Entertainment scenario for middle-aged and older children preschool age according to traffic rules "ABC of the road"

Target: Consolidating the ability to use traffic rules in various practical situations
Develop the ability to behave correctly on the road
Develop speed and agility
Strengthen knowledge about transport, traffic lights, knowledge about road signs
Continue to introduce children to the work of traffic police officers

Progress of entertainment:
Leading: Hello guys, today we will talk to you about traffic rules. After all, they are created not only for vehicle drivers, but also for pedestrians. You and I know that failure to comply with traffic rules leads to serious consequences.
Guys, tell me, who keeps order on the roads?
Children: Traffic inspector
After the song ends, Snow White runs into the hall.

Bel: Oh hello, where did I end up?
Leading: Hello Snow White, this is a kindergarten, and the guys and I decided to talk about traffic rules.
Bel: How interesting, what are these traffic rules for?
Leading: Traffic rules establish the order of movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Bel: Wow, whatever they come up with, you go and go, but you go and go.
Leading: No, Snow White, you are wrong, stay with us and you will see everything for yourself.
Let me test your knowledge, here are the pictures and signs, you need to choose the correct picture for each sign.
Game "Pick a picture"
Snow White tries to pick up a picture, but she doesn’t succeed, the presenter asks the children to help.

Leading: You see, Snow White, how our guys cleverly did everything, and now listen to the poems.

On the road all day
Strong motion,
Can't stop the flow
Even for a moment.

Whatever happens
Dangerous collisions
There are Rules
Road traffic.

The traffic light comes out to the song “Traffic Light” by V. Leontyev

Traffic light: Hello, I'm Traffic Light, and I heard that someone here doesn't know the rules of the road?
Leading: Traffic light, our guys know the rules of the road, but Snow White wants to learn.
Traffic light: Well then, let's test your knowledge and let Snow White listen. I will ask questions and you must give the correct answer.
1.What kind of transport transports people? (passenger)
Traffic light: That's right, I suggest you play the game "Bus"

Outdoor game "Bus"
The game involves 3 people, the driver puts passengers in the hoop and transports them.

2. What type of transport is a dump truck? (to cargo)
Traffic light: And this is the correct answer
Relay race “Move the bricks”
Children transport wooden bricks in trucks, avoiding obstacles.

3.How many signals does a traffic light have? (3)
Relay race “Assemble a traffic light”
Children take turns assembling a traffic light, avoiding obstacles.

4.What is the name of the section of road for traffic (roadway)
5.Where should you cross the road? (via pedestrian crossing)
6.What types of pedestrian crossings are there? (aboveground, underground)
Traffic light: Well done, you can only cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.
Bel: So what, that’s where I want to go and go.
Leading: Snow White, this is very dangerous, because in front of a pedestrian crossing the driver slows down to let the pedestrian pass. And if there is no pedestrian crossing, the driver may not have time to stop the car.
Let's tell Snow White poems about the pedestrian crossing.

Striped transition
There are different types of pedestrians waiting for you:
Mom is walking with a stroller,
A lady is walking with a dog,

The baby is carrying a toy,
The old man leads the old lady
Two girls are walking
The cars are quietly waiting.

Outdoor game “Pedestrian crossing”
Children crawl through the tunnel (underground passage), then cross along the zebra crossing.

Bel: Now I will only cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.
Traffic light: Tell me, is it possible for children to ride in a car without a child seat?
Children's answer: No
Traffic light: That's right, but you must not only sit in the seat, but also be sure to wear your seat belt.
Bel: Why bother wearing a seat belt? But what about twisting and turning and playing around?
Leading: It is imperative to wear a seat belt to protect yourself from injury. And if you twist and turn, the driver will be distracted and not carefully monitor the situation on the road, which can lead to an accident.

By the pants and by the car
There are rescue belts.
They are your car
Buckle it tightly to yourself!

Bel: And that’s true, but you can play later.
Dance "Bibika" - Barbariki

Traffic light: At what traffic light can you cross the road?
Children's answer: Green
Bel: But I don’t look at the traffic lights at all, when I want, then I go.
Leading: Snow White, this is not correct, because you can only cross the road when the light is green, when the light is red you need to stand, and when the light is yellow, get ready to walk. After all, when the light is red for pedestrians, the light is green for cars. This is done so that the car does not hit a pedestrian while driving. Therefore, cars and pedestrians move in turns.
Traffic light: Or maybe you know poems about me?

The traffic light is waiting for us to visit.
Illuminates the transition.
The red eye lit up:
He wants to detain us.
If it's red, there's no way.
Red light - you can't go.

Yellow light - not very strict:
Wait, we have no way yet.
The bright yellow eye burns:
All the movement is worth it!

Finally a green eye
Opens the way for us.
Striped transition
Waiting for young pedestrians!

Traffic light: I suggest you play a game

Outdoor game “Pedestrian and traffic light”
When the light is green, children walk in place; when the light turns yellow, they start their engines. stand on red.

