During pregnancy, your body changes and prepares for breastfeeding, so it is especially important to choose the right supportive bra for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Benefits of different types of bras for pregnant and nursing mothers

Wearing a bra that is too tight is hardly pleasurable. But it is quite difficult to predict how the breasts will change during pregnancy and after childbirth: the body of each woman is unique and changes in different ways. Some breasts increase by just one size, while others can grow three sizes or even more. Therefore, it is recommended to wear bras and tank tops with well-designed cuts that can adapt to changes in body shape and provide you with constant comfort.

During the day, it's best to wear a comfortable, seamless nursing bra - no underwire, but with support. Such a bra can be worn even during pregnancy, when your regular bras become too small for you. During breastfeeding it is good to use bras with detachable cups - so you can feed your baby simply and discreetly.

At night, wear a comfortable, breathable sleep bra that will hold your bra pads in place and make breastfeeding easier.

How to choose a nursing bra size?

When choosing a bra, the main thing is to measure your chest correctly. This can be done at home in comfortable conditions or in a store with the help of a specialist. Every woman is unique, so measurement is the very first and most important step.

After deciding on the size, try on the bra to make sure you are comfortable in it. At the same time, you can check whether the fasteners and detachable cups of the bra are comfortable, whether its shape and quality of the material suits you, how well it supports the chest, whether it is invisible under clothes, and so on.

Check if it is convenient to unfasten the fasteners of the bra with one hand. This is important because you will have to unfasten and fasten them with one hand all the time - with the other you will hold the child.

Bra size calculator

Here is your size:

Every woman is unique and Medela thinks about each one. If you cannot find your size in the Medela chart, we recommend choosing the size closest to your measurements.

Remember that every woman is unique, so size is just a guideline. We recommend trying on bras before buying to find the best fit for you. There are many different models breastfeeding bras, so you're sure to find one that's comfortable, easy to breastfeed, and looks great at the same time.

Breastfeeding is an important process for the life and health of the baby, but not the easiest time for his mother. Many mothers refuse to feed their baby with milk and switch to mixtures, women are afraid of breast enlargement, the loss of its beauty and shape.

But is it worth it to risk the well-being of the child, especially when underwear manufacturers offer special nursing bras that are comfortable to wear and designed to preserve the original appearance of the female breast as much as possible?

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

breast changes while breastfeeding

Pregnancy is a real joy for the expectant mother and a real test. Everything changes in a woman - both the body, and the character, and even taste preferences. The mammary glands swell and fill with juices, the breast becomes larger and more beautiful. But more serious changes await a woman after the birth of a child, while breastfeeding.

For another year, and maybe more, the baby will adjoin the breast every day, receiving healthy mother's milk. The lactation period cannot but affect the form of female dignity, volume.

Features of underwear for nursing

Nursing bras have significant differences from regular underwear. All features are due to changes in the breast during the lactation period:

  1. Elastic material. During the day, the volume of the breast changes, the tides of milk are replaced by its consumption, an ordinary bra will squeeze the swollen breasts. The elastic material allows the bra to stretch, gently maintaining the shape of the bust.
  2. Teardrop shape and wide shoulder straps. The teardrop shape of the bra and wide elastic straps are designed for enhanced bust support.
  3. Wide base and row of hooks. Nursing bras have a wide base and are equipped with rows of hooks that allow you to adjust the circumference of the chest throughout the day.
  4. Special cups. Cups of nursing bras are fastened with fasteners, the breast is easy to get to feed the baby.

Breastfeeding bras have special inserts to absorb milk residue. The pads are disposable and very easy to use. For example, if you sleep longer than usual at night, milk will not leak onto your clothes, and you will not feel the discomfort of dampness.

What is the best nursing bra?

Which model to choose? To choose the best nursing bra, pay attention to its quality characteristics, this is much more important than the big name of the manufacturer:

  • Convenience. The cut, material, shape and type of fasteners should not cause discomfort when feeding the baby, doing household chores, and relaxing.
  • Strap width. Narrow straps cut into the skin, causing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.
  • Cup opening. If this criterion is missing, consider whether a bra can be classified as nursing underwear.
  • No internal seams on the cup. Avoid models with seams, they can damage the swollen nipple.
  • Material. High-quality nursing bras are made of hypoallergenic and airtight material, the fabric should not let moisture through.

