Divorce from a husband, and even more so when there are children in the family, is a severe emotional shock. But even in the most emergency situations, in order not to cause trouble and emerge victorious from the situation, it is very important to remain calm. In this article we present 10 valuable tips from psychologists that will help a woman with children survive a divorce safely.

In a divorce situation, you should first take care of yourself, and then the children. This is in no way selfishness, but a common sense approach to resolving the problem. Only by normalizing your psychological and mental balance can you adequately perceive the world. Believe me, first of all, children want to see their mother happy and smiling, and not a tearful and depressed victim mother with dark circles under her eyes.

Understand and accept what is happening to you

According to psychologists, the feelings experienced during a divorce are similar to those experienced when losing a loved one. A woman experiences the same palette of feelings, in the same sequence:

The main thing is to recover from the shock.

1. State of shock - the mind refuses to believe in what is happening.

2. Then comes anger, hatred and anger, attacks of uncontrollable aggression.

3. As soon as the second stage passes, the woman makes attempts to return her beloved, and by any means.

4. At this stage, awareness of what happened comes, which often leads to apathy and depression.

5. The final stage is the acceptance of the situation when a woman understands the inevitability of divorce, comes to terms with reality and thinks about how to live further.

First you need to figure out what stage you are currently at, what you feel and what emotions you are experiencing. This seemingly insignificant step is a big internal progress.

Take a break

The most difficult period after a divorce, called the “shock phase,” lasts about 2-3 months. This time is dangerous because you can make a bunch of mistakes that a person will later regret.

Take a break.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, you should give yourself a time-out. At this time, you cannot make any decisions, much less act. You need to give your psyche and brain time to stabilize, and only then think rationally and carefully.

Try to control your negativity

It is normal to experience a bunch of negative emotions during a divorce, and you should not try to suppress it within yourself and pretend that everything is fine. You need to allow your psyche to go through a difficult period in your life, but do it right.

Let's dose out the negative.

You shouldn't grieve around the clock - learn to manage your emotions. The technique of suffering over time works well. Give yourself a few hours a week to immerse yourself in all your experiences, cry and completely give in to your emotions. But as soon as the time is up, return to normal life.

Bring yourself back to the “here and now”

To make emotional distress easier, it is useful to return yourself to the “here and now” state. As soon as a wave of worries comes, look around and think about what is happening at the moment - how the sun is shining, how the leaves are growing on the trees, how the birds are flying - this will distract the brain. Think about the fact that there is no past and future - there is only the present, the current moment in time. As practice shows, this is very effective technique, which quickly relieves internal tension.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Despite the fact that women are naturally weak creatures, it is difficult for them to ask for help and they are ashamed to appear unsuccessful. This is a big mistake that can lead to nervous breakdowns. Therefore, you should not play the role of a mother-heroine and carry all the problems on your fragile shoulders. Do not hesitate to ask for help from acquaintances, relatives and friends. For most people close to you, it will definitely not be a problem to help you, for example, in everyday matters.

Think about your health

When psychological health is at risk, physical health can come to the rescue.

Therefore, try to adjust your work and rest schedule, switch to proper nutrition and take care of your body - walk more often, sign up for a gym or yoga. Physical activity promotes the production of joy hormones, which means stress will be experienced more easily.

Give permission and promise yourself pleasure

Write down on paper everything that brings you pleasure - handicrafts, watching movies, going to cafes with friends, sleeping, cosmetics, shopping, aromatic coffee or something else. It doesn’t matter what it is, the main thing is that it always makes you happy.

Let the coffee always be hot, your soul happy, and the day warm and sunny

Then make a contract with yourself that at least once a week you will give yourself at least one item from the above. The main thing is to keep your promise and not look for reasons why it is impossible to do so.

Now that your own condition has stabilized, take action to help your children.

Do not try to turn the child against the father

The psychology of a child is built in such a way that they perceive themselves as 50% mom, 50% dad, therefore, if you tell them that their father is a nonentity, dishonest and generally ugh, they will apply all these words to themselves as at least half.
All the bad things you direct at your ex are automatically directed at your children.

And don’t turn the child against the father.

The child cannot separate himself from his father, and at the same time he has a great desire to please his mother - this gives rise to an internal conflict in him, which in most cases leads to very bad consequences. Remember that the divorce is between you and your husband, he is a stranger to you, but for the children you still remain your beloved mom and dad.

