State budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

"Ural State Medical University"

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

(GBOU VPO USMU Ministry of Health of Russia)

Department of Faculty Pediatrics and Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases.

Head of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Professor Borodulina Tatyana Viktorovna

UIRS on the topic:

Hygienic education of preschool and school age.

Performer: Kopalova Daria Konstantinovna, OP – 109

Teacher: Candidate of Medical Sciences,

Yekaterinburg city

Introduction – page 2

Hygienic education of children preschool age– page 3

Hygienic education of children of primary school age – page 5

Hygienic education of children of middle and high school age – page 8

System of education and training of children and adolescents, health care provision of children's and adolescent institutions - page 11

References – page 14


Hygiene of children and adolescents is designed to substantiate and develop preventive measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation. This discipline studies the influence of various environmental factors, analyzes, evaluates and predicts their impact on a growing organism. Based on scientific data, hygienic standards, sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules and norms are developed, therapeutic, preventive and health measures aimed at reducing morbidity, improving functional capabilities, increasing performance and harmonious development of children and adolescents are substantiated.

Hygiene of children and adolescents is based on hygienic knowledge and experience of municipal hygiene, food hygiene, occupational hygiene, epidemiology, and social hygiene. In addition, it is closely related to various clinical, biological, pedagogical, and technical sciences.

The task of hygiene is to create the most favorable conditions for the interaction of the body with the environment through hygienic standardization of factors environment and developing the body's ability to adapt to various influences.

The leading areas are: hygiene of teaching and raising children in various educational and health institutions; hygiene of labor and vocational training of adolescents; hygiene of physical education and sports; food hygiene of the younger generation; health status of children and adolescents.

Teaching children hygiene skills is the task of parents, kindergarten teachers, and schools. The local doctor helps parents with advice on timely training in certain skills.

Hygienic education of preschool children

The main task of hygienic education of preschool children is to provide them with basic hygienic information and, on the basis of this, develop skills, abilities and habits, as well as foster a culture of behavior.

Children from an early age are taught hygiene skills (washing hands, washing their faces, brushing their teeth, etc.), and by the age of 6 they become a habit. This becomes possible due to the fact that preschool children have a particularly strongly developed desire to imitate, observation, and curiosity. As a rule, children at this age tend to do everything on their own.) During this period, children are most receptive to various kinds of information about the importance, meaning, and significance of a particular hygienic skill for maintaining and promoting health.

By the age of 6, children must independently, without prompting from adults, follow all the rules of personal hygiene, be able to clean clothes, shoes, keep their toys in order, workplace, keep your room tidy. Children should be taught table manners when eating. They must be able to use cutlery and napkins correctly, and eat correctly: slowly, chewing food thoroughly. Older preschoolers should be able to do feasible work related to setting the table and cleaning their corner of the house.

At preschool age, interest and respect for work and the ability to work in a team are instilled. Working in a living area, on a plot, planting, weeding and watering vegetables, flowers, etc. require adherence to certain hygienic rules that help children develop appropriate hygienic habits. For example, children should know that when you feed animals, you cannot eat yourself; Before eating a berry from the garden, you must wash it thoroughly with clean water, etc.

In order to prevent childhood injuries, children of senior preschool age must be taught to use sharp, cutting, piercing objects, then when working with knives, scissors, needles, etc., they will not get injured themselves and will not inflict it on others.

Methods and forms of hygienic training for preschool children are varied. Methods such as visually demonstrating the correct performance of hygiene procedures, displaying posters, photographs, children's films and cartoons on various hygiene topics, as well as various children's games, especially with dolls, are widely used. The most popular games are mother-daughter games, kindergarten, school, hospital, etc. During the game, children need to be told how to correctly perform this or that procedure.

At preschool age, a child acquires initial hygienic knowledge and skills, which are not yet strong and, if they are not repeated in the future, lose their meaning. At school age, they are further consolidated and improved.

It is necessary to cultivate the habit of cleanliness and neatness pedagogically subtly, unobtrusively, avoiding a didactic tone and edification, using game forms as the main means of education. In this case, it is important to take into account the age, physiological characteristics of the baby and the degree of his independence.

Only when the constantly increasing experience of children, the improvement of their skills, and the ability to more and more independently follow established rules are taken into account, only then do they form stable habits that do not collapse when moving to new conditions. If this is not taken into account, then children develop only the ability to obey the demands of an adult.

Educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays a vital role in protecting their health and promotes correct behavior at home and in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on children’s knowledge and compliance with the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior.



Hygienic education of children.

Educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays a vital role in protecting their health and promotes correct behavior at home and in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on children’s knowledge and compliance with the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior. In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that following the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and that hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. At the beginning, children are taught to follow basic rules: wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, playing, walking, etc. A child over two years old is taught the habit of rinsing his mouth with drinking water after eating, having previously taught him this. Children of middle and senior preschool age should be more conscious of following the rules of personal hygiene; Wash your hands yourself with soap, lathering them until foam forms and wipe them dry, use an individual towel, comb, glass for rinsing your mouth, make sure that all things are kept clean. The formation of personal hygiene skills also presupposes the ability of children to always be neat, to notice problems in their clothes, and to correct them independently or with the help of adults.
Hygienic education and training are inextricably linked with the education of cultural behavior. From a very young age, children are taught to sit correctly at the table while eating, eat carefully, chew food thoroughly and silently, and know how to use cutlery and a napkin.
Children who are on duty in the dining room need not only to be able to properly set the table and place the dishes, but also to firmly understand that, before starting to perform their duties, they must thoroughly wash their hands with soap, put themselves in order, and comb their hair.
Education of cultural and hygienic skills includes a wide range of tasks, and for their successful solution it is recommended to use a number of pedagogical techniques taking into account the age of children: direct teaching, demonstration, exercises with performing actions during didactic games, systematically reminding children of the need to observe hygiene rules and gradual increasing demands on them. It is necessary to ensure that preschoolers carry out actions accurately and clearly, in the correct sequence.
At a young age, the necessary skills are best acquired by children in games with specially targeted content. It is important that these games are interesting, able to captivate children, and activate their initiative and creativity. In older groups, educational motives become of great importance. However, for more successful formation and consolidation of hygiene skills throughout the period preschool childhood It is advisable to combine verbal and visual methods, using special sets of materials on hygiene education in kindergarten, a variety of plot pictures, and symbols. In the process of hygienic education and training of children, the teacher informs them of various information: about the importance of hygienic skills for health, about the sequence of hygienic procedures in the daily routine, and forms in children an idea of ​​​​the benefits of physical exercise.

