Evgenia Kabus

Multi-age group Nikolaev branch of Svetlolobovskaya secondary school No. 6.

Organization subject-development environment in the preschool educational institution is built in compliance with program principles "From birth to school" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, N. E. Veraks and T. S. Komarova.

The space of our groups organized in the form of delimited zones equipped with various developmental materials(books, toys, creative materials, development equipment, etc..). All items available to children. IN compliance With thematic planning During the educational process, the equipment of the corners is changed or supplemented with the necessary materials.

Such organization of space allows preschoolers to choose for themselves interesting activities, alternate them during the day, and gives the teacher the opportunity to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. All furniture groups located along the walls, which made it possible to free up the central part for development motor activity of children. But at the same time, all parts of space have moving, transformable boundaries. Space groups varies depending on educational situation, including the interests and capabilities of the child.

Subject-spatial development environment in the group organized according to requirements Federal State Educational Standard, where all five educational regions:

Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social-communicative development

Physical development

EDUCATIONAL AREA "Artistic and aesthetic development»

In the corner "Drawings" For development children have everything they need to implement new ideas and productive activities (stencils, coloring books, album sheets, gouache, brushes, sippy cups, pencils, plasticine, etc.) This activity is aimed at obtaining something new and unique. In the reception area there is always a place for children’s work and creativity. We have decorated a corner in which we place children's drawings and applications. Something is constantly changing in the drawing corner, depending on lexical topic and mastering any new techniques.

In the corner "Theater" There are various masks for acting out scenes, elements of costumes, as well as a puppet theater. Children happily take on different roles, which increases interest in fairy tales, memorizing them and lifts their spirits.

In the music corner there are musical instruments (xylophone, maracas, pipes, drum, tambourine, harmonicas, etc., as well as a music center.

EDUCATIONAL AREA "Speech development»

Book corner "Read it", the content of which corresponds age characteristics children of different ages educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution.

In this corner, the child has the opportunity to independently choose the book he likes and calmly examine it. In the process of carefully examining the illustrations, the child becomes familiar with the fine arts.

EDUCATIONAL AREA "Cognitive development»

The nature corner includes a weather calendar; by marking the weather on the calendar, children consolidate the knowledge gained from observing nature. In this corner there are didactic games And benefits: “Who lives where?”, "The Whole Year", "Zoo", "Gifts of Summer", Big and small", "Living Geography" etc.

Experimentation Corner presented availability of various containers for carrying out experimental activities with water and bulk, watering can, natural material for experiments.

Touch Corner development presented a variety of games and benefits for development of logic, thinking, attention. There are also various types of mosaics, lotto, different in shape, color and material, games aimed at development fine motor skills hands.

EDUCATIONAL AREA "Social-communicative development»

The state symbols of Russia are located in the moral and patriotic corner. The corner is filled with fiction on local history and literature about the region, photographs of animals, plants, and localities of their native land.

The traffic rules corner and the safety corner contain a traffic light model, posters of the basic traffic rules, road signs, emergency services, safety rules, fire rules, fire safety rules, as well as various educational games and illustrations.

Duty corner. In this corner there is a duty chart, aprons, badges of duty officers, photos of duty officers. Duty assumes the child's performance of service-oriented work groups. Thus, children master the basic cultural methods of activity, show initiative and independence in different types activities.

EDUCATIONAL AREA "Physical development»

The health corner contains both traditional physical education equipment: hoops, jump ropes, balls different sizes, skittles, games on Accuracy development; and not traditional, made by the hands of teachers and parents: foot massage mat, sand-filled dumbbells (for boys) and water (for girls) etc.

There are also play corners

This is how our bedroom is decorated

And the reception area

Conclusion: subject-spatial development environment in the group allows each child to find something to do to their liking, has the character of an open, non-closed system, helps children carry out independent activities in developing corners, and not receive ready-made knowledge from the teacher. Content subject-development environment gradually filled with a variety of materials, games, illustrations, attributes for child development.

Publications on the topic:

The musical environment becomes one of the components of the pedagogical system and represents the musical design of children’s life activities.

Subject-spatial development environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the middle group The organized developmental subject-spatial environment in our middle group provides each child with equal opportunities to acquire.

Subject-spatial developmental environment in the senior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Subject-spatial development environment in senior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard The issue of developing subject-spatial organization.

