silver wedding- This beautiful holiday, where friends, relatives, and adult children gather to congratulate the spouses on their 25th anniversary life together. A quarter of a century is a serious anniversary of a relationship that has already overcome all obstacles and become strong and truly close.

Traditional gifts

Traditional silver wedding gifts are made from precious metal. The choice is now huge; you can present not only jewelry, but also dishes and interior items. Gifts that imitate silver surfaces will be good.

In this video you can find a few more ideas on what to give and how to decorate your 25th wedding anniversary using an imitation silver surface:

Original gifts from friends and relatives

The 25th anniversary of marriage is a serious reason to find an original gift, because many have already been given in past years. On this day, you want the gift to be remembered, and also for a long time pleased the heroes of the day.

If you want to make a truly original gift, then choose products self made, you don’t have to make them yourself, but you can order them from a master. Today you can find unique jewelry, bouquets of sweets, colorful photo albums, wall clocks, gifts for the kitchen for every taste. If you want to give something specific, it can be made to order especially for the celebrants.

Gifts from children to parents

By the 25th wedding anniversary, children have usually grown up and become quite independent. They are no longer limited to postcards and pictures of their own production, but can choose an interesting and useful gift parents.

When choosing a gift, consider that the parents can use it together or in turn, so that the gift is not intended for one of the parents. If the gift is personal, then buy two gifts for each person.

Gifts from spouses to each other

Having lived together for a quarter of a century, the spouses choose gifts for each other easily and naturally, because all the tastes of the other half have already been studied. And yet, I always want to celebrate a significant anniversary brightly, so that it is remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, the gift should be made special. According to tradition, on this day the husband and wife again exchange rings, this time silver, and then wear them on the middle finger right hand, next to the wedding ones.

What a husband can give to his wife:

Any gift, of course, should be complemented with a huge bouquet of fresh flowers. For a silver wedding, it is customary to give white roses, lilies, dahlias and other flowers.

What a wife can give her husband:

A silver wedding is the first serious anniversary in a couple’s life together, which symbolizes the strength and inviolability of the relationship. A grand celebration is held on this day; not only relatives are invited, but also the entire immediate environment. Even if your parents or friends don’t want to have a big feast, you can celebrate as a family in a small company of close people.

25 years of marriage is a silver wedding. Not many people are able to live together for a quarter of a century, so the celebration should be magnificent and memorable. Invitees should know the 25th wedding anniversary - what kind of wedding it is and what to give to the celebrants.

What do husband and wife give each other for 25 years of marriage?

Gifts can be anything, the most important thing is the love and care with which they were chosen and presented. But there is also a tradition that spouses should give each other modest bouquets of five flowers - a symbol of love and reverent attitude towards each other.

The main symbol of the 25th wedding anniversary is silver rings. The husband and wife exchange them, emphasizing the strength of the vows they made during the wedding. Silver rings are worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Gift ideas for friends and family

The 25th wedding anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, so the celebrants invite all their relatives and friends to the celebration, who present them with gifts. Traditionally, these should be any objects made of silver - a precious metal, a symbol of strong and happy relationships. If you were invited to your 25th wedding anniversary, what to give and what kind of wedding you haven’t thought about, then stop at silver.

Interior items

These things will always be useful for the home. You can choose any jewelry with silver elements. For example, a clock, a painting, a photo frame, candlesticks, a table or wall clock. The main thing is not to forget that there must be a silver element.


To choose something from the dishes, it is better to know in advance what the other guests will give, otherwise the heroes of the day may receive several silver spoons, forks and glasses. Silver water jug ​​– original version, because it is known that silver purifies water. Whichever option you choose, don’t forget to engrave it so that the anniversaries remember holiday date and about you.

Silver souvenirs

It is better to buy figurines that symbolize happy relationship husband and wife, for example, two hearts, swans, doves, etc. A gift can be not only a symbol, but also a talisman. For example, a silver horseshoe that brings good luck and happiness to the house, or a tree that contributes to the further prosperity of the family of the hero of the day.

