Chemical peeling is the exfoliation of dead skin on the face using various acids. Thanks to peeling, natural exfoliation of the skin occurs faster, which has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of facial skin.

Several types of acids are used to carry out the procedure:

  • glycolic;
  • trichloroacetic;
  • retinoic;
  • pyruvic;
  • salicylic;
  • combined, the composition of which includes several different acids.

Chemical peeling is usually used to renew facial skin cells, but can also be used for the skin of the neck, décolleté, and hands.

Essentially, all acids cause burns to the skin, however, a peeling burn is “for the benefit of the skin.”

Thanks to it, the top dead layer of skin is removed, allowing new cells to grow. The applied acid stimulates metabolism and, as a result, skin renewal. The final result depends on how deeply the acid penetrates, which, in turn, depends on the choice of substance for the procedure.

Types, advantages and disadvantages of chemical peeling

Depending on the depth of impact, chemical peeling is divided into three types:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

Superficial facial peeling is the most gentle type of skin renewal. When carrying out such a procedure, the depth of influence of the drugs is minimal - only the upper, dead layers of the skin are affected, and, when using another type of acid, a number of living cells can be affected. However, the effect of substances on living cells is in any case minimal - hundredths of millimeters.

Superficial facial cleansing is carried out to target the thick surface layer of dead facial skin cells. During the procedure upper layer The skin becomes thinner, making the facial skin look lighter and tone more even.

When exposed to living cells, metabolism is stimulated, promoting the growth of new cells.

Indications for the superficial procedure are:

  • lightening of facial skin;
  • smoothing the skin structure;
  • prevention of acne;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • further medium peeling.

The procedure is carried out only using non-toxic acids - malic, tartaric, glyclic, mandelic or citric. The most popular acid in use is glycolic acid. It helps to increase the process of cell exfoliation, so that people prone to acne stop appearing blackheads.

Among the positive aspects of using surface peeling are the following:

  • this type of procedure can be carried out at any time of the year;
  • at the end of the procedure there is no temporary deterioration of the skin;
  • the procedure does not cause any pain;
  • This is the safest procedure, since the effect of acids occurs only on the upper layers of the skin.

Despite this, there are also disadvantages:

  • Frequent procedure is required;
  • Even repeated superficial peeling does not bring the same result as medium peeling.

With medium peeling, the epidermis is almost completely removed. This procedure is aimed at eliminating wrinkles and giving facial skin a more youthful appearance. In addition, with this type of peeling, various age spots are removed. But deeper damage, in the form of acne scars, cannot be removed using this method.

Trichloroacetic, salicylic and glycolic acids are most often used for the procedure. Medium peeling makes the top layer more uniform, the epidermis denser, and the deep living cells more elastic.

Indications for its use are:

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • destruction of small superficial scars;
  • elimination of pigmentation, freckles.

This type of peeling is used not only to cleanse the skin of the face, but also to remove stretch marks on other parts of the body.

The disadvantage of the procedure is its short duration. To increase the exposure time, you can use skin care programs. In addition, this method of skin cleansing cannot be called absolutely painless, since living skin cells are affected.

And among the positive aspects of the procedure, we can highlight it quick effect– the first results become noticeable within a week.

The effect of acids on the skin leads to the elimination of the upper cells of the face, promoting the formation of a new epidermis, in the deep layers the growth of new capillaries is stimulated, and in the dermal layers the production of hyaluronic acid, which affects skin elasticity.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin. 4 weeks before it is necessary to treat the skin daily with glycolic acid or bleaching agents. For those whose skin has a chocolate tint, the use of whitening products is recommended both before and after the procedure, as the acids used can lead to the formation of age spots.

Deep peeling is a type of procedure in which the epidermis, nipple layer of the dermis is completely removed and the reticular layer is affected. This is one of the most radical ways to rejuvenate facial skin.

Skin cells live for 28 days. After they die, they are not able to completely remove themselves, clogging the pores and visually giving the skin an older appearance. Exfoliation treatments slough off these dead cells, allowing new ones to grow.

To carry out such a procedure, you must contact a specialist, since chemical burns to the skin can occur due to the use of strong acids. The cleaning itself is usually not prescribed for people under 55 years of age. For younger people, gentler methods are used.

Indications for deep cleaning are:

  • bright age-related changes in the skin;
  • sagging skin;
  • age spots;
  • decreased elasticity of the eyelids;
  • skin scars.

