Do you think you need expensive skin care products? cosmetical tools? We recommend paying attention to the simplest things! For example, laundry soap is an excellent product for beauty and health. Just use it to wash your face and your skin will look great. Find out how to use it correctly from this article!

Operating principle

Laundry soap after use, it creates an alkaline environment on the skin, destroying bacteria that cannot exist in it. Usually these bacteria cause skin rashes. But after washing with alkaline products, sebum also leaves the face. For this reason, the skin may become excessively dry. With the help of alkali, which is contained in soap, not only bacteria, germs, but also all the dirt accumulated during the day are removed.

So what is the essence of the action of laundry soap against acne on the face?

The fight against acne occurs due to the breakdown of fats. The resulting pimple is (simplified) a plug consisting of sebum and microorganisms. Since the accumulation of sebum prevents the flow of air to the hair follicles, metabolic processes in them are disrupted. With the help of laundry soap, these plugs can be easily removed: subcutaneous fat is washed out and the functioning of the glands is normalized.

Benefits and harms

Laundry soap will help you forget about the mechanical method of removing acne. Using it, you can easily and safely eliminate skin inflammation without damaging the walls of the hair follicle. After the procedures, the infection does not spread to healthy areas of the epidermis, acne disappears without leaving scars.
Soap is not addictive, unlike drugs with antibiotics.

The disadvantages include undesirable consequences in the form of dryness and tightness.

Important! In order to get rid of acne and not harm the body, you need to adhere to the following rules:

5. People with sensitive skin y, cosmetologists advise local use. But for those who have dry skin, it is better not to use it at all.

How to use?

Ways to use household soap to combat skin rashes:

1. Washing. Is effective method cleansing the skin of dust, dirt and microorganisms.

2. Local application to inflammatory areas. This method Ideal for combating breakouts on thin, sensitive skin. Applied directly to the affected areas of the dermis, the soap dries out acne, breaks down sebaceous plugs, and prevents the appearance of new inflammations.

Application in the form of masks.

To prepare a mask from laundry soap, we will need:
medium-sized container, salt, warm water, and 1/4 bar of soap.

Salt mask

Grate the soap (slightly cooled). Add water. Beat the mixture vigorously until foamy. Mix foam with salt (1:1). The resulting mask is placed on the face and left for 30 minutes, then washed off with water. It is recommended to perform the procedure no more than every other day for a month.

Onion mask

If the skin is too oily, it is recommended to use a mask with the addition of onion juice. To prepare this mask, you need to finely grate a small bar of soap and dissolve it in warm water. Stir the resulting mixture and let it sit for 5 minutes. Pour 1 tbsp into the infused mixture. onion juice and beat into foam, which is then spread in a thick layer on your face. Keep for 10-15 minutes. Then just wash your face. This mask helps open the pores by penetrating them, which is why a slight burning sensation may occur. After the procedure, to speed up the regeneration process, it is recommended to massage and then apply a protective day cream.

Sea buckthorn oil mask
In addition to household soap, to prevent excessive drying of the epidermis, you can prepare a mask with the addition of sea buckthorn oil. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent and regenerating properties, and prevents the spread of ulcers. The benefits of soap include only natural ingredients. after washing, all microbes are destroyed, since an alkaline environment remains on the skin. Effectively removes dust, grease and germs.

The incredible variety of skin care products in stores and beauty salons has led to an interesting consequence - more and more girls are turning to their grandmother’s old recipes for masks and creams, since store-bought ones cause allergies, are expensive and are not very effective. In the wake of a return to old traditions, the question began to be asked again: is it possible to wash your face with soap every day instead of foams and gels, and if so, which one to choose?

What is soap?

Soap is primarily a combination of alkali and acid. In nature, these substances do not mix, so soap is not found in its pure form. As a result of the reaction, glycerol is released and the sodium salt of fatty acids appears. It is this combination that allows water molecules to react with dirt on the hands and body, dissolve them and wash them, picking up pathogenic microbes that died in an alkaline environment along the way.

Without a soap base, it is impossible to wash off the film of fat on the face mixed with sweat, dust and cosmetics.

Natural glycerin contained in the detergent is able to moisturize the skin, since it actively retains moisture inside itself and, when cleansing the face, is able to transfer it to the upper layers of the epidermis.

The main problem is that the epidermis itself has a slightly acidic reaction, and with prolonged exposure to alkali it becomes thinner, begins to dry out and peel off, which creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. That is, the more often we wash our face with soap, the more bacteria settle on it.

