Image Theme " little man” is not new in Russian literature. At one time, the problem of man was given great attention by N. V. Gogol, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov and others. The first writer who opened the world of “little people” to us was N.M. Karamzin. The greatest influence on subsequent literature was his story "Poor Liza". The author laid the foundation for a huge cycle of works about “little people”, took the first step into this hitherto unknown topic. It was he who opened the way for such writers of the future as Gogol, Dostoevsky and others.

A.S. Pushkin was the next writer, whose sphere of creative attention began to include the whole of vast Russia, its open spaces, the life of villages, Petersburg and Moscow opened not only from a luxurious entrance, but also through the narrow doors of poor people's houses. For the first time, Russian literature so poignantly and clearly showed the distortion of the individual by a hostile environment. Samson Vyrin ("The Stationmaster") and Evgeny ("The Bronze Horseman") represent the petty bureaucracy of that time. But A. S. Pushkin points us to the “little man”, whom we must notice.

Even deeper than Pushkin, this topic was revealed by Lermontov. The naive charm of the folk character was recreated by the poet in the image of Maxim Maksimych. The heroes of Lermontov, his “little people”, are different from all the previous ones. These are no longer passive people, like in Pushkin, and not illusory, like in Karamzin, these are people in whose souls the ground is already ready for a cry of protest against the world in which they live.

N.V. Gogol purposefully defended the right to portray the "little man" as an object of literary research. According to N.V. Gogol, a person is completely limited by his social status. Akaky Akakievich gives the impression of a man who is not only downtrodden and pitiful, but also not at all close-minded. He certainly has feelings, but they are small and come down to the joy of owning an overcoat. And only one feeling in him is huge - it is fear. According to Gogol, the social structure is to blame for this, and his “little man” dies not from humiliation and insult, but more from fear.

For F. M. Dostoevsky, the “little man” is, first of all, a personality that is certainly deeper than Samson Vyrin or Akaky Akakievich. F. M. Dostoevsky calls his novel "Poor people" that way. The author invites us to feel, experience everything together with the hero and leads us to the idea that “little people” are not only personalities in the full sense of the word, but their personal feeling, their ambition is much greater even than that of people with a position in society. "Little people" are the most vulnerable, and they are afraid that everyone else will not see their spiritually rich nature. Makar Devushkin considers his help to Varenka a kind of charity, thus showing that he is not a limited poor man, thinking only about collecting and keeping money. Of course, he does not suspect that this help is driven not by a desire to stand out, but by love. But this once again proves to us the main idea of ​​​​Dostoevsky - the "little man" is capable of high deep feelings. We find a continuation of the theme of the “little man” in F. M. Dostoevsky’s first big problematic novel “Crime and Punishment”. The most important and new, in comparison with other writers who have covered this topic, is Dostoevsky's downtrodden man's ability to look into himself, the ability of introspection and appropriate actions. The writer subordinates the characters to a detailed introspection, no other writer in essays, stories, sympathetically depicting the life and customs of the urban poor, had such a leisurely and concentrated psychological insight and depth of depiction of the character of the characters.

The theme of the “little man” is especially clearly revealed in the work of A.P. Chekhov. Exploring the psychology of his heroes, Chekhov discovers a new psychological type - a serf by nature, a creature like a reptile for the soul and spiritual needs. Such, for example, is Chervyakov, who finds true pleasure in humiliation. The reasons for the humiliation of the "little man", according to Chekhov, are himself.

Who better than teenagers to know what worries them? Nevertheless, it is not always possible for adults to establish contact with them, to understand. This is also evidenced by the statistics: of all those who applied to the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Republic of Belarus last year, 97% were adults. That is why, in anticipation international day protection of children within the framework of the Congress "Family and Childhood", the authorized representative, together with the Youth Public Chamber under the State Assembly - the Kurultai of the Republic, organized a "round table", inviting to discuss the problems of the younger generation of adults - representatives of ministries, executive authorities, public organizations, and children - students of Ufa schools and lyceums.

Suggest your solutions

It is necessary to teach children to clearly see the meaning of life, to determine their desires, to know their rights, - stressed the Children's Ombudsman Milana Skorobogatova, opening the meeting.
She was supported by the chairman of the Youth Chamber Nikolay Samoylenko. In particular, he noted that the discussion of topics that concern young people today is impossible without the involvement of young people themselves. Perhaps these questions are not new, but they do not lose their importance, because children constantly have to deal with them. Therefore, the children were given the opportunity not only to talk about the problems, but also to offer their own options for solving them, to ask questions to officials.

