Why is it necessary to separate people by appearance color types?

This is very convenient for women who, knowing their color type, successfully choose color shades and ranges for themselves. As a result, they look harmonious.

All people, depending on their eye, hair and skin color, can be divided into four color types according to the seasons: spring and summer, autumn and winter.

This theory is based on the fact that in nature the ratio of cold (winter and summer) and warm (autumn and spring) colors changes from one time to another. The color palette of nature in all seasons has green-blue and red-yellow tones, so they can be worn by every type of appearance by choosing the right shades of these tones.

Spring color type

Color type Spring- the lightest of all color types.
The hair color is light with a warm straw tint. Eyelashes and eyebrows are slightly darker, or to match the hair.
Eye color is yellowish-green or blue, gray-green.
The skin is light with a warm peach or beige-pink tint, often with golden-brown freckles. Tans well, acquiring a “coffee with milk” shade.

Both in clothes and in makeup you need to avoid cold shades. Warm colors should be present.
The color of lipstick and blush should be peach, golden bronze, coral, terracotta, beige brown.
It is not recommended to use black for eye makeup - pencil and mascara should be gray-brown.
Highlighting shadows can be beige-golden or milky-creamy.
Darkening shadows - olive, taupe, beige-orange.
Bright representatives of the spring color type of appearance are Kim Bessinger and Anna Kournikova.

Summer color type

At color type Summer hair color is either light or dark (but not black) with a cold, ashy tint.
Eye color is blue, gray, blue-gray or greenish.
The skin is delicate, either a light olive cool color, or light pink with a bluish tint. Freckles on such skin never have a golden or reddish tint - only gray or ashy. Tans well, acquiring a delicate peach tint.

Cold, blurry and muted primary colors are suitable: lilac, blue-blue, smoky blue, graphite, ripe cherry colors. Lilac, violet, pistachio and pink tones are especially suitable.
The color of lipstick and blush should be pinkish-coral, the color of a withered rose. Lilac and soft cherry shades are also suitable.
For eye makeup you need to select mascara, pencil and liquid eyeliner in blue, purple or gray-brown tones. Black color is not desirable.
But the shadows can be: brightening - grayish-blue or grayish-lilac, silver-golden or milky plum. And darkening colors are indigo, dark gray, gray-brown, gray-lilac.
Representatives of this type of appearance are: Uma Thurman, Mila Jovovich, Elena Yakovleva.

Autumn color type

At color type Autumn hair color: red or brown with a honey tint.
Eye color: light brown, brown, dark gray, green.
The skin is dark or light, often with red freckles.

This color type is characterized by rich colors and shades of red and yellow, the colors of golden autumn.
Clothes and makeup should be bright, soft and warm colors. Yellow, orange, gold, olive, khaki, brown with copper and golden hues, apricot and turquoise.
Bright white, black, blue, gray, dark blue and silver colors are not suitable for the autumn color type of appearance.
The color of lipstick and blush for this type should be brick red, terracotta, golden bronze, red fish color or tomato paste color.
For eye makeup, you need to choose mascara and pencil in dark gray-brown tones. Black color for eye makeup is not recommended for the “Autumn” color type of appearance.
Highlighting shadows can be the color of butter, milk, peach, or beige.
Darkening shadows: marsh, olive, brownish, golden brown.
Representatives of the autumn color type of appearance: Maya Plisetskaya, Julia Roberts, Penelope Cruz.

Winter color type

Color type Winter- the brightest type of female appearance with a predominance of contrasting, bright, cold colors.
Hair color is black or dark brown with a cool ash tint. But natural platinum blonde can also belong to this color type.
Eye color is dark brown, green, dark gray or dark blue.
Skin can be of two types: either very light, transparent, without blush - like porcelain. Or dark, with a cold olive tint. Tans quickly, acquiring a delicate olive tone.

In clothes - bright and cold colors of maximum or medium saturation - black, white, bright blue, gray, lemon yellow. All options in pink and blue look great.
This is where color contrasts in makeup, such as black mascara, light powder and bright lipstick, would be appropriate.
For the “Winter” color type of appearance, the following colors of lipstick and blush are suitable: pink and dirty pink, burgundy and lilac-burgundy, beige and brick-terracotta.
Dark blue, purple, taupe, eggplant and chocolate tones are ideal for eye makeup.
Highlighting shadows can be white, milky plum, peach, golden-silver.
Darkening shadows - lilac, violet, indigo, dark blue, gray-blue, gray-brown.
Representatives of this color type are Natalia Varley, Natalia Oreiro, Elizabeth Taylor.

How to determine color type?

Try to classify yourself as a warm or cool color type of appearance. Pay attention to the shade of your skin - is it warm, reddish-yellow or bluish-pink, cold?

And determine what tones your skin harmonizes with - warm or cold, this will help determine your color type. In daylight, sit in front of a mirror and apply fabrics in red, yellow, green, blue, brown and purple tones to your face without makeup. You will immediately feel the color that particularly suits your face, because it will immediately make you more impressive and brighter.

And those colors that do not harmonize with your appearance give you a tired look.

