Games and entertainment for older children preschool age

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU School No. 1499 Preschool No. 7 Educator
Description: The game is intended for children of senior preschool age; it can be useful material for educators preschool organizations, parents.
Purpose of work: Author's games for children are aimed at developing the socialization of children, arousing interest and desire to play joint games

Target: developing in preschool children the interest and need to play with peers
1. arouse interest in group games in preschool children
2. create in children a positive attitude and a desire to play games together
3. cultivate a friendly attitude when playing with peers
4. develop children’s cognitive and speech activity through play
In modern pedagogical theory, play is considered as the leading activity of a preschool child. The leading position of the game is determined not by the amount of time that the child devotes to it, but by the fact that it satisfies his basic needs. In the depths of the game, other types of activities arise and develop. The game is most conducive to mental development.

Dear teachers, I present to your attention my original games for children. I hope the material will be useful and in demand in your work.

Game No. 1 – “Lost” for children 3-5 years old

Attribute for the game:
- blanket or blanket
- presenter (teacher)
- wolf (child)
- hares (children)
Rules of the game:
- children (hares) stand in a scattered position in the group’s play center
- a child (wolf) sits in a shelter
- the words for the game are pronounced in chorus, rhythmically, with the addition of movements according to the meaning of the text (when learning the game, the teacher will need to show it)

Words for the game:
Early in the morning early in the morning
The bunnies came out into the clearing (easy running in all directions)
Take a walk and frolic
Have a lot of fun!
Little bunnies
Bouncing like balls (jumping on 2 legs)
Jump and jump.
Jump and jump.
We sat down together under a bush (sit down)

Wanted to sleep unbearably
Night falls in the forest (Place your palms near your cheeks and close your eyes)
The wolf goes hunting
You don't want to sleep hungry (the wolf comes out of hiding and goes around the sleeping hares)
He grabbed the hare by the ears (selects 1 child and places his hand on his head)
And he swallowed the poor guy.

The leader covers the caught hare with a blanket. The wolf runs into the lair.

Leading: Look kids, who's missing? Which hare brother is missing?
Children open their eyes, stand up, look at each other and call the name of the missing hare.
Recommendations: if the children say the child’s name correctly, the leader removes the blanket; if the children say the name incorrectly, the leader does not open the blanket, but helps the children guess (for example: who had red sandals on his feet today, or blue shorts, etc.)
For 3 year olds, all children stay in the game.
For 5-year-olds, a new rule comes into play: A child who is a hare and eaten by a wolf is eliminated from the game. He sits on a chair and watches the game from the side.
The game continues as long as the children remain interested (3 times or more). At the end of the game, the presenter praises the hares that remained safe and sound.

Game No. 2 – “Captain” for children 5-7 years old

(An analogue of the Russian folk game: “Ring”)
This game can be played with children of senior preschool age, both in a group and on the street.
Attributes for the game:
1. captain's star or button with a star
2. a rug (shore) for playing in a group or a drawn circle on the ground for playing outside

Rules of the game:
- Children sit on chairs or a bench
- The leader stands in front of the children
- In the center there is a rug (shore) or a drawn circle
- Children connect 2 palms (forming a boat), thumbs do not touch each other
- The movement of the arms (boats) sways slightly back and forth

Words for the game
A boat floats on the river
And grasshoppers are sitting on it.
The boat rocked... Oh!
Wet everyone with water.
Captain in front (pause)
Come ashore quickly! (words are spoken quickly)

The leader, together with the players, pronounces the words, walks around the children, runs his palms over the children’s palms (boats), and quietly transfers the captain’s star to one of the players.
After the words “Come to the shore quickly,” the child who has the star in his hands runs out to the center and takes a place on the shore (stands on a rug or circle)

Children clap their hands (greet the captain)
Leading: Hurray for captain! The game continues!
The child captain becomes the leader.

