There is so much to do before the New Year, and not enough time to accomplish everything planned. We need to decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the apartment. Moreover, if you don’t want banality, you also need to find original decor ideas. It is desirable that it is inexpensive, beautiful and quickly produced.

We place so many demands on New Year’s decor, don’t we? Is it realistic to implement them? Certainly. Of course, we won’t go to the store to buy jewelry - prices in decor and gift stores are steep. In this article we suggest you do New Year's decor with your own hands, here you will find interesting ideas 2018, and most of them are made from scrap materials or even what is usually sent to the trash bin.

Lampshades for a garland: from an egg container, packaging material

If you made scrambled eggs for breakfast and find that the cardboard container is empty, under no circumstances throw it away, but use it for business. With the owner's approach, a cardboard container for eggs will turn out to be original lanterns for LED garland in the form of bells. Let's assume that you have already acquired the garland itself, then just follow the instructions.

You can do something else in this spirit: translucent stars, for example, which will easily and simply turn your Chinese garland into something completely extraordinary.

You will need a piece of cardboard.

Cut a star out of it.

Place the star on the packaging foam and, using the star as a template, apply glue along the outline. Leave a small gap.

Prepare some kind of filler, such as sequins.

Sprinkle in the center. Place another piece of packaging material on top, pressing it in the places where the glue is applied.

Cut it out.

Place the “case” on the light bulbs of the electric LED garland.

Enjoy your New Year's decor.

Christmas tree decorations: simple and original

Have you already decorated your Christmas tree? Even if you haven't yet, make your Christmas tree decorations in advance. The sooner you start, the more pleasure you will get from the process, because you will do everything slowly, with feeling and sense. You probably won’t have to buy anything here either. Cardboard and knitting threads will most likely be found if you bought something from technology and tried to knit. You can collect branches on the street. Housewives always have pasta on hand in case they need to cook something quickly. Oranges before the New Year are also not uncommon on the table. And in an apartment where there are children, plasticine is literally lying under your feet.

Toy feeder

A miniature cardboard feeder with real grains, decorated with twigs, will become not a simple Christmas tree toy, but a hand-made creation in eco style.

Draw a rectangle with sides 5x7 cm and another one with sides 4.5x5.5 cm on a piece of cardboard. Cut them out.

Fold the longer rectangle in half.

Armed with a needle and thread, make a loop of thread.

To fix the “roof” at a right angle, run hot glue along the fold and bend it as necessary.

Cut 4 equal-sized pieces of a dry straight branch and glue them in the form of posts at the corners of the cardboard base.

Lubricate the bottom of the feeder with glue.

Sprinkle grains on top of the glue before it hardens. The easiest way is to peel a few sunflower seeds.

Cover the “roof” with dry twigs.

Cover the side edges of the roof and bottom of the feeder with twigs as well.

Place a drop of glue on the posts and attach the roof.

Cover the roof with glue and sprinkle with salt, thereby creating the effect of snow.

A wonderful decoration is ready.

thread bird

A bird made of threads with a shock of “feathers” on its head may be simple in appearance, but not all decorations need to be fancy. But you will spend a minimum of time on production.

We wind white knitting threads onto some cardboard template.

Tie the threads rolled into a skein in the middle in two places.

On one side, cut the threads with scissors and trim.

Make the eyes from rhinestones, and the nose from paper studs.

Hang it on the Christmas tree and enjoy the result.

Edible toys

If you stand for originality and simplicity at the same time, then make Christmas tree decorations from pasta bows and dried orange slices: simple - yes, original - without a doubt.

Now let's make edible decorations for the Christmas tree. Paint bow pasta with golden paint.

Cut the orange into slices. Place on a baking sheet, dry in an open oven at 115 degrees.

Make a hole with a needle.

Thread the string and hang the ornament on the tree.

Secure the bows with hot glue.

Edible decor is made.

Plasticine stars

It is best to implement this idea using plasticine, which hardens in air, and more precisely dough for modeling, Play-Doh is suitable. But if there is no such plasticine, but there is regular one, make it out of it, just keep in mind that toys can be deformed if handled carelessly.

You will need several pieces of multi-colored plasticine. Take one or two with glitter. Also prepare cookie cutters for New Year's themed cookies (stars, Christmas trees, bunnies, angels).

