We went on a virtual trip to the homeland of Santa Claus - to the city Veliky Ustyug. Big company traveling is more fun, so on the day when we met with our nephews, we decided to involve them in the game, and we all went together to the residence of the most important Russian Father Frost (it is located a little further from Veliky Ustyug) to undergo training at the School of Magic and become beginners wizards. The main participants in the game were the youngest son (almost 5 years old) and the youngest nephew (7 years old); in some games it was necessary to turn to the help of older children.

How it all started, or how to visit Santa Claus

Attached to the New Year's gift for the youngest son was a letter from Father Frost, in which he invited him to visit him at his residence near Veliky Ustyug. To get there, you had to collect three-dimensional snowflake from two halves (they were also in the letter), untwist it and say magic words:

<Имя ребенка>find yourself in Veliky Ustyug.

Before this, my son and I had already taken a virtual walk around Veliky Ustyug. And this time everyone went together to the residence of Santa Claus:

Snowflake, snowflake, spin around -
<Имя ребенка>find yourself at the residence of Santa Claus.

The Snow Maiden met us, and she accompanied us throughout our entire training at the School of Magic (our Snow Maiden is a paper figurine).

Snow Maiden: Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the residence of Father Frost. Grandfather Frost left on business, and left me at the farm. Although grandpa is gone, the School of Magic is functioning properly, and we will gladly accept new students into it. Ready to start learning? Here are your grade books. Sign them. And a map of Father Frost’s residence to make it clearer where everything is. Once you have learned all the lessons, you will receive a credential and will be considered aspiring wizards. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, if something doesn’t work out, I will definitely help you. Begin?

I printed out the grade books and stapled them in advance. All the participants have to do is sign them. I also pasted up signatures of the main objects of Father Frost’s residence in different parts of the apartment in advance and drew a simple map.

Unfortunately, the batteries in the camera ran out very quickly, and I didn’t bring spare ones, so there aren’t very many photos this time.

Lesson 1. Fairy tale studies (trail of fairy tales)

The first thing awaiting us was a lesson in fairy tales on the fairy tale trail. The path was laid out from a rope, along it there were circles with riddles about fairy tale characters on back side. On the pink circles there were riddles about good characters, on the blue ones - about bad ones. We guessed the riddles, counted how many good characters there were, how many evil ones. We got more good ones, just like in fairy tales, where good always triumphs over evil.

Change "Well done"

Snow Maiden: Although good always defeats evil in fairy tales, the fight against it is not at all easy. Sometimes you have to work with your fists and swing your mace. Let's swing the mace now and practice.

Mace battle. The mace was made from cotton handkerchiefs, with several pairs of socks rolled up inside. They built towers from sofa cushions and a large construction set and destroyed them with maces.

Snow Maiden: We fought and that's enough. The next lesson is Postal Science. Have you guessed where you and I need to go? Right! To Santa Claus's post office. Let's run!

Lesson 2. Postal science (Santa Claus's mail)

Snow Maiden: It is here - at Santa Claus's post office - that letters from children arrive. Postcards with congratulations from Santa Clauses from other countries also come here. But look, someone unkind has peeled off all the stamps. It is unclear now where the postcard was sent from. Let's fix everything.

I printed out in advance and pasted congratulations from Santa Clauses on cardboard in their language, and selected the necessary stamps. With the help of their older brothers, the guys selected stamps for congratulations (they were guided by both the text of the congratulation and the names of Santa Clauses).

Snow Maiden: Stayed too long? Let's have a break and play in the snow.

Turn. Snowball

They made snowballs from sheets of white paper and played a lot: they threw them at each other, at the target, whoever was further, divided the room into 2 parts and tried to throw snowballs from their half to the opponent’s half, etc.

Snow Maiden: Wow, what a game! It's getting hot! Now let's cool down a little - we'll go to the Santa Claus glacier for an iceography lesson. On skates!

Depicting movements as in speed skating (the body is tilted forward, the legs slide along the floor, the lowered arms actively move from side to side), we reached the Santa Claus glacier.

Lesson 3. Ice graphics (Santa Claus glacier)

Since we weren't playing at home, I didn't have the opportunity to make real ice. That's why we played with sweet snow. You can insert any game or experiment with ice here: you can build towers from ice cubes, draw with ice, determine in which water the ice will melt faster, surprise participants with fizzy ice, etc. You will find many game experiments with ice in the articles,

Snow Maiden: There are many sculptures made of ice and snow in the Santa Claus glacier. It seems impossible to make something like this out of ice and snow, but our craftsmen do it. And we will try to make edible sculptures from sweet snow and toothpicks. Ready? Then let's get started.

First, the guys made pyramids out of sweet snow, then together they made a snowflake, and joyfully ate it all.

Snow Maiden: Are you frozen? Now let's warm ourselves up in Santa Claus's winter garden! But you can only get there by skiing.

Turn. By ski

We imagined that skis were put on our feet. Two gymnastic sticks were used as sticks. Taking turns, imitating the movements of cross-country skiing and actively working with poles, we reached the Winter Garden of Santa Claus:

Sharp sticks fly up -
I'm dashing along the ski track.
No wonder the frost scares me:
He's not scary to me at all!
I know he won't touch me -
because it won’t catch up!
(Sh. Galiev)

At the end, it was necessary to plop into a snowdrift (fall on something soft):

And into a snowdrift - bang!

Lesson 4. Color magic (Santa Claus's winter garden)

Snow Maiden: Amazing plants grow in Santa Claus's winter garden (or greenhouse). They bloom and bear fruit in the middle of winter. Real magic! But someone unkind made its way here too. He dropped the flowers and scattered everything. We need to put things in order. Let the younger ones do this. And with the elders we will play “our own game”. Santa Claus himself invented it for visitors to the greenhouse.

While the younger ones were collecting cut-out pictures of flowers, the older ones played “Own Game” on the theme of flowers (now a traditional entertainment for them). I prepared questions for “My Game” in advance. It was necessary to choose a cell, name the topic and number, and answer questions. The number written on the cell is the number of points that the player can earn if the answer is correct. This time we did not count points, we simply answered all the questions.

There were 3 questions:

  • “What happened?” — Some fact from the past was described here, and it was necessary to determine whether it actually happened or not.
  • “Names of flowers” ​​- The answer to the questions from this topic was the name of the flower.
  • “The very best” - Questions were related to the largest, smallest, tallest flowers, and long-lived flowers. The answers to them were "yes" or "no".

Snow Maiden: Great! We dealt with all the issues. Then our path lies to Father Frost's carpentry workshop. It is located in the depths of Santa Claus's magical forest. You can't just get there - you'll need forest shoes.

Turn. Into the forest on forest shoes

We used forest shoes to cut wood left over from. They placed the cuts on the floor, placed the legs on top and, moving the legs along with the cuts, went to Santa Claus's carpentry workshop.

Alternatively, forest shoes could be made from two boxes: stick your feet into the box and go like that. If you are using a milk carton, you can not cut off one side completely, but only cut out the hole for the leg.

Lesson 5. Carpentry magic (Santa Claus's carpentry workshop)

Snow Maiden: In the residence of Father Frost, wooden sculptures are apparently invisible. They are made by skilled craftsmen in Father Frost's carpentry workshop using special tools. Can you guess where it is?

