Effective development children's intellectual abilities preschool age- one of the pressing problems of our time. Preschoolers with developed intellect remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

The intellectual development of a preschool child is the most important component of his mental development. The basis of human intelligence, his sensory experience is laid in the first years of a child’s life. In preschool childhood, the development of perception, attention, memory, imagination occurs, as well as the formation of the first forms of abstraction, generalization and simple conclusions, the transition from practical to logical thinking. Mathematics plays a special role in the development of a child’s intelligence, since the results of learning mathematics are not only knowledge, but also a certain style of thinking. Mathematics has enormous potential for developing children's thinking as they learn from a very early age.

The child’s learning and development should be relaxed, carried out through a type of activity characteristic of this age - play.

Knowledge given in an entertaining form, in the form of a game, is absorbed by children faster, more firmly, and easier than that which is associated with “soulless” exercises. The need for play and the desire to play in children is necessary

use directing in order to solve certain educational, educational and developmental tasks.

In didactic, developmental games, psychologists (P.P. Blonsky, L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets and others) and representatives of preschool pedagogy (L.I. Sorokina, E.I. Tikheeva, A.I. Usova, F.N. Bleher, A.K. Bondarenko) see the opportunity not only to systematically expand the knowledge and ideas of children, but also to develop their observation, intelligence, independence, active thinking, and develop the abilities of children.

Among the variety of didactic games that allow you to reveal the mental abilities of children, intellectual developmental games can be distinguished. The main purpose of these games is to develop the operational side of intelligence: mental functions, techniques and operations of mental activity. A characteristic feature of these games is that they do not contain any cognitive content, but rather a search for hidden ways to solve a game problem, the finding of which requires ingenuity, ingenuity, non-standard creative thinking, and planning of one’s mental operations.

At the present stage of education and training, logical-mathematical games are widely used - these are games in which mathematical relationships and patterns are modeled, involving the implementation of logical operations and actions. During games, children master mental operations: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization.

Currently, many logical and mathematical games from various authors are offered:

  • Games for the development of intellectual abilities.
  • (A.Z. Zak).
  • Educational games with elements of computer science and modeling. (A.A. Stolyar).
  • Games for the development of cognitive processes with modeling elements. (L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko).
  • Games for the development of constructive and creative thinking, combinatorial abilities (B.P. Nikitin, Z.A. Mikhailova, V.G. Gogoleva).
  • Games with Dienesh blocks.

Games with colored Cuisenaire sticks.

Logical-mathematical games are specially designed in such a way that they form not only elementary mathematical concepts and abilities, but also certain, pre-designed logical structures of thinking and mental actions necessary for the further acquisition of mathematical knowledge and their application to solving various kinds of problems.

These games in children of senior preschool age can be classified based on the development of basic mental operations: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization.

Games to develop the ability to analyze teach how to decompose a whole into parts and teach you to find the most significant features.

Games to develop the ability to synthesize teach you to mentally combine parts into a single whole.

Games to develop the ability to compare teach you to establish similarities and differences between objects and phenomena.

Games to develop the ability to generalize teach you to mentally combine objects and phenomena according to their common and essential characteristics.

All of these operations cannot occur in isolation without connection with each other. On their basis, more complex operations such as classifications arise.

Games to develop classification skills teach how to combine objects or phenomena into a class or group based on common characteristics.

The use of logical and mathematical games contributes to the implementation of the following goals:

  • Activation of children's mental activity.
  • Development of basic mental operations: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, generalization, classification.
  • Formation of the foundations of creative thinking.
  • Development of the emotional-volitional sphere.
  • Development of communication skills.
  • Increasing children's interest in mathematics.
  • Development and systematization of knowledge, skills, ideas.
  • Increasing the success of children's educational activities at school.
  • Education of moral and volitional qualities of the individual.

To successfully use logical-mathematical games, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • Creation of a subject-development environment.
  • Systematization of games in planning.
  • Level sensory development preschoolers.
  • Individually differentiated approach (system of differentiated tasks).
  • Nature of motivation.
  • Guiding children's activities in play (cooperative attitude
    with kids).
  • Using problematic situations of setting non-standard tasks to stimulate the child’s activity in the game.

The close relationship in logical and mathematical games of learning and development makes it possible to more fully realize the mental capabilities of preschoolers: children creatively master knowledge and develop cognitive activity. “You can only learn through fun... To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite,” these words belong to a non-specialist in the field of preschool didactics, the French writer A. France, but it is difficult to disagree with him.

