After the birth of a child, a completely different life begins for him. To make it easier to get used to extrauterine life, you need to pay attention to the baby’s daily routine at 1 month.

At this stage, the baby needs special care, which includes: necessary procedures, like feeding, bathing, walking, sleeping. If these procedures are repeated at approximately a certain time every day, the baby will already know what to expect. Having drawn up the optimal daily routine for the child, parents will be able to plan their daily routine.

1. How much should a baby sleep at 1 month?
2. Bathing and air baths
3. No walks anywhere
4. No walks anywhere
5. Sample schedule table

How much should a 1 month old baby sleep?

During the first month, the baby sleeps most of the time. This allows him to most comfortably adapt to a new, unfamiliar world. It happens that young mothers are very worried because the baby sleeps for a long time, and they try to find the answer to the question everywhere: . There is no need to worry, because sleep, lasting up to twenty hours a day, is necessary for a small body. Typically, newborns sleep in a certain position: lying on their back, with their arms and legs bent and spread to the sides. Sleep consists of two periods: deep sleep is characterized by calm and even breathing, and during shallow sleep, breathing is erratic, arms and legs may twitch. There is no reason to worry if the baby periodically shudders in his sleep - this is normal.

The child wakes up periodically, usually when he wants to eat. It is not difficult to calculate how long a baby should be awake at 1 month. Usually 4-5 hours of wakefulness are enough for him. In addition to feeding, during this period you need to hygiene procedures, bathe the baby and just chat with him.

Since the daily routine of a month-old baby involves a long stay in the crib, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions there. Newborns do not need a pillow to sleep, and the blanket should not be too thick. The room where the child sleeps should be frequently ventilated and have optimal temperature and humidity.

Bathing and air baths

As we said above, the baby needs to be bathed every day. It is better if this procedure is carried out in the evening before bedtime. To bathe a one-month-old baby, you need a special bath. It is not necessary to use boiled water; sometimes you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs. There is no need to use soap every time you bathe, as it tends to dry out the skin. It is enough to wash your child with soap 1-2 times a week. After this, you should apply baby cream or use powder to your skin to protect it from irritation.

Air baths are useful for the child, promoting hardening and preventing the appearance of diaper rash. At this time, you can stroke the baby’s tummy, back, do exercises and massage with him. Young children really like this and contribute to their development. Remember that at 1 month you can do it at any time of the day when the baby is awake. Conduct classes while the baby is awake, always before feeding - otherwise he may burp.

No walks anywhere

Any mother knows that walks are very beneficial for the baby. A 1 month old baby's regimen must contain this procedure at least once a day. In summer, walks can even last several hours, but in winter you should be guided by the weather.

It should be borne in mind that the baby should be comfortable while walking. Therefore, there is no need to swaddle him too tightly or wrap him up too much. And of course, it’s better to ask in advance what the weather is like outside.

For a walk, you should choose quiet, calm places, preferably away from roads. You need to take with you a blanket, a sheet, a spare bottle of food and water, and a couple of spare loaders.

And finally, feeding

Of course, a 1 month old baby’s daily routine cannot be imagined without feeding. Today, pediatricians recommend organizing the baby’s diet according to his requirements, that is, the baby should be put to the breast when he wants it. This will allow the mother's body to adapt to the baby's needs and produce as much milk as needed.
An important point is that when feeding, the baby swallows not only milk, but also air. Therefore, after eating, the child should be in an upright position for some time. This will prevent popping and regurgitation.

So, an approximate daily routine can be illustrated in the following table:

6.00 Waking and feeding
6.30-7.00 Baby's wakefulness
7.00-9.30 Dream
9.30 Feeding
10.00-11.00 Baby's wakefulness
11.00-13.00 Dream
13.00 Feeding
13.30-14.00 Baby's wakefulness
14.00-16.30 Dream
16.30 Feeding
17.00-17.30 Baby's wakefulness
17.30-19.30 Dream
19.30 -20.00 Baby's wakefulness
20.00 Feeding
20.00-21.00 Baby's wakefulness
21.00-23.30 Dream
23.30 Feeding
23.30-6.00 Dream

Note that this table is not a guide for mother and baby, which must be followed exactly, but only an example of the organization of the phases of sleep, wakefulness and feeding. Develop your own daily routine that is convenient for you and your baby. This will have a beneficial effect on the development of the child, and will create comfortable conditions for other household members.

With the arrival of a baby in the family, the usual way of life of each member changes. Mom devotes all her time to the baby: she always tries to hold him in her arms and feed him at the first cry, shows the little one the sights of the new house and puts him next to him in bed. The woman does not leave the newborn unattended for a second. “This is what a loving and caring mother should do!” - you will think. But... Gradually, pieces of furniture in the house begin to become covered with dust, a mountain of unwashed dishes increasingly grows in the kitchen, and the rest of the household feels forgotten and unloved, relegated to the background. Why is this happening? Yes, because the baby does not have a clear daily routine. Mom will have time to do everything, will be able to devote time to her loved ones, and even for rest and self-development she will always have an hour or two if she puts in just a little effort and teaches the child to live, observing a certain regime.

