Educational area "Physical development"

(Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle).

Target: To form in preschoolers an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle


  1. Encourage children to want to take care of their health. Summarize and consolidate basic knowledge and ideas about maintaining and promoting health.
  2. Promote children's speech development:

a) Vocabulary work - enrichment and activation of the vocabulary through With fishing: strong, brave, courageous, healthy, kind; through words denoting parts of the body and face, personal hygiene items.

b) Development of coherent speech through the use of expanded sentences in speech, different types proposals.

  1. Development of general and fine motor skills.
  2. Development of educational skills: the ability to listen to the teacher, answer the question posed, development of attention and thinking.
  3. To develop in children the ability to actively communicate with adults, answer his questions with interest, and jointly solve problem situations. Arouse children's interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: Musical accompaniment, ball, computer (photos of fairy tale characters, tablet mats, bag with personal hygiene items, rope, box, watch, d/i "Schedule", 2 gymnastic sticks, skittles, health trees, green and red leaves, glue, chips.

Approximate progress of activities:

There's a song playing "Smile"(music by Shainsky, the teacher and children come out and stand in a circle.


Today we will talk about the greatest and most important wealth of a person. What do you think about? Children name their answer options (land, water, money, friendship, family, etc.).

Educator. Of course, you are saying everything correctly. It is difficult for a person to live without all this. But today we will talk about health. What word does the word resemble? "health"? That's right, word "health" looks like a word "Hello". When people say hello, they wish each other health. Let's say hello too.

(The teacher invites the children to say hello to the guests.

Communication game "Hello!")

Educator : “If you want health, say hello to everyone.

Who would you like to wish health to? Children's answers.

Educator : How can you do this without words, with your hands?

Children show (handshake, hug, pat on the shoulder)

Educator: Let us wish each other health, our friend the ball will help us with this.

(Children stand in a circle and chant the phrase one by one, calling the name of the child to whom they are passing ball: “Hello, Seryozha!” etc)

Educator :

I’ll tell you an old legend: “Once upon a time, on Mount Olympus there lived gods. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They began to decide what a person should be like.

One of the gods said: "A person must be strong", another said: "A person must be healthy", third said: "A person must be smart". But one of the gods said So: “If a person has all this, he will be like us”. And they decided to hide the main thing a person has - his health. They began to think and decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - behind high mountains. And one of the gods said: “Do you need to hide your health? (into the person himself)».

This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods.

Children, do you feel healthy? Listen to yourself. What does it mean to be healthy? And what do you think? Are you healthy? Why?

There are wise proverbs about this They say: “I take care of my health, I will help myself”. Let's repeat this wonderful proverb together (repeat all together).

Educator :

And now I invite you to go on an unusual journey to the country "Hello" to find health and learn how to help yourself maintain it.

( words:)

We are going on the road,

Let's go for health.

There are many obstacles ahead -

It will be a difficult road!

Educator: Children, I see an island ahead, maybe there is a Country there "Healthy"?

But what a shame: The river overflowed and blocked our path.

We have these tablets, we will turn them into bumps. We lay out the tablets and move along them to the first island.

Educator. This is an island "Cleaner". Children, let's sit on the chairs and see who lives on this island? (Show a slide with the character Moidodyr). He left a letter for us and this wonderful bag.

Is reading: “Dear children! I know that you are looking for a way to the Land of Health. I'll show you the way, but first I want to check if you know personal hygiene items.

Guess my riddles, and you will find the answers in the bag. And when you get the answer, explain why this item is needed.”

(Di "Wonderful bag")

Children sit on chairs near the board.

Slipping away like something alive

But I won't let him out.

Foams with white foam,

I'm not too lazy to wash my hands. (Soap)

Plastic back,

Stiff bristles

Friends with toothpaste

Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

I wipe, I try,

After the boy's bath,

Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled -

There is no dry corner. (Towel)

I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And by the mustache, by the hair.

And my teeth are longer,

Than wolves, bears. (Comb)

And it shines and shines,

It doesn't flatter anyone

And he will tell anyone the truth -

Everything will be shown to him as it is. (Mirror)

Educator. Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly. And in the wonderful bag there was something left very similar to a ray. What figure is this? (triangle). And on it is written advice Moidodyra: “Use personal hygiene items every day, and you will not only be beautiful and tidy, but also maintain your health.”

Children line up in a column one at a time and march in a circle, saying words:

We are going on the road,

Let's go for health.

There are many obstacles ahead -

It will be a difficult road!

Educator. "Hello"?

But you can only get to it by walking along a rope. This is an island "Zdorovyachkov".

Children, look who lives on this island? (Show a slide with characters from Vasnetsov’s painting "Three heroes").

Educator. What heroes? (strong, healthy). What do you think you need to do to be strong? (play sports, do exercises, run) Where is your strength? (My strength is in my muscles.)

Guys, now all of you together show how you train the muscles of your body (stand in a circle).

Like athletes in a parade

We walk row by row

Left - once, left - once,

Look at us all.

Everyone clapped their hands -

Friends, have fun!

Our feet began to knock

Louder and faster!

Let's hit you on the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, hands up,

Higher, higher, higher.

Our hands are spinning,

They went down again.

We spun around on the spot

And they stopped.

We kick, stomp, stomp,

We clap our hands, clap!

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment,

We shoulders chick, chick,

One - here, two - there!

Turn around yourself.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up,

Like Vanka - they became a stand-up.

Hands pressed to the body

And they began to make jumps,

Lined up again

It's like we're going to a parade

One - two, one - two

It's time to travel.

Who does the charging?

He's gaining health!

Children perform a set of gymnastics as shown by the teacher.

Educator : It's immediately obvious “The Silushka runs through the Silushki like fire”.

The teacher reads a letter from three heroes: “Dear children! We know that you are looking for a way to the Land of Health. We will show you the way, but first we want to check what you know about sports?

A competition game with chips is being held

  1. What sports use a ball?
  2. In which sports are exercises performed to musical accompaniment?
  3. What sport has a horse, but it is not an animal?
  4. In what sport can an athlete give an injection to an athlete and with what?
  5. In which sports is the playing area divided by a net?
  6. Why do athletes need a sand pit?
  7. In which sports must an athlete wear a helmet?

(The teacher reads the advice of three on the triangle heroes: “A person should play sports and be strong? Strength improves human health!”)

Children line up in a column one at a time and march in a circle, saying words:

We are going on the road,

Let's go for health.

There are many obstacles ahead -

It will be a difficult road!

Educator. I see an island ahead again, maybe the Country is there "Hello"?

But you can only get to it by jumping over the ravine. This is an island "Hurry up".

Smeshariki live on this island and they left us such a wonderful chest.

What do you think is in it? (children's answers). Let's see (the teacher takes a watch out of the box). What is this?

Children: Clock

Educator : Why do you think a watch is needed?

Children To be on time everywhere.

Educator : Yes, you are right, we need watches in order to navigate in time, to know when to wake up so as not to be late for the daycare center; know when it’s lunch, walk time, bedtime. Also, the clock helps us maintain a daily routine. Guys, do you have time to do everything, do you know the daily routine?

Educator. Let's check it now. Smeshariki invites you to perform exercise: "Place it in order".

You will go to the board one at a time and post pictures of children engaged in various activities throughout the day.

Well done, you know the daily routine.

(The teacher takes out a triangle with advice: .)

Children line up in a column one at a time and march in a circle, saying words:

We are going on the road,

Let's go for health.

There are many obstacles ahead -

It will be a difficult road!

Educator. I see an island ahead again, maybe the Country is there "Hello"?

But you can only get to it by going around all the mountains. This is an island "Vitaminka".

What kind of guest is greeting us here?

Find out what his name is.

And to do this, guess the riddle as quickly as possible.

Come to him for treatment

Any animal, any bird.

He will rush to help everyone,

Good doctor...

That's right, Doctor Aibolit lives on this island. He lives under the health tree and left a letter for us.

The teacher reads the letter : “Dear children! I know that you are looking for a way to the Land of Health. I will show you the way if you grow a miracle tree."

Educator. What do you like to eat most?

Children: answers

Please tell me, are all products healthy? (children's answers)

Name useful products.

What are the benefits of carrots? What are the benefits of milk? What vitamin is in tomatoes? What vegetables and fruits protect against harmful microbes?

Why is cake harmful? Soda? Yes, you are right, some foods are better not to eat. And if you really want it, then eat it in very small quantities.

Educator Why do you think we eat?

Children: Man eats to live.

Educator Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity, but also a material for growth and development.

Exercise: In order for food to be digested well, you need to follow the nutritional rules. I will now read the rules to you, and if you agree with me, then stick a green leaf. If not, put the red leaf on the tray.

A game "Gardeners of Health"

  1. You need to eat at any time, even at night.
  2. You need to eat foods that are good for your health.
  3. Food should be eaten without chewing.
  4. Rinsing your mouth after eating is harmful.
  5. You constantly need to eat, for your teeth, for yours,

fruits, vegetables, omelet, cottage cheese, yogurt.

  1. You brushed your teeth and go to bed,

take a sweet bun to bed.

  1. Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father
  2. Don't bite the cabbage leaf, it's not tasty at all.

It’s better to eat chocolate, waffles, sugar, marmalade.

  1. The diet should include foods containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins
  2. Strive for variety in your diet

Educator Well done, you completed the task.

Here you and I received the last envelope. It contains another triangle with advice: “You will remember forever, for health we need vitamin-rich food.”

I'll tell you a little secret. Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays. And you and I, while traveling, collected rays of our health. Let's all gather some sunshine together.

1 ray of our health - “Use personal hygiene items every day, and you will not only be beautiful and tidy, but also maintain your health.”

2nd ray of our health - “A person should play sports, be strong? Strength improves human health!”

3rd ray of our health - “Daily routine is a faithful assistant to our health”.

4th ray of our health - “You will remember forever, for health we need vitamin food.”

For some reason the sun doesn’t work, what’s the matter? How do you think? Let's look for the missing ray, maybe she's hiding somewhere in the group? Visual gymnastics: Carefully examine the group with your little eyes - clues.

We stand, but only eyes are looking

Here it is, a lost piece of the sun.

Do you want to know what is written on the last ray? Look at each other. Why are you all smiling cheerfully? What's your mood? A good mood is the name of the last ray.

Now we can assemble our entire sun.

Look, the sun is smiling, rejoicing for you, because we have found where the gods hid our health. This means health turns out to be hidden both in me and in you, in each of us. Well done, I was sure that you would be able to find the place where Health is hidden!

Can you take care of it? What will you do for this?

Educator : Our journey to the Country "Hello" has come to an end. Did you like our trip? It's a pity that it's over, but we have a lot of new and interesting things ahead of us. I really enjoyed traveling around the country with you. "Hello". You know a lot about how to protect and maintain your health.

The products contain vitamins, which are very important for human health.

What are they needed for? (children's answers)

I want to tell you a little about vitamins. Vitamins are designated by the letters A, B, C, D. (I place the letters on the easel). But they are read in Latin. When you go to school, you will learn to read these letters.

Vitamin A is very important for vision and growth, and it is found in carrots, butter, tomatoes, eggs, parsley (I post pictures of products).

Vitamin B - helps our heart work. It can be found in milk, meat, bread.

Vitamin C - strengthens the entire body, protects against colds. It is found in oranges, lemons, berries, cabbage, and onions.

Vitamin D - makes our arms and legs strong. There is a lot of it in milk and eggs.

Summary of GCD in senior group Preschool educational institution on the topic "Flower of Health"

Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson “Flower of Health” for seniors preschool educational institutions groups. This lesson helps the child form ideas about health, about preventive measures and health protection.
Goals and objectives of the upbringing and development of children:
1. Enrich children’s sensory experience, improve analytical perception, develop the ability to identify the properties of objects using different senses.
2. To encourage children to master different methods of examination, to establish connections between the method of examination and the knowable property of the object.
3. To promote children’s mastery of the appropriate vocabulary and its active use.
4. Develop monologue forms of speech, stimulate children’s speech creativity.
5. Develop good feelings, emotional responsiveness, the ability to distinguish the mood and emotional state of people around you and take this into account in your behavior.
6. Promote the development of a sustainable interest in rules and regulations healthy image life, health saving and safe behavior.
7. To form and activate in children the manifestation of an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them in a variety of situations.
8. Form a conscious need for physical activity and physical improvement.
The priority area is cognition.
Equipment: multi-colored flower, mnemonic table, mood lamp, clean water, juice, cups, bottles, plates, tubes, colorful balls, water containers, baskets with letters (vitamins) A B C, groceries in the store, fruit juices, fruits: bananas , apples, canned pineapple, pears, disposable knives, cutting boards, name tags, a white coat for the teacher, aprons.
Preliminary work: conversations about a healthy lifestyle, reading stories and poems. Learning proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle, Conversations about harmful and healthy foods, the benefits of exercise, clean air and water.
Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them (children say hello). We didn’t just say hello, but wished the guests good health.
What is "hello"?
The best of words
Because "hello"
So - be healthy
-Hello! - you tell the person
-Hello! - he will smile back
-And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy.
And you will be healthy for many years.
Now let's say hello to each other:
Good afternoon - you were told
Good afternoon - you answered
Two strings connected you
Warmth and kindness.
Health is the most important value, given to a person. What does it mean to be healthy?
When we are healthy, we want to read, draw, play, study, we are in a kind and friendly mood.
Our health can be compared to a flower that has many petals; these petals live in every cell of our body. (children open the first petal)
1 Petal "Physical exercise"
Exercise can replace many medications, but no drug in the world can replace exercise (Mosse)
Let's think about the benefits of physical exercise?
They strengthen muscles, harden the body, give us cheerful, good mood, drive away fatigue.
You and I do exercises every morning, we end the exercises with the words:
“Health is fine, thanks to exercise”
“Do exercises every day - you will be strong, you will be brave.
And now we will do self-massage. (“Neboleyka” - biologically active zones)
So that your throat doesn't hurt,
We will stroke him boldly.
So as not to cough, not to sneeze
You need to rub your nose
We will also rub our foreheads,
We hold our palm with a visor
Yes yes yes yes yes yes
We are not afraid of colds
Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about physical exercise:
1. Move more - you'll live longer
2. Movement is life and the path to health
3. If you want to be strong, run
If you want to be beautiful, run
If you want to be smart, run
4. B healthy body– healthy mind
5. To avoid being sick, you must respect sports.
2 Petal “Mood”
Human health depends on mood.
And let's play the game “I rejoice when...” (A game for the development of the emotional sphere. The purpose of the game: relieving emotional stress, developing the ability to talk about your feelings).
That's how different the mood can be. Do you want all the people around us to be in a joyful mood?
There are several rules that will help us (the children say the rules)
1. Always be cheerful, don’t cry over trifles, don’t be capricious.
2. Don’t quarrel, try to help your friends, give in.
Guys, what proverbs do you know about mood?
“The heart is happy and the face blooms”
“Sadness will not kill you, but it will harm your health.”