Deep cleaning is performed using phenolic acid with admixtures of oils, glycerin, propylene glycol and purified water. Such a solution is able to completely remove the epidermis and stimulate the growth of new cells.

Positive aspects of using facial cleansing:

  • the face acquires a youthful appearance;
  • smoothing the top layer and increasing elasticity makes the appearance of the face visually younger by 10-15 years;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands improves.

The disadvantages of using this procedure are:

  • high pain syndrome;
  • after deep cleansing, the skin becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, as well as to various bacteria;
  • rehabilitation takes a long period of time.

Indications and contraindications

You should not abuse procedures if there are no immediate indications for their implementation. In some cases, it is enough to apply cleansing skin masks at home, which will not harm the face. However, facial cleansing should be carried out if there are the following indications:

  • age-related skin changes in the form of possible sagging, age spots, wrinkles;
  • skin defects (acne scars);
  • acne, blackheads;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • giving skin tone, evening out tone.

Depending on the severity of the listed symptoms, the type of dry cleaning is selected - superficial, medium or deep.

But, as for all other procedures, in in this case In addition to the indications, there are also contraindications. Among them:

  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • allergies to the drugs used;
  • fresh tan;
  • the use of substances that increase sensitivity to sunlight;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of an infectious or viral disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension or oncology.

If at least one of the symptoms is present, you must stop cleaning the skin altogether or until the symptom is eliminated.


How are chemical peels performed? Before performing a cosmetic procedure, you need to cleanse your facial skin. It is worth noting that cleaning must be carried out with special gels - soap and other cleaning products upset the natural balance, making further chemical cleaning useless.

After the face is cleansed, the cosmetologist applies the acid composition for ten minutes. Over time, this composition turns white, forming a film, which is removed by a cosmetologist using a sponge and a special substance. Depending on the depth of penetration, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation or may not experience any pain at all.

Upon completion of removing the resulting film, the cosmetologist applies a facial skin care product - cream, balm.

The effect of the procedure occurs approximately a week after it is performed. All this time, the face requires careful care.

You need to remember to protect yourself from bright sunlight and apply protective creams and gels.

Feelings after cleaning, possible complications and side effects

After the cleansing is completed, the skin has a red tint for several days due to the use of chemicals. After a couple of days, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Immediately after this comes the stage of peeling - the skin is renewed. The results of the procedure will be immediately noticeable.

Complications and side effects from the procedure include:

  • scar formation;
  • manifestation of allergies;
  • formation of pigment spots;
  • persistent redness;
  • burns.

To avoid complications, you need to contact only professional cosmetologists and not neglect contraindications for cleaning.

Facial care during rehabilitation

Upon completion, the cosmetologist will prescribe treatments for home care. Be sure to use sunscreen. In addition, trips to the solarium, baths, and saunas are prohibited.

You can go outside only after applying sunscreen. But even after applying them, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight.

At the peeling stage, under no circumstances should you peel off the peeling areas yourself. To establish the normal course of rehabilitation, it is necessary to visit a cosmetologist two days after the procedure.

Prices for services

How much does a chemical facial peel cost? Prices for services may vary in different cities and cosmetology centers. However, average prices are set at:

  • surface cleaning – at the level of 4000 rubles;
  • average cleaning – at the level of 8,000 rubles;
  • deep cleaning – at the level of 15,000 rubles.

To determine the exact cost, it is best to contact directly the centers that provide similar services.

Chemical peeling of the face- a method of cleansing and rejuvenation, the basis of which is the effect on different layers of the skin using chemical agents, mainly acids. During the interaction of the skin and acid, certain layers of the epidermis and dermis are destroyed to a controlled depth, along with existing defects and subsequent stimulation of skin regeneration. Chemical peeling can be performed on local areas of the face, solving the problem of eliminating wrinkles in the eyes and mouth, pigmentation on the cheeks, and rejuvenating the face as a whole.

Superficial chemical peeling of the face involves the action of acids on the stratum corneum of the epidermis; median - chemical damage to all layers of the epidermis without penetration of the basement membrane; deep – destruction of the basement membrane and part of the reticular layer of the dermis. To carry out superficial chemical peeling For the face, fruit acids are used (lactic, phytic, glycolic, pyruvic, gluconic, etc.), for the middle – salicylic and trichloroacetic (TCA) acids, for the deep – carbolic acid (phenol).

