In general terms, this process is understood as the individual’s adaptation to a new environment and conditions. Such changes have an impact on the psyche of any person, including children who are forced to adapt to the garden.

You should understand in more detail what adaptation to kindergarten is. First of all, it requires enormous energy expenditure from the child, as a result of which the child’s body is overstrained. In addition, one cannot discount the changed living conditions, namely:

  • moms and dads and other relatives are absent nearby;
  • it is necessary to maintain a clear daily routine;
  • need to interact with other children;
  • the amount of time devoted to a particular child decreases (the teacher communicates with 15 to 20 kids at the same time);
  • the baby is forced to obey the demands of other adults.

So, the baby’s life changes radically. In addition, the adaptation process is often fraught with undesirable changes in the child’s body, which are expressed externally in the form of violated behavioral norms and “bad” actions.

The stressful state in which a child is trying to adapt to changed conditions is expressed by the following states:

  • disturbed sleep– the child wakes up with tears and refuses to fall asleep;
  • decreased appetite (or complete absence)– the child does not want to try unfamiliar dishes;
  • regression of psychological skills– a child who previously spoke, knew how to dress, use cutlery, and go to the potty, “loses” such skills;
  • decreased cognitive interest– kids are not interested in new play equipment and peers;
  • aggression or apathy– active children suddenly reduce their activity, and previously calm children show aggressiveness;
  • decreased immunity– during the adaptation period small child By kindergarten, resistance to infectious diseases decreases.

Thus, the adaptation process is a complex phenomenon, during which the child’s behavior can change dramatically. As you get used to the kindergarten, such problems disappear or are significantly smoothed out.

Degrees of adaptation

The child's adaptation process kindergarten may proceed in different ways. Some children quickly get used to the changed environment, while others worry their parents for a long time with negative behavioral reactions. It is by the severity and duration of the above problems that the success of the adaptation process is judged.

Psychologists distinguish several degrees of the adaptation process characteristic of children before preschool age.

In this case, the baby joins the children's team in 2 - 4 weeks. This type of adaptation is typical for most children and is characterized by the accelerated disappearance of negative behavioral reactions. You can judge that a child easily gets used to kindergarten by the following features:

  • he comes and stays in the group room without tears;
  • when speaking, looks teachers in the eye;
  • able to voice a request for help;
  • is the first to make contact with peers;
  • able to occupy himself for a short period of time;
  • easily adapts to daily routine;
  • responds adequately to educational approval or disapproval remarks;
  • tells parents how classes went in the garden.

How long does the adaptation period last in kindergarten? in this case? At least 1.5 months. At the same time, the child often gets sick and demonstrates pronounced negative reactions, but it is impossible to talk about his maladaptation and inability to join the team.

When observing a child, it can be noted that he:

  • has difficulty parting with his mother, cries a little after separation;
  • when distracted, forgets about the separation and joins the game;
  • communicates with peers and teacher;
  • adheres to the stated rules and routines;
  • responds adequately to comments;
  • rarely becomes the instigator of conflict situations.

Difficult adaptation

Children with a severe type of adaptation process are quite rare, but they can easily be found in a children's group. Some of them show open aggression when visiting kindergarten, while others withdraw into themselves, demonstrating complete detachment from what is happening. The duration of addiction can range from 2 months to several years. In especially severe cases, they talk about complete maladjustment and the impossibility of attending a preschool institution.

The main characteristics of a child with a severe degree of adaptation:

  • reluctance to communicate with peers and adults;
  • tears, hysterics, stupor when parting with parents for a long time;
  • refusal to enter the playing area from the locker room;
  • reluctance to play, eat, or go to bed;
  • aggressiveness or isolation;
  • inadequate response to the teacher’s address to him (tears or fear).

It should be understood that absolute inability to adapt to kindergarten is an extremely rare phenomenon, so it is necessary to contact specialists (psychologist, neurologist, pediatrician) and jointly develop an action plan. In some cases, doctors may advise you to postpone visiting a preschool educational institution.

What influences a child’s adaptation?

So, the period of adaptation of children in kindergarten always proceeds differently. But what influences its success? Among the most important factors, experts include age characteristics, children's health, degree of socialization, level cognitive development etc.

Often parents, trying to go out early workplace, they send the baby to kindergarten at two years old, or even earlier. However, most often such a step does not bring much benefit, since the child early age not yet able to interact with peers.

Of course, every child is a bright individual, however, according to many psychologists, it is possible to identify an optimal age period that is most suitable for getting used to kindergarten - and this is 3 years.

It's all about the so-called crisis period of three years. As soon as the baby passes this stage, his level of independence increases, his psychological dependence on his mother decreases, therefore, it is much easier for him to part with her for a few hours.

Why shouldn’t you rush to send your child to preschool? At the age of 1 - 3 years, formation occurs child-parent relationships and attachment to mother. That is why prolonged separation from the latter causes a nervous breakdown in the baby and violates basic trust in the world.

In addition, one cannot help but note the greater independence of three-year-olds: they, as a rule, have potty etiquette, know how to drink from a cup, and some children are already trying to dress on their own. Such skills make it much easier to get used to the garden.

Health status

Children with serious chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.) quite often experience difficulty adjusting due to the characteristics of the body and the increased psychological connection with their parents.

The same applies to children who are often sick for a long time. Such babies require special conditions, reduced loads and supervision of medical personnel. That’s why experts recommend sending them to kindergarten later, especially since the pain will disrupt their preschool attendance schedule.

The main problems of adaptation of sick children in a nursery group:

  • an even greater decrease in immunity;
  • increased susceptibility to infections;
  • increased emotional lability (periods of tearfulness, exhaustion);
  • the occurrence of unusual aggressiveness, increased activity or, conversely, slowness.

Before entering a preschool institution, children are required to undergo a medical examination. There is no need to be afraid of this; on the contrary, parents will have the opportunity to once again consult with doctors about how to survive the adaptation with minimal losses.

Degree of psychological development

Another point that can prevent successful adaptation to preschool education is a deviation from the average indicators of cognitive development. Moreover, both delayed mental development and giftedness can lead to maladjustment.

In case of delayed mental development, special correctional programs are used to help fill gaps in knowledge and increase the cognitive activity of children. Under favorable conditions, such children school age catching up with their peers.

A gifted child, surprisingly, also falls into the risk group, since his cognitive abilities are higher than those of his peers, and he may also experience difficulties with socialization and communication with classmates.

Level of socialization

A child’s adaptation to kindergarten involves increased contacts with peers and with unfamiliar adults. At the same time, there is a certain pattern - those kids whose social circle was not limited to their parents and grandmothers are more likely to get used to the new society.

Those children who rarely interacted with other children, on the contrary, find it difficult to adapt to changed conditions. Poor communication skills, inability to resolve conflict situations causes an increase in anxiety and leads to reluctance to attend kindergarten.

Of course, this factor largely depends on the teachers. If the teacher gets along well with the child, adaptation will noticeably speed up. That is why, if possible, you should enroll in a group with the teacher whose reviews are most often positive.

Stages of adaptation of a small child to kindergarten

Adaptation of children is a heterogeneous process, so experts identify several periods characterized by the severity of negative reactions. Of course, such a division is rather arbitrary, but it helps to understand how successful the addiction will be.

The first stage is also acute. Its main feature is maximum mobilization of the child’s body. The child is constantly excited and tense; it is not surprising that parents and teachers note tearfulness, nervousness, capriciousness and even hysteria.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes can also be detected. In some cases, there is an increase or decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. Increased susceptibility to infections.

The second phase is called moderately acute, since the severity of negative reactions decreases, and the child adapts to the changed conditions. There is a decrease in the baby’s excitability and nervousness, improved appetite, sleep, and normalization of the psycho-emotional sphere.

However, it is not yet possible to talk about complete stabilization of the condition. Throughout this period, negative emotions may return, and undesirable reactions may appear in the form of hysterics, tearfulness, or reluctance to part with parents.

The third stage is compensated – stabilizes the child’s condition. In the final adaptation period, complete restoration of psychophysiological reactions occurs, and the child successfully joins the team. Moreover, he can acquire new skills - for example, using a potty or dressing himself.

How to adapt a child to kindergarten? 6 useful skills for a kindergartener

In order for the process of adaptation to be as successful as possible, quickly and painlessly, experts advise instilling the most important skills in the future preschooler in advance. That is why parents should know what it is advisable to teach a child going to a preschool educational institution.

  1. Dress and undress independently. Ideally, three-year-olds should already take off their swimming trunks, socks, tights, and put on a T-shirt and blouse or jacket. There may be difficulties with fasteners, but you should still get used to them. To do this, you can buy lacing toys. In addition, hang pictures in the room with the dressing sequence (they can be downloaded for free on the Internet).
  2. Use a spoon/fork. The ability to use cutlery makes it easier to get used to. To do this, you need to give up sippy cups, bottles, sippy cups, which do not contribute to rapid growth.
  3. Ask and go to the potty. You should get rid of diapers already at the age of one and a half years, especially since the ability to ask and go to bed will significantly simplify adaptation, since the child will feel more confident among skilled peers.
  4. Accept different foods. Many three-year-olds are characterized by selectivity in food. Ideally, parents should bring the home menu closer to the kindergarten menu. Then breakfasts and lunches at preschool educational institutions will not resemble a war between children and teachers.
  5. Communicate with adults. Quite often you can hear a child’s peculiar speech, which only the mother can understand. Some kids generally communicate with gestures, rightly believing that their parents will understand everything. Before kindergarten, you should monitor the decrease in babbling words and gestures.
  6. Play with children. To improve a child’s communication skills, it is necessary to include him in the children’s group more often. Psychologists advise regularly visiting families with small children, walking on playgrounds, and playing in the sandbox.

