Hello dear readers. Spring has come, everything is blooming and fragrant. We, too, are transformed in the spring. We pay attention to our hair, nails, and our face. Today we will talk about facial care. I would like to offer you masks that help whiten and brighten your face. In spring, we want to see a face shining with happiness in the mirror. But age spots, acne scars, and dull complexion can ruin your mood. In order to whiten the skin on your face, it is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons; it is enough to make simple and affordable masks that will help make your complexion even, smooth, fresher and lighter.

Of course, it is worth noting the regularity of procedures to obtain a positive effect. An important fact is food intolerance or allergies to them. Therefore, you should choose the masks that suit you.

Why bleach your skin

If your complexion is even and beautiful, and you are happy with your skin color, then you do not need to bleach your face. As a rule, bleaching is used when:

  • With freckles, especially if there are a lot of them on the face, and they simply spoil the appearance.
  • If your complexion has become dull, gray or yellow. In this case, it’s also worth thinking about.
  • The cause of bleaching can be an uneven tan on the face.
  • If you have acne scars, you also want to lighten your skin as soon as possible.

To lighten your skin, there are a number of procedures that can be used at home. You can use whitening face masks, compresses, lotions, essential oils, and herbal decoctions.

Products to help whiten your face

For face whitening, the following are used: masks, ice, lotion, fresh berries and fruits, dairy products, herbal decoctions, etc. You can cook everything at home and try it. You should choose what suits you, and most importantly, it effectively helps brighten your face.

You can add a drop of grapefruit or lemon essential oil to any mask. Essential oil is used only if there is no allergy to it.

You can use different products to whiten your face. Nature itself gives us so many means to maintain and restore our beauty.

If your complexion is dull or gray, this is not a reason to be upset; your face can be brightened using folk remedies. You will notice a positive result in no time.

Rules for using masks

This general rules, they are suitable for any masks that you use at home.

But before preparing and using the mask, you should change your clothes. Wear a T-shirt that you don't mind getting dirty. Prepare a container for mixing products.

It is convenient to apply the finished mask to the face with a brush. But you can spread the mask with your fingers.

As a rule, whitening masks are applied to the face for 5 to 15 minutes. And then wash off with water. If after applying the mask you feel itching, burning, or other unpleasant sensations, immediately wash it off with water.

Before applying the mask, remove makeup, be sure to wash your face and dry your face with a clean towel.

Before applying the mask to your face, be sure to test it on your skin to avoid unpleasant consequences. If you are allergic to certain products, masks containing these products should not be used.

For a positive effect, do not forget about the regularity of procedures. Masks should be used in a course of 10-15 procedures. If necessary, masks can be applied to the face every other day.

Berry masks for face brightening

The berries contain many vitamins; it is useful to use sour berries for masks; they are taken because of the large amount of vitamin C in their composition, which helps make the skin lighter.

For masks, you can use both berry puree and berry juice. Strawberries, red currants, cranberries, and viburnum are suitable as whitening berries. For the mask, grind the berries into puree and apply a thin layer to the face.

You can squeeze the juice from these berries and wipe your face with it or make compresses by soaking gauze in the juice.

Lemon and grapefruit masks

We all know that lemon and grapefruit have a whitening effect. This is very effective means, which help lighten the skin on the face.

For example, it is enough to wipe a cleansed face with a slice of lemon. Or you can directly wipe the areas of skin that need to be lightened.

Rub your face with lemon juice and leave it on your face for about 5 minutes and then wash with water.

If you are not allergic to citrus fruits and honey, then try a mask of lemon juice and honey. To prepare a mask, just mix a spoonful of honey with several spoons lemon juice and apply to face.

You can squeeze the juice out of grapefruit and freeze it. Wipe your face with ice cubes. But remember, wipe your face with light gliding movements.

If your skin is too dry and sensitive, then citrus fruits are not suitable for you, try using parsley.

Whitening face masks made from parsley

You can very effectively lighten your face with parsley decoction or juice. This greenery pleases us not only with its vitamin content, but also with the ability to use it in cosmetology. have a brightening effect.

You can make a lotion from parsley and wipe your face with it, or you can make masks. For the lotion, pour a spoonful of finely chopped parsley with half a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Then strain the infusion and wipe your face with it. Wipe your face several times a day.

If your skin is oily, then you can add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to the parsley infusion.

To prepare the mask, parsley must be very finely chopped and mixed with lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Mask of potato starch, salt and honey

This mask is quite simple to prepare, the result is noticeable from the first use. To prepare the mask, you need to mix honey with starch and salt. Take a teaspoon of the mask components, mix and apply to a cleansed face.

Masks made from fermented milk products

If you are not bothered by the smell of fermented milk products, then masks using them are suitable for you.

From fermented milk products, you can use sour kefir, whey, and sour cream for whitening your face. It is desirable that the products are rustic, then the benefits are greater and the effect, as they say, is immediate.