What is a baby's daily routine?

A baby's daily routine is the sequential execution of precisely planned actions throughout the day, according to the clock. A baby, like any other person, must sleep, eat, stay awake, while developing intellectually and physically, devote time to hygiene procedures, and perform natural needs.

If he does all this every day at approximately the same time, his mother will be able to rationally plan her day based on this routine. Then she will have time to devote time to the baby, other household members, and herself. Order will reign in the house, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

Following a daily routine will benefit both the baby, his mother, and the whole family.

Of course, from birth, certain instincts are inherent in any toddler by nature itself. Breasts want to eat at approximately equal intervals and sleep a lot. But every baby has its own biorhythms.

You will benefit greatly if you track them, record them and plan all routine moments in accordance with the individual needs of the baby. This is not so difficult to do, but the benefits of following the daily routine will be enormous both for the baby himself and for everyone around him.

The benefits of following a timetable

  1. Compliance with the feeding regime will protect the child from the development of allergies and diathesis during infancy. Proper nutrition- the key to the health and good mood of the baby. Children who eat according to a routine are less likely to have problems with digestion and metabolism.
  2. Difficult periods in the baby’s life (teething, illness, etc.) will go much easier.
  3. You will always know what time to give your child the morning toilet, when to go for a walk or put the baby to bed. This way you can organize your day so that you have time to go to the store for groceries, prepare breakfast (lunch, dinner), and do wet cleaning.
  4. The daily routine includes time for development, both intellectual and physical. You can plan this time so that dad, brothers and sisters, and grandparents participate in raising the toddler. The child will feel loved by all members of his family, and the household will receive a lot positive emotions from communicating with him.
  5. By strictly following the regime, you will not miss anything important. The toddler will develop according to age indicators. And he will spend enough time in the fresh air. And you will always be fed, dry, clean, rested.

If you want your newborn baby to grow up healthy and happy, build your life so that all members of your family feel loved, needed, and protected.

This means that your baby’s daily routine should be convenient not only for him, but also for you. If you think it is necessary to feed the baby on demand, feed it and don’t even hesitate, and if you can’t live at such a rhythm, create an individual routine, but do it gradually and correctly.

The best feeding regimen for a newborn - video by Dr. Komarovsky

How to properly organize routine moments?

It is important for your child that the daily routine you create takes into account his individual biorhythms.

Among children, as among adults, there are “larks” and “night owls.” Some people wake up early and go to bed late. Some are the opposite. Some eat more and less often, while others eat less and more often. One toddler is active, mobile and spends a lot of energy. Another prefers peace and contemplation, which means his energy consumption is less. All this must be taken into account when planning routine moments.

The first thing you need to do is watch the baby a little. How is the baby active? When does he sleep, before feeding or after? How long is the time between feedings? Pay attention to your sleep at night. Does he wake up at night and how often?

Based on these data, try to feed, walk, sleep, play, morning and evening toilet at the same time every day.

How to maintain a daily schedule

  1. First of all, be prepared for the fact that accustoming a newborn to a routine is a long process. In the first months of life, the baby is just beginning to adapt to his new environment. His organs and systems are not yet sufficiently developed. Biological rhythms are also in the process of formation. The baby has yet to learn to recognize where it is day and where it is night. When to sleep and when to stay awake. And here it is in your power to direct it to the correct perception of the surrounding reality.
  2. Count how many times the child eats and sleeps during the day and at night.
  3. Based on your observations, create and write down your daily routine in a notebook.
  4. In the following days, try to put your baby to your breast and go to bed at about the same hour. This is the main task of the regime.
  5. And so on for 2-3 weeks - this is usually quite enough to get used to the routine. But, again, everything is individual here. Some people need more time, some less. 8 weeks is also a good result. Please note that a newborn should eat and sleep as much as he wants. Gradually, the baby will determine the intervals between feedings (mostly 2-3 hours).
  6. Be sure to keep in mind that a child who is on artificial feeding, will not get hungry as quickly as a baby receiving breast milk, which is digested easier and faster than an adapted formula. Depending on this, you need to adjust the intervals between feedings. For “artificial” people they will be 3–4 hours.
  7. In the morning, wake up at the time you set. Even if the child did not sleep or play well at night, gently wake him up, wash him, change him, and feed him.
  8. Do all procedures by the hour. Explore the world, play, sleep, latch on, walk and swim according to the schedule. And you will see how soon your baby will begin to do all this with pleasure and great desire, and most importantly, when necessary.
  9. After 3 weeks, try to stop breastfeeding on demand. If the baby has eaten, and after 1.5 hours you see that he again requires the breast, offer him a bottle of water, maybe the baby just wants to drink.
  10. Use "tips". Before bed, sing lullabies to your baby or tell stories. If the baby wakes up at night, talk to him in a whisper so that he can understand that it is still night and he needs to sleep. Learn nursery rhymes that correspond to certain routine moments: feeding, bathing, dressing, etc. T.