Hygienic knowledge is also advisable in classes on physical education, labor, familiarization with the environment, with nature. For this purpose, some didactic and role-playing games. Children are also interested in the literary plots “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Grief”, etc. Based on them, you can act out small scenes, distributing the roles between the children. All hygiene information is instilled in children in everyday life in the process of various activities and recreation, i.e. in each component of the regime you can find a favorable moment for hygienic education.
For effective hygienic education of preschoolers, the appearance of others and adults is of great importance. We must constantly remember that children at this age are very observant and prone to imitation, so the teacher should be a role model for them.
To consolidate knowledge and skills of personal hygiene, it is advisable to give children various instructions, for example, assign orderlies to systematically check their peers for the condition of their nails, hands, clothes, and the contents of personal belongings in the closet. Children's skills quickly become strong if they are constantly reinforced in different situations. The main thing is that the children are interested, and that they can see the results of their actions (someone has become much neater, etc.).
A prerequisite for developing hygiene skills in children and instilling healthy lifestyle habits is a high level of sanitary culture among preschool staff. Where should they be created? the necessary conditions to preserve children's health, full physical and hygienic development.
The next condition necessary for successful hygienic education is the unity of requirements on the part of adults. The child acquires hygiene skills in communication with the teacher, medical worker, and nanny. It is important that adults set an example for the child and always follow them themselves.

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  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Theoretical review of the foundations of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in young children
    • 1.1 Education of cultural and hygienic skills and habits
    • 1.2 Hygienic education of children
    • 1.3 Cultural and hygienic skills, their importance in the development of children
    • 1.4 Conditions and methods for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills
  • Chapter 2. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children in a preschool setting
    • 2.1 Experimental experience. Part 1
    • 2.2 Experimental experience. Part 2
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Application


Cultural and hygienic skills are largely formed in preschool age, since the child’s nervous system is highly plastic, and actions associated with eating, dressing, washing are repeated every day, systematically and repeatedly. In kindergarten, children are taught: skills to maintain body cleanliness, food culture, maintain order in the environment, as well as the correct relationships of children with each other and with adults.

The formation of habits and skills is carried out under the direct pedagogical influence of adults and the entire environment. The strength and flexibility of skills and habits depends on a number of factors: conditions, the timeliness of starting this work, the child’s emotional attitude to the actions being performed, the systematicity of children’s exercises in certain actions. Special attention V preschool institutions is given to the formation of a new skill, habit, when children have new responsibilities, new things, the new kind activities that children need to master. At the same time, children are taught to do not only what is pleasant for them, but also what is necessary, overcoming difficulties of various kinds.

Educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays a vital role in protecting their health and promotes correct behavior at home and in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on children’s knowledge and compliance with the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior. In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that following the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and that hygiene skills are constantly improved with age.

Such domestic authors as Vygotsky L.S., Zabramnaya S.D., Maler A.R., Shipitsina L.M. dealt with the problems of raising cultural and hygienic skills in children. Among foreign authors we can highlight Kristen U., Nykanen L., Ryukle H.

In order for the education of cultural and hygienic skills to be carried out successfully in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to organize the environment so that it does not interfere with this process. hygiene junior life play

Targetworks: to study the organization and methodology of developing hygiene skills in children of primary preschool age.


· Based on literary sources, study the theoretical foundations of education of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children

· To identify the level of development of personal hygiene skills in preschool children in preschool settings.

· Identify the features of developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of middle preschool age and build a system of work, determine the degree of effectiveness of the game methods used to develop personal hygiene skills.

When carrying out this work the following were used methods:

· study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature

observation method

· experiment.

Hypothesis: mastery of cultural and hygienic skills by children of primary preschool age will be more successful thanks to the organization of an environment that helps maintain interest in performing cultural and hygienic skills.

Object of study: the process of developing cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children.

Subject of study: the influence of the game method on the formation of personal hygiene skills in children of middle preschool age.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consisted of three groups of sources. The first category includes author's publications on the issues under study. The second category includes educational literature (textbooks and teaching aids, reference and encyclopedic literature, comments on legislation). The third includes scientific articles in periodicals on the issues under study.

The main research methods were observation and experiment.

The first chapter examines the theoretical foundations of developing cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children.

The second chapter of the work is devoted to studying the conditions for developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of the second junior group Orsk preschool educational institution No. 103 “Alyonushka”.

Practical significance course work is that the proposed recommendations can be used in preventive and practical work nurse in preschool institutions.


1.1 Education of cultural and hygienic skills and habits

Along with organizing the correct regime, nutrition, hardening, an important place in the work kindergarten is devoted to developing cultural and hygienic skills and habits in children. The child’s health and his contacts with others largely depend on this.

Cultural and hygienic skills include skills in maintaining cleanliness of the body, cultural food, maintaining order in the environment and cultural relationships of children with each other and with adults.

The physiological basis of cultural and hygienic skills and habits is the formation of conditioned reflex connections, the development of dynamic stereotypes.

Cultural and hygienic skills and habits have a pronounced social orientation, since children are taught to follow the rules established in society that correspond to the norms of behavior.

The formation of skills and habits is influenced by the specifically targeted actions of adults and the entire environment. Behavior and manners, especially of close people, are reflected in the content of children's habits.

The strength and flexibility of skills and habits depends on a number of factors: conditions, the age at which this work begins, the emotional attitude of the child, and exercise in certain actions.

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of a new skill, habit associated with a change in the environment, type of activity, and the emergence of new responsibilities. For successful work during this period, it is very important to evoke positive emotions in children. In the future, it is necessary to teach preschoolers to do not only what pleases them, but also what is necessary, which requires overcoming certain difficulties.

Cultural and hygienic skills and habits are largely formed in preschool age, since the child’s central nervous system is highly plastic, and actions associated with eating, dressing, and washing are repeated every day and repeatedly.

Hygienic skills are most successfully developed in children of early and early preschool age. In the future, the acquired skills need to be consolidated and expanded.

At early and early preschool age, children begin to show independence in self-care. The child's interest, attention to everyday activities, and the impressionability of the nervous system make it possible for adults to quickly teach the child a certain sequence of operations that make up each action, techniques that help complete the task quickly and economically. If this time is missed, incorrect actions are automated, the child gets used to sloppiness and negligence.

An important factor in education is a group of peers, where children observe positive examples, can make comparisons, and get help with difficulties.

1.2 Hygienic education of children

Educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays a vital role in protecting their health and promotes correct behavior at home and in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on children’s knowledge and compliance with the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior. N.K. Krupskaya wrote: “One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten is to instill in children skills that strengthen their health.”

In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that following the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and that hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. At the beginning, children are taught to follow basic rules: wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, playing, walking, etc. A child over two years old is taught the habit of rinsing his mouth with drinking water after eating, having previously taught him this. Children of middle and senior preschool age should be more conscious of following the rules of personal hygiene; Wash your hands yourself with soap, lathering them until foam forms and wipe them dry, use an individual towel, comb, glass for rinsing your mouth, make sure that all things are kept clean.

The formation of personal hygiene skills also presupposes the ability of children to always be neat, to notice problems in their clothes, and to correct them independently or with the help of adults.

Hygienic education and training are inextricably linked with the education of cultural behavior. From a very young age, children are taught to sit correctly at the table while eating, eat carefully, chew food thoroughly and silently, and know how to use cutlery and a napkin. Children who are on duty in the dining room need not only to be able to properly set the table and place the dishes, but also to firmly understand that, before starting to perform their duties, they must thoroughly wash their hands with soap, put themselves in order, and comb their hair.