Bel: Thanks guys, now I will carefully look at the traffic light.
Traffic light: It’s very good that Snow White understood everything. Look, what is this sign? (shows a bicycle path sign)

Traffic light: And now I will ask riddles about road signs, and you must find the right sign.
(the girls are given road signs)

I didn't wash my hands on the road,
Ate fruits and vegetables.
I'm sick and I see a point
Medical assistance.
First aid station sign

Driver brake. Stop!
The sign is a ban in front of you.
This is the strictest sign
So that you don't get into trouble.
You must obey the sign
Don't drive under a brick.
No entry sign

Children's playground near the house
According to the Rules - a residential zone.
A sign will tell the driver -
In the yard - be vigilant.
You drive quietly, carefully,
Park where you can.
Residential zone sign

Stop sign. What's the matter?
Brake the driver skillfully,
Don't turn off the engine, freeze
Everything is fine? Continue pressing.
Sign “No stopping without stopping”

Stop, crowd of people.
The bus will arrive soon.
City transport is waiting here,
They go to the office, to the workshop, to home.
Going to school, kindergarten,
On holiday they go to the parade.
In the street cycle
City transport is held in high esteem!
Sign "Bus or trolleybus stop"

We've been driving for a long time, we're tired,
And stomachs began to growl
They admitted this to us
That you've been hungry for a long time.
Less than five minutes have passed
There is a sign - dine here.
Sign "Food station"

Traffic light: And now I propose to play the game “Run to your sign”
Outdoor game “Run to your sign” Children are divided into teams of 5-7 people, one child takes the sign in his hands and stands in a hoop, the rest of the children from the team form a circle around him. While the music is playing, children walk around the playground (hall), when the music stops, children run to their sign, forming a circle. Children with signs change their place by running to another hoop.

Bel: Guys, thank you very much, I realized that it is imperative to follow the rules of the road. I’ll go now and tell my gnome friends about the rules of the road.
Snow White leaves, the children say goodbye to her.
Traffic light: Guys, you are great, I see that you know the rules of the road, and now I will go to another kindergarten, and I remind you that you do not forget to follow the rules of the road.
The traffic light leaves, the children say goodbye to it.

Leading: Guys, I suggest everyone stand in a circle and dance a general dance about friends

Summary of an intellectual game for children of senior preschool age according to traffic rules

"What? Where? When?"

Target: to form in children stable knowledge and strong skills of cultural and safe behavior on the street, on the road and in transport.


Strengthening children's knowledge of traffic rules;

Fixing the name and meaning of road signs;

Activating children's vocabulary on the topic of traffic rules;

Development of skills in constructing statements - reasoning, logical thinking, attention;

Developing the ability to work in a team, concentration, perseverance and the ability to negotiate;

Integration of educational areas:social and communicative development(road safety, personal life safety) + cognitive development (FCCM, familiarization with the subject environment, with the social world) + speech development (enrichment of active vocabulary, sound culture of speech, development of grammatically correct speech) + artistic and aesthetic development(constructive model activity) + physical development(physical education minutes).

Equipment and materials: playing field, scoreboard for marking the results of the game, envelopes with tasks, a top with an arrow, an hourglass for 1 minute, a black box, a traffic controller’s baton, road signs, cards with images of different vehicles, a fire truck, a police car, ambulance, magnetic board, computer, projector, screen, presentation for the event, video material.

Participants: children, teachers, presenter.

Progress of the game: The teams enter the hall to the musical intro of the game “What? Where? When?”, 6 people are seated at tables.


The game, our friend - big and smart,

It will not let you get bored and discouraged.

A cheerful, noisy argument will start,

It will help to know the rules.

Hello guys and dear guests and viewers! Today we are playing the game “WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" according to traffic rules. To make it interesting and exciting, we will ask our teams to introduce themselves and greet each other. (Teams present their name and motto).

Ordinary pedestrians are playing against our experts. They sent their questions and tasks in emails, which were placed in envelopes on the playing field. The question is discussed by the whole team, and the answer to the question is given by the team captain.

One minute is given to think, when time runs out, the discussion ends and the captain gives the right to answer to one of the players. If the answer is complete and correct, then the team receives 1 point, which is recorded on the scoreboard. If the answer is given incorrectly or incompletely, the viewer receives 1 point. Whose team gets 6 points is the winner.

So here we go: take the envelope that the arrow points to

Envelope No. 1 A question is asked by a village resident.

Hello dear experts. On the city streets, traffic increases every year; exhaust gases pollute the air, which is unsafe for people's health. Attention question: please name the most environmentally friendly mode of transport?

Leading: Attention, the correct answer is: an environmentally friendly form of transport – a bicycle. No fuel is used for cycling; therefore, no exhaust gases are released into the atmosphere. You gave the correct answer.

What a miracle, miracles!

There are two wheels under me.

I spin them with my feet

And I swing, I swing, I swing! (bike)

Envelope No. 2 The question is asked by a car enthusiast.

Dear experts! Attention to the screen. Explain what this device is called and why it is needed?

Leading: Attention, the correct answer is: Baby car seat.

Envelope No. 3 A question is asked by an elementary school teacher.

Guys, now each team will be offered two picture situations, your task is to put up the necessary missing road sign (examination of situations in a multimedia presentation).

Situation No. 1

Pedestrians walk along the zebra crossing.

What road sign should be there? (Crosswalk)

Situation No. 2

Cars are parked in a designated area.

What road sign should be there? (Parking location)

Situation No. 3

People cross the road above the carriageway.

