Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 12 minutes


It’s good when you have the opportunity to look after your elderly right at home, without worrying about workplace and other points, but, alas, the reality is that some families are forced to look for a place for the elderly where they can not only look after them, but also provide timely professional medical care.

Where is the best place to look after the elderly, and what do you need to know about boarding schools and nursing homes?

Difficulties and features of caring for older people - what care may be required?

Caring for an elderly person is not just about preparing meals or reading books. This is a whole complex of tasks, sometimes...

Common tasks for a caregiver or relative include:

  1. Implement hygiene procedures(to wash an elderly person or to help wash himself, etc.).
  2. Make sure you take your medications on time.
  3. Take him to the doctor and for procedures.
  4. Buy food and medicine, prepare food and feed if required.
  5. Clean the room and ventilate it.
  6. Wash and iron clothes.
  7. Take an elderly person for a walk.
  8. And so on.

These are purely technical tasks that the relatives themselves usually cope with.

But caring for the elderly also has its own characteristics...

  • It is extremely difficult to accept an elderly person with all his disadvantages, with irritability, with imposed opinions, and even with senile dementia.
  • Memory impairment. An elderly person may not only confuse events from his own past, but also immediately forget current information.
  • Elderly people are vulnerable and touchy, like children. Communication with them requires great tact.
  • Old people often suffer from serious illnesses and sleep disorders.
  • With age, problems with the spine appear, kidney function is impaired, and nocturnal enuresis is not uncommon.
  • Gradual loss of hearing and vision, reaction speed, balance, etc. causes injuries and fractures that do not heal as quickly as in younger people.
  • Old people need a special diet and regular physiotherapy.

Video: Senile dementia and features of caring for the elderly

Caring for the elderly yourself - pros and cons

In Russia, unlike, for example, the USA, it is not customary to “float” old people into a nursing home. The parents who raised and nurtured you are treated with respect, and such sending of old people to a boarding school for the Russian mentality is akin to betrayal.

It is important to note that most often it is not even children, but grandchildren who look after their grandparents, according to statistics.

But the older you get old man, especially since he becomes like a child who needs to be looked after almost around the clock. Often young relatives are simply torn between their lives and the need to help their elderly parents.

The situation becomes difficult and sometimes simply unbearable when mental health problems are added to physical health problems. Old people lose their memory and go nowhere in their slippers; forget to turn off the gas or iron; running naked around the apartment; they act strangely in every possible way, scaring their own great-grandchildren, and so on.

Of course, not every family can handle 24/7 care for an elderly relative—especially if they are starting to feel like a ticking time bomb. Therefore, in cases with mental problems, you have to agree to the option of looking after the elderly in a special institution, where they are always under supervision and will not be able to harm themselves or others.

Few people can afford to quit their job to care for an elderly relative, and not everyone can boast of the necessary medical knowledge, so the only option for people who categorically do not want to leave their elderly in nursing homes is a nurse.

Pros of a caregiver:

  1. A relative is under supervision.
  2. A relative under the supervision of a nurse, if the nurse has the appropriate diploma.
  3. You can regulate the “service package” yourself.
  4. The relative does not suffer from having to move - he remains at home, only under someone else's supervision.


  • Truly professional nurses usually work in private clinics and sanatoriums. It is almost impossible to find a professional employee through advertisements. Finding a caregiver through an agency is the most expensive, but the most reliable.
  • There is a risk of hiring a fraudster.
  • Even with a medical degree/diploma, a nurse will not be able to stop, for example, a diabetic coma or a heart attack.
  • The more responsibilities a nurse has around the house (feeding, washing, walking), the less attention she pays to the patient.
  • Not every young nurse has the patience to communicate with an old man who manages to drive even his own children into hysterics in a couple of hours.
  • Caregivers, as a rule, do not have experience in the rehabilitation of older people after, for example, a stroke. This means that precious time will be wasted and simply missed.


  1. The services of a professional nurse will cost a pretty penny. Sometimes the monthly amount for a nurse’s work exceeds 60-90 thousand rubles.
  2. There is always a stranger in your house.
  3. The elderly relative still remains isolated, because the elderly rarely find a common language with their caregivers.


You need to clearly understand what exactly you want, what exactly your elderly relative needs, and which option will be most useful for him and not for you.

If you do not have the opportunity to personally look after an elderly relative, and you cannot provide him with proper medical care yourself, and your financial capabilities allow you to hire a nurse for 50-60 thousand a month, then, of course, the best option there will be a private boarding house where your relative will feel like in a sanatorium, and not like in a prison.