In kindergartens, conditions are created that promote the formation and strong consolidation of personal and public hygiene skills. Each group must have all the necessary equipment for washing and washing feet.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills includes a wide range of tasks, and for their successful solution it is recommended to use a number of pedagogical techniques taking into account the age of children: direct teaching, demonstration, exercises with performing actions during didactic games, systematically reminding children of the need to observe hygiene rules and gradual increasing demands on them. It is necessary to get preschoolers to perform actions accurately and clearly, in the correct sequence.

At a young age, the necessary skills are best acquired by children in games with specially targeted content. It is important that these games are interesting, able to captivate children, and activate their initiative and creativity.

In older groups, educational motives become of great importance. However, for more successful formation and consolidation of hygiene skills throughout the period of preschool childhood, it is advisable to combine verbal and visual methods, using special sets of materials on hygienic education in kindergarten, a variety of plot pictures, and symbols. In the process of hygienic education and training of children, the teacher informs them of various information: about the importance of hygienic skills for health, about the sequence of hygienic procedures in the daily routine, and forms in children an idea of ​​​​the benefits of physical exercise.

Hygienic knowledge is also advisable in classes on physical education, labor, familiarization with the environment, with nature. For this purpose, some didactic and role-playing games are used. Children are also interested in the literary plots “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Grief”, etc. Based on them, you can act out small scenes, distributing the roles between the children.

Children's skills become strong quickly enough if they are constantly reinforced in different situations. The main thing is that the children find it interesting and that they can see the results of their actions (someone has become much neater, prettier; it’s nice to dine at a clean, beautifully set table, etc.).

During physical education classes, during general developmental exercises, you can tell children about the benefits of certain movements for health and development, how important it is to perform them in a well-ventilated room or in the air, about the need to keep your physical fitness in order, and after finishing classes carefully fold and wash your hands with soap up to the elbows (wet wipe down to the waist). While working indoors or on site, there are also many opportunities for strengthening hygiene skills in children. For example, the teacher explains that you need to not only do the job well, but also try not to hurt your hands. And for this it is important to use labor items and equipment correctly. Children should also be reminded of the need to keep their work area clean.

It is very important that already in preschool age children know the basic rules of public hygiene, which are inextricably linked with personal hygiene, for example: keeping public places clean, washing dirty hands is necessary in order not to get sick themselves and not to infect other people.

Children's mastery of the rules of personal and public hygiene presupposes the child's ability to behave in different places where he visits. Children must firmly understand that they should not litter not only in an apartment, group room, or public buildings, but also on the streets, in public gardens, in courtyards, and in transport.

All hygiene information is instilled in children in everyday life in the process of various activities and recreation, i.e. in each component of the regime you can find a favorable moment for hygienic education.

For effective hygienic education of preschoolers, the appearance of others and adults is of great importance. We must constantly remember that children at this age are very observant and prone to imitation, so the teacher should be a role model for them.

To consolidate knowledge and skills of personal hygiene, it is advisable to give children various instructions, for example, assign orderlies to systematically check their peers for the condition of their nails, hands, clothes, and the contents of personal belongings in the closet. Children's skills quickly become strong if they are constantly reinforced in different situations. The main thing is that the children are interested, and that they can see the results of their actions (someone has become much neater, etc.).

A prerequisite for developing hygiene skills in children and instilling healthy lifestyle habits is a high level of sanitary culture among preschool staff. Where the necessary conditions must be created to preserve children’s health and full physical and hygienic development.

The next condition necessary for successful hygienic education is the unity of requirements on the part of adults. A child acquires hygiene skills in communication with a teacher, medical worker, nanny and, of course, in the family. The responsibility of parents is to constantly reinforce the hygiene skills developed in the child in kindergarten. It is important that adults set an example for the child.

1.3 Cultural and hygienic skills, their importance in developmentand children

In preschool age, the child should develop the habit of cleanliness, neatness, and order, and great importance should be given to this not only in the family, but also in preschool institutions, where children spend most of the day. During these years, children can master all basic cultural and hygienic skills, learn to understand their importance, and perform them easily, quickly and correctly.

The child needs to be taught to keep his body, room and things that he uses in everyday life clean. He must be able to wash himself, brush his teeth, get dressed, and maintain order. Skills and habits firmly formed in preschool age last a lifetime.

When developing cultural and hygienic skills, the example of others is of great importance. In a preschool institution, where elders will not sit down at the table without first washing their hands, this becomes a law for the child.

After morning exercises, the most beneficial thing for a child is to take a shower. He washes his hands, face and refreshes his whole body under running water. It is necessary that after taking a shower or washing, the child wipes himself dry. Before going to bed during the day, you should wash your feet. It is especially important to follow this rule in the summer.

Some attention should be paid to teaching children cultural and hygienic skills related to food. Remind your child that they sit straight at the table, without hunching or leaning to one side. Food is taken with a spoon or fork, little by little.

It is necessary to ensure that preschoolers comply with all hygienic norms and rules with a feeling of satisfaction from the process itself or from its results. The importance of these skills and habits for promoting health should be explained to children in an accessible manner.

From the first days of life, when developing cultural and hygienic skills, there is not just the assimilation of rules and norms of behavior, but an extremely important process of socialization, the child’s entry into the world of adults. This process cannot be left for later - let the child remain a child for now, but you can accustom him to the rules later. This is a wrong opinion! Mental development is an uneven process, its lines do not occur simultaneously, there are periods of the most rapid development of certain functions and mental qualities. These periods are called sensitive, and the period of early and preschool childhood is the most favorable for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Then, on their basis, the development of other functions and qualities is built.

Cultural and hygienic skills coincide with this line mental development, as the development of will. The baby doesn’t know how to do anything yet, so every action comes with great difficulty. And you don’t always want to finish what you started, especially if nothing works out. Let the mother or teacher feed and wash your hands, because it is so difficult to hold slippery soap when it jumps out of your hands and does not obey. It’s very difficult to get up early in the morning, and even to get dressed yourself: you need to remember the whole sequence of dressing, be able to fasten buttons, tie shoelaces: Mom will do it better, and faster. And if adults rush to help a child at the slightest difficulty, to free him from the need to make efforts, then very quickly he will develop passive position: “Button up”, “Tie”, “Put on”.

In order to complete the action, get a high-quality result, do everything in the correct sequence, beautifully and neatly, you need to make a strong-willed effort.

Thus, the quality of the action becomes important for the child; he learns to complete the task he has begun, maintain the goal of the activity, and not be distracted. And now it is no longer the adult who reminds him of the need for this or that action, but he himself, on his own initiative, performs it, controls its progress. At the same time, such strong-willed personality qualities as determination, organization, discipline, endurance, perseverance, and independence are formed. The implementation of cultural and hygienic skills creates conditions for the formation of the foundations of aesthetic taste.

So, the girl begins to take a closer look at herself, to compare how much she has changed when she was combed and tied with bows. It is important that an adult, when performing everyday processes, unobtrusively draws the child’s attention to changes in his appearance. Looking in the mirror, the baby not only discovers himself, but also evaluates his appearance, correlates it with the idea of ​​the standard, and eliminates sloppiness in his clothes and appearance. Thus, a critical attitude towards one’s appearance develops, and correct self-esteem is born. The child gradually begins to control his appearance.

