What benefits will be available to working pensioners in 2018 is a pressing question, because the situation concerns 10-15 million citizens of the country. Pensions for working citizens will not be increased; payments for other categories will be indexed. The revision of benefits for working pensioners in 2018 will concern the medical and social spheres. Legislation prescribes rules regarding the calculation of subsidies and other benefits. Find out about the specifics of paying pensions to working pensioners - the government does not plan to increase them.

Rights of working pensioners

This social category of citizens has the right to take out a mortgage loan or use other services of financial institutions at a general rate. There are no restrictions on the position held. A retired veteran has the right to paid leave with free travel and accommodation in a sanatorium area. According to the law, the following rights and privileges of pensioners are distinguished:

  1. The minimum pension for working pensioners is not set less living wage by region of residence.
  2. Every person with official employment upon achieving retirement age has the right to continue to work, without infringement or restriction of rights.
  3. Service for persons of retirement age can be carried out without a queue, if this is stipulated by law.
  4. There is no need to work two weeks upon dismissal.
  5. Registration for work is carried out according to general rules.

Pension provision

Recalculation pension provision for older people is a hot topic that is being discussed by the government. Since 2016, this category of citizens receives insurance pension excluding indexation. Payment under this scheme will continue in the future. The federal budget does not include an indexation procedure until 2020. It is important to note that this rule is relevant only for recipients of insurance payments (savings from insurance).

With general pension provision and social benefits, a person can count on indexation in 2018. An organization that hires an older person can offer him any amount of wages. The size of the insurance pension remains at the same level and does not decrease, regardless of indexation or inflation. Citizens themselves should register their employment - this will help avoid dismissal without reason.


The benefits described below are enshrined in national laws, and therefore are relevant for all regions of Russia. No changes are made to the pension certificate when applying for a job. Benefits for people of retirement age who have a job are divided into several categories:

  • social – this concerns the possibility of free travel on public transport, receiving discounts on utility bills;
  • medical – possibility of free medical examination, receiving services - treatment (additionally, some categories of medications are provided free of charge);
  • tax – this category exempts you from paying personal income tax (from pension payments received or from other sources of income);
  • pension - determined by the ability to submit an official written or online application to the Pension Fund for a review of the amount of payments for work experience received after retirement;
  • labor - this is the right to receive additional leave, which is required by law.

Legal regulation

Studying the basic legislative norms will help you get acquainted with information on calculating pensions and available benefits for this category of citizens. The employment of people of retirement age is regulated by a number of acts. They prescribe the rights and responsibilities of persons of this category in the areas of health and economics:

  1. Law No. 76 (federal level) - describes the rate of payment of funds for military citizens who were officially formalized upon retirement.
  2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (including Article 80) - it spells out the rights of pensioners to work and the exclusion of their dismissal without reason.
  3. Articles 217, 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - the conditions for deducting tax payments from funds received from the state are specified here.

Pension payments to working pensioners in 2018

An individual pension score is the main indicator on the basis of which payments are calculated. Official employment allows you to get up to three points, which affects your pension. According to research, the pension in this case will not increase, but real wages show an increase of 5-10%. Given the low level of inflation, the real incomes of citizens of retirement age will increase. Disability, combat status, or the presence of a dependent affect the amount of payments, partially increasing them.

Are there social benefits?

Social supplements for this category of citizens are not provided. The law only indicates the need for additional payments to persons earning less than the subsistence level. If we take into account that an elderly person receives an official salary (minimum rate or higher), then with a pension his income will definitely be higher than the subsistence level in the country or region.

Regardless of income level or property availability old man has the right to additional payments if the total income is below the subsistence level. For example, the cost of living in Moscow is 14.5 thousand rubles. If the pension is 8-10 thousand rubles, then with an official appointment the minimum salary amount is added. When added, this gives a figure of 15 thousand rubles, so workers are not entitled to social supplements.

Indexation of pensions in 2018

Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 remain at the same level. Previously, the government planned to carry out indexation at 3.2% according to the inflation rate. The release of part of the federal budget funds made it possible to partially change these plans. The lack of indexation and increases in pensions has already made it possible to leave benefits for pensioners in 2018 of the same size (except for social supplements). For example:

  • a former military man of retirement age has the right to additional benefits and bonuses;
  • a pensioner has the right to an additional two-week vacation, although not paid by the employer who pays the wages, without financial support.