Nadezhda Sorodnik

One of the determining factors in raising children is the subject-spatial developmental environment. A subject-development environment is a set of material objects for the development of a child, subject-specific and social means of ensuring various types of activities for pupils. It is necessary so that children can grow fully and get acquainted with the world around them, be able to interact with it and learn independence. I bring to your attention our version of a development environment.

Design center "Samodelkino"

Objectives: To develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to create different original designs on the same basis. Develop the ability to design according to your own plans, according to diagrams and drawings. Develop the ability to negotiate and build joint activities.

Center for role-playing games "One, two - the game begins"

Tasks: Formation role interaction. Learn to reflect various everyday stories in role-playing games. Develop the ability to determine a theme, plot, distribute roles, and engage in various role-playing dialogues. Cultivate a sense of goodwill and the desire to independently negotiate with each other.

Music and Theater Center "Zadorinki"

Objectives: To awaken children's interest in theater. Music is an irreplaceable means of developing children's emotional responsiveness to everything good and beautiful that they encounter in life. Develop self-confidence, positive self-esteem, and the ability to overcome complexes.

Center for Artistic and Aesthetic Development "City of Masters"

Objectives:Development of creative abilities in drawing, modeling, appliqué. Teach children to do work carefully and to finish what they start.

Center for Science and Experimentation "Pochemuchkino"

Objectives: Develop interest in nature, its living and inanimate objects and phenomena.

“People who have learned... observations and experiments acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive factual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not gone through such a school.” K. E. Timiryazev

Center for Local History "I Explore the World"

Objectives: Expand children's knowledge about their hometown, region, country. To develop knowledge about the state symbols of the country and culture. Instill a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for symbols Russian Federation- coat of arms, anthem, flag.

Center for Mathematical Performances "Planet Reflections"

Objectives: To develop children’s interest in elementary mathematical activities. Develop logical thinking, cognition and reflection.

Center for physical development "Zdorovyachok"

Physical development in preschool institutions is the unity of goals, objectives, conditions, methods and forms of work aimed at strengthening the child’s health. The goal of physical development is to form the foundations in children healthy image life. Main tasks:

Protection and promotion of children's health,

Development of physical qualities,

Formation of motor skills and abilities in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child,

Creating conditions for fulfilling children's needs for physical activity.

Traffic Rules Center "Traffic Light"

Objectives: Introduce the designation of road signs. Traffic light signals. Form the habit of crossing the street only when the traffic light is green. Develop an algorithm for safe behavior in your child in certain traffic situations and reinforce it through play.

We played in the garden all day,

And in the evening we were tired.

We'll rest at home

We'll come play again tomorrow!

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Subject-spatial development environment Goal: to create a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements for the formation and development of the child’s creative personality.

One of the most important conditions for the successful upbringing and education of children is the subject-development environment in the group. Subject - developing, gaming.

Developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard What is the environment? “Environment is a set of conditions surrounding a person and interacting with him as an organism and a personality” (Psychological and pedagogical.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! We bring to your attention the developing subject-spatial environment of our group. We tried to create.

EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT – a set of conditions aimed at comprehensive development child in kindergarten, on the state of his physical and mental health, the success of his further education. Developmental subject-spatial environment is part of the educational environment, represented by specially organized space (rooms, areas, etc.), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of the child preschool age in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development.

Social and communicative development is aimed at assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature, etc. OO socialization (cognition, reading fiction, work, communication, safety) OO labor (cognition, reading fiction, socialization, physical education, artistic creativity) Approximate centers of activity: center plot-role Games Labor Center, duty corner OO Safety Center Traffic Safety Center Fire Safety Center.

Cognitive development– involves the development of children’s interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of ideas about oneself, objects of the surrounding world, the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, materials, etc.), about the small homeland and Fatherland, etc. (didactic games, educational games, etc.). (includes NGO “Cognition”: reading fiction, communication, socialization, safety, music) Sample centers: Center “We Explore the World” or Local History Corner, center sensory development, center for constructive activities, center for mathematical development, center for experimentation.