3 Petal “Clean Water”
Guys, look at the globe. What do you think is depicted in blue on the globe?
Seas, oceans, rivers, ponds, water.
Water is very necessary for our health. And even such a familiar object as water is fraught with a lot of unknowns. And now we will go to the laboratory and see what kind of water there is.
1. The water is clear. (In a glass with juice the straw is not visible, but with water it is visible).
2. Water has no taste. (Unlike juices, which have different tastes, water has no taste).
3. Water has no odor. (Juice has an aroma, but water has no smell).
4. Water has no shape. (After pouring water from a glass into a bowl, the children became convinced that the water had no shape.)
Now let's summarize our research. Pure water has no: (smell, taste, color, shape).
4 Petal “Clean Air”
Children place bottles in a container of water and press on them.
- What kind of invisible thing is sitting in the bottle?
this is air
Guys, I even know where you can find a lot of air at once - in balloons. That's what they're called - balloons. We seem to catch the air and lock it in balloon. Just don’t inflate too much, the balloon may burst. Why? (all the air won’t fit). ---- the children inflate the balloons as best they can.
Guys, what is the difference between your balls? (color, shape, size)
Why do they have different sizes? (one has little air, the other has a lot)
Let's try to deflate our balloons. What comes out of them? (air)
That's right, air is very necessary for our body and all living things on earth.
"Without breath there is no life
Without breathing the light fades,
Birds and flowers breathe,
Both you and I breathe.”
Where do you think the cleanest air is:
- in the city or in the village (in the village there is little transport)
Where is air rich in oxygen? (in the forest)
Let's go to the forest. We will now close our eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest. What do you hear? (murmur of water, birdsong, breeze blowing)
The sun is shining brightly,
Light breeze blowing,
We inhale its clean, fresh air (deep breaths and exhalations)
We feel good and pleased
The grass and meadows sway (wave hands below)
Birds are proudly circling in front of me (wave their arms up and down)
We want to live in peace with nature
And my friends and I will protect all living things.
Now let's go to our flower and open the next petal.
5 Petal “Food”
Guys, listen to the proverb: “Whether you want it or not, you have to eat.” Why does the proverb say this? Why does a person need food? (children's answers)
You need to eat in moderation. It’s bad when a person doesn’t finish eating or overeats. Not every food is beneficial. Now we will check what healthy and harmful foods you know. We'll go to the store:
D/I “Bad and healthy food” + game “name the juice” (formation of relative adjectives)
Well done! I will definitely tell your mothers that you know and know how to choose healthy products.
Who knows what vitamin food is? (children's answers)
Vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits.
What vitamins do you know (A, B, C)
I have three baskets (A B C)
What vegetables and fruits should we put in the vitamin A basket? (carrots, garlic, red pepper, tomato)
These vitamins help with poor vision, brittle hair, and unhealthy skin.
Basket with vitamin B (beans, green peas, rice, buckwheat).
Basket with vitamin C (blackcurrant, orange, lemon)
Vitamin C increases the body's protective properties, helps the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and strengthens bones.
Guys, we have come up with a lot of riddles about vegetables and fruits, and now we will tell our guests these riddles. (Guessing riddles using a mnemonic table)
You can prepare many different healthy dishes from vegetables and fruits. I suggest you sit down at the tables and prepare a healthy fruit salad. (While preparing the salad, have a free conversation about safety rules when using a knife and fork).
Let's summarize our lesson. Look at our flower and tell me what is good for our health? (Children's answers)
Well done!!!

Conversation “Eyes are the mirror of the soul”

Task: to develop observation and sensitivity to the psychological state of others.

Equipment: pictures showing a person’s face with different eye expressions.

Educator. Guys, we have already talked about the eyes, that they are our most important helpers. Is it possible to learn something about a person by looking into his eyes?

Children. Find out what color they are.

Educator. Yes, it is true. But if you see that a person’s eyelids and eyes are red, what does this mean?

Children. That the man was crying and his eyes became red, his eyes were tired, the man was sick.

Educator. What should you do to rest your eyes?

Children. You need to close them and sit quietly. When your eyes get tired, you need to sleep.

Educator. And if a person’s eyes close on their own, the eyelids become heavy, he wants to open them, but they stick together?

Children. He wants to sleep, he needs to rest. Maybe the person is sick.

Educator. Yes, guys, when a person is tired or sick, it can be seen in the eyes, they help us understand how best to behave in such a situation. If we see mom’s red eyes, it’s better not to pester her, let her rest; and if a friend has such eyes, you probably need to be more attentive to him. Is it possible to tell by the eyes that a person is having fun? What kind of eyes does he have then?

Children. Joyful.

Educator. But then you saw something scary, unfamiliar, what will your eyes become?

Children. Big, surprised.

Educator. And when a person is calm and well, what are his eyes like?

Children. Kind, affectionate.

Educator. If a person is angry, can his eyes give him away? What will they be like then?

Children. An angry person's eyes are angry, scary, and ugly.

The teacher invites the children to choose pictures depicting different eye expressions and tell what they mean.

Educator. But a person hides his eyes, does not want to look into the face of another. Why?

Children. He doesn't like this person. He is embarrassed because he is offended; maybe no one plays with him; He probably did something and is ashamed.

Educator. Guys, there is a proverb: “The eyes are ashamed, but the soul rejoices.” When a person has done something wrong and understands that it is not good and does not want to do bad things anymore, he becomes calm and joyful.

Now you show me your eyes, I will guess what you wanted to express.

Children express their mood with their eyes.

But now I see that Dima’s eyes are cheerful, and Seryozha’s are angry; Marina modestly lowered her eyes; they were shy. Katya, can you tell by his eyes what Bogdan’s mood is now?

Kate. His eyes are cunning.

Educator. Guys, remember what Tanya’s eyes do in A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya”?

Children. Tanya's eyes are crying.

Educator. Of course our eyes can cry. And when a person cries, what do the tears say?

Children. Someone offended him; a person cries if his mother scolds him; if a book is torn or a toy is broken.

Educator. Of course, a person cries from pain, resentment, pity. And when mom cuts onions, her tears flow, does she feel sorry for the onions?

Children. The onion “eats” the eyes, and she cries.

Educator. What if smoke from the fire gets into your eyes?

Children. A man cries because smoke “eats” his eyes.

Educator. Can a person cry for joy? When does this happen?

Children. When grandma hasn't come for a long time, mom and grandma cry when they meet; when they buy a new toy, they are also happy to the point of tears.

Educator. Yes, guys, you can tell by the eyes how a person feels. And we have to think, can we help him, calm him down? How can you help a person?

Children. Treat him with something, pat him on the back, let him play with his favorite toy, kiss him, feel sorry for him, invite him to visit.

Educator. Of course, it’s always nice when someone can sympathize with you and support you when a person is feeling bad. Your eyes will always tell you how you feel.

The knowledge gained during the conversation was consolidated during the didactic game “My Mood,” in which children learned to determine a person’s mood by the expression of their eyes.

Didactic game “My mood”

Practice the ability to determine mood by the expression of the eyes on the card and without it;

Lead to the understanding that eyes express a person’s mood;

Encourage finding a way to improve a person’s mood.

Equipment: pictures depicting different moods,

an envelope with a slit to highlight the eyes on the card.

The teacher invites the children to look at the card in the envelope and answer the question of what mood these eyes indicate. If

The child finds it difficult to answer - take the card out of the envelope and offer to determine the mood again.

The teacher offers to determine by the expression of the eyes on the card possible reason the occurrence of the depicted mood and a way to improve a person’s mood.

The habit of acting in accordance with learned rules was developed when solving problem-practical situations, during which children’s attention was drawn to the different emotional states of their peers in everyday life and their eye expressions. Special attention The teacher focused on how to cheer up a peer so that the expression in his eyes would change to a joyful one.

Clarify the purpose of the parts of the face that protect the eyes;

Highlight the actions necessary to protect the visual organs;

Talk about proper lighting when drawing and coloring;

Introduce the use of head position control when sitting at a table;

Learn how to care for your eyes in different situations.

The teacher reads I. Orlova’s poem “To the Children About Eyes” to the children.

Let's figure it out together, children, what are eyes for in the world? And why do we all have a pair of eyes on our faces? What are eyes for? So that tears flow from them? Close your eyes with your palm, Sit just a little: It immediately became dark. Where is the crib, where is the window? It’s strange, boring and offensive - You can’t see anything around. Zhenya wants to be a pilot, fly a fast plane; Petya dreams of sailing across all the seas in this world;

Nikolai will be a tank driver, and Sergei will be a parachutist; Ilya will become a sniper... But for this, friends, In addition to knowledge and skill, Everyone needs vision!

Educator. And now, guys, let's admire our eyes. Look in the mirror. What shape are your eyes?

Children. They are round like an apple.

Educator. Another name for the eye is the eyeball. But it is not hard like an apple, but soft. Do you think he's easy to hurt?

Educator. That is why it is hidden in a dimple - the eye socket, and is covered from the outside by the eyelid. The apple itself is covered with a hard shell, it is transparent - this is the cornea.

What color are eyes?

Children. Blue, gray, black.

Educator. What are your eyes like?

Children. I have brown ones and I have blue ones.

Educator. The color of the eyes is given by the iris. In its center there is a black dot visible - the pupil (its most important part), through which light passes into the eye. A person sees with the help of the pupil. Do all people see well?

Children. Not all, some are bad, some old grandparents cannot see at all.

Educator. How can you find out what a person does not see?

Children. He bumps into things and trips.

Educator. What does a person use to see better?

Children. Glasses.

Educator. How do glasses help a person?

Children. They have magnifying glasses and the small becomes like the big.

Educator. Yes, guys, if a person puts on glasses, he sees better. And if he listens to the doctor and wears glasses correctly, his vision can improve. If a person sees poorly, how do we talk about him?

Children. He has poor eyesight.

Educator. And when a person does not see the light at all, it is always dark for him, as they say about such a person?

Children. He's blind.

Educator. It's bad to be blind. Remember when you had your eyes closed yesterday, who were you pretending to be that you couldn’t do?

Children. We couldn't walk, we couldn't see where to go, we could fall, we couldn't see any toys.

Educator. So blind people cannot do different things, they need help. How can you help the blind?

Children. Take you by the hand to the store, help you cross the road, buy something there yourself.

Educator. Who can help a blind man walk along the road?

Children. Mom or some uncle.

Educator. That's right, but guys, there are also specially trained guide dogs, they lead the blind through the streets and help them cross the road. You have also seen that sometimes people walk along the road and tap their canes in front of them. Such a stick helps the blind to understand by sound that there is a hole, a stone or a ladder ahead, and to move carefully. This wand is also a guide. How else can you help the blind?

Children. Look at the road and tell the blind man that all the cars have passed, you can go. Give the signal. There are traffic lights that honk.

Educator. Who finds it easier to navigate their surroundings?

Children. People who see well.

Educator. It feels bad for a person when he loses his sight. Other eyes neither in humans nor in animals will appear or grow. Therefore, they must be protected.

Educator. What protects your eyes?

Children. Eyebrows, eyelids.

Educator. Let's try an experiment: I drop droplets of water on my forehead, the water flowed down my forehead, but not all the water got into my eyes. What delayed her?

Children. The eyebrows didn't let in the water.

Educator. When your mother washes your hair and soapy water gets into your eyes, what happens?

Children. It stings my eyes. Tears flow, my eyes hurt.

Educator. How can you protect your eyes from soap?

Children. You need to close your eyes, close them tightly.

Educator. If, however, sweat or soapy water gets into the eyes and they begin to sting, tears flow and wash away the sweat and soapy water, tears help the eyes to be clean. How can you help your eyes if you have sweat or soap in them?

Children. You need to rinse your eyes and cover them with your palm or handkerchief.

Educator. Can I wash my eyes right away? What should you do first? What will you use to wash your eyes?

Children. With water and hands.

Educator. What are your hands like?

Children. Oh, they are dirty, they need to be washed with soap.

Educator. Yes, you need to wash your hands first and then rinse your eyes with clean water. A strong wind is blowing, blowing dust into your face, what is holding it back?

Children. The eyes are closed, the eyelashes are connected and do not let out dust.

Educator. If dust does get into your eyes, what should you do?

Children. You have to blink.

Educator. What does a person blink?

Children. Over the centuries.

Educator. Yes, the eyelids are moist inside and work all the time, like “windshield wipers” in a car, washing the eyes and washing away dust from them. Why do your eyes get tired?

Children. When we watched TV for a long time, read, from the bright light.

Educator. What helps your eyes from bright sun and snow?

Children. Sunglasses.

Educator. To help your eyes work longer and not get tired, there are special exercises. I'll tell you about the fly. She loves to fly from one object to another. So our eyes, like a fly, will slide from oak leaf to maple leaf, from maple to birch, from birch to rowan, from rowan to oak. And now back.

Children perform eye movements without turning their heads.

Guys, what can be dangerous to the eyes?

Children. There are sharp objects, it’s dangerous to swing them at the table, walk with them, if you fall, they can get into your eyes.

The teacher examines with the children pictures-signs depicting objects dangerous to the eyes: scissors, knitting needles, knife, fork, stick, pencil, etc.

Educator. The eyes always work, no matter what we do. They rest only when they are closed, when we sleep. Do they work a lot?

Children. Yes many.

Educator. They work especially hard when you are drawing or looking at pictures in books. In order for your eyes to work well and get less tired, you need to sit correctly.

The eyes become damaged if a person hangs his head low. To maintain good vision, to see well when drawing and looking at pictures and books, you should not tilt your head low. It's easy to remember how to hold it correctly. Sit at the table, bend your elbows and place one hand on top of the other, palm at the elbow of the other hand. Next you need to raise one hand, place it not at the elbow and forefinger should touch the corner of the eye socket. Show how you can tell if you are holding your head correctly to preserve your visual acuity. In this position, draw any picture you want on the sheet.

Guys, is it comfortable for your eyes when you read a book lying down?

The teacher invites the child to lie down on the bench and take a book. What's happening to the eyes?

Children. They cover themselves, it's hard to see.

Educator. Now let's try to draw in a dark corner of the room. Is it easier or harder for the eyes to work?

Children. There is not enough light, the lines on the sheet are hard to see.

Educator. Look, when you sit at the table, the tables are facing the windows. Which side does the light come from?

Children. Left.

Educator. What hand do you draw with?

Children. Right.

Educator. Why?