For the mask, you need to mix kefir with lemon juice. For two spoons of kefir, a spoon of lemon juice. If the skin is dry, then you can add a teaspoon of any base oil(olive, peach, almond, etc.).

The serum can be used to wipe the face. And sour cream for making masks. Sour cream is usually mixed with lemon juice and honey in equal proportions and applied to the face.

Hydrogen peroxide for face whitening

Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with lemon juice and treated areas on the face that need to be lightened. Peroxide should be used at 3%. Mix two tablespoons of peroxide with a spoon of lemon juice. Soak a piece of gauze in the solution and apply to problem areas on the face for 5 minutes.

An even and beautiful skin color is the dream of every woman. However, not everyone can boast of such a natural bonus. Age spots, freckles, pimple marks, dull complexion, which is a consequence of smoking, unfavorable environmental conditions, do not at all decorate the appearance and add extra years, and it is not always possible to disguise them with the help of cosmetics.

Noble, fresh shade facial skin is a trend that is not subject to fashion trends and always remains in demand. Whitening masks help lighten the skin and make the complexion even and radiant. In this article we will look at the most effective whitening masks, both industrially produced and those that can be prepared at home.

Indications for skin lightening

  • Pigment spots of various locations and sizes, lentigo, freckles;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Hyperpigmented spots from acne and blackheads;
  • Uneven or unhealthy (gray, yellow) skin color;
  • Severe redness of the skin, which is a consequence of tanning;
  • Excessively dark skin;
  • Purple and red spots that may remain after some beauty salon procedures.

In addition to normalizing complexion, masks have a positive effect on the dermis itself. Thus, the cells are perfectly moisturized and receive the necessary microelements, minerals and vitamins, the face acquires a healthy glow, swelling decreases and fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and facial tissues are slightly tightened.

General rules for using whitening masks

Whitening components included in home or industrial products are aggressive in nature, so a number of recommendations should be followed:

  • you cannot resort to such procedures more than once every 7 days;
  • The procedure is carried out in the evening, before bedtime. If you go outside immediately after the mask, hyperpigmentation may develop under the influence of sunlight;
  • before the procedure, gentle peeling is required using a scrub or a special washcloth;
  • After the procedure, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

It should also be understood that the rapid whitening effect requires aggressive components. Therefore, you should not strive for instant lightening of the dermis; it is better to carry out procedures regularly and achieve an ideal complexion gradually.

Contraindications to face whitening

  • Hypersensitive thin skin, prone to dryness;
  • Individual intolerance to any component of the mask;
  • Acne and extensive irritation;
  • Impetigo, vitiligo, keratosis, dermatitis;
  • Melanoma;
  • Deep cuts, inflamed wounds;
  • Cosmetic surgery on the face less than 30 days after.

Homemade whitening masks

Numerous home recipes allow you to make a whitening composition from the most affordable ingredients. We tried to select the most from this variety effective recipes whitening face masks.

A mask that guarantees quick results

Optimally eliminates tanning defects (unevenness, excessive darkness). The main component is parsley, which has long been used to give the skin an aristocratic pallor. Suitable for both fresh and frozen greens.

Method of preparation: 30 gr. dilute potato starch in 2 tbsp. kefir or fermented baked milk, leave. Separately mix a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley, the same amount of chopped spinach and 2 tbsp. oatmeal, already softened in milk. Combine with starch mixture, apply to face for half an hour, rinse.

Curd mask for age spots

Hyperpigmentation can be eliminated with regular cottage cheese. The given recipe is suitable for all types of dermis and differs in only one component.

Method of preparation: mix 40 grams of low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5%) with half the yolk and five drops of hydrogen peroxide. For dry dermis, add 1 more tablespoon to the mixture. sour cream. Apply the composition to the face for 25 minutes, rinse.

Homemade whitening face mask with hydrogen peroxide

This recipe is considered one of the most effective, but requires caution. If you have acne, pimples, wounds and even microdamages, you should not resort to it. The composition is applied very carefully, avoiding the eye area.

Method of preparation: 2 tbsp. pour 60 ml of heated milk of ground oat flakes; when the flakes swell, add 6 drops of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture and stir. Apply to problem areas for no more than 15 minutes.

Universal lemon mask

Lemon brightens the face well by destroying the melanin pigment, and also helps get rid of stagnation, such as swelling. Especially recommended for pronounced freckles.

Method of preparation: for 1 tbsp. concentrated lemon juice, take 60 ml of milk, 20 ml of vodka and 25 grams of sugar. Grind sugar with juice, add the remaining ingredients and apply to face for 20 minutes.

Whitening mask with turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that evens out the complexion well and copes well with age and sun pigmentation.

Method of preparation: 2 tbsp. mix natural yogurt with 2 tsp. turmeric and apply the mixture to your face for half an hour, wash with cold water.

Fruit and vegetable quick mask

Fruit acids do a great job with pigmentation and even out skin color.

