Do you want to decorate your home with voluminous snowflakes made from paper with your own hands? New Year? No problem! Our photo tutorials will guide you step-by-step through beautiful holiday decorations.

Now on sale you can find any decorations for the Christmas tree, bright balls, multi-colored garlands. However, if you make toys with your own hands, you can also get aesthetic pleasure from the process.

A simple option for making a three-dimensional snowflake

Despite the fact that paper tears and wrinkles easily, it has many advantages. One of them is that it easily takes any shape. It’s not for nothing that the Japanese believe that the whole world is hidden in a paper square. Psychologists advise doing paper crafts with children, as this has a beneficial effect on their nervous system.

First, let's make the simplest, but such a beautiful three-dimensional snowflake. Let's prepare the following materials: A4 paper, glue and scissors.

Step-by-step making of a volumetric snowflake with your own hands:

  • Fold the sheet in half lengthwise and cut it, then make a diagonal fold and cut off the excess, resulting in 2 squares.

  • Then we bend them 2 more times diagonally and cut out rounded petals on the side where the ordinary sheets are located.

  • In each of them we will cut two more rounded cuts, without finishing it.

  • We lay out the blank and bend the middle petals and glue them to the middle, do this on 4 sides.

  • We will perform the same actions with the second figure.

Step-by-step photos of creating a snowflake
  • We glue the parts together, with the reverse sides, and turn the bottom one 45 degrees, we get a lovely decoration.

Photo: Beautiful New Year's snowflake made of paper

Team snowflake for New Year 2019

New Year's voluminous paper snowflakes look gorgeous if they are made from several types of colored paper. You can take the shiny wrapper that tea is usually sold in.

Let's prepare the following materials:

  • colored paper - 6 squares;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • glue.
Scheme for cutting out a volumetric snowflake
  • Take the first square and draw a line connecting the two corners. Then on one side we draw three triangles, at a distance of 1 cm from each other, without connecting the lines. You can see this more clearly in the diagram.

  • Fold the square in half and make 3 cuts on each side, without finishing them.

Step by step photo
  • Let's expand the figure and first connect the corners of the smallest, inner square and glue them together.

  • Turn the square over and fasten the ends of the next square. We repeat the whole process 2 more times. We received only one detail of the future snowflake.

  • We repeat all the steps from the remaining 5 squares.

  • Then we fasten three parts together, and then from two large parts we make one whole figure.

You can attach a string to a snowflake and hang it on the Christmas tree. If you attach voluminous snowflakes to the ceiling in your office, then at the slightest air movement they will spin, creating the feeling of a snow waltz.

Snowflake in the form of a ball for the New Year 2019

The product looks very beautiful if you make it from wrapping paper on a paper base, you just need to glue it together first. But first, it’s better to practice on plain white paper; scissors and glue will also come in handy during the manufacturing process.

Let's look at the whole process step by step:

  • We cut out 6 squares with a side of 9 cm from a sheet of paper, A4 format, the entire snowflake consists of six identical modules.

  • We take one square and fold it in half, unfold it and make a narrower fold, on the other hand, if you take all 4 sides of the figure with your fingers, you will get a folding bud.

  • We bend each corner of the part by about 8 mm, make 4 notches on the square bent in half, up to the limit line on one side, turn it over and do the same on the other.

  • Having expanded the part, we will see two triangles with transverse sections; we bend the outermost and third strips in reverse side. If you fold it again into a triangle, then two strips will protrude, we try to ensure that they are parallel to each other.

  • Now we bend the triangle to the outer side at the very top, and bend it in half, first in one direction, then in the other, holding it by the corner, we put it back.

  • We repeat the process on the other side.

  • Having unfolded the figure, we see that there are two whole triangles left; carefully, stepping back 6 mm, we make a cut, not reaching the end 1.5 cm on both sides.

  • Then, starting from the center, we make cuts to two points, that is, there is a tick in the middle, we divide it in half. We repeat the same steps on the other side.

  • The result was a rather delicate detail.

  • It is necessary to make 6 such parts, then glue them together.

The result is a gorgeous snowflake ball. You can make it in gold or silver color. It can become the main decoration on the New Year tree.

Video of making a snowflake:

Snowflake star

A beautiful voluminous paper snowflake for the New Year 2019 is easy and simple to make! You can make this product with your own hands and together with children.

Necessary materials:

  • colored paper – 4 sheets;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  • Let's take a sheet of A4 paper and cut it in half lengthwise, do the same with the rest, we will get 8 blanks.

  • Take the first rectangle and fold it in half, then each half in half again. We unfold it, there are 4 long rectangles, first we fold the outer ones in half, and in this form we bend the entire rectangle along its length. Let's repeat the whole process with the remaining blanks.

  • Take a ruler and a pencil and from the center of the narrower side draw lines that form a triangle, but not all the way to the base. On the one hand, it will be about 4 cm from the base, on the other – 7 cm and cut it out.

  • Let's apply the resulting figure to the rest of the blanks and cut out the remaining 7 pieces.
  • We unfold the figure and bend it along its length, coat the outer strip with glue, bend it and glue it together. Let's repeat the process with the remaining parts.

  • Then we glue all the parts, placing them in a stack. Now we coat the last edge with glue, unfold the stack and glue it to the first.

The result was a beautiful and airy snowflake star.

Wicker paper snowflakes

In Soviet times, children enjoyed making snowflakes; flat ones were glued to glass, and three-dimensional ones were hung from the ceiling. Then, for some reason, the fashion for this passed, and purchased products became more popular. How wonderful it is when the well-forgotten old things come back.

Let's make voluminous paper snowflakes with our own hands for the New Year 2019 to decorate your home with original toys.

Schemes and description of the process:

  1. Take a piece of colored paper, for example blue, A4 size, cut it into strips half a centimeter wide, along the long side. One craft requires 20 strips.
  2. We take 10 strips, divide them in half and weave a loose mesh. You should get a figure with a lattice in the center and free ends. Add a little glue to the grille to secure it. Let's do the same with the remaining strips.
  3. Now let's place one figure straight, and the second on it, but with an offset of 45 degrees
  4. Take the 2 outer strips of the lower part, bring them to the top and fasten them with a stapler, above the upper part. Let's repeat this process with all the strips. Turn the workpiece over and repeat all steps. This needs to be done 4 times.

It turns out to be a beautiful three-dimensional snowflake with a wicker square on top.