Icons and pectoral crosses

Such gifts are given only to believers; you can also present a Bible with silver decoration and icons in a silver setting.

Show and fun as a gift!

Traditions are good, but you don’t always want to give silver items if you have something unusual and original in mind for your 25th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding and what original gift to give, you will have to think in advance, otherwise you will not have time to prepare. But we want to warn you that it is better to give such gifts to anniversaries to children, close relatives or good friends.

Useful gifts

So that the gift is definitely needed and liked by the couple? It is worth paying attention to the wishes of your parents, perhaps they themselves will give you an idea.

  • a set of towels or bed linen. As experienced housewives say, you can never have enough linen and towels, so yours will definitely come in handy. To make the gift special and to remember you, order embroidery of the names of the heroes of the day and the memorable date of the 25th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding and what they give fades into the background, even if one of the guests gives the same gift, yours will remain exclusive;
  • new household appliances. Don’t know what the celebrants have and what they would like to buy? Don’t take risks, it’s better to buy a certificate at a hardware store and give it as a gift;
  • gifts based on interests. If you know what the husband and wife are interested in, then give them something that will be useful for their hobby. For example, those who like to relax in nature can choose a barbecue or kebab grill, a picnic basket or a cooler bag, and for fans of classical music there is no better gift than two tickets to the opera house or philharmonic society.

25 years of marriage is an important date for every family that has managed to carry love and tenderness through the years. Gifts for such an anniversary should be special; you can present traditional silver or opt for something useful and unusual. Find out also

The silver wedding is the 25th anniversary of the creation of a family. Where did this name come from? The first wedding anniversary is called chintz, because chintz is a very thin material that symbolizes the fragility of the feelings of the young. But over the years, feelings become more and more stronger, the desire to be together becomes stronger, and the marriage becomes stronger. Therefore, the names of wedding anniversaries become more and more respectable every year, and the 25th anniversary is already acquiring metallic hardness, emphasized by the nobility of this metal.

However, this is not the first metal to give names wedding anniversaries. Before him, there were already nickel, tin, and cast iron weddings. Meanwhile, all these metals are not noble; they symbolize only the strength of marriage, but not its beauty.

Twenty-five years lived together means that the young people managed to carry their love through many underwater reefs and are now worthy of such jewelry as a silver ring, which is a symbol of preserving the union.

Rituals and traditions - original and interesting, old and completely new, decorate every anniversary. However, a silver wedding is a special anniversary in the life of any married couple, so think again about the rituals that are performed on this significant day.

Morning rituals for celebrating a silver wedding

The first kiss is considered the very first ritual. This is a sacrament that occurs between two close people who not only lived together for many years, but also managed to preserve the tenderness and love that they felt for each other in the first years of their life together. The first kiss is very romantic, beautiful and unique. On this day, waking up, the spouses wish each other good morning and join in a long kiss. And the longer the first kiss lasts, the more pleasant the memories of this day will be.

After the kiss, another ritual is performed, which is called washing. It is also carried out in an unusual way. The husband and wife together draw water into a silver jug ​​and, pouring from it, help each other wash. In the old days, to perform this ritual, spouses got up very early and went to the river for water. Then, both of them holding the jug, they carried it home, where they performed the ceremony. Nowadays, water can be tap water, the main thing is to find a suitable jug. An ordinary jug will do, but then you put a small silver item in it, for example, a coin.

The husband washes first. At the same time, the wife picks up a linen towel and a jug of water and pours it on her husband. You need to wash your face three times. After each, the husband wipes his face with the linen towel given to him by his wife. The first ablution washes away the years, he becomes 25 years younger. Secondly, it washes away all the worries and sorrows that have existed during these 25 years. And for the third time the husband washes himself, welcoming the new morning and new life. The wife washes herself in the same way. At the end of this ritual, the jug, in which a few drops of water must be left, is placed on the balcony or outside. The water will evaporate along with all the worries and sorrows that may exist in the future. The faster the water evaporates, the happier your life together will be.