Method of preparation: mix 30 gr. chopped tomato, 3 tbsp. pureed red currants, 2 tsp. honey and a few strawberries. Apply the composition to the face for 20 minutes and rinse with still mineral water.

Cucumber mask

Grate fresh cucumber, mix with lemon juice, honey and starch (2 tbsp each) and apply to face for 20 minutes.

Other traditional medicine recipes


For the base, take ordinary gauze, which is generously moistened in the active mixture and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes with a frequency of 2 times per week. Curdled milk, lemon juice, parsley tincture, and whey have a whitening effect. You can use freshly squeezed red or black currant juice.

Herbal lotions

For daily cleansing skin, you can use herbal lotions instead of the usual cosmetic ones. Making them is very simple - pour a tablespoon of dry herbs (parsley, yarrow, dandelion, bearberry - your choice) with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour.


Essentially, this is the same compress, but intended for local use on a specific area of ​​the face every other day. The basis for lotions can be:

  • dairy products;
  • herbal infusions;
  • freshly squeezed sour fruit juices;
  • soda solution (a pinch of baking soda per 4-5 tablespoons of water).

A lemon-vinegar lotion, which is used strictly locally, on small areas of the skin, helps to quickly whiten the skin of the face. To prepare it, mix glycerin, lemon juice and table vinegar in equal quantities, moisten a piece of gauze in the composition and apply to the hyperpigmented area for 20 minutes.

Essential oils

Some essential oils are very effective in solving this cosmetic problem, however, you cannot use them in their pure form, but adding 2-3 drops to a mask is possible and necessary. The following oils are suitable for these purposes: birch, oregano, mint, black pepper, patchouli, eucalyptus, sandalwood, turmeric.

Industrially produced masks with whitening effect

Let's look at the most popular cosmetic products with a whitening effect. You can only evaluate the real effect of a particular product by personal example, because Everyone’s skin is different and so is the “size of the problem.” Reviews about the products will only help form a general picture.

Cosmetic line "White Linen"

This is a whole series of inexpensive domestic cosmetics that have a whitening effect due to the content of vitamin C, fruit acids, flax oil, cucumber and bearberry extract. With regular use it has a very good effect. Price: masks, creams, serums, mousses, lotions within 100-120 rubles per package.

“Whitening” series from Belita Vitex

A popular line from the largest Belarusian manufacturer of cosmetics, which includes a mask, day and night cream, and tonic. Active ingredients include fruit AHA acids, lingonberry and lemon oils, and salicylic acid. According to reviews, using all the products together brings excellent results. The price per package of the product is about 170 rubles.

Night whitening mask Mizon

Contains: vitamin B5, healthy skin, hyaluronic acid, providing hydration and placental protein, brightening the skin and preventing the appearance of pigmentation. It is considered effective, especially for combating age-related pigmentation. Price: about 500 rub. per pack 50 ml.

Miracle Glow mask for age-related pigmentation and freckles

It eliminates redness after sunbathing. The mask contains vitamins, amino acids, ginseng, angelica, hyaluronic acid, Daurian saffron, white atractylodis rhizomes. The manufacturer promises a visible and lasting effect within 1 month. applications. Price: about 900 rubles per package.

Granny Agafya's cleansing and whitening mask

The active ingredients include cucumber, parsley decoction, and chamomile. Has a mild, gradual whitening effect with regular use. Advantageous packaging that will last for a long time (150 ml), Price about 70 rubles.

Whitening cream mask “Badyaga forte”

Recommended for removing stagnant spots from acne, pimples and pigmentation. Contains Indian cress petal extract, which suppresses melanin production. essential oil grapefruit and badyaga, which promote the resorption of congestion. Price 150 rub.

Biomask brightening No. 8

According to the manufacturer, it lightens age spots by 8 tones with regular use. Contains: citric acid, zeolite, parsley, celandine, etc. Price 550-600 rubles.

Bioscreen Lightening Illuminating Mask

This is a cleansing face mask with a whitening effect. Contains Ginkgo extract, kaolin, lemon extract, vitamin E, lecithin. It has a deep cleansing effect and visibly brightens the skin, evens out its color. Price about 500 rub.

As can be seen from the above, the modern cosmetology industry and ethnoscience offers many whitening face masks to use at home. But none of them gives an instant effect - in order to achieve noticeable and lasting lightening of the skin, the chosen product must be used regularly.

The problem of freckles and age spots especially relevant in spring summer period. One way to solve these problems is whitening face masks. They will not only get rid of pigmentation and freckles, but also restore a healthy complexion and eliminate circles under the eyes. Making such masks at home is quite simple, but you can also purchase ready-made options. However, home-made products will be somewhat cheaper, and the ingredients for whitening masks are absolutely natural, no chemicals.

