Marina Suzdaleva

This article will give you ideas DIY playgrounds from loving mothers and dad. Many of them are simple to implement and original. And many playgrounds thought out to the smallest detail and can be recognized as a “street development complex” for complex classes with kids.

Just look at the statement “We wanted to make sure that children simply lived on the street.” It sounds stunning, but after seeing the playground and the happy faces of the kids, you want the same for your child.

Each work has its own interesting ideas and unusual solutions. We really hope that these works can inspire other mothers, fathers, grandparents to create a playground in their yard or country house!

All works are presented at the Club of Passionate Mothers as part of the summer competition -! We want to thank everyone who took part and shared their ideas for creating outdoor play areas!

DIY playground No. 1 from Maria, Pyt-Yakh

My name is Maria. I am 27 years old, I am from the city of Pyt-yakh, Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. I have two children: a 7-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter. I understand perfectly well that my children’s creation at the dacha does not look much like a playground, it is just one of the components. I’m just proud that I made this sandbox with my own hands, without anyone’s help, without any carpentry experience, from what was lying around, and at the same time I’m a young girl. Just one day I wanted to make a place for the children to dig in the sand, otherwise I was tired of burying holes all over the dacha)))

DIY playground No. 2 from Svetlana, Donetsk region

My name is Svetlana, my daughter is 4 years old. When she was one year old, I decided to make a playground in the front yard. We live in the Donetsk region, in a village. Now all the kids from the street gather near our yard.

DIY playground No. 3 from Svetlana Yakovenko

Playground for my beloved daughter

In the bright summer light
In the park, in the flower garden,
Small children
Fiddling around in the sand...


Hello! My name is Svetlana, I am the mother of 2.7-year-old Veronica. I would like to show you our small children’s playground (size 6 by 3 meters); in the future I plan to expand it by another 3 meters, as much as the front garden space allows.

First there was an idea. I wanted to create a safe place where I could spend time comfortably with my little mischief-maker, and where my great-grandmothers could calmly babysit my daughter. Last summer I got excited about the idea of ​​a playground, the most important thing for my child is “playing around in the sand,” so the first thing I did was look for a sandbox, found a box 0.5 by 0.5 m, painted it, and placed it in the front garden, but it turned out to be such a size for an older child too small Then the idea arose to sow lawn grass in part of the front garden and decorate the area.

How it was? Autumn 2013. I dug up the ground several times, removed weeds, and prepared the ground. At the beginning of March I sowed the grass, it did not sprout for a long time, and then sprang up in pieces, although I sprinkled the seeds very generously and tamped them down. Then I begged my grandfather for boards for the sandbox, painted them White color and... decided that I was a jack of all trades, began to knock down the sandbox with nails - it turned out that I was not a master after all: the sandbox was lopsided, it fell apart, so I followed the advice of the wise and used self-tapping screws.

My grandfather made us a swing back in the winter, so I was happy to paint it. I dug the pins from the sandbox into the ground, laid black non-woven material inside so that the sand did not mix with the ground, removed part of the lawn and repaired the bald spots on the main part of the site. They put up a swing. I planted flowers along the perimeter of the lawn: bindweed, daisies, lilies, and put geraniums and petunia in pots in the corners. I sewed a cover for the sandbox from waterproof fabric, and a small “blooming” canopy was made from bindweed.

Why white? It's simple - white is a universal color, goes with everyone, easily transforms space! And one more thing - white paint was available at home at the time of creation.

As a result, the playground consists of the following elements:

  • sandbox standard
  • Jung's sandbox (for sand therapy, I also did it myself)
  • swing
  • bench
  • tent
  • swimming pool (inflatable)
  • white large bucket with a blue lid for small toys.

What we do on the playground:

  • invite friends;
  • we organize theatrical performances;

  • let's go bubble;
  • draw with chalk on the concrete path;
  • We'll swim in the pool as soon as the weather gets better;
  • We enjoy communicating with each other and life in general.

I ended up with a transformable playground, since we spend most of the summer outside.

What else do I want? I really want ladders and trapeze.

Evening game!
The sky has cast shadows,
Let's make some fun
It's time for us to run! (V.Ya. Bryusov)

Thank you for your attention, have a good day and inspiration, and it’s time for Nikulya and I to run!

DIY playground No. 4 from Irina Efimova, Moscow

Probably every parent who spends the summer with their child at the dacha is thinking about creating their own playground. This is how it happened for us. This idea was born when we arrived at the dacha for the first time - at the age of 3 months. We collected ideas and thought through them down to the smallest detail. And a year later, that is, when the baby was 1 year 3 months old, we started implementing our project!

They made everything from materials left over from the construction of a house, bathhouse and other outbuildings. The main builder was my husband (by the way, a newbie in this area), and everyone else (me, my mom and dad) got involved whenever possible. And naturally the most important assistant was my son!

So far on our site there is only a slide and a fence (multi-level stumps), but there are plans..! This year there will definitely be a sandbox and swings on the playground, and the lower part of the slide will turn into a cozy house.

And the next thing... I want a car (or a train/plane), and even my husband, during the creative process, had a dream to build a second such tower with ropes/ladders and other activities... In general, we won’t stop at small things! Everything so that the baby actively develops in the summer :)

DIY playground No. 5 from Natalia Kiseleva, Perm

Vovushka woke up very early today. The bright sun was shining, birdsong could be heard through the wide-open window, and, despite the early hour, the neighboring boys were already riding their bicycles.

Waking up, Vovushka stretched sweetly. A new day begins, full of adventures and discoveries. The boy hastily washed his face, ate his porridge (daddy’s porridge is the best breakfast in the world!) and got ready for a walk. He paid special attention to the latter, because an exciting walk was ahead on his favorite playground.

Vovushka lives in her own house. Home is a fortress. Large, with many windows and a spacious veranda. In front of the house there is a vegetable garden: carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets, berries. Arma the dog lives nearby. Arma guards the house and barks at crows and cats all day long.

In addition to a vegetable garden with various fruits and vegetables, there is a playground in front of the house. Vovushka really loves to play here. Especially with dad. Especially when driving a big, big tractor.

This tractor has never been before! He rolled around the swing made by Vovin’s grandfather, around the sandbox, around the pirate ship, who knows how it sailed here. The tractor even floated in the pool (in the hottest weather, the pool is filled with warm water, and if it’s cool outside, you can “swim” in the balls). And the tractor is working at a construction site:

In the middle of the yard there is a mountain

There is a game going on on the mountain.

