Summary of work organization

at ___________ preschool age

MKDOU TsRR – D/S No. 2




Form of organization of labor activity:

Type of work:

Goals: educational –

developing –

educational –


Vocabulary work:

Individual work:

Preliminary work:

Work progress:


Subject:« Cleaning the area from snow”

Age: middle group

Form a habit of work effort, a desire to work,

Teach children how to hold a shovel correctly and clear the space of snow,

Develop imagination, thinking, and the ability to carry out the teacher’s instructions.

Cultivate a love of cleanliness.

Develop the ability and desire to provide all possible assistance to a friend, teach him what he can do himself.

Form of organization of labor activity:


Methods and techniques:

Demonstration by an adult, questions, joint work of children and adults, explanation, clarification, games, approval, encouragement of intermediate results, encouragement of successful methods and actions of the child, reminder, artistic expression, indirect control, assessment, involvement of other adults in the assessment.


Removable material (shovels, bags, brooms, buckets, mittens), traffic light

Preliminary work:

Observation of the activities of the janitor, a story about his work, showing illustrations, reading S. Baruzin’s poem “Interesting Machine”, Selection of equipment for children’s work activities, role-playing game‘Trip on a Train’.

Vocabulary work:

Snowfall, paths, blizzard

Individual work:

Strengthen Sasha’s developed skills in working with a shovel.

Work progress:

A message that now everyone will go on a train to a snowy country and play a new one interesting game. The driver will be the one who is the first to dress correctly, the next 4 people will be his assistants, who will carry valuable cargo (equipment for work), and the rest will be passengers.

Stage name Activities of the teacher Children's activities
I Organizational Goal setting Discussion of issues when distributing work -Everyone got on the train?! Go! -Stop! Look, the traffic light is red, because... The paths and our entire site are covered with snow and the train cannot move further and we will not be able to get to our site and play there. -What needs to be done to get the train moving?-Right! - Our janitor Ivan Petrovich is removing the snow, guys. The rubbish will be cleared away from the roads and the traffic light will turn on!
Let’s call him quickly, he’ll come running to us quickly, well, together, well, together: “Ivan Petrovich” - And here he is. Observing the work of the children of the first group, the teacher checks how the children were able to distribute responsibilities. While observing the work of the children of the second group, if the paths are narrow, the children are warned not to crowd together; It’s better to distribute the work so that the children stand at a certain distance. The janitor shows correct execution. The work of the third group does not require close attention, but they need to be reminded of the need to collect all garbage on the territory and to use special gloves. Children of the fourth group are asked to first sweep the veranda, and then take the snow to the designated place. Be sure to warn about careful use of a shovel, taking into account the proximity of peers.
Encourages: “How wonderful and friendly the 3rd car works; Dima, you’re doing a good job,” Conducts individual work: - Sasha, look at how to hold the shovel correctly, it will be more comfortable for you and you won’t get too tired! Pays great attention to the nature of relationships between peers. On

specific examples

shows examples of a friendly, humane attitude towards peers, the ability to teach, show, while remaining polite and tactful. Pays attention to what has already been learned, positively evaluates these skills, as well as the desire to show working techniques and prevent the mistakes of others.

They are working Look how our site has changed!:

What has changed, why?


Preliminary work:

Anya very diligently swept the table.

Misha, having completed his work, did not board the train, but decided to help Katyusha.

A special place in his assessments is given to the specific actions of children in the labor process, which showed attention to peers, perseverance, and a responsible attitude to the assigned work. The janitor is involved in the assessment.

Well done guys, they worked well, did a great job, and now you can continue on your way: The rubbish has been removed from the roads, and the traffic light has come on!

Everyone in place, let's go!

Children's answers Chu-chu-chu-chu

To develop the child’s desire to bring joy to other children through his work and to help a friend.

Methods and techniques:

Approval, showing, encouragement, reminder, control, evaluation.


Aprons, caps, flowers, napkins, tablecloths.

Preliminary work:

Identify the people on duty (pictures in the corner of the people on duty)

Progress of duty:

Stage name Activities of the teacher Children's activities
I Organizational Discussion of issues when distributing work - The officers on duty come to me, they will bring lunch now, and we will set the table. -Maxim, which table will you be on duty at?
-Are you Kostya, Natasha? Before you start being on duty, don't forget to put on your aprons. They put on aprons and caps. IIBasic Instructions for managing the labor process of children
Pays attention to the pace and quality of work. Approves of children's creative ideas: - Let's think about how we will please the children today? If there is any difficulty, the teacher or junior teacher prompts: “Let’s put flowers or lay out new tablecloths.” He explains that the work of the attendants is very necessary, comrades always do this, take care of each other, etc. - That's right, Natasha first pulled all the chairs towards the table. Now it will be more convenient to walk around the table.

- We carry two plates. - How Kostya carefully lays out the spoons, takes one at a time and places it on the right side.-Check if everything is in place?

-Well done guys, thank you. Guys, look at how to fold the tablecloth more conveniently, help me, Kostya. You need to take it by the ends, fold it in half on the table, and then in half again, and only then fold it lengthwise. Now try it yourself. Everyone did well.

Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery.
-All! -Yes! After eating, they clear the bread and napkins from the table, sweep away the crumbs from the table, and fold the tablecloths.
III Final Discussion of the results of the work
-Well done, guys, you were all real duty workers today, you took care of everyone!
4. Activate children’s vocabulary by using words in speech: soap dish, soap, rinse, foam, sponge.
5. Learn to determine the properties of water (cold, hot, warm)
6. Learn to indicate the nature of actions (soap, rinse off soap, wipe)
7. Teach children to be kind to dolls.

Form of organization: collective work.
Type of work: household.

Preliminary work:
Water games:“Cold - Hot”, “Floats - Sinks”, “Transfusion”
D/game:“Washbasin”, “Wash your hands”
Game exercises:"Clean palms"
Fun games: « Bubble»
Reading nursery rhymes and poems.

On the table are 2 basins, a soap dish, soap, sponges, a towel, a green bucket with hot water, a yellow bucket with cold water.
Katya doll, beautiful box, soap bubbles.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today the doll Katya promised to come to visit us, but for some reason she is late... There is a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door and brings in a large Katya doll (the doll’s nose, cheeks and arms are smeared with black paint).

Educator: Oh, Katya, what's wrong with you? What's on your nose, on your cheeks, on your arms? What is this, children? (Dirt)

The teacher reads A. Barto’s poem “The Dirty Girl”, accompanying the reading with a dramatization
Educator: Guys, the doll is very sad, she doesn’t want to be dirty, can we help Katya? (We'll help). I have a magic box, there are a lot of useful things in it, I will take them out, and you tell me which ones we need to wash the doll.
The teacher takes soap, a notebook, a towel, a car, a sponge, and a phone from the box one by one - the children determine what is needed for bathing. The teacher clarifies the purpose of the objects and explains how to use them.

Educator: Now, let's give Katya a bath in the basin. (They go to the table where there are two empty basins and two buckets with hot and cold water). Touch, children, what kind of water is in the green bucket? (Hot)
There is hot water in the green bucket. What kind of water is in the yellow bucket? (Cold)

Katya doesn’t like to swim in hot water and doesn’t like to swim in cold water. She loves to swim in warm water.
Now we will first pour cold water into the basin, and then add hot water. I mixed hot water and cold. What kind of water did you get? (Children put their hands in warm water) - The water has become warm.

The teacher takes the Katya doll, takes off her clothes, puts the doll in the basin and begins to bathe her. At the same time, he accompanies his actions with explanations, pronounces the words: soap, soap dish, etc.

The teacher takes a sponge. He says, this is a sponge, we use it to wash the Katya doll. Lathering the doll's head, he whips up foam and says:
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere.
Water, water
Wash Katyusha's face,
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.

Educator: Our Katyushka is now clean, we just need to wash off all the foam from her. What do I need to do? (You need to rinse the doll with clean, warm water).
Do you remember what kind of water is in the green bucket? (Hot).
And in the yellow bucket? (Cold).
Educator: What kind of water will I get if I mix hot water with cold (warm) water?
Pour warm water into the second basin.
Educator: With this warm water I will wash off the remaining soap from our doll.
He pours water on the doll, saying tenderly:
Warm water
Let's pour on our bird.
(The teacher takes the doll out of the basin and wipes it with a towel)
Let's dry Katya with a towel and put her on the bed to rest. (The doll is placed on a wide towel - “in bed”)

Educator: Guys, look, the other dolls also want to be clean and beautiful, let's wash them too? Take one doll each. (The children, with the help of the teacher, wash their dolls, rinse them and place the clean dolls next to Katya)

Educator: Look, the water in the basin has become dirty and soapy. It needs to be poured out. The teacher also puts the soap in the soap dish and hangs the towel to dry.
Then the teacher offers to see which dolls have become clean and beautiful. He notes that everyone did a good job, everyone worked together and helped each other. Then he covers the dolls with a towel and says that the dolls need to rest, sleep, and invites the children to play with soap bubbles.




carrying out labor activities

(age group)

Type of work _______________

(household work, self-service, manual labor, labor in nature)

on the topic of: " "

GBOU kindergarten (compensatory or combined type, if any)


Student group ___


Checked by the teacher:

Marachinskaya N.A.

Grade .

Assessment for taking notes

Grade .

Date: (day, month, year)

-Well done guys, thank you.

Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery.

Educational objectives:

Developmental tasks:

Educational tasks:


Demonstration material–

Handout -

Type of child labor:(write as necessary) (do not take self-service!)

Labor in nature

Household labor

Manual and artistic labor

Form of organization of labor activity:(write as necessary)

- common labor

- joint work

- collective work

Work progress

I Introductory part ( min.)

– motivation to work, putting on aprons and rolling up sleeves



II Main part ( min.)

discussion with children of the form of organization of labor activity (sample of labor operations, distribution of responsibilities, distribution of equipment, discussion of the content of each labor operation in accordance with the selected labor operation, discussion of criteria for the quality of labor performance (labor result), guidance and intermediate control by the teacher)



III Final part ( min.)

final control, differentiated assessment (except for the younger age group), cleaning the workplace, removing aprons, washing hands



SAMPLE Summary of work activities in the younger age group

-Well done guys, thank you. teach children to carry out labor tasks to care for indoor plants.

Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery.

Educational objectives:

1.give knowledge about the importance of water (the amount of water depends on the size of the plant’s pot) and light (dust on the leaves delays light) in the life of indoor plants;

2.introduce the watering can, the rules of watering flowers, wiping dust from the leaves of a flower.

Developmental tasks:

1.develop attention and dialogical speech;

2.develop skills in caring for plants (watering, dusting).

Educational tasks:

1. cultivate a desire to care for indoor plants;

2. teach to see the beauty of plants and their aesthetic benefits for the group.


Aprons according to the number of children, two basins, rags and watering cans according to the number of children, two glasses, indoor flowers.

Introductory part:

Educator: Guys, you all like to drink, plants are also living and they need water. To do this, they need to be watered so that they do not wither or dry out. Here are two identical plants - ficus. See how they differ from each other? (the ficus that grows in the right pot has dried leaves, while the other ficus has fresh, green leaves).

Educator: That's right, guys, our ficus is sick. Why are the ficus leaves dry? (the plant has not been watered for a long time)

Educator: Anya, come and water the ficus (the child waters, spilling water on the windowsill)

Educator: Guys, is Anya watering the flower correctly? Let me teach you all how to do this correctly.

Main part:

I assignment.

A glass of water is held at the edge of the pot and, tilting the glass slowly, water the plant from three sides. Why do you think it is necessary to water the plant not on one side, but on three sides? (so that the water gets to the entire soil of the pot)

II order.

Educator: Guys, in front of you is a large flower growing in a large pot, and a small flower growing in a small pot. What plant do you think I prepared a glass filled to the brim with water for? (for a large flower). That's right, so which plant did we prepare a glass with a small amount of water for? (for a plant in a small pot). Water carefully and as I taught you (tilt the glass at the edge of the pot, water from three sides) both of our plants. You know, we still have some flowers that haven’t been watered yet. We will water them from a watering can. Look how interesting she is - she has a long nose with holes at the end. Water pours out of them like rain (the teacher shows while watering a flower). The watering can also has a comfortable handle. Who wants to water the remaining flowers on the windowsills with a watering can? You need to water it the way I taught you. Who will remember how to water flowers? (tilt the watering can at the edge of the pot, water from three sides).

Educator: What great fellows you all are, how well you water our flowers. Now our plants will not get sick, because we know how to water them. Guys, after watering the flowers, be sure to fill the watering can with water so that the next time the water is ready for watering and has time to settle. Take all the watering cans and draw water from the tap, remembering to roll up your sleeves.

III assignment.

Educator: Sasha, come with me and run your finger over the entire surface of the sheet. Why did your finger and mine become dirty? (flower leaves are dirty, dusty). Guys, you know, it is very difficult for flowers to warm up in the sun if their leaves are covered in dust. Let's wipe all the flowers with damp cloths. Look how I will do it. First, I roll up my sleeves, dip the cloth in the water and wring it out very hard. I put a flower leaf on my left palm, and right hand I begin to wipe the leaf from the very stem to the end of the leaf. I wipe it carefully so as not to damage the leaf. Let's all wipe the dust off the leaves of our flowers.

Educator: Look, the water in the basin in which we rinsed the rags has changed. How is it different from the water in the basin that I just collected from the tap? (the water in our basin is dirty). Educator: That's right, where is now the dust that we washed off the leaves of the flowers? (she floats in the basin, and our flowers have become clean).

Final part:

Educator: Why did we wipe the dust off the leaves? (clean leaves receive light from the sun better, it’s easier for flowers to warm up).

Educator: What a great fellow you are, how great you helped our flowers: you watered them, wiped the dust off the leaves. Now all the flowers will be healthy and strong. And in our group it will become even more beautiful from the bright greenery of indoor flowers.

SAMPLE Summary of work activities in the middle age group

on the topic: “Care for indoor plants”

-Well done guys, thank you. learn to carry out several work assignments when organizing joint work.

Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery.

Educational objectives:

1.give knowledge about the dependence of plants on heat, water, loosening the soil;

2.give knowledge about different options wiping dust from plant leaves depending on the leaf surface.

Developmental tasks:

1.develop attention and dialogical speech;

2. develop skills in loosening the soil and wiping dust from leaves different ways, watering plants depending on the type of flower roots.

Educational tasks:

1.develop an interest in plants and a desire to care for them;

2. cultivate a sense of beauty in relation to indoor plants.


Aprons, watering cans, rippers, rags, spray bottles, brushes according to the number of children.

Introductory part:

Educator: Guys, look, I have two onions in my hands. How are they different from each other? (in the right hand the onion is rotten)

Educator: Why did one of the bulbs rot? In what place was it kept, dry or wet? (in a humid place)

Educator: Pay attention, the onion was lying in a damp, damp place, so it rotted. Some of our flowers also have bulbs and tubers (Guzmania). Do you think it is possible to water these plants so that the water gets into the soil near the surface of the pot? (no, these plants have bulbs, just like onions. The plants will rot.)

Educator: So plants that have bulbs and tubers need to be watered differently. Water must be poured into the pan.

Main part:

I assignment.

