Since ancient times, Crimea was a multi-ethnic territory. Since the late 18th and early 19th centuries, due to a number of historical events, representatives of various peoples of the Northern Black Sea region began to arrive on the peninsula, who contributed to the development of economic and cultural life. Each ethnic group brought its own uniqueness to the life of Crimea. The history of Crimea shows that the multinational population of Crimea is characterized by the presence of friendly ethnic communities of different nationalities, the unity of economic, social and cultural interests. A person of any nationality is proud of his ethnic origin. Language, beliefs, clothing, holidays, songs, cuisine help him maintain a special connection with the past of his people. Preservation and development of spiritual, cultural and folk traditions associated with the disclosure of the optimal capabilities of the people. Traditions and customs of nationalities are developing, they are diverse and interesting. The church introduced some features without changing the essence. Many customs and rituals of the calendar cycle became part of the traditions of the people and became elements of their life.

This calendar presents some ethnic groups living in Crimea. Their peaceful, harmonious coexistence is possible thanks to an amazing means called dialogue or polylogue of cultures. Many customs and rituals of the calendar cycle became part of the traditions of peoples and became elements of their way of life. Our ancestors knew how one holiday differs from another, they knew how to celebrate them, how to decorate and accompany them. Visits to religious institutions played an important role in the celebration. Numerous rituals also existed outside of religion. A person who is not interested in the history of his people will never understand or be imbued with respect for the history of another people.

Used literature and sources:

In the Crimean ass [Text]: Virmeni. Bulgarians. Greeks. Germans. Ukrainians / ed. T.A. Salista-Grigoryan. - Simferopol: DIAPI, 2007. - 208 p. : ill. - In Bulgaria. — verm. - Greek — nim. - grew up - Ukrainian m.

Crimea inflorescence of national cultures [Text]: traditions, customs, holidays, rituals / comp. M.V. Malysheva. - Simferopol: Business-Inform, 2003 - . Book 1. - 2003. - 392 p.

Peoples of Crimea [Text]: exhibition from the collection of the Russian Ethnographic Museum / Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, Crimean ethnographical museum. - St. Petersburg: Slavia, 2014. - 36 p. : ill., maps.

Vol. first: Peoples of Crimea. - 1995. - 82 p.

Through the centuries [Text]: in 2 volumes. - Simferopol: Crimean Academy of Humanities, 1995 - 1996.
Vol. second: Peoples of Crimea. - 1996. - 88 p.

Polyakov, V. Crimea. The fate of nations and people [Text]: monograph / V. Polyakov. — Simferopol: [b. i.], 1998. - 272 p. (Date of access: 03/27/2018)

Noskova, I. Crimean Bulgarians: historical and ethnographic essay [Text] / Inna Noskova; [rec.: A. A. Nepomnyashchy, G. N. Kondratyuk]. — Simferopol: State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Media Center named after. I. Gasprinsky", 2016. - 312 p. : ill.

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Holiday traditions in culture Crimean Tatars

The concept of "culture of life", national characteristics of everyday culture . Crimean Tatars


    National characteristics
    Life and culture of the Crimean Tatars
    Culinary traditions of Tatar cuisine
    Traditions of the holidays of the Crimean Tatars
    List of references

On our home planet there are a huge variety of different countries with its own traditions, customs And culture. The relationship between these cultures and people is sometimes quite strained and tense, since there are national characteristics that are individual to each people.
It is no secret that those traditions that are considered the norm for Europeans are completely unacceptable, for example, for the peoples of Asia. It is very important to understand the various subtleties that relate to culturaltraditions and characteristics of the peoples of the world. After all, failure to comply with etiquette traditions and the cultural heritage of a particular country can lead to various conflicts. Today it is very important that the peoples of the world preserve their traditions and not succumb to the influence of an omnipresent civilization. The uniqueness of an individual nation lies precisely in its cultural characteristics, which are unique to it.
So, I want to talk about the Crimean Tatars, let's start:

Crimean Tatars (Crimea. q?r?mtatarlar, units h. q?r?mtatar) or Crimeans (Crimea . q?r?mlar, units h. q?r?m) - people living inCrimea. They speak Crimean Tatar language , which belongs to the Turkic group of languages. There are 3 dialects: northern (steppe), middle and southern (in accordance with the past settlement of the Crimean Tatars); the latter was strongly influenced by the Turkish language.
They live mainly in Crimea (about 260 thousand) and also inTurkey , Bulgaria , Romania , Uzbekistan , Russia . The Crimean Tatar diaspora in Turkey is very large. The vast majority of Crimean Tatars areMuslims - Sunnis , belong to the Hanafimadhhab .
The name “Crimean Tatars” has remained in the Russian language since the times when almost all Turkic-speaking peoplesRussian Empire were called Tatars:Karachais (Mountain Tatars),Azerbaijanis (Transcaucasian or Azerbaijani Tatars),Khakassians (Abakan Tatars), etc. The Crimean Tatars themselves today use two self-names: q?r?mtatarlar(literally “krytatarlar”)

The education of moral qualities among Tatars is carried out by parents, who warn their children against actions condemned by society. Parents try to prevent their children from drinking alcohol and smoking. Drunkenness and smoking, which were not common among Tatars in the past, are condemned by the older generation. In villages to this day, men rarely dare to smoke in front of their elders.
In a Tatar family, the father is responsible for the education, mainly labor, of sons, and the mother is responsible for daughters. The mother is more often involved with young children, monitors the children’s studies, and is interested in relationships with friends. The father most often talks about various social, political, cultural, and sporting events.
Among the Tatars, relations between parents and children are still influenced by folk traditions and restraint of their feelings. It was believed that children should not be spoiled too much with attention, especially from their father. In many Tatar families (mainly in villages) a unique relationship was preserved: children turned to their mother with their suggestions or requests, and she, in turn, turned to her husband. In the modern family, the traditions of adult members supporting the authority of the father over the children have been preserved. Nevertheless, absolute dictate on the part of parents, especially the father, and unconditional obedience and subordination of children, characteristic of their relationships in traditional Tatar families, are replaced by relations of mutual respect and mutual interest on both sides. Children are involved in discussing various issues of family life, and parents and all adult family members participate in resolving issues relating to the fate of children.

National characteristics
The most important and most attractive feature of national culture is its amazing diversity, originality and uniqueness.
By developing the characteristics of its culture, a nation avoids imitation and humiliating copying, and creates its own forms of organizing cultural life. If a culture does not have a special, unique aroma, it is like a faceless person. Like any manifestation of individuality, the identity of national culture is enriched simultaneously with the general flourishing of the nation and confidence in its future place in world civilization.
Each national culture has its own fruits: spiritual gains and discoveries, its own dramas and tragedies, its own vision of the world.
Nowadays, when in different countries and continents
hundreds of thousands of people of different nationalities live, abandoned by fate far from their native places, progressive national culture is called upon, on behalf of those united by a common ethnic origin or cultural heritage, to connect their spiritual interests, preserve and support
national traditions.
It is quite natural and natural for people to strive to understand their unique national culture. The importance of national self-awareness is that it morally strengthens a person, awakens his interest in national history, his values ​​and traditions. Severance from national roots inevitably leads to national nihilism and spiritual impoverishment.
Recently, the concept of national patriotism has entered the public language. It must be approached with all attention and caution, remembering that love for the fatherland has always been a holy and pure feeling. At the same time, love for one’s nation cannot be turned into thoughtlessly fanatical deification, one cannot fetishize one’s nation as God’s chosen, “the smartest and most talented.” Any exaltation of one’s nation and one’s people at the expense of others is not patriotism, but national arrogance, covered by a patriotic sign. A universal principle that cannot be opposed
patriotism lies in the fact that a person, loving his nation and national culture, understands that another culture always has something valuable and necessary.