Recommendations: The game continues as long as the children remain interested (3 times or more)

Game No. 3 – “Sun” for children 5-7 years old

The game is played outside while walking.
Attribute for the game:
The sun drawn with yellow chalk on the asphalt.

Rules of the game:
5-6 children stand in the center (solar circle), holding hands.
2-3 children stand in the sun’s rays (located one behind the other along a line)
Words for the game(pronounced in chorus, rhythmically)
The sun is shining brightly.
Summer will be hot.

How hot are they?
Summer sun rays.
(The children in the center move in a circle to the left, and the ray children stand still)
The sun is radiant
(The children in the center move in a circle to the right, and the ray children stand still)
One, two don't yawn
Play with us!
(The children in the center raise their hands up without releasing them,
and the ray children jump to the next ray)

We played, just a little
Start the game over again (all the playing children stomp their feet on the spot)
Recommendations: The game continues as long as the children remain interested (3 times or more)

All children, without exception, are partial to such a holiday as their birthday. The baby, closing his eyes, remembers the dear faces of his parents, a delicious cake, a large number of gifts, many invited friends and fun entertainment. Years pass, the child grows up and becomes an adult, and memories of childhood holidays warm the soul even in the most difficult moments of life.

Probably, someone can challenge this statement, remembering the bustle before the holiday, long walks in stores, preparing for the holiday... And after all this, the long-awaited birthday holiday, a little time passes and the invited guests slowly begin to get bored. Birthday is incredible magical holiday, but you need to be able to organize it correctly - interesting and joyful! And then only bright memories will remain in your child’s memory; the baby will wait with trepidation for this day for a whole year. And the memory of bright childhood holidays will remain with him for the rest of his life!

Game "Fast hand - or who is more dexterous!"

The presenter, most often the parent of the birthday boy, offers a competition for everyone. Everyone can participate, there are no restrictions. Players need to extend their hand in front of them, palm up. The presenter lays out sheets of paper (you can use newspaper, it wrinkles more easily) in the palms of all participants. When the leader gives the command to start, participants must crumple the sheets with one hand. The paper should be completely hidden in the fist, it should not be visible. Whoever completes the task quickly and efficiently is the winner and can count on receiving a prize!

Entertainment for the holiday “Teddy Bear”.

To hold this competition you need a lot of free space; a large corridor or a wide room will do. All people participating in the competition stand in one line, so as to touch the neighbor’s shoulder. The leader stands at the beginning, those who play for the first time stand at the end. Then the participants, one after another, raising their hand in front of them, shout: “I see Mishka!” and squat down. First, the leader sits down to show how to do it, then the person standing behind him, and so on until the end of the line. When the last participant has sat down, the leader pushes all the participants in the line (you need to push with your whole body and with sufficient force). There is a domino effect! The main thing is not to injure the last person standing in the line, since if the leader has good skill, 1-2 participants will fly off very well. Delight and fun guaranteed! Some tips for the presenter. It is necessary to tell everyone that they must sit down in turns, otherwise the participants will not maintain their balance and fall. Participants must be close to each other. And the leader, on the contrary, must move away from the neighboring player by twenty, thirty centimeters in order to leave himself a lane for acceleration. The ideal number of participants would be ten or twelve people. In this game, you should definitely remember about safety precautions; there should be no objects near the players that could injure children.

“The labyrinth - try to get through it!”

In a large room, a rope is stretched so that when going through the maze, the participant has to contrive and sit down, and somewhere else, on the contrary, step over. A volunteer is invited, he carefully examines the maze and remembers it. After which I close his eyes and tie a thick black cloth around his head. Relying on his memory and hints from the audience, he needs to go through the entire maze. When you close your eyes, the rope from which the labyrinth is made is removed. And the player goes through a labyrinth, overcoming non-existent obstacles. Spectators are warned not to give away the secret of the game.

Competition No. 1 “Collaborative painting”.

