Sections: Working with preschoolers

The development of children's creative abilities for creative search and transformation of reality is helped by artistic work, which is perceived by children with pleasure as an exciting game, and not study.

Classes in art, modeling, layout are an important area for the development of children's creative abilities, they give freedom to creative expression, it's good when elements of creativity are present in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, in communication, this activates creative abilities. If the results of the artistic work of children are carefully stored and filled, form the aesthetic environment of life, then there is a creation of conditions that dispose children to creativity.

Long-term pedagogical research confirms that it is precisely artistic and aesthetic education and artistic work that contribute to the introduction of the child into the world of art, which is emotionally connected with the world of personal experiences, observations, and thoughts of the children themselves. The child enters this world through independent creative activity. When a child cuts, glues a model, folds paper, etc., he uses both hands, and this contributes to the activation of both hemispheres of the brain. Thus, there is a development of the left hemisphere, which is associated with the ability to speak,

count, think logically, etc. At the same time, the right creative hemisphere develops, which is responsible for imagination, the development of musical and visual abilities, the spatial perception of objects, etc. Thus, artistic work is one of the important means of personal development; it helps children develop psychological confidence and a holistic perception of the world.

Of great importance in creative classes is the creation of an atmosphere of spiritual freedom, situations of success, conditions conducive to the maximum realization of the child's capabilities, as well as his formation as a unique holistic harmonious personality. Freedom in artistic creativity is conditioned by the needs, interest and creative possibilities of the artist. It is necessary to give the children the right to free choice, to perform tasks by various means (appliqué, manual labor, embroidery, origami, etc.), the right to creative search and to make a mistake.

Today, the problem of creative development has acquired particular relevance. This is due to the contradiction characteristic of the modern period between the need of society for an educated, cultured, creative thinker, on the one hand, and a decrease in the general level of culture and education of society as a whole, on the other hand.

The rapidity of scientific and technological progress, the acceleration of the pace of life, a powerful information flow, etc. lead to psychological, physical overload and stress. A person can not cope with the solution of modern problems. Therefore, it is necessary from childhood to prepare the child for making independent, creative decisions, the ability to navigate in modern world. In order for him to creatively develop himself, adults need to create such conditions for his life that would cause in children the need for creativity, the transformation of themselves and the environment.

Classes in art, modeling, layout are an important area for the development of children's creative abilities, they give freedom to creative self-expression.

Introducing children to folk culture - necessary condition efficiency of artistic work. From time immemorial, people spent long evenings doing needlework, adults and children weaved, embroidered, danced together and sang in chorus. They carefully kept and passed on from generation to generation songs, epics and myths, as well as techniques, methods, methods - the secrets of mastery. Folk craftsmen, studying the experience of generations, created works of art, bringing their personal perception, feeling, understanding from the standpoint of modernity, investing a piece of their talent. Folk culture is a nourishing basis for the creative self-development of a person.

In direct contact with authentic folk crafts, the guys discover the most characteristic features of folk art. Children will learn special techniques with which craftsmen achieved the greatest artistic expressiveness, high aesthetics.

It is very useful for children at the initial stage of classes to study and even copy samples, training their hand and eye, but then, according to their own sketches, perform compositions and “in style”. The main goal of doing work “in style” is not to accurately repeat the details, but to carefully preserve the spirit. So that the tradition lives and revives not in external form, but in spirit.

The most significant condition for the effectiveness of the process of artistic work is the psychological and pedagogical support of the child. Psychological support is defined as understanding, recognition, praise.

One of the main tasks of the teacher is to help, support and teach the child to be creative in the process of his growing up and development. Pedagogical support softens the entry of the child into the world of knowledge, creativity, contributes to the acquisition of social activity and such moral qualities as love, sympathy, gratitude, the ability to see beauty. It is necessary to stimulate original, non-standard solutions of children in order to promote the development of the child's creative potential. Adults should show benevolence, tolerance and caution in evaluating children's work, organize a discussion of the options proposed by children.

In the classroom of creative artistic work, one cannot do without the study and application of the main artistic and expressive means and techniques of composition. Therefore, it will be necessary to explain to children such terms and concepts as harmony, proportionality, dynamics, contrast, nuance, rhythm, etc.

Creation acts only as an indicator of the assimilation of knowledge, but also as a springboard for their correction. Classes in artistic work enable the children "here and now" to participate in the full cycle of the cognitive process from the acquisition, transformation of knowledge to their application and preservation in mental and tactile memory.

