Summer has come, and all girls dream of a beautiful and even tan. But prolonged exposure to the sun and exposure to ultraviolet radiation have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin and are very harmful. But what can we do? Give up your dream of becoming a chocolate bar? No, you can just choose and try a reed tan on yourself.

What it is?

What is reed tanning? Essentially, this is the application of a special composition to the skin containing a component such as dihydroxyacetone (DHA). Despite the long, scary name, this substance is absolutely safe for humans.

They get DHA from cane, hence the name tanning. This component in the lotion does not penetrate into the blood and does not have any effect. negative impact on the skin, that is, absolutely harmless and safe.

But how does dihydroxyacetone work? It reacts with protein molecules of the stratum corneum of the skin. As a result of this reaction, special pigment cells of the skin, melanocytes, are produced, which give it a dark, beautiful shade.

How to get such a tan?

To get a uniform and beautiful reed tan, you should go to a beauty salon that provides such services. At home, applying the composition to the skin is also possible, but the quality of the final shade is in this case not always high.

If you still decide to do everything at home or on your own, then purchase a special product containing DHA. Determine the desired skin tone by the concentration of this substance in the composition (the higher the percentage, the darker your skin will be). It will be quite difficult to apply the composition evenly over the entire body, so it is better to seek help from your other half or, for example, a friend.

If you plan to carry out the procedure regularly, then it is best to purchase a special sprayer, which will greatly facilitate the task. But it won’t be easy to deal with everything on your own, and contamination cannot be avoided, so it’s better to go to a specialist.

How is the procedure done in a salon?

  1. To begin with, you will be asked to get rid of outerwear and stay in a swimsuit, and also put a cap on your head, which will protect your hair from dyeing.
  2. A special protective coating will be applied to your nails and the skin around them to protect these areas from staining.
  3. A specialist, using a special device that releases lotion under pressure and sprays it, will apply the composition to your body. The spraying method and the professionalism of the artist will allow you to achieve a perfectly even color and uniform application, so that there will be no white or dark spots.
  4. In just a few minutes, your skin color will change. But the specialist will ask you to remain in your position for another 10 minutes so that the lotion dries on the skin.
  5. Then you can get dressed and go home.

How long will the tan last?

Typically, a cane tan lasts 1-2 weeks. Everything will depend on the characteristics of your skin and care for it. Then the procedure can be repeated.

How to prepare for the procedure?

In order for the instant tan to be even and last longer, you need to prepare for the procedure. This is what such preparation includes:

  • To make the color last longer, exfoliate before the procedure using a body scrub. This will remove dead skin cells and prolong the effect (after all, if the lotion is applied to the old stratum corneum, it will soon come off along with the unnecessary part of the skin).
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics.
  • Do not use any moisturizers cosmetical tools, especially moisturizing, since the skin should be as dry as possible, which will allow the composition to be better absorbed into it.
  • Deodorants should also not be used, as well as.
  • Immediately before the session, your skin should be clean and completely dry.

What to do after the procedure?

How to consolidate the result and prolong the effect? Here are some rules and features of skin care:

  • Do not wear tight clothing after the procedure, it will simply erase everything from the skin. It is better to wear something loose and dark (so that possible dirt is not visible).
  • On the first day, do not use cosmetics or wear jewelry.
  • Do not schedule any other procedures for the same day.
  • Avoid sweating for the first 6-8 hours after the session, as sweat may react with the lotion components and change the skin tone, worsening the results. So don't exercise or be in the heat.
  • Avoid skin contact with water in the first 8-12 hours after the procedure. After the specified period of time, you can take a shower, but without using sponges or washcloths, especially hard ones. You may notice brown water running off of you, but this is quite normal, because it will wash away any remaining lotion that has not been absorbed into the skin. Then pat your entire body dry with a towel.
  • 1-2 weeks after the procedure, do not use aggressive bathing agents, choose soft ones. Avoid using hard sponges.
  • It is not recommended to use scrubs or peel for 1-2 weeks. Epilation is also contraindicated.
  • It is also not recommended to visit the sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse. When on the beach, protect your skin from direct sunlight. Remember also that sea ​​water will shorten the duration of the lotion.
  • Try not to wear clothes that are too tight, especially those made of coarse fabrics, as the composition may rub off from the skin.
  • Regularly moisturize your skin, this will significantly prolong the effect. Dry skin exfoliates much faster, so in this case the tan will fade quickly. On moisturized skin it will last noticeably longer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Instant tanning has its pros and cons. First, let's list its advantages:

  • This tanning is safe and harmless, which makes it accessible to everyone. There is no need to be afraid of unexpected and unpleasant consequences. But the same cannot be said about tanning in the sun or in a solarium.
  • This procedure is suitable for all skin types, including delicate and thin ones. Fair-skinned girls who are contraindicated for regular tanning also don’t have to worry, they will get a beautiful golden natural shade.
  • It doesn't hurt at all! There will be no unpleasant sensations either.
  • The risk of allergies is minimal.
  • It's fast! The result is noticeable almost immediately.
  • The skin color will be even and beautiful, because the application is uniform.

Now it’s worth listing the disadvantages:

  • This tan lasts no more than two weeks, which is not much (especially when compared with a tan obtained on the beach or in a solarium).
  • The lotion can stain clothes, but only at first.
  • There are some restrictions, compliance with which may prolong the effect.

Price issue

How much does a reed tan cost? Prices can vary from 500 to 1200 rubles, it all depends on the specific beauty salon you go to. Also, some masters come to your home (you will need to pay for travel) or receive them at your home (often this costs less).

Now you know all the features of reed tanning. If you care about your skin, choose this method to give your skin a beautiful golden hue.

Need reviews on reed tanning. I heard different things, that it was great, and that it came off in pieces after a month. I myself am blue-white, this summer I decided to give myself a human color, 5 sessions of solarium and the worst rosacea came out. Tanning in a solarium is not my thing at all, which is why I am looking for alternative methods.
I want to try this reed one and I doubt whether I’ll spit later
And regarding rosacea, the cosmetologist said that care, etc. is wonderful, but the skin can only be tidied up with a laser, is that true?
Write who has tried reed tanning and treated rosacea.

My husband always goes for this tan before competitions. So, it’s complete bullshit, if you sweat a little, the divorce is on.

I support. Under no circumstances should you sweat during the procedure, but you still sweat. The result is an uneven tan. If you sweat a lot, this tan is not for you.

Damn, it's summer, go outside and sunbathe!

I did it, I liked it, but it was expensive. Needs to be done every 2 weeks.

An instant cane tan is the same as a regular spray tan, only it contains cane sugar. And so the procedure is identical to instant tanning.
- I found some information on the Internet about reed tanning. Sugarcane tanning, alternative tanning, Hollywood tanning, DHA tanning are different names for the same tanning method, based on the interaction of sugarcane extract with skin cells. If you want to acquire a bronze skin tone today and, at the same time, do not want to be exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (solarium lamps, sun), use a safe method of tanning by applying a special composition to the skin. Using special equipment, the lotion is sprayed onto the body. The result is instant - an even chocolate-bronze tan! The active ingredient of the composition reacts with the amino acids of the cells of the surface layer of the skin and provides a wonderful natural tan, and most importantly - without harm to the skin.
The tan usually lasts 7-14 days without additional sun exposure. Its durability depends on the individual rate of exfoliation of skin cells. The only negative is that the tanning spray can cause an allergic reaction, but this is an individual feature, not a given.
- Is this composition definitely safe? I feel weird about putting something nasty on my body.
- Well, you use cosmetics, wash with foam, apply body milk, paint your nails, apply styling products to your hair... And are you afraid of instant tanning compound? Where is the logic?
- Not quite the same about rosacea, of course. It’s easy to remove it faster with a laser, chemical peels help, but it takes about 2 years. I was so horrified that it’s terrible! This year it more or less happened! I didn’t do the laser only because I had to stay at home for a month! But there is no time!

I did an instant tan at the salon, and rosacea also came out. So no options. I will be mixing with a laser in winter. Fortunately - not the hips, buttocks and sides.

Damn, I thought only ultraviolet light could make this crap come out!

Explain to me a collective farmer getting a tan on the beach (in a field) what a reed tan is? And what is rosacea?

I don't understand at all fake tan. Go outside and sunbathe.