In addition to quality characteristics, attention should also be paid to the convenience of underwear, because there are several types of bras for breastfeeding:

Choose the bra that is most suitable and comfortable for you, without forgetting the quality standards. In this case, you will be sure that your underwear is the best for wearing and feeding your baby.

How to choose the size

Despite the fact that nursing bras are very easy to adjust, you still need to choose the right size. Therefore, do not rush to buy underwear, it is best to purchase a special bra a week before childbirth. By this time, the breast is already acquiring the size that will remain after the birth of the baby.

Determining the size is very simple - measure the girth under the bust, measure the girth at the highest point of the chest. Then the smaller number should be subtracted from the larger number, the result determines the size of the bra, the same number indicates the fullness of the cup.

A simple example: the girth under the chest is 83 centimeters, and the girth of the bust is 99 centimeters. Subtract: 99 - 83 \u003d 16 - 16 centimeters the fullness of the cup, it is assigned size 3 or size C.

Size table

It is best to purchase a special bra a week before giving birth.

Where to buy nursing underwear in Moscow

Where can I buy? Buy underwear for breastfeeding in specialized lingerie stores or clothing stores for expectant mothers. So you will not only buy a high-quality bra, but also get advice on choosing the product you are interested in.

If you are sure that you can choose a quality product yourself, make a purchase in the online store. On the Internet, you can choose an inexpensive model.

Prices in Moscow, where you can buy cheap

Prices for bras in Moscow range from 700 rubles to 1500 rubles. You can buy special underwear much cheaper during periods of promotions and sales.

Check out an overview of one of the nursing bra models:

The expectant mother always worries about not forgetting to buy anything for the birth of the baby. For all parents, this is the main event in their lives, and therefore they must take care of everything. Most mothers, before buying something for their baby and his care, weigh the pros and cons, make sure that this thing is necessary, whether it is a necessity, and only after that they decide to buy. Let's talk more about the need breastfeeding bra and learn all about this thing.

This question is asked by almost all mothers. Most often, expectant mothers hesitate about buying this item, based on the following questions:

  • is it comfortable
  • how practical
  • Is it worth spending money if you don't need it later?
  • does it make any sense

When a baby is born, mom has to deny herself a lot for a while:

  • in food
  • in things
  • in habits
  • in comfort, etc.

Breastfeeding is an important component of a baby's health, because there is nothing more useful than mother's milk, and mothers who understand this and have the opportunity to breastfeed their child must make sure that the feeding process is:

  • comfortable (for both mother and baby)
  • safe (mom should refrain from certain allergenic foods)
  • hygienic

So that the process of breastfeeding does not become torture for you, you must try to make it as convenient as possible, and the main component in this case is the purchase of a nursing bra. Do not think that such underwear is outdated or ugly (some mothers are only concerned about the aesthetics of their underwear after childbirth). Today, in the lingerie market, buyers are provided with a huge selection of bras in question - various:

  • colors
  • dimensions
  • models

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that many mothers begin to wear the type of bra in question even before the baby appears.

By week 37, the body of a woman who carries her baby under her heart becomes ready to produce milk, so most mothers hide their usual underwear in a deep box - far and for a long time.

Many women are not left alone with the question - is it necessary to wear a nursing bra, is it possible to just buy more underwear, and that's it?

Let's figure it out together, weigh the pros and cons, and find out whether this acquisition is a necessity or is it just a myth that a woman with baby I must have this underwear in my wardrobe.

I would immediately like to note on this occasion the fact that standard bras are not designed for weighted breasts and their maximum support. Usually in a standard bra:

  • shoulder straps narrower than nursing model
  • not always sewn from natural fabrics, unlike the bodice for nursing

As soon as milk in the body of the expectant mother begins to be produced, the breasts become heavier all the time, filling with milk, which often causes terrible discomfort and a feeling of heaviness.

And the main advantage of the bra in question is that it alleviates these “sufferings” and enables a woman throughout her pregnancy and after the baby is born to maintain the shape of her breasts, which, in case of improper care, often loses its shape. The appearance of the future mother's breasts can also change, and so, a nursing bra minimizes this process.

The main features of this bra model include:

  • ease of feeding
  • breast maintenance
  • pleasant sensations on the body
  • does not cause discomfort

Remember: doctors recommend wearing a nursing bra for all breastfeeding mothers, no matter what size their breasts are (even if they are very small).