It is worth noting that masks for whitening facial skin are recommended to be done before bedtime, since after the procedure it is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight. In addition, if you frequently use whitening masks, experts recommend taking vitamin C at least once a day, and before going outside, use a cream with a sun protection factor that matches your skin phototype. I note that those with oily skin need to make such masks every two days. In the case of dry skin, it is better not to get carried away with these masks, as they dry out the skin greatly, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, in in this case It is better to carry out whitening procedures no more than twice a week. After the procedure, the skin should be wiped with a tonic, and also be sure to soothe it by applying a cream with a nourishing effect. For oily skin, you should use a cream specifically designed for this type, aimed at balancing the skin.

Whitening masks, like any other, must be applied to previously prepared skin, for which it must be cleaned of dust, dirt and makeup residues. For this purpose, you can use your usual soft-based, alcohol-free cleanser (foam, gel).

When using masks using gauze, you should make a preparation in advance, for which you fold two or three layers of gauze and make slits for the eyes and mouth.

Homemade whitening mask recipes.

Based on melon.
Grind 100 g of melon pulp and place on low heat until the juice releases. After this, cool the mixture and apply it to your face. After fifteen minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. This whitening mask can be applied in another way: simply cut the melon pulp into pieces and apply it to your face for fifteen minutes.

Based on white clay.
Dilute a tablespoon of white clay with water to form a cream-like mass, which is applied to the skin of the face for fifteen minutes. Then rinse with warm water. For dry types, it is recommended to dilute the clay with milk.

Combine a tablespoon of white clay with the pulp of a small tomato and a tablespoon of sour milk. Apply the composition for fifteen minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

With linden blossom.
Pour 25 g of linden flowers into a glass of boiling water and place on water bath. After ten minutes, remove the broth and close the lid. After five minutes, apply the resulting mass to previously cleansed skin and lubricated with lemon juice. After twenty minutes, rinse the mask with water at room temperature.

From dandelion flowers.
Pour 25 g of dandelion flowers into a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath. After ten minutes, remove the broth and close the lid. After five minutes, apply the resulting mass to your face for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water and wipe with the remaining infusion.

Cucumber based.
Add 5 ml of lemon juice and 5 g of borax to 50 g of chopped cucumber pulp. Mix everything well and apply to the skin, cover with gauze on top. After twenty minutes, rinse your face with cool water.

To whiten dry skin, you need to mix the crushed pulp of one cucumber with your nourishing cream and apply the composition to the skin for fifteen minutes. After this, rinse the mask and remove any residue with a soft towel. For oily skin, it is better to infuse cucumber pulp overnight in vodka or alcohol. After this, a gauze napkin, moistened in the infusion, is applied to the face for fifteen minutes. Thirty procedures are required to achieve results. If improvement occurs earlier, you can stop making masks. Instead of cucumber, you can use black currants, strawberries and wild strawberries.

Based on parsley.
Grind 25 g of pure parsley, add a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for ten minutes. Then remove the mixture from the water bath and close the lid for five minutes. After this, strain the mixture. Moisten a pre-prepared gauze napkin in the resulting broth and apply to the skin of the face for twenty minutes. In this case, the gauze must be soaked in the broth several times during this time.

A decoction of parsley roots will also help to whiten your face. Grind the parsley roots, take two tablespoons of the resulting mass and pour in 200 ml of boiling water, put on low heat and cook for twenty-five minutes. Then strain the broth and mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Wipe your face with this toner twice a day using a cotton pad. You can also use dandelion leaves instead of parsley. It helps lighten freckles and age spots very well.

Mix two tablespoons of pre-washed and chopped parsley (or parsley juice) with a tablespoon of sour cream (for dry skin types) or the same amount of yogurt (for oily skin types). Apply the composition to the face for twenty minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Based on cabbage.
Carrot and cabbage masks also effectively lighten the skin. To do this, combine 50 g of finely grated carrots with egg yolk and 5 g of chopped oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly and add five drops of lemon juice. Apply the composition for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Mix 25 g of chopped fresh cabbage leaves with 25 ml of curdled milk or kefir. Apply the composition for ten minutes and then rinse with water at room temperature.

Add two tablespoons of soft butter to the chopped cabbage mass. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with warm boiled water. Apply the composition in a thick, even layer for ten to fifteen minutes.

Potato mask.
To prepare it, boil the potatoes. You only need 50 g, which must be crushed and mixed with 25 ml of warm milk, then add the egg yolk and lastly add 15 ml of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous composition is obtained, which must be kept in a water bath for half an hour. The mixture must be applied to the skin, previously lubricated with lemon juice, and covered with a gauze cloth on top. After twenty minutes, the mask must be removed and the face washed first with warm and then cool water.

Lemon based.
The most in a simple way To whiten the skin, use this mask: lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream, and apply lemon slices on top. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask, rinse your face with water at room temperature and wipe with a cosmetic disc previously soaked in cold milk.

Mix lemon juice and starch in equal proportions. Apply the mixture for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water.

Combine freshly squeezed juice from one lemon with two tablespoons of liquid honey. Soak a gauze pad in the mixture and apply to the face. After fifteen to twenty minutes, remove the mask.