We became familiar with the names of woodworking tools and used cardboard scissors to cut out our craft. The craft was first drawn on cardboard, then cut out. It turned out to be very difficult for the children to cut cardboard; the scissors kept cutting in the wrong places. If you organize such a game, in order to avoid tears and insults, it is better to paint an ordinary sheet of paper like a tree and cut out figures from it.

To make the figures stand, a strip of cardboard was glued to the back at an angle.

Snow Maiden: You see, guys, you can create real magic with your own hands. There would be a desire! And now you and I need to get to the forest pharmacy for Frost’s food. It’s not far from here - we’ll cross the Shishkopryg clearing and end up at the forest pharmacy.

Turn. On byLyane Shishkojryg

Snow Maiden: Before jumping through the Pine Jump clearing, you and I will warm up a little - we’ll leave the cones behind. Santa Claus himself does this kind of warm-up in the morning.

They threw cones with one hand (right and left), then with two. They threw cones with both hands from below, from behind the head, standing with their backs to the target. They threw cones from under their raised legs, etc. Having played enough, we collected the cones and laid them out in a row at some distance from each other. The guys had to jump over the cones to get from one end of the Shishkopryg clearing to the other. The bump that he jumped over had to be put in his pocket. (The cones can be put not in a pocket, but in a small bag).

Snow Maiden: Well done! They quickly crossed the Shishkopryg clearing. Do you know that you can not only play with cones? Cones not only bring joy to people, but they also do good and bring benefits. Syrups and tinctures are made from young green cones - they help against many diseases. Not only pine cones are useful, but also herbs and berries. Let's take a look at Santa Claus's forest pharmacy.

Lesson 6. Bubble science (forest pharmacy of Santa Claus)

The experiments that we carried out in the forest pharmacy of Santa Claus were connected by playing on the word bubble. Previously, a vial was a name given to small bottles into which medicines were poured. Carbon dioxide bubbles are found in mineral water, and air bubbles can be found inside porous chocolate. You can make bubbles yourself by mixing soda, citric acid and adding water. The resulting bubbles during this reaction can inflate a large bubble - balloon.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Snow Maiden: Although in the forest not only pine cones are useful, but also plants, flowers, and berries, in Santa Claus’s pharmacy this time we will get acquainted not with them, but with magic bubbles. Previously, small bottles into which medicines were poured were called vials. And you and I will have magic bubbles in this big bottle. For starters, they can make raisins dance. Don't believe me? You'll see now.

Experiment “Why raisins dance.” A few raisins were placed at the bottom of the glass. We poured mineral water. The raisins began to rise to the surface of the glass and sink to the bottom. Why: bubbles of carbon dioxide contained in mineral water stick to the raisins, and, moving upward, drag the raisins along with them. Gas bubbles on the surface burst and the raisins, having lost support, sink to the bottom. The raisins will dance more or less actively until the mineral water in the glass runs out of steam.

Snow Maiden: Now look at this miracle. It's all about magic bubbles here too, but where are they?

Experiment 2 “Why porous chocolate doesn’t sink.” Ordinary water was poured into a glass. We put in a piece of regular chocolate and a piece of porous chocolate. Regular chocolate sank to the bottom, while porous chocolate remained on the surface of the water.

After much thought, we came to the conclusion that the magic bubbles are inside the chocolate itself. We broke both pieces: ordinary chocolate is dense, but porous chocolate is full of bubbles inside. The air in them holds a piece of porous chocolate on the surface of the water.

Snow Maiden: Remember how magical bubbles from a bottle of mineral water made raisins dance? Now let's try to make these magical bubbles ourselves. To do this, we need the simplest ingredients: soda, citric acid and water. All this can be found not only in the pharmacy, but also in any kitchen. And so that the magic bubbles don’t go to waste, we’ll try to inflate a big bubble with them.

Experiment 3. “Carbon dioxide inflates a balloon.” 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of citric acid were poured into a glass bottle through a funnel. We added water and quickly placed a balloon on the neck of the bottle. The balloon inflated, but not very much. Doubled the ingredients - same story. Then they decided to call for help from magical bubbles from a bottle of mineral water. And instead of ordinary water, they added mineral water to the bottle. The effect exceeded all expectations.

Snow Maiden: Guys, balloons inflated with bubbles are very similar to large snowballs. Is it true? Round, white, but not cold. By doing the experiment, you have now discovered the secret of how Grandfather Frost makes snowballs. Let's play with them. They are not cold and will not melt in the room.

With inflated white snowball balloons, they held a competition to see who could keep the snowball in the air longer (you could blow on the snowball, throw it with your hands and a tennis racket - do everything to prevent the snowball from falling to the ground).

Snow Maiden: Remember, guys, that magic can sometimes be hidden in the most ordinary things: in a bottle of mineral water or in baking soda and citric acid, which I always eat in my mother’s kitchen. And now - to Santa Claus's forge. We can get there by walking through the rope town.

Turn. Rope town

Next to the sofa I placed several stable stools and laid out sofa cushions. She laid out a long rope on the sofa, stools, and pillows. The guys had to walk along the height of the rope from one end to the other.

Lesson 7. Forged miracles (Santa Claus's forge)

Snow Maiden: In the forge of Santa Claus they work very strong people. Do you know what they call it?

Adults and children know
There is no one stronger in the world.
I will remind you of one thing -
This is Ilya Muromets.

Snow Maiden: What heroes do you know?

We remembered the names of the heroes.

Snow Maiden: Do you also know why they say that you need to strike while the iron is hot?

They discussed that hot iron will change its shape more easily, while cold iron is almost impossible to bend and roll.

Snow Maiden: But there are exceptions to this rule: thin wire can be bent when cold. Will you try to make a horseshoe out of wire? Those who are afraid that it is hot can wear mittens or gloves.

Horseshoes were bent from small pieces of wire.

Turn. On the three

Snow Maiden: They say that a horseshoe hanging over the threshold does not allow evil into the house and gathers happiness in the house. And the horseshoe prophesies a long journey for you and me. You and I have gone far from the house of Santa Claus. We need to go back. How will we return? On Santa Claus's troika you can. Do you remember the names of Santa Claus's three favorite horses? Like three months of January. Let's remember!

We remembered the names of Father Frost’s three favorite horses, which he harnesses in threes to deliver gifts: December, January and February.

Snow Maiden: But even here someone played a prank - he took a horseshoe off one horse. Let's shoe the horse and hit the road.

In advance I pasted small stickers on the heels of two existing men, and on another I only put one sticker. The guys' task was to find a horse without a shoe and re-shoe it - attach the missing sticker.

Snow Maiden: It seems like it’s a difficult task to shoe horses, but what fun it turned out to be. Magic, and that's all! And now - on a troika with a breeze to the zoo of Santa Claus. The tit birds whispered in my ear that strange bad things were happening there too.

Using a rope as a harness, under "Seasons. November. On the troika" P.I. Tchaikovsky We got to the Santa Claus zoo.

Lesson 8. Lesson of kindness (Santa Claus's zoo)

Snow Maiden: Oh oh oh! Bad things are happening. Let's rather for the kids We will find their parents and place animals in enclosures: domestic and wild separately, predators and herbivores separately.

