
Parents' answers

Do you instill in children a kind, caring attitude towards adults, through fairy tales, conversations, and your own example?

Do you teach children to have a friendly relationship with their peers: to show concern for a friend, to express sympathy for him, through fairy tales, conversations, and your own example?

Do you help the child become aware of himself: do you tell the child (you are a girl? grey eyes, do you like to jump, etc.) including information about the changes that have happened to him (can you draw, dance)?

Can your child appreciate good (honesty, kindness, courage) and bad actions (rudeness, greed, lying)?

Does your child know such a thing as a city (many people, many houses, a lot of transport - we live in a city), the name of his hometown, the streets on which they live?

Do you introduce your child to loved ones who defended the Motherland (great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers).

(age: 3 – 4 years)


Dear parents! We ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire, which will give us the opportunity to organize training and education that will ensure the optimal development and upbringing of your children. We hope for your sincere answers.

Three possible answers: always, sometimes, never.


Parents' answers

Your child sympathizes with the offended peer and may show disagreement with the actions of the offender. Approves the action of the one who acted justly.

Do you help your child as often as possible to make sure that he is good and that he is loved?

Does your child say hello and goodbye, express his own requests, using the words “thank you”, “please”?

Does the child have a desire to be fair, brave and confident?

Does your child feel shame for doing something wrong?

Can your child politely express a request and thank an adult for a service rendered?

Do you pay serious attention to getting to know the sights of the city: the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, monuments to people who glorified the city (K. Minin, M. Gorky, V. I. Lenin).

Age 4-5 years


Dear parents! We ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire, which will give us the opportunity to organize training and education that will ensure the optimal development and upbringing of your children. We hope for your sincere answers.

Three possible answers: always, sometimes, never.


Parents' answers

Does your child have friendly relationships with peers: the habit of playing, working, studying together.

Can your child take care of the younger ones, help them, protect those who are weaker?

Do you instill in children a respectful attitude towards adults; the desire to please elders with good deeds, through fairy tales, conversations, and one’s own example.

Can your child show verbal politeness (“hello”, “goodbye”, “please”, “excuse me”, “thank you”, etc.)

Can your child understand and describe his desires and feelings?

Do you pay serious attention to getting to know the sights of the city: the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, monuments to people who glorified the city (K. Minin, M. Gorky, V. I. Lenin)

Do you introduce your child to close people who defended the Motherland (great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers) and does your child have an idea about the army, about the different branches of the military, and military equipment.

Age 5-6 years


Dear parents! We ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire, which will give us the opportunity to organize training and education that will ensure the optimal development and upbringing of your children. We hope for your sincere answers.

Three possible answers: always, sometimes, never.


Parents' answers

Does your child have friendly relationships with peers: the habit of playing, working, the ability to negotiate?

Can your child take care of the younger ones, help them, protect those who are weaker?

Can your child obey the demands of adults and comply with established standards of behavior and follow a positive example in his actions?

Can your child show verbal politeness (“hello,” “goodbye,” “please,” “excuse me,” “thank you,” etc.)?

Can your child understand and describe his desires and feelings?

Can your child name his strengths? Do you help your child believe in themselves?

Do you pay serious attention to getting to know the sights of the city: the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, monuments to people who glorified the city (K. Minin, M. Gorky, V. I. Lenin)?

Read books about the Nizhny Novgorod region, talk, tell stories, visit museums, monuments, go on excursions – highlight the options you use.

Do you introduce your child to close people who defended the Motherland (great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers) and does your child have an idea about the army, about the different branches of the military, and military equipment.

Age 6-7 years.


Rogozhnikova Lyudmila Gennadievna

Deputy Head

on educational and methodological work;

MAOU DO children kindergarten “Iskorka”;

Omutinsky district

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of moral education of preschoolers in a kindergarten and family.


  • Update the concept of “politeness”.
  • Remind parents of the basic rules of being a cultured, polite person.
  • Consider techniques and methods for teaching the basics of politeness in a family setting.

Form of conduct: game "Brain - ring"

Participants: parents of the older group

Event plan:

  1. I.Preparatory stage

1.1. Conducting micro-research

  • Parent survey (Appendix 1)
  • Survey of children (Appendix 2)

1.2. Pedagogical comprehensive education “Lessons in politeness and beauty”

1.3. Selection of quotes

  • “The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing” (proverb)
  • “Parents are like a tuning fork for a child: the way they sound, that’s how the child will respond.”
  • “A good example is the best sermon” (A. Chekhov)
  • “The educator himself must be educated” (K, Marx)
  • “True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises” (J. Rousseau)
  1. II.Main stage: game Brain - ring

Progress of the event

  1. 1. Warm up.

Good evening, dear parents! We are pleased to note that you responded to our request and came to our meeting. We're glad to see you!

Now we will visit a fabulous city. Residents of this fabulous city are distinguished by the fact that, while walking around the city, they greet each other with different parts of their bodies. Let's try to be residents of this city. The music is playing, and you and I are freely walking along its “streets.” When clapping your hands, you must greet each other according to the spoken word.

The music of V. Shainsky “Smile” is playing, parents walk freely around the hall, at the signal “clap their hands” they say hello:

- eyes

- noses

- shoulders

- foreheads

- butts

- backrests

- knees

So you greeted each other, and this lifted everyone’s spirits and made them feel joyful. We must always remember that we must treat other people with warmth and consideration, so that this kind attitude will return back to us.