Corrugated snowflake

Create one for New Year 2019 with your child. When a baby works with paper, he does the same actions with both hands, and this is very useful for the brain and fine motor skills. In addition, it develops hard work and perseverance in the child. You don't need any complicated materials, just paper, scissors, glue and a stapler.

And the diagrams will facilitate the manufacturing process step by step:

  1. Take a standard sheet of paper and cut it in half lengthwise. One half is enough to create 1 snowflake. Fold the sheet like an accordion and staple it in the middle.
  2. We will make cutouts on both sides with scissors; their shape depends on your imagination; these can be openwork petals or geometric shapes.
  3. Then coat one side with glue and glue it to the other. Unfold the snowflake and glue the remaining sides together.


By making different cuts on the sides each time, you can make a whole set of snowflakes that are different from each other. The manufacturing process is very simple, but quite exciting.

Fantasy snowflake for New Year 2019

Interestingly, many centuries ago, Japanese monks were fluent in the origami technique. When they needed to convey a secret message, they wrote it down on a piece of paper and then put it in some kind of figurine. So, only the one to whom the message was addressed was able to unfold it without tearing it.

Let's make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper, showing your imagination; it depends on it what the future work will look like.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • paints and brush;
  • pencil;
  • large button;
  • decorative cord;
  • gypsy needle;
  • sequins, sparkles.

Step-by-step process for making a volumetric snowflake:

  • Take a white sheet of paper and draw 8 petals on it, 6.5 cm wide and 11 cm high. We cut them out and paint them with paints, one or different colors. Since this is a fantasy snowflake, you can make it from old newspapers or wrapping paper.

  • Now, in the same manner, we will make 8 more petals, but only from a different color of paper; we will also need a circle that will serve as the base. You can make it from thick cardboard.

  • Glue the denser petals, in wide parts, to the base of the circle. There should be an eight-pointed, still flat snowflake.

  • Then we roll the thin paper petals into a little bag and glue them into the gaps between the cardboard petals, with the narrow part towards the center.

  • In the middle of the snowflake we sew a button onto a decorative cord, leave its long ends and tie it with a bow.

Decorate the snowflake with sequins and sparkles.

Airy paper snowflake

It is interesting that in the East paper is given a special meaning; it is believed that good paper, can only be done from November to December. In addition, the Japanese characters for paper and deity, despite the fact that they are written differently, sound exactly the same.

Let's make a light and ethereal snowflake from colored paper, prepare glue, scissors and a pencil for this. Incomprehensible moments can be seen in the photo. Let's look at the sequence of actions in more detail:

  • Take a sheet of colored paper and fold it in half along its length, then make an accordion along its width, 1 cm thick.

  • To do this, fold the strip in one direction, turn the sheet over, bend it in the other direction, and so on until the end.

  • Then we unfold and cut the sheet to length.

  • It turned out to be two accordions.

  • We take the first one and with the help a simple pencil we draw a pattern, future snowflakes, for example, thin leaves. Repeat the pattern on the second accordion.

  • Cut out the drawn pattern with scissors.

  • We lay out the halves and glue them together, first on one side, then on the other, as if looping it.

  • Unfold and assemble in the center.

You can glue the center or leave it as is, so the snowflake will be more airy. Lying on the table, it folds easily, and when you take it in your hands, it turns into a garland.

Transparent snowflake

Invite your child to make a simple three-dimensional snowflake for the New Year out of paper with their own hands; time will fly by with this exciting activity.

Necessary materials:

  • A4 colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • glue;
  • bead.

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  • Take a sheet of paper and fold it so that you get a square, cut off what you don’t need with scissors. Fold it diagonally, a triangle comes out, which we fold in half 2 more times.

  • At the end where the ordinary leaves are located, draw a semi-oval with a simple pencil and cut it out, but not completely.

  • Then, at a distance of 1 cm, we cut the same oval line and also do not complete it. And another similar line. Then, on the last line we cut out small triangles, so the snowflake will look more elegant.

  • Then we make curly cuts on the side where the double leaves are located.

  • We unfold the structure, we need to make another one of the same kind. Or you can immediately take 2 sheets of paper and perform all the steps at once. However, you should be aware that the thickness of the paper will increase, and cutting will be a little more difficult. If the procedure is performed for the first time, then it is better not to experiment and perform it 2 times on one sheet.

  • Take the middle petals, bend them towards the center and glue them, you get a small flower in the middle. We repeat the procedure with the second part of the snowflake.

  • Then we glue one part onto the second, with an offset of 45 degrees. Attach a bead to the center of the craft to match the color of the paper.

Such snowflakes can be glued to the walls of the apartment using double-sided tape.

Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake made from stripes

Working with paper is incredibly calming, so if a person feels twitchy and irritated, then it’s time to start making decorations for the New Year 2019. This helps to put your thoughts in order, focusing on the process of creating a home masterpiece. We will need any paper, scissors, ruler and glue.

Photos of beautiful snowflakes

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  1. Take paper and cut 25 strips 1 cm wide and A4 long. To make the snowflake more colorful, use several colors of paper, for example, white, light blue and dark blue.
  2. First take 5 white strips, put them together, measure 21 cm and cut them. Then we will make loops out of them by gluing the ends of each strip together.
  3. Now we take 10 blue stripes, also put them together, measure 17 cm and cut them off. We take one white loop and on the sides of it we make blue loops on both sides, gluing them slightly at an angle. Therefore, for 5 white stripes we need 10 blue stripes.
  4. Let's take 10 blue rays, measure 14.5 cm, and cut off the excess. We take the part with the blue and white loops and now make blue loops on the sides, also slightly inclined.
  5. Now we begin to connect, to do it correctly, you need to take a white sheet of paper and draw on it the lines of a regular five-pointed star. We take the first part, place it on the center line of the beam, lubricate the end with glue, apply the second, combining it with the second beam drawn on paper. We do the same with all the details. It will be impossible to maintain the correct tilt of all parts on your own.

Glue shiny sequins on both sides in the center of the snowflake, New Year's toy ready.

By deciding to make voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands for the New Year 2019, you can not only decorate your apartment, but also have a good time. And if you also call the children for help, you will get a fun, family game that will lift your spirits.