Every mother must remember that after she gives birth to a baby, changes in her body do not stop, moreover, they occur at the hormonal level (namely, the processes occurring at this level can “globally” affect both the inner “life "of the body, and on the appearance of a woman).

It's no secret that during breast weighting with milk, and in the process of feeding, the elasticity of the tissue in the breast becomes especially increased, and such a process quite often has its own problems. side effects as:

  • stretch marks
  • breast shape changes
  • changes in the appearance of the breast
  • loss of elasticity, etc.

This is not intimidation, but a statement of fact, which is why moms who refuse the “workwear” in question may ultimately regret it. In addition, for those who do not know, if the breast with milk sags a lot, then the likelihood that a woman will suffer from mastitis or lactostasis is quite high.

So the need for this postpartum "accessory" is very clear. Take care of your health and appearance, because after childbirth, life is just beginning, and mothers should look great so that no one could even think that a woman with such perfect, firm breasts already has a baby.

Characteristics of a nursing bra

In order to make sure that a nursing bra is a useful purchase, let's look at the advantageous characteristics of this item:

  1. The first thing I would like to note about this is that the nursing bra is excellent and in a simple way protect mothers' breasts from the formation of stretch marks, as well as from its sagging, loss of shape.
  2. Practicality. In order to feed her child, a woman does not need to take it off, detachable cups are a convenient device for feeding in it. It is not worth taking off such underwear at night, because during this period, the breast is more intensively filled with milk.
  3. Wearing it regularly prevents stagnation of milk, as well as mastitis, which often affects nursing mothers.

  1. An excellent preventive device against lactostasis.
  2. Thanks to the wearing of such underwear, the pain of the "growing" breast is minimized.
  3. It is very convenient to put special “blotters” in the cups of such a bra so that the milk does not seep through the clothes.

If you get a nude and white bra, you can wear any clothes you like.

When to buy a nursing bra?

For many expectant mothers at 36 weeks of their pregnancy, the body is already fully prepared to produce milk, and it is at this time that it is better buy a nursing bra.

If we talk about the number of bras that you may need for lactation, then the optimal number is three pieces:

  • one you wear on your chest
  • the second, washed, hanging on the dryer
  • the third is a spare, just in case something happens to the other two (tear, get dirty, etc.).

The expectant mother must, without fail, take care of buying such underwear in advance so that she can go to the hospital with it.

It may happen that you did not calculate your future size breasts, because, in some cases, the breast before childbirth becomes one size larger, and in others - even three (depending on the characteristics of the body). In this case, it is recommended when buying to agree on the possibility of exchanging it for a larger or smaller size.

Expectant mothers often wonder where to buy a nursing bra? There are many places to buy:

  • on the market - at points of sale of underwear
  • in specialized stores (for mothers)
  • in shopping centers (lingerie stores)
  • online order

How to choose a nursing bra?

Since today the consumer is offered a fairly large variety of the goods in question, it is necessary to know what types of nursing bras exist and how to choose such underwear.

The future choice of such a bra will depend on the following factors:

  • preference
  • convenience
  • breast size
  • breast shape
  • nursing bra price

Let's define the types of such underwear and consider all their pros and cons:

  1. Fastener between the cups of the bodice. In this case, the advantageous characteristics of this type of bra include the fact that it is very convenient to unfasten. Among other things, the underwear has several fastener positions, which makes it possible to adjust the size.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then here we can say about the immodesty of such a bra, because in order to feed the baby, the mother needs to completely bare her breasts, and for some women this is an inconvenience.

  1. Zippers on the cups of the bodice. It is very easy to fasten, as well as unfasten such underwear, and this is the main advantage of the bodices in question, but at the same time, the only negative point is that in this case you can’t wear tight-fitting things, because the fasteners and zippers will stand out strongly.
  2. Button fastening on the shoulder strap above the cup. Feeding in such a bra, of course, can be called comfortable, because in order to carry out this process, you need to press the button and open the chest with which you will feed the baby. In this case, the entire chest opens completely. Using this bra is very easy. Sometimes the lower part of such a bra squeezes the breast a little, which can lead to difficult milk flow.
  1. Elastic bras. The material for that bodice is easily stretchable, which makes it possible to simply pull back the cup and expose the breast for feeding the baby. The advantage of such a bra is the ability not to purchase a new one, even if the breast is greatly enlarged during the “rush” of milk. Some moms find this type of bra too tight.

