Celebrating an event is often accompanied by the need to travel from one place to another - a short or long trip. Nowadays it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate certain events not only in other cities, but also abroad. However, most pregnant women have no idea what they might encounter while traveling, especially if there is a pregnancy complication.

Any trip outside the home or locality in which a pregnant woman lives is accompanied by the risk of pregnancy complications, which depend on the following factors:

Duration of travel, including duration of movement, especially in a forced position of the body (plane, train, car);

The degree of “civilization” of the place where you are going (reserve, village, resort, city, etc.);

The level of development of the health care system of the country you are traveling to - whether a pregnant woman will be able to receive professional medical care if necessary;

The level of danger of the area where the woman is going (the spread of a number of infections, lack of drinking water, poor living conditions, military actions, etc.);

A woman’s activity during travel and her physical preparation for additional stress.

All these factors require planning any trip and solving many issues in advance. Pregnancy is always a stressful state for a woman, especially when it comes to physical activity, so the additional stress that always accompanies any trip to another area or country can harm the pregnancy. Many women have lost their future children after long, difficult journeys: changes in geographic latitude and longitude, and therefore atmospheric pressure, climate, familiar water and food, the presence of unfamiliar infections, long journeys, lifting heavy objects (suitcases), changes in time zones, increased physical activity can radically change the course of pregnancy, not for the better.

Many women believe that traveling in the first trimester is the safest, because the uterus is still small and the state of pregnancy will not interfere with enjoying the usual vacation. However, most often pregnancy is terminated precisely early stages, that is, in the first trimester. A miscarriage may be accompanied by bleeding, which in many cases requires medical intervention. You should always remember about the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Being in another country or city, or in an area where there are insufficient or no medical facilities, can lead to serious health consequences and even threaten a woman’s life.

The 20-24th week of pregnancy is considered optimal for travel. From 24 weeks the risk of premature birth increases. Premature birth in a foreign country is usually a disaster for a woman, because at best it can end in a long hospital stay for the woman and child, which will entail at least large financial expenses.

The longer the pregnancy, the more dangerous it is to travel long distances, to other countries and to other continents.

What type of transport should you prefer? It depends on the duration of pregnancy, the condition of the woman, distance, availability of public transport, quality of roads, season, etc.

If the distance between home and destination is covered in approximately 5-6 hours by car (up to 450-600 km), then it is better to give preference to the train, regardless of the stage of pregnancy and the time of year. After all, in a train carriage, a pregnant woman can walk along the corridor every 1-1.5 hours, take enough water and empty her bladder on time.

If it is not possible to use rail transport, then it is better to travel for relatively short distances by car. However, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions, road conditions, and the possible presence of traffic jams, especially in large cities. The longer the pregnancy, the more often it is necessary to make stops (usually every 1.5-2 hours) so that the woman can walk for 15-20 minutes.

Air travel is only worthwhile for long-distance travel, for example from one country to another. When traveling long distances (more than 600 km), it is better to give preference to a train or plane.

The danger for a pregnant woman is not so much “altitude changes” as long-term sitting during intercontinental flights. Therefore, some airlines warn women who are 26-35 weeks pregnant about the dangers of long flights and may even refuse to sell a ticket. Some airlines require you to medical checkup before the flight if a pregnancy complication is suspected.

Since in the third trimester the properties of a pregnant woman’s blood change in the direction of thrombus formation, prolonged sitting in one place in a forced position can provoke the formation of blood clots, which is fraught with blockage of the main vessels and other serious consequences. Also dangerous is the condition of severe anemia (anemia), in which long flights are contraindicated.

Flights are also contraindicated in case of multiple pregnancy after 32 weeks, and the woman may be denied a ticket.

For women with a normal pregnancy, flying is not harmful, but for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, any flight is fraught with a decrease in the amount of absorbed oxygen, as well as increased blood clot formation (due to prolonged sitting).