Mastering cultural and hygienic skills is associated with the ethical development of a preschooler. A three-year-old child can already give a moral assessment of the actions of a person or the hero of a fairy tale. While it is still based on the transfer of the child’s general emotional attitude to a person or character: if he likes it, it means he’s good, if he doesn’t like it, it means he’s bad.

At four or five years old, children begin to develop moral concepts of “good” and “bad.” Children attribute the actions of other people to them and evaluate behavior on this basis. We must remember that it is difficult for a child to evaluate complex actions; everyday behavior is much easier.

Moral feelings are formed and developed in conjunction with the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Children under three years old experience pleasure from the fact that they first perform actions, first together with an adult, and then independently. At four years old, a child derives pleasure from performing an action correctly, which is confirmed by an appropriate assessment from an adult. The desire to earn approval and praise is a stimulus that encourages the baby to perform an action. And only then, when he understands that behind every action there is a rule, learns a moral norm, correlates it with the action, he begins to experience pleasure from the fact that he acts in accordance with the moral norm. Now he is happy not because he washed his hands, but because he is neat: “I’m good because I do everything right!”

Children 3-4 years old are just beginning to understand the rules of behavior, but do not yet see what is hidden behind them moral standards, often do not apply these rules to another. The teacher must remember that active mastery of the rules of behavior is evidenced by the appearance of complaints and statements addressed to an adult. The kid notices other children breaking the rules and reports it. The reason for such statements by the child is in an effort to make sure that he correctly understands the rules of behavior and to receive support from an adult. Therefore, such complaints should be treated with great attention. Confirm that the child correctly understands the social requirement, and tell him what to do if he notices a violation of it.

1. 4 Conditions and methods of developing cultural and hygienic skills

The main conditions for the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills include a rationally organized environment, a clear daily routine and adult guidance. A rationally organized environment means the presence of a clean, fairly spacious room with necessary equipment, ensuring the implementation of all routine elements (washing, eating, sleeping, activities and games).

To develop cultural and hygienic skills, it is also necessary to develop general criteria for assessing individual actions, to clearly define the location of things, toys, and the order of their cleaning and storage. For children, constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of every thing he needs during the day are of particular importance. For example, the washroom should have a sufficient number of sinks of the required size, each with soap on it; sinks and towels are placed taking into account the height of children; There is a picture on the hanger above each towel. This increases children's interest in washing. The daily routine ensures daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time - this contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior. Their formation occurs in games, work, activities, and in everyday life. Repeated daily, the daily routine accustoms the child’s body to a certain rhythm, ensures a change in activity, thereby protecting the children’s nervous system from overwork. Following a daily routine contributes to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, education, organization and discipline. The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is carried out under the guidance of adults - parents, educators. Therefore, complete consistency in the requirements of the preschool institution and the family must be ensured. Among many classifications of methods, a classification has been adopted in preschool pedagogy, which is based on the basic forms of thinking that determine the nature of the ways in which children act in the learning process. These forms include visually effective and visually imaginative thinking. In this regard, the main methods of teaching preschoolers are visual, verbal, play and practical methods. Preparation for the formation of skills for independent self-care movements is the creation in the child of a positive attitude towards dressing, washing, and feeding. Learning some skills, for example, eating culturally, requires considerable work, since for this children must master a number of actions carried out in a certain sequence (sit correctly at the table, use eating utensils, a napkin, etc.).

In preschool age, children are especially prone to imitation, so the personal example of adults plays an important role in the formation of skills. “If you insist that children wash their hands before lunch, don’t forget to demand the same from yourself. Try to make your own bed, it’s not at all difficult and shameful work,” advised A.S. Makarenko.

Both kindergarten teachers and parents should always remember this. “Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you treat friends and enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child,” said A.S. Makarenko

For preschool children, awareness of the importance of cultural and hygienic skills is of great importance; they need to be given basic knowledge about rational rules of personal hygiene, its importance for everyone and for others, and cultivate an appropriate attitude towards hygienic procedures. All this contributes to the strength and flexibility of skills, which is very important for creating lasting habits. For this purpose, you can also use variable tasks, unusual situations during games, activities, walks, etc. Children should first be asked to think and tell what and how they will do. Then monitor the children’s actions and return to their joint discussion and assessment.

To instill cultural and hygienic skills in all age groups, demonstration, example, explanation, explanation, encouragement, conversations, and action exercises are used. Playing techniques are widely used, especially in early preschool age: didactic games, nursery rhymes, poems (“Wash cleanly - don’t be afraid of water”; “Early in the morning at dawn, little mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders wash themselves...” and etc.). N.F. Vinogradova notes: “It is also necessary to properly guide the actions of children. Before requiring the child to be independent in self-care, he is taught the actions necessary in the process of dressing, washing, and eating.”

The show is accompanied by an explanation. Any action should be shown in such a way that individual operations are highlighted - first the most significant, and then additional ones. Operations occur in strict order with a small interval (no more than 5-10 seconds), otherwise a dynamic stereotype is not developed. Showing the action to kids is always accompanied by saying (“Now let’s take a towel and wipe each finger”). Then the adult acts together with the baby, performing related actions. For example, she takes his hands in hers, soaps them and places them under running water. This is how the child develops a sensorimotor image of action, as well as an image of the operations that comprise the action and the conditions in which it takes place. Gradually, the adult provides the child with greater independence, controlling the execution of operations and the result, and then only the result. When developing skills, the child learns to maintain the goal of the activity and not be distracted. You should also draw children's attention to the rationality of certain methods of action. For example, after use, a towel must first be straightened and then hung up - this way it dries better and does not fall on the floor. It is desirable that adults accompany the demonstration of actions and children’s attempts to perform them independently not only with explanations, but also with questions that direct the child’s attention to the need to act in a certain way.

This will help him quickly learn how to do it and understand why he needs to do it this way.

Book author " Forward planning..." N.S. Golitsina believes: “Developing self-service skills is a rather lengthy process, so it is advisable to plan work quarterly.” Among the techniques that contribute to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children, direct teaching comes first - showing, indicating, reminding, Team work with baby. Here the author and compiler offers gaming techniques, didactic games, a list of works of art that will help attract children's attention to the sequence of actions and will help maintain independence in self-care. »

In the education of cultural and hygienic skills, it is important to have the unity of requirements of the employees of the child care institution and parents. The baby does not immediately and with great difficulty acquire the necessary skills; he will need the help of adults. First of all, you should create the necessary conditions in the family: adapt a clothes hanger to the child’s height, allocate an individual shelf or space on a shelf for storing toiletries (handkerchiefs, ribbons, socks), a permanent and convenient place for a towel, etc.

For example, you require him to be independent when washing his face, but the faucet or sink is located high off the floor and is difficult for him to reach. However, he strives to do it on his own - he stands on his toes, pulls his arms with all his might, and water pours into the sleeves of his shirt and onto the floor. As a result, the child’s energy is wasted and adults are dissatisfied. Therefore, everything in the apartment should be adapted for the convenience of children.

When teaching children, you need to take into account their experience. For example, you cannot start teaching a child to use a fork if he has not yet learned how to eat with a spoon correctly. Consistency in training is very important. Thus, actions associated with undressing are mastered by children faster than actions with dressing; It is easier for a child to learn to wash his hands first, and then his face. Gradually increasing the complexity of the requirements takes the child to a new level of independence, maintains his interest in self-care, and allows him to improve his skills.