So, if a golden, yellowish-pink color gives a positive effect, it means you belong to a warm color type (autumn or spring). And if olive or bluish-pink color gives a positive effect, you have a cold color type (summer or winter).

So, you have determined whether you are a cold or warm color type. Now we need to be more specific, paying attention to the nuances.

Warm color types: “spring” and “autumn”. In spring, yellow-based colors are brighter than in autumn. In autumn, the palette is redder, and autumn tones are richer and more earthy than spring.

Cold color types “summer” and “winter” also differ in their nuances. Winter colors have a blue base, which is brighter than the blue base found in summer. In summer, the blue color is more washed out and muted compared to the shades of winter.

Lilia Yurkanis
website for women's magazine

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Determination of coloristic color type.

Nature created spring, summer, autumn and winter, giving each season its own colors. Image specialists, having studied the skin, eye and hair color of hundreds of thousands of people, divided them into groups whose names were borrowed from nature - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.

Such “plagiarism” is not accidental; such associations arose when it became known that a person of a certain type looks and feels better in the colors of “their” time of year (which, we note, has nothing to do with the date of birth).

Since then, many women and men have been trying to determine their color type in order to always wear the most advantageous shades.

Of course, you can wear any color. But in colors that are not your color type, you always want to wear brighter makeup or add a scarf or other accessory closer to your face. In the colors of our color type, we look fresh and bright even with a minimum of makeup!

Various are used methods for determining color types:

The seasonal method is the most popular, dividing everyone by seasons, as mentioned above - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. This is the simplest method, but it is not suitable for everyone. Some people suit both warm and cool colors, colors of different seasons;





-12 color type method - a more complex method, used mainly by specialists. In my opinion, a more accurate method, because... colors selected using this method are in perfect harmony with the coloristic type of the customer. I tell you more about it in a mini-book, which you can order by writing to [email protected].

Let's start testing.

To check which color type of appearance you belong to, you will need to make some preparations. First, you need to choose a location: a north-facing window would be ideal, because sunlight you won't be able to judge the color objectively. For the same reason, artists' studios often have windows facing north. Test yourself in daylight because artificial lighting also distorts colors.

You will need a large mirror to sit in front of. Of course, you must be completely without makeup. If you have red streaks or pimples on your skin, do not cover them.

Now about the hair: if its color is natural, then everything is simpler. If you have dyed or bleached hair, this may distort the test results. Then it is better to tie a scarf of a neutral color around your head, although even the most neutral color will still involuntarily influence the assessment process. Comb your hair as strictly as possible and move it away from your face. If you find natural-colored hair growing from the roots, so much the better! The neck should be open, place a scarf below. Off-white would be ideal, but by no means yellowish!

Testing is carried out like this: you sit comfortably in front of a mirror, put colored cards under your chin and see what happens to your face under the influence of their color. Is it alive? Or seems more tired?

When you wear the right color, people see your face, not just your dress.

During testing you should remember:

 Look at your face in the mirror, not at a colored card! This is not so easy, but color itself is a secondary matter; the main thing is how it affects your face!

 Try to free yourself from all prejudices against any color. The task of testing is not to choose a color for your new outfit, but solely to determine your color type of appearance. Therefore, there is no need to say in advance: “I will never wear this color!” If you don’t want to, don’t wear it, but this color card will help you find out which color type of appearance you belong to.

 Do not be discouraged if at first you do not notice significant changes in your face under the influence of different colors. Take your time, do the test several times, and even after making your choice, double-check it. You will see that over time your sense of color and the result of the test becomes more acute!

First, take the pink and peach colored cards. They will most clearly show you the contrast between cold and warm shades. Hold either a cold pink card or a warm apricot card in front of you, and watch what happens to your face. Is it getting yellower? Or pinker? Grayer? More boring? Do your eyes glow more intensely? Or, on the contrary, have the circles under the eyes become more clearly visible? Are you fresher or, on the contrary, have you aged? Have skin unevenness become more noticeable? Does the face blur or take on clear contours? Do you have the feeling that your face is lost against the background of color, has faded and become inconspicuous?

If a peach tone suits you more, you belong to the AUTUMN or SPRING color type. Cool pink suits WINTER and SUMMER.

The next stage is determining the CONTRAST level - take two red cards, let one of them be a pure bright color tone, the other a whitened, muted red tone. A high level of contrast for the WINTER and AUTUMN color types, while taking into account the previous test - Are you warm or cold type. You can also take a simple test to determine your color type.

The simplest test to determine color type.

1. Natural color of your hair:

A) Black, bluish-black, dark chestnut, brown with a bluish or silver tint, or very light (silver-white),

B) Golden, red, carrot, dark chestnut brown with an orange tint; often the hair is thick, elastic, curly.

B) From light blond to dark blond, there is a silvery cold or ashy tint,

D) Light brown, golden yellow, straw. More often the hair is thin and fluffy.

2. What color are your eyelashes and eyebrows:

A) Thick, clearly defined, black or dark,

B) Dark and medium tones of light golden and chestnut colors,

B) Dark, mid tones,

D) Light shades (blond, light brown).