Several teams take part in the game. To complete the competition you will need large sheets of paper; whatman paper is ideal; their number is commensurate with the number of teams. You will also need felt-tip pens or pencils, one for each team member (they can be replaced with watercolors). The teams line up in one line, at a distance of three to four meters, there is a Whatman paper on the table, each team has its own. At the leader’s command, the first person runs up to the table and draws a picture for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, the leader commands: “change,” and the players replace each other, the next one in line runs, and so on until all players have drawn a picture. The team with the most interesting picture wins! You can evaluate accuracy, diligence, quality of drawing, etc.

Competition No. 2 “The most attentive!”

The number of participants is unlimited. Players must follow the leader's commands in reverse. For example, the leader says to take a step to the left, the participant must follow the command in the opposite direction and take a step to the right. If the participant fulfills the leader’s command, and not the opposite action, then he is eliminated. Gradually the number of participants is reduced, and in the end the most attentive remains, and he receives a prize prepared in advance. An example of tasks that the presenter can give: sit down, stand up, raise your leg, arm, jump. The quantity and quality of tasks is selected for each specific occasion and depends on the theme of the holiday.

Competition No. 3 “Leave your mark”

It's always nice to look at things that have pleasant memories associated with them. Equipment: paper (the larger the format, the more interesting), paints or markers. Two teams participate in the competition. Each team chooses a captain and is blindfolded or taken out of the room. Each participant is given 30 seconds to leave their mark on whatman paper. This could be a signature, a fingerprint, a foot print, some kind of drawing, the main thing is that each of the participants takes part and leaves something on whatman paper. After all participants have finished, the captains are invited into the room. They must guess which trace belongs to which participant, for each mistake - minus one point. Whoever scores the most points wins.

Five-minute game “Don’t drop the orange”

Quite a well-known and popular game. Suitable for children from 5 years old. The idea is this: the participants stand in one line, one after another, and must pass the orange to the player standing behind them, without using their hands, only with their chin! Whoever's orange falls is eliminated, and the relay starts over. And this continues until one participant remains, he is the winner!

Home basketball game

Place the two most modest or unwilling kids in opposite parts of the room. Have them make a makeshift goal out of their hands, which they clasp in front of them in the form of a ring. Basketball may become ordinary balloon. Tell the players the basic rules: the ball should not touch the floor and should not be caught with your hands, only hit in the direction of the ring. Start the game and watch the sight of restless players. An adult must act as a judge of the competition. A goal will be counted if the ball hits the ring. The player who acts as a ring can place his hands under the ball flying towards him. The duel between players can last quite a long time, so set a time limit on the halves.

Children and their parents participate in this competition. Each child needs to feed their “little” parents and wipe their mouths, that is, children here act as adults, and parents are their children. To make everything fair, you can take identical jars of baby purees or yoghurts for lunch. The team in which the child feeds the “little” parents faster and more accurately than the rest will receive a prize.

Repeat fly

Each of the guys in turn must repeat after the leader the corresponding phrase or tongue twister, for example about Greka or Karl and Clara. It will be fun to listen to children try to pronounce difficult words. At the end of the game, everyone will be awarded a certain certificate or medal, for example, “the loudest”, “the clearest”, “the most fun” and so on.

Daisies - Cornflowers

The children are divided into 2 teams: the team of “daisies” and “cornflowers”. 2 captains are chosen and given a flower, one a paper daisy, the other a cornflower. The same flowers are pasted on the children so that the captains can understand where their daisies are and where their cornflowers are. The leader mixes the children so that they are located throughout the room. At the “start” command, the captains begin to run around the room and assemble their team of colors. Whoever gets it together faster - daisies or cornflowers - will win.


For this competition, the presenter must prepare in advance (draw with a black marker or simply download from the Internet) various shadows, for example, the shadows of a cloud, sun, frog, dog, carrot, banana, and so on. Each participant in turn is shown a shadow picture, and the child must name what or who it belongs to. For the correct answer - one point. Whichever child collects the most points will receive a prize.