But before we start our meeting, let's decide on the topic. I suggest playing the game "Association"

  1. Game "Association"

Rules of the game: “Passing the ball in a circle, you must name the words that you associate with the word “politeness”

Associations - compassion, truth, beauty, decency, tact, goodwill, thank you, hello, compliance, joy, kindness...... . Politeness is a manifestation of respect, willingness to provide a service on time, delicacy, tact, timely and appropriate speech. Politeness is the art of behaving in society. (As the name goes, daisy petals open)

Q: A polite word, like a kind wizard, gives a good mood, makes people happy and even heals them. “Nothing is so valuable and nothing is so cheap as politeness.” Thus, Peter the Great, in the “Indications for Everyday Conduct” published with his participation, indicated: “No one has the right to walk the streets with his head hanging and his eyes downcast, or to look askance at people.”

For many years, people created rules of etiquette, the purpose of which was to instill the moral qualities of kindness, sensitivity, to instill a sense of proportion and beauty in behavior, in clothing, in conversation, in receiving guests - in a word, in everything with which a person enters society. And so, I think you already guessed that the conversation will be about simple things, which we encounter every day, but do not always give them due importance, about politeness. And I suggest you play the brain-ring game “The ABC of Politeness”, during which we will define the concepts of “good manners”, “culture of behavior”, “politeness”.

  1. 2. Main part: Game Brain – ring “ABC of politeness”

Rules of the game:

The game involves 2 teams. The team that raised its hand first answers. If there is a correct answer, choose a topic. The questions are divided by topic. Each question is worth a certain number of points.

During the game there is a sector:

“Pig in a poke” - a team has the right to transfer the question to another team

"Question - auction"- the team sets a price, but not lower than the nominal price and not higher than the amount of points available on the team’s account.

“Own game” - the team has the right to reduce or increase the price of the issue at its discretion.

And so, let’s begin: You are offered six topics to choose from: “The ABCs of Politeness”, “Cultivating Politeness”, “Proverbs and Sayings about Politeness”, “Child is an Adult”, “Good Manners”, “Children’s Helpline” (teams take turns choosing a topic and the number of points to evaluate the question)

I.The ABC of Politeness.

* 10 – “L” - remove your elbows from the table when eating

* 20 – “Z” - say hello when you meet; yawn, cover your mouth with your hand

* 30 - "I" - when going to visit, warn; when meeting someone, say your first name first, then your last name

* 40 – “B” - sighing and rolling your eyes to the sky when talking is ugly; hair must be combed

* 50 – “T” - “you” - they say to friends

II. Upbringingpoliteness

* 10 - What is politeness?

  • this is a sign of respect
  • willingness to provide a service to someone who needs it
  • the art of behaving in society.

* 20 - Who or what, in your opinion, is the main thing in education good manners?

Parents. A child, a great observer and imitator, notices any of his mother’s and father’s actions and words, and adopts their judgments and behavior.

* 30 - Where should one begin to develop a culture of behavior? “Raising a child must begin with the creation polite, kind, tolerant, sympathetic and affectionate family atmosphere. And plus, taking into account the age of the children, start with creating the spirit of the game, with a friendly, lively fairy tale. It is the game and the fairy tale that should become good helpers in raising children. Let the fairy Hello sometimes appear in the room, in whose magic apron there is a secret. The next time the child sees an umbrella left by the fairy, and attached to it is a note with humorous remarks, indicating the rules in which he made a mistake. You can hang up a mask every day - an assessment: if the baby behaved perfectly, a smiling fairy mask will appear, if he behaves badly - a dragon mask,” this advice was given by the author of the book “The ABC of Politeness” Smirnova - Gangnus

* 40 - Name it effective methods culture education behavior? Our behavior, actions, attitude towards each other are stronger than any moralizing conversations; first of all - an example, then a demonstration with a clear explanation and organization of the exercise.

* 50 – Remember and name works of art with a clear example of good manners?

(V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad?”, V. Oseeva “Work warms”, V. Oseeva “ Magic word", V. Oseeva "Just an Old Lady", L. Tolstoy "Jump")

III. Proverbs and sayings about politeness (finish)

* 10 - courtesy opens ….(all doors)

* 20 - a kind word and ….(the cat is pleased)

* 30 - kind word heals and ….(evil cripples)

* 40 is a bad word ….(dirty water)

* 50 - with a kind word And …..(melt the honey)

IV. Child - adult (solving pedagogical situations)

* 10 - During a walk, dad and Seryozha bought a bouquet of flowers for grandma: favorite flowers given by a grandson will bring great joy. After lunch, Seryozha, with his father’s help, washed the dishes so that his mother could rest. And in the evening, when they were drinking tea, the boy treated all family members to the chocolate given to him. – Who do you think helped the child bring joy to his loved ones, and does he need it?(Father)

Small signs of attention convince of mutual love. Don’t forget to make your children happy yourself: give them a pencil or a book, play their favorite game, treat them to ice cream or an apple.

* 20 - In the morning, five-year-old Irishka gets ready for kindergarten. Grandma sees her putting on her mother's hat.

Beautiful? Does it suit me? - asks the girl.

No, it's not beautiful. Only adults wear such hats, says the grandmother.

No beautiful! I like! I'll go in it. , - the girl repeats.

Then the grandmother gives her her mother’s shoes and says in a serious tone

This hat and shoes need matching ones. Try it on and it will be beautiful!

Irishka looks questioningly; the seriousness of her grandmother’s tone leaves the girl perplexed. And then she says:

Well, grandma, you are funny! Then put on my shoes!

Both laugh. The brewing conflict is dissipated.

What helped resolve this conflict situation.


- Is there humor in your relationships? Give examples.

* 30 - In the evening, children are taken home from kindergarten. "You are so kind! Thank you!" - the mother says to her son, who treated her to the candy he received for his afternoon snack. “You are the most wonderful daughter,” another mother joyfully whispers to her baby, “I missed you,” “Well, dirty little girl, let’s go home, we’ll have to wash your pants again,” the third is nervous. Short moments of an evening meeting, but how much they can tell about families. Your opinion about the order established in the family. Will such a family atmosphere contribute to the development of a culture of behavior? Why?