Children. So that the leaf or book is well illuminated, and the hand does not block the light.

Educator. From which side should the light fall so that the eyes can see well and not get tired quickly?

Children. From the left.

Educator. To preserve your vision, you need to remember a few simple rules and constantly implement them.

Do not hold sharp objects (scissors, knitting needles, knife, pencil, fork, chopstick) with the point up.

Do not read or look at the pictures in the book while lying down.

Sit at the table correctly, check yourself.

Don't watch TV for too long or at close range.

Don't draw, don't look at pictures in a dark room, sit closer to the light correctly.

For better memorization these rules, let’s make a reminder album and draw pictures of these rules.

The knowledge acquired by children in cognitive activities on the designated topic was consolidated in didactic game“Look and Remember”, where they clarified the rules of health-saving behavior in relation to the organs of vision.

To consolidate knowledge about the passage of air through the human body during inhalation and exhalation;

Reveal the effect of physical exercise on strengthening the respiratory system;

Reinforce the rules of breathing (through the nose).

Equipment: table with a picture of the lungs, blue and magnetic chips of blue color(designation of air), sets of red and green circles (according to the number of children).

Educator. Guys, today I went to kindergarten and saw two people of the same age. They were in a hurry somewhere. One of them walked and breathed calmly, while the other was out of breath and kept breathing through his mouth. Why do you think people breathed so differently?

Children. One, perhaps, was catching up with the other and suffocated.

Educator. What else do you think can cause a person to breathe so hard?

Children. It’s hard for him to walk, he’s weak.

Educator. It is very important to train your body and lungs so that with a small load you do not suffocate, like the person I told you about. What can you and I do to keep our lungs trained?

Children. Do gymnastics, spend more time in the fresh air.

Educator. What do you do after morning exercise before leaving the gym?

Children. Breathing exercise.

Educator. Which one, for example?

Children. Do exercises every day, you will be strong, you will be brave!

Educator. Let's do the “Blow up a Ball” exercise, which we do during morning exercises: inhale slowly through the nose, arms apart, slowly exhale through the mouth, folded into a tube, arms folded forward. Right.

Do all people inhale the same amount of air?

Children. No.

Educator. Why? Each person has a different lung capacity.

Please tell me why a person should breathe through the nose and not the mouth?

Children. The air in the nose warms up; there are hairs in the nose that prevent dust from entering the lungs; There is such a “Velcro” in the nose to which all germs stick.

Educator. You said everything correctly. Now look at this table. What does it show?

Children. Our lungs.

Educator. Right. What do you think is the safest path of air for the lungs? Go, Sasha, lay out the correct path of air into the body with magnets.

The child approaches the table and puts out a “breath” through his nose.

Explain why you think this path is safe?

Sasha. The air in the nose warms up and is cleared of dust and germs. Educator. Guys, if you agree with Sasha, raise the green circles; if you disagree, raise the red circles. And now Masha will show you how to exhale with magnets.

The child lays out “exhale” with blue magnets.

Why did you post it like that?

Masha. When we exhale, the air comes out through the mouth. Educator. When exhaling, air can exit both through the mouth and through the nose, since there will be no harm to the lungs from the exhaled air.

Does a person always breathe the same way? Children. When he runs, he can breathe quickly. Educator. Let's do a little experiment. Now you are all breathing evenly and calmly, and now I suggest you jump a little around the group one after another to the music.

Children perform jumps for 30-40 seconds.

Now let's walk a little around the group and listen to our breathing. What happened to him?

Children. We breathe quickly.

Educator. Now let's do the Woodcutter breathing exercise. What happened to your breathing? Children. It became easier to breathe.

Educator. Remember, guys, the more often we engage in physical education, do exercises, preferably in the fresh air, the more trained our lungs, heart and healthier our whole body will be. And if we sit in front of the TV all the time, lie on the couch and do nothing, our body will not become healthy.

Conversation “The heart is our engine”

Talk about the work of the heart;

Help to understand that the heart works differently depending on the degree of physical activity;

Find out what needs to be done to keep your heart strong and strong.

The teacher invites the children to remember how they ran in gymnastics and what they checked after running. (They checked how the heart beats.)

Educator. Indeed, guys, we listened to your heart beating. Why do we need it?

Children. So as not to die, to move, to live, not to get sick and not to suffocate.

Educator. Guys, our heart is like the engine in a car: while the engine is running, the car is moving. The human heart always works, even when we sleep. Show me your fists. This is the same size of heart that each of you has. On which side of the chest is it located? Children. From the left side. Educator. What does it do, how does it work? Children. The heart beats: knock-knock.

Educator. Guys, the heart works as if a fist is clenching and unclenching. (Shows.) It works like a pump, drives blood through the vessels and makes it run throughout the body. If the blood stops flowing, then all the cells will be left without food and begin to die. The heart is located inside the chest, so it is not visible. How can doctors find out about the work of our heart, whether there are any malfunctions in our “engine”? Children. They insert a tube into their ears - a phonendoscope - and listen. Educator. Where can you hear your heartbeat well?

Children point to their chests.

You can listen to your pulse; it is found on your wrist. (Shows the children and helps them feel the pulse.) Listen to the heart beat. Does it work the same as in gymnastics? Children. No, not like that now, slow down.

Educator. Let's jump and listen again to how our heart works.

Physical education lesson “We are funny guys”

We are cheerful guys, Children jump after each other on two legs, trying to catch up with each other. Well, try to catch up with us.

Educator. Now listen to your pulse again. How did your heart start beating?

Children. Strongly, quickly, quickly, often.

Educator. Show with your fist how your heart works. The children do it.

Show us how the heart works when we sit quietly?

Children show slow fist movements.

Yes, guys, when we are in a calm state, our heart also works calmly. When a person does light work, the heart beats normally. The harder the work, the faster the heart beats. But it must prepare for such work in order to be strong. What helps the heart to be strong? Maybe rest more, don’t jump, don’t run, don’t climb? What can you do to get your heart used to such hard work?

Children. Train your heart, play sports, do gymnastics in the morning, it’s better to run outside - there’s more air there.

Educator. You are right, guys, physical exercise trains the heart, helping it not to get tired of hard work longer.

In what mood do you think a person’s heart works better?

Children. When he is cheerful and kind. Educator. And when does a person get angry? Children. He trembles, tenses.

Educator. Yes, a person tenses, and his heart also tenses. Therefore, it is better not to quarrel, not to offend each other, and then the heart will work better.

Let's feel the pulse again. What does the heart do? Children. The blood is pumping and pulsating.

Educator. Our heart works, blood flows through the vessels and veins, they are like rivers and streams that permeate our entire body. Look at your hands and find these "streams".

Children check and find veins on their bodies.

If you cut yourself, what might leak? Children. Blood.

Educator. What should be done to prevent blood from flowing from the wound? Children. You need to press it with your finger, bend your arm, and press the wound with a clean handkerchief.

Educator. What else can be done to stop the bleeding?

Children. Lubricate the wound with iodine and cover it with a bandage. Educator. Show me how to do this?

Children show.

Of course, the wound is smeared with iodine, it stings, but it kills microbes, the wound heals and a sore forms. If you pick it off, what happens?

Children. There will be blood again.

Educator. Will the wound then be larger or smaller?

Children. More because the blood will flow more.

Educator. Yes, it will be bigger. This means that we need to wait until the wound heals and the crust falls off on its own.

Guys, we are convinced that there is blood throughout our entire body, and the heart delivers it through “rivulets” to all organs. What needs to be done to make it work well?

Children. Do physical exercise, don’t offend anyone, so that people don’t quarrel.

Educator. Of course, he must be protected, but at the same time he must be trained, made strong and resilient.

Children refine their understanding of how the heart works through experience.

Equipment: doll, puppet, tape, audio recording of upbeat music.

Educator. Guys, the doll Katya came to visit us for class. Look, she looks like a person. But why is it only a toy and not a person?

Children. She can't move, she can't do anything on her own. Educator. We still have puppets. How do you think their arms and legs move?

Children. No, they don’t move on their own, but only if you pull them by the strings.

Educator. Yes, I pull the strings and my hands go up. Now try it, move these dolls. Try to make your arms rise first and then your legs.

Children take turns moving the puppet's arms and legs.

Okay guys, we can control the doll. What helps a person raise his arms, legs, move his torso, head?

Children. We ourselves raise our arms, we want it that way and they move, the arms in the joints can bend and straighten.

Educator. Of course, guys, we give different parts of the body the task to bend and turn. Our muscles help us with this. They connect bones to each other and, like rubber, can contract and stretch.

Try to forcefully bend your arm. What has shrunk into a ball?

Children. These muscles contracted, and when the arm was straightened, the muscles were no longer visible.

Educator. That's right, this muscle first contracted, became small, and then stretched - became long. Show me your “lumps” again - I’ll see what they are like?

Guys, can you show me where your ears and feet are? Where are the muscles?

Children. We see the ears and the feet too. But the muscles are not visible, they are inside.

Educator. Try closing your eyes, and now open them without moving your head, look up, down, right, left. What helps us move our eyes.

Children. Muscles.

Educator. Yes, muscles are everywhere, but we don’t see them, we only feel them. Look, there’s a heavy weight standing there. Can anyone lift it?

Children. No - it's very heavy.

Educator. Who do they talk about “weakling”?

Children. About someone who is small, thin, and has weak arms.

Educator. What should you do to keep your muscles strong?

Children. Do gymnastics, train, lift weights.

Educator. Yes, muscles become stronger when they work well, but when they are idle, they become weak. What exercises can you do to keep your arms strong?

Children. " Strong arms", push-ups on palms, forearms, "Scales", "Wings" of an airplane.

Educator. Let's show these exercises.

A physical education session is held on the carpet (children perform the exercises listed).

What should you do to make your legs stronger?

Children. Run more, walk, do squats, jump on one and two legs, bend over.

Educator. Indeed, guys, such exercises make our muscles strong, both large and small. Large muscles are strong, and small muscles are weaker. Please move only your fingers.

Children perform hand exercises.

Hello, finger, Children connect the little fingers of the right and left

Hello, little finger, hands, tapping them together.

Hello, nameless, Perform the same movements with others

Hello, middle, fingers. Hello, pointer, Hello, highway,

Hello, fingers. Tap with all fingers of the right and

left hand at the same time.

Do you think it is necessary for small muscles to be strong, why is this necessary?

Children. If our hands are weak, we will get tired and will not be able to draw or write for a long time.

Educator. That's right, because we have to draw, make something, sculpt, and if the arm muscles are weak, we won't be able to do a craft or drawing. And your hands will get tired quickly.

With the help of muscles we do not only lift weights. Watch Adele perform the band exercise.

The girl performs smooth circular, helical movements with the tape. The child can be prepared in advance.

The main thing in this exercise is to lift the band. Is it heavy? Children. No, it’s light, you need to move it smoothly with your hand. Educator. Yes, muscles can make smooth, beautiful movements. Show what movements you can make with your head, shoulders, arms, legs, torso. Show some beautiful dance moves.

Children perform various dance movements to the music. They take their seats.

That's how well you and I danced. Now let's touch the hand. What are the muscles hiding and covering?

Children. They cover the bones.

Educator. Yes, muscles cover bones. Why do you think?

Guys, imagine that someone fell and hit his hand on the sharp edge of the table. What will happen to the hand if there are only bones and skin on it?

Children. It might break.

Educator. Of course, you can break your arm. What can protect her?

Children. The muscles protect, they are soft and not so painful.

Educator. Yes, muscles protect bones from impacts. Show me where else muscles protect bones?

Children. On the legs, back, chest.

Educator. Do the muscles protect the knees and elbows?

Children. No, they are not there, there are only bones.

Educator. This means we can damage them. How can we protect them?

Children. You need to take care of your knees, you need to crawl on the floor, placing your knee carefully; It’s better to crawl quickly on the carpet, don’t lean too much on your elbows, it will hurt.

Educator. So you yourself came to the conclusion. What makes us move?

Children. Thanks to the muscles.

Educator. Where are they located?

Children. They are everywhere on our body, they cover the bones.

Educator. What do you need to do to be strong?

Children. Exercise, run, do physical education, do gymnastics.

Educator. Yes, guys, I agree with you. Muscle training makes a person strong and agile. He does not get tired of any work for a long time.

Give an idea that exercises vary in difficulty. At first you need to do an easier exercise, and when the muscles warm up and warm up, you can begin more difficult ones;

Develop the ability to independently conduct and perform morning exercises.

Preliminary work: children are prepared in advance for exercises from the morning gymnastics complex.

Equipment: ball, sticks, roller, two bars, panels, cards with a set of exercises.

Educator. Guys, do you remember the poem? Do exercises every day - You will be strong, you will be brave!

Why do people do exercises?

Children. To be strong and cheerful, so that the muscles are strong, so as not to get sick.

Educator. Indeed, at night you slept, your muscles rested, and in the morning they need to be stretched, prepared for work for the whole day. That’s why you need to do exercises to warm up and stretch your muscles.

But is it only people who do exercises? What does a cat do when she wakes up? Dog?

Children. The cat stretches, arches its back, stretches out its paws and scratches them. The dog also stretches, she also jumps and then runs everywhere.

Educator. You see, the day should always begin with exercises, morning exercises, where you and I perform easy and difficult exercises. Remember what is the most difficult thing?

Children. “Bends to the leg” when sitting on the floor; “Indian on patrol,” lying on the floor on his stomach; “Basket”, lying on your stomach, etc.

Educator. Who can guess why these exercises are the most difficult?

Children. You have to lift most of your body, it’s heavy.

Educator. Look at these items. Which one is more difficult to lift? Why?

Children. The roller, because it is heavier, will strain the muscles more.

Educator. Try to make a little man out of these objects. What is suitable for the torso? Children. Roller.

Educator. What about the hands? Children. Sticks. Educator. For legs? Children. Bars.

Educator. For the head? Children. Ball.

Children make a little man from the benefits.

Educator. What's the hardest thing here? Children. Torso.

Educator. Which is heavier: an arm or a leg? Children. Leg.

Educator. That is why exercises are more difficult for the legs, but easier for the arms. Show easy and difficult exercises.

Children perform exercises for their arms and legs on the carpet.

You should always start your exercises by stretching. Which exercise would you do first?

Children. “Raising your hands up”, “Raising a stick”, “Braids up”.

Educator. Okay, then light exercise. And when the muscles wake up and warm up, then what exercises should you do? Children. Then difficult ones for the torso.

Educator. And then what will we do to relax later? Children. Let's take it easier again, you can repeat the first exercise. Educator. Let's try together to choose exercises for charging and perform them. The first exercise will be chosen by Dima.

The child places a card on the panel depicting the first exercise of the complex.