Come running for an hour,

Get on the sand:

Clean, yellow and raw

If you want, swarm, and if you want, build,

If you want, bake for the dolls

Golden pies.

Come join us guys

Don't forget to take shovels

Excavators, shovels,

Buckets and trucks.

There are screams and laughter here.

And everyone has a job. (A. Barto)

A real mountain: sand, stones of different sizes. You can transport sand or build a road for tractors and cars, you can arrange an avalanche and carry out rescue operations, you can dig canals and launch ships, you can...

It’s great when the site is made by grandfather’s and father’s hands. It’s great that there is a lot of space and room for imagination and creativity. This is the playground of your dreams!

DIY playground No. 6 from Maria Tragaryuk, Kurgan

Good day to all!
To make it interesting for a child to be outdoors in the summer, he should create an interesting learning environment. I will show you what we did for our girls (Yaroslava, 2 years old, and Radmila, 4.5 years old).
At our dacha we have done a lot of interesting things for our daughters, naturally all with our own hands.

Play gazebo

Initially we wanted to build a tree house, then just some kind of climbing frame. We went through a bunch of options and eventually came up with the idea of ​​making a structure like this.

We made a two-story gazebo with an observation deck at the top. On one side there is a climbing wall and a slide, successfully tested by one-year-old Yaroslava that year. On the other hand, for now there are just intersecting bars for climbing; later we plan to hang a climbing net here.

On the front side there are stairs to the second floor. This year the top of the stairs is covered with fabric. As a result, two-year-old Yasya does not climb up without supervision, but almost five-year-old Rada climbs up and down calmly. Even in front we constantly hang a swing or a trapeze (at the request of our daughters). On the back side there are just bars that the girls climb on.

Inside the gazebo, on the ground floor, there is a comfortable bench, which, at the request of the girls, turns into a table for playing with sand. This year we placed a low wooden table inside. I also made a kitchenette for the girls from an old bedside table: I attached disks on top - burners, on the front there were lids from cans - gas switches, on the side there were hooks for towels and ladle spoons, on the outer door there was an oven door and a fire, inside there was a shelf on which young housewives put their ovens. pies made in the sandbox.

Inside the gazebo we hang a large hammock, in which our daughters love to swing.

This year we plan to improve the gazebo and complete the second floor (install doors for security purposes).


The sandbox is the most common one, with a roof. A wicker wall was installed on the side of the sandbox to prevent air from blowing in from the direction of the gate. We often place a homemade table inside the sandbox.

Other elements of the playground

At the dacha there is also a control panel, a portable slide, and in hot weather we set up a pool near the gazebo. There are wheels dug in around the playground, from which it is simply wonderful to jump into the sand poured around the playground. There is another swing hanging on the adult veranda. There is also a table for games and a rug to make it comfortable to sit and play. There is also a large plastic box with a lid in which toys are stored. At the dacha, the girls have their own brooms, shovels, rakes and watering cans. Everything little helpers need.

We are planning to make this year: a board for drawing with chalk, a bench-type car with a steering wheel, and a ring for throwing balls.

A lot was done with our own hands on the site in kindergarten at the Rada. My other parents and I made this playground completely from scratch. I’ll show you some elements: a car and bees, piglets and ring throwers, and also butterflies and a matryoshka made from wheels.

Do-it-yourself playground No. 7 from Natalia Kushnareva, Riga (Latvia)

Natalia, mother of five wonderful children (8 and 6 years old, 4, 2 years old and the youngest 3 months).

We live in a private house near Riga. The children do not go to kindergarten, only the eldest has entered 2nd grade. We spend a lot of time in the yard and, of course, we try to make sure that the children have something to play with. We have a purchased swing, a house, and a sandbox. There is a table where we draw, sculpt, etc.
But it couldn’t be done without homemade products.


We made a raft for the children from a construction pallet. Screws attached to the bath mat blue color, I sewed the sail, but we found the steering wheel and anchor in the attic. It turned out great, and the guys regularly go on “big voyages.”

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

Football goal

The World Cup also captured our family. Therefore, my husband and son built real football goals from boards and oilcloth. Work for one evening, but joy...

Developing accuracy

I decided to make another sports “equipment” from a plywood board, a former part of some furniture. My husband cut out several circles, I painted them, and sewed sandbags in three colors (for the older ones, each has its own color). And now the children are developing their eye and throwing bags into the holes. They really like it)))

Mind games

And besides sports, I also want to))) For this, I chose a circle made of chipboard, which my husband brought for firewood. I painted it in green color on one side and divided into 9 parts, and into black on the other. The edge was covered with rope. And now on such a table we play “Pine Cones”, or “What is missing in an empty cell”, solve problems with 9 screens (system, subsystem, supersystem, etc.), and on the black side you can write words, problems with chalk or just drawing. Or you can lay out something from leaves, pebbles or shells, and draw with sand.

There are also tires buried in the ground - these are both a “motorcycle” and a “horse”, but you can simply jump from them.
We draw and play a lot on the asphalt, and create obstacle courses from scrap materials. As you can see, everything is simple, but done with imagination and love for children)))

DIY playground No. 8 from Maria Fedorova, Miass

Garden for Daisy

In October 2011 we moved to a new old apartment building. New - for our family. The old one is for me personally. This is my childhood home. In this yard I painted hopscotch, made acacia pickles, skinned my knees, jumped in rubber bands with my friends, hid secrets under pieces of glass... And I also watched how the flowers grew in the flower beds under the windows of my grandparents’ apartment.

All their lives in this house they grew flowers outside. Grandfather showed me: these are cosmos, and these are cornflowers. Taught me how to collect seeds. I glued “containers” for seeds from matchboxes... Returning to this house, to this yard, I simply could not do otherwise: as soon as the snow melted, I picked up a rake and went out into the front garden. And it was already impossible to stop me.

Just planting flowers was not enough for me. Near a picturesque, but very old lamppost, under coniferous trees, planted again by the hands of our ancestors, I created a flowerbed with a children's corner.

From waste material I came up with a small composition:

In general, our clothes dryer is hidden behind this larch and fir tree. Yes, yes, in the 21st century, some people still prefer to dry their laundry in a fresh breeze. For Rita, I also pulled a string at a height accessible to her, where she hangs her socks and handkerchiefs and attaches them with clothespins, just like mom! (In the photo you can barely see the rope right behind the girl)

I planted daisies next to this composition. With what tenderness my Margarita looks after them!