We wrote about reed tanning above. About rosacea from the Internet, since you were banned from Google:
Cuperosis is a skin disease that is expressed in the dilation of blood vessels and the formation of spider veins. One or two small nodules may not be too noticeable, but sometimes not a large number of large enough formations can greatly spoil appearance. Vascular mesh can appear on the body, in the décolleté area, but the most unpleasant thing, of course, is rosacea on the face. It occurs due to many factors.
Those at risk primarily are those who have sensitive thin skin, easily wounded and reddening. After all, rosacea is essentially a disease that occurs due to circulatory disorders.
At first sensitive skin turns red and itches at the slightest irritation (cold, hot water, mechanical impact), then the vessels dilate more and more, lose elasticity, the skin remains red permanently. In addition to this, we see dark nodules - spider veins. However, rosacea is a consequence not only of the direct effect on the skin, but also on the entire vascular system. Very hot food, a lot of spicy and salty food, bad habits(alcohol, tobacco), as well as such a pleasant procedure as a bath, all this significantly worsens the picture of the disease. To the harmful factors we will also add scrubs, alcohol lotions, massages, hard towels and sponges for washing.

Screw your instant tan! Skin health is more important to me.

Couperose appears not only from instant tanning. It was written above that there are many provoking factors.

It seems to me that it all depends on what goals you are pursuing. If you need to be beautiful for some event, then yes, you will be beautiful with him (just don’t take a light-colored main dress, it often leaves marks on clothes). If you just want to be tanned in the summer, then it's not worth it. You will walk beautiful for a week, and then for 2 weeks everything will fall off in pieces, it won’t look very good.

I did. The tan lasted a week, and then I was spotty for a month until it all went away. I do not advise.

You just did it in a bad salon. I did a reed tan in an elite salon, the reviews were only good. It became a chocolate bar without orange, the color did not change for 2 weeks, and then gradually began to turn pale, without any lumps or spots.

If anyone has had anything come off in pieces, don’t skimp on the technician and the salon. Your greed has ruined you.

Lie down in cane sugar and sunbathe, you will have a cane tan.

Foolishly, a friend and I decided to try instant tanning, since there was a promotion - together with a friend - 300 rubles in total for the procedure. It was just December, we thought we’d try, and if anything happens, we’ll do it by the new year. Well, we arrived, they sprayed us with tanning fluid from some scary machine (the machine made a terrible noise, poor neighbors), and in 15 minutes we were ready. So, we went home happy, my boyfriend was shocked when he saw that two nigritos had come out. But our happiness did not last long, very quickly (a couple of days) - the tan began to peel off in terrible pieces and unevenly, but that’s not so bad, it was impossible to go outside during the day because it looked terrible! A complete nightmare. The face was somehow unnaturally orange, so we only left the house in the evening. In general, you shouldn't do this.

When you're getting a cane tan, price matters a lot. If it’s for pennies, you’ll get peeling skin, orange faces and other beggarly charms.

Girls, such a problem is only due to cheap tanning material and the unprofessionalism of the technician! Before events, I always have it done in a cool salon, the paint goes on evenly and is also washed off afterwards, but you don’t understand how it’s peeling off - it’s a crooked master. But your price is really suspiciously low, I paid about 1000 rubles for two layers, it’s true, but in my opinion there is no difference - whether you do one layer or two, the price is the same, it’s a matter of personal preference, Do you want to be very dark or get a light bronze shade. But I am always very pleased with the results.

I did, the skin was painted. I don't like fake tan.

If rosacea is on the body, the laser will not remove it. I removed rosacea from my face with a laser, and a small scar remained. And what they say about tanning is true: go out and sunbathe.

I have rosacea, I sunbathe easily, my capillaries don’t break out anymore.

And I like the spray on the reeds! It turns out to be a Hollywood tan. It just doesn't last long and is expensive.

If I were you, the blue-and-white one would be sitting there! But healthy!

Couperosis on my cheeks went away with mesotherapy. About the 2nd session. If it is of course wild and bright, then only a laser. And yes, be careful with your tan.

You can inject melanin injections into the stomach (I’m not sure that’s exactly what it’s called). It must be taken from a proven place. This is how a tan appears naturally - you will darken for a while.

I used to be a fan, I loved instant tanning, but now I have an allergy. If you are allergic, it is better not to.

Eh, I, too, have been as pale as a toadstool all my life. If I get a little sunburn, I immediately turn red, poop, and get freckles. I tried all self-tanners and express tans, all different ones, even the booth at home had a machine. Well, now I inject Melanotan and sunbathe. Maybe it's harmful, maybe not.