One of the important problems of education is the result of creative activity. It is important what and how they create. It is in creative classes that the basics of a common culture and aesthetic taste are laid down and practically fixed. Artistic work involves a process of creation that is commensurate with cultural requirements and traditions.

The teacher, as a participant in co-creation, should always remember the huge educational impact on a person of the world of everyday culture, because it is in the world of things that materialization of the worldview and worldview takes place.

When performing tasks, it is necessary to pay due attention to the design of the appearance of products, treating this problem not as a simple decoration, but as an integral part of creating a single aesthetic image of the model.

The main result of artistic work is not so much finished products, and even the environment created with their help, but the changes that occur in the children themselves. The children begin to actively perceive and understand the subject-spatial environment and independently, artistically organize, aestheticize the environment of their life. Children learn to create their own projects of non-standard form, combine details and composition options, feel the features of the material, they have a need for creative work.

Based on the above, I compiled the stages of work on this topic ( Annex 1).


  1. Vetlugina N.A.
. Artistic creativity and the child. - M., 1972.
  • Komarova T.S.
  • . Folk art crafts of Russia. - M., 1983.

    Experience of the teacher additional education. Artistic work as art

    Author: Tsareva Lyubov Mikhailovna
    Place of work: teacher of additional education MBOU DO DDT "Planet", Tomsk.

    Description: This article is intended for kindergarten teachers and teachers of additional education.
    Artistic labor is a productive and at the same time instrumental activity in which the child masters the tools, exploring the properties various materials and transforms them in cultural ways in order to obtain a specific result.
    For several years now, in my work at the House of Children's Creativity, I have been devoting a special place to manual artistic work with children. preschool age.
    I lead the circle "Crocus", in the name of which the meaning is encrypted joint activities children and teacher: a circle of gifted, creative, successful.
    Making toys and all kinds of crafts from different materials is an entertaining and enriching activity for the child, during which he will be pleased to feel like a creator.
    Manual labor is one of the most favorite activities of the child. After all, right before his eyes, ordinary paper sheets and scraps will turn into beautiful dolls, unprecedented animals, magical birds.
    Children show great interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, do well, and, most importantly, get tired less.
    To create a better emotional mood in the classroom, I use the music of well-known musical works, which serves as a background for manual labor classes.
    The purpose of this type of activity is: creation of conditions for the formation of a comprehensively intellectual, aesthetically developed creative personality; promoting the development of initiative, invention, creative abilities in children of senior preschool age, through various types of applied activities.
    The main task of manual labor: to teach children to craft with pleasure, work with various materials at hand, fantasize and make beautiful and high-quality crafts with their own hands so that the process and result of the work can be seen.
    Pedagogical and hygienic requirements for art work classes with preschoolers
    * Remind children about how materials and work supplies should be arranged on the table.
    * When working with glue, cover the table with oilcloth.
    *Repeat with children the safety rules while working with scissors, glue, plasticine.
    *At the end of the work, the children should put their workplace and wash your hands with soap.
    *Before each start of labor activities, conduct special exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands.
    Necessary conditions for the successful organization of manual labor:* a subject-developing environment saturated with a variety of materials for children's art;
    * free access to materials and the possibility of experimenting with them;
    *creation of an emotionally positive creative atmosphere in the process of joint pedagogical activity with children;
    * the use of art products created by children for the organization of exhibitions, participation in competitions;
    * direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with children.
    The methodology for organizing the work of preschool children is based on the principles of didactics - from simple to complex, systematic, consistent, individual approach, availability, etc.
    The content of the artistic work of preschoolers is:
    * work with natural material;
    * work with paper, cardboard;
    * work with junk and artificial material;
    * work with plasticine.
    Recommendations for manual labor:
    * to accustom the child to independence - he invented it himself, fashioned it himself, glued it himself;
    * to educate in children careful handling of their crafts;
    * do not be distracted during work, bring the plan to the end, do not quit work, help a friend finish the work;
    * do not be upset at failures, if you are tired, leave your work and watch the work of other children, be sure to return to your work later;
    * review and analyze your work;
    *Refer to an adult for help.
    Manual labor in children develops:
    *speech, level up speech development, sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure and coherent speech, i.e. oral speech;
    *increases sensory sensitivity;
    * develops imagination, spatial and logical thinking, fine motor skills, eye gauge;
    * synchronizes the work of both hands;
    * develops sensorimotor skills;
    * develops perseverance, patience, to bring the work started to the end;
    *promotes development artistic ability and aesthetic taste.
    Thus, theory and practice modern design non-traditional children's manual artistic creativity indicates wide opportunities this exciting and useful, creatively productive activity for the comprehensive development of children.