“The methodological techniques used by the teacher must be changed, but the conditions must be constant,” believe R.S. Bure and A.F. Ostrovskaya. “We’ll wash ourselves,” the teacher says at the beginning of the year and shows everything: how to roll up the sleeves, and how to soap your hands, and how to wash them and then dry them. All children act under the supervision and control of an adult. And so on day after day. In this everyday activity, cultural and hygienic skills are accomplished and habits are formed. But the children get older, and the teacher gradually gives them more and more independence. He moves from direct instructions to reminders, from demonstration to advice, from example to methods that allow children to develop a conscious attitude towards the rules - persuasion, explanation of the meaning of the rules. Only when the teacher takes into account the constantly increasing experience of children, the improvement of their skills, and the ability to more and more independently carry out established rules, only then do they form stable habits that do not collapse when moving to new conditions. If this is not taken into account, then children develop only the ability to obey the demands of an adult.”

Usually the quality and correct sequence of actions is beyond the attention of an adult. However, it is often considered unimportant to monitor whether a skill has become a habit. This situation leads to the fact that even seven-year-old children need to perform cultural and hygienic skills based only on the requirements of an adult. This can lead to the loss of a seemingly already formed skill. Therefore, in preschool age, it is necessary to re-teach skills on a different basis than in childhood. The child must be helped to understand the techniques and conditions for performing cultural and hygienic skills, as well as their necessity. Based on the expansion and complexity of his practical experience. And this requires specially organized activity of the child under the guidance of an adult, then the children understand the appropriateness of the teacher’s requirements (wash hands clean, do not pour water on the floor, etc.). To reinforce the rules and assimilate them, it is advisable to hold a conversation about hygiene in middle and senior groups. It is structured so that children not only name and list actions and their order, but also make generalizations that help to understand the appropriateness of actions and convince children of their necessity. It is important that older preschoolers independently use cultural and hygienic skills. Therefore, it may be advisable to move from direct instructions to indirect ones, for example, instead of reminding “children, go wash your hands,” say: “Let’s start getting ready for lunch,” etc. It is good to involve children in discussing and choosing a rational way to organize a particular household process, send separate children into younger groups to provide assistance with washing and dressing. Cultural and hygienic skills need to be constantly reinforced. Changes in the system of educational work, lack of attention to the formation and use of skills can lead to their rapid loss. Practice shows that issues of education of cultural and hygienic skills are not always reflected in calendar plans educators, whereas they are very important and need to be specified when planning. However, their implementation requires quite a long time. In the work of self-care, the child is taught to finish what he starts and to do the work efficiently. For example, they teach not only how to take off clothes, but also how to turn each item right side out, fold it carefully, and hang it up. All groups use incentives. It is important to praise your child on time, but you must not overuse it so that he does not constantly expect praise. Fulfilling the demands of adults should become the norm of behavior, the child’s need. Encouragement is sometimes given in such a form as to remind the rules of execution. In some cases, the teacher uses reprimand, but it is better to do this in an indirect form, without naming the children’s names.

One of the leading techniques in all age groups is repetition of actions, exercise; without this, the skill cannot be formed. At the first stages of developing a skill, you should check how individual actions or the task as a whole were completed, for example, before washing, ask: “Show me how you rolled up your sleeves,” or after washing, see how clean and dry your hands are. A good form of exercise in mastering cultural and hygienic skills are didactic games.

A special role in the education of cultural and hygienic skills belongs to gaming techniques. Using them, the teacher reinforces in children the skills that are developed in everyday life. A prominent place is given to didactic games (“Put the doll to sleep”, “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”, “Feed the doll lunch”, etc.).

Particular attention should be paid to the game method, because play is the leading activity of a preschool child; through play, the child better remembers and establishes cause-and-effect relationships. The game allows the child to better understand the world around him.


To confirm the hypothesis put forward, I carried out experimental work to solve the problem under study.

Purpose at this stage of the study experimentally - experimental work to determine the level of cultural and hygienic skills in children in a preschool institution using the example of the second junior group in the city of Orsk, preschool educational institution No. 103 “Alyonushka”.

In accordance with this goal, the following were set tasks:

1. To study the conditions for developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of the second junior group.

2. To determine the development of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the second younger group.

3. Develop activities to develop cultural and hygienic skills and habits in children of primary preschool age

Objects of study: children of the second junior group in Orsk, preschool educational institution No. 103 “Alyonushka”.

2.1 Experimental experience. Part 1

Target: study the volume and level of formation of skills and abilities and determine the conditions for developing cultural and hygienic skills in

An object: children of the second younger group in preschool educational institution No. 103 in Orsk “Alyonushka”.

Progress: To determine the development of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the second junior group in preschool educational institution No. 103 in Orsk “Alyonushka”. Develop activities for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and habits in children of primary preschool age

Determine the effectiveness of the developed measures.

· Ascertaining;

· Formative;

· Control.

To participate in further research, we selected 2 groups of children of 4 people each. We designated one group as experimental and the other as control. (Appendix A)

During our work we need:

a) establish the scope of cultural and hygienic skills provided for children of this age group: skills of washing, eating, dressing, using a handkerchief, maintaining order in a suit and hairstyle;

b) identify and evaluate the level of development of skills: rationality and sequence of operations, their speed and quality, children’s independence.

d) identify the conditions created in the group for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills;

e) identify forms of organization, teaching and training methods, their specificity and effectiveness;

f) find out the attitude of children to the demands and instructions of an adult, their independence, activity, and mutual assistance.

We observed the work of the teacher and eight children in the experimental and control groups of the study for 3 days. The observation was carried out according to a scheme that we had previously developed based on the requirements of the “Kindergarten Education Program”.

Table No. 1. (hand washing skill)

Skill (points)

Number of points

Akhmetzhanov Airat

Galkina Katya

Moiseev Vanya

Krylova Nastya

Skill (points)

Number of points

Akhmetzhanov Airat

Galkina Katya

Moiseev Vanya

Krylova Nastya

Table No. 3 Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children experimental group.(taking off and putting on clothes)

Skill (points)

Number of points

Akhmetzhanov Airat

Galkina Katya

Moiseev Vanya

Krylova Nastya

Table No. 4Development of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the experimental group.( counting points )

hand washing


using a handkerchief

Formation level

Akhmetzhanov Airat

Galkina Katya

Moiseev Vanya

Krylova Nastya

Table No. 5control group. (hand washing skill)

Skill (points)

Number of points

Bukleyev Maxim

Dmitrieva Olya

Myagkov Kirill

Milikhina Dasha

Table No. 6 Development of cultural and hygienic skills in childrencontrol group. (meal)

Skill (points)

Number of points

Bukleyev Maxim

Dmitrieva Olya

Myagkov Kirill

Milikhina Dasha

Table No. 7 Development of cultural and hygienic skills in childrencontrol group.( taking off and putting on clothes )

Skill (points)

Number of points

Bukleyev Maxim

Dmitrieva Olya

Myagkov Kirill

Milikhina Dasha

Table No.8 Development of cultural and hygienic skills in childrencontrol group.( counting points )

hand washing


taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order

using a handkerchief

Formation level

Bukleyev Maxim

Dmitrieva Olya

Myagkov Kirill

Milikhina Dasha

Analysis: Analysis of the results showed the following (Table 1-4) that the majority of children (75%) in the experimental group had skills in their infancy; one child (25%) had not developed skills.