Prepared by: Kovaleva L.E.

Intellectual development of preschool children

Every child is curious and insatiable in learning about the world around them. In order for the baby’s curiosity to be satisfied, and for him to grow in constant mental and intellectual development, probably every parent is interested.

One of the most important tasks of education small child– development of the mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things.

Intelligence – human thinking ability – mind, reason, reason; level of mental development.

Intellectual development is both the process and the level of cognitive activity of a growing person in all its manifestations: knowledge, cognitive processes, abilities, etc.; it is carried out as a result of the influence of life circumstances and the environment on the child. The leading role in intellectual development belongs to systematic intellectual education.

The intellectual development of a child presupposes that the child has an outlook and a stock of specific knowledge. The child must master perception, elements of a theoretical attitude to the material being studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, and semantic memorization.

Intellectual development presupposes:

Differentiated perception;

Analytical thinking (ability to reproduce a pattern);

Rational approach to reality (weakening the role of fantasy);

Logical memorization;

Interest in knowledge and the process of obtaining it through additional efforts;

Mastery of spoken language by ear and the ability to understand and use symbols;

Development of fine hand movements and visual-motor coordination.


creating conditions and promoting the intellectual development of children.

The main task of a teacher in working with children is to help each child set feasible tasks, master techniques for solving them, and help them find application for the results of their activities.


1. Formation of techniques for mental operations of preschoolers (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy, ability to think and plan their actions.

2. Development in children of variable thinking, imagination, creative abilities, the ability to give reasons for their statements, and build simple conclusions.

3. Developing children’s ability to purposefully master volitional efforts, establish correct relationships with peers and adults, and see themselves through the eyes of others.

The basis for organizing work with children is the following system of didactic principles:

an educational environment is created that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process (the principle of psychological comfort);

new knowledge is not introduced in a ready-made form, but through the independent “discovery” of it by children (the principle of activity);

it is possible for each child to advance at his own pace (minimax principle);

with the introduction of new knowledge, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed (the principle of a holistic view of the world);

Children develop the ability to make their own choices and are systematically given the opportunity to choose (the principle of variability);

the learning process is focused on children acquiring their own experience of creative activity (the principle of creativity);

continuous connections are ensured between all levels of education (the principle of continuity).

The principles outlined above integrate modern scientific views on the basics of organizing developmental education and provide solutions to the problems of intellectual and personal development of each child.

Methods and techniques:

Practical (game) ;






Didactic tools: Visual material (games, demonstration material, diagrams, symbols, models).

Form of organization of children's activities:

Individual creative activity;

Creative activity in a small subgroup (3-6 people);

Educational and gaming activities (cognitive games, activities);

All this is based on the development environment:

1. Math fun:

Plane modeling games (Tangram, etc.);

Puzzle games;

Games with Dienesh blocks and Kuzner sticks;

Problems are jokes.

2. Didactic games:


Modeling character;

Specially designed by the teacher for teaching children;

3. Educational games are games that help solve mental abilities and develop intelligence. Games are based on simulation, the process of finding solutions.

The intellectual development of preschool children is carried out through the joint efforts of educators and parents, who are united by a common view of children. Its essence is to recognize the ability of children to have deep intellectual experiences and joy, the uniqueness of each child, the uniqueness of his personality. At the same time, adults, respecting the child’s personality, create a number of immutable truths: the child is not an object to be studied, but a person who needs to be known in development; children have an innate tendency to grow and mature and have an inner intuitive wisdom; interest in the mysterious lives in every person from birth, every kid is an explorer.

Project: “Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, through game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children” (draft program for gifted children) Shirokova Svetlana Gennadievna: teacher-psychologist, MDOU kindergarten 11 “Rodnichok” of a combined type

Relevance: The development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of the pressing problems of our time. Preschoolers with developed intelligence remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school. The basis of human intelligence and sensory experience are laid in the first years of a child’s life. In preschool childhood, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, generalization and simple inferences occurs, the transition from practical to logical thinking, the development of perception, attention, memory, and imagination. Intellectual abilities in preschool children develop better if, as psychologists believe, the principle of a high level of difficulty is adhered to in their work. When a child does not face obstacles that can be overcome, their development is weak and sluggish. Technology of intellectual and creative development is a model of developmental education for preschool children with gradual use and gradual complication. Constant and gradual complication of games allows you to maintain children's activity in the zone of optimal difficulty.

Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states: “Every child has the right to play, recreation and participation in cultural and creative life. Adults, including government agencies, are responsible for upholding this right; they must provide children with every opportunity for free, independent activity that children themselves choose.”