* 40 - Two grandmothers walking with their grandchildren on the street. One constantly grumbles: sometimes the day is too hot, sometimes it’s very rainy, sometimes it’s incredibly cold, sometimes it’s dirty, sometimes it’s boring. Another: lives by the principle “Nature has no bad weather"and enjoys communicating with his grandson. What do you think both kids will take from this communication?

P the baby develops a cheerful perception of life.

Indeed, those who received a charge of cheerfulness, joy and energy in childhood will cope with any difficulties and solve the most difficult problems in life.

* 50 - Six-year-old Vitalik, seeing his mother in the dressing room of the kindergarten in the evening, does not forget to ask her:

Well, does your leg hurt today? Invites her to sit while he gets dressed, and then takes the package from her hands.

I’ll help you carry it, otherwise it’s hard for you.

His mother approves of him.

You are an attentive, caring son. I'm proud of you.

What moral qualities were demonstrated in the child’s actions? Is his mother right to encourage him for his action? What will she achieve with this? How does your child react in similar cases?


After asking about praise.

A famous children's poetess wrote in one of her poems: “When things don't go well, praise helps me.” Is it possible to agree that we should praise the child in advance when not everything works out, or should we praise only for the result? How often do you praise your child and why? (independence, attention, politeness)

Game "Praise the child" (passing a toy - a doll in a circle, say words expressing praise)

Q: Not a single day without praise, without words of admiration. This should be your motto. Don't skimp on words of praise for your child. and you will see how quickly he will learn the norms and rules of behavior

V. Good manners.

* 10 – What is sensitivity?

Caring for people, the ability to help, the ability to sympathize.

How do you cultivate this quality in your children?

The following techniques will help in nurturing this quality in children: “Help grandma”, “Share with your brother”, “Mom is tired, don’t make noise, play quietly”

* 20 – What is modesty?

The ability to soberly evaluate oneself, never try to attract attention to oneself at any cost, high demands on oneself.

When raising children, develop in them the ability to take into account the opinion of the majority, to act well not for the sake of praise, not to brag about their successes, beautiful dress or a toy.

* 30 – What the hell good manners is missing from the child?

He examines one of the adults with undisguised curiosity, expresses his opinion aloud about those present, and points his finger at a passerby.

Whoever comes to the house rushes to the door and expectantly looks at what they brought him, pulls the guest into the room, tries to completely capture his attention.


Delicacy - do not show too much curiosity; do not force a conversation if the person is not inclined to do so; Don't demand a lot of attention.

* 40 – How can a child’s behavior be assessed in one word if he: does not insist on the immediate fulfillment of his desire, knows how to wait, does not interrupt the conversation of adults, comes to the rescue in time...


* 50 – Analyze the situation. Which trait is formed and which is missing?

An elegant, lively woman, accompanied by a naval officer, enters the tram; The girl gets up when she sees her.

Sit down please!

Well...Thank you...No need...

Sit down, sit down. I always give up my seat to the elderly.

The animation on the woman’s face fades.

(Sensitivity - yes, tactfulness - no.)

VI. Children's helpline

* 10 – “Friends will come to my birthday party on Saturday. Tell me what games can be played to make it interesting for everyone.”(parents offer options for games with children)

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

* 20 – “Is it possible to tilt a plate of soup while eating? Which way? (You can do this, but you need to tilt the plate away from you so as not to spill food on your clothes)

* 30 – “How should you accept gifts?(unwrap the wrapped gift, examine it and thank the person who brought it: he is also interested in whether he liked the gift?)

* 40 – “What should I do if I got on the bus and saw that my friends were standing on the back platform. Should I say hello to them? And how to do this?(you need to say hello, but don’t shout across the entire bus)

* 50 – In what cases should you say “sorry” and “excuse me”

(if the offense is minor, you need to say “sorry”; if you are very guilty, “sorry”)

3. Final part. Reflection.

Time flies quickly. Children are growing up, and the time will come when they, having become adults, will come to you for advice on raising their children. What mistakes would you warn them against? What advice would you give?

Game "Continue the Phrase"

- Passing the ball around, finish the phrase “For a child to grow up well-mannered, you need.....

At the end of our game, I give you reminders: “Rules for raising a polite person”, “Rules of communication in the family” (Appendix 3)

Q: Culture is priceless, because it contains morality. “A moral person, a moral ignorant, a half-educated person is the same as an airplane launched into flight with a damaged engine: he will die and bring death to people.” Is my child brought up? Is he sensitive, attentive, and attentive? Each of you will have your own answer to these questions tomorrow, after many years, and it will depend on your desire and skill. So may you adults have enough strength, patience and love.


  • Nasonkina S. Etiquette lessons. – St. Petersburg: Aksident, 1998
  • Cherenkova E. Lessons on etiquette and politeness for children.” - M., DOM.XXIvek, 2006
  • Ostrovskaya L. Conversations with parents about moral education preschooler, - M., Education, 1987
  • Pushnikova V. Etiquette for little ones, - Tyumen: Tyumen University Publishing House, 2000
  • Encyclopedia “Good manners for the little ones”, M., Belfuks, 1997

Annex 1

Questionnaire for parents.

  1. What is politeness, tact, sensitivity, delicacy?
  2. What habits cultured person does your child have?
  3. What and who is most important in developing the skills of cultural behavior and good manners?
  4. What are the methods you use to instill good manners in your child?
  5. What difficulties do you experience in instilling cultural behavior skills?

Appendix 2

Survey of children

  1. What polite words do you know?
  2. Who is a polite person?
  3. Are you polite?
  4. Do adults treat you politely?
  5. Why are polite words called polite?
  6. What would you ask mom or dad when teaching good manners?