Life and culture of the Crimean Tatars

The main thing in the life of the nomadic population was cattle breeding. It provided milk, kumiss, meat, leather, wool, etc. Meat was never sold in the steppe, and travelers were fed free of charge according to the laws of hospitality. Milk and kumiss could not be taken out of the yurt at night.

Travelers from Muslim countries were amazed by the fact that Tatar women did not wear burqas and always had an open face - this was unthinkable in the countries of classical Islam. The inhabitants of the Crimean ulus had a vivid folklore of a heroic-epic, song nature, developed applied arts, crafts, and their own written language (Uyghur alphabet).

In Crimea there was a unique type of housing that the Mongols brought to Europe - a square-shaped building (maximum 6x6 m), always one-room with an extremely similar interior, a low U-shaped stove - a stove bench (kan) with two or three chimneys for heating the home. In Crimea, due to mild weather, such stoves heated only one wall of the house. During the day, the kan turned into a kind of furniture, where they sat with their legs crossed, spread out a tablecloth and laid out food, and at night, the kan became a sufa - a sofa and, covered with felt, carpets and blankets, served as a bed.

Crimean Tatar settlements and dwellings absorbed the richest building traditions of many ethnic groups that took part in its formation, primarily the Taurians, ancient and medieval Greeks, Goths, and Turkic peoples. The peculiarity of settlements and dwellings was also determined by differences in economic structures: settled agriculture and traditional cattle breeding.
Traditional settlements and dwellings of the Crimean Tatars had their own characteristics depending on the natural and climatic conditions and landscape of the Crimean Peninsula (mountains, foothills, coast, steppe).
The Crimean Tatar dwelling, created as a result of the complex historical past of Crimea, fully complied with local climatic conditions and basic requirements regarding air, light, and heat standards.
The surviving traditional settlements and dwellings of the Crimean Tatars must be taken under state protection, as well as a comprehensive scientific study of them must be carried out, because Their systematic destruction is still ongoing (destruction of the Crimean Tatar quarter in Alushta in 1990, bulldozing of an 18th century mosque in the village of Kuchyuk-Ozenbash, Bakhchisaray district in 1989, etc.).
It is necessary to restore Crimean Tatar place names in Crimea, which are part of the culture of the people and contain a wealth of material on their history and ethnogenesis.

When Islam became the religion of the Crimean ulus, monumental buildings of mosques, minarets, madrassas, durbe mausoleums and magnificent palaces for the nobility appeared. This architecture widely used decorations with glazed multi-colored ceramic tiles and gold leaf coating. Geometric patterns were combined with bright plant vignettes, garlands written in artistic fonts, texts from the Koran, poems, etc.

Culinary traditions of Tatar cuisine
The culinary traditions of Tatar cuisine have evolved over many centuries. While maintaining its originality, a lot in the kitchen changed: it was improved, enriched with new knowledge and products that the Tatars learned about from their neighbors
As a legacy from the Turkic tribes of the Volga Bulgaria period, Tatar cuisine included katyk, bal-may (butter with honey), kabartma (flatbread), dumplings and tea were borrowed from Chinese cuisine, pilaf, halva, sherbet from Uzbek cuisine, and from Tajik - pahleve. In turn, the experience of Tatar chefs was also in demand. Did you know that Russian chefs adopted the technology of frying food from the Tatars? In his book, William Pokhlebkin writes that at the court of Ivan the Terrible, fried dishes were prepared exclusively by Tatar cooks, because At that stage in Russian cuisine, the cooking process was reduced to boiling or baking in the oven.

Since ancient times, the Tatars have been engaged in settled agriculture and animal husbandry, which contributed to the predominance of flour and meat and dairy dishes in their food. Lamb has always been considered the favorite meat of the Tatars, although it did not occupy an exclusive position, like among the Kazakhs or Uzbeks. Along with it, they prepared dishes from beef, horse meat, and poultry meat (chickens, ducks and geese). The meat was eaten boiled, salted and dried, in the form of sausage (kazylyk). The recipe for kyzdyrma has survived virtually unchanged to this day.
Sweets are a special part of national cuisine. They occupy a separate place and play a special role in the life of the Crimean Tatar family. If meat, fish, and vegetable dishes in the family serve mainly for everyday food, for food, to preserve strength, then sweets are mainly festive food, used for receiving guests. With the help of sweets, the owners try to surprise their friends who come to the light.
Sweets among the Crimean Tatars are divided into two categories - everyday and festive. Everyday ones include solid lump sugar (katty sheker), various dried fruits (kurular), raisins (yuzyum kurusy), but sheker kyik, kurabye, baklava are usually prepared on holidays. Crimean Tatars usually celebrate special events and hold national and family holidays with these sweets.

Tatar cuisine also has its own food prohibitions. Thus, according to Sharia, it was forbidden to eat pig meat, as well as some birds, for example, falcon, swan - the latter were considered sacred. One of the main prohibitions concerns wine and other alcoholic beverages. The Koran notes that in wine, like in gambling, there is good and bad, but there is more of the former.

But probably the greatest variety in Tatar cuisine to this day exists in the recipe for baking from unleavened, yeast, butter, sour, and sweet dough. The symbol of prosperity and prosperity among the Tatars was bread - ikmek, which used to be baked for future use 2-3 times a week.
Crimean Tatar table etiquette had its own characteristics. So, for example, in the place of honor at the head of the table (ter), the head of the family, the father, sat next to him, the mother, then the older and younger children. If there were old people or guests in the family, then the most honorable places were given to them. Elders were respected as guardians of family traditions and bearers of the cultural values ​​of the people. The head of the family was the first to start eating with the word “Bismillah” (“In the name of Allah!”), and then all the other participants in the meal. Violation of this order was considered a sign of bad manners. After finishing the meal, they did not get up from the table until the elder read a short prayer (sofra duwasy), which included a verse from the Koran and wishes to everyone sitting at the table.

Traditions of the holidays of the Crimean Tatars

Eid al-Adha

Yil Gejesi

It occupies a special place in the system of calendar holidays - it is an ancient family celebration. Has simple rituals. Celebrated as the beginning of winter at the very long night in the year - December 22.

Crimean Tatars celebrated this holiday throughout Crimea, but in different regions they called it differently. For example, on the South Coast this holiday was called Kalenda (Latin for “first day of the month”), and the day of December 22 was called Kantar, which means “scales.” This refers to balance (winter solstice). In other places of Crimea it was called Yyl bashi or Yyl gejesi.