Tax benefits

Tax benefits for working pensioners in 2018 are not much different from those established for non-working persons. For example, if a citizen sells real estate (be it a garage, land, apartment or house) or a vehicle, he can save on personal income tax. The benefit also applies to the purchase of property worth more than two million rubles (this applies not only to the purchase process, but also to repairs and insulation).

The pension itself, the cost of outpatient treatment or vacation paid for by the state or the employer, are completely exempt from taxation. Financial legislation (Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 2, article 387) provides the opportunity to establish separate federal types benefits for elderly people on taxes from local government.

Exemption from income tax

Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 do not provide for exemption from income tax. Cash receipts, income, non-state pensions from various funds, insurance companies, dividends and lottery winnings are subject to tax. The number of working people of retirement age exceeds 14-15 million, and with their help the state forms a positive (surplus) balance of the fund of funds. Amounts paid in taxes may be partially refunded. You can use your tax refund to buy vouchers and pay for sanatorium treatment.

Personal income tax deduction when purchasing real estate

Personal income tax is deducted when purchasing real estate at a cost of two million rubles or more. Financial expertise is not needed to determine the price of the property - everything is described in the documents. Rules:

  1. If the contribution and the total price of the asset are lower than the mentioned amount, then the possibility of deducting personal income tax when purchasing real estate is retained for the future.
  2. To resolve the issue, you must submit a 3-NDFL declaration in the year following the year in which you received such a right.
  3. Even with a significant duration from the moment of occurrence to receipt of the deduction, there is no early repayment - regardless of the social group.
  4. The deduction is also relevant if the purchase of the property was made on credit - according to reviews, this is very convenient.

Property tax

There is also no property tax for citizens of retirement age who work. In addition to general benefits for paying housing and communal services bills and other simplifications, they have the right to receive an official deduction for property if they officially own it. You need to take your passport and go to the tax office, where individual is registered. The government agency is obliged to carry out the deduction according to the current pension document. This is true even for credited property (when applying for a consumer loan or mortgage).

Land tax

Land tax for working senior citizens is paid in the same way as in the case of municipal taxes. According to the Tax Code (clause 2, article 387), the economic court of a particular region may issue a decision prohibiting the imposition of a tax on land plots of a certain area in the region. So, in Chelyabinsk an elderly person will pay for the land that belongs to him, but in Moscow or St. Petersburg he will not.

Such tax revenues are classified as payments of local importance. Each administrative part sets its own limits on the area of ​​land plots. If they are exceeded, a person will have to pay land tax regardless of the situation. The deduction service is relevant for residents of the following regions:

  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Samara;
  • Saratov;
  • Permian;
  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Volgograd.

Discounts on transport tax

Transport is the prerogative of the regions, so the level of discount and transport tax is determined by regional councils. An unemployed person, like a disabled elderly citizen, has the right not to pay transport tax in the Krasnodar Territory, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk regions, and St. Petersburg. The preference is partially available for the category of working persons in Samara and Nizhny Novgorod region. The last two areas allow you not to pay the transport tax in full.

Social benefits for pensioners at the regional level in 2018

The regional level establishes special benefits. They are similar in most regions of the country. For example, during the entire calendar year, a privileged category of citizens can travel by public transport without paying. This applies to the metro, buses, and minibuses. In the capital region, elderly people can have a prosthesis installed in their jaw free of charge - this helps maintain a stable standard of living for the elderly. Additionally, a list of medical services is determined in the regions. This is for example:

  • Doctor visit;
  • provision of drugs;
  • medical care;
  • providing diabetes medications.

In the medical field

An important section of benefits is preferences in the medical field. They help maintain a stable level of health for older people. For example, the law establishes the possibility of a free examination by a doctor at a state hospital in Moscow and in the regions. All elderly people receive prescribed medications at a discount or free of charge in municipal pharmacies. There is no reimbursement for medical services. Qualification does not affect the size of preferences.

Labor legislation

The employer is obliged to provide the elderly employee with proper working conditions, the opportunity to go on vacation or sick leave for treatment. An employee who receives social benefits from the state does not have the right to work a shortened working day or have an additional day off. According to the accepted social and labor norm, the period of work is not limited and is determined only by the conditions of the enterprise or organization.