Who wants to help me water my guzmania? How should I water correctly? (tilt the watering can at the edge of the tray)

II order.

Educator: Look out the window, what time of year is it outside? (autumn) Are there flowers on the trees and bushes? (no, why? (it’s cold outside) Is our guzmania blooming? (but why? (it’s warm in the group)

Educator: Who can tell me what is necessary for a plant to bloom? (needs warmth) Correct, do you think the amount of water that we have always collected for guzmania will be enough for the plant? After all, she got a big one beautiful flower? (there is not enough water, you need to water the plant with plenty of water).

Educator: That’s right, if a plant blooms or new leaves bloom, it needs more water than always. After all, the plant has increased in size, which means that the previous amount of water will not be enough for it.

III assignment.

Educator: Children, what benefits do you think earthworms bring in nature? (they crawl underground, loosen the ground). Do these worms live in our flower pots? (No). Who can loosen the soil for our flowers? (People).

Educator: Let's compare, into the ground of which flower will water seep faster from a watering can? I have a plant with loose soil and not loose soil (the teacher waters both pots from two watering cans at the same time).

Educator: Who was observant, which flower received moisture faster? (water passed through the ground faster near the flower in which you loosened the soil)

Educator: Why do you need to loosen the soil? (so that water gets to the roots of the flower faster)

Educator: Now I will show you how to properly loosen the soil in flower pot. You need to take a ripper (a stick with a colored mark at the bottom) in your right hand like a dinner fork ( forefinger above). Lower the stick to the colored mark in the ground near the trunk of the plant. Using slow and gentle movements, loosen the soil from the trunk of the plant to the edge of the pot so as not to damage the roots. Do not raise the ripper high, so as not to scatter the soil from the pot.

Educator: Who is the most attentive among us, tell me where to loosen the soil from? (from the trunk of the plant to the edge of the pot)

Educator: Why does the ripper have a colored mark on the end? (the stick cannot be lowered into the ground deeper than the mark, as the roots can be damaged)

Educator: Who wants to loosen the soil in the rest of our flower pots? (children begin to loosen the soil in pots under the guidance of the teacher)

IV order.

Educator: We watered the plants, loosened the soil for them, what haven’t we done with you yet? (did not wipe the dust from the leaves)

Educator: That's right, why do you need to wipe dust from the leaves of flowers? (so that the light reaches the plants better)

Educator: Look, there is asparagus in front of you. Can it be wiped with a damp cloth? (No)

Educator: Asparagus needs to be sprayed with a spray bottle, because its leaves are reduced. Look how I do it.

Educator: This is a begonia, is it possible to wipe it with a cloth, like a sansevieria? (No)

Educator: You need to wipe begonia and other flowers whose leaves are covered with small hairs with a damp brush. Look how I do it.

Educator: Now let me play the game “How to wipe dust?”. I show the plant, and you choose from the equipment that you can use to wipe the dust.

After the game, the children begin to wipe dust from the leaves of the group’s plants.

Final part:

Educator: What great fellows you are. How did we help our flowers today? What have we done? (we watered the flowers with bulbs and tubers, loosened the soil, wiped the leaves from dust).

Educator: Why did we do this? (so that the flowers feel better, don’t get sick, decorate our group with their bright flowers and fresh greens).

SAMPLE Summary of work activities in the older age group

(or in a pre-school group)

on the topic: “Care for indoor plants”

-Well done guys, thank you. teach how to carry out a series of work assignments when organizing collective work.

Children's answers arrange bread bins, deep plates, place napkin holders, lay out cutlery.

Educational objectives:

1. systematize knowledge about plant needs for moisture, light and temperature;

2. strengthen the skills of caring for plants (watering, loosening the soil, wiping leaves with different surfaces from dust);

3. teach how to spend time economically during the watering process;

4. teach the correct sequence of washing pallets.

Developmental tasks:

1.develop attention and logical thinking:

2. develop organizational skills (distribution of responsibilities, preparation of equipment, cleaning of the workplace).

Educational tasks:

1. foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, and responsibility in the work process;

2. to cultivate a desire to care for plants, a consciously correct attitude towards nature.


Aprons according to the number of children in the group, rags, watering cans, brushes, spray bottles, rippers, basins with water.

Introductory part:

Educator: Children, today we are going to take care of indoor plants. Remember what our flowers need? To do this, run your finger over the surface of the plant leaf. What happened to your finger? (he became dirty, covered in dust).

Educator: What do plants need? (in cleanliness, care).

Main part:

I assignment.

Educator: Tell me how to properly wipe dust from leaves? (smooth leaves are wiped with a damp cloth, a leaf is placed on the left palm, and the leaf is carefully wiped from the trunk to the very end with the right hand so as not to damage the leaf).

Educator: Dima, show all the children how to wipe smooth leaves (the child points to poinsettia and scindapsus).

Educator: If the leaves of flowers are reduced, how should dust be removed? (you need to spray the leaves with a spray bottle).

Educator: Tanya, show us how to work with a spray gun. Which flower would you like to get rid of dust? (asparagus, cypress, aloe, cactus, cyperus - the child sprays the plant).