DIY snowflakes are the most affordable and simple New Year’s decoration for your home, school or workplace. You can make them from the most ordinary paper, cutting them out according to ready-made templates and diagrams, which can be found in large quantities on the Internet. You can also make a beautiful snowflake, large and voluminous, or using quilling or origami techniques. Moreover, as a source material, in addition to white paper, newspaper sheets, pages old book or an unnecessary music notebook. Such non-standard material, especially if it is artificially aged with coffee, will give the finished craft a special charm. As for the manufacturing technique, most master classes for New Year's snowflakes are quite simple and can be reproduced even by children, for example, as part of a labor lesson at school. In our article today, we have collected for you a whole selection of original templates and patterns for cutting out beautiful paper snowflakes for adults and children. In addition, here you will find interesting step-by-step master classes with photos of snowflakes, as well as videos with lessons on how to make them yourself.

Simple DIY paper Christmas snowflake 2017 for children, master class

First, we invite you to master a very simple DIY paper Christmas snowflake master class for children. It is so affordable that it is suitable even for kindergarten. To make this simple DIY paper Christmas snowflake for kids, you can use it as a simple white paper, and colored sheets. Thin corrugated paper also works well.

Necessary materials for a simple DIY paper snowflake for children

  • sheet A4
  • scissors
  • felt-tip pens
  • scotch
  • stapler
  • decor (sequins, rhinestones, buttons)

Instructions for a DIY New Year's snowflake master class for children

  1. We cut the sheet into strips 2-3 cm wide and about 15-20 cm long. The number of strips will determine how voluminous the craft will be in the end.
  2. We wrap each strip on a felt-tip pen or marker, securing the edges with paper tape.
  3. Leave the pieces for at least an hour so that they take on a wave-like shape.
  4. We remove the paper strips from the markers and connect them together using a star-shaped stapler.
  5. We decorate the ugly junction with bright sequins, beads or rhinestones. Also, if desired, you can add pieces of New Year's rain or glue confetti. Ready!

Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake 2017 made of paper, master class with photo

Volumetric snowflakes DIY paper projects are considered one of the most complex in terms of technique. However, if you have detailed instructions at hand with step by step photos, as in our next master class, you shouldn’t be afraid of difficulties. We assure you that after the first self-made voluminous snowflake made from paper with your own hands, the remaining copies will “go like clockwork.” See for yourself by following the instructions below.

Necessary materials for making a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands

  • sheet A4
  • scissors
  • tape or glue

Instructions for a master class on DIY 3D paper snowflakes

  1. For the next craft, you will need a rectangular sheet with the following parameters: length - 25 centimeters, width - 18 centimeters.
  2. We bend the lower left corner of the sheet inward, as in the photo below.
  3. Trim off the excess edge to create an isosceles triangle.
  4. Fold the triangle in half.

  5. Using scissors, make two shallow cuts on the tight side of the fold, as in the next photo.
  6. We unfold the workpiece so that we get a diamond with cuts. We connect the inner corners of the central cut together using tape or glue.

    On a note! If you use glue, be sure to additionally secure the workpiece, for example, with a clothespin until it dries completely.

  7. We repeat the procedure with the next edges of the cut, fixing them in the opposite direction with the first workpiece.
  8. We will also fasten the edges of the last cut together, but in the opposite direction.
  9. The result should be the following design.
  10. For one volumetric snowflake you will need from 6 to 8 such blanks. They can be made in different colors to add color to the craft.
  11. Using tape or glue, secure all the blanks according to the template below.

Beautiful large snowflakes 2017 made from paper yourself - step by step with photos

You can and quite easily make a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands for decoration. large sizes. Such decor will certainly attract everyone's attention and will become an interesting interior solution on the eve of the New Year. Learn how to make a beautiful large snowflake out of paper with your own hands step by step from our next master class.

Necessary materials for a large DIY paper snowflake

  • sheet A4
  • Ruler and pencil
  • clothespins
  • New Year's garland, glitter

Instructions for a step-by-step master class on a large beautiful snowflake with your own hands

  1. First you need to cut thin paper strips in the amount of 20 pieces, 10 strips on each side. The longer they are, the larger the finished craft will be. Then we lay out five strips in a row at small intervals, and lay out five others on top using the braided principle.
  2. We turn the resulting workpiece so that it lies in front of us in the form of the letter “X”. Now we connect first the adjacent and then the outer strips and glue them. Secure the top with clothespins until completely dry.
  3. Repeat on each side. As a result, there should be one strip on each side, forming a thin cross.
  4. Leave the workpiece to dry completely for about half an hour. Then we remove the clothespins and move on to the second identical part of the craft.
  5. We connect both parts together by rotating the bottom part of the snowflake 45 degrees. Now the free strips can be secured with the ready-made beams.
  6. We glue them with glue and secure them with clothespins, leaving them to dry completely.
  7. All that remains is to decorate the finished snowflake. This can be done using pieces of New Year's garland and sparkles.

    On a note! Instead of glitter from the store, you can use broken Christmas tree decorations. To do this, you should carefully crush, wrapped in thick fabric, glass toy rolling pin. The resulting crumbs must be mixed with transparent glue and then used to decorate crafts.

    DIY snowflake 2017 from a book for the New Year, step-by-step master class

    In the next step-by-step master class we will make snowflakes for the New Year with our own hands from an old book. This great way inhale new life into its yellowed pages. You can’t call a snowflake from a book for the New Year with your own hands (step-by-step master class below) a simple children’s craft. Small children definitely cannot handle it. This is more of a master class for creative adults who do not perceive making New Year's decorations solely as child's play. On the contrary, they are happy to create beautiful and exclusive decorative elements.

    Necessary materials for a snowflake from a book for the New Year

    • book sheets
    • glitter
    • ruler and pencil
    • scissors
    • fishing line or thick thread

    Instructions for a step-by-step master class on snowflakes from a book for the New Year

    1. First you need to draw book sheets into strips 2 centimeters wide.
    2. For one side you will need 7 such strips: 1 the full length of the page, two 2 centimeters shorter, two more 2 cm shorter than the previous ones, and two strips 6 centimeters shorter than the first.
    3. The longest strip should be folded in half to form a loop, gluing the bottom edges together. On the sides you need to fold the strips shorter, also gluing their lower parts, as in the photo below.
    4. Repeat similar manipulations with the remaining strips and fix them under heavy pressure, for example, a table lamp.
    5. When the workpiece dries, you should additionally secure its edges with thin fishing line. In general, you will need 6-8 such blanks for one snowflake.
    6. Again, cut the book sheet into strips of equal length. Cut and roll into a tight ring, tie with fishing line. The ring can also be additionally coated with transparent glue.
    7. After complete drying, you should proceed to joining the craft. To do this, coat the end of the workpiece tightly with glue and connect it to the ring.