For the Yil Gejesi holiday, housewives prepare kobete - a pie with chicken meat and boiled rice. An unpainted egg is placed on top in the center of the kobete. White halva is being prepared. Before the festive table, family members try to discreetly smear each other's faces with soot from under the cauldron. Noise rises, jokes and fun begin. When darkness falls, the boys put on their fur coats inside out and walk in a crowd from house to house, shouting: “Kalenda, Kalenda!” Approaching the house, they say: “If you give me a treat, let you have a boy, but if not, then a bald girl.” The hostess gives the children nuts, candies and sweets. The girls sing carols this night. A guy secretly visits his girlfriend in the evening and asks her if she is ready to accept a match from him. If the girl agrees to marry him, then he gives her a coal as a sign of consent to take her as the mistress of his hearth. It is believed that dreams seen on this night come true.

In the morning, the housewife prepares a traditional soup of small dumplings, an obligatory component of which is an egg. This is how the Crimean Tatars celebrate the beginning of winter and the beginning of the astronomical year.


An ancient holiday of farmers. Celebrated as the beginning of a new economic year and spring. Navrez is an Iranian word: nav - new and rez (ruz) - day. The holiday is held on March 21, the day the Sun enters the constellation Aries (Sheep), in Crimean Tatar - K'ozu, when day is equal to night. The custom of celebrating Navrez among the Crimean Tatars arose no later than the 12th-13th centuries, along with the adoption of Islam.

The main stages of the Navrez celebration:

Farewell to the old business year

A week before the holiday, the housewife begins to prepare for it: she whitewashes, cleans the utility rooms, and sets aside old, unusable things for burning. Men are preparing for plowing, repairing agricultural equipment. The boys prepare masks and goat costumes (fur coat inside out with a tail attached to it). On the eve of the holiday, women boil eggs, but do not paint them. They bake kobete (layered meat pie) and all kinds of national cookies. On a festive evening, they make a fire, burn old things in it, and splash water on each other. At the beginning of darkness, the boys gather in groups of 3-7 people. One of them dresses up as a goat, the others put on prepared masks. In their hands they hold branches with strengthened snowdrop flowers. Boys move in groups from one yard to another and sing New Year's songs. The owners treat the children with sweets and nuts. Two days before Navrez, the girls gather in one of the houses where they make preparations for fortune-telling. New Year's Eve. To do this, they throw their rings or necklaces into a jug of water, and this jug is placed under a rose bush on the night before Navrez. The next night, on the eve of Navrez, the girls gather near this bush. The youngest of them is blindfolded, and she pulls out jewelry from a jug, jokingly predicts the fate of their mistress in the coming new year (whether she will get married this year, what her betrothed will be like, what house she will end up in)...

New Year's Eve

On the day of Navrez, after morning prayers, elderly people visit the cemetery, where they tidy up the graves, read funeral prayers in which they ask God and the spirits of the departed for a good harvest and an increase in the herd. Thus, the living seem to communicate with the souls of the departed. On the eve of the holiday, women boil eggs, prepare white halva, bake kobete, and prepare chicken noodle soup; It is considered a good omen if the noodles “run away” from the pan: this means that the year will be fruitful. On this day, girls and boys wear festive green outfits, symbolizing the awakening of nature.

First furrow

Navrez is the first month of the start of field work. The men went out into the field. The most respected elder, having read a prayer, made the first furrow and threw the first handful of seeds of the future harvest into the ground. Ethnographic materials indicate that Navrez (March 21) for the Crimean Tatars originally meant economic New Year, which ended on September 22 - after the holiday of Derviz.


The Khydyrlez holiday reflects the complex ethnic history Crimean Tatars. Its rituals and customs trace the origins of beliefs, social life and economic activities of the people. The holiday is celebrated on Friday of the 1st week of the month of Kuralai (May). After Hydyrlez, the social year begins. The day before, the housewives begin a thorough cleaning of the entire house, since, according to legend, Hydyrlez does not visit a dirty house. It is believed that if a pregnant woman breaks this tradition, the birth may be difficult. In the evening, housewives bake round bread (kalakai), kobete. In villages near the jami (mosque), young people are preparing to light a fire. In the evening, residents of the entire village gather at this place. After the evening namaz (prayer), the most respected resident of the village lights a fire and is the first to jump over it, followed by the rest of the men, then the young men and boys. Jumping, they say: “Difficulties for the Gentile, but prosperity for me.” Then the men leave. During this time, the flames die out, and then women and girls begin to jump over the fire.

According to legend, on the night before the holiday, children, fearing terrible dreams, smear garlic on their heads, lips and feet and read prayers for the night. In the evening, housewives scatter a handful of wheat on the windowsill, the cattle are taken out of the barn and fumigated with smoke from the “evil eye.” On the day of the holiday, after morning prayer, the housewife milks the cow and sheep and sprinkles the entrance to the barn with milk. On this day, every family tries to plant a tree (men - an apple tree, women - a pear) or flowers. Crimean Tatars try to celebrate this holiday in nature, near a spring. A swing is pre-installed in the clearing. The girls cover them with flowers and swing on them. Women sprinkle each other with greens and slide down the slide. An integral part of the holiday is the descent of pre-baked bread from a hill. If the loaf falls face up, then there will be a good harvest, but if on the contrary, then the year will be a bad harvest. Men compete in wrestling (kuresh). At this holiday, boys and girls get to know each other, brides are viewed and their choice takes place. The general fun ends with the obligatory performance of the general dance Khoran (group dance forming a circle).

From ethnographic materials it follows that the Crimean Tatars spring holidays Navrez and Hydyrlez represent a complex of rituals and customs that are aimed at appeasing the forces of nature in order to obtain a rich harvest and increase the number of livestock. They show elements of the culture of the farmer and pastoralist.


The specifics of calendar rituals are complemented autumn holiday- Derviza. It is celebrated on September 22, the day of the solar equinox. After this day, the “dying away” of the forces of nature begins, i.e. autumn begins. The name Derviz consists of two words: “der” means door, gate. The second word is “visa” - permission to enter. In other words, in accordance with the functional purpose of this day, Derviza means “entering a new world.”

Before the holiday, as usual, the house and yard are thoroughly cleaned. Housewives bake bread, kobete. On the day of the holiday, girls in elegant clothes scatter ashes on the field, in the vegetable garden, in the garden and vineyards. The boys clean the barn and fumigate it with smoke. This holiday is organized jointly by residents of several villages that are part of one community - “jamaat”. As always, the holiday begins with prayer and the sacrifice of a ram. After this, several girls aged 10-12 years put on sheepskin coats, symbolizing the approach of winter, while simultaneously announcing the beginning of the holiday. Women roll a sieve (elek) from the hills. If the sieve lies upside down, there will be a good harvest, but if upside down, then a small harvest is expected, if it stands on its side, the grains will grow tall. At this festival, competitions of dancers, singers, poets, and ditty connoisseurs are held, and competitions in national kuresh wrestling are organized. Only on this holiday do they compete in throwing a stone into the distance, saying: “May the dark days return when this stone returns,” in other words, never. Fairs are a must. Usually the holiday ends with a general dance - a khoran, which appears as a dance of the unity of the people in achieving a common goal.

On this day, the Crimean Tatars sum up the results of their work from Khyderlez to Derviza, that is, they complete the sowing of winter crops, receive their sheep from the shepherds who have descended from the yayla, and the owners make mutual settlements with the shepherds. After this, the whole village chooses a new shepherd or remains the same. Then the wedding season begins.