3. Your eyes:

A) Dark brown, black, bright green, bright blue, emerald, the whites of the eyes are bright white,

B) Green, brown, light brown, dark gray, dark brown inclusions on the iris are often found.

B) Blue, gray, green with yellow splashes, blue-gray, walnut-brown,

D) Gray, gray-green, light green, yellowish-green, blue.

4. Your skin tone:

A) Very dark skin with a cold olive tint, or snow-white without blush, almost porcelain,

B) Beige, golden beige, pale shades, often with red or golden freckles,

B) Dark-skinned with a pink or beige tint, cold skin tone,

D) Light with a milky, warm peach or beige-pink tint.

5. How does your skin tolerate tanning:

A) Tans quickly, the tan is often light or with a dark olive tint,

B) Often “burns”, the skin quickly turns red and inflamed from exposure to the sun,

C) Tans quickly, the tan lasts a long time, the tan has a dark golden hue,

D) The skin is sensitive, but tans well, does not burn, the tan has a light golden hue.

6. What color is your natural blush?:

A) Pale pink or almost absent,

B) There is almost no blush, the skin becomes very red from the cold,

B) Cool pink or absent,

D) Warm peach or pink color, often appears when excited.

7. If you have moles and freckles, what color are they:

A) There are few moles, almost no freckles,

B) A lot of freckles of a dark golden, brown hue,

C) Moles are brown or gray-brown in color, there are few or no freckles,

D) Moles and freckles are a light golden warm color.

8. Lip color:

A) Cool colors with an olive tint,

B) Warm colors (from dark pink to red),

B) Pink color,

D) Light pink.

9. Which statement is true for you?

A) The knuckles of the fingers often turn red.

B) On the bend of the elbow, the inside of the forearm and wrist, the skin has a slightly bluish tint.

C) Sometimes there is a feeling that the eyes are simply “burning.”

D) The whites of the eyes are pure white.

Test results:

Now count the largest number of answers you got - “A”, “B”, “C” or “D”. If more answers

“A” is your appearance color type “Winter”,

“B” is your appearance color type “Autumn”,

“B” is your appearance color type “Summer”,

“G” is your “Spring” appearance color type.

If some letters have an equal number of answers, then the following recommendations will help determine your color type:

Spring and autumn color types have warm shades of skin, blush and hair, while summer and winter color types have cooler shades,

If you are blonde and doubt which type you are: spring or summer, then keep in mind that in spring the blush appears more often, and it has a warm (pink or peach) tint and can appear even with slight excitement,

Near autumn distinguishing feature- light, sensitive skin with a large number of moles and freckles, which quickly burns and turns red when exposed to sunlight,

The difference between winter and summer is that winter’s eyes are much brighter (dark, almost black or bright blue, bright green, turquoise), and the whites of the eyes are clean, bright white.



Winter - cold color type. This color type can be confused with summer or autumn. It can be contrasting or non-contrasting. The main differences are milky white skin with a bluish tint. The skin does not tan well and there may be a blush on the cheeks. The hair is usually dark. The eyes are bright, cool shades of blue, gray and brown or black.

Contrasting winter: hair: black, most often straight and thick, sometimes curly skin: very light, white, with a bluish tint, tans well. Eyes: ice blue, dark brown.

Low contrast winter: hair: softer than the contrast hair, may have a cool chocolate-cognac shade. Skin: olive-gray, sometimes with a yellowish tint, tans well. Eyes: olive-gray, brown, brown-green.

Which color suits you? Sharp tones with a cool bluish sheen are suitable for this type. To add a pop of color to light winter hair, try ebony.

Shades of “black tulip” or “forest beech” will add a reddish tone to dark winter hair. You should not use red shades.


Spring is a warm color type. A spring-type woman gives off a feeling of tenderness; there are no sharp contrasts in her appearance. Skin: transparent, thin, with a warm tint, color – light, slightly golden. If there are freckles, they are also golden. There is often a milky pink flush on the cheeks. Skin doesn't tan well. The tan has a reddish tint.

  • Hair slightly curly, they are thin and fluffy. Color - light, with a warm tint, honey, amber, fawn, light brown with a golden tint.
  • Eye color: The eyes are usually light - blue, turquoise, but can also be brown.
  • Peculiarities: the spring color type does not have brown and green eyes, a chocolate tan, or closely spaced blood vessels, dark hair.
  • Suitable color hair for spring type: For light spring type, we can recommend delicate golden shades from sandalwood to honey.

Perfect hairstyle feminine, but not too romantic: soft waves, page or short haircut, and it should not look too sporty. Lightening individual strands is suitable. Gray hair can be hidden light paint, or constantly dyeing your hair a warm grayish shade. For a darker spring type, we can recommend a shade of mahogany or autumn leaves if you want to give your hair a reddish shine.