    Manual and artistic labor as a type of labor of preschool children



    Labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to meet their needs.

    K.D. attached great importance to labor education. Ushinsky - "Education should not only develop the mind, arm with knowledge, but also kindle a thirst for serious work in a person ...".

    A.S. attached great importance to labor. Makarenko, N.K. Krupskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Throughout development preschool education Much attention was paid to the problem of labor education of preschool children:

    It was considered important and obligatory to introduce self-service work, work in the garden and in the garden, manual labor with various materials.

    Leading tasks were identified - to learn to work with joy; learn to work well.

    Since 1964, systematic in-depth studies of the problem of labor education began: V.G. Nechaev, G.N. Godina, D.V. Sergeeva, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova and others.

    Their research gave an answer to the question about the content, means, methods and forms of labor organization and its role in educating the personality of a child of childhood.

    The absence of a labor component in the educational process can lead to a delay in the development of the individual.

    Characteristics and significance of manual and artistic labor for the formation of the personality of preschoolers

    The manual labor of children is independent production crafts using simple tools. This work, as a rule, carries a practical, to a certain extent useful orientation. Children's awareness of the expediency of their labor activity has a significant impact on its quality, on the attitude of each child to the process and result of labor. The individual nature of manual labor (meaning that even in collective work, each of the children performs some part of it with his own hands), subject to the consistent involvement of all children in it, makes it possible to fix and correct some shortcomings. Labor becomes an effective means of educating and developing a personality only when it is naturally included in the daily life of a kindergarten, is aimed at satisfying children's interests, is feasible for a child,

    The performance of collective tasks develops in children the ability to negotiate among themselves, to subordinate their interests and desires to a common goal, instills a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility, develops initiative, ingenuity. In the process of performing collective tasks of a visual nature, children learn to independently plan the upcoming work, coordinate their actions with the general plan, think over the sequence of its implementation, select and use the necessary visual material. At the same time, in collective work, the individual characteristics of children are clearly revealed, and creative abilities are formed.

    Artistic labor is the labor of a child with various materials in order to create useful and artistically and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate his life, games, work and recreation. This child labor is a decorative, arts and crafts activity, since the child, when creating beautiful objects, takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on his ideas, knowledge and practical experience acquired in the course of labor activity. Properly organized manual and artistic labor gives children knowledge about the quality and possibilities of materials, stimulates the desire to master the peculiarities of craftsmanship, and introduces them to decorative and applied arts.

    The formation of a child's personality is impossible without labor education. In the senior and preparatory groups the main role is played by manual labor with elements of creativity. The manifestation of creativity of preschoolers is determined by the nature of the performance of the mental tasks offered to them. It is important that children can release their creative energy. In terms of practical significance, the basic skills and abilities acquired in needlework classes are necessary for every person. Many important qualities are brought up in these types of labor: the habit of effort, the ability to overcome obstacles, responsibility, the ability to plan work and foresee the stages in the sequence of its implementation.

    In particular, beading is a type of needlework with which you can solve the following tasks:

    to instill interest in the culture of their homeland, in the origins of folk art, to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to reality, diligence, accuracy, perseverance, patience, the ability to complete the work begun, mutual assistance in the performance of work, an economical attitude to the materials used, instill the foundations of a culture of work.

    · to develop motor skills, imaginative thinking, attention, imagination, creativity, to form an aesthetic and artistic taste.

    In the process of classes, children develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy, creativity. In each task, in each lesson, children are given the opportunity to dream up, the introduction of their own images into the work is encouraged. Practical work on beadwork develops the eye, fine motor skills of the hands, which is essential element general labor training.

    In the process of doing artistic work in children of senior preschool age, all mental processes are formed, creative abilities and a positive-emotional perception of the world around develop. The great importance of classes in artistic manual labor in the comprehensive development of the individual, and especially in the moral and aesthetic education gave N.K. Krupskaya: "Classes in artistic manual labor should be gymnastics for the eyes and touch, establish the coordination of visual impressions of motor reactions, give a concrete acquaintance with the world of things."

    Teaching classes in artistic and manual labor is impossible without the formation of such mental operations as analysis, comparison, generalization. In the process of observation, when examining objects and their parts, the size and location of the parts in the object, the color image of objects of different shapes, their comparison and the establishment of differences. At the same time, children learn to compare objects, phenomena and distinguish between common and different in them, to combine objects by similarity.