Development – ​​includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; development of coherent, grammatically correct speech, familiarity with book culture, children's literature, etc. SPEECH development – ​​includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; development of coherent, grammatically correct speech, familiarity with book culture, children's literature, etc. (includes OO “Communication”, “Reading” fiction» Integration: socialization, safety, reading. literature, knowledge, labor, physical. culture, health Sample centers: center speech development or a speech and literacy corner, the “Let’s Speak Correctly” center, the “Hello, Book” center, a speech therapy corner

Artistic and aesthetic development includes - musical, visual, verbal art (includes the public organization "Artistic Creativity", "Music"; Integration: cognition, reading fiction, communication, labor, socialization, physical education) Example centers: Center visual arts or creativity corner “Skillful hands” Center for musical and theatrical activities

Physical development Includes OO areas “Physical culture”, “Health”; Integration: communication, cognition, music, health, socialization, safety. Sample centers: Center for Physical Development Center for Health Preservation Sports Corner “Be Healthy!”

A developing subject-spatial environment should PROVIDE: the possibility of communication and joint activities children and adults (including children of different ages; in the whole group and in small groups); possibility of physical activity of children; opportunities for privacy.

Space provides the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on: TRANSFORMABILITY of space provides the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on: on the educational situation on the changing interests of children on the capabilities of children

POLYFUNCTIONALITY of materials presupposes: the possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment (children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.) the presence of multifunctional objects that do not have a rigidly fixed method of use (incl. natural materials, substitute items)

VARIABILITY of the environment implies: The presence of different spaces for play, construction, privacy, etc. A variety of materials and toys to ensure children’s free choice; Periodic change of play material; The emergence of new items that stimulate children’s play, motor, cognitive and exploratory activity

AVAILABILITY of the environment presupposes: Accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities Free access to games, toys, aids that provide all types of children's activities Serviceability and safety of materials and equipment

Conclusion: the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, is structured in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity

When creating a developmental environment, it is necessary to remember: The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative. Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child. The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children. Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.

In each group it is necessary to provide space for children's experimental activities. When organizing the subject environment in a group, it is necessary to take into account the patterns mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communication characteristics, level of speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional sphere. The color palette should be represented by warm, pastel colors. When creating a developmental space in a group, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of gaming activities. The subject-development environment should change depending on the age characteristics of the children and the educational program.

The article was prepared by a teacher middle group No. 12 Penkova Galina Viktorovna. The article talks about the features of the subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution and the basic principles of its organization. The article is addressed to teachers. Can be used for parent meetings.

Features of the subject-developmental environment in preschool educational institutions and the basic principles of its organization.

Preschool childhood is a short but important, unique period of a person’s life. Humanity has only gradually come to realize the intrinsic value of childhood, as a part of human life, and not just its threshold. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, towards work, develops skills and habits of correct behavior, and develops a character.

The reality in which human development occurs is called the environment. The child’s development environment is the space of his life activity. These are the conditions in which his life takes place. preschool institution. These conditions should be considered as the foundation on which the construction of the child’s personality is laid.

The direction of a child’s activity and development largely depends on us, adults - on how the subject-spatial organization of their life is structured, what toys and teaching aids it consists of, what their developmental potential is, and even on how they are located. Everything that surrounds a child shapes his psyche and is the source of his knowledge and social experience. Therefore, it is we, adults, who take upon ourselves the responsibility to create conditions that would contribute to the most complete realization of children’s development in all psychophysiological parameters, that is, the organization of a subject-spatial environment.

The concept of “subject-developmental environment”

A subject-development environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity that functionally models the content of his spiritual and physical development. It objectively - through its content and properties - creates conditions for the creative activity of each child, to serve the goals of actual physical and mental development and improvement, to provide the zone of proximal development and its prospects.

Subject development environment is an integral part of the development environment preschool childhood. The modern philosophical view of the subject-development environment presupposes understanding it as a set of objects, representing a visually perceptible form of cultural existence. The subject captures the experience, knowledge, tastes, abilities and needs of many generations. Through an object a person gets to know himself, his individuality.

Psychologists associate the mechanism of influence of the subject-developmental environment on the individual with the concept of a social situation of development, that is, a unique, age-appropriate relationship between a child and the world around him. The child finds his second life in cultural objects, in the way people interact with each other. The dynamics of his development and the formation of qualitatively new mental formations depend on the relationship the child has with the environment, taking into account the changes occurring in himself and in the environment. The child’s attitude towards the environment also determines his activity in it. In this regard, psychology understands the environment as a condition, process and result of creative self-development of the individual.