Roll each piece into sausages.

Place the sausages together and twist, then fold in half and twist again. Repeat until the colors are evenly distributed.

Roll into a ball.

Roll it out with a rolling pin, like dough, into a flat cake approximately 5 mm thick.

Use a cookie cutter to cut out the shapes.

Carefully remove excess plasticine. If you used drying plasticine, leave it to dry for a couple of hours.

These stars can be used to make a garland, pendant or toy for the Christmas tree.

Video: felt star

Christmas trees: hanging, thread

If you decorate your home as an independent building, then a hanging Christmas tree made from cardboard rings would be most appropriate. It looks extraordinary and will definitely surprise your guests.

On a large piece of corrugated cardboard, draw circles, the smaller one inside the larger one. Cut along the marked circles.

Paint the cardboard with green paint.

Glue green paper tape to the joint.

Tie eight long pieces of fishing line together. Make a loop at the end. Calculate the length, taking into account that we will hang the tree from the ceiling.

Screw an anchor with a hook into a horizontal surface.

Punch several holes in the cardboard in a circle.

Thread the line through the holes.

Use hot glue to secure it, dripping glue onto the holes to keep the rings in place.

We hang the tree and fix the last ring with glue.

We decorate the craft with toys.

We place a luminous garland on top of the rings.

A Christmas tree made of threads will look simpler, but more appropriate in an apartment. You can put it on your desktop or bedside table. The technology resembles the manufacturing process decorative balls made of thread, which many are familiar with, but the base used here is not an inflatable ball, but a foam cone.

To make a Christmas tree from threads, you will need a foam mold, cling film, a lot of small nails, PVA glue, a plate, decorations for the Christmas tree: beads, bows (whatever your imagination tells you).

Pour PVA glue into a plate and place the knitting thread there.

Moisten the thread thickly with glue, you can even crush it with your hand.

In a chaotic manner, clinging to the nails, wind the thread.

Remove the thread cone from the foam piece when it is thoroughly dry.

You can use soft lurex balls for decoration,



We decorated the Christmas tree with beads, placing them on glue.

Video: origami Christmas tree

See other options for paper Christmas trees.

Light bulb lamp

It’s not easy to make a creative lamp from an ordinary Soviet-style light bulb. Not all women know how to work with electrical appliances, wires and a soldering iron, although there are exceptions. Rather, entrust this work to dear men: husband, brother. Those who like to make things will find it interesting.

We need a light bulb.

Use a file to saw off the base not all the way.

Using a screwdriver, carefully break out the insides.

Use pliers to remove excess from the base.

Place 12 colored LEDs inside.

You can pre-lubricate the tip of the LEDs with superglue so that they do not dangle inside.

Connect the power source and check if the LEDs are lit.

Poke a hole in the center of the base.

Take the USB connector. Cut the white and green wires.

You need to secure the connector in the hole in the base using hot glue.

Solder the contacts.

Coat the edges of the base with hot glue and connect the previously cut parts of the base, returning the light bulb to its usual appearance.

You can plug the light bulb into a socket through an adapter or connect it to a laptop.

Handmade candlesticks

Someone New Year associated with tangerines or the smell of pine needles, and for some with the muted light of candles. And where there are candles, there should be candlesticks. Homemade candlesticks are often made from wide and low glass glasses, round vases, but there are also absolutely original options, for example, made from lace napkins. The glass is decorated with branches, tinsel, painted with acrylic paints, and decorated with beads and rhinestones. Here you will find two similar master classes.

"Warm" candlestick

Create a sock candle holder with an inspiring pattern (the Norwegian pattern is one such New Year's design). Making it couldn't be easier.

You will need one sock, a glass cup and a candle.

Place the glass inside the sock.

Trim the sock at the seam allowance.

You can leave it like that or sew up the hole.

A glass with a warm Norwegian pattern is ready.

Candlestick with an icicle pattern

And this idea will appeal to those who would like to decorate a candlestick with some kind of pattern, but do not know how to draw. Use a simple stencil to apply the paint in a zigzag pattern. In the same way, you can make candlesticks with other designs. If you use templates for vytnanok, it is possible to make candlesticks with snowflakes, deer, bunnies, angels and other characters and ornaments.