Appendix 3

Memo 1


raising a polite person

  1. Do not insult the human dignity of your son or daughter. Never yell at him. Do not speak rude words in front of him, much less when addressing him. Do not use physical methods of punishment.
  2. Don't make endless comments about trivial matters. Encourage children's independence.
  3. Be unanimous and consistent in your demands. Do not express disagreement in front of the child.
  4. Before you make demands on your child, make them on yourself.
  5. Show interest in the child’s life and problems - by imitating, he will very soon return this to you.
  6. Be sincere: your apparent politeness and sensitivity to others is easily recognized by a child - he learns lies and hypocrisy.
  7. Treat other people tactfully, be patient with other people's shortcomings: this will be a lesson in kindness and humanity for your child.
  8. Don’t speak disrespectfully or badly about people: the child will grow up and begin to speak about you the same way.
  9. Behavior is the moral measure of a person. Show nobility under any circumstances. Be an example for your child.

Memo 2

Rules of communication in the family.

  1. Start your morning with a smile.
  2. Don't think about your child with anxiety.
  3. Know how to read your child.
  4. Don't compare children to each other.
  5. Praise often and from the heart.
  6. Separate the child's behavior from his essence.
  7. Experience the joy of doing things together with your child.
  8. Let your child know that he is the most loved and desired.
  9. Do not be indifferent to the inner world and experiences of your children.

10. Try not to show your negative emotions to your children, do not set a bad example.

11. Try not to create situations in which the child can show his negative behavior.

12. Praise your child as much as possible, even for minor successes.

  1. If you want to develop certain qualities in a child, try to treat him as if he has them.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Politeness costs nothing but brings a lot.
M. Montagu

“Polite” in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language is defined as observing the rules of decency, well-mannered and courteous. Agnia Barto gave us a vivid description of an ignorant child who has ruined relationships in the family in her poem “The Ignorant Bear Cub,” rightly suggesting that “there are such bears among the children!”

If a child interrupts adults...

“Don’t interrupt me, don’t interrupt me!” - this is what is sung in the famous hit song, where she is indignant and throws a tantrum at him because he does not listen to her. How unpleasant it is to be interrupted, even if you are an adult! What to do if a child interrupts adults?

“Our son Vanya (2 years 3 years old) does not let us talk, he constantly demands that we do something with him: read, and play, etc. When my husband and I talk, Vanya butts into our conversation and demands that only him be listened to.”

The first words, the first we rejoice that the child can speak! Time passes, and we notice that the baby has not only learned to talk to adults, he has learned to interrupt adults. You need to know that when a child interrupts an adult or inserts himself into a conversation without asking, this may mean that he:

  • does not know how to listen;
  • shows aggression towards the one he interrupted;
  • wants to attract the attention to which he is accustomed, being the center of the family universe;
  • does not have sufficient patience;
  • does not receive enough parental attention.

It is known that the appearance of impatience is associated with a feeling of anxiety and is typical for children with increased nervous tension. When a child talks a lot, interferes with the conversations of adults and other children, intrudes into other people's games - this may be one of the symptoms of hyperactivity.

If the child does not say hello...

For some children, the coming and going situations of saying hello and goodbye are very stressful. In children with disorders of the nervous system, tension situations cause a defensive reaction in the form of stupor. The natural behavior of an adult will help you get out of this state: for example, he will say hello for himself and his baby, and say goodbye twice. With the boy Vasya, 4 years old, who showed signs of neurotic stupor every time in a situation of saying goodbye and greeting, we offer parents exciting ways to greet and say goodbye: with shoulders, feet, palms, etc. Vasya will like such funny ways, and one day, when several months have passed, we will hear the boy following his mother’s greeting: “Hello!”

The reason that a child does not say hello or goodbye may also be an unfavorable family atmosphere.

"Denis in kindergarten does not know how to communicate with children, his games with peers consist in the fact that he breaks their buildings and has fun about it. And there’s no way to teach him to say hello! Denis does not say “goodbye”, does not say “thank you”, he may pinch his grandfather or hit him with the toe of his shoe. To Papa, Denis expresses his dissatisfaction with the words: “I’m not friends with you!” He is a mischievous boy who does everything wrong. He’s probably the same as me!”

It is not difficult to guess that in this family not only the boy behaves this way, but also other family members. It turned out that Denis’s mother did not greet his grandmother, thereby expressing her dissatisfaction with her mother-in-law. Grandparents do not greet each other or other family members. In the conditions of this family, it is really difficult to teach a boy polite words, because it is necessary to change not only the behavior of each adult member of the family, but also the unfavorable atmosphere in which magic words cannot live.

If a child swears...

Indeed, polite words help in communication, the children's writer V. Oseeva once spoke about this wonderfully in the story “Polite Word”. The word “Please,” spoken in a quiet voice and looking straight into the eyes of the person you were talking to, in this story opened the hearts of the little boy’s family, as if by magic. What should you do if your baby says words that are considered profanity?

The spread of obscene words has recently taken on an alarming scale, and children preschool age turned out to be the most vulnerable to foul language. Today it is known that verbal information affects human DNA, and foul language destroys the wave programs responsible for the normal functioning of the child’s body. Adults who use lexical garbage in their speech and are a source of infection for a child need to understand that they are harmful to the child’s health.

Mom asked for psychological help : “My son has a problem with garbage words, they literally fly out of Kirill’s mouth.” Kirill is the only child in the family; his mother is raising him. Kirill is extremely intellectual developed child, and such behavior can be regarded as a manifestation of demonstrative behavior, meaning: “Pay attention to me!” Kirill considers the following to be the worst event for himself: “Mom goes to the club all the time, night club!” Kirill’s mother does not work, unlike his father, who provides for this family. In the evenings, when dad comes home, mom goes to have fun at a nightclub, and dad stays at home with the boy and does not hesitate to use swear words in the presence of his son.