In general, chemical facial peels successfully cope with wrinkles and sagging skin, acne, hyperpigmentation, post-acne manifestations, eliminate excess sebum secretion, restore skin elasticity and moisture. Chemical peeling of the face should be avoided if there is an active form of herpes, exacerbation of acne, recent radiotherapy, open wounds or neoplasms on the face, allergies or hypersensitivity to acids. Chemical peeling of the face is unacceptable in the spring and summer months, since ultraviolet radiation causes hyperpigmentation.

The purpose of a certain type of chemical peeling of the face is determined by the characteristics of the skin, age, and the severity of existing dermatological problems. The concentration and duration of contact of the drug with the skin are also selected individually.

For patients under 30 years of age to eliminate defects problem skin and prevention of wrinkles, it is advisable to carry out light fruit peelings 3-4 times once a year.

At the age of up to 35 years, when local pigmentation and the first wrinkles appear, peeling with glycolic acid is recommended (6-8 procedures twice a year).

In the group of patients under 50 years of age with bright wrinkles and pigmentation disorders, retinoic and TCA peels are performed.

Deep phenol peeling is usually carried out after 50 years, has a strong rejuvenating effect, restoring elasticity, smoothness, firmness of the skin, eliminates specific age-related skin problems (pigmentation, wrinkles, sagging, roughness, etc.).

Peeling stages

Chemical peeling of the face includes pre-peel preparation (for medium and deep peeling), the procedure itself and post-peel care.

Pre-peel preparation is carried out several weeks before the main procedure and consists of regularly treating the skin with a weakly concentrated solution of glycolic acid.

The chemical facial peeling procedure itself begins with cleansing and degreasing the skin to remove mechanical impurities and normalize acidity. Then active acid is applied to the skin in an even layer, and the reaction of the epidermis is carefully monitored. After a certain time, the acid is neutralized with a special composition.

After a chemical facial peeling procedure, as a result of a burn, the reaction of hyperemia and tightness of the skin increases, then pronounced peeling of the surface layer develops. After the damaged cover is peeled off, smooth, young skin without wrinkles or defects is formed underneath.

Post-peeling care includes the use of moisturizing and restoring creams, as well as photoprotective agents with SPF 30-50.


The most common complications of chemical facial peels are increased or appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation, persistent erythema, or a noticeable line of demarcation. Home use of creams with glycolic acid significantly prolongs the effectiveness of peeling.

If the technology for chemical facial peeling using trichloroacetic and carbolic acid is not followed, serious skin burns may develop. From the point of view of complications, the most dangerous is phenol peeling, due to the toxic effect of carbolic acid on the heart and kidneys.

Every day we wash dust from furniture. The same must be done with the skin. Only the “dust” from it needs to be “washed off” correctly.

Concept of method

The term “peeling” means to scrape hard. It helps remove dead cells and restores the skin to a different level. Chemical peels can be used on any part of the body.

Peeling is a cleansing procedure. New cells can grow unhindered and the skin begins to live again. This is not only rejuvenation, but also health. It is used in dermatology when skin problems are “obvious”: scars, stretch marks, cicatrices, etc.

Remove the top layer of skin different methods: mechanical, chemical, laser.

Chemical peeling of the face (before and after photos)

Types of chemical peeling

There are three types of chemical peels: superficial, medium and deep. Each of these types has several private subspecies, which depends on the composition of the chemical exfoliant (solvent).


The safest type of peeling. It helps remove fine wrinkles, consequences and... It is used to treat. This peeling is carried out using fruit acids.

Glycolic, malic, citric, and tartaric acids are also called AHA acids. AHA peeling is a subtype of superficial peeling. The name of the ingredient gives the name to the procedure itself. Each has its own peculiarity.

The video below will tell you what you need to know about chemical peeling:


Carried out using mandelic acid, which is obtained from almond seeds. This is a gentle peeling that slowly penetrates the skin cells. Its use is permissible even during periods of solar activity.

The results of such peeling are in no way inferior to the results achieved with the use of glycolic acid. The advantage is the absence of contraindications.


The glycolic acid molecule easily penetrates the skin, which contributes to a lasting effect. Peeling is suitable for any skin, but not at any age. There are contraindications:

  • Seasonal restrictions
  • Pregnancy,
  • Presence of warts
  • Infectious skin diseases in the acute stage,
  • Skin damage
  • Very dark skin
  • Recent course of hormone therapy or chemotherapy.


One of the most popular peelings. In addition to cleansing properties, salicylic acid also has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps even out the skin and improve the structure of the epidermis. She fights great.