I laid out cards from the game “Whose Baby” on the floor. The children's task was to find a parent for each child and divide the animals into domestic and wild, and then all domestic and wild animals into predators and herbivores.

Snow Maiden: Well done boys! How quickly the real magic was accomplished - the animals were given their mothers back. Remember one more secret of the magic of Santa Claus:

To create magic -
You need to be kind!

Magic exam (Santa Claus's house)

Snow Maiden: And now they are waiting for you and me in the house of Santa Claus. Here you will have to pass the exam by magic. But first, let's look at the magical objects: the boots, the self-assembled tablecloth, the samogud harp. They are hidden in grandpa's closet. But what is this?! Again, someone unkind tried his best: he turned all the magical objects into now unnecessary summer things.

Where Santa Claus's pantry is, we find pictures with summer items (pictures can be drawn, cut out from unnecessary magazines, I cut out pictures from a book with ideas for winter and New Year's games). Snow Maiden: But we will not lose heart. Let's look at these items carefully and find a winter use for them.

With ideas for using summer clothes in winter time The guys didn't do very well at first, but after a few examples things started to improve. Here are some of our fantasies:

  • a sand bucket and sunglasses could be useful for a snowman;
  • shells and sand play molds could decorate a snow fort;
  • you could put a samovar under a beach umbrella and treat everyone who is frozen to hot tea;
  • a toy sailboat could be placed on a chassis (turned into a sailboat);
  • It would be convenient to walk on loose forest snow with fins;
  • slates could be an excellent sole for felt boots during a thaw;
  • a tube from a scuba tank would make a feeder with a dispenser, etc.

Snow Maiden: And it’s not even bad that the nasty little mischief-maker was in charge here. You and I learned one more condition for magic: to create magic, you need imagination. Do you agree?

Snow Maiden: What else is this?! Listen:

Get off this sofa
Otherwise there will be a hole there.
Don't walk on the carpet -
You'll rub a hole in it.
And don't touch the bed -
The sheet may be wrinkled.
And don’t touch my closet -
Your claw is too sharp.
And you don’t need to take books -
You can tear them.
And don't stand in the way...
Oh, wouldn't it be better for you to leave?
(Oleg Grigoriev)

Snow Maiden: This is definitely not Grandfather Frost or his assistants! We're not going anywhere! I guessed: it was the mean little mischief maker who snuck into our residence! She was the one who misbehaved everywhere, behaved outrageously, and did bad deeds. And it’s easy to drive her away! You need to smile, laugh and hug the one you love! Then the Vestious People are not scary, and miracles will happen in life.

They did everything as the Snow Maiden said: they smiled, laughed, hugged everyone they found at home, and received a credential from Santa Claus that they had become novice wizards.

Snow Maiden: You guys have dealt with the nasty little thing. They passed the magic exam perfectly. Congratulations guys! Now you are aspiring wizards. Do you remember well what you need to create magic around yourself? A little imagination, love and kindness towards people and all living things that are near you, hands that are afraid of boredom and love to work, and a little ordinary magic items, such as bottles of mineral water, pencils or scissors.

But the adventures didn't end there. It turned out that Santa Claus, in addition to the certificate, also prepared sweet gifts. But the mean little mischief-maker managed to manage even here - she took all the treats out of the bags with gifts and hid them in different places. The kids had to look for treats in different parts of the room and divide everything among four. It turned out that it was nice not only to receive treats, but also to put them in bags for others. Here

(A signal flare takes off. Fire fountains (large sparklers) light up along the edge of the proscenium. An artist - laureate of the Moscow-Yalta Transit festival, appears on the stage, accompanied by 4 Chepyabok dolls and a corps de ballet, performing a song about the city.)

In the morning, opening the curtains,
I'll open my window
The city will rush towards me,
Like young wine!
And the wind will catch me
Young, cheerful day
On wide avenues
On the palm of the squares
The city is wrapped in December
Into a snow-white tapestry
Ah, Chelyabinsk, my Chelyabinsk!
The best city on Earth!… (etc.)

(Towards the end of the song, the Presenter comes on stage and takes roll call.)


HOST Hello, Chelyabinsk!.. Happy New Year to everyone!.. And Merry Christmas to Catholics and Protestants!.. Are all the districts in place?.. But we’ll check now... Whoever has the most wins a prize. Let's go alphabetically. Kalininsky district, present?..Your pens? .. Great! .. Kurchatovsky? .. Amazing! .. Leninsky? .. Oro! .. Metallurgical?.. They receive special applause for the flight distance... Let's move on... Sovetsky district, wave your hand to us! .. Thank you!.. Tractor manufacturers?.. Ay, well done!.. And finally, the Central District?.. There is the Central District!.. Great! Everything is in place... But judging by the reaction, (let's say) the Sovetsky district is represented here more than others!.. As I promised, they have a prize... Soviets, come closer... Even closer... Raise your hands... Dear residents of the Sovetsky district!.. Allow us, in front of, one might say, the entire city, we will present you with the first New Year's prize, namely our deep bow... (the dolls and the presenter bow)... and the applause of all those present!.. And also a volley of sweet fireworks from two guns! Guns on stage!

(Two little dolls run out with buckets.)

HOST Charge up! ..

(The children pour 2 bags of candy into buckets.)

HOST Get ready! ..

(Chelyabyk take the buckets and seem to spill the contents.)


(Musical chops. Chelyabki run away and throw out the contents to the audience.)

HOST Hurray for the winners!


HOST Today we have a big celebration: the commissioning of the main snow town of Chelyabinsk. You and I have to express our gratitude to its builders, congratulate them and all Chelyabinsk residents on this wonderful event and, of course, have a little fun. And everything would be fine, but as always he’s late, who do you think?.. That’s right, Santa Claus!.. It’s just trouble with these Santa Clauses... He’s always late. At least he called or something...

(The phone rings.)

(Activation technique)

HOST Sorry. This seems to be him... (Takes out a mobile phone)... Hello!
VOICE Is this Revolution Square?..
HOST Yes, this is Revolution Square!
VOICE I can't hear. I repeat. Is this Revolution Square?
HOST Yes! Yes! Yes!
VOICE I can’t hear, I repeat...
HOST Well, what are you going to do!.. Dear friends, please help. Let us, at my command, all say “Yes” together...
VOICE Is this Revolution Square?
HOST Three-four!
All Yes!
VOICE Now I hear it. Are you worried about the carnival procession of Father Frosts, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens...
HOST A whole procession? .. How many of you? ..
VOICE Are you ready for our arrival?
VOICE I can’t hear you, I repeat... Are you ready for our arrival?
HOST (to the audience)… Friends, help out, three or four! ..
All Yes!
VOICE Okay. Wait. We'll be there soon.
HOST Looking forward!

(Short beeps.)

HOST Friends, the problem has been solved. We will have not just one Santa Claus, but a whole column of Santa Clauses. Until then, wonderful New Year's gift from a wonderful team...

(Announces the performance of the group. The number is performed.)


(Fanfare sounds.)