What will be the next exercises?

Children take turns laying out a set of morning exercises on the panel.

Now who will show all the children and they will do the exercise?

The child names the exercise, shows the starting position and performs it. Children repeat.

You guys are so great! You know how to demonstrate exercises and perform them. I give you instructions to do exercises on Saturday and Sunday mornings at home with your mom, dad, brother, sister, and on Monday you will tell me what happened.

Conversation “Teeth are the hardest parts of the body

Task: talk about the purpose of teeth.

Equipment: plates with pieces of pineapple and old cheese.

Educator. Look at your teeth in the mirror. What are they, how are they located?

Children. The teeth are white, closely spaced, there are gaps between the teeth, the teeth are sparse.

Educator. Why does a person need teeth?

Children. To eat, bite, chew well, speak, smile.

Educator. What do you think, when does a person have no teeth yet or have they already fallen out?

Children. Little children have not yet grown up, but old grandparents have already lost their hair.

Educator. Yes, a person's teeth fall out. But you can insert artificial ones to chew food and speak well.

Why do animals need teeth?

Children. For food, to chew, to defend.

Educator. Teeth perform very important work: They chew and grind food. What do you think, if you swallow stale bread without chewing, what will you feel?

Children. It's hard to swallow and it will hurt your throat.

Educator. What if you chew for a long time?

Children. The bread will be soft, wet, your throat will not hurt, you need to drink.

Educator. Why do adults say: “Chew thoroughly”?

Children. To avoid choking when eating; no need to rush, talk.

Educator. When you start chewing, what comes out in your mouth more than usual?

Children. Saliva is released.

Educator. Yes, guys, even when we see food, smell it, it starts to secrete in our mouth a large number of saliva.

Take an apple, what should you do first?

Children. Take a bite and start chewing until it becomes soft.

Educator. What did you get in your mouth?

Children. The apple became soft, like jam, without any pieces.

Educator. Yes, they first bite off a piece of bread, carrot, apple, etc. with their teeth. Then they chop well, and saliva at this time moistens the small pieces, and then the food is sent on.

Tell me, do you like sweets, can you eat them as much as you want?

Children. No, you can’t eat a lot of them, they can make your teeth hurt.

Educator. And if you ate several candies, what should you do?

Children. Rinse your mouth, brush your teeth.

Educator. Teeth are the hardest part of the body, but they are also afraid of germs. After each meal, crumbs and leftover food remain between them. There are always a lot of microbes in the food we eat, in the water we drink, even in the air we breathe. When they get into the mouth, they remain in crumbs, leftover food, between the teeth, and they feel good there.

How to get rid of germs?

Children. Rinse your mouth, brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste.

Educator. When should you brush your teeth?

Children. When we go to bed - in the evening; when we got up - in the morning.

Educator. You need to brush your teeth in the morning and evening with toothpaste, rinse your mouth well with water to wash away any remaining food. The hard hairs of the toothbrush will “sweep out” the germs that have settled between the teeth.

When do teeth start to hurt and break?

Children. If you stop caring for them.

Educator. Some people open the plugs with their teeth and bite off the wire with them. What can happen to teeth?

Children. They can break, start to hurt, and quickly deteriorate.

Educator. What if your teeth hurt?

Children. You need to be treated by a dentist and get fillings.

Educator. What, besides microbes and hard objects, are our teeth afraid of? Guys, they are very afraid of the cold. They even start to get sick when a large amount of cold stuff gets into the mouth - ice cream, ice. Your teeth can hurt so much that you have to go to the dentist, so you need to eat ice cream little by little and warm it in your mouth.

Very often, tooth enamel cracks because after cold food we immediately put hot food in our mouth - soup, tea, coffee. This is also bad for your teeth. Through cracks in the enamel, many microbes enter the tooth, which causes it to deteriorate and turn black, so after cold food you can immediately eat only warm food. It won't harm your teeth.

When grandparents have no teeth, what do they say?

Children. They feel bad, it’s unclear, they have a lisp, their mouth collapses.

Educator. Try to open your mouth and say without teeth: “cancer”, “horse”. What happened?

The children answer.

Does not work. So why else does a person need teeth?

Children. To speak well.

Educator. Yes, guys, a person really needs teeth to chew food thoroughly, crush it, speak clearly and distinctly, and smile beautifully. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your teeth, brush, rinse, and visit the dentist. And your teeth will be healthy and beautiful.



Conversation “Eyes are the mirror of the soul”

Task: develop observation and sensitivity psychological state those around you.

Equipment: pictures showing a person’s face with different eye expressions.

* * *

Educator. Guys, we have already talked about the eyes, that they are our most important helpers. Is it possible to learn something about a person by looking into his eyes?

Children. Find out what color they are.

Educator. Yes, it is true. But if you see that a person’s eyelids and eyes are red, what does this mean?

Children. That the man was crying and his eyes became red, his eyes were tired, the man was sick.

Educator. What should you do to rest your eyes?

Children. You need to close them and sit quietly. When your eyes get tired, you need to sleep.

Educator. And if a person’s eyes close on their own, the eyelids become heavy, he wants to open them, but they stick together?

Children. He wants to sleep, he needs to rest. Maybe the person is sick.

Educator. Yes, guys, when a person is tired or sick, you can see it in the eyes, they help us understand how best to behave in such a situation. If we see mom’s red eyes, it’s better not to pester her, let her rest; and if a friend has such eyes, you probably need to be more attentive to him. Is it possible to tell by the eyes that a person is having fun? What kind of eyes does he have then?

Children. Joyful.

Educator. But then you saw something scary, unfamiliar, what will your eyes become?

Children. Big, surprised.

Educator. And when a person is calm and well, what are his eyes like?

Children. Kind, affectionate.

Educator. If a person is angry, can his eyes give him away? What will they be like then?

Children. An angry person's eyes are angry, scary, and ugly.

The teacher invites the children to choose pictures depicting different eye expressions and tell what they mean.

Educator. But a person hides his eyes, does not want to look into the face of another. Why?

Children. He doesn't like this person. He is embarrassed because he is offended; maybe no one plays with him; He probably did something and is ashamed.

Educator. Guys, there is a proverb: “The eyes are ashamed, but the soul rejoices.” When a person has done something wrong and understands that it is not good and does not want to do bad things anymore, he becomes calm and joyful.

Now you show me your eyes, I will guess what you wanted to express.

Children express their mood with their eyes.

But now I see that Dima’s eyes are cheerful, and Seryozha’s are angry; Marina modestly lowered her eyes; they were shy. Katya, can you tell by his eyes what Bogdan’s mood is now?

Kate. His eyes are cunning.

Educator. Guys, remember what Tanya’s eyes do in A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya”?

Children. Tanya's eyes are crying.

Educator. Of course our eyes can cry. And when a person cries, what do the tears say?

Children. Someone offended him; a person cries if his mother scolds him; if a book is torn or a toy is broken.

Educator. Of course, a person cries from pain, resentment, pity. And when mom cuts onions, her tears flow, does she feel sorry for the onions?

Children. The onion “eats” the eyes, and she cries.

Educator. What if smoke from the fire gets into your eyes?

Children. A man cries because smoke “eats” his eyes.

Educator. Can a person cry for joy? When does this happen?

Children. When grandma hasn't come for a long time, mom and grandma cry when they meet; when they buy a new toy, they are also happy to the point of tears.

Educator. Yes, guys, you can tell by the eyes how a person feels. And we have to think, can we help him, calm him down? How can you help a person?

Children. Treat him with something, pat him on the back, let him play with his favorite toy, kiss him, feel sorry for him, invite him to visit.

Educator. Of course, it’s always nice when someone can sympathize with you and support you when a person is feeling bad. Your eyes will always tell you how you feel.

The knowledge gained during the conversation was consolidated during the didactic game “My Mood,” in which children learned to determine a person’s mood by the expression of their eyes.

Conversation “Take care of your eyes and vision”


  • clarify the purpose of the parts of the face that protect the eyes;
  • highlight the actions necessary to protect the visual organs;
  • talk about the correct lighting when drawing and coloring;
  • introduce the use of head position control when sitting at a table;
  • teach how to care for your eyes in different situations.

* * *

The teacher reads I. Orlova’s poem “To the Children About Eyes” to the children.

Let's figure it out together, children, what are eyes for in the world? And why do we all have a pair of eyes on our faces? What are eyes for? So that tears flow from them? Close your eyes with your palm, Sit just a little: It immediately became dark. Where is the crib, where is the window? It’s strange, boring and offensive - You can’t see anything around. Zhenya wants to be a pilot, fly a fast plane; Petya dreams of sailing across all the seas in this world;

Nikolai will be a tank driver, and Sergei will be a parachutist; Ilya will become a sniper... But for this, friends, In addition to knowledge and skill, Everyone needs vision!

Educator. And now, guys, let's admire our eyes. Look in the mirror. What shape are your eyes?

Children. They are round like an apple.

Educator. Another name for the eye is the eyeball. But it is not hard like an apple, but soft. Do you think he's easy to hurt?

Children. Yes.

Educator. That is why it is hidden in a dimple - the eye socket, and is covered from the outside by the eyelid. The apple itself is covered with a hard shell, it is transparent - this is the cornea.

What color are eyes?

Children. Blue, gray, black.

Educator. Ay what kind of eyes are you?

Children. I have brown ones and I have blue ones.

Educator. The color of the eyes is given by the iris. In its center there is a black dot visible - the pupil (its most important part), through which light passes into the eye. A person sees with the help of the pupil. Do all people see well?

Children. Not all, some are bad, some old grandparents cannot see at all.

Educator. How can you find out what a person does not see?

Children. He bumps into things and trips.

Educator. What does a person use to see better?

Children. Glasses.

Educator. How do glasses help a person?

Children. They have magnifying glasses and the small becomes like the big.

Educator. Yes, guys, if a person puts on glasses, he sees better. And if he listens to the doctor and wears glasses correctly, his vision can improve. If a person sees poorly, how do we talk about him?

Children. He has poor eyesight.

Educator. And when a person does not see the light at all, it is always dark for him, as they say about such a person?

Children. He's blind.

Educator. It's bad to be blind. Remember when you had your eyes closed yesterday, who were you pretending to be that you couldn’t do?

Children. We could not walk, did not see where to go, could fall, did not see toys.

Educator. So blind people cannot do different things, they need help. How can you help the blind?

Children. Take you by the hand to the store, help you cross the road, buy something there yourself.

Educator. Who can help a blind man walk along the road?

Children. Mom or some uncle.

Educator. That's right, but guys, there are also specially trained guide dogs, they lead the blind through the streets and help them cross the road. You have also seen that sometimes people walk along the road and tap their canes in front of them. Such a stick helps the blind to understand by sound that there is a hole, a stone or a ladder ahead, and to move carefully. This wand is also a guide. How else can you help the blind?

Children. Look at the road and tell the blind man that all the cars have passed, you can go. Give the signal. There are traffic lights that honk.

Educator. Who finds it easier to navigate their surroundings?

Children. People who see well.

Educator. It feels bad for a person when he loses his sight. Other eyes neither in humans nor in animals will appear or grow. Therefore, they must be protected.

Educator. What protects your eyes?

Children. Eyebrows, eyelids.

Educator. Let's try an experiment: I drop droplets of water on my forehead, the water flowed down my forehead, but not all the water got into my eyes. What delayed her?

Children. The eyebrows didn't let in the water.

Educator. When your mother washes your hair and soapy water gets into your eyes, what happens?

Children. It stings my eyes. Tears flow, my eyes hurt.

Educator. How can you protect your eyes from soap?

Children. You need to close your eyes, close them tightly.

Educator. If, however, sweat or soapy water gets into the eyes and they begin to sting, tears flow and wash away the sweat and soapy water, tears help the eyes to be clean. How can you help your eyes if you have sweat or soap in them?

Children. You need to rinse your eyes and cover them with your palm or handkerchief.

Educator. Can I wash my eyes right away? What should you do first? What will you use to wash your eyes?

Children. With water and hands.

Educator. What are your hands like?

Children. Oh, they are dirty, they need to be washed with soap.

Educator. Yes, you need to wash your hands first and then rinse your eyes with clean water. A strong wind is blowing, blowing dust into your face, what is holding it back?

Children. The eyes are closed, the eyelashes are connected and do not let out dust.

Educator. If dust does get into your eyes, what should you do?

Children. You have to blink.

Educator. What does a person blink?

Children. Over the centuries.

Educator. Yes, the eyelids are moist inside and work all the time, like “windshield wipers” in a car, washing the eyes and washing away dust from them. Why do your eyes get tired?

Children. When we watched TV for a long time, read, from the bright light.

Educator. What helps your eyes from bright sun and snow?

Children. Sunglasses.

Educator. To help your eyes work longer and not get tired, there are special exercises. I'll tell you about the fly. She loves to fly from one object to another. So our eyes, like a fly, will slide from oak leaf to maple leaf, from maple to birch, from birch to rowan, from rowan to oak. And now back.

Children perform eye movements without turning their heads.

Guys, what can be dangerous to the eyes?

Children. There are sharp objects, it’s dangerous to swing them at the table, walk with them, if you fall, they can get into your eyes.

The teacher examines with the children pictures-signs depicting objects dangerous to the eyes: scissors, knitting needles, knife, fork, stick, pencil, etc.

Educator. The eyes always work, no matter what we do. They rest only when they are closed, when we sleep. Do they work a lot?

Children. Yes many.

Educator. They work especially hard when you are drawing or looking at pictures in books. In order for your eyes to work well and get less tired, you need to sit correctly.

The eyes become damaged if a person hangs his head low. To maintain good vision, to see well when drawing and looking at pictures and books, you should not tilt your head low. It's easy to remember how to hold it correctly. Sit at the table, bend your elbows and place one hand on top of the other, palm at the elbow of the other hand. Next you need to raise one hand, place it not at the elbow and the index finger should touch the corner of the eye socket. Show how you can tell if you are holding your head correctly to preserve your visual acuity. In this position, draw any picture you want on the sheet.

Guys, is it comfortable for your eyes when you read a book lying down?

The teacher invites the child to lie down on the bench and take a book.What's happening to the eyes?

Children. They cover themselves, it's hard to see.

Educator. Now let's try to draw in a dark corner of the room. Is it easier or harder for the eyes to work?

Children. There is not enough light, the lines on the sheet are hard to see.

Educator. Look, when you sit at the table, the tables are facing the windows. Which side does the light come from?

Children. Left.

Educator. What hand do you draw with?

Children. Right.


Children. Why?

Educator. So that the leaf or book is well illuminated, and the hand does not block the light.

From which side should the light fall so that the eyes can see well and not get tired quickly?

Educator. Children. From the left.