Therefore, the use of soap for washing directly depends on the type of skin and what type detergent selected.

Is it possible to wash your face with soap?

Soap, on the one hand, perfectly cleanses the skin and disinfects it, on the other hand, it dries it out and makes it susceptible to external influences (wind, frost, dry indoor air, bacteria).

Therefore, you can wash your face with it in the following cases:

  • in the presence of oily skin- once a day in the evening to remove makeup and cleanse pores of sebaceous plugs;
  • for normal skin - two or three times a week, also at night, after washing, immediately apply a moisturizer or mask.

For those with dry skin, it is generally not advisable to wash your face with products containing alkali - they will cause severe harm to already sensitive skin.

Even after a single use, irritation will appear on the skin, dry areas will begin to peel, eyelids and delicate skin around the lips will become painful. In this case even fat cream may not help - it will be necessary to carry out a whole range of procedures (masks, moisturizing, visiting a dermatologist) to minimize the damage caused.

Reference. In any case, the purchased product (solid or liquid) must be marked “for the face.” If it is intended for the body, legs or intimate hygiene, it is strictly not recommended to wash your face with it.

Owners of even very oily skin should avoid simple way cleansing in the following cases:

  • after procedures in a cosmetologist’s office;
  • if there is damage to the face - scratches, cracks, cuts;
  • with rosacea.

In this case, it is better to use tonics - medicinal, recommended by a dermatologist, or prepared independently.

Is it possible to wash your face with tar soap?

About extraordinary benefits tar soap You've probably heard absolutely everything. It is believed to help get rid of acne, skin irritations, blackheads and even out tone.

Indeed, birch tar (of which there is only about 10% in soap) disinfects the skin and starts the process of its regeneration - that is, scratches, abrasions and traces of pustules can heal faster.

Fragrant black soap contains more glycerin, plus the tar itself helps moisturize the epidermis. Therefore, for medicinal purposes - but only occasionally - it can be used even by those with dry and normal skin faces.

But this one useful remedy There is one very big minus - a sharp, unmistakable smell. It eats into the skin so that even scented face cream does not mask it. Moreover, the “aroma” lasts for many days, especially if the soap gets on your hair.

Therefore, to treat problem areas of the skin, it is still worth using special healing gels. If you have nothing on hand except a piece of black soap, apply it to pimples and wounds point by point, carefully rinsing off immediately after use.

Is it possible to wash your face with laundry soap?

The opinion that laundry soap can cure teenage acne dates back to the times of the USSR, when young people had acne, but there were no means to treat them. That's why they used foam from an available brownish block or alcohol tinctures.

Nowadays there are many products for washing and drying acne, but beautiful ladies they still continue to use the “grandmother’s” method from time to time. Is there any benefit from washing like this?

  • Laundry soap contains a larger amount of alkali than other soaps - therefore it can dry out acne and pimples on the face;
  • perfectly dissolves sebum and cleanses pores.

But at the same time, simple soap without additives or fragrances is very drying. upper layer epidermis. Therefore, you should not use it if there is irritation and redness. If your skin is oily and requires thorough cleansing, you can use this product from time to time, but after washing, immediately apply a deeply moisturizing cream, and at night, a nourishing mask.

Important. After washing with laundry soap, your facial skin looks as if it has been wiped with a cotton swab and pure alcohol - thin and dry. It’s not worth carrying out such experiments on yourself every day - this can lead to a dermatologist’s office for serious treatment in a couple of months.

Is it possible to wash your face with baby soap?

Oddly enough, baby soap has the least benefit for the skin. It does not have any medicinal properties, and its only advantage is its strong soft foam, which washes off makeup and dirt well.

There are no fragrances in baby soap, just enough a large number of glycerol and it is neutral in Ph. That is, you can wash your face with it from time to time if your skin is oily or normal, but you shouldn’t overuse it.

Why can't you use antibacterial soap?

Antibacterial soap should never be used for washing. The maximum it is suitable for is for washing hands. The fact is that liquid and solid antibacterial agents contain triclosan.

  • On the one side- it destroys bacteria, all in a row - both beneficial and harmful, while destroying the natural microflora of the epidermis and making it vulnerable to external influences.
  • With another- it causes mutations in bacteria that allow them to adapt to an unfavorable environment. Mutated microorganisms lead to severe allergic manifestations on the face and body and cause dermatitis.