HOST (Solemnly) Dear friends! I have just been informed that the carnival procession of Chelyabinsk Father Frosts, Snow Maidens and Santa Clauses has arrived at Revolution Square and is now lining up for the ceremonial parade and reporting on its full combat readiness. The parade is commanded by Colonel General of the New Year's troops Moroz Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky. The parade is hosted by the Head of Chelyabinsk... (fanfare)... Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Tarasov, as well as... (names the names of the builders and architects who participated in the construction of the Snow Town)...

(Fanfare. The crowd rejoices. Those named rise to the stage.)

HOST Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, according to the script, the signal for the start of the parade should be a rocket launched by you and a loud “hurray!” all spectators. Don’t mind... Then here’s a rocket for you... And everyone else got ready to shout the heroic “Hurray!”

(Fanfare Vyacheslav Mikhailovich launches a rocket. General “ypa!”)

(A carnival cavalcade arrives at the square. The order of arrival is as follows:
An orchestra in headdresses “a la Santa Claus”, an open jeep with the main Father Frost, a column of New Year’s characters surrounded by puppet soldiers,
ensemble "Ural Harmony", Santa Clauses rise to the stage.)

MOROZ IVANOVICH Santa Clauses, be equal! Santa Clauses, attention!.. Comrade Mayor! Father Frosts and Santa Clauses of Chelyabinsk, for the solemn greeting of the builders and the commissioning of the Snow Town, were built!.. The report was submitted by Colonel General of the New Year's troops Moroz Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky!

(Vyacheslav Mikhailovich plays along and greets
a word to the builders and those gathered.)


(They bring in a structure with a switch.)

HOST Well, it’s time for the solemn ritual of turning on the New Year’s illumination. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, do you give the go-ahead for this noble cause?

(Vyacheslav Mikhailovich agrees.)

HOST Moroz Ivanovich, the cards are in your hands.

MOROZ IVANOVICH Thank you. Thank you for your trust. Usually this great sacrament is performed as follows: those gathered say “One-two-three, light up the Christmas tree!” - which is what happens. But you and I are intelligent people, so we will light our Christmas tree in three languages ​​at once. Remember! When I wave my hand for the first time, you will have to say “Ein-zwein-drein.. Remember?.. Let's try... Well done. When I wave the second time, you will have to say in English, but not van-too-free, but in a slightly different way: free-van-too... Remember. Fine. Well, and finally, when I wave my hand for the third time, you will have to say in Russian, the traditional: one-two-three!... And I assure you, the Christmas tree will definitely light up. So, get ready!.. (Waves hand)
SPECTATORS Ein-zwein-drein!
HOST Electrician, come running!

(The assistant runs in and looks questioningly at the Presenter. Moroz Ivanovich gives the go-ahead.)

AUDIENCE Free-wan-too!
MOROZ IVANOVICH (to the assistant) Get ready to turn on that knob!

(The assistant nods and takes hold of the switch handle. Moroz Ivanovich gives the go-ahead.)

SPECTATORS One-two-three!
LEADING Christmas tree, burn!

(The assistant seems to turn on the illumination. At the same time, sparklers flash along the edge of the proscenium. The intro of the song “The Wizard” plays New Year" During the performance of the song, everyone present on stage is surrounded with champagne.)

HOST The great sacrament has happened! .. Happiness to you Snow Town 200...!


HOST The official part of our holiday has come to an end. The snow town has come into operation, and it’s time, it’s time to fill its beautiful forms with joyful content. The second part of our program is called “All-Chelyabinsk Assembly of Father Frosts and Santa Clauses.” What does this mean?... This means that the Chelyabinsk Father Frosts entertain us in every possible way, participating in the competition for the title “Super Frost-200...”, and you and I dance , dance and dance again. Those who are for this order of the evening, please raise your left leg!.. Those who are against - both... Unanimously!

MOROZ IVANOVICH Thank you for your support. With your permission, I would like to express special gratitude to the company (Name) for supporting our fun venture and give the floor to its representative...

(The following is a speech by a company representative. I would like him to say that Santa Clauses give out thousands of gifts every year, but no one ever gives them anything. The company decided to correct the injustice and take the announced competition under its wing, hoping to make it traditional in the future .)


(Since the sponsor in this case was the Coca-Cola company, its products were taken as the advertised drink.)

HOST We are starting to select participants in the competition, of whom, according to the conditions, there should be no more than eight. Agree, the choice is not easy. Cola Lotto will help us cope with it!

(Musical beat. Chelyabki bring in open boxes of Coca-Cola.)

MOROZ IVANOVICH Dear Santa Clauses! Here are packages with cans of the world's most famous drink, Coca-Cola!.. Cans are just like cans, but some of them have red stickers on the bottoms. And there are eight such jars. Now, according to the numbers assigned to you earlier, you approach the packages one by one and take one jar as a souvenir. And at the same time you examine its bottom. If you have nothing on your bottom, you immediately become free, like a bird, and become a fan. That is, you leave the stage. But if you have a red sticker on the bottom, you become a participant in the competition for the title “Super Frost 200...”, remain on stage and wait for the further decision of your fate!..

HOST And since today’s program is called “Oh, frost-frost, and the popular folk group “Ural Harmony” is near our stage, we will ask her to accompany our draw with the folk song of the same name... Harmony, are you ready?.. And the participants?.. Then , let's start!

(The statement follows and is commented on by the presenters.)


HOST So, here are 8 lucky people who will continue to fight for the high title of “Super Frost-200...” They will soon delight us with their New Year’s art. In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt for you and them to warm up a little. This is true? .. Then, shall we dance? .. Yes!..

(A disco hit follows, accompanied by the show ballet “Menagerie”, during which sports couples are determined.)

HOST Bravo, Chelyabinsk!.. Our first dance in the new Snowy town went perfectly!.. And this circumstance requires encouragement, doesn’t it?.. Then I propose to make another volley of sweet fireworks! Any objections? ..

(The Chelyabki run in with buckets and candy.)

HOST Load up!.. Get ready!... Fire! ..



MOROZ IVANOVICH And we begin the drawing of the 118th final for the title “Super Frost-200...” .. And we invite the first couple to the stage... This is Father Frost... and Father Frost...

(Announces the names of the participants. At the same time, the assistants bring out and place in a row on the stage 9-11 bottles of cola, to which large sparkler candles are attached with tape. The central bottle in the row is tied with a red bow.)

MOROZ IVANOVICH A real Santa Claus must be able to do everything. Including lighting the holiday lights. Here's a box of hunting matches for you. Here is a row of sparklers. One of you goes left, the other goes right. On command, working from the edge to the center, you begin to light the candles one by one. The first person to light the central one, marked with a red bow, wins. It's clear? .. Let's start!

(Music, competition, announcement of the winner, presentation to the loser consolation prize and seeing him off the stage. Assistants remove the dying candles.)


MOROZ IVANOVICH Who can tell me what animals are being brought with Santa Claus?.. That's right, a horse... Therefore, Santa Claus is simply obliged to master the art of horse riding... Get horses.

(Gives the contestant 2 horses - horse heads on sticks with tails.)