Approximate daily routine for an infant

In the first months of life, the baby sleeps a lot, his routine is basically constant, and the mother can easily adapt to such a routine.

So, what do we do with the baby during the day?


WITH early age teach your child to wash his face in the morning

The morning begins and goes differently for each family. For a baby, this is one of the periods of active activity. He will know the world, plays, smiles.

WITH early childhood We accustom the child to morning hygiene: wash and change clothes. During this period of children's activity, it is effective to do gymnastics, massages, and air baths.

When the baby has played enough and begins to get tired, the need appears to snuggle up to his mother’s chest. The first feeding usually takes place between 5 and 9 am: the baby eats and falls asleep, therefore, the mother can take care of the house and herself.


It’s good to spend your baby’s nap time in the fresh air.

Most often, during the day, the baby has two periods, lasting from 2 to 4 hours, when he sleeps soundly. During the rest of the time, the baby plays and gets acquainted with new objects.

If the baby likes what you offer him, he lies quietly. But if interest wanes, the child begins to demand attention.

A baby's daytime nap can be combined with walks in the fresh air, chatting with friends and family, reading or relaxing.


Evening bathing is a kind of ritual preceding going to bed.

After a day spent actively, in the evening the child begins to get tired. It is better to spend this time with your family, calmly.

From the very first days of life, you need to teach your baby to take a bath in the evening. This procedure will become a kind of ritual for him before going to bed. It is best to bathe your baby at 8–9 pm - half an hour before feeding.

The mother herself should get ready for bed in advance, because after bathing the child will want to be close to her, feel her smell and warmth. When the baby falls asleep, give him some time, because children feel the presence of their mother, and then transfer the baby to the cradle.


At night, the baby sleeps restlessly only if he experiences discomfort in some way.

At night, depending on age, the baby may wake up 1 or 2 times to feed. If your baby's sleep is restless, or he wakes up and cannot fall asleep, make sure that none of the following is disturbing him:

  • Light, noise. A child can fall asleep soundly only when there is a calm environment around him. Try to turn off the computer and TV, dim the bright lights. Create conditions for healthy and sound sleep for your beloved baby.
  • Hunger. If the baby has eaten his fill, he will sleep soundly and peacefully at night. If the time between night feedings is too short, talk to your pediatrician about introducing additional artificial complementary foods.
  • Hot, cold. The baby should feel comfortable. He shouldn't be hot. And if the little one opens up and freezes at night, buy him a special envelope.
  • Wet clothes. Be sure to put on your baby a diaper at night. This way he will remain dry and nothing will disturb his sleep.

Schedule of operating moments - table

1–3 months 3–6 months 6–10 months 10–12 months
Feeding 6 00 6 00 7 00 8 00
Wakefulness 6 00 -7 00 6 00 -7 30 7 00 -9 00 8 30 -12 00
Dream 7 00 -9 30 7 30 -9 30 9 00 -11 00 -
Feeding 9 30 9 30 11 00 12 00
Wakefulness 9 30 -10 30 9 30 -11 00 11 30 -13 00 12 30 -13 30
Dream 10 30 -13 30 11 00 -13 00 13 00 -15 00 13 30 -15 30
Feeding 13 00 13 00 15 00 16 00
Wakefulness 13 00 -14 00 13 00 -14 30 15 00 -17 00 16 30 -19 00
Dream 14 00 -16 30 14 00 -16 30 17 00 -19 30 -
Feeding 16 30 16 30 19 00 19 00
Wakefulness 16 30 -17 30 16 30 -18 00 19 00 -21 00 19 30 -20 30
Dream 17 30 -19 45 18 00 -19 45 19 00 -21 00 -
Bathing 19 45 19 45 20 30 20 30
Feeding 20 00 20 00 - -
Wakefulness 20 00 -21 00 20 00 -21 00 - -
Night sleep 21 00 -6 00 21 00 -6 00 21 00 -7 00 21 00 -7 00
Night feeding 23 30 or 2 0023 30 or 2 0023 00 -

The child’s daily routine is compiled from the mother’s observations of the baby. The table is a rough guide for parents. The rest depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and the family’s lifestyle - the time for a particular procedure can always be changed.

What do we see from the table?

