Today our guest is designer Zoya Prishyvalko and together we will make a very fun knitted toy-changeling “Egg-Chick”!

"Surprise my children new toy usually difficult, the effect of the novelty of the acquisition does not last long. That's why I'm looking for toy ideas that I can hang out with for a long time. In this case, there is a high probability that my girls will not be able to tear themselves away from such a toy.

The idea for this shapeshifting egg is not mine - I found it on the Internet. I tried to knit the most obvious option - an egg-chicken, but there should be no limits to the boundless parent-child imagination! And then not only a duck, a crocodile or an owl, but also a hare, a mouse or even some unprecedented creature can hatch from the egg. The main thing is that the “surprise” effect is maintained.

Well, shall we get started?

We will need:
A little yarn of yellow, milky and orange colors of suitable density (I have it Alize Lanagold);
hook No. 3;
buttons or beads for eyes.

The diagrams will make your work easier - check not only the photographs, but also them (at the end of the material you will find verbal descriptions for them):

First, we knit the body of the chicken. We knit 6 non-woven stitches into the magic ring and continue to knit according to the pattern in a spiral, without closing the rows. We knit the loop behind the back wall, so the shape will be more stable. We alternate the row with increases and the row without increases in order to knit the characteristic egg shape. After 17 rows of knitting you should get something like this.

To smoothly round the shape, we decrease our knitting in each row; for this, in the first row we knit every 9 and 10 loops together, in the second - every 8 and 9 loops, and so on. IN last row decreases need to be knitted every 5th and 6th stitch together. The chicken body is ready.

Using a milky thread using the same description, we knit an egg.

To knit a chicken wing, take a yellow thread. First, we knit 4 single crochets into a magic ring, and then we knit the loops in a spiral behind the back wall, without closing our knitting in each row, using pattern number 2. Do not forget that there should be 2 wings.

We knit the beak of the chicken by analogy with the other described parts of the chicken. We start knitting with 6 ch. into the air ring. In the second row we double every second loop, getting 9 stitches, in the third row we double every third loop - 12 stitches, we knit the 4th row with stitches in a circle.

We knit a chicken foot from orange threads in straight and reverse rows as follows. We dial 2 v.p. loops and 1 ch. rise, turn the knitting. In the first row we knit 2 tbsp. b/n, in the second we double each column - 4 columns, in the third row we double the first and last column - 6 columns. Next we knit the “fingers” of the paw: 3 ch. rise, lush column, 3 ch, connecting stitch in the second loop of the base - this is one finger. Repeat 2 more times.

We sew wings, beak, legs and button eyes to the body of the chicken.

We place the chicken and egg with the right sides of the bases facing each other and overlap them through the back walls of the posts. We cut and hide the thread. Ready.

Knitting pattern for a chicken body.
1. 6x =6
2. 6v = 12
3. (vx)*6 = 18
4. 18x = 18
5. (v2x)*6 = 24
6. 24x = 24
7. (v3x)*6 = 30
8. 30x = 30
9. (v4x)*6 = 36
10. 36x = 36
11. (v5x)*6 = 42
12. 42x = 42
13. (v6x)*6 = 48
14. 48x = 48
15. (v7x)*6 = 54
16.54x = 54
17. (v8x)*6 = 60
18-23. 60x = 60
24. (8xᴧ)*6= 54
25. (7xᴧ)*6 = 48
26. (6xᴧ)*6 = 42
27. (5xᴧ)*6 = 36
28. (4xᴧ)*6 = 30

Winglet diagram
1. 4x = 4
2. 4v = 8
3. (xv) = 12
4. (2xv) = 16
5-8. 16x = 16
9. (2xᴧ)*4 = 12
10. 12x = 12

Beak diagram.
1. 6x = 6
2. (xv)*3 = 9
3. (2xv)*3 = 12
4. 12x = 12

Why, where did such a tradition come from? There is a legend that when Mary Magdalene came to Rome preaching about the teachings of Jesus Christ, she managed to get closer to Emperor Tiberius. She handed him an egg as a gift, as a symbol of eternal life and exclaimed, “Christ is risen!” Tiberius did not believe it and said that, “Rather this egg will turn red than the dead will rise!” After which the egg really turned red. Since then, it became customary to give each other eggs at Easter, paint them, at first it was only red, later they began to paint eggs in different bright colors, simply decorate them, then they began to make them from various materials, wood, papier-mâché and even knitting.
I suggest crocheting Easter eggs, patterns and master class with step by step photos they will help you in this work. Next, fill it with padding polyester or other filler, because such an egg will not break and will be a nice toy for the baby.