    In the classroom for artistic work, the speech of children develops: the assimilation of the names of forms, colors and their shades, spatial designations that contribute to the enrichment of the dictionary.

    A child who can do a lot feels confident among his peers. He is desirable in their games as well. In their little deeds. All this provides the child with a comfortable position among children and adults, contributes to the manifestation and formation of such an important personal quality as independence. The child becomes more sensitive to the beauty in the surrounding life, in objects created by hands, people. The child begins to appreciate the results of the work of not only his own, but also someone else's.

    Methods of organization and management of manual and artistic labor in different age groups

    Junior groups. It is necessary to arouse interest in the "research" of the material and work with it, to help gain confidence in their own abilities, to enjoy the result of their work. It is necessary to promote the development of spatial relations between objects and certain physical laws by children, the knowledge of the properties of materials. To form in children the basic practical skills of working with materials and tools.

    middle group. Here, paper design is already being taught: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, combining sides and corners, glue to the main shape of the part. You can teach how to make crafts from natural material: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, etc. The teacher teaches you to use glue, plasticine to fix the parts; use coils, boxes of various sizes, plastic bottles, etc.

    Senior group. There is an improvement in the ability to work with paper: bend the sheet four times in different directions; work on the finished pattern. Children learn how to create from paper volumetric figures: divide square sheet into several equal parts, smooth the folds, cut along the folds. The training continues to create toys, souvenirs from natural materials (cones, branches, berries) and other materials (coils, colored wire, empty boxes), firmly connecting the parts. The ability to independently make toys for children is formed. role-playing games; souvenirs for parents, kindergarten employees; Christmas tree decorations. It is good to involve children in making manuals for classes, and independent activities, repairing books, board-printed games.

    School prep group. Here it is already possible to divide the work of the educator into several types:

    Work with paper and cardboard - continue learning to fold paper in a rectangular shape, square, round shape in different directions; use paper of different textures, make markings using a template; create fun toys; creating objects from strips of colored paper, selecting colors and their shades in the manufacture of toys, souvenirs, costume details and decorations for the holidays; formation of the ability to use the sample; creation of diverse voluminous toys in origami technique.

    Work with fabric - teach how to thread a needle, tie a knot, sew on a button, a hanger, sew the simplest products with a “needle forward” seam; teach how to make an appliqué using pieces of fabric of various textures, apply a contour with a crayon and cut it out in accordance with the intended plot.

    Working with natural material - creating figures of people, animals, birds from acorns, cones, seeds, etc., conveying the expressiveness of the image, creating general compositions.

    Conditions for independent creative activity of preschool children:

    · subject-developing environment, saturated with materials and various materials for children's artistic creativity;

    free access to materials and the possibility of experimenting with them;

    Availability of samples of products and handicrafts;

    use of art products created by children for decoration preschool, preparation of attributes of performances, organization of exhibitions, participation in competitions;

    creation of a museum of children's crafts, albums, books;

    direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with children.

    For successful training of preschoolers in manual and artistic work, it is necessary to carry out certain preliminary work:

    creation of exhibitions

    creation of collections (candy wrappers, buttons, shells, stones, etc.)

    creation of albums (samples and schemes of crafts, types of fabrics, herbarium, etc.)


    viewing filmstrips

    reading literature

    looking at pictures

    · excursions


    Materials and tools necessary for manual and artistic labor in the preschool educational institution:

    natural material (cones of spruce, pine, cedar, needles of coniferous trees, bark, leaves, bones of fruits and berries, eggshells, pebbles, cereals, seeds of vegetables and flowers)

    junk material (boxes and jars of different sizes, discs, lids, tubes, candy wrappers, etc.)

    paper (plain, corrugated paper, napkins, newspapers, cardboard, foil)

    fabric, wire, cotton wool, cellophane, beads, foam rubber, buttons, etc.

    scissors, glue, plasticine, brushes, sewing needles.


    Manual and artistic labor - according to its purpose, is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person.

    Its content includes the manufacture of crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development of imagination, creative abilities; develops small muscles of the hands, contributes to the cultivation of endurance, perseverance, the ability to bring what has been started to the end.

    With the results of their work, children delight other people by creating gifts for them.

    Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group’s premises for the holidays with their products, arrange exhibitions, etc.

    Separate elements of manual and artistic labor can be introduced already in the younger groups.

    The participation of an adult is required. More precisely, children help an adult in creating crafts. And although the activity of children of this age is minimal, it is very useful to get involved in such interesting work.

    The kid sees how in the hands of the teacher a simple wand suddenly turns into a doll, and a ball into the head of a funny clown. This "magic" fascinates children, delights and encourages them to their own activities.