  • The duration of a baby's sleep is about twenty hours a day.
  • In between, he eats and stays awake - at first quite a bit, then longer and longer. This time is enough to play with the baby or carry out the necessary manipulations: hygiene procedures, massage, gymnastics.
  • In the third month of life, the baby begins to stay awake more and sleep less. During this period, you sleep approximately sixteen to eighteen hours a day. Feeding - once every three hours, i.e. six times during the day and once at night.
  • At three to six months, the child sleeps approximately fifteen to eighteen hours a day, night sleep is gradually reduced to ten hours. Feedings are five times during the day, once at night.
  • From six to nine months, the baby sleeps three times during the day for two hours, the period of active activity is up to two and a half hours. Feeding the baby five times a day with an interval of four hours. The baby can be fed late in the evening, then he will sleep all night. Night sleep lasts about eight hours.
  • A baby aged nine to twelve months sleeps twice a day. The duration of daytime sleep is about two and a half hours.
  • You need to walk with your baby twice a day for two hours.
  • During the first year of life, the child's routine will gradually change. At first, the baby sleeps twice during the day (before lunch and after), but as he gets closer to one year, he sleeps only after lunch. A one-year-old toddler spends approximately ten to twelve hours a day sleeping.

If you follow the pediatrician's recommendations and do everything correctly during the first year of the baby's life, at twelve months his daily routine looks something like this: feedings - four times a day, sleep during the day - two hours, at night - ten hours (without waking up for feeding).

Inverted mode: ways to solve the problem

Some parents are faced with the fact that their baby begins to stay awake at night and sleep during the day. This phenomenon is called “inverted mode”.

What should you do if your baby confuses day with night? First, of course, contact your local pediatrician. He will prescribe treatment, which includes taking sedatives (infusion of motherwort, valerian). In addition, it is very important to return the child’s usual daily routine.

How to teach a baby to sleep through the night - video

How to restore the correct daily routine?

  1. Try to determine the cause of the problem. What exactly prevents your baby from falling asleep? Maybe I’m feeling unwell: intestinal colic, heat body, sore throat or ear, etc. In this case, you must consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.
  2. The baby's crib should be comfortable. Bed linen is made from natural fabrics. It is better to do without a pillow, or it should be low.
  3. When placing your baby in the cradle, make sure that there are no wrinkles in his clothes that could cause him discomfort at night. And the baby’s pajamas themselves should be comfortable, made of cotton or linen, with the seams facing out.
  4. Some babies can wake themselves up by moving their legs and arms in their sleep. Then it would be a good idea to swaddle the baby at night.
  5. Make sure that the nursery is wet cleaned regularly. You need to ventilate the room 2 times a day. The optimal indoor air temperature is +20…+22 °C. If the baby is cold or hot, he may wake up, cry, and be capricious.
  6. Throughout the day, try to organize your baby’s activities so that he spends his time actively.
  7. Follow the regime strictly. This is especially true during sleep and wakefulness. If your baby sleeps longer than expected in the morning and afternoon, wake him up.
  8. In the evening, while bathing the child, you can add soothing decoctions or infusions to the bath. Consult your pediatrician regarding the possibility and advisability of their use.
  9. If your little one wakes up at night, don’t turn on the light, talk in a whisper, and with all your appearance let him know that he needs to sleep.
  10. The last feeding should be from 23 to 24 hours. Then the baby will not wake up from hunger.

The “inverted mode” is quite amenable to correction. Not in one day, of course. But armed with patience, it is possible to achieve success here. The main thing is to calmly and firmly move towards your intended goal. Night is for sleeping. You must convey this truth to your little night owl in all available ways.

A daily routine is necessary for both the baby and his mother. And who said that if you follow the regime, you cannot feed the baby on demand? At proper organization One does not interfere. Start from your child’s individual needs and take yours into account. Plus love, patience, support of loved ones. And everything will work out for you. Don't even doubt it!

A child’s daily routine is a specific routine designed taking into account age characteristics and needs and aimed at healthy physical and intellectual development. Some mothers think that the regime is necessary only for weakened, often ill children, but this is not so. It is necessary to accustom your baby to a daily routine from the first months of life. You shouldn’t expect that a newborn baby will fall asleep and wake up by the hour from the first days, but certain skills that will form the basis of a child’s routine at an older age can be developed already in the first month of a baby’s life.

Feeding schedule: hourly or on demand?

If the child is on breastfeeding, pediatricians advise feeding him on demand. If the child is healthy, gains weight well and develops according to established standards, this regimen can be followed until the age of three months. If the mother continues to breastfeed the baby when he asks for it, complications in the digestive system may arise due to overfeeding. These may be intestinal, painful spasms, stool upset, abdominal pain.

Feeding on demand has its pros and cons, so each mother must decide for herself how to organize the feeding of the child in order to meet his needs and not infringe on the interests of other family members.

Dr. Komarovsky about feeding regimen

Among the advantages of feeding on demand, experts highlight:

  • more harmonious development of the child due to frequent and prolonged contact with the mother;
  • stable (with this feeding regimen, milk is produced in the mammary glands in the amount necessary to meet the needs of a particular baby);
  • reducing the risk of purulent mastitis that develops against the background of milk stagnation.

