Often, young parents are faced with a very difficult choice: on the one hand, you want to give your child the maximum of what you can, and on the other hand, you don’t want to spoil him unnecessarily and a callous egoist. Therefore, when there is a choice between kindergarten or home schooling before school, many, given the opportunity to choose, of course, begin to get lost. Indeed, in the garden there can be viruses and diseases, harmful and tired caregivers due to the eternal shortage of nannies, lack of walks. In general, they will not take care of the child, he will eventually become stupid and will not be able to solve elementary issues even for self-service. So think moms whose experience was negative. Yes, there are failures in the education system, and the selection of personnel sometimes leaves much to be desired. Not every kindergarten teacher has a calling to work with children. But! In any case, they have undergone special training, apply work programs (according to the Montessori method, including), spend all their working time in an environment with children and are much better prepared than we are. Moreover, at present, various interesting theories and methods of education are often introduced in kindergartens. Today we will talk about Maria Montessori method in kindergarten.

Kindergarten according to the method of Maria Montessori

Now the method of raising children has become very popular. The basis of this technique is that the baby is his own teacher. The child is given complete freedom of action and choice of decisions. And the role of an adult is reduced to the organization of zones and the production of didactic materials used to implement children's ideas. Along the way, an adult unobtrusively teaches the baby, offering new solutions, but only if he agrees to mutual activities. They act in the same way in a group of kids, that is, if they want to help each other, then they are not interfered with, because they are looking for the answer to their question and the search for a solution to the problem together.

Features of the application of the Montessori method in kindergarten

This method provides for a specially prepared room: speech, sensory, creative, logical, mathematical, and other areas accessible to children.

Also fundamental to this methodology is that the child is isolated in advance from everything that is not allowed to him for objective reasons. All objects dangerous to life and health, valuables that can be damaged by a child through negligence or out of curiosity, are removed from sight and reach. Including all the necessary security systems are applied: closing sockets and switches, sharp corners, slippery, cold floors, and so on.

Before putting into operation kindergarten with the Montessori method, Mrs. employees of the relevant ministries take over the premises, and educators, for their own peace of mind, check every centimeter of the “free zones” of the child.

Unbeknownst to the child, adults try to teach him moral and ethical models of behavior in society by loyal methods. Thus, in the Montessori garden learn to interact, learn and teach their comrades. At home, you are unlikely to be able to teach them how to communicate with peers, even if you go to the playground. After all, the kids change on the site, and there is no team as such. And the ability to live in a team, communicate and learn independence is very important for a little crumb and for you!

However, parents who are superficially familiar with the particulars of this technique often take into account only one of its aspects - the permissiveness of the child's actions. But this incorrect and obviously one-sided knowledge leads to a diametrical distortion of the result. After all, freedom of expression in decision-making and permissiveness are not the same thing. Maria Montessori method gives children the opportunity to make decisions independently within their capabilities, gradually they learn to come up with and look for different approaches to solve the same problem, but the result will be true and correct only if all the necessary requirements are met.

Child education

Any method of education is, first of all, an influence on the child with the aim of directing his mental and creative potential for improvement, through the acquired practical experience. However, allowing the child to assume the dominant role without any restrictions gives a clearly negative result. Children who are not taught to reckon with the opinions of their loved ones and, in general, the people around them, grow up as miserable personalities. Those who get into a normal environment at school, at the institute or at work, begin to feel like outcasts, and hide behind their negative attitude towards the people around them and the environment. Very often, such conditions lead to varying degrees to mental disorders already at a more mature age.

Therefore, before introducing into your practice () any of the multiple methodologies education, in abundance set out on the Internet, you should study in detail and extremely carefully all aspects of the proposed method, understand, choose or model your own system from several.

Ideally, it is most appropriate to use not one principle of your child's abilities, but symbiosis of different methods and technician in this field. Since there is no perfect methods suitable for absolutely every child, regardless of his individual characteristics. Therefore, giving the baby to garden with Montessori method also think about whether you can provide him with another direction at home development so that the child eventually grows up with a broad outlook.