Thus, Katya Galkina, Vanya Moiseev, Nastya Krylova know how to use a tablespoon and a teaspoon, and carefully use a napkin after eating. While eating, they do not talk at the table and use cutlery; Clothes are removed in a certain sequence, but during donning this sequence is disrupted in these children. Children try to observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. All children eagerly put away toys, books and construction material, but not to the places of their definition.

Akhmetzhanov Ayrat has not developed any of the skills. The child is characterized by refusal operations. The boy is very withdrawn and reacts to comments by crying or withdrawing. TO this boy an individual approach is required.

According to the results of the study (Table 5-8), the majority of children (75%) in the control group have not developed skills. So, Kirill Myagkov ate soup with a teaspoon while eating; when asked by the teacher why he ate with a small spoon, the boy replied that at home they give him such a spoon. Most children do not know how to use a fork. The napkin is used for its intended purpose and without a reminder from the teacher only 2 people (Olya Dmitrieeva, Maxim Bukleyev). Children in the control group talk at the table while eating. Kirill, after eating his cookies, began to take hers away from Olya.

In both groups, it was noticed that children did not say thank you when leaving the table after finishing a meal. Children do not always wipe their hands with their own towels; they hang them in the wrong places. Many children in both the experimental and control groups showed a negative reaction to the teacher’s offer to comb their hair.

Analyzing the conditions created in the group for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, the following should be noted. All the requirements of SANPin are met, that is, the furniture is selected in accordance with the height of the children, the heat and air conditions are observed in the group, the degree of illumination meets the requirements, but in the group there are quite a few didactic games that would contribute to the best assimilation of cultural and hygienic skills, teachers in their the work very rarely uses artistic words.

To instill cultural and hygienic skills, teachers in this group use demonstration, example, and explanation. Game techniques are very rarely used, but the content of cultural and hygienic skills in children of this age is mastered primarily in didactic games and game situations.

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills should be carried out by the kindergarten in close contact with the family. In this group there is no single line in requirements, in creating conditions that are absolutely necessary for the development and consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. (Appendix A, B)

Conclusion: Based on the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we outlined further work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children in the experimental group of the study.

2. 2 Experimental experience. Part 2

Target: To develop a methodology for teaching cultural and hygienic skills for children of preschool institutions for children of the second junior group in preschool educational institution No. 103 in Orsk “Alyonushka”.

An object: children of the second younger group in preschool educational institution No. 103 in Orsk “Alyonushka”.

Progress: To determine the effectiveness of the developed methodology based on special literature on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the second junior group in preschool educational institution No. 103 in Orsk “Alyonushka”. Develop activities for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and habits in children of primary preschool age

Determine the effectiveness of the developed measures.

The experiment consisted of 3 stages:

· Ascertaining;

· Formative;

· Control.

Thus, based on the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we outlined further work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children in the experimental group of the study.

Activities to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age.

For the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the following conditions are necessary:

· organizing an attractive and convenient environment for carrying out activities and tasks in kindergarten and at home (furniture, equipment appropriate for the growth of children, assigned storage areas available for use, etc.);

· division of mastered actions, following in a strictly established order, into a number of operations, which contributes to the faster creation of strong dynamic stereotypes;

· repeated exercises of children in actions, highlighting the method and order of their implementation (especially at the initial stage of training). In this case, the nature of the actions must be unchanged, but the forms must be different;

· individual work with each child, taking into account the level of his development and the pace of mastering cultural and hygienic skills;

· organizing situations that provide control over the implementation of actions that children are mastering in an unusual environment;

· Impeccable fulfillment by adults of all hygienic and cultural requirements.

During the formative stage of the experiment, measures were developed to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children in the experimental group. During the implementation of these activities, we used such methods and means as:

· personal example of kindergarten workers and parents;

· usage fiction, folklore;

· model diagrams (sequence of stages for individual operating moments);

· rinsing the mouth after eating to prevent caries;

· ensuring cleanliness of the environment;

· compliance with the rules of etiquette;

· psychological culture of relationships.

In the process of work, we used visual techniques for teaching skills - demonstration, example, which occupy a particularly important place in working with young children. We accompanied the shows with explanations. The demonstration of any action was given to the children in such a way that individual operations were highlighted - first the most significant, then additional ones. The operations were carried out in strict order with a short interval (no more than 5-10 seconds). Showing the action to the kids was always accompanied by saying (“Now let’s take a towel and wipe each finger”). This helps children see the most significant moments and comprehend the action as a whole.

The explanation of the new action was first given in great detail, then gradually narrowed and came down to a reminder of the rule, which was addressed to all or individual children. The indirect form was especially successful, when we expressed confidence in advance that the children would correctly follow our instructions. For example, “Now I will see how the children put their chairs in place. They will probably all do it silently.” Thus, we not only pointed out to the children their actions, but also reminded them how to correctly follow this instruction.

In our work, we widely used the technique of encouragement, but tried not to abuse it. We tried to make sure that fulfilling the adult’s demands became the norm of behavior, the child’s need.

In some cases it was necessary to use censure, but this was done in an indirect form, without naming the names of the children.

One of the leading techniques that we used was the technique of repeating actions and exercises. For example, before washing they asked: “Show me how you rolled up your sleeves,” or after washing they looked at how clean and dry your hands were. Didactic games were a good form of training children in mastering cultural and hygienic skills.

An essential part of the pedagogical process for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age is games and activities with a doll. We planned and carried out the following games: “Doll Katya woke up”, “Doll Katya is having lunch”, “Pick up dishes for the doll”. Printed board games were produced.

A conversation was held with teachers and service personnel working in this group about the need to have a neat appearance and set an example in observing cultural and hygienic rules. Otherwise, children will never learn these rules and will not be firmly convinced that they are really necessary, and in the future they may completely neglect them.

A prerequisite for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills is that children observe a daily routine. Therefore, together with medical workers We constantly monitored the implementation of the daily routine by the children of this group. A regime is a firmly established, pedagogically, physiologically based routine for children’s lives, aimed at the full physical and mental development of each child.

Regular moments contribute to the development of cultural and hygienic skills and habits in children, discipline pupils, help them to be active and independent.

With a rational organization of the situation, an individually differentiated approach to children was a prerequisite. We took into account that the students have individual differences: what is easy for Nastya and Katya is beyond the power of Ayrat and Vanya. Thus, an individually differentiated approach was carried out in relation to each child. Techniques and methods were used depending on the characteristics of the child’s health and development.

Knowledge of the characteristics of the nervous system of each child allowed us to use the most appropriate pedagogical techniques individual work both in class and in free time, during the game.

In our work, we widely used artistic expression and folklore (rhymes, jokes) to create positive emotions in children in the process of performing cultural and hygienic skills.