What road sign should be there? (Overground pedestrian crossing)

Situation No. 4

And here two signs are lost: you can cross the road in this place, and also wait for the bus to arrive.

What road signs should be there? (Pedestrian crossing, Bus stop)

Envelope No. 4 A question is asked by a kindergarten teacher. (Each team is given a sheet of felt - a soft construction set “Street” with attached figures-details)

Dear experts! Look carefully at the proposed street option. Your task is to find errors and fix them in 1 minute.

Leading: Attention correct answer: 5 errors ( children check their options with the correct one on the screen (photo).

For fans (during the experts performing the previous task)

"Fun Auto Remote" - children must name the types of transport that fairy-tale characters traveled on.

1. What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (stove)

2. Leopold the cat's favorite mode of transport? (bike)

3. What did Carlson lubricate the motor with? (jam)

4. What gift did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to postman Pechkin? (bike)

5. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage)

6. What did Aladdin and the Old Man - Hottabych fly on? (Magic carpet)

7. What did Kaya take away in? The Snow Queen? (sled)

8. Baba Yaga's personal transport (mortar).

9. What kind of transport did Gena the crocodile sing a congratulatory song about?

(about the train, blue carriage)

10. What did the absent-minded man from Baseinaya Street go to Leningrad on?

(by train)

Envelope No. 5 Leading: I announce a blitz game: Dear experts, your task is to answer 6 questions in one minute.

What is the name of the person who travels to public transport? (passenger)

Car steering wheel? (steering wheel)

At what traffic light can you cross the road? (green)

Part of the street along which a pedestrian is walking? (Sidewalk)

The part of the street along which traffic moves? (roadway)

What color signal is located at the top of the traffic light? (red)

Stop. Time is up. Experts gave correct answers to all questions

The presenter announces a cartoon pause (“Funny on the Road” - “Traffic Light Harmony”)

Envelope No. 6 The taxi driver asks the question.

Leading: - Hello, dear experts. All road users comply with traffic rules. But there are cars that can go through a red traffic light. Attention question: Do all cars have to obey traffic lights? Name them (discussion of the question by members of the team of experts, hearing the answer to the question).

Attention, the correct answer is: these are special machines that rush to help people. In order for other traffic participants to let them pass, they turn on the sound signal or “siren”, as we call it, and these cars are also equipped with a special flashing light - a “strobe light”.

(Slide in presentation)

« Guess and call »

The presenter shows a sign with numbers 01; 02; 03. Players must name the service number and what it means and how to call it correctly.

Envelope No. 7 A medical worker sent his question.

Leading: Attention!

Black box: “This object is held in the hands of a person who stands at an intersection and controls the movement of cars. Dear experts, in one minute guess what kind of item is in the “magic box” and what profession the person needs it. Time has passed... (Police baton, traffic controller is working).”

Physical education lesson “Pedestrians”:

The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place)

He waves to people: don’t go ( Movement of arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)

Here cars drive straight ( Hands in front of you)

Pedestrian, you wait! (Hands to the side)

Look: smiled (Hands on belt, smiled)

Invites us to go ( We walk in place)

You are machines, don't rush ( Wags a finger)

Let the pedestrian pass! ( Hand clapping)

Envelope No. 8 Leading: I announce a blitz game for the second team: Dear experts, your task is to answer 6 questions in one minute.

A person who drives a vehicle (driver).

Who is a "pedestrian"? (“pedestrian” is a person walking).

What types of transitions do you know? (aboveground, underground)

Which side should you pass the bus on? (behind)

What streets of our city do you know?

Chief Assistant driver and pedestrian? (traffic light)

Time is up. The experts gave the correct answers to all questions.

Envelope No. 9 The traffic controller sent his question.

Leading: - Hello, dear experts. You know how important it is to know what road signs say. Road signs warn pedestrians and drivers about danger, prohibit passage, limit speed, and indicate parking places.

Attention task - question: Assemble signs from cut parts, name them, and tell us what they mean, what do they inform drivers and pedestrians about?

(Children are given large-format cut signs made of thin foam plastic)

So, time is up, who will answer? (children's answers)

The presenter announces a cartoon pause (“Funny things on the road” -

"Not a child's sign")

Leading: - Thanks to all the guys, our game has come to an end. Now let's listen to the results of our game. The floor is given to our jury... (Announcement of results and awards).

Let's give the guys some advice:

Know the traffic rules perfectly!

So that parents don’t worry every day,

May drivers drive calmly down the street!

Riddles for fans

1. He will oblige us to drive quietly

Turning close will show

And it will remind you what and how.

You're on your way...(road sign)

2. What kind of zebra is on the road?

Everyone stands with their mouths open.

Waiting for the green light to flash

So this is...(transition)

3. Drinks gasoline like milk

can run far.

Carries goods and people

Of course you know her.

He wears shoes made of rubber, called... (machine)

4. I am an expert on road rules,

I parked the car here:

Parked near the fence

She also needs to rest (parking place).

5. I want to ask about the sign,

It is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can (be careful, children).

6. Guys in the triangle,

A man stands with a shovel

Digs something, builds something

Here...(road works)

7. What kind of road sign is this:

red cross on white?

Day and night you can

Feel free to contact us!