  1. Sleepwear. Usually, such bras for mothers are made of very thin and light materials so that during sleep it is not felt at all on the body, but at the same time continues to perform its main function - to support the chest.

The only drawback of such bras - large sizes for feeding No.

  1. Bra for feeding in the form of a top. To date, this type of nursing bra is the most relevant, because:
  • it has no zippers or seams.
  • the material from which it is made is elastic (both in cups and in the base)
  • it is possible to change the size
  • supports the bust strongly, thanks to the wide shoulder straps

When choosing a bra, the main thing to remember is that the size of the bra should fit. During lactation, do not even think about buying a bra one size smaller so that it squeezes your breasts and makes your neckline beautiful, because the health of your breasts is paramount (squeezed breasts during lactation leads to very serious consequences in the form of the development of various breast diseases).

The leaf must not:

  • make breathing difficult
  • squeeze the chest, thereby injuring it
  • bump into the back and shoulders

Too big is also not worth buying, because, in this case, such a bodice simply will not be of any use.

Nursing bra size must be perfect, so before you go shopping for such a bodice, you need to take a few measurements:

  • bust
  • girth under it

It is also worth considering the fullness of the cup, but in this case it corresponds to your usual bra, which you wore before pregnancy. If you are wondering - which nursing bra is best, the answer to it will be a number of recommendations:

  • the fabric of the bra must be exclusively natural, any inserts in it must also meet this requirement;
  • the fastener on the chest (to expose the chest) should be practical, comfortable and strong so that the process of unfastening the bra does not take much time;
  • you need to choose such underwear so that you can unfasten it with one hand (the best option);
  • the bottom of the bra should continue to support the breast even when the cup is fully open and the breast is "outside";
  • the straps on the bodices in question should not be narrow (so that they can be easily adjusted and there is no lace on them);
  • it is desirable to have a pocket in the linen for insertion (against leakage);
  • there should be no bones on the bodice ( bras for feeding milavitsa - great option)

  • fasteners on a bra must necessarily have several levels so that, if necessary, you can increase or decrease the size of the underwear
  • underwear should be comfortable.

If all of the above factors could not convince you of the need to purchase such underwear (this is unlikely, but anything can happen), find out about nursing bra reviews from those who used such underwear, and who can convince you that this acquisition will be far from a useless thing.

Do not spare the money and time to choose such underwear, because the right model of a nursing bra is the key to the success of the lactation process, breast health and its wonderful appearance.

Video: "Nursing Linen"

Underwear for women must be beautiful and comfortable. Wearing it during the day should not cause discomfort, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Young mothers have enough other reasons for excitement, it is better to take care of the choice of underwear in advance and give yourself comfort. Especially modern women this is easier to do than even 20 years ago.

Types of lingerie for the first time after childbirth and caesarean section

It is important to understand that after the birth of a baby, when choosing underwear, they do not pay attention to decorative appearance, and the functionality of underwear.

It is better to take disposable panties to the maternity hospital, the non-woven material of which allows the skin to breathe, and the cut is convenient for women who have recently given birth. Disposable underwear holds a pad for postpartum discharge (lochia) well, and after use it is simply thrown away. Women who become mothers in the summer will appreciate disposable panties because of the reduced risk of spreading infections in hot weather, unlike regular women's underwear.

Disposable panties for women in the postpartum period are convenient because their material allows the skin to breathe and securely fixes the pad that absorbs secretions

Panties for new mothers should be chosen such that they will support the abdominal muscles, helping to speed up recovery after childbirth. The required amount is taken from the calculation of changing linen at least twice a day and you need to buy it in advance. When choosing, consider the increase in volume before childbirth. After caesarean section women spend 5-8 days in the maternity hospital, so take care of underwear for each of them. Even if planned natural childbirth, it is better to leave unused panties, they will come in handy at home.

The size must exactly correspond to the volume of the woman's hips and in no case less, otherwise the underwear will squeeze the stomach. After a caesarean section, it is better to wear panties with a high waist, but loosely attached to the body at the seam, in order to avoid diaper rash and possible suppuration of the wound. And always from natural materials, such as cotton.