Such an employee can be dismissed only on the basis of Article 77 of the Labor Code. The salary supplement is based on general principles. The coefficient and pension points (their number) do not affect working conditions, dismissal or accrual of vacation days. Reduction is carried out only on an official basis if there are reasons for this, the same as for ordinary employees.

Regional benefits in 2018

Municipal authorities have the right to establish their own benefits for different social groups. Thanks to such a tool, it is possible to improve the living conditions of citizens in a particular region. Any elderly person spends a significant amount of money on trips to the city from the Moscow region, but after changes in legislation there will no longer be compensation for travel on public transport. In Moscow, the following benefits apply to working people of retirement age:

  • no payment for garbage removal;
  • an incomplete amount of utility bills is paid (the municipality compensates for part of the funds spent on city communications).

Travel on public transport is regulated by local authorities. Everything depends on investments in infrastructure from the budget. Some cities offer free metro travel. Travel on public transport remains free for all categories of senior citizens who have the appropriate certificate. They do not need to purchase a travel ticket.

Exceptions may be regional. For example, the Leningrad and Moscow municipalities made changes three years ago to the rules for travel on public transport. Since then, elderly residents of these cities have no right to free travel on certain types of transport. Check the specifics of access in interregional directions and for urban transport as of the current moment on the official websites of city and regional administrations.

The actual conditions of the legislation allow older people to receive discounts on certain types of housing and communal services and pay a fixed amount for them. This applies only to non-working persons of retirement age who own one piece of real estate. All others can count on only partial exemption from payment for services for gasification of the house and heating of residential premises with gas.

Some categories of beneficiaries have a 50% discount on electricity and water bills. These individuals include WWII veterans, Labor Veterans, some groups of disabled people, liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. In Moscow, the Samara region, Krasnoyarsk and a number of other regions, discounts are provided on telephone bills.

Not all categories of citizens are entitled to a sanatorium-resort holiday. A discount on the purchase of medical drugs is available to many. Regardless of what SNILS a person has and what level of insurance, the legislation provides for financial protection of vulnerable segments of the population. If you need to receive medications for oncology or diabetes, they will be issued by prescription completely free of charge.

Unemployed people with a low level of pension can count on the procedure for compensation of half the cost of drugs of all categories prescribed by a doctor. Registration of low-income status is not necessary for the Pension Fund of Russia - regional funds in Russia independently determine such status. Check with your local foundation to see if a specific person (you, your relative, or to a loved one) receive a discount on the purchase of medicines. Many of the benefits described above are not automatically provided upon reaching old age - you will have to submit a written application.

For more information, contact your regional Pension Fund or call the Russian Pension Fund state hotline. Dentures are not available to people who are working or retired. For elderly people living in the capital, in the absence of work, it is possible to install dentures at public expense. This provides an acceptable quality of life for people aged 55 and 60 years.

Help for certain categories of citizens

In 2018, the state offers certain categories of working elderly people different conditions getting help. For example, pensioners with the open status of an individual entrepreneur have practically no benefits - all taxes on their part are paid in full. The “Heroine Mother” status allows you to enjoy similar benefits as labor veterans.


Federal Law No. 76 defines a separate status for military retirees. The state provides a number of benefits to working pensioners in 2018:

  • receiving free medical care from government agencies;
  • the opportunity to obtain a work position out of turn (we are talking about a civilian position);
  • the opportunity to register your children and grandchildren without waiting in line kindergarten or school;
  • receiving free housing if the commission determines such a need;
  • the opportunity to receive a free ticket to a sanatorium where a military pensioner spends his rest and treatment.

For disabled people

All categories of disabled people have the right to official employment. They are required by law to be hired for positions that are suitable for the requirements and working conditions (for example, sitting work). It is possible to provide additional leave to disabled people for a period of up to 60 calendar days/year. If you have a second or higher disability group, you can work up to 35 hours/week without losing your position. Disabled people do not pay transport and land taxes, and some medical services are provided to them free of charge.