The main advantage of our mini-town is that it is located right under the windows (our apartment is on the 1st floor). I can let my child go outside with my grandmother (who is already in her ninth decade), and from the kitchen window I can watch how my great-grandmother and great-granddaughter get along. On the other hand, in my spare 10 minutes I can go out and paint some boards and weed a flower bed. Slowly but surely, things are moving forward. This project has spanned more than one year, it grows and changes along with my little girl.

One year we did a mini health track. I collected old bricks from the area, laid them out in a row, and Rita whitewashed them herself. Next, I laid 3 trimmings from tires (the tires themselves became flower beds) and poured in various fillers: sand, pebbles and just grass.

(The first photo below shows tests of a freshly painted object)

All this was located on the border between the clearing under the common drying area and the central flowerbed. I am trimming the clearing, trying to imitate a lawn))). Of course, my flower girl helps me care for the flowers in the “central” flowerbed, and for all the flowers in general. Previously, they carried watering cans, but now they have connected a hose that extends directly from the window.

Our children's area is also distinguished by its mobility. There are small benches here, put together by my grandfather’s hands for his various crafts. The baby can easily take this bench himself and put it where he likes.

There are simple stools for adults. Some grandmother from a neighboring yard passing through our yard will sometimes sit down on a stool for a couple of minutes and move on. (In the photo below are great-granddaughter and great-grandmother)

Unlike garden plots, we have asphalt here where you can draw with crayons. If you’re tired of painting on the asphalt, you can take out the easel and paint portraits of sunbeams.

We take the trampoline out onto the lawn, which, by the way, is used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a chair, as a table, and as a lounger)))

In hot weather, a mandatory attribute of our corner is a basin of water.

On our site you can find a reason for interesting activities all year round. In the fall, see how the larch has turned yellow, or discover the first ice in a forgotten bucket. In winter, clean the path, build a snowman in place of the lawn, decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, hang bird feeders. In the spring, watch the snow melt and organize a cleanup day.

In the summer - paint at the table, without being afraid to spill everything around, or even celebrate your birthday!

Of course, there is also a weak point in our corner - we live in the city center, and even if the yard is not the most accessible, there are still a lot of crooks here. This year the corner with the house is no longer alive; we still have to reincarnate it. The vandal defeats make us very sad, but they don’t stop us.

We plan to make a birdbath, add some outdoor equipment, and whatnot. This is a great place to receive guests in the summer. This is what we are going to do next Saturday - for the second time, we will have a children's birthday party here, in the fresh air in the lap of nature and at the same time 2 steps from the house.

DIY playground No. 9 from Marina Sigaeva

My name is Marina. My son's name is Igorek, on August 2 he will be 2 years old. In addition, I was entrusted with my niece and goddaughter Tanya (4.5 years old) for the summer. These are our happy players)

And the children's playground, photos of which I willingly share, appeared only 2 months ago. All photos are “live”, nothing was specially embellished, nothing was cleaned up, everything is as is.
We call it nothing other than “A Million Children’s Delights”!!!

Judge for yourself. We were limited in funds and space, but we wanted everything for the children at once. In addition, the age of children coming to the dacha ranges from one to 7 years. And everyone should be passionate! And the task was ambitious - “Make sure that children simply live on the street!”

Every detail was selected with pain, we even went to the plant in Dmitrov. And that's what we got! Swings, trampoline, slide, hammock, giant construction set, climbing frame, basketball, sandbox, water area with a pool and Montessori water games, sandbox, benches in the shade for adults, playhouses and even a “green” puppet theater!

On site we conduct:

  1. /sports tales(with ropes, hoops, balls, net, punching bag, etc.)
  2. (sand, buckets of water, pebbles and other dacha joys)
  3. We develop thinking and imagination (we build from a construction set a house, a car, a table and chairs - whatever your heart desires)
  4. We dramatize fairy tales + finger theater on stage (see photo), and just play!

Let me tell you right away that we spent about 45 thousand rubles. This is a lot. But when you compare what manufacturers of ready-made solutions offer for this money and what we did for our children, the difference will be obvious. We made it entirely with our own hands (it took about a week) - a sandbox, hemp chairs, a bench. We leveled the area, concreted it and laid out a puzzle covering, delivered and assembled the slide, trampoline, climbing frame, and varnished all the wooden elements.

I would like to tell you a lot of details, but I won’t drag it out. The main find is - don’t buy a ready-made house! They will never get tired of the house that children build themselves from construction sets!!! Don't consider it an advertisement. I'm just a fan and I recommend it to everyone.

Many ideas will be implemented later. There are many options with old tires and logs. Functionally, the site turned out to be much more advanced than visually. But it won’t rust behind us, we’ll decorate it!

And we have already achieved our main goal. The children even eat on the table they built and sleep in a hammock =) So from morning to evening we are outside getting healthier and enjoying life!
Here's a “Million Pleasures”!

DIY playground No. 10 from Albina, Yaroslavl

My name is Albina, my daughter is Katerinka, she is 1 year 7 months old. We are from Yaroslavl, a small children’s playground was “created” at our dacha this summer, so we decided to take part in the competition. They decided to place the site behind the bathhouse, because the bathhouse is protected from the wind and in the afternoon, just when the sun is at its hottest, shade forms there.

So the first participant in the creation of the site emerged - our grandfather, who built the bathhouse :). The beds begin behind the bathhouse, it’s very convenient: I’m in the beds, Katerina is playing on the playground - we both see each other, both are calm :). The next participant in the creation of the site is our grandmother. She made the biggest sacrifice - she had to move two whole of her flower beds from this place :) In addition to her grandparents, our dad and I, of course, had a hand and head in creating the site:)

Now let's get serious ;)

What we have on the playground: there is a sandbox, there is a swing and rings, there are stump walkers. There is also a climbing frame and a slide, but this is no longer our doing :)


This is a huge wheel from some kind of truck (I’m even afraid to imagine its size, looking only at the wheel). Grandfather got it somewhere. Our dad diligently carried sand into the sandbox, and mom (that is, me :)) painted it.

Swings and rings

The swing and rings hang on a piece of iron, which once was a stand for some spare parts in my grandfather’s store. Grandfather prudently did not throw her away and now she has found a second life. Dad dug it in securely, hung swings and rings, and I painted it with small flowers to make it look more fun.