The doctor will bandage your head

White scarf

And he will be the first

Medical assistance (first aid station)

8. There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger (bus stop location)

9. The path is not close to trouble

You didn't bring food with you

Will save you from starvation

Sign road point ..... (food)

10. The sign scares drivers

Cars are prohibited from entering!

Don't try rashly

Drive past the brick! (No entry sign)

Leading: U Dear fans. In my spare time I enjoy crosswords and puzzles and have prepared a task for you. You need to read the words on the task cards, in which the letters are encrypted using pictures.

So, attention is the correct answer: Encrypted words - STREET, ROAD

Rules of conduct in public transport:

First, let passengers out of the transport, then enter yourself;

Don’t litter in transport, don’t dirty the seats;

Don't talk or shout loudly;

Do not lean out of a vehicle window;

Do not push other passengers;

Prepare for the exit in advance;

Help elderly passengers;

Give way to elders;


1. Lykova I.A., Shipunova V.A. Road alphabet. Children's safety: educational and methodological manual for teachers, practical guide for parents. – M.: Publishing House “Tsvetnoy Mir”, 2013.

2. Kosova G. Safety school for kids. Safe road. Publisher: "ProfPress"

3 . Krutetskaya V.A. My first road alphabet in pictures. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2012.

4. Mayorova F.S. We study the road alphabet. Forward planning, activities, leisure. – “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003” - 2010

5. Traffic rules for children 3-7 years old: activities, targeted walks, matinees, excursions / author-comp. G.D. Belyaevskova [and others]. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

6. Skorolupova O.A. Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Rules and traffic safety.” – M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2009.

7. Sterkina R., Knyazeva O., Avdeeva N. Safety: a textbook on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age. – SPb.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2003.

8. Cherepanova S.N. Traffic rules for preschoolers. - M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2009.

9. Shipunova V.A. Road safety (conversations with your child). – Publishing house “Karapuz”, - 2012.

10. Elkin G.N. Rules for safe behavior on the road. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2011.

Education Department of the Kostroma City Administration

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 27 of a combined type in the city of Kostroma

st. Pochtovaya, house 8,

Educational game

according to traffic rules

for children of senior preschool age


(as part of the ABC of Road Safety competition)

Senior teacher of pre-school educational institution –

Explanatory note.

We live in a society where it is vital to comply with certain norms and rules of behavior in the road traffic environment. Often the culprits and victims of road accidents are children who play near roads or cross the street in the wrong places. That's why from the very early age It is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the street, road, in transport and teach traffic rules.

How to teach preschoolers about traffic rules? How vital important information present it in a form they can understand and teach them how to use it different situations? Undoubtedly one of the most effective forms is a game. After all, play activity is the leading activity of a preschooler. He can actually play a certain role in the game. It is easier to teach in a game, since in order to become a participant in the game, a child must learn certain rules. Play is an important means of mental education for a child. Gained knowledge about traffic rules in kindergarten found in the game practical use and development. Reproducing various life events, the child reflects on what he saw, what was read and told to him; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more clear to him. The game changes the emotional state of the child (usually for the better), encourages children to be active, relieves or reduces intellectual or physical stress, and is a strong means for the child’s self-realization.

If you want to teach your child how to behave safely on the road, then play with him. The game “Cross the Road” is just one of these games.

Outline of the game “Cross the road”

Purpose of the game: systematization of preschool children’s knowledge on issues of safe behavior on the road.


· Educational:

Cultivate intelligence and resourcefulness;

Cultivate a desire to comply with traffic rules in life;

To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

· Educational:

Teach children safe behavior in the road environment;

Activate children's knowledge;

Teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, ordering, indicating) intended for drivers and pedestrians;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types of transport.

· Developmental:

Development of visual-figurative thinking based on tasks using conditionally schematic images for orientation in space;

Development of cognitive thinking;

To develop children's interest in the issue of safety.

Expected Result:

1. Children will master the basic rules of behavior in road traffic situations.

2. There will be a desire to follow traffic rules in a disciplined and conscious manner.

3. A negative attitude towards violating traffic rules will develop.


1. Pedestrian crossing (eight-lane zebra crossing) on ​​a road model.

2. Hexagonal soft cube (16cm x 16cm) Each face of the cube is marked with a picture of a specific section. There are 6 sections in the game:

A pedestrian

Road signs

Road traps

3. 6 envelopes with questions for each section of the game.

4. External attributes of a traffic police inspector (cap, baton)

5. Distinctive badges for spectators of the game.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/493/images/image007_18.gif" width="357 height=292" height="292">

6. Certificate of an expert in road science.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/493/images/image009_1.jpg" alt="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My documents\My drawings\pictures for the traffic rules game\f108ce0d8e6b. jpg" width="114" height="113"> !}

1. Who is a pedestrian? (A person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it)

2. Which part of the street should a pedestrian move along? (Sidewalk, pedestrian path, roadside)

3. From which side should you go around a stationary car and a bus? (Wait until the vehicle leaves or go to the nearest intersection or pedestrian crossing where the road is clearly visible)

4. Name the rule for crossing the roadway. (Before crossing the street, a pedestrian must make sure that it is completely safe. Approach the edge of the sidewalk, at the crossing sign. Stop, listen. Look left, right, left. If there is no traffic on the left, you can walk to the middle of the street. Pause. Look right, left , to the right. If there is no traffic on the right, you can walk the second half of the street to the opposite sidewalk).