Salicylic acid quickly penetrates deep and prevents the formation. This method can be combined with other cleansing methods. It is only incompatible with resorcinol and zinc oxide. The procedure is more suitable for oily skin.

Skin before and after peeling for freckles


Very gentle peeling. To carry it out, they use (artificial vitamin “A”), which corrects processes in skin cells and promotes its self-healing. The rehabilitation period after such peeling is very short, the damage is minimal, and complications are almost impossible.


This is an extremely gentle peeling that will help refresh the skin and moisturize it. But he is unable to deal with serious problems.

Fruit or AHA peeling

Most often, such peeling is superficial, but in some cases it can be medium. It is used at the first signs, with a tendency to acne, with.

Peeling makes the skin more elastic, brightening and smoothing it. When carrying out this procedure, it is permissible to mix different acids. Not only acceptable, but also desirable.

Elena Malisheva in this video will tell you more about chemical peeling:


Peeling is used to penetrate deep into the skin. It creates a wound, which provokes cells to renew themselves more quickly.

To carry it out, high concentration trichloroacetic and glycolic acids are used. They are often used in combination. It is recommended that the procedure be performed by a specialist. Recovery time is longer than with superficial peeling.


This is already a very complex procedure that can only be performed by a professional. It is carried out using carbolic acid (phenol). There are a number of contraindications and risks. If the result is positive, the effect is amazing: the flaws “go away” completely. The method is rarely used, replacing it with laser procedures that have fewer risks.

Jessner Peel

It is a surface type, but can also be used as a middle type if the concentration of acids is higher and the number of layers applied is greater. During this procedure, several acids are used: salicylic, lactic and resorcinol. The peeling effect is soft.

The result is due to the properties of its constituent components:

  • Anti-inflammatory,
  • Exophilating,
  • Moisturizing,
  • Brightening,
  • Disinfectant,
  • Tanning, which is important for dermatological diseases.

Photo of the patient before and after the Jessner peel


Any type of peeling has whitening properties. The whitening effect is stronger when several procedures are used in combination. The type of peeling is selected strictly individually.


For these purposes, deep peeling is often used, for example, superficial peeling in combination with deep peeling. The program is selected individually, based on the condition of the skin. The procedure does not take one day, and several procedures must be completed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every coin has two sides. Peeling is no exception to the rule. It has both pros and cons.

Pros: the result of the procedure. If you follow all the recommendations, the result can be preserved for many years.

  • There are a number of contraindications,
  • Preparation is required to carry out
  • It takes time to recover.
  • Complications are possible.

Which is better - laser, chemical or mechanical peeling?

You can only make a choice purely individually, weighing all the pros and cons, analyzing the indications and contraindications. Everything has its own characteristics and advantages. All types of peeling are good. It is also important to consider what result you need:

  • Maintain balance
  • Get rid of a flaw or solve a global problem.

Chemical peeling gives amazing results, but sometimes has significant contraindications. If you resort to the procedure for rejuvenation purposes, then it is better to use the laser method, as it is less dangerous. The cost of the procedure also matters: chemical peeling is much more expensive than mechanical peeling, laser peeling is more expensive than chemical peeling.

Indications for testing

Chemical peeling can be used at any age and in any condition. What does it give:

  • stretch marks,
  • Acne elimination,
  • Consequences ,
  • Scars,
  • Ingrown hair.

In dermatology, the method is sometimes irreplaceable. It is also used for dry and oily skin problems to establish the right balance.

When chemical peeling is used to eliminate problems in children, the acid concentration is selected individually. It should be minimal.

Photos before and after retinoic peeling


Contraindications can be absolute and relative. Absolute contraindications include:

  • Cardiovascular diseases,
  • Viral skin diseases
  • Infectious diseases in their acute stage.

Relative contraindications include pregnancy, lactation and childhood. In such conditions, the procedure is possible, but there are several “buts”. It all depends on the composition of the mixture: some can be used without hindrance, others cannot be used. A doctor's consultation is required.

Preparation for the procedure

Chemical peeling is best done in winter and during the off-season, while the sun is not yet very active. Some types of peeling can be carried out in the summer, but you should consult a specialist about this. These include gentle superficial types of chemical peeling. No special preparation is required for this peeling. It is only necessary for medium and deep peeling. It lasts from 2 to 8 weeks.

  • A week before the procedure, you should avoid using products that contain vitamin A,
  • The use of products containing Roaccutin should be stopped within 6 months.
  • Antioxidants are prescribed
  • Peeling is allowed only a week after depilation.