  • Summer- cold color type. The main characteristics of the summer type: ashen, cool bluish shades. Summer can be contrasting, non-contrasting, or average.
  • Leather: The summer type may have skin of different shades, but they always have a cool bluish subcutaneous highlight. If there are freckles, they are gray-brown in color. The tan takes on well; even the lightest skin in the sun acquires an even nutty tint (the so-called “steppe” tan). Blush - pink or red, due to the fact that the blood vessels are close together, redness on the skin is often visible.
  • Hair color has a cold ashy tint, no yellowness. The color varies from light straw to dark brown with a brown tint. Hair sometimes fades in the sun and acquires a cognac tint, which can be confused with warm. The hair structure is straight or curly. They often get split ends.
  • Eye color– the whole palette of gray shades - gray-blue, watery blue, gray-green, gray-olive, and also nut-brown. The whites of the eyes are milky in color and do not contrast with the iris.

The level of contrast is determined by the difference between skin color and hair color. The lighter the skin and darker the hair, the higher the contrast. And vice versa. Summer cannot have red, black, copper hair, or snow-white skin. Suitable Hair Color: For light summer types, opt for wheat-colored shades that add refreshing blonde highlights. For dark summer types, the shade “black tulip” is suitable. It gives the typical summer ash brown a piquant reddish tint.


Autumn is also a warm color type, but differs from spring in its brighter colors.

  • Leather has warm golden shades; if there are freckles, it is reddish in color. Unlike spring, the autumn type does not have a blush, the complexion has an even complexion. The skin does not tan well, is prone to burns, and when exposed to the sun, the skin becomes red and inflamed.
  • Hair red in color, or with a distinct red tint. Hair is often curly, with large curls, elastic, shiny, thick.
  • Eyes very bright and contrasting. Eye color: green, amber-brown, cognac-brown, amber-olive.
  • Peculiarities: In the autumn type there are no blue eyes, ash-blond hair, or black hair.

Which color suits you: red, fiery copper, chestnut, dark brown. For light autumn types, a sandalwood shade is suitable.

For darker hair or a deeper red tone, shades like “autumn foliage” or “evening dawn” are suitable.

The autumn range also includes cooler shades, such as “hawthorn” and “mahogany”.
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A yellow blouse, a red hat, a green jacket - and all this makes your friends look good, not you? You need to know your color type.

What is a color type? If we analyze the word in detail, we can distinguish two roots: “color” and “type”. That is, the color type or color type. It follows that a color type is a certain combination of colors and their shades that are in harmony with each other.

When talking about color type, what is most often meant is the color type of appearance.

Color types of appearance

  • The color type of appearance is a certain combination of hair color, lips, eyes, skin tone. Each person can be more or less accurately attributed to any one color type
  • By the way, there are 4 main color types: , and . Just like the seasons. This is due to the fact that each color type is characterized by exactly those shades in the image that correspond to its time of year
  • It’s worth telling more about the shades of the seasons so as not to cause confusion
  • Each season is dominated by certain colors. So, in large quantities there is a contrast of white and black
  • The color scheme is cool. Therefore, in the appearance of a person belonging to the “” color type there will always be coldness and contrast: black hair and blue eyes with an icy tint, white hair and blue eyes

Color type “winter”

Color type "winter" Color type "winter"

“Spring” color type

“Spring” color type

Incorrectly chosen colors in clothing and accessories can make even very beautiful girl. On the contrary, well-chosen shades will distract attention from the shortcomings of your appearance and emphasize your advantages. Do right choice It became easier after the concept of appearance color types appeared in the terminology of stylists. This classification is based on drawing a color analogy between appearance types and seasons. Knowing your color type is extremely useful, since for each of them the network contains thousands of recommendations for selecting the most successful ones. color solutions in clothes.

The essence of the theory about color types

The theory of 4 color types of appearance came to the fashion sphere from the artistic world. The starting point is the publication in 1980 of the book “The Colors of Beauty” by author Carol Jackson.

The theory is based on the fact that in each season certain colors predominate in nature. Comparing these colors with the characteristics of a person’s appearance, each of us can be classified into one of 4 color types:

  • winter;
  • summer;
  • spring;
  • autumn

There is also an additional division of types into warm and cold. If the color types of your appearance are spring and autumn, then they are warm, if winter and summer are cold. This classification reflects the nature of the shades that are most suitable for each type.
Determining the color type of appearance is based on external characteristics, including:

  • skin tone (including a tendency to tan or redness, the presence of freckles);
  • eye color;
  • coloring of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

You can correctly determine your color type only if you follow the following rules.

  1. Evaluate your appearance only after you have completely removed makeup from your face.
  2. Dyeing your hair and eyebrows, as well as tanning, can correct your color type. Its original meaning can only be determined by your natural data.
  3. Look at yourself in daylight: it’s better to go to a window. Artificial lighting can distort the perception of colors.
  4. Wear clothes in neutral, light shades and bare your shoulders and neck to objectively assess your skin tone.

After analyzing your appearance, you need to write down all your characteristics so that it is more convenient to compare them with the characteristics of different color types.

4 color types of appearance according to seasons

Each of the four seasons has certain color characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them.