5. Why does a pedestrian need to be careful, even if he is crossing the road when the light is green?

6. What is the main rule when crossing the roadway? (I must see and I must be seen).

7. Why is it dangerous to cross the road while running, even at a pedestrian crossing? (When running, attention is distracted, it may not notice approaching traffic, it is difficult for a person to observe and assess the situation on the road).

8. What games can be played on the roadway? (None).

2. Street

https://pandia.ru/text/78/493/images/image011_0.jpg" alt="C:\Documents" width="113" height="114 src="> !}

1. What assistants do pedestrians and drivers have? (Road signs, traffic lights, traffic controller)

2. What groups of road signs do you know? (Informational, warning, prohibiting)

3. What road signs do you see on the way to kindergarten?

4. Name the sign allowing you to cross the road? (Crosswalk)

5. Name a sign that will help you on the way if you get hungry? (Food station)

6. Does the “Caution Children!” sign mean that you can run onto the road without danger? (No. This sign is for the driver to be careful and slow down).

7. What form are prohibiting road signs in Russia?

8. What does the road sign commonly known as “brick” mean? (Road up).

4. Passenger

1. What are the rules of behavior in transport? (Hold the handrails tightly. You can’t stick your hands and head out of the window of the vehicle. You can’t talk to the driver while driving. You can’t walk on the bus while it’s moving. You can’t talk loudly, make noise, shout, or litter on the bus).

2. Tell me how to properly wait for transport? (When waiting for passenger transport, you cannot stand on the very edge of the sidewalk; you can trip or slip and get hit by a wheel. Do not get on or off the bus when the doors are already closing.).

3. Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving? Why? (No. The driver cannot be distracted while driving).

4. What should you do if, after getting off the vehicle, you need to cross the road? (There is no need to rush to cross the road: a standing bus makes it difficult to notice passing traffic. Therefore, you cannot run out from behind it, either in front or behind. You need to get to the crossing or wait until the bus leaves the stop, and you will have a clear view of the road).

5. Why do you need a belt in a car? (For safety. If the car suddenly brakes suddenly and you are not wearing a seat belt, you can get hit hard or be thrown out of the car).

6. How should children ride in a car? (In the safety seat)

7. What danger may arise for a pedestrian when a bus approaches a stop? (if there are a lot of people there may be a crush and there is a danger that someone will accidentally push you under the wheels of a vehicle, an approaching vehicle may skid onto the sidewalk and hit or knock down a person).

8. Why is it dangerous to linger when exiting a vehicle? (the driver may not notice the passenger, close the doors and drag the passenger trapped by the doors. After getting off the bus, you need to move away from it, giving way to those getting off and waiting to board).

5. Bike

1. What is the driver of a bicycle called? (Cyclist)

2. What should a bicycle always have in good working order? (brakes, horn, red reflector)

3. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road independently? (from 14 years old)

4. Name the places where you can ride a bike? (in closed areas and bicycle paths).

5. Which sign allows cycling. What does he look like? (“Bike path”: a white bicycle is drawn in a blue circle).

6. What are all the cycling rules? (You cannot ride a bicycle on the roadway. You should not ride a bicycle on the sidewalk: it is intended for pedestrians. You can ride a bicycle where there is a special “Bicycle path” sign. When riding, you must behave correctly towards passers-by: sound your horn in time signal, slow down, go around small children, women with children, elderly people.

At the intersection you need to stop, get off the bike and, after waiting for the traffic light to allow movement, while driving the bike, move to the part of the street where you want to go. You also need to drive your bike over the rails).

7. How many people can ride a bike? (one)

8. Why should you wear a helmet when riding a bicycle? (Wearing a helmet will protect against head injuries. The helmet must meet safety standards and be comfortable.)

6. Road traps

1. Where can children play? (In the yard or playground)

2. Is it possible to look back if a friend calls out to you while crossing the roadway? (No)

3. Name what saves you from the rain, but gets in the way when crossing the road? (Hood, umbrella)

4. Why are bushes and trees on the street dangerous? (Bushes and trees are objects that block the view and make it difficult to observe traffic on the roadway).

5. Why can a parked car be dangerous? (A stationary car blocks the view and makes it difficult to observe the roadway. It can block an approaching car, the driver of which does not see the pedestrian).

6. Can a moving car hide danger? (Yes. Often several cars are driving side by side on the road. One is blocking the other. A pedestrian may not notice a hidden car that is behind. If a pedestrian missed the first car, you need to wait. When it drives further, otherwise you may not notice the oncoming car and get caught under it).

7. Why can streets where cars rarely pass be dangerous? (It seems to a pedestrian that the road is empty and he can start crossing without looking around. But a car can suddenly appear - it will leave the yard or alley, turn around a bend. Therefore, when crossing the road, you should always look carefully on both sides).

8. Is it possible to play on the sidewalk, rollerblade and bike on the sidewalk? (No. When you play, you may forget where you are, you may run out onto the roadway, or your toy will roll away. You may interfere with walking pedestrians: push an elderly person or collide with a baby stroller).