Chemical peeling is not permitted before a planned spa vacation. The procedure should be carried out 6 weeks in advance.

How does the session work?

In a special institution

  1. First, degrease and thoroughly clean the skin with soap, then with a degreasing agent containing alcohol or acetone. This allows the active components to penetrate evenly.
  2. On those areas of the skin that should be protected from acid, apply Vaseline or gauze soaked protective agent napkins,
  3. Apply the required mixture to the skin. The duration of exposure is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. It depends on the goal and the individual. If the burning sensation is severe, it can be reduced or blown with air.
  4. An alkaline solution is applied to neutralize the effect of the acid.
  5. Wash off with water, dry and be sure to cool. Cold eliminates pain and burning.
  6. Apply cream or anti-inflammatory ointment.

Peeling techniques may differ slightly, this is just a general scheme. When carrying out a Jessner peel, an alkaline solution is not used for neutralization. The duration of the procedure is from 20 to 40 minutes.

Before and after gas-liquid peeling

At home

More often, the chemical peeling procedure is carried out in special institutions. Although you can use the method at home. It is important to carefully follow all points! At home, it is permissible to carry out only superficial peeling using Alpha and Beta hydroxides of acids: fruit acids, salicylic acid, glycolic acid. It’s easier to choose a ready-made product for home use: “Dermaceutic”, “Jan Marini”, “LA Peel”, etc.

How to carry out the procedure at home:

  1. We choose a peeling product, check for allergies by applying it to a small area of ​​skin,
  2. Cleanse the skin with a scrub the day before the procedure,
  3. Immediately before the procedure, cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser,
  4. Apply Vaseline to areas not intended for peeling.
  5. Apply the composition to the skin, leaving it for the required time,
  6. Wash off
  7. Apply cream.

For home peeling, a fruit peeling recipe with glycolic acid is ideal. Its composition: honey, gelatin, pineapple, papaya. Mix the fruits in a blender, add gelatin and honey. The mixture is first heated, then put in the refrigerator. And they use it, it’s simple. After 10 - 15 minutes, the mixture is washed off.

Consequences and possible complications

After the procedure, even bronze, this is normal. It may also occur. But complications are also possible.

Clean, smooth and healthy skin adorns absolutely any person, but not each of us can boast of such wealth. Modern cosmetology offers many solutions to eliminate existing dermal defects, among which chemical peeling stands out. This procedure is rightfully considered one of the most universal, because it promotes not only healing, but also rejuvenation of the skin, does not require anesthesia and does not take much time.

What is peeling?

Chemical peeling is one of the many types of procedures of this kind. In cosmetology, there are ultrasonic, mechanical, laser and even enzymatic peelings. Each of these methods has its own characteristics, disadvantages and indications, which must be taken into account before prescribing to a patient.

The term “peeling” is of English origin and is translated into Russian as “clean, remove.” Such words perfectly describe the meaning of this cosmetological effect on the skin. In this case, the application of chemical compounds provokes a controlled burn, which removes dead cells and stimulates internal regeneration processes.

Chemical peels are also divided into several categories. Thus, it is customary to distinguish three main types: superficial, medium and deep peeling; the differences between these techniques lie in the intensity of the impact.

Types of procedure

Let's talk a little more about the types of therapy described above. As already mentioned, the basic differences between them lie in the depth and intensity of the impact.

Superficial chemical peeling of the face

The effect is carried out exclusively on the superficial layers of the epidermis. The procedure is characterized by softness, moderate and short-term effect. It can be indicated for young skin, as a prophylaxis and for the treatment of mild problems. Rehabilitation after manipulation is quite quick and painless. It is carried out with fruit acid (lactic, malic, almond, etc.).

Medium chemical facial peeling

It is characterized by the penetrating ability of useful components to a much greater depth (to the basement membrane). Restoring the problem area takes from one week to a month; the procedure may be accompanied by severe side effects. The result after a course of therapy lasts quite a long time.

Deep chemical peeling of the face

It is distinguished by maximum intensity, manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia in medical institutions, and not in the salon. The procedure is indicated for deep wrinkles and severe scars. The results obtained can last up to two years, but rehabilitation takes longer (up to six months).

Only a specialist can determine which type of chemical peeling is best for you.