If a mother decides to feed her baby on demand, she should understand that such a daily routine for a newborn in the first month also has significant disadvantages. One of them is the inability to leave home in the first weeks of a child’s life. The organization of feeding is also of great importance: if the child takes the breast incorrectly (grabs not the areola, but only the nipple), too frequent feedings can lead to the formation of long-healing cracks, which can become infected due to insufficient personal hygiene.

Artificial or mixed feeding

If a newborn receives formula milk as primary or additional nutrition, feed infant follows the established schedule. Unlike breast milk, the composition and fat content are constant and do not change depending on external factors. The main difference between formula and milk is the presence of complex proteins (lactoglobulins), which require more time to break down and digest. If a child receives a new portion of formula before his body digests the previous food, gastrointestinal disorders may occur, for example:

  • and vomiting;
  • (the child cries, refuses the bottle, the abdomen is tense, there may be pain on palpation);
  • constipation (can last up to 3 days).

Approximate feeding schedule by hour

Parents of newborn children on artificial or mixed feeding, when organizing meals, they can adhere to the schedule given in the table.

At night, the baby can wake up at any time, since the night feeding regime is usually established only by 2-3 months. The volume of one serving of formula for newborns in the first month is 90 ml (from the third week of life this volume can be increased to 120 ml). The norm for breastfed children is a volume of 50 to 90 ml per feeding.

Important! The interval between formula feedings should be about 3 hours, that is, the child should receive food up to 8 times a day. Children who are breastfed on demand can receive mother's milk up to 8-10 times a day (the intervals between feedings are at least 2-2.5 hours).

Night feedings

Children in the first month of life can wake up up to 3-4 times a night. If the baby receives breastfeeding on demand, this number of feedings at night is allowed, but it is important to ensure that the baby does not show signs of overfeeding (excessive regurgitation after eating, a swollen belly, etc.). You should not limit breastfeeding at night, since it is at this time that a woman’s body produces an increased amount of hormones necessary for milk production.

Important! Newborns receiving formula milk should not be fed more than once per night.

If your child wakes up more often, it is important to find out the reason. This could be uncomfortable clothing, cold (or, conversely, too high a room temperature), dry and dusty air. usually begin at the beginning of the third week of life and can last up to 3-4 months (less often - up to six months).

To help your baby, you can use the following methods to combat increased gas formation:

  • dry heat on the stomach (flannel diaper folded in several layers, ironed);
  • (performed clockwise with stroking movements);
  • special gymnastics (bringing the legs bent at the knees to the stomach).

If alternative methods do not help, you can use (,).

Should I give water to my newborn while breastfeeding?

Mother's milk consists of 87-88% water, so children with a good appetite do not need additional supplementation. Formula-fed babies can be supplemented with water from a spoon or bottle. Its norm depends on the child’s weight, pace general development and other factors and can range from 30 to 70 ml per day. It is better to give bottled water intended specifically for baby food. You should not add sugar to it, as then the child may refuse fresh complementary foods, for example, vegetable purees. Some children are more willing to drink warmed water, but it is important to ensure that its temperature does not exceed 28°-30°.

There are situations when water must be given even to newborns who eat only breast milk:

  • diseases accompanied by excessive vomiting and diarrhea (to prevent dehydration);
  • the air in the children's room is too dry.

Important! Dangerous signs of dehydration include dry lips and infrequent urination (normally, a newborn should urinate at least 8 times a day).

How much should a baby eat at one feeding in the first months of life?

How to accustom a newborn to the regime?

It is necessary to begin accustoming a newborn child to a certain routine from the age of two weeks. At 2-3 weeks, the child has already established certain biological rhythms that must be taken into account when creating a regimen. It is easiest to organize a daytime nap during this period, since in newborn children it is usually combined with a walk.

Important! The easiest way to start accustoming your child to a daily routine is by organizing a sleep routine.

Walking with a newborn can begin 3-5 days after discharge from the maternity hospital (after the baby is examined by a visiting nurse and gives the necessary recommendations). It is best to go outside at the same time: during morning and evening sleep. Evening walks are especially important for getting used to the routine: oxygen saturation will help the child fall asleep faster during bedtime and provide healthier and longer sleep at night.

It is also better to put your newborn to bed at the same time. Even if the baby is capricious, you should not take him out of the crib and rock him in your arms for a long time. How earlier child understands that the crib is associated with sleep, the easier it will be to establish the correct regime in the future.

Pediatricians advise following a certain ritual before going to bed, which may be something like this:

  • and evening massage (stroking, rubbing);
  • changing into pajamas or sleeping suits (an important action that helps you quickly develop the habit of falling asleep in a crib);
  • feeding and calm communication with the child;
  • going to bed.

Mom can stay with the baby until he falls asleep, but it is not recommended to pick up the baby after he has been put to bed.