The stumps: “walkers - climbing frames - jumping ropes - climbing frames” were picked up, treated with some kind of disinfectants and dug in by dad, painted, as usual, by me. They were lying in our old woodpile, we got them from the previous owners. The stumps are dug in at different heights, but the difference between neighboring stumps is not very large, they gave Katya a discount for her age :) An improvised table and two chairs were also made from stumps.

Total our costly team:

  • grandfather - supplier;
  • grandmother is a landscape designer who was forced to make room;
  • dad is a builder, designer, the main driving force;
  • Mom, that is, I am a painter - decorator, ideological inspirer and so, give orders;)
  • Katerina is a happy owner.

What Katya does on the set:

  • : we bake Easter cakes, stand castles, cook shortbread porridge.
  • The swings and rings also serve their purpose, I really like them.
  • Stumps are walkers: we walk on them, jump on them, climb over them, sit on them. Toys sit on them and end up here.
  • Easter cakes from the sandbox, we have fun sweeping up the stumps, pouring water on them, and rolling balls and cars on them.
  • Katya doesn’t perceive the table and chairs as furniture; she jumps all over them like she does on other stumps.

In addition to Katya, moles have taken a fancy to the playground and create mini-sandboxes for us. Katya loves to dig in their earthen mounds; the soil there is so crumbly, steeper than sand. Well done moles, they are trying :)

This is the kind of playground we have. I still have a lot of ideas, I hope to implement something else this summer, as long as supplies and labor don’t let me down :)

DIY playground No. 11 from Natalia Mylnikova

The real decoration of our dacha is my mother. She brings beauty there.

Dad made two swings for the children himself. I assembled one simply from sticks and boards and Soviet abacus, and the others - I sawed out horses and made swings and scales. The horses in the photo turned out whitish. They are actually more brightly colored.

The only thing we don’t have at our dacha is a sandbox. It is not needed there, because our soil is sandy and you can play with sand anywhere.

The workbench actually stands a little to the side, under a canopy, but for the sake of beauty I photographed it here.
The boy loves to call his work phone, buzz with a drill, twist, hammer...
There are also crayons, paints and (attention, I’m sharing a secret!) an album with wallpaper samples.
We were given these outdated catalogs from last year in December at a local hardware store.
Their sheets are made of durable non-woven fabric, and the theme is children's.
We’ve been making crafts for six months now, drawing on them, and there’s no end in sight to the album!

DIY playground No. 13 from Olga Kazunetkina, St. Petersburg

Our “platform” is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Street: , rocking horse and slide.
  2. Attic: swing, gymnastics rings, hanging shuttlecock (to hit it with a racket) and a toy rocket house with balls.

This, in my opinion, is the optimal solution - to divide the site into a “street-house”, because the weather in St. Petersburg is not particularly pleasing to us. We spend a lot of time in the attic.

On the one hand, I would, of course, like to do something on a larger scale with my own hands (I saw good examples), but, on the other hand, we already have enough, and then we have a reason to run through the neighboring dachas, look at their playgrounds and meet the children, and our dacha is located in a village where there are several municipal playgrounds. So Dimka has an incentive to walk there.

The playground has everything you need for children's games, but the veranda has not been updated for a very long time. I love to draw and, in my opinion, I’m a little good at it, so I suggested not just painting the veranda, but drawing something. Remembering what the children studied during the school year, I decided to draw. It turned out to be two in one: bright pictures and a guide to consolidate the material covered.

And finally Fairy tale "About the sad veranda."

In one kindergarten, once upon a time there lived a small playground and it had a nondescript, sad veranda. She was so sad that the children playing nearby also began to feel sad. And there was a sad veranda, because a long time ago a sorceress bewitched it green.

She decided that all the verandas in her garden would be only green. And then one day, when the summer holidays arrived, not indifferent parents came to the playground. They waved the magic brush once, winter appeared, waved it a second time - spring, the third time - summer, the fourth time autumn appeared. Thus, on the playground, a veranda with the seasons appeared, bright, light and cheerful.

Now our veranda decorates the playground, and gives children smiles and good mood. And anyone who passes by must stop and look at our veranda. And the sorceress ordered the other verandas to be bewitched too.

DIY playground No. 15 from Svetlana Bardina, Saransk

Hello! My name is Svetlana. My husband Oleg and I decided to take part in a competition for homemade playgrounds. After all, when the competition was announced, the construction of our site was in full swing.
We have three wonderful children: Roman, 14 years old, Lev, 5 years old, and Maria, she recently turned one year old. We live in Saransk. Our site is located in a small country village.

My idea of ​​organizing a playground for my daughter’s birthday was happily supported by my husband and sons. Initially, we wanted to purchase a ready-made mini-site, but then our dad decided to do everything with his own hands. “What is done with love and warmth is always better,” he said. “Especially since I have such wonderful assistants,” he added, meaning Roma and Leva.

And the work did not take long to arrive. My husband designed the structure, purchased boards and timber, and our men began construction. We worked every evening: sawing, sanding, assembling, painting. And besides, it was necessary to prepare the site in advance: level it, dig it up, sow grass, and then weed it out.

We finished it in a month, just in time for July 5th, Mashenka’s birthday. There were a lot of children, the older guys liked the big slide and basketball hoop, the kids played in the sandbox, rode on the swings, splashed in the pool, and then fell asleep in the hammock.

There is a lot of greenery around the children's area, apple trees, birch trees, and linden trees. All this creates useful shade, and you don’t have to be afraid that the children will “burn” in the sun.
Now every day children from all over the village come to play with us. We are very happy about this.
Of course, there is still a lot to be done on our playground: paint the house inside, decorate the outside, make a small slide for kids, make a table with a bench for children and much more, as much as your imagination allows. But the main thing is that a start has already been made, and there is a great desire to continue this magnificent undertaking.
The most wonderful thing is that this big cause unites our family, makes it stronger, more friendly and stronger.

The voting results have been summed up , and we managed to choose the most handicraft and creative parents who spare no time and effort to create a miracle with their own hands for their kids. At first I was going to independently determine the first place, but when I saw the voting results, I was pleasantly surprised - this time my opinion coincided with the opinion of the majority. Therefore, I am pleased to present to you the winners of the DIY playground competition:

1 place. Competition work No. 3. Svetlana Yakovenko and Veronica
2nd place. Competition work No. 6. Maria Tragaryuk and two daughters - Yaroslava and Radmila
3rd place. Competition entry No. 8. Fedorova Maria and daughter Margarita

Congratulations to the winners! Information about prizes will be sent to you within 48 hours.