Indications for use

Studying patient reviews, we can conclude that cosmetologists quite often prescribe chemical peeling. Such decisions by professionals are largely due to the versatility and versatility of the procedure. The procedure may be indicated in the following cases:

  • for general skin fatigue ( grey colour faces, lumpy structure);
  • in the presence of age spots;
  • to eliminate scars (consequences of acne and other rashes);
  • with excessive oily skin and enlarged pores;
  • to reduce facial wrinkles, prevent ptosis, increase tone and elasticity;
  • for the treatment of acne, elimination of comedones;

If necessary, peeling is carried out as preparatory measures for further serious aesthetic manipulations.

With the permission of a specialist, this peeling is available to almost any patient. So, it is available to women with severe problems or those with young skin. The procedure can be both therapeutic and preventive. At certain conditions It is prescribed even to children over 14 years of age.

Operating principle

How can you achieve a positive effect with chemical peeling? The mechanism of action of beneficial acids in most cases is represented by the following algorithm:

  • Controlled damage to the skin to a certain depth.
  • Stimulating internal cell renewal processes, eliminating damaged areas.
  • Activation of the body's reserve forces aimed at producing collagen and elastin, as well as other useful components.
  • Positive effect on the skin, moisturizing, strengthening local immunity.

Peeling principle

Absolute and relative contraindications

With all the visible advantages, we should not forget that chemical peeling is a fairly aggressive procedure and has a large number of contraindications.

  • Existing restrictions are divided into absolute and relative, the latter are considered only a temporary obstacle to therapy, while the former can serve as a basis for a complete ban. Let's start with a list of the main contraindications:
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of various nature.
  • Colds and viral diseases, elevated body temperature, signs of malaise (sore throat, runny nose).
  • Pregnancy. Period breastfeeding
  • child.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin, tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Oncology.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Individual intolerance or allergy to any ingredient in the peeling preparation.
  • Cuperosis.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes and open wounds on the surface of the skin.
  • Skin diseases, including infectious ones.

Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick from 4 to 6.

  • Superficial, medium and deep chemical peeling of the face, in agreement with a specialist, can be carried out in the presence of such contraindications as:
  • numerous birthmarks;
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • moderate skin sensitivity.

You can postpone manipulations for a certain period of time in the case of a strong tan, or in the recent past, aggressive cosmetic procedures, the need to take a certain group of medications and radiotherapy.

Main stages of the procedure

Chemical peeling provides a pronounced, positive effect, however, in most cases it requires a course of treatment (with the exception of deep effects). As a rule, to solve the tasks you need to attend 3–5 procedures, each of which involves the following stages:

  1. Preliminary preparation. The goal is to adapt the skin to the selected drug and prepare the problem area for perception useful substances during the main stage. The pre-peeling stage lasts up to two weeks; to carry it out you will need to purchase creams based on low concentration acids.
  2. Main impact. Lasts up to 40 minutes and is carried out according to uniform medical standards. Involves cleansing, degreasing the skin, applying the product and its exposure, neutralizing the composition, and additional nutrition.
  3. Skin care at home. The objectives of this stage are to prevent complications and consolidate the achieved result. We’ll talk a little more about how to take care of your skin during the rehabilitation period.

Facial care


13.10.14 13:06

A special place among modern rejuvenating procedures is occupied by chemical facial peeling. It involves the impact of chemical reagents on the surface layers of the skin, which results in the dissolution of intercellular connections and dead cells, the launch of regenerative and rejuvenating processes, and the acceleration of biochemical reactions in tissues. Organic acids, biologically active substances and other chemical compounds can be used to carry out procedures.

Chemical peeling of the face: all about the procedure

The first thing people pay attention to when prescribing a procedure such as chemical peeling is the indications for aggressive manipulation. Depending on the type of components used for cleansing, a chemical facial peel can have varying depths of impact. Based on this, there are superficial, medium and deep peels, which have their own characteristics, advantages, and, therefore, indications.

Chemical peeling for the face is especially useful if you have the following conditions:

  • problematic and oily skin, prone to the formation of acne, sebaceous plugs, inflammatory processes, blackheads;
  • mild or clear hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • weak tone of the epidermis, decreased elasticity and density;
  • signs of skin aging as a result of stress, ultraviolet radiation, and reaching adulthood;
  • the presence of enlarged pores, scars, ingrown hairs;
  • poor removal of keratinized cells, leading to the appearance of unevenness and deterioration of complexion;
  • the need to prepare the face for a more serious cosmetic procedure.