The educational potential of the subject-developmental environment is multifaceted: it is the child’s living conditions, the formation of an attitude towards basic values, the assimilation of social experience, the development of vital qualities, it is also a way of transforming external relations into the internal structure of the personality, satisfying the needs of the subject, in particular the need for activities.

Thus, the subject-development environment is a field of social and cultural activity, a way of life, a sphere of transmission and consolidation of social experience, culture and subculture, and the development of creativity.

The concept of an object-based play environment is considered in pedagogy as a characteristic of the environment, as a factor that stimulates, guides, and develops the child’s activity.

In the context of system reform preschool education One of the ways to update the content of education and training of preschoolers is the transition to a personality-oriented relationship between the teacher and children. The leading methods of communication are understanding and recognition of the child’s personality, based on the ability of adults to take the child’s position. The teacher must take into account in his work the individual, age-specific characteristics of each child, his interests and abilities.

In accordance with this, at the preschool level of education, simultaneously with the development of physical, personal, and intellectual qualities, the child’s competence in various types of activities and in the sphere of relationships increases.

The basis for the formation of competencies of a preschool child are general abilities: communicative, cognitive, regulatory, creative.

The construction of a subject-development environment by adults should make it possible to organize both joint and independent activities of children aimed at their self-development under the supervision and support of an adult. In this case, the environment performs educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, and communicative functions. But most importantly, it works to develop the child’s independence and initiative.

Principles of constructing a subject-development environment

The principle of distance and position during interaction guides the organization of space for communicating with a child “eye to eye” and helps to establish optimal contact with children.

The principle of activity, independence, creativity - allows for the joint creation of an environment between an adult and a child.

The principle of stability-dynamism - allows you to transform space, provides for the creation of conditions for change and creation of an environment with a wide variety of subject content.

The principle of integration and flexible zoning makes it possible to build non-overlapping areas of activity and allows children to simultaneously engage in different types of activities without interfering with each other.

The principle of taking into account the gender and age differences of children allows us to implement a gender approach, gives children the opportunity to show their inclinations in accordance with the standards of masculinity and femininity accepted in our society, and to satisfy the needs of all age categories.

The principle of aesthetic organization of the environment, the combination of familiar and extraordinary elements is the visual design of the subject environment.

The principle of individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult allows for the child’s personality-oriented active self-development and assimilation of social experience.

The principle of openness - closedness - implies personalization of the environment of each group, readiness for change, adjustment, development, allows the child to open himself, protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

The principle of a safe and hygienic environment ensures safety for the life and health of children, compliance with the height and age characteristics of children.

Building a subject-based developmental environment taking into account these above principles gives the child a sense of psychological security, helps the development of the individual, his abilities, and mastery of various types of activities.

Direction of the subject-development environment

The main directions when designing a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution are:

Comprehensive development of children;

Psychological and physical comfort of children and adults.

Principles of equipping children's premises

The equipment of children's premises makes it possible to organize the upbringing of a child on a scientific basis according to the following principles:

1. The principle of ensuring a healthy lifestyle and physical development. Equipping the group with furniture and aids should meet the goals of developing all body systems, increasing motor activity, timely mastery of key skills, and helping to protect the child’s nervous system.

2. The principle of ensuring the upbringing and development of a child in a children's community.

3. The principle of ensuring the pedagogical process in the conditions of public education. The equipment of the group should facilitate compliance with the living conditions of children belonging to the same group, but living under different regimes according to their age and state of health. To promote methods of consistency and individual gradualism in serving children, the possibility of individual communication with one child in the system of working with a group of children as a whole.

4. The principle of reliability and safety. The interior of the group should include pieces of furniture and equipment, the designs of which ensure reliability and safety of their use for small child: cases of falling from a height, falling out of the side surfaces of products, impacts and bruises as a result of instability of the latter, injury from sharp corners, etc. are excluded.

5. The principle of hygienic compliance. Furniture and equipment must be made of environmentally friendly materials, have a water-repellent coating, and during hygienic processing must not lose the structure of the materials from which they are made and not become deformed.

6. The principle of ergonometric compliance. Furniture and equipment must be made based on the dimensions approved by the Russian Ministry of Health for children. Modern, new product designs, as well as foreign-made samples, must comply with ergonometric age indicators approved as a state standard.