In nurseries and kindergartens there are special adaptation groups for future preschoolers. Be sure to find out if such a service is available at your preschool educational institution. Visiting such groups will allow your child to become acquainted with the teachers, the building itself, and new rules of behavior.

Recommendations for parents on how to adapt their children often include advice to talk more with their child about preschool. But how to do this correctly and what should you talk about with your baby to make future adaptation easier?

  1. Explain in as simple a language as possible what a kindergarten is, why children go there, and why it is so important to attend it. The simplest example: “A kindergarten is a big house for kids who eat, play and walk together while their parents work.”
  2. Tell your child that kindergarten is a kind of work for children. That is, mom works as a teacher, doctor, manager, dad works as a military man, programmer, etc., and the baby will “work” as a preschooler, because he has become quite an adult.
  3. Every time you pass by the kindergarten, do not forget to remind that after a while the child will also be able to come here and play with other children. In his presence, you can also tell your interlocutors how proud you are of your newly-made preschooler.
  4. Talk about the daycare routine to relieve fears and uncertainty. The child may not remember everything due to his age, but he will know that after breakfast there will be games, then walks and a short nap.
  5. Don’t forget to talk about who your child can turn to if he suddenly needs water or needs to go to the toilet. In addition, gently clarify that not all requests will be fulfilled instantly, since it is important for educators to keep track of all children at once.
  6. Share your story of attending preschool. Surely you have photographs from matinees, where you recite poems, play with dolls, go home from kindergarten with your parents, etc. A parent's example allows the child to quickly get used to kindergarten.

There is no need to over-praise kindergarten, painting it in completely rosy colors, otherwise the child will be disappointed in the teacher and classmates. At the same time, you cannot scare him with a preschool institution and a teacher who will “show him how to behave well!” Try to maintain a golden mean.

Classes for children to prepare for kindergarten

Role-playing games and listening to fairy tales are favorite pastimes for young children. Therefore, advice from a psychologist often includes items such as activities and fairy tales for successful adaptation to kindergarten. The purpose of such games is to familiarize the child with the regime and rules of kindergarten in a relaxed manner.

Enlist the “support” of children’s toys – dolls, teddy bears. Let your favorite plastic friend become a teacher, and the teddy bear and robot become kindergarteners who are just attending preschool.

Moreover, classes should be repeated almost the entire day of the future preschooler. That is, the teddy bear came to the kindergarten, said hello to the teacher aunt, kissed mommy goodbye and started playing with the other kids. Then he had breakfast and began to study.

If a child has difficulty parting with his mother, special emphasis should be placed on this particular moment. To do this, it is better to use special fairy tales for quick adaptation in kindergarten, in which, for example, a kitten stops crying after the mother leaves and begins to play happily with other animals.

Another opportunity to make adaptation to kindergarten easier is to use available tools: presentations, cartoons and a collection of poems about kindergarten. Such useful innovative materials adapt children no worse, and sometimes better, than ordinary stories.

Usually, by the age of three, children quite easily let go of their mothers and other significant adults, since, as we have already noted, at this stage there is a natural desire to be independent, independent of their parents.

And yet there are situations when the baby and mother turn into almost a single organism. Because of this, a child’s adaptation in kindergarten can become significantly more difficult, and the likelihood of complete maladaptation also increases.

Ideally, it is necessary to accustom the baby to parental absence consistently and in advance. And yet, it is possible to reduce the psycho-emotional dependence of children on their mother in a short time. Let's consider basic advice to parents from experienced specialists.

Necessary actions

  1. Try to involve the father and other close relatives in interaction with the child. The more the baby has contact with other adults (and not just the mother), the easier it will be for him to get used to the teacher.
  2. After this, introduce your child to your friends. At first, they play with the baby in the presence of his parents, so that he can feel calm around unfamiliar adults. With an adapted child, it will be easier to leave.
  3. The next stage is going outside. You need to explain to the baby that mom will go to the store while grandma or a familiar aunt talks about an interesting fairy tale. In this case, you do not need to ask the child for time off, just let him know.
  4. Consistently teach your child the idea that he needs to be alone in the room. You can prepare lunch while your child plays in the nursery. These rules can then be applied during exercise in the sandbox or on a walk.
  5. Do not call your child shy, beech, roaring, crybaby, ponytail and other unpleasant words. On the contrary, tell him and others as often as possible how communicative, sociable and cheerful he is.

Unnecessary actions

  1. You cannot run away from your child in secret, even if at that moment he is sitting with his grandmother. Having discovered that his mother is missing, he, firstly, will be seriously frightened, and secondly, he will begin to cry and scream the next time his parents try to leave.
  2. It is not recommended to leave a child alone in an apartment, especially if he is characterized by increased anxiety and restlessness. In addition, even in a few minutes, small children are able to find “adventures” even in the safest home.
  3. You should not reward your child with treats and toys because he allows you to go away. If this is practiced, then the child will demand financial rewards literally every day even in kindergarten.

You can come up with some rituals that make breaking up easier. Just don’t turn them into a full-fledged ritual, more reminiscent of a celebration or holiday. This could be a regular kiss, a mutual smile or a handshake.

Attending a preschool institution is the most important condition for the full development of a child. How to make it easier this period? You can listen to the opinions of famous experts - teachers, psychologists and pediatricians. Komarovsky talks a lot and often about the features of successful adaptation to kindergarten. Let's find out the main recommendations of the popular TV doctor:

  • start visiting kindergarten at a time when the mother had not yet gone to work. If a child suddenly catches a cold, the parent will be able to pick him up from the preschool educational institution and stay at home with him for one or two weeks;
  • It is best to adapt children to kindergarten in certain seasons - summer and winter time. But the off-season is not the best period to start visiting kindergarten, since the likelihood of catching a cold increases;
  • Information about how adaptation takes place in a particular kindergarten will not be superfluous. Perhaps caregivers practice force-feeding or over-bundle babies on walks.

In order for accelerated adaptation to occur in kindergarten, Komarovsky advises adhering to some important recommendations:

  • reduce the requirements for the child in the initial stages of getting used to the preschool institution. Even if he behaves badly, you need to show leniency;
  • Be sure to prepare your child to expand social contacts through more frequent and longer walks and games in the sandbox.
  • Be sure to improve your immunity. If the body’s defense system improves, the child will get sick less, therefore, the addiction will go much faster.

The teledoctor does not exclude the occurrence of certain problems in the process of adaptation, however, one should not refuse the opportunity to accustom a child to kindergarten at 4 years old. It is best to take a responsible approach to the adaptation period and support the baby in every possible way.

So, the baby has already started going to preschool, but you simply shouldn’t wait for the end of the habituation. Successful adaptation of a child in kindergarten, advice on which is given by psychologists and doctors, lies in the active position of parents. How can you help your child?

  1. You should not immediately send your child away for the whole day. It is best to make a gradual transition from the usual regime to changed conditions, that is, send the baby first for a couple of hours, and only then increase the length of stay in kindergarten.
  2. Be sure to show sincere interest in what your child was doing at the preschool. If he has molded, drawn, or glued something, you should praise him and put the craft on the shelf.
  3. Study any information provided by the teacher or psychologist of the preschool institution. Usually the group sets up a folder called “Child Adaptation in Kindergarten.”
  4. You should also communicate more often with teachers who regularly fill out an adaptation sheet, a special kindergarten visit form, and a psychologist fills out a card for each child in the nursery group.
  5. Don’t worry too much if your child seems tired or haggard after kindergarten. Of course, strangers and new acquaintances are a serious stress for a child’s body. Let the baby rest and get some sleep.
  6. In order for children to adapt quickly, it is necessary to limit increased emotional stress. Psychologists advise against attending mass entertainment; cartoons and viewing of various images, videos should also be limited.
  7. If the baby has certain psycho-emotional or physiological characteristics (hyperactive behavior, health problems), the teaching and medical team must be informed about this.
  8. Tears and hysterics are a “presentation” designed for mom. This is why experts advise fathers to accompany their child to kindergarten, since the stronger sex usually reacts more strictly to such manipulative behavior.

Provide your child with a calm family environment during the adaptation process. Express your affection to your new preschooler in every possible way: kiss, hug, etc.

Memo for parents: child adaptation in kindergarten and basic mistakes

So, the basic rules for improving children’s adaptation to preschool have been described. However, none of the parents is immune from erroneous actions. That is why it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the most common misconceptions:

  • comparison with other kids. We all adapt differently. That’s why you shouldn’t compare your child with his peers, who get used to the children’s team and teacher much faster;
  • deception. There is no need to promise your child that you will pick him up in an hour if you plan to return only in the evening. Such parental promises will lead to the baby feeling betrayed;
  • punishment by kindergarten. You should not punish a child with a longer stay in a preschool institution if he is used to being in a preschool institution for only a few hours. This will only lead to increased dislike for the kindergarten;
  • “bribe” with sweets and toys. Some mothers and fathers bribe their children to behave well in preschool. As a result, the child will further blackmail adults, demanding gifts from them every day;
  • sending a sick child to kindergarten. During the adaptation period, any cold can unsettle a child for a long time, so if you feel unwell, you should not take your preschooler to kindergarten, otherwise there is a risk of increasing the symptoms of the disease.