Social caregiver: if you are far away and your relative is all alone

Free caregivers are not a myth. But their services are only available...

  • Participants of the Second World War.
  • Disabled combatants.
  • Single old people over 80 years old.
  • Single disabled people of the 1st group are over 70 years old.
  • Lonely elderly people who cannot care for themselves.
  • Not lonely elderly people whose relatives are not able to care for them.

It is important to note that an elderly person on the list may still be denied a free nurse if he has active tuberculosis, mental illness, sexually transmitted diseases, or viral infections.

State institutions for caring for the elderly and sick elderly - advantages and disadvantages

The main types of government institutions (there are about 1,500 of them throughout the country) where older people who are unable to care for themselves are admitted:

Boarding house (boarding school, nursing home)

Disabled people of groups 1-2 over 18 years of age live here on a temporary/permanent basis, as well as men over 60 and women over 55 who have lost their independence.

That is, they accept people who cannot live in a family, but who need household and medical care, rehabilitation, food, etc.

Advantages of a state boarding house:

  1. An elderly man under the supervision of professionals.
  2. Medical assistance is provided around the clock.
  3. The client pays himself: about 75% of each payment will be withheld from the old man’s pension.
  4. You can transfer the old man’s apartment to the boarding house as compensation for “survival,” and then the pension will continue to come to his account.
  5. Old people can find activities of interest and even make friends.


  • The boarding house is state supported. That is, the needs of clients will be provided more than modestly, and only the most necessary.
  • It is extremely difficult to place a bedridden elderly patient in a state boarding house (about 20,000 people are on the waiting list in Russia as a whole).
  • Conditions in a state boarding house will not only be spartan: sometimes they become disastrous for the elderly.
  • It is necessary to follow the daily routine adopted in the institution.
  • Most often, several old people live in one room at once.

Mercy departments (boarding home, usually for bedridden patients)

In such departments there are old people who cannot eat on their own, take care of themselves, or perform the simplest everyday activities.

Advantages of the department:

  1. This is where complete patient care is provided.
  2. There is a solid staff of nurses and aides.
  3. The patient is not only cared for, but also treated.
  4. Medicines are provided free of charge.
  5. You can register without waiting in line for a fee.


  • Very humble environment.
  • Difficult registration for boarding school.

Psychoneurological boarding schools

This usually defines older people with mental illness: women over 55 years of age and men over 65 years of age with senile dementia who are officially recognized as incompetent.

Important points:

  1. Psychoneurological boarding schools can provide permanent registration to the patient, but with the permission of the guardianship authorities.
  2. If the patient’s housing is not registered as ownership, then six months after the patient is registered in the institution, his property will go to the state.
  3. The institution will manage the patient's pension. 75% - to the institution, 25% - to the pensioner in the hands or to the account, which is inherited by relatives after his death.
  4. A person can be placed in a boarding school only by a court decision or with the consent of the patient himself.

Private boarding houses for elderly care

Today there are more than 20 thousand elderly Russians on the waiting list for state nursing homes, so private boarding houses are more affordable institutions.

Video: What is a private nursing home?

Advantages of private boarding houses:

  1. No need to wait in line.
  2. The boarding house is more like a sanatorium than a hospital.
  3. You can place the old man in a separate room if he does not want to share it with anyone.
  4. In a good boarding house, old people do not feel abandoned and lonely.
  5. Normal nutrition, treatment, and a wide range of rehabilitation procedures are provided.
  6. Care is provided that not even the most professional and 24-hour nurse can provide.


  • The cost of staying in a private boarding house can exceed 100,000 rubles per month.
  • You need to choose a boarding house very carefully, with an excellent reputation, the possibility of access at any time, checks, etc., so as not to later find your relative tied to a bed in his own excrement and bruises.

How to choose the right institutions for caring for elderly sick parents - all selection criteria and requirements for the institution

When choosing an institution where your elderly relative will be looked after, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Accommodations: Will it be convenient for an elderly person to stay in a boarding house/boarding school? Are there ramps, special beds, are there no thresholds in doors and showers, are there handrails in corridors and bathrooms, what do they feed the elderly, etc.
  2. Is medical assistance available 24/7? whether there is a therapist and what doctors are on staff on a permanent basis.
  3. Is there a landscaped area for walking? , are there any group activities, concerts, etc. – How exactly is the leisure time of the elderly organized?
  4. What's included in the price? We carefully read the contract.
  5. Have conditions been created for rehabilitation and recovery after surgery? . The presence of rehabilitation programs is one of the “quality marks” of such institutions.
  6. Is it possible to visit a relative at any time?