I also tried melanotan, droplets dripped into my nose. The tan was good, but then in the winter I suffered from a runny nose for 3 months. I think it’s not from him?

A cold is unlikely, but allergic rhinitis could very well be the case.

I don’t understand quick tanning, I sunbathe on the beach.

Cuperosis means dilated vessels are stronger than normal, and they cannot return to normal.

What exactly did you inject to make the rosacea disappear?

And now I'll remember. I just went for mesotherapy, and the rosacea on my cheeks just disappeared. By the 3rd session it was no longer there at all. And six months have passed - my cheekbones are completely clean.

I did meso for acne, but unfortunately the rosacea did not go away. By the way, during meso sessions it is generally better not to sunbathe, in any way.

I did it for tone. It dries out very much in winter and has lost its tone. Then I did collagen 3 more times. Here he is! These are super things and a great effect. Dark circles and hydration. And the fine powder also went away by the way.
I didn’t do it for acne.

Choose a tanning studio that is proven and good, then you will be pleased with the results.

At what age should you start taking collagen injections?

From 25 it’s already possible. This is not a hormonal product, which itself encourages the skin to build a denser corset in the epidermis. If there are indications, it can be done earlier. Everyone has a different tone. By the way, this remedy treats post-acne and removes scars. Wonderful thing.

Collagen was injected right under my eyes, took away the dryness and dark circles. On Thursday they inject - on Sunday you are already like candy.

I'm against this. For ethical and, oddly enough, medical reasons. And I don’t recommend it to anyone. This is a last resort for serious problems. Like cancer. Not worth it. I'm serious. Now there are a lot of drugs that are natural and solve problems very effectively.

Why ethical? In Japan, women in labor sign papers agreeing to take the placenta, my cosmetologist injects herself with colitis and praises and advises very strongly, and I have read that these injections can affect the hormones that are responsible for reproductive function. Well, although you are right, there are no such serious problems as to require such serious injections.

I'm talking about the same thing. The cosmetologist is probably a lady over 30 and her interest is understandable. You are very young beautiful girl, and little things like rosacea or acne can be cured using less radical methods. Consult another cosmetologist. Everyone works on different methods and drugs, it is quite possible that something new will be offered to you. Many people are silent about collost because it is effective and inexpensive. There's no point for them. We need to get you hooked on corrections. Plus, not everyone knows how to make this drug.

I did it as a preparation for tanning in the sun. Bullshit. After instantly tanning in the sun, I began to sunbathe and developed a rash.

In short, a cane tan should be done before any event, because it lasts on the skin for 10-14 days if you take care of your skin properly. It washes off very simply, you get tired of it, you go into the bath, lie there for 30 minutes, take a shower with a washcloth and that’s it. There are no stains, but that’s only if the lotion is good, which is rare. And it must be done in a salon where there are conditions (solarium, in which you will dry under a fan), otherwise all the lotion will remain on your clothes.

I like it. The main thing is that it disguised it well, covered my existing rosacea on my face and thighs, smoothed out all the imperfections of my skin, in short. I am for a reed tan, only for important events. It's expensive, and it lasts 14 days.

The color went on very evenly and looks beautiful! And the fact that orange is the lot of all self-tanners. Look at the photos of Hollywood stars - half of them are orange! Melanotan will cause the face to become brownish-yellow and the body to be brown, with white or dark pigment spots.

The procedure is carried out by a specialist using installation in a special booth. Shades are selected individually according to the client's wishes. Instant tanning products are made from sugar cane extract. The cost of the procedure is 200 UAH here in Dnieper. The tan goes on smoothly and comes off without blemishes. This tan lasts up to 2 weeks. The result is visible immediately after applying the lotion. Replaces 10-15 visits to the solarium. Hypoallergenic and especially suitable for those people for whom excessive exposure to the sun is contraindicated.

I did it seven years ago for my wedding. I was satisfied. I chose a medium shade, not black, it washed off after a week, there were no stains. And my friend took the darkest one, and it came off in spots. In short, there should be a good instant tanning studio with professional technicians.


What advice would you give to the author of the post?

Hello! In this article we will talk about reed tanning. This is the safest and most harmless tanning of all existing ones. It may be called a Hollywood tan, instant tan, or DHA tan.