The attractiveness and vitality of profanity is due to the fact that it relieves tension in situations where emotions are overwhelming and overwhelming, when it is difficult to express what you feel in words. In preschool children, these difficulties are associated with age characteristics. In this regard, it is important to teach preschoolers constructive forms of expressing their positive and negative emotions.

“Our son swears. We tried not to pay attention, scold and punish - nothing helps! What should I do?

The fact is that a 4-year-old child is already consciously using indecent words, and the methods listed may indeed be ineffective. Try allowing your child to swear (after all, it happens anyway), but only in a certain place (for example, by the trash can - your son’s words are trash).

However, this method should be used only as a last resort. First of all, you need to show the child your rejection of indecent language: “I don’t like such words,” “In our kindergarten (in our family) they don’t say that,” etc.

Memo for parents “How to teach a child not to interrupt adults”

  1. Agree in advance with your child that when a guest comes to you and you talk to him, the baby, for example, will play alone in his room. Explain that you are busy right now. Ask to remember what the child wants to tell you so that you can listen to him when you finish the conversation with the guest. Ask your child to draw and write what he wants to tell you.
  2. Do not use phrases such as: “You interrupted me!”, “It’s not nice to interrupt adults,” “Only bad boys do that,” etc.
  3. Teach a polite way of speaking: the phrase “Please excuse me for having to interrupt you!” can be truly magical
  4. Set an example for your child and do not get involved in someone else's conversation unless necessary.
  5. Consider age: than younger child, the more difficult it is for him to restrain himself in anticipation of a pause in the conversation.
  6. Praise your child for finding something to do while you were busy talking.
  7. Never interrupt your child yourself!

Memo for parents “How to help your child be polite”

  1. Be sure to use polite words yourself in situations where they are necessary.
  2. Convince the adults around your child to make the use of polite words the norm.
  3. Show your child the “magic” of polite words. Do not fulfill your child's requests, such as “give it to me,” without saying “please.”
  4. Make meeting and parting situations as natural and varied as possible for your child.
  5. Say hello, say goodbye and say thank you first, don’t wait for the child to remember.
  6. Together with your child, develop and approve mandatory rules of politeness. For example: “You need to say hello to everyone you saw for the first time that day,” etc.
  7. Teach politeness politely!

Memo for parents “How to stop a child from swearing”

  1. Do not use profanity yourself, watch your own speech. Convince the adults around the child not to use “garbage” words.
  2. Do not ask (even if you really want to!) the child where he heard these words (What if from you!), because by doing this you focus the child’s attention on “these words” and on the situation in which they were heard.
  3. React to your child's swear words depending on his age. You don’t have to react in any way to words heard from a younger preschooler; he will most likely soon forget them. A child of middle and senior preschool age must be made to understand that you do not want to hear such words at home (in kindergarten). Tactfully, convincingly and calmly explain to the child that these are offensive, bad, dirty words, they are unpleasant to both say and hear. Good children don’t say such words, but you are sure that your child is good!
  4. Do not show your child an emotional reaction to the indecent words you hear, as either a positive or negative reaction from an adult may make the child want to repeat the use of indecent words in order to provoke a reaction.
  5. If your child continues to use obscene words, determine the time and place when and where bad words can be said. For example, you can say these words at the trash can only when no one is nearby.
  6. Teach your child to express his strong feelings in other, non-swear words.
  7. Maintain friendly relations in the family (in kindergarten), since peace, mutual understanding and a warm atmosphere are the environment in which profanity is not needed.

MKOU "Chernyshkovskaya secondary school No. 2"

Class hour "The ABC of Morality" (8th grade)

Conducted by the class teacher

8 B class

Melnikova Nina Nikolaevna

r.p. Chernyshkovsky 2014

Melnikova Nina Nikolaevna

Class hour - “The ABC of Morality”

Goal: *deepen teenagers’ understanding of politeness;

form a positive moral assessment of such human qualities as reliability, loyalty, commitment, mutual assistance;

*remember the rules of good manners and cultivate respect for another person.

* to form in students an understanding of the importance of a polite attitude towards people around them, to cultivate the desire to do good deeds, and to develop self-esteem.

Board: Remember :

*Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in relationships are mutual.

*Develop such qualities in yourself.

*Do not allow quarrels, fights, swearing, shouting, or threats. This humiliates a person.

* Treasure your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from doing bad things.

*Help the younger, the vulnerable, be fair.

“Spiritual examples are undoubtedly more powerful good rules»

D. Locke.

Nothing costs us like this

cheap and not valued that much

as a courtesy.

M. Cervantes

Teacher:Today we will talk about moments of respectful relationship with each other. Let's count how many people we meet every day. At home we communicate with family and neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by, adults, peers.

It's hard to count how many people you'll see in one day. Every person is in constant communication with familiar and unfamiliar people at home, at school, on the street, in a store, in the library, in the cinema, etc. But not everyone talks to each other in a friendly, tactful manner. Therefore, there are rules of politeness; they originated in ancient times.

Politeness has always been an indicator of good manners. True politeness is about treating people kindly.

Polite people – well-mannered people who follow the rules of behavior accepted in society.

Polite man - courteous, attentive. It is easy to establish contact with him and maintain it. Polite words lift people's spirits and speak of the speaker's respect for the interlocutor, his tact, sensitivity, and readiness to provide a service to those who need it.

Politeness - a moral quality that characterizes the behavior of a person for whom respect for people has become an everyday norm of behavior and a habitual way of treating others.

The word "politeness" is derived from the word polite. This is an Old Russian derivative with the help of the suffix - ьliv- (modern -liv-) from the now uncommon “vezha” - “expert”, derived through the suffix -j- otvetti - “to know”; di>f.