Tell your children they are not to blame for your divorce.

For any child, the divorce of their parents is akin to a universal catastrophe, and they shift all the blame onto themselves. You shouldn’t think that everything will go away by itself, that there’s nothing wrong with it - be sure to talk with your child about what he thinks and about his experiences. In conversations, be sure to emphasize that what is happening is not their fault.

Create emotional safety for children

Children see and perceive the world around them through the reactions of their parents. It is by the reaction of adults that they judge the scale and seriousness of changes in their lives. If irritated, aggressive or apathetic parents walk in front of them, this will lead the child to depression. In his head, the thought process develops in the style of “if mom is feeling bad, then the situation is insoluble and will never be good again.”


Therefore, it is so important to appear in high spirits in front of your child, not to shout or quarrel with your ex-husband, to organize holidays and fun walks for your child more often, and to behave calmly. Let your child know that everything is fine, and to make your words sound convincing, believe in them yourself.

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People meet, fall in love, get married... And, unfortunately, get divorced. Such experiences are literally like death. How to survive a divorce from your husband?

A woman experiencing a breakup as a result, for example, of her husband’s betrayal, experiences a whole range of emotions. This includes love, hatred, shame, bitterness and guilt, resentment and the desire for revenge. There is no more old life. The woman is afraid of loneliness, she is tormented by pangs of conscience. She wants to turn the situation back so that she can once again find herself in her unstable, but so painfully familiar world. But how difficult it is to painlessly survive betrayal, forget your husband after a divorce and not fall into depression.

It so happens in society that a man free from marriage becomes an attractive bachelor, and a woman is labeled a “divorcee.” It’s not easy for girls who get married early. After divorcing her husband, they will have to start living from scratch, build a career, and learn to be independent. The ex-husband of wealthy husbands is afraid of poverty. Even if a woman herself is quite wealthy, after a divorce a lot of unusual responsibilities fall on her shoulders.

How to survive a divorce from your husband, his betrayal and betrayal with dignity?

How to do it right:

  1. Remove joint photos, gifts, and any things that remind you of him out of sight. Block or delete him from social networks and instant messengers. It is also undesirable to communicate with his environment.
  2. Accept the fact that the ex-spouse is now an outsider. Left - so be it. It is not yet known who was luckier - your opponent or you.
  3. Don't rush headlong into a new relationship. The “wedge by wedge” principle is quite effective, but not now, later.

How to cope with depression after a breakup if you still love your husband?

Need to try:

  • change your image. It's worth deciding on fashionable haircut, radically change your hair color, buy new clothes, etc. Updated image - new life;
  • remember a forgotten hobby. Perhaps being fascinated by past interests will distract you from your worries and help you quickly learn to live without your husband;
  • get a pet. In addition, you should periodically go for a walk with him, which will have a beneficial effect on your well-being and physical fitness;
  • workout. This is fitness, yoga, swimming, boxing, dancing, drawing - whatever. Firstly, it improves your figure. Secondly, it maintains the overall tone of the body. And thirdly, it builds character.

Information! The main thing is to never sit within four walls. At first you can cry, but then you need to wipe away your tears and go out to meet your loved ones, relatives, friends, colleagues.

How can a woman survive a divorce painlessly while remaining with a child?

For children, the loss of their parents is a serious psychological trauma. It’s even harder for them than for former spouses. Therefore, it is worth doing everything possible to alleviate the condition. with each other, not with them. Both participants divorce proceedings must help our beloved children survive this.

Information! Dear mothers, no matter how excruciatingly painful it may be for you, if the father loves the children and wants to participate in their lives, do not interfere with this.

The life of a woman with a child does not end after a divorce, it simply becomes different. Since children, as a rule, stay with their mother, it is necessary to discuss the visitation schedule with their father. But be sure to make sure that the children want this and are not against communication.

How to forget your husband after divorce?

It’s important to understand right away that you won’t be able to completely erase your ex-spouse from your memory. It's like trying not to think about a blue crocodile. The most correct thing, no matter how trite it may sound, is to forgive and let go.

Is it worth it and how to communicate with your ex-husband?

A situation where ex-spouses have joint children, have already been discussed. Now as for childless couples. It is better not to communicate with your ex-husband at first after a divorce or to keep meetings to a minimum. When the pain subsides, you may resume contacts and even become friends with new families (although this is rather the exception to the rule). But in the first few months after separation, try not to intersect with your ex-betrothed, so as not to reopen the wound.