Any teaching method, in addition to a huge number of advantages, it necessarily has disadvantages and inconsistencies regarding a certain person. Taking into account the above, it would be useful for young parents to observe the direction of their child's interests more. And in accordance with this, select the most various tricks from a variety of educational systems. One very important means, which absolutely always gives a positive result in the upbringing and harmonization of the personality, is exactingness. Therefore, if you are not ready to send your baby to Montessori garden for the whole day, then consider for a start groups early development using this system, or developing centers. In these classes, you will definitely understand whether the child needs developed logic (which is very much in methodology) or he still likes creative directions more. At the very beginning of development, just by watching it, you will be able to understand everything yourself.

Let's get back to requirements. It should not go beyond the limits of benevolence and respect for the opinion of the child, his capabilities. However, it is this factor that little man self-organization and adaptation in society. This term means the creation of such conditions and motivations so that the child himself decides to act ethically, and internally develops the ability to self-analyze his actions.

Also, in order to further maintain warm family ties, despite the process of growing up a child, parents need to develop a friendly approach to solving various problems that arise in this process.


Children are the same adults, with a whole range of internal problems and contradictions. They understand and analyze your actions on a subconscious level. Therefore, one should not treat them as unreasonable creatures, lisping and hooting with them.

Love does not consist in unquestioningly satisfying all the whims of a small person, but in respecting his opinion, finding methods and approaches to guide his development in line with universal human values ​​and humanism. Keep this in mind, including when choosing Kindergarten using the Montessori method or without it.

Photo: free internet sources

Every child is unique and has great potential. The task of parents is to help develop the child's abilities. One of the most effective education systems that allows you to comprehensively develop a child is considered.

In recent years, more and more kindergartens are working according to the Montessori method. What are its advantages?

The Italian educator, scientist and psychologist Maria Montessori gained worldwide fame at the beginning of the 20th century after creating her system of education for young children. And to this day, her pedagogy has many supporters around the world.

The essence of the method is individual approach to every child. Not teaching, but observing the baby, who independently performs certain exercises in a special playing environment.

The teacher does not teach, but helps to coordinate the independent activities of the child, thereby pushing for self-learning. The technology of developing education in kindergarten according to the Montessori method stimulates the self-development of the child.

The main task of the teacher is to create a special developmental environment (or Montessori environment) in which the child will acquire new skills and abilities. Therefore, a Montessori kindergarten, as a rule, has several zones in which a child develops various abilities. At the same time, each element of the Montessori environment performs its specific task. Consider the main components of the system.

Zones of the Montessori environment

The following zoning can be distinguished:

  1. Real life. Learning life skills. Develops gross and fine motor skills, teaches the child to focus on a specific task. Helps the child to acquire the skills of independent drawing, coloring, etc.
  2. Sensory development - the study of the surrounding space, the development of color, shape and other properties of objects.
  3. Mental (mathematical, geographical, natural science, etc.) development helps to develop logic, memory and perseverance.
  4. Movement exercises. Performing a variety of physical exercises contributes to the development of attention, balance and coordination of movements.

The number of zones in a Montessori kindergarten varies depending on the tasks. There may also be music, dance or language areas.

Principles of the Montessori pedagogical program in kindergarten
  1. Creating a custom environment with .
  2. Possibility of self-selection. Children themselves choose the zone and duration of classes.
  3. Self-control and identification of mistakes by the child himself.
  4. The development and observance of certain rules (clean up after yourself, quietly move around the classroom, etc.) helps to gradually adapt to the rules of society and teaches you to order.
  5. different age group helps to develop a sense of mutual assistance, cooperation and responsibility.
  6. Absence of class-lesson system. There are no desks - only rugs or light chairs and tables.
  7. The child is an active participant in the process. Not a teacher, but children help and teach each other. It helps develop independence and confidence in children.
Psychological approaches

There is no competition in Maria Montessori's kindergarten. The child is not compared with others, which allows him to form a positive self-esteem, confidence and self-sufficiency.