Eid al-Fitr

Fasting is the fourth of the five obligatory conditions observed by Muslims. Fasting begins in the month of Ramadan (Ramadan) on the first day of the new moon and is observed for 30 days. The word Ramadan (Ramadan) means to burn, that is, during this month, when fasting is observed, all sins are “burned out,” the doors of heaven are opened, and the doors of hell are closed. Along with fasting, Islam encourages a Muslim to engage in good deeds: feed the hungry, invite at least one person to his house who is fasting, and feed him dinner in the evening.

After the 30-day fast, the Eid al-Fitr holiday begins. The day before Eid al-Fitr or on the day of the holiday, after the festive prayer, Crimean Tatars give fitr - alms - based on the cost of 1 kg of wheat for each family member. Fitr is distributed to the poor, orphans, and lonely old people. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated for 4 days and falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal. On this day, reconciliation occurs between those who were in a quarrel. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness for voluntary and involuntary offenses.

4 days before the holiday, they begin to thoroughly clean the house, court premises, barns, and clean the livestock. After cleaning is completed, all family members are required to bathe, put on clean underwear, tidy up their hair, and cut their nails. Women dye their hair, the first phalanx of their fingers, with henna. This is how they prepare for the most sacred night of the month of Ramadan, which falls on the 27th of Ramadan - Kadir Gejesi, which means “the night of deciding human destinies, the night of power” - the night of predestination.

In the evening, housewives fry khatlama and chibereki. Children bring them to relatives, mutual exchange of dishes occurs. This custom is called “so that there is a smell of food in the house.” It is mandatory to feed this dish to your dog. On Eid al-Fitr festive table mainly consists of sweet baked dishes: khurabie, khatlam, sweets, fruits, all kinds of jams. Holiday coffee is a must.

Eid al-Adha

It is one of the main holidays of Muslims. Begins on the tenth day of the month of Dhu-l-Hijjah and is celebrated for 4 days. Every wealthy Muslim slaughters a sheep, goat, bull or camel, depending on his means. He distributes the meat to the poor, orphans, and lonely old people, wanting to atone for their sins and receive God’s blessing in their deeds.

During the sacrifice, certain rituals are observed. In Crimea, during the Eid al-Adha holiday, rams are most often sacrificed. The animal intended for this purpose must be without any defect, with intact teeth; if there are horns, they must not be damaged. The animal must be a one-year-old male. Beforehand, a special prayer is read over the animal. A number of rules are also followed:

Knives must be well sharpened in advance. You cannot sharpen a knife near a sacrificial animal.

The animal's eyes are tied with a scarf.

Henna is applied to the head and a lollipop is placed in the mouth.

It is necessary to dump the animal on its left side next to the hole, tie two front and one hind legs.

If there are several sacrificial animals, then the rest should stand at a distance from that place and should not see the act of sacrifice.

According to custom, the meat of a sacrificial ram is not washed. It is carefully checked and cleaned of adhered hairs, cut into small pieces (200-250 g). It is boiled in water, adding only onions and salt to the broth, and greens in the summer. Eaten with bread or flatbreads. For three days, the family consumes 1/3 of the meat of the sacrificial ram, treating all guests who came with congratulations on the occasion of the holiday, and 2/3 of the meat is distributed to the poor, lonely, whose income does not allow sacrificing a ram. The skin of the sacrificial ram is presented as a gift to the jami. In addition, trips to Aziz (holy places of the Crimean Tatars) are carried out.

Ashir kunyu

Crimean Tatars celebrate the Ashir Kunyu holiday, which comes after Ashir Gejesi (Night of Ashir), which is one of the 10 blessed nights revered by Muslims. Ashir Kunyu falls on the 10th day of the month of Muharrem (Ashir Ay). This day is celebrated as the day of remembrance of the fallen sons of the prophet Ali: Usein and Asan during one of the wars with the infidels. On this day, the Tatars, unlike the Shiites, do not reproduce the details of their murder, but limit themselves to lighting a candle and reading a prayer. This month, a ritual dish known as “ashir ash” (food on the day of Ashir) is prepared and consumed, and clean spring or well water is drunk.

According to the legend of the Crimean Tatars, during one of the wars against infidels, Muslim soldiers were surrounded by the enemy. The food ran out and hunger began. Everyone began to look in their pockets to see if there was any food left. And in the pockets of the seven warriors various products were found: grains of wheat, beans, corn, peas, walnuts, dried fruits. Having collected everything, we cooked food. In memory of this event, seven mandatory components are used when preparing this dish in the month of Ashir Ai:

Corn; purified, specially processed wheat; Crimean peas; beans; various dried fruits; Walnut; syrup.

Source of publication: Kurtiev R.I. Calendar rites of the Crimean Tatars. -Simferopol: Crimean educational and pedagogical state publishing house, 1996. © 1999 Taurida National University. Vernadsky.


Gulya Konshina

« Peoples of Crimea – Crimean Tatars»

(Event scenario for the team and children of preschool educational institutions, held in two stage: for teachers and technical staff. Children of the group visit an exhibition where teachers talk about culture and customs Crimean Tatar people, introduce works of art)

Target: acquaintance between preschool employees and older and older children preparatory groups with culture, customs and traditions peoples living in Crimea. Implementation of the objectives of the regional program for intercultural education of preschool children « Crimean wreath» .

Leading: “I really want peace and friendship to rule the country,

So that there is no war on the planet and peace comes,

So that the borders all disappear without a trace,

So that there will always be trust and brotherhood on earth."

Wherever and whenever you and I are, we are always surrounded by people of different nationalities. Historically, it happened that Crimea - Homeland of different nations speaking 175 different languages ​​(latest census 2015, professing different religions, differing in the originality of cultures and mentalities. But this is interesting!

“We are all different, so what?

We are all Humans, we are all alike!”

Leading: I want to tell you one parable:

“A white man and a black man once met. White said: “How ugly you are! It’s like it’s all smeared with soot!”. Black frowned contemptuously and said: “And how ugly you are, white! It’s like you’ve been completely wrapped in white paper!”. They argued and argued, but could not come to an agreement. And they decided to go to the sage. After listening to them, the sage said white: “Look how handsome your black brother is! He is black as the southern night, and in it, like the stars, his eyes shine...” The sage then turned to black: “And you, friend, look how handsome your white brother is! He is beautiful, like the sparkling white snow that lies on the tops of the mountains, and his hair is the color of the sun...” The black man and the white man were ashamed of their dispute and made peace. And the sage thought about the future. And he imagined such a picture... White, black, yellow people twirling in a cheerful round dance, dancing and singing songs. They look at each other with love. And blocks out the sounds of music and songs of someone young voice: “It’s good that we are all different. Otherwise life would be so boring!”.

For centuries, mutual understanding and mutual assistance between people of different cultures have been the basis of the historical development of the nation. After all, the world considers a civilized person to be a person who knows and respects not only his own culture people, but also the culture of others peoples. We are all different, but we are all together, one big family who tries to live in peace, friendship and harmony. As the poet Y. accurately noted this. Entin:

“We have special people.

They are an example for many countries.