The winter color type is clean, deep and cold. It corresponds to people with the following characteristics:

  • The skin is white, cool tones. Also possible dark version with an olive tint. Contrastes sharply with hair and eyebrows. White skin It burns easily in the sun, and olive-toned skin acquires an even golden tan. There are no freckles.
  • Eyes range from dark chestnut to black, with cool blues, grays and greens also common.
  • Hair and eyebrows are rich black and chestnut shades, without a red tint. If blond, then ashy.

The winter color type of appearance is represented by such celebrities as Demi Moore, Halle Barry, Monica Bellucci, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.
Cold but rich colors suit winter girls. The ideal option would be bright black, white, steel shades, as well as various variations of blue and pink. Neutral tones and warm brown palettes should be avoided.


Summer appearance color type is soft, cool, light. Its description is as follows:

  • The skin is a delicate milky color, or olive without yellowness. Blush pink. The contrast with the hair is low. Olive skin tans well, milky skin is prone to burns.
  • The eyes are cool, blue or green, or a mixture of these two colors.
  • Hair and eyebrows range from light blonde to deep brown, with a characteristic grayish haze.

The summer color type is personified by Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Natalia Vodianova.
Representatives of summer will suit soft, muted shades - light blue, turquoise, cream, burgundy. But dark and contrasting colors only focus attention on the shortcomings of this type.


Spring is a color type of appearance, characterized by purity, warmth and light. It can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Light skin with a cream or golden tone, as if glowing with warmth from within. Peach blush. Tan with a slight reddish tint.
  • Eye color: blue, emerald, green, amber.
  • The color of hair and eyebrows ranges from light blond to medium chestnut, with golden and reddish shades.

The spring type is typical for Svetlana Khodchenkova, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, and singer Valeria.
“Spring” will look good in natural, fresh, but not very bright colors. Peach, orange, coral red, lilac, all kinds of variations of brown and beige are suitable. You should avoid dark colors that sharply contrast with your light appearance.


The warm color type of appearance, corresponding to autumn, is associated with softness, warmth and depth. It corresponds to the following features:

  • Warm skin tone with a golden glow and freckles. Tans poorly, has no blush, low contrast with the hair.
  • The eyes are mostly brown, but there are also amber, olive, warm green, and blue.
  • Hair and eyebrows - brown with a golden tint, black, red.

The autumn color type of appearance is represented by Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Yulia Savicheva.
To understand what colors suit autumn girls, just look at the landscape of a bright autumn forest. These are shades of earth, colorful foliage, trees. Warm shades of brown, pistachio, coral, terracotta, and olive will highlight the beauty. It is necessary to avoid all cold colors, as they will overshadow the natural warmth of appearance.

Theory about 12 color types of appearance

The introduction of color type theory into the fashion industry has greatly simplified the selection color range for different types of appearance. However, many people have had difficulty classifying their appearance due to the presence of characteristics belonging to the characteristics of different seasons. To solve this problem, in the 90s, coloristics was replenished with another theory called “12 color types of appearance.”
This theory is based on 6 characteristics, each of which contains a branching into 2 color types. You only need to relate yourself to one of the signs. Let's look at their characteristics:

  1. Bright spring and summer. These are people with blond or chestnut hair color, with gray, transparent blue or green irises, as well as light skin tones.
  2. Dark (deep) autumn and winter. Hair ranges from dark chestnut to blue-black, eye color is orange-brown or green, skin is dark.
  3. Warm spring and autumn. If the color types of your appearance are autumn and spring, this is characterized by red and brown hair with golden highlights, expressive eyes brown and green shades with golden notes and creamy and milky skin.
  4. Cold spring and winter. The cold color type includes black, chestnut and ash hair color, blue, gray and light brown iris, pinkish skin.
  5. Clean winter and spring. This appearance is rich in bright contrasts. Hair - from medium brown to black, or rich light blonde. Eye color – transparent blue, blue, green, yellow-brown, emerald. The skin contrasts sharply with the hair color.
  6. Mild summer and autumn. Neutral, not too expressive appearance. The hair color is unsaturated light brown, and the color of the eyes is gray-blue, brown, and light green. Low skin to hair contrast.

If you were able to accurately identify yourself with one of the characteristics, then you need to decide on the color type. To do this, you need to check which palette of the color types included in the trait suits you best. This is done by applying pieces of fabric or colored paper to the face. The main shades of 12 color types are presented in the images.
Pick up required colors not as difficult as it seems. Apply shades corresponding to the color types to your face one by one and ask yourself questions: “Which of these colors favorably shades my skin tone and highlights natural beauty, and which one is blocking me, taking all the attention to itself?” It will be easier to select the right shades if you involve an outside observer in this process.

Now you know how to determine your appearance color type. If it is not possible to contact a specialist, you can do it yourself. However, stylists do not advise following the rules of color types fanatically, using only “allowed” shades in images. In fact, you can wear absolutely any color. Even if the shade does not suit your type, you can always combine it with one of the “right” colors, thereby neutralizing the negative impact on your appearance.