    8. Repeat with each workpiece.
    9. To better fasten the snowflake, coat the outer loops of the adjacent rays of the snowflake with glue.
    10. Small sparkles are suitable as decoration and should be applied to the side edges of the snowflake. You can also use pieces of garland, sequins, and small beads.
    11. Then you need to make a loop from the fishing line so that you can attach the snowflake, for example, to a Christmas tree. Ready!

    DIY paper snowflake for children using origami technique, master class

    The art of origami is multifaceted and complex, but with the right instructions using this technique you can make a fairly simple craft with your own hands, for example, a children's snowflake. True, to be completely frank, the following master class with photos cannot be called made exclusively using the origami technique. In it, for a children's DIY paper snowflake, in addition to the origami technique, you will also use threads and scissors.

    Necessary materials for origami children's snowflakes for the New Year

    • thick colored sheet
    • pencil and ruler
    • needle and thread
    • scissors

    Instructions for a master class on children's snowflakes using the origami technique

    1. To begin, we cut out a strip 5-7 cm wide and about 20 cm long. Using a pencil and ruler, we make notes on every centimeter along the length. We cut out an imitation of a “fence” on top, as shown in the photo. In the middle of the resulting columns we draw small diamonds. Then we mark the middle of each centimeter with dots and pierce them with a thin needle.
    2. Now we take a ruler and place it on top of the first line dividing our “fence” section in half. Carefully bend the workpiece inward, and then remove the ruler and bend it in the opposite direction. We repeat the same with each section. The result should be an accordion, as in the photo below.
    3. We hold the accordion tightly with the fingers of one hand and use scissors to cut out the previously marked diamond shapes in the middle of each section.
    4. We take a needle and thread and carefully thread it through the small holes that we already pierced with the needle two steps ago.

      On a note! The thread needs to be thick so that it holds the finished structure tightly!

    5. When the thread has already passed through all the points, we reinsert it into the first hole to close the structure.
    6. We remove the needle and begin to gradually tighten the thread until a tight ring is formed. We tie the thread into a knot, and place a spool on top of the snowflake to straighten it.
    7. We form a loop from the remaining thread and our children's snowflake is ready! And for those who want to master the pure origami technique for creating snowflakes, we have selected a video tutorial with a step-by-step diagram below.

    Do-it-yourself openwork snowflake using the quilling technique, master class with photos

    Quilling is the real art of weaving amazingly beautiful crafts and cards from simple strips of paper. Using the quilling technique, you can create truly unique openwork snowflakes with your own hands, a direct confirmation of which is our next master class with step-by-step photos. But the most amazing thing is that by swapping individual parts and adding new elements, you can create several different openwork snowflakes with your own hands using the quilling technique according to one general pattern.

    Necessary materials for an openwork snowflake using the quilling technique

    • pencil and ruler
    • scissors
    • glue and brush

    Instructions for a master class on openwork snowflakes using quilling techniques

    1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, you need to draw a sheet. To do this, make 0.5 cm marks along the width of the sheet and draw lines along the entire length. Then we cut out the strips with scissors.
    2. To form the rolls you will need an awl. We wind the strip onto it quite tightly, and then let the roll unravel a little and glue the edge to its base.
    3. The snowflake will be based on one round element and six drop-shaped rolls. To get an element in the form of a drop, you need to lightly squeeze one edge of the round roll with your fingers. We connect the structure with glue.
    4. Now add six eye-shaped rolls to the base. We will also make them from round rolls, but by flattening both edges with our fingers. Glue the “eyes” between the drops according to the template below.
    5. Now we need small rolls, so we fold the standard strip in half and cut it into two parts. From each small strip we twist a small round roll. To begin with, you will need six of these elements.
    6. We glue small rolls along the edges of the elements in the form of a cat's eye.
    7. We roll six standard large rolls.
    8. We glue them to the drop-shaped elements, as shown in the diagram below.
    9. Now we need six square rolls. We will form them from standard round ones, slightly flattening the sides into a square shape.
    10. We glue the squares to the large round elements, having first turned them into the shape of rhombuses.
    11. All that remains is to twist a large round roll according to the standard pattern and glue it to the top of our craft. Let the snowflake dry completely and thread the thread through the large roll. Ready!

    How to cut a New Year's snowflake 2017 from paper with your own hands, diagrams and templates

    The easiest way to make a New Year's snowflake with your own hands is to cut it out of paper according to a ready-made template or diagram. Such simple, but at the same time very beautiful DIY snowflakes are available primarily for children's creativity. However, there are quite complex patterns with which you can make even large and voluminous decorative snowflakes, which in their originality will not be inferior to crafts using the origami or quilling technique. Do you want to know how to cut a beautiful New Year's snowflake out of paper with your own hands? Then you will find a selection of photo templates and patterns for adults and children, as well as video tutorials below.

You can make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper using 1 A4 sheet. The proposed master class will help with this, in which everything is described step by step with photos. We can say that this is a description for beginning craftswomen.

A variety of snowflakes are relevant in winter for the New Year, for kindergarten and school. And for children this is an interesting pastime.

Here's how to do it.

To work you will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue.

How to make a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands - photo step by step:

On a sheet we mark six squares with a side of 9.5 cm. This size is taken so that all the squares fit on one sheet. If desired, the squares can be made larger or smaller (accordingly, the size of the snowflake will be larger or smaller).

We cut out the squares, these are the blanks for the future snowflake.

Fold the square diagonally.

We start making cuts on one side.

We make the cuts at a distance of approximately 1-1.5 cm. It is important not to reach the fold line. In our case, there were 6 cuts.

Expand the square.

Now let's start creating the blank. To do this, take the two bottom strips and glue them together.

After this, we turn the workpiece over to the other side and glue the next strips.

Thus, using glue, we connect all the strips of the square.

We repeat these steps on the remaining five squares. As a result, we get six snowflake blanks.

Now you need to connect them together. Apply a drop of glue to the base of the workpiece and connect it to another. So we glue three elements together.