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The main task of hygienic education of a child is the rational use of environmental conditions and teaching the child basic hygienic skills with the further formation on their basis of personal hygiene skills, which promotes health and also fosters a culture of behavior.

In preschool institutions, the process of hygiene education is a constant and systematic process. Changes in the general education program from younger to older age groups change the methods of forming and consolidating hygiene skills. For example, if at a young age children perform multiple joint actions together with adults (adults show and explain to children what and how to do), then at an older age the requirements for hygiene are substantiated, the child himself becomes aware of the skills acquired in the process of upbringing and education, as well as independent control of actions.

The formation of most conditioned reflexes of a child from the moment of his birth is facilitated by constant repetitions of the same processes, repeated throughout the day and every day, occurring in a certain sequence under constant conditions. Provided that the correct educational processes are carried out, the child develops cultural and hygienic skills, which include:

- Personal hygiene skills: love of cleanliness, neatness appearance(the child takes care of his clothes and shoes), the use of individual toiletries and hygiene items (do not eat from someone else’s plate, do not drink from someone else’s cup, do not use someone else’s spoon, etc.), rules of personal hygiene (wash your hands before eating, after streets, etc.), daily morning exercises, performing hardening procedures, rules for caring for the oral cavity (rinsing the mouth after eating) and teeth (brushing teeth), the ability to use toilet paper etc.

- Cultural behavior skills: do not shout, ask politely, thank for what you receive, do not disturb others (for example, at the table, in class, while walking, etc.); say hello and goodbye; when entering a room from the street, wipe your feet; put back toys and books, etc.

TO means Hygienic education in preschool institutions includes: adherence to the daily routine, nutritional rules, physical education and hardening procedures, sufficient exposure to fresh air, proper organization classes, organization of environmental conditions in accordance with the requirements.

Main rules hygienic education of children in preschool institutions:

Systematicity, gradualism and consistency in training (individual and age characteristics child);

Coordination of actions and a unified approach in the education of all staff of a preschool institution and parents.

If the rules of hygienic education are followed, the child by the end of the first year of life has the following skills: independently holds a cup and drinks from it; eats a crust of bread; at the request of an adult, performs active movements (for example, gives an arm, a leg, turns the head, opens the mouth, etc.), as well as movements when dressing and undressing, washing, feeding.

Aged 1.5 years the child is able to: eat independently with a spoon; ask for a potty; understands adult speech related to the processes of toileting, eating, and also, upon request, perform available actions related to these actions.

TO 2 years the child eats all types of food independently, uses a napkin, knows his place at the table, sits down and leaves the table independently, follows correct position bodies at the table, washes hands before eating, reacts negatively to untidy clothing or surroundings, dresses and undresses with the help of an adult, knows his closet and towel rack, calmly accepts the process of washing and hardening.

IN 3 years the above skills are consolidated and expanded: the child almost independently brushes his teeth, washes his hands, eats independently (without getting wet), uses a napkin while eating, keeps his clothes neat, dresses and undresses almost independently, wipes his nose with a handkerchief, neatly folds clothes, toys and books.

Aged 4 years the number of skills expands slightly, but previously acquired skills and abilities are consolidated. The child is able to take a more active part in household work (maintaining cleanliness and order in the room or area), and understands the importance of work and mutual assistance.

IN 5 years the child must wash himself and brush his teeth independently (without being reminded), and wash his hands as they become dirty; use a handkerchief, comb, napkin, cover your mouth with your hand when coughing or sneezing; consume food carefully and use cutlery correctly. Also, a child at this age needs to be taught to be polite and friendly, to help others, and to pay attention to the development of various types of work skills.

TO 6-7 years of age cultural behavior skills and cultural-hygienic skills must be consolidated, become familiar and necessary in everyday life.

The effectiveness of hygiene education strongly depends on the created conditions: the child must be provided with personal hygiene items (cup, plate, spoon, toothbrush, washcloth, comb, etc.) and bedding (towels, linen, etc.) with a mandatory change at least once a week.

In preschool institutions, all personal hygiene items and clothing must be labeled and stored in individual lockers.

Please note that clothing and shoes should be comfortable to wear and protect the child from external environmental influences (heat, cold, wind, pollution, precipitation, various types of mechanical damage). Clothing made from cotton and wool fabric. The cut of clothing should be made in such a way that the child does not feel constrained in movement (both while awake and during sleep). Shoes should best suit the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the foot, its length and width (not be narrow or loose); In order to prevent the development of flat feet, shoes should have a hard sole with a small heel.


DEVELOPED by the Central Research Institute of Health Education

APPROVED by the Head of the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health V.E. Kovshilo on November 12, 1975 N 1366-75

For teaching and medical staff of preschool institutions

For employees of public education authorities

For the sanitary-epidemiological service and health education houses

From the first days of Soviet power, caring for the health of children became the main task of the state. The country has created a huge network of children's medical and preventive institutions - clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, nurseries and kindergartens. Hundreds of thousands of medical workers guard the health of the younger generation. However, doctors cannot carry out successful preventive work only on their own; Everyone who is involved in raising children should take part in it, and first of all, the staff of preschool institutions.

The problem of protecting and promoting the health of children is particularly acute in connection with their preparation for school, which should begin from early preschool age.

The task of raising a healthy child facing preschool workers is complex and responsible. The basis of this work is the correct organization and methodology of physical and hygienic education.


Hygienic education as a section of educational work with children has its own tasks, content and methodology. Rational use of environmental conditions, communication to children of basic hygienic information and the formation on their basis of skills and habits that promote health, physical and mental development, as well as fostering a culture of behavior - these are the main tasks of this section of work.

The solution to these problems is closely connected with other areas of education: physical (health promotion), moral (cultivating a culture of behavior, a conscious attitude towards one’s health and the health of comrades), labor and aesthetic education(compliance with hygienic requirements, formation of self-care skills), as well as with mental preparation (enrichment of ideas and meanings).

The content of the work on hygienic education of children is determined by the following sections of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”: * “Organization of group life and education of children”, “Development of personal hygiene skills”, “Games”, “Activities”, “Work”, “ Physical Culture". The program provides for the communication at each age level of certain hygienic information and the inculcation of hygienic skills.
* Kindergarten education program. M., "Enlightenment", 1971.

Many cultural and hygienic skills, despite seemingly favorable conditions for their formation, for a long time remain unstable. This is doing morning exercises, hardening procedures, observing the rules of personal hygiene, etc. For example, very often a child who does exercises every day for 4-5 years in kindergarten does not acquire a stable skill for it (according to the Central Research Institute of Health Education, only 15% of first-graders do morning exercises).

The same can be said about other hygiene skills taught to preschoolers. Educators explain this by the fact that methods of constant behavioral training are still poorly developed, while the need for children to accumulate such experience is obvious.

It should be taken into account that the nature of pedagogical techniques is determined by the emotions of preschoolers: the demands of educators should evoke a positive attitude in children.

In educational work, it is important to use the independence and activity of children that increases with age.

Hygienic education cannot be carried out from time to time. This is a continuous and systematic process. The complication of the program material from group to group accordingly changes the methodology for the formation and consolidation of hygienic skills: in the younger preschool age - joint actions, demonstration and explanations, in the older age - justification of requirements, creation of skills, control and self-control of actions.