Daytime rituals for celebrating a silver wedding

In the old days, the ritual of washing ended with the arrival of the parents. Today you can invite parents to a certain time in advance. Usually the parents arrive around the time the ring exchange ceremony begins. Parents first check whether the towel is dry and there are droplets of water in the jug, and after that they begin to bless the newlyweds. If the droplets of water in the jug or towel have not yet dried, then the parents have to wait. Therefore, husband and wife perform the ritual of washing early in the morning.

The most beautiful and main ritual is the exchange of rings. Those who have lived together for 25 years exchange silver rings. This means that they love each other as much as they did in the first year of their marriage. Prepare for this solemn event in advance. You can carry out the ceremony not only at home, but also in the registry office, where this ceremony will look more solemn. The same witnesses who were present at the marriage registration must be present at this ceremony. They confirm the love of the young people for each other.

In order for everything to be the same as the first time, the bride dresses Wedding Dress, which was on her at the time of registration. However, if this is not possible, then you can get by with another outfit. The main thing is that it matches the event. Usually this ritual is performed at midday, while the sun is at its zenith. There is a belief that if it rains at a wedding, the newlyweds will have a very happy life together. For a silver wedding, the opposite is true: if the weather is sunny, it means the feelings of the newlyweds have not faded in 25 years.

In ancient times, a silver wedding necessarily presupposed the presence of a priest, who conducted the ceremony according to all the rules, re-wedding the newlyweds. Nowadays, if the newlyweds are not married in church, then this anniversary is the most suitable occasion for this. This ritual ends with the newlyweds exchanging gold wedding rings for silver ones. The gold ones are placed in a box where they will be kept until the golden wedding. Some perform this ritual a little differently. They simply put silver rings on top of gold ones and wear two rings at once.

Evening rituals for celebrating a silver wedding

Beats means he loves. This phrase is relevant even today. A silver wedding involves an exchange. This time it will be the wife who will prove this truth. The ceremony is performed in the evening, when the newlyweds are alone. The wife should take the rolling pin in her hands and tap her husband a little below the waist. At the same time, she says: “Did you beat me, hubby? Now I will show you all my love.” At the same time, the husband should not dodge “beatings”. This ceremony also differs from others in that the wife must dress up as a man, and the husband must put on an apron. When performing this ritual, the spouses temporarily change roles. The wife becomes the head of the family, and the husband plays the role of housewife.

The last ritual, which is also performed in the evening, is tea drinking. The ceremony should take place at a time when the invited guests have already left. The dining table at which the ceremony will take place should not be cleared. The remaining dishes will remind the young people of the holiday in which they played the main roles. And only at the end of tea drinking can the dishes be removed. Moreover, husband and wife must do this together.

Of course, the silver wedding is not limited to the rituals described. There are also some traditions that it is advisable to follow if you want your silver wedding to go according to all the rules. The main tradition is presenting flowers to the bride. As on the day of registration, the husband must give his wife a beautiful, delicate bouquet.

The next tradition that almost everyone happily adheres to is inviting guests. However, it must be borne in mind that this is also part of the tradition and must be performed correctly. First of all, since this is a silver wedding, invitations should be sent no earlier than 25 days before the celebration, and there should also be at least 25 guests. In order for the silver wedding to take place without any difficulties, and for the newlyweds and guests to get maximum pleasure from the celebration, it is better to invite a toastmaster to conduct the ceremony, who will make this day unforgettable.

The couple, who have been married for 25 years, are celebrating one of the most beautiful “precious” anniversaries of their life together. 25th wedding anniversary - what kind of wedding is celebrated on this day, what are the traditions of this significant date for every family?

On this day, the couple celebrates their silver wedding. What does this symbol mean for family life?