    Psychologist with experience practical work in social psychology-pedagogy for more than three years. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and way of life. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all areas of our lives.

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The duties of a nurse are not limited to simply monitoring the client’s relative. If necessary, a nurse service " Social support»helps the sick person at home in the following ways:

  • gives IVs and injections;
  • feeds, waters, monitors medication regimen;
  • takes care of hygiene;
  • cleans, cooks, goes shopping;
  • gives massage and periodically changes the position of the bedridden patient;
  • pays attention to the general condition and mood;
  • communicates and can fully replace friendly communication for an elderly person.

Live-in care for the elderly

Grandparents' relatives usually work and devote the rest of their time to their family. It is not always possible to provide constant care for the elderly at home. In addition, a sick or old person may live alone. In such a situation, the rest of the family members usually do not want to move into one apartment.

They can be understood - it is emotionally difficult to see how a loved one gradually leaves. In addition, this is accompanied by psychological, everyday and hygienic inconveniences for the family - you need to help the sick or elderly relieve themselves, wash their things, spoon feed them. For a family, such a situation is stressful and can lead to internal discord. A good solution is to invite a live-in caregiver to care for the elderly.

Specially trained and stress-resistant employees of “Social Support” constantly live with the elderly person, providing care and helping him. Caregivers understand that the person in their care needs not only a diet and medication regimen, but also emotional stability and a general sense of comfort. Our employees are modest, gentle and pleasant to talk to, while being well-versed from a medical point of view and not at a loss in cases of unforeseen complications in a sick elderly person.

When care to a loved one provided for, the whole family has the opportunity to work and study in peace, from time to time visiting a beloved relative who is under the sensitive care of a nurse caring for elderly people at home.

Features of caring for pensioners at home

Care for the elderly in Moscow and the Moscow region is provided by the social support agency. His staff includes many nurses who have knowledge in the fields of medicine and psychology, sociology and social pedagogy. Next to your close relative around the clock there is an attentive and efficient person who knows what the elderly ward needs for the most comfortable stay.

Nursing services for elderly people

A nurse provides care for the elderly in Moscow, takes care of the physical and psychological health of an elderly person, and therefore provides various types of services:

  • helps the client drink and eat;
  • gives IVs, enemas, injections, gives medications;
  • conducts physical therapy classes or does massage;
  • helps with natural functions;
  • changes clothes and bedding;
  • keeps the home clean;
  • goes grocery shopping, pays bills;
  • calls a doctor, provides first aid in critical conditions;
  • communicates, plays various games to concentrate attention and preserve memory.

If you are looking for a caregiver to care for the elderly in Moscow, we recommend contacting the Social Support service. We guarantee that your loved one will be under qualified supervision. In addition, when selecting people for our staff, we are guided not only by their professional skills, but also human qualities. The students feel cared for and treated kindly.

Lately, in our country, you can often find lonely old people.

Having lived a long and difficult life, they are forced to take care of themselves.

And by the age of eighty, many of them find it very difficult to even find the strength to go to the pharmacy.

Some of them have no relatives, while others are simply shamelessly abandoned by loved ones.

It’s sad to watch how old people, having hardly stood in line at the store, have a hard time walking home with frequent breaks. This is where it arises how to arrange care for an elderly person, and most importantly, who can do it.

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Who can obtain guardianship

Any person who has reached the age of majority and does not have a job can be a guardian of an elderly person. Also, they should not be registered with the employment center.

Therefore, you can take custody of:

  • mother or father
  • other relatives
  • complete strangers

In the latter option, a notarial agreement of relatives for guardianship of a loved one will be required.

Important! The official guardian does not acquire inheritance rights and does not have the right to dispose of other people's property. Guardianship is a voluntary action.

The ward has the right to independently decide to whom to transfer his property. Even if guardianship is granted to a relative, a number of procedures are required to be completed by competent authorities. Registration takes place at the pension fund at the place of residence of the ward.

The guardian is paid compensation by law for caring for a pensioner. Currently it is one thousand two hundred rubles.

The amount is not large, but a person has the right to take custody of several pensioners, then his income will be calculated in proportion to the number of wards. But the payment of such benefits has one peculiarity.

This money is paid to the elderly person along with his pension. And he already transfers compensation to the guardian.