MOROZ IVANOVICH But at the same time, we must not forget about our main responsibilities: to give gifts to people. Behind you, six steps from here, there are 2 boxes of your favorite national drink, Coca-Cola. Your task, at my command, is to jump on your horse, ride to the box with the drink, take one (note - one!) bottle, gallop to the front of the stage, give the drink to the viewer, not forgetting to congratulate him on the New Year, then gallop back, take one again bottle, come back again - give - congratulate and so on... Until the box is empty... Whoever gives the last bottle wins. I warn you: take the bottles strictly one at a time and under no circumstances throw them, but hand them in person. Anyone who violates this rule will be immediately disqualified... Got it? .. Let's start!.
Pim - golf

MOROZ IVANOVICH Tell me, please, who is the biggest obstacle to Santa Claus coming to the children for the holiday?.. That's right. Baba Yaga. And you need to be able to defend yourself from it. How can Santa Claus defend himself? First of all, with a staff. And if the staff was broken, then with a bag, and if the bag was stolen, then with what?.. Don’t you know?.. Oh, you! Santa Claus has another formidable weapon. These are felt boots. With a good felt boot you can fight off anyone. Here's a felt boot for you. And the role of Baba Yaga will be played by these two empty plastic Coca-Cola containers. On my command, you will have to strike the container with a felt boot so that it flies as far as possible...Whoever has the farthest is the best. Dear viewers, we will ask you, firstly, to take care, and secondly, to assist, that is, raise the container above your head in the place where it will fall, so that we determine the winner... The Coca-Cola Company will definitely reward assistants, that is, will exchange empty containers for full ones. Agreed? .. Then we count who is first...
Felt boots,
Not hemmed, old...

(Competition 4)

MOROZ IVANOVICH Well, and finally our last quarterfinal competition. Father Frosts and Santa Clauses work in all countries of the world. That's why. Of course, they should know the culture of these countries - their customs, songs and dances. And we will offer this pair of contestants to dance. Now a soundtrack will be turned on, where dance melodies of different nations will sound. Your task is to dance one by one, trying to use the movements that are common among these peoples... And you, dear fans, I will ask you to carefully watch the performers. Because this time we will have to determine the winner by your reaction. Fine? .. Then we decide who should start...
The little Christmas tree is cold in winter
We took the Christmas tree home from the forest!

(At the end of the competition there is a short formation of the quarter-finalists and
The second disco block is announced.)


Here you can dance for 15 minutes and take another sweet volley.

(Semi-final and Final)

Cola bar
(Competition 5, semi-final)

If you take 2 plastic packaging 12 large bottles of cola each and thread a wooden handle through the handles, you get a rather weighty “barbell.” Two players are asked to lift it with both hands as many times as they can. Spectators count, players raise. Raised greatest number times, advances to the finals.

(Competition 6, semi-final)

Santa Clauses need to be able to quickly decorate the Christmas tree. Two girls from the audience are invited to act as Christmas trees. They can be interested in the fact that everything that the contestants pin on them remains at their disposal. The girls are placed on a raised platform, and the players are given two packs of canned food.
cola and place it a little further from the Christmas trees. A string with a clothespin is attached to the ring of each can. The task is to hang the jars on the Christmas trees. Whoever did it first won. The condition is to take jars strictly one at a time.

Sprint champagne
(the final)

It is known that when walking around apartments, Santa Clauses often find it difficult to get rid of annoying parents offering them a drink. Therefore, the winners are invited to harden their bodies so that they can withstand such onslaughts. They are served a large (500 g) glass of champagne and asked to drink quickly. Whoever manages it first will be “Super Frost 200...”. Those who fell behind took 2nd place. The losers in the previous two competitions share 3rd and 4th places.


The award ceremony will be conducted by a company representative.

The winners of the competition are invited to organize a New Year's round dance around the Christmas tree and sing a famous song.


Towards the end of this block, it is proposed to once again activate the audience with the game “Fisherman”, adapted to the sponsor’s advertising. Its essence is in the following construction.
Stretch a linen cord (5-6 m) between two wooden slats (2.5-3 m). Tie 20 paper ties to the cord. And with the knitting cans of Coca-Cola. At the right moment, assistants will tilt this structure over the sector, adjusting the height so that spectators, with a certain amount of effort, can snatch the prize.

From the author: The blessed idea to bring together at least 100 Chelyabinsk Santa Clauses came too late in order to find a good sponsor capable of providing funds for the purchase of super prizes. Alas, the only sponsor was the cunning Coca-Cola company. And she, the poor thing, had prizes: 1 scooter, 2 teddy bears, some water. Only 3 enthusiasts fell for it. Budget money, of course, was also very limited. Meanwhile, the program had already been widely announced in the media, and it was necessary to somehow get out. They did it simply: they rented costumes, hired students, dressed them, and lined them up in a column. Ahead, riding on a pony, is the New Year, behind him, on an open trophy jeep, is the Chief Father Frost, with Father Frost at the wheel. Behind him is a column of Santa Clauses, then 2 life-size puppets and a bright folk group. The picture came out wonderful and was immediately featured on RTR. And the show itself turned out to be so nice that we decided to make it traditional and subsequently develop it in all imaginable directions. We wish the same for you.

Magazine "Holiday", No. 10, 2003

Sergei Lukashin

In contact with

Irina Pavlova



Expand your horizons children.

Expand view children about the image of Santa Claus, about the life of a Russian Wizard.

Form a dictionary (Patrimony, Residence, dressing room).


Develop children cognitive attitude towards the surrounding world.

Develop children attention, thinking.


Educate children desire to give gifts to others.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: Using a multimedia presentation.

Verbal: conversation, teacher’s story, questions.

Preliminary work:

Developed a multimedia presentation using information and communication technologies (in order to enhance the visual effect of children) .

Reading fairy tales: « Moroz Ivanovich» , "Two Frost» and etc.

Conversations on the topic: "Grandfather Freezing and Santa Claus - what is common and what is the difference",

"Where does Grandfather live? Freezing» ?

Equipment and materials:

Projector, screen, laptop.

Homeland of the Russian Santa Claus is the city of Veliky Ustyug. Our grandfather Frost lives in his patrimony in the middle of a pine forest. A huge territory on which there is a tower, a forge, winter gardens, and hotels.

12 km from antique Russian city Veliky Ustyug is located Father Frost's estate, where Grandfather made himself Freezing a large and cozy country residence. He feels good here both in winter and summer!

Any fairy tale begins with a gate. These magical gates lead to a fairy tale. They open and it begins trip to the estate of Santa Claus. Where magic and magic awaits us.

And here in front of us is the gate of that very cherished The estates of Santa Claus

The other side of the entrance looks like this

Is our journey begins with the trail of fairy tales, here we are met by living fairy tales heroes: Parsley, squirrels and chanterelles sit in a magic meadow for twelve months and light a magic fire.

Children's playground in the middle of the forest

Magical heroes ask riddles and give magical tasks. Children and adults enjoy doing them. Only those who have completed tasks and guessed riddles are allowed entry to visit Grandfather Frost.

We are greeted by huge snow-covered alleys. We come in when it's still light. Emelina's stoves ride along the alleys of the snow park; instead of horses, people are carried by real reindeer.

Ice sparkling bench

In the middle of a snow-covered forest there is a huge clearing on which stands a festively decorated Christmas tree and next to it is a huge magical wooden tower. In this mansion his owner, the wizard Grandfather, lives Freezing.