  • To preserve your vision, you need to remember a few simple rules and constantly follow them.
  • Do not hold sharp objects (scissors, knitting needles, knife, pencil, fork, chopstick) with the point up.
  • Do not read or look at the pictures in the book while lying down.
  • Sit at the table correctly, check yourself.
  • Don't watch TV for too long or at close range.

Don't draw, don't look at pictures in a dark room, sit closer to the light correctly.

To better remember these rules, let’s make a reminder album and draw pictures of these rules.

The knowledge acquired by children in cognitive activities on the designated topic was consolidated in the didactic game “Look and Remember,” where they clarified the rules of health-saving behavior in relation to the visual organs.


  • Conversation “Air steps in the body”
  • consolidate knowledge about the passage of air through the human body during inhalation and exhalation;
  • reveal the effect of physical exercise on strengthening the respiratory system;

Equipment: reinforce the rules of breathing (through the nose).

Educator. Guys, today I went to kindergarten and saw two people of the same age. They were in a hurry somewhere. One of them walked and breathed calmly, while the other was out of breath and kept breathing through his mouth. Why do you think people breathed so differently?

Children. One, perhaps, was catching up with the other and suffocated.

Educator. What else do you think can cause a person to breathe so hard?

Children. It’s hard for him to walk, he’s weak.

Educator. It is very important to train your body and lungs so that with a small load you do not suffocate, like the person I told you about. What can you and I do to keep our lungs trained?

Children. Do gymnastics, spend more time in the fresh air.

Educator. What do you do after morning exercise before leaving the gym?

Children. Breathing exercise.

Educator. Which one, for example?

Children. Do exercises every day, you will be strong, you will be brave!

Educator. Let's do the “Blow up a Ball” exercise, which we do during morning exercises: inhale slowly through the nose, arms apart, slowly exhale through the mouth, folded into a tube, arms folded forward. Right.

Do all people inhale the same amount of air?

Children. No.

Educator. Why? Each person has a different lung capacity.

Please tell me why a person should breathe through the nose and not the mouth?

Children. The air in the nose warms up; there are hairs in the nose that prevent dust from entering the lungs; There is such a “Velcro” in the nose to which all germs stick.

Educator. You said everything correctly. Now look at this table. What does it show?

Children. Our lungs.

Educator. Right. What do you think is the safest path of air for the lungs? Go, Sasha, lay out the correct path of air into the body with magnets.

The child approaches the table and puts out a “breath” through his nose.

Explain why you think this path is safe?

Sasha. The air in the nose warms up and is cleared of dust and germs. Educator. Guys, if you agree with Sasha, raise the green circles; if you disagree, raise the red circles. And now Masha will show you how to exhale with magnets.

The child lays out “exhale” with blue magnets.

Why did you post it like that?

Masha. When we exhale, the air comes out through the mouth. Educator. When you exhale, air can come out both through the mouth and through the nose, since there will be no harm to the lungs from the exhaled air.

Does a person always breathe the same way? Children. When he runs, he can breathe quickly. Educator. Let's do a little experiment. Now you are all breathing evenly and calmly, and now I suggest you jump a little around the group one after another to the music.

Children perform jumps for 30-40 seconds.

Now let's walk a little around the group and listen to our breathing. What happened to him?

Children. We breathe quickly.

Educator. Now let's do the Woodcutter breathing exercise. What happened to your breathing? Children. It became easier to breathe.

Educator. Remember, guys, the more often we engage in physical education, do exercises, preferably in the fresh air, the more trained our lungs, heart and healthier our whole body will be. And if we sit in front of the TV all the time, lie on the couch and do nothing, our body will not become healthy.

Conversation “The heart is our engine”


  • talk about the work of the heart;
  • help to understand that the heart works differently depending on the degree of physical activity;
  • find out what needs to be done to keep the heart strong and strong.

The teacher invites the children to remember how they ran in gymnastics and what they checked after running. (They checked how the heart beats.)

Educator. Indeed, guys, we listened to your heart beating. Why do we need it?

Children. So as not to die, to move, to live, not to get sick and not to suffocate.

Educator. Guys, our heart is like the engine in a car: while the engine is running, the car is moving. The human heart always works, even when we sleep. Show me your fists. This is the same size of heart that each of you has. On which side of the chest is it located? Children. From the left side. Educator. What does it do, how does it work? Children. The heart beats: knock-knock.

Educator. Guys, the heart works as if a fist is clenching and unclenching.(Shows.) It works like a pump, drives blood through the vessels and makes it run throughout the body. If the blood stops flowing, then all the cells will be left without food and begin to die. The heart is located inside the chest, so it is not visible. How can doctors find out about the work of our heart, whether there are any malfunctions in our “engine”? Children. They insert a tube into their ears - a phonendoscope - and listen. Educator. Where can you hear your heartbeat well?

Children point to their chests.

You can listen to your pulse; it is found on your wrist.(Shows the children and helps them feel the pulse.)Listen to how your heart beats. Does it work the same as in gymnastics? Children. No, not like that now, slow down.

Educator. Let's jump and listen again to how our heart works.

Physical education lesson “We are funny guys”

We are funny guysChildren jumping one after another on twoWe love to jump and gallop,legs, trying to catch up with each other.Well, try to catch up with us.

Educator. Now listen to your pulse again. How did your heart start beating?

Children. Strongly, quickly, quickly, often.

Educator. Show with your fist how your heart works. The children do it.

Show us how the heart works when we sit quietly?

Children show slow fist movements.

Yes, guys, when we are in a calm state, our heart also works calmly. When a person does light work, the heart beats normally. The harder the work, the faster the heart beats. But it must prepare for such work in order to be strong. What helps the heart to be strong? Maybe rest more, don’t jump, don’t run, don’t climb? What can you do to get your heart used to such hard work?

Children. Train your heart, play sports, do gymnastics in the morning, it’s better to run outside - there’s more air there.

Educator. You are right, guys, physical exercise trains the heart, helping it not to get tired of hard work longer.

In what mood do you think a person’s heart works better?

Children. When he is cheerful and kind. Educator. And when does a person get angry? Children. He trembles, tenses.

Educator. Yes, a person tenses, and his heart also tenses. Therefore, it is better not to quarrel, not to offend each other, and then the heart will work better.

Let's feel the pulse again. What does the heart do? Children. The blood is pumping and pulsating.

Educator. Our heart works, blood flows through the vessels and veins, they are like rivers and streams that permeate our entire body. Look at your hands and find these "streams".

Children check and find veins on their bodies.

If you cut yourself, what might leak? Children. Blood.

Educator. What should be done to prevent blood from flowing from the wound? Children. You need to press it with your finger, bend your arm, and press the wound with a clean handkerchief.

Educator. What else can be done to stop the bleeding?

Children. Lubricate the wound with iodine and cover it with a bandage. Educator. Show me how to do this?

Children show.

Of course, the wound is smeared with iodine, it stings, but it kills microbes, the wound heals and a sore forms. If you pick it off, what happens?

Children. There will be blood again.

Educator. Will the wound then be larger or smaller?

Children. More because the blood will flow more.

Educator. Yes, it will be bigger. This means that we need to wait until the wound heals and the crust falls off on its own.

Guys, we are convinced that there is blood throughout our entire body, and the heart delivers it through “rivulets” to all organs. What needs to be done to make it work well?

Children. Do physical exercise, don’t offend anyone, so that people don’t quarrel.

Educator. Of course, he must be protected, but at the same time he must be trained, made strong and resilient.

Children refine their understanding of how the heart works through experience.

Conversation “Movement is an essential sign of life”

Equipment: doll, puppet, tape, audio recording of upbeat music.

* * *

Educator. Guys, the doll Katya came to visit us for class. Look, she looks like a person. But why is it only a toy and not a person?

Children. She can't move, she can't do anything on her own. Educator. We still have puppets. How do you think their arms and legs move?

Children. No, they don’t move on their own, but only if you pull them by the strings.

Educator. Yes, I pull the strings and my hands go up. Now try it, move these dolls. Try to make your arms rise first and then your legs.

Children take turns moving the puppet's arms and legs.

Okay guys, we can control the doll. What helps a person raise his arms, legs, move his torso, head?

Children. We we raise our arms ourselves, we want it that way and they move, the arms in the joints can bend and straighten.

Educator. Of course, guys, we give different parts of the body the task to bend and turn. Our muscles help us with this. They connect bones to each other and, like rubber, can contract and stretch.

Try to forcefully bend your arm. What has shrunk into a ball?

Children. These muscles contracted, and when the arm was straightened, the muscles were no longer visible.

Educator. That's right, this muscle first contracted, became small, and then stretched - became long. Show me your “lumps” again - I’ll see what they are like?

Guys, can you show me where your ears and feet are? Where are the muscles?

Children. We see the ears and the feet too. But the muscles are not visible, they are inside.

Educator. Try closing your eyes, and now open them without moving your head, look up, down, right, left. What helps us move our eyes.

Children. Muscles.

Educator. Yes, muscles are everywhere, but we don’t see them, we only feel them. Look, there’s a heavy weight standing there. Can anyone lift it?

Children. No - it's very heavy.

Educator. Who do they talk about “weakling”?

Children. About someone who is small, thin, and has weak arms.

Educator. What should you do to keep your muscles strong?

Children. Do gymnastics, train, lift weights.

Educator. Yes, muscles become stronger when they work well, but when they are idle, they become weak. What exercises can you do to keep your arms strong?

Children. “Strong arms”, push-ups on palms, forearms, “Scales”, “Wings” of an airplane.

Educator. Let's show these exercises.

A physical education session is held on the carpet (children perform the exercises listed).

What should you do to make your legs stronger?

Children. Run more, walk, do squats, jump on one and two legs, bend over.

Educator. Indeed, guys, such exercises make our muscles strong, both large and small. Large muscles are strong, and small muscles are weaker. Please move only your fingers.

Children perform hand exercises.

Hello, finger,Children connect their right and left little fingers

Hello, little finger,hands, tapping them against each other.

Hello, nameless,Perform the same movements with others

Hello, middle, fingers. Hello, pointer, Hello, highway,

Hello, fingers.Tap with all fingers of the right and

left hand at the same time.

Do you think it is necessary for small muscles to be strong, why is this necessary?

Children. If our hands are weak, we will get tired and will not be able to draw or write for a long time.

Educator. That's right, because we have to draw, make something, sculpt, and if the arm muscles are weak, we won't be able to do a craft or drawing. And your hands will get tired quickly.

With the help of muscles we do not only lift weights. Watch Adele perform the band exercise.

The girl performs smooth circular, helical movements with the tape. The child can be prepared in advance.

The main thing in this exercise is to lift the band. Is it heavy? Children. No, it’s light, you need to move it smoothly with your hand. Educator. Yes, muscles can make smooth, beautiful movements. Show what movements you can make with your head, shoulders, arms, legs, torso. Show some beautiful dance moves.

Children perform various dance movements to the music. They take their seats.

That's how well you and I danced. Now let's touch the hand. What are the muscles hiding and covering?

Children. They cover the bones.

Educator. Yes, muscles cover bones. Why do you think?

Guys, imagine that someone fell and hit his hand on the sharp edge of the table. What will happen to the hand if there are only bones and skin on it?

Children. It might break.

Educator. Of course, you can break your arm. What can protect her?

Children. The muscles protect, they are soft and not so painful.

Educator. Yes, muscles protect bones from impacts. Show me where else muscles protect bones?

Children. On the legs, back, chest.

Educator. Do the muscles protect the knees and elbows?

Children. No, they are not there, there are only bones.

Educator. This means we can damage them. How can we protect them?

Children. You need to take care of your knees, you need to crawl on the floor, placing your knee carefully; It’s better to crawl quickly on the carpet, don’t lean too much on your elbows, it will hurt.

Educator. So you yourself came to the conclusion. What makes us move?

Children. Thanks to the muscles.

Educator. Where are they located?

Children. They are everywhere on our body, they cover the bones.

Educator. What do you need to do to be strong?

Children. Exercise, run, do physical education, do gymnastics.

Educator. Yes, guys, I agree with you. Muscle training makes a person strong and agile. He does not get tired of any work for a long time.

Conversation “Health is fine - thanks to exercise”


  • to give an idea that exercises vary in difficulty. At first you need to do an easier exercise, and when the muscles warm up and warm up, you can begin more difficult ones;
  • develop the ability to independently conduct and perform morning exercises.

Preliminary work:children are prepared in advance for exercises from the morning gymnastics complex.

Equipment: ball, sticks, roller, two bars, panels, cards with a set of exercises.

* * *

Educator. Guys, do you remember the poem? Do exercises every day - You will be strong, you will be brave!

Why do people do exercises?

Children. To be strong and cheerful, so that the muscles are strong, so as not to get sick.

Educator. Indeed, at night you slept, your muscles rested, and in the morning they need to be stretched, prepared for work for the whole day. That’s why you need to do exercises to warm up and stretch your muscles.

But is it only people who do exercises? What does a cat do when she wakes up? Dog?

Children. The cat stretches, arches its back, stretches out its paws and scratches them. The dog also stretches, she also jumps and then runs everywhere.

Educator. You see, the day should always begin with exercises, morning exercises, where you and I perform easy and difficult exercises. Remember what is the most difficult thing?

Children. “Bends to the leg” when sitting on the floor; “Indian on patrol,” lying on the floor on his stomach; “Basket”, lying on your stomach, etc.

Educator. Who can guess why these exercises are the most difficult?

Children. You have to lift most of your body, it’s heavy.

Educator. Look at these items. Which one is more difficult to lift? Why?

Children. The roller, because it is heavier, will strain the muscles more.

Educator. Try to make a little man out of these objects. What is suitable for the torso? Children. Roller.


What about the hands? Children. Sticks. Educator.

For legs? Children. Bars.

Educator. Educator. For the head? Children. Ball.

Educator. Children make a little man from the benefits. What's the hardest thing here?

Educator. Children. Torso.

Which is heavier: an arm or a leg?

Children. Leg.

That is why exercises are more difficult for the legs, but easier for the arms. Show easy and difficult exercises.

Educator. Children perform exercises for their arms and legs on the carpet. Children. Then difficult ones for the torso.

Educator. And then what will we do to relax later? Children. Let's take it easier again, you can repeat the first exercise. Educator. Let's try together to choose exercises for charging and perform them. The first exercise will be chosen by Dima.

The child places a card on the panel depicting the first exercise of the complex.

What will be the next exercises?

Children take turns laying out a set of morning exercises on the panel.

Now who will show all the children and they will do the exercise?

The child names the exercise, shows the starting position and performs it. Children repeat.