7. The principle of variability. Furniture and equipment should be comfortable for the child and create a feeling of comfort. Their design should incorporate the principle of variability, allowing, if necessary, to change the spatial characteristics of products in sections. The principle of variability allows you to change the size of parts of products as children grow and mature.

8. The principle of the headset. It is necessary to complete all products included in one set according to style, color scheme, ensuring the compatibility of pieces of furniture, their sectional rearrangement accordingly technical specifications. The compatibility of pieces of furniture with the overall decoration of the group room is also important.

9. The principle of rationality. Equipment and furniture should be made according to the principle of rational use, facilitating the work of staff serving 10–15 children at a time. Any product included in the equipment set must be rationally located for a working adult.

10. Warehousing principle. The equipment must be easy to use, on the one hand - stable, on the other hand - mobile: in case of movement, it must have holders or any devices that would allow the object to be permanently fixed to the wall, to any surface and, if necessary, easily detach and move.

11. The principle of “general” and “individual” in selection and use. When developing the interior of groups, service personnel can use foreign samples of products or samples of local factories, i.e. carry out a sort of “private” selection of equipment. Creative developments of a practical nature, various improvements to products, and the search for their original use are acceptable, i.e. what makes the interior of a separate group or a child care facility as a whole unique.

12. The principle of age and gender conformity. Let's look at this principle in more detail. No matter how beautiful the group room is, if it is organized without taking into account the age of the children and the tasks of education, i.e. without a functional orientation, it does not create a developmental environment for children. A specific play environment, in order to be truly developmental, must be “customized” to a specific group of children. In other words, how many toys and which corners should be in the group must be decided anew each time.

Boys are characterized by mastering the “far” space of the group room, the desire to use moving objects more in the game, and also to move freely from one end of the room to the other, etc. Boys always need more space. And if from this point of view we analyze the design of a group room, it is always arranged to the detriment of the male part of the pupils. If only because the teachers organize the group based on their own, female, ideas about beauty and comfort. And it is much easier for them to imagine how and what girls will play than to put themselves in the shoes of boys. So gender inequality, which limits boys’ games, is present in the kindergarten environment from the very beginning.

These features must be taken into account when planning a group in which the “male contingent” predominates. It may be necessary to donate to the hairdresser and take extra bed for construction games. It may be necessary to reduce the number of dolls, but increase the number of cars.

Girls, as physiologists have shown, are mainly oriented towards the “nearest” space, so they should create conditions that facilitate situational, focused play plots. Rural children play out more scenes involving toys depicting domestic animals; City kids prefer transport toys that depict scenes from city life seen on the streets, etc.

The interior of the group should be designed according to the age and gender composition of the children. If the group contains children who, by age or health status, belong to different micro periods of development, then the group equipment should be designed for children of each age subgroup.

But all innovations in the use of furniture and equipment in groups must be subject to the “general” principle: to be safe and reliable. The dimensions of work surfaces and their parts must comply with state standards developed for children early age, and be hygienically and environmentally friendly.

Thus, when introducing the above principles into the practical life of the group kindergarten ensures the creation of a subject-spatial developmental environment for children of different ages. Its peculiarity is the simultaneous presence of not just one child, but a whole group, where each child should feel not only protected, but comfortable. AND environment is developmental if it helps the child master the genetic tasks of age - entering into social reality, mastering a purely human way of life.

Zoning of group premises

The living space in a group should give children the opportunity to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other. This is facilitated by zoning the group room and bedroom. Some zones can be separated from one another by partitions with cells and niches.

For example, the area for story games can be separated from the area for outdoor games so that children are not distracted and do not interfere with each other. In this case, each zone should be well lit. Zoning the room helps the child choose an attractive activity for himself and maintain a stable interest in it thanks to appropriate toys, without being distracted by other activities.

In a group room, areas for the following forms of activity can be organized:

· eating and exercising;

· development of movements;

· story games;

games with building material;

· games with cars;

· visual activities;

· musical lessons;

· reading and looking at illustrations;

· games with sand and water;

· rest;

· corner of nature.

In the bedroom you can equip a corner for “resting” dolls, put a small low hanger for clothes intended for “dressing up” children.