You will need artificial snow in a bag and in the form of a spray, a candle, a glass goblet.

Draw a design on a piece of paper. Ours are teeth.

Let's cut it out.

Secure it to the glass with adhesive tape.

Let's spray artificial snow.

Peel off the stencil and put it away. Pour artificial snow from a bag inside.

Place a candle inside.

Lace decor

It is known that fabric soaked in PVA glue becomes rigid after drying and retains its given shape. This property is widely used in the manufacture decorative items from threads, we also use it to create a candlestick from a lace napkin.

To make a vase you will need lace napkins.

Take a vase of suitable diameter and cover with cling film.

Pour PVA glue into a bowl and dilute it with a little water. Dip a napkin into the glue and wet it thoroughly.

Place the napkin on top of the inverted plate, straightening the edges.

Remove the napkin from the plate once dry.

The vase can serve as a candlestick.

We decorate in European style: sock, wreath

If you've been eyeing the idea of ​​European Christmas decor, particularly a Christmas stocking and wreath, now is the time to bring it to life.

To make a Christmas stocking you will need a template (you can draw it by hand), glue or a needle and thread, a piece of faux fur or cotton wool. If you want to make a knitted sock, you need a machine-knitted material. Buying it in a store is an unaffordable luxury. We recommend taking an old sweater and using it.

Let's prepare everything you need.

Cut out two pieces.

Place the two pieces right sides together and glue or sew them together.

Cut a strip from the fabric scraps.

Make a loop.

Use faux fur to trim it.

Sew on a loop.

If your goal is not only to make a beautiful decor, but also to show originality, try making a wreath from unusual materials. Surprisingly, even clothespins are suitable for this role.

Tools and materials: a ring made of cardboard, a lot of clothespins, bows purchased or made from ribbon, green acrylic paints different shades, brush, heat gun, decorations.

Paint the clothespins with green paint. This can be done with a brush or sponge.

Or you can spray paint from a can.

We paint the cardboard ring green.

Glue the clothespins in a circle using hot glue.

Now let's decorate.

A special decor for such a wreath is postcards, clothespins act as holders.

Not only doors, walls and tables are decorated with wreaths. A little unusual, but very attractive, the wreath will look like a decoration for a chandelier.

Video: wreath for a chandelier - making (DIY)

Garlands: from balloons, paper and others

The most democratic option for New Year's decor is garlands. If they are made of paper, then their cost is generally cheap. And you can decorate the Christmas tree, the walls, and the ceiling with them. If you have a lot of Christmas tree decorations lying around as “dead weight”, they will also make an excellent garland.

We have undecorated windows, let's fill this gap. Let's make a garland for the New Year's window from colored paper.

List of what you need:
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • pencil,
  • ruler,
  • decorative cord or knitting threads,
  • rhinestones, sequins or something similar.

Line a sheet of A4 paper. We select the size of the strips as desired; the size of the star will depend on this.

In our case, one A4 sheet yielded 30 strips: 15 on top and 15 on the bottom.

Roll the strips into a sharp cone like this.

Glue so that the edges do not unravel.

Trim the corners (those areas that do not overlap).

Glue a star from seven petals.

Spread two blanks with glue and, placing a lace inside, glue them together.

Moreover, glue them together so that the petals are not one above the other, but in between.

Glue a rhinestone or sequin into the center of each star.

Decorate the window.

Video: garland of paper balls and corrugated Christmas trees

Video: decor ideas for LED garlands

Pillows with Christmas trees and mittens

Decorating home textiles is a separate area. Buy new pillowcases in New Year's colors - bright red and rich green - and decorate them. You can also take used pillowcases, there’s nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, they will turn from old to new. It is better to decorate pillowcases for decorative pillows, since sleeping on a convex decor is uncomfortable.

Let's sew a pillow like this with cute Christmas trees.

We will need fabric for patchwork sewing, a piece of brown cotton fabric, pillowcase, glue or thread with a needle.

Take a rectangle of colored cotton and fold its corners to form a triangle: first the left and right corners.

Then the bottom corner. You can glue or sew everything by hand or by machine.

Make other Christmas trees in the same way.

We prepared four Christmas trees: two larger and two smaller. Let's lay them out on the pillowcase. Cut out tree trunks from a piece of brown fabric.