As emphasized by L.S. Vygotsky, play is the leading, and not the predominant, form in a child’s life. Federal State Educational Standard preschool education includes educational field: social and communicative development. The main task of psychological and pedagogical work in this area is the development of gaming activities. Among the variety of educational games familiar to us from pedagogical didactics, a completely new, creative and kind group of games has appeared - Voskobovich’s educational games. The principles underlying these games - interest, knowledge, creativity - become as effective as possible, since they directly address the child in the language of a fairy tale, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. Voskobovich's educational games are the educational development of a child in the “Fairy Tale Maze Game” - this is a form of interaction between an adult and children through games and fairy tales. A system of questions, tasks, assignments, and exercises is woven into the plots of fairy tales. An adult reads a fairy tale, a child listens to it and, as the story progresses, answers questions, solves problems, and completes assignments. As a result, the mental processes of attention, memory, imagination, thinking, and speech develop.

Implementation of gaming technology for the intellectual and creative development of children “Fairy tale labyrinths of games” Objectives: 1. Study methodological literature on this topic; 2. Create a subject-development environment “Purple Forest” in the psychological relief room; 3. Develop forward planning for all age groups; 4. Conduct diagnostic work with children in this area; 5. Develop projects for the implementation of the “Fairytale Mazes Game” technology; 6. Develop a system of interaction with parents based on Voskobovich’s educational games.

Conceptual provisions for the innovative project: 1. Effective development of the intellect of preschool children. The “Fairy Tale Mazes Game” technology is a model of developmental education for preschool children with the gradual use and gradual complication of educational material. This allows children to maintain their activity in the zone of optimal difficulty. Intellectual diverse tasks, questions, exercises aimed at using various types thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical. 2. Early development creative abilities. During games, children show initiative and maintain personal independence of judgment and action. Children with a high level of intelligence and creativity are confident in their abilities, have an adequate level of self-esteem, have internal freedom and high self-control.

Scheme of using the project method in the implementation of game technology for intellectual and creative development “Fairy tale labyrinths of the game” (based on Voskobovich’s educational games) Technology “Fairy tale labyrinths of the game” Projects for the implementation of technology in different age groups I ml. group “Baby” - “Tales of the Violet Forest” II ml. group “Toptyzhki” - “Non-melting ice of Ice Lake” middle group“Merry Men” - “The Journey of Baby Geo” family group “Fidgets” - “Secrets of Game Labyrinths” preparatory group"Daisies" - "My friend - Geokont" senior group - "Miracle - Chest puzzles"

Objectives of technology 1. Development of a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things. 2. Development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality. 3. Development of imagination, creative thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle). 4. Harmonious, balanced development in children of emotional, figurative and logical principles. 5. Formation of basic ideas (about the world around us, mathematical ones), and speech skills. 6. Construction of a pedagogical process that promotes intellectual – creative development children in the game.

Solving educational problems in Voskobovich games 1. Games aimed at logical and mathematical development. The purpose of these games is to develop mental operations, with game actions - manipulating numbers, geometric shapes, properties of objects. 2. Games with letters, sounds, syllables and words. In these games the child decides logic problems with letters, traveling through labyrinths, composes syllables and words, and engages in word creation. As a result, the process of complex learning to read turns into an entertaining game. 3. Universal game educational tools. They can be material for children to play and teaching aids in various classes. Game-based learning tools create comfortable conditions for the teacher’s work and bring pleasure to children.

Results of the work: a package of normative and legal documents has been developed to provide the legal framework for innovation; an appropriate subject-development environment has been created in groups and at the site; tools for assessing the level of knowledge of preschoolers have been developed and tested, tools have been selected and developed for assessing the level of teachers’ readiness for innovative activities; a system of innovative methodological work was built; a system for including a regional component in the content of innovation activities has been developed; The content of educational games projects has been developed.

Literature used: 1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”; 2. Kharko T.G., Voskobovich V.V. Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children 3-7 years old “Fairy tale labyrinths games”

Goal: Creation necessary conditions for the intellectual development of preschool children.

Integrate in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards cognitive development to other educational areas;

Form logical and mathematical concepts using educational games;

Stimulate personal development and self-realization of children;

IN modern world mathematics has a responsible role in the development of an active, independently thinking individual, ready to constructively and creatively solve problems facing society. This is due to the “mathematization” and “computerization” of all spheres of human activity.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that some of the most complex knowledge, skills and abilities are mathematical. They are abstract in nature; operating them requires performing a system of complex mental actions. Already at preschool age, children become familiar with mathematical content and master basic computational skills.