In the office Santa Claus there is an interactive book

Map of the residence of other Grandfathers Morozov from different countries

A bed with seven pillows - according to the number of days in the week on which Grandfather sleeps Freezing

In the dressing room Santa Claus has many outfits

Suits Santa Claus


Sports achievements room

The Christmas tree that makes us happy in the mansion Santa Claus

Our good wizard has a lot of guests every day, and there are especially many of them before the New Year holidays. Grandfather Freezing receives all guests in his throne room, which is located in the post office ancestral lands of SANTA CLAUS.

This is the fabulous entrance to the throne room

When we waited our turn and entered the throne room, we were greeted by an assistant Santa Claus, and then the grandfather himself appeared. He was interested in what cities and countries we came from and talked with each guest. One of the kids read him a poem and received sweet gift from his magic bag.

Letters from a lot of children come, so Grandfather Frost had to build a post office

Our grandfather Frost loves to travel, he visited many countries of the world and various guests came to him. Before the New Year, especially many letters arrive in the mail to grandfather Frost. Children from all regions and regions of our country, as well as children from other countries of the world, write to him. Letter addresses are varied. And every child must answer. This is why there is a special mail Santa Claus

There is a special box at the post office for letters to grandfather. Frost. This is where all adults and children send their letters with their New Year's wishes. This is how magical it is journey we have done with you the estate of Grandfather Frost.

City residence Santa Claus and his throne

In the forge, craftsmen will always tell you about the secrets of forging and create magical objects

On this magical wall you can leave a memory of yourself by writing the address where you came from

Grandfather FROST exists!

Journey to Santa Claus

Adults- Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Baba Yaga
Sea king

Music is playing

To the music (recording), the children from the far door form a circle in the center. The music fades out and the children remain in the circle.

Leading. Hello, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the most wonderful of all holidays - the New Year tree holiday.
She's been coming to us for a holiday all year
Green beauty of the forests.
Then I quietly dressed up in this room,
And now her outfit is ready.

Leading. We are all admiring the Christmas tree today,
She gives us a delicate aroma,
And the most best holiday New Year
Everyone is happy to meet her.

When the sparklers are shining
When the firecrackers thunder,
Happy New Year everyone,
Congratulations on new happiness,
And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the holiday.

Song "Yolka"

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden. Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! I see your holiday has already begun, they sound funny songs, beautiful poems. And I immediately understood: they were already waiting for me and my Grandfather Frost here. Is it true?

Leading. Of course, dear Snow Maiden! We'll tell you about it now.
The snows came and covered the earth,
The snowstorm and cold winds howled,
But let the bad weather rage and get angry,
We will have fun at the holiday.

At the festival we will dance with all our hearts,
Let's sing our favorite songs.
Let's do a little magic with Santa Claus
And we will find ourselves in his fairy tale.

Waiting in that fairy tale New Year's miracle,
There we will meet new friends,
And a good wizard will come out of nowhere,
Will fulfill children's wishes.

Snow Maiden.
You're right guys. Everything is ready for New Year's fairy tale, only its main character - Santa Claus - is missing. But it seems to me that he is already very, very close.

Music is playing.

A snowman appears on a scooter with a large envelope.

Greetings, friends,
I was flying towards you on a sled.
I was in such a hurry
That I almost crashed.

Snow Maiden.
Snowman, we are very glad to see you at our holiday. Where is Grandfather Frost? Didn't he come with you?

Santa Claus couldn't come.
I brought a letter from him.
Don't be afraid, grief didn't happen.
He told me to give you a letter
And come back to me again.

Well, let's read what Santa Claus writes to us. (Takes out a letter and reads it)
"Dear Guys!
Happy New Year! Excuse me, but I won’t be able to come to your kindergarten for the holiday. I have a lot of things to do: I prepare gifts for all the children, I cover the fields, forests and mountains with fluffy snow. I have a lot of worries right now. And come to me for your gifts.
There isn’t enough room for everyone in the Snowman’s sleigh, so let the Snowman and the Snow Maiden come to me on their own; I can’t manage it alone without helpers. And for you in the envelope there is a magical snowflake. Blow on it 3 times and you will find yourself at my house. I'm waiting for you in my northern country.
Father Frost."

Music is playing (they speak against the background of music)

Snow Maiden.
Guys, the Snowman and I will get to Santa Claus on a sleigh. And you - with the help of a magic snowflake.

We are not saying goodbye to you. See you at Santa Claus!

They leave to the music

Leading. Well, guys, do you want to go visit Santa Claus?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Guys! I will put a snowflake on my palm. Let's take our time. Let's blow 3 times slowly but strongly.

Children blow slowly. The presenter counts. Suddenly, after the second blow, Baba Yaga appears with a roar and whistle, jumps up to the leader and blows on the snowflake for the third and last time. Baba Yaga laughs evilly.

Baba Yaga. Well, did the killer whales get to Santa Claus? No matter how it is! They wanted to go to the North!... You will never get there! Better roast yourself in the sun in Africa!

Music is playing.

Baba Yaga disappears. The lighting is directed to the left half of the hall, where African decorations (palm trees, vines, etc.) are installed.

Leading. Oh guys! What has this insidious Baba Yaga done! Wow! And it's really very hot... (Fans himself...) Is this really Africa?

Music sounds - Barmaley appears.

Barmaley. Yes, this is Africa, Africa. (Evil and dissatisfied) Who else was brought here? (Yawns, stretches, rubs his eyes.) Oh! Kids! How nice, they came straight to my place for lunch.

Leading. Yes, this is Barmaley! That's how it goes! What should we do now?

Barmaley. What to do, what to do... Get ready, I’m going to eat you now.

Leading. Well, no, dear Barmaley, things won’t work that way. We have a holiday, New Year, and you are going to eat us.

Barmaley. What kind of New Year? This is the first time I've heard about this. And in general, let's not get distracted. I went to make a fire, and in the meantime, you guys agree on which of you I’ll roast first at the fire. ( He lays out firewood near the tree.)

Leading. Guys, we need to do something. We cannot be Barmaley's lunch. We will definitely find some way out. And I think I've already come up with something.

Barmaley comes out.

Barmaley. Well, who's first? Come...

Leading. Wait, Barmaley. We suggest you hold off on lunch. We want to celebrate the New Year here in Africa as well. Agree?

Barmaley. New Year... New Year...What is it and what do you eat it with?

Leading. They don't eat it at all. And New Year is...

Leading. The snow is fluffy.

Leading. The Christmas tree is fragrant.

Leading. Songs, dances, jokes.

Leading. Games, jokes.

Leading. Santa Claus with Snow Maiden.

Leading. And a whole cart of gifts.

Barmaley. What jokers you are! Where does snow, Christmas trees, and Santa Claus come from in Africa?..

Leading. It's no problem. Instead of a Christmas tree, you can decorate a palm tree. (Hang pre-prepared paper toys on a palm tree.) You can become Santa Claus. (The presenter puts tinsel on Barmaley’s neck.)

Barmaley. What kind of Santa Claus am I? I don’t even know how to freeze.

Leading. And it is not necessary! Be cheerful, mischievous, kind, and we won’t let you get bored.

Barmaley. Eh, it was not! You persuaded me. Well, let's have fun, kids?

Children. Yes!