Any person can take out guardianship in the form of patronage over a pensioner, but subject to the following:

  • The person under guardianship does not have any mental disorders. In case of such diseases, it is only necessary to obtain full guardianship over the person. Accordingly, with the presence of a court decision.
  • Patronage care must be formalized with the consent of both parties: the pensioner and the candidate for guardianship.
  • It is impossible to appoint an employee of the body as a guardian social protection who simply provides help with housework.
  • Drawing up an agreement between the pensioner and the person providing guardianship. The rights and responsibilities of the assistant are based on this.

It is possible to arrange guardianship in the form of patronage over a disabled person. But if his illness is not associated with mental disorders.

For full guardianship the following conditions must be met:

  • An elderly person is not able to take care of himself.
  • The person under guardianship has a mental disorder.
  • A court decision, with a certificate from a medical institution indicating the presence of mental illness or other.

Thus, an elderly person can be granted full guardianship or... Each of which occurs under certain above-mentioned conditions.


The list of documentation directly depends on the type of guardianship being formalized. For patronage, you need to collect the following papers:

  • Passport of the intended guardian.
  • Statements from both parties: the pensioner and the person providing guardianship.
  • Special act of inspection of the home of an elderly person's assistant.
  • Medical document indicating health status.
  • A conclusion from a medical organization confirming the frailty of the old man.
  • Documentary reference from the guardian’s place of employment, if present.
  • Extracts from house books of the place of residence of both parties.
  • Documentary evidence of permanent registration of the pensioner and guardian.

When guardianship is issued for a stranger, you must additionally provide notarized consent to the guardianship of all family members.

Sometimes a guardianship authority specialist may request additional certificates from the intended guardian confirming his normal mental state and the absence of drug and alcohol addictions.

In case of registration of full guardianship, the following documents are additionally required:

  • A document indicating no criminal record.
  • Characteristics of neighbors at the place of residence.
  • A certificate indicating the income of the guardian.
  • A court document confirming the fact of incapacity of an elderly person.

If all the papers are collected and in order, you can go to the appropriate authority to register guardianship.

Where should I go to apply for guardianship?

Where and how to arrange care for an elderly person over 80 years of age in Russia? To officially obtain the status of a guardian, you need to go to the authorities. As for payments for a pensioner, they are made by the pension fund together with the pension of the person under guardianship on a monthly basis.

The time for making a decision on awarding compensation for a warded pensioner is about ten days from the date of submission of the package of papers.

Sometimes, some documents contain errors. To correct them, the guardian is given 3 months by law.

In what cases can guardianship be refused?

In some cases, guardianship authorities may deny the opportunity to care for an elderly person:

  • The guardian has alcohol or drug addiction.
  • The presence of serious illnesses in the caregiver. Such as: tuberculosis or AIDS.
  • Lack of characteristics from the place of work or permanent residence.
  • If there is no notarized consent of close relatives for guardianship.
  • When there is no consent of the pensioner himself. Guardianship can only be granted if the elderly person wishes it himself.
  • If the guardian has a criminal record.

Lack of residential property registered in the name of the guardian. The room must be spacious and satisfy all sanitary and technical requirements. For this purpose, a special act is drawn up.

The proposed assistant has no debt on utility bills. This fact must be confirmed by a corresponding certificate from the housing office or MFC.

If the decision of the guardianship authority is negative, the candidate for assistant to the pensioner must be informed of the decision within 5 working days. The notice describes in detail all the reasons for the refusal of the authorized authority.

Important points

Patronage is usually granted to such people. But only if the pensioner is not declared incompetent. Such guardianship gives the assistant a chance to qualify for benefits from the Social Insurance Fund.

Only in this case, the guardian should not have official employment. Otherwise, no compensation will be awarded to him.

Therefore, when applying for patronage, you will have to provide a work book and a certificate from the employment center stating that the candidate for guardianship is not officially recognized as unemployed, and therefore does not have a job.

Candidates for guardians often wonder how to arrange care for an elderly person during retirement? The time spent caring for a pensioner over 80 years of age is counted towards the total seniority.

How to apply for benefits for caring for a pensioner is presented in the video:

Submit your question in the form below


Upon reaching the age of 80, people receive additional financial assistance from the state every month. This is not only an increase in the fixed part of the pension and an expansion of the benefits package, but also the appointment of a cash payment for care. This pensioner care benefit is given to a person caring for an elderly person. Who can count on such financial support and what is needed to start receiving it?