What you need to knit an Easter egg:

- Handmade Pekhorka threads, this is 100% acrylic, with a skein weight of 50 grams, thread length - 175 m. The color of the threads is Calendula, it is not red, but similar to the color of a shell painted with onion peels.
- Hook No. 1.25.

We start crocheting an Easter egg with a ring, in which we fold the thread, into such a ring we collect 6 single crochets (SC).
1 row. 6 sc.

Pull the ring together using the remaining end of the thread and continue knitting in a spiral without making a lifting air loop.
2nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 RLS. Here we knit two stitches into each column of the bottom row.

3 Row. 12 + 6 = 18 RLS. We knit two columns in every second row.

4 row. 18 + 6 = 24 RLS. We knit two columns in every third row.
5 row. 24 + 6 = 30 RLS. We knit two every fourth, every other three.
6th row. 30 + 6 = 36 RLS. We knit in twos, through four in the fifth column.

12 row. 36 - 3= 33 RLS. We knit 11 stitches, skip the 12th.
13 Row. 33 RLS.
14 row. 33 - 3 = 30 RLS. We knit 10 sc, skip the 11th.
15 row. 30 RLS.
Row 16. 30 - 6 = 24 RLS. We knit 3 sc, skip the 4th.
17th row. 24 RLS.
18th row. 24 - 6 = 18 RLS. We knit 2 sc, skip the 3rd.
Row 19 18 Sat.
20 row. 18 - 6 = 12 RLS. We knit 1 sc, skip the 2nd. We fill it with padding polyester; it is better to lay the filler in small portions and quite tightly, giving the product the shape of an egg.

21 row. 12 - 6 = 6 RLS. We knit the stitches through one, then close the knitting, tighten the loop and hide the thread.

The crocheted Easter egg is ready, its size is: height - 5 cm, width - 4 cm. The thread used is 4 grams.
To knit a smaller egg, we start in the same way as the first, but only up to the 5th row.
1 - 5 rows. We repeat as in the first option.
6 - 9 rows. 30 RLS.
10 row. 30 - 3 = 27 RLS. We knit 8 sc, skip the 9th.
11 row. 27 RLS.
12 row. 27 - 3 = 24 RLS. We knit 7 sc, skip the 8th.
13 row. 24 RLS.
14 row. 24 - 6 = 18 RLS, Knit 2 RLS, skip the 3rd.
15 row. 18 RLS.
16th row. 18 - 6 = 12 RLS. We knit through one column.

Let's crochet a larger Easter egg according to the pattern

- threads "Semyonovskaya yarn" (100% acrylic, 100 grams, 438 meters),
- hook 1.25.

1 - 6 rows. We repeat as in the first option.
7th row. 36 + 6 = 42 RLS. We knit two stitches in one at the 6th, after 5.
8 row. 42 + 6 = 48 RLS.
9 - 15 rows. 48 RLS.
16th row. 48 - 3 = 45 RLS. We knit the 14th, skip the 15th.
17 - 18 rows. 45 RLS.
Row 19 45 - 3 = 42 RLS. We knit the 13th, skip the 14th.
20 row. 42 RLS.
21 row. 42 - 6 = 36 RLS. We knit the 5th, skip the 6th.
22 row. 36 RLS.
23 row. 36 - 6 = 30 RLS. We knit the 4th, skip the 5th.
24 row. 30 RLS.
25 row. 30 - 6 = 24 RLS. We knit the 3rd, skip the 4th.
26 row. 24 - 6 = 18 RLS. We knit 2 sc, skip the 3rd.
27 row. 18 - 6 = 12 RLS. We knit through a column.
28 row. 12 - 6 = 6 RLS. We knit through a column. Tighten, cut the thread and hide the end.

The egg turned out to be 7 cm high and 5 cm wide. Now, to make the eggs festive, you can embroider XB, which means Christ is risen!

You can trim it with beads or tie it with a contrasting thread in an openwork mesh, it’s a matter of your imagination and taste.
Let's consider the simplest option for decorating a knitted Easter egg with an openwork mesh. To do this, let's take Alize DIVA Missisipi yarn.

We make a ring in which we collect 8 sc, then knit according to the pattern.