In the fitting room of a store, do you suddenly notice that your complexion has become somewhat gray, and all the imperfections are clearly visible on your skin? Do not rush to complain about the wrong lifestyle and poor lighting. Most likely, your mood was spoiled by a color that didn’t suit your face. The right color palette in your wardrobe can work wonders - small wrinkles become invisible, your skin seems to glow, your eyes sparkle.

How to learn to choose the right colors? A true friend of stylists is the so-called seasonal method of color type analysis. Based on the combination of hair, eye and skin shades, experts divide people's appearance into four color types, named after the seasons - Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

Color Analysis Milestones – Yours natural color skin, hair and eyes. This is the natural palette that nature gave you at birth. It is she who determines what color outfits suit us, and which ones, as they say, “kill”. The same palette will tell you which makeup to choose and which shade you can dye your hair in, and which one is better not to try. For example, on representatives of “cold” color types (and these, don’t be surprised, include “Winter” and “Summer”), cool light brown and chestnut shades look great, black or ash blonde. But a “cold” girl who dyes her hair will most likely look terrible.

As practice shows, not everyone can correctly determine their palette the first time. If the girl in question really wants to be a redhead, she will convince herself that hers is a red-red “Autumn,” although in fact the young lady may turn out to be both “Winter” and “Summer.” If you are still ready to try a coloristic analysis of your appearance, the first thing you need to do is abstract from all the stereotypes about “beautiful” and “ugly” colors. A beautiful color is one that will decorate you personally. Eg, grey colour Many associate it with boredom, depression, and unattractive appearance. The expression “gray mouse” is familiar to everyone. But it is one of the most elegant colors, and if it makes you personally look beautiful, why not include it in your wardrobe? Probably every woman will agree: gray clothes and blooming skin are better than a blouse of the most beautiful colors and a gray complexion.

So, step one. Decide which tones you have more in your appearance – warm or cold. For example, fair skin can be a warm golden tone or a cool porcelain tone. Tanner skin may be chocolate or caramel, or it may have a cool beige tone. The bend of the arm on the inside of the elbow will help you decide. With your hand slightly bent, look at the color of the wrinkles formed in this place. If their color has a clear bluish tint, then you belong to the cold direction. Any eye color has many shades, but their cold or warm orientation is not difficult to identify. Representatives of “warm” types have chocolate, dark brown or warm hazel eyes, as well as turquoise or greenish-bluish, or gray with golden specks around the pupil. But the bright “icy” colors Blue eyes, pure gray color of the iris, cocoa-colored eyes (cold beige) and transparent green ones will indicate representatives of the cold type.

It is not difficult to decide on hair color. Just attention! - meaning your natural color. If you dye your hair so regularly that you've forgotten what it looked like, let your roots grow out a little and examine them in good daylight. Light brown shades, cast in gray, will be cold, blue-black hair, chestnut shades without red, rather close to dark blond. Warm - of course, red, as well as golden blond and all light brown and chestnut shades, in which golden or red sparkles glimmer. The main guideline is just this “tint” of hair in sunny color. Representatives of “cold” types have gray or bluish hair, while “warm” types have reddish or golden hair.

Step two. Select your color type from the four “seasonal” ones. If you find warm shades in yourself, you are “Autumn” or “Spring”. Carriers of cool colors – “Winter” or “Summer”. (“Summer,” contrary to the name of the season, fell into the category of cold due to the muted colors, as if sprinkled with dust in the heat). On the Internet you can find images of “pure” color types and check them. But you should still rely on your own impressions.

Two cold color types – Winter and Summer

Winter. Representatives of the “Winter” color type are the easiest to identify: the contrast between skin and hair color immediately catches the eye. Most often they have a very light face, as if porcelain with a bluish or grayish tint. Such skin practically does not tan. Or, on the contrary, “Winter” may have enough dark skin cool olive shades, which tans well, acquiring a tan of a beautiful dark brown color. Hair can be searing black, with a blue tint, or have a softer shade: dark brown, dark chestnut, dark ash, but always with a steel tint. Even platinum blondes can turn out to be “Winter” if they naturally have fairly dark skin, because the main feature of this look is a high degree of contrast between hair color and skin tone. In fact, the winter type differs from the summer type precisely in the level of contrast - in “Winter” it is higher. The “winter” type is reminiscent of black silhouettes of trees or red rowan trees against a background of white snow, while the summer type is reminiscent of flowers and grass, sprinkled with dust and scorched by the sun.

And the eyelashes of the “winter” type have the same color as the hair. “Winter’s” eyes are dark brown, green, ash-gray, dark purple, almost colorless, pale lips with a slight bluish tint.

Celebrities with a pronounced “winter” color type: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Anna Kovalchuk, Oksana Fedorova, Keira Knightley, Liv Tyler, Penelope Cruz, Monica Bellucci, Megan Fox.
Cloth. It is worth giving preference to bright and cool colors of maximum or medium saturation - black, white, bright blue, gray, lemon yellow. All options in pink and blue look great.

Suitable fabrics for women of the winter color type are leather, satin, knitwear, cashmere and any other shiny and smooth materials. Most the best choice- plain fabrics. But if there is a drawing, then these must be correct geometric lines. No floral motifs or delicate watercolor patterns. Large drawings are welcome.