The vibration and noise of an operating aircraft may also have minor adverse effects on a pregnant woman. All pregnant women are advised to wear elastic stockings or bandages, and to walk around the cabin every 30-40 minutes of the flight. Long, multi-hour flights after 35 weeks of pregnancy are not recommended

Travel to another area, especially to another country, can be fraught with surprises - from a traffic accident and injury to pregnancy complications and the acquisition of a new disease. Pregnancy is a condition that requires insurance to financially cover the costs of possible treatment for a pregnant woman and the care and treatment of a child, especially a premature one.

Some airlines require a letter from a doctor or an extract from the pregnant woman's chart after 28 weeks of pregnancy with the exact date of expected birth and gestational age, as well as the number of fetuses. Insurance is usually provided by a travel agency, but can also be purchased through the airline. It is extremely important that the insurance contains a clause that provides financial coverage for expenses in the event of premature birth and care for a premature baby.

The language barrier is a common negative factor that accompanies a pregnant woman who finds herself in trouble in a foreign country. It is always necessary to have contact information for the consulate or embassy of the country of which the woman is a citizen. It is best to write this information down on the last page of your passport. Also, the foreign passport must contain contact information for a relative with whom people providing assistance to a pregnant woman can contact in case of emergency.

Before any trip, a pregnant woman should seriously weigh all the positive and negative aspects of travel and do everything necessary to prevent many serious complications such a trip. By the way, modern woman The risk of dying in a traffic accident is much higher than due to pregnancy and its complications.

After all that has been said, all that remains is to wish everyone a safe, happy, fun celebration! Be healthy!

Some women are used to spending weekends or vacations traveling. They do not want to change long-standing traditions, even if they are in an “interesting position.” And yet, responsibility for two causes them to doubt the advisability of traveling. What do doctors advise in such situations? How do they feel about expectant mothers moving? What recommendations do you give for long trips?

When can you travel?

Obstetricians and gynecologists do not recommend expectant mothers to travel far in the first trimester of bearing a baby. The reason is simple - during this period, the organs and systems of the baby are formed, and sometimes there is... Therefore, climate change and prolonged sitting in a sitting position during the trip itself can negatively affect the well-being of the pregnant woman and the development of the baby in the womb.

The best time for expectant mothers to travel is the second trimester, 14-26 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, early toxicosis and its morning sickness and reaction to odors are behind us. The immune system is no longer so weak, and the body has managed to adapt to the new situation. It is also convenient that the woman’s belly is not yet so large and does not interfere with movement. But in the third trimester, doctors do not advise planning long trips. There is a risk at this time. And certainly no woman would want her child to be born on a train, plane, or car.

By the way, it would be useful to know that cases related to pregnancy and childbirth are not covered by health insurance.

In any case, before going somewhere, even if the distance is short, you should discuss this with your gynecologist.

About travel bans

  1. Exacerbation allergic reactions and chronic diseases.
  2. Low location of the placenta. It causes a risk of uterine bleeding.
  3. Nephropathy and gestosis.

If a woman experiences such conditions, then it is better for her to be at home or under the supervision of a doctor in the hospital.

Gynecologists’ recommendations also apply to the choice of country that the expectant mother is going to visit. Experts do not advise planning trips to countries in Africa, Asia, Cuba, or Mexico. It is quite far away, and the climate there is completely different. And expectant mothers do not need stress on the body due to acclimatization. And specific infectious diseases of those countries are an additional risk for women.

Preference should be given to the Baltic countries, France, Croatia, Spain, and Switzerland.

What transport to travel

An airplane is the fastest mode of transport. However, it must be taken into account that during takeoff and landing the atmospheric pressure changes sharply. For a pregnant woman, this is fraught with contraction of blood vessels at best, and at worst. If you choose an airplane among other modes of transport, then try to change your body position and do leg exercises to avoid stagnation.

The train is a good option. But it is better to buy a ticket in a compartment or SV. The expectant mother's shelf is the bottom. For the road, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of disinfectant wipes. The good thing about a car is that you can stop periodically and change your body position. It is better to do this every 200 kilometers. It is recommended that a pregnant woman sit in the back seat. There you can take a horizontal pose if desired. You need to place a pillow under your back.

Seat belts should not compress the stomach when sitting. In the car, a cooler bag with drinking water or other drinks and snacks will be useful.