And, to refute the usual myth, antibacterial soap does not treat acne, since due to dry skin and resulting irritation, acne only increases. Plus, triclosan can disrupt hormonal balance, which also does not contribute to a fresh complexion.

How can you tell if a skin cleanser contains soap?

In some cases, even in expensive foams and gels, manufacturers include soap and its derivatives. You can calculate its presence in a liquid product by carefully looking at the composition.

Any combinations that contain the ending "at" and sodium with potassium (for example, "sodium cocoate") talk about the presence of a substance obtained as a result of the reaction of fat with alkali - that is, soap. It is not recommended for those with dry skin to buy such cosmetics.


From time to time, if you have nothing else at hand, you can wash off makeup or heavy dirt and sweat from your face with soap foam - especially if the product is natural and does not contain antibacterial components or harsh fragrances.

But you shouldn’t use it on a daily basis, even if the skin is very oily and prone to acne - the soap will dry out the epidermis and add redness and irritation to the face that were not there before.

Video on the topic

Laundry soap can be used not only for washing and disinfection; many have experienced its miraculous effect in the fight against acne. However, you should not overdo it with washing, otherwise you may get the opposite effect.

Such a medicine for acne as laundry soap is a very profitable option: it has high disinfection properties, you can buy it inexpensively in any store, and use it for medicinal purposes yourself at home. In addition, this product does not contain harmful additives or fragrances, so if used correctly it will not harm the skin. Doctors confirm that laundry soap creates a special alkaline environment on the surface of the skin, providing an excellent bactericidal effect. But on the other hand, along with the bacteria, soap also washes away all the sebum, causing excessive dryness of the skin, so not everyone decides to take such measures to eliminate a rash on the face. The conclusion is simple: when using laundry soap, it is important to provide the necessary nutrition and hydration to the skin, that is, use an emollient cream.

One of the options for treating skin with laundry soap is regular washing. The product perfectly breaks down sebum, washes away plugs that clog pores and interfere with proper metabolism. You should wet your face with water, wash your hands with laundry soap, apply it to your face, massage lightly, and rinse with cool water. Do not leave the product on the skin for a long time, and immediately after washing, do not rush to dry your face with a towel. Allow your skin to absorb the nourishing moisture, then apply a moisturizer appropriate to your age and skin type. This method is suitable for those who have significant inflammation, when it is quite difficult to isolate individual pimples. Such procedures should be done no more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise the skin can be harmed. If there are isolated foci of inflammation, it is important to prevent the infection from spreading to healthy tissue. In this case, you can treat the pimples with laundry soap. You should moisten your face with water, lather your finger with soap, lubricate the pimples, lightly rubbing the product, hold the product on the skin for several minutes, rinse with cool water. After the procedures, lubricate your face with moisturizer. This method is also suitable for people with dry skin types who are hypersensitive to laundry soap. Such procedures should be carried out as needed, but you should not resort to using laundry soap every day. If your skin reacts to laundry soap quite calmly, you can try the effect of the following mask on yourself. You need to grate a small bar of soap, fill it with warm water and beat it into a fairly thick foam. A teaspoon of the resulting foam should be mixed with the same amount of fine salt and soda, and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, the mask can be washed off with running water, using alternately hot and cold water. The product can be used 2 times a week, the course is about three weeks.

Of course, before using laundry soap for cosmetic purposes, you should first consult with a competent cosmetologist, who will tell you whether this product is suitable for your skin and how often you can use it. If you experience severe discomfort while using soap, immediately rinse off the product, moisturize your skin and no longer resort to treatment with this method.

Let's remember one of the most important household products - laundry soap.

It can be used not only for washing, but also for cosmetic procedures. And before you start using this product, you should find out in more detail what kind of soap there is and which type of soap is more suitable for cosmetic purposes.

In this article:

So which one is better?

First, let's determine what is included in the product. The ingredients here are quite simple: sodium or potassium salt plus fatty acids. That's all. Because when we add various dyes and fragrances, we get toilet soap.

According to standards, soap comes in three types: 65%, 70%, 72%. Percentages indicate the ratio of fat to the total mass of the product. Directly on the bar itself there is a large imprint indicating the number, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake in choosing the right soap.

There are two methods of soap making

With the first method of cooking products, which is called direct, 65% soap is obtained. To do this, all components are mixed until a viscous substance is obtained, and then the cooled product is cut into bars. In this case, the product will be of sufficient quality, but its fat content will be low.