Barmaley. Let's dance the Boogie-Woogie Dance!

Music is playing. Dance "Boogie-Woogie"

Barmaley. Great! But you know, guys, Africa is a very mysterious country. There are a lot of wild animals in it, and danger lurks at every step.

Leading. Yes, we know, Barmaley. But even wild animals are afraid, you know who?

Barmaley. Whom?

Leading. Tamers! Do you want to play a fun game with us?

Barmaley. Of course I want!

Leading. But first, look at how our children play it.

Game “Tamers of Wild Animals” Music sounds.

Barmaley. And really guys, have a good time at the holiday. Thank you for arranging it for me.

Leading. And thank you, Barmaley, for making friends with us and having fun from the heart. And the guys and I really liked your Africa. And to say goodbye, we want to sing a song for you.

Song “Christmas tree” (On paths in the snow...)

Leading. Now it's time for us to go. After all, we are rushing to the North, to visit Santa Claus.

Barmaley. Well, goodbye, happy New Year!

Barmaley leaves. The presenter takes out the snowflake again, and the children surround it.

The music is playing, don’t turn it off, immediately the music comes out of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga. Wow, how quick! Did you want to go to the North... Did you want to cool off? Well, chill out. Just not in the North, but at the bottom of the sea" (Laughs and runs away).

Music sounds with the sound of waves. Scenery of the underwater world.

Leading. Oh guys! Look, we ended up with you at seabed. How beautiful it is here! Look how many strange fish and plants there are. Let's sing a funny song.

The song "Dwarves" is playing

The Sea King appears.

Sea king. Who is singing so beautifully here? Doesn’t he allow me, the King of the Sea, to rest?

Leading. Excuse me, please, Sea King. We are the guys from kindergarten. We didn’t want to disturb you, we just admired the beauty of your sea. And such beauty even made me want to sing.

Sea king. Nothing, nothing. I liked your song. I just can’t figure it out, how did you get here?

Leading. You see, the guys and I are having a New Year’s holiday. This time Santa Claus invited us to visit. And Baba Yaga constantly interferes with our journey, with the help of her witchcraft she sends us either to Africa or to the bottom of the sea.

Sea king. Yes, I know this evil old woman. And how can she not get tired of acting up? And once they got into my kingdom. Be a guest.

Leading. Thank you!

Sea king. And I heard about the New Year. Apparently it’s a wonderful holiday, since everyone loves it so much?

Child. Sea king, do you want there to be fun in your sea kingdom?

Sea king. Certainly! I'll be very happy!

Leading. Then we will sing a funny song for you

The music is playing The song “Santa Claus was walking through the forest”

Sea king. There are many miracles in my kingdom, but I have never heard such a miracle! And a rumor reached my bottom of the sea that everyone receives gifts for the New Year.

Leading. Yes, we are heading to Santa Claus for them.

Sea king. But no one has ever given me gifts, and even for the New Year...

Leading. What would you like to receive as a gift?

Sea king. I have a dream. May I not find in my kingdom such craftsmen to perform it. All the kings, like kings, walk around in painted outfits. And I… (Tugs at his vest.) Oh, how tired of these nautical clothes!

Leading. You are lucky, King of the Sea. Among our guys there are such masters and craftswomen who will make your dream come true.

(I take out the outfit for the Sea King)

The music is playing "Make a Wish"

Sea king. Thank you guys for respecting me. Because you are cheerful and friendly, I will not leave you in trouble, and I will help you in any way I can. I have a magical means to get to the North to Santa Claus. And here Baba Yaga is powerless. Here is a magic shell for you, hold it in your hands and you will find yourself on the ground. There are deer waiting for you, they will take you to the North in an instant. Now goodbye. Good luck to you!

The sea king leaves.

Leading. Guys, quickly stand up in a circle. Let's pass the magic shell from hand to hand and find ourselves on earth.

Music is playing. Game “Pass the Shell”

The children begin to pass the shell, but Baba Yaga appears again and tries to take the shell away from the children, but she fails.

Baba Yaga. Well, wait a minute! You will meet me again! (Runs away screaming indignantly.)

Music sounds and Santa Claus enters

Leading: Guys, we are already there, but Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are not visible. Let's call them.

Music sounds - the entrance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden

Father Frost. And here come my dear guests. Hello guys!

Children. Hello, Santa Claus!

Father Frost. We've been waiting for you and Snegurochka.

Leading. Oh, Santa Claus, where have we been to get to you!

Father Frost. I know everything about you guys. About how brave, friendly and cheerful you are. We coped with all the difficulties, well done! And in my kingdom fun awaits you. I want to ask you, are you cold here?

Children. No!

Leading. The guys and I like winter and Santa Claus. Listen to a song about this.

The music is playing. The song “Santa Claus, hey Santa Claus”

Father Frost. And now I want to play with you and tell you riddles. Listen to me carefully. And answer the question: “What grows on a Christmas tree?” If you agree with me, raise your hands up and answer: “Yes!”, and if you disagree, remain silent and do not raise your hands.

What grows on the Christmas tree? Cotton wool bunnies? - Yes!

Chocolate bars? - Yes!

Candies, marmalades? - Yes?

Baby cots? - No!

What grows on the Christmas tree? Beads? - Yes!

Firecrackers? - Yes!

Torn boots? - ?

Father Frost. Well, fun game?

Children. Yes!

Father Frost. And now it's time to dance.

Leading. Let's give each other a hand,

Let's stand in pairs in a circle.

Sounds music-dance"Lambada".

Father Frost. I saw just a miracle

I will never forget you.

You danced beautifully

We didn't play much.

The Snow Maiden explains the rules of the game.

The game "Felt boots" is being played

Music sounds Game "Felt boots"

Father Frost. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

May it bring you happiness

Bright, joyful, cheerful,

The long-awaited New Year!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, it's time to give gifts to the guys.

Father Frost. You're right, granddaughter. It's time to please you with gifts. Let me call my magic bag. (Knocks with staff)

Why isn't the bag coming to us in a hurry?

Maybe he sleeps under the tree?

I'd better go get him myself

If he's sleeping, I'll wake you up.

The music is playing. The bag is coming out.

Santa Claus leaves behind the curtain, at which time a surprise bag appears from the door.

Bag. I'm really tired of waiting for you,

So I went and took a walk.

You tell me, friends,

Maybe I'm not needed?

Snow Maiden. We've been waiting for you all holiday

And now they just called.

You didn’t come to our call,

Frost followed you.

I'll put you here.

And I'll go get my grandfather.

The Snow Maiden leaves the Bag in the middle of the hall. She herself goes behind the curtain behind Santa Claus. Baba Yaga tiptoes from behind the door.

Music sounds: The Exit of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga. A! Is the bag already here? (Touches him.)

Leading. Oh, don't touch him, he'll run away!

Baba Yaga. Don't wag your tongue!

Bag. You can't handle the Sack.

Santa Claus conjured

So that no one takes me.

Baba Yaga. Don't contradict me, you impudent one!

Bag. Well, then I ran.

Music sounds Care bag

The bag runs behind the curtain.

Baba Yaga. Stop! Where! Stop, they tell you!

Father Frost. Oh, there you are. Prankster!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the Presenter bring in a bag of gifts.