1 row. 8 RLS.
2nd row. 3 air loops lifting (runway), in each column we make 1 double crochet (CH) and between them 1 VP (chain loop).

and from there 6 VP, 1 sc for the top of the loop.

5 row. 3 sc for a chain of VP, 7 VP, 1 sc for the top of the chain, so until the end of the row.

6th row. 3 sc for a chain of VP, 6 VP, 1 sc for the top of the chain. We put the mesh on the egg and continue knitting on it.

7th row. 3 sc for the chain, 4 ch, 1 sc for the top of the chain and so on until the end of the row.
8 row. 3 sc for the chain, 3 ch, 1 sc for the top of the chain and so on until the end of the row.

9 row. 1 sc for the chain, 1 ch, 1 sc for the top of the chain and so on until the end of the row.

When we have completed the row, we tighten the thread, fasten it and, after cutting it off, hide it. These are the beautiful Easter eggs you can crochet for the holiday, thanks to this master class.

Congratulations to you and happy Easter celebrations!

Lyudmila Klimenko

I invite you to look at my work" Easter crocheted with your own hands". I needed to get started work:Threads for Easter, threads for glaze, hook, rhinestones and beads.

.Easter I started knitting in the round starting from the central air loops, I knitted the sides to a height of about 10-12 centimeters.

Turn the can upside down. We put synthetic padding on the bottom and we pull it all over Easter related, securing the bottom by decreasing the loops.

For further work we will be needed: Sewing threads, rhinestones and beads. "we sew the icing onto the top part Easter. We sew rhinestones and beads onto the “glaze” to imitate powder.

The next stage of knitting is addition: plate. I also knit in a circle from the center, the circle should be slightly wider than the bottom Easter.

This is what happened. Not enough to complete the job easter eggs. For this we need threads of different colors (preferably bright color).

Foam rubber, scissors for cutting foam rubber into pieces, crochet hook. Knitting Easter egg from the center of the circle starting with air loops. We knit the sides to the middle of the egg and then begin to reduce the number of loops. Shaping easter egg.

We don’t finish it until the end. stuff the “egg” with pieces of foam rubber to maintain the shape of the egg. After closing the egg, reduce the number of loops.

This is how it turned out easter eggs.

And this is what I got in the kit.

Publications on the topic:

TO children's party dedicated to our mothers, in our second younger group, according to the script, it was thought that our girls would be chickens.

Master class: In order to make such a balalaika, I took: plywood, gouache, brushes and clear varnish. And of course, a good mood.

To work you will need: 1. A pair of crazy pens; 2. Cones; 3. Green gouache paints, brushes; 4. Tinsel; 5. Vata; 6. Plasticine; 7. Colored cardboard;.

DIY photo frameA photo frame is the simplest thing you can do with your own hands - minimum cost, minimum time and maximum.

This master class is intended to be held on a thematic parent meeting, dedicated to the problems of children mastering material.

1. I bring to your attention a massager made from Kinder Surprise containers. To make such a massager you don’t need much.

Easter - all Christians look forward to this day with special trepidation. The brightest and purest holiday of Easter is celebrated on the same day by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Various types of Easter souvenirs will traditionally appear in stores, but why not try to make them yourself? After all, made with your own hands Easter crafts They are not much inferior to store-bought counterparts.

There are many wonderful Easter ideas, many of which can be done by the whole family, even involving small children in needlework. Making your own crafts for Easter can be accompanied by stories about the history of this holiday.

The symbolism of the holiday is very important. Traditionally, its symbols are something that in one way or another means the renewal of life - these are Easter streams, Light is the Easter fire and Life itself (Easter cakes, eggs and rabbits).

Easter eggs are the most common holiday symbol, which marks the victory of life over death. Traditionally, they should be red, but today eggs are decorated in every way. But still, the color red is of great importance. After all, according to legend. when Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to report the miraculous resurrection of Christ and brought him an egg as a gift, he said: “This is impossible, just as it is impossible for this egg to turn red.” And the egg turned red in the hands of Tiberius! Since then, red has meant the victory of life over death, renewal.

For more than a century, this tradition has existed: sending beautiful Easter cards to loved ones. They depict not only the symbols of the holiday, but also all the beauty of spring blossoms. And also cute chickens, bunnies, flowers, Easter cakes.

There are a lot of options for Easter egg decor. They depend on what materials are used: paper, embroidery, just threads or beads. But first you need to prepare it.