What is caring for a pensioner over 80 years of age?

As old age approaches, it becomes more difficult for any elderly person to take care of himself in everyday life. If the situation is aggravated by illness, the situation is even more difficult. In this case, outside support from other people is constantly required. Old people, as a rule, receive free help from their relatives. Not everyone is aware that for persons 80 years of age and older, the state provides the opportunity to receive assistance from other citizens, which is paid for by the Pension Fund.

The compensation is paid monthly along with the pension. In the circumstance that the payment is due to the caregiver, the amount is received by the disabled person who needs help. Upon receipt of funds, the elderly person independently pays the citizen caring for him. Not everyone can pay for caring for an elderly person over 80 years of age. Russians who do not work and do not receive benefits as unemployed, but are able to work according to pension legislation, can count on compensation.

For care, family ties and living together do not play a role. Strangers have the right to look after the elderly and receive payment for it. The category of disabled persons entitled to financial assistance from the state includes:

  • disabled people of group I;
  • pensioners recognized by the medical commission as requiring constant care;
  • citizens 80 years of age and older.

What duties must be performed to care for a pensioner?

Helping the elderly is not only a troublesome task, it is an even greater responsibility and hard work. Patronage of an elderly person over 80 years of age implies the organization of meals, household, household and hygienic services by a person who has voluntarily taken on such work. Different disabled people require different types of help depending on their health status. Some lonely people need more human attention, help with cleaning and buying groceries, others need support at a different level.

Often, pensioners draw up contracts with their assistants, which spell out the responsibilities and scope of assistance. Receipt of monetary compensation is accompanied by the performance of duties:

  • pay bills (utility, tax, etc.) from the ward’s own funds;
  • buy necessary products, clothes, shoes, hygiene items;
  • help with everyday matters (cleaning the premises, personal hygiene procedures);
  • buy prescribed medications and ensure they are taken on time;
  • Cook;
  • regularly measure biomarkers - indications that require monitoring (pressure, blood sugar, temperature, heart rate);
  • send and receive correspondence.

Current legislation does not introduce a definition of the concept of “guardianship of an elderly person with the right to inherit his property.” This means that automatic inheritance of the ward’s housing by the person caring for him is not expected. If an elderly pensioner independently decides to leave his property (part of it) to an able-bodied assistant as an inheritance, then it is necessary to write a will.

Compensation payment for caring for disabled citizens

For caring for elderly people over 80 years of age, compensation of 1200 rubles is paid. The amount is established by the President by Decree No. 175 of February 26, 2013. The money is transferred to the assistant by an elderly person. The amount of compensation increases by the regional coefficient at the place of residence of the pensioner. Payments are provided for each ward person. So, if a citizen helps two pensioners, the monthly amount will be double the amount of 1200 rubles, that is, 2400 rubles.

The amount is not so large and mostly family members receive payments for caring for a relative over 80 years of age. Indexation for this type of benefit is not provided for by law. The application of the regional coefficient corresponds to the indicator that is used to increase pensions for residents of the territories:

  • the Far North and regions equated to it;
  • with a difficult climate;
  • others – where additional costs (financial, physical) are needed to ensure normal life.

Requirements for a caregiver

Registration of care for a pensioner over 80 years of age is possible if specific conditions are met. The state requirements for a person caring for an elderly citizen are:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent residence in Russia;
  • ability to work under pension legislation;
  • lack of income from labor and entrepreneurial activities (no transfers of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, no registered individual entrepreneur status);
  • absence of registration as unemployed in the employment service with payment of unemployment benefits.

Any entrepreneurial activity of the guardian (for example, lawyer, security) is regarded as work if he has a valid individual entrepreneur status, even if the non-working entrepreneur temporarily has no income at the time of receiving payments. Students/pupils can receive compensation, since study is not included in the work (insurance) period, and student scholarships are not counted as income.

In addition to students, payments can be received by housewives and women who, while on maternity leave, receive benefits from social security authorities, since the employer does not maintain a job for them. The age limit for citizens caring for the elderly is legally limited. This opportunity is available to Russians who are already fourteen years old. For such a group of young people, it will be necessary to confirm the consent of the parents and the guardianship and trusteeship authority for the provision of such a service.

How to arrange care for an elderly person

Caring for a grandparent over 80 years of age involves a simple registration procedure. Helping the elderly and disabled requires a certain psychological endurance and skills, representing self-sacrifice to the detriment of one’s interests. When appointing an assistant, preference is usually given to relatives and friends. To begin the procedure, the ward gives the person caring for him written consent to receive and pay for such assistance.