Hygienic information provided to children must be accessible and reliable. Only the material necessary for the formation of the necessary hygienic skill, which is closely related to the life of the child, is presented. So, it is advisable to give, for example, some information about the benefits of exercise, hardening, and the need to wash your hands. Older preschoolers must be required to consciously and firmly master the material of the hygiene education program.

The principle of visibility is of great importance in education and training. Therefore, when working with children, it is necessary to widely use photographs, filmstrips, illustrations, flannelograph sets, etc. Most hygienic issues are related to objects and phenomena of the environment. Showing these objects and acting with them allows us to reveal those aspects of them that play an important role in the formation of hygienic behavior, but usually go unnoticed or are not sufficiently comprehended by children. Visual aids can include personal hygiene items, clothing and shoe care, etc. Visual aids should be combined with verbal influence: the teacher shows, tells, explains, reads; the child looks, answers, retells, explains.


The proper development and health of children depend on adherence to a daily routine, proper nutrition, and sufficient exposure to fresh air. In addition, hardening, the sanitary condition of the premises, compliance with hygienic food with natural and artificial lighting, furniture, as well as the extent to which children have mastered skills and habits that promote health are of great importance.

A lot of effort is required from the staff of preschool institutions to create the necessary conditions for hygienic education and use them correctly.

Familiarization with preschool institutions showed that the vast majority of them meet the established hygiene requirements. The regime is strictly observed here, and activities necessary for the proper physical and mental development of children and to strengthen their health are carried out.

At the same time, observations have shown that the existing conditions for the proper organization of hygienic education of children are not always fully used. This applies to hardening and physical education.


Hardening occupies an important place in the overall complex of health-improving measures. Hardening is usually understood as a system of influences that increase the body’s endurance to the diverse influences of the external environment. Hardening allows you to quickly and without harm to health adapt to the adverse effects of the external environment.

Carrying out hardening procedures not only strengthens the child’s health, but also develops his will and positive character traits.

The most favorable period for starting children's hardening and developing a habit for it is summer time. It is quite natural that at this time the work of preschool institutions is based on the fullest use of natural hardening factors: air, water and sun.

Air hardening. With the onset of warm days, it is necessary to organize the lives of children so that they spend most of the time in the fresh air. To do this, you need to use the time allotted for meals, games, activities, daytime, and, where possible, night sleep.

The place for daytime sleep in the air should be dry, well protected from direct sunlight and strong winds. For night sleep it is good to use specially equipped verandas. If children sleep in a group room or bedroom at night, it is recommended to open the windows to ensure sufficient fresh air flow. In the daytime, when the air temperature (in the shade) is 30° and above, in order to avoid overheating, it is also advisable to put children to sleep in rooms with open windows.

For a long time summer days Children usually have trouble falling asleep. To instill in your child the habit of falling asleep in new conditions, you need to strictly ensure that bedtime is constant. There should be complete silence in the group during sleep. Conversations of teachers, knocking and other noises distract children. If one of the children cannot fall asleep for a long time, he should not be traumatized by frequent and harsh remarks.

Clothing for preschoolers. The hardening effect of air is due to the difference in temperature between the environment and the surface of the child’s body. This difference varies widely depending on clothing. Naturally, the lighter the clothing, the more open the body, the freer the access of air and the more effective its effect on the child’s skin.

On the first warm summer days, children walk around with bare arms and legs, then in a light sundress or T-shirt, and finally in just shorts. In the future, when the habit of tolerating air temperature fluctuations is developed, children can be left in light clothing on cooler days.

During the walk, teachers make sure that each child has a hat (Panama hat, straw cap, cap). This will protect children from overheating and sunstroke.

Walking barefoot. A generally accepted hardening procedure is the walking of children barefoot, which gives them great pleasure. However, a number of circumstances should be taken into account: you need to start walking barefoot at warm days on warm, dry soil, preferably on coastal sand. This is also useful in terms of preventing flat feet.

After children get used to walking barefoot on warm, dry ground, they can be allowed to run around on the lawn. However, to avoid injury, you must first take the utmost precautions. There should be no broken glass, twigs, etc. in the area where children walk. Children's skin is delicate, and in order to avoid bruises, punctures and other minor injuries, it is not recommended to walk barefoot in the forest, especially in coniferous ones.

After walking barefoot, you should make sure that children not only wash their feet, but also dry them thoroughly.

Among the specific hardening procedures, air baths are widely used.

For air baths, choose a shady area protected from the wind (terrace, veranda). The children are left in their underpants. Hardening should begin in calm weather at an air temperature of 23-24°. When the guys get used to this temperature, air hardening can be carried out in cooler weather. The duration of the first air baths should be no more than 10-15 minutes; then it gradually increases to 30 minutes, and under favorable conditions - up to 1 hour.

When performing baths while lying down, you should turn onto your back and stomach at regular intervals. For children who have increased nervous excitability, the duration of the air bath should be limited to 15 minutes at an air temperature in the shade of at least 18°.

Table 1

Air hardening


3-12 months

Minimum air temperature in degrees

Duration of the first bath in minutes

Maximum duration of baths in minutes

Air baths are good to combine with outdoor games and physical exercises. Air procedures must be supervised by medical workers in preschool institutions.

Water hardening. Water procedures can be carried out in any conditions (urban and suburban). They are easy to dose depending on the age, health status, and emotional mood of the children.

A child should be accustomed to cold water from a very early age.

A gradual decrease in water temperature promotes faster adaptation, accustoms the child’s skin and entire body to the cold, and helps prevent colds.

Water procedures stimulate the nervous system, so they should be performed after morning or afternoon sleep. Wiping the skin after any water procedure with a dry towel is a good massage and promotes better blood supply.

Washing, which is carried out daily in the morning for hygienic purposes, can also become a hardening procedure with certain organization. To do this, the water temperature gradually decreases from 28° (by 1° every 2-3 days) and is brought for children 1-2 years old to 20°, 2-3 years old - to 16°, from 3 years old and older - to 14°, and the washed body surface increases with age: children under 2 years old usually wash their face and hands, children 2-3 years old, in addition, their neck and arms to the elbow, from 3 years old and older the upper part of the chest can be washed.

Washing feet. In summer, children have to wash their feet quite often. It is very useful to do this hygienic procedure as a hardening one. Daily foot baths, as well as foot massage while drying, reduce sweating and serve as a preventive measure for flat feet.

Washing your feet with cool water, the temperature of which gradually, every 3-4 days, decreases by 1° and is brought from 36° to 20° for children -3 years old and to 18°-16° for children 4-7 years old, can be easily organized in any conditions. To do this, you need to have well and easily disinfected basins, individual washcloths or sponges, and special towels for your feet.

Older preschoolers should be taught to dry their feet on their own and rub them with a towel.

Washing your feet with cool water at night is a soothing procedure that helps promote good, restful sleep.

A good means of hardening is rubbing, which can be started from 3 months of age. Before carrying out the procedure, individual mittens made of soft material are placed in a large basin with water at the required temperature (Table 2), which are used for wiping. All this must be prepared in advance so that children do not have to wait.