Labor veterans

Assistance to certain categories of workers implies the right to receive up to 30 additional days of vacation, in addition to the 28 days due. This is relevant for labor veterans who continue to officially work. The status must be confirmed by the appropriate order or certificates. The percentage of such citizens from the total number of people of retirement age exceeds the number of participants in the Second World War.


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According to receiving labor pension in old age have the right:

  • men over 60 years of age;
  • women over 55 years of age.

But there are also exceptions. In some cases specified in the law, citizens can retire at more early age. A person who meets the requirements specified in the law needs to contact the Pension Fund to assign him an old-age pension.

However, often employees who have reached retirement age do not want to stop working. labor activity. While continuing to work, they receive a salary and pension benefits. Also, in addition to the legally established benefits for pensioners, working old-age pensioners have additional guarantees and benefits.

What benefits are available to working pensioners?

  • employment after dismissal;

In general, labor laws apply to older employees in the same way as to other employees. Upon reaching retirement age, a person has the right to resign from the organization. However, later he may well find a job again. This will not negatively affect the amount of pension he receives.

The only thing worth remembering is that there are age restrictions for some professions. For example, for civil servants it is 65 years, and for the category “managers” of the highest group of civil service positions it is 70 years. But nothing prevents a citizen from choosing a new profession for himself.

    working hours;

Labor legislation does not provide for additional hours of rest during working hours or a shortened working day for pensioners. In this regard, older employees equal rights with the rest of the employees.

  • additional admission at your own expense;

Retired status does not entail the right to additional days of paid leave. But an elderly worker has the right to additional leave at his own expense for a period of 14 days. The employer is obliged to provide it upon a written application from the employee.

For disabled people, leave at their own expense can last 60 days.

Granted by law calendar days can be used both at a time or in parts, and depending on needs - divided into a year.

    Working after a pension is granted leads to an increase in pension.

A person who continues to work after retirement will receive investment interest from the management company or Pension Fund to his pension account. It will also increase the amount from which this interest is taken due to mandatory insurance contributions. Thanks to this, his overall old-age pension will rise to a higher level in the process. True, for indexing in this direction it is necessary that insurance premiums be paid to them for a full 12 months continuously. This countdown begins from the day the old-age pension benefit is calculated. Due to the fact that in 2015 a law was passed abolishing indexation of payments to working pensioners, indexation will continue only after dismissal from work.

Is it profitable to work after reaching retirement age?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, an elderly person who continues to work receives a significant material increase to his budget. But, despite his venerable age, labor legislation does not protect him enough, because it is subject to the general provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Also, while working, he loses the right to many privileges provided by the state to non-working pensioners:

    inability to receive compensation for travel to and from a vacation spot;

In some regions, for example, in Moscow and Moscow Region, non-working pensioners are given the opportunity to receive free sanatorium treatment. They can also receive monetary compensation for travel to and from their vacation spot. Working people are deprived of this right.

    working pensioners are not entitled to social benefits in addition to their pension;

In addition, pensioners whose total monthly income is below the subsistence level established by the region are entitled to social supplement towards retirement. But for those who continue to work, such payment is not due.

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Despite the fact that benefits for working pensioners are provided to a lesser extent, the state guarantees this category of citizens some additional opportunities. The specific list consists of federal and regional lists. Therefore, in each specific region, the status of a working pensioner may differ. Full list benefits, as well as instructions for applying for them, are described in detail in the article.

First of all, it is important to understand the concept of “working pensioner”. This refers to a citizen who has reached retirement age but continues to work:

  • employee;
  • self-employed;
  • individual entrepreneur.

The retirement age differs depending on different professions (for example, a school teacher only needs to work 25 years), but in general it is 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

It is assumed that the working pensioner is officially employed, while other details do not matter:

  • level of “white” income;
  • full or part time;
  • permanent or temporary employment, etc.

This category also includes the so-called self-employed working citizens. At the moment, there is no clear definition of this status in the legislation, but it is conventionally accepted that this is a person who finds work for himself and does not hire other workers (unlike an individual entrepreneur). Such a citizen must register with the tax service in order to be considered a working pensioner (we are talking about lawyers, notaries, nurses, housekeepers, tutors and other similar professions).

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

Previously, we examined in detail the question of whether pensioners pay land tax; we advise you to familiarize yourself with this information here.