You guys are so great! You know how to demonstrate exercises and perform them. I give you instructions to do exercises on Saturday and Sunday mornings at home with your mom, dad, brother, sister, and on Monday you will tell me what happened.

Conversation “Teeth are the hardest parts of the body”

Task: talk about the purpose of teeth.

Equipment: plates with pieces of pineapple and old cheese.

Educator. Look at your teeth in the mirror. What are they, how are they located?

Children. The teeth are white, closely spaced, there are gaps between the teeth, the teeth are sparse.

Educator. Why does a person need teeth?

Children. To eat, bite, chew well, speak, smile.

Educator. What do you think, when does a person have no teeth yet or have they already fallen out?

Children. Little children have not yet grown up, but old grandparents have already lost their hair.

Educator. Yes, a person's teeth fall out. But you can insert artificial ones to chew food and speak well.

Why do animals need teeth?

Children. For food, to chew, to defend.

Educator. Teeth perform a very important job: they chew and grind food. What do you think, if you swallow stale bread without chewing, what will you feel?

Children. It's hard to swallow and it will hurt your throat.

Educator. What if you chew for a long time?

Children. The bread will be soft, wet, your throat will not hurt, you need to drink.

Educator. Why do adults say: “Chew thoroughly”?

Children. To avoid choking when eating; no need to rush, talk.

Educator. When you start chewing, what comes out in your mouth more than usual?

Children. Saliva is released.

Educator. Yes, guys, even when we see food and smell it, a large amount of saliva begins to secrete in our mouth.

Take an apple, what should you do first?

Children. Take a bite and start chewing until it becomes soft.

Educator. What did you get in your mouth?

Children. The apple became soft, like jam, without any pieces.

Educator. Yes, they first bite off a piece of bread, carrot, apple, etc. with their teeth. Then they chop well, and saliva at this time moistens the small pieces, and then the food is sent on.

Tell me, do you like sweets, can you eat them as much as you want?

Children. No, you can’t eat a lot of them, they can make your teeth hurt.

Educator. And if you ate several candies, what should you do?

Children. Rinse your mouth, brush your teeth.

Educator. Teeth are the hardest part of the body, but they are also afraid of germs. After each meal, crumbs and leftover food remain between them. There are always a lot of microbes in the food we eat, in the water we drink, even in the air we breathe. When they get into the mouth, they remain in crumbs, leftover food, between the teeth, and they feel good there.

How to get rid of germs?

Children. Rinse your mouth, brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste.

Educator. When should you brush your teeth?

Children. When we go to bed - in the evening; when we got up - in the morning.

Educator. You need to brush your teeth in the morning and evening with toothpaste, rinse your mouth well with water to wash away any remaining food. The hard hairs of the toothbrush will “sweep out” the germs that have settled between the teeth.

When do teeth start to hurt and break?

Children. If you stop caring for them.

Educator. Some people open the plugs with their teeth and bite off the wire with them. What can happen to teeth?

Children. They can break, start to hurt, and quickly deteriorate.

Educator. What if your teeth hurt?

Children. You need to be treated by a dentist and get fillings.

Educator. What, besides microbes and hard objects, are our teeth afraid of? Guys, they are very afraid of the cold. They even start to get sick when a large amount of cold stuff gets into the mouth - ice cream, ice. Your teeth can hurt so much that you have to go to the dentist, so you need to eat ice cream little by little and warm it in your mouth.

Very often, tooth enamel cracks because after cold food we immediately put hot food in our mouth - soup, tea, coffee. This is also bad for your teeth. Through cracks in the enamel, many microbes enter the tooth, which causes it to deteriorate and turn black, so after cold food you can immediately eat only warm food. It won't harm your teeth.

When grandparents have no teeth, what do they say?

Children. They feel bad, it’s unclear, they have a lisp, their mouth collapses.

Educator. Try to open your mouth and say without teeth: “cancer”, “horse”. What happened?

The children answer.

Does not work. So why else does a person need teeth?

Children. To speak well.

Educator. Yes, guys, a person really needs teeth to chew food thoroughly, crush it, speak clearly and distinctly, and smile beautifully. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your teeth, brush, rinse, and visit the dentist. And your teeth will be healthy and beautiful.

Lesson 1: “Who am I?”
give children an idea of appearance a person, about his characteristics as a living organism;
learn to notice individual traits in yourself and in other people (I am one way, and he is another);
know good and bad habits.

1. - Guys, please tell me, in what mood did you come to the group today? (Children's answers).
- Tell me, how can you determine a person’s mood? (By facial expression.)
- People around us always see our face.

2. If facial features are given to us by nature and parents, facial expression is something that we create ourselves. We need to be able to control our face; it is not at all necessary for everyone around us to know what is in our soul. Sometimes they say about a person: “He has such a kind face!” And there are evil people with kind faces? As a rule, no. After all, a face is capable of accumulating feelings that it most often has to express. What's your face like?
A person needs to monitor his emotions and think whether he always expresses them correctly. The main thing is that our emotions are pleasant both to us and to those around us.
What good fairy-tale characters do you know?
What evil fairy tale characters do you know?
How many of you can read a funny poem?
How many of you know a sad poem?
Tasks for children:
Smile like the sun;
Frown like a cloud;
Get angry like stubborn sheep on the bridge;
Portray a sly fox;
Draw a frightened bunny.
“Describe a friend” task.
Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, face, and clothes of the child standing behind them. The one who is more accurate in describing his friend wins.
3. - Guys, please tell me, do you know what the human body consists of? Show the body parts and name them. (Head, forehead, eyes, eyelashes, ears, mouth, nose, cheeks, chin, neck, chest, back, stomach, legs, knees, feet, hands, fingers.)
- Why does a person need eyes, eyelashes, ears, heart, legs, stomach?

Listen to the poems.
The mouth whispers: “Hey, listen,
Why are you, little nose, depressed?
You are indifferent to everything
As if the light is not nice to you.”
The sad nose answers:
"Didn't you notice
Two eyes, two ears,
Two arms and two legs.
Only we live with you
Alone, weirdos."

We are given one head,
And there are two eyes
And two ears,
And two temples, and two hands,
But two mouths, two tongues, -
If only we knew
What they ate and chatted.

4. - Tell me, should children take care of their health? And what needs to be done for this?
I want to ride all over the planet,
Find out what children are doing in the world.
What are their names?
Are they living well?
We need to find out who is studying at school.
Find out how far away their school is.
How is their health, how old are they?
Does dad have a job or not?
Who adjusts the blanket on them,
Who gives them medicine with jam?

Lesson 2: “Man and his health”
tell preschoolers about the child’s body;
to form a desire for a healthy lifestyle and a conscious attitude towards one’s own health.

1. - Guys, what do you need to know to learn to read and write? You need to know the alphabet well. And there is another, more important and interesting alphabet: THE ABC OF HEALTH. You need to know it in order to be healthy, agile, and resilient. Today we will talk about how the human body works, what needs to be done in order not to get sick and to always be healthy.
Many centuries ago, people realized how important it is to take care of their health, keep their bodies clean and strengthen themselves. So that it always remains strong and strong. You need to be careful, not endanger your life, eat right and be friends with sports.

2. Poster “Structure of the human body”
- Guys, look at the poster and name the parts of the body that you know.
- Our entire body is covered with skin. It reliably protects internal organs from damage and tells us what is happening around. Whether we are hot or cold. Under the hot rays of the sun, the skin tans, becomes denser and darker, so that the internal organs do not overheat. Nails and hair are also skin. But only keratinized.

If each of you saw how many microbes are swarming on your hands and hiding under your nails, you would never forget to wash your hands before eating, cut and clean your nails: From plain water and soap
Microbes are losing their power.

3. Who knows what microbes are?
Microbes are the cause of many diseases. They enter our body with food or air and multiply quickly. The body’s defenses begin to fight it, and the person’s temperature rises. That is why the doctor first asks the patient about his temperature.
If you are sick, for example, with the flu, then the people around you can also become infected, since when you sneeze and cough, droplets of saliva splash, fall on food, objects, and fly in the air. People nearby can inhale them and also get sick. Therefore, when you sneeze and cough, be sure to cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

4. - Who can explain why they brush their teeth?
- Who can answer when you should visit the dentist?
If a small hole has formed in a tooth, a person is lazy or afraid to go to the dentist, it is as if he is providing a comfortable apartment for bacteria, where they quickly multiply. But even if all the teeth are healthy, food debris can get stuck in the cracks between them; this is food for bacteria. This is why it is necessary to brush your teeth after eating.
You need to brush your teeth often.
Friend of teeth - toothpaste.

So that your gums are strong,
Gnaw the carrot and turnip.

So that your teeth don't hurt,
Instead of gingerbread, sweets
Eat apples, carrots -
Here's my advice to you, kids!
Everything in the human body is interconnected. For example, a person has bad teeth - then his stomach may also get sick, since food needs to be chewed thoroughly, and it’s difficult for bad teeth to do this.

5. Do you know which foods are healthy and which are harmful to human health?
Each of you knows that in order to stay healthy, you need to walk in the fresh air, do morning exercises, play sports, eat right, and toughen up. When a person is not sick, he rarely thinks about what health is. It seems that you are healthy and will always be so.
Try not to be lazy:
Every time before eating,
Before you sit down at the table,
Wash your hands with water.

And do exercises
Every morning
And, of course, toughen up -
This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air
If possible, always
Go for walks in the forest,
He will give you strength, friends!

I revealed my secrets to you
How to maintain health
Follow all the tips
And life will be easy for you!
Lesson 3: “Vitamins strengthen the body”
introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”;
consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about healthy foods that contain vitamins;
to cultivate in children a culture of nutrition and a sense of proportion.

1. - Guys, today a boy Vanya Zaboleikin came to visit us. Meet him guys, say hello! (children get acquainted with a theatrical puppet).

Vanechka, you are such a good boy, but for some reason your last name is so strange - Zaboleikin.
- And I like my last name because I like to be sick all the time. Today I came to your kindergarten, but tomorrow I will get sick and will sit at home. Then I’ll come back for a day and get sick again...
- Well, Vanechka, something incomprehensible is happening to you. Do you really like to sit at home, miss interesting activities, where do guys become smart and knowledgeable? And in general, it’s boring to sit at home, there’s no one to play with!
- Guys, do you like to get sick? (No!)
- Indeed, sometimes it happens that children get sick, but we must try to be healthy. If you want to be healthy, remember one secret: if you want to be cheerful, efficient, strong, if you want to fight infectious microbes, do not succumb to any diseases - take vitamins every day.

2. - What are vitamins? – asks Zaboleikin.
- Sit down, Vanechka, next to the children. Today we will learn what vitamins are. Vitamins are substances that our body needs to absorb food, they increase performance, resistance to infectious diseases, and promote the growth of our body. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person suffers from various diseases, becomes lethargic, weak, sad...
Would you like me to tell you where vitamins come from? In nature, vitamins are formed in plants, so fruits, vegetables, and fruits serve as the main source of vitamins for people in the body. Every blade of grass, every leaf catches the sun's rays - the sources of life. A ray of sunlight will fall on a green leaf and go out, but will not disappear; with its help, substances necessary for the plant will appear in the leaf, and vitamins will also appear. Just like you, vitamins have their own names. Let's get to know them better. They are usually designated by letters: A, B, C, D, PP, E, K.
3. Vitamins have their own houses where they live. And vitamins love to play heel. So today they hid from you guys. And we will have to look for them. Do you agree to look for vitamins?
Then full speed ahead. But it's not so easy to find them. For this we will have to work hard. Now we will plant a vegetable garden.

Game - imitation
We are very friendly people (Children stand in a circle).
And we plant a garden.
They took several shovels, (Dig the ground with imaginary
We began to dig the ground. shovels).
They took a rake, loosened it, (They loosen the ground, make a bed
They created a little bed here. imaginary rake).
We ask you not to distract us - (They shake a finger).
We need to sow the garden bed.
Everyone took a bag of seeds (Sprinkle the seeds into the garden bed).
And he throws it into the ground himself.
We carefully rake (Rake, water).
And water it with water.
Here is a cheerful vegetable garden, (Pointing to the garden bed),
What doesn't grow here!
And now, friend, don’t yawn, (They are collecting the harvest in a basket).
Gather the harvest!

Now let's go to the garden.
- Who was in the garden? What grows in the garden?
Our garden
Our autumn garden is beautiful.
It contains plums and grapes.
On the branches like toys
And apples. And pears.
And like lanterns they burn
Quince and plum and pomegranate.
And by night a chill blows,
And the yellow leaf rustles at my feet.
We will collect the fruits in the morning
And we’ll call all the neighbors,
And let's wave to the sun.
“Thank you, autumn!” - let's say.
As the harvest progresses, children will learn which vegetables, fruits, and berries contain certain vitamins.
But vitamin D turned out to be the most cunning. He hid in the rays of the sun. When you walk in the fresh air, the sun's rays give you vitamin D.
Now listen to which vegetables, fruits and foods contain certain vitamins.
Vitamin A – carrots, butter, orange, tangerine, tomato, apricot, red bell pepper, pumpkin. Vitamin A is called the growth vitamin.
Vitamin B – black bread, peas, beans, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, pork, milk and dairy products.
Vitamin B promotes good heart function. When it is not there, a person sleeps poorly, cries a lot, and the heart works poorly.
Vitamin C – currants, apples, onions, lemon, sauerkraut. Vitamin C strengthens the entire body and helps fight colds.
Vitamin E – corn, vegetable oils, cereal germ.
Vitamin D - sun rays, fish fat, eggs, caviar, dairy products.
- That's great! - Zaboleykin rejoices. – It turns out that no matter what product you take, each contains vitamins. I’ll go home, ask my mother to cook buckwheat porridge with milk, make a rosehip decoction, grate raw carrots - and I’ll have a whole set of vitamins in my body. Now I have solved the riddle of why I get sick all the time. I thought that all soups, all cereals, milk, onions, garlic were all tasteless products, and I asked my mother to buy me candy, lemonade, chips... I didn’t know that there were healthy and necessary products. Now I will be literate, I will go to kindergarten every day, your doctors know exactly what healthy menu to offer children, and I will be strong and healthy.

Lesson 4: “Healthy food”
tell children that health depends on proper nutrition: food should be not only tasty, but also healthy;
give information about the benefits of vitamins.