Video: how to choose disposable panties in the hospital

A few hours after the birth of the baby, it is advisable to wear a bandage if there are no following contraindications:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • problems of a woman with the spine;
  • the presence of sutures in the perineum, especially inflamed ones;
  • increased sweating;
  • tendency to edema due to cardiovascular diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the material from which the bandage is sewn.

A postpartum bandage can relieve pain in the incision area after a caesarean section and help avoid diastasis (divergence) of the rectus abdominis muscles.

If the child was born by caesarean section, when you can put on a bandage, it is best to ask the doctor, but usually on the second day after birth. Any bandage should be put on in a supine position and worn for no longer than 4 hours in a row. If necessary, it is allowed to wait about an hour and put it on again, but you can’t sleep in it. The time when it makes sense is 1–1.5 months after childbirth. The first month after the relief from the burden, the stomach needs to be supported, not squeezed, so a wide bandage belt will do. Then you can wear more compression.

Each bandage has its own purpose, the universal belt supports only the stomach, skirt or underpants - also part of the hips

When choosing, it is better to give preference to products whose body side is made of natural materials and has an adjustable fastening system so that you can adjust the size when changing female volumes. Pay attention to the quality of the seams of the bandage, sloppy ones will irritate the skin with friction and stand out too much under clothes.

Table: types of bandages, their pros and cons

Bandage type pros Minuses
slimming belt, before childbirth with a wide part located on the back,
and after them - on the stomach.
Low price
strong fixation.
Visible under clothing
some note its inconvenience
in the postpartum period due to stretching during prenatal wear.
bandage underwear with a wide belt
Uniform pulling
invisibility under clothing.
Inconvenience when visiting the restroom, it is better to buy a model with a fastener in the groin,
the need for daily washing.
Corset or Bermuda:
stretchy design with high waist covering half of the thigh and even the leg to the knee.
Easy to put on thanks to the side zipper
makes women visually slimmer.
IN summer time cannot be worn due to the risk of overheating internal organs and the possible appearance of diaper rash.
worn over underwear, covering the upper thigh.
Easy to use
well tightens the stomach.
In motion, it can gather like an accordion, rising on its stomach.

It is best to buy postpartum underwear in specialized stores. As a rule, they have certificates for the goods and they value their reputation. Consultants will help with the selection of a bandage and, perhaps, even be able to try it on before buying. But from the hands or in online stores to buy such a necessary thing at a special moment for every woman who has given birth, I would not advise. It is not clear who and for how long could wear a bandage before you, and the quality can be very different from what was promised.

Nursing bra

Bras have been protecting the female breast for many centuries. Nursing mothers should not ignore this piece of clothing, but you need to choose it especially carefully. A well-purchased thing supports the breast, protecting it from sagging, and helps in the prevention of lactostasis. Stagnation of milk with the wrong position in a dream often leads to mastitis, and a bra avoids these problems by fixing the chest in the desired position.

For underwear after childbirth, functionality is important, for example, a seamless bra to protect the breasts of a nursing mother, and panties, a bandage that supports the stomach

Types of bras for nursing mothers

The front-fastening bra allows you to adjust the size under the bust, thanks to several fastener positions. Some breastfeeding women find this option immodest and inconvenient because the breasts are completely exposed during feeding.

A bra with zippers under both cups is comfortable to wear, but when wearing tight-fitting clothes, the zippers stand out noticeably.

The push-button bra allows you to easily lower the cup while breastfeeding your baby. Choose a model that frees the entire breast, not just the nipple. Such bras are comfortable to use, and not fully releasing the mother's breasts can cause lactostasis - stagnation in the milk ducts due to pinching.

An elastic bra allows you to expose your breasts by pulling the cup up (do not go down, this will pull the bust), but again, some will consider this immodest.

For sleep, bras are made of lightweight materials, and therefore, due to their low weight, they are almost not felt. They have a cross configuration in front, but large-breasted women will not be very comfortable in them.

The most popular model for nursing mothers is the top, when tailoring which the back is tailored comfortably for nursing women, and there are no fasteners and seams on the chest. The wide straps of the bra-top support the bust, the elastic cup is suitable for any size.