The result of rejuvenation depends not only on which layers of the epidermis will be affected by chemical peeling: the procedure must be carried out by a professional, pre-peel preparation and post-intervention care must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of a cosmetologist. Only this approach will allow you to achieve the desired effect.

A chemical peeling session includes three mandatory stages:

  1. Preparation. It is carried out with the aim of leveling the stratum corneum of the epidermis, increasing tissue permeability, and adapting the skin to the effects of acids. It can last from a few minutes to six months.
  2. Chemical peeling of the face itself. It is carried out in accordance with a certain algorithm and includes cleansing the face, applying the main composition to the skin, neutralizing it and urgently treating the skin after manipulation.
  3. Post-peeling care. Activities specific to this stage help prevent the development of complications after the session and consolidate the positive result.

The composition of the chemical peel directly influences the result, the presence of unpleasant sensations, and the basic and additional properties of the manipulations. A variety of organic acids, biologically active components and their good combination allows you to create various basic preparations that can be used to care for any type of skin in order to solve a number of aesthetic and physiological problems.

Acid-based chemical facial peeling provides the most aggressive cleansing. The principle of operation of such products is based on the ability of chemical ingredients to dissolve cells, intercellular connections, and initiate regenerative processes in response to inflammation caused by a chemical burn. Superficial acid peels can be performed even at home, providing positive results. The main types of acid-based chemical peeling, aimed at medium and deep effects, can only be carried out in a hospital setting.

Compositions for chemical peeling based on enzymes (enzymes) carefully cleanse the surface of the epidermis from impurities, dead cells, and tissue waste products. Due to the fact that these substances are able to penetrate deep into the skin, as a result of the procedure, biological processes are established and sebum production is regulated. These types of chemical peels are suitable even for sensitive skin and are widely used in home cosmetology.

Chemical peeling of the face, carried out with peptide compounds, is characterized by deep penetration of substances into the thickness of the epidermis due to the small molecular weight of the main components. Their goal is to stimulate regeneration processes, accelerate cell division, and activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. There are special types of chemical peels that contain peptides and acids. This combination increases the effectiveness of the compositions and expands their functional range.

At home, in addition to the listed cleaning options, preparations based on calcium chloride, bodyagi, bamboo extract, and placenta are often used. They are characterized by a milder effect, the absence of a long preparation period and fast recovery tissues after the procedure.

Many women have a question: “should I use it?” It is difficult to give a definite answer to this. Obviously, it is best to use the cleaning option that is suitable for your skin type, will eliminate aesthetic problems, improve the condition of the skin and its appearance, and will not cause complications or side effects.

Given the variety of cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to find information about each of them, study it yourself and be sure to seek advice from several experienced specialists. Such a thorough approach will eliminate the obviously dangerous and useless types of chemical peeling. The age and severity of the problems will indicate the depth of the impact. Specific requirements for the result will help you determine the basic and additional components.

The main factor influencing how often to do a chemical peel is the depth of exposure to chemical reagents. Abuse of aggressive acids can lead to the development of chronic pathological conditions, thinning of tissues, dryness of the epidermis, decreased barrier function of the skin.

Superficial chemical peeling of the face is recommended to be carried out in courses, no more than 1-2 per year. One course can consist of 4-10 procedures, the intervals between which must be at least ten days. The rest of the time, you can perform manipulations to maintain the effect obtained. These rules do not apply to peelings, the compositions for which are prepared at home from natural products. This type of care can be carried out according to indications, but not more than once a week.

Medium chemical peeling for the face or its individual zones carries a significant physiological load on the tissue, so it is recommended to use it no more than 2-6 times in a lifetime. A full course of such exposure may include 1 to 4 procedures at intervals of several weeks (on the recommendation of a specialist).

The most radical version of chemical cleaning - deep phenol peeling - cannot be carried out more than three times in a lifetime. Considering the durability of the result, the re-appointment of the session occurs several years after the first procedure. Deep chemical peeling of the face is repeated only if there are clear indications and a normal reaction without complications to the first procedure.

Various types of chemical peeling have been developed, which differ in the type and depth of impact, main and additional functions, features of the procedure and the duration of the recovery period.

According to the depth of impact there are the following types chemical peeling:

  • superficial. Affects only the keratinized surface layers of the epidermis and does not require complex care after the procedure.
  • median Provides an effect on the entire stratum corneum of the epidermis, causing tissue rejection in the form of pronounced peeling. Requires complex care after cleaning, which lasts up to several months.
  • deep . Completely burns out the epidermis, forcing the tissues to recover and renew themselves. A complex radical procedure, recovery from which can take about a year.