Another common parental mistake is the disappearance of the mother, who does not want to distract the child from toys or children. Such behavior, as we have already said, will only lead to increased anxiety in the baby and numerous fears. Increased hysterics are possible.

As a conclusion

Kindergarten and adaptation are often inseparable concepts, so one should not perceive adaptation to a preschool educational institution as some kind of absolute evil and negative. On the contrary, such a process is quite useful for the child, since it prepares him for future changes in life - school, college, family relationships.

Usually the baby gets used to kindergarten in a couple of months. But if the child’s condition does not stabilize over time and new psychological problems arise (aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity), you should definitely talk to a psychologist about maladjustment.

If the problem is not resolved, it may be worth considering visiting kindergarten later. Can a grandmother babysit for a few months? This will probably be the best way out of this situation. Good luck adapting to kindergarten!

“...I am firmly convinced that there are qualities of the soul, without which a person is
cannot become a real educator, and among these qualities
in the first place is the ability to penetrate into the spiritual world of a child.”

Sukhomlinsky V.A.

“Adaptation to the conditions of being in kindergarten for different children
proceeds differently, which depends mainly on the characteristics
nervous system. External manifestations of adaptation difficulties
There may be sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, and unreasonable whims.
To facilitate the adaptation process, preparation
this important event in a child’s life should be started in advance.”


Adaptation – from lat. “adapt” is the process of developing adaptive reactions of the body in response to new conditions for it.

The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that kindergarten is the first non-family institution, the first educational institution with which children come into contact. A child’s admission to kindergarten and the initial period of his or her stay in the group are characterized by significant changes environment, his way of life and activities. The course of the adaptation period and its further development depend on how prepared the child is in the family for the transition to a child care institution. How a child gets used to a new regime, to strangers, determines his physical and mental development, helps prevent or reduce the incidence of illness, as well as further well-being, existence in kindergarten and family.

Favorable living conditions, adherence to diet, sleep, calm relationships between family members and much more - all this is not only good for health, but also is the basis for the normal adaptation of the child when entering kindergarten.

To make the adaptation period for children easier, the family needs professional help. A kindergarten should come to the aid of the family. The kindergarten should become “open” on all issues of development and education.

During the adaptation period, children may experience disturbances in their appetite, sleep, and emotional state. Some children experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked to use the potty, but in kindergarten he doesn’t do this; at home he ate on his own, but in kindergarten he refuses.

There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe:

1–6 days – easy adaptation;
6–32 days – adaptation of moderate severity;
from 32 to 64 days – difficult adaptation.

With easy adaptation, the negative emotional state does not last long. At this time, the baby sleeps poorly, loses appetite, and is reluctant to play with children. But during the first month after entering kindergarten, as you get used to the new conditions, everything returns to normal. Appetite reaches normal levels by the end of the first week, sleep improves after 1–2 weeks. Speech may be inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. The child, as a rule, does not get sick during the adaptation period.

With moderate adaptation, the child’s emotional state normalizes more slowly and during the first month after admission he usually suffers from acute respiratory infections. The disease lasts 7–10 days and ends without any complications. Sleep and appetite are restored after 20–40 days; mood may be unstable for a whole month. The child’s emotional state has been unstable for a month, tearfulness throughout the day. Attitude towards loved ones - emotional - excited crying, screaming when parting and meeting. The attitude towards children is usually indifferent, but can also be interested. Speech activity slows down. Autonomic changes in the body: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, peeling skin (diathesis) - for 2 weeks. However, with the emotional support of an adult, the child exhibits cognitive and behavioral activity, becoming more easily accustomed to a new situation.

The most undesirable is difficult adaptation, when the child’s emotional state normalizes very slowly (sometimes this process lasts several months). During this period, the child either suffers repeated illnesses, often with complications, or exhibits persistent behavioral disorders. The child does not fall asleep well and sleeps are short. Screams, cries in his sleep, wakes up with tears. Appetite decreases, persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, and uncontrolled bowel movements may occur. The child’s reactions are aimed at getting out of the situation: this is either an active emotional state (crying, indignant scream, aggressive-destructive reactions, motor protest). Or there is no activity with pronounced negative reactions (quiet crying, whining, passive submission, depression, tension). Attitude towards children: avoids, withdraws or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. There may be a delay in speech development.

Factors on which the course of the adaptation period depends

  1. Age of the child. Children under two years of age have a more difficult time adapting to new conditions. After two years, children can adapt to new living conditions much more easily. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they have richer experience of behavior in different conditions.
  2. The state of health and level of development of the child. Healthy, good developed child
  3. Formation of object and game activities. Such a child can be interested new toy, classes.
  4. Individual characteristics. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of kindergarten. Alone children are crying, refuse to eat, sleep, and react to every suggestion from an adult with violent protest. But several days pass, and the child’s behavior changes: appetite and sleep are restored, the child watches with interest the play of other children.
  5. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day.

They fulfill the teacher’s demands without objection, and in the following days they part with their parents crying, eat poorly, sleep poorly, and do not take part in games. This behavior may continue for several weeks. These children need special help from the teacher and parents. An outwardly calm, but depressed emotional state can last a long time and lead to illness.

Family living conditions. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children’s skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.) If a child comes from a family, where conditions have not been created for his proper development, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

Boys are more vulnerable to adaptation than girls, since during this period they are more attached to their mother and react more painfully to separation from her. It is always difficult for only children in the family to get used to kindergarten, especially those who are overprotected, dependent on their mother, accustomed to exclusive attention, and insecure.:

  1. Reasons for difficult adaptation to
  2. conditions of the preschool educational institution
  3. Lack of a family regime that coincides with the kindergarten regime.
  4. The child has unique habits.
  5. Inability to occupy oneself with a toy.

Lack of basic cultural and hygienic skills.

  • Lack of experience communicating with strangers.
  • Objective indicators of the end of the adaptation period in children are:
  • deep dream;
  • a good appetite;
  • cheerful emotional state;

complete restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

age-appropriate weight gain.

Memo for parents “Critical moments causing difficulties in adapting to kindergarten” Most

- Early morning rise. For kids whose life was poorly regulated before going to kindergarten, waking up at 7.30 in the morning can be a very severe adaptation stress. Therefore, for a couple of weeks before your first visits to kindergarten, get up earlier, getting used to your new morning routine. Wake up your child for kindergarten in advance, 10–20 minutes earlier, so that he can soak up in bed and gradually move from sleep to wakefulness.

- Lunch without mom. Great difficulties in adapting to kindergarten are associated with feeding children. Some children do not like the food prepared in kindergarten, some simply refuse to eat without their mother.

- Daytime nap. In order to adapt your child to kindergarten, try to schedule your child’s nap during the day at this time. If a child falls asleep with his favorite toy, you can bring it to kindergarten at first. For sleep in kindergarten, you can choose funny pajamas that your child will enjoy wearing.

– Staying in kindergarten all day. Usually the first one. For a week the child attends kindergarten until bedtime, in the second week he stays until the afternoon snack, after a month he can stay for the full day. But all these norms are purely individual. If the child’s adaptation is difficult, then you need to pick up the child earlier. If you pick up your child from kindergarten later, try not to be the last to do so. Children experience very traumatic experiences if they are the last ones left in the group and their parents are gone for a long time.

– Getting used to the regime. For adaptation purposes, find out the daily routine in kindergarten and children's group specifically for your child. In a month or a month and a half, begin to introduce this regime in your family, gradually bringing it closer to kindergarten. In preschool age, it is important for a child to sleep up to 10 hours at night and 2–2.5 hours during the day. Therefore, the child should be put to bed at 9 pm.

– Communication with unfamiliar children. In modern families, often with one child, the child is excluded from the system of relationships with other children. Often contacts with other children are organized through communication on the playground, at the clinic, or at a party. Therefore, they do not know how to communicate well with other young children. It is necessary to observe your child’s interactions with other people. If he is an introvert, he easily makes contacts and communicate with others, adaptation in this case will be somewhat easier. If the child is an introvert, shy or withdrawn, overly obedient, then difficulties may arise when communicating with children who are active, aggressive or emotional.

– Communication with the teacher. The teacher is a very significant figure in the process of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten. His experience, ability to get along with children and understand psychological condition the child is sometimes played key role in adaptation. Therefore, if possible, you need to choose a teacher and get to know him in advance. Tell the teacher about the child’s individual characteristics, fears and interests. It is necessary to discuss adaptation with the teacher every day.

– Teach your child self-care skills: eating, dressing, using a handkerchief.

– Don’t talk about your worries in front of your baby.

– Familiarize yourself with the kindergarten schedule in advance and stick to it on weekends.

– Do not overload your child with visiting public organizations, clubs, performances, or intellectual activities at home.

– Dress according to the season. Clothes and shoes should not create difficulties for the child (not laces, but Velcro, not buttons, but snaps).