Educator: Which sheet surface have we not yet talked about? (if the leaves of flowers are covered with villi, you need to wipe them with a wet brush or sponge so as not to damage the villi. You should wipe them in the same way as smooth leaves - hold the leaf from below with your left palm, wipe the leaf with your right hand).

Educator: Find among our plants those whose leaves are covered with villi (children find begonia, violet, ginuru, koleria, coleus).

II order.

Educator: Look out the window, what kind of trees are there on the street? (with yellow leaves, there are trees without leaves)

Educator: Why do trees shed their leaves? (it's cold outside, autumn)

Educator: Why don’t our flowers turn yellow or shed their leaves? (it’s warm in the group)

Educator: Please note that the geranium has pink flowers. On the street, do you see buds blooming on trees? (no, it's cold outside)

Educator: If flowers have open buds, how should they be watered, abundantly or moderately? (abundantly).

Educator: Find flowers whose buds have bloomed (children find them, the teacher puts them on a separate table).

Educator: Remember the rules for watering the soil of flowers (hold the watering can by the handle, lean the spout of the watering can against the edge of the pot, slowly tilt it, do not raise the watering can high, water the flower on three sides away from the trunk so that all the soil is saturated and the roots do not open).

III assignment.

Educator: Earthworms are loosening the ground on the street, why is this necessary? (loose soil allows air to pass through to the roots better, water passes to the roots of plants faster)

Educator: Who loosens the soil for indoor flowers? (people, we)

Educator: Tell us how to properly loosen the soil of indoor plants? (the ripper has a mark below which the stick cannot be lowered into the ground, so as not to damage the roots. You should loosen from the trunk of the plant to the pot carefully, without damaging the roots).

Educator: Masha, show me how to loosen the soil? (child shows)

Educator: Dima, water the plant whose soil Masha loosened, and Nastya will water the flower whose soil we didn’t loosen (the children are watering)

Educator: Guys, who saw the difference in the absorption of water into the ground? (water is absorbed easier and faster where the soil is loose)

Educator: To save your time when caring for indoor plants, you need to not only loosen the soil, but also add water to the soil of three flowers at once. While you are watering the third flower, the water in the first pot will have time to reach the roots. This means you can start watering the first flower again, then the second, and so on until all the flowers have drunk.

IV order.

After watering 1-2 hours excess water should be poured out of the pan.

Educator: Do you think we leave the trays dirty when caring for flowers or should they be washed too? (pallets need to be washed)

Educator: That's right, pallets sing like saucers - on both sides. Look how I do it. I take the tray, hold it with my left hand, and with my right hand I wipe both sides of the dishes over the basin. Then I take a dry cloth and wipe the tray dry on both sides. I return the tray under the flower pot from which I took it.

Educator: Do all flowers need to be watered from above, falling into the ground? (no, if the plant has rhizomes in bulbs, water is poured into the pan so that the bulb does not rot in the water; if the leaves are collected in a rosette, then water is poured not only into the pan, but also a little into the rosette).

V order.

Educator: Find among all the plants those flowers that need to be poured with water into the pan (children find flowers, the teacher transfers them to a separate table: with a rosette - guzmania, vriesia).

Educator: What do you think should be done first with flowers that have rosettes and bulbs? Water the flowers or wash the tray of these plants? (wash the tray, then water the flower).

Educator: When can the work be considered finished? (when we wash all the plants, water them, loosen the soil, wash the trays and carefully place the equipment on the tables. What tables should be when caring for flowers and at the end of work? (clean, dry).

VI instruction.

Educator: Divide into four subgroups. The first subgroup will wipe dust from the leaves of plants, the second subgroup will loosen the soil and water the flowers, the third subgroup will wash the pallets, and the fourth subgroup will monitor the cleanliness of the tables and floors.

Educator: distribute equipment and responsibilities in your subgroups. Discuss who will stand where so as not to disturb their partners. Do the work together, agree, give hints and help each other if necessary. Start caring for your indoor plants.

The teacher controls the work of the subgroups, prompts, guides the children, and advises what and how best to do first. Maintains discipline in the group.

Final part:

At the end of the work activity, the teacher evaluates the results of the work of each subgroup (runs his finger along the surface of the leaves when looking for dust, touches the surface of the soil in each pot with his finger, checks that there is water in all trays (must pass through the entire soil of the plants), there should be a small amount of water in the sockets the amount of water, the trays are clean, the tables and floors are washed and dry, the equipment is washed, wiped dry, and laid out at work stations.

Memo 6

“Features of organizing the work activities of preschool children”

In the process of organizing the work activities of preschoolers, the following points should be taken into account:

1. Motivating children to maintain labor (observation, watering, loosening, feeding, cleaning and washing equipment).

2. Children’s attitude towards activities (showing interest, responsibility or lack thereof).

3. Timely adjustment of work skills in preschool children (the ability to understand the task, act rationally, effectively, and show a sense of teamwork)

4. Organize the interaction of children in the process of activity (joint planning, mutual assistance, mutual assessment).

5. Thinking through planning of work activities for adults:

He plans it himself

Distributes responsibilities between children

Plans together with children

Children independently plan activities and distribute responsibilities, carry out control

6. Creation of conditions for successful organization of work:

Ensuring the systematic participation of every child in labor;

Ensuring the volume of labor;

Load accounting;

Providing equipment;

Creating a positive emotional atmosphere;

Taking into account individual interests;

Compliance with hygiene requirements.