Combine lemon juice with water and vinegar. Take all ingredients in equal quantities. If the skin is too dry, do not add to the composition. a large number of sour cream or glycerin to soften. Wipe your face with the resulting mixture and make a compress for fifteen minutes; this procedure can be done twice a day.

Mix lemon juice and wheat flour in equal proportions. Apply the mixture for twenty minutes, then rinse off first with warm and then cool water.

Based on oat flakes.
Beat the egg white and add 25 g of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder. Apply the composition for twenty minutes. Rinse off in the same way as in the previous version.

Combine two tablespoons of ground oatmeal with beaten yolk and apply to face. After twenty minutes, wash off.

Pour 25 g of ground oatmeal with 50 ml of sour milk. Distribute the composition between two layers of gauze and apply to the skin of the face, previously lubricated with lemon juice. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask.

Based on cottage cheese.
Grind ten grams of cottage cheese with egg yolk. Apply the mixture for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with warm and then cool water. You can add 5 ml of three percent hydrogen peroxide to this composition.

Combine 10 g/ml of cottage cheese, cream and lemon juice. Add 5 ml of ten percent hydrogen peroxide to the resulting homogeneous mass. Apply the composition for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm and then cool water. Suitable for lightening dry skin types.

Grind 15 g of soft cottage cheese with 5 g of liquid honey, add 5 g of lemon juice and 5 ml of sour cream. Apply the mask in an even layer for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm and then cool water.

Grind two teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese with an egg yolk, add two teaspoons of white wine and ten drops of ten percent hydrogen peroxide. Apply the composition for twenty to twenty-five minutes. It is not recommended to make such a mask more than twice a month.

Combine chopped fresh green peas with whey in equal proportions. You should get a homogeneous composition, which should be applied to the skin and left for twenty to twenty-five minutes. The mask is washed off first with warm and then cool water.

Mix 25 g of anhydrous lanolin with 8 ml of three percent hydrogen peroxide. Apply to face for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, rinse off the mask first with warm and then cool water. Good to use on heavily pigmented areas of the skin.

Pour 10 g of borax into 60 ml of cold boiled water. Apply the composition for fifteen minutes, then rinse. Do this procedure every day for two weeks.

Dilute dry mustard until a mushy mass is obtained. Apply the composition pointwise to areas with age spots.

Mix two tablespoons of crushed quince pulp (you can use its juice) with a teaspoon of lemon juice and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply for fifteen minutes.

To lighten the skin, it is effective to wipe the skin twice a day with lemon juice diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, and it is also good to use birch sap for this purpose.

Many girls face the problem of excess pigmentation in the summer and spring. The most common way to combat cosmetic tumors is the use of whitening face masks. In addition to the fact that homemade formulations perfectly eliminate freckles and age spots, the products also even out skin tone and make it elastic. There are no difficulties in preparing masks; every housewife can make an effective product.

Indications for the use of whitening masks

  • spider veins, signs of rosacea;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • burgundy spots for acne;
  • acne and complex inflammations;
  • grey, yellow or green tint faces;
  • naturally dark skin, excessive tan.

In addition to the above indications for use, there are secondary aspects. For example, whitening masks are recommended for people with dry or oily skin, small creases and facial wrinkles. The compositions perfectly relieve swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Contraindications to the use of whitening masks

  • irritation in the treated area;
  • melanoma;
  • keratosis;
  • impetigo;
  • open inflammations, wounds, abrasions, cuts;
  • naturally too sensitive skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • salon procedures performed less than a month ago;
  • vitiligo;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the mask.

Subtleties of using whitening masks

  1. Any cosmetic product may cause individual intolerance. Before applying the composition to your entire face, do a preliminary test on the area behind the ear. If there is no itching, irritation or inflammation, proceed to manipulation.
  2. Before using the mask, thoroughly steam your skin by holding your face over a herbal bath. Then perform a scrubbing procedure to enhance the effect of the whitening composition.
  3. To avoid causing deterioration of the epidermis, make masks 2 hours before bedtime. Before waking up in the morning, the skin will “rest”. The main thing is not to go out in the sun after cosmetic procedures.
  4. After using a whitening product, use a hydrogel or nourishing face cream. It will remove excess exposure to aggressive components on the skin. You can also wipe with ice.
  5. Owners of fatty and combination skin It is recommended to make masks twice a week until the desired result is obtained (but not longer than 2 months). For ladies with normal and dry skin, once every 6-7 days is enough.

Carrots and cabbage

  1. Choose small carrots or cut half of a large root vegetable. Rinse the vegetable and remove upper layer, grate the pulp. Add raw yolk and stir.
  2. Separately, pass 6 cabbage leaves through a blender, then place the puree on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Pour it into the previous composition. After scrubbing and steaming, make a mask and leave on for half an hour.

Oatmeal and sour milk

  1. Grind oatmeal in a convenient way, pour 25-30 g. hot sour milk (60 ml.). Let the mixture swell, then cool and add 1 egg white.
  2. After steaming and exfoliating the skin, make a mask. Leave it to act for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and use cream.