What to do after a divorce and how to start living?

Yes, now you are in so much pain that you could climb the wall. But try to pull yourself together and listen to the following recommendations:

  • Don’t blame your ex-spouse for all your troubles. At least two people are involved in the conflict, which means that both of them are responsible for the situation that has arisen. When you mentally let go of your ex-husband, the divorce will become easier;
  • keep a positive attitude. Life is beautiful and amazing, it will give you more than one reason to be happy!
  • take time for yourself. This rare opportunity has finally arrived;
  • remember a sense of proportion. You shouldn’t throw yourself into your work, completely ignoring those around you, especially children. Find time for relaxation, walks in the fresh air, travel, new hobbies, etc.

Information! Don't forget: everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Wise Nietzsche knew what he was talking about.

A woman's life after the end of a marriage

Psychologists advise not to despair if a breakup does occur. What to do and how to live further after a divorce? It is better to analyze the circumstances and then try to accept everything as a fact that happened. If you think about the past every hour, then who will live here and now? But there is still a bright future ahead!

In no case do you perceive children as a burden in your experiences after a divorce, otherwise you will become depressed and raise your children incorrectly. A child is someone worth waking up for every day. If problems arise, seek support from family, friends or qualified mental health professionals. Don’t avoid communicating with men, because relationships are part of life’s journey.

Video on the topic

Without physical activity, mental rest and the opportunity to pour out my soul to a loved one It will not be possible to avoid nervous exhaustion, a number of accompanying difficulties, and survive a divorce from your husband with dignity. Life doesn't end there. Recovery will be accompanied by stages of exacerbations and remission, but it will certainly come!

Different situations happen in life. People get married, people get divorced. Moreover, according to statistics, almost every second married couple gets divorced. The reasons for this are very varied, but the most popular is “they didn’t get along.” Of course, all people are different, everyone has their own principles and concepts. This is clear to everyone. But we must not forget that due to divorce there is no suitable friend It is the children who suffer first and foremost.

Today, no one is surprised by the situation when women are left alone with children. According to data for 2017, 5 million out of 17 million. Russian families accounts for single mothers with children. And today Reconomica introduces you to one such mother, her name is Nadezhda, and she is the mother of two children. Nadezhda shared her life story with the magazine’s editors. In an interview, the woman told how she managed to start living a new life after a divorce, how she earned money to feed her children, and how she lives now.

Hello, my name is Nadezhda. I want to tell you my story of living alone with two children, or my life after divorce.So, I am 28 years old, I live in the city of Krasnodar, I have 2 beautiful children. My children: my son is 8 years old, and my daughter is 3 years old.

My husband left and left me with two children

2.5 years ago an unpleasant incident happened to me, my husband left me... He said that he had not had enough and wanted freedom in life, that he did not need family troubles and problems.

He just has a lot of friends who are free, who are not burdened family life who do whatever they want and no one can tell them anything. So my husband wanted just such a life for himself. Although I never forbade him anything, he went wherever he wanted and came whenever he wanted.

After these words, we had a very strong fight, and I told him a lot of unnecessary words that I had accumulated over all 6 years life together. I was very upset that he did this, because he wanted children more than me when I wanted to work and study further. He didn’t give me this, but began to insist on children every day. After the words I said, he collected all his things and left, and I was left with the children completely alone in the city, in which, besides him, I had no relatives, since my parents live far away, in another city and came come to us not as often as we would like.

My husband left, and I was left with two children.

I didn’t want to move in with my parents, although they insisted on it, and I kept thinking that my husband would come to his senses and come back. But days passed, and he was still not there.

After he left, I called him, wrote to him, tried to bring him back in order to save the family, but he was extremely determined and refused to respond to my persuasion and requests to come back.

I realized that I need to start a new life

Of course, at first it was very difficult both psychologically and financially, since he did not help with money, I did not apply for alimony. And then one fine day I woke up and realized that I had enough of humiliating myself and being hopeful, I had to start my life from scratch, where there was no more room for him, but there was only me and my children.

At that time, the eldest son was 5 years old, and the daughter was one year old. I had to live on children’s money in the amount of 6,000 rubles, it’s good that the house was still mine, and I didn’t have to pay rent, I only paid utilities. Of course, you can’t buy much food for this amount, plus diapers child, because prices are high in the city, I survived as best I could...