Labor benefits

If an employee continues to work upon reaching retirement age, he retains all labor rights and bears the same responsibilities as his colleagues, but in addition he receives several benefits.

All these rights are enshrined in the Labor Code, i.e. there is no need to sign an additional agreement between the employee and the employer.

To receive it you must present:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • an application drawn up on the employer’s letterhead or in free form.

Leave at your own expense is granted at any time, upon the first request of the applicant. In this case, its duration can be 14 days at once, or the pensioner can receive several vacation periods (for example, 2 times a year for 7 days).

As for the termination of the employment relationship without compulsory 14-day work, in this case the dismissal will be carried out by agreement of the parties. In this case, the employee draws up a corresponding statement and can be considered dismissed (receive a paycheck and work book) from the next working day.

Medical benefits

In general, the state guarantees a standard set of medical services, which is provided for in the list of compulsory health insurance. A working pensioner retains the right to receive sick leave, which is subject to 100% compensation (due to the fact that total experience work is more than 8 years), undergoing examinations and receiving treatment. Such opportunities are also guaranteed.

Expert opinion

Sobolev Dmitry

Administrative offenses lawyer, site expert

If a pensioner is a labor veteran, he receives a 50% discount on all medications prescribed to him by a doctor. Discounts are also provided for the purchase of technical rehabilitation equipment and the installation of dentures (except for those cases when they are made of expensive material).

Tax benefits

Provided as deductions. They depend on the legislation of a particular region. There is no complete exemption from personal income tax (13% of salary). However, in any case, all pensioners in the country are guaranteed:

article of the Tax Code description
deduction for minor children 218 provided for relatives, adopted children, as well as those minors over whom the pensioner has established guardianship; The deduction is valid for the entire period of study at a university or college (full-time), but maximum up to 24 years
social deductions 218 are provided in cases where an employee contributes part of his income to a pension (funded part)
property deduction 220 allows you not to pay personal income tax when buying, selling real estate or building a house
complete exemption from personal income tax 217 from pensions, financial assistance provided by the employer and/or the social security department, compensation related to work activities (for example, for travel on business trips, purchasing equipment for work, etc.)
complete exemption from property tax 407 for 1 owned property (apartment, room in a communal apartment, private house, cottage, etc.); in this case, the object should not be used for business activities (for example, renting out an apartment)

You can get a deduction for children or social deductions by contacting your employer’s accounting department. To obtain a property deduction, you should contact the tax office. You need to take with you:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • documents for the apartment (certificate of ownership, ).

Other types of taxes (land, tax) are regulated by local legislation. This means that not all working pensioners in Russia are exempt from paying them - this is discussed in more detail in the next section.

Regional benefits

They differ significantly depending on the specific subject of Russia and may change periodically (as well as federal legislation). Therefore, all interested parties should closely monitor changes in information. The regional benefits of some large cities and regions of the country are described below.

*Only for 1 plot of land.

**Only for 1 vehicle, no more than the established power level (usually up to 100 horsepower).

In some regions, there is not a complete exemption from paying tax, but only on a portion of the amount of this property. In any case, to do this, the pensioner must contact the tax office of the Federal Tax Service and provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • documents for the object of taxation (title for a car, certificate of ownership and land).

For military pensioners

Citizens enjoy additional opportunities:

  1. Provision of free medical services by employees of departmental hospitals (for example, under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).
  2. The second pension, which is paid if the serviceman also has experience in civilian professions (including the minimum).
  3. Providing discounts for travel to and from the place of treatment.
  4. Retraining or obtaining additional education for free.
  5. Extraordinary employment for a civilian position (if the citizen is registered in the employment service as unemployed).

To obtain one, you must contact hospitals (including departmental ones), educational institutions or employment services. A standard package of documents is provided, as well as a military ID and other papers confirming the fact of service.

5 types of benefits that are not available to working pensioners

Since a working pensioner also receives income in the form of a salary (or income from business activities), the legislation excludes the provision of the following benefits to him:

  1. Free travel on municipal transport within the city.
  2. Free travel to and from the place of treatment/sanatorium-resort holiday.
  3. Additional hours for rest or lunch during work.
  4. Half-holiday.
  5. Additional payments to pensions (indexation for working pensioners is provided, but it is carried out in accordance with the financial capabilities of the federal budget and can be frozen, as happened in 2016).