– Talk about the purpose and benefits of visiting kindergarten (water the flowers, put the dolls to bed, play with the bunny).

– Leave a toy phone on which the child’s teacher will report his progress.

– Do not give expensive toys and do not ask strictly for their safety.

– Every morning, check the contents in the child’s pocket, do not allow the presence of sharp or piercing objects: buttons, paper clips, coins, etc.

– When meeting with the teacher, talk about the child’s health and mood.

– Plan your time so that during the first month of your child’s visit to kindergarten you have the opportunity not to leave him there for the whole day.

– A child should come to kindergarten only when healthy. To prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary to take vitamins and lubricate the nasal passages with oxaline ointment.

– Expand the child’s “social horizon”, let him get used to communicating with peers in kindergartens playgrounds, go to visit other children.

If it turns out that the child has developed a need for cooperation with close and stranger adults, if he knows the means of objective interaction, loves and knows how to play, strives for independence, if he is open and friendly towards his peers, consider that he is ready to enter kindergarten garden.

Games during the child’s adaptation to kindergarten

The main relaxation tool for a preschooler is play. Her main task during this period is to establish a trusting relationship with each child, to try to instill in children a positive attitude towards kindergarten.

Advantages of the game over other means of relaxation:

  • allows a small child to feel omnipotent;
  • helps to know the world, develop self-esteem, achieve success in your own eyes;
  • develops the art of communication;
  • helps manage your feelings;
  • makes it possible to experience a lot of emotions.

Game “Mood Clearing”

Goal: Set the mood for positive cooperation, create a positive emotional background, develop imagination.

Equipment: woven napkins, colored ribbons, colored wire.

Progress of the game:

Using a wicker napkin, multi-colored ribbons, laces, paper napkins, we will create a clearing of mood. Usually a child sees the following picture at home: mom washes the dishes, cooks porridge, and dad works at the computer or watches TV. All adults are busy with their own affairs. And suddenly, before the child’s eyes and with his participation, a transformation occurs: instead of a boring napkin, “beauty” appears. In addition, threading a lace through a hole in a napkin promotes the development fine motor skills baby - his fingers become more dexterous, his creative imagination awakens.

Game “What our fingers tell us”

Goal: development of tactile perception, observation, enrichment of sensory experience, stimulation of cognitive activity.

Equipment: natural materials different textures: chestnut, walnut, pine cone, wooden ribbed pencil, pebble.

Progress of the game:

The child masters the world around him with the help of his senses. In particular, through tactile perception, hand sensitivity. In the wicker box you will find natural materials - a pine cone, a chestnut, a pebble. Look, touch and describe them. For example, a cone is rough, a stone is smooth. Then close your eyes, hold out your palm, and guess what object is lying on it. If in childhood we do not train movements and do not enrich sensory experience (what we feel and perceive through the senses), then, as an adult, a person will not have sufficient plasticity of mind to be able to easily adapt to various circumstances. At the same time, hand sensitivity develops and attention is activated. In addition, finger mobility is closely related to speech development. Activate speech development You can use an ordinary wooden clothespin and a pencil: we make fire, show a pendulum, a propeller. It is important to involve a large number of fingers in the movement, and to carry out the movements themselves energetically. Thanks to this game, the child looks forward to new experiences, impressions, sensations, on the basis of which he will subsequently have the opportunity to reason, think, and solve problems.

Exercise “Breathing with the tummy”

This exercise is usually done while lying down. And we will try to do it while sitting. Place your palm on your stomach and feel how your stomach rises when we inhale and falls when we exhale.

The hippos were lying
The hippos were breathing.

The hippos sat down,
Touched bellies:
Then the tummy rises (inhale),
Then the tummy drops (exhale).

The work of the diaphragm should be perceived by the child both visually and tactilely. Let's put a toy, for example a fish, on our stomach and see how it rises when we inhale and falls when we exhale:

Swinging a fish on the wave
Then up (inhale),
Then down (exhale)
Floats on me.

Abdominal breathing is anti-stress, it helps reduce anxiety, agitation, outbursts of negative emotions, and leads to general relaxation. The universal protective mechanism inherent in our nervous system by nature is triggered: slowing down the rhythm of various physiological and mental processes helps to achieve a calmer and more balanced state. Such breathing will help the child fall asleep faster after a variety of vivid impressions received during the day.

Game “Pour, Pour, Compare”

Goal: development of tactile perception, arousing interest in research activities.

Equipment: a basin with warm water, shaped sponges, plastic bottles with holes, Kinder surprise boxes, multi-colored beads, a rubber toy.

Progress of the game:

Special attractive force water has. Warm water relaxes and soothes. It is good to add herbal decoctions (valerian, lemon balm) to the water. A calming effect will be provided by adding special aromatic oils to the water: chamomile, lavender, mint. But it’s better to consult a doctor first. Toys, foam sponges, tubes, and bottles with holes are lowered into the water. If playing with water takes place during the daytime, you can include a cognitive component in it: compare objects dropped into the water by texture and weight. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, beads, coins, small cubes, etc. And play with them: for example, take as many objects as possible in one hand and pour them into the other, etc. After completing each task, the child relaxes his hands, holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child’s hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

Botvinkina Lyudmila Gennadievna
Features of children's adaptation to preschool institutions

Features of children's adaptation to preschool institutions.


Adaptation - from Latin« I adapt» - this is a complex process body adaptations, which occurs at different levels: physiological, social, psychological.

Upon admission to children's preschool For the first time, the child faces the need to change the formed behavioral stereotype due to changes in usual living conditions, and to establish new social connections. Environmental change is expressed in meeting strangers people: by adults and a large number of peers, and in the discrepancy between home treatment methods and education in kindergarten. At the same time, the emotional state changes, appetite is disrupted, communication and other behavioral reactions become difficult.

Psychophysiological state of the child during the period adaptation to preschool education.

A child in a family gets used to a certain regime, to feeding method, laying down, he forms a certain relationship with his parents, attachment to them. If the established order in the family is violated in some way, the child may experience various temporary disturbances in normal behavior (negative reactions: crying, irritability). These disturbances in balanced behavior are explained by the fact that small child It is difficult to quickly change established habits. However, a child's brain is very plastic. If these changes in living conditions do not occur so often and do not dramatically disrupt the usual way of life, then the child quickly restores balanced behavior, and the child adapts to new conditions in his life without any negative consequences.

U children When you enter kindergarten, your living conditions change very dramatically. The usual temperature of the room, the microclimate, and the food received change. The child is surrounded by new people, parenting methods, and the whole environment are changing. To all this the child needs adapt, rebuild previously established stereotypes.

Process devices It doesn’t always go smoothly or quickly. For many children's appetite is disturbed during the adaptation period, sleep (cannot fall asleep, sleep is short-term, intermittent, emotional state. Sometimes without any visible reasons Body temperature rises, intestinal activity is disrupted, and a rash appears. Device Not everyone can adapt to new conditions children equally. Some children feel well already on the 3-4th day and get used to new living conditions without any problems in their health, mental state or behavior. Others have a period adaptation lasts a month, and sometimes more.

Factors on which the course depends adaptation period.

A number of factors have been identified that determine how easily it will pass. adaptation period. These factors are related to both the physical and mental state of the child.

1. State of health and level of development. A healthy, developed child has the best system capabilities adaptation mechanisms, he copes better with difficulties. The state of his health is influenced by the course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, diseases during the neonatal period and the first months of life, the frequency of morbidity in the period before admission to kindergarten. establishment. The lack of a proper routine and sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue and exhaustion of the nervous system. This child copes worse with difficulties adaptation period, he develops a stressful condition, and as a result, a disease.

2. The age at which the baby enters the nursery establishment. With the growth and development of a child, the degree and form of his attachment to a permanent adult changes. (parents, etc.).

3. The degree of development of the child’s communication with others and objective activities.

4. Individual-typological peculiarities higher nervous activity of the baby. Some children express violent expressions in the first days. reactions: they scream when parting with their parents, refuse to eat, sleep, protest against every suggestion from the teacher, but after 2-3 days they already get into a routine and feel good. Others, on the contrary, are calm in the first days, follow the teacher’s suggestions without objection, and in subsequent days they begin to cry, eat poorly for a long time, do not play, and have difficulty getting used to kindergarten.

Kinds adaptation.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees adaptation: light, medium and heavy. The main indicator of severity is the timing of normalization of the child’s behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, and the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

Criteria by which duration is assessed adaptive period and intensity of this process: sleep and falling asleep, appetite, emotional state, adequate behavior, nature of communication with peers and adults, and illnesses of the child.

The duration and severity of these deviations depends on the age and gender of the child, his psychophysiological state and personal features.

Light children's adaptation early age normalizes within a month, in preschoolers in 10-15 days, and those children who were prepared by their parents - first of all, they teach children's independence, the child can take off his clothes himself, sit on the potty, hold a spoon himself, eat with it, drink from a cup. When going outside with the child, she explained that she needed to play with all the children and share her toys. All the mother’s work will not be in vain; this will further affect the well-being of her child, and the adaptation to preschool.