The second method is called indirect. The adhesive substance is processed saline solution, resulting in the appearance of a soap core and a lower layer - soap lye. Then the product will have 72%.

Thus we conclude that For cosmetic purposes, it is more advisable to use a product with a large amount of fatty acids, because they are good at eliminating bacteria and microbes. This is 72% soap.

When choosing a bar, pay attention to its density. A fairly hard and uniform piece will foam better.

Benefits of laundry soap

Many women wonder whether it is possible to wash their face with this product?

The most important advantage of soap (in cosmetic procedures) is that it has an antibacterial effect.

And as you know, if the environmental situation is bad, if the endocrine system is disrupted, or if there is poor nutrition, acne may appear on the skin. This is where this proven tool comes to the rescue: it breaks down fats that clog pores and cause acne.

So what is the use of soap? It helps:

  • for acne (as we discussed above);
  • during wound healing, as it “kills” bacteria;
  • for inflammation of the skin;
  • removes dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • accelerates the “growth” of skin cells on damaged surfaces;
  • from wrinkles, but only shallow ones;
  • when smoothing out small acne scars.

Quite often, after washing your face, you may feel discomfort because your skin feels tight and dry. This happens because soap “takes away” the protective natural fat layer from the dermis. That's why After each wash you should apply a moisturizer.

It is best to use soap for those with normal or normal skin, but people with this type of skin should not abuse this product.

Laundry soap tends to dry out the dermis, as a result of which the skin can begin to peel and become inflamed.

How to wash your face properly?

First of all, you should make sure that you are not allergic to laundry soap. Therefore, first lather a small area of ​​skin on your face and wait 5 minutes. If there is no redness or discomfort, then you can continue the procedure.

Is it possible to wash your face every day? Dermatologists do not recommend this soap for everyday use. It would be more accurate to use the product 1-2 times a week.

Mask recipes

The most popular cleansing mask

Its ingredients:

  • laundry soap 72%;
  • soda (1 teaspoon).

Preparation and use: grate the bar, add water (100−200 ml), heat, beat the mixture until foam is obtained. Add soda and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your skin with warm water.

Mask for cleansing the dermis


  • laundry soap 72%;
  • table salt (1 teaspoon).

Prepare the mask: grate the bar, dilute the soap shavings with water and swirl them to form foam. Then add salt and mix. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes, rinse it off. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times. in Week.

For acne


  • laundry soap 72%;
  • salt (1 teaspoon);
  • soda (1 teaspoon).

For this mask, we mix salt and soda, add soap foam and lightly massage the skin for 10 minutes. You should wash your face with cool water.

Please note that this mask is only suitable for skin with a small amount of acne.

Because if there is a lot of acne, peeling will only increase irritation.

For acne and blackheads


  • laundry soap 72%;
  • salt (1 teaspoon);
  • decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile and calendula).

Prepare the mask: add a decoction of herbs to the grated block and mix everything until foam forms. Then add salt. Apply the mixture to your face and in a circular motion massage the skin with your fingertips. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water. The product can be used 2 times. in Week.

Nourishing anti-wrinkle mask


  • egg whites (2 pieces);
  • honey (2 teaspoons);
  • crushed oatmeal (2 tablespoons);
  • (0.5 teaspoons).

Directions for use: mix all ingredients and apply to the area of ​​the face with wrinkles. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse skin.

Moisturizing anti-wrinkle mask


  • laundry soap (in the form of soap foam);
  • onion juice (1 tablespoon).

Directions for use: mix the ingredients and apply to the dermis. After 10-15 minutes, rinse everything off, and then wipe the skin with ice cubes from decoctions of medicinal herbs.

AND Remember to moisturize your skin if it gets dry after using the product.

Recently, trends in the modern beauty industry have gravitated towards naturalness and the revival of good old traditions. In particular, one can increasingly hear the opinion that laundry soap for the face is a real salvation from such serious problems as acne, wrinkles and oiliness. They are usually the most difficult to deal with, and judging by the reviews, this unique product can, if used correctly, get rid of these scourges. How dangerous is this and is it worth listening to such advice?

Chemical composition

Why does regularly washing your face with laundry soap eliminate acne, oily shine, and clean pores? The answer to this question must be sought in its chemical composition.

  • Animal fats

Animal fats are used in the production of this soap. They ensure normal functioning of skin cells. They form a durable film on the surface of the face that has protective properties (reflects attacks in the form of ultraviolet radiation). They are a real salvation for dry, damaged, thin skin.