Officially employed pensioners are limited in some benefits that exist for pensioners without work. But in 2018, there are some benefits for working retirees that they can take advantage of.

What benefits are provided for working pensioners?

The main privileges for officially employed pensioners include:

  • the possibility of obtaining a mortgage loan (see);
  • the ability to use other types of lending on preferential terms;
  • no restrictions on the position they occupy.

For example, when talking about what benefits are available to working pensioners - veterans of labor, they highlight the possibility of living in a sanatorium area during vacation with the provision of free travel.

The main benefits for working pensioners in 2018 are as follows:

  • receiving pension payment NOT lower than the established regional subsistence minimum;
  • you can officially work without any infringement of rights and obligations in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • extraordinary service in various government agencies;
  • there is no need to work 2 weeks in case of dismissal.

At the same time, the employment of pensioners is carried out in accordance with the general rules.

Pension accruals

The procedure for recalculating payments for elderly citizens is one of the primary tasks of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Starting from 2016, working pensioners are accrued insurance part pension provision without indexation - the restriction is valid until 2020.

Important: the established rules apply exclusively to recipients of insurance coverage.

In the case of accrual of a general pension and various social benefits, citizens have the right to count on increases and bonuses in 2018.

Established benefits

Officially employed pensioners can count on benefits established by federal legislation.

In 2018, benefits for working pensioners provide privileges in the following areas:

  • social orientation - the right to free travel on public transport, a discount on housing and communal services, and so on (see In 2019, two-stage is possible);
  • healthcare - qualified free examination, the right to purchase medicines at a discount;
  • taxation - you can count on exemption from income tax;
  • pension provision - it is possible to initiate a recalculation of payments based on new work experience;
  • labor - can be obtained at any time convenient time additional leave (without pay).

What benefits are available to working pensioners also depends on additional factors. For example, labor veterans are entitled to certain privileges, and disabled people - others.

What rules of law govern

The main legal acts include:

  • Federal Law No. 76 - contains stipulated payments for military citizens who are retired but continue to serve;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation - contains labor benefits for officially employed pensioners;
  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation - describes tax breaks.

The specified list of regulatory documents is not exhaustive, but at the same time reflects all the key provisions for the calculation of benefits.

Pension for employed pensioners in 2018

Benefits for working pensioners in 2018 provide the opportunity to additionally accumulate, which will subsequently affect the amount of pension benefits.

On average, when working a full calendar year, the size monthly payment(salaries) may be increased by 10%. However, this makes it possible to count on receiving a larger pension compared to last year.

Having an additional status, for example, a participant in combat operations, makes it possible to further increase the amount of salary payments.

Are there additional payments?

Speaking about what benefits working old-age pensioners have, they are not provided for by federal legislation.

In particular, the law states that additional payment is necessary only if a pension benefit is received below the established minimum subsistence level.

For example, if in the capital the cost of living is set at 14.5 thousand rubles, but only 14,000 are accrued, then 500 rubles are due. surcharges.

Is indexation allowed?

What benefits a working pensioner loses is the right to indexation of the insurance part of payments.

Tax benefits

IN in this case We are talking about the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction when purchasing:

  • real estate;
  • Vehicle.

For your information: The benefit applies to property whose value does not exceed 2 million rubles.

In addition, the following are exempt from taxation:

  • pension payment;
  • outpatient treatment or vacation, which is paid from the federal budget.

At the same time, we need to remember about the possibility of expanding tax benefits by regional authorities. Depending on your place of residence, their list may vary.

Is there an exemption from personal income tax?

What benefits a working pensioner has is specified in federal legislation. It describes the impossibility of obtaining privileges in the field of exemption from income tax transfer.

In this case, pensions and social benefits will not be subject to taxation.

Providing a tax deduction for real estate

Employed citizens of retirement age can apply for a tax deduction on real estate, the value of which does not exceed 2 million rubles.

In order to receive the required deduction, it becomes necessary to submit a properly prepared declaration in Form 3-NDFL.

Moreover, you can even get a deduction for property purchased with a mortgage loan.

Property tax

The tax benefits in question apply to employed pensioners. In addition to providing a discount on utility bills, they can issue a property deduction.