Whatever transport you choose for travel, once you get to your destination, you need to have a good rest, sleep, and lie down. It would be nice to measure blood pressure and pulse. You need to listen to your well-being throughout your vacation. It is important to communicate with your attending gynecologist.

So, the choice of mode of transport depends on the duration of the trip. It is necessary to think through all its details in advance in order to be able to truly enjoy the sun, sea, mountains, and fresh air for the benefit of yourself and your baby.

The already catchphrase “pregnancy is not a disease” is the motto of many paunches and those who have new life just arose inside. An “interesting situation” forces many women to radically reconsider their lifestyle, rearrange plans, and the unborn baby is already beginning to make its contribution to the life of its parents. Some pay less attention to circumstances and skillfully adapt to any force majeure, despite their bulging belly.

So, some ladies, frankly speaking, are very worried about this belly, it is like a golden egg that they do not want to break and disturb, for example, by a long trip or flight. It’s right, it’s natural to worry about the safety of the child, but is it worth locking yourself within four walls and being afraid of everything? Let's talk about whether pregnant women can drive a car long distances.

Why are there concerns?

Anything can happen in the life of each of us, we pursue different goals, set priorities, and sometimes circumstances arise that force us to adapt to them, regardless of our desire. When touching on the issue of traveling by car during pregnancy, we usually mean a long-awaited vacation, for example, on the seashore, which we have been planning and looking forward to for the last six months, or we mean a forced trip to visit relatives in another region. And everything would be fine if it weren’t for the news about an interesting situation or the existing belly, which we are very worried about. In any other case, we, full of the spirit of adventurism and anticipation of the trip, would not hesitate to jump into the car and drive across the whole country, but here things are like this... So what's the matter?

Indeed, it is not in vain that women worry about this, and these worries vary depending on the stage of pregnancy.

Everyone knows that our vast road is not so great: potholes, bumps and other irregularities make a car quite shaken even with the softest suspension. Shaking for pregnant women is extremely undesirable, and the longer the period, the more undesirable such a trip is. The fact is that amniotic fluid under such conditions, they mechanically stimulate the dilatation of the cervix, provoke uterine bleeding and other terrible things. If you are already pregnant, then carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Traveling by car involves sitting for a long time. Even the most comfortable chair will not provide you with proper comfort if the journey will take more than 2-3 hours. A woman sitting in a position for a long time is not only uncomfortable, but also not worth it at all: the uterus is pinched by the pelvic bones, blood circulation is impaired, including in the legs, the likelihood of edema increases, etc. However, the good thing about traveling by car is that you can stop at any time and warm up a little.

An uncomfortable belt, which ensures the safety of passengers and the driver, can tighten the protruding belly. There is a solution in this case: a special pad for pregnant women or simply lie down on the back sofa if it is not occupied.

Increased sensitivity to external factors, especially in the first trimester, aggravates the impressions of the trip. Nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to temperature changes (it becomes especially bad in the summer heat), and smells often accompany pregnant women, especially in the early stages.

And, finally, any trip is excitement, which does not fit into the routine of the expectant mother, because pregnant life should be calm, quiet and without extremes. However, if for you traveling by car is only a joy, and you have no doubt about the professionalism of the driver, then, as they say, go ahead and sing.

Perfect time

And yet, long car trips during pregnancy are practiced all over the world; many women comfortably move from point A to point B on different dates, and some manage to drive a car, and not just be a passenger. Be that as it may, plan your trip (if possible) during the safest period of gestation, namely in the second trimester. Why at this time? It's simple:

✓ you have already lost all the wisdom of the first weeks in the form of nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and general malaise. In general, women feel great in the second trimester;

✓ the belly is not yet too big to turn you from a graceful doe into a clumsy duck, it does not restrict movement, and it is not so difficult to carry;

✓ from 13 to 27 weeks the chance of involuntary miscarriage or early labor is minimal.