Here they pay homage to Christ and Buddha,

The Torah and the Koran are friends here..."

"Future Crimea– in preserving the great cultural heritage of all peoples».

Today we want to tell you about ourselves Crimean Tatars, there are 11 of us in the team, which is 16%; there are 34 children in the kindergarten, which is 9% of the total number of our children. Let's touch a little on issues of history, our rituals, traditions and customs.

(To the anthem Crimean- Tatar people includes children and adults)

Leading: Crimea-this is my homeland - Kyrym menim Vetanim

Teacher 1. Crimea– This is the homeland of my ancestors. My mom and dad were born here. - Kyrym menim babalarymin Vetana. Menym babam ve anam doguldlar Kyrymda.

Children on Crimean Tatar language:

My name is Mavile...Menim adym Mavile, Selim, Safiye, Vildan....

Teacher's assistant 1. Crimea– this is the miracle of the garden-Kyrym-guzel melon.

Teacher2. Crimea is the Black Sea, these are the heavenly places of Kyrym-Kara deniz dzhennetim.

Teacher 3. Crimea– these are the steep heights of the southern mountains - Kyrymnin daglari kokke baka.

Teacher 4. Crimea– this is the steppe and protected places - Kyrymnin cholleri ve saklangar erleri.

Teacher 5. Crimea is a fairy tale, looking into the eyes” -Kyrym – masall kibi gozlerime baka.

Pom. teacher 2. Has a special aura Crimea- Kyrymin dzhany bek guzel

Many languages ​​are spoken here. Adamlar chok tilde lafeteler.

Child. Ilkhan:

"If I live in Crimea, must give food to the mind, Speak Russian fluently, Tatar slightly guttural, Ukrainian melodious speech...Can I do it? I can probably do it. "Evpatoria, Crimea, language"- I’m so used to talking. "Evpatoria, Krim and Mova"“I’m ready to repeat again.” "Gezlev, til, Kyrym",Support my impulse: I’m learning chains of words - I’m ready to become a polyglot.”

Teacher 6. As long as my heart continues to beat, I will be proud of the place where my children were destined to be born. Menim yuregim goururlanam, menim ballarim Kyrymda doguldlar.

Teacher 7. I was born in Ufa, but today Crimea is mine native home , where we all live together.

Child. Bian:

“There are a lot of words in the world, like snowflakes in winter. But let’s take, for example, these: Word - "Men"- "I" and the word "Biz"- "We" "I" it's lonely in the world, "I" not much use. It is difficult for one or the other to cope with adversity. Word "We" stronger than "I", We are Family - "Qoranta" and we are friends "Dostlar", We - people"Millet", and we are united, together we are invincible"

Leading: “On the palms of the gentle sea

A small country is basking,

The mountains protect her sleep,

The wave sings a lullaby... - this is our beautiful Crimea.

Leading:. parable about Crimea

“One old man was asked:

What does it look like Crimea?

“A bunch of grapes,” the elder answered without hesitation.

Why? – people were surprised.

Because a bunch of grapes consists of many juicy, tasty, beautiful and vitamin-rich berries, and Crimea is rich in many beautiful places - the sea, forests, mountains, and steppes, rich in flora and fauna. If we compare the contour Crimea with a bunch of grapes, you can immediately see how similar they are in shape. And, of course, people. Crimea belongs to those places where people of many nationalities live, with their own traditions and holidays. These are Russians Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians, Jews and many others. All these people live alone friendly family, just like berries on a bunch of grapes. That's why Crimea looks like a bunch of grapes."

Crimean Tatar dance performed by children "Haitarma"

Leading: Everyone has it people have their own symbols: Flag, coat of arms, anthem. We entered the music room to the anthem.

photo on screen

“Our flag is like the blue sky and the blue of the sea takes its beauty”

Flag Crimean Tatars, which is a blue cloth with a yellow tamga emblem Blue color- traditional Turkic color peoples, symbolizes clear skies and blue seas, freedom. For the first time the flag was adopted by the Kurultai (national convention) Crimean Tatars in 1917, after the February Revolution in Russia.

Tamga – coat of arms, seal

Tarak-tamga (Crimean Tat. taraq tama)- ancestral sign of the ruler Crimean khanate of the Gerai dynasty, used today Crimean Tatars as a national symbol.

The founder was the first to use this symbol Krymsky Khanate of Haji I Giray. In Khan's Crimea Tarak-tamga was a symbol of the ruling dynasty and khan's power. The image of the tarak-tamga was minted on coins, it was depicted on the facades of public buildings (frescoes and reliefs in the Bakhchisarai Khan's palace have been preserved to this day)

The name tarak-tamga literally means Crimean Tatar"comb-tamga" (Crimean Tat. taraq - comb, comb; tama - tamga, brand). There are different interpretations of this symbol (comb, balance scales and stylized image of an eagle) yellow (tamga drawn in exactly this color) is the color of gold, which symbolizes physical and spiritual purity. If these colors merge, they give green - the color of life and dedication, immortality and truth.

Historical reference

Crimean Tatars kyrymtatarlar, Turkic people, historically formed in Crimea and Northern Black Sea region; Crimean Tatars belong to the indigenous population Crimean peninsula.

Crimean Tatars formed as a people in Crimea in the XIII-XVII centuries

They speak Crimean Tatar language, which is part of the Turkic group of the Altaic family of languages.

Overwhelming majority Crimean Tatars- Sunni Muslims, Each of the three sub-ethnic groups Crimean Tatars(Tats, Nogais and South Coast residents) has its own dialect. Yuzhnoberezhny (southern, Yalyboy) The dialect belongs to the Oghuz languages ​​and is very close to Turkish. It differs from literary Turkish less than some Turkish dialects proper. A feature of this dialect is also a significant number of Greek and a number of Italian borrowings.

Stepnoy (northern, Nogai) The dialect spoken by the Nogai belongs to the Kipchak languages ​​and is related to the Karachay-Balkar, Nogai and Kumyk languages. They speak the steppe dialect Crimean Tatars of Romania and Bulgaria, as well as the vast majority Crimean Tatars of Turkey.

The most common, middle dialect (mountain, Tat, spoken by people from mountainous and foothill areas Crimea, is intermediate between the two above. It contains both Kypchak and Oghuz features. Modern literary literature is based on this dialect. Crimean- Tatar language . Despite significant Oghuzization, the middle dialect is a direct continuation of the Polovtsian language, which was spoken in Crimea in the 14th century.

Leading: Now each of us will show and tell our pedigree

(Exit with pictures of the family tree and the story of each participant)

(On the board there are old photos and birth certificates of our ancestors)

Leading: Telling the story Crimean Tatar people, one cannot help but recall the years of the Great Patriotic War. (video footage on screen)

More than 35 thousand served in the ranks of the Red Army from 1941 to 1945 Crimean Tatars from Crimea, and in total 60 thousand fought Crimean Tatars. From Crimean Tatars there were more than one and a half thousand officers of the Soviet army, 97 of whom were women. 36.6% of those who fought Crimean Tatars died on the battlefield. Most of (about 80%) provided active support to the civilian population Crimean partisan detachments. For this, the occupiers and collaborators destroyed 127 Crimean Tatar villages.