Back in the 16th century, the ancient word vezha meant “a person who knows how to behave.” It comes from the Old Russian vladit, that is, “to know.” A polite person, as opposed to an impolite person, is one who has knowledge, “awareness” or “weight” and behaves in accordance with it.

To be polite means to be able to behave and have good manners. It means connecting with people in a way that makes them feel cared for, loved, valued and respected. Many people only behave politely around strangers because they want to make a good impression. But true politeness is to be polite at all times and to everyone. When you are polite, people are polite to you.

Politeness promotes communication with people. Polite words generate warmth of the soul:

When you want to say a word,

My friend, think - don’t rush,

It can be harsh

It was born from the warmth of the soul.

Question: What kind of polite words does the warmth of the soul give birth to?

A “Politeness” survey is administered the day before class.

Politeness Questionnaire.

1. List polite words that you know

2. What do you mean by a polite person?

3. Do you allow yourself to act immorally.

4. Do you reprimand a friend if he acted tactlessly with someone?

5.What rules of behavior do you know?

6.What is politeness.

The teacher analyzes the “Politeness” questionnaire

Name the most common polite words that exist in our communication: /students answer/

1. Hello!

2. Be kind.

3. Thank you

4. Be kind.

5. Sorry.

6. Good morning!

7. Thank you.

8. Good night!

9. Please.

10. Good afternoon!

11. Goodbye!

12. Good evening!

13. Tell me, what time is it?

14. Sorry for disturbing you.

Teacher : Having good manners is not difficult, just acquire the habit.

So, a little historyorigin of polite words.

Game “Say the Word.”

1. Even a block of ice grows from a warm word.../thank you/.

Student 1:


In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him:

God bless you!

“God bless” turned into a short thank you. You should never forget this word. There is even a proverb: “Don’t be sorry for your thanks!”

If by word or deed

Did anyone help you?

Don't be shy loudly, boldly


FISMINUTKA (thank you in different languages).

Here's what the word "thank you" sounds like in different languages:

English: Thank you

Georgian: Mahd-lobt (madlobt)

Italian: Grazie
Spanish: Gracias (gracias)

German: Danke schön
Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)
French: Merci beaucoups

Hindi: Shoukriah (shukran)

Czech Czech: Dekuju (dyakuyu)

Japanese: Domo arigato


Even children know: ugly

It’s not enough to say “Thank you!” for kindness.

This word has been familiar to us since childhood.

And it sounds on the street and at home.

But sometimes we forget it,

And in response we just nod joyfully...

And already worthy of our pity

Quiet “Thank you” and “Please.”

And not everyone is ready to remember

The meaning of hidden kind words.

2 .When we are scolded for pranks,

Say – …../sorry, please/.

Student 2:


For a long time, the word “to favor” meant to pay attention, respect, show respect. Hence another, related word – “to grant”, that is, to respond to a request, to bestow attention.

The word “please” contains a respectful request, reciprocal attention, gratitude, and respect:

If you ask for anything,

Don't forget first

Open your lips

And say: “PLEASE!”

Student 3:


3. If someone caused trouble or inconvenience to someone, without meaning to, inadvertently, he asked to forgive him, not to hold a grudge, not to blame and said: “Sorry!” That is, “take the blame off me”:

If you accidentally offended someone

Or stepped on your foot accidentally,

Just don't be silent, just don't moo,

Don’t wait too long, say: “SORRY!”

4. But I'll see you again,

To…./hello/ say again.

Student 4:


Hello is a word that is used when meeting as a greeting phrase in Russian. However, the actual meaning of the word is a wish for health. Just like “I wish you good health,” it has been customary since ancient times and was considered a gesture of respect when greeting. The expression comes from the word “hello” - to be healthy, to exist safely:

What is hello? - The best of words,

Because hello means be healthy!

Remember the rule. You know - repeat.

Be the first to say this to your elders!

Student 5:

Oh, how we need polite words!

We have been convinced of this more than once.

Or maybe it’s not words – it’s deeds that matter

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

Student 6:

No matter how hard life is for us,

We must not lose politeness.

We will pay attention to each other

And it will become easier to understand each other.


In order for each of us to become polite, it is necessary to follow the following rules (together with students, make rulespoliteness /:

1. Politeness shows your attitude towards other people.

2. A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another.

3. A polite person is friendly and considerate of others.

4. A polite person always says hello and goodbye. It is impolite not to return a greeting.

5. You should greet adults first, but you cannot extend your hand yourself. When greeting, you need to look into the face of the person you are greeting.

6. Be polite with your comrades: do not give them nicknames and nicknames; when talking, do not shout.

7. In games, don’t be rude or shout. Don’t argue with your friend over trifles, don’t quarrel, try to work and play together.

8. A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

9. You must be polite in words, in tone, in gestures, in actions. Polite words spoken in a rude voice or in a cheeky tone cease to be polite.

So let's learn to be polite. Talk to each other Nice words and in return you will hear only good things.

So, what kind of person can you call cultural?

Student 2: dresses simply but tastefully, remembers fashion, but does not follow it blindly, it's nice to look at him.

Student 3: health and muscles are not for display, but for the sake of health. He will not spare an hour for gymnastics and caring for his skin and body. It radiates physical energy and health.

Teacher: Let's talk about the rules of etiquette (the students prepared small messages)

Student 4: The rules of etiquette have been formed for a long time, back in feudal Europe during the time of the knights. It was from there that the custom came to take off your headdress when entering a room, and take off your glove when shaking hands with another person. The knights showed by this that they did not have a weapon in their hand; by removing their helmet, they seemed to be saying to the owner of the house: “I am not afraid of you.”

In ancient Rus' in the 12th century, the prince Vladimir Monomakh in “Instruction for Children” he advised to conduct a conversation like this: “Be silent with elders, listen to the wise, talk without evil intent, think more, do not rage with words, do not condemn with speech, do not laugh a lot.”