Average adaptation- this is when the child’s behavior is expressed more clearly. Sleep and appetite disturbances normalize within 20-40 days. The emotional state is not stable during the month. At this time, the relationship with the adult is not disturbed, speech is restored within 30-40 days, and the child’s motor activity is restored within 35 days. Functional changes are clearly expressed, especially on days when the child gets sick (in the form of a respiratory infection that occurs without complications).The current is like this adaptations happen in children from nine months to one and a half years, preschool children who have health problems or are pedagogically neglected.

Heavy adaptation – there are much fewer such children, They adapt to preschool within 2 months, and sometimes it takes a child half a year for him to get used to it. Children from 1.5 to 2 years old get sick again, which adversely affects the physical and neuropsychic state of the child. This kind adaptations in children having health deviations from toxicosis of the mother's pregnancy, etc. The manifestation of inappropriate behavior with a neurotic state is also characterized.

Children avoid contact with peers, show aggression, and treat adults with caution. For severe adaptation the child’s neuropsychic development slows down. Game activity and speech development lag behind; in the period from 3 years, personal qualities are most actively formed baby: the psyche becomes stormy and vulnerable, sensitive to aggravating circumstances.

Heavy adaptation adversely affects the child, his health returns to normal within several years.

A child’s easy addiction depends on his emotional state.

Period adaptation ends within 3 months, if within 6 months the child does not adapted To social conditions there is a threat to his health. In this case

assistance from other specialists is required.

About the end of the period adaptation allows us to judge the stabilization of all indicators, both physical and mental.

Advice for parents.

Prepare your child in advance for the idea of ​​kindergarten and the need to attend it. About a month before he starts going there, be close to him less than usual. Tell him in detail about the kindergarten, take him there so that he finds out what it is and he has his own idea about it. Tell your child that you are very proud of him - after all, he is already so big that he can go to kindergarten on his own. But don’t make a problem out of this event, don’t talk every day about the upcoming change in his life.

Prepare your child to communicate with other children and adults: visit children's parks and playgrounds with him, teach him to play in sandboxes and on swings. Go with him on holidays, to friends’ birthdays, watch how he behaves leads: shy, secluded, conflicts, fights, or easily finds a common language, contacts peers, reaches out to communicate, is relaxed.

Meet the group teacher in advance, tell us about individual characteristics of your child what he likes, what he doesn’t, what his skills and abilities are, what help he needs, determine what methods of reward and punishment are acceptable for your child.

When you leave, part with your child easily and quickly. Of course, you are worried about how your child will be in kindergarten, but long goodbyes with a worried expression on your face will cause anxiety in your child that something might happen to him here, and he will not let you go for a long time.

If a child has difficulty parting with his mother, then it is advisable to let his father take him to kindergarten for the first few weeks.

You need to bring things to kindergarten necessary for the child for a relaxing stay there: a change of clothes, things for physical education, a favorite toy.

Give your child his favorite toy in kindergarten, try to persuade him to spend the night in the kindergarten and meet with her again in the morning. If the child does not agree to this, let the toy go with him every day and meet others there, ask what happened to the toy in kindergarten, who was friends with it, who offended it, if it was sad. This way, you will learn a lot about how your baby manages to get used to kindergarten.

Some children get very tired in the first days of kindergarten from new impressions, new friends, new activities, and a large number of people. If a child comes home exhausted and nervous, this does not mean that he is unable to get used to kindergarten. It may be necessary to pick up such a child from kindergarten earlier or leave him at home 1-2 times a week.

Play with your child with homemade toys in kindergarten, where some of them will be the child himself. Observe what this toy does, what it says, help you and your child find friends for it and solve your child’s problems through it, focusing the game on positive results.

It is necessary to create conditions for the child to relax at home. During adaptation do not take him to visit, noisy companies (the child at this time is overloaded with impressions, his nervous system should be spared).

Don't send your child to kindergarten just because you have another child, even if it will make your life easier. Your eldest son or daughter will already feel that an invited guest has appeared in the house, and he will certainly interpret your decision as his expulsion, concluding that you prefer the newborn to him. Therefore, if you, while expecting a child, decide to send your eldest to kindergarten, do it in advance, before the baby arrives.

The most important purpose of kindergarten is to give the child the opportunity to communicate and play with peers. And no matter how good the kindergarten is, do not make the irreparable mistake - do not consider that it replaces the family.


Adaptation child to the conditions of the nursery garden: process control, diagnostics, recommendations / N. V. Sokolovskaya. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

Aisina, R. Socialization and children's adaptation early age / R. Aisina, V. Dedkova, E. Khachaturova E // Child in kindergarten. – 2003.

Belkina, V. N. Children's adaptation early age to the conditions of preschool educational institutions / V. N. Belkina, L. V. Belkina. – Voronezh: Teacher, 2006.

Content Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….

1. Main part………………………………………………………...

    1. Definition of the concept of adaptation, phases and types of adaptation…….

    1. Features of successful adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution…….

    1. Pedagogical conditions for adaptation of children in preschool educational institutions………………


List of references………………………………………………………


Most children experience adaptation stress when entering a preschool educational institution (PED).

A child’s sudden entry into other social conditions and prolonged exposure to stress can lead to emotional disturbances or a slowdown in the rate of psychophysical development, since the adaptive capabilities of a child of early and early preschool age are limited.

The beginning of the school year is a difficult time for young children, as it is a period of adaptation to new conditions for them. Children have a hard time being separated from their mother and become desperate when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by strangers. It’s also hard for parents who see the inconsolable grief of their always cheerful baby. It’s not easy for the staff of the groups either: the children cry, cling, don’t let them work, and the teacher needs to manage everything, do everything according to the schedule, at least temporarily calm the baby, give the others a break from the scream of the new one.

The adaptation period is a serious test for kids. Stress reactions caused by adaptation permanently disrupt the emotional state of children.

Morozova E.I. noted: “It can be assumed with a greater degree of probability that this period does not pass without a trace, even if it ends favorably, but leaves a mark on the neuropsychic development of the child.”

Both domestic and foreign researchers spoke about the difficulties of the adaptation period: Aksarina N.M., Tonkova - Yampolskaya R.V., Schmidt - Kolmer E. and others.

Teplyuk S. analyzed the activities of preschool institutions during the adaptation period and found that this problem is one of those poorly solved. Group teachers are not ready to provide newly admitted children with qualified assistance and psychological and pedagogical support; they often demonstrate a lack of skills in competently building relationships with parents of newcomers.

In this regard, she advises the methodologist and psychologist to strengthen work with staff in this direction: systematically highlight new approaches to the disclosure of such topics as the leading role of an adult in the development of a child (G.M. Lyamina), the stages of development of communication between an adult and a child ( S.Yu. Meshcheryakova, L.N. Galiguzova, N.N. Avdeeva), practical application of this knowledge in adaptation conditions (N.D. Vatunina), diagnostic methodology of the adaptation profile (E.I. Morozova).

Indeed, when a child first comes to kindergarten, he finds himself in new conditions. The daily routine, the nature of nutrition, the temperature of the room, educational techniques, the nature of communication, etc. change, so the problem of adapting the child to kindergarten is the leading one.

    Main part

    1. Definition of the concept of adaptation, phases and types of adaptation

When a child arrives at a preschool institution, his life changes radically: a strict daily routine, a new room, the absence of parents or other close people, new requirements for behavior, the constant presence of peers, etc.

All this falls on the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which can lead to neurotic reactions (whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses, refusal to eat, etc.) In this regard, the process of adaptation of a child to the conditions of kindergarten is a very relevant and important problem to this day[ 6, p.18].

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process that leads to positive (adaptability) or negative (stress) results.

The term “adaptation” is used in medicine, natural science, psychology, sociology, pedagogy and covers a wide range of phenomena.

According to the definition given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, adaptation is understood as the process of adapting the structure and functions of organisms (individuals, populations, species) to environmental conditions.

In the Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia, social adaptation is defined as a person’s adaptation to the conditions of a new social environment; one of the socio-psychological mechanisms of personality socialization.

Social-psychological adaptation (E.S. Kuzmin, V.E. Semyonova) is the interaction of the individual and the social environment, which leads to an optimal balance between the goals and values ​​of the individual and the group. In the course of socio-psychological adaptation, the needs, interests and aspirations of the individual are realized, its individuality is revealed and developed, the individual enters a new social environment, becomes a full member of the team, and asserts itself.

At the age of 1-3 years, a child has a number of specific age-specific capabilities. This period is characterized by heightened sensitivity to separation from the mother and fear of novelty.

Entering kindergarten often causes stress for a child. This is due to the fact that not only the daily routine, habitual from birth, changes radically, but also the environment surrounding the child, a large number of strangers.

The body’s adaptation to new conditions of social existence, a new regime is accompanied by changes in the child’s behavioral reactions, sleep disorders, and appetite.

The child’s family also needs some time to adapt to new life circumstances. Typically, the time of adaptation is divided into three periods: acute, subacute and compensatory. The most serious difficulties await the family during the acute period. These are the moments of the first collision with the unknown, the new. This is a new, often unexpected emotional reaction of both the child and his parents. And the most complex restructuring of the body occurs in the initial phase of adaptation, which can drag on and turn into maladaptation, which can lead to disorders of the child’s health, behavior and psyche.

To avoid these complications and ensure optimal adaptation, a gradual transition of the child from the family to the preschool educational institution is necessary.