When choosing a bra model, it is better to choose one that opens up a significant part of the breast, and not just the nipple, in order to avoid squeezing the milk ducts

Table: bra sizes for nursing mothers

Breast size70 75 80 85 90 95
Girth under bust68–72 73–77 78–82 83–87 88–92 93–97
Cup: A82–84 87–89 92–94 97–99 102–104 107–109
B84–86 89–91 94–96 99–101 104–106 109–111
C86–88 91–93 96–98 101–103 106–108 111–113
D88–90 93–95 98–100 103–105 108–110 113–115
E90–92 95–97 100–102 105–107 110–112 115–117
F92–94 97–99 102–104 107–109 112–114 117–119

If you measure the girths of the bust and under the bust, then their difference will be the size of the chest cups.

You need to buy a bra no earlier than the last month of pregnancy, so as not to be mistaken with the size.

Video: clothes for a nursing mother

How to choose the right bra for breastfeeding women

Buy a bra personally, not focusing solely on the size of your chest. Remember a few tips:

  • do not save, a quality thing cannot be cheap, and the health of mother and baby is more important than money;
  • choose products from cotton fabric, then the nipples will be comfortable to be cool and dry;
  • check that the fastening structures are securely fastened, do not cut when in contact with the body and are easy to fasten and unfasten;
  • try on a bra, 1-2 fingers should fit between it and your back, if they don’t fit or there is more space left - this model does not suit you. The same thing means if the bra slides up when you raise your arms above your head;
  • make sure that the straps are wide, providing better support for the chest, and in general the bra fits comfortably to the body;
  • know that in order to avoid stagnation of milk due to squeezing of the milk ducts, hard bones or other elements should not be in bras for women during breastfeeding.

Buy a few comfortable items for your chest, this will save you from having to wash too often. I had 4 bras, three of which had elastic cups, which is convenient when milk arrives in both breasts in different amounts, and they differ in size. I recommend buying bras only after trying them on, because each woman is individual and it is difficult for manufacturers to predict the physiological characteristics of customers.

There is no clear answer as to whether wearing a bra around the clock while breastfeeding is necessary. It is up to the woman to decide, but if the breast is large and there is a lot of milk, it is better to support it so that it does not sag and retain nice shape. The main thing is that the product is of high quality, and you need to sleep in a special sleep bra for nursing mothers. The risk of wearing uncomfortable and improperly selected underwear is that the movement of milk through the ducts can be difficult and contribute to the formation of lactostasis - painful seals in the chest. When milk leaks between feedings, special absorbent liners are easiest to put in a bra.

Breastfeeding bra pads

In many maternity hospitals, pads that absorb breast milk are listed as must-haves for those going to childbirth. In some women, even before childbirth, colostrum begins to protrude, and constant exposure to a humid environment leads to the formation of cracks in the nipples, which means that the baby is born. But if there are already large cracks, they must be treated without the use of pads, which can only worsen the condition of sore nipples.

Photo gallery: types of inserts that absorb breast milk

The gel inside the disposable pads retains the absorbed liquid and prevents it from flowing back out. Reusable pads for nursing women are sewn from a pleasant fabric and without the use of dyes.

Absorbent bra pads can be sewn on your own by overcasting blanks by hand or with sewing machine

Why does milk leak? The muscles of the female breast are weakened and cannot retain the resulting milk for several reasons:

  • the production of oxytocin (the love hormone) causes milk to reflexively stand out when thinking about a child;
  • in the process of adjusting lactation, breast milk may arrive in excess, excess and flows out of the breast;
  • long breaks between feedings lead to an abundant accumulation of milk in the mother's breast, and leakage is difficult to control.

Types of inserts for absorbing breast milk

Disposable pads provide maximum breast protection during the period of lactation, deliver a minimum of hassle with disposal, but their use hurts the wallet.

When choosing, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • the shape of the pads should follow the anatomical outlines of the female breast, which makes them less visible under clothing and ensures that there are no leaks;
  • the inner surface adjacent to the body must be soft, and the outer - breathable;
  • inside the liners are filled with a gel that provides high-quality protection against the flow of milk, and which will not gather into shapeless lumps;
  • an adhesive layer is applied to the outer side of high-quality gaskets, which ensures reliable fixation;
  • disposable products must be made without the use of dyes and packaged in individual sealed packages for ease of transportation.