There is no such thing as too much security

After analyzing the sad statistics of traffic accidents, fires and accidents involving children, Emil Chingizov (Lyceum No. 5, 16 years old) proposes to create a center that would ensure the safety of children and adolescents. He believes that “accomplished specialists” should work there, who could provide assistance of a different nature: psychological, consulting and other.

The round table participants supported the idea. At the same time, most of them believe that it is necessary to involve young people in the work of such centers, who, to a greater extent than adults, can understand the problems of their peers. The guys also believe that the current approach to teaching the subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety" does not give the desired effect.

Preparing for the exam narrows the horizon

Finishing the 11th grade, schoolchildren take a unified state exam in two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, and several to choose from - those that are needed for entering a university. According to Valentin Kataev (school number 35, 16 years old), the USE is a rather difficult exam, it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare, you have to focus only on selected subjects, hire tutors. This does not have the best effect on general erudition, narrows the horizons. In this regard, Valentin proposes to introduce a generalized test to assess the knowledge of a graduate in all subjects.

It is desirable that the result of this test is also taken into account when entering a university or college. Otherwise, studying in grades 10-11 will be reduced to cramming unnecessary subjects on the principle of "answer and forget." We will study not for the sake of gaining knowledge, but to pass exams, - the student emphasized.

This idea was close to other schoolchildren who were present at the round table. Representatives of the adult side noted that it would not be possible to organize a full-fledged discussion on this topic within the framework of this meeting, but they would definitely return to it.

Is a business incubator possible at school?

This question was asked by Vladimir Romanov (school number 101, 18 years old). At school, students are given extensive knowledge in the field of economics. Children begin to study this subject from the second grade, and in the sixth grade they already draw up business plans. But this is theory, but I want practice.

The graduates of our stream are mostly 18-19 years old, we are older than the previous graduates, respectively, and we have different interests, and we want to have our own income. If it were possible to create a small commercial enterprise in a school without administrative and legal obstacles, we would get the first practical experience under the guidance of our teachers, learn in practice how to organize a business, promote goods and services on the market, - Vladimir cited arguments.

School meals: desired and actual

As Diana Maslova (Lyceum "Commonwealth", 16 years old) said, less than a third of the students eat in her class and parallel ones in the canteen. A few years ago, the quality of the food offered raised great doubts among the children, so starting from the fifth or sixth grades, everyone refused it en masse.

Last year, the canteen was reconstructed, the quality of food has noticeably improved, but now we have a different problem,” the schoolgirl said. - For example, to buy a pie, and pastries appear only after the third lesson, we have to stand together in a huge queue. A twenty-minute break is not enough, we are late, we miss a third or even half of the next lesson. It is simply impossible to eat in this way, ”she noted.

It turns out that it is easier for children to drink soda and eat a bag of chips than to get a full meal. Nevertheless, Diana and her classmates are in favor of ensuring that school meals are finally settled.

Mugs and sections need different

The performances of Alsu Safina (lyceum No. 5, 8 years old), David Sukhanov (gymnasium No. 16, 13 years old) and Bulat Gallyamov (gymnasium No. 1, 15 years old) were united by a common idea - the guys want to spend their leisure time with benefit. Attend clubs, sections, swimming pools, have the opportunity to play football, basketball and other games in the yard on equipped playgrounds.

Alsu Safina expressed her wish that the school taught how to handle money properly. The idea of ​​the girl caused the approval of the audience. Maria Savenko, a member of the Public Youth Chamber, noted that if there is such an interest, then a financial literacy center can be organized at the school. Milana Skorobogatova instructed Maria Savenko to work on this issue and help Alsou.

The discussion between children and adults lasted more than two hours, but this time was not enough to discuss all the exciting issues. The opinions and proposals of the participants will be included in the resolution-appeal.

On Children's Day, this appeal will be announced. Children themselves will determine to whom it will be addressed, - said Milana Skorobogatova.

The main thing that the child faces in kindergarten- these are new rules that may not be accepted in his family. Adapting to kindergarten, the kid learns to distinguish between situations and analyze what is possible and what is not possible with certain people, in certain cases. He needs to learn to defend his opinion - but respect the rules, defend himself - but not offend others, be a person - but appreciate the team, have his own permanent tastes - but also allow something new.

Psychologists say that in a child of 3-4 years old, the adaptation period lasts 2-3 months. If the period is prolonged, it is worth consulting with a psychologist and helping the child. Here are some typical situations that parents face when a child starts going to kindergarten (that is, the adaptation period has begun).