The ball is mine

Children are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other, and between the guys in each pair they put a ball on the floor. The presenter names some part of the body, and the children must touch it, for example, ears, nose, eyes, left leg, right side, stomach, back and ears again, and then suddenly calls the word “ball”. And whichever of the guys grabs the ball first gets a point. Then the ball is put back on the floor and the game is repeated. And so 5 times. Whichever of the guys gets the most points, that is, whoever picks up the ball first more times, wins.

Fruits vegetables

Children of this age love to explore the world and take everything into their own hands. For this competition you will need various fruits and vegetables, apples, bananas, oranges, kiwis, peaches, pears, as well as potatoes, onions, carrots, beets and so on. Children are divided into two teams: the first team is “fruits”, and the second is “vegetables”. At the same distance from each team there is a basket with the same contents and quantity of fruits and vegetables. At the “start” command, the children run in a relay race to a full basket, take one fruit or vegetable at a time and transfer it to their empty basket. The team that collects all its fruits or vegetables the fastest wins.

cartoon music

Well, what kind of child would be without cartoons, only in this competition you will need knowledge not of the names of cartoons or even their characters, but of cartoon songs and musical compositions. The presenter must prepare songs from various cartoons in advance. Which children of this age love to watch, for example, “Who are the fixies”, “Jam” from the film “Masha and the Bear”, the main melody from the film “Luntik”, a song about wooden toys from the film “Woods” " and so on. The presenter takes turns playing songs, and the first guy to raise his hand answers what cartoon this song is from. Whoever can give the most correct answers wins.

In the world of cars

Modern children understand technology and machines from a young age. This competition for little “clever kids” will allow you to remember all the unusual cars. The presenter takes turns reading out riddles or reading out sentences describing the cars that the children must guess. Whoever first guessed what kind of car it was raised his hand and answered. For the correct answer - a point, and for the highest number of points - the title of winner and a prize.
I growl like a bulldog, but I’m not a dog, I’m a machine, and my name is almost like a bulldog (bulldozer)
I dig holes, but not with a shovel, but with a bucket (excavator)
I am a machine with an arrow under which you do not stand. I can build a multi-story house, I am the most important one at the construction site (crane) and so on.

Colorful world

Children are divided into teams, the game is played using the relay race method. At a certain distance from each team there is a basket with multi-colored balls (red, blue, green). Each team receives the task of collecting balls of its own color into its basket: the first team is the “blue” team, the second team is the “red” team, and so on. At the command “start”, the first participants run to their baskets, rummage there, and find the ball desired color and run back to their empty basket, then the second participants take up the baton. The team that collects balls of its color faster than the rest will win.

The presenter pronounces the words “Katya”, “Katenka” or “Katyusha” in different orders. When the word “Katya” is said, all participants in the competition must touch their nose, when the word “Katenka” is said, they must put their hands on their shoulders, and when the word “Katyusha” is said, they must put their hands on their belts. The competition is held in several rounds. Only those participants who correctly perform all actions in accordance with the task advance to each subsequent round.

Ale op

For this competition you will need children's hoops - hula hoops. The guys are divided into several teams of about 5-7 people. At the command “start”, the members of each team try to get into the hoop and fit into it together faster than the rest. The team that manages to do this will win.

Fast snail

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. The members of each team line up. On the command “start”, children must roll the row up into a “snail”, that is, spin, and then in this position run faster than others to the goal, for example, to the chair on which the prize will stand. Accordingly, whoever is first gets the prize.

The cat was driving backwards

Children are divided into teams with the same number of people. The game will be played in a relay race. At the same distance from each team there is a chair with any objects (balls, apples, etc.). On the “start” command, the first participants turn their backs to the chair of their team, stand in the “cat” pose - on their hands and feet and on all fours backwards, run to the chair, grab a ball or apple and run back to their team, pass the baton to the second participants and stand at the end of the team. Then the second participants run backwards and so on until the last ones. The team whose first participants will again be in the place of the first will win.