In the process of observing one of the preschoolers, you should pay attention to the following:

1. Features of skill formation (the ability to understand a task, independently choose necessary equipment, act rationally, effectively, strives for contact with surrounding peers and adults)

2. Features of the child’s attitude to the activity (shows interest, responsibility or not).

3. Features of the child’s interaction with surrounding peers and adults in the process of activity (joint planning, mutual assistance, mutual assessment).

5.What motives for work do the child have:

Receive a positive assessment from an adult (increasing self-esteem);

Self-assertion (demonstration of leadership abilities);

Desire to cooperate with adults (loves the junior teacher);

The desire to benefit society (not to leave people hungry younger brother, please the kids with gifts - crafts).

6. Features of the child’s planning of his own work activity:

Organize workplace;

Perform labor stages;

Monitor your own actions and evaluate individual stages of work;

Evaluate the results of common work;

Sees the influence of the quality of the result of one’s own work on the quality of the result of other children.

7. Based on the labor skills and abilities inherent in the child noted during observation, draw a conclusion what form of labor is available to the child? (common work, joint work, collective work, team work) (See table below)

Table “Characteristics of labor skills of preschool children in different age groups when observing a child's labor"

Younger age group Middle age group Senior age and pre-school groups Preparatory group for school
General labor Joint work Teamwork Team work
- a common goal, but children do not realize this; -general labor actions; - no mutual control and mutual assessment; -at the end of the work “well done everyone.” - a common goal, but children do not realize this; - labor actions are given for one subgroup, another subgroup has other labor actions; - the quality of the result of one child does not affect the quality of the result of another child; - no mutual control and mutual assessment; - the final result is assessed for each subgroup (differentiated assessment). - a common goal, children realize this; -each subgroup contains all labor actions; -the result of one child affects the quality of the result of another child; -moral qualities - mutual assistance, mutual support, role model; -there is mutual control and mutual assessment (differentiated assessment). - all signs of collective work are present; -team work lasts several days.
For example: 1. everyone puts away toys in the group before getting dressed for a walk; 2. everyone collects sand in the sandbox; 3. everyone collects twigs and cones for crafts. For example: 1 subgroup washes toys; Subgroup 2 wipes dust on the shelves; Subgroup 3 carries toys from shelf to shelf. For example: in one subgroup, 1 child wipes the leaves; For example: 2 – loosens the soil; 3 – waters the flower;

4 – monitors the cleanliness of the pot tray and table.

in one subgroup, 1 child measures the distance between the holes and drops the seeds into them (over the course of a week he measures the growth of dill); 2 – waters dill seeds; 3 – removes weeds during the growth of dill.

Memo 8 “Questions for analysis and self-analysis of the organization of work activities of children in different age groups”

1. Preparing the teacher for the work activities of preschoolers (developing a note, signing it, arriving in advance).

2. Equipment preparation:

· Visual demonstration material;

· Handout.

3. Preparation of the workplace:

· Location of tables;

· Preparation of handouts and demonstration materials by one teacher or together with children.

II. Introductory part:

1. How did the teacher motivate the children to work? Have the children removed the play material?

2. What pedagogical approach (game, problem-based or authoritarian) was used to arouse children’s interest in the upcoming work and attract their attention?

3. How did the teacher clearly formulate the purpose of the children’s work? What will the children do? How?

4. How did the teacher explain the task? (Clarity, brevity, accessibility, verbosity, multi-stage “explanation”).

5. Time spent on the first part.

III. Main part:

1. How did the children begin to complete the task? (Immediately, they found it difficult).

2. What kind of help did the teacher provide? (He recalled the tasks himself, with the help of the children, and suggested that the children cope with difficulties themselves).

3. How many parts are there in the lesson? How did the children work in each part (interest, mutual exchange of knowledge and experience, mutual assistance, quality)?

4. What individual work did the teacher do? (Did for the child, together with the child, helped verbally, turned to other children for help - example of a peer).

5. Did the teacher make tasks more difficult for more capable children?

IV. Final part:

1. What method of summing up did the teacher use?

2. Have the children completed all the tasks related to their work activities, and have they coped with them?

3. Did the children and the teacher enjoy their work?

V. Pedagogical skills:

1. Speech of the teacher.

2. Emotionality of the teacher.

3. The total duration of labor activity (summing up the introductory, main and final parts).

Memo 9

Types and forms of labor activity of children;

The importance of work in a child’s life;

Cooperation between an adult and a child in organizing work activities;

Taking into account physical activity and the complexity of performing labor operations.

1. A outline plan for carrying out routine moments for the first half of the day is being developed, with the formulation of the goals and objectives of education, training and development. If special equipment is needed (for example, to administer new game), then it should be specified.

2. The summary covers all routine processes (morning reception of children, morning exercises, cultural and hygienic procedures, preparation for breakfast and breakfast, independent activities of children, preparation for a walk and a walk, preparation for lunch and lunch, preparation for bed).