Mathematical development is carried out in kindergarten V joint activities adults with children, independent children's activities, individual work with students. Since modern requirements for the education of preschoolers require a maximum reduction in classes and an increase in the number of other forms: games, observation, conversations, discussions, I consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in routine moments.

The success of cognition and development largely depends on the correct distribution of the load throughout the day and week. The technological map allows me to balance the alternation of activities in the daily routine.

In the morning I prefer individual work with children, observations and didactic games. IN game form I consolidate knowledge and take into account the individual characteristics of children.

I choose interesting and non-standard forms of conducting educational activities, using information and computer technologies to intensify the attention of pupils, increase cognitive interest, uniting children into groups, micro-groups, pairs.

Methodological manual by authors: V.D. Kretinina, N.V. Kostyleva “Natural mathematical development” containing complexes of game tasks and exercises, allows me to create the prerequisites for the formation of a correct understanding of the world.

Walks and excursions are a rich source for expanding children's mathematical horizons. During walks, attention is paid to quantitative and dimensional relationships between objects, orientation in space and time.

Outdoor games with mathematical content are widely used: “Relay in pairs”, “Get in the circle”, “Whose team will collect more balls in the basket”, and others.

When organizing work assignments, you can invite the child to count the washed chairs, watered flowers, etc.

In the plot- role playing games: “Gas Station”, “Supermarket”, children learn to use a certain number of objects, correlate them by shape, size, spatial location depending on the goals of the game, and apply the acquired knowledge.

Mathematical development in kindergarten would not make sense without the creation of a modern subject-development environment. Thanks to the multimedia method of presenting information during individual lessons in the evening, the following results are achieved: children more easily grasp the concepts of shape, color and size; understand the concepts of number and set more deeply; the ability to navigate on a plane and in space emerges faster; attention and memory are trained; The vocabulary is actively replenished.

Parents of students can use similar tasks and games in their practice. I try to explain to parents that mathematical development occurs throughout the day: in the morning while getting dressed, on the way to school, while walking, at home while doing ordinary things, which is a kind of integrated process.

This is how mathematics penetrates into various educational fields.

Upon review fiction I select works that contribute to the formation of ideas about quantitative relationships, parts of the day, days of the week, seasons. Many fairy tales contain a lot of real mathematical information: “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip” will help you remember quantitative and ordinal counting, and master the concept of quantity.

Social communication development in integration with mathematics, it is aimed at developing labor skills, improving quantitative calculation.

Mathematics also penetrates into artistic creativity: orientation on a sheet of paper.

Mathematical content is inextricably linked with children's construction, which is truly developmental in nature and influences the formation of cognitive and creative activity.

Integration of mental and physical activity is carried out in the process of filling physical education activities with mathematical content.

I practice using counting during outdoor games and general developmental exercises. Children, not realizing the load, count, reflect, think.

Such entertainments as “Mathematical KVN”, “Star Hour”, “Journey to the Country of Mathematics” also combine several types of activities in which children demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

As practice shows, the most effective results when teaching preschoolers mathematics are obtained through the use of entertainment. My students perceive joke problems, puzzles, riddles, puzzles with great interest, and persistently look for solutions that lead to results. Being carried away by solving an entertaining problem, they experience an emotional uplift, which, in turn, stimulates their mental activity.

There are many in our game library interesting games that attract children's attention with their entertaining nature.

Using “Numbers in Color” by D. Cuisenaire allows children to simultaneously develop their understanding of number based on counting and measurement.

Logical blocks by E. Dienesh - visually introduce children to the shape, color, size and thickness of objects, and mathematical concepts.

A very interesting system of educational games was created by B. Nikitin. “Fold the pattern”, “Fold the square”, “Cubes for everyone”, each game is a set of problems that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares.

Entertaining problems and exercises by Z. Mikhailova model mathematical constructions, relationships and patterns.

. "Geometric mosaic", "Lego", counting sticks,: "Country of Mathematics", "Mathematical Dominoes", a series of games "Amazing clothespins - universal and suitable for children of different ages, since they have varying degrees of difficulty, so they do not lose relevance for older children. Frequent rotation of games maintains children's constant interest in the toy library.

I have created a folder “Logical Problems”, the material of which can be used for working with children, both in the classroom and in individual work.