We connect the remaining three blanks in the same way.

The resulting two elements (each consists of three blanks) are glued together.

Now you know how to make a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands. In this master class you can make snowflakes from paper of any color.

Such a voluminous snowflake will become a decoration for the New Year, which you can make together with your children.

Already at the beginning of December, Christmas mood. The brightly lit streets, shop windows filled with decorations, windows of various institutions and residential buildings remind us of the holiday. The main element of New Year's decorations are voluminous snowflakes, which you can easily make with your own hands at home. Making them helps to lift your spirits and feel the atmosphere of the holiday long before it arrives.

Snowflakes made from paper strips

The most voluminous New Year's decorations are made from paper strips. Making such voluminous snowflakes with your own hands is quite simple, and the result always amazes with its beauty, airiness and fabulousness.

Necessary ​materials and tools

Paper strips are the main material from which volumetric air elements are made New Year's decor. Their width and length depend on the design and diameter of the craft. For small openwork snowflakes, cut strips 5-8 mm wide. For large decorations, the width of the stripes can be up to 20 mm. The choice of paper color depends on the author’s imagination. Classical White color often complemented with a blue, blue, gray, pink palette.

Glue. The most convenient type of glue is a glue stick. But when working with it, you need to carefully monitor the quality of gluing parts. Using PVA glue will make the connection of paper elements stronger and more reliable. To attach decorative elements to paper, you can use any “superglue”.

Scissors and cutting tools. If snowflakes are made in small quantities, then ordinary stationery scissors are suitable for the job. A large number of strips are quite easy to cut stationery knife using a metal ruler.

Decorative elements(beads, rhinestones, sparkles, small paper napkins) are not a mandatory material, but their use will decorate the product and make it more festive and elegant.

Option 1

Small voluminous snowflakes, which can be used as an independent decorative element or part of a composition, can be easily made even by small children by following the instructions step by step.

For work you will need strips of the same width, But different lengths. For one part you need to prepare 5 strips: 1 long (21 cm), 2 strips of 17 cm and 2 strips of 15 cm. The strips can have different colors (for example: white and blue).

From every paper strip the loop is folded, the ends of which are carefully coated with glue and connected. The loops are assembled into a single structure, reminiscent of a leaf in shape. For reliable fixation, the gluing area is secured with a paper clip or clothespin.

One snowflake requires 8-12 identical pieces. The more components a craft has, the more voluminous it will look. The middle of the snowflake can be shaped like a ring or a dense roller. A strip approximately 30 cm long is coated with glue and the desired part is formed from it.

It is better to form a snowflake on a sheet of checkered paper, which will allow you to symmetrically arrange all the elements around the center of the product. To make the craft strong, first connect the leaves together. The middle is coated with glue and placed in the center of the product.

Snowflake in the shape of a five-pointed star

With your own hands, from the five strips used in the previous version, you can assemble a snowflake in the shape of a five-pointed star.

The longest strip is glued together in the form of a loop, securing the ends with glue. Then, with a slight offset, shorter pieces of paper are glued in pairs. The gluing point is fixed with a clothespin.

According to the same scheme, 4 of the same elements are made.

To assemble the product, two round parts with a diameter of 2-3 cm are cut out of white paper. The finished elements are glued to one of them. This structure is fixed with a second circle coated with glue.

Eight-pointed craft

Creating an eight-pointed star snowflake is quite difficult. Recommendations that describe the entire process step by step will help simplify the complex assembly process. To perform this craft, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • strips of white paper(12 pcs.) size 1*25 cm;
  • glue;
  • paper clips;
  • graph paper or a sheet of notebook paper in a square.

Stages of work:

  1. Lay out 6 strips on graph paper, intertwining them with each other. We place three stripes vertically, the rest strictly perpendicular to them. The distance between parallel elements is 1 cm. The strips are temporarily secured to each other with paper clips.
  2. Adjacent side strips are fastened together with glue. They lubricate the ends of the strips, carefully connecting them. The glued strips are shaped like a convex petal. One blank contains 4 petals and 4 free ends.
  3. Finished snowflake consists of two identical blanks. To assemble it, the free ends and petals of both parts are combined and glued together.

Medium-sized crafts can be used to decorate a home, apartment, classroom or small office. Small snowflakes look beautiful on the Christmas tree and as part of garlands.

Decorations for large rooms

Most types of paper snowflakes are suitable for decorating small and medium-sized spaces. But there are schemes that allow you to create paper New Year's attributes for large premises (for example: a gym at a school, an industrial premises, trading floors).

The design of this three-dimensional snowflake is universal. Using it you can make crafts suitable for decorating a Christmas tree, making garlands, decorating windows and walls. Large size decorations are made from sheets of thick paper. To create one large volumetric snowflake you will need:

  • six thick sheets of A3 paper;
  • stationery scissors;
  • stapler;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

The size of the finished product depends on the thickness of the paper. A large snowflake that can be hung in a spacious room should be made from sheets of whatman paper. Since it is difficult to reliably connect parts made of dense material with office glue, the elements will be fastened with a stapler.

Work should begin by cutting out six identical square parts. To do this, combine the short side of the A3 sheet with the long side diagonally, cutting off the excess paper. Each resulting triangle is folded in half.

Using a ruler and a simple pencil, draw lines parallel to the long side of the figure. The distance between them is 1.5 cm. The lines should not reach the common fold line of approximately 1-2 cm.

The workpieces are cut along the drawn lines. To make this process easier, the ends of the triangles are secured with paper clips or clothespins. The shapes should be cut very carefully, ending the movements clearly at the same distance from the fold of the part.

At the next stage, the triangular blank is unfolded. If all previous actions were performed correctly, then the master should have square sheet, which consists of smaller squares.

The ends of the smallest central piece are connected and secured using a stapler. Then the workpiece is turned over and the ends of the next square are connected. This action is repeated with all parts of the workpiece, turning it over after each fastening. The result will be a part that resembles an icicle or petal.

Having made six identical parts, they begin to assemble the craft. At the first stage of assembly, three blanks are connected to each other, which are then fastened together. After this, they are additionally fastened together. When assembling a large volumetric snowflake, it is important reliably connect all its components, therefore, each connection point is fixed with 2-3 staples.

Small 3D snowflakes are made using the same pattern. In this case, you can use office glue to connect the squares in each workpiece. Collect ready-made craft also with a stapler, using smaller staples.