3. Literary words (folklore, poetry, songs) should be used frequently in your notes.

4. Play activities and game moments must be present at all times.

Questions for observing and analyzing the organization of routine processes by the teacher in the 1st half of the day:

1. How does the teacher greet the children? What greeting words does he say and what does he pay attention to? ( Appearance, mood).

2. Is there any activity offered or are the children left to their own devices?

3. What types of activities does the teacher organize? (Games, observation, work, entertainment, gymnastic exercises).

4. At what time does the teacher begin gathering children for gymnastics, what techniques does he use?

5. How is the transition from gymnastics to washing organized? Is there a pause, does the teacher prepare the children for washing, how is this expressed?

6. Does the teacher have time to prepare children for bathing and breakfast at the same time? (Attention to table setting and children’s participation in this).

7. What does the teacher pay attention to when washing? Is this regime moment being used to broaden the horizons of children? What techniques does he use to make washing quick, organized, and correct?

8. Did the children sit down to breakfast exactly according to the schedule? How long did breakfast last? Does this time correspond to the established regime? Why didn't the children finish breakfast on time?

9. What does the teacher pay attention to during breakfast, what points does he miss? Are there any interesting techniques in being a teacher?

10. What do children do after breakfast? Does the teacher organize children, suggest games, activities, what? How long is the break between breakfast and the children’s direct educational activities? Does this time correspond to the established daily routine?

11. At what time did the immediate educational activities children? How long did it last? Does this time correspond to the established daily routine?

12. Are independent children’s activities organized in an interesting way? Does it provide children with rest: yes, no, why?

13. At what time do the children go out to get dressed for a walk? Does this correspond to the established daily routine?

14. Are there comfortable conditions for dressing children? Which? What is missing?

15. What, first of all, does the teacher pay attention to when dressing? What does he forget about? What techniques in working with children, in addition to reminders and comments, have you noticed? What techniques could be used?

16. How long did it take to get dressed? Is this the right time or should it be shorter or longer?

17. What was the content of working with children during the walk? Were a variety of activities organized for children, and what kind? (game, work, productive, communication)

18. What benefits did they receive for their comprehensive development? Was the teacher active in guiding the children or passively supervising them? What moments during the walk did you especially like or dislike, and why?

19. How long did the walk last? Does this time correspond to the established daily routine?

20. What techniques does the teacher use to gather children into the room? Are they successful: yes, no, why?

Note: The teacher's undressing is analyzed in the same way as dressing, preparation for lunch, lunch is analyzed in the same way as breakfast.

Labor education includes the formation of skills and moral qualities necessary for future professional activity and pursues the achievement of many goals: developing in children a positive attitude towards work and a desire to work, nurturing basic work skills. IN kindergarten these goals are achieved in game form, and the complexity of the tasks depends on the age capabilities of the children and their abilities to perceive information. Labor education can contribute to the development of other skills. If the teacher organizes group work, this will allow children to learn to work in a team. Each child will bear greater responsibility for their actions and learn to work for the benefit of the team.

Organization of labor activities in the senior group of kindergarten

Labor activity implies not only the formation of skills, it develops attentiveness, activity and composure in children.

In kindergarten, preschoolers are introduced to the work of adults and introduced to activities that are feasible for them.

  • There are several functions of labor education:
  • Educational - develops the child’s practical skills and abilities.
  • Developmental - ensures the physical, social, mental development of the child.

Educational - forms the child’s hard work, collectivism, discipline and attentiveness.

Types of work activities of older preschoolers Types of work activity can be divided into several groups:

  • Self-service. In the older group, self-care tasks become more complex. The teacher, as before, teaches the children to do a certain job, but now he also helps them correctly approach the implementation of a difficult task, explains how to complete it as quickly and best as possible.

    Control is being strengthened to ensure that each item is in a certain place, and children put away their toys. To achieve results, the teacher makes constant demands on the children.

  • In the older group, the child must change clothes independently Labor in nature. This type of work is incredibly useful for child development

    . It is not only fascinating, but also allows you to learn a lot of new things about the world around you. The child can directly become acquainted with nature and its characteristics, thanks to which he develops respect and caring attitude towards plants and animals.

    Working in nature allows you to effectively solve problems of sensory perception, and also helps to form a general idea of ​​natural objects.

  • Types of activities include being on duty in a corner of nature and creating bird feeders. These tasks develop not only the child’s artistic skills, but also respect for nature. When creating a bird feeder, a preschooler can participate in its design Teamwork.

    This type of work develops social skills and teaches preschoolers to work together. The teacher can organize one common task in which all children will participate, for example, cleaning a group room or washing toys. This will allow each child to feel like an important link and begin to take more responsibility for their actions. The types of tasks may vary. After finishing your joint work, you can play group games. Example
    group game
    Children are divided into two groups. One of the groups stands in a circle, tightly holding hands and raising them up. The second group of children is in the middle. Their task is to run back and forth between the hands of children standing in a circle as many times as possible. Those standing in a circle sing a rhyme:
    We're all tired of mice!
    Cheese and sugar - we ate everything.
    Beware of the cheat!

    Can't escape from a mousetrap.

  • Handmade and artistic work. This type of work aims to develop in children a sense of beauty and aesthetic taste. This includes working with art materials, modeling, wood carving, creating crafts from cardboard and paper, working with fabric and origami. The fruits of its creative work children give to parents, friends or loved ones. This helps in developing moral qualities and a positive attitude towards others.