Photos of the game:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/493/images/image016_1.jpg" alt="E:\P2230021.JPG" width="404" height="302 src=">!}

Every year the number of cars, buses, and trolleybuses on the streets of cities and towns increases. Motorcycles and other vehicles. Man is accustomed to fast movement. We strive to get to the place we need in the shortest possible time, we complain if a car or bus is moving slowly, we demand speed, speed, speed...

When we become passengers or drivers of our own car, we sometimes forget about the pedestrian, although most of the time we ourselves are pedestrians on the streets of cities and towns. The psychology of a pedestrian is the opposite of the psychology of those who rush along the roads. Cars rushing at high speeds deafen people with noise, making them wince from the exhaust fumes.

In a modern city, we must strive to ensure that an increase in the vehicle fleet does not interfere with a person’s normal life, work and rest. Scientists, builders, technicians, and employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate are now working on this problem. Special research centers have been created to combat air pollution in cities, new highways with underground passages for pedestrians are being built, old highways are being improved to avoid “traffic jams” - a large accumulation of cars, to create maximum transport convenience and safety for pedestrians. Employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate constantly monitor traffic and compliance with traffic rules.

But much of the organization of order and traffic safety on the streets also depends on pedestrians.

It is no secret that the increase in the vehicle fleet has increased the possibility of road accidents. Often, even minor violations of traffic rules by a pedestrian, or the inattention of people on the streets, lead to serious consequences, costing the lives of themselves, the driver and passers-by who happen to be nearby.

Hundreds of thousands of people die under the wheels of cars around the world! And among the victims of road accidents, a significant percentage are children.


In our country, the situation with children's road traffic injuries has been and remains very alarming. In Russia, the number of affected children per 100 thousand people is 2 times more than in France and Germany, and 3 times more than in Italy. The number of road traffic accidents involving children under 14 years of age per 10 thousand vehicles is 10 times more than in England, 30 times more than in Italy. (D.V. 2007 No. 7, p. 122.)

Despite the measures taken to reduce the number of car accidents involving children and adolescents, the level of child road traffic injuries in the Republic of Khakassia continues to remain unacceptably high. Since the beginning of the year, about a hundred road accidents involving minors have been registered in the Republic of Khakassia, in which five children died and over a hundred people were injured of varying degrees of severity.

The number of road accidents caused by children themselves has increased by 40% this year.

Most often, children and pedestrians become participants in car accidents. Main causes of road accidents, committed through the negligence of minor pedestrians, are crossing the road in an unspecified place, disobeying regulation signals and playing near the roadway. Child passengers are injured in more than a third of road accidents, and the number of children suffering in the cars of their parents, relatives or friends is constantly increasing. This year it was more than 20%.

Ensuring the safety of children on the streets and roads, preventing child road traffic injuries is one of the most pressing tasks that requires immediate solution.

Only an integrated approach to the education of road users, starting from preschool age, with subsequent professional training of teenage drivers, should give a positive result.

Tasks for educators:

  1. Using a variety of techniques and methods, optimize work with parents of children of senior preschool age to study and consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road.
  2. Generalize and expand children's knowledge about traffic rules.
  3. Strengthen the material and technical base for work in this area.
  4. Develop a system of educational work.

Tasks for children of senior preschool age:

  1. Clarify and expand ideas about vehicles, about the street (types of intersections), about the rules for crossing the roadway.
  2. Introduce the rules of cycling, warning, prohibition, information and service signs.
  3. Strengthen behavior skills in public transport.
  4. Expand knowledge about urban transport.
  5. Continue to familiarize yourself with road signs.
  6. Introduce the rules of conduct on the railway.
  7. To improve the culture of behavior of children on the street and in transport.

Contents of road safety corners in groups

IN first younger group children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machine consists of. Learn to distinguish between red and green colors. Therefore, the playing corner should have:

  • set of vehicles;
  • illustrations depicting vehicles;
  • red and green circles, pedestrian traffic light model;
  • attributes for the role-playing game “Transport” (multi-colored steering wheels, hats different types cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport);
  • didactic games“Assemble the car” (of 4 parts), “Put the car in the garage”, “Traffic light”.

In second younger group Children continue to work on vehicle recognition, become familiar with the rules of behavior in public transport, strengthen their ability to distinguish red, yellow, green colors, and become familiar with the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway.” Therefore, to the items available in the road safety corner of the first junior group, you should add:

  • pictures for the game on classifying modes of transport “What passengers travel on.” “Find the same picture”;
  • the simplest layout of a street, where the sidewalk and roadway are marked;
  • transport traffic light layout.

For the guys middle group The conversation about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and roadway will be new. In addition, children 4-5 years old should clearly understand that when the green traffic light turns on for pedestrians and allows them to move, for drivers at that time the red traffic light turns on - prohibiting. When the green light for drivers turns on and allows cars to move, the red light flashes for pedestrians. The road safety corner must include:

  • traffic light layout with switching signals;
  • didactic games “Find your color”, “Assemble a traffic light”;
  • It is necessary to mark a pedestrian crossing on the street layout.