For participation in the Great Patriotic War five Crimean Tatars were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and Amet Khan Sultan (our music director Aliya Useinovna’s grandmother studied with him) was awarded this title twice.

Two are full holders of the Order of Glory

For participation in guerrilla warfare 12 Crimean Tatars were nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Not everything in our history is so simple.

Deportation Crimean Tatars.

Accusation of collaboration Crimean Tatars, as well as others peoples, with the occupiers became the reason for the eviction of these peoples and all non-USSR citizens from Crimea in accordance with the Decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR No. GOKO-5859 dated May 11, 1944. On May 18 - 20, 1944, a deportation operation took place Crimean Tatars, in June - all the rest.

After the deportation, 127 villages were deserted, 300 by half.

We are very glad that justice has triumphed, and today Crimean Tatar people restored to his rights and lives in his homeland.

6 main holidays in the calendar Crimean Tatars

(book materials "Calendar rituals Crimean Tatars» R. I. Kurtiev, Simferopol, Krymuchpedgiz,2006)

Rare Muslim people boasts such an abundance of national and religious holidays. U Crimean Tatars 6 dates a year are especially revered.

Yil Gejesi (i.e. New Year)

(stories from teachers with video footage shown)

Celebrate it Crimean Muslims December 22, the winter solstice. It symbolizes the arrival of winter. This is a family holiday that does not have complex rituals. Southerners call it Kantar Day (i.e. Libra Day).

Families make dishes for Yil Gejesi special: white halva and pies with rice and meat, in the center of which an egg is placed. And before the evening family dinner, each family member tries to discreetly smear the face of relatives with soot from under the cauldron.

After the meal, when darkness falls, the boys put on their outerwear inside out and in a crowd they go to the nearest houses "carol", House owners give children sweets and nuts.

This is the day of all farmers, which is celebrated on March 20 or 21. It announces the beginning of spring and the first day of the year according to already eastern calendar, symbolizes the beginning of a new agricultural season.

This holiday consists of several stages:

1. Conducted old year. The housewives are tidying up the house, the men are preparing to plow the land, the boys are preparing their goat costume. (wear fur coats turned inside out, sew a tail to the back) and make a mask. Housewives bake meat pies and cookies shaped like a twisted horn.

In the evening, large fires are lit near the houses and boys jump over them. And when it gets dark, they put on their goat masks, the girls take bouquets of snowdrops - the children go to their acquaintances and friends to congratulate everyone on this holiday, the owners give sweets to the little guests. Singing a song about a goat, the children jokingly try to get into the house and steal the birthday cake, and the hostess also jokingly drives them away.

2. Welcome the new agricultural year. At the end of morning prayers, elderly Muslims visit cemeteries and clean the graves of their deceased loved ones. During the day, children go to the houses of friends and relatives, congratulate them on the New Year and sing songs.

On the same day, the men, going out into the fields, give the respected elder the right to lay the first furrow of the year, thus beginning plowing.


This holiday is celebrated in the first week of May, when the first ear of grain appears on the field. Holiday of economy and social activities. Muslims tidy up their utility rooms, fumigate the barn with smoke, pour grain on the window sills, and spray the entrance to the barn with milk. Residents gather together in a clearing where there is a hillock. It is considered necessary to wear green clothes or at least have something green on yourself. Then they roll the bread down the mountain. If it fell upside down, the harvest this year will be good, but if not, the year will not be productive.

Celebrated during the autumn solstice, September 22. The celebration necessarily takes place near a sacred place with the sacrifice of an animal (V Crimea is a ram) .

Before the celebration dear Old man must throw a stone tied to his belt at the side, speaking at this: “So that everything bad this year goes away like this stone”.

At the celebration, singers, dancers, poets perform, sing ditties, and compete in national wrestling. After this holiday, cattle are returned from summer pastures.

Eid al-Fitr

One of the 5 obligatory conditions observed by Muslims is fasting. It begins in the month of Ramadan and lasts from the first day of the new moon for the next 30 days. For Muslims at this time there are a number of restrictions: It is forbidden to eat, drink liquids, smoke, use foul language. Eating is allowed only in the dark. "Ramadan" (Ramadan) translated as "burn", that is, Muslims believe that during this fast you can cleanse yourself of all your sins and burn them. The doors of heaven open at this time, and the doors of hell are closed for those who fast. In addition to fasting, Muslims must also perform good deeds during this period. affairs: invite those who are fasting to your home for the ritual of breaking the fast and feed them dinner, feed the hungry, help the suffering, etc. The Eid al-Fitr holiday begins at the end of fasting. After the holiday prayer Crimean Tatars They distribute alms to the suffering, the poor, orphans, the homeless, and lonely old people. On this day, everyone who was in a quarrel asks for forgiveness from each other and makes peace.

Eid al-Fitr holiday

Celebrated on the 10th day in the month of Zulhija. The celebration lasts 3 days. One of the main Muslim holidays. On this day, a devout Muslim slaughters or asks another Muslim to slaughter a sheep. The meat of the sacrificial animal is then divided into parts - 2/3 is distributed to the poor, lonely old people and orphans, and 1/3 is left for their family and all guests are treated to soup from this meat. Thus, Muslims atone for all their sins and ask Allah for blessings for their deeds. Getting ready for sacrifice Crimean Tatars in a few days - they put their house, barn, yard, and themselves in order. The ritual of sacrifice usually takes place after the morning holiday prayer on the day of Kurban Bayram. Then Muslims exchange congratulations and visit the graves of deceased relatives.

Crimean Tatar wedding

A wedding is a serious and responsible step for everyone, without exception. Many traditions Crimean Tatars are still an integral part of the wedding ceremony.

Wedding action Crimean Tatar people consists of several main periods: pre-wedding stage, the wedding itself and post-wedding activities.

Traditional pre-wedding period.

This concept means the presence of such solemn events like:


Previously, young people could meet at weddings and other holidays. There, young men looked closely at the girls, choosing a bride for themselves. The choice of the young man was based not only on personal sympathy, the reputation of the girl and her family, as well as hard work, kindness, and intelligence were also taken into account. After the young man tells one of his relatives the name of the girl he likes, inquiries are made about the family and the character of the bride. If the young people like each other, then events flow into matchmaking.


To do this, the groom sends kudalar - matchmakers - to visit his chosen one. As a rule, matchmakers are respected people. These could be the young man's relatives who are sent to the girl's house to find out more about her and exchange gifts with the bride's relatives. If a girl likes a young man, she gives him an embroidered white scarf through intermediaries. Kudalar, in turn, after her consent, is given to the girl Jewelry, perfumes and others cosmetical tools, as well as many sweets. All this is necessarily beautifully packaged and decorated with ribbons and bows. The groom's relatives are also not allowed to leave without gifts for the young man. They have to hand over young man several shirts, handkerchiefs, which are decorated with embroidery made by the hands of the bride, and several trays with sweets and pastries, which are also beautifully wrapped in festive packaging. After this, the matchmakers leave, having previously discussed the engagement date.


According to tradition, agyr nishan should take place 2-3 weeks after matchmaking. It also takes place at the bride's house. The Kudalar, who now number about 15 people, bring the girl a bokhcha - a bundle that is full of gifts, both for the chosen one and for all her relatives. And in return they are given gifts in return. All details and the date of the upcoming wedding are discussed between the parties.