Potatoes and yogurt

  1. Boil several medium-sized potato tubers. Don’t get rid of the skin, just puree the vegetable right away. Add 50-60 gr. natural yogurt, 30 ml. lemon juice.
  2. You can add an additional 10 ml. almond or sea buckthorn oil. Apply a uniform mask to your face, touching the area around the eyes. Lie down to rest for 25 minutes.

Lemon and grapefruit

  1. An effective mixture of citrus fruits can whiten even the darkest age spots. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mash a third of a grapefruit into porridge. Connect the components.
  2. To get a thick paste, add 20 g. sifted potato starch. Distribute the product in a thick layer over the skin, massage lightly and rinse off after a third of an hour.

Apple cider vinegar and salt

  1. Combine 30 ml. table water with 25 gr. apple cider vinegar concentration not higher than 6%. Add 20 gr. coarse salt, stir.
  2. Steam your face, do not use a scrub. Apply the mask to the skin, massage for 3 minutes, then rinse.

Turmeric and lemon juice

  1. Ground turmeric is an excellent bleaching agent. Sift 5-10 grams, mix with 40 grams. fat thick yogurt. Add juice from half a lemon.
  2. Apply the composition in several thin layers. Let each of them dry out. Those with dry skin should keep the product on for 15 minutes, everyone else - a third of an hour.

Wine and hydrogen peroxide

  1. Strain through a 55 g strainer. high-fat cottage cheese. Add raw yolk or white and mix. Pour in 20 ml. dry white wine and 4-5 ml. hydrogen peroxide (3-6%).
  2. Distribute the mixture over the skin and rub in. Massage your face for 5 minutes, then wait another quarter of an hour. Rinse it off. Repeat the procedure after 2 weeks.

Granulated sugar and vodka

  1. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon; you can replace it with a whole lime. Add 30 ml to it. vodka or cognac (if the skin is tanned). Pour in 30 ml. fat milk.
  2. Now put the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this time, add enough cane sugar to thicken the mixture. Apply it tightly and massage the skin for 7 minutes.

Lemon and kiwi

  1. Choose a kiwi that is moderately ripe so that the seeds are firm. Remove the skin from the fruit and rinse the pulp. Grind the product into porridge. Now grate 1/3 of the lemon and add to the kiwi.
  2. If the product is liquid, add 10 g. gelatin or corn starch (replacement with flour is allowed). Apply the mask and scrub the skin for 5 minutes. Then leave the composition for a third of an hour.

Cucumber and lime

  1. You should choose a small cucumber. Get rid of the ends, place the pulp itself, along with the peel and seeds, into a blender. Grind.
  2. Now turn the lime and zest into a paste. Combine the ingredients, add 20 g. wheat bran. Achieve uniformity and make a mask. After 25 minutes, get rid of it.

Honey and lemon juice

  1. Heat 55-65 gr. candied honey up to 40 degrees. Mix it with 40 ml. high fat kefir. Squeeze the juice from a whole lemon and add it to the main mixture.
  2. Steam the epidermis, then scoop out the mask with a brush and apply it in several layers. The areas around the eyes should not be affected. The composition should act for 25 minutes.

Flour and tomato

  1. Fresh tomatoes perfectly whiten the skin, and canned tomatoes also normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Act according to the situation, mash 1 fruit into porridge.
  2. Add enough oatmeal to make the mask thick. Then apply the resulting paste very tightly. Go to rest, remove the product after half an hour.

Lanolin and beeswax

  1. Buy beeswax from a honey store or pharmacy. Measure out 10 grams and melt in the microwave. Immediately enter 20 g. lanolin (anhydrous) and 2 ml. 3% peroxide.
  2. Bring all ingredients to a warm state, then apply with your fingertips all over your face. Allow the mixture to harden, then carefully remove and wash.

Cabbage and butter

  1. Melt 30-40 gr. steamed butter, pour in 3 ml. jojoba or rosemary ether. Separately, rinse 5 cabbage leaves and swirl in a blender.
  2. Mix the vegetable pulp with butter, leave for 15 minutes. When the mask becomes more or less thick, apply it to the skin. If desired, treat the area under the eyes. Wash your face after a third of an hour.

Cottage cheese and cream

  1. Rinse the lemon or lime, squeeze the juice out of the citrus fruit, you need 35-40 ml. Add 40 grams to the fresh juice. high-fat cream, 70 gr. homemade cottage cheese.
  2. Place the entire mass in a strainer and wipe. Steam your skin in advance to prepare it for further manipulation. Make a mask, relax your facial muscles while the composition works. After 40 minutes, remove the product.

White clay and sparkling water

  1. White clay resembles red clay in its properties. Therefore, you can choose any of the listed shades. You need to fill 40 grams of sparkling water. products, following the instructions on the package.
  2. When the product thickens noticeably, stir it and add 25 ml. lemon or grapefruit juice. Add an additional 10 ml. olive oil if the skin is dry. Distribute the product and leave for 20 minutes.