Preparation for Easter egg

The egg-shaped blank can be:

  • wooden blank
  • foam blank
  • blank made from natural material
  • non-standard blanks

Wooden egg blank

Perhaps the most convenient would be a foam blank. And all because it holds its shape perfectly without being too hard. You can easily stick pins, etc. into it.

Styrofoam egg blank

But the good thing about making Easter crafts with your own hands is that even the blank can be made from scrap materials!

In the most ordinary raw egg we have to make two small holes: at the top - no more than 2 mm, and at the bottom - about 5 mm in diameter. For this purpose we need an awl or a fairly thick needle. After these procedures, the white and yolk will easily pour out from below. All you have to do is wash the shell and dry it.

A plastic egg from the well-known children's chocolate delicacy can also be used as a blank - it is quite possible to braid it with beads or tie it.

Easter eggs made of beads

Beaded eggs are distinguished by their elegance and always attract attention. This is quite painstaking, delicate work, but the result is always impressive. We need to weave a special pattern, and then carefully transfer it to the egg, onto which we have previously applied a thermal sticker. But if you have not done beadwork before, it will be a bit difficult, although such a detailed master class as this will be an excellent help in your first creative experience of this kind.

Easter eggs with embroidery

Why not step away from the standard? volumetric egg without making a flat pendant with embroidery? It looks very cool, original, and I can’t say that the work is difficult to do. IN detailed master class describes how to embroider and assemble such an unusual egg. The only difficulty, perhaps, will be that the embroidery itself will take some time. But the result is worth it!

You can still stay with the traditional idea of ​​a voluminous egg, and in this case, Krestik recommends paying attention to the master class on creating. Only instead of Christmas ball we will use an egg-shaped blank. Rest assured, the souvenir will be very delicate, everyone will want to take a closer look at it, or even become the owner of such beauty.

Easter eggs made of felt and fleece

If you do this unusual gift for Easter with your own hands, rest assured that it will be appreciated. It can even act as a talisman, because souvenirs made from these materials always look bright and unusual.

And, by the way, you can definitely involve children in preparing this souvenir. The main requirement is accuracy, but there will be no difficulties in the process of making such an egg, everything is extremely simple. However, judge for yourself by watching the master class “Easter eggs made of felt - a wonderful souvenir on a bright day!”

Garland of eggs made from felt

All you have to do is stock up on these incredibly useful materials for handicrafts, and then the work will go like clockwork.

Knitted Easter eggs

Even if you know little about knitting, you will be able to make beautiful knitted Easter eggs. It is enough to pick up a hook, bright yarn and master the technique of single crochet.

Of course, there are more complicated options. More experienced knitters will probably want to use something already knitted in a simple way egg attach a bright flower with a beautiful button in the core. But you will have to work hard to create it, although this is not so difficult to do.

Easter eggs “dressed” in openwork cobwebs look very cool. This is a gentle, delicate, and not at all difficult job. Master class with beautiful name“Lace Splendor” describes in detail all the moments of making this handmade souvenir.

Also very interesting option souvenir - such a hand-made Easter gift will appeal to many. In order to make it, we need:

  • foam blank
  • silk or cotton white threads
  • PVA glue
  • pins
  • polyethylene film
  • decor details

First, we cover the foam blank with polyethylene. This is necessary so that our threads do not stick to the foam and can subsequently be removed without difficulty. Then we need to very carefully stick the needles into the workpiece. One row will be along the edge of the future window, and the second row will go along the oval of the Easter egg.

There will no longer be a window in the second half, so we will make a row of needles exclusively along the oval of the egg.

The halves are made separately from each other!

We soak the threads in PVA glue and wrap them around our workpiece. It is better to wrap not randomly, but following a zigzag pattern through the pins of the outer and inner rows.

When the wrapping is finished, the threads can be covered with glue a second time. Next, wait for the workpiece to dry thoroughly. As soon as this happens, we very, very carefully remove the pins, and then remove the half from the workpiece.

We make the second half using a similar principle. Now you need to connect them to each other. You can tie them with a satin ribbon or secure them with a hot gun.

It would be great if you put a fluffy miniature chicken or rabbit inside such a delicate Easter egg. The egg can be tied with a thin ribbon and decorated with a bow on top for beauty. It turned out very beautiful craft: Many will be surprised that you did it yourself!

Easter egg using Origami technique

Colored paper and triangular modules - if this tells you anything, it's definitely worth experimenting with a similar Easter souvenir.