It is desirable that the location of the zones facilitates a smooth transition from one activity to another. For example, an area for playing with building materials may be adjacent to an area for story games. Folders with children's drawings, albums with group and family photographs are stored in a separate place. Educators review them with the children from time to time.

Dynamics of the subject environment

The zoning principle does not mean that subject environment remains unchanged. Zones can change, merge, or be supplemented. The dynamism of the environment should encourage children to transform and explore new things. The developmental environment should, on the one hand, provide the child with a sense of constancy, stability, stability, and on the other hand, allow adults and children to modify the environment depending on the changing needs and capabilities of the children and the setting of new pedagogical tasks by teachers.

To do this, the group must have light materials and special items that allow you to create new zones and corners. These include screens, benches, soft modules, large pieces of fabric, etc. For example, the presence in a group of large modules made of light materials allows you to build houses, palaces, labyrinths, caves in the center of the room, in which everyone can play. These same modules can easily be converted into a large communal table and can be played with a group of children. Unfolding foam mats can be turned into boats, ships, islands.

Teachers can change interior elements, attracting the kids’ attention to the fact that new beautiful things have appeared in the room. If one of the parents knows how to draw well or has any artistic techniques, you can ask them to paint the free part of the wall with paints that are safe for children’s health, make a panel, make origami, etc.

The elements of each zone should also change periodically. In each zone, new objects should appear in a timely manner that stimulate the motor and cognitive activity of children and the development of their play activities. There should not be many toys in each zone, but they should be updated regularly. Thus, toys for story games should, on the one hand, encourage children to act out traditional of this age stories; on the other hand, new ones must appear among them so that children’s play does not turn into the reproduction of cliches.

Along with toys for story play, it is necessary to provide children with unformed material - natural, waste, elements of old construction sets for use in role-playing games as substitute objects. These items should also be replaced to stimulate children's imagination.

Introducing elements of novelty into a familiar environment and involving children in its transformation contribute to the development of freedom, initiative, and creative imagination in children.

The creation of a full-fledged developmental environment is not directly related to the financial capabilities of a child care institution. A group room does not have to be equipped with expensive toys and equipment. An effective pedagogical process can be organized with the rational use of the most modest financial resources. Diversified development The child can be supported not only by factory-produced gaming and didactic material, but also by teachers and parents independently made. The main thing is that toys and materials are appropriate for the children’s age, are adequate to developmental goals, and are freely available.

So, the environment is developmental if it helps the child master the genetic tasks of age - entering into social reality, mastering a purely human way of life. In this case, both its content and aesthetic aspects are taken as the basis.

A comfortable environment for young children is an environment that is aesthetically and functionally suitable for a certain age group of children to stay in it.

Thus, in kindergarten the environment is seen as an opportunity for the most effective development the child’s individuality, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and activity levels. We create a subject-development environment taking into account the age capabilities of children, emerging sexual inclinations and interests and design it so that the child can find an exciting activity or activity during the day. When selecting didactic material, games, manuals, and children's literature, we take into account the characteristics of children at different levels of development and help make the necessary corrections for the positive advancement of each child.

When creating a “habitat” for students, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to its developmental nature. The objective world must ensure the fulfillment of the child’s need for active and diverse activities, enrich the experience of the child’s emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, and include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. After all, the environment stimulates the development of independence and initiative, in which children realize their abilities.


1. Novoselova S. Developmental subject environment: Methodical recommendations on the design of variable design projects for a developing subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes L.N. Pavlova. 2nd ed. - M.: Airess Press, 2007.

2. Guiding children’s games in a preschool institution: From work experience. N.A. Ryzhova. - M.: Linka-Press, 2007.

3. Preschooler’s game Doronova T.N., Doronov S.G. - M: Children of the XXI century, 2005.

4. Sotnikova V.M. Control over the organization of the pedagogical process in early age groups of preschool educational institutions S.N. Teplyuk, G.M. Lyamina, M.B. Zatsepina. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

5. Ivanova N. Preschooler in the children's subculture. // Preschool education. – 2006. - № 9, № 10

6. Glushkova G. Design of a variable subject-spatial environment in group premises. // Child in kindergarten. – 2008.-No. 5

7. Ivanova N.V., Bardinova E.Yu., Kalinina A.M. Social development of children in preschool educational institutions: Methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. (Supplement to the magazine “Preschool Education Management”)

The age of why begins around 2.5 years and passes closer to school. The main task of teachers is to be prepared for any questions, even if they seem completely illogical to you.