  • Silver is noble metal, not subject to oxidation and rust. Over the years, it acquires an even more noble appearance. Although silver may tarnish a little over time, it always looks decent.
  • The marital relationship, having passed the test of 25 years of marriage, has acquired nobility and strength. They are little influenced by capricious circumstances, life's storms, of course, leave their mark, but love and devotion only become stronger over the years, preserving beauty and nobility, like silver.
  • Therefore, the choice of the symbol of this anniversary is far from accidental. This is a well-deserved reward for those spouses who adequately overcame storms and storms and confidently sailed their ship into the vast expanse of the ocean of shared happiness.
  • Silver is distinguished not only by its value or beauty. Since ancient times, this metal has been credited with some magical properties, and modern science has recognized silver’s ability to purify water. Thus, a family that has celebrated a quarter-century anniversary is able to cope with most problems, becoming a role model addressed to other people.
  • The symbolism of the silver wedding is important. Even those who do not attach too much importance to anniversaries and dates are sure to celebrate this holiday.
  • Interestingly, in most European countries, as in Russia, this anniversary is also called the silver anniversary. Such unanimity is observed only with pearl, gold and ruby ​​weddings. Other anniversaries in different countries are called differently and have different traditions. But there are no discrepancies regarding the silver jubilee - the precious shining metal celebrates the 25th anniversary of marriage, as a symbol of marital harmony and mutual love.

As soon as we talk about anniversaries and holidays, the question immediately arises about gifts. A silver wedding requires a special approach to the selection of gifts and memorable souvenirs.

Gifts from spouses

On this day, spouses are sure to congratulate each other. Even if the family has a tradition of buying one common gift for the wedding day, useful in the household, on the silver anniversary it is better to give each other personal gifts that will help preserve a long-lasting memory of this day.

  • The priority for gifts, of course, is silver items. The first thing that comes to mind as a gift is jewelry. For your beloved wife you can choose silver earrings elegant work, and if your wife carefully follows fashion, then present her with a handmade silver bracelet, decorated with enamel. Such things are especially valued now.
  • You can give your husband stylish cufflinks or a tie clip. Silver goes well with black pearls or dark chocolate opal, as well as onyx, which is rarely found in jewelry, which can also be painted in a deep, rich tone, from dark orange to black.
  • Other things useful for everyday life can be made from silver. For example, a retro-style cup holder will be very an original gift. A silver tray is worthy of serving breakfast in bed to your loved one, and a silver coffee pair will help you start every day in a good mood.
  • Custom-made products become popular gifts for spouses. It could be jewelry or a souvenir made according to a selected sketch, or decorated in accordance with the wishes of the customer.
  • Such a gift will be individual and original. appearance. But even common item You can make it unique by decorating it with engraving. Looks especially touching warm congratulations with signature and date. If the family has a coat of arms or a favorite motto, then this can also be engraved on the chosen gift.

Gifts from relatives

If your relatives or parents have a silver wedding coming up, then it is better to prepare for it in advance, including choosing gifts.

  • The main theme of choice should be silver. It is better to focus on household items and souvenirs. Let the spouses give each other jewelry themselves.
  • A cognac or vodka set made of silver, with tiny shot glasses and an elegant decanter will become a real decoration for any family feast.
  • Silverware decorated with colored enamel looks elegant. This technique is used to produce salad bowls, gravy boats, cups and fruit bowls, so there is a wide choice of gifts.
  • A table set for 6 or 12 people is a rather traditional, but no less pleasant, gift for the silver anniversary of married life.
  • Close relatives and children can also prepare an original personal gift. For example, make a video clip about spouses or make a large family album in scrapbooking style, which will contain photographs from family history, showing the best moments of family life. The slide show of electronic photos of the heroes of the occasion, with beautiful music and poems of their own composition, always looks touching.
  • Silver objects and utensils are nice, but not at all obligatory gifts for your 25th wedding anniversary. You can also give other gifts. A good orthopedic mattress or massage chair would be a good idea for your loved ones. This will help restore strength after labor poverty.
  • Large household appliances are a traditional gift for a silver wedding. Often, guests and relatives simply collect money and buy one necessary thing from everyone. For example, new washing machine, TV panel or new living room set.