How to get used to a routine - the opinion of a pediatrician

A properly established daily routine for the baby will help the mother rest and gain strength. For a child, order is also necessary for the normal development of the nervous system and all internal organs generally.

The daily routine consists of sequential actions and depends on the time of day.

  • There will be a certain time for walking, sleeping, feeding. Mom will know exactly when to start cooking or when she can take some time to herself.
  • Proponents of establishing a daily routine feed the child according to a certain schedule. There are also advantages here. The work of the digestive organs is not overloaded, thereby reducing the risk of developing allergies and excess weight. When a mother feeds her baby on demand, the risk of overfeeding increases.
  • The regime has a beneficial effect on the comfort and coziness of the family. The mother manages to pay attention not only to the child, but also to her husband and other family members.

Comparative table of the daily routine of children under one year of age.

Child's age, months.0-3 3-6 6-10
ScheduleApproximate time interval, hour
First feeding6 6 7
Washing, massage, gymnastics, game6-7 6-7.30 7-9
Dream7-9 8-10 9-11
Second feeding9 10 11
Walk, chat, play9-10.50 10-11 11-13
Dream11-13 11-13 13-15
Third feeding13 13 15
Walk, play, chat13.40-14.40 13.20-14.30 15-17
Dream14.50-16.50 14.30-16.30 17-19.30
Fourth feeding17 16.30 19.30
Communication, game16.30-17.30 16.30-18 19.30-21
Dream17.40-19.30 18-19.30
Bathing20 20 21
Fifth feeding20.40 20.40
Communication, reading books, listening to music20.50-21.40 20.50-21.50
Night sleep21.40-6 22-6 21-7
Night feeding1 1

The table clearly shows that as the child grows up, more time needs to be devoted to spending leisure time together. The routine of basic activities at 10 months becomes close to that of adult children.

Approximate daytime schedule

The child should sleep most of the time throughout the first month (about 20 hours a day). In this way, the body adapts better to new conditions. Wakefulness is associated with feeding. The diet should include only breast milk.

It should be taken into account that it is difficult to teach children in the first days of life to eat according to a schedule. They can hardly maintain an hour interval, especially those who are breastfed.

If the baby is formula-fed, the interval can be up to 3 hours. The mixture takes longer to digest in the stomach and can be measured accurately. During the first month, the baby needs about 90 ml of milk for each feeding.

Walking not only promotes healthy sleep and appetite. The sun's rays hitting the baby's skin promotes the production of vitamin D, which is so necessary for normal development.

The daily routine of a three-month-old baby looks something like this.

  1. Sleep - at least four times, lasting about 2 hours. Towards the end of the month, night sleep should reach 6 hours.
  2. The interval between feedings should be about 3 hours. At night, no more than 6 hours. The diet should still consist of breast milk. Mom should not get carried away with new foods, so as not to cause an undesirable reaction from the baby’s digestive tract.
  3. You definitely need to be outside. Weather conditions must also be taken into account, but on average spend at least 2 hours a day.

At the age of three months, the mother develops a lactation crisis. You should not feed a three-month-old baby formulas or other complementary foods. You just need to wait a little while, and your nutrition will improve again. It will not be possible to get used to the regime during this period.

TO fourth month The child is already getting used to the established rules.

Night sleep can already last about 10 hours. The baby sleeps 3 times a day for 2 hours. It should be taken into account that at this time the first teeth begin to erupt, the child may feel physical discomfort, he becomes capricious, sleep and appetite are disturbed. The regime will be disrupted at this time. You shouldn’t be too strict with him at this time; you can adapt a little to his rhythms.

If the child is breastfed, then early introduction of complementary foods to the menu is not allowed.

The baby receives all nutrients from mother's milk. If the baby is fed formulas, it is allowed to introduce a drop of juice into the diet.

The table will clearly show the approximate daily routine hourly in the first months of a baby’s life.

6.00 First breakfast, sleep
8.30-9.00 Washing. Using a cotton swab or soft towel, wipe your face with warm water and clean your nose. Can be instilled saline solution, if the house is hot and there is crust in the nasal cavity. Washing your genitals in the morning is also important.
9.30 Second breakfast, most often sleep again. At this time, mom will put herself in order and get ready to go out on her own.
10.30 Walk. If it’s hot outside, you shouldn’t walk during the period of active sun (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.). In this case, you will need to get ready to go out a little earlier. The first walk should not last more than 15 minutes. IN winter time You cannot go out with your child in the first month of his life at temperatures below -5 degrees. Every day the walking time should increase.
12.30-13.00 Lunch, sleep. At this time, mom is minding her own business.
16.00-16.30 Feeding, walk again.
20.00 Feeding, communication, massage.
22.00 Bathing has a beneficial effect on healthy sleep, so this procedure is carried out in the evening.
22.30 Feeding and bedtime.