Reed tan

If you want to attract the admiration of others with your tempting chocolate skin color, you just need to become the owner of a reed tan. The secret of its uniqueness is that a lotion is applied to the skin, the main component of which dihydroxyacetone (DHA) . It can be either natural or synthetic; it is extracted from sugar cane, which is what its name is associated with. After American scientists came to the conclusion that DHA can be used for instant bronzing of the skin, it began to be called not only reed, but also instant. He immediately won the love of famous actors and musicians, which is why the alternative names are Hollywood or California tan.

Reed tanning is attractive because you become tanned immediately after leaving the beauty salon. It looks natural without any orange or yellow tint. This tan will be washed off gradually and evenly as the upper layer of the epidermis is renewed. The components of the product do not penetrate deeper and are not absorbed into the blood, because pigment is formed only on dead skin cells. This determines the possibility of using this type of tanning during pregnancy and lactation by women. It has no contraindications for people with sensitive, allergenic, problematic, pigmented and burning-prone skin. Due to the fact that moisturizing components, antioxidants and amino acids are added to dihydroxyacetone, the skin becomes not only bronze, but also soft, silky, and well-groomed.

How does cane tanning work?

Initially, dihydroxyacetone was part of drugs for glycogenosis. Dr. Eva Wittgenstein noticed that children develop brown pigment around their mouths after taking medications. As a result, she conducted an experiment and applied a composition containing dihydroxyacetone to her skin, which immediately darkened.

Currently, a large number of special means for reed tanning with different percentages of DHA in its composition (up to 18%). They are applied to the skin using professional equipment. Its main operating principle is to supply a stream of air under pressure to split the cream into small particles. They form an instant tan when they come into contact with the skin.

Pros and cons of reed tanning

Before deciding whether this method of tanning is right for you or not, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Undoubtedly, it has many more advantages, but there are also some negative aspects. Let's start with positive aspects reed tan:

  1. Helps improve the condition of the entire skin, narrowing its pores;
  2. The components of the lotion are not absorbed into the blood and act only on the surface layer of the skin;
  3. Helps to visually model the contour of the figure, emphasizing its main advantages;
  4. Suitable for anyone - blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women, redheads, girls with oily, dry, normal, problematic or sensitive skin;
  5. Brown tan color looks attractive and natural;
  6. Allows you to change the intensity of the bronze color for tanning;
  7. Sugarcane pigment does not stain fabric;
  8. After about 9-11 days, your skin tone returns, the tan fades gradually;
  9. Has a wide palette of colors.

Compared to other types of tanning, reed tanning also has a number of advantages.

Name Negative Impact Benefits of cane tanning
Tanning in the sunYou can burn in the sun, many people develop allergies, pigmentation of the face and body increases, and the number of wrinkles increases. The negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body, which can cause early aging and the occurrence of cancerHarmless to the skin, tones and moisturizes it. Has no medical contraindications. Reed tanning lotion is hypoallergenic.
Self tanningApplies unevenly to the skin, leaves dark orange stains, gives the skin an unnatural shadeDoesn't clog pores and applies to the skin very smoothly, without spots or streaks.
SolariumCauses dry skin, worsens hair condition, leads to skin pigmentation; to acquire the desired shade of tan, you need to visit the solarium 5-10 times; it is contraindicated during pregnancy, certain diseases and taking antibiotics.Thanks to the components of the lotion, the condition of the skin only improves, a reed tan appears instantly after the first procedure, and can be used by everyone without exception.

Reed tanning has a few minor shortcomings :

  • the tan does not last long, 7-10 days;
  • Individual intolerance to the lotion components may occur;
  • Following certain instructions after the procedure, for example, not exfoliating or epilating, may create some inconvenience.

How to prepare for a reed tan

For a beautiful instant reed tan, preparatory stage very important. It determines whether there will be no stains and how evenly the lotion will apply.

  1. Exfoliate your face and body so that the tan goes on evenly;
  2. Do not use moisturizer to achieve a degreasing effect on the skin;
  3. After peeling, avoid decorative and skincare cosmetics, deodorants, antiperspirants, and perfumes.
  4. Remove rings, earrings, chains, beads, bracelets and wear as loose clothing as possible;
  5. Protect areas of the body that should not be exposed to tanning, such as palms, using a special cream.

Reed tanning in a tanning studio or at home

You can apply a reed tan in a beauty salon, tanning studio and at home. It is preferable to carry out this procedure in the salon, because... At home, you may have a number of difficulties applying the lotion evenly.