We will glue or sew the “trunks”, then we will glue or sew the Christmas trees on top.

Remember the Christmas stocking we suggested making a little earlier? If you made it, you may have some scraps left over that will be used to make mittens for a pillowcase.

Do you think it’s difficult to make such a pillowcase with mittens? Lighter than easy.

You will need a pillowcase, a piece of knitted material, knitted cord, glue or a needle and thread, and a piece of faux fur for the edge.

Print and cut out the template or draw a stencil by hand; you can use real mittens for this.

Attach the template to the material and cut out the mittens, do not forget that you should get symmetrical mittens, and not two left or two right. To avoid mistakes, you can fold the fabric in half, right side down, and cut the two pieces together.

We fix the finished parts on the pillowcase.

Glue or sew on the edge.

We secure the cord with glue or with separate stitches, laying it out loosely, making several loops for decoration.

We make a variety of decorative items

Let's make some other items. Don't expect much benefit from them, but Christmas mood will arrive in abundance.

Golden nuts and cones

A long time ago, back in tsarist times, the Christmas tree was decorated with gilded nuts, then they became glass, so why not now make New Year's decor with their participation? We'll pair acorns and cones with the nuts; they complement each other wonderfully.

Santa hat

Recently, foam blanks of the most different forms. Let's take a foam cone and turn it into a Santa Claus hat, decorate it with a recognizable black strap made of satin ribbon with a plaque.

From the same cone-shaped blank you can make a decorative Santa Claus hat.

Cover the bottom edge of the cone with masking tape so as not to stain it with red paint, which we will now use to cover the entire cone.

Apply paint with a wide brush(it's faster this way).

Sprinkle red glitter on top, although you can choose any color.

Peel off the masking tape.

Paint the border with white paint.

Sprinkle white glitter over wet paint.

We make a plaque out of foil, smear it with glue and sprinkle it with glitter. We pass a black satin ribbon through the plaque.

We fix it on the cone with glue.

Glue a white pompom to the tip of the cap.

Huge balls

It happens that in kindergarten They are asking us to make some kind of voluminous large decor. The idea we posted below is about just such a decoration. In order to actually make giant balls in the form of Christmas tree decorations, you need to buy special inflatable balls. They turn out round.

  • stapler,
  • decorative wire,
  • scissors,
  • heat gun,
  • round inflatable balls,
  • foil paper,
  • scotch.

Inflate the balloons.

Cut a strip 10-15 cm wide from foil paper.

Glue it into a tube with dark glue.

Glue it to the tail of the ball.

Make an imitation of thread from wire. The ball is ready for a huge Christmas tree.

Figurine made of pine cones

Now we’ll make a New Year’s figurine from a pine cone and a piece of tree bark.

Drop a little PVA glue onto a piece of paper.

Place glitter nearby. Dip the cone either in glue or in glitter.

Decorate the cone completely.

Apply hot glue to a piece of bark.

Glue a small pine branch.

Also fix the cone to the bark with hot glue.

Disguise the gluing area with a bunch of needles and a bow of narrow ribbon.

To make the figurine look even better, decorate it with beads.

Edible decorations. When it's beautiful and tasty at the same time

It's great when New Year's decor pleases not only the eye, but also the stomach. A frame filled with candies in bright wrappers will brighten up your New Year's Eve. The main thing, while thoughtfully admiring the creation you created yourself, is not to destroy all the candies.

To make a “sweet” frame, prepare a shadowbox frame, scrap paper, glue, glue-based letters, candies with bright candy wrappers, and red acrylic paint.

Paint the frame.

According to the dimensions of the frame back cover, draw with reverse side scrap paper square (rectangle).

Coat the inside of the lid with PVA glue.

Glue the scrap paper.

Stick the word “Falala!” on the glass. (or other).

Pour the candy inside and close the lid.

Place it in a visible place, such as a table in the living room, and make sure that the candies are not stolen before the New Year.

It’s easy to make an impromptu snowman from jars filled with various goodies. Put what you like there: chewing marmalade, caramels, marshmallows, cookies. Place it on your desktop and in moments when you feel especially sad, raise the level of the happiness hormone.

First of all, you need three jars with lids of a similar design or round ones.

Apply hot glue to the lid.

Glue another jar on top. Fill them with sweets: candies, marshmallows, cocoa and others.