The guys are divided into teams of 3-4 people. Each team, after the word “start”, begins to compile its own list of all kinds of electrical appliances (including modern world there are quite a lot of them, and modern children almost all know them), for example, an electric kettle, coffee grinder, coffee maker, toaster, multicooker, microwave oven, hair dryer, iron, mixer, and so on. All teams are given the same amount of time, for example 5 minutes. The team of fixers who will have the longest list of existing ones in real life electrical appliances, and will win.

Find the answer

The guys are divided into teams. Each team receives the same set of bottles (plain plastic), including empty bottles and bottles with notes. There will be words in the notes, from these words you will need to make a sentence, and from the sentence you can guess what fairy tale was told, for example, “The fairy godmother waved her magic wand and the pumpkin instantly turned into a carriage,” a sentence from the fairy tale “Cinderella.” So, at the command “start,” the guys from each team begin to unscrew the plugs and look for notes. As soon as all the notes are found, the guys build a proposal and receive an answer. The team that is the first to complete the task and give the correct answer - to name the hidden tale - will win.

Leaves and fruits

For this competition you need to prepare pictures of leaves and fruits of various plants (the Internet and a printer will help). Pictures can also be cut out from various gardening magazines. This could be, for example, a picture of rowan leaves and a picture of rowan fruits, a picture of potato leaves and a picture of potato fruits, a picture of raspberry leaves and a picture of its fruits, and so on. All pictures are mixed and placed in one bag. Such bags with pictures (identical in each) need to be prepared for each team. So, the guys are divided into teams, the teams each receive a bag with pictures, and at the command “start” the guys must match the pictures, that is, put pictures of leaves and fruits of the same plant next to each other. The team that matches all the pictures correctly will win.

Build a tower

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each participant has a cube in their hands. At the “start” command, the first participants run to the specified distance and place their cube, return back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second participants also run and place the second cube on the tower. If someone's tower collapses, construction begins with the first cube and it will no longer turn out as high as it could have turned out. The team with the tallest tower will win.

Ball race

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. Members of each team stand in separate rows. The presenter hands the first participants a ball (preferably a rubber one). At the command “start”, the first participants place the ball on the floor between their legs and, quickly moving their feet, move towards the goal (you can simply place a chair at the mark that is drawn for each team). Having reached the goal, the participants pick up the ball and throw it to the second participants, they catch the ball, put it on the floor between their legs and continue the relay race. So the game continues until the last participants move to the “other side”. The team that runs the ball faster and gets to the other side will win.

Let's get acquainted

It happens that at home holidays there are children in the company who do not know each other. How to make them friends? Of course, by offering to play, then no one will have any awkwardness.

Children join hands and stand in a circle. Inside the circle is the birthday boy or the chosen leader. All children, on command or to the soundtrack of a cheerful children's song, begin to move in a circle to the right. The birthday boy goes to the left, facing the guests. At the command “stop” or a pause in the music, all children stop. The birthday boy meets the child who happens to be opposite him. The game is repeated as many times as there are children in the circle, so that the hero of the occasion can get to know everyone. An adult stops the music and says “stop” when meeting children who are still unfamiliar.

If all the children know each other, this game can be played differently. Everyone who stops at the signal in front of the birthday boy congratulates him and gives him compliments.

Formula 1

A rope of the same length (3-4 meters) is tied to two sticks (pencils can be used). The free ends of the ropes are tied by machine. The “finish line” that both players stand in front of can be marked with a ribbon or drawn with chalk.

The rest command: “One, two three, start!” Two players begin to quickly wrap strings around pencils. Whose car crosses the finish line first wins.

Then the next pair competes. The winners advance to the semi-finals and compete against each other. The champion is awarded a “super prize”.

Vanya - simplicity

This children's folk game“Vanya-simplicity” is suitable for a company with no more than five children, and the room is quite spacious.