The girl shows the guests, among whom are the young man’s relatives, her dowry, which has been prepared since birth.


The bride's family set the table and performed the ritual of staining the betrothed's hands with henna. It is believed that the more painted the bride’s hands are, the richer the bride will be living together young. All this takes place with songs and dances.


And in the groom’s house on the eve of the wedding, an ancient ritual takes place, according to which a specially invited hairdresser ceremoniously shave off the young man’s beard. Shaving the beard is considered a symbol of saying goodbye to bachelorhood and acquiring the status of a married man.

Toi - wedding ceremony.


After all the preparatory steps, nikah is carried out - a Muslim wedding ceremony. Usually nikkah is held in the bride's house, where the mullah - the religious representative of Muslims - in the presence of close relatives and witnesses asks the bride and groom if they agree to the marriage. It is important that the mullah asks this question to the bride three times. The first two times the girl should be silent, and the third time she should agree. After the ritual, the newlyweds go out to the guests.

In ancient times, weddings were held in courtyards or right on the street. A tent was created, tables and chairs were assembled from boards, covered with carpets and tablecloths. The tables were laden with all kinds of national dishes. Traditionally, the wedding of our great-grandparents lasted seven days. The current ones Crimean Tatar weddings have been reduced to two days. The first day is celebrated on the bride's side, and the second on the side of her future husband. Scenarios celebration of two wedding days similar to each other. Current wedding Events are held in restaurants.


As on the first and second days of the celebration, the newlyweds appear in the room where the guests have already gathered and the tables are set. Relatives always dance in front of the couple, accompanying them to the music at the table. Toi saibi - toastmaster - opens the wedding with a solemn speech. After this, cooks in aprons are invited to perform a dance, holding ladles in their hands. After them, the ayakchilar dance - the people who serve the guests during the celebration. And only then will the opening of the wedding take place, which is the responsibility of the newlyweds’ closest relatives. If the wedding takes place on the bride’s side, the opening falls on the shoulders of her relatives, and if on the groom’s side, then the relatives of the young men go to the site. Guests come out to the dancing relatives in pairs, ordering any composition from the musicians, and hand them money. Each hand should have a banknote of any name. Previously, all the money collected in this way was given to the musicians in gratitude for the abundance of melodies performed. Now musicians name a fixed price for their services, and the money "earned" relatives are given to a young family.


At the conclusion of the solemn Events performed by all guests Crimean Tatar folk dance"Q'oran" ("Round Dance"). Newly minted married couple stands in the center, forming a round dance around itself from dancing guests. After this, the young ones leave, also accompanied by folk compositions. It is customary that after the first day the bride stays overnight in her parents' house, and after the second she remains forever in new family. The wedding events do not end there; there is still a series of post-wedding events ahead. events.

Post-wedding period.

Kelin kavesi – coffee from the bride. The next morning, the bride should treat her new relatives to morning coffee. Everyone comes to look at the young woman. During this morning ritual, the girl, as a sign of respect for her husband's relatives, kisses their hands. Two days after the wedding itself, the bridesmaids come to visit the young woman, presenting her with gifts from her mother.

Then, after some time, Chagyrtuv is held. First, the girl’s parents come to the groom’s house, and then they wait for the newlyweds and the boy’s parents to visit.

Today Crimean Tatar The wedding ceremony differs in many ways from an ancient wedding, but still many customs during wedding events have survived to this day. Sez kesim, agyr nishan, nikah, kelin kavesi and chagyrtuv remained obligatory, but holding henna gedjesi and trash gedjesi is already quite a rare occurrence at weddings Crimean Tatars.

All special events are accompanied by noisy fun and dancing to the national music. Crimean Tatar music. Each melody carries a certain meaning. In general, the current wedding Crimean Tatars remained as bright and colorful as in ancient times.

Teacher 1:

“Today, when there are so many nations in the world,

And now we stand shoulder to shoulder with each other,

You can't play with lives like in a shooting gallery,

Without noticing the blizzard in someone’s heart.

We are different, of course, all on the outside,

But the same blood flows in our veins,

And in the coldest frosts again,

Skin color won’t count.”

Teacher 2:

“We all have the same feelings,

And the heart beats the same

The soul should still not be empty,

When to ask for help other people are screaming.

Yes, we have different traditions and faith,

But this is the main thing for us.

A sphere of happiness must be created in the world.

So that a smile appears on your face"

Teacher 3:

“We call on everyone to Unite, Become one family.

And in life the main answers for everyone,

Let’s find it, ending the moral war!”


"It's great when people

And together they go on strike,

And he’s a fan of football,

And he gets sick with the flu,

And celebrates together people

Favorite holiday New Year,

It's great when people

Lives as a family,

Never through doors like this

Evil and trouble will not knock!”

Leading: We invite everyone to Crimean Tatar dance KURAN.

Now we invite everyone to taste aromatic coffee and Crimean Tatar national dishes prepared by our staff Crimean Tatar nationality.

Visiting a product exhibition popularly- applied creativity Crimean Tatar people.


An ancient holiday of farmers. Celebrated as the beginning of a new economic year and spring.

Navrez is an Iranian word: nav - new and rez (ruz) - day. The holiday is held on March 21, the day the Sun enters the constellation Aries (Sheep), in Crimean Tatar - K'ozu, when day is equal to night. The custom of celebrating Navrez among the Crimean Tatars arose no later than the 12th-13th centuries, along with the adoption of Islam.

The main stages of the Navrez celebration:

Farewell to the old business year
A week before the holiday, the housewife begins to prepare for it: she whitewashes, cleans the utility rooms, and sets aside old, unusable things for burning. Men are preparing for plowing, repairing agricultural equipment. The boys prepare masks and goat costumes (fur coat inside out with a tail attached to it). On the eve of the holiday, women boil eggs, but do not paint them. They bake kobete (layered meat pie) and all kinds of national cookies. On a festive evening, they make a fire, burn old things in it, and splash water on each other. At the beginning of darkness, the boys gather in groups of 3-7 people. One of them dresses up as a goat, the others put on prepared masks. In their hands they hold branches with strengthened snowdrop flowers. Boys move in groups from one yard to another and sing New Year's songs. The owners treat the children with sweets and nuts. Two days before Navrez, girls gather in one of the houses where they make preparations for fortune telling on New Year's Eve. To do this, they throw their rings or necklaces into a jug of water, and this jug is placed under a rose bush on the night before Navrez. The next night, on the eve of Navrez, the girls gather near this bush. The youngest of them is blindfolded, and she pulls out jewelry from a jug, jokingly predicts the fate of their mistress in the coming new year (whether she will get married this year, what her betrothed will be like, what house she will end up in)...

New Year's Eve
On the day of Navrez, after morning prayers, elderly people visit the cemetery, where they tidy up the graves, read funeral prayers in which they ask God and the spirits of the departed for a good harvest and an increase in the herd. Thus, the living seem to communicate with the souls of the departed. On the eve of the holiday, women boil eggs, prepare white halva, bake kobete, and prepare chicken noodle soup; It is considered a good omen if the noodles “run away” from the pan: this means that the year will be fruitful. On this day, girls and boys wear festive green outfits, symbolizing the awakening of nature.