Those with a winter appearance, despite their clearly cool tendency, are suitable for both cold and some shades of warm colors (except brown and yellow-green). The main thing is that it should be distinct, bright and saturated colors (often caustic), and not pastel. Perhaps this is the only color type that perfectly suits pure white and pure black. It is also worth paying attention to burgundy, ruby, lilac, dark purple, emerald shades, and even pungent pink.

Errors. A typical mistake of “winter women” is vague light shades, which only “blur” the appearance. A big mistake, of course, would be to prefer warm colors with a hint of orange and red – both in clothes and when dyeing hair. Red and orange are probably the only colors that can make the bright “Winter” fade. Winter color types should never confuse their appropriate color of dark chocolate (cool) with the golden shades of brown from the Autumn color palette, which we will talk about later. This unforgivable mistake dooms the contrasting Winter to a dull complexion and a general feeling of worn-out appearance.

Summer. “Summer” refers to cold color types, but, as mentioned above, it is a little “warmer” than winter and has less contrast. Summer-type women's skin is most often a delicate, light pink or light olive shade. It can be a pale, porcelain-like complexion that easily burns in the sun, or a light olive complexion that tans to a pleasant nutty hue. Representatives of this type have thin pinkish skin with a distinct network of fine blood vessels.

“Summer” young ladies blush easily, the blush on their face is clearly visible. Alas, this also applies to any other redness. A summer girl's freckles are more ashy than golden brown.

Hair can be any color, from light straw to dark blond or dark chestnut, but always with a cold ash tint, without red. Eyebrows and eyelashes also have a cool tint. The hair color of “summer” may also have a brown tone, but it is not a warm, sparkling brown with a reddish tint, like that of “Autumn” or “Spring,” but a calm color, close to black or gray-brown. If a “summer girl’s” hair is sun-bleached, it may acquire some redness, but this is a deceptive impression of a warm direction in appearance. This is why it is worth considering hair color at the roots, and not at the ends. As a child, the Summer woman is often ash-blond; over the years, her hair begins to darken.

Owners of the summer color type are often dissatisfied with their natural hair color: they call it “gray”, “mousy”, boring. Wanting to enliven the palette given by nature, “summer” girls often make the mistake of dyeing their hair inappropriately warm or too warm. dark colors. But neither red nor searing black colors them, but, on the contrary, roughens their naturally delicate appearance. “Summer” may well allow itself to refresh its hair color, but it is better to stay within the limits cold palette colors. The natural low or medium degree of contrast in appearance should not be disturbed. By the way, “summer women” look great with coloring or partial lightening of individual strands.

The eyes of the “summer” type are gray, gray-blue, blue or blue-green, and may be hazel. Main sign“summer” - the eyes of people of this type are never bright and stand out strongly on the face. They seem to be shrouded in haze, and the whites are milky in color and somewhat clouded. The lips also have a slightly milky tint.

Celebrities with a “summer” color type: Natalia Vodianova, Alina Kabaeva, Mischa Barton, Laetitia Casta, Liz Hurley, Sarah Jessica Parker, Scarlett Johannson, Jennifer Aniston, Uma Thurman, Milla Jovovich.

When choosing clothes “summer” beauties should give preference to soft pastel tones. “Summer” can afford both cold and warm colors. The main thing is that the colors are dim. All shades of gray, pale pink, pale blue, turquoise and dark blue tones, crimson, burgundy, cocoa, some shades of brown, yellow and beige are welcome. You should avoid yellow-green tones, some yellow-red ones - for example, apricot and coral tones. The combination of colors in clothes according to the monochromatic principle suits a summer appearance.

The most suitable fabrics and materials are the thinnest, softest, flowing and delicate: chiffon, velvet, lace, moiré, gauze, crepe georgette, jersey, voile. Fine wool, flannel, poplin, linen, tweed and knit options can be used. The design on the fabric should emphasize the femininity and elegance of the “summer” appearance. No clear geometric lines, no corners, cells or stripes. Only small, soft, enveloping shapes, fancy patterns. Abstractions and floral motifs will come in handy.

Common mistake women-summer - choose too harsh color contrasts in clothes. In the gentle “Summer” they immediately reveal all the minor flaws in appearance. It is also better not to use pure black and bright white colors. Black looks old, and pure white is only suitable for a summer appearance with good tan. Milky color and color will greatly decorate a “summer” woman eggshells. More often than not, summer hair color is light or medium brown, so the basis of this type of wardrobe should be light shades. The darker the hair color, the darker tones you can use in clothing and makeup.

Two warm color types – Autumn and Spring

Autumn. Autumn girls are the warmest of the entire “seasonal” palette. Their skin can be both light and quite dark: ivory, peach, beige-golden, bronze, and even olive tones - but it always gives off a warm glow. Often the complexion is similar to spring women, but “Autumn” usually does not have a natural pink blush - her skin is an even warm color, with a yellowish or pinkish tint. Most women with autumn appearance have freckles, and their skin burns easily in the sun.
The main wealth of “Autumn” is, of course, luxurious hair of all shades of red. They can be reddish blond, carrot, red-copper, chestnut-red, and even completely dark, but in the light they always have golden sparkles.