Psychologists distinguish three phases of the adaptation process:

1. Acute phase , which is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, regression in speech development (lasts on average a month);

2. Subacute phase characterized by adequate behavior of the child, i.e. all changes decrease and are recorded only in individual parameters against the background of a slower pace of development, especially mental, compared to average age norms (last 3-5 months);

3. Compensation phase is accompanied by an acceleration in the rate of development, as a result, by the end of the school year children overcome the above-mentioned delay in the rate of development[ 4, p.123].

Three phases of the adaptation process:

1. Acute phase: frequent somatic diseases, sleep disturbances, appetite, decreased speech and play activity (lasts approximately 1 month).

2. Subacute phase: all changes in the first month decrease and are recorded according to individual parameters, but the general background of development is slowed down (lasts 3-5 months).

3. Compensation phase: the pace of development accelerates.

For all families, the acute period of adaptation is individual. It can have different durations. In relation to duration, they usually talk about four adaptation options.

Prerequisite successful adaptation - coordination of actions of parents and educators, convergence of approaches to the individual characteristics of the child in the family and in kindergarten.

Distinctive feature model is the active involvement of the family in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

The problem of a child’s adaptation to a children’s institution is one of the most acute in early childhood pedagogy. More than half of children 1-3 years old are unprepared for kindergarten. The lack of psychological readiness for a child care institution is fraught with numerous medical and psychological difficulties - children begin to constantly get sick, cry all day long, they develop neurotic reactions, aggravate psychosomatic phenomena, etc. However, any special work on preparing young children for a child care institution is currently time is not kept. If the preparation of a child for school is repeatedly and carefully worked out and is one of the main tasks of education, then the transition of a child from a family to a child care institution, which is no less abrupt and traumatic event, remains without the attention of teachers and psychologists. It is obvious that this problem needs to be given special attention.

One of the organizational forms of adaptation of a child to a children's institution is short-term stay groups or “adaptation” groups.

The special task of the psychological service in adaptation groups is to work with difficult cases and find an adequate approach for different groups of children. The complexity of this task is that it is impossible to offer a single adaptation method for everyone - each child needs a special approach. The only common point is gaining the trust and affection of the baby. Without such trust in a new adult, a child’s normal emotional well-being is impossible.

With the arrival of a child of three or four summer age In preschool, many changes occur in his life: a strict daily routine, the absence of parents for nine or more hours, new requirements for behavior, constant contact with peers, a new room fraught with a lot of unknowns, and therefore dangerous, a different style communication. All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which without special organization can lead to neurotic reactions, such as whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses, etc. These difficulties arise due to the fact that the child moves from his familiar and usual family environment to the environment of a preschool institution.

The child must adapt to new conditions, i.e. adapt. The term "adaptation" means adaptation.

The difficulty of adapting the body to new conditions and new activities and the high price that the child’s body pays for the successes achieved determine the need to take into account all factors that contribute to the child’s adaptation to a preschool institution or, conversely, slow it down and prevent adequate adaptation.

Adaptation is inevitable in situations where there is a contradiction between our capabilities and the requirements of the environment.

How are adaptation abilities formed in a child? The birth of a child itself is a clear manifestation of biological adaptation. The transition from conditions of intrauterine to extrauterine existence requires a radical restructuring in the activities of all the main systems of the body - blood circulation, respiration, digestion. By the time of birth, these systems must be able to carry out functional restructuring, i.e. there must be an appropriate innate level of readiness for these adaptation mechanisms. Healthy newborn has such a level of readiness and quickly adapts to existence in external conditions.

Just like other functional systems, the system of adaptation mechanisms continues to mature and improve over a number of years of postnatal ontogenesis. Within the framework of this system, after birth, the child also develops the ability to socially adapt as the child masters the social environment around him. This occurs simultaneously with the formation of the entire system of higher nervous activity.

Nevertheless, these changes hit the child simultaneously, creating a stressful situation for him, which without special organization can lead to neurotic reactions.

So, in order to avoid stressful situations, it is necessary to competently approach one of the problems of a preschool institution - the problem of children's adaptation. The common task of educators and parents is to help the child enter the life of kindergarten as painlessly as possible. For this you need preparatory work in family. Developing uniform requirements for a child’s behavior, coordinating the influences on him at home and in kindergarten is the most important condition that facilitates his adaptation.

In this regard, the question arises of creating more favorable conditions for a more successful adaptation of the child to a preschool institution.

    1. Features of successful adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions

Not all children cry when entering the group. Many people come to the group confidently, carefully examine their surroundings, and find something to do on their own. Others do this with less confidence, but also do not show much concern. They carefully observe the teacher and carry out the actions she suggests. Both children calmly say goodbye to their relatives, who bring them to kindergarten, and go to the group. For example, a child, parting with his mother, looking into her eyes, asks: “Do you love me?” Having received an answer, he goes to the group. He approaches the teacher, looks into her eyes, but does not dare to ask a question. The teacher gently strokes his head, smiles, shows attention, then the child feels happy. He relentlessly follows the teacher, imitates his actions. The child’s behavior shows that he feels the need to communicate with an adult, to receive affection and attention from him. And this need is satisfied by the teacher, in whom the child finds a kind loved one.

Some children, having quickly gotten used to the new group environment, know how to keep themselves busy. They do not constantly follow the teacher, but if necessary, calmly and confidently turn to him. Only in the first days is some confusion and anxiety noticeable in their behavior. If a child who was brought to kindergarten for the first time does not want to stay in the group without his mother, then the teacher invites the mother to stay with the child in the group. Feeling that the mother is not going to leave, the child begins to pay attention to his surroundings. After a long observation, plays with toys, examines beautiful dolls, and finally decides to take one of them himself. In a close person he sees support, protection from the unknown and at the same time an opportunity with his help to get to know the world around him.

As you can see, children entering a child care institution behave differently. The characteristics of their behavior are largely determined by the needs that had developed by the time they joined the group. Approximately three groups of children can be distinguished according to their inherent differences in behavior and need for communication (in accordance with this, adaptation groups will be further determined) [ 7, p.58].

The first group includes children who have a predominant need to communicate with close adults, expecting only attention, affection, kindness, and information about their surroundings from them.

The second group includes children who have already developed a need to communicate not only with loved ones, but also with other adults, to act together with them and to receive information about the environment from them.

The third group are children who feel the need for active independent actions.

If before entering kindergarten the child was constantly only with his mother or grandmother, then in the morning, when he is brought to kindergarten, he has difficulty parting with his family. Then he waits all day for their arrival, cries, refuses any offers from the teacher, and does not want to play with the children. He does not sit down at the table, protests against eating, against going to bed, and this repeats day after day. Crying when a loved one leaves, exclamations like: “I want to go home!”, “Where is my mother?”, a negative attitude towards the staff, towards the children of the group, towards offers to play and intense joy when the mother (grandmother or other family member) returns are a clear indicator the fact that the child does not have a developed need to communicate with strangers. When entering a child care facility, it is mainly children who cry who can be conditionally classified in the first group (the need to communicate only with close people). They deeply experience separation from loved ones, since they have no experience communicating with strangers. As a rule, the narrower the social circle in the family, the longer it takes for the child to become accustomed to kindergarten.[ 9, p.10].

Children conditionally assigned to the second group, before entering kindergarten, gained experience communicating with adults who are not family members. This is the experience of communicating with distant relatives and neighbors. Having come to the group, they constantly observe the teacher, imitate his actions, and ask questions. While the teacher is nearby, the child is calm, but he is afraid of children and keeps his distance from them. Such children, if the teacher does not pay attention to them, may find themselves at a loss, and they begin to cry when remembering their loved ones.

In children of the third group, the need for active independent actions and communication with adults is clearly identified. In practice, there are often cases when a child comes to the group calmly in the first days, chooses toys on his own and begins to play with them. But, having received, for example, a remark from a teacher for this, he sharply and negatively changes his behavior.

Consequently, when the content of communication between the teacher and the child satisfies the needs for him, this communication is formed successfully, the child painlessly gets used to the living conditions in kindergarten. Difficulties in adaptation arise in cases where a child encounters misunderstanding; they try to involve him in communication, the content of which does not meet his interests, desires, or experience. The teacher needs to know that the content of children’s need for communication in the process of getting used to kindergarten changes qualitatively. Children conditionally classified as the first group can, under favorable conditions, quickly reach the level of communication characteristic of children of the second and even third group, etc. [ 3, p.50].

As the child gets used to the conditions of kindergarten, the content and communication skills expand. The change in the content of the need for communication during the period of adaptation occurs approximately within three stages:

Stage I – the need to communicate with close adults as the need to receive affection, attention and information about the environment from them;

Stage II – the need to communicate with adults as a need for cooperation and obtaining new information about the environment;

Stage III – the need for communication with adults on educational topics and active independent actions[ 6, p.78].

Children of the first group practically have to go through all three stages. At the first stage, their need is for affection, attention, a request to be picked up, etc. difficult to satisfy in a group setting. Therefore, adaptation of such children takes a long time, with complications (from 20 days to 2-3 months). The teacher’s task is to create maximum conditions in order to bring the child to the second stage of habituation. With the transition to the second stage, the baby will become more likely to need to cooperate with an adult and receive information about the environment from him. The duration of this stage also depends on how completely and timely this need will be satisfied.