Gifts from friends

  1. Those invited to the silver wedding, of course, do not come empty-handed. Traditionally, the “silver” theme predominates in these gifts. This could be a set of crystal glasses with a silver edging, a painting in a silver frame, and for believers - an icon in a silver-plated frame.
  2. Household appliances are quite suitable as a gift for a silver wedding. In order not to disappoint the celebrants, you can consult in advance with other family members about which instrument or device will be most useful. You can get out of this situation using gift certificate for a certain amount. Then the spouses will be able to independently choose the right thing.
  3. Good home textiles always look appropriate. Considering the theme of the anniversary, it is better to select products from white or silver fabric, giving preference to natural or handmade things.
  4. If you know well the tastes of the heroes of the occasion, then feel free to choose something that they will definitely like, even if it turns out to be not a silver vase at all, but even an automatic barbecue with the function of turning kebabs, or a tent for two for winter hikes.
  5. If there are certain traditions in the family, and you know about them, then it is better to adhere to them. For example, in some families only money is given for anniversaries, while in others only hand-made gifts are given.

How to celebrate 25 years of marriage?

The silver wedding is traditionally celebrated quite lavishly. Friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even neighbors are invited to attend, not to mention family members.

  • One of the most common formats is a celebration in a cafe or restaurant. It is especially common in large families, with an abundance of out-of-town relatives. Everything simply won’t fit in a standard apartment.
  • An anniversary can be celebrated quite modestly, gathering loved ones at home. But then the guests must take care that the heroes of the day do not get bored. The program, scripts, competitions - all this is the work of family and friends. By the way, another type of anniversary gift, which is increasingly common, is payment for the services of professional presenters or a cultural program ordered in advance.
  • The tradition of celebrating the silver jubilee not with a simple feast and gatherings, but themed party. It could be the popular game of "mafia" or a celebration in the style of the French Renaissance. Invitees come in suits or with appropriate accessories. Such a party will be remembered for a long time.
  • Another format that will appeal to dynamic and active people is a silver wedding in an entertainment center or amusement park, in a dolphinarium or even in a circus. Many entertainment establishments provide such services, and the result is a very unusual and vibrant spectacle. And if you take care of a professional photographer in advance, then such a holiday will go down in family history.
  • If the anniversary falls in the warm season, then you can get out into nature with friends and relatives, having a real hike or a fun picnic. Some originals, even in the middle of winter, organize unforgettable holidays, taking everyone out on a fun ski trip or ice skating.
  • So the silver wedding scenario can be very different, but according to tradition, this holiday is celebrated among a large circle of guests. By the way, if possible, you can invite witnesses wedding celebration and guests who were present 25 years ago, this will help you immerse yourself in pleasant memories and mentally go through the most pleasant milestones in family history.

So we have covered a long road of a joint journey lasting a quarter of a century. But this is just one of many paths that married couple We still have to overcome it together. Husband and wife have already repeatedly tested each other in various life situations of living together. We experienced wonderful moments of happiness together and endured countless hardships.

And the fact that this long term is two loving hearts overcame together, hand in hand, only proves that it was not in vain that fate brought them together at one time. There is no doubt that this strong union will delight relatives, loving family friends, and just good acquaintances for many years, or even decades. They will give each other daily support, mutual understanding, smiles and joy.

The meaning of a silver wedding

The 25th anniversary indicates that the couple has achieved... Silver refers to precious metals and it is not without reason that it has long been considered a noble decoration of any place where it is present.

In the same way, the spouses celebrating this anniversary are noble and pure, like silver. They decorate and delight everyone around them with their presence. After all, unfortunately, not every couple manages to reach the twenty-five-year mark of a marital relationship. And this is truly a worthy reason for respect.

Everyone knows that if silver is not taken care of for a long time, it can fade and stop shining. But people who have lived to their 25th anniversary inseparably understand perfectly well what needs to be done to ensure that the other half and the relationship continue to glow from the inside. Silver is not only exquisite, but also noble.

He has long been endowed magical properties healing and rejuvenation, betrayed all sorts of mystical virtues. Its color and shades are a manifestation of purity, sincerity and fidelity, and the metal itself symbolizes the strength and strength of the union.

Living a quarter of a century together means maintaining tenderness and tolerance towards each other. Every day to prove loyalty and devotion, love and understanding. Behind us are many moments lived together, both good and bad. Now you can move on through life with your head held high.