I thank all the other participants once again and admire your ideas and their creative implementation! You guys are great! Thank you for the clear example and inspiration!

The dacha is a popular place for relaxation and family leisure. Most often, such houses are located outside the city and here you can relax from the bustle of the city, problems, breathe fresh air and enjoy the proximity of nature. It's a good place to spend time with friends and acquaintances. But the dacha is a place where children also spend their summer holidays. And it is necessary to create special conditions for them to play and have fun. How to do this effectively and quite economically?

It is quite difficult to tear modern children away from watching TV, computer games, tablets or mobile phones. Playing on the street is no longer prestigious. That is why it is worth trying hard to entice your child to play in the garden in the fresh air. This must be something really exciting! And therefore, try to create on your summer cottage playground.

Children's playgrounds for dachas are a whole world for a child. Here you can run, jump, swing on a rope, climb a wall bars, slide down a slide and swing on a swing. These activities will become doubly interesting if you invite friends along. Do something nice for your child - create him a gift with your own hands! And the first step in achieving this goal will be choosing a location for the children's playground and selecting materials.

Safety precautions and location selection

Playgrounds for summer cottages must first of all be reliable. This factor largely depends on the parents, and therefore the playground should be located in direct visibility of adults. This way you can control everything that happens on the playground and with your child.

Make sure that in the location of the children's playground, electricity and electrical appliances, as well as various communications, are not accessible to children. Do not locate the playground on the shore of a pond - this may pose a threat to your children. Children's playgrounds for summer cottages should be well lit in the evening, but during the day it is advisable to create some shade so that children are protected from direct sunlight.

Material selection

The most popular material for children's supplies is wood. This product is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, practical to use and can be used to make many interesting things.

Wooden playgrounds for a summer residence are an opportunity to give free rein to your imagination and creativity, as well as to please your children with a pleasant hand-made gift. In order to organize everything well, first create a project on paper, then you will be able to see the final result of your enterprise.

Components of a playground

The design of a children's playground at the dacha depends on the age of the children who will play on it. This could be a sandbox, swings, climbing ladders, slides, various kinds of carousels - everything that will enable children to play actively and enjoy the game. Here are the most important components of a playground that you can make with your own hands.

This is one of the main elements of a children's playground. Its creation should be approached responsibly. If you follow all the rules and measurements, achieving this goal will not be difficult.


Treat your kids to a fun activity, but don't forget about safety when creating a slide. The wooden surface must be well processed, there should be no roughness or splinters on it, and the slide itself must be sufficiently stable and durable.

For older children, from 6 years old, you can install a children's sports complex. It may include ladders, parallel bars, rings, and swings. Everything is at your discretion.

When creating a children's playground for your dacha with your own hands, remember that all work must be done efficiently, because the safety and health of your children depends on it. Who will spend their time here.

The wood must be sanded, painted, and the nails driven in well. Do not create structures with sharp corners or protruding parts. Well, the last point is the covering for the playgrounds at the dacha. It can be different depending on the situation and your preferences: sand, lawn grass, artificial turf made from synthetic materials. They are safe, environmentally friendly, comfortable and soft. The child is not injured even if he falls on such a covering.

A high-quality children's playground is an opportunity for your child to develop properly, maintain the necessary physical shape and lead healthy image life. All this will stimulate the full development of the growing body, and the child will be able to enjoy fun games with friends in summer period in the country.

Photos of various playgrounds

A children's playground, made with your own hands from improvised materials together with your child, will be a useful and interesting acquisition, and the photos below for making it in the country will help you with this.

A playground for children to spend time at the dacha plays a role both in the development of children and is used for the older generation - older teenagers, youth and parents. The advantage of a well-equipped playground for children is that the child is under constant supervision, although he does his own things.

A children's playground at the dacha can be made from improvised materials

By creating a playground for your child, you provide him with a personal place where he is the master. Although his presence on it happens before your eyes.

The sandbox at the dacha can be decorated interestingly with stumps

By arranging a place for children, you let them feel your care and love, as well as show off your own skills. You can teach them to your child.

Having your child on the playground will allow you to take care of personal matters. And the child, using the devices independently, will develop imagination and intuition. Invite friends over and, without disturbing you, play and communicate with them, and feel the status of the owner..

The functional purpose of the site for children's development is the employment and development of the child. There are a lot of variations of elements for this.

Probably all of them who are now adults built huts, climbing frames, and swings in childhood, although not everyone had enough experience and skills for this.

A car on the playground made from old tires, attributes of an old car, will really appeal to the boys

Today it is possible to fully realize children's fantasies... Although it is worth consulting with the child about his desires.

Don’t think about technical perfection, make your childhood dreams and desires come true as best you can, using available materials. This will allow the playground to be attractive, but also to engage in interesting activities together with the child.

Important! Selection of devices for creation play area primarily depends on the age of the child.

For young children, the sandbox is primarily important. This is the least time- and material-consuming place for children to play.

The sandbox is very easy to install. To do this, you just need a few boards to enclose the area chosen for the sandbox and the sand itself.

A simple sandbox can be made from boards

It is worth taking care of sun protection by installing either a traditional mushroom or a canopy.

To prevent the child from overheating, it is better to build a sandbox with a canopy

Which will require a pole at least 1.5 meters high and 4 wooden triangles, together they will cover almost the entire space of the sandbox.

You can also use options for canopies made of fabric.

The sandbox canopy can be made of fabric

For young children, an ordinary car tire can be an option for fencing a sandbox.

A simple sandbox for kids can be made from a tire

Tires are also well used for making swings.

Tires make great swings

For this version of the swing you will need the following materials:

  • tire with a radius of 14 or more;
  • boards: 4 x 50 centimeters and 1 x 34.2 centimeters;
  • iron tube 34.2 centimeters long.
  • Cementing mixture placed in the tire.
  • A board at least 1.5 meters long.

The mechanism for adapting the pipe and the wooden product is also shown in the figure.

Car tires are a universal material for the manufacture of many devices for children's activities.

An example of a swing, as well as an option for using car tires to make various jumping ropes and climbing frames, is shown in the photo.

Jumping bars are often made from tires by half-burying the tires in the sand.

For physical development Your child needs exercise equipment for the vestibular apparatus; they can be made from either wheels or logs. It all depends on the availability of the necessary materials.

Also interesting option The physical development of the child is the installation of a climbing wall.

DIY A-shaped climbing wall for children

For its manufacture, the ideal option is an A-shaped wall, which can be moved if necessary.