​Large fan version

Making a fan snowflake from paper of any size is very simple. But its execution in a large size has several features. To create a fan snowflake you will need:

  • two sheets of A3 paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife or large scissors;
  • reliable office glue;
  • stapler with small staples;
  • needle and thread.

A sheet of paper on the smaller side is folded like an accordion. The size of one fold is 3 cm. You need to fold 2 such accordions.

The desired pattern is applied to the blanks. In order for the contours on both accordions to be the same, the design is applied according to a specially prepared template. If there is no template, then first mark and cut out one blank. After this, it is used as a template for the second part. You can cut out the outlines of the design with large scissors or a stationery knife.

Each patterned piece is folded in half and stitched at the fold. After this, the two parts are glued together. For reliability, they are fixed with clothespins until they dry completely.

The completely dried craft is carefully straightened. The contact points are fixed using a stapler at 2-3 points.

​Custom Christmas decorations

For those who want to decorate the room more creatively, we can offer several interesting options. Among them there are quite simple crafts and works that require certain skills.

Crafts made using the fashionable quilling technique are distinguished by their lightness and delicacy. Using the details of basic shapes, you can create hundreds of unique snowflakes. They don't have to be one color; for creating beautiful drawing you can use two or three colors of paper strips. Before starting work, it is better for novice craftsmen to draw a diagram of the future craft on a checkered sheet, lay out the parts on it, and only then carefully glue them together.

Many types of snowflakes are quite difficult to make for small children. For them, you can offer to make a New Year's decoration from paper bags. They are made from paper square stickers. You can take identical leaves, but a two-color craft made from bags of different sizes will look more interesting.

6 leaves of white and of blue color roll them into little bags and secure them with glue. Two circles with a diameter of 3 cm are cut out of white paper. The bags are laid out on one of them, placing them with their tails towards the center and alternating large and small blanks. After this, all the parts are glued to the base and fastened on top with another circle coated with glue.

Snowy beauty from bushes

Bushings from toilet paper- great material for many beautiful crafts. The snowflakes made from them are somewhat reminiscent of quilling work.

Paper tubes are cut into rings 5-10 mm (depending on the expected size of the craft).

Draw a diagram of a snowflake on a sheet of paper and lay out the details on it. They can be made in different shapes: round, eye, drop, heart (circle folded in half), rhombus.

Then the parts are glued together.

After the glue has completely dried, the craft can be painted and covered with glitter, secured with hairspray.

used to create a variety of New Year's crafts. There are many types of paper modules: triangular modules, kusudama modules, various variations of flat modules. How to make a paper snowflake using the technique modular origami described in detailed instructions. To work you will need:

  • paper stickers for notes (sizes 10*10 cm and 6*6 cm);
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • decorative decorations.

Modules are made from squares.

The sheet is folded diagonally, carefully aligning the corners. The workpiece is unrolled. The two upper sides are folded towards the center line. The result is a diamond-shaped figure. The lower edges of the rhombus are bent towards the center of the figure. All fold lines are ironed. One module is ready. Using the same scheme, 5 more large elements and 6 small ones are made.

A circle with a diameter of 2 cm is cut out of a sheet of cardboard. Large modules are glued to it one by one, the acute corner of which is placed in the center of the round base. Small modules are placed between large ones and fixed with glue. A decorative element (rhinestone, sequin) is glued to the center of the craft.

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Attention, TODAY only!

What is it difficult to imagine the New Year without? Of course, bezels, Santa Claus, and for us, residents of northern latitudes, it is extremely difficult to imagine the New Year without snow and snowflakes! If you want to truly create New Year's atmosphere in the house, then don’t be lazy and decorate everything around with snowflakes. Snowflakes can be flat or voluminous, carved or not. In addition, it is worth abandoning the stereotype that you can only make a snowflake out of paper. This is not so, and in this article you will find more than 50 master classes on making snowflakes with your own hands from a variety of materials!

Well, do you want to turn your home into a fabulous snowy kingdom? Then let's go!

Paper snowflakes

Simple snowflakes for kids

#1 From paper strips

The simplest paper snowflake that can be made with preschool children. Pre-cut paper strips need to be glued together with a star, and then each strip should be decorated. Anything will be used: felt-tip pens, pencils, stickers, paints, etc.

#2 From handprints

Here is another simple and original way to make a snowflake with children. Cut out 6 handprints from paper. Then you cut out patterns on them, glue them together and decorate.

#3 From twisted paper strips

Here's another simple way to make a snowflake. Screw 6 paper strips onto felt-tip pens and leave for several hours. Then remove them and fasten them together with a stapler. Decorate the center with paper circles. The snowflake is ready!

Snowflake cutouts

When it comes to snowflake crafts, the first thing that comes to mind is cutouts. A white sheet of paper or napkin is folded into a triangle in a special way, and then an intricate pattern is cut out of the triangle. Afterwards the sheet unfolds and we get a patterned snowflake.

Without some experience, carving a truly carved snowflake is quite difficult. Therefore, you can look at our ideas for patterns, and after a few self-cut snowflakes, ideas will come to mind!

Volumetric snowflakes

Volumetric snowflakes look very beautiful, which can be made from plain paper. In terms of production, there is nothing complicated in such a craft. Just follow the master class and everything will work out!

#1 Volumetric geometric snowflake

To make such a snowflake you will need 6 identical paper rectangles. Fold the rectangle in half and make 4 cuts: two long and two short. And then look at the picture.

#2 Snowflake-flower

To make a flower snowflake, prepare 6 strips of paper. Roll each of them into a cone and secure with a stapler. Glue the cones with the tops to the base in the form of a circle, and place a bead in the center. The finished snowflake can be further decorated

#3 Origami

Here is a step-by-step master class on making snowflakes using the origami technique.

#4 Snowflake made from component parts

A voluminous snowflake made from component parts that has won the hearts of millions of people around the world. The craft is very simple to make, but looks very impressive. Try it too!

#5 Snowflake 3D

And another version of an unusual 3D snowflake, which is very simple to make, but looks no less impressive than the previous one.

#6 Snowflake-flower

And here is a step-by-step master class on making a flower snowflake. Watch and repeat.