To do this, you need to contact the tax authority at the place of registration of the property together with your passport.

This type of privilege is an analogue of the benefit discussed above.

Taxation of land plots

The area of ​​taxation under consideration is regional. This means that local governments reserve the right to independently decide whether to issue benefits for such pensioners or to cancel them.

The corresponding decision is fixed by regional regulations.

Transport tax benefit

Benefits for vehicles are considered regional benefits, which is why the level of tax discounts is set by the local executive authorities.

Employed pensioners in the Krasnodar Territory, Chelyabinsk and other Russian regions can count on tax exemption.

Social privileges at the regional level

At the regional level, special privileges are provided. However, they are similar between regions.

For example, in some regions, beneficiaries can use public transport, including the metro, completely free of charge during the calendar year.

In the capital, employed pensioners can count on free prosthetics and receive qualified free medical care.

In the healthcare sector

Benefits in the field of medicine are special benefits, since thanks to this you can count on a stable level of health for older citizens.

For example, federal legislation provides for the possibility of a free examination by a qualified attending physician.

Moreover, it is possible to purchase medications at significant discounts or even receive it free of charge with a doctor’s prescription at specialized pharmacies.

For your information: monetary compensation is not provided for by federal legislation.

Labor privileges

Features in the labor sphere are as follows:

  • all employers, without exception, must provide decent employment conditions for older people;
  • you can take paid leave at any convenient time (Interesting: Calculation of compensation for);
  • when receiving social benefits, there is no opportunity to work a shortened day;
  • the required allowances to the established level of wages are calculated on a general basis;
  • older employees are the last to be laid off in case of staff reduction;
  • If you resign at your own request, you do not need to work the required 2 weeks.

As you can see, there are few privileges in the labor sphere.

Regional privileges in 2018

Each region reserves the right to independently expand the provided federal privileges.

In most cases they are standard and are as follows:

  • discount on utilities;
  • free or discounted travel on public transport;
  • discount on travel on commuter trains and so on.

It should be remembered that the amount of benefits directly depends on the presence or absence of additional status, for example, disabled person, WWII veteran, labor veteran, etc.

The Government of the Russian Federation, represented by the state, provides for the possibility of obtaining additional privileges for officially employed pensioners from a separate category in 2018.

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For example, pensioners who are private entrepreneurs cannot count on additional benefits, which is why they must pay due taxes in full.

The heroine mother can count on the same tax benefits as labor veterans.

Military pensioners

Details about the status of a military pensioner are set out in the standards Federal Law № 76.

The Government of the Russian Federation provides a list of privileges, the main ones of which are considered to be:

  • the opportunity to receive free qualified medical care in a state clinic;
  • It is possible to expect to receive a position by bypassing the queue. In this case we are talking about civil positions;
  • availability of rights to priority enrollment of their children in preschool and school institutions, bypassing the queue. In this case we can talk about priority right for enrollment;
  • If necessary, you can count on receiving social housing.

Additionally, you can count on free travel to the sanatorium for further relaxation.

Benefits for disabled people

  • All citizens with disabilities can count on employment.
  • Federal law requires that people with disabilities be hired for positions that meet their medical conditions.
  • Additionally, disabled people of various groups have the opportunity to take free leave for up to 2 months.
  • In the case of the second or third disability group, workers have the right to work 35 hours a week.
  • In addition, they are exempt from paying transport and land taxes, while general benefits are retained in full.

Privileges for labor veterans

Benefits for working pensioners and labor veterans are provided for in separate articles of federal legislation.

In particular, they can count on an additional month of vacation, in addition to the 28 days stipulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (

The number of working pensioners in Russia reaches 10-15 million people. The low amount of the pension leads to the need to continue working even after reaching the required retirement age. The government stimulates the desire of citizens to retire later and continue to work: working pensioners are awarded a larger number of pension points, which will further increase the final pension amount. In addition, there are various benefits for working pensioners: they allow you to take advantage of some social benefits and cash benefits.

Basic list of benefits for working pensioners

Citizens who have reached retirement age have the right to continue working without restrictions on their position, and they should not be denied employment if they meet other employer requirements. Minimum size The pension of a working pensioner should not be less than the subsistence level. If an elderly person who has reached a certain age does not apply to the Pension Fund, points continue to accumulate in his name, allowing him to increase his pension.