But for oily skin types, they are not very useful, as they can further clog the pores with sebaceous plugs and provoke the appearance of an unhealthy shine on the face.

  • Sodium

Granular sodium is a caustic and alkaline chemical element. It causes undoubted harm to the skin, destroying the structure of cells. It may become dull, gray, and thin. But don’t panic and immediately stop using soap: this effect is observed only with its constant use in large quantities.

  • Water

Water is a required ingredient. It effectively moisturizes and is a neutralizer harmful components(the same alkalis) in the composition of this product. Minimizes their aggressive action.

  • Kaolin

Unlike old, Soviet soap, modern household soap manufacturers add kaolin, which softens the effect of alkalis. This is white (porcelain) clay, which restores damage, promotes rapid tissue regeneration, moisturizes, and controls the amount of secretions from the sebaceous glands. Its beneficial cosmetic properties can be listed endlessly. Please remember that this substance is not present in all varieties of the product.

  • Fatty acid

Fatty acids are excellent antioxidants with pronounced regenerating properties. They contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. They are also responsible for cell renewal, which ultimately leads to rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles.

  • Alkalis

But alkaline compounds destroy the structure of cells, and it is because of them that an avalanche of criticism falls on laundry soap as a cosmetic product. But in order to dry out and ruin your facial skin, you need a lot of alkali. And here their share is minimal. It is much better to see the benefits in them: they expand the pores, opening the way for nutrients (fatty acids, kaolin, etc.), performing a transport function.

The harmful effects of alkalis can be neutralized if, after using household soap, you rinse with an infusion of herbs, which acts in the opposite direction - to close pores and restore damaged cell structures.

Very important point, which often becomes a significant disadvantage of laundry soap. Because of it, the skin of the face after washing and masks can become very dry, microcracks can appear and even form - this is a high pH level. This indicator should be within 7 (this is the maximum). The best numbers: pH = 5 or 6. And in household soap it sometimes reaches critical levels of 11 and even 12.

Each ingredient performs a number of different functions. Together they all have a comprehensive antibacterial and disinfectant effect. This leads to the results that many admire when regularly using this product for washing.

Through the pages of history. It turns out that laundry soap is French in its true origin. It was first produced in the Middle Ages in Marseille. True, its main ingredient at that time was olive oil: Louis XIV prohibited the use of animal fats in its composition.

Beneficial features

Due to its chemical composition, the benefits of laundry soap are undeniable with regular and correct use:

  • relieves, because it disinfects, stopping the spread of inflammation;
  • helps against wrinkles, provided they are not too deep;
  • lightens stretch marks, scars and scars;
  • is an effective peeling agent for facial cleansing, because it opens the pores and removes all organic dirt from them;
  • heals any damage to the skin;
  • used for oily skin to eliminate;
  • moisturizes;
  • used for pigment spots.

Do not doubt the effectiveness of this soap - see for yourself by learning how to use it as a cosmetic product.

Medicinal properties. IN folk medicine it is used as a medicine for external use for swelling, wounds, cuts, ulcers, dandruff, runny nose, fungal infections, bruises, contusions, corns, burns and even... gynecological diseases (for example, thrush).

Possible harm

When deciding to use laundry soap for facial care, evaluate the possible harm it can have on the skin. It manifests itself in two cases: if you do not take into account contraindications and if you get too carried away with it.


Do not use this product if you have the following problems:

  • dry, dehydrated, dehydrated skin;
  • very sensitive, thin skin;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • rosacea;
  • serious dermatological diseases (consultation with a specialist is required).

Using it without taking these contraindications into account can worsen the condition of already painful skin.

Side effects

Regular use of laundry soap does not mean that you need to wash your face with it 3-4 times daily. Each skin type has its own recommendations regarding the frequency of its use.

Abuse of this product can lead to dire consequences, among which the most common are:

  • dehydration;
  • numerous peelings;
  • cracks;
  • suppuration of inflammation and rashes;
  • irritation;
  • allergic reaction in the form of rash and itching;
  • rosacea mesh;
  • exacerbation of dermatological diseases.

To avoid such unpleasant surprises, listen to the advice of experts and do not ignore contraindications.

This is interesting! Military doctors and emergency workers know that in emergency situations, laundry soap can replace surgical gloves. They just wash their hands with it and leave it to dry.