#7 Snowflake made of stripes

And here is a variant of a voluminous snowflake made of narrow stripes. You will need 10 thin strips of equal length. Now place five strips in front of you on the table, and place the remaining five perpendicularly and thread them in a checkerboard pattern through the first five. The result should be a kind of wicker “rug”. Now we begin to connect the strips that are close to each other. To do this, first lubricate their ends with glue and then carefully fasten them together. As a result, you should get something resembling a leaf. Now, using the same scheme, we make a second snowflake and connect them: we glue the free strips of one snowflake into the petals of the other.

#8 Volumetric snowflake

And another diagram of a three-dimensional snowflake made of paper strips. The manufacturing scheme differs from the previous one only in details: the number of strips and the method of connecting them. All the nuances are clearly visible in the step-by-step master class.

#9 Composite snowflake

And one more MK.

#10 Snowflake medallion

You can make a voluminous snowflake medallion out of paper. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper like an accordion. Then draw a pattern on each accordion element and cut it out. Now the only thing left to do is connect the leaf into a ring and tie it with thread along the bottom edge. The craft is ready!

#11 Volumetric snowflake

And here is a simpler version of the previous snowflake. You can start with this MK, and then complicate it using the top option.

#12 Fluffy snowflake

And finally, a very simple tutorial for making a fluffy snowflake. Fold the sheet of paper according to the standard pattern, trim off the excess and cut the edges into thin strips. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and glue the snowflakes together. Fast and beautiful!

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Felt snowflakes

One of the most favorite materials for crafts among needlewomen is felt. And this choice is very justified. Felt makes cute crafts and toys. By the way, you can make a snowflake out of felt with your own hands. It can be an embroidered blank, a toy in the shape of a snowflake, or you can make a craft in the form Christmas ball with embroidered snowflake. In general, at your discretion.

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Snowflakes made from popsicle sticks

Healthy snowflakes are made from popsicle sticks. This craft is ideal for children's leisure time; older children will find it too easy. I think the essence of making snowflakes from ice cream sticks is clear even without our descriptions. The whole point here is decoration, and you can borrow ideas for decoration from us!

#1 Decor with thread

#2 Sequins, rhinestones and pompoms

#3 Colored tape, cotton balls, stickers

#4 Buttons

#5 Threads, tinsel and sequins

#6 Feathers and sparkles

#7 Giant snowflake made from popsicle sticks

#8 Multi-colored sequins

Snowflakes made of fluffy wire

Unusual snowflakes can be made from fluffy wire. Flexible twigs can be twisted together in different combinations, and the fluffy “coat” makes the craft voluminous, so you can do without additional decoration of the finished product.

#1 Wire only

A beautiful snowflake can only be made from wire. To do this, you will need twigs of different lengths: longer (for the base) and shorter (for decorating the rays). You can come up with your own design, but use our ideas for inspiration!

#2 Wire and beads

Having connected the wires in the shape of a star, put several beads on each beam, and so that they do not fall, twist the end of the wire.

#3 Fluffy wire and crystals

We make a snowflake from fluffy wire. Then we cook saline solution for growing crystals (you can buy ready-made in the store). Next, lower the snowflake into the solution and wait. In a few days, crystals will grow on the snowflake blank. This is such an unusual craft, and also educational.

#4 Fuzzy wire and salt

We assemble a snowflake from fluffy wire, coat the finished product with glue and sprinkle with coarse salt. By the way, you can first mix the salt for the craft with silver or white sparkles, then the snowflake will shimmer in the light, just like a real one.

Snowflakes made from cotton swabs

And here is another option for crafts for creative needlewomen - snowflakes from cotton swabs. When your baby needs to be occupied and there is nothing left for creative materials, it’s time to look for an alternative.

#1 Sticks and stickers

#2 Application

#3 More ideas for snowflake shapes for applique

Snowflakes from drinking straws

You can make a snowflake from drinking straws. The tubes play the role of rays, and you can make additional structural elements from other materials.

#1 Tubes and paper

For example, an additional design element of a snowflake can be made of paper. Cut out two circles, glue tubes to one of them, and cover with the second on top. The top of the circles can be further decorated.

#2 Tubes and pasta

And here is an example of a snowflake made from a tube and pasta. A snowflake is made in the form of an applique. You can come up with combinations of elements in the diagram yourself. By the way, you can safely make such a craft with kids, they will be delighted!

By the way, you can only make snowflakes from pasta. They make great crafts if you get a little creative!

Look more crafts from pasta:

New Year's holidays are approaching, which means it's time to think about creating a festive atmosphere. You don’t have to use store-bought accessories for decoration. It's time to reveal your creative potential and manufacture original crafts with your own hands. If you are one of those people who are creative about once a year, then New Year’s crafts from [...]

Snowflakes from clothespins

If you have unnecessary clothespins in your home that have been hanging around idle for several years, then it's time to give them a new life! On the eve of the New Year holidays, absolutely everything goes into crafts, suitable for snowflakes and clothespins!

#1 Snowflake with bead

You can make such a snowflake from ordinary clothespins, decorated with beads, with your own hands. You need to remove the middle from the clothespins, then reverse side glue the wooden bases together, fold them into a star shape (secured with glue), and then paint and decorate them with beads.

#2 Composite snowflake

And for this craft you will need clothespins of different sizes. Make two snowflakes: a larger one and a smaller one, and then glue them on top of each other with a slight offset, so that the rays of one star are in the spaces between the rays of the other star.

#3 Shiny snowflake

And this snowflake is very similar to the first one, only the method of decoration is different. As you can see, you can decorate a snowflake made from clothespins exclusively with sparkles. It looks very cool and stylish, and most importantly, no one will ever guess that these are ordinary clothespins!

#4 And more ideas on the shape of snowflakes from clothespins

Here are a few ideas for making snowflakes from clothespins: different forms. Take note and give your clothespins a new festive life.

#5 Another way to glue clothespins

If there are only six clothespins, then pay attention to the way they are glued together. It can be useful!

Snowflakes from toilet rolls

Original snowflake crafts can be made from toilet paper rolls. As a rule, the products turn out to be large and quite durable, so such a snowflake will decorate the Christmas tree or interior for many years!

#1 Prefabricated structure

A large snowflake made from ordinary toilet cylinders, decorated with sparkles. Cut the toilet sleeve into rings of the same size. Glue a flower out of six. Glue birds from other rings into each petal and insert one ring at a time between the main petals. After the structure has completely dried, decorate it with sparkles.