Father Frost. And you, old villainess, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga. I! What do you mean why! Have fun: play. Sing... What else is there (scratching head...) A! Dance...

Father Frost. Oh you liar! Have you prepared something nasty again?

Baba Yaga.(cunningly) What are you doing, Frost! I say I wanted to have fun...

Father Frost. Have some fun? Well, have fun!

The music of Baba Yaga's dance "Barynya" sounds

To the Russian folk melody “Barynya,” Baba Yaga begins to dance, gradually loses her strength, chokes and asks for mercy, admits that she wanted to steal the gifts.

Baba Yaga. Oh! I can't do it anymore! Oh-oh-oh, have mercy!

Father Frost. Oh, can't you anymore? Then get out! (Knocks with her staff... She, as if under the pressure of the wind, runs out the door.)

Father Frost. Well, guys, the evil is over. Let's sing a song.

Music sounds: Song “In the New Year's Forest”

Father Frost. We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a year,

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Grandfather Frost will come with winter.

Snow Maiden. Just don’t forget at all,

You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.

And again, meet with songs and dances,

And we to you best gifts We'll bring it.

Music sounds Ending “Disco Crash”

There is no need to turn off the music.

The arrival of Santa Claus is a traditional episode in the scenario of any New Year's holiday, which is why it is important to do it in an original and fun way, so that it is interesting for the artist himself, the audience, and so that the appearance of Santa Claus does not turn into a boring action that everyone knows by heart. And if this is even more so, you cannot spoil the New Year's fairy tale for children.

Proposed game scenario with Santa Claus suitable for family holiday, where many children gathered for children's matinee(average or senior group) or can become anyone. Here children will be able to make noise, play, dance an unusual round dance, take part in an animation, and most importantly, receive long-awaited gifts,

D to organize a sceneyou will need:

- Large footprints, painted animal tracks

- Large DM glove for a surprise moment

- A bag with presents

- Musical accompaniment (supplied)

Game moment "Santa Claus at a children's party"

Knocking with his staff, Santa Claus enters and seems to sing (recorded on plus)

Father Frost:

Hello, parents, teachers and children!

I was in such a hurry, I was rushing like the wind,

And I arrived, despite the weather,

Here's to a Merry New Year!

Yes, how could I not come here!

There is a Christmas tree, laughter, serpentine, confetti,

And time according to the new calendar,

And if you want, I'll give it to you

Luck and joy for a thousand days,

And new fairy tales. And new friends

Then happiness will definitely come

Let's celebrate the New Year together again!

Father Frost: I see that there are already smart guys gathered here who are already celebrating more than the first New Year in their lives? And then tell me, when do we celebrate this holiday in winter or summer? (children answer) Does everyone love winter? Or maybe more summer? Now I find out who loves winter more and who loves summer. I will talk about what happens in our nature, if you know that this happens only in the summer, stomp your feet, if in winter, clap your palms. But first I want to hear how you will stomp? (kids stomp) How to clap? (clap) Now we stomp if it’s a summer phenomenon, but we clap only if it’s a winter phenomenon, right? Let's start!

(It is better to use a similar noisemaker or shouting cry at the beginning because it helps to activate the mood and attention of children)

New Year's noise maker of Santa Claus for children "Winter or summer"

It's been raining since morning (stomp)

Children ride on a sled (clap)

Flowers bloomed all around (stomp)

Frosty pattern outside the window (clap)

We collect berries from my grandmother's garden (clap)

Spinning in a festive round dance (clap)

You can swim and sunbathe (stomp)

And collect mushrooms in the forest (stomp)

Grandfather Frost comes to us (clap)

Cold stings cheeks and nose (clap)

Santa Claus runs around and affectionately pinches and tickles the babies.

Father Frost: Oh, and I was out of breath while running and pinching. And I wanted to start a round dance, but our Christmas tree is not on fire, so here’s the twist. Do you know how to count, well, at least one, two, three? And then we count, and then we shout to the Christmas tree: “Burn!”

So, we count together: “One, two, three, our Christmas tree is “Burn!”

For some reason the tree is not burning,

So someone isn't screaming

All children need to scream

And most importantly, loud and friendly.

Let's try again.

One, two, three, our Christmas tree - “Burn!”

Children's New Year's animation "Dance of Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Now you can dance in a circle. Do you like to dance? Santa Claus also loves to dance. Then, standing in our places, we will dance a wonderful Santa Claus dance. Let's stretch our arms and legs a little more. Let's rehearse. I will show you, and you repeat after me:

(to download - click file)

Text(if done with a different musical accompaniment)

The right arm was raised up (raise and bend at the elbow)

The left arm was raised up (Same)

Hands patted clap (clap)

They stomped their feet, stomped their feet (stomp)

Spin one way, spin the other way

And now to the music with the adults.

Hands raised up (raise) how the trees swayed (rock)

The neighbor's right ear was pulled (tug)

The neighbor's left ear was pulled (tug)

Higher than the handle, who is taller?

Well done! And now, my little people, join the round dance! But before we start dancing, let's play a couple of times.

Game for the New Year's round dance "Both I and I"

Father Frost: I will now read quatrains to myself, and I would like to know whether you girls and boys agree with me. If you kids also do it like me or like the same thing, then shout: “Iya, and I,” and if you don’t agree, then shout in unison: “No, not me,”

I like to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve ...(children answer: “Both I and I”)

In the summer I hide in my cold, my fur coat turned outward ...(children answer: “No, not me”)

I like to play hide and seek with friends and, of course, chocolates ...(children answer: “Both I and I”)

I also love all kinds of candies and New Year’s relay races. ...(children answer: “Both I and I”)

Relay "Traces"

Sounds like music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Father Frost: Have you ever seen Bigfoot? (answer) I didn’t see it either, but I managed to see his traces, and I multiplied these traces so that you can follow these traces. And I think you’ve seen the animal tracks and even know who they belong to (survey on the trail).

(to download - click file)

Now we will form 2 equal teams and find out whose team will follow the footsteps of the Bigfoot faster. Condition - the first team members follow only the tracks, return back running not following the tracks and pass the baton to the second team members, etc., until everyone has passed. It's clear? Then we started.

(game being played)

New Year's children's animation "If you're having fun at the Christmas tree"

(to download - click file)

(everyone is dancing)

Father Frost: Guys, where are my mittens? While I was dancing with you, I lost my mittens, let’s all look for them together and help out Santa Claus (children will be able to find one, and the second (big one) - Santa Claus brings from another room or specially hides it in the hall in advance and finds it himself)

I'm wearing mittens now. (Tries to put on a mitten.)

Don't put on my mitten. Well, she's fat on the inside.

But it’s not simple: There are gifts, look!

(Hands out small gifts to the children, the rest of the gifts are taken out by each person from the bag)

Father Frost: Well, friends, we need to say goodbye

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Let New Year's Eve be greeted together

Both adults and kids!

So that hopes are fulfilled,

All cherished desires,

So that again, as before,

Parting became a meeting,

So that a year passes like an hour,

Let's say goodbye now.

Wait - next year

I'll come here again

To see your faces

The holiday will happen again.

Let's become a round dance again.

Goodbye! Happy New Year!

Ends game moment a cheerful round dance.

(to download - click file)