Reluctance to go to the garden

Crying, whims every time it's time to go to kindergarten - oddly enough, this is the most "favorable" option. The child openly talks about what he does not like. Here it is important not to scold the child for tantrums, but to sympathize, regret, explain that "this is how the world works: moms and dads work, and children go to kindergartens and schools."


Literally from the first days of visiting the kindergarten, the child begins to get sick: "a week in the kindergarten is a week (and sometimes two) at home." Many parents complain about the kindergarten: they say they overlooked it, drafts, sick children are accepted, infection ... But most often it is not the kindergarten, but the very situation of the child’s transition to an independent stay somewhere without parents, is to blame for these diseases.

As is well known, physical and mental development child are interconnected, and the child's body sometimes helps him cope with anxieties and experiences. Most often, "obedient" children get sick, who cannot afford high-profile scandals, try not to upset. As a rule, a few months after the child went to kindergarten, he gets sick less and less and becomes more active, more talkative, more mature.

Sincerely, Ilya Iskhakovna.

Big problems for a little man.

Have you got a baby? We congratulate you and wish him to grow up healthy, smart, kind, of course, the best! This is a great joy and, of course, a great responsibility. For young parents, everything is new, there are many questions and worries, they not only get used to the new mode of life, but also try to determine what condition is normal for the baby, and when it is already necessary to start worrying about it. Oksana Vladimirovna Zagudayeva, a pediatrician at the Formula Health Medical Center, tells our subscribers about what you should pay attention to when caring for a newborn, and also about what you should not worry about.

Order in the nursery

The room in which the baby is located must be kept especially clean and tidy. Before the appearance of the child, it is advisable to make repairs or general cleaning in it using disinfectants.

For repairs, choose non-allergenic materials, for example, only paper wallpapers are recommended. Wet cleaning should be done daily, airing 1-3 times a day, the temperature in the room should be constant, 20-22 ° C. I recommend placing the bed closer to the window, but not near the window and not near the battery. Canopies that cover the crib are very popular now. Of course, it's beautiful, but very unhygienic! Under the canopy, the air stagnates, microorganisms and the smallest dust from tissues accumulate in it. In addition, the child breathes intensively (about 40 breaths per minute, versus 16 in an adult). It means that he needs fresh air, his movement more than we do. So, paying tribute to fashion, we harm the health of our baby.

If you can’t give up the desire to decorate the crib, then at least never close the canopy - let it be just a drapery against the wall. The mattress must be firm enough. A flat pillow (not downy) is placed under the head.

Bedding should be aired daily. Children's underwear is washed with white children's or laundry soap. Currently, of course, there are synthetic laundry detergents for children, but they can be allergic. Still, the first month is better to do natural remedies. Diapers and undershirts in the first month of life are best ironed on both sides. All children's underwear should be stored in a specially designated place, in no case with any other things.

Baby hygiene

The newborn is bathed daily in boiled water with a temperature of 37 ° C, then poured over him with water 1 degree cooler (36 ° C).

The temperature in the room where the child is bathed should be 22-24 ° C, bathing time 5-10-15 minutes. It is better to bathe the child in the evening, before feeding, in no case after. Once a week you can use baby soap.

The child should be washed every time after a bowel movement, preferably with running water. They wash from front to back, from the genitals to the anus, so as not to bring the infection into the urinary tract and genitals.

Such washing is also an element of hardening, so you should not abandon it in favor of special sanitary napkins that are so popular now.

After bathing, all natural folds are smeared with boiled vegetable oil or special cream.

Fingernails and toenails are carefully trimmed with small scissors as needed, about once every 7-10 days.

If you use disposable diapers, remember that a newborn urinates 26-28 times a day, so in the first month diapers are changed at least every 3-4 hours!

Every morning should begin with washing: wipe the baby’s face and hands with a damp cloth. This is also not only hygiene, but also hardening. We wipe the eyes with wet swabs (one for each eye), dipped in boiled water, from the temple to the nose.

In the same way, we wipe the curls of the auricle and behind it, but do not climb into the ear canal! In children of this age, the eardrum is located right at the entrance, not in the depth, as in adults.

We clean the nose daily, as needed. A newborn's nasal passages are very narrow!

"Children always listen carefully when they are not talking to them."

Eleanor Roosevelt

It is probably rare to find parents who, with the approach of the moment when their child should go to, do not experience anxiety. How will the baby be accepted in the children's team? What kind of relationship will he have with his teacher? Will he get sick often? But most of all the excitement is related to how quickly the child will get used to, adapt to the new environment.