I started working part-time in an online store

A month later, a friend called me and offered me work from home in an online store. She already worked there and put in a good word with her boss about me, since I studied at a technical school to become an economist and completed PC courses, I used a computer well and understood it.

It was possible to work only at night.

The boss set a day for the interview, left the kids with a neighbor for a couple of hours and went to talk about a new job. The work was not difficult, and the training took place just at home for a couple of days. Skype . While I was delving into the new job and getting used to it, my mother arrived and was with the children.

The work consisted of adding products to the site, making a full description of them with all pictures and characteristics. Payment depended on how many products I add to the site per day, and that’s how much I receive. For one product they paid 10 rubles.

Agree, this is not much, so I had to work a lot, and since I have small children, I worked at night, because during the day I was busy with other household chores, plus on top of everything, I had to prepare my son for school, and the little one took me away a lot of time.

I liked the work, I received 3,000 rubles a month. Although not a lot, every penny was still a joy.

Doing handicrafts

In addition to the online store, I started doing handicrafts in my free time, making different compositions from napkins: topiaries, hearts, names. Started posting finished works in the Internet. At first no one bought, and then people started calling me and placing orders.

I also found time for needlework.

On New Year did it with my son various toys, Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths. This is how my business of sorts started.

Of course, it was very difficult to live alone and raise children, but I managed to do it.

Life got better

At the moment I live alone, my son goes to school, my daughter goes to kindergarten. I found myself a job on a permanent basis in my profession. By the way, in the evenings I also work in the same online store, and on weekends I also manage to place orders from napkins!

And now I'm fine!

Now there is enough money to live on, there are regular customers. My son often helps me in fulfilling orders. I wanted to apply for alimony, but ex-husband asked to resolve everything peacefully and now voluntarily pays a certain amount of money every month. I allow him to see the children whenever he wants.

Looking at him, I no longer feel the pain that I had at first after the divorce; everything is already perceived differently. And I know that everything that is done is done only for the better.

Thanks to all this, I have become a strong person, I am proud of myself. In a difficult life situation, I did not give up, but moved on for the sake of my children, to provide for them, so that they would not feel lonely and would be happy even if dad left.

I want to advise you, if, God forbid, you find yourself in the same situation, then, most importantly, do not give up and do not give up, believe in yourself and in your strength. And then you will definitely succeed, just as it happened for me!

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How to survive a divorce if you have children

04.10.2018 5399

In terms of the depth of emotional experiences, divorce is similar to a natural disaster, a collapse of expectations. The most difficult thing during this period is to maintain calm and composure, especially when it comes not only to yourself, but also to children. How to survive a divorce if you have children, and learn to move on with your life? No matter who is at fault or what the catalyst was, the dissolution of a marriage is the result of a choice made by both spouses that must be accepted. The main rule during a plane crash is to first take care of your own safety, only then can you help the child. To regain peace of mind requires enormous expenditure of psychophysical resources. Where do you get the strength to overcome difficulties? We’ll figure out how to survive a divorce with a child in your arms in today’s article.

What does divorce mean for a woman?

According to statistics, more than 60% of married couples break up after the first five years of marriage. Even in modern society, a woman is more vulnerable and has a harder time enduring a breakup, even if she initiated it. This is due to a number of psychological factors:

  • girls are family-oriented, creating comfort, preserving the family hearth. Men give preference to work and immerse themselves in it when they break up. Left alone, women blame themselves more for not maintaining the warmth of the relationship;
  • It is more difficult for a woman to establish her personal life after a divorce, especially if she is left with a child or two. This does not depend on the ratio of men and women in society, but on the reluctance of the stronger sex to take responsibility for education;
  • After a divorce, children often remain with their mother, which means she takes on double responsibility.

Of course, this is not an axiom. The second marriage may become more successful than the previous one, and the new husband - loving father. It all depends on the perception of the situation, the ability to withstand and move on. According to some psychologists, in order to survive a divorce with a small child, a woman goes through several stages. In terms of the depth of the experience, they are similar to the death of a loved one.

It is impossible to survive a divorce with three young children without missing at least one of the stages. On average, it takes a year from the moment of separation to overcome all stages.