Starch and salt

  1. Combine 40 gr. candied honey with 30 gr. potato starch, place the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds. After this period, pour in 10 ml. cucumber juice.
  2. Leave the mask for a third of an hour to thicken, then add 20 grams. tablespoon coarse salt. Distribute over cleansed skin and massage. Rinse off after 15-25 minutes.

Whey and parsley

  1. Parsley, just like dill, whitens the skin. Turn a bunch of greens into a paste and squeeze out the juice. Add 40 ml to it. whey or ayran.
  2. Soak a sponge in the mixture, wipe cleansed skin and dry the first layer. Repeat steps 3-5 times. After the last layer has dried, wash your face and apply cream.

Whitening masks should be used with caution in the summer when the skin is very tanned. Otherwise, you risk getting a complexion that differs from your body. Use effective formulations based on parsley, dairy products, starch, citrus juice, peroxide, salt, honey.

Video: whitening and nourishing face mask

What allows a woman to look beautiful and well-groomed at any age? Of course, a healthy and natural complexion, the absence of pigment spots, freckles, various formations, and rosacea on the skin. Not everyone has the time and money for expensive treatments in a beauty salon, but you can take care of yourself at home, for example, using whitening face masks, which can be easily prepared from simple and affordable products (rolled oats, cucumbers, parsley, etc. ).

Whitening facial masks at home will allow you to achieve a quick effect if they are correctly selected for your skin type, age and nature of the effect. It is not recommended for everyone to do cosmetic procedures at home. There are certain indications and contraindications for face whitening at home. Let's get acquainted with them to achieve a good effect and avoid negative consequences.

Indications for facial skin whitening

Skin whitening products are quite powerful substances that can not only cleanse pores of dirt, synthesize collagen and elastin, but also affect the structure of cells, whitening and dissolving them.

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This process is deep and not every skin can easily endure it. Therefore, before starting procedures with facial skin whitening masks, read the indications for which they are recommended to be used:

  • unhealthy complexion (grayish or yellowish tint, sickly appearance);
  • stagnation on the skin (post-acne, scars or scars after squeezing out pimples, for example);
  • complications after cosmetic procedures (scars, formations);
  • very dark skin;
  • too much tan (red);
  • age spots (freckles, chloasma, lentigo, etc.);
  • rosacea (a network of small blood vessels)

In all these cases, properly prepared and wisely used homemade face masks will help you get rid of skin problems. Face whitening can lighten your tan by several tones, make freckles almost invisible, eliminate congestion and combat age-related skin pigmentation, even out and improve the color of your face.

Contraindications for the use of whitening masks

Homemade face whitening masks, when used correctly, have such a noticeable effect that a large number of women, dreaming of an instant effect, forget that not everyone can do cosmetic procedures at home. If you take the wrong approach, you can only worsen the condition of your skin.

Experts do not advise women who have:

  • multiple pimples and acne, especially in the stage of active inflammation;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, vitiligo, impetigo, rosacea, melanoma, keratosis, papillomas;
  • skin with hypersensitivity, very dry or thin;
  • fresh wounds, recently stitched in the face;
  • recent cosmetic surgery on the face

If at least one of the listed conditions is present, the use of whitening masks is contraindicated. You may not only fail to achieve the effect of the procedure, but also harm the skin. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to first consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

If there are no contraindications to face whitening at home, you can choose any recipe suitable for your skin type and begin to fight the problems that bother you. But there are certain features of using whitening masks that should be taken into account to achieve the desired effect and prevent negative consequences:

  • For women over 40 years old, especially those with a tendency to dry skin, face whitening masks are not recommended to be used more than once a week, as they usually have a drying effect;
  • It is advisable to carry out facial whitening procedures in the evening or refrain from exposing the skin to direct sunlight for several hours after applying the mask;
  • whitening masks are recommended to be used in combination with shallow peeling and moisturizing creams;
  • During long-term and regular home face whitening procedures, experts advise women to take vitamin C.

Recipes for whitening facial masks

There is a certain group natural remedies and products successfully used in home cosmetology as the main components for whitening masks. These include: lemon, parsley, oatmeal, cucumber, cottage cheese, strawberries, hydrogen peroxide, etc. But you need to know that you should supplement these products for whitening procedures with caution, focusing on the characteristics of your skin type.

Let's look at the recipes for the most popular whitening homemade face masks. First, decide what effect you want to achieve: for example, get rid of congestion on the skin or freckles, or refresh your complexion and then choose the recipe that suits you.

Lemon masks for face whitening

Lemon for face whitening is perhaps the most popular product. Any whitening masks with lemon are effectively used to lighten the skin by several tones and help get rid of pigment formations and freckles, since the acids that make up lemon destroy almost any pigment of natural origin. Exist the following types homemade masks with lemon:

1. Lemon-vodka face mask

You need to mix 1 tbsp. concentrated lemon juice with 50 ml low-fat milk, 20 ml vodka and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Then apply to the face with light massaging movements, hold for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water. This lemon-vodka mask whitens the skin well, relieves rashes and congestion.