In Russia The first set of rules on etiquette was prepared in 1717. by decree of Peter I. The code was compiled by the Russian Academy of Sciences and was intended to teach nobles secular manners and secular behavior.

Let's listen to some rules from this book and then discuss them. Most of the rules are still valid, although they are written in unusual language.

Student 5.6:(read excerpts from the decree of Peter I):

* “The children of their father and mother must support their father and mother to a great extent. And when their parents give them orders, they should always hold their hat in their hands, and not put it on in front of them, and not sit near them, and not sit before them...

* Don’t speak without asking, and when it happens to them to speak, they should speak favorably, and not with a cry, or even more so from the heart or with enthusiasm, and offer their need gracefully in pleasant and courteous words.

* It is not proper for them to wander all over the table with their hands or feet, but eat quietly, and do not draw, poke, or knock on the plates, tablecloths, or dishes with forks and knives, but must sit quietly and quietly, straight, and not with their hips on their sides.

*No one has to walk down the street with his head hanging and his eyes downcast, or look askance at people, but walk straight, and not bent over, and keep his head straight, and look at people cheerfully and pleasantly .

Here we listened to excerpts from Peter’s Decree. Let's now answer


1. How should children treat their parents?

2. How should you talk to parents and other adults?

3. How should you greet your elders?

4. What rules have been preserved until today?

5. Why did Peter I feel the need for such a book of rules of conduct for nobles?

Student7:.Empress Catherine II forced the courtiers to comply with the rules of the “Hermitage Charter”. One of the paragraphs called for “speaking moderately and not very loudly, so that the ears and heads of others there would not hurt.”

Teacher: A person must always be polite and cultured, both in the era of Peter and in our time, therefore the rules of etiquette have been preserved.

So, the basic concepts:

Etiquette – good manners – culture./ On the desk/

1.Etiquette– rules of behavior and communication of a person in society.

2. Good manners very important, by it one can judge the person himself, his culture.

Teacher: Guys, cultural speech is a sign of an intelligentsia and well-mannered person. Slang words, rude phrases - all this only demonstrates the lack of proper upbringing. I think that in your speech you will try not to use such words, and then your interlocutors will understand you.

Let's formulate rules of good communication:

1. Smile.

2. Show genuine interest in others.

3. Contact your interlocutor more often.

4. Encourage your interlocutor to talk about himself.

Actual question

Most guys, even if they know, often do not follow these rules.

Now let's check how you can behave, speak and act in this or that situations.

Tours are scored in points /2 points/ or you can give tokens for correct answers.

I round

"Do we know how to behave"

1.You enter the classroom and the classroom is a mess. Your actions? 2. At the same time, two people offer you various treats: one friend – chocolate, the other – simple caramels. Your actions?

3. The teacher writes an unsatisfactory grade or remark in the student’s diary. React adequately to this unpleasant fact.

4.You see that money is being taken away from a child younger than you. Your actions?

5. A woman climbs onto a bus or up stairs with a heavy bag. Your actions?

2nd round

Life situations.

1. It was given to you on your birthday unnecessary thing(for example, a real Russian balalaika). Respond to the gift with a joke, humor, an expression of joy and gratitude.

2. You were given a completely unnecessary thing on your birthday (for example, a two-volume book “Safety precautions when carrying out drilling and blasting operations in underground mine workings”). Respond to the gift with a joke, humor, an expression of joy and gratitude.

3. Visiting a friend.

One man came to visit his friend who lived in a big city. At first the friend was very pleased. But time passed, and the man had no intention of leaving. Finally, a friend asked him:

Don't you think your wife and children are bored without you?

“You’re right,” he replied. - I'll call them tomorrow so they can come.


4. Birthday.

Mom, please give me 50 rubles,” says Tanya.

“And I have 100 rubles,” Masha asks.

“I also need 200 rubles,” says my husband.

What happened to you today? - asks the mother.

Have you forgotten? It's your birthday today. Analyze.

Now let’s read the proverb: “If we are polite to everyone, all doors will open to us!”

Sh tour

How we greet each other.

1. You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a person you didn’t know and paused. Should I say hello to you too?

2. You entered the bus from the back platform and saw that your friends were standing at the front door. Should I say hello to them, and if so, how to do it?

3. This has probably happened to you: you meet a person often, for example, in the public garden through which you go to school. But they don't know him. Is it appropriate to say hello in such cases?

4. Is it possible to say “hello” instead of “hello”

5. Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them Oleg saw his class teacher and, passing by, politely said: “Hello, Nina Nikolaevna.” Can you tell me what mistake was made? Or maybe everything is okay?

1U round.

Guests have come to see you.

Situation 1. Alyosha was returning from school with friends. On the way they argued. Following the dispute, we reached Sasha’s house, the dispute is not over yet. Sasha suggested: “Come to us, guys. I have a book, it will help resolve the dispute. And we’ll eat, otherwise I really want to.” “Won’t mom swear?” asked one of the boys. “Well, what are you doing! I have it.” not like that! Alyosha’s mother opened the door. She was wearing an old dress and her hair was falling out from under her scarf. She was washing. “Sorry, guys, we’re in a mess.” , tried to leave. The owners persuaded them to stay. It was awkward for everyone, it was not good. Who is to blame for this?

Situation 2. There was a knock on the door. Sergei, continuing to eat, shouted: Come in, it’s open! Marina appeared on the threshold. This was a complete surprise. They know each other, of course. But... What needs to be done first? What to do with dinner: continue or leave it. Can I ask why Marina came? What if she needs a book that will take a long time to find? How to proceed?