The child and his achievements are not evaluated. This helps to cultivate an independent, confident and objective self-assessment personality.

Most often, teaching children in Montessori pedagogy can be found in a private kindergarten, which is reflected in the rather high cost of education. But the result is worth it.

Montessori Kindergarten is an opportunity for a child to be himself. The kid in the learning process will be able to develop in himself such qualities as independence, determination and independence, which will be indispensable in the future. adulthood.

Montessori kindergarten program. For a child of 2 years old, a kindergarten is an ideal place where he can become independent, sociable and inquisitive at such a young age. Therefore, it is important to decide in which kindergarten and group to define it.

Child at 2 years old. Montessori kindergarten is the best solution for modern parents

Why not pay attention to the Montessori kindergarten, where each group is created taking into account the inclinations of the kids, and not their age.

The manuals and materials used by the followers of the principle of development of a child of 1-3 years old, developed by Maria Montessori, are aimed at developing motor skills and coordination of movements. After a while, you will notice how much your child has become independent.

Starting from the age of 2, the baby will be familiar with the rules of counting and the basics of Russian speech. Educators will help him learn the world, while they will not use physical force if he misbehaves.

The most interesting thing is that they do not force the child to study, allowing him to develop freely the way he wants.

You, as a caring parent, should know that there are from 15 to 20 children in a Montessori group. In each group there are both toddlers and preschool children. The rule that is followed here is that children of all ages must be recruited into the group.

What is the difference between such a kindergarten and ordinary kindergartens?

A child at the age of 2 simply hates kindergarten, because he does not like being forced to study and constantly do something. The Montessori garden does not try to artificially speed up the pace of its development, which means that it is much faster to decide, unlike peers who mostly stay at home or attend a traditional kindergarten, in what is interesting to him, and what "does not have a soul for." You will see that it becomes independent.

The kid is free to choose activities, and can, at his own request, when he wants, change the type of activity. The manuals and materials that all Montessori educators rely on are designed so that the child can use them independently.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that after such a right of free choice, permissiveness, it will be difficult for a child to adapt to the system of education in a regular school for the first time. Still, there he will be forced to obey the will of the teachers and the strict school curriculum.

Montessori program in kindergarten, features

The development of a child of 1-3 years old will be comprehensive, since each group has a large number of unique educational games and, accordingly, benefits. Thus, the baby will train fine motor skills and master the vital skills of lacing shoes, fastening clothes without the help of adults, etc.

For coordination of movements, he will be asked to perform simple exercises from the Montessori system: “Pink Tower”, “Ladder”, “Cylinder Blocks” and others. All equipment for games is made of natural wood, which does not cause allergic reactions in children.

Montessori Kindergartens for Child Development

At the age of 2, a child will fall in love with kindergarten according to the Montessori method, and there is no doubt about it. After all, the room in which the children study is divided into a corner of life practice, the development of 6 senses, and there are also three more corners such as mathematical, cosmic and language. Interested?

Ekaterina Surtaeva
Maria Montessori Kindergartens

Maria Montessori Kindergartens

1. Pedagogical basic systems of M. Montessori

One of the most popular methods of child development at the present time is the system Montessori, implying for children at the same time serious work and an exciting game, discipline and freedom. Maria Montessori, the author of this pedagogical technique, called it "a system where the child develops independently, based on a didactically prepared environment." The technique has existed for more than 100 years, but in Russia for a long time she was unavailable. First books Montessori appeared in our country only in the 90s. Today there are many children's kindergartens and centers for early child development working on this system. System Montessori Works with children aged 3 to 6 years.

The essence of the technique Montessori

Methodology Montessori is a unique author's system of self-development and self-education of kids. The focus here is on the development fine motor skills, feelings (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, as well as the education of independence in the child. There are no unified programs and requirements, each child has an individual pace. Each kid is free to do what he likes. Thus, he "competes" with himself, gaining self-confidence, as well as fully assimilating the material.