If you are a car lady and can’t imagine a day without an “iron horse,” then you will probably notice and then compare that the middle of pregnancy is the most “convenient” in terms of movement and travel. Some even wonder if it is possible to travel while driving while pregnant or simply drive a car if necessary. No one will give you a definite answer, so you will have to proceed from your own feelings. If your driving experience is long enough, you feel confident behind the wheel and are accustomed to moving in this way, then it is unlikely that you should master the delights public transport or spend money on a taxi. Otherwise, it is better to abandon this idea.

Separately, I would like to emphasize the role of a pregnant woman as a driver on long journeys. Still, you shouldn’t go on a long journey alone, and if such a need arises, then notify your relatives about the route and plan it through large populated areas where emergency assistance can be provided (you need to take into account all possible scenarios). If you are traveling with your spouse, you can easily split the driving if you really want to, but not equally! No more than 2-3 hours of driving for you, and leave the rest to a non-pregnant driver.

After 34 weeks of gestation, it is advisable to completely abandon travel, no matter how desirable they may be. Otherwise, be prepared to give birth in a back seat or in a rural hospital.

If an adventure with a trip of several hundred (or maybe thousands) kilometers does not particularly frighten you, then make it as comfortable and safe as possible for yourself. A couple of tips will definitely help you:

✓ The first thing you should take with you on the trip is all the necessary documents, and after the 30th week also a “duty suitcase”. However, documents should be with you always and everywhere, and secondly when traveling (long or not);

✓ Try to travel as a couple or as a family, without extra passengers, relatives or random fellow travelers. The fewer people in the car, the better for you: lie down, sit, put your feet up - whatever you want;

✓ 10-minute stops every 2 hours are an immutable rule. Stretch, stretch, go to the toilet, have a snack;

✓ Don’t take dry food and save yourself from quick snacks - your stomach definitely won’t like it. Thermos with hot soup, fruits, vegetables, fruit drinks, still water – a good option. You can stop at a cafe if you know the cuisine and have dined there before;

✓ If there is a long way ahead, think about places to stay for the night, preferably comfortable ones. Although the adventurer in you has not fallen asleep, it is better to refuse campsites and dubious lodgings, especially non-stop check-ins;

✓ Plan your route in advance through large populated areas, especially if the period is quite long. Nobody knows what can happen on the road, so plan your trip so that you have time to get to a normal hospital at any point along the way;

✓ Wear comfortable shoes and loose clothing made from natural and elastic fabrics;

✓ And avoid drafts and overheating;

✓ And use special seat belt pads if necessary;

Of course, every pregnant woman should take care of her health, as well as proper development future baby. Now you will have to give up a lot so as not to harm your unborn baby. But many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to combine pregnancy and travel. Let's try to figure this out. Of course, there are no specific contraindications for this, and it all depends on your ongoing pregnancy. In this matter, it is worth taking into account the prescribed recommendations of your doctor; if he does not see any threat in going on a trip, then, as they say, have a good trip!

So, traveling during pregnancy is not contraindicated in cases where your pregnancy is progressing normally, without any abnormalities.

If you are still planning to go somewhere, then you should consider some recommendations.

Avoid traveling to exotic countries with very hot climates. Of course, a trip to the sea will be best choice, but choose resorts with a suitable climate, habitat, cuisine and other things that are familiar to you. During pregnancy, you should avoid such extreme activities as diving, rafting, skiing and other similar options. Give preference to a calm and relaxing holiday.

What type of transport should you choose to go on a trip without risking your health and the health of your unborn baby? In principle, in the early stages of pregnancy you can choose any type of transport, unless, again, there are contraindications from your doctor. Traveling by car during pregnancy will also be a normal option for going somewhere.

If you are going, do not forget to stock up on a map of the area, emergency phone numbers, and necessary documents, which may be useful (for example, a birth card, which provides all the information about your pregnancy).

But in the last stages of pregnancy it is better to completely avoid air travel and travel by rail. Nowadays, labor can begin at any time, and while you are traveling, you most likely will not be able to receive timely medical care.

So, traveling in the early stages of pregnancy is not dangerous if there are no special contraindications from your doctor. Remember that it is better to avoid traveling to distant countries. On later Traveling anywhere during pregnancy is not recommended. Do not forget that proper and complete rest will bring health, as well as unforgettable emotions and impressions.