Afterwards, the potential assistant needs to contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund with an application, which can be submitted in person or remotely through the State Services Portal. Attached to the application Required documents. The entire package is accepted by a fund specialist, who is obliged to issue an official receipt indicating that he has accepted the documents for consideration.

List of documents

To assign an additional payment, you need to collect documents (originals) and prepare photocopies of them according to the list. Documents are submitted from a citizen who is going to care for an elderly person:

  1. Application for compensation.
  2. Passport/Birth Certificate.
  3. Work record book/Certificate from the educational institution indicating the expected time of graduation.
  4. Certificate from the employment service confirming the absence of unemployment benefits.
  5. Confirmation of absence of entrepreneurial activity (certificate from the tax authority).
  6. Written parental consent/permission from guardianship authorities (for Russians 14-16 years old).

Documents from a person who requires the help of an outsider are also needed:

  1. Passport.
  2. Consent from the sponsored pensioner for a specific person, indicating the full name and passport information of both.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Extract from the medical and social examination report on disability.
  6. Certificate from a medical institution regarding the need for constant supervision (for a pensioner under 80 years old).

Applications for payment processing

A sample application will be provided to you by the Pension Fund, or you can download it from the official website of the Pension Fund. The application for payment of compensation from the caring person must contain the following information:

  • name of the local body of the Pension Fund;
  • about the applicant - SNILS number, citizenship, passport data (series, number, date of issue, also date, place of birth), registration and actual residence, telephone number;
  • indication of the applicant’s employment status – the person does not work, does not receive benefits/pensions;
  • date of commencement of care for the citizen, indicating his full name and circumstances requiring constant supervision - age/disability/as indicated by the medical institution;
  • a request for compensation with reference to the instructions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 No. 1455;
  • familiarization with the warning about the need to notify the Pension Fund of the occurrence of circumstances under which payments are terminated;
  • a list of attached documents;
  • date of completion, signature and its transcript.

Ten working days are allotted for review of the submitted documentation package. If the application is rejected, the Pension Fund must notify the applicant no later than five days after the decision is made, explaining the reason for the negative result and the procedure for appealing the decision. Three months are given to submit missing required certificates and documents. The month of acceptance is considered the month of application. Payments are assigned from the month when the documents were transferred, but not before the grounds for compensation arise.

Where to submit

The documentation required to process a refund can be sent through the official website of government services or transferred to Pension Fund(territorial office) in person. For personal treatment, it is possible to make an appointment in advance via the Internet, which saves time by avoiding queues. The benefit is assigned by the branch of the Pension Fund, which accrues a pension to the elderly person.

If you are caring for several elderly people, you need to contact the departments responsible for pension payments each person under care. When a person under his or her care changes his/her place of residence, the caregiver will have to submit an application to another department corresponding to the new address. It may be necessary to resubmit the package of papers.

Is there any experience in caring for the elderly?

The time spent by an able-bodied person caring for someone who has reached 80 years of age is taken into account in general experience necessary for applying for a pension. It should be noted that experience in caring for the elderly over 80 years of age is subject to credit if this period is preceded or followed by a working period of any duration. The pension coefficient is calculated at the rate of 1.8 points per year of such supervision and does not depend on the number of wards. The specified conditions are legally established by the Laws:

  • "ABOUT labor pensions in the Russian Federation" No. 173-FZ, articles 11 and 30;
  • “On insurance pensions” No. 400-FZ, article 12.

It is important to consider: such insurance experience only determines the right to pension provision, the time of care is not included in the calculation of the pension amount. Law No. 18-FZ, which determines the allocation of federal funds for specific pension payments, provides for reimbursement to the future pensioner of the transfer of insurance contributions during this time. The compensation amount for non-insurance periods included in is determined individually in each case.

Reasons for terminating old-age care benefits

Payment of compensation is terminated for certain reasons, not limited to the cause of death of one of the persons. If situations arise (listed below), the caregiver must immediately report the circumstances to the Pension Fund. Sometimes people just forget about it. Such irresponsible forgetfulness leads to improper payment of amounts, which is fraught with the formation of debt to the state. Five days are allowed for notification. You can choose the sending method in the same way as when submitting an application - in person or remotely.