Key principle in pedagogy Montessori -"Help me do it myself". That is, an adult must figure out what the baby is interested in, provide him with an appropriate environment for classes and teach the child to use it. An adult helps the baby to reveal the abilities inherent in him by nature, as well as to go through his own path of development. Note that the pupils of the system Montessori Children are curious and open to learning. They grow up independent, free, able to find their place in society.

Basic provisions of the system Montessori

1. Activity of the child. In teaching a baby, an adult plays a secondary role, being not a mentor, but an assistant.

2. Freedom of action and choice of the child.

3. Older children teach younger ones. At the same time, they themselves learn to take care of the younger ones. This is possible because, according to pedagogy Montessori The groups are made up of children of different ages.

4. The child makes decisions independently.

5. Classes are held in a specially prepared environment.

6. The task of an adult is to interest the child. Further, the baby develops itself.

7. In order for a child to develop fully, it is necessary to provide him with freedom of thought, action and feelings.

8. You should not go against the instructions of nature, you need to follow these instructions, then the child will be himself.

9. Criticism is unacceptable, prohibitions are unacceptable.

10. The child has the right to make mistakes. He is quite capable of reaching everything on his own.

Thus the system Montessori stimulates in the child the desire to develop the potential inherent in him, to self-education and self-education. In this case, the responsibility of the educator falls on the shoulders of organizing the activities of the kids, while offering help exactly to the extent that is necessary for the child to become interested. So, the main components of pedagogy Montessori allowing kids to realize their own developmental path, are:


Specially prepared environment

Didactic material

2. Features of the organization of the daily routine in kindergarten M. Montessori

Unconventionality of the system Montessori lies in many ways, but one of the main differences between classes using this unique method lies in their structure and mode. Unlike conventional kindergartens, in which the pace and "skeleton" of the lesson are determined by the teacher (he, however, is the main active "character" of the entire developing action, the lesson according to the system Children build Montessori: it is they who independently choose what exactly to do at a given moment and in what particular place. Children independently choose the pace and duration of the lesson, and also determine whether they need a partner or assistant in this matter.

Of course, one should not assume that the role of an adult in this case is reduced to nothing. It is he who must explain to the baby what this or that developing material is intended for ( Montessori called it a presentation, show how to use it, and then patiently observe the child, waiting for him to make his choice, and not "pull the blanket" on himself and not seek to captivate the child with a particular activity. As already mentioned, help is provided to a child only when he himself asks for it, and, as practice shows, children are in no hurry to immediately, at the first failure, admit their defeat: they try their hand for a long time and patiently and turn to adults only when they really feel that they are in an unsolvable situation.

Teachers working with children according to the system Montessori, insist that any activity should last exactly as long as the child's interest in it lasts. You should not interfere with the baby and impose on him the choice of a certain developmental material, believing that this is what he needs in the first place. Development system Montessori it is precisely calculated on the fact that the baby, listening to the voice of the "inner mentor", unmistakably determines what he really needs. Parents and educators can only observe, draw conclusions about what the child is currently showing interest and inclination, and provide him with everything necessary for this.

It also makes no sense to rush the baby or, conversely, slow down his rhythm. classes: even if mom got bored of screwing caps and stringing beads, this does not mean at all that the lesson should be completed. The child can change for a very a short time a large number of different things before he finds a suitable occupation for himself. And there is nothing unusual in this - this is exactly how, step by step, the baby finds himself and his business.

It is definitely worth remembering that any lesson will certainly end with putting things in order in the room, and this is not done by an adult, but by a child (an adult should be nearby in order to come to the aid of the baby if necessary). Montessori claims that order around the child is a guarantee and the main condition for order in his soul: without a certain arrangement of the world around them, even very young children feel uncomfortable and insecure.