If a pregnant woman is planning a long trip, she must choose the type of transport that is least safe, most comfortable, and the duration of pregnancy should be taken into account. In the first three months of pregnancy, doctors do not advise going on long trips, since the pregnant woman’s body still experiences powerful hormonal changes and many women suffer from toxicosis (morning sickness and vomiting). Traveling in the last month of pregnancy is also undesirable. The most optimal period for long-distance travel, according to doctors, is the second trimester of pregnancy (from the 16th to the 28th week of pregnancy). At this time, the main unpleasant moments associated with toxicosis no longer bother the pregnant woman; the stomach is not yet so large as to become an obstacle to active actions. During a long trip, the expectant mother must have an exchange medical card with her, which indicates all the features of the course of pregnancy and test results. Experts do not recommend using vacation spots where there is no opportunity to receive specialized medical care for a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman can use any type of transport to travel.

Travel during pregnancy and health

A woman should take all measures during the trip to eliminate fatigue and back pain. There are medical contraindications to long-distance travel: low placenta previa, increased blood pressure, the presence of edema and protein in the urine, excessive vomiting, different kinds bleeding, severe anemia, chronic diseases in a pregnant woman during exacerbation and various allergic reactions. Of course, during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to participate in cycling or skiing, mountaineering or scuba diving. Doctors advise the expectant mother to spend her holidays at a resort by the sea or in a boarding house. If a pregnant woman is going on a trip to Asia, Africa or South America, she should definitely consult her doctor and get all the vaccinations that are mandatory when visiting these places. But it is better for the expectant mother to avoid traveling to distant countries, since the flight there will take a lot of time and the woman will experience fatigue. A change in climate zone and the period of acclimatization can also adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother. It is not recommended to travel to countries with a hot, humid climate. Doctors advise giving preference to places with a familiar climate. It should be taken into account that when the climate changes, the body undergoes acclimatization, which lasts on average 7-10 days, so you should plan your stay on vacation for a longer period of time. When traveling, the expectant mother is advised not to carry large luggage, but to use a bag with wheels, clothes should be loose, made of cotton fabrics, shoes should be comfortable, with low heels. An important point that a pregnant woman should take care of is proper nutrition during a long trip. If possible, it is necessary to follow the diet that is optimal for the body of the expectant mother. A woman should have a bottle of drinking water, a carton of milk, crackers or cookies, raisins or nuts with her. During a long trip, a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to drink raw water, eat unwashed raw vegetables and fruits, and cannot eat pies purchased from street vendors.

Traveling by car

Traveling by car during pregnancy has its downsides - the expectant mother may get motion sickness; a pregnant woman will be in a forced sitting position for a long time, which leads to disruption of normal blood circulation. To avoid inconvenience and back pain, a woman should worry in advance about creating the most comfortable conditions for herself. If you have to take the front seat, it is recommended to recline it at an angle of 100-110° and place a small pillow under your back so that the lower back bends. Future mom Must use a seat belt. When using a seat belt, a woman should ensure that it does not put pressure on the stomach, but is located in the lower abdomen. The most comfortable place for an expectant mother is in the back seat of a car. Travel by car should not last more than 5 hours during the day. Every 1-1.5 hours it is necessary to make stops, during which the pregnant woman should get out of the car and walk for 5-10 minutes. While riding, it is recommended to do light leg exercises (rotation of the feet, various movements of the toes) - this will help increase blood circulation. To prevent car sickness, expectant mothers should carry snacks and drinks with them. If a pregnant woman has to drive, she needs to move the seat back and lower the steering wheel.

Traveling by bus

When traveling by bus there are enough good conditions for a pregnant woman: the backs of the seats in many buses recline, there are air conditioners, dry closets, and there are stops along the route where you can get off the bus and stretch your legs. But there are also a number of disadvantages that can complicate travel. A pregnant woman will have to sit in an uncomfortable narrow chair for a long time; it will not always be possible to recline the seat back completely; it can be cold inside the bus, so the expectant mother needs to take care of warm clothes. A pregnant woman should have a first aid kit with her, since there may not be an opportunity to use her luggage during the trip.