How to help your child

Children are very sensitive, they notice the slightest changes and chills in their parents' relationships. Unconsciously, they identify themselves as 50% mom and 50% dad. Talking about how bad one of the spouses is is perceived as a personal insult. Don’t ask, don’t put your child before choosing which of you two he loves more. Such a choice is quite difficult and can be traumatic. All negativity directed at one of the spouses is automatically directed at the child, who cannot separate himself from his father. The desire to please mom creates an internal conflict, which subsequently becomes deep emotional trauma.

To minimize your child’s experiences, do not ignore them, talk about the doubts and fears that your child experiences. Trying to hide your divorce will only make things worse. If children ask, answer questions honestly, emphasizing to them that what is happening is not their fault. When solving the problem of how to survive a divorce with two minor children, we note that there is no clear advice that is equally effective in any family. It all depends on mutual understanding and the degree of trust. The main task is to explain to the child that after a divorce, his parents will not love him less.

Children perceive the world around them by looking at their parents’ attitude to what is happening. By your reaction to the situation, they determine the global changes in their own life. When a mother is in an apathetic, depressed, or, even worse, aggressive state, the child’s world completely collapses. Create an atmosphere of love and safety around him, behave relaxed, remain calm. But to convince that everything will be fine, you need to believe it yourself. Only a happy and mentally healthy mother can raise a happy child.

To ease your worries, share responsibility: for example, your ex-husband takes the child for the weekend or meets him every day after school, you do homework and take them to study in the morning.

After divorce

How can a woman survive a divorce while still having a child? After going through all the stages and accepting the situation, it is important to continue living and enjoy every new opportunity. Psychologists recommend following a number of tips that will bring you back to life.

You can listen to the recommendations of specialists, but most importantly, listen to the voice of your heart. Learn to understand your desires and make them come true. This is the only way to achieve absolute happiness and cope with any difficulties in life.

Divorce is a difficult time for both spouses. Standing on the verge of family collapse, everyone is in a whirlpool of negative emotions and resentments, many questions arise about the correctness of the step taken. If the initiator of the separation was a woman, when the bridges have already been burned, doubts arise, because no matter how much they talk about gender equality in our society, in most cases, all responsibility for children born in a broken marriage now falls on her shoulders. Is there life with a child after divorce?

Psychologists say that the first feeling that hits you after leaving the courtroom is not relief and hope for something bright, but hopelessness and emptiness, even if the husband has long been unloved, the accomplished fact does not bring relief. You have to forcefully smile at the children and pretend that you are absolutely sure that the best is yet to come! So it will be if the first steps turn out to be correct. Interpersonal relationship specialists offer recommendations to a young mother on how to survive a divorce as a woman left with a child; they can safely be called a guide to “rebirth from the ashes.”

Put your life on pause

This does not mean that you need to stop and withdraw into yourself. A woman’s nature is inherently emotional, and after experiencing stress, feelings go off scale and it’s difficult to cope with them. A strong resentment towards your husband can push you to want to change your job, apartment, or even life itself. Yesterday's wife sells her home, takes the child and moves away. She proved to her ex that she can now make decisions on her own, but then what?

No work, no home, no support, you have to start all over again in a new place. How to live alone with a child after divorce? Do you like to overcome difficulties? Well done. How is it for the baby? His usual little world is destroyed. He saw his dad every day, played with his favorite toys, and talked with friends. Radical changes can become too heavy a burden for your baby’s fragile psyche.

While you have not yet come to your senses, do not make any fateful decisions. Do your daily work, take care of your children, spend more time in nature. It will take three months to restore peace of mind and get used to the new life. Only when the brain and psyche can adequately assess the situation can any important actions be taken.

From the depths up

As with any psychological crisis, you will have to go through five stages, and the first days after divorce will not be the most difficult. The two initial stages - shock and anger - are most filled with negative emotions. Sometimes the pain becomes unbearable, moving from moral to physical.

It's like you're being sucked into a whirlpool. You need to fall to the bottom to push off. You cannot completely succumb to your feelings, the baby requires care and attention, this complicates the situation even more, but it also becomes a plus; responsibility for the fate of your son or daughter does not allow you to completely fall apart.

At the next two stages - bargaining and awareness, feelings are released a little, and the mind gets to work. The central stage of a crisis state, bargaining, is dangerous. A woman is ready to make any sacrifice just to return the precarious status quo. The bitterness of grievances pales before the realization of the fact - the old life no longer exists.

Understanding what stage of personal crisis you are at is already half the way to success. You can’t immediately find yourself at the final stage of accepting the situation after a shock. How long it takes you to recover is up to you.