3. The subject-developing environment of the M system. Montessori

The most important element in pedagogy Montessori is a development environment. One might even say a key element. Without it, the technique cannot exist. A properly prepared environment helps the baby develop independently without educational care, teaches him to be independent. Children have a great need to know the world around them, they want to smell everything around, feel, taste. The path of the child to the intellect lies through the senses, so sensation and knowledge merge together for him. The right environment is an environment that meets the needs of the child. The development process of children should not be accelerated, but you also need to be very careful not to allow the child to lose interest in a particular activity.

The development environment is built according to a strictly defined logic. Traditionally, it has 5 zones:

1. Exercise zone in daily life. Here the child learns how to handle his things, as well as how to take care of himself.

2. Native language zone. Allows you to expand vocabulary, get acquainted with letters, phonetics, understand the composition and spelling of words.

3. Zone of sensory education. Develops the senses, provides the opportunity to study the shape, size, size of objects.

4. Zone of Space. Introduces the world around, with the basics of anatomy, botany, zoology, geography, astronomy, physics.

5. Mathematical zone. Teaches understanding of numbers, order in counting, composition of numbers, as well as basic mathematical operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

There are no tables in the room, there are only small tables and chairs, moved at your discretion, as well as rugs. Children can spread them where they like.

The role of didactic material in the system Montessori

The education of the child is closely connected in the system Montessori with subject environment . At the same time, almost any objects can act as toys. A bowl, water, a tea strainer, napkins, cereals, a spoon or a sponge can become a toy. There are also special montessori materials, in particular, the Pink Tower, liners, Brown Stairs and others. Benefits Maria Montessori developed with the utmost care. They were supposed to carry a teaching task, as well as contribute to comprehensive development pupils.

Any classes with didactic materials pursue a direct and indirect goal. The direct goal actualizes the movement of the child, the indirect one develops hearing, vision, and coordination of movements. Since the intervention of an adult according to Montessori- Pedagogy needs to be minimized, the materials are made in such a way that the child can independently find his own mistake and eliminate it. So the baby learns to prevent mistakes. The aids are absolutely accessible to children, it encourages them to explore.

Rules for working with didactic material

1. To encourage the child to act, the material should be placed at the level of his eyes (not higher than 1 meter from the floor)

2. The material must be treated with care. The material can be used by the child after the adult explains its purpose to the child.

3. When working with the material, you should adhere to the following sequences: selection of material, preparation of the workplace, performance of actions, control, correction of errors, return of the allowance to the place upon completion of work with it.

5. The material in a certain order should be laid out by the child on a table or rug.

6. The child can interact with the material not only following the example of the teacher, but also taking into account their own knowledge.

7. Work should gradually become more difficult.

8. Having finished the exercises, the child must return the allowance to the place, and only after that he can take other materials.

9. One child works with one material. This allows you to focus. If the material that the kid has chosen is currently occupied, one should expect, watching the work of a peer, or choose any other.

Maria Montessori Notes that collective games aimed at developing communication and cooperation skills do not apply to these rules.

4. The role of an adult in the system M. Montessori

It may seem that the role of an adult in this technique is insignificant, but this is only at first glance. The educator must have wisdom, natural instinct, experience in order to be imbued with the system. He must carry out serious preparatory work to create a real developing environment, as well as to provide pupils with effective didactic material.

Maria Montessori considers the main task of an adult to help a child in collecting, analyzing and systematizing his (child) own knowledge. That is, adults do not transmit their own knowledge about the world. It is understood that the educator must carefully observe the actions of the kids, identify their interests, inclinations, provide tasks of varying degrees of complexity with the didactic material that the child himself chooses. At the same time, it is assumed that the adult should be on the same level with the pupil - that is, sit on the floor or squat next to him.

