the festival during the literary - musical composition“Mother Gave the World” featured poems about the mother of favorite Russian poets: A. Mezhirov, A. Dementyev, N. Rubtsov, A. Fatyanov, A. Yashin. Volunteers from school No. 10 presented the mothers with dance and musical performances. The holiday ended with a fun family competition program, in which both mothers and children took part with pleasure.

November 26 at City Children's Library No. 2 (Glazunova St., 1) a family holiday “The sweetest, most beloved” was held. The participants of the holiday were 3rd grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 63 with their mothers and grandmothers, as well as the most active readers of the library. The event was fun and lively. The children sang kind songs, funny ditties and touching poems about their mother. The holiday was accompanied by games and quizzes, in which Active participation children and adults. Accompanied by cheerful melodies, the children and their mothers unanimously participated in competitions: “My mother is the best,” “Mom’s favorite flower,” “Tender words for mom.” A pleasant surprise for the guests of the holiday was the performance of young violinists under the guidance of the violin teacher of music school No. 7, Alla Viktorovna Mikhaileva. And the holiday ended with the favorite song of many adults and children, “Mama.”

The holiday turned out to be very warm and bright,- notes the head of the library Aristova E.V. - Interaction between the library and family is the most effective way to introduce adults and children to family reading.

Every year in November our country celebrates a holiday to which each of us has a connection - this is All-Russian Mother's Day.

This year, the Central Children's Children's Hospital hosted a whole series of bright, sincere, poetic and cheerful events, at which we all confessed our love for the very best and most beloved of our mothers.

On November 23, students of grade 4b of school 18 gathered in the library for the poetry festival “The sweetest, most beloved” for the sake of the closest people in the world.

There is no more sacred word in the world than “mother”. For any of us: a child, a teenager, a graying adult - mother is the most precious person in the world, she gave us the most valuable thing - life!

From generation to generation, people pass on kind, affectionate words about their mother. The guys remembered many proverbs and sayings about maternal love.

Every little girl has a mother inside her. And every mother was once a little girl. And how many kind words can be said about mother’s mothers, that is, grandmothers. Our grandmothers are not only skillful and affectionate, they are very, very caring. Many of them meet their grandchildren at school and accompany them home. They even prepare homework with their grandchildren. And, of course, they are always happy about their academic success.

The girls from the class acted out the skit “Three Mothers”, which the children liked, which ended with the words:

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Yes, in fact, this is an instructive conclusion and very important for understanding the special significance and value of mother’s care, affection and attention.

All the students prepared well for the holiday: they wrote essays, drew pictures, and learned poetry. With what love for their mother each child presented their creative work!

On November 28, 2nd grade students from school No. 18 gathered in the reading room for the holiday “There is no better mother in the world!”

“The Song of a Baby Mammoth,” who really, really wants to find his mother, united the children, they sang along with pleasure, and then read poems dedicated to mothers.

The boys actively participated in competitions. The “Journalist” competition gave participants the opportunity to conduct a report “My mother is the most, the most...”, and practical games “My House” showed what invaluable help children can provide to adults in cleaning the house and cooking. The girls and boys willingly did “washing clothes,” peeled potatoes, “caught fish” for fish soup, sorted grains for porridge, etc. The guys were just great, and we hope they will be good helpers for their mothers.

And the holiday ended with the song “Mama,” the favorite song of many adults and children.

On November 29, library employees were invited to big celebration“You are the only one - beloved and dear!” to school number 19. Long-term cooperation connects the Central Children's Library with primary school teacher Galina Aleksandrovna Orlova: joint holidays, dedicated to the Day Mothers, Senior Citizens' Day, and honoring the best readers are included in the golden fund of our library's events. Therefore, library staff readily responded to the proposal to jointly hold this wonderful holiday. Competitive creative tasks for mothers and children were prepared for the event, and to make the meeting memorable for first-graders and their mothers for a long time and attract them to the library, bright medals were made for the most active participants in the event.

The following nominations were determined for the children: “Best Knowledgeable”, “Best Reader”, “Best Erudite”, “Most Attentive”, and mothers were rewarded with medals: “For Reliability”, “For Kindness”, “For Affection”, “For patience”, “For caring”.

At the celebration, songs, poems, and lullabies were sung; the children enjoyed solving riddles and playing games related to mother’s objects, affairs, and worries.

At the end of the holiday, the chief librarian of the Central Children's Library E.N. Neznamova invited children, mothers, grandmothers and school teachers to come to the library for books and to events, because this is a great opportunity to introduce children to Magic world reading and share with them the admiration of joint creativity.