Situation 3. Back to school soon. The lessons are not done yet. And my mother asked me to peel the potatoes and wipe the floor with a damp cloth. But Igor will not get down to business. In the morning, his neighbors and two brothers stopped by for a minute. And they don't leave. We played Dandy. They trained Tusya, a lapdog, to apprehend a criminal. We practiced sambo techniques on the mat. They emptied the bowl of sweets. Then they found a songbook and began to sing songs. Send them home! What about the owner's house? What about the lessons? What about mom's request?

At the tour.

A little about different things.

1. Who should end a telephone conversation first: who called or who was called?

2. At the evening, a boy danced with a girl. He tells her: “Thank you.” Right? What should a girl say or do?

3. A friend came to visit my older sister; she is studying to become a dentist. We were drinking tea. I remembered and said: “Look what a healthy hole I have in my tooth.” And he showed it. My sister almost ate me afterwards; my mother complained that I was ill-mannered. What did I do?

4. Is it true that if someone sneezes, you can’t say: be healthy.” And many people say... How true?

5 . Now, if they brought you a gift, so wrapped, you can unwrap it and look at it. I read that it is possible, but my grandmother says, it is impossible, they say, you are showing your greed. So: to watch or not to watch?

6. One boy at the evening invited me to dance. I say, "No. I won't." He says: "Why?" I don't know if I should explain it to him or not.

7 . How to eat green peas correctly? Prick peas onto a fork or pick them up with a fork

Teacher: Look at the writing on the board. Let us remember once again that /read the words on the board/


I want to finish Classroom hour wordsE. Rotterdam : « Politeness generates and causespoliteness"

Test “Methodology of unfinished sentences /topic concepts/” /children decipher concepts/:

Good is……..

Politeness is......

Etiquette is……..

A culture of behavior is…….


1. D.N. Ushakov. Big Dictionary modern Russian language.

2. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: a practical reference book. Z.E.Alexandrova. – M,: Russian language. –Media, 2007.

3. General explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

4. Internet resources /physical education minute/.

Cultivating politeness in children.

“Nothing costs us so little

And it is not valued as much as politeness.”


Politeness is one of the indicators of human culture. It is based on a sensitive and attentive attitude towards people and is manifested in respect, friendliness, attentiveness, and caring towards them. Politeness adorns a person's actions and is one of the most attractive traits of human character.

What habits and norms of behavior need to be instilled in children to raise them to be polite?

From a very early age, children must be taught to follow basic rules of politeness:

1. Say hello, say goodbye, and greet relatives, acquaintances, comrades and friends not only at home, but also in kindergarten, in public places.

2. Apologize for the trouble caused: “Excuse me, please,” “Excuse me, please.”

3. When making a request, say: “Please,” “Be kind,” etc.

4. Thank adults and comrades for the service provided and help with the words: “Thank you,” “Thank you.”

5. Diligently follow the requests and instructions of adults.

6. Address all adults as “you”, call adults by name and patronymic, call comrades by name.

7. Respect the work of adults: do not spoil or dirty clothes or things; wipe your feet on the mat at the entrance, help adults, take care of your younger brothers.

8. Do everything diligently, always clean up everything after yourself (clothes, toys).

9. Do not interfere in adult conversations.

10. When addressing adults, say: “Let me ask,” “Tell me, please,” etc.; willingly answer adults' questions, do not be annoying, do not interrupt adults during a conversation, listen to the end.

11. Do not make noise if someone is resting or sick at home or with neighbors.

12. Do not run, jump or shout in public places.

13. Behave politely on the street: do not speak loudly, walk calmly, walk on the sidewalk without touching passers-by, do not wave your arms.

14. Before entering someone else's room, knock.

15. Give thanks for the food and put the chair back in place when leaving the table.

16. The older preschooler must provide attention and services to adults: give up his seat, pick up a fallen thing, provide all possible assistance

How should children be taught to be polite?

How joyful it is to see polite and well-mannered children!

It’s nice when your child says hello to neighbors, relatives, acquaintances, teachers, children, at night before going to bed does not forget to say good night, says thank you, and gives the elders a chair.

But all this requires a lot of attention and great job with baby.

Dear parents, remember:

1. First of all, adults themselves need to be polite to each other - this is one of the most powerful and surest ways to instill politeness in children.

2. Establish control over the child, because The lack of demands and control over children’s behavior leads to promiscuity.

3. Take advantage of every opportunity to train your child in correct behavior: family holidays, birthdays, visiting trips, etc.

4. In young children, the skills of showing respect for people can be taught very early and easily, because they are not yet embarrassed to learn the ability to greet, apologize, say “please”, they perceive these exercises as a game (give way to an adult, pick up a dropped thing). At the same time, they take these rules of conduct seriously and diligently follow instructions.

5. While requiring certain actions from a child, education cannot be reduced to simple training, otherwise the child will get used to doing everything without feelings.

6. The child should be explained why he needs to do this and not otherwise (for example, knock before entering) so that he does everything consciously.

7. You should always evaluate the child’s actions; praise and condemnation are strong educational tools. But you shouldn’t praise your child too much.

8. A good remedy education of correct behavior is children's literature. Artistic images of fairy tales and stories act on small child stronger than any idea. Book characters evoke certain feelings in a child: indignation, sympathy, admiration. The book helps the child understand what is good and what is bad.

9. Avoid persuasion and cajoling. From the early age The child must know the word “no” and obey it. Calmly but firmly repeat certain demands on your child day after day, and he will get used to obeying them.

10. Watch your actions, do not take it out on children, do not slander in front of children, teach them to restrain themselves, and with their behavior set an example of modesty, honesty and goodwill.

11. Take an interest in the behavior of your children in kindergarten.

12. Do not pass by a child who is breaking the rules of behavior, stop him, make a reprimand.

Read these books to your children: V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”, V. Oseeva “Blue Leaves”, N. Nosov “Cucumbers”, V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”, S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, N. Artyukhova “ Hard Evening”, “Grandmother and Grandson”, “Ball and Sand Pies”, etc.