IN senior group The children learn a lot of new things about traffic. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such large and complex topics as “Crossroads” and “Road signs”. Therefore, in the road safety corner the following should appear:

  • a layout of an intersection, it is desirable that this layout has removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street;
  • set of road signs: informational signs - “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus stop”, warning signs - “Children”, prohibition signs - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”, mandatory signs – “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”, priority signs – “Main road”, “Give way”, service signs – “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”;
  • didactic games “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street”.

In addition, children senior group introduce you to the work of a traffic controller. This means there must be diagrams of the traffic controller’s gestures, the attributes of the traffic police inspector: baton, cap.

IN preparatory group Children encounter problematic situations on the roads, children’s knowledge of traffic rules is already being systematized. The contents of the corner are more complicated:

  • a file of “dangerous situations” is being collected (you can make an improvised TV to display them);
  • a window is organized for issuing driver's licenses to those who have passed the traffic rules exam.

Using various forms, methods and means of introducing preschoolers to safety rules on the street

You can introduce traffic rules to preschool children through all types of activities. Familiarization with the rules of behavior on the street can be carried out during classes on the development of speech, on the development of environmental concepts, on the development of elementary mathematical concepts.

In classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts, we create conditions for mastering the rules of the street with differentiation of spatial directions, we teach children to use plans, diagrams, models. We intensify children’s interest in tasks that reflect real - play and everyday - situations, and create conditions for solving them.

In speech development classes, we use various methods and techniques to introduce children to the rules of safe behavior.

In addition, we introduce the main types and characteristics of movement: direction, trajectory, path, speed, causes and methods of measuring them. To do this, together with the children, we analyze the movements of toys on wheels and without wheels, the movements of objects on different surfaces. On this basis, rules for safe behavior on the roads are introduced and children are introduced to traffic rules.

In classes on visual arts and design we carry out individual and collective work on topics: “Our city”, “Transport on the city streets”, “Our favorite kindergarten”, “The way home”, etc. The kindergarten hosts exhibitions: “The ABCs of a Little Pedestrian”, “Hello Pedestrian”, “Transport”, etc. Children do interesting work with coloring books, where they develop curiosity and research based on creating a range of possibilities for modeling with various materials. They construct various streets from cardboard, thereby consolidating the acquired knowledge about traffic rules.

An excursion is of great importance for consolidating knowledge. The purpose of the excursion can be to familiarize children with the street, intersection, road signs, etc.

Conversation - this form of work is carried out with children both individually and with a group of children. It is explanatory, educational and defining.


Thematic dictionary for children of senior preschool age

Street: road, motorway, highway, roadway, pavement, shoulder, sidewalk, pedestrian path, pedestrian, passenger, driver, driver, pedestrian crossing, traffic light, traffic policeman, baton, intersection, railway.

Transport: freight transport, passenger transport, bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle, motorcycle, moped, passenger car, truck, truck, dump truck, bulldozer, concrete mixer, excavator, snow blower, tractor, tank, ambulance, fire truck, veterinary help, traffic police car, police, beacon, sound signal, siren, car body, trailer, hood, headlight, brake, car engine, cable.

Road signs: railway crossing without a barrier, pedestrian crossing, children, food station, traffic prohibited, bus stop, trolleybus stop, dangerous turns, turn (right, left), one-way traffic, parking area, first aid station, maintenance, gas station, detour.

Contents of the activity Responsible Deadlines Result
Stage 1 – Preparatory
Together with children, making and placing road signs on the kindergarten playground. Educators September Replenishment of the subject-development environment.
Review of road safety posters (with parents). Educators September Systematization of knowledge of children and their parents on traffic rules.
Reading works, looking at illustrations. Educators October Reinforcing traffic rules with children.
Plot- role-playing games: “Mechanics”, “Drivers and pedestrians”. Educators During a year Reinforcement of traffic regulations.
Consideration of problematic game situations:
- transcript of the letter from the traffic controller;
- playing out different road situations;
- Explanation of traffic rules;
- the physical development instructor checks knowledge of the rules of driving a bicycle, the traffic police inspector hands over the “license”.
Teachers, physical instructor development, traffic police inspector During a year Reinforcement of traffic regulations.
Parent meeting “How to introduce children to traffic rules.” Educators October Consolidating parents' knowledge about traffic rules.
Strengthening the material and technical base:
- purchasing manuals, new games;
- design of paths with turns, traffic lights, markings.
Teachers, preschool administration, physical instructor. development, traffic police inspector, parents September Strengthening the material and technical base.
Release of a booklet for parents “Rules for riding a bicycle for preschoolers.” Administration of preschool educational institution, traffic police inspector September October Parental awareness.
Teaching hour “Teaching children traffic rules” (for preschool teachers). Traffic police inspector November
Development and organization into a method. in the office of the preschool educational institution a package of documents on legal, methodological and organizational support for teaching children traffic rules. During a year Creation of a legal and methodological framework

Stage 2 – Main

Family competition of layouts “Favorite corners of the native village.” Teachers, children, parents December Fostering children's interest in their native village, developing constructive and creative abilities.
“Road Accident” is a training adaptive (social) game with role-playing actions. Teacher-psychologist, preschool educational institution January Strengthening the ability to distinguish and evaluate one’s own behavior in transport and on the road.
“Crossroads” is a leisure entertaining game. Physics instructor development February Strengthen the ability to distinguish road signs.
“Why is the street noisy?” - excursion. Educators March Introducing children to various types transport.
“Who is the fastest water carrier?” – leisure outdoor game-competition. Physics instructor development April Developing the ability to demonstrate your physical skills.
opportunities, show diligence. Analysis of educators' reports on work in this area. Deputy Head of Educational work of the preschool educational institution May
Analysis and introspection. Educators work of the preschool educational institution Conducting final diagnostics of children’s knowledge and skills in traffic rules.
Package of diagnostic cards. Familiarization of preschool teachers in the region with the results of their work. work of the preschool educational institution Deputy Head of Educational Work of Preschool Educational Institution
Experience exchange. Participation in seminars to familiarize children with traffic rules. During a year educators

Consolidation of knowledge, increasing the level of professional skills.