It is recommended to put the baby to bed later than usual during the first month. This way you can ensure a long sleep at night. If you put the baby to bed early, for example, at 21.00, the baby will wake up for night feeding at 2 o'clock. This time is characterized by a phase of shallow sleep, and the child may not fall asleep for a long time. If all family members go to bed at the same time, then by the first night feeding everyone will have time to gain strength.

Formula-fed children at the age of five months are allowed to introduce pureed vegetables and fruits into their diet. After their administration, you need to carefully monitor the child’s condition.

The menu of a six-month-old baby becomes varied. By this time she had become quite strong digestive system, enzymes necessary for digesting complex foods are produced. The diet includes porridge, pureed vegetables and fruits, and cottage cheese. Each new product should be fed no earlier than after 10 days.

The baby's diet at five to six months will help you see the graph clearly.

  1. First breakfast – kefir, breast milk, formula.
  2. Second breakfast – porridge, cottage cheese, natural juice.
  3. Lunch – pureed vegetables.
  4. Dinner - kefir.
  5. The second dinner is mother's milk or formula.

At 6 months, milk comes first on the menu, and complementary foods come second. Therefore, after each complementary feeding it is worth giving formula or milk. The diet of a seven-month-old baby continues to expand. You can introduce fermented milk products, try feeding them pureed meat.

At 8-9 months, the child still sleeps three times a day, but during the waking period he is actively exploring his surroundings. The intervals between feedings become longer and reach up to 5 hours.

At 9 months, the baby’s diet is supplemented with fish dishes. At this time, you need to teach the child to hold a spoon independently. Breast milk is no longer the main food on a baby’s menu.

At 10 months, a table of an approximate daily routine may look like this.

Rules for establishing a regime

In order to develop a daily routine when breastfeeding, the mother herself needs to learn discipline and teach other family members to do it.

Schedule for teaching your baby to the established routine.

  1. Getting up after a night's sleep should be at the same time. Even if the night turned out to be sleepless, the baby could not fall asleep for a long time after feeding, he needs to be woken up for hygiene procedures.
  2. You need to install it yourself convenient time for feeding, sleeping, walking, bathing, and repeat daily. Within a few days, the baby will get used to this schedule, and the mother will feel relief.
  3. You need to stop feeding on a free schedule. If your baby has eaten recently and is moving his mouth to the breast again, he may just be thirsty. In this case, you can offer some water.
  4. Rituals will help the child get used to the routine faster. For example, before going to bed, you can sing songs or read rhymes; before bathing, you can walk around the room and look at objects or listen to music.

Throughout the entire time of getting used to the routine, the mother will need to be patient and not get angry or nervous if the child cannot get used to the routine.

On average, it takes 10-14 days to establish a daily routine.

What should a mother do if her child confuses day with night, and how to teach him to sleep continuously throughout the night?

  • A similar problem can arise due to poor health of the child (teething, colic, cold). You need to see a doctor so that he can give recommendations for treatment.
  • Dry, hot air in the room. The air temperature in the room where the child sleeps should be 20-22 degrees, humidity - no more than 70%. Before going to bed, the room should be ventilated for at least 30 minutes.

  • The day needs to be filled with active activities. Play more, communicate with the child, do massage, gymnastics. Before going to bed, you can bathe him in a large bathtub, where he will have the opportunity to actively move.
  • The feeding ration must be set correctly. Breast milk or formula should be included in the menu no earlier than 22:00; if complementary foods are introduced, then porridge can be offered for dinner.

After the birth of a child, the family’s usual way of life changes. It is important not only to feed and put the baby to bed on time, but also to maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere in the family.

Birth little man always an exciting event, and the first month of his life is a very important period. During this time, the baby adapts to living conditions, learns to feed, breathe, and feel separate from his mother. In this regard, it is very important that the child spends the adaptation period in optimally acceptable conditions.

In the first month of a baby’s life, it is necessary to properly organize his routine: walking, eating, bathing. A correctly structured daily routine in the first days of a baby’s life will have a beneficial effect on its further development and will have a positive impact on well-being.

When the regime is established, the child’s behavior is calm - he has good mood and he is active. He is not capricious at all, sleeps well, and enjoys contacting his parents. In turn, new mothers are not nervous about finding free time and space, but truly enjoy motherhood.

Approximate daily routine for 1 month

All that is required of the baby in the first 30 days is learning to communicate with his parents through attempts to smile and coo, and of course, eat and sleep. A child who is assigned a certain diet, sleep and walks adapts faster and better to biological rhythms. He clearly distinguishes between day and night, and does not confuse them.

According to the observations of psychologists, we can say that those children who in the first days of life had a well-established daily routine and followed it, were later more collected, disciplined and confident in their abilities.