As a rule, autumn women are happy with their natural hair color. If you want to change their shade, you should pay attention to those paints that have a warm reddish tint. Individual reddish strands look beautiful. Henna can give “autumn” hair shimmer and natural shine. When dyeing Autumn hair, you should avoid dyes based on blue pigments: ashen, plum, lilac.

“Autumn” girls usually have green, amber, cognac-colored eyes. There are also gray ones with gold splashes, bright blue and green eyes. Lips – bright, warm pink or orange shades. But “Autumn” eyelashes and eyebrows are, as a rule, almost colorless. However, when highlighting them, it is important not to overdo it: a black eyebrow pencil and eyeliner of the same color will make your “autumn” appearance rough and caricatured.

Celebrities with a pronounced “Autumn” color type: Amalia Goldanskaya, Yulia Savicheva, Anna Bolshova, Juliana Moore, Marcia Cross, Julia Roberts, Lindsay Lohan.

Autumn palette. In clothes for women of the autumn color type, soft, rich red-brown tones and simply soft warm colors, mostly dark, are very suitable. Bright autumn cannot be spoiled by any earthy shades - on the contrary, the closer the color is to the natural tones of the earth, foliage and bark, the better. “Autumn” is the most “natural” type in terms of colors. “Autumn” girls can be advised to pay attention to the brown range from golden beige to dark chocolate. Shades of green that suit them are olive, khaki, pistachio. Of the brighter shades, a warm pink palette will look great: coral, salmon. From the cold palette, that part of the blue that is closer to plum and purple, that is, to blue with an admixture of warm red, is suitable.

The best fabrics are those that are quite dense and stiff, similar to the skins and rough homespun clothes that our ancestors wore: drape, tweed, jersey, suede, velor, corduroy and the like. Women of the autumn color type are probably the only ones who do not look vulgar in clothes of tiger and leopard print and other “wild jungle” patterns. Folklore motifs in the drawing also suit them.

Errors. Cold blue, dark blue, close to black tones, as well as all flashy winter shades should be avoided. Women of the autumn type should not use blurry and “dusty” shades of the summer color scheme. Autumn is a bright time. Pure black and blinding white colors are absolutely not suitable. For light colors, it is better to look at ivory, cream or cream, and for dark ones, chocolate brown.

Spring. Women of the “spring” color type are often natural blondes or light brown-haired.

Hair color has a golden, wheat or amber tint. The hair is often slightly curly and has a fine and fluffy texture.

Owners of the “Spring” color type can be recognized by their soft golden peach-colored skin. But it can also be light, ivory-colored, but always with a pinkish or golden tint. Such girls often have a delicate pink blush. If you have freckles on your face, they will be a warm, brown tone rather than grey. The appearance of the spring woman gives the impression of naturalness, freshness, and fragility. There is no black-haired “spring”, but there are dark and reddish hair - shades of chestnut, copper. But they don’t have such a bright red-gold tint in their hair as autumn does. “Spring” tends towards a softer golden palette.

“Spring” girls have light blue, turquoise, yellow-green or golden-brown eyes and lips of natural warm pink shades. The color of the eyebrows and eyelashes either completely matches the color of the hair, or is one or two shades darker.

Celebrities with the “Spring” color type: Anna Kournikova, Princess Diana, Kaludia Schiffer, Kim Cattrall, Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears.

Spring palette. And again everything is like in nature: spring colors are warm, light, clean and natural. They are quite bright, but not as contrasting as in the winter version. Representatives of the “Spring” color type are best suited for clothing in soft and warming shades. Many tones of yellow, orange and red look good on “spring” girls. It is worth paying attention to the yellow-green shade, caramel color, yellow-pink, yellow-orange, rich orange, peach, apricot and coral. “Spring” looks good in warm, warming shades of pink. In the blue range, you can choose light colors: light blue, cornflower blue, lilac. Many light shades of the brown palette look great: light beige, camel, cream, dark beige, caramel, sand, and so on. But it’s better to leave dark colors to “Autumn” - spring is too warm and light for them. How lighter hair, the lighter shades are suitable for those with a spring appearance.

Representatives of the “spring” type look most harmonious in clothes made of thin and light fabrics: cotton, linen, velvet, suede and knitwear. Plain materials are preferable. Patterns should be soft, delicate, unobtrusive: a small flower, a speck, a Venetian glass pattern. For “Spring” it is better to exclude all pretentious, too bright and large prints - they suppress it.

Errors. You should not choose overly contrasting color combinations, which would be more suitable for “Winter”. Such colors will ruin the beauty of spring. And pastel and blurry “summer” shades will make it expressionless and faded. As with all previous types, except for “Winter,” it is better not to use pure black and dazzling white colors. Mixed white shades are suitable for “Spring”: creamy white, ivory, all shades of eggshell. Deliberate extravagance in clothing also spoils spring, since it blurs the impression of “purity and freshness” of this type.