Train travel

If you have to travel by train, doctors recommend that the expectant mother use a compartment. You should buy a ticket for the lower berth in advance and take care of a warm blanket. In the compartment, a woman can sit comfortably with her legs stretched out on the seat and position herself in a way that is comfortable for her, placing a pillow under her lower back. There must be sufficient quantities of drinks and food.

Travel by boat

Nowadays, pregnant women can afford a cruise. Modern liners are equipped with everything necessary for travel. One of the disadvantages of such a trip may be the occurrence of seasickness. A pregnant woman needs to carefully choose safe remedies for motion sickness.

Air travel

The most convenient form of transport for a pregnant woman planning a trip is an airplane. You can fly on airplanes until the 36th week of pregnancy in the absence of medical contraindications. From the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, a medical certificate from the attending physician confirming that there are no contraindications to air travel must be attached to the boarding ticket. It is useful for expectant mothers to know that Western airlines prohibit flights for pregnant women from the 26th to 28th week of pregnancy. There is an opinion among experts that a pregnant woman should still be careful about traveling by plane. This is due to the fact that during takeoff and landing there is a change in atmospheric pressure, which leads to contraction of blood vessels and can cause premature placental abruption, rupture of the membranes and the occurrence of premature birth are possible.

In an airplane cabin, it is best for the expectant mother to take a seat in the first row or near the aisle; this will give the pregnant woman the opportunity to stretch her legs so that they do not become numb. During the flight, the back of the seat should be lowered and take a comfortable position, and small pillows should be placed under the neck and lower back. During the flight, a pregnant woman is recommended to periodically get up and walk around the cabin to prevent congestion in the veins of the legs; she should perform light exercises for her legs, making rotational movements with her feet and moving her toes. Doctors recommend using compression (anti-varicose) stockings during the flight. Considering that the air in the aircraft cabin is dry, a pregnant woman needs to drink more liquids (tea, juice, water) during the flight.

Tanning while traveling

While on vacation, it is useful for a pregnant woman to sunbathe, since exposure to sunlight produces vitamin D, which is necessary for the development of the unborn baby. It is important for a pregnant woman to remember that she should not stay in the open sun for a long time. Prolonged sunbathing adversely affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, can provoke bleeding and increase the manifestation of varicose veins. Doctors do not recommend sunbathing from 12 to 16 hours. Least dangerous time for tanning until 11 a.m. and from 4 p.m. It is recommended that a pregnant woman sunbathe while in the shade. The swimsuit should be as closed as possible; the expectant mother should make sure that her stomach does not overheat. While sunbathing, a pregnant woman should drink more fluids, be sure to wear a hat, and, if possible, use special sunscreens for pregnant women. During rest, a woman should not only not overheat in the sun, but should also take care not to get too cold. In case of hypothermia, the expectant mother must take all measures to warm up as quickly as possible - you can take a bath with warm water and drink hot tea.

Culinary dishes

A pregnant woman should remember that when coming to unfamiliar countries and places, she should not try new culinary dishes. This is due to the fact that allergic reactions to exotic fruits and local cuisine (oysters, shellfish, etc.) may occur. If the expectant mother wants to choose a holiday in Cyprus, Crete or Turkey, then the optimal time for travel will be spring or autumn, and not hot summer. In March or April, the air temperature in these areas is 25-28 ° C, there is no large influx of tourists as in summer, during the peak season. And if the water in the sea is cool, then every hotel has a swimming pool with heated water. When traveling abroad, a pregnant woman must find out whether medical insurance is included in her travel documents and whether medical care during pregnancy is included in this insurance policy.

Insects on a journey

If a pregnant woman does not risk (or there is no opportunity) to go abroad, she can relax in her native land - at the dacha or with relatives in the village - for the benefit of herself and her unborn baby. Fresh air and walks in the forest will have a beneficial effect on her well-being. While in the country or in nature, the expectant mother should protect herself from the bites of various insects (bees, bumblebees, wasps), which can cause the development of allergic reactions. A pregnant woman must have anti-allergy medications in her first aid kit. The expectant mother must remember that a long journey and the associated vacation should bring positive emotions and joy.