Children stand up like a train, that is, one after another, with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. They begin to follow the leader, “Vanya”. At the same time they say: “Vanya, Vanya-simplicity, I bought a horse without a tail.” At the words “he sat down backwards and went to the garden,” everyone moves in the opposite direction, backwards. Then they stop and say: “One, two, three, catch!” After this, the children scatter in different directions, and “Vanya” catches the players.

Instead of the name “Vanya” you should use the child’s name, standing first. For example, “Sasha-simplicity”. When the game is repeated, the next child becomes the driver (Misha, Misha-simplicity).


Two or three people participate in the competition. It is necessary to separate peas, beans and beans mixed in a cup into separate piles, or beads of two or three types, or pasta - feathers, horns and shells. You can offer this mixture to each player in their own separate container. These can be glasses or salt shakers of the same size. Then the winner is the one who sorts out all the contents of his bowl first.

If there are no three identical small vessels, you can mix everything in one large cup, sit the players around it and give them a certain time. Whoever, within the allotted time (no more than three minutes!) has more piles sorted on the table in front of him, wins.

Try to guess

An adult asks the children to guess how many nuts or sweets are in a transparent jar. Or how much this toy weighs (what length, height). Or what page is the bookmark on in the book, if there are so many pages in total? Determine by touch what is in this bag. Or guess what is in a closed box that cannot be opened, but can be picked up, shaken, turned over, etc.

Children express their versions. Whoever guesses correctly or whose answer is closest to the truth is awarded this box, jar along with its contents, book or toy as a prize.

Naturally, when preparing the material, an adult himself carefully recalculates, measures, weighs it and remembers the correct answer.

Take a chair

Each child, except one, comes out with their own chair. The chairs make a circle. Free space is left between the chairs so that a person can easily pass.

The presenter turns on the music, or rings the tambourine, or rhythmically claps his hands. Children walk around the chairs. As soon as the sounds stop, each player tries to occupy any chair. The one who does not have enough space is eliminated from the game.

Another chair is removed, and if there are many players, then two or three chairs at once.

The game continues until one of the two most dexterous children is on the last remaining chair. He is a winner.


For this competition you need a lot of balls or balloons. From two to four participants compete. Each of them tries to collect and hold as many of the named objects as possible.

You can make the task more difficult. Each player is given three attempts, during which he must take and move as many balls as possible to his corner.

Whoever succeeds in this is declared the main... greedy. If you feel that this might offend your child rather than make him laugh, don’t say this word! The prize is awarded to the winner in any case.

Who's lucky?

Children split up in twos and stand up pair by pair. Couples raise their clasped hands. All pairs run forward one by one through the resulting gate from behind. Thus, each last pair, having run between all the children, becomes the first for a while.

All pairs gradually move back together so as not to go beyond the space allocated for the game. It is advisable that the game be accompanied by cheerful music.

The driver stands in front of the players with his back to them. This could be a parent, a character, or a birthday person. He has several paired prizes, for example: two pens, two markers, two lollipops, two bookmarks, two notepads, etc.

When the driver says “stop!”, the players (and the music) stop. The driver, without turning around, says: “This pair of chocolates!” Then he turns and gives sweet prizes to the couple who happened to be directly behind him at that moment (that is, the first couple). The couple that is ahead at the word “stop!” next time may receive notebooks or bookmarks.

The game is played until the driver runs out of prizes. It is possible that some couples will not receive prizes at all, and some will receive two or three times. It depends on how lucky you are!

Dance with tasks

Children dance freely to their favorite music. The leader from time to time shouts out command words, which the dancers must immediately carry out. For example, the leader can ask everyone to continue dancing in pairs or threes, follow the birthday boy in a chain or snake, then change into a round dance, etc.

Congratulations with a song

The birthday boy walks out the door. Guests choose which song they will perform for him. For example, they decide to sing the chorus from “Song of the Crocodile Gena.”

All participants must say one word from this song, and at the same time. Therefore, they agree on who will speak and which word from the selected song. If there are many children, then they are divided into groups, each of which is assigned its own word.