Packs with reusable pads for nursing women are more expensive than disposable counterparts, but due to the possibility of repeated use, they ultimately come out cheaper. When the mother's lactation has improved, it is more advisable to buy liners that can be reused after hand or machine washing, and alternate them with disposable ones. They are made from bamboo fiber, organic cotton or wool. Like disposable, reusable inserts follow the shape of the female breast. Of the minuses, they note the risk of bacterial infection, rapid filling and the possibility of leakage due to poor fixation in the bra.

Video: Testing breast milk absorbent pads

How to make your own breast milk absorbent pads

If it is not possible to buy ready-made milk absorbent pads, you can cut in half a regular sanitary napkin, best for night use, which are more absorbent than others. Fix on the bra with the sticky side cut up. You can improvise with inserts for reusable diapers. But using such substitutions is often inconvenient.

In a fit of irresistible craving for creativity or masochism, I decided to sew pads myself. From the previous influx of inspiration, I had pieces of fleece left, and I decided to use them as a layer in contact with the bra. Swaddle flannel was chosen by me for the inner and body layers when I read that this fabric is suitable for the delicate skin of the chest. I measured my chest and cut out several circles, the diameter of which suited me (below I will attach tips about the relationship between measurements and the diameter of the liners). I folded the fabric burger - flannel + smaller flannel + fleece - and overcast the edges. I cut the resulting circle to the middle (radius), measured the necessary overlap and walked with stitches, making the liners slightly cone-shaped. My self-sewn earbuds were ready and have served me quite well. for a long time. But they had to be changed very often, so I made a few more, but the inner layer was already triple. The main thing is to suppress the desire to fill the liners with something like cotton wool or foam rubber. There is no benefit, but there is more than enough harm! Firstly, even before the first wash, it falls off so that “mom, don’t worry”, and after it - and even more so, they will only have a place in the trash can. Secondly, if you take pity on the fruit of your hands and decide to use it after drying, you will not be able to thoroughly rinse the foam rubber, and the bacteria that have survived in it will greedily attack your body, exhausted by pregnancy and childbirth, through microcracks in the nipples.

How to make a pattern of homemade bra liners

Measure the girth of the bust and under the bust, the difference between these values ​​​​will tell you the size of the bra cup, knowing which you can proceed to the pattern drawing:

  • small (cup sizes A, B) - diameter of the outer part - 12.5 cm, inner part with a circle diameter - 11.5 cm, overlap size approximately 2.5 cm;
  • medium (cup sizes B, C, D) - outer circle - 15.5 cm in diameter, inner circle with a diameter of 14 cm, overlap size - about 2.5–4 cm (may be different for your specific case);
  • large (E, F or larger) - outer circle - 17.5 cm in diameter, inner circle - 16.5 cm in diameter, overlap size - approximately 4 cm.

After cutting out several circles from the fabric, sew them together, and cutting them to the middle and sewing an overlap, make them look like a cone of a bra cup

Breastfeeding is not only a benefit for the baby, but also a tactile contact between mother and child. This process should be as comfortable as possible, because over time, the breasts can lose their shape. Therefore, it is important to know the recommendations on how to choose a nursing bra. There are many varieties of underwear for women: from light cotton products to bra-tops with a microfiber composition.

Each nursing bra has its own characteristics, which must be considered when buying. Choosing underwear future mom should be guided by the following guidelines:

  • Assess the condition of the material. Do not give preference to synthetic products. With such material, the skin of the chest stops breathing, ulcers and irritations can form.
  • Cups inside should be soft and tender. Strictly no seams and foam rubber. Models with such features will put pressure on the chest, causing stagnation of milk, and as a result, mastitis.
  • Safety straps. Ideally, if they are wide and elastic, and they have a clip-on fastener for exposing the chest before feeding. Check the convenience of adjusting the length of the straps.
  • The depth of the cups must be sufficient to accommodate the absorbent insert, the nipple must not be bent. Foam inserts are not recommended.
  • The basis of the product on the back and under the bust is wide, models with three or four fasteners are ideal. They are easy to fasten in any situation. The fixing clips must not come into contact with the body, otherwise skin irritation will occur.

  • In a nursing bra, metal bones are unacceptable, they provoke squeezing of the milk ducts. When you are the owner magnificent forms, you can not do without such components as reliable bones under the cups, otherwise stretch marks will appear soon.
  • It is worth buying an accessory for GV after trying it on. If you feel uncomfortable, the purchase should be abandoned. In the future, the figure will change, and the bra will become small and will restrict movement.
  • It is necessary to purchase models for nursing mothers in specialized stores, after consulting with a specialist. Some products may be sold in pharmacies.
Advice! Choosing a bra for breastfeeding is necessary in advance. It is ideal to do this at 37-38 weeks of gestation, when the breast takes on dimensions corresponding to the size of the mammary glands with direct breastfeeding. Do not buy silicone cups, they are not functional for feeding.