Tie a ribbon to the lid of the second jar and trim the edges.

Make eyes and a nose from buttons and place them on glue.

Place the lid on a piece of black felt and cut out a circle.

Then roll a small strip of black felt into a tube and glue it together.

Glue the felt tube to the circle, and the circle to the lid - this is the snowman's hat.

We hope that you enjoyed all the master classes, that you did not waste your time and chose several ideas for your own creativity.

Preparing for the New Year holidays 2020, you want your home, cottage, office, or store to look beautiful and bright.

To do this, you don’t have to buy huge quantities, you just need to know a few tricks and use your imagination.

Here are some interesting and original ideas How you can decorate any room for the New Year with your own hands without spending a lot of money:

New Year's window decoration: snowy night town

You will need:

  • sheets of cardboard
  • scissors
  • simple pencil and ruler
  • stationery knife (if necessary)
  • garland
  • scotch
  • various decorations (artificial snow, artificial greenery).

1. On cardboard, draw (as shown in the image) silhouettes of hills, houses, trees, animals and anything else you wish. You can use several sheets of cardboard, which can then be joined with tape or glue into one long sheet.

* If you use a stationery knife, you can cut out windows in houses, make animal legs and other details of the city visible.

2. You can bend this sheet into a rectangle or you can leave it as is. Attach cardboard “legs” to the bottom of the paper so your paper city can stand. You can also use plasticine.

3. If you want to hide unnecessary design details (legs, for example), you can make a paper “fence” around your craft.

4. Place a garland inside the fence. You can simply lay it down or carefully and evenly attach it with tape. In any case it will look beautiful.

5. Place the craft on a flat surface (table or windowsill) and turn on the garland in the evening.

Beautiful New Year's decoration for the porch of a house or cottage

You will need:

  • bucket of any size
  • spruce branches
  • tree branches of different sizes
  • christmas balls
  • garland
  • other decorations (tinsel, ribbon).

Just put all the above ingredients in a bucket so that it looks nice.

The lights can be placed on the bottom.

Turn on the garland in the evening, and the composition is ready.

Glowing panel

You will need:

  • canvas on a stretcher (in this example its size is 40 x 50 cm)
  • paint for background and snowflakes
  • brushes (large for the background and small for snowflakes and inscriptions)
  • stationery knife
  • garland.

1. Paint the canvas with any color. In this example, dark blue was chosen as the color of the night sky.

2. When the paint is dry, start painting snowflakes with white paint. different sizes. You don't have to do everything perfectly, everything will turn out beautiful in the end. You can also make an inscription with a thin brush.

3. With stationery knife make small cuts in the center of some snowflakes. You don't want to make too many cuts, and you don't have to use all the bulbs.

4. Now hang the panel on the wall or simply place it on a flat surface and turn on the garland.

New Year frame for photos and cards

You will need:

  • picture frame
  • garland (best with LED lights - they hardly heat up)
  • hot glue or tape
  • clothespins (can be decorative)
  • photographs and/or postcards.

1. Prepare an old picture frame or buy a simple frame for this decoration.

* If necessary, treat the frame sandpaper and paint it. You can use spray paint or regular wood paint.

* If you choose spray paint, it is better to paint in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area, first wearing a respiratory mask and safety glasses (the spray contains substances harmful to humans).

2. Using hot glue, a stapler or tape, attach the garland to the frame, both along the perimeter and along the width, so that photos and cards can be attached to the wires.

3. Attach New Year's photos and/or cards to the lights with clothespins (regular or decorative).

Christmas tree on a wooden pallet

You will need:

  • wooden pallet or any old board or plywood
  • sandpaper
  • wood paint or spray paint (if desired)
  • garland
  • hot glue or nails (to attach some pieces to the wood base)
  • strong thread (if necessary)
  • Christmas tree toys and decorations (including a star).

1. Prepare a pallet and sand it with sandpaper. If you wish, you can paint it.

2. Once the paint has dried, begin nailing in a zigzag pattern (see image).

3. To keep the garland and toys tighter, first you need to wrap a strong thread in a zigzag around the nails nailed to the pallet.

4. Now wrap the garland around the nails, also attaching it to the thread.

5. Start attaching to the string and garland New Year's toys. Do this the same way you would decorate a regular Christmas tree.