Gift for wife for 25 years of marriage

The “young people” must exchange gifts that will prove their warm relationship with each other. What on such a beautiful day? It's no secret that on fragile women's shoulders lies most of the hassle of daily life in marriage.

The fair sex is the keeper of the family hearth and home comfort. The man wants to express all his gratitude and respect to her, looking for a suitable gift.

The traditional gift for the 25th anniversary will be silver jewelry. They look very solid and are much cheaper than gold or platinum. This gift will be a wonderful addition to your wife's jewelry collection. And the choice among silver jewelry is quite large.

A pendant, chain, necklace, ring, bracelet can be a wonderful gift. Here you need to start only from the personal preferences of the fair half of the couple. An interior item or souvenir made of silver or using its elements can also be a wonderful gift for a woman. This could be a mirror, dishes, various types boxes.

Except traditional gifts, you can give gifts that your other half has long dreamed of. It is recommended to pack the gift in beautiful paper silver color.

If you really want, you can make a paired gift. This could be various collages of family photographs, a film with a selection of favorite and special songs for the couple. Also, a wonderful gift would be for spouses to travel together on their anniversary - this is a wonderful reason to be together and enjoy each other’s company.

What to give your husband

For a wife, a silver wedding is a date that reminds her of happily lived days with her man. A spouse is a reliable support and protection on life’s long journey. On this important day you need all your tenderness and warmth, thereby showing how important it is to you.

Just like for a woman, silver items can be an appropriate gift for a representative of the stronger sex. In addition to chains, bracelets, rings and other jewelry, cufflinks, tie clips or watches are perfectly acceptable. Engraving, for example, with the name of a loved one, a significant date or a beautiful phrase, will look great on them.

A flask, a cigarette case or a keepsake coin made of precious metal would also be an excellent present for a man. In addition to silver, a man, like a woman, can and should give things that will be a pleasant reminder of such an important anniversary.

Gifts made with your own hands are especially appreciated. There is a wonderful tradition - to exchange silver rings on the wedding anniversary, which are worn on the middle or on the ring finger. They should not be removed until the next anniversary.

What not to give

A silver wedding is a very long-awaited and important anniversary for every family that celebrates it. It should be celebrated on a grand scale as a sign of respect for the noble age of marriage.

If spouses celebrating their twenty-fifth anniversary of marriage are superstitious people, then when choosing a gift you should take into account some rules:

  1. It is considered unacceptable to give knives, spoons, forks, mirrors, needles, as well as all kinds of sharp and piercing objects, as they are believed to bring quarrels into the family. This does not apply to beautifully designed cutlery sets.
  2. It is a bad omen to give a gift of wall or wristwatch as a sign of an imminent separation. In this case, it is better to refrain from purchasing this gift or ask for a coin in return.
  3. Things that have a specific history. These include antiques. They carry the negative energy of the previous owners.
  4. Things that are too thin or fragile, which, according to beliefs, can undermine the security of a marriage and lead to separation.
  5. Giving a photo together means separation.
  6. A teapot, even if it is made of silver, brings quarrels.
  7. Oddly enough, roses are also not the best gift. It is believed that the thorns of roses make a quiet, measured family life dysfunctional.
  8. Pearls in any form bring tears.

You should not give money for a silver wedding! People who have lived together for 25 long years certainly deserve to be presented with something special, chosen wisely. Therefore, you need to take the choice of a gift very seriously.

Useful video

Song for a silver wedding.

25th wedding anniversary.


A silver wedding is 25 years of living together. It’s hard to imagine what a colossal work it is to maintain relationships, love and understanding for such a long time.

A couple who has overcome this life barrier is an example to follow, a model of family harmony. This anniversary is truly a precious and wonderful period in the life of the spouses.

It is not for nothing that the 25th anniversary is named after silver, as it is a precious and noble metal. The couple has already managed to test their relationship with time and the trials that fate has prepared for them. And thanks to her wisdom, patience, and, naturally, mutual love and understanding, she overcame them, staying together, which not everyone succeeds in.