Carrying out activities in this direction, I came to the conclusion that it is more interesting for a preschooler to learn everything on his own, in a practical way, transferring his life into a fairy tale, overcoming obstacles artificially created by adults, simultaneously mastering not only clear mathematical skills, but also getting to know the world around him.

My students achieved the following results: they became more diligent and independent when performing practical actions. Increased concentration. In problem situations, children learned to analyze, compare, and quickly find the right solution.

By teaching children through play, I was able to ensure that the joy of play activity grew into the joy of learning joyful things.


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Vodopyanov, E.N. Formation of initial geometric concepts in preschoolers. / E.N. Vodopyanov. // Doshk. Education, 2000, No. 3.

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Godinay, G.N., Pilyugina E.G. Education and training of children of primary preschool age. - Moscow Education, 1988.

Let's play. Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old. - Ed. A.A.Stolyar. - M.: Education, 1991.

Danilova, V.V. Mathematical preparation of children in preschool institutions. – M.: Education, 1987.

Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - Ed. L.A. Wenger. 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Education, 1998.

Dyachenko, O.M., Agayeva, E.L. What doesn't happen in the world? – M.: Education, 1991.

Erofeeva, T.I., Pavlova, L.N., Novikova, V.P. Mathematics for preschoolers: Book. For the teacher of children. garden – M.: Education, 1992.

3vonkin A. "Baby and mathematics, unlike mathematics." Knowledge and power, 1985 pp. 41-44.

Karazan, V.N. Orientation in space (senior preschool age). / V.N. Karazan. // Doshk. Education, 2000, No. 5.

Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematics for children 6-7 years old: Educational and methodological manual for the workbook “I count to twenty.” 3rd ed., supplementary and processed - M.: TC Sfera, 2012. - 96 p. (Mathematical steps).

Danilova V.V., Richterman T.D., Mikhailova Z.A. and others. Teaching mathematics in kindergarten - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1997.

Mikhailova Z.A. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers. - M.: Education, 1985.

Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in senior group kindergarten. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis. – 2010.

Smolentseva A.A. Plot-didactic games with mathematical content - M.: Education, 1987.

Smolentseva A.A., Suvorova O.V. Mathematics in problem situations for young children. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Childhood-Press” LLC, 2004.

In accordance with the new standards, I build the educational process taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas.

Project “Intellectual development of children through educational games”

Author: Larisa Anatolyevna Kostenko, senior teacher of MKDOU “Podgorensky kindergarten No. 1”
Relevance of the problem
The modern world around a child is constantly changing and dynamic. The education system should help ensure that the child receives such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to new conditions of society.
Today there is a large number of educational programs for kindergarten, and institutions have the opportunity to choose the one that meets their requirements and interests.
Modern requirements, taking into account the federal state educational standard of preschool education for developmental education during the period preschool childhood dictate the need to create new forms of gaming activity, in which elements of cognitive, educational and gaming communication would be preserved.
Based on the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard, I developed my project, which will reveal new opportunities for preschoolers.
The formation and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers is the basis for the intellectual development of children and contributes to the general mental education of the preschooler. Intellectual development is the development of operational structures of the intellect, during which mental operations gradually acquire qualitatively new properties: coordination, reversibility, automation.
For implementation this project I organized the work of the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle. The circle provides an opportunity to develop cognitive activity, interest in mathematics, develop logical thinking, and creative imagination. The peculiarity of this work is that this activity presents a system of exciting games and exercises for children with numbers, signs, geometric shapes, thereby allowing them to qualitatively prepare children for school.
Special attention When conducting group work, I focus on the development of logical forms of thinking. I organize educational activities based on the interests, needs and inclinations of children, thereby stimulating children’s desire to engage in mathematics. As part of circle activities, children are not limited in their ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and moods in games. The use of gaming methods and techniques, plots, fairy tale characters, circuits arouses constant interest in logic games. The activity of the circle does not take the form of “study and teaching”, but turns into a creative process of the teacher and children.
When starting the project, I proceeded from the assumption that the leading conditions for the intellectual development of younger preschoolers in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts are:
- the presence of clearly substantiated goals and content of the educational process aimed at the intellectual development of preschool children in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts;
- taking into account the characteristics of children in the process of forming mathematical concepts;
- systematic work by activating games and gaming techniques that arouse children’s interest in activities;
- variability in the use of preschool educational institution programs that stimulate the intellectual development of preschool children;
- humanization of the educational process as a condition for the intellectual development of preschool children.
Objective of the project: intellectual development of preschool children, development of mathematical abilities, logical thinking, creative imagination through the introduction of innovative technologies.
Development of basic mental operations (comparison, classification).
Development of cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination.
Development of creative abilities.
Development of fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination.
Development of mathematical abilities and aptitudes.
Give children the opportunity to feel the joy of learning, the joy of new knowledge gained through logic games.
Mastering the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking.
Consolidation of knowledge gained during direct educational activities.