Payments stop if:

  1. Receiving compensation:
    • got a job;
    • registered at the labor exchange and receives benefits as an unemployed person;
    • performed his duties in bad faith, which is confirmed by a statement from the sponsored pensioner or the results of an audit by PF employees;
    • he himself decided to abandon his duties;
    • started receiving a pension;
    • called up to serve in the army.
  2. Ward:
    • lost group I disability due to a revision of the previously assigned group;
    • left the country and was deregistered;
    • sent for permanent residence to a state social service institution;
    • died.


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Caring for a pensioner over 80 years of age: documents for registration

Anonymous 841

How to apply for payment of benefits for caring for a pensioner over 80 years of age

3 days Answer

Next most interesting question came to our editorial office: “Tell me, how much do they pay and is the total length of service required for care (guardianship/patronage) for elderly people over 80 years of age?”

As a person ages, it becomes increasingly difficult to resist the challenges of modern life. If in a socialist state the retirement period was not always perceived as a “well-deserved rest,” although it was called that way, then in the harsh modern realities, older people feel especially unprotected.

For them, a period of life comes when it is difficult to take care of themselves even in everyday life, and then there are diseases that occur more often and are more difficult to endure. In such a situation, it becomes impossible to do without outside help.

The state has provided the opportunity for persons over 80 years of age to receive such assistance from other citizens. This assistance was expressed in the provision of compensation for care (CLP) for an elderly disabled person. This money is allocated along with due pension someone who needs care.

The allocation of money is made by the Pension Fund of Russia if there is an able-bodied citizen who is ready to care for an old person who is 80 years old or older.

Anyone can care for an elderly pensioner. But in order to use the KVU, you must comply certain conditions:

  • be an able-bodied citizen who is not working;
  • not receive pensions and not be registered with the employment service, that is, not be listed as unemployed.

It does not matter whether the trustee is a relative or a stranger; whether he lives with the person under his guardianship under the same roof or just comes to help.

If a person is recognized as capable and does not work, he can also take care of the elderly. Students and students can count on receiving a KVU, since studying is not considered work, and the presence of a scholarship is not taken into account.

At the same time, from the point of view of the possibility of providing a CLC, entrepreneurial activity (IE) or other activity formalized through an employment or civil law contract - lawyer, security guard and other similar activities - is considered as work.

For example, if a citizen, being an entrepreneur, is temporarily unemployed, then when caring for an elderly relative, he cannot count on the HLC. When he loses his status as an individual entrepreneur - then please.

Let’s say that there was a person who agreed to care for the old man and received the right to CWU. The courtship process has begun and continues well. It can be interrupted by newly arising circumstances of the following nature.

  1. One of the two dies, the caregiver or the ward. This is the natural ending of a relationship.
  2. The ward is not satisfied with the way he is being cared for, and writes a statement to the guardianship authorities about this. After the inspection, an act is drawn up, and payments to the trustee are stopped.
  3. The ward is placed in a hospital, municipal or state. Now he will be looked after there, and the KVU will have nothing to pay the former trustee for.
  4. The trustee retires, or receives unemployed status, or, conversely, gets an official job.

In this case, he is obliged to inform the guardianship authorities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within 5 days that his status has changed and he has lost the right to receive a KVU. If he does not do this, then the illegally obtained money will be collected from him and sent back to the treasury.

Persons wishing to care for an elderly person are required to prepare the following package of documents:

  • a passport certifying the fact that the person is an able-bodied citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work record book, which shows that the proposed guardian is not employed;
  • own statement of intention to care for the ward;
  • a certificate from the local Pension Fund stating that he is not entitled to a pension and payments are not being made;
  • a certificate from the employment agency stating that he is not listed as unemployed.

The package must also contain documents from the ward:

  • his passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation and work book;
  • a statement of consent to receive care from the proposed guardian, duly executed;
  • a document on a medical examination of the ward, confirming the fact of his need for outside care; If the person under guardianship is over 80 years old, then such a certificate is not required.

The decision to appoint a CLC (or refusal) is made at the local Pension Fund office within 5 days, counting from the submission of documents (if the package is incomplete, then the date for receiving documents is postponed until the complete set is reached).

The money must be paid in the same month when a positive decision is made.

Pensioners who have reached 80 years of age cannot always count on outside help. If a person after 80 years of age has the status of an individual entrepreneur, or, for example, teaches at an educational institution, then he is considered able to work and is not required to take care of him.

KVU is compensation for able-bodied persons who are not working and spend their time and effort caring for an old, disabled person. This subsidy is paid by the state from its own funds, and today its amount is 1200 rubles.