1. Today our conversation will be about food. Tell me, can a person live without food? (Children's answers). Yes, maybe for a while, but just a little. So that a person grows and develops well. He needs to eat and eat every day. People, animals, birds, insects eat. Any organism - from the smallest to the adult - requires nutrition. As soon as food stops being supplied in a timely manner (for breakfast, lunch, dinner), the body weakens. Why is this happening?
The fact is that foods contain nutrients that help the body grow and develop.
Food provides all living things construction material for growth, supplies them with energy. This energy warms us, moves the heart, muscles, makes the brain work, brings vigor and strength. Vegetables, fruits, and milk contain vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. The body accumulates fats from butter and vegetable oils and uses them to generate energy.
Without food, we cannot grow, move, stay warm, recover from illness, or live at all. We need a lot of variety of food to be healthy.
People who eat too much fatty and sugary foods gain excess weight, which can harm their health and even get sick.
Why do people cook food? It is easier for our stomach to digest cooked food than raw food. Cooking also kills microbes that can make people sick, and the food lasts longer.
2. All people need vitamins. The main ones are A, B, C, D. Vitamin A is found in carrots (the juice is especially useful), fish, bell peppers, and eggs.
Remember the simple truth -
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice.

Vitamin B can be found in chicken meat, milk, green peas, and rye bread.
Early morning is very important
Eat oatmeal at breakfast.
Black bread is good for you -
And not just in the morning.

Vitamin C is found in lemons, black currants, oranges, strawberries, onions, cabbage, and radishes.
For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon,
Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D is produced when exposed to sunlight.
Fish oil is the healthiest!
Even if it’s disgusting, you have to drink it.
He saves from diseases.
Without diseases, life is better!

I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C.
3. What happens to the food you eat? You grind it with your teeth and it mixes with saliva in your mouth. This helps it slide down the esophagus into the stomach. Special juices in the stomach process food and break it into small pieces. This process is called digestion. The food then enters a winding tube called the small intestine where it turns into solution. Through the walls of the small intestine useful material from this solution they enter the blood and are distributed throughout the body. Waste from digestion goes into another tube called the colon and is eliminated from the body. These are the amazing transformations that occur with food in our body.
Remember the rules of eating:
- take your time while eating;
- don't eat on the go:
- don’t overeat;
- do not eat too cold or too hot food;
- don’t eat a lot of sweets;
- Chew your food thoroughly.

Exercise “Healthy and junk food”
Under the green card, put pictures of healthy food, and under the red card, pictures of unhealthy food. Pictures: juice, cake, fruits, vegetables, candies.

I think you know without a doubt
That not everything you eat is beneficial.
Remember and explain to everyone very clearly:
You can't hurt your stomach needlessly.
He doesn't need cold food
And very hot is also harmful.
And various sweets and chips and cola
The stomach is afraid of injections like the butt.
Large pieces should not be swallowed,
And he needs to chew it thoroughly.
And remember, those didn’t have stomach ache,
Who understood and pitied him from childhood!
To grow strong, fit and healthy, you need to eat a variety of foods. Don’t turn your nose upside down, as is sometimes the case with children, and then their parents persuade them to eat at least another spoonful.

Lesson 5: “Microbes”
Give children basic knowledge about germs and how to protect themselves from them.

1. Microbe is a terribly harmful animal:
Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.
Such an animal in the stomach
He will climb in and live there quietly.

He’ll climb in, he’s a naughty fellow, and wherever he wants.
Walks around the patient and tickles him.
He is proud that he is causing so much trouble:
And a runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.
O. Nash
Scientists have named the smallest representatives of this world, due to their insignificant size, microbes or microorganisms (from the Greek word “micros”, small). The microscope made it possible to examine microbes individually, each one. It turned out that although these creatures usually consist of a single living cell, they are diverse in form, properties, lifestyle and their influence on the environment.
The main place among microbes is occupied by bacteria. All life on earth, in water and soil, in plants and animals largely depends on them. Some bacteria are very gentle and die easily, while others even tolerate boiling and freezing, exposure to acids, alkalis and poisons. When bacteria enter the body of a person or animal, they can cause dangerous diseases - tuberculosis, anthrax, typhoid, sore throat, plague, pneumonia, blood poisoning.
Microbes are very small, invisible living creatures. They can be found indoors, on the ground, in the air, and even on clothing and the human body. They can enter the body through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables or fruits, water, and through breathing. They live under nails and in sore teeth. When microbes enter the body, they multiply quickly and cause illness.
2. You know that there are many diseases in the world. Diseases that are caused by germs and viruses are called infectious diseases. Each contagious disease is caused by certain microbes.
What are microbes afraid of?
How good life would microbes have if everyone was afraid of them, and they were afraid of no one.
It turns out that there are reasons that prevent microbes from multiplying.
Many types of microbes die when dried, when exposed to sunlight, when heated to 60 ° C and when boiled for up to 5 minutes. Even the most persistent pathogenic microbes in the external environment are killed by boiling for 20 minutes. That's why it's safer to drink boiled water rather than raw tap water, which can harbor germs.
3. What should you do to avoid getting sick:
- eat only washed vegetables and fruits;
- do not drink dirty and raw water;
- always wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, after a walk;
- eat and drink only from clean dishes;
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing and coughing;
- don’t forget to clean and ventilate the room.
Guys, do you know that there are also beneficial bacteria. These bacteria convert milk into curdled milk, kefir, acidophilus, and grape juice– in alcohol, vinegar, wine. But most importantly, without beneficial bacteria we would have less milk, bread and meat. The fact is that the life of animals depends on plants, and plants develop best in soil that has a lot of nitrogen. Nitrogen is taken from the air and transferred to the soil by bacteria living in it.
But that's not all. If there were no bacteria on Earth that cause decay, our planet would gradually become covered with the undecomposed remains of plants and animals. Decay bacteria help destroy these remains. In this way, all the substances that made up the bodies of plants and animals are returned to the soil.

Lesson 6: “Personal hygiene”
develop in children an understanding of the importance and necessity of hygiene procedures.

1. Guys, listen to an excerpt from V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad” (illustrations are shown as you read):
This boy loves soap and tooth powder.
This boy is very nice and does well.
This one got into the mud and is glad that his shirt is dirty.
They say about this guy: “He’s bad. Slob!"
- Which of the boys do you like best?
- Why did you like the neat, orderly boy?
- Did anyone like the other boy?
- Why didn’t you like it?
2. In order for a person to look clean and neat, he must follow the rules of personal hygiene. What is this?
Rules of personal hygiene are when a person monitors cleanliness
your face, hands, body, teeth.
- What toiletries help a person to be clean? That's right, soap, towel, washcloth, toothpaste and brush.
I have a concern
Soap goes to work.
Sasha soaps, washes,
He often invites you to visit.
Accept the invitation
Don't forget the soap.
Towel (riddle)
Terry, fragrant, soft, fluffy.
Likes to get wet with water and wipe anything wet.
The guys will come back from their walk and come to the tap. They will run the water, rub your palm a little without soap and reach for the towel, the dirt will remain on it.
Guys, tell me how to wash your hands properly. (Children's answers.)
Listen to 8 rules for washing your hands:
1.Roll up your sleeves.
2. Wet your hands.
3.Take soap and lather your hands until foam appears.
4.Rub not only your palms, but also the back of them.
5.Rinse off the foam.
6.Check that you have washed your hands well.
7. Dry your hands
8.Check that you have wiped your hands dry - place the back of your hands on your cheek.
Here the washcloth is spread out,
She doesn't feel sorry for your back.
Foams, soaps, washes,
He wants his body to be clean.
You and the washcloth are friends,
Tell her where it’s dirty.
- Dirt on the body?
- No problem!
It will wipe everything off without difficulty.
The teacher suggests showing how children wash their hands and face (imitation of movements), and then remember which poem contains the words:
Let's wash, swim,
Splash, dive, tumble
In the tub, in the trough,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean,
And in the bath and sauna.
Anytime and anywhere
Eternal glory to the water!
3. The main enemy of teeth is caries. He has assistants - plaque and black stone. You brush your teeth, eat, and after some time the surface of the tooth becomes yellow and rough. If you don’t remove plaque in time with a brush and toothpaste, that is, if you don’t brush your teeth. Then a black stone will come and make the tooth ugly and sick. And only then the insidious caries begins to act, which begins to destroy the tooth.
Caries and its friends are afraid of brushes and toothpaste. Remember, they are the ones best friends your teeth.
Guys, tell me how to properly care for your teeth?
That's right, you need to brush your teeth in the morning and evening, to drive away nasty caries from your teeth. You hesitate a little, get lazy - and he’s right there. During the day, after eating, you should rinse your mouth with warm water. A toothbrush is a faithful friend to teeth. If only you use it skillfully. And then it happens that the guys lightly brush 2-3 times over the front teeth somehow and that’s it, they think they’ve done it, they’ve conquered caries. But that’s not the case, he – caries – is just waiting for you to be lazy and somehow brush your teeth. No, there will be no benefit from such cleaning.
4. Ball game “What is good for teeth and what is not good”
Useful Not useful
Carrot Chocolate
Apple Cookies
Milk Candy
Cottage cheese Lollipops
Sour cream Zephyr
Butter Cake
Kefir Ice Cream
Solemn promise
To be dirty and slobby
I can't transform
I promise to clean, clean... (to wash) every day.
I want to be very clean.
And not a black jackdaw,
I promise to be friends with soap and... (loofah).
Also, twice a day
I promise to brush... (teeth).
I promise everyone around
Be an obedient baby.
Walk clean and tidy
Very, very...(neat).

Lesson 7: “Daily routine”
form an idea of ​​the correct daily routine and its importance for the body.

1. Let's figure out what a daily routine is. A daily routine is when a person does his main activities at a certain time. Remember where your day begins and how it goes. (Children's stories).
From your stories, you can highlight the main points of your daily routine: getting up, breakfast, lunch, sleep, dinner, getting ready for bed, sleep.
There is a regime not only in a person’s life. There is a regime in nature.
- Change of seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.
- The change of night and day.
Guess the riddles.
Light lamps, candles -
The dark...(evening) has crept up on us.

We hear birds, we are rubbish:
“The night has passed, welcome…” (day).

Now the sun has closed its eyes -
The kingdom has come...(night).
The sun ran away
Go to bed: it has come... (night).

In the morning he looks at us through the window
And the ray tickles... (the sun).
The night is dark, dark, dark -
Hidden in the clouds... (moon).
2. Animals have a daily routine. In the morning they wake up just like you, and at night they sleep. And some animals have their own special regime. For example, a bear goes to sleep in the winter, and in the spring he wakes up. But if anyone happens to wake up a bear in winter, things will go badly for him. The bear will get angry and will go around scaring everyone in the forest for breaking his routine and disturbing his sweet sleep.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, couch potato
Bear, bear, couch potato!
He slept long and deeply,
I slept through the whole winter
And I didn’t get on the tree,
And I didn’t go sledding,
And I didn’t throw snowballs,
The target would all be snoring.
Oh, you little bear!

The night is leaving
The night goes to rest
And takes you along
And a cricket and a firefly,
And a night moth.
Those who flew at night
To our open window,
They trembled, they chirped,
They've been sleeping somewhere for a long time.
Hiding in folds
The smell is sweet,
Petal by petal,
I secretly covered myself
And the night flower fell asleep.
An owl flies into a hollow.
It's dawning. It's dawn...
3. Plants also have a regime. Remember how trees bloom in the spring, and in the fall they shed their leaves and go to sleep until next spring. Observe the plants. In the morning they open their amazing buds, and in the evening they prepare for bed and close their petals until the next day.
4. Everything has its own order, routine. Now imagine if there were no regime. In the middle of the summer it would snow for no reason at all, the trees would not know what to do, the sun and moon would forget about the line and come out whenever they wanted. Poor crickets and night moths did not know what to do - sing songs or go to bed, and in winter spring would unexpectedly come and wake up the couch potato, and then the disturbed and angry bear would walk through the forest and look for someone to scare, and maybe eat for such tricks. What a mess it would be.
I hope you understand that the regime is very important not only for nature, but also for your body. Get used to getting up at the same time, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, getting ready for bed and going to bed. If you learn to do this, your body will thank you with health, but if not, then confusion and confusion will begin in your body, as in nature. The eyes want to sleep, and the stomach will say: “I want to eat.” Which one is more important to please? It is important for both, but... each in its own time.
Your daily routine should definitely include games and walks in the fresh air, but not only them. First of all, you are also home helpers.

Mom's assistant
I didn't want to sleep anymore
I washed and got dressed,
And then I took the broom
And she swept the porch.
I washed the cups and saucers, didn’t break a single one,
I cleaned everything in the kitchen -
This helped my mother.
She's full of worries
A lot of all sorts of work.
If I could do it myself,
I would help her with everything!
Remember, the correct daily routine will make your body healthy and strong.

Lesson 8: “My wonderful nose”

tell children about why a person needs a nose, what its purpose is.
Explain why you need to care about the cleanliness of indoor air.
Create ideas in children about a healthy lifestyle.