Types of nursing bras

Among the wide variety of underwear for nursing mothers, you should choose the right clothes, at the same time comfortable for the intended use and comfortable to wear. Modern manufacturers offer several varieties with individual qualities.

  1. Style with a fastener on shoulder straps. A product with a convenient plastic clip that exposes the chest with a light touch with one hand. Such underwear options expose the chest in two ways: either only the nipple, or most of the chest. The second option is more convenient, since physical contact with the mother is important for the baby.
  2. Nursing bra with zipper between the cups from medela eva. To expose the nipple with this device quickly, the disadvantage is that both mammary glands are exposed at the same time, and in crowded places this is not aesthetically pleasing. The latches are also located under the cups, they are hidden in special fabric inserts. This reduces the risk of chest injury from lightning.
  3. Underwear for nursing mothers with stud fastening located on the shoulder straps. In this model, most of the breast is exposed, so it is impossible to stain the bra with milk, and in cups of this style it is possible to insert inserts that prevent milk from flowing.

  4. The bra in top style has wide straps and durable plastic clips. There are convenient details for adjusting the length of the straps. The fasteners on the back are wide and tight. Such models are better for feeding, because they are made of fleece and microfiber. This clothing is also called a sleep bra, but it is also successfully worn in the daytime.
  5. When buying a clothing brand medela eva and others, it is important to look at the composition of the product. Options containing cotton, microfiber, fleece and other natural fabrics have advantages. These fabrics do not cause irritation even if the underwear gets wet from milk.

    How to choose the right size underwear?

    In order for the postpartum bra to fit perfectly and be comfortable to feed in, be sure to consider the tips for choosing the size. The size of underwear for women is determined by two components: a letter and a number, see the table below.

    Nursing Bra Size Chart

    Before going to the store, measure the circumference of the bust at the level of the nipples and under the bust. Find the difference between the values ​​obtained, correlate with the approximate value from the table (if necessary, round to the nearest number) and get the size you need.

    Let's give an example: suppose the upper chest circumference is 105 cm, and the lower one is 85 cm. The difference between these numbers is 20 cm. We look at the table and get the size 105E. Knowing this parameter, feel free to choose a product in the store. The size is clearly visible on mama comfort models.

    The kids are talking! Katya (3.5 years old) watches TV, shouts:
    - Mom, run here quickly!
    I approach, bewitched whispers:
    - Look, Moidodyr's dad has a mom Moidodyritsa.

    Rating of the best brands of underwear for women

    It is worth buying high-quality bras for nursing mothers, you can’t save on this. We offer you to get acquainted with several popular manufacturers that are in great demand among women in Russia.

    Note! Breathable natural fabrics must be present in branded nursing bras! These materials are the key to the health of the mammary glands.

    Benefits of using nursing bras

    Women's underwear for mothers who practice breastfeeding are an integral part of clothing after childbirth, because they have a number of advantages:

    1. The ability to hold a heavy female breast filled with milk, even in the process of feeding. The result - after the end of lactation, beautiful and elastic breasts.
    2. You can feed the baby in any crowded place, it will be unnoticeable, as the product is neatly unfastened with one hand.
    3. In the first month, the bra helps shape correct form mammary glands, because from time to time they change in size from the regular inflow and outflow of milk.

    Do not refuse such a useful purchase, in the future it will help maintain the health and beauty of the mammary glands.

    Master class: how to sew a bra for GV with your own hands?

    The kids are talking! I brush my son's teeth, he indulges, spins.
    - Vanya, what are you doing?
    - I'm getting on your nerves.

    It is not difficult to sew a bra for breastfeeding on your own. Then he will meet all the preferences of the hostess and have only advantages. To do this, you need to select the following materials:

    Let's start sewing:

    Watch the detailed tutorial in this video.

    At this stage, we can assume that the bra of your own design is ready. Make a few of them to change, such options will be no worse than branded ones, but remember to be careful in care. Also watch a video about nursing bras and their benefits.