Reed tanning in a beauty salon Reed tanning at home
  1. First, a suitable shade of tan is selected for you.
  2. The client remains in disposable thongs or a swimsuit and a cap on his head.
  3. The specialist sprays the product evenly over the entire surface of the body using special equipment.
  4. The tan appears instantly thanks to the bronzer, but over the course of the day it will become even more intense.
  5. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. After application, you must remain in the same position for 10 minutes.
  1. You need to purchase a spray bottle that will make it easy for you to apply the product to your skin, as well as a cane sugar-based lotion.
  2. You will need the help of a second person; you most likely will not be able to apply the lotion evenly all over your body.
  3. Bathroom walls and fixtures can become dirty.

When purchasing instant tanning products, you should keep in mind that the higher the percentage of DHA, the darker the skin tone you will get. If it contains a bronzer, the tanning effect will be noticeable immediately after the procedure. If the lotion is colorless, the tan will appear in 10-12 hours. It is better to entrust the selection of tan shade to professionals; from a wide range, they will choose exactly the one that will suit you perfectly, taking into account your individual skin characteristics.

How long will Airbrushing last?

  • exclude any contact with the skin for the first 15 minutes after the procedure;
  • for 6 hours do not use water, do not wear a bra or jewelry, refuse to engage in active sports, try to avoid excessive sweating, do not resort to the services of a hairdresser, cosmetologist, manicurist, do not apply any cosmetics, do not sit on leather furniture;
  • After 7-8 hours, wash only with water; using soap can cause streaks.

If you want to maintain an instant reed tan for a longer period of time, the use of various peelings, hair removal, and visiting the sauna and swimming pool is contraindicated. Any chlorine-containing water negatively affects the quality of the tan. Dry skin is prone to flaking, which can cause your skin to lighten quickly. To avoid this, you need to regularly apply body moisturizer.

There is another way to prolong the tanning effect. When choosing a reed tanning lotion, pay attention to the composition; it should contain not only dihydroxyacetone, but also erythrulose. With its help, DHA penetrates deeper into the skin, accordingly, the bronze shade lasts longer than usual. Erythrulose is absolutely harmless, it is obtained from polysaccharide molecules enriched natural dyes. The lotion should contain no more than 5% erythrulose, otherwise there is a risk of acquiring a “yellow” tint to the skin.


You can get a reed tan in the sun for free, but it will take a long time and there is no guarantee that you will get the desired shade. And prolonged exposure to sunlight has a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

Specialists at tanning studios and beauty salons will help you get a Hollywood tan in 20-30 minutes, and your skin will become tanned immediately. The price for this service ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles, depending on the level of professionalism, quality of equipment and tanning lotion.

A doctor's opinion on Reed Tanning, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

If a woman has a beautiful, dark, velvety skin, she feels more confident and attracts the glances of many men. But what to do when the kiss of the summer sun is left behind, and harsh days await ahead, which will give the skin its typical paleness and dryness?

Reed tan

Reed tanning, this is the name of a unique system that was developed by a group of specialists in the USA, allows you to get a beautiful, even color. This procedure is very popular among world stars and celebrities, which is why it is also called Hollywood tanning.

Reed tan gets its name from the dihydroxyacetone (DHA) it contains. It is a white powder that is obtained by extracting sugar cane and sugar beets. This safe dietary supplement causes darkening of the skin without entering the bloodstream.

Reed instant tan looks natural and fades smoothly and evenly as the skin renews itself. Almost everyone can use it, as it has no contraindications.

The effectiveness of reed tanning

The benefits of reed tanning include the fact that it:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not create neoplasms or skin burns;
  • is evenly distributed on all areas of the skin and does not create streaks or spots;
  • does not stain clothes;
  • Available in a wide range of shades.

The effectiveness of reed tanning has been tested by time. As the practice of its use has shown, it gives the skin an excellent shade that lasts for a long time, while this method visually corrects the figure and well hides minor skin imperfections, making existing pigmentation invisible and evening out the overall skin tone. Distinctive feature This method of creating a tan from going to a solarium is its safety and the possibility of independent use.

Reed tanning at home

If you want to have dark skin, it is enough to purchase a special reed tanning machine. To apply a reed tan at home, you will need a sprayer, which is equipped with a turbine, a hose and a container for lotion with the desired shade. With its help, within 10 minutes you can turn even the darkest and pale skin into perfect and flawless tanned skin. The resulting effect will last about 10 days, gradually and evenly becoming lighter.