The third stage of habituation for children of the first group is characterized by the fact that communication takes on an initiative character. The child constantly turns to an adult, chooses toys independently and plays with them. This ends the period of adaptation of the child to the conditions of public education.

Children of the second group go through two stages in the process of adaptation (from 7 to 10–20 days). And for children of the third group, who from the first days feel the need for active independent actions and communication with adults on educational topics, the final stage is the first, and therefore they get used to it faster than others (from 2-3 to 7-10 days) [ 6, p.83].

If the newly admitted child’s communication and play activities are not properly organized, his adjustment will not only be delayed, but will also be complicated. That is why the teacher needs to know the characteristic features of children and the stages of their adaptation. The nature and duration of the child’s adaptation will depend on how correctly the teacher determines the need that determines the child’s behavior and creates the necessary conditions conducive to satisfying the need. If the teacher does not take into account what needs determine the child’s behavior, his pedagogical influences will be unsystematic, random in nature[ 11, p.15].

Unfortunately, the teacher sometimes does not attach importance to the organization of communication, so it often proceeds spontaneously. Educators teach children to play, study, work, and very rarely teach them to communicate. As noted, communication activities have their own content and stages of development. However, in the process of addiction, it is not age that is of decisive importance, but the development of forms of communication. Thus, children of the first group, regardless of age, at the first stage of adaptation certainly need direct emotional communication, and only at the second stage of adaptation - in situationally effective ones. Therefore, the teacher must select appropriate means of communication: smile, affection, attention, gesture, facial expressions, etc. - at the first stage. Demonstration of an action, exercise in it, joint actions with a child, assignment, etc. - at the second stage.

The expansion of the content of communication is closely related to the development of object-based play activities in children. In the process of cooperation with an adult, the child first masters individual actions with objects, and later, with repeated exercises in them under the guidance of an adult, independent object-based activity is formed. Thus, the teacher must take into account the level of development of children’s object-based play actions, and their readiness to communicate in action with adults and with children in the group[ 2, p.94].

So, a necessary condition for effectively managing the process of children’s adaptation to a children’s institution is a well-thought-out system of pedagogical influences, in which the main place is occupied by the organization of the child’s activities, meeting the needs that determine his behavior.

    1. Pedagogical conditions for adaptation of children in preschool educational institutions

Pedagogical conditions are an environment created purposefully, in which they are presented in close interaction in a combination of psychological and pedagogical factors that allow the teacher to carry out educational or educational work.

The process of introducing a child to kindergarten is carried out in stages. On preparatory stage The efforts of the pediatric service, preschool workers and parents are aimed at facilitating biological adaptation, preparing the body for life in new conditions:

The child’s daily routine is as close as possible to the daily routine of the child care facility;

Accustoming him to active participation in regime processes;

Using a complex of hardening procedures;

Necessary for increasing the performance of the child’s body, increasing physical activity[ 12, p.34].

At the same time, the condition for the implementation of these requirements is the pedagogical education of parents and the establishment of their contacts with teachers. Through individual conversations, reminders to parents on organizing the child’s life during the preparatory period. Through reminders, they become familiar with feeding and sleeping techniques, and receive advice on developing self-care skills, developing object-based and play activities, and expanding communication experience.

In turn, educators visit the child at home, get acquainted with his living conditions, learn about the baby’s habits and favorite toys, and establish the first emotional contact with the child in a familiar environment.

Introducing the child to the requirements of the new environment in a child care facility is carried out consistently. During the first week, a child is in kindergarten for no more than 2-3 hours. Gradually this time increases depending on his emotional state.

One of the leading pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution is the organization of play activities, especially if it is organized together with the mother. From the position of E.O. Smirnova and V.G. Womb play is the natural life of children, life refracted through the child’s psyche. According to D.B. Elkonin, in play a child learns the meaning of human activity, begins to understand and navigate the reasons for certain people’s actions. Cognizing the system of human relations, he begins to realize his place in it[ 10, p.52].

From the first days of acquaintance with a preschool educational institution, a child should observe how adults and children play. He should have the impression that this unfamiliar house was created for games and toys, which helps to establish the child’s individual emotional contact with adults and peers in the group. When playing with young children, it is necessary to set only simple game goals that are familiar to children and that do not cause any special difficulties in achieving them. At the moment, it is important not for them to perform the correct game action, but to establish a friendly, trusting relationship with teachers and children.

In order for a child to successfully adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten and a positive attitude towards it. This depends, first of all, on the teachers, their ability and desire to create an atmosphere of warmth, kindness, and attention in the group. Therefore, the organization by adults of the developmental environment in which the child lives is one of the leading pedagogical conditions for the child’s successful adaptation to a preschool institution. According to T.V. Lavrentyeva, the child’s environment should contain stimulating materials used in the process of specially organized learning, and so-called “free” ones, i.e. providing the opportunity to apply the learned means and ways of knowing in other circumstances. The environment in kindergarten is, first of all, a social environment with its own requirements and types of relationships between adults and children, between the child and other children. Therefore, adaptation to kindergarten is, first of all, a process of assimilation of this social experience[ 1, p.76].

The teacher must help children in a new environment. At the same time, you should not be annoyed about their slowness. We must persistently and calmly teach children how to operate with objects and toys, patiently consolidate acquired skills and develop new ones. For the first few days, it is not recommended to involve slow children in communication with peers, since they need a long time to learn new things and get to know their surroundings. The teacher's impatient approach can lead to complications in his behavior and difficulties in adaptation.

The main reason that complicates and delays social adaptation in many children is separation from loved ones and insufficient experience of communicating with other people (N.D. Vatutina). Therefore, during the first days of a child’s stay in an institution, the presence of the mother in the group is acceptable, which helps to get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment, establish contact with the teacher and then cooperate. Attention, affectionate treatment, periodic holding, and praise from the teacher create trust and a positive attitude towards him and serve as the basis for establishing contacts with other children and adults. Thanks to this, the child develops an interest and desire to communicate with peers.

During the period of preparation for entering kindergarten, it is advisable to psychologically tune the child himself, to interest him in visiting a child care facility, getting to know children and toys. Under no circumstances should you be intimidated by kindergarten[ 13, p.95].

During the period of getting used to kindergarten, you need to limit new impressions, reduce the load on the child’s nervous system, not receive guests or go to visit yourself, stop visiting theaters, circuses, and cinema. The atmosphere in the family should be calm, the adults’ treatment of the baby should be affectionate and sympathetic. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of negative emotions in him.

The child can be allowed to bring his favorite toys, books or objects with him to the group that he does not part with at home. This will also help the child get used to preschool easier and more painlessly.

An effective factor in a child’s successful adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is visiting a specialized group or short-term stay. The adaptation group allows the child to get used to a new environment, new people, and new requirements in the most gentle way. The presence of a mother or other close adults in the group helps the child overcome his fear of kindergarten and promotes a smooth separation from his parents.


Adaptation is the body’s adaptation to a new environment, and for a child, kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships.

A family is a social community that lays the foundations for a child’s personal qualities. When living in certain, stable conditions, the child gradually adapts to environmental influences: to a certain room temperature, to the surrounding microclimate, to the nature of food, etc. Entering kindergarten changes almost all the living conditions of a small child. It is the kindergarten staff and parents, who join their efforts, who provide the child with emotional comfort.

Therefore, today the topic of adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is relevant.

The problem of adaptation Special attention paid by teachers such asAksarina N.M., Tonkova - Yampolskaya R.V., Schmidt - Kolmer E. et al.The authors came to the conclusion that an important role during the adaptation period is given to the teacher and his work with the child’s family.

The course of the adaptation period, which can sometimes last for six months, as well as the further development of the baby depends on how prepared the child in the family is for the transition to a child care institution. A change in lifestyle leads primarily to disruption of his emotional state.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of the actions of parents and educators. Even before the child enters the group, educators should establish contact with the family.

The teacher’s task is to reassure adults: invite them to look around the group rooms, show them a locker, bed, toys, tell them what the child will do, what to play, introduce them to the daily routine, and discuss together how to ease the adaptation period.

In turn, parents should listen carefully to the advice of the teacher, take into account his consultations, observations and wishes. If a child sees a good, friendly relationship between his parents and educators, he will adapt much faster to the new environment.

An important factor influencing the nature of a child’s behavior in the process of adaptation is the personality of the teacher himself, who must love children, be attentive and responsive to each child, and be able to attract his attention. The teacher must be able to observe and analyze the level of development of children and take it into account when organizing pedagogical influences, and must be able to manage the behavior of children during a difficult period for them of getting used to the conditions of a child care institution.

The adaptation period is a difficult time for a baby. But at this time it is difficult not only for children, but also for their parents. Therefore, joint work between the teacher and parents is very important.

List of used literature

    Avanesova, V.N. Teaching little ones in kindergarten[Text]/ V.N. Avanesova. – M.: Education, 2005. – 176 p.

    Adaptation of a child to kindergarten conditions[Text]: process control, diagnostics, recommendations / Comp. N.V. Sokolovskaya. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. – 188 p.

    Aisina R., Dedkova V., Khachaturova E. Socialization and adaptation of young children // Child in kindergarten. – 2003. – No. 5. – P.49-53.