Features of application

The benefits of a product are largely determined by how well it is used. Apply it as usual cosmetic soap wrong and leads to unpleasant side effects. Therefore, try to adhere to the following simple rules.

  1. It is better to carry out the procedure an hour before bedtime, during the evening.
  2. Moisturize your previously cleansed face.
  3. Lather your palms generously so that foam forms on them.
  4. Gently rub onto your face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  5. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  6. There is no need to wipe off so that the water softens the aggressive effect of alkalis and sodium.
  7. After 20 minutes, apply nourishing or moisturizing cream.
  8. If the problem is local (a couple of pimples or age spot), the foam is applied to this area pointwise for 5-7 minutes, and then removed with a damp cotton pad.
  9. It is recommended to wash your face a couple of times a week, as more frequent use will become addictive and the sebaceous glands will begin to produce twice as much secretion.
  10. After a couple of months you need to take a break for 3-4 weeks.
  11. If irritation begins after the procedure, repeating it is not recommended.

The effectiveness of laundry soap will be partially determined by the manufacturer and type, so you still need to know how to choose it.


When you go to the store in search of a product, you will find the most extensive assortment. You can give preference to foreign brands, which are not cheap and are responsible for the quality of the goods. Don't be intimidated by children's brands designed for washing clothes. They will be the most beneficial for the skin, because they contain a minimum of alkalis and sodium, and the pH is normal.

Some brands that can be found on sale today:

  1. Haci Sakir Hamam keyfi from Turkey (costs about $8).
  2. Spivak "Coconut".
  3. "Maxima" with whitening effect.
  4. "Friend" for washing children's clothes.
  5. Duru "Children's". Türkiye.
  6. "Meridian".
  7. "Master Shine" with glycerin.
  8. "Eared nanny."
  9. "Stork".
  10. Pardo from Spain (cost does not exceed $1.7).

In addition to brands, pay attention to what% fatty acid content in the soap is indicated on the packaging.

GOST divides this product into 3 categories:

  • Category I - 70.5%: recommended for the care of mature skin against;
  • Category II - 69%: the best product to choose for acne treatment and whitening;
  • Category III - 64%: can be used to dry oily skin and tighten.

If you take all these points into account, you will purchase a quality product that will save you from a lot of cosmetic problems.

On a note. If you want to try laundry soap for the first time, first purchase a product with fragrances and fragrances in beautiful packaging, with the addition of various softening components. Its use will allow the skin to get used to it. Yes, and you can see how she reacts to him. After 2 weeks you can buy a natural block.


In fact, you can not only wash your face with soap, but also use it as the main ingredient for scrubs and masks homemade. Best Recipes you will find here.

  • With salt

If you mix laundry soap and salt, you will get an excellent mask against acne that has not yet become inflamed. Grate the product, add a little water, beat until a thick foam is obtained. Gradually add salt (proportions - 1 to 1). After this, apply the mixture to your face and leave for at least 15 minutes. You can make spot applications exclusively on problem areas.

  • With soda

Be careful with masks that contain laundry soap and soda - they are very aggressive on the skin and can cause severe irritation. But at the same time, such a tandem has excellent cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Grate the block, add water, beat until thick foam is obtained. Pour baking soda with warm water and pour the solution into the soap mixture. Apply to face or individual pimples for 5 minutes. This product is ideal for.

  • With glycerin

If your skin is very sensitive and reacts sharply to any aggressive products, try laundry soap with glycerin, which has moisturizing properties and softens the irritating effects of alkalis.

Grate the bar, add a small amount of water, beat until foamy. Pour in 10 ml of pharmaceutical glycerin. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes.

  • Scrub

Using this unique product, you can organize high-quality and deep facial peeling at home. This cleansing, done once a week, will get rid of blackheads and pimples.

Just as before, chop the block. Mix a tablespoon of the resulting shavings with 20 ml of baby liquid soap and 10 grams of ground coffee. Beat everything until foamy. Add 5 drops essential oil peppermint. Apply to face and rub skin with gentle movements for 3-5 minutes. Wash off, make and use moisturizer.

If you feel that ordinary cosmetic products do not help with acne and oiliness, you should definitely try laundry soap. The effectiveness of its use is justified from a scientific point of view and its chemical composition, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. The only thing you need to remember when picking up this fragrant bar is about moderation and literacy in its use. Without abusing the positive properties of this product, you can extract a lot of benefits from it for the purity and beauty of your skin.