The job of a teacher is as follows. First, he monitors what material the child chooses, or helps him become interested. Then he shows how to cope with the task, while being as laconic as possible. After that, the child plays independently, he can make mistakes, but at the same time come up with new ways to use the selected material. Such a creative activity of the child, according to Montessori allows him to make great discoveries. The task of an adult is not to interfere with these discoveries, since even a small remark can confuse the baby and prevent him from moving further in the right direction.

6. Positive and negative aspects of the M system. Montessori

Advantages of the technique Montessori

Teaches you to create rules, not live by them;

Motivates to study - children study solely out of interest;

Teaches you how to organize and plan your own activities;

Teaches responsibility for one's actions;

teaches mutual aid: older ones become more responsible, younger ones - more confident;

Teaches you to look for answers to your questions on your own;

Teaches you to find and correct your own mistakes;

Introduces the basics of the world around;

Develops powerful logic and analytical skills;

Develops intelligence;

Develops speech through fine motor skills.

Such qualities, inherent in the child from early childhood, help him in later life, adapting well in society. As a rule, a person trained according to the method Montessori, in adult life is very successful.

And for children with special needs, this technique enables self-service and pulls up to the level of healthy children.

Cons of the technique Montessori

Difficulty adapting to traditional learning (no classroom system);

Long-term training of teachers Montessori;

Necessity a large number unique educational materials;

The inadmissibility of the usual spontaneous and creative role-playing games;

Development prevails intellectual abilities over creative;

Denial of drawing and modeling, fairy tales and poetry as an activity that leads the child away from reality;

Reading for children is a process of obtaining information, not a pleasure;

Excessive independence deprives the experience of communication in a team;

Ordinary toys are rejected.

Kindergartens and groups, organized according to the principles of the Montessori method, are designed for children from two to seven years old. Groups are formed taking into account the inclinations, not the age of the children. For classes, manuals and materials developed by Maria Montessori and her followers are used. Benefits develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements, independence of children, introduce them to the basics of counting and native speech, help to study the world around them. An important principle of the Montessori method is the absence of forcing the child to study.

How many children are in a Montessori group?

It is believed that the optimal number is from 15 to 20 people. Since there can be both toddlers and older preschoolers in the same group, it is necessary that there are enough children of all ages in each group.

Are children who attend Montessori Kindergarten different from their peers?

A child who is in a Montessori group is not necessarily more developed than his peer who attends a regular kindergarten or is brought up at home. Using the Montessori method does not accelerate the pace of development of the child, but helps him gain independence. This is reflected in the Montessori motto "Help me do it myself!" In the choice of activities, the child is absolutely free, he can change the type of his activity at will and at any time. All Montessori manuals and materials are designed to be used by the child unaided. However, after studying in Montessori groups, some children experience some psychological discomfort in a traditional school. This is due to the complete absence of coercion in Montessori children's centers, due to the fact that children are used to determining for themselves what to do with them. And in a regular school, they are forced to move strictly according to the program and fulfill all the requirements of the teacher.

How are the rooms equipped?

Montessori groups are distinguished by the presence of a large number of educational games and manuals. Among the variety of Montessori materials, there are manuals for training fine motor skills and mastering self-care skills: “Lace-ups”, “Frames with clasps”, aids that develop analytical skills and coordination of movements: “Brown Stairs”, “Pink Tower”, “Red Barbells” , "Cylinder Blocks"; manuals for getting to know the basics of counting and so on. Montessori games and manuals, as a rule, are made of natural materials, preference is given to wood. However, high-quality manuals are expensive, and some Montessori groups are equipped with cheaper plastic counterparts.

How is the space organized in such kindergartens?

The room where children study is divided into five corners - life practice, sensory development, mathematical, linguistic and space. In the corner of life practice, the child receives the first self-care skills (washing hands and dishes, washing, cleaning objects, fastening buttons, etc.), the corner of sensory development offers work with materials that contribute to the development of all senses. Mathematical corner is equipped with aids for counting, language - for reading and writing. In the space corner, the baby studies the world around him, receives the first information on physics, chemistry, biology and geography. The child himself decides in which zone to engage.