Project type:
educational - research
group, long-term
Project implementation timeline: September - May

Project participants:
children II junior group, art. teacher Kostenko L.A.
Expected Results
By the end of the project, children should know:
Count within 5, using the correct counting techniques (name numerals in order, pointing to objects located in a row; agree in gender, number and case of the numeral with the noun).
Relate the number to the number of items.
Solve math riddles.
Establish equality and inequality of groups of objects.
Know geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.
Compare objects of contrasting and identical sizes in size, height, length, width, thickness.
Distinguish and correctly name the parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Distinguish and name the seasons.
Be able to distinguish between concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow, and use these words correctly.
Focus on a piece of paper.
Determine the position of an object in relation to another.
Solve logical problems involving comparison and classification.
Understand the task and complete it independently.
Develop age-appropriate logical abilities.

Organizational stage
Drawing up a work plan for the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle.
Diagnostics of children at the beginning of a project on intellectual development.
Selection of didactic material.
Practical stage
Conducting a circle 2 times a week.
Use of logic games, verbal, didactic.
The final stage
Diagnostics of children at the end of the project
Project presentation.
Educational games used during the project

Educational play is a huge factor in a child's mental development. (Blonsky)
Author's logic game “Hide the Butterfly”

Logic game"Gather a circle"

Games contribute to the development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, imagination, and consolidation of knowledge of the color spectrum.
Voskobovich games- these are games of a new type that simulate the creative process, creating their own microclimate for the development of the creative side of the intellect.
Logic game "Miracle - honeycomb"

Logic game "Miracle - cross"

By using Cuisenaire sticks The child learns to decode the play of colors and numerical relationships. They arouse children's keen interest, develop activity and independence in finding ways to act with material, ways to solve mental problems.

Dienesha blocks contribute to the development of the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes by characteristics, develop attention and logical thinking.

Exercise equipment turn the learning process into fun and help kids believe in themselves and their abilities. By playing simulators, children become smarter and more reasonable, train visual memory, voluntary attention, fine motor skills fingers, get acquainted with colors, geometric shapes.

A painter needs a canvas,
A sculptor needs space,
And for the thinker - mental gymnastics.

Zack's Games

Games with sticks create great opportunities for developing not only ingenuity and intelligence, but also such qualities of thinking as activity and independence.
Nikitin's games
Logic game “Fold the pattern”

Each of us is a designer and an artist at heart,
The main thing is not to be afraid to act and create boldly.

Games - puzzles develop spatial concepts, imagination, constructive thinking, combinatorial abilities, quick wits, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and focus in solving practical and intellectual problems.

"Pick up the key"

A child's life is complete only when
when he lives in game world,
in the world of creativity.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Logic game "Mosaic of numbers"

"Pythagoras' Puzzle"

Doing something with your own hands is a pleasure.

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should it not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.”
Y. Kamensky

Logic game "Columbus Egg"

I hear and forget
I see and I remember
I do it and I understand.
Chinese wisdom.

Logic game "Magic Circle"

Logic game "Leaf"

Games using an interactive whiteboard
Working with an interactive board allows you to use didactic games and exercises, communicative games, problem situations, and creative tasks in a new way in educational activities. The use of ID in joint and independent activities of the child is one of effective ways motivation and individualization of learning, development of creative abilities and creation of a favorable emotional background.

When working with an interactive board, children's cognitive and creative activity, curiosity, imagination, and thinking develop.
The use of an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, and develop versatile skills.
Game "Keeping Eyes"- this is the training of visual analyzers, the development of holistic perception, attention, and memory.

Board and printed games develop perception, attention, memory, logical and spatial thinking.

Board games arouse children's interest because they are unusual and entertaining, require mental and volitional effort, and contribute to the development of spatial concepts, creative initiative, ingenuity, and ingenuity.

Educational games “Find a pair”, “Match by silhouette”, “Whose silhouette?” help children develop logical thinking, attention, visual memory, speeches. They consolidate knowledge about the world around them and practiced the skill of grouping objects by shape.

Logic game "Loto"

Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, promote research and creative search, desire and ability to learn.