#2 A la quilling

Making crafts using the quilling technique is difficult and painstaking work. A beautiful snowflake using the quilling technique can be made from toilet paper cylinders. You will find a step-by-step MK below.

#3 Big snowflake

Here's a big snowflake made from toilet rolls. The bushings are cut into rings of equal sizes, and then glued together in the shape of an asterisk. Ready product can be decorated with paints and sparkles.

#4 Another big snowflake

And another version of a big snowflake. In general, it’s up to you to decide how exactly to glue the rings, in what order and according to what pattern. You can easily come up with your own unique snowflake from toilet paper rolls. Our MKs are designed only to inspire you to come up with cool ideas!

More toilet roll crafts:

The New Year holidays are approaching, there is less and less time left, and there are more and more worries and hassles in preparing for the holiday! It is especially difficult for mothers during these pre-holiday days. Little fidgets are looking forward to the holiday, so mothers have to come up with ideas every day Interesting games and classes. If your imagination no longer works, our cool master classes on making New Year’s crafts from […]

Beaded snowflakes

Difficulties do not frighten real needlewomen, but on the contrary, they provoke and spark interest. Simple crafts snowflakes are for weaklings! A true creator wants complexity and sophistication. If you are one of these people, then you definitely need to make a snowflake from beads!

#1 Snowflake two-color

You can weave snowflakes of the most unusual shapes from beads, but we will start, perhaps, with the simplest one. For training, so to speak. Detailed diagram is outlined below. Explore and try! You can come up with the combination of colors and their order yourself.

#2 Beads and bicones

But here is a slightly more complex design, in which, in addition to beads, beads in the shape of two folded cones are used - bicones. Step by step wizard the class is described below.

#3 Beads and round beads

And here is a snowflake made of round beads in combination with beads. You can choose the color arrangement yourself, and see the picture for a step-by-step scheme for making a snowflake.

#4 Beads and bicones

And here is another pattern for weaving snowflakes from beads. Please note that in addition to beads, this product also contains beads of another shape - bicones. Instead of bicones, you can use round beads, cathedral beads, barrel beads, etc.

#5 Beads, bicone and bugles

To make these snowflakes you will need: beads, bicone and glass beads. Of course, you can use beads of other shapes, but in any case, follow the pattern, then the snowflakes will turn out to be truly curly.

#6 Beads, bicone and round beads

To make such a snowflake you will need not only beads, but also beads of other shapes: round and bicone. Step by step diagram weaving you will find below.

#7 Bead embroidery

You can not only weave with beads, you can also embroider with beads. An excellent example of bead embroidery is a snowflake. You will need a felt flower, each of the petals of which will be embroidered with beads. The center can be decorated with a button, bead or glass bead.

See more bead craft ideas:

On New Year's Eve, craftswomen especially want to create. After all, this holiday is a real storehouse of inspiration, a lot holiday ideas spinning in my head, full of desire to recreate a winter fairy tale. A little craftsmanship and imagination will help bring the festive atmosphere into reality. You can create real masterpieces from small glass beads. In this article we have collected for you more than 50 schemes and master classes [...]

Snowflakes made from wooden corks

Wooden corks can be used as improvised materials for making snowflakes. Although, such an idea more suitable restaurant owners or people who drink a lot of wine! In any case, take note, maybe you will collect corks all year (for example, I collected toilet paper rolls all year :)) in order to make such an unusual craft by next year.

More ideas

The ideas for making snowflakes don’t end there. Do winter craft you can use any available materials, you just need to use your imagination a little and success is guaranteed. Here are some more original ideas for making DIY Snowflake crafts.

#1 Bead applique

A snowflake can be made in the form of a painting. To do this, take plywood of a suitable size and cover it with fabric or tape. Applique a snowflake from beads on top of the finished “canvas”. The craft is ready and looks very impressive!

#2 From candies

Another one original idea for a snowflake - make a craft from candies. For this design you will need New Year's candy canes in the form of a cane. Glue them according to the MK template below. Such a snowflake will not only please the eye, but also the taste buds!

#3 Cotton balls

If you want to do New Year's craft snowflakes with kids, then take note of this master class. By the way, grandparents will appreciate such a gift. For this craft you will need: cotton balls, PVA glue, a sheet of colored paper.

#4 Candy wrappers

This idea is suitable for those with a sweet tooth. There are still benefits from sweets! You can make wonderful snowflakes from wrappers. The wrapper needs to be folded in four and then cut out into an intricate pattern. You can decorate your interior, Christmas tree, and even gifts with these snowflakes.

#5 Plastic bottles

Well, this idea will fit perfectly into the interior of those who care about the environment. From plastic bottles you can make wonderful snowflakes that will become an excellent element of New Year's decor. Cut off the bottom and paint it with paints. The snowflakes are ready, and most importantly, the bottles do not pollute environment and pleasing to the eye!

#6 Crispy sticks

Who didn't eat snowflakes as a child? I think there are no such people! Well, since the kids eat them anyway, we need to make some delicious snowflakes for them! You will need crispy sticks (salted or unsalted), white chocolate and decorative sprinkles.

#7 Mosaic details

It's hard to find a child who doesn't have a mosaic. And it’s even more difficult to find a child who has all the details in the mosaic. They are always going somewhere. Well, if you have a set in which there are not enough parts and assembling the picture is not interesting, do not rush to throw it away. From the remaining parts you can make a New Year's snowflake. Well, shall we create?

#8 Thread and paper plate

You can also make snowflakes from ordinary paper or plastic plates. By the way, even kids can cope with such a craft, but mother’s help will, of course, be needed. You will find a step-by-step MK below.

#9 Salty dough

Another available material from which you can make a snowflake with your own hands is salty dough. Make the dough (1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp water, 1 tbsp flour), roll it out, cut out snowflakes, and then decorate them. Dough snowflakes can be painted, covered with glitter, beads, or left just white.

#10 Eco snowflake

Lovers of eco-decor can make a snowflake from twigs. You can find sticks on the street or in the forest. All that remains is to come up with a pattern and glue the sticks together. Good luck!

#11 Wax drawing

Here is another version of a snowflake for creativity with children. You will need a sheet of paper, a candle, and watercolors. Use a candle to draw a snowflake on paper, and then paint the sheet with paints. In those places on the sheet where the wax remains, the paint will spread and the result will be an unusual pattern, just like Frost paints on the windows on a frosty day.

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