    1. Bondarenko T. Introduction of preschoolers to work. Methodological guide: - Method; 2014, 208 pages

    2. Bure R. Preschooler and work. Theory and methods of labor education. Manual for preschool teachers: - Mosaic-Synthesis; 2011

    3. Dmitriev Yu.A. Preparing students for the labor education of preschool children // Lecturer XXI century. No. 1, 2013, p. 104-109

    4. Karpyuk, G.A. methodology and practice of education and training. No. 4, 2012, p. 54-56

    5. Kutsakova L.V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years old: - Sphere, 2011

    6. Saygusheva L. I. Technologies for introducing preschoolers to work: Phoenix, 2013, 221 p.

    7. Saygusheva L.I. Education of labor activity in children of senior preschool age: LAP LAMBERT, 2012, 219 p.

    8. Semenova N. A. Possibilities of organizing research activities in the process of labor education of preschool children // Kindergarten: theory and practice. No. 8, 2011, p. 70-75

    9. Khlybova G.V. Labor education preschoolers (from work experience). Collection of proceedings of the conference "Education: Traditions and Innovations". 2014, p. 450-452

    Artistic work as a means of comprehensive development of preschool children.

    Target: creation of conditions for the formation of a comprehensively intellectual, aesthetically developed creative personality; promoting the development of initiative, invention, creativity in children of senior preschool age, through various types of applied activities
    The main task is to teach children to make crafts with pleasure, work with any material at hand, fantasize and make cute crafts with their own hands so that the process and result of the work can be seen.

    Artistic labor is a productive and at the same time instrumental activity in which the child masters tools, explores the properties of various materials and transforms them in cultural ways in order to obtain a specific result.
    Making toys and all kinds of crafts from different materials is an entertaining and enriching activity for the child, during which he will be pleased to feel like a creator.
    Manual labor is one of the most favorite activities of the child.
    Indeed, right before his eyes, ordinary paper sheets and scraps will turn into unprecedented dolls, ducklings and other animals.
    Children show great interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, do well, and, most importantly, get tired less.
    To create a better emotional mood during work, you can use sound recordings of famous musical works.
    Pedagogical and hygienic requirements for employment with preschoolers
    Before starting the task, the teacher is obliged to remind how materials and work accessories should be located on the table.
    When working with glue, it is advisable to cover the table with oilcloth.
    The obligatory moments also include repeating the safety rules with children while working with scissors - you can’t bring the scissors close to your eyes and put them on the edge of the table, you can only pass them with the ends forward. At the end of work, children should tidy up their workplace and wash their hands with soap and water.
    Before each start of labor activities, carry out several special exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. And also perform finger exercises for 2-3 minutes and after intensive labor work.
    For the successful organization of manual labor, it is necessary to create conditions:
    saturated with materials and a variety of materials for children's artistic creativity subject-developing environment
    free access to materials and the possibility of experimenting with them
    creation of an emotionally positive creative atmosphere in the process of joint pedagogical activity with children
    the use of products of artistic creativity created by children for the design of a preschool institution, the preparation of attributes of performances, the organization of exhibitions, participation in competitions; creation of a museum of children's crafts and a mini-library of children's handwritten books;
    direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with children
    Work organization methodology preschool children is based on the principles of didactics - from simple to complex, systematic, consistent, individual approach, accessibility, etc.
    The content of the artistic work of preschoolers is
    Working with fabric, thread
    Working with natural material
    Work with paper, cardboard
    Working with waste and artificial material
    Test work.
    Methods of analysis and evaluation various products and handicrafts are used general pedagogical, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children.
    From this follow the following criteria for determining the quality of children's handicrafts:
    product functionality;
    conformity of form, color, proportions;
    texture of the material;
    the use of national motifs and materials in the manufacture and decoration of the product;
    expressiveness, figurativeness, decorativeness, elegance of the product;
    craftsmanship, accuracy, technicality of the execution of the image.
    Recommendations for manual labor
    It is very important to teach a child to be independent - he invented it himself, cut it out himself, sculpted it himself, glued it himself, etc. (without refusing at the same time to help him with the difficulties that have arisen). And it’s important to educate children in careful handling of their crafts, not to be distracted during work, to bring their plans to the end, not to quit work, to help a friend finish the work.
    Rules for overcoming difficulties when doing crafts
    Don't get upset when you fail
    If you are tired, leave your work and watch other children work, listen to music, lie down on a carpet, or visit a corner of nature
    Be sure to get back to your work
    Choose a better form
    Review and analyze your work
    Seek help from an adult
    What develops manual labor in children
    They develop speech, increase the level of speech development, sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure and connected speech, i.e. oral speech
    Increases touch sensitivity
    Develops imagination, spatial and logical thinking, general manual skill, fine motor skills, eye.
    Synchronizes the work of both hands.
    Coordinates the work of the eyes and hands (sensomotor).
    Forms the ability to plan work on the implementation of the plan, to anticipate the result and achieve it, if necessary, to make adjustments to the original plan.
    Develops strong-willed qualities (perseverance, patience, the ability to bring the work to the end).
    Promotes the development of artistic abilities and aesthetic taste.
    The theory and practice of modern design of non-traditional children's handmade art indicates the wide possibilities of this exciting and useful, creatively productive activity for the comprehensive development of children.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "School No. 9 with a boarding school for students with handicapped Health" of the city of Sarov (MBOU "Boarding School No. 9")