Allow yourself to be weak

If you spend 24 hours a day grieving about what happened, you may actually believe that you are unhappy. Do not engage in self-destruction, drive away sad thoughts. Make a personal agreement - you will allow yourself to cry and even cry out loud for just one hour a week. Women's tears are an amazing thing; when they dry, they take away the darkness and, like the wind, dispel the clouds.

The deferment method will help you focus on everyday problems. The most important thing is that you have a meaning in life - your child, who needs your love now more than ever.

Health comes first

How to live after a divorce for a woman with a child? Your baby needs a healthy mother; together you have a long, sometimes very difficult journey ahead of you. To provide for your small family, you will have to work a lot, but where will you get the strength for this? Right! Take good care of your body.

Leisure. Walks. Positive emotions. Don't have enough money for a gym membership? Go to the park, to the forest, to the playground. Going to the pool together is a great idea! You will teach your child to swim, and he will proudly tell his relatives and friends about his achievements.

To achieve a positive balance, pamper yourself. A cloud of the hormone of happiness will cover you completely. After your baby has fallen asleep, take 15 minutes and relax after a hard day, it will be a bath with aroma oil, a favorite book, aromatic tea in silence, a hair or face mask, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you are alive, and your soul doesn’t hurt so much anymore.

This is not your war

No matter what your ex-husband says to mutual acquaintances, no matter how hard he tries to hurt your pride during meetings, do not stoop to a showdown. Emotions are now overwhelming both, and a calm conversation will not work. Time will pass, the intensity will subside a little, and the rudeness and insults thrown in the altercation will remain in the memory as bitter drops. This is not your war! But to exhort and place a white handkerchief on the ground to stop fighting, so far useless. Time, contrary to popular belief, does not heal, it only reduces the degree of emotions.

No discussions of the vile qualities of your spouse and your own grievances with your friends; do not waste your energy discussing the negative qualities of your spouse. Don't force yourself to relive that nightmare. Strive and move forward.

How to live after divorce with one or two children? Try to maintain normal relationships. You are parents, and you will inevitably have to communicate, but don’t cross to the other side of the street when you meet. Don’t tear your little heart apart with stupid questions: “who do you love more?” Some ex-spouses not only jointly organize birthday parties for their children, but also visit theaters, exhibitions, and even go on vacation in the same company.

Create a comfort zone for children

Children react sensitively to the emotional background around them. If mom is depressed, often wipes away her tears, and dad doesn’t come, this is the collapse of the world. It is difficult for a child to cope with inexplicable anxiety; he becomes capricious or becomes silent.

Try to explain to the little man that everything cannot remain the same, but this is not his fault, it is you, the adults, who were unable to agree. Dad, despite the fact that he does not live in the same house with you, will still be nearby. No matter how much you would like to follow your emotions and say nasty things about your ex-husband, for the sake of your children’s health, don’t do it.

Don’t ignore the kids’ questions and requests, support them, praise them for successes, and gently reprimand them for their mistakes. Peace and prosperity should reign in your little family.

Time will put everything in its place, but for now the children should feel protected, on both sides. Convince your children that everything will be fine, but first, believe in it yourself.

What not to do

Do not divide the child, do not forbid him to communicate with his father. It is an unforgivable mistake when parents decide to communicate with their children through the courts. This is unbearable for a child. Moreover, do not bring the situation to the point of absurdity by allowing communication only in your presence.

The Lord created a woman as a generous and understanding being. If your ex-husband wants to invite children to a new family, do not interfere. There are many examples when children from the previous and new families turned out to be the closest friends, and subsequently thanked fate for providing a chance to get to know each other.

Is it worth returning what was lost?

After living a little apart from their family, looking among the girls for a replacement for their beloved, some men realize that they have made a mistake and begin to try again to win the heart of their ex-wife. A new round of relationships, a candy-bouquet period, courtship, vows and promises can melt the hearts of the most persistent.

Does it make sense to return? If your child's father is responsible, intelligent, deprived bad habits, why not? No one is immune from mistakes. You cannot give advice in matters concerning feelings. Listen to your heart, only it will give the right answer.

Conclusion: living with a child after a divorce from your husband is difficult, but possible. No matter what trials one would have to go through, from the height of acquired experience and wisdom it is obvious that if there is no desire for mutual understanding in the family, it was necessary to get a divorce.