KVU is relied upon for each ward, and if a person takes care of two pensioners or disabled pensioners after 80 years of age, then he receives 1,200 x 2 = 2,400 rubles monthly.

In addition, the KVU is subject to increase at the expense of the regional coefficient in those regions in which such a coefficient is applied, including to pensions. For example, in the Tyumen region, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, such a coefficient applies, it is equal to 1.6, in Altai or Transbaikalia - 1.4. Accordingly, KVU = 1920 (1200 x 1.6) and 1680.

Indexation for KVU is not provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The amount of 1,200 rubles, of course, cannot be enough to cover all care problems. But this is an additional payment to a pension, financial assistance from the state, in case there is a kind soul who wants to help a pensioner overcome, at least partially, the discomfort of old age.

If such a kind soul is not found, and the pensioner still needs care, then the state can provide him with care from social services, completely free. This right is guaranteed to the pensioner.

A person who wishes to care for an elderly pensioner must clearly understand what his responsibilities will be. These include:

  • providing assistance to the ward in everyday matters and physical care;
  • purchasing food, clothing, hygiene items and everything necessary;
  • payment of utilities, taxes and bills from the funds of the ward, performing necessary monetary transactions in his interests;
  • in all life situations it is necessary to protect the rights of the person under guardianship and protect his interests.

As for financial transactions, the guardian is required to submit a written report to the guardianship authorities annually.

Yes, in accordance with Article 12 of the law “About insurance pensions”. It turns out that KVU, as state support, motivates the trustee not only with money, but also with the opportunity to increase their experience in anticipation future pension.

If care is provided for several pensioners or disabled people over 80 years of age, and there is a spread of dates, then the length of service includes the total period during which care was provided for at least one disabled person.

Years are counted once and point increases are applied once, regardless of how many disabled persons were in the care of the guardian - that is, The fact of leaving is important for the length of service. But the guardian receives money (KVU) for each person under his care.

If you don’t have enough insurance coverage to retire, what should you do? our author.

There is no such thing in the legislation of the Russian Federation as “guardianship of an elderly person with the right to subsequent inheritance of property.”

That is, the guardian will NOT inherit the property of the ward, including housing. But nothing prevents the person under guardianship from leaving some of his property, including housing, to his guardian at his own request.

It's done different ways, for example, by drawing up a will in favor of a guardian, or an annuity agreement. Lonely old people sometimes consider this step as a real opportunity to receive decent care in old age.

And for a person who does not have housing or even hope of acquiring it, the chance to inherit an apartment is also extremely tempting, even if he has to devote several years to the unpleasant work of caring for the elderly.

Here the interests of the parties coincide, and, subject to a conscientious attitude towards mutual obligations, both parties will receive what they want.

Unfortunately, there are abuses on both sides, and a pensioner, as a more vulnerable person, often becomes a victim of negligence, or even outright fraud.

But, if we do not touch upon criminal or moral issues, then cooperation between the guardian and the ward, based on the inheritance of housing, can be mutually beneficial.

You just need to formalize everything correctly from a legal point of view, with an agreement and (or) a will, certified by a notary. When drawing up an agreement, you must try to take into account possible risks on both sides and reduce them to the maximum extent.

There are few contracts of this kind, for example, annuities, since each party is afraid of being deceived:

  1. Old people are afraid of the possibility of being left alone with scammers.
  2. Potential renters fear that the burden they will shoulder will be unbearable.

Elderly people often try to conclude a rental agreement not with a private person, but with the state. In this case, care can be received minimally, but guaranteed. Most often this is living in a nursing home, where the elderly are under supervision and medical supervision.


Almost 10% of Russians (more than 12 million) today require care, material and, most importantly, moral support.

Compensation payment should be considered as a type state support own citizens. Disabled citizens receive care, and able-bodied citizens receive work experience. At the same time, a small amount of CTC is not a motive for its dishonest use.

Caring for the elderly comes with many burdens that cannot be compensated for by the small amount of money you can get for it. And the pension authorities have all the powers to check how well the guardians are caring for their wards.

It is expected that caring people who really want to help pensioners, brighten up and make their lonely old age easier, will apply for assistance in caring for the elderly.

Many old people are left alone with her, forgotten by carefree children or not bothering to have them. It’s too late to fix anything; you can only hope that good people will not leave you.

And indeed, such people exist. And the state, for its part, unobtrusively pushes them to choose this path.