    pedagogical council

    Protocol No. 2 dated 31.08.2016


    by order of MBOU

    "Boarding School No. 9"

    from 31.08. 2016 No. 155p

    Working programm


    "Artistic work"

    Compiled by:

    Teacher Gaydrich Yu.A.

    2017-2018 academic year


    The work program for artistic work has been drawn up based:

    1. federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

    2. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions".

    3. Regulations on the procedure for development and approval work program in MBOU "Boarding School No. 9" dated May 31, 2016 No. 121p.

    The program for artistic work includes two sections: explanatory note; calendar-thematic planning with a specific distribution of teaching hours by sections of the subject.

    general characteristics the subject "Artistic Labor" is of a correctional nature and is intended for the labor and creative organization of children involved in a special (correctional) general education program of type VIII, grade 5. Artistic work is a specific practical activity aimed at making a real object that can be used in games, entertainment, and everyday life. The role of artistic manual labor in the formation of some traditional types of arts and crafts of children with mental retardation, in their labor, moral, aesthetic, and patriotic education is invaluable.

    The program includes two main substantive sections: "Types of artistic technique" and "Design and modeling." The first section lays down the basic ideas about various types artistic technique:

    Patchwork mosaic work, vytynanka - openwork paper cutting, non-traditional application, expand the worldview, students' ideas about various artistic techniques, about how to perform them, develop an aesthetic worldview.

    The second section deepens and systematizes students' knowledge of the processing of various easily processed materials, technical horizons, the development of mental abilities and provides for: designing from plants, three-dimensional modeling from paper, cardboard, fabric, and various materials. The red line of this course is corrective work with students.

    In practical activities, children with mental retardation develop love for work, efficiency, organization, thrift, the desire to do the job as best and as efficiently as possible. Special attention in the classroom for artistic work is given to occupational safety and the rules of conduct when working with cutting and stabbing tools. Artistic manual labor is one of the most favorite activities of children. In these classes, children show great interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, as a rule, do well and, most importantly, get tired less - this indicates a wide

    the possibilities of this exciting, useful, creatively productive and practical activity for the comprehensive development of children.

    Purpose of the subject: Introducing the child to the world of art and developing creative abilities.


    1. Introduce the main types of decorative and applied art and reveal the complex nature of folk art.

    2. To develop the emotional responsiveness of children to works of decorative art,

    form the basis of aesthetic perception.

    3. To promote the development of cognitive and creative activity of children in fine and decorative, artistic creativity, to intensify independent creative search in solving artistic problems.

    The subject "Artistic work" has specific features, in particular, it is corrective, educative and developing, which primarily involves the formation moral ideas and concepts, the education of adequate ways of behavior, the inclusion of all students in educational activities that contribute to the development of their mental functions, independence.

    Corrective goal: in the process of learning to correct as much as possible the shortcomings in the development of the personality of children with deviations in health.

    To achieve the corrective goal, the following tasks are solved daily in the classroom:

      development of horizons, speech, thinking, eye and fine motor skills;

      the formation of skills to plan their work, navigate the task, draw conclusions, generalize, see the main thing, analyze the work done;

      education of independence, self-control, aesthetic taste, communication and correctness in communicating with people around.

    In corrective education, the systematic and consistent solution of correctional and educational tasks is important, which is necessary to achieve educational and educational goals, predict and overcome possible difficulties in the interaction of children with various mental retardation. Systematicity requires not only solving problems related to the development of software educational material, but also take timely measures to optimize relationships in the children's team, correct the deviant behavior of children, develop the strengths of the personality of each child.