You must exclaim together, on command (for example, by waving your hand). Some shout “unfortunately”, others (at the same time) - “day”, others - “birthday”, fourth - “only”, etc.

Upon returning, the birthday boy must guess what song the guests want to sing for him. If he guessed correctly, then he listens with pleasure or sings this song with the guests.

If the song is not guessed the first time, then with a wave of the organizer’s hand the words are repeated again. Thus, the hero of the occasion is given a second chance to hear and guess the song, and those congratulating them are given the opportunity to finally sing it, to the delight of themselves and the birthday boy.

On New Year's holiday Father Frost or Snow Maiden can come out of the hall, and the children, divided into three teams, shout out the words “in the forest,” “born,” and “Christmas tree.” On March 8, dad and children can perform their favorite song for mom in the same way.


The guests dance in a circle to the right. The birthday boy moves inside the circle to the left. He sentences or hums (the melody is arbitrary):

I'll go in circles

I'll find a pair for myself.

Come on, Olenka (Sasha) - my friend,

Come out to the circle with me!

The birthday boy brings the chosen child into the circle. The game can then develop in three different ways.

First option

The “buddy” and the birthday boy dance in a circle, and the other children clap. Later they can also join in the dance.

Second option

The birthday boy and the invitee dance together in a circle. Then each of them invites a new partner. Now two couples are dancing in a circle. Then each of these four chooses another “buddy” for himself, and in the middle there are already four couples dancing. And so on until all the children are invited to dance.

Third option

The birthday boy ends his text with these words:

You and I should drive now,

Let's start catching everyone!

The game turns into “catch-up”. The birthday boy and his “buddy” catch the rest of the children. The players scatter, but freeze in place or leave and sit down if the drivers touch them.

The birthday boy and the “buddy” can arrange a competition among themselves to see who can catch the most players. In this case, each caught child goes to the side assigned to the driver who caught him.

Find and name

If the holiday is held in a cramped room, crowded with furniture, where there is no opportunity for outdoor games, you can give the guests of the birthday boy the task of finding as many words in the room as possible starting with the same letter. The birthday person indicates the letter by opening his favorite book on some page.

Or they look for objects that begin with the same letter as the name of the hero of the occasion. For example, for Sasha they will name words starting with the letter “c” (glass, wall, chair, candle, salad). And for Katya they will choose words starting with the letter “k” (book, chair, cat, baby, ketchup, fireplace). The participant who names the most words with one letter wins.

Cat and mice

The driver is a “cat” (you can tie a bow around your neck), the rest of the participants are “mice”. The “cat” sits on a chair and pretends to be sleeping. The “mice” carefully, on their toes, move around the room around the cat or scattered and say, first very quietly, then louder and louder:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

We are not afraid of the cat.

We are a cat

Let's turn the gate!

The “cat” wakes up, meows and catches up with the mice. It is prohibited to touch the “cat” during “sleep”!


Russian folk needle

Children are divided into two teams. There are equal numbers of players in each of them, and they stand next to each other. The teams are located on the same straight line facing each other. It is desirable that the distance between the teams be large enough.

In the center of the court, on the same line with the teams, strictly in the middle between them, one child squats. This is "bread". He is chosen by a counting rhyme in advance.

All players, except for “bread”, begin to pronounce the words in chorus:

That's how tall

(raise hands up)

That's how wide

(spread arms to the sides)

Cut and eat!

(clap their hands for “cut”)

After the clap, the first players of both teams rush out of their seats and try to be the first to run and touch the “bread”. The player who succeeds takes the “bread” and takes it to his team. They stand behind the rest of the players. The less fortunate player of the opposing team becomes the “bread” himself and sits in his place.

The game is repeated. The same words are said in chorus again and the same actions are performed, but now the next players of both teams (now they are the first) compete for the “bread”.

The game ends when all members of both teams compete with each other. The team with more players wins. This means that they more often took “bread” for themselves.