How to make a triangular Origami module

First you will have to learn how to make modules from colored paper, later this skill will be useful to you in new origami crafts.

To do this you line colored paper in a special way. However, there are at least two ways to manufacture modules. Typically, paper is folded several times, cut at a certain stage, and then identical pieces are turned into future modules. You can watch the video to see how to cut paper correctly:

Step-by-step master class on creating an Easter egg using the Origami technique

We will proceed as follows:

  1. We need to prepare 99 green and 112 pink triangular modules.
  2. There will be 8 green modules in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows. They easily fit on each other.
  3. In the 4th row there will be 16 pink modules, which need to be put on with one pocket.
  4. We make the 5th row according to the principle: 2 green modules - 2 pink modules - 2 green, etc.
  5. 6th row: the same principle, but the pattern itself needs to be shifted a little to the side.
  6. Next, we try to give the egg the shape of a bowl and continue to lay out the same pattern, not forgetting to shift it to the side.
  7. You need to make 8 rows with a pattern.
  8. The next row will consist of 16 pink modules.
  9. The work will be completed with a row of green modules, which will be placed on three corners.

The video master class will instruct you in detail on how to create an origami egg:

And the next master class will tell you how to improve your work. But for beginners best choice There will be exactly the first path, since it is as simple as possible, but the result is just as attractive.

Easter egg using Quilling technique

To perform this technique you will need:

  • egg preparation
  • pins
  • paper pins

First of all, think about what the egg will be like. Elements can be glued to the workpiece itself:

You can then carefully remove the workpiece. This is necessary so that the egg turns out hollow and openwork.

If you chose the second option, then the manufacturing principle will be the same as making an Easter egg from threads. That is, we go the following way:

  1. Cover the egg with polyethylene, and then, starting from the very top of the workpiece, glue the quilling elements. Each element should not only be attached to the previous one, but also secured with two or three pins.
  2. This is how the top half of the egg will be made, after which you need to coat it with varnish and leave it to dry.
  3. Now you can work on the second piece (the lower half), and after drying, glue both parts together.

The quilling elements are twisted the way we need them. It’s better to practice in advance so as not to waste time in the process of making an Easter egg. In order not to get lost, it is better to follow this video master class:

Prosperity and abundance in Easter symbolism is the rabbit. It is believed that it will bring good luck to the one who receives it as a gift. You can plant it next to a basket with Easter eggs, he will be her handsome and sweet guard.

You can sew a simple rabbit from gray linen, or you can sew colorful adorable little bunnies using all your imagination. You don’t have to put this souvenir away until next Easter, because it can be a good talisman for the year.

Watch our master class “Easter bunnies that bring good luck” and choose the one you like)

Without spending a lot of effort, you can make the cutest Easter basket with your own hands, in which colored eggs will look so cool. And there are many variations:

In addition, craftswomen even make baskets out of paper! Baskets made using the Quilling technique are especially beautiful.

How do you like a basket decorated with crocheted flowers? Isn't it beautiful?!! Easter cake and eggs knitted using the Amigurumi technique will serve as an excellent filling!

Easter candles

Egg-shaped candles are an original souvenir for Easter. Our master class “Easter candles and their protective properties” will not leave any questions on the topic “how to make them.”

By the way, the same egg shells can become the best candlesticks:

Easter napkins

Classic of the genre! However, you can start making them now, because such embroidery requires a lot of time. There are a lot of patterns that you will use to embroider. Assess your skill level and choose.

Handicrafts before Easter!

In the Christian tradition, Easter occupies a special place as the “Feast of Feasts.” This is where the main meaning lies Orthodox faith- delivering people from the power of death and sin. Orthodox Church has been celebrating Easter for more than two thousand years. Its meaning was taught by the apostles, who passed on the tradition of celebration to their disciples. Thus, from generation to generation, the tradition of celebrating Easter has reached us and spread throughout the world.
The Easter holiday is moveable, that is, its date in each specific year is calculated according to the lunar-solar calendar. Precedes Easter Lent, a time of abstinence, when all holidays, including family ones, are transferred to the celebration of Easter, and the scope of Easter folk festivities is associated with breaking the fast after Lent. The symbols of Easter are everything that expresses Renewal (Easter streams), Light (Easter fire), Life (Easter cakes, eggs and hares)

Celebrating Easter is, of course, not only about attending divine services. This holiday has always been loved by the people and many customs are associated with it: decorating the table in a special way, preparing special treats, giving each other special gifts!

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