*If you wish, you can find a wide branch or stump, split it in half and nail or glue it to the pallet.

  • See also .

New Year's garden decoration

Here you will need support for climbing plants. It is desirable that this support be in the form of a cone, so it will more closely resemble a Christmas tree.

* This support can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands using wire and wire cutters.

*You can also make a support from branches by folding them into a cone shape and tying them with rope.

* Prepare a support and wrap it with a garland. You can use tape or tape in some places to better secure the garland to the support.

* It is best to start wrapping the garland around the support from the top of your head.

*You can use one long garland to wrap two supports at once, or you can wrap each support separately with its own garland.

This decoration is suitable for a garden or cottage. Simply place it on your porch or garden and connect to a power source.

To ensure that the decorations stand straight and do not fall, they can be attached with wire or nails to the board/plywood.

Christmas decorations cupcakes

You will need:

  • small glass or plastic ball (or several balls)
  • paper muffin cups of suitable size (to fit the glass ball)
  • artificial snow or salt and PVA glue
  • glitter
  • plastic berries (optional)
  • additional decorations (ribbons, beads, buttons).

1. Place a paper muffin tin on a flat surface and add a drop of hot glue to it, then place a plastic or glass ball on the glue.

2. Cover the top of the ball with PVA glue and then sprinkle artificial snow or salt on the glue. You can also sprinkle glitter on top.

3. The final touch is an artificial berry, which can also be glued with hot glue.

4. Tie a ribbon or strong thread so that the ornament can be hung on the tree.

How to make a Christmas tree cupcake?

You will need:

  • glass or plastic ball
  • ribbon
  • glitter
  • PVA glue
  • muffin tins
  • hot glue gun
  • twine or other strong thread.

1. Remove the top part of the ball (where the string is tied) and set it aside.

2. Take the tape and start wrapping it around the ball, using hot glue to secure the tape. You can cover half or 2/3 of the ball with tape.

3. Apply PVA glue to the untouched part of the ball and sprinkle glitter on it.

4. Apply a little PVA glue to the top of the head that you detached from the ball, and also sprinkle glitter on top (preferably of a different color).

5. Apply hot glue to the bottom of the muffin tin and glue the ball to it.

6. Insert the crown into the ball, tie twine or other strong thread to it and you can decorate the Christmas tree or interior.

Christmas ball “first baby steps”

You will need:

  • glass ball (preferably frosted)
  • glitter
  • marker
  • PVA glue and a thin brush.

1. Draw the baby's feet on the ball.

2. Using a thin brush, carefully apply PVA glue to the entire surface of the design.

3. Sprinkle glitter on the glue.

White sock snowman

You will need:

  • White socks
  • fiber filler (can be replaced with cotton wool)
  • dry beans
  • strong thread
  • various decorations (buttons, pompoms)
  • ribbon
  • black marker or black rhinestones (to make eyes)
  • hot glue gun or superglue.

1. Pour about 3 cm of beans into the bottom of the sock.

2. Now stuff the sock completely with fiberfill (on top of the legumes).

3. Using a strong thread, tie the end of the sock, leaving a few centimeters to make a cap.

4. Fold the top of the sock so that it looks like a hat. You can use hot glue to secure the cap so the sock doesn't curl up anymore. You can glue the pompom to the hat with hot glue.

5. Cut a piece of brightly colored ribbon or thread and tie it below the hat to form a head and a scarf around the snowman's neck.

6. Using hot glue, attach buttons, a pompom nose, rhinestone eyes (you can also draw them on with a marker) and other decorations as desired to the snowman.

Despite the fact that today in stores you can find any kind of New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree and the interior, we still want to bring into the decoration of the house that same fairy-tale and magical atmosphere that only hand-made New Year's decorations can create.

1. Wreath

One of the most common New Year and Christmas decorations in the Western world is a wreath. It is worth noting that a wreath is a very compact, beautiful and versatile decoration - it can be used to decorate front door, and the interior of the house, and even the New Year's table.

In addition, making a New Year's wreath with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. There are a great many options for creativity, but they all converge on a common denominator - the shape or frame for the wreath. This form can be bought in a specialized store - it can be a round foam base to which the decorative elements of the wreath are glued (as in the first photo), as well as a wicker form made from branches and dried flowers and more.