There is a conditional division into types of chemical peeling based on the type of chemical reagent:

  • acidic;
  • enzymatic (enzymatic);
  • peptide;
  • alcohol;
  • biological.

The availability of the main components and ease of use make it possible to carry out chemical peeling at home. True, this only applies to superficial cleansing; even medium peels should be carried out in a hospital setting to prevent complications and side effects.

For home cleansing and facial skin rejuvenation, experts recommend the following types of chemical peeling:

  • exposure to fruit acids. Allows you to refresh your complexion, even out its surface, get rid of acne, comedones and sebaceous plugs. Most often, a ready-made chemical peel for the face based on malic, citric or glycolic acid is used. To care for sensitive epidermis, you can try almond or milk peeling.
  • peptide and enzyme compositions. They practically do not cause discomfort, do not impair the integrity of the skin, and can be used as a means to instantly improve the condition and appearance faces.
  • compositions based on biologically active components. This could be a chemical peeling made from bodyaga, placenta extract, bamboo powder, or Asian rolls with cellulose. With proper and regular sessions, you can count on a pronounced and lasting positive effect.

Even when using low concentration reagents in combination with emollient ingredients, chemical facial peeling remains a serious test for the epidermis, can cause an unexpected violent reaction and aggravate skin problems. Therefore, before using any composition, you need to consult a specialist and carefully familiarize yourself with the manipulation technique.

The main goals for which care is prescribed and carried out after chemical peeling are the elimination of unpleasant sensations, the prevention of complications, and the consolidation of the positive effect. Most of the procedures used cause damage to the integrity of the skin. Lack of proper care can cause a secondary infection, slow down the regeneration process, and complicate existing problems.

There are types of chemical peeling that have a very short recovery period and require virtually no special care for the epidermis. This is typical for enzymatic effects if the preparations did not include fruit acids, peptide cleansing, or retinoic peeling. During these sessions, the surface layers of the epidermis are not injured, therefore rehabilitation measures are aimed only at moisturizing and nourishing tissues, accelerating the regenerative process, supplying cells with substances that accelerate the production building materials skin.

With a more aggressive effect, leading to the separation of the stratum corneum of the skin, in addition to these measures, the use of drugs is prescribed that restore the water-lipid layer on the surface of the face and accelerate the process of epithelization. If chemical peeling for the face causes unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, excessive peeling, burning and swelling, symptomatic therapy is carried out. Drugs can only be prescribed by the specialist who performed the cleaning procedure.

Skin care after deep peeling can last more than six months. In addition to the use of cosmetic drugs, painkillers and antibiotics are often prescribed to prevent tissue suppuration and the formation of foci of infection.

When deciding to carry out aggressive cleansing, you need to prepare for the fact that the consequences of chemical peeling can be expressed not only by a rejuvenating effect and getting rid of a number of skin problems. Often, restoration of the epidermis is accompanied by a wide range of expected and unexpected negative reactions.

Chemical peeling of the face causes the following positive effects:

  • cleansing and rejuvenation of the surface of the skin;
  • getting rid of severe problems characteristic of oily skin;
  • increased tone of the epidermis;
  • evens out skin tone and texture;
  • getting rid of age spots.

Expected Negative consequences, which indicate that chemical peeling of the face has had the necessary effect on the tissue can manifest itself in the form of:

  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • redness;
  • tightness;
  • itching;
  • swelling.

If the cleaning procedure was carried out with violations or a composition was used that did not correspond to the type and problems of the skin, chemical peeling for the face can cause the appearance of a violent allergic reaction, exacerbation of herpes, development of tissue infection.

In the world modern cosmetology there is a worthy alternative to chemical peeling, which allows you to get an equally pronounced effect and is used in cases where the patient is afraid of getting chemical burns or is unable to carry out a popular procedure.

Our patients love and respect mechanical peeling, which is based on cleansing the surface of the face with abrasive particles. Various variations on the theme of the main component allow you to adjust the intensity of the procedure and the degree of impact on the tissue.

Biological rejuvenation options based on corals, herbs, and healing mud are gaining popularity. They have a minimum set of contraindications, are easy to use and can be performed as needed.

Laser peeling and diamond resurfacing of the face are fairly new, but already proven, methods of facial rejuvenation. They are safe, effective and allow you to get rid of not only unnecessary wrinkles and age spots, but also unaesthetic moles, birthmarks, warts.