All children, as you know, are different, and each preschooler has the right to his own path of development. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the education, training and development of the children’s team as a whole, as well as to provide each student with the opportunity to show individuality and creativity.

One of the important conditions of educational work in a preschool institution is proper organization subject-spatial environment.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the subject-spatial environment in a preschool organization performs educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions, but most importantly, it must work for the independence and initiative of the child.

When designing a subject-development environment, you should adhere to the following principles.

A preschool child has three basic needs: movement, communication, and cognition. It is necessary to organize the spatial environment so that the child has an independent choice of activities.

The developing subject environment must be modern, meet the criteria of functional comfort and the basic principles of children's developmental activities, and ensure the achievement of a new, promising level in the development of children.

When building a subject-development environment, the principle of zoning must be observed.

To help fulfill the needs of a preschooler in positive emotions, new impressions, knowledge, the ability to feel confident in communicating with adults and peers, mutual understanding and empathy, conformity with a positive moral hero, the Center for Theatrical Activities “Visiting a Fairy Tale” was organized in one of the preschool educational institutions.

A special place in groups of preschool educational institutions dedicated to the “Sounding Notes” music centers. Musical development The child’s education comes down not only to classes with a teacher, but also to the opportunity to play, improvise, and play music freely. The center helps students transfer the experience gained in music classes to other conditions, helps to establish a sense of self-confidence, activity, and initiative.

The created center for intelligence-shaping technologies “Purple Forest” decides large number educational tasks. Unbeknownst to themselves, children master numbers and letters, recognize and remember colors and shapes, learn to navigate in space, develop fine motor skills and improve speech, thinking, attention, memory, and imagination.

To develop an environmentally literate and caring attitude towards the environment, the preschool organization has equipped “World of Ecology” natural corners. They present didactic games on the topics: climate, flora and fauna, natural zones of the globe, etc. In this corner, children observe changes in the process of plant growth. The herbarium allows children to get an idea of ​​the diversity of the natural world of their native land.

The group has set up a center for speech creativity “Cheerful Tongue”, which provides an opportunity for our students to act individually. A variety of practical material for organizing has been accumulated and systematized speech games: manuals for articulation exercises, materials for storytelling, a variety of didactic, board and printed games, games for the development of fine motor skills.

A speech development environment is a specially organized environment that most effectively influences the development of various aspects of each child’s speech.

Particularly valuable corner physical culture and sports “With sports we are all on the same path.” The physical education center fits harmoniously into the space of the group room. It fulfills children's need for physical activity. Preschoolers consolidate different types of movements. An increase in physical activity has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental development and health of children.

The centers of construction games and constructors are located in the groups; they represent a huge variety various types designers. Children independently use diagrams and models of buildings to realize their plans. The mobility of this center allows children to develop the plot of the game outside of it. This allows them to feel comfortable in any corner of the group.

In order to teach children how to behave safely on the road, the “We are little pedestrians” center was created. It is equipped with the necessary attributes for role-playing games; didactic and board games to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. good didactic aid serves as a floor mat for marking streets and roads.

The main type of independent activity of a preschooler is story-based play. The attributes for the games were selected in such a way as to create conditions for the realization of children’s interests in different types of games. Aesthetics and sophistication of design, modernity of materials make children want to play. Selected play material allows preschoolers to combine different plots and create new play images.

The Pochemuchki science center is very popular among children, which is a furniture module with specially equipped shelving, where there are natural materials for children's research: chalk, sand, clay, stones, shells, feathers, coal, etc. Microscopes, globe, laboratory equipment, measuring glassware - all this is of particular interest to children.

Thus, the variety and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group contribute to the emotional and intellectual development our pupils.

The advantage of the created environment is that it is possible to involve all children in active independent activities. Each child chooses an activity of interest in any center, which is ensured by the variety of subject content, accessibility and ease of placement of materials. It is important that students have less conflict with each other and quarrel less often because they are passionate about interesting activities. The positive emotional mood of preschoolers indicates their cheerfulness, openness, and desire to attend kindergarten.

The search for innovative approaches to organizing a subject-development environment continues, the main criteria being creativity, talent and imagination.