However, the base for a wreath can be made very cheaply and cheerfully yourself. In the second photo you see that they are strung on ordinary thick wire Christmas balls and the end result is very voluminous and beautiful wreath. But there are some nuances here - you need to select such Christmas decorations, which sit tightly on their metal hangers (mounts for the ball), or plastic balls.

We can also recommend wrapping a wire frame with newspapers for volume, then with parchment and a piece of fabric, and on top of it you can glue or sew tinsel, fir branches, pine cones, berries and other decorations.

Wreath on the table:

2. Original and delicate garland with ribbon

Making such a New Year's decoration with your own hands is very simple: you need to tie a regular garland with bows made of tulle or organza.

3. Glowing vessels

Very unusual idea to create a New Year's interior: you can either lower the garland into the bottle through the neck or carefully saw off the bottom of the bottle and then you can insert a candle into the neck (if desired).

3. Gift pillows

To create a festive atmosphere in your home, you can decorate sofa cushions with bows, turning them into gifts.

4. Jewelry made from... toilet paper

Or rather, from an oval cardboard base left over from a used toilet paper. Just look at how beautiful the New Year decorations are!

5. Candy garland

By gluing candy wrappers together, you can create an incredibly beautiful and tasty garland, which you can then eat.

6. Orange decorations

Using ribbon, lace, oranges and dried cloves you can make some very interesting DIY Christmas decorations

7. Christmas tree in zero gravity

This idea will appeal to those who prefer an original approach in everything.

8. DIY magical snow globes

In fact, such jewelry is very easy to make yourself. To do this you will need: a glass container with a screw-on lid, a figurine toy, glitter, water, glue and glycerin. We glue the toy to the lid, pour glitter into the jar, add water and a few drops of glycerin, screw the lid on properly, turn it over - our magical New Year's snowball ready!

There are only a few days left until the New Year. New Year's holidays, as always, bring a joyful mood, the expectation of a magical miracle, pre-holiday chores and other pleasant moments. One of the most joyful and responsible pre-New Year activities is decorating an apartment (house) and, of course, the festive New Year tree. Garlands, snowflakes and others DIY New Year decorations will give your home a unique feeling of warmth, comfort and uniqueness, because you definitely won’t find a second exactly the same New Year’s decoration anywhere. And what is the process of making original New Year’s crafts worth?

What New Year decorations Can you make it yourself with your children, without any special creative or artistic skills? In fact, if you also look for ideas on the Internet, there are a lot of options. From a banal snowflake cut from paper napkin, up to volumetric paper crafts(paper animals, balls, Christmas trees, garlands, etc.).

Simple and interesting tips and ideas, how to make decorations for the New Year with your own hands, given in this article, as well as in the article “DIY Decorations for the New Year”, will help you prepare for the holiday in the best possible way.

DIY New Year's decorations

Santa Claus origami .

Snowmen made from old socks . Socks (socks, tights) white and with colored patterns, millet, an orange pencil lead (we use it to make a carrot nose), threads and buttons - that’s all the material you’ll need.

New Year's balls made of threads . The threads need to be dipped in PVA glue and carefully wrapped around the inflated balloon. After the glue dries, deflate the ball.

Christmas decorations made from light bulbs .

Christmas toys made from pasta . In addition to pasta, you will need acrylic pearlescent paints, glitters and ribbons, and a glue gun.

Penguins from bottles .

Openwork Christmas tree .

Beaded snowflakes .

New Year card .

Lace ball . It is better to take light laces.

Christmas wreath made from baking molds . Secure with wire or ribbons.

Christmas wreath made of clothespins . And clothespins in new year holidays will not lose their usefulness.

Christmas tree made of push pins .

Cinnamon ball . Will need foam ball, glue and cinnamon sticks.

New Year's packaging .

Coniferous box .

Christmas ball made of ribbons . To make it we will need: a foam or foam ball, 2 multi-colored ribbons (for example, white and blue), scissors and sewing pins.

Paper Christmas tree .

Gnomes from pine cones:

As a basis for creating original and unique Christmas tree decoration, namely decoupage, you can use the most ordinary and cheapest plastic New Year's ball of any color, purchased, for example, at the nearest supermarket.