Two frames are made from beams connected at the top with bolts. It is advisable to cover it with carpet or similar suitable material.

Grips will be required for support. These can be cobblestones collected by children, firmly glued to the wall, or they can also be purchased in specialized stores. It is advisable to attach them with bolts for greater safety.

In addition to tires, any broken piece of furniture can be used to make swings - chairs, benches and even a skateboard.

The swing seat can be made from an old chair

We make a rocking skate by removing the wheels and making holes in the surface for the rope.

Thread the rope through the surface of the skateboard.

In order for a child to confidently stay on a swing, handles are needed. We make them from two sticks.

The knots should not be tightened too tightly so that they can be adjusted if necessary. After attaching the swing to a tree branch or pole, check its strength, safety and functionality yourself.

Also, a fun element for children is a slide, which can be used not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

Do-it-yourself slide in the country

To make it, you will need boards treated from roughness so that there is no possibility of planting a splinter.

A swimming pool is a fairly necessary element in summer. The easiest way to purchase it is in a store and install it in the shade. Although doing the work of installing a pool independently, together with the children, will be remembered for a long time and will last for a long time.

This will require additional knowledge and skills, but believe me, it's worth it.

Digging a pit and a drainage hole, attaching hoses to fill water - all these activities will teach your child engineering skills, and he or she may show interest in them in the future.

In addition to exercise equipment for physical development, places for quiet games are needed. These are gazebos or all kinds of houses, including, if necessary, with labyrinths.

Children's houses can be purchased in stores or built independently. An artfully landscaped structure can also be an option for a gazebo.

In addition to various equipment for children, you can come up with various calmer and stationary games. An example is tic-tac-toe. For which a regular stump is used. Or just various hemp for gatherings

An excellent option is to combine many elements into one, which will significantly save installation space.

Another unique, although less durable, are carton boxes, from them you can make various structures for children of any gender, both with rooms and towers.

It's very easy to make a house out of a box

Choosing a place to install a playground on a personal plot

One example of the distribution of devices on a playground for children is a clearly separated area for full visibility.

Important! It is necessary to separate children's areas and planting areas so as not to worry about children trampling them.

The playground equipment itself may vary in the number of installed items. Although such scarcity is not the best option.

An interesting example is the installation of more devices:

  1. The sandbox is normal;
  2. Jung's sandbox, this is like a version of sand therapy
  3. Swing;
  4. Bench;
  5. Parasol;
  6. Tent;
  7. Table with chair;
  8. Inflatable pool;
  9. Place (bucket) for small toys.

A table and chair made from hemp would be a good option for a playground.

In such an area, a child, alone or together with parents, grandmothers or a group of children, can spend the whole day in the fresh air. Here he can play noisy and quiet games, take water treatments or engage in similar activities that are beneficial to him.

Additional decorations for the playground

A playground for children is made from various items and complemented with interesting decorations for a more varied pastime. These can be any cartoon or real characters: bees, butterflies, mushrooms, as well as cars, ships.

From the usual plastic bottles, of which there are many still in use, you can create many interesting things, such as trees, animals and many fun crafts.

Also, your imagination will allow you to adapt any pieces of wood or logs to create jewelry. Which will be unique in their appearance, because you realize your fantasies, even using the examples of other people.

Let's present a video showing a lot of options for decorating a playground.

When arranging a playground for children, it is worth considering the convenience of the location of all the elements prepared for installation in the chosen place. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the child and the possibility of replacing elements as he grows up. A sandbox required by a child aged 2–5 years is no longer relevant for a twelve-year-old boy or girl. Although swings are in demand by children of any age, and even young people, for evening gatherings.

There are a lot of variations of playground elements that you can make with your own hands. Some of the necessary elements will have to be purchased in the store, but most often everything is at hand.

All installed structures must be discussed with the child and it is advisable to make them together with him, taking into account, accordingly, the child’s physical fitness, character and temperament, and the desired direction of their development.

Much, in this case, depends on the income of the family and its composition. Men's and female hands and the skills of an adult will be required to create an interesting and functional playground for a child. This will be a decisive factor influencing the choice of the number and technological features of elements.

The most important thing in arranging a playground is the desire of children and parents to jointly create a functional, interesting space for children to spend time. When installed with stationary options made of durable materials, it will serve well for perhaps more than one generation of children.

How to decorate a children's playground - interesting ideas

Do-it-yourself children's playground using improvised materials at the dacha 46 photos:

Children's playgrounds in the country - photo ideas for inspiration

If you have children, then be sure to arrange a playground for them at your dacha with your own hands. The play space will be the children’s favorite place to be, where they can feel like they’re in charge, feel responsible for their property, and just play without interfering with your dacha business.

Thus, a children's play corner or playground will be an opportunity for you to realize your creative ideas, plus win additional sympathy from your child.

Children's playground - fort with slide

In today's selection, I would like to introduce you to interesting ideas for playgrounds that you can make yourself with your children. By involving your child in construction, you develop his skills in handling tools and thinking.

Children's playground with sandbox

Children's playground with sandbox

A unique version of a children's play area for growth - while the child is small, he will study in the sandbox, in the shade under the house. Then, when he grows up, it will be possible to send him upstairs, first under the supervision of adults, and then on his own.

Platform made of stumps and branches

Children's playground made of wood

If you happen to have an old tree on your property that needs to be uprooted, it can be used as a base for a children's playground. Children love to climb trees, this way you can develop hand motor skills; such a playground will always be in demand for your child. This design can also be used as an element of a larger site.

Playground option with swings

Children's playground with swings and house

An interesting version of a children's playground with a house, swings and a sandbox. The house is located next to the border of the site, near the fence, behind which there is a forest. This is an interesting adventure for a child; he will have the opportunity to have his own secluded corner for games, and even watch the surroundings, looking out of the window of the house. Optionally, you can make one swing and a climbing rope next to it.

Children's playground for games in the country

Another one interesting idea playgrounds with a house, swings, a sandbox under the house and a plastic slide.

Playground made from old pallets

Playground made from pallets

Even from pallets you can make a very beautiful house with your child. In the future, it can be painted and it will be in no way inferior to other houses. The main value of the building for the child will be that he took part in its construction.

Children's playhouse - drawings and plans

How to make a baby playhouse at the dacha with your own hands

If you want to make a children's playhouse at your dacha, I offer a drawing and plans for its construction. A house with a slide, a sandbox and a swing made from a car tire. All dimensions are given in centimeters and inches. By building a children's playground, you are guaranteed to have free time, and your children will always be busy.