    When compiling the program, the principles of consistency and continuity of training were taken into account. For successful learning, visual material and natural samples are used in the classroom. For the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, it is proposed a large number of exercises in different options. To maintain sustainable motivation to engage in artistic work, the exercises take into account the interests of the pupils. Children with intellectual disabilities usually find it difficult to master such general labor skills as orientation in detail, work planning, self-control. Therefore, when teaching in grade 5, detailed explanations of tasks are given, an individual practical demonstration of work methods and its rational sequence is carried out, role models are offered, and skills in exercises are checked before practical work. Theoretical material is given in small doses, mainly when performing practical work based on clarity in drawings and accessible diagrams with key words, since students have underdevelopment of speech.

    Thus, the program not only contributes to the labor and social adaptation of pupils, not only develops their mental and sensorimotor potential and positively affects their personal properties, but also opens up a wide scope for creativity for the educator, which usually has a positive effect on the quality of education.

    Planned results.

      name and purpose of materials - paper, fabric, plasticine;

      name and purpose of hand tools and devices: scissors, glue brush, needle, thimble;

      occupational safety and personal hygiene rules when working with these tools.

      use hand tools correctly;

      methods of processing various materials;

      properly organize your workplace, maintain order during work;

      observe the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene;

      analyze the product under the guidance of a teacher (determine its purpose, the material from which it is made, methods of connecting parts, the manufacturing sequence);

      economically mark materials using templates, fold sheets of paper in half, four times, cut paper and fabric with scissors along the marking lines, connect paper parts with glue, sew with stitches “over the edge”, “button seam”.

      observe the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene in all types of technical work;

      organize the workplace and maintain order on it during work;

      take care of tools and materials;

      economically mark the material using templates, a ruler, a square;

      to manufacture products according to the sample;

      perform work using art materials;

      correctly perform the studied technological operations for all types of labor; distinguish them by their appearance;

      independently produce products (according to a sample, drawing, sketch).

    Educational - thematic plan


    Section name

    Total hours

    Introductory lesson

    Paper handling

    "Sorceress of nature"

    "Paper Fantasies"

    "In the realm of fabrics and threads"

    "Plasticine country"

    "Island of unnecessary things"

    Total: 204 hours

    Calendar-thematic planning

    Grade 5 (6 hours a week).

    Total hours

    Introductory lesson. Safety engineering. Rules for marking parts on paper. Paper processing techniques.

    Paper processing. Origami.

    Origami "Fish".

    Origami "Frog".

    Paper application. Leaf fall.

    Composition of paper leaves together with dried ones.

    Symmetrical paper cut. forest clearing» (Leaves, butterfly, beetle).

    Paper and scissors make you think. Quiz lesson. Puzzle-competition.

    Symmetry and asymmetry in composition. Panel of paper leaves of various shapes.

    Production of boxes for pencils.

    Application "Fish in the aquarium"

    Floristics. Crafts from autumn leaves.

    Crafts from dried leaves and flowers.

    Relief image of plants

    We draw a butterfly.

    Application from the leaves "Butterfly".

    Crafts and toys from natural materials. Acorn men.

    Collective panel "Again autumn has come to us"

    Panel of seeds "Patterns of autumn".

    Origami. Application “Family of mice” (origami).

    Paper fantasies»

    (work with paper and cardboard)

    Theoretical lesson;

    Making flowers from napkins;

    Making butterflies from corrugated paper(for decorating curtains);

    crafts from paper plates;

    Making a Christmas tree paper napkins;

    paper cutting

    "In the realm of fabrics and threads"

    (work with fabric, threads, buttons)

    Theoretical lesson;

    Panel "Aquarium";

    Panel of multi-colored braids;

    Acquaintance with crochet patterns;

    Knitting flowers according to the scheme;

    Knitting napkins according to the scheme.

    "Island of unnecessary things"

    (work with waste material)

    Theoretical lesson;

    Making a souvenir "Apples";

    Making vases from plastic bottles using beads;

    Composition "Sprig in hoarfrost" (using foam);

    Production of a panel "Water lilies" from packaging material;

    Making a souvenir from plastic utensils.

    Making trees from twigs, plasticine, fluff.

    Practical lesson Making crafts from eggshell"Swan Lake".

    Individual sessions. Making crafts at the choice of children.

    Making crafts at the choice of children.

    Learning to sew.

    Patchwork rugs

    Doll-towel holder.

    Cross stitch.

    1. From the history of embroidery.

    2. Selection of tools and materials for work.

    3. The simplest types of embroidery.

    Making napkins with embroidery elements.