    Working with paper teaches accuracy and develops fine motor skills

  • Household work. Such work develops in children a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the environment. Children learn to work collectively to achieve a common goal, determination and organization are formed. In this area of ​​labor development, the main role is played by the teacher, since it is from him that the children will take their example.
    Preschoolers should do the work themselves, and not watch the actions of an adult. The teacher organizes their activities and directs them in the right direction. Examples of household labor include cleaning the room, washing dishes and washing clothes.

    Clearing snow from paths teaches children to have order and care for others

  • Duty. this work involves the work of a group of children or just one child for the benefit of the others. Often, duty requires incredible composure and commitment from the child, so if such work is carried out for the first time, the teacher must conduct a special training session.
    You can also create a duty corner.
    The equipment for duty is varied, it depends on the age of the children and their commitment. But there are still basic tools and items that children must have at their disposal. These are aprons, scarves, small brooms, rags, buckets of water, gloves and several small spatulas.
    • The work itself has many directions:
    • Preparation for classes: children lay out pencils, bring glasses of water, paints.
    • Dining room duty: students clear the table and arrange the dishes.

      Preschoolers are responsible for being on duty

      Table: card index of topics on labor activity in the senior group of preschool educational institutionsAuthor
      Savina P.I.

Type of labor
Olga Churikova

Summary of a lesson on labor education. Household labor Target : developing a positive attitude towards.

work and its results:

Tasks 1. Teach children to participate in organized labor group of peers, correlate their activities with the work of others and understand , that the work of the subgroup in which, is part of the common cause of the team.

2. Improve labor skills and abilities in the process labor, improve your ability to plan your activities, distribute responsibilities among yourself, and make assessments labor your group and the team as a whole.

3. Strengthen the ability to rationally use materials and equipment for labor, observing safety precautions.

4. To form a belief in the social significance and necessity of everyday labor.

5. Bring up friendly relationships in the process labor, desire to help, positive attitude towards one’s own.

Individual work to intensify the speech of Vanya, Olya, Nikita.

Integration of educational regions: speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Materials and equipment: rags, aprons, laundry soap , trays, oilcloth, rope, clothespins, basins, rags for teacher, apron for teacher.

Preliminary work: conversation about 1. Teach children to participate in organized, memorizing proverbs and sayings about 1. Teach children to participate in organized, reading poems, looking at illustrations and albums about various professions of adults, consolidating ideas about 1. Teach children to participate in organized through didactic games. Methods and techniques: conversation, intriguing beginning, problematic questions, artistic expression, practical work, relying on children’s knowledge, explanation, demonstration, analysis.

Predicted result: as a result of collective household labor children have formed a value attitude towards their own the work and work of their peers; children should understand that after their work the group became clean, light and beautiful.

Work progress:

1 part. Children enter the group. Suddenly the voice of the Fairy of Purity sounds. (Dear guys, I am the fairy of Purity. I travel around the world and will come to you soon). How do we prepare to welcome guests? (children: cleaning up, preparing a treat) How else? Guys, what will help us in our work? (music, proverbs, sayings)

Educator: Guys, do you know the proverbs? (Yes) Kira, what proverb do you know? Kirill, what proverb do you know? And I know the proverbs who loves people honor his work. How many proverbs do you know! Where should we start preparing? (children from cleaning).

Educator: Let's choose what we will clean (dust, wash, wipe chairs).


1st team - wipes dust in cabinets and arranges toys beautifully

2nd brigade - washing doll clothes

3rd brigade - washes chairs

Educator: Guys, what do you need for work? (basins, rags, etc.)

Please prepare your workplaces. (children get ready)

Educator: I propose to distribute responsibilities: who will do what, says. Guys, tell us who will do what in your team? (Yura pours water into the basin, Arina does the laundry, etc.)

Educator: The quality of the work performed by the entire team depends on the work of each individual.

part 2: Practical work.

Educator: Well done boys! Please tell us what your team will do? Let's see if you have everything ready. (teacher shows illustrations). Everything is ready, let's start work.

During work activity, the teacher gives advice, helps in organization, reminds the order of work.

Educator: Are you comfortable? Why does water flow from a rag? Why are you moving chairs? Who is responsible for arranging books on shelves? Guys, your work is in full swing! Well done! Which such labors are fruits! Without action, strength weakens! A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized in 1. Teach children to participate in organized!

Part 3: Summing up the work. Evaluation of the application's implementation.

The teacher is watching so that after completion of work, children clean up their work places and put all materials and equipment back in place. Then he invites you to admire the results. labor. The team that finishes first approaches other teams and offers their help.

Educator: You guys are great, you did the job. Let's see what kind of chairs we have? (clean, beautiful) Let's see what our other brigades are doing?

Educator: The foremen take turns telling what they did and giving their own assessment of the activities of their team.

Educator: What did you do? (I address each team) Did you guys like it? work? What did you like best? What would you like to do in the future? Let's see how things are going in our group? (group inspection).

Educator. Each of you did your own little thing, but together you did a big thing. This is how clean and beautiful the room is now. Congratulations guys, the job is finished.