Playhouse size plan - top view

Playhouse drawing - view of side A and side B

Drawing of a children's playhouse from side A with a wall installed

Drawing of the playhouse from side B

Plan drawing of a children's playhouse, view from side C

Plan drawing of a playhouse for children in the country - view from side D

Drawing of the floor in a children's playhouse

Step-by-step guide to building a playhouse for children

Children's playground with sandbox and slide near the terrace

Children's playground with sandbox and slide

You can make a corner for a children's playground near the terrace, providing it with a slide and a sandbox. If you are concerned about your children overheating, you can additionally make a canopy over the sandbox.

Natural playground

Natural playground on a slope

An interesting solution is a natural playground with a slide on a slope. A good option for areas with a slope.

Children's playgrounds in the shape of a ship

Children's playhouse ship

An interesting children's playground - the ship will bring the spirit of the seas and wanderings to your site. There is an adventurer in every man and boy, so such a structure will be received with a bang by the male half.

Children's playhouse ship

Children's playground - gym

Children's playground gym

The children's playground can also be equipped with sports elements. In the photo we see a playhouse with a climbing wall, a rope, a horizontal bar, rings and a net. Children will have fun and develop physically.

Children's playhouse under the terrace

Playhouse for children

If your terrace allows it, you can build a playhouse under it. Children will be able to play literally under your feet, and you can always keep an eye on them.

How to make a playground next to your house

Children's playground in front of the house

Another interesting idea for a children's playground in front of the house, next to the terrace. There is a slide and a sandbox and even a playhouse.

Children's playground with canopy

A beautiful, comfortable playground with a canopy to protect from the sun. The house has a slide, a sandbox, and a play area with furniture.

Bright do-it-yourself playground

Children's playhouse for the garden

By painting the children's playground in bright colors you will add positive mood and emotions. Don't be afraid to use open, strong colors - kids love it!

Simple wooden playground

I also offer budget options for designing a children's playground made of wood at the dacha. Using winding branches you can create an original children's play area.

Simple Wooden Playground for Children

Children's playground tree house

Another interesting and creative idea- children's tree house. Even adults would be happy to sit in such a house, if, of course, the children allow it... A similar structure can be made even on an old fruit tree, or on a tree next to the site, if there is a forest nearby.

How to make a tree house

Children's playhouse on a tree

Even if your tree is simple, without twisting branches, you can mount a platform on it and build a house.

Installation of a platform for a tree house

The photo shows the process of building a site for a tree house. The frame is mounted on two boards, and a safety pin is made under the boards. The design is quite strong and reliable; additionally, you can make fastenings from timber in the corners.

How to make your own playground

Children's playground in the form of a tractor

Of course, you should be realistic and not immediately take on any grandiose projects; sometimes a simple sandbox with a house or a canopy is enough. There are many ideas for children's playgrounds and you can find something that suits your needs.

Simple children's play area

For example, this idea can be supplemented with a sandbox from below and children will be able to play even during the day - the sun will not shine on them. The structure is built quickly and easily.

Children's playground - a universal option

This children's playground is universal - it has a playhouse, a sandbox, ladders, a net, swings and many levels to climb. One such building on the site will keep your child occupied for the whole day, and at night your treasure will sleep without hind legs, having played enough and run around.

Children's play space in the country

I hope that you liked the presented ideas for playground projects and that you chose something for yourself and your child. A playground made with your own hands will delight your baby, give you moments of peace, and decorate empty corners in your dacha.

Beautiful children's playhouse

Design option for a children's playground in a country house or country house

A children's playground is an integral attribute of any dacha or private home if children live in it. Buying a swing, sandbox and other attributes is a rather expensive process. It is much cheaper to build a playground with your own hands. We’ll look further at how to quickly and inexpensively build a playground with your own hands from available materials.

Do-it-yourself design and diagram of a playground

The first and main rule of constructing a playground is to design it in such a way that the playground is a reliable and, most importantly, safe place for children to relax. In addition, when choosing a place to set up a playground, focus on an area with good visibility for adults.

Also, the presence of electrical appliances, wires, and various sharp objects on the playground is unacceptable. The playground should not be located near ponds or swimming pools.

Try to have shade from the trees on the playground during the day, and in the evening it is well lit. The place for arranging the site should be level, it is advisable to arrange a sand cushion on it, which will reduce the risk of injury to children if they fall.

When choosing materials for building a site, we recommend choosing wood. This product is environmentally safe, harmless, lightweight and practical. In addition, wood is easy to process, so it can be used to construct almost any design part. Having painted wooden crafts in different colors, you will be able to get an aesthetically attractive playground.

We recommend that you initially create drawings of playgrounds with your own hands on paper. The project must indicate all dimensions of each element located on the site. In addition, it is necessary to determine the safe angle of inclination of the slide and its height.

DIY playground: photos and ideas

The choice of design for a playground should be compared with the age of the children and the individual characteristics of the area in which it will be built. Most often, the main components of any playground are a sandbox, a slide and a swing. In addition, you can also add slides, a children's playhouse, and a carousel. In general, all components of the playground should be interesting for children to play.

The most important element of any playground is the sandbox. Its creation must be approached with special responsibility. When choosing the size of the sandbox, you should take into account the number of children who will play in it. If the area is not in the shade, then it is preferable to make a sandbox with protection from sunlight. And if you have pets, such as dogs, then it is better to build a lid on the sandbox that will close it at night and during the winter.

Any child will be delighted to have a slide on the playground. However, this element must be especially safe. The slide must have handrails installed to prevent the child from falling. The steps should be designed in such a way that the baby can easily climb them. The angle of the slide itself should not be too sharp, as the baby may fall off it. At the bottom of the slide, you should come up with protection that slows down the child a little during the descent.

If the slide is made of wood, then thoroughly sand the surface and treat it with special compounds that will rid this material of roughness. The main qualities of a good slide are stability, strength and safety.

Try to ensure that there are no sharp corners or loose nails on the structures. It is necessary to cover wooden structures only with environmentally friendly materials. It is preferable to use sand or lawn grass to cover the site. An excellent option is to cover the site with synthetic artificial turf. Under no circumstances should the playground be built on a concrete foundation.