    Aksarina, M.N. Early Childhood Education[Text]/ M.N. Aksarina. – M.: Medetsina, 2007. – 304 p.

    Belkina, V.N., Belkina, L.V. Adaptation of young children to preschool conditions[Text]/ V.N. Belkina, L.V. Belkina. – Voronezh: Teacher, 2006. – 236 p.

    Vatutina, N.D. The child enters kindergarten[Text]: A manual for kindergarten teachers / N.D. Vatutina. – M.: Education, 2003. – 104 p.

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The problem of successful adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution.

Early age is extremely important in human development. During this period, the most important and fundamental human abilities are formed: cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, focus and perseverance, imagination, creative direction and many others. All these abilities do not arise on their own, as a consequence of the child’s age, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and certain pedagogical influences.
It is in the third year of life that children are most often brought to kindergarten. This tradition has many subjective bases. At the same time, research by I.S. Ilina, T.V. Kostyak, S.N. Teplyuk and other scientists convincingly prove that the age from 2 to 3 years is not favorable for serious changes in a child’s life, which includes entering kindergarten.
“When placed in a special microenvironment, the conditions of which differ significantly from those of the family, young children often experience various negative manifestations, united by the concept of adaptation syndrome, and the problem of adaptation to preschool education arises.” Children often experience negative emotions, fear, lose appetite, sleep, lose previously mastered skills, social skills, their cognitive and speech activity fades, and motor reactions are transformed (from lethargy to hyperactivity). “Laying on top of each other, all these phenomena lead to a decrease in immunity, a general weakening of the body, a stop in development processes and even some regression in the child’s development (in his speech, skills, abilities, play activities).”
Unfavorable course of the adaptation period, prolonged stay in a state of mental stress can lead to a delay mental development child, cause irreparable damage to the process of formation of skills and personal qualities, disrupting the development of social needs that correspond to age-related development standards. To avoid the severe consequences of the adaptation period, it is necessary to take into account both the general patterns of the adaptation process and the age and individual characteristics of children 2-3 years old.
“Any adaptation is an individual’s adaptation to new conditions of existence.” Adaptation is divided into biological and social. Biological - changes in the physiological activity of the child’s organ systems in response to changes in living conditions. Thus, in conditions of difficult adaptation to a preschool educational institution, a child’s speech and mental development may slow down, and the task of a speech therapist is to help the child in the process of adaptation preserve and increase the child’s speech development.
Social adaptation is the formation of new social relationships and connections of a child in a group. Speech is a very important connecting component between children. “Biological and social adaptation are closely interrelated, which is reflected, for example, in a decrease in the functional activity of the body during the period of complex social relationships, which is manifested in a decrease in the baby’s immunity, for example, during the adaptation period.”
Purpose of the adaptation period- favorable adaptation of the baby to the new conditions of his existence.
1. Safe change in the physiological activity of the child’s organs and their systems in response to changing living conditions.
2. Safe formation of new social relationships and connections of the child in the group.
If a psychologist, speech therapist, teacher, assistant teacher and all participants in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution, organizing the activities of children, help a beginner experience at least once, at least in a small way, the joy of success, become confident in obtaining some result and feel needed in the group - then the child will be open and prepared for future life in kindergarten.
According to existing literature data, a child’s adaptation to a nursery lasts 7-10 days, to a kindergarten at 3 years old - 2-3 weeks, in older preschool age - 1 month.
“The adaptation of a three-year-old child to kindergarten can be divided into three types: light, heavy and medium.” Difficult adaptation can last for months. During this period, the child experiences a deterioration in appetite, up to a complete refusal to eat, sleep and urination disturbances, sudden mood swings, frequent breakdowns and whims. In addition, the baby is very often more, which is primarily due to the child’s reluctance to go to kindergarten. Such children feel insecure in a group and practically do not play with anyone. With severe adaptation, a breakdown is possible - fear-stress-failure of adaptation-illness.
The second type of adaptation is easy, the opposite of that described above. In this case, the child joins new team painless, he is comfortable, he does not make scandals when his mother takes him to kindergarten. Such children, as a rule, get sick infrequently, although adaptation and physiological “breakdowns” are still possible. And the last type of adaptation is medium, when the baby tolerates going to kindergarten more or less tolerantly, and may periodically “cry”, but not for long. This period can last up to two to three months. Most often, illnesses cannot be avoided at this time.
The first signs that the child has adapted: good appetite, restful sleep, willing communication with other children, adequate reaction to any suggestion from the teacher, normal emotional state. “Neurotic reactions that accompany a failure of adaptation include: vomiting, addiction to personal belongings, fear, uncontrollable behavior, the desire to hide from adults, hysterical reactions, tremor of the chin and fingers.”
To ensure that the problem of adaptation does not become acute, to facilitate the child’s adaptation to the children’s group, walks and games together with other children, and participation in children’s collective events are recommended. Parents should also be encouraged to talk with their child about entering a child care institution. The opportunity to attend kindergarten should be presented as something important and significant. You can read books to your child about children in kindergarten, play “kindergarten”, or go there to an open day. Under no circumstances should you frighten children with kindergarten or show your anxiety and concern.
Another characteristic feature of young children is high emotionality. The changes that occur with a child upon entering kindergarten primarily affect his emotional state, since the attitude of 2-3 year old children to the world around them is largely emotionally determined. “Various factors of maladaptation during the period of acquaintance with new conditions cause emotional tension.” In order for the child’s adaptation to kindergarten to be successful, It is recommended to start preparing your baby for kindergarten in advance.
1. You should tell the child what kindergarten is, why children go there, why mom and dad want the baby to go to kindergarten (to make it interesting, for example).
2. Show your child the kindergarten, watch the children who are already going to kindergarten walk. Tell in detail about the kindergarten regime so that the child is not frightened by the unknown. To do this, you should consult with the kindergarten staff in advance so that the story about the daily routine is truthful, otherwise the child may be disappointed.
3. Talk with the child about possible difficulties, who he can turn to for help, and how he will do it. Behavior patterns should be discussed with the child, then the baby will feel more confident.
4. Teach your child to get to know other children, play together, exchange toys, and say goodbye.
5. You should not express your fears about kindergarten in the presence of your child, and do not allow your friends to speak critically about your decision to send your child to kindergarten. The parents' confidence in the correctness of their decision instills confidence in the child that everything will be fine.
During the adaptation period, it is necessary to emotionally support the baby, hug him more often, and communicate more.
Children who are expected to easily get used to kindergarten can be brought in for a period from the start of the group (7.00) until nap time (12.30-13.00), while focusing on the emotional state of the child.
Children with predictable adaptation of moderate severity are asked to be brought for a walk by 10.00 o’clock. A parent walks with a child. During the walk, adults and children get to know each other better. After some time, the child is invited to lunch, but does not insist. It usually takes one to two weeks for the baby to calmly let go of his mother.
To reduce the stress reactions of children, it is necessary to use such forms of organizing children's activities that are known and understandable to children, familiar to them from personal experience; forms of work that have an essentially therapeutic effect, allowing you to distract the child from separation from loved ones, interest him, relieve tension, and maintain a stable emotional state.
Among them the following can be distinguished (T.V. Kostyak):
1. Playing with sand, which stabilizes the emotional state of children, provides scope for experimentation, and suggests the ability to successfully play alone. While being part of a group (during the adaptation period, you can play both on the street and in a group - in a corner for playing with sand).
2. Watching and discussing with children their favorite cartoons that they often watched at home (it is advisable to involve parents in creating a cartoon collection);
3. Outdoor fun games, the main goal of which is to give children joy and satisfaction from active and at the same time exciting pastime with their peers.
4. All types of theater - tabletop (theater of toys or double-sided pictures), stand (stand-book, flannelgraph, shadow theater), puppet theater, which is performed behind a screen, and without a screen (with bibabo, finger, glove, mitten, scarf puppets , life-size puppets, puppets), since meeting with theatrical characters helps children relax, relieve tension, and creates a joyful atmosphere.
5. Acquaintance with works of nurturing poetry: singing lullabies, telling nurseries, nursery rhymes and cumulative tales about animals (2), which accumulate the experience of folk pedagogy in raising small children in the family and which have a clear calming, therapeutic effect on the emotional sphere of children.
One of the most intensively developing needs of a 2-3 year old child is orientation in the environment in which he is located. When children find themselves in new conditions, they become disoriented, which causes them strong negative emotions. Under such conditions, deviations in the child’s behavior arise; he cannot communicate, eat, sleep, or satisfy his natural needs.
While in a group, children look around with caution, afraid of a large room with an abundance of toys, or transitions to new rooms - a toilet room, a bedroom. Therefore, methods that are convenient for an older child to familiarize themselves with the situation (excursion, conversation, didactic games) for young children have limited use. The following factors will be most effective in reducing the risk of a stressful situation:
Minimizing the time the child spends in the group at the adaptation stage, getting acquainted with one room, part of the group (corner of experimentation, creativity, play area and others). Bringing (as far as possible) into the environment a group of objects familiar to the child - toys, pillows, books, rugs. Young children in the initial period of adaptation are not attracted even by the most interesting toys, because “strangers”. The child gravitates towards what is familiar to him.
Thus, a child’s adaptation to kindergarten is a very complex and responsible process. The most important thing in it is not to harm the child, but to promote his successful psychophysiological development.