First furrow

Navrez is the first month of the start of field work. The men went out into the field. The most respected elder, having read a prayer, made the first furrow and threw the first handful of seeds of the future harvest into the ground. Ethnographic materials indicate that Navrez (March 21) for the Crimean Tatars originally meant the economic new year, which ended on September 22 - after the Derviz holiday.


The Khydyrlez holiday reflects the complex ethnic history of the Crimean Tatars. Its rituals and customs trace the origins of beliefs, social life and economic activities of the people. The holiday is celebrated on Friday of the 1st week of the month of Kuralai (May). After Hydyrlez, the social year begins. The day before, the housewives begin a thorough cleaning of the entire house, since, according to legend, Hydyrlez does not visit a dirty house. It is believed that if a pregnant woman breaks this tradition, the birth may be difficult. In the evening, housewives bake round bread (kalakai), kobete. In villages near the jami (mosque), young people are preparing to light a fire. In the evening, residents of the entire village gather at this place. After the evening namaz (prayer), the most respected resident of the village lights a fire and is the first to jump over it, followed by the rest of the men, then the young men and boys. Jumping, they say: “Difficulties for the Gentile, but prosperity for me.” Then the men leave. During this time, the flames die out, and then women and girls begin to jump over the fire.

According to legend, on the night before the holiday, children, fearing terrible dreams, smear garlic on their heads, lips and feet and read prayers for the night. In the evening, housewives scatter a handful of wheat on the windowsill, the cattle are taken out of the barn and fumigated with smoke from the “evil eye.” On the day of the holiday, after morning prayer, the housewife milks the cow and sheep and sprinkles the entrance to the barn with milk. On this day, every family tries to plant a tree (men - an apple tree, women - a pear) or flowers. Crimean Tatars try to celebrate this holiday in nature, near a spring. A swing is pre-installed in the clearing. The girls cover them with flowers and swing on them. Women sprinkle each other with greens and slide down the slide. An integral part of the holiday is the descent of pre-baked bread from a hill. If the loaf falls face up, then there will be a good harvest, but if on the contrary, then the year will be a bad harvest. Men compete in wrestling (kuresh). At this holiday, boys and girls get to know each other, brides are viewed and their choice takes place. The general fun ends with the obligatory performance of the general dance Khoran (group dance forming a circle).

From ethnographic materials it follows that the Crimean Tatar spring holidays Navrez and Hydyrlez are a set of rituals and customs that are aimed at appeasing the forces of nature in order to obtain a rich harvest and increase the number of livestock. They show elements of the culture of the farmer and pastoralist.

"The Legend of Kydyrlez"

"Kydyrlez washed his face with water, looked into the stream. - How many years have passed, he is young again. Like the earth - every year the old one falls asleep, the young one wakes up. He looked around. The sky became blue, the forest became green, every pebble in the stream was visible.
“It seems I’m not late,” thought Kydyrlez and began to climb the mountain. A flock was grazing near the mountain. Young lambs bleated and called Kydyrlez to come. - Why is it that on this day they don’t touch the horses and oxen, they don’t harness them, but they take us to a barbecue? - the sheep stopped, asking. The shepherd urged them on: “There’s no point in standing around for nothing.” A snake was crawling along the path. “Kydyrlez is apparently close,” the shepherd thought. - When Kydyrlez was young, he killed a snake from his horse with a spear. Since then, when he walks, the snake always runs away from him.

The shepherd picked up a stone to kill the snake. Kydyrlez shouted to him:
- It’s better to kill a lie in yourself than a snake on the road. The word did not touch the shepherd’s heart, and he killed the snake.
- It turned out well, Kydyrlez will be very pleased. Kydyrlez sighed and looked down

Below, in the gardens, under the trees, people were sitting, preparing a young lamb for barbecue.
- Oh, it will be delicious; when Kydyrlez comes, there is something to treat him.
“Maybe he used to walk, but now he doesn’t walk anymore,” said one.

Another laughed:
- Our Abibullah is waiting for him. He thinks that Kydyrlez will show him the gold at night; will be rich.
Abibullah sat on the cliff, silent.
- Why are you silent, Abibullah? When I became old, I used to always sing a good song.
And Abibullah sang:
- We are waiting for you, Kydyrlez, we are waiting; fly, Kydyrlez, to us today; come on light streams; play, music of the heart. Chal, chant, chant!..
Kydyrlez listened and thought:
- A man is looking for gold, and gold is his every word.
Hands stretched out to the sun. Rays splashed onto the ground. The golden moon glittered on the minaret. Abibullah sang -
- A golden day has come to the poor man - Kydyrlez will not offend people. Chal, chant, chant!.. He sang and suddenly fell silent.
Hatice does not love him, although he sometimes says that he loves him. She needs someone else, she needs someone young, she needs someone rich.
“Rich means smart,” she says. - The first husband was rich - I want the second one to be even richer. Then I’ll do everything, everything will be in my hands.

Abibullah looks ahead, does not see - what is close, what is far - he sees where others do not see. He searches with his eyes for Kydyrlez among the mountains and forests. He believes that he will come. He promises to put a wax candle, balmumu, on an old stone for him. Kydyrlez understood what Abibullah wanted and shook his head. - Those who drink and eat in the gardens are happier than this. People drank and ate in the gardens and forgot about Abibullah and Kydyrlez. They didn’t notice how night came. Abibullah lit a candle on an old stone and waits for Kydyrlez. Waits a long time.

The golden moon rose; heard a rustling in the bushes; I noticed how the branches moved and how the distant fire illuminated them.
“You wanted me,” said the voice. - Here I come. I know why I called. I was young and only loved songs, but now I’m old and want a woman. You are looking for gold for her.
“For her,” Abibullah said to himself.
- Do you hear, Abibullah, how the stream rustles, the young stream, how the grass sways, fresh grass. Only you, the old one, won’t hear tomorrow.
- You hear how your heart is beating, it wants to keep up with another, young one. He just won't have time.
- You had gold in you, it was light. You wanted it from the ground, but will you pick it up?
Abibullah listened no further; rushed into the bushes where the light came from.
- Don't be late.
He ran towards the light through the forest, tore his clothes on an elm tree, and wounded himself.
- Now it's close. I heard Kydyrlez’s voice myself. Just two steps away.

And Abibullah saw how, under one, another and a third bush, piles of gold burst into flames. He ran up to them; He took the burning pieces with his hands and hurried to hide them on his chest. He cried with joy and called out to the beautiful Hatice. It was hard to carry. My legs gave way, I didn’t remember how I got to the village. I didn’t even have the strength to knock on Hatice’s door. Fell at the threshold.
- Kydyrlez gave a lot of gold. All is yours. I brought it to you, my wonderful one.
The words went quietly and did not reach Hatice. She slept soundly, her arms wrapped around another. She doesn't need Abibullah anymore. And Abibullah died. Abibullah-oldu. Maybe it’s better that he died without holding something beautiful in his hands. If I took it, maybe it would stop being like that. Who knows. As Kydyrlez left those places, he thought:
- Abibullah the singer left the earth, it’s okay, another will come in his place. One summer will pass, another will come. That is why Kydyrlez will never die."