Stage 3 – Final Familiarization of preschool teachers in the region with the results of their work. Conducting a parent-child lounge “Everyone should know the rules of the road.” Consolidating knowledge of traffic rules in children and their parents.
Conducting a final pedagogical council based on the results of the work. Familiarization of preschool teachers in the region with the results of their work. July Analytical report on the results of the work.
Generalization of positive experience. Deputy head of educational work of preschool educational institution, educators, physical instructor. development September October Materials on experience in working on traffic rules.

Thematic plan for working with older children on traffic rules through fiction

Month Title of the work Goal of the work The content of the work
September Fairy tale “Firetail” by V. Ardov.
“If…” O. Bedarev.
Finding out the causes of the accident. Reading, discussion.
Conversation questions:
Cause of the accident?
How could the disaster have been avoided?
October “My traffic light friend” S. Prokofiev.
“Traffic Light” I. Plyatskovskaya.
Reinforce knowledge of traffic lights and rules of behavior on the street. Reading, application.
Conversation questions:
What is a traffic light for?
What color of traffic light prohibits (allows) you to go?
Learning the rhyming rule
November “Uncle Styopa the Policeman” S. Mikhalkov.
“Look, the guard” Ya. Pishumov.
Introduction to the work of a police officer. Reading, dramatization.
Conversation questions:
Why do you need a traffic policeman?
Where does the guard usually stand?
December Riddles about transport.
“Passenger” A. Dorokhov.
Familiarity with transport and the rules of behavior in it. Guessing riddles. Subject drawing.
Conversation questions:
How should you not behave in transport?
What rules of behavior in transport did the main character violate?
January “Crossroads” A. Dorokhov.
“Laws of streets and roads” I. Seryakov.
Familiarity with the rules for crossing the street. Reading, acting.
Conversation questions:
What is a crossroads?
Where should you cross the street?
How should you cross the street?
February "Martha and Chichi are going to the park." Consolidating knowledge about the rules of crossing the street. Reading.
Conversation questions:
What rules did the heroines break?
Why is a pedestrian crossing called a zebra crossing?
Tell us how they had to cross the road?
March “My Street” S. Mikhalkov.

“The best transition” Y. Pishumov.

Clarifying knowledge about transitions. Reading, plot drawing.
Conversation questions:
Why is an underground passage needed?
In what places is it located?
April “Magic Ball” by T. Shorygin.
“How Stobed ​​swung on a swing” by D. Orlov.
Familiarity with the rules of behavior in the yard. Reading, table theater, director's games.
Questions for the conversation:
What rules of conduct in the yard do you know?
What games can you play in the yard?
work of the preschool educational institution “How inseparable friends crossed the road” A. Ivanov.
Literary quiz.
Generalization and consolidation of knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street. Reading, costume performance.
Questions for the conversation:
What rules of behavior on the street do you know?
Did all the heroes behave correctly on the street?
What rules did they break?

Long-term planning in the senior group(Annex 1).

Long-term planning in the preparatory group(Appendix 2).

Requirements for the level of training of students

The child must know the rules of the road:

  • cross the street only when the traffic light is green;
  • do not play on the road or near the roadway;
  • cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing;
  • when crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right;
  • know the structure of the roadway, some road signs for pedestrians and drivers.

The child must be able to:

  • use pictures to show and tell what situations should be avoided on the street;
  • distinguish between positive and negative actions, evaluate human activity;
  • name road signs and talk about their general meaning, explaining the situation in which this sign is used;
  • reflect in games different stories related to compliance with safety rules on the street.

The child should have an idea:

  • about the work of a policeman - traffic controller;
  • about the driver's work;
  • about how drivers take care of their cars;
  • about a gas station, service station

List of teaching aids:

  1. Illustrative and visual material.
  2. Targeted walks.
  3. Excursions.
  4. Games on "street layouts".
  5. Board and printed games.
  6. Role-playing games.
  7. Children's fiction.
  8. Video films, filmstrips, slides.


  1. Khromtsova T.G. Raising safe behavior in preschoolers on the street: Tutorial– M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2007.
  2. Poddubnaya L.B. Traffic rules: Volgograd: ITD "Corypheus", 2009.
  3. Poddubnaya L.B. Traffic Laws. Interesting materials: Volglgrad: ITD “Corypheus”, 2009.
  4. Izvekova N.A., Medvedeva A.F. and others. Traffic rules for preschool children.: Sphere shopping center, 2007.
  5. Cherepanova S.N. Traffic rules - M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2009.