Technology for constructing a playground in the garden with your own hands: making a sandbox

When choosing a place to install a sandbox, consider the following requirements:

  • the place where it is installed must be open to parents;
  • It is not recommended to install a sandbox under a tree, as leaves and various debris will fall into it;
  • make sure you have protection from direct sunlight;
  • Calculate the size of the sandbox so that children can fit in it freely.

When choosing the shape of a sandbox, it is best to give preference to a square. This structure is easily constructed from wood. When choosing wood, choose pine, as this material tolerates moisture, temperature changes and solar radiation well. In addition, the resin found in wood has an antimicrobial effect.

The standard size of a sandbox, convenient for several children to play, is 200 by 200 cm. Initially, care should be taken to prepare the area for the sandbox. To mark, you will need a cord and pegs. After marking, you need to remove upper layer soil, approximately 20 cm.

Next, you should prepare the base for filling the sand. It is best to cover the bottom of the sandbox with dense material, since mixing sand with soil will lead to a loss of its attractiveness. A sand cushion about 5 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the sandbox. Next, geotextile material or plastic tiles should be laid on the bottom of the sandbox.

Please note that the use of polyethylene is unacceptable, since after rain moisture will accumulate inside the sandbox, which will not allow the sand to dry out. Geotextile materials, in turn, easily allow moisture to pass through, but do not allow insects and spiders to pass from the soil into the sand.

When using film or plywood, it is recommended to install drainage holes in them. At the corners of the structure, a frame of 5x5 cm thick beams should be installed. To treat the parts, use an antiseptic, and it is recommended to treat those fragments of the sandbox that will come into contact with the soil with resin or bitumen.

To cover each side of the sandbox, make pine boards. At the same time, it is recommended to choose boards 25 mm thick and about thirty centimeters wide.

Please note that there should be no knots or burrs of any kind on the surface of the wood; it must be well sanded. For greater convenience for children while playing, we recommend building sides on the sandbox. They will serve not only as an additional seat, but also as a showcase for various types of sand structures.

As an additional convenience, you can build a lid on the sandbox that will protect it not only from rain, but also from debris and pets. To make the lid, you should build a shield from the same boards, which is fixed on additional bars and hinges. Please note that even a child should be able to open the doors, so do not make the lid massive.

DIY playground photo:

It is possible to equip the sandbox with an awning or a shelter in the form of a fungus, for example. These structures will also protect the sandbox from moisture. In order to build a fungal leg, you will need a beam with a cross-section of 10x10 cm. In order for the leg to be stable, it is buried in the ground at least 80 cm. To treat parts in contact with the soil, use hot bitumen or resin.

Next, you should purchase sand for playing in the sandbox. We recommend choosing the river version. This sand contains practically no foreign inclusions. However, any sand must be sifted before being placed in the sandbox.

There are special varieties of sand with a high clay content. It is easier to sculpt castles and other structures from them. However, the cost of such sand is more expensive.

DIY playground: building a slide

In order to make your own wooden slide, you will need:

  • four wooden beams, dimensions 10x10x60 cm;
  • one beam 50x50x80 cm;
  • three standard floor boards, 6 m long;
  • five boards measuring 4x13x60 cm;
  • two slats with a round cross-section;
  • two sheets of fiberboard and wood paneling used in the finishing process;
  • fasteners and screws.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare tools such as a hammer, screwdriver, grinder, electric drill, plane, saw, level, tape measure, wood cutting machines, etc.

Instructions for making a playground from wood with your own hands:

1. Initially, you need to create a plan for the slide. The project should indicate the specific dimensions of each part. You can use ready-made slide drawings.

2. In accordance with the drawing, the wood is sawn into individual parts. Logs must be sanded and planed. Bevel the wooden parts to avoid injury to children.

4. Make a 65 cm deepening in the ground. Coat the wooden parts of the tree that are installed in the ground with waterproofing mastic or resin.

5. Use a router to make grooves in the posts. The depth of the grooves should be at least 2 cm. Use grooves to connect supports and boards. To tighten the boards, use bolts with self-tapping screws. The result is a frame structure.

6. Connect two wooden posts with grooves in them to the frame. In order to install the floor, you must use a floorboard.

7. Please note that a small gap must be left between the boards to compensate for the expansion of the wood as it gets wet. Use steel angles to connect the boards to the floor.

9. In order to build the frame, process the upper and lower parts of the slide using boards.

10. Sides are installed on the side, the height of which is about 30 cm. To finish the slope, a sheet of plastic, a sheet of galvanized steel or a linoleum coating is used.

12. In order to build a ladder for a slide, use wood 5 cm thick. Initially, build a stringer on which the steps will be fixed. Use self-tapping screws to secure the boards.

13. Install the ladder; use self-tapping screws and stands to secure it to the slide. Don't forget to strengthen the beams. Next, the baluster is installed on the stairs; its height is about half a meter. Install railings on it. Their installation is mandatory.

14. Install plywood or fiberboard walls at the bottom of the slide. They are fixed in groove joints. The presence of a parapet will protect the child from accidental falls. You should also install a roof on the slide; it will protect the kids from the sun in hot weather.

How to decorate a playground with your own hands

In the process of designing a playground, it is not necessary to use expensive purchased materials. A few cans of bright paint and available materials are enough. If you have old tires, plastic bottles, toys made of rubber and plastic, wheels lying around at home, then you can use all these elements to decorate the playground with your own hands.

Let's start with the sandbox. In order to give it an unusual and non-standard appearance, arrange sides on it that have different heights. It is possible to use an old tire as a bead for a sandbox. At the same time, it needs to be decorated with different colors.

If the sandbox has a lid, decorate it with paints. At the same time, you can decorate the playground in a certain theme, for example, in the form of a ship, forest, flower bed or garden.

If there is a house on the playground, its walls are painted different colors. The discs can be used as mirrors or paintings. Install a table and chairs in the house so that children can relax and have tea. If you have old curtains lying around in your closet, feel free to hang them in your home. Place artificial flowers on the windowsills. Girls will especially like this design.

The option of construction on the machine site is possible. To make its frame, use old boards, and the wheels will be old tires. A seat and a toy or real steering wheel should be installed inside. To make the car happy for the kids, decorate it in their favorite color.

To add palm trees to your playground, build them from plastic bottles. If you have old stumps, build paths from them. Using old tires, you can make garden figures for the playground in the form of swans, frogs, a wolf and a hare.

Try to ensure that each element of the playground performs a specific developmental and educational function. It’s enough to show a little imagination and a playground made by yourself will become bright, beautiful and sunny.