These anxieties and worries have real grounds, since it is known that changes in the social environment affect both the mental and physical health of children. special attention from this point of view requires early age, in which many babies for the first time move from a rather closed family world to a world of wide social contacts.

If a three-year-old child preparing for kindergarten already owns speech, some self-service skills, has a fairly wide experience of communicating with adults and feels the need for children's society, then a one and a half to two-year-old baby is less adapted to separation from relatives, weaker and more vulnerable. It is at this age that adaptation to a children's institution takes longer and is more difficult, and is often accompanied by illnesses. During this period there is an intense physical development, the maturation of all mental processes.

A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of the emotional state of the baby. The adaptation period is characterized by emotional tension, anxiety or lethargy. The child cries a lot, strives for emotional contact with adults or, on the contrary, irritably refuses it, avoids peers. Thus, his social ties are broken. Emotional distress affects sleep, appetite: the baby refuses to eat, it can cause him nausea; during rest hours, the child continues to cry.

Separation and meeting with relatives sometimes proceed very rapidly: the child does not let his parents go, cries for a long time after their departure, and the arrival again meets with tears. The activity of the baby also changes in relation to the objective world: toys leave him indifferent, interest in the environment decreases. The level of speech activity falls, the vocabulary is reduced, new words are learned with difficulty.

It is known that the most difficult adaptation takes place in children of the second year of life. All negative manifestations are more pronounced at this age than in babies who came to the nursery after two years, and the recovery period sometimes stretches for two to three months. In the second year of life, the largest number diseases. Research results have shown that relationships with children are the most difficult to restore.

Reasons for poor adaptation

1. poorly developed objective activity

There is a clear pattern between the development of the objective activity of the child and his getting used to the nursery. In babies who are able to act with toys for a long time, in a variety of ways and with concentration, adaptation proceeds relatively easily. Having got to the nursery for the first time, the child quickly responds to the offer of the teacher to play, explores new toys with interest. In cases of difficulty, he tries to overcome them, showing invention and patience. If something does not work out for him, the baby turns to an adult for help, carefully observes his actions, tries to repeat them. Such children like to solve subject problems together with an adult (for example, open a box with a secret or come up with a way to get a far-lying thing).

2. close emotional contact of the child with the mother

If the first months of life are equally friendly to any adult and the simplest signs of attention are enough for him to respond to them with a joyful smile, cooing, stretching out his arms, then from the second half of life, babies begin to clearly distinguish between their own and others. At about 8 months, children experience or displeasure at the sight of strangers. The child avoids them, clings to the mother, sometimes cries. Parting with the mother, which used to be almost painless, suddenly begins to lead the baby into despair, he refuses to communicate with other people, from toys, loses his appetite, sleep.

Parents should take these symptoms seriously. After all, if a child gets used to communicating only with his mother, he will have difficulties in establishing contacts with other people. To make it easier for a child to enter a new social environment, it is useful to encourage his communication with other people. When friends come to you, or you yourself go to visit with a child, try to make other adults not only stroke your child on the head or admire him appearance, but also played a little with him. Expanding the circle of communication at home will educate the child in trusting people, openness, and the ability to get along with them. Getting rid of excessive attachment to relatives will help the baby quickly get used to the new environment.

Of course, the family will have to face considerable difficulties. Yes, adaptation to new living conditions is inevitable: there will be tears, whims and colds, but we must remember that we are able to make this process as painless as possible. Practice shows that the adaptation period proceeds differently and many children quickly get used to the new social environment.

Now check is your child ready for admission to preschool. To do this, answer the following questions:

  • What kind of communication (emotional or objective) does the baby prefer?
  • How does the child behave when parting with loved ones and meeting after separation?
  • What is the level of development of the child's independent play activity (simple manipulations, play actions)?
  • Does your child need your help in the game? How does he express the need to cooperate with you?
  • How does the child behave in a situation of practical interaction, how does he carry out instructions or requests: put away toys, clothes, bring something, help in some business?
  • How does the baby react to the appearance of an unfamiliar adult in his usual environment, does he come up to him if he calls the child? Are there elements of conflict in his behavior?
  • How does the child establish contacts with different adults?
  • How does the child relate to peers? Does he express joy, attention to them, is he active in the game, how does he react to the initiative of others?

If your baby likes to play with you, calmly endures separation, can occupy himself with some business, asking for help if necessary, willingly fulfills your requests and knows how to perform simple self-service actions, willingly makes contact with strangers, is active and friendly towards peers, you can not worry that he will have difficulties when entering a nursery. He is ready for new changes in his life.