    Patchwork mosaic.

    1. From the history of patchwork technology.

    Pattern sketches. Selection color solution. Pattern making.

    2. Open. Assembly of fragments and the product as a whole.

    3. Pillow cases for sofa cushions.

    4. Cape on a stool.

    Patchwork flowers.

    Vase lined with pieces of fabric.

    Introductory lesson. O.T. rules and PPB.

    Salty dough

    From the history of salt dough

    O.T. rules when working with salt dough.

    salt dough recipe

    Tools and materials

    Roasting and drying

    Product coloring

    Salt dough production

    miniature figurines





    Papier mache

    O.T. rules when working with glue, varnishes, paint

    From the history of papier-mâché

    Materials and fixtures

    Technology for making products using the papier-mâché technique

    Pasting the form

    Manufacturing of the simplest products



    Making an imitation of an ancient vessel from clay (plastic).

    fabric collage .

    Mosaic applique.

    Convex wickerwork. Bracelet.

    Application in mixed media with embossed elements "Flowers in a vase".

    Book cover (fabric, appliqué).

    invitation cards, Greeting Cards with application.

    Flagellated ceramics, making contour relief.

    Plasticine painting. Winter. landscapes.

    Paper cutouts. Silhouette.

    Paper plastic. Cone toys.

    print .

    Gift wrapping.

    Production of Filimonovskaya and Dymkovo toys from clay.

    Making your own toy.

    Easter souvenirs. Painted egg (papier-mâché).

    Flowers from the fabric "Gift Bouquet".

    Paper filigree. "Quilling".

    Working with natural material.

    Application "Clusters of mountain ash".

    Application from napkins "Roses".

    Making planters papier mache. Painting based on decorative and applied arts (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo, Gorodets).

    Working with salt dough.

    Making crafts "Fruits".

    Teamwork"Still life in a basket".

    Panel "Flowers" .

    Making a figurine "Cats".

    Making a photo frame.

    Clay work .

    Pencil "Teddy Bear".

    Making heroes of the fairy tale "Wolf and 7 kids".

    Making heroes of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs".

    Making heroes of the fairy tale "Buryonka from Matryonkino".

    Making crafts "Candlestick".

    Working with fabric and thread.

    Application from threads "Duckling".

    Application from fabric "Cartoon characters".

    Making souvenirs from pom-poms.

    Making finger toys. Theater staging.

    Making a soft application on a napkin.

    Collective work. Sewing a plane doll in a Russian costume.

    Needle stitching. Gift for mom.

    Waste material handling.

    Those magic boxes. Making houses "Streets of the city".

    Making flowers from plastic bottles.

    Making a hot stand from corks.

    Making a box of postcards.

    Total: 204 hours.

    Used Books:

    1. Bakhmetiev A., T. Kizyakov “Och. skillful hands.” Rosman, 1999.

    2. Vinogradova E. “Beaded bracelets”. AST, 2007.

    3. Gorsky V. A., Timofeev A. A., Smirnov D. V. et al. Exemplary programs of extracurricular activities. Primary and basic education, ; ed. V. A. Gorsky. - M. : Enlightenment, 2010. - 111s. (Standards of the second generation)

    4. Gudilina S. I. “Miracles with your own hands” M., Aquarium, 1998.

    5. Gukasova A. M. “Needlework in primary school”. M., Education, 1985.

    6. Gusakova M. A. “Application”. M., Education, 1987.

    7. Gusakova M. A. “Do-it-yourself gifts and toys”. M., Sfera, 2000.

    8. Guseva N. N. “365 beaded baubles”. Iris-Press, 2003.

    9. Dokuchaeva N. “Tales from the gifts of nature”. SPb., Diamant, 1998.

    10. Eremenko T., L. Lebedeva “Stitch by stitch”. M., Malysh, 1986.

    11. Kanurskaya T.A., L.A. Markman “Beads”. M., Publishing House "Profizdat", 2000.

    12. Kochetova S. V. “Toys for everyone” ( Soft toy). M., Olma-press, 1999.

    13. Konysheva N. M. Artistic and design activity (basics of design - education. Grades 1 - 4. Program. Publishing house "Association 21st century" Smolensk 2012

    14. Levina M. 365 fun lessons labor. M.: Rolf, 1999. - 256 p., with illustrations. (Attention: children!).

    15. Molotobarova O. S. “A circle for the manufacture of souvenir toys”. M., Enlightenment, 1990.

    16. Nagibina M.I. “Natural gifts for crafts and games”. Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1997.