1. Today we will talk about the meaning of the senses. Guess what it will be about.
Between two luminaries there is one in the middle.
Here is a mountain, and mountains are two deep holes.
In these holes the air wanders -
It comes in and out. (Nose.)
Why do we need them, these noses? There is only suffering with them: you will fall down a hill and break it; then he sneezes, they even came up with a special handkerchief for him - a handkerchief. But we can breathe through our mouths. So? Yes, but not so. Our nose is no less important than other organs, and it is advisable to breathe through the nose, and not through the mouth. Why? But listen.
Entering the nose, the air passes through two corridors, the walls of which are covered with hairs. You can see them yourself if you look at your nose in the mirror. The hairs play the role of guards - they do not allow dust particles to enter the nose.
The air then passes through the labyrinth. The walls of the labyrinth are covered with a sticky liquid - mucus. Microbes stick to it and try to get into our body along with the air. In addition, walking through the labyrinths warms the air. So it enters the lungs warm and purified.
The nose is the first to fight germs. When a person has a cold, his nose begins to produce a lot of mucus, which tries to delay the invasion of germs and prevent them from entering the throat and lungs. If there is too much mucus with microbes stuck to it, we sneeze. And the nose clears. But when sneezing, you need to cover your nose with a handkerchief so as not to infect those around you with your germs.
Remember what to do if you have a runny nose? Firstly, you need to dress warmly. The main thing is to keep your feet warm. In the evening at home, take a bowl of hot water, add dry mustard, dip your feet in it and warm it up a little. Then wipe dry and quickly put on warm woolen socks. Secondly, you need to drink something hot. Suitable tea with honey, raspberries, linden blossom, and various medicinal herbs.
Try to keep your feet warm and dry at all times. If you get wet, go home immediately and change your shoes. Experienced hikers and travelers always carry extra socks and shoes. They will never set off until they dry their wet clothes by the fire.
The nose can be hardened. To do this, you need to rinse it with salted water twice a day. And under no circumstances should you breathe through your mouth! Why? (Cold air, germs).
Our nose is the first to inform the brain about unbreathable air: gas, chemical odors, the smell of burning during a fire. How could we enjoy the wonderful smell of flowers if it were not for our wonderful nose? Scientists have calculated that a person is able to distinguish up to 400 different odors. There are people with a heightened sense of smell, they can create perfumes and eau de toilette.
Let's see if you can use your nose to identify familiar smells.
2. Game “Recognize by smell”
Children are asked to close their eyes and identify some familiar smells: anise-based cough syrup, fir oil, pine smell, garlic, pickles. You can also determine what is inside Kinder surprise capsules with pierced holes: cotton wool soaked in perfume; a piece of chocolate, a clove of garlic; orange peel; a piece of herring or pickled cucumber.
I do not know anything.
And suddenly my nose says,
That somewhere and someone
Something's about to burn!
I do not know anything.
It was the nose that reported:
Someone bought oranges
And wow, he put it there!
I do not know anything.
I'm sitting in stuffiness.
The nose says: “Let's take a walk!
I beg you very much."
You go and walk with him.
He says: “You know,
It smells like spring!”
E. Moshkovskaya
3. I think everyone understands what an important role the nose plays in a person’s life. Therefore, observe the following rules:
- do not pick your nose with your finger or, especially, with a sharp object;
- do not put foreign objects into your nose;
- when you have a runny nose, you should not blow your nose too much and suck in mucus, this can lead to ear disease;
- do not use someone else’s handkerchief, it should be personal for each person.
4. It is very unpleasant when a person does not watch his nose and does not use a handkerchief on time.
The little boy is almost six.
He has pockets
And there's good in these pockets
And you can't count them!
There are candy papers,
Buckles, plugs,
Wood, nails,
Buttons, reels,
Old key to the storage room -
Full of all sorts of things, but!
In the boy's two pockets
There is no place for... a scarf!
This is how the mischievous man walks:
Nose - sniff,
Nose - sniff,
Every now and then: sniff!
L. Delyanu
People say: “Take care of your nose in severe frost.” Do you know how to do this? Should you protect your nose in hot weather? What will you do if your nose starts bleeding? Why is this happening?
When people say: “the nose is not mature enough,” it means that the younger ones are teaching the older ones; “hanging his nose” - upset; “leads by the nose” - deceives; “keep your nose up” - don’t be discouraged!

Lesson 9: “Posture – beautiful back”
learn to take care of your health;
encourage you to do physical exercises and enjoy the results achieved.

1. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived two very noble families. One family - the hunchbacks - was very proud. They said to themselves: “We are the most noble, we are the richest, we are the most beautiful. We have round backs, and our heads always look down - we all see what lies on the ground” (show illustration). And the family of the staunch tin soldier was very modest. The father always told his son: “Always look forward, son. Don't bow your head in the face of difficulties. Straighten your shoulders, expose your chest to all the winds, and never be afraid of anything” (show illustration).
- Guys, in which family do you think the people are more beautiful? (Children's answers).
- A person’s beauty can be internal (these are his thoughts, his feelings, his character) and external (these are facial features, height, figure, posture).
- Who has more beautiful posture: the hunchback or the soldier?
2. Imitation game “Show me what kind of back the hunchbacks walked with in the family. Show me what kind of backs they walked with in the family of the tin soldier.”
- Guys, what do you think, is it nice to look at a slender person or a stooped one? How did you prefer to walk: with your back straight or hunched over? (Children's answers).
3. - It’s nice to look at a slender person; slender people are pleasing to the eye. But it's not just about beauty. A slender person has a properly formed skeleton. With correct posture, it is easier for the heart, lungs, stomach and other important organs to work. Correct posture is not given to a person from birth, but is acquired by him. It is produced in childhood, in adolescence, and after 18 years it is very difficult to correct its deficiencies, because in childhood The cartilage tissue in the vertebrae has not yet been replaced by bone.
The tin soldier knew about this. Because since childhood I was involved in physical exercises, sports, and more than once heard from my parents: “Don’t bend your back! Straighten your shoulders! Sit up straight!”
- Incorrect posture makes your back crooked and ugly. If you learn to keep your back straight in childhood, then even at an older age you will not suffer from lower back pain.
- And in the family of hunchbacks, parents did not teach their children to keep their backs straight. They walked with their noses buried in the ground and did not notice how beautiful the world. They never told their children: “Watch your posture! Straighten your shoulders, raise your head! their children were often sick and complained of back pain. Their backs became more and more curved and hunchbacked.
4. - Guys, who wants to check their posture?
Exercise 1
Sit as straight as you can. (The teacher praises the children for their straight backs.)
Exercise 2
Go to the wall and stand so that the back of your head is facing. The shoulder blades and heels fit tightly to her. Move away from the wall and try to maintain this position for as long as possible.
Exercise 3
Place a sandbag on your head and walk (slowly, then faster). The moment your posture is incorrect, the bag will fall.
5.- Guys, who knows why hunchbacks have such crooked backs? (Children's answers).
- The hunchback has poor posture. This disease is called scoliosis. This means that the spine is deformed, i.e. twisted. This disease is difficult and long to treat. The spine helps us maintain correct posture - this is the main core of the body. It runs down the middle of the back. The ribs are attached to the spine and protect the internal organs from damage.
- Guys, do you think a child can form correct posture on his own, or, conversely, deform it? Why is the spine curved in children?
The Tin Soldier knew that if you keep your spine in a straight position, the muscles become stronger and get used to this position. And without physical exercise, muscles weaken and become decrepit. If you remember this from childhood, systematically engage in physical exercise, run, swim, ride a bike. Play sport games, then the skeletal muscles will strengthen and the posture will remain straight.
In the family of hunchbacks, the children were very lazy. They believed that their backs were already beautiful, so there was no need to make extra efforts to make their posture slim.
But one day trouble happened. All the children in the hunchback family had back pain, they could not get out of bed, and could not go to school. What to do? And then they remembered how the persistent tin soldier always said: “I take care of my spine... I will run away from illnesses...” and decided to call the soldier to help them. The Tin Soldier immediately came to their aid and gave the following useful advice:
1. Don’t be lazy, carry out work assignments at home, in kindergarten, at school, at the dacha, etc.
2 Do morning exercises and exercise every day.
3. It is correct to sit on a chair at the table, do not hunch, do not bow your head low.
4.When carrying heavy objects, load your arms evenly. If you carry a bag or a briefcase in one hand, one shoulder will become lower than the other.
5.Sleep on a hard bed with a low pillow.
6.When writing or reading, change your position every 15-20 minutes, stretch, move, do physical exercise.
7.If you have to stand for a long time while working, you should definitely change your position after 15 minutes, move around, and give your spine a rest.
8. Walk more in the fresh air, play sports games: football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, playgrounds, play with jump rope, hoops, balls, etc.
9. Look at yourself in the mirror every day, which will remind you what your posture is.

After the children of the hunchbacks began to follow the advice of the tin soldier, a miracle happened. All the children recovered and became truly beautiful, slim, and fit. And most importantly, they stopped being proud. He who knows how to work does not know how to be proud!

Lesson 10: “Sport is health”
contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the need to engage in physical education and sports.
Strengthen knowledge about various sports.

1. Guys, every day we hear the familiar words “physical education”, “sport”. What do you think is the difference between these two concepts? (Everyone can do physical education, but not sports).
Physical education can be done by the small, the old, and the sick. The strongest, strongest and healthiest people engage in sports. But every athlete dreams of becoming an athlete.
2. Athletes are people who dedicated their lives to sports. (Children look at photographs of athletes from various types sports).
To become a real athlete, it takes a lot of strength, energy, health, work and desire. A true athlete acquires many qualities. These are endurance, strength, agility, accuracy, grace, speed, slender figure, correct posture.
However, not everyone knows that in order to achieve all these qualities, athletes train very, very hard. Day after day, from morning to evening, an athlete’s life is spent in training. Not everyone is capable of this, and not everyone’s health allows it.
But this does not mean at all that you should not be friends with sports. “Yes, I can’t do this,” someone will say. But no! Do you want to be dexterous, accurate, resilient? That is great! Therefore, I suggest you organize your own home stadium. A mandatory sports equipment for every boy is a ball. Organize a football team with the guys in the yard. Now you are already a football player. Meanwhile, girls can jump ropes and twirl hoops, as they do in athletics.
Draw a circle on the ground. This is a target, now step back a few steps and aim a pebble at him. Got it? Great! Now you have already shown accuracy. Now move further away, increase the distance and try again.
There is probably not a single baby who does not like to jump. Draw a straight line on the ground with a stick and jump from it with the guys, taking turns to see who is further. Whoever jumped further is the champion.
Or you can go for a run. Choose a flat place where there is nothing in the way. Draw straight line stick on the ground. Place the ball at some distance ahead. Now stand with the guys at the line and at the signal: one, two, three! – run to the ball and back. The one who comes running first is the winner.
You can think of a lot more interesting games and competitions. And those guys who want to get involved in sports seriously can sign up for sports clubs and sections.
3. As you guessed, sport is, first of all, physical education.
The meaning of physical culture
And in the beauty of muscles,
And in the health of the body -
To move through life easily!
Is it difficult to stay in good shape?
You need to play sports!
Having interrupted the sweet dream early,
Do exercises in the morning!

For a beginner athlete
Where did you start? For nothing -
I decided to reach the ceiling.
It didn’t work out - I didn’t get it,
But he straightened up and became taller.
And then - more: in order
I started doing exercises from top to bottom.
For the head, for the arms and legs...
I did the exercises - more sense:
Even if just a little bit, I became stronger.
So start the day more cheerfully.

Sports, guys, are very necessary,
We are close friends with sports.
Sport is health, sport is an assistant,
Sports - games, physical education - hurray!

Used Books
1. Blinova G.M. Cognitive development children 5-7 years old. Toolkit. – M., 2006
2. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. – Voronezh, 2005
3. Golitsyna N.S., Shumova I.M. Nurturing a healthy lifestyle in children. – M., 2008
4. Fisenko M.A. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Middle and senior groups. Lesson developments. ITD "Corypheus". – Volgograd, 2006

Target: shape children's ideas preschool age about health as one of the main values ​​of human life; develop the ability to identify the components of human health and establish their relationship; consolidate the basic concepts: “daily routine”, “personal hygiene”, “vitamins”, “healthy foods”, “healthy lifestyle”; educate children in the skills and needs of a healthy lifestyle.

Previous work: viewing illustrations on the topic “My health is my wealth”, reading the book “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, reading and studying by G. Oster “ Bad habits”, conversations “What is health”.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today, when I was going to work, I met Cheburashka. He ran to the pharmacy. It turns out that Gena the Crocodile is sick. Let's tell Cheburashka what to do to avoid getting sick. Today we will take you on a journey to the city of Health.

Educator: Guys, do you know what health is? Children's answers.

Health is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. What should you do to be healthy? You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it.

Just answer me:

The path to a mysterious country

Where does your health live?

Does everyone know? Let's say together...

Children They answer “Yes.”

To get to the city of Health, you need to hold hands, close your eyes and say the magic password: “Sun, air and water are our best friends! "

And here is our route. Let's look at the map of our journey. Look how many different streets there are. ( Looking at the schematic map)

Vitaminnaya Street .

Educator: Guys, here we are on Vitaminnaya Street.

Cheburashka, the guys and I will tell you how to eat to be healthy. To be healthy, you need a balanced diet, that is, you need to know which foods you can eat and which are harmful to your health. ( Children's answers) You can eat fresh fruits and vegetables as much as you want, they will replace the best pills from the pharmacy.

Educator: Children, what vitamins do you know? ( Children's answers.)

— Guys, what are vitamins for? ( To strengthen our body and have good health).

Educator: That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, making it easier for the body to fight diseases. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.

The teacher tells the children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D. Explains what other products they contain and what they are needed for.

Educator: Vitamin A – carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart).

Vitamin C – citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds).

Vitamin D – sun, fish oil (for bones).

Remember the simple truth -

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks blueberry juice.

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat lemon

Although it is very sour.

Educator: A game “Exactly!”

The teacher reads out quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, the children all say together: “That’s right, that’s right, absolutely right!” And if they talk about things that are harmful to health, children remain silent.

1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,

And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.

2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets

Eat candy, chew toffee, be slim, become like a cypress.

3. To eat healthy, you will remember the advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.

4. There are no healthier foods - delicious vegetables and fruits.

Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins.

5. Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat.

He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door.

6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,

Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases.

Educator: Well done, you all completed the task.

Let's continue our journey and go to another street called Physical education.

Let's divide into teams and for each correct answer you will receive chips.

If a person plays sports, he will live longer. It is necessary to do morning exercises. It is useful to gargle, dry yourself with a towel, and play outdoor games more often.

Do exercises in the morning

You will be strong

You will be brave.

I'll chase away the remnants of sleep

Blanket to the side

I need gymnastics

It helps a lot.

So that we don't get sick

And don't catch a cold

We're charging with you

Let's study.

Guys, what sports do you know? ( Children's answers)

– You guys and I have been sitting too long. Let's play!

Physical education session “Zverobika”

Educator: Children, do you know that to be healthy, you need not only to eat vitamins and be strong! You also need to know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. And the next street that awaits us is street of purity .

– What hygiene rules do you guys follow at home and in kindergarten? ( We wash our faces in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, etc..)

– Why do you need to do this? ( To be clean, to look good, to feel good and have healthy skin, to be hardened, to wash away germs.)

– How do microbes enter the body? ( when sneezing or coughing without covering your mouth; if you don’t wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet; Do not wash vegetables and fruits.)

– What should you do to protect yourself from them? (ABOUT children's answers)

Educator: Guys, so that we can successfully fight germs, we need helpers. I will tell riddles about them.

Slipping away like something alive

But I won't let him go

Foams with white foam,

I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.


Here's a funny incident:

A cloud settled in the bathroom.

Rain pours from the ceiling

On my back and sides.

How nice this is!

Warm heated rain,

There are no visible puddles on the floor.

All the guys love...


Lay down in his pocket and keep watch

Roaring, crying and dirty,

They will wipe away streams of tears,

He won’t forget about his nose.


Together with the children, the teacher makes a conclusion that the children must learn well: do not eat or drink on the street; always wash your hands with soap after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet, eat only washed vegetables and fruits; when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue; eat only from clean dishes.

Educator: Well done! Tired? This is what, it turns out, was a difficult path we overcame through the city of “Health”. We learned a lot of interesting and useful things. But we haven’t visited all the streets, so we will still travel around this wonderful city. I think Cheburashka also understood what needs to be done in order not to get sick, and he will no longer have to go to the pharmacy for pills.

Distributes vitamins.

teacher at MDOU CRR kindergarten No. 15 “Bear Cub”

Podolsk city, Moscow region, Russia

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