2. Lemon mask with hydrogen peroxide

A mask with lemon and hydrogen peroxide has a very effective whitening effect on the skin. To prepare it, beat 2 eggs until well foamed, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix thoroughly, soak a sponge in the solution and apply to your face. After half an hour, rinse with warm water and then apply to face. nutritious cream, because lemon is very drying to the skin.

3. Lemon-herbal mask for any skin type

First, make a decoction from a collection of herbs. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of agave, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, currants, hop cones, brew and then mix the resulting liquid with 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and chicken yolk. Wipe your face with this solution 2 times a day. Your skin will not only brighten, but also be cleared of pimples, blackheads and oily shine.

Whitening your face with parsley

Parsley is considered the queen of home whitening. Whitening masks with parsley have a strong effect. Despite the fact that these greens are seasonal, they can be found on supermarket shelves at any time of the year. To use masks with parsley to whiten your facial skin, you can use not only fresh herbs, but also dried or frozen ones. In this case, instead of parsley juice, you must use an infusion of dried herbs or puree from frozen herbs.

1. Honey mask with parsley

Chop fresh parsley, stir 2 tbsp. greens with 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

2. Whitening face mask made from sour cream and parsley

Chop the parsley, take a couple of tablespoons of herbs and a few tablespoons of rich sour cream. Mix and apply to face in an even layer. Leave on skin for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse. This mask is suitable for dry skin.

If your skin is too oily, replace sour cream with low-fat kefir. For sensitive skin parsley is mixed with crushed rose petals and dried sage leaves in equal proportions. A mask made from parsley, lettuce and spinach is suitable for aging skin.

Face whitening mask with cucumber

Cucumber gruel has an excellent tonic effect. To whiten the skin, the cucumber must be peeled, and the inner side of the peel itself must be placed on the face for 20-25 minutes. To obtain a lasting effect, you do not need to wash off the mask.

Whitening your face with radish and horseradish

Grate fresh radish on a fine grater or chop in a blender. Before applying, apply cream to your face. Distribute the resulting mask evenly over your face, focusing Special attention pigment formations. Wash off after half an hour.

From a vegetable such as horseradish, you can make wonderful toning, whitening and disinfecting face masks. To do this, you need to grate the root of the plant and mix the resulting mass with half a glass of mayonnaise, then apply it to your face. Keep the mask on the skin for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water and soap.

Whitening face masks with hydrogen peroxide

A quick whitening effect from a homemade mask can be achieved using a procedure using hydrogen peroxide. In home cosmetology, only 3% hydrogen peroxide is used. However, with this medicine you need to be careful, because in case of any, even microscopic damage to the skin, its use is contraindicated.

1. Oatmeal mask with milk and hydrogen peroxide

Pour 3 tbsp. warm milk 2 tbsp. oatmeal, add 3-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, mix thoroughly and apply a thin layer to the skin of the face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

2. Mask with cottage cheese and peroxide

Mix 2 tbsp. homemade cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. sour cream and add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply a thin layer to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Face whitening with clay

Many people know well that quick effect provide whitening face masks with clay. Cosmetic clay– a universal remedy that improves the general condition of the skin, complexion, saturating it with important vitamins and microelements.

White clay mask with cucumber and lemon

Usually used to whiten the face and remove age spots. white clay. Take 1 tbsp. white clay. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater to obtain juice. Add 1 tbsp. cucumber juice and 1 tbsp. lemon juice into the clay and mix well. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This mask is suitable for normal and oily skin types. For dry skin, you can add a tablespoon of sour cream to the recipe.

Strawberry for face whitening

The best whitening masks are made with strawberries and honey. Crush the strawberries into a puree and apply to your face with a sponge, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water. You can carry out this procedure daily.

Whitening mask with aspirin

A whitening mask with aspirin helps to quickly brighten facial skin, tighten pores and reduce redness. To achieve a better effect, you can steam your face first.

To prepare the mask, you will need 6 aspirin tablets and 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, avoiding the formation of a paste. Apply the resulting solution to your face for 10 minutes. At this time, prepare a solution for washing off the mask: 1 tbsp. dissolve baking soda in 1 liter of warm water and wash your face with this liquid.

A mask with aspirin for skin whitening is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, skin damage, allergies to the drug, asthma and vasodilation.

Face whitening with homemade dandelion mask

Pour 1 tbsp. dandelion flowers 100 ml of water and place in a water bath. Steam the infusion for 10 minutes, cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. Then apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and wipe your skin with the strained infusion.

Second method: take dandelion leaves and stems, rinse thoroughly and grind in a blender. Mix the resulting mixture with sour cream and lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water and after half an hour, anoint your face with cream.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of ways to whiten your face at home quickly and effectively. Let each of you choose the mask that you like, be it from parsley, cucumber or dandelions.