The principle of operation of reed tanning equipment is that under a stream of air, DHA lotion is broken into tiny particles of dust, which upon contact with the skin turns into an instant tan. The spray bronzer liquid is aimed at deep penetration into the skin, while clogging the pores, thanks to which our skin breathes does not occur.

A beautiful, even and long-lasting tan is an essential attribute of summer. However, lack of time to visit the beach, peculiarities of skin color type, reluctance to be exposed to active solar influence and other reasons do not allow many people to tan.


In addition, recently a lot has been said and written about the negative effects of sunlight on the body. Tanning in the open sun is dangerous due to burns, allergies, and age spots, dehydration of the skin and the whole body, the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging. Ultraviolet light can damage cell DNA, and many cancers arise precisely because of the negative effects of sunlight. Tanning in a solarium is also fraught with various complications.

However, there is a way out, and modern technologies make it possible to obtain smooth and high-quality skin without resorting to dangerous irradiation of the skin. Instant reed tan which is also called Hollywood - this is a chance to get a beautiful golden skin tone for all those who are contraindicated from exposure to the sun and solarium. Reed tanning is a godsend for people with sensitive and very fair skin, who almost never tan, for pregnant and nursing mothers, for whom it is desirable to limit exposure to the sun on the body.

READ ALSO - Top 10 best self-tanners for the body

Cane or DHA tan - this is a consistent and uniform application to the skin of a bronzing lotion containing dihydroxyacetone (DHA) - a white powder that is obtained by extracting sugar cane. DHA is safe for the skin as it is considered a food additive and a coloring agent. In addition, lotion containing DHA does not penetrate deeply and does not enter the bloodstream, but acts only on the surface of the skin, in its stratum corneum, causing darkening.

The tanning procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetologist using special equipment. Bronzing lotion is sprayed onto the skin in a thin and even layer, and the skin acquires a tan color. It goes on smoothly, without spots or streaks, and looks beautiful, natural and natural.

A big plus of the procedure Another thing is that since the coloring is done by a specialist, you can visually correct your figure - highlight your advantages and hide your flaws. On average, the procedure lasts 30 minutes, the shade appears in 1-6 hours, lasts 5-10 days, correction and maintenance of the shade is at your request.

Also objective benefits of reed tanning - does not cause allergic reactions and burns, has no contraindications, does not provoke the appearance of tumors on the skin, is suitable for any skin type and shade, visually models and corrects body contours, has natural effect tanning, does not form spots and stains, you can change the tone and intensity of the tan, sugar cane pigment does not stain clothes, and the color fades as the skin naturally renews itself.

To obtain a spectacular reed tan, a preparatory stage is necessary before the procedure. Without it, you will not be able to experience all the benefits of this unique method of transforming your body.

Before the procedure, it is important to do high-quality facial peeling and... It is not recommended to use moisturizing or nourishing products during this procedure, since the skin must be thoroughly degreased. After peeling, do not apply skin care products, makeup, deodorant or perfume. No unnecessary textures - just clean skin! It is advisable to wear loose, dark clothing, remove absolutely all jewelry, and apply protective cream to your nails, palms, feet, elbows and knees. After spraying the lotion, do not touch the skin for 5-10 minutes, but wait until it dries completely.

Consolidate success and effect after the procedure you can by following the following rules. To develop and fix the shade, you must leave the lotion for 6 hours, while trying to avoid any contact with water, engage in any activity that creates sweat on the body, use hairdressing salons, cosmetology services, do manicures and pedicures. You cannot immediately apply cosmetics or any other skin care products. After 6-8 hours, depending on the type of lotion applied, you can gently wash off the remaining bronzer from the skin with warm water without using a washcloth and detergents containing acidic or alkaline components. Peels, hair removal, any aggressive effects on the skin, as well as saunas, steam baths, and swimming pools are contraindicated. To keep the shade even and beautiful, it is important to moisturize the skin 2-3 times a day.

The cost of reed tanning in Kyiv salons varies in the range from 200 to 500 UAH. and depends on the location of the salon, the cost of cosmetics used during tanning, as well as additional procedures that may be offered to you after the main spraying of lotion on the skin.