After birth, the baby sleeps most of the day (18-20 hours) in the first two weeks of its life. He only wakes up during feeding. By the middle of the month, the baby is already sleeping less. During the waking period, the baby, in addition to eating, also tries to get to know the world that surrounds him. He lingers his gaze on large bright objects for a long time, examining them. Tries to catch sounds around, reacts to mother's voice.


In the recent past, almost all mothers fed their newborn babies on a strict schedule because that's what pediatricians recommended. According to this scheme, it turns out that the child eats approximately every 3 hours. And even today, many experts advise doing just that.

But still the best option- is to feed the child when he wants it. In the first months of life, this is very important for the baby, because its main need is nutrition.

According to statistics, most infants require food approximately 6-8 times per day. But here it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the child and the volume of a single meal, no matter whether it is breast milk or prepared formula. In the first month, the child should eat about 50-90 ml of special infant formula or breast milk at a time. Mostly, young mothers adhere to the rule - feed until they are satisfied.

You just need to remember one thing - when artificial feeding The baby gets full faster than when breastfed. This is because artificial milk formulas are saturated with microelements and various fatty acids. So it turns out that in order to satisfy hunger, kids need to artificial nutrition A small portion is quite enough. But then there should be a little longer intervals between feedings so that the milk formula is absorbed and the stomach has time to digest everything.

The main thing is to avoid overfeeding. Otherwise, difficulties with digestion may arise, the child will develop colic, he will often burp, and constipation is possible.


In the first month of his life, the baby still gets acquainted with such a procedure as bathing. From the very first days it is recommended to establish a water treatment regime. It is better if everything happens in the evening, before the last feeding for the night.

For a baby you need to purchase a special bath. Be sure to observe the temperature regime (36-37 degrees) using a special thermometer. Then you can simply measure the temperature of the water, trusting your feelings. You can add a decoction of different herbs to the bath: string, chamomile, celandine or others.


Walking is very important for a one-month-old baby. Of course, fresh air is extremely beneficial for the baby. In spring and summer, you need to (just for a short time) let the sun's rays warm your baby's face. This way, the child’s body will begin to produce vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets. Well, kids also sleep well while walking outdoors.

There are a few things to consider before you go:

  • Walking should only be done on the 10th day of life if the baby was born on time and is completely healthy.
  • In winter, walk for about 10 minutes a day at temperatures not lower than -10 degrees. In summer, the duration of the walk can be 20 minutes, provided that the street is not hotter than 30 degrees

Massage and gymnastics

During sleep breaks, parents need to find time to exercise with their baby: do some exercises and give him a massage.

A baby massage session involves gentle and careful stroking of the baby’s back, arms and legs. The tummy also needs to be given attention and circular movements with your hand clockwise. This way you can avoid constipation and colic in your baby.

Gymnastic exercises mean simple movements. Flexion and extension of arms and legs, only very carefully. Give your child yours thumb and when he grabs it with his palm, carefully lift the baby. Children love such activities and are happy to stretch themselves a little.

Communication with the baby

During the first month of life, you need to communicate and even play with the child. The fact that all this is still too early for him is an erroneous judgment. This is as important to him as eating or sleeping. In the process of games and communication, the baby initially develops trust in the world around him, as psychologists believe.

You need to communicate and play with the baby in a calm environment, when he does not want to sleep, is well-fed and is quite comfortable. Reading short children's rhymes is perfect for this, you can sing a song or just talk affectionately to your baby. You can play with him with rattles. Give them to the child so that he can try to hold them, be sure to praise him for this and help in every possible way.

The more affection, attention and care the baby receives, the more harmonious and confident his development will be.

It is impossible for a child to sleep until lunch and organize concerts at night. This regime, of course, needs to be changed. You should not force your baby to sleep or wake him up before dawn. Walking is a great help here. It's no secret that all babies sleep soundly in the fresh air, so you need to go for a walk at a time when the baby is scheduled to sleep. This way it will be possible to regulate at least the baby’s daytime sleep.

In order for the baby to understand that morning has come, you can regularly perform some hygiene procedures in the morning hours. When the child wakes up in the morning, take a cotton swab, soak it in warm water and wipe the baby’s face. Then clean the ears, nose, and apply baby cream to the diaper rash areas. If you do this every day at the same time in the morning, it will become clear to the baby that a new day has come.

In the evening, it is advisable to turn off the overhead light and use something less bright to let the child know that night is coming and he needs to go to bed. Musical carousels on the crib can also help in this matter. Soon the baby will understand the connection between a change of environment and sleep.

A quiet, calm melody will also help your baby fall asleep. A lullaby performed by your mother is a great option. By doing this every evening, you will notice that the child falls asleep on time and quickly enough.

The entire first month will not be easy for both the baby and the parents, but you still need to achieve compliance with a certain regime. Then the result will not take long to wait. Very soon the baby will lie down and fall asleep at a strictly allotted time. This will enable him to predict further actions and react correctly. Parents, in turn, will be able to manage their free time wisely.