Depending on the place of employment, the benefits for working pensioners are as follows:

  • The right to additional unpaid leave, which the employer has no right to refuse. For old age pensioners it is 2 weeks, for disabled people - 60 days, and for WWII veterans - 35 days. The right is secured by Article 135 of the Labor Code.
  • The right to dismissal without service. If a pensioner wants to resign, he can do so immediately; it is not necessary to notify the employer in advance.
  • Providing a range of tax deductions. They are given when purchasing or constructing real estate, when teaching children in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. If a pensioner participates in the financing of a non-state pension fund, he receives an additional right to a social tax deduction.
  • The right not to pay certain types of taxes. No personal income tax is paid on the pension; in addition, there is no need to pay property tax if the pensioner owns one real estate property.

Regions have the right to establish additional benefits for labor veterans and working pensioners. For example, in Saratov or Novosibirsk, pensioners may not pay property tax on 1 plot of land if it does not exceed a certain area. Pensioners of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are not required to pay transport tax on cars whose engine power does not exceed a certain limit.

There is no monetary compensation for working pensioners. The state encourages citizens to work longer in order to reduce pension costs, so one can only hope for an increased pension in the future, and not for an increase in the current situation.

Additional benefits for people of retirement age

In addition to the listed benefits, which apply only to working pensioners, there are a number of nationwide measures social support, which additionally apply to all persons of retirement age, regardless of whether they are employed.

Pensioners and disabled people in Russia are provided with the following list of general benefits:

  • Social benefits. For example, this is travel on public transport at reduced rates. The free project as part of monetization was replaced by monetary compensation combined with large social discounts on tickets. In different cities it is offered to purchase travel passes at reduced rates.
  • Medical benefits. Pensioners are provided with some categories of medications free of charge or with large discounts. For example, you can count on receiving expensive drugs for the treatment of cancer free of charge.
  • Pension benefits. After a working pensioner retires, he can submit an application to the local branch of the Russian Pension Fund to review the accrued pension. It will be increased by additional points accumulated as you continue to work.
  • Tax benefits. They are related to exemption from personal income tax on pensions; information about this is specified in the Russian tax code.

While working, citizens are awarded individual pension points. Official employment, in which the employer consistently transfers payments to the pension fund, makes it possible to accrue additional points. And as a result, this will increase your pension by 5-10%. The increase turns out to be quite significant given the overall small size of Russian pensions.

Who is entitled to social benefits?

Although working pensioners are not entitled to additional financial payments, their total income in any case should not be less than the subsistence level. In Moscow, by 2018 it reached 14.5 thousand rubles, and if a pensioner receives minimum pension, then the level of his salary should be such that the minimum is guaranteed.

If a pensioner quits his job and his pension is below the subsistence level, he can contact the social security authorities to receive a social supplement. The issue of payments is resolved in accordance with local legislation established by the regional leadership.

Also see:

How will pensions be indexed in 2018?

In 2018, pensions were supposed to be indexed by 3-4% from the beginning of the year, but this was not implemented due to the economic crisis. However, the lack of indexation made it possible to free up some funds to provide targeted support to pensioners receiving a pension below the subsistence level. In addition, various allowances and benefits for pensioners of law enforcement agencies have been preserved. Thus, military pensioners, in addition to pensions for long service, receive bonuses for ranks, injuries, combat wounds, etc.

The issue of indexing remains open for now. Indexation by 4% was expected by August social pension, however, it will not affect working pensioners. Given the ongoing financial crisis, which has affected all economic spheres, for now citizens can rely more on themselves than on compensation for inflation from the state.

Also see:

Regional authorities may, on their own initiative, establish a number of additional benefits and compensation for workers and non-working pensioners. For example, in Moscow, working people of retirement age do not have to pay for garbage removal and disposal, and telephone charges are also compensated. In some regions, the right to free travel on public transport still applies: pensioners only need to present a pension certificate, and they do not need to buy special travel cards.

Continuing to work after retirement age allows you to ensure greater financial stability, and at the same time receive some benefits from states and increase your salary. future pension. However, the issue of raising the retirement age is now being actively discussed, which will